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Digitalboy 767th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: JestingGenie99(automatednamecreatedbyXBL) Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):Surrender to apple and gameloft" , posted Sun 16 Sep 01:35    
This is not a revolution to portable/mobile games.
Remember those Tiger hand held games? Before the Gameboy, many children played on these plastic junk. Once the Gameboy was released, mobile gaming evolved. Sega, Sony...et cetera...portable gaming evolved.
The games that are available on the App Store, Google Play, and Windows Store that ranges from FREE to $30 plus are just bringing in more gamers regardless of the casual/hardcore crowd.
Personally, seeing an iOS port of the King of Fighters and Metal Slug is great! Playing an iOS port of King of Fighters is...different.
I am planning to buy a new iPod Touch due to my niece decided for me that I did not need my old one by breaking it and not tell me.
I find myself playing less on BOTH portable/mobile and consoles. I just have my attention diverted to my family instead. Although I have a smart phone, I hardly ever play games on them. I know that above all else that it is primarily a PHONE.
I am more into creating gifs, cinemagraphs and home movies now. Which is why I am buying a new iPod Touch. A PMP that has more than enough to keep me satisfied.
One pet peeve, I have noticed is how people take pictures of some of the dumbest things AND sharing it on social media. Hey female cousin that lives down the street from me! Maybe you should put down the fork and stop taking pictures of your food. No one cares about your instagram food feed. All of your followers just want to see bewbz 4 teh winz. And oh, start exercising and stuff. Is there some sort of protocol that you NEED to take pictures of a campfire because, just maybe, there are people that are on twitter/facebook/instagram/weibo/google +/et cetera that has never seen an actual campfire? Social media is not for me. Being attached to the Mad Man's Cafe is the closest.
Need to sleep...
quote: I POD, I PAD and gameloft, the best thing that came for mobile games.
Every video game system has to surrender to apple, its sooo GOOOODDDD. And gameloft knows how to take the mobile games full potential, "NOVA", Modern ermm combat? and "order and chaos" are pretty good, I was amazed that I was playing those games in a little slim card looking device.
At the beginning I didn’t like the idea about downloading games but it is so convenient. Now I see the DS, PSP and other devices and I think they are crap. I convince my sister to buy an X-box with a Kinect and I love it but putting a CD and connect in the TV and all that crap makes me lazy. What do you think, will apple be a video game revolution? Poll
I don't know how to live But I've got alot of toys...
Grave 1472th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: eccothedolphin Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(3):Surprising arrivals on the app store" , posted Sat 22 Sep 08:16    
quote: Wha, I just noticed that two pretty interesting games have arrived in the app store, Vay and Lunar: Silver Star Story. Clearly mobile isn't the best target for a lot of games, but my suspicion is that RPGs probably far pretty well since they were largely shoehorned into supporting control pads in the first place in a lot of ways.
The graphics look not bad, although the sidebar menu on Vay is a little cheap-looking.
Anyway, I haven't bought them yet-- $4.99 and $6.99 is a bit much for me at the moment, but I was wondering if anyone had and if so what they thought. If these guys ever release Lunar 2 I may just have to buy it.
Vay is an old port- been around since before the iPhone 4! I never played the original, but as far as I can tell it plays just the same. Definitely has the same cutscenes as Sega CD. The combat sprites have been redrawn in a new style some dislike, but I think it's OK! The art on the status screens look like shit, but the retina display update made combat look really nice.
The translation is... wow. It's really, really bad! Some serious grammar issues, a lot of horrible pop culture references. Maybe they figured they'd try to ape WD? Anyway, I played a lot of it before the update and hadn't touched it in a long time, but maybe I'll try to finish it now. I did have a lot of fun with it up until this point! It's a super-generic RPG and it can be kinda grindy, but if you really dig old RPGs you'll probably have fun.
I downloaded a bunch of non-port 16-bit lookin' RPGs that were on sale a while back (from Kemco? maybe?) but I've never actually tried any of them. I'm bad. Maybe I'll do that soon!
Maou 2383th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Mega CD arrivals on the app store" , posted Sat 22 Sep 09:00:    
quote: Mega CD, Lunar, Working Designs, other things I love
You called? who has awakened me from my deep slumber
Vay is the weirdest thing ever to appear on an iphone, all the more so given that the insane people who went dumpster-diving for ancient titles decided to go the extra mile by putting in grossly out of place sprites, the crummy kind so common in low-tier downloadable games. I mean, the original is certainly creaky, but at least it has graphical consistency! I'd call the new model on the sad sad iOS version "lipstick on a pig" but I think that gets it in reverse and defames the wholly competent original...I think they put pig on some nice lipstick.
...all of which is why I wouldn't trust these amateur hour guys to handle a Silver Star Story port. But then, the Americans will happy given that the new translation won't be as bad as XSeed's "improved" work on the PSP port...or will they? Sounds like they tried their bumbling hand on Vay, but what will happen to SSS?
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Secrets: though seeing as how I own a Mega CD and a Sega CD, each with the exact same three games, two of which are Lunar 1 and 2, and given that I have the same thing going on on PS1 along with my hand-made four-disc soundtracks for all four games, I may be too crazy to actually comment on this development objectively.
End of Spoiler
[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 22 Sep 14:27] |
karasu99 1000th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(5):Mega CD arrivals on the app store" , posted Sat 22 Sep 09:52    
quote: Mega CD, Lunar, Working Designs, other things I love You called? who has awakened me from my deep slumber
Vay is the weirdest thing ever to appear on an iphone, all the more so given that the insane people who went dumpster-diving for ancient titles decided to go the extra mile by putting in grossly out of place sprites, the crummy kind so common in low-tier downloadable games. I mean, the original is certainly creaky, but at least it has graphical consistency! I'd call the new model on the sad sad iOS version "lipstick on a pig" but I think that gets it in reverse and defames the wholly competent original...I think they put pig on some nice lipstick.
...all of which is why I wouldn't trust these amateur hour guys to handle a Silver Star Story port. But then, the Americans will happy given that the new translation won't be as bad as XSeed's "improved" work on the PSP port.
Fufufufufufu, I was certain that the summoning would be successful!
I was more interested to see it given the fact that they chose, you know, VAY, not exactly the best know game by any definition. Plus, I've always been madly in love with Vay's logo, one of the great title page designs of its time.
As for Lunar, yeah, I hadn't really considered buying it, given that I have both the Sega CD and the PS1 versions. But it's always possible that some lunatic company has spared no expense in adapting the game to a newer platform, to wonderful effect. Or not, as seems to be the case here! You'd think that someone would realize the kind of money they could make by snapping up lapsed licensing on games like Vay and giving them loving, careful translations and adaptations to mobile platforms.