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Iggy 9344th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):OMG, JOJO'S Bizarre Adventure All Star" , posted Fri 6 Jul 05:49:    
quote: From the romanized names, a lot of the lead staff also worked on Asura's Wrath. This could either be a very good or very not good thing.
Depending on whether you just expect fan material (like the Naturimate games) or an actual good game (unlike Narutimate). If you're prepared for something made with passion if not with style, and can bear lengthy cinematics repeating over and over during each fight instead of actual moves, you'll be OK. It will also probably make us all reflect on how amazing the Capcom 2D game was on so many levels (including sound, SE as well as music).
The main character of Jojolion will probably be in the game as well, since there are the 8 symbols of the 8 series on the logo, and it will be interesting to see what kind of balance they will be able to maintain between popular... I mean, between weirdos and weirdos from seasons 3 and 5. Oh well, I can't imagine any character that I wouldn't like to be in the game, so whether we get sure-choice Buccellati or Kakyôin, or odd-ball Chocolate Di・s・co, I'll be happy. As long as we don't get ディオ, DIO, Gay DIO, Dio, and alternate versions of each of them.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 6 Jul 05:55] |
Spoon 2328th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Jojo's bizarre reader's digest" , posted Fri 6 Jul 16:05:    
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure at its core is a fighting manga where the powers and fights get weirder with each major story, or "Part". The one thing which connects all the stories is that the hero of each Part is a member of the Joestar family by blood. Each Part usually begins with some significant reference to the previous Part, but once they get going they're fairly self-contained. Nevertheless, you really should read them in order.
In Parts 1-2, the driving "super powers" are the sunlight-driven power of the Ripple/Hamon, and the life-sucking power related to vampires. From Part 3 onwards, all of the combatants have a psychic projection, a Stand, which executes some special power(s). If you've ever played a Persona game, pretend that Personas are Stands and you're not far off.
Outrageous costuming and gravity defying poses are de rigueur. The art style is extremely distinctive: in the beginning, it is in the heavily-hatched, heavily-muscled style distinctive of 1980s manga, but over the years the characters have become sleeker and the look a little cleaner. Many characters have distinctive catchphrases or onomatopoeia. Many of the characters and Stands draw names from musicians and musical acts. The villains of Part 2 are named Santana, ACDC, Wham, and Cars, for instance. In other cases, they are just whimsically named, like Mountain Tim in Part 7.
The current major story is Part 8, Jojolion. Parts 1-7 have all been fully translated into English.
[this message was edited by Spoon on Fri 6 Jul 16:07] |
NARUTO 3727th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):OMG, JOJO'S Bizarre Adventure All Star" , posted Fri 6 Jul 17:24    
quote: Oh well, I can't imagine any character that I wouldn't like to be in the game, so whether we get sure-choice Buccellati or Kakyôin, or odd-ball Chocolate Di・s・co, I'll be happy. As long as we don't get ディオ, DIO, Gay DIO, Dio, and alternate versions of each of them.
Give me Yoshikage/killer Queen and Hermes/kiss and I'm happy.
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
Iggy 9345th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):OMG, JOJO'S Bizarre Adventure All Star" , posted Sat 7 Jul 01:52    
quote: To this day I wonder how they made the sound effects of the 2D game so incredibly perfect. From how perfectly referenced each frame of animation is to how each character's audio and voice set fits so perfectly that I've lost the ability to imagine them sounding in any other way
The sound team of Capcom from the late 90s is overshadowed by all the other astonishing talents of the time, but god were they great. The QSound thing was good, and amazingly used. Let's all remember this now, and then think of SF4's sound team and cry.
Maou: it's a manga where some of the most epic fights include Spice Girl vs Notorious B.I.G., Metallica vs King Crimson, Foo Fighters vs Kenzo, or Iggy [Pop] and Polnareff vs Vanilla Ice. And you also have an incredible [Knocking on] Heaven's Door vs Boys II Man showdown that involves a 1-volume long rock-paper-scissors fight drawn like a DBZ boss sequence. Do you really think you are up for such greatness?
On a more prosaic level, it's the kind of battle manga sequenced in tight fights: * the heroes are on a quest * name of the chapter: [some weird name chapter 1] * they encounter a weird guy, or some weird shit starts happening to them, or both. You understand that the weird shit is the weird guy's power, and its name is [Some Weird Name]. The guy may be there to prevent the heroes from accomplishing their quest, or hold something that they need for their quest. End of the chapter. * The heroes fight [Some Weird Name] for a number of chapters that can go from 2 to over 20. * The heroes win the fight (mostly). End of the last chapter with that name. * Following chapter has a different name. Same process repeat.
* The fights are better when the opponent's powers are clearly defined. For example, having a fight "can manipulate sand" vs "can manipulate water". The more complex the better, as long as the author manages to keep his mind on the fight: "I can make the iron atoms in your bloodstream to multiply into huge razorblades to cut you from the inside until you die of lack of red cells" vs "I can see the next 3 seconds" is mundane by Jojo standards. "I can erase events through time so that only the result of these events remain" vs "I can suppress consequences of all events and rewind any action" is just a horrible, horrible mess. * The biggest issue at that point is how much the author has his mind on what's happening. That was very bad between the end of Season 5 and most of season 6, but it's starting to be better by choosing a different direction: the hero's power can more or less do anything the current situation requires, which is better from an overall coherence point of view, but loses a lot of appeal (up to season 6, even heroes were bound to have only one specific power and they have to stick to it until they win or lose).
Sometimes, the MacGuffin changes in the middle of the season... but the resolution is never the main point of the series, you don't really care whether Jôtarô is going to be able to save his mother or if the very very mean serial killer is going to be apprehended. The story advances very slowly in-between fights, at best 3 or 4 pages during the transition between the fights, and we're back to weird super powers clashing together.
kofoguz 993th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(9):OMG, JOJO'S Bizarre Adventure All Star" , posted Sat 7 Jul 07:47    
quote: On a more prosaic level, it's the kind of battle manga sequenced in tight fights: * the heroes are on a quest * name of the chapter: [some weird name chapter 1] * they encounter a weird guy, or some weird shit starts happening to them, or both. You understand that the weird shit is the weird guy's power, and its name is [Some Weird Name]. The guy may be there to prevent the heroes from accomplishing their quest, or hold something that they need for their quest. End of the chapter. * The heroes fight [Some Weird Name] for a number
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You forgot that, main hero fighhts with someone, and if it is in the early chapters,
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - rival might join them(good misunderstood guy), be heavily hospitalized (anti-hero/can be used later/fan favourite, too interesting) be epicly death (bad guys/cool but quota is full so thanks for your time. At the end of the Chapter Most of the good teammates dies after a epic battle, says good bye dramatically
End of Spoiler
Iggy 9347th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):OMG, JOJO'S Bizarre Adventure All Star" , posted Sun 8 Jul 11:23    
Well, what you highlighted was mostly generations 1/2, so the first 12 volumes. Things grow far away from Hokuto no Ken after that, even introducing (gasp) female characters after 50 or so volumes (what the world has gone to). Remember we're dealing with a 25 years-old manga, so a lot of changes happen (while ironically, the author is famous for looking younger and younger, getting now dangerously close to the looks of a 25 y-o too). Anyway, nowadays, Jojo looks like this: http://livedoor.3.blogimg.jp/hatima/imgs/a/b/abe9fc66.jpg http://livedoor.3.blogimg.jp/hatima/imgs/9/f/9f2fdbe5.jpg http://livedoor.3.blogimg.jp/hatima/imgs/e/d/ed9d02f6.jpg
HAYATO 1062th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(2):Re(10):OMG, JOJO'S Bizarre Adventure Al" , posted Sun 8 Jul 19:53    
quote: Well, what you highlighted was mostly generations 1/2, so the first 12 volumes. Things grow far away from Hokuto no Ken after that, even introducing (gasp) female characters after 50 or so volumes (what the world has gone to). Remember we're dealing with a 25 years-old manga, so a lot of changes happen (while ironically, the author is famous for looking younger and younger, getting now dangerously close to the looks of a 25 y-o too). Anyway, nowadays, Jojo looks like this: http://livedoor.3.blogimg.jp/hatima/imgs/a/b/abe9fc66.jpg http://livedoor.3.blogimg.jp/hatima/imgs/9/f/9f2fdbe5.jpg http://livedoor.3.blogimg.jp/hatima/imgs/e/d/ed9d02f6.jpg
Did Araki injure his working hand recently or what? His drawing style is clearly in decline since the beggining of part 8, and these new attempts on perspective of his just makes me even more suspicious and wary of his artistic well-being...
HAYATO 1063th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(4):Re(10):OMG, JOJO'S Bizarre Adventure Al" , posted Mon 9 Jul 21:59    
quote: Did Araki injure his working hand recently or what? His drawing style is clearly in decline since the beggining of part 8, and these new attempts on perspective of his just makes me even more suspicious and wary of his artistic well-being...
He's evolving, definitely... I don't like the direction either (though to be honest, the worst part was 6 with its empty backgrounds) but I like the fact that he's never trying to stay at the same place more than a couple of years. I must say I kinda like the Buccellati + Jolyne drawing. And I'm quite happy to see Reimi, she's cool... Oh well.
His commitment to constant innovation is quite commendable. I just hope that transitory, experimental style he's sporting as of late keeps evolving into something worthwhile (much as his previous styles). Ah, how I miss those Antonio Lopez-inspired covers he did for parts 2 and 3! And what to say of that clean, dynamic style he used for part 4 and "Under Execution Under Jailbreak"...
quote: I'd just like him to stop writing people's faces within the speech when the character talk about someone, that would be nice.
Yeah, you are right. I find it quite redundant and pointless, even insulting to the reader's intelligence. As if his plotlines were so complicated to follow that we needed to be reminded who's who every chapter...