Let's talk about Compile&Toaplan (HEY RUGAL) - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Let's talk about Compile&Toaplan (HEY RUGAL)" , posted Thu 3 May 12:35post reply

Some serious topic necromancy here, but I just don't care! Now that Red Falcon has been sighted again, I wanted to try again to see if he and other Cafe folk have any insights or personal experience with the legendary Toaplan/Compile/etc. era of 2D space shooters from the early nineties. I was grinning at the heroic musical parody of Zero Wing from so many years ago but decided to get serious, since long after the fact I discovered incredible gems like Musha Aleste, which just exuded (lo-fi) style. Where did these once-prolific companies go? What was the scene like in the early days before it so utterly vanished? Oops, or did I miss my chance to ask? Rugal, come baaaaack



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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Let's talk about Compile&Toaplan (HEY R" , posted Fri 4 May 01:08post reply

Some serious topic necromancy here, but I just don't care! Now that Red Falcon has been sighted again, I wanted to try again to see if he and other Cafe folk have any insights or personal experience with the legendary Toaplan/Compile/etc. era of 2D space shooters from the early nineties. I was grinning at the heroic musical parody of Zero Wing from so many years ago but decided to get serious, since long after the fact I discovered incredible gems like Musha Aleste, which just exuded (lo-fi) style. Where did these once-prolific companies go? What was the scene like in the early days before it so utterly vanished? Oops, or did I miss my chance to ask? Rugal, come baaaaack

Well, talking about Toaplan, I saw this news story last year, only to find that it still hasn't come to pass. Ah well, I guess I'll have to settle for the MegaDrive or emulation version of Truxton until I can throw my money at something like that.

I think because the old thread died such a quick death that I didn't mention my Deep Love for Truxton/Tatsujin, by the way. I think I may have actually spent more quarters on it than on any other game since I played the machine that was just a few doors down from my college dorm room just about every day for four years. It's an astonishingly difficult shooter! Who wouldn't love a game with bombs that look like this? I'm not that familiar with the sequel, Truxton II/Tatsujin Oh. Anybody know anything about it?


red falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Let's talk about Compile&Toaplan (HEY R" , posted Fri 4 May 08:03:post reply

I'm not that familiar with the sequel, Truxton II/Tatsujin Oh. Anybody know anything about it? /COLOR]

I'll get back to you on this later! Hell, I'll post more later period, this is just to acknowledge I saw this thread.

Actually, my favorite Toaplan games, for various reasons, are Outzone and Dogyuun. It's incredibly long, but the visual style never bores!

Also, V-5!

Edit: ANYWAY, Tatsujin-oh!

I actually don't like it very much, the difficulty balance is really off.
It has some of those check points that are next to impossible to make a recovery from if you mess up at the wrong spot. That said, I really like the stage/sound/enemy design!

There are some really good stages and stuff though, so it's worth playing through at least. As if often the case with Toaplan stuff, US version is easier than the Japanese version, but it's still very difficult.
Basically, it's like a worse Dogyuun; Dogyuun has all the same stuff, but does it better.. and is sadly less well-known. :(
It's still worth checking out once, though!

[this message was edited by red falcon on Fri 4 May 11:23]

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Let's talk about Compile&Toaplan (HEY R" , posted Sat 5 May 06:29post reply


Edit: ANYWAY, Tatsujin-oh!

I actually don't like it very much, the difficulty balance is really off.
It has some of those check points that are next to impossible to make a recovery from if you mess up at the wrong spot. That said, I really like the stage/sound/enemy design!

There are some really good stages and stuff though, so it's worth playing through at least. As if often the case with Toaplan stuff, US version is easier than the Japanese version, but it's still very difficult.
Basically, it's like a worse Dogyuun; Dogyuun has all the same stuff, but does it better.. and is sadly less well-known. :(
It's still worth checking out once, though!

Oho, Dogyuun is an amazing shooter! I had honestly forgotten that it was Toaplan but it makes perfect sense. Anyway, I checked out Tatsujin Oh in emulation and it just doesn't have that special something that Truxton has, even though it looks nice. Ah well, at least now I know!
