East Coast Cafe - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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red falcon
6094th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"East Coast Cafe" , posted Mon 16 Apr 12:21post reply

Considering there's a west coast thread, I thought I'd post an East Coast thread, just to see if anyone even still is around!



1452th Post

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PSN: Drakee
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):East Coast Cafe" , posted Mon 16 Apr 12:38:post reply

Hi Rugal Falconstein! Been a while!

I'm still in Boston! It's still on the east coast!

edit: Man I haven't been down by your part of the coast in a while but I still tell people the "accidentally met a dude I knew from a tiny messageboard while waiting in line to play SvC Chaos" story to the .5-1 people who care per year! They may or may not be delighted every time!

[this message was edited by Grave on Mon 16 Apr 12:39]

Dr Orochi
548th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):East Coast Cafe" , posted Mon 16 Apr 12:40post reply

Considering there's a west coast thread, I thought I'd post an East Coast thread, just to see if anyone even still is around!


I'm still around, you glorious bastard.


red falcon
6095th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):East Coast Cafe" , posted Tue 17 Apr 09:46post reply

Wow, pretty sparse, sadly! Anyway, would anyone around here be up for trying to meet up sometime in June?

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New Customer

"Re(1):East Coast Cafe" , posted Tue 17 Apr 17:14post reply

Hi guys! I'm a new member here, and I was trying to find some sites to raise awareness for a KOF scene in the East Coast, and I stumbled on this great site thanks to IPlayWinner. Anyways, I'd love to extend an invitation to all of you to help the East Coast scene in KOF XIII!

Local Battles and Marco Polo, a player who has won KOF tournaments in the NY area, have created a show dedicated to KOF XIII called Drive Cancel, where I help commentate. The show is created mainly to help new players understand the fundamentals of KOF XIII and also help the scene grow by keeping everyone up to date with what's happening in the KOF scene. Local Battles, if anyone doesn't know, was the former sponsor for NYChrisG, a very well-known tournament player, and they were nice enough to give us their venue to stream our show. LB is located in Fort Lee, NJ, and the show is every Saturday at 8 PM EST. Of course, you're also welcome to drop by during the show and help out!

I really do want to help the scene that has basically helped me the past year, so hopefully you can guys can help us by watching or spreading the news. It all culminates in the Drive Cancel Regional tournament in May, where all the best East Coast players will attend to see who's the best.

I hope you guys can help me, the show, and the scene out! The stream is twitch.tv/localbattles

I'll definitely come here more often!

Support the East Coast Scene by watching Drive Cancel and attending DCR the Drive Cancel Regional tournament!

3456th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sat 21 Apr 00:05post reply

Welcome to the bbs, FMSway!

Since they weren't posted, here are the URLs for Drivecancel.


IMO this is going to be pretty important for the east coast, especially considering Chinatown fair is reportedly going to be a family oriented location on its comeback.

red falcon
6096th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sat 21 Apr 04:40post reply

Welcome to the bbs, FMSway!

Since they weren't posted, here are the URLs for Drivecancel.


IMO this is going to be pretty important for the east coast, especially considering Chinatown fair is reportedly going to be a family oriented location on its comeback.

This is probably a fair assumption. I thought CTF.. WAS back in a sense, in Brooklyn as "Next Level Gaming" or something, but it was primarily console-oriented now or something. I dunno, I haven't had a chance to head up there since the real deal closed down.

3457th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sat 21 Apr 12:13post reply

This is probably a fair assumption. I thought CTF.. WAS back in a sense, in Brooklyn as "Next Level Gaming" or something, but it was primarily console-oriented now or something. I dunno, I haven't had a chance to head up there since the real deal closed down.

Yeah that, and a different owner is reopening the previous location with... well, colorful walls.


1815th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sun 22 Apr 11:48post reply


I'm in NC.

red falcon
6098th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sun 22 Apr 13:55:post reply

Anyway, I reiterate: Anyone interested in a meet-up sometime in June or July, for the "good ol' times"?

Plus, I'm sure somebody is interested in seeing my collection... I know some old timers have to remember all the weird shit I have! Plus, it's always growing...

[this message was edited by red falcon on Sun 22 Apr 13:58]

913th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sun 22 Apr 15:21:post reply

I know some old timers have to remember all the weird shit I have! Plus, it's always growing...

Gah, I wish I was still east-coast friendly! Well, not this time, but maybe sometime!


[this message was edited by karasu99 on Mon 23 Apr 03:05]

725th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):East Coast Cafe" , posted Mon 23 Apr 17:09:post reply

Welcome to the bbs, FMSway!

Since they weren't posted, here are the URLs for Drivecancel.


IMO this is going to be pretty important for the east coast, especially considering Chinatown fair is reportedly going to be a family oriented location on its comeback.

This is probably a fair assumption. I thought CTF.. WAS back in a sense, in Brooklyn as "Next Level Gaming" or something, but it was primarily console-oriented now or something. I dunno, I haven't had a chance to head up there since the real deal closed down.

Yeah. Next Level.

not an arcade, but it's the only place for that competitive edge in NYC...

and yeah, the reports are true. some close in the FGC got around to getting info on what the new guy is doing, and a lot of the old cabs have been dumped. they're being replaced with ticket/prize machines.

[this message was edited by justicekyo on Mon 23 Apr 17:16]

Burning Ranger
1705th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):East Coast Cafe" , posted Fri 27 Apr 11:13post reply

Considering there's a west coast thread, I thought I'd post an East Coast thread, just to see if anyone even still is around!


I'm still in DC.

So much to do so little time...

1819th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):East Coast Cafe" , posted Fri 27 Apr 12:37post reply

Anyway, I reiterate: Anyone interested in a meet-up sometime in June or July, for the "good ol' times"?

Plus, I'm sure somebody is interested in seeing my collection... I know some old timers have to remember all the weird shit I have! Plus, it's always growing...

I was always interested in the old meet-ups but never could make them. I know I'd have to save up which would take me a while (default to July?) and still not sure I could make it. Adding on to that is the desire to drive and the knowledge of the driving time involved. Just got back from the East Coast Game Conference and that can be draining when not prepared. Then again, NC roads suck.

red falcon
6098th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sat 28 Apr 11:29post reply


and yeah, the reports are true. some close in the FGC got around to getting info on what the new guy is doing, and a lot of the old cabs have been dumped. they're being replaced with ticket/prize machines.

That totally sucks, but it isn't too much of a surprise. I could postpone until July, if peeps are interested.

Burning Ranger
1706th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sun 29 Apr 08:27post reply


and yeah, the reports are true. some close in the FGC got around to getting info on what the new guy is doing, and a lot of the old cabs have been dumped. they're being replaced with ticket/prize machines.
That totally sucks, but it isn't too much of a surprise. I could postpone until July, if peeps are interested.

RF, last I heard you went out of country to teach? Man, it must have been years since I attended the last meetup in Baltimore.

So much to do so little time...

727th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sun 29 Apr 15:45post reply


and yeah, the reports are true. some close in the FGC got around to getting info on what the new guy is doing, and a lot of the old cabs have been dumped. they're being replaced with ticket/prize machines.
That totally sucks, but it isn't too much of a surprise. I could postpone until July, if peeps are interested.

ya know, at this point i'd rather it stay closed. doing that is just destroying a legacy

1th Post

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PSN: n/a
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New Customer

"Re(7):East Coast Cafe" , posted Wed 2 May 14:34post reply


ya know, at this point i'd rather it stay closed. doing that is just destroying a legacy

It's more like I wished they'd use a new name instead of calling it Chinatown Fair. It's going to be completely different to what it represented a long time ago, with the exception of people who maybe play DDR/ITG or etc. I'm not even sure if they're going to put step games.

While I know this is a good place for kids, calling it CTF just feels wrong lol.

And thanks guys who helping me spread the word about Drive Cancel. The guys at Local Battles set up a youtube channel, and I'm planning to add some content. Any suggestions KOF-wise? We'll also set up a Skype to talk to streamers and possible West Coast peeps~

Support the East Coast Scene by watching Drive Cancel and attending DCR the Drive Cancel Regional tournament!

1128th Post

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PSN: Alpha-Class
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):East Coast Cafe" , posted Wed 2 May 22:05:post reply

Considering there's a west coast thread, I thought I'd post an East Coast thread, just to see if anyone even still is around!


im always here, still jumping between chicago and dc

also if we do this again, dont let rugal play you in samsho 64 he cheats!!!!!!!!!!11111

[this message was edited by Oroch on Wed 2 May 22:06]

red falcon
6102th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):East Coast Cafe" , posted Fri 4 May 11:23post reply

Considering there's a west coast thread, I thought I'd post an East Coast thread, just to see if anyone even still is around!


im always here, still jumping between chicago and dc

also if we do this again, dont let rugal play you in samsho 64 he cheats!!!!!!!!!!11111

Hi Oroch. I definitely AM interested, even if it's just one or two people. If I get any "yeah, let's try this some time in July", we can work out a definitive date.

1459th Post

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PSN: Drakee
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):East Coast Cafe" , posted Fri 4 May 15:22post reply

Now that some of the cheapo bus lines have direct service from Boston to Baltimore, this is something I might be able to do! If someone can be my transportation when I get there...! July or August should be OK, barring unforeseen circumstances.

Let's and do this ~

728th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(8):East Coast Cafe" , posted Wed 9 May 17:53post reply


ya know, at this point i'd rather it stay closed. doing that is just destroying a legacy

It's more like I wished they'd use a new name instead of calling it Chinatown Fair. It's going to be completely different to what it represented a long time ago, with the exception of people who maybe play DDR/ITG or etc. I'm not even sure if they're going to put step games.

While I know this is a good place for kids, calling it CTF just feels wrong lol.

And thanks guys who helping me spread the word about Drive Cancel. The guys at Local Battles set up a youtube channel, and I'm planning to add some content. Any suggestions KOF-wise? We'll also set up a Skype to talk to streamers and possible West Coast peeps~

KOF community news maybe?
interview sessions?

Local Battles is a cool group. i know a few players sponsored by them.

red falcon
6105th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):East Coast Cafe" , posted Thu 10 May 00:13post reply

Now that some of the cheapo bus lines have direct service from Boston to Baltimore, this is something I might be able to do! If someone can be my transportation when I get there...! July or August should be OK, barring unforeseen circumstances.

Let's and do this ~

Well, sounds like a tentative plan. Let's work on a date!

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re(5):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sat 19 May 12:26post reply

Interesting luck. I come to the Cafe annually to check its current status (in memory of when this site used to be *the* place to go for JP fighting game news) and stumble upon this thread.

Hey red, this your favorite SF2 player. I haven't seen you for years now, ever since BlazBlue first came out on consoles and you were kind enough to host events, but I hope you've been doing well.

red falcon
6113th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sat 19 May 12:53:post reply

Interesting luck. I come to the Cafe annually to check its current status (in memory of when this site used to be *the* place to go for JP fighting game news) and stumble upon this thread.

Hey red, this your favorite SF2 player. I haven't seen you for years now, ever since BlazBlue first came out on consoles and you were kind enough to host events, but I hope you've been doing well.

Same old, same old! I do want to host something again, it's been ages.

Edit: It just occurred to me, Ganelon... are you the ONLY American to ever win any matches in ST at all at SBO?
Also, dunno if you're in to it, but I'm getting Matsuri Senzo Kuyou...

[this message was edited by red falcon on Sun 20 May 11:13]

red falcon
6118th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sat 30 Jun 02:11post reply

So yeah, who's up for something in July? Anyone going to Otakon this year? I'll have Matsuri Senzo Kuyou set up this time...

795th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):East Coast Cafe" , posted Sat 30 Jun 10:36post reply

So yeah, who's up for something in July? Anyone going to Otakon this year? I'll have Matsuri Senzo Kuyou set up this time...

I'm not too sure about Otakon anymore. I didn't get to meet you last year when I went (but I did meet another from UMBC...I think it was Dan...), and I feel I need to take some serious RL decisions.

If you have other planned meetups I'm open to hearing them.

red falcon
6119th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):East Coast Cafe" , posted Tue 3 Jul 14:09post reply

Super sudden, but if anyone is up for playing some Gouketsuji Ichizoku: Matsuri Senzo Kuyou on the 3rd or 4th, post here and I'll figure out some way to get the relevant info to you.