SNK Stuff Thread 8 - Summer edition - Forums

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"SNK Stuff Thread 8 - Summer edition" , posted Wed 1 Aug 06:28post reply

Well, with EVO over, not much to talk about.

SNK Stuff Thread 3
SNK Stuff Thread 4
SNK Stuff Thread 5
SNK Stuff Thread 6

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3539th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 8 - Summer edition" , posted Wed 1 Aug 10:47:post reply

There was an interview planned with the EVO2012 KOFXIII champions MadKOF and Team Cafeid, which unfortunately ended up in another site due to miscommunications. However the Tier charts didn't get posted up, so here they are. (Note: GUTS and Id’s 1st Man had technical issues. Verna and Pikachu weren't available.)

Cafe id|MadKOF's tier chart

Cafe id| Koogle Translator's tier chart

Cafe id| Lacid's tier chart

Also, MadKOF regarding his thoughts on the EVO competition. Translations courtesy of Koogle--

Who were your toughest opponents at EVO? (Not including members of your own team)
What were the reasons they were tough?

Luis Cha, Reynald, and BALA.
Luis Cha was much stronger than any other opponents I played on the first day of the tournament. I underestimated him a little bit in the first game because I had easier time winning until I played against him.
Reynald was my first opponent in the top 8 matches. I was really nervous and had tough time playing against Reynald.
As expected from the best in North America, BALA was very skilled and was a tough opponent.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 1 Aug 12:16]

3538th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 8 - Summer edition" , posted Wed 1 Aug 11:23post reply

Let me repost these Hyouka Images as well

Nakoruru 1
Nakoruru 2

King 1

King 2

946th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 8 - Summer edition" , posted Thu 2 Aug 03:56post reply

It's so crazy and awesome to see such variety in KOF XIII's tier list from all these respected high level players!

I agree with Reynald in thinking that this game is still not being played to its fullest potential.

36th Post

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"Rumor : KOF XIII on PSN !" , posted Sat 4 Aug 10:03:post reply

There is a rumor that KOF XIII will hit the PSN on 7th of August, check the sources.

Source :

Source :

[this message was edited by Evil_Yagami on Sat 4 Aug 10:07]

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"you-cannot-escape-from--" , posted Sat 4 Aug 10:21post reply

Now on actual important news.

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1768th Post

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"Re(1):Rumor : KOF XIII on PSN !" , posted Sat 4 Aug 13:39post reply

There is a rumor that KOF XIII will hit the PSN on 7th of August, check the sources.

Source :

Source :

That's cool. I hope they price it competitively though, but I guess not to piss of retailers they still sell games for MSRP on PSN/XBL even though you can get them cheaper elsewhere. If I wanted, I can get the game for $30 on Amazon with Prime shipping.

Now on actual important news.

This is pretty good, kind of breaks up on the second half though. Always nice to hear Bust a Groove music.

3543th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Rumor : KOF XIII on PSN !" , posted Sat 4 Aug 13:49:post reply

There is a rumor that KOF XIII will hit the PSN on 7th of August, check the sources.

Source :

Source :

It's announced in this week's Sony's official PlayStation Blogcast so yeah, it's legit. It's in between 14-15 mins.

And btw it's weird hearing manly men talk so seriously about Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk.2.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 4 Aug 14:01]

1769th Post

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"Re(2):Rumor : KOF XIII on PSN !" , posted Sun 5 Aug 00:46post reply

I was looking up that D-arts Terry Bogard figure to show my brother so he can pick it up for me and it appears that they already have 3 more figures in line.

Link Here

Pre-99 Kyo, Kim, and you can see Mai's fan. That post was from late last year so I hope that they have even more lined up.

I haven't been this excited for an action figure since SOTA did Street Fighter and its been a few years since that ended.

Hopefully they try to spread around character from different eras, but if they just want to keep it to pre-99 stuff I'll be OK with that as long as they try to complete teams as they go along.

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"Re(3):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Sun 5 Aug 03:18post reply

I was looking up that D-arts Terry Bogard

Yah, that Terry figure was pretty nice looking! I'm still thinking of picking it up. Nice to see there are others as well!

I don't know if this is new news or not, but Metal Slug 3 and Blazing Star are available for iOS now, and they both look and play pretty great! From what I can tell, these are running in emulation, which I'd love to know more about. I'm glad they chose 3 as the Metal Slug to port since it's probably my favorite in the series, but I was puzzled by the choice of Blazing Star until I tried it and remembered how good of a shooter it is.

3545th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Sun 5 Aug 10:35:post reply

That Terry figure in particular interests me because it uses a new base designed with more flexibility compared to previous models. Samples of the base can be seen here. Also, here's the official site for the Terry one for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

That put aside, KOF13 was unfortunately not part of SBO this year. But then again with dead Cicadas in the cabinets, machines going slo-mo or simply freezing due to overheat and hordes if other problems, that might've been for the best.

KOF will be getting its good share of the summer heat though. Next week, there's going to be the largest tournament in Japan hosted by Dune and KCE. Word is Kaoru will be attending the tournament amongst possibly Woo(Uuu) and some other West Japan players. Since the East(Tokyo) and West(Osaka) have never faced each other, this is going to be big.

It'll be streamed at Nico. You need a freaking account of course, which is free. The tournament is on August 11 starting around 3-4PM JST which is August 10, 11PM Pacific, 2AM Eastern, 1AM Central.

Also, they're holding a prelim seeding tournament today, which will be playing under a special rule: You can only use each character ONCE. Meaning you need to set up a strategy on when you'll use your main characters. This won't be streamed, but it'll be recorded.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 5 Aug 11:16]

1590th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Sun 5 Aug 23:40post reply


I didn't know he was back to KOF! I'd thought his main game was aquapazza now

3548th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Sun 5 Aug 23:54post reply

I didn't know he was back to KOF! I'd thought his main game was aquapazza now

You're probably thinking of Oz! Dude is still loli'ing the crap out of people with konomi last time I checked... getting killed by a girl screaming spaghettis and hamburgers in the middle of the match is pure humiliation.

Still wondering if I should pick up the game... humm..

1591th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Mon 6 Aug 00:51post reply

You're probably thinking of Oz! Dude is still loli'ing the crap out of people with konomi last time I checked... getting killed by a girl screaming spaghettis and hamburgers in the middle of the match is pure humiliation.

Oh yeah! Wrong guy!

Also I'm guessing Dune will team with Kyappu again and win.

5691th Post

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"Dune spotted." , posted Mon 6 Aug 14:17:post reply

As the Professor posted a while back, Dune as been pretty much MIA from the community since like December, only posting some bug videos in between or meeting with Gunsmith and whatnot. It would be easy to assume that he was missing out simple due to lack of time, but the thing is that he wasn't there. Elive going out furthered the disappearance case, him being missing from NicoNicoDouga as well (Dunno about the live stream nico thing).

Well, long and boring introduction aside, Dune uploaded some training sessions between him and Mago, you can tell that he is somewhat rusty, furthermore you can tell that is in 指導 /training mode, coaching Mago around while he is crazing zipping up Chupilcas with Hwa Jai; so you aren't going to see him going all out.

1st - Nico

2nd - Nico

3rd - Nico

edit : Oh, and he was always semi active with the video character guides, but that's not sitting with another guy and playing.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 6 Aug 14:26]

329th Post

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"Re(3):SNK Stuff Thread 8 - Summer edition" , posted Tue 7 Aug 15:02:post reply

Let me repost these Hyouka Images as well

Hyouka's final cosplay character is Mai.

The character doing the cosplay is only in the background of a couple of scenes and gets no dialogue in episode 16. But the storyline is still going, so there might be better images in the next episode.

[this message was edited by Baines on Tue 7 Aug 15:19]

37th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Rumor : KOF XIII Price on JP PSN" , posted Tue 7 Aug 22:16:post reply

According to NeoGAF the price of KOF XIII on the Japanese PSN is ¥6090 !

Source :

Japanese price is ¥5,800 for PS3 and 3,680 Point for XBOX 360
Source :

Also KOF XIII is coming to Xbox LIVE Marketplace on 7th of August !

Source :

[this message was edited by Evil_Yagami on Wed 8 Aug 00:54]

511th Post

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"Re(4):Rumor : KOF XIII Price on JP PSN" , posted Wed 8 Aug 12:27post reply

...It's just 30 dollars in the US store.

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"Re(5):Rumor : KOF XIII Price on JP PSN" , posted Wed 8 Aug 12:36:post reply

It's 5.800 yen in the Official site. I think the price has been there for a while.

Before people ask, the complete and absolute silence concerning this matter, coupled with the almost lack of interest from SNK themselves about this strongly hints that it's just going to be the current console version (1.2?) and not Climax.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 8 Aug 12:38]

514th Post

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"Re(6):Rumor : KOF XIII Price on JP PSN" , posted Wed 8 Aug 13:27:post reply

It's 5,800 yen in the Official site. I think the price has been there for a while.
Isn't 5.8k yen roughly 70 bucks in USD? But anyway, the US side of things which is where some of us reside, it's about 30 bucks, so I heard from others. That's a price gap almost as insane as the one between US and Australia and makes me wonder if they're crazy to think people who are only remotely interested in fighting games would pay that much for a very niche title such as KOFXIII--especially when there's Persona out there.

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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Wed 8 Aug 13:35]

5694th Post

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"Re(7):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Fri 10 Aug 07:17post reply

I didn't know he was back to KOF! I'd thought his main game was aquapazza now


You're probably thinking of Oz! Dude is still loli'ing the crap out of people with konomi last time I checked...

Oz has been participating on the Kohaku sen over at Nishinippori from time to time, I think that he usually registers himself with the jokingly name of 覇者 , just like Shoki used to use "Pro". He even participated in last week's event (he gets his turn for about at 14 : 00).

Then again I'm posting here just to mention my surprise over the fact that leads of Top Hunter not only had a Ryuuko Ranbu (fact that was rumored over the years), but also had a Power Geyser and a double strike (actually a triple strike). (Proof)

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12

617th Post

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"Re(8):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Fri 10 Aug 09:13post reply


Then again I'm posting here just to mention my surprise over the fact that leads of Top Hunter not only had a Ryuuko Ranbu (fact that was rumored over the years), but also had a Power Geyser and a double strike (actually a triple strike). (Proof)

Nice! Now if only that came with commands for the moves... most of the regular ones were obscure as it was...
I kinda like Cathy's design, but considering their moves are derivad from other SNK characters, it's sadly unlikely any of them will ever make it to non-Card-Fighters crossovers, and sequels aren't looking likely after all these years...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

3554th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Fri 10 Aug 11:06:post reply

[Update] The tournament's started. Kaoru's teamed up with Woo and Kyabetsu as previously reported. 78 participants, about 100 when including spectators.

Get a free account to view which can be registered here (English)

Repost as a reminder.

KOF wasn't at SBO, but it'll be getting its good share of the summer heat. Tomorrow, there's going to be the largest tournament in Japan hosted by Dune and KCE. This is the first time that East Japan and West Japan (Tokyo and Osaka) players are facing each other. This has never happened before. It's a 3-on-3, but we'll essencially be seeing who's the strongest in Japan. Kaoru will be attending the tournament, as well as Kyabetsu, Dune, Ogosho, Keykakko, most likely Woo, and a lot of other players. This is going to be big.

The tournament (in US time) will be taking place on August 10(Fri) around 11:30PM Pacific, 2:30AM Eastern, 1:30AM Central. (JP time August 11 starting 3:30PM JST)

The stream URL is
Reload the page or click on the silver/grey door when the time comes.
Get a free account to view which can be registered here (English).

Quick overview of top contenders

Dune "Godfather of KOF" - Well known for his KOF activities and being top at vanilla KOF13, Dune has been MIA for this full year due to bar exam studies. Will he be able to take on the other top players from a short rehab? Teaming with Ogosho and Picnic. Main characters: Karate, Kyo, C.Iori.

Ogosho - Former SBO champ for KOF and SF4. One of the very few Billy users in Japan. Main characters: Billy, Goro, Chin

Kyabetsu - 9th place winner at EVO. Won over Kaoru 2-1 and sent him home at EVO despite only learning the game for a week. Main character: Karate, Kyo, Iori

Kaoru "Kansai's strongest legend" - Lady luck wasn't on his side at EVO. Kaoru has been a mystery to the East Japan players, but they'll finally get a chance to match up against him to see who's truely the best in KOF. Main characters: Ryo, Daimon, Karate, Raiden

Woo(Uuu) - If you've seen the "vs Woo + Kaoru" vids back with vanilla KOF13, you know who this is. Woo normally doesn't attend tournaments so it's unknown if he's enterting this one, but rumor is he's teaming up with Kaoru and Kyabetsu. Main characters: Mai, Kim, Goro.

Picnic "The last supper" - Despite his cute name and being practically unknown in the English KOF scene, Picnic is around the same strength as Dune and is reportedly good enough to get wins against Kaoru.

Keykakko "Mr.Framedata" - Provider of valuable frame data, Keykakko is entering this tournament. Main characters: Hwa, Raiden, Chin

Other good contenders probably entering tournament-

Shoki - Seasoned player, one of Japan's top contenders.
Itimu Mari - One of Japan's top contenders.
Haregoro - Renowned Joe player.
Tenkawa - Renowned Ashi/Duolon player.
Yukichi - About the only Terry player in Japan. Loves KOF so much that he dreamt of playing a character in the series and decided to become a voice actor.
Shizuoka King - About the only King player in Japan.
Myu - Renowned Clark player, amazed Orochingi's Gunsmith.
Ringo - Less known player, Strong enough to send Kaoru to losers in previous Jp Tournament.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 11 Aug 15:46]

453th Post

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"Re(10):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Fri 10 Aug 11:23:post reply

Repost as a reminder.

Will naoki play?

Need some mai tech


According to this faq they took the movelist from the snk playmore page some time ago, don't know if it's true though, but I found strange that you weren't sure that the ranbuu existed, since I saw a tons of guys talking of it as a fact

[this message was edited by sibarraz on Fri 10 Aug 11:29]

3553th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Fri 10 Aug 12:06:post reply

Ah, and almost forgot.

Dune's latest tier chart for KOF 13.

Hwa is actually placed a little slightly higher than Karate (not a mistake) which is interesting


Will naoki play?

Need some mai tech

I'd be surprised if he misses out, it seems like most of the regulars will be there. The usual Nishinippori Versus ranbat have been canceled this week due to this tournament so everyone there should be attending as well.

If all goes well, we might actually get to see Woo/Uuu's Mai, who's reportedly really good in West Japan. Noone knows how he plays Mai so they're wondering why in the world he says she's top tier. (It's also been said that competition in the west is lacky, so who knows)

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 10 Aug 12:45]

453th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Fri 10 Aug 12:17post reply


Will naoki play?

Need some mai tech

I'd be surprised if he misses out, it seems like most of the regulars will be there. The usual Nishinippori Versus ranbat have been canceled this week due to this tournament so everyone there should be attending as well.

If all goes well, we might actually get to see Woo/Uuu's Mai, who's reportedly really good in West Japan. Noone knows how he plays Mai so they're wondering why in the world he says she's top tier. (It's also been said that competition in the west is lacky, so who knows)

Mai has an really annoying keep away game, so I think this last time that she deserves more credit, but at the same time, mai is 1 error and she lost the round

896th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):SNK Stuff Thread 8 - Summer edition" , posted Fri 10 Aug 16:20post reply

Hyouka's final cosplay character is Mai.

The character doing the cosplay is only in the background of a couple of scenes and gets no dialogue in episode 16. But the storyline is still going, so there might be better images in the next episode.

We barely saw her in the end, but she will most likely be one of the main characters in ep17, which should bring the conclusion of the school festival story arc (and happens on the same day, so either she'll remain as Mai or she will have reverted to conventional clothes). This time SNKP was thanked in the credits. I do not remember them being mentioned in the previous episodes but maybe I did not pay attention. Nice tribute anyway, very glad they went for such classic characters rather than Momoko-level crap.


919th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):SNK Stuff Thread 8 - Summer edition" , posted Fri 10 Aug 16:31post reply

Nice tribute anyway, very glad they went for such classic characters rather than Momoko-level crap.

Is it such a bad thing I had to look up who Momoko was?

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

618th Post

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"Re(5):SNK Stuff Thread 8 - Summer edition" , posted Fri 10 Aug 19:30post reply

This time SNKP was thanked in the credits. I do not remember them being mentioned in the previous episodes but maybe I did not pay attention. Nice tribute anyway, very glad they went for such classic characters rather than Momoko-level crap.

The SNKP logo was there in the end of the Nakoruru episodes too. As for Momoko,she's only been in one relatively recent game, she really wouldn't be as recognizeable as the classics they used.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(1):you-cannot-escape-from--" , posted Mon 13 Aug 16:51post reply

Now on actual important news.

Oh my god, not that song again. To my knowledge, it was originally made by Kajetokun on youtube (the guy responsible for the over 9000 video and the like) for a really bad song collection. I actually uploaded it a while back. The file and the .txt called it "Bust-A-Wolf". I have no idea how/why it resurfaced on nico.

Also the original song is Kitty-N's theme from Bust-A-Groove.

9366th Post

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"Re(2):you-cannot-escape-from--" , posted Mon 13 Aug 20:30post reply


Oh my god, not that song again.

That's why a BBS full of old people is so great: it prepares us for when we'll be in a retirement home.
Which is starting to be soon for some of us.

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"Neo Geo X" , posted Tue 14 Aug 03:51post reply

Well this is interesting, does it really comes with a functional AES?

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"Re(1):Neo Geo X" , posted Tue 14 Aug 04:14post reply


Well this is interesting, does it really comes with a functional AES?

That AES looking thing is a charging/video-out docking station for the handheld.

A tiny bit of info here.

Be kind to goblins.

455th Post

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"Re(2):Neo Geo X" , posted Tue 14 Aug 06:56post reply


Well this is interesting, does it really comes with a functional AES?

That AES looking thing is a charging/video-out docking station for the handheld.

A tiny bit of info here.

Well that sucks, if that thing could read cartridges I would have bought it in a heartbeat

619th Post

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"Re(3):Neo Geo X" , posted Tue 14 Aug 10:31post reply

Seems they're still gauging interest:

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

514th Post

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"Re(4):Neo Geo X" , posted Wed 15 Aug 03:55post reply

Haha, do they seriously think this will sell? It's already a given they're out of their minds, but...are they out of their minds?

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456th Post

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"Re(5):Neo Geo X" , posted Wed 15 Aug 23:45post reply

Haha, do they seriously think this will sell? It's already a given they're out of their minds, but...are they out of their minds?

I'm sure that units are so limited that this will really sell well

969th Post

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"Re(6):Neo Geo X" , posted Thu 16 Aug 08:20post reply

Haha, do they seriously think this will sell? It's already a given they're out of their minds, but...are they out of their minds?

I'm sure that units are so limited that this will really sell well

Well I'll certainly buy it. I play Neo Geo games on a few handhelds of mine already (since handhelds are pretty much my console flavor of choice these days), but I'll jump at the chance to do so legally.

4566th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Neo Geo X" , posted Thu 16 Aug 12:47post reply

Count me in also. Portable Neo is easily the best way to spend a lunch/work break, and FFS/RBS/SS2 were great stress relievers. Shame they couldn't add LB2 to that pre-loaded list.

What they should really do is try to add NGPC support. That way you get the best of both worlds.

996th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):Neo Geo X" , posted Thu 16 Aug 19:17post reply

Count me in also. Portable Neo is easily the best way to spend a lunch/work break, and FFS/RBS/SS2 were great stress relievers. Shame they couldn't add LB2 to that pre-loaded list.

What they should really do is try to add NGPC support. That way you get the best of both worlds.

NGPC games is really make interest go higher. Maybe this april first joke of Skull Gals could become a reality.

5698th Post

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"格ゲー野郎" , posted Sat 18 Aug 06:06:post reply

Ichiki Mitsuhiro seems to want to start a program were he goes around playing people of all countries and ages whenever he can. He probably isn't going to travel out of the country but it's going to meet people that are in japan right now. His level isn't extremely high (he is like one of the less extreme KCE members) and it seems that guests aren't always going to be of the skilled type. youtube episode 1 . Right now the episode seems more of a parody, but oh well.

The program is not going to be restricted to KoF XIII, but rather is going to have any type of game, from any era or console, so it's probably to fall into the category of Arino's RetroGameMaster.

Gemutama blog , has details of the event.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 18 Aug 06:38]

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"The King of Fighters III" , posted Wed 22 Aug 10:51:post reply

Next KOF Pachislot coming out in October. Advertisement leaflet is out.

Looks like Ogura's artwork, so at least he's still in the company. Evil looking as hell Kyo though.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 22 Aug 11:06]

3566th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Woo's tier chart" , posted Wed 22 Aug 11:36:post reply

Woo/Uuu from the "Kansai vs Kaoru&Woo" videos released his tier chart. This is the guy who Kaoru said was one of the top 5 players in Japan.

Woo/Uuu's tier chart.

Woo/Uuu bases his tiers on the following conditions.

1. How strong the character's normal attacks are.
2. How easy it is when the character is on the defense.
3. Whether the character has a move to retaliate in situations (a good invulnerable attack)
4. Whether the character has a 1F grab.
5. Whether the character doesn't have a huge flaw. (Like Ash's Sans-Culotte giving way too much meter)

Characters with these points he placed to the right (Well-rounded/stable), while characters without them he placed to the left (have faults). Also, Characters that are easier to do practical damage in matches he placed higher in tier, while those that can't he placed lower.

Takuma is on the left upper side because he can do a lot of damage but he's instable. Athena is relatively high-right because of her damage output from throws and her EX teleport. Overall, he finds Kim to be the most well-rounded top tier.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 22 Aug 22:31]

515th Post

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"Re(1):The King of Fighters III" , posted Wed 22 Aug 15:13post reply

Next KOF Pachislot coming out in October. Advertisement leaflet is out.

Looks like Ogura's artwork, so at least he's still in the company. Evil looking as hell Kyo though.

Oh boy, we were just joking about SNK getting ready to release a new KOF game that was Pachislot, too. It was just a joke, we didn't mean it, SNKP. Goddammit.

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"NEO GEO STATION SALE" , posted Wed 29 Aug 10:11post reply

So yeah, all the neo geo station games will get a 50% discount until the end of september, I hope than with this we get more releases in the near future, since IMO those ports are awesome, specially with the record option, and the netcode from 95 to onwards is flawless

I think I will pick the 10 game bundle for 40 dollars since it comes with an exclusive theme plus the fact that will make the intro more awesome

Just One Fix
33th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):NEO GEO STATION SALE" , posted Thu 30 Aug 09:00post reply

Can someone please tell me if the NeoGeo Station games are the home versions? I already own a bunch of these in compilations, but I'd like the home versions for the extra modes (like 1-on-1 and Survival in King of Fighters). I've asked this a buncha times at GameFAQs but no one will ever answer me... :(

464th Post

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PSN: DefensorVirtuoso
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"Re(2):NEO GEO STATION SALE" , posted Thu 30 Aug 10:25post reply

Can someone please tell me if the NeoGeo Station games are the home versions? I already own a bunch of these in compilations, but I'd like the home versions for the extra modes (like 1-on-1 and Survival in King of Fighters). I've asked this a buncha times at GameFAQs but no one will ever answer me... :(

This are AES ports, you can even have a original memory card option

Plus some other cool extras, the only thing missing are arrange tracks, but the rest is top notch

3570th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"POWAAAA Harrasement" , posted Sat 1 Sep 04:24:post reply

The top KOF13 Terry player in Japan has become the biggest news in the anime industry this week, but not because of his 'ARE YOU OK' gaming skills. Hell, he even became headline on Kotaku.

Mitsuhiro Yukichi (you can see him play against Tokido here and here) works his dayjob as a professional voice actor. In fact, he became a voice actor because of his dream to one day do a character in KOF-- talk about being a hardcore fan. He's already in his 30's but so far he hasn't had his big break yet, living off on minor roles.

And as everyone knows, small-time voice actors are treated like crap.

In Yukichi's case, he was humiliated to the pulp on broadcast thanks to an idiot producer at Kingrecords who thought that lieing to him about getting a role in a new anime would be funny, and the harassment continued as a part of a janitor-level job thrown at him (not like he can quit) until at least recently when the news got out. The details of what happened to him can be read in the URLs below. It was pretty depressing to see him being toyed by a voice actoress who kept jolting up the voltage on a massage gizmo strapped on his body while he was trying to make a presentation in one of his publicity jobs. The reaction of the public has been ugly after they've learnt about the whole incident, and the anime's radio show was forced to cancel just today.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 1 Sep 04:55]

1779th Post

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PSN: gekijmo
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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):POWAAAA Harrasement" , posted Sat 1 Sep 05:49post reply

The top KOF13 Terry player in Japan has become the biggest news in the anime industry this week, but not because of his 'ARE YOU OK' gaming skills. Hell, he even became headline on Kotaku.

Mitsuhiro Yukichi (you can see him play against Tokido here and here) works his dayjob as a professional voice actor. In fact, he became a voice actor because of his dream to one day do a character in KOF-- talk about being a hardcore fan. He's already in his 30's but so far he hasn't had his big break yet, living off on minor roles.

And as everyone knows, small-time voice actors are treated like crap.

In Yukichi's case, he was humiliated to the pulp on broadcast thanks to an idiot producer at Kingrecords who thought that lieing to him about getting a role in a new anime would be funny, and the harassment continued as a part of a janitor-level job thrown at him (not like he can quit) until at least recently when the news got out. The details of what happened to him can be read in the URLs below. It was pretty depressing to see him being toyed by a voice actoress who kept jolting up the voltage on a massage gizmo strapped on his body while he was trying to make a presentation in one of his publicity jobs. The reaction of the public has been ugly after they've learnt about the whole incident, and the anime's radio show was forced to cancel just today.


-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Damn, that is downright nasty. The first blog post is kind of creepy as the author phrased it made it seem like he wanted Yukichi to be the example of how minor VAs are mistreated.

And I am not too sure about that second blog post about "remember their faces and go home." Perhaps it was as simple as remember their faces so you don't interact with them ever again or remember their faces so you can plan your revenge type shit.

516th Post

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"Re(1):POWAAAA Harrasement" , posted Sat 1 Sep 09:37post reply

Ohhh, bad. If these guys pranked on me like this, I'd fuck them up Navy Seals copypasta style. It helps that I do have military background, too! But since they're outside of my fucking-them-up range, I hope the next worst thing happens them.

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907th Post

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"Re(2):POWAAAA Harrasement" , posted Sat 1 Sep 10:18post reply

But since they're outside of my fucking-them-up range, I hope the next worst thing happens them.

Well, there are indeed rumors of a sequel to Deadly Premonition.


622th Post

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"Re(1):POWAAAA Harrasement" , posted Sat 1 Sep 10:53post reply

Well, at least according to one of the articles, prospective fans have declared a boycott on the series, hopefully that'll make studios think twice before pulling off stuff like this anytime soon.

I can't quite judge his performance, but I wonder if this'll help him get his name out there - or maybe let some studio pull off a nice PR stunt by hiring him for some role as an underdog character that might fit this whole situation...

Is it know if he studied acting formally as a preparation? The lack of that could bring some contempt from established VAs, with the fanboy factor probably not helping, but damn...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

465th Post

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"Re(2):POWAAAA Harrasement" , posted Sat 1 Sep 14:13post reply

I could see SNK hiring him just to help him with his dream, reading toxico post on gunsmith (which I can't find anymore) it seems like they don't hire top VA, so someone like him should not be that farfetched

517th Post

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"Re(2):POWAAAA Harrasement" , posted Sat 1 Sep 15:14post reply

Is it know if he studied acting formally as a preparation? The lack of that could bring some contempt from established VAs, with the fanboy factor probably not helping, but damn...

Whether he did or not is irrelevant if he can pull it of au naturale. Seiyuu shitting on someone just because he wasn't formally trained just show themselves up as jealous because they wasted so much time training because they couldn't do it naturally.

Seiyuu should be glad the military (military in Japan? LOL @ "defense force") doesn't force seiyuu to quit their dayjob to conscription and get their asses whooped by a drill sergeant. They have the freedom to pick a job in the entertainment field instead of getting fucked by mortars and gunfire and IED suicide vans. They shouldn't have such a fucking ego about themselves in spite of such, is what I'm saying, so if they do, they can fuck off because shit like that brings my piss to a boil. Instead, they should thank their lucky stars they get to have such a position.

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1599th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):POWAAAA Harrasement" , posted Sun 2 Sep 00:52post reply

The top KOF13 Terry player in Japan has become the biggest news in the anime industry this week, but not because of his 'ARE YOU OK' gaming skills. Hell, he even became headline on Kotaku.

Mitsuhiro Yukichi (you can see him play against Tokido here and here) works his dayjob as a professional voice actor. In fact, he became a voice actor because of his dream to one day do a character in KOF-- talk about being a hardcore fan. He's already in his 30's but so far he hasn't had his big break yet, living off on minor roles.

And as everyone knows, small-time voice actors are treated like crap.

In Yukichi's case, he was humiliated to the pulp on broadcast thanks to an idiot producer at Kingrecords who thought that lieing to him about getting a role in a new anime would be funny, and the harassment continued as a part of a janitor-level job thrown at him (not like he can quit) until at least recently when the news got out. The details of what happened to him can be read in the URLs below. It was pretty depressing to see him being toyed by a voice actoress who kept jolting up the voltage on a massage gizmo strapped on his body while he was trying to make a presentation in one of his publicity jobs. The reaction of the public has been ugly after they've learnt about the whole incident, and the anime's radio show was forced to cancel just today.


-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Just read that he very likely gave up his plans to compete at Evo 2012 because he thought he got the role, man that really sucks.

Do you know this got found because of the almost completely unrelated case of eufonius vs Momoi Haruko on twitter which developed into a burning festival on VIP. I'd thought VIP had gotten tame recently, but I guess they're still the craziest people ever.

1781th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Brazil tournament going on now" , posted Sun 2 Sep 09:48post reply

Tokido and Combofiend are in attendance.

3175th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"A call for the Power Geyser?" , posted Sun 2 Sep 12:34post reply

The prank disgusts me. Sure, Ichiki-san isn't well-known, but the prank still disgusts me. Is it his fault that he didn't get the same luck as someone like Yamamoto Maria-san? No. (I picked her because they're about the same age and they decided to become seiyuu early on.) Thank goodness I didn't watch "Kokoro Connect".

I know the fans mean well, but Kitamura Eri-san was not part of the problem even though she's supposedly dating the producer. She's a friend of Ichiki-san. As a result, she dropped her Twitter account. Oh. Forgot to say this, but I think that Ichiki-san should have the right to Power Geyser the guilty party.

So, the debate between Momoi Haruko-san and Eufonius is the reason why the former is on hiatus. Saw the comments too. That band does bother me because Fanime, the con I now work with, loves Momoi-san. She loves the Bay Area and the Bay Area loves her.

If I'm going at this topic too randomly or if I'm not making sense, I'm sorry. Seeing this bit ruined an otherwise great day for me. Yeah, I saw this before the greatness of my day, but it still bothers me.

518th Post

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"Re(1):A call for the Power Geyser?" , posted Sun 2 Sep 13:20post reply

I'm still trying to understand who the guilty party specifically is, because reading all of these things put my head through some loops trying to put it all together. All I know is it's some Kokoro Connect people, and right now I'm fantasizing about attending an anime con that they show up at and I drop them and go to jail for it. It bugs me that much.

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3177th Post

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"Re(2):A call for the Power Geyser?" , posted Sun 2 Sep 13:45:post reply

I'm still trying to understand who the guilty party specifically is, because reading all of these things put my head through some loops trying to put it all together. All I know is it's some Kokoro Connect people, and right now I'm fantasizing about attending an anime con that they show up at and I drop them and go to jail for it. It bugs me that much.

I hope this link helps? Also, a Final Psycho Crusher works too if the Power Geyser isn't powerful enough. Ha ha ha!

[this message was edited by Seizya on Sun 2 Sep 14:17]

519th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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"Re(3):A call for the Power Geyser?" , posted Sun 2 Sep 16:16post reply

I hope this link helps? Also, a Final Psycho Crusher works too if the Power Geyser isn't powerful enough. Ha ha ha!


Seriously, though, I dare them to come anywhere near my area in the US. It'll be pretty violent, if I have my way with one of them.

It was expected that Sugita (aka Ragna of Blazblue) would be so bro, though. The things he talked about on the BB Radio show showed how he's pretty down to earth.

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3177th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):A call for the Power Geyser?" , posted Mon 3 Sep 10:56post reply


Seriously, though, I dare them to come anywhere near my area in the US. It'll be pretty violent, if I have my way with one of them.

It was expected that Sugita (aka Ragna of Blazblue) would be so bro, though. The things he talked about on the BB Radio show showed how he's pretty down to earth.

That's why people like Sugita-san. I like "BB" radio. It's funny.

3574th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"What've they've done with my OATMEAL" , posted Thu 6 Sep 15:09:post reply

What've they've done with my OATMEAL
They should've just changed her to the RBFF outfit instead of THIS
Original source

It looks like a dating sim game! No, don't click this!


Good thing this KOF3 is a pachislot and isn't reaching offshores. And it costs 400K JPY (5.1K USD) per machine? Nuts.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 6 Sep 19:58]

4566th Post

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"Re(1):What've they've done with my OATMEAL" , posted Thu 6 Sep 16:32post reply

What've they've done with my OATMEAL

I am digging that 90's super nintendo censorship

914th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):What've they've done with my OATMEAL" , posted Thu 6 Sep 22:03post reply

Good thing this KOF3 is a pachislot and isn't reaching offshores. And it costs 400K JPY (5.1K USD) per machine? Nuts.

Is that an extraordinary price for a pachislot machine? I would have assumed pachinko/pachislot machines cost around this price, given the average cost of new arcade games.


3575th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):What've they've done with my OATMEAL" , posted Sat 8 Sep 01:57post reply

Is that an extraordinary price for a pachislot machine? I would have assumed pachinko/pachislot machines cost around this price, given the average cost of new arcade games.

Considering that SNKP is a third-rate Pachislot maker and their IP is.. near worthless in terms of market, it's a tad pricy, 50K-100K higher than what should be expected of something like that. The latest Lupin the 3rd pachislot was around 370K for example.

Burning Ranger
1713th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):What've they've done with my OATMEAL" , posted Sat 8 Sep 11:58post reply

What've they've done with my OATMEAL

I am digging that 90's super nintendo censorship

Am I the only one who likes these modifications? I love the classic designs, of couse, but why not deviate? Mai sort of reminds me of Taki from Soul Calibur, and shorts would make Cammy appear tougher...

So much to do so little time...

3578th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Sat 8 Sep 16:14post reply

Kinu Nishimura(Twitter) draws Mai Shiranui for SNK's card game. She's also done K' but I can't find a pic.

On an unrelated note, she's also doing her first Doujinshi ever for this Winter Comiket. Gotta get it!

467th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Sat 8 Sep 23:13post reply

Kinu Nishimura(Twitter) draws Mai Shiranui for SNK's card game. She's also done K' but I can't find a pic.

On an unrelated note, she's also doing her first Doujinshi ever for this Winter Comiket. Gotta get it!

Loved it, freshens up a bit his design from what SNK has been doing with her

3181th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Sun 9 Sep 02:51post reply

Kinu Nishimura(Twitter) draws Mai Shiranui for SNK's card game. She's also done K' but I can't find a pic.

On an unrelated note, she's also doing her first Doujinshi ever for this Winter Comiket. Gotta get it!

There's a new card game?

624th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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"Re(2):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Sun 9 Sep 05:21post reply


There's a new card game?

Another Japanese cellphone thing that's unlikely to leave the country.

It would have been much nicer to see another Card Fighters, but them at least being on good enough terms with Nishimura for this to happen is nice.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

3182th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Sun 9 Sep 08:34post reply


There's a new card game?

Another Japanese cellphone thing that's unlikely to leave the country.

It would have been much nicer to see another Card Fighters, but them at least being on good enough terms with Nishimura for this to happen is nice.

If only we can get it. orz

916th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Sun 9 Sep 12:49post reply

On an unrelated note, she's also doing her first Doujinshi ever for this Winter Comiket. Gotta get it!

Did you get her two recent artbooks?

The one from Code of Princess is very nice. I did not open the 999 one since I have not played the sequel (beyond the demo) yet and some pages might spoil the story.


3275th Post

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"Re(2):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Sun 9 Sep 14:15post reply

Am I the only one who likes these modifications? I love the classic designs, of couse, but why not deviate? Mai sort of reminds me of Taki from Soul Calibur, and shorts would make Cammy appear tougher...

I must admit, I am looking SUPER TOUGH this summer wearing my shorts.

Even though I don't find these to be thoughtful redesigns, I agree that change is good. Waiting to see who had a new costume/haircut was one of my favorite parts of yearly KOFs. If only Capcom were that bold...

(Whew! I managed to say something about SNK)


Did you get her two recent artbooks?

The one from Code of Princess is very nice. I did not open the 999 one since I have not played the sequel (beyond the demo) yet and some pages might spoil the story.

I diiiiid! And yes, the 999 one has spoilers, but I don't have any context for them, so I'm sure I'll forget by the time I play the game.

I got Akiman's Mouretsu Pirates artbook as well. Sadly, it made me have even LESS interest in the show. It's kind of depressing to see his lively designs next to the watered-down anime versions. I wouldn't have guessed he worked on the show if I didn't know beforehand. The book is lacking in fancy illustrations, but it has a fairly robust selection of roughs.

I also picked up the recent Yusuke Kozaki book, which is mega great. I wish Hiroaki would put one out like that.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

5707th Post

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"Re(3):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Mon 10 Sep 03:20post reply

We interrupt this interesting talk about 999 to bring news about Today's Maxima's Guard Point Report (that video were Maxima Auto-Guarded every special in the game, but now for KoF XIII).

After a short message by our sponsors, Now we'll return to our regular scheduled broadcast.

obscene voodoo dance teleport

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12

1089th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Tue 11 Sep 00:53post reply

Kinu Nishimura(Twitter) draws Mai Shiranui for SNK's card game. She's also done K' but I can't find a pic.

On an unrelated note, she's also doing her first Doujinshi ever for this Winter Comiket. Gotta get it!

Oh man, thanks for sharing!

999th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Tue 11 Sep 08:03post reply

Am I the only one who likes these modifications? I love the classic designs, of couse, but why not deviate? Mai sort of reminds me of Taki from Soul Calibur, and shorts would make Cammy appear tougher...
I must admit, I am looking SUPER TOUGH this summer wearing my shorts.

Even though I don't find these to be thoughtful redesigns, I agree that change is good. Waiting to see who had a new costume/haircut was one of my favorite parts of yearly KOFs. If only Capcom were that bold...

(Whew! I managed to say something about SNK)

seeeing Slim Bob is awaken my (I can choose a noun to describe situation -let's imagine predicting slim bob existence- kind of feeling) dream. I really love Hinako and she wants to bulk up to be more effective in sumo. I want her to be bigger. Dont be confused i'm not the certain guy in one of the other sites who sends over-weight semi-nude SNK girl pictures. But seeing fatter Hinako would be great. It would be bold and original. And I think she might be the only fat girl in fighting game universe.

Come on SNK I know you have balls to do that.

5710th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Tue 11 Sep 09:01post reply


Come on SNK I know you have balls to do that.

I just want a Creamy Mami themed Momoko

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

9376th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

""Announcing the victors: here they are"" , posted Fri 14 Sep 01:31post reply

I don't know why, I've been thinking about this sentence lately, and I can't seem to find the correct wording...
It's the sentence that appears after a fight in KOF97, isn't it?

Help me, MMC!

5715th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):" , posted Fri 14 Sep 03:33post reply


It's the sentence that appears after a fight in KOF97, isn't it?

Help me, MMC!

Furthereeding Iggy's fetishes is the most relevant thing that I have done today. So, here. It's and the end of the match.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

9378th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):" , posted Fri 14 Sep 04:15post reply

Furthereeding Iggy's fetishes is the most relevant thing that I have done today. So, here. It's and the end of the match.

I knew I could count on you! thanks!

524th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Fri 14 Sep 10:58:post reply

only fat girl in fighting game universe

Now that's where you would have been wrong

*different link*

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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Fri 14 Sep 19:13]

1000th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Fri 14 Sep 18:08post reply

only fat girl in fighting game universe
Now that's where you would have been wrong

Link's not working.

2875th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Fri 14 Sep 20:15post reply

only fat girl in fighting game universe
Now that's where you would have been wrong

*different link*


468th Post

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PSN: DefensorVirtuoso
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Gold Customer

"Re(6):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Sat 15 Sep 00:43post reply

only fat girl in fighting game universe
Now that's where you would have been wrong

*different link*


The blanka semi rip off on Breakers Revenge it was a bit fat IMO

1002th Post

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"Re(7):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Sat 15 Sep 05:16:post reply

only fat girl in fighting game universe
Now that's where you would have been wrong

*different link*


The blanka semi rip off on Breakers Revenge it was a bit fat IMO

Well to be fair this girl is big but rather muscular big. But she's not as common as fat man designs so props for that. And before her there was fabulous (this is a cafe who welcomes older men with homosexual tendancies after all, so more words with fabuness) Angela from matrimelee. And still she would be original. And reverse Bob, so, good for publicity I guess.

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Sun 16 Sep 20:20]

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"Re(8):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Sun 16 Sep 19:01:post reply

Amanda from Strip Fighter

Also, dat Cammy outfit... excellent!(insert Tekken joke here)

I have a question about artbooks: is Yasushi Suzuki's book hard to find? My wife tried to get me one as a gift but she's still searching and many online stores have the item out of stock.

[this message was edited by Nekros on Sun 16 Sep 19:04]

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"Re(9):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Wed 19 Sep 15:32post reply


I have a question about artbooks: is Yasushi Suzuki's book hard to find? My wife tried to get me one as a gift but she's still searching and many online stores have the item out of stock.

I'm sorry I missed this question until now. Are you referring to his English-released book? If so, yes. It's out of print, so it sells for grossly inflated prices, but a friend picked up a copy for me in Canada.

If he has any Japanese books available, I'd be interested to find out. The English book was okay, but most of the illustrations were disappointingly small.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

495th Post

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"Re(10):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Wed 19 Sep 15:46post reply


I have a question about artbooks: is Yasushi Suzuki's book hard to find? My wife tried to get me one as a gift but she's still searching and many online stores have the item out of stock.

I'm sorry I missed this question until now. Are you referring to his English-released book? If so, yes. It's out of print, so it sells for grossly inflated prices, but a friend picked up a copy for me in Canada.

If he has any Japanese books available, I'd be interested to find out. The English book was okay, but most of the illustrations were disappointingly small.

No, I'm referring to the Japanese version. I didn't know that exists an english translation.
Btw has any of Suzuki's mangas came stateside? Pretty sure you'll find his work interesting.

Italy got a shit-ton of new mangas recently, some publishers are even thinking of giving weekly released tankobons, as well as full-series releases. Most of them have a gothic wibe and I don't know why not choosing Suzuki... maybe is not marketable for lolitas?

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"CvS2 on Japanese PSN" , posted Wed 19 Sep 19:09post reply

It seems Capcom and SNK might be on speaking terms again

All of my hope - and they'll get my money too if it's released here.
I actually only managed to get a copy of the PS2 disc about a year ago (through amazon) or so, since it was so hard to find, so for once I don't think I'll mind buying a game twice.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(1):CvS2 on Japanese PSN" , posted Wed 19 Sep 22:02post reply

It seems Capcom and SNK might be on speaking terms again

All of my hope - and they'll get my money too if it's released here.
I actually only managed to get a copy of the PS2 disc about a year ago (through amazon) or so, since it was so hard to find, so for once I don't think I'll mind buying a game twice.

While I'd gladly take anything CvS2 related, the fact that this is a PS2 classic means that we won't be getting a native PSN/XBLA port with online play like the rest of the VS series. And I'm not really sure about the the legal rights but since this is just a ROM dump (Or maybe iso or whatever the "optical media" equivalent is) and is merely an untampered reprinting of an old product, Capcom might've not needed to contact SNK anyway since they published it themselves originally. Maybe.

But I'm happy I can finally play CvS2 (the game that made me a man and lead me to become serious about fighting games) with a decent stick. Right now I have the original Xbox version and I can't seem to get a hang on any of its controllers. The Duke has a weird uncomfortable dpad and buttons, and the S "black" and "white" buttons are situated all the way down where you can't reach them, or at least forget that they exist down there. I also hope that this could lead to us finally getting CvS3.

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"Re(2):CvS2 on Japanese PSN" , posted Wed 19 Sep 22:46post reply

It seems Capcom and SNK might be on speaking terms again

All of my hope - and they'll get my money too if it's released here.
I actually only managed to get a copy of the PS2 disc about a year ago (through amazon) or so, since it was so hard to find, so for once I don't think I'll mind buying a game twice.
While I'd gladly take anything CvS2 related, the fact that this is a PS2 classic means that we won't be getting a native PSN/XBLA port with online play like the rest of the VS series. And I'm not really sure about the the legal rights but since this is just a ROM dump (Or maybe iso or whatever the "optical media" equivalent is) and is merely an untampered reprinting of an old product, Capcom might've not needed to contact SNK anyway since they published it themselves originally. Maybe.

But I'm happy I can finally play CvS2 (the game that made me a man and lead me to become serious about fighting games) with a decent stick. Right now I have the original Xbox version and I can't seem to get a hang on any of its controllers. The Duke has a weird uncomfortable dpad and buttons, and the S "black" and "white" buttons are situated all the way down where you can't reach them, or at least forget that they exist down there. I also hope that this could lead to us finally getting CvS3.

I will not get high hopes either since I recall than like 2 years ago they released a pack with 3.3 for the ps2

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"Re(2):CvS2 on Japanese PSN" , posted Wed 19 Sep 23:42post reply

And I'm not really sure about the the legal rights but since this is just a ROM dump (Or maybe iso or whatever the "optical media" equivalent is) and is merely an untampered reprinting of an old product, Capcom might've not needed to contact SNK anyway since they published it themselves originally. Maybe.
Since Japanese copyright law is pretty equivalent to US law, it's the same situation with having to take games off of Virtual Console; for license expiration purposes. Unless Capcom went behind their back on this, it's probably safe to say they had to talk with someone important there and make some kind of agreement.

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"Season's Beatings KOF Finals" , posted Mon 1 Oct 03:43post reply

They are going through the better part of top 8 right now.

Bala is getting beat pretty bad by Cafe id Lacid.

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"Re(1):Season's Beatings KOF Finals" , posted Wed 3 Oct 02:55post reply

They are going through the better part of top 8 right now.

Bala is getting beat pretty bad by Cafe id Lacid.

Which is what happened.

Lacid was just throwing moves out like a wild man and basically caught Bala either not blocking or pressing buttons, but you really have to be patient playing against them.

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"Blazing Star on Android" , posted Mon 8 Oct 02:18post reply

Link.I don't know if they add new characters but there're new functions. I liked the cyborg-mermaid.

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"Free KoF XIII for anyone!" , posted Tue 9 Oct 10:59post reply

As long as you sell your soul to psn+ , that's it.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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"KOF XIII is free for all...PSN+ members" , posted Tue 9 Oct 11:00post reply
I suppose most of us here already have bought the game but it's a good excuse for me to brush up on my skill and go back to playing it online against a fresh new group of players.

Link.I don't know if they add new characters but there're new functions. I liked the cyborg-mermaid.

While I like a lot of recent touch-based 2D shooters, I was hoping to be able to play a more tactile version of it, specifically the PSN Mini version on VITA, which right now is not available on that store. Incidentally, Blazing Star introduced the use of FAIL as a noun into internet lexigon. That's some impressive Zero Wing level of cultural influence.

3581th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Tue 9 Oct 19:27post reply

Did you get her two recent artbooks?

The one from Code of Princess is very nice. I did not open the 999 one since I have not played the sequel (beyond the demo) yet and some pages might spoil the story.

Cripes I missed this message! And the art book too!

The Code of Princess book, I totally forgot about it! Summer Comiket happened right around the time and my focus was split there-- Atmosphere's Sketchbooks were intriguing me as usual. The 999 book I haven't picked up yet, though I've cleared the game. Haven't played the sequel yet either.

KOF on PSPlus is interesting--I'm assuming Atlus sees the game's sales life as pretty much done with.

924th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Tue 9 Oct 19:55post reply

Well Agatsuma gave me a second copy of the COP artbook, so if you are in London or Paris anytime soon, I can give it to you.

In Tokyo I found out Shimura Takako draws doujin under the pen name Mamedeppo. Unfortunately most of that stuff is Arashi-themed yaoi smut. At least, it seems her official works do not inspire much R-18 production by any other circle, which is a relief.


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"Re(3):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Tue 9 Oct 23:07post reply

KOF on PSPlus is interesting--I'm assuming Atlus sees the game's sales life as pretty much done with.

Seems way too generous for a game that's so niche. If there's more players because of it, though, that's fine by me, though I won't see the evidence online since I stopped playing online until netcode gets better

(But I still go into training mode and practice the trials at least)

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3585th Post

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"Re(4):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Fri 12 Oct 01:50post reply

Well Agatsuma gave me a second copy of the COP artbook, so if you are in London or Paris anytime soon, I can give it to you.

In Tokyo I found out Shimura Takako draws doujin under the pen name Mamedeppo. Unfortunately most of that stuff is Arashi-themed yaoi smut. At least, it seems her official works do not inspire much R-18 production by any other circle, which is a relief.

Haha thanks. I probably won't be hitting Europe anytime soon so please pass it along to someone more needy!

I didn't know of Shimura Takako til now but she was apparently at this summer's comiket as well. Also a part of another circle too apparently.

Doujin collecting can be expensssive!

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"Re(5):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Fri 12 Oct 16:45post reply

As far as I am concerned, she writes one of the best manga of the past decade! The anime was not as good (especially for newcomers), unfortunately, thanks to the very unwise decision to start its plot in the middle of the story.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

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"Hideaki Itsuno and CvS2" , posted Thu 18 Oct 18:06post reply

So there's this interview about the new DmC where Hideaki Itsuno is one of the interviewees - eventually the interview ends b covering more interesting topics:

Mr. Itsuno, you worked on several fighting games, including the Rival Schools titles. Do you think we'll ever see another game in that series or perhaps a port for XBox Live and the PLAYSTATION Network?

Itsuno: I happen to have certain plans to do things like that. I don't know if it'll come to fruition, but it's on my agenda for sure.

Did you come up with the idea for Rival Schools? What inspired it?

Itsuno: When looking at fighting games, it seemed they were focused on worlds that people were unfamiliar with. But everyone's gone to school. So I felt that people could relate to that.

You were also the director of CAPCOM vs. SNK 2. Might we see that again for a current console?

Itsuno: Funny you should ask. I'm also planning some things there.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(1):Hideaki Itsuno and CvS2" , posted Thu 18 Oct 22:00post reply

So there's this interview about the new DmC where Hideaki Itsuno is one of the interviewees - eventually the interview ends b covering more interesting topics:

Mr. Itsuno, you worked on several fighting games, including the Rival Schools titles. Do you think we'll ever see another game in that series or perhaps a port for XBox Live and the PLAYSTATION Network?

Itsuno: I happen to have certain plans to do things like that. I don't know if it'll come to fruition, but it's on my agenda for sure.

Did you come up with the idea for Rival Schools? What inspired it?

Itsuno: When looking at fighting games, it seemed they were focused on worlds that people were unfamiliar with. But everyone's gone to school. So I felt that people could relate to that.

You were also the director of CAPCOM vs. SNK 2. Might we see that again for a current console?

Itsuno: Funny you should ask. I'm also planning some things there.

Itsuno is one of my favourite fg designers, I didn't know it was involved in DMC. What exactly is his role in the project?

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"Re(2):Hideaki Itsuno and CvS2" , posted Fri 19 Oct 19:20post reply

Itsuno is one of my favourite fg designers, I didn't know it was involved in DMC. What exactly is his role in the project?

The article calls him a producer.

Ono actually referenced this interview's take on CvS.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

3589th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Hideaki Itsuno and CvS2" , posted Mon 22 Oct 11:16:post reply

If the article's mention on CvS2 isn't about the recent PSN archive, it'll be interesting.

On a totally different subject since it happened too suddenly to get noticed (that, and everyone was watching the SF25), there was a Korea vs Japan mini-exhibition for KOF13 that went on this weekend. It was sort of weird because the guys who won EVO (Cafeid) suddenly came to Japan without much of a prior notice-- 4 days to departure is nuts. But all in all, it seems that it was good international mingling and good gameplay. The vids can be seen here, and the player list is as follows.

The Major players are highlighted in Red

P1 SIDE-- Cafe:id/Korea Players (5 lives per player, total 20 lives):
Kensouzzang(Cafe:id Owner)
Lacid(5th at Evo)
MadKOF(Evo champ)

P2 SIDE-- Gamespot Versus/Japan players (total 20 players):
Toushin (Ruiko)
Muteki no Ryu
KouKou Panda

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 22 Oct 20:52]

3598th Post

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"SNKP's President goes out of the window" , posted Fri 2 Nov 20:00:post reply

And in comes a new one.

Refer/move to new thread

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 2 Nov 20:14]

1008th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):SNKP's President goes out of the window" , posted Fri 2 Nov 20:05:post reply

And in comes a new one.

SNKPlaymore is once again getting a major change in its management. Taking over former president Ryo Mizufune's seat is Masao Ohata. SNKP hasn't made any form of press release, although their site has been undated to reflect the change. It seems like they did this almost silently similarly to the last time. If people recall, Soichiro Hosoya was replaced by Mizufune almost under the radar while everyone was busy at Tokyo Game Show 2010.

While Mizufune was known to have come from SNKP's Pachislot sector, Ohata's background is not known.

This is the third freaking time the president's changed in the past 4 years and quite frankly that's obviously not the sign of a healthy company.

In Mizafune's time Pachislot was more active. I hope this change brings more action to the games section. I hope Masao Ohata supports the possible sequels and crossovers. Especially Harada think SCvsSS is possible.

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Fri 2 Nov 20:09]

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MMCafe Owner

"Longthread long, move to next!" , posted Fri 2 Nov 20:17post reply

Sort of, but let's discuss that at..

Longthread Long, move to next thread!