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FMSway 0th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: Natsuke Wii: n/a
New Customer
| "Re(1):East Coast Cafe" , posted Tue 17 Apr 17:14    
Hi guys! I'm a new member here, and I was trying to find some sites to raise awareness for a KOF scene in the East Coast, and I stumbled on this great site thanks to IPlayWinner. Anyways, I'd love to extend an invitation to all of you to help the East Coast scene in KOF XIII!
Local Battles and Marco Polo, a player who has won KOF tournaments in the NY area, have created a show dedicated to KOF XIII called Drive Cancel, where I help commentate. The show is created mainly to help new players understand the fundamentals of KOF XIII and also help the scene grow by keeping everyone up to date with what's happening in the KOF scene. Local Battles, if anyone doesn't know, was the former sponsor for NYChrisG, a very well-known tournament player, and they were nice enough to give us their venue to stream our show. LB is located in Fort Lee, NJ, and the show is every Saturday at 8 PM EST. Of course, you're also welcome to drop by during the show and help out!
I really do want to help the scene that has basically helped me the past year, so hopefully you can guys can help us by watching or spreading the news. It all culminates in the Drive Cancel Regional tournament in May, where all the best East Coast players will attend to see who's the best.
I hope you guys can help me, the show, and the scene out! The stream is twitch.tv/localbattles
I'll definitely come here more often!
Support the East Coast Scene by watching Drive Cancel and attending DCR the Drive Cancel Regional tournament!
justicekyo 725th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(4):East Coast Cafe" , posted Mon 23 Apr 17:09:    
quote: Welcome to the bbs, FMSway!
Since they weren't posted, here are the URLs for Drivecancel.
http://www.facebook.com/DriveCancel http://www.twitch.tv/localbattles/ https://twitter.com/#!/drivecancel
IMO this is going to be pretty important for the east coast, especially considering Chinatown fair is reportedly going to be a family oriented location on its comeback.
This is probably a fair assumption. I thought CTF.. WAS back in a sense, in Brooklyn as "Next Level Gaming" or something, but it was primarily console-oriented now or something. I dunno, I haven't had a chance to head up there since the real deal closed down.
Yeah. Next Level. http://nycnextlevel.com
not an arcade, but it's the only place for that competitive edge in NYC...
and yeah, the reports are true. some close in the FGC got around to getting info on what the new guy is doing, and a lot of the old cabs have been dumped. they're being replaced with ticket/prize machines.
[this message was edited by justicekyo on Mon 23 Apr 17:16] |