Movie thread: Random Edition - Forums

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"Movie thread: Random Edition" , posted Wed 30 May 12:40post reply

When was the last time you've been at a film house?

I don't know if I go now simply because of "eh, why not/just for the hell of it", such as I had with The Avengers and admittedly the longest time in a while seeing a movie in 3D. Glad it was this and not Avatar, which I rented via Netflix and thought it was the worst 2-1/2 hours spent.

Now I was teased with Prometheus via my 3DS and I'm having a hard time resisting wanting to watch it release day, as opposed to other stuff like Harry Potter and such where I'd always think "eh, I'll watch it later". Even things like Inception I had only watched much, much later because I just so happened to have caught parts of it while my parents were watchingo HBO, and I borrowed it afterwards because I had a genuine yearn to want to know what happens...something that I haven't felt in a long time.

And although streaming has spoiled us all, seems like my priorities in life have gotten a hold of me to the point it impedes me from even playing games because talking about it and trying to justify liking it is far better, Internet what have you done to me?. Now movies are like a way for me to break away from Internet hubris/e-penis/analysis/justification syndrome.

So what was the latest thing you watched?


1062th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Movie thread: Random Edition" , posted Wed 30 May 16:35post reply


So what was the latest thing you watched?

Last movie I watched in a theater was Jiro Dreams of Sushi.

It was wonderfully inspiring. I highly recommend it if you love sushi, or if you're an artist/craftsmen/professional of any kind. It does a great job of showing how true mastery takes more than just a few bursts of passion, it is the result of good habits and consistent dedication.

The last film I saw before that was Arrietty, which I'm really glad I saw in a theater because it really heightened the amazing sense of scale that the movie achieves. There seems to be a lot of mixed feelings towards the movie stemming from the fact that it's simply not as epic as most people expect Ghibli films to be. It's more of a quiet slice of life, kind of film. But I really liked it.

1063th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Movie thread: Random Edition" , posted Wed 30 May 16:40post reply


So what was the latest thing you watched?

Oh! And the last film I saw on DVD (remember those things?) was Boy. I loved it!

It was a great peek into a culture that I'm not very familiar with (Maori life in the 80s). It's the most likeable, unabashedly heart warming movie I've seen in a really really really long time. Go watch it!

990th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Movie thread: Random Edition" , posted Wed 30 May 17:32post reply


It was wonderfully inspiring. I highly recommend it if you love sushi, or if you're an artist/craftsmen/professional of any kind. It does a great job of showing how true mastery takes more than just a few bursts of passion, it is the result of good habits and consistent dedication.

The last film I saw before that was Arrietty, which I'm really glad I saw in a theater because it really heightened the amazing sense of scale that the movie achieves. There seems to be a lot of mixed feelings towards the movie stemming from the fact that it's simply not as epic as most people expect Ghibli films to be. It's more of a quiet slice of life, kind of film. But I really liked it.

The last Movie I watched in theatre was Avengers. But the movie I watch latest is Arriety. And I watched it at home cause somehow I missed it on theatres

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"Re(2):Movie thread: Random Edition" , posted Wed 30 May 18:33post reply


The last film I saw before that was Arrietty, which I'm really glad I saw in a theater because it really heightened the amazing sense of scale that the movie achieves. There seems to be a lot of mixed feelings towards the movie stemming from the fact that it's simply not as epic as most people expect Ghibli films to be. It's more of a quiet slice of life, kind of film. But I really liked it.

I thought it was decidedly better than the last few Ghibli films. Why isn't this guy directing more instead of Goro!? (I know the answer, but I don't want to hear it...hahaha)

The sound design in the film was especially impressive. I can't remember the last time I was so delighted by sound effects!

I haven't heard the English dub(s), but I would likely be biased toward the Japanese, since Mirai Shida played the lead and I think she's the most adorable and talented thing in the universe.

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"Re(1):Movie thread: Random Edition" , posted Wed 30 May 21:32:post reply

So what was the latest thing you watched?

Like probably so many others, it was The Avengers, but before that it was John Carter of Mars - I was pretty curious about it because of:
- [url=
]a positive mention of the books despite their age here several years ago
- the partial use of the setting in Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comics, specifically starting in volume 2, which opens in Mars
- this TED talk by Andrew Stanton (clearly made to promote the movie, but still...) intrigued me too, since I didn't know ERB had written himself into the plot, so I wondered how he transitioned from that into Mars

As far as I'm concerned, the tharks stole most of the scenes (I saw them in no promotional material I can think of, oddly), starting with the initial oddity of the babies, the "Virginia" factor, everything involving their handling of babies (the surprisingly easily distinguishable females rushing to collect theirs when they arrive in the village, and later how Carter gets treated like one of them , which was funny).
Those face horns they have seemed really weird and pointless, but then that scene when Tars and his rival face off and their horns are grinding into each other making the tension much more palpable and made them work at least narratively, even if I couldn't find much of a biological purpose for them.

Given the age of the material (holy shit it's been a century), I went ready to forgive a lot of older concepts that might not have aged well, but the execution of the whole thing really helped me not worry too much about those during the film.

I really liked how the movie closed though, really messed with expectations, which was a plus considering how many things the age of the movie made predictable.

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[this message was edited by Loona on Wed 30 May 21:42]

4388th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Movie thread: Random Edition" , posted Thu 31 May 03:42post reply

I skipped Jiro Dreams of Sushi because there were no sushi restaurants near where it was playing and I would be so hungry I would be willing to eat the theater chair after seeing a film like that. I learned that lesson after I attended a screening of Tampopo and immediately had to run home and cook up a bowl of noodles.

Limiting the discussion to just action films, 2012 has really come though so far. I was worried the Avengers was going to be a crowded mess but it turned out to be a great ensemble piece. Characters like the Hulk can't support their own films but when they are only on the screen just long enough to do their thing it's great fun. The Raid -or it's odd US title The Raid: Redemption- was non-stop B movie carnage. Finally, Battleship was awful but it was awful in a way I enjoyed. Seeing it in a sparsely filled theater of people who didn't seem to like the film added to my shadenfreude.

677th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Movie thread: Random Edition" , posted Thu 31 May 10:00post reply

As far as I can remember, the last movie I saw on a theater was that Gyakuten Saiban adaptation by Miike Takashi. And I must say it was truly gorgeous. Not only did it work quite well as a movie, but it was a wonderful, heart warming rendition of the original material. You could feel the sheer love for the game in every frame and sequence of the film, yet the story was perfectly enjoyable for the profane viewer as well. Probably the best videogame-to-movie adaptation of all time (not that it was such a difficult feat, seeing the previous attempts, tough...). Overall, the best 120 minutes I had had in ages. Which tells a lot about how sad my life actually is, I guess. Oh, but I digress.

Anyway, that sushi chef flick looks totally awesome. Now I wonder if there actually *IS* a sushi restaurant on the Ginza line subway manned by living national treasure... I would add it immediately to my "places to go before the city gets erased from the face of the Earth by the next earthquake" list.

1067th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Movie thread: Random Edition" , posted Sat 2 Jun 03:16post reply


Anyway, that sushi chef flick looks totally awesome. Now I wonder if there actually *IS* a sushi restaurant on the Ginza line subway manned by living national treasure... I would add it immediately to my "places to go before the city gets erased from the face of the Earth by the next earthquake" list.

Totally real. Though I imagine after that movie you'll have to book reservations at least a year in advance.

Also, a Japanese friend of mine noted that the movie makes it sound like his restaurant is a hole in the wall, but that's actually a super awesome, primo, expensive location he's got in the subway there.

2316th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Movie thread: Random Edition" , posted Sat 2 Jun 04:35:post reply

No matter how deeply/crazily/ironically/sarcastically you want to read into the apparently shallow plot of The Avengers, it is very entertaining and has a better sense of humor and comedic timing than seemingly any super hero movie before it.

I actually wound up seeing the more recent Captain America movie shortly not so long ago. Aside from a few parts of the plot that really test my ability to suspend disbelief, it does a very thoughtful job of creating a wonderfully sympathetic hero.

The short movies promoting Prometheus have been uniformly amazing, to the point where I simply can't believe that the actual movie will be able to live up to my expectations.

I am eagerly looking forward to seeing Battleship, because the first trailer of it I saw cold, and the punchline that the movie was BATTLESHIP nearly killed me; I was very close to asphyxiating in real life!

One of my friends has been involved in translating Indie Game: The Movie into Chinese, so I've seen bits and pieces of it, but I missed the theater showing of it here in Philadelphia. I'll be watching it on the 12th, just like most other people.

I also really wanted to see Raid! But there was no showing near me :(

[this message was edited by Spoon on Sat 2 Jun 06:06]