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Professor 3545th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(4):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Sun 5 Aug 10:35:    
That Terry figure in particular interests me because it uses a new base designed with more flexibility compared to previous models. Samples of the base can be seen here. Also, here's the official site for the Terry one for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
That put aside, KOF13 was unfortunately not part of SBO this year. But then again with dead Cicadas in the cabinets, machines going slo-mo or simply freezing due to overheat and hordes if other problems, that might've been for the best.
KOF will be getting its good share of the summer heat though. Next week, there's going to be the largest tournament in Japan hosted by Dune and KCE. Word is Kaoru will be attending the tournament amongst possibly Woo(Uuu) and some other West Japan players. Since the East(Tokyo) and West(Osaka) have never faced each other, this is going to be big.
It'll be streamed at Nico. You need a freaking account of course, which is free. The tournament is on August 11 starting around 3-4PM JST which is August 10, 11PM Pacific, 2AM Eastern, 1AM Central. http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co240353
Also, they're holding a prelim seeding tournament today, which will be playing under a special rule: You can only use each character ONCE. Meaning you need to set up a strategy on when you'll use your main characters. This won't be streamed, but it'll be recorded.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 5 Aug 11:16] |
Toxico 5691th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Dune spotted." , posted Mon 6 Aug 14:17:    
As the Professor posted a while back, Dune as been pretty much MIA from the community since like December, only posting some bug videos in between or meeting with Gunsmith and whatnot. It would be easy to assume that he was missing out simple due to lack of time, but the thing is that he wasn't there. Elive going out furthered the disappearance case, him being missing from NicoNicoDouga as well (Dunno about the live stream nico thing).
Well, long and boring introduction aside, Dune uploaded some training sessions between him and Mago, you can tell that he is somewhat rusty, furthermore you can tell that is in 指導 /training mode, coaching Mago around while he is crazing zipping up Chupilcas with Hwa Jai; so you aren't going to see him going all out.
1st - Nico
2nd - Nico
3rd - Nico
edit : Oh, and he was always semi active with the video character guides, but that's not sitting with another guy and playing.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12
[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 6 Aug 14:26] |
Professor 3554th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(9):Non-Rumor : SNK on iOS!" , posted Fri 10 Aug 11:06:    
[Update] The tournament's started. Kaoru's teamed up with Woo and Kyabetsu as previously reported. 78 participants, about 100 when including spectators.
Get a free account to view which can be registered here (English)
Repost as a reminder.
KOF wasn't at SBO, but it'll be getting its good share of the summer heat. Tomorrow, there's going to be the largest tournament in Japan hosted by Dune and KCE. This is the first time that East Japan and West Japan (Tokyo and Osaka) players are facing each other. This has never happened before. It's a 3-on-3, but we'll essencially be seeing who's the strongest in Japan. Kaoru will be attending the tournament, as well as Kyabetsu, Dune, Ogosho, Keykakko, most likely Woo, and a lot of other players. This is going to be big.
The tournament (in US time) will be taking place on August 10(Fri) around 11:30PM Pacific, 2:30AM Eastern, 1:30AM Central. (JP time August 11 starting 3:30PM JST)
The stream URL is http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv103419788 Reload the page or click on the silver/grey door when the time comes. Get a free account to view which can be registered here (English).
Quick overview of top contenders
Dune "Godfather of KOF" - Well known for his KOF activities and being top at vanilla KOF13, Dune has been MIA for this full year due to bar exam studies. Will he be able to take on the other top players from a short rehab? Teaming with Ogosho and Picnic. Main characters: Karate, Kyo, C.Iori.
Ogosho - Former SBO champ for KOF and SF4. One of the very few Billy users in Japan. Main characters: Billy, Goro, Chin
Kyabetsu - 9th place winner at EVO. Won over Kaoru 2-1 and sent him home at EVO despite only learning the game for a week. Main character: Karate, Kyo, Iori
Kaoru "Kansai's strongest legend" - Lady luck wasn't on his side at EVO. Kaoru has been a mystery to the East Japan players, but they'll finally get a chance to match up against him to see who's truely the best in KOF. Main characters: Ryo, Daimon, Karate, Raiden
Woo(Uuu) - If you've seen the "vs Woo + Kaoru" vids back with vanilla KOF13, you know who this is. Woo normally doesn't attend tournaments so it's unknown if he's enterting this one, but rumor is he's teaming up with Kaoru and Kyabetsu. Main characters: Mai, Kim, Goro.
Picnic "The last supper" - Despite his cute name and being practically unknown in the English KOF scene, Picnic is around the same strength as Dune and is reportedly good enough to get wins against Kaoru.
Keykakko "Mr.Framedata" - Provider of valuable frame data, Keykakko is entering this tournament. Main characters: Hwa, Raiden, Chin
Other good contenders probably entering tournament-
Shoki - Seasoned player, one of Japan's top contenders. Itimu Mari - One of Japan's top contenders. Haregoro - Renowned Joe player. Tenkawa - Renowned Ashi/Duolon player. Yukichi - About the only Terry player in Japan. Loves KOF so much that he dreamt of playing a character in the series and decided to become a voice actor. Shizuoka King - About the only King player in Japan. Myu - Renowned Clark player, amazed Orochingi's Gunsmith. Ringo - Less known player, Strong enough to send Kaoru to losers in previous Jp Tournament.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 11 Aug 15:46] |
GekigangerV 1779th Post

PSN: gekijmo XBL: gekijmo5 Wii: n/a
Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(1):POWAAAA Harrasement" , posted Sat 1 Sep 05:49    
quote: The top KOF13 Terry player in Japan has become the biggest news in the anime industry this week, but not because of his 'ARE YOU OK' gaming skills. Hell, he even became headline on Kotaku.
Mitsuhiro Yukichi (you can see him play against Tokido here and here) works his dayjob as a professional voice actor. In fact, he became a voice actor because of his dream to one day do a character in KOF-- talk about being a hardcore fan. He's already in his 30's but so far he hasn't had his big break yet, living off on minor roles.
And as everyone knows, small-time voice actors are treated like crap.
In Yukichi's case, he was humiliated to the pulp on broadcast thanks to an idiot producer at Kingrecords who thought that lieing to him about getting a role in a new anime would be funny, and the harassment continued as a part of a janitor-level job thrown at him (not like he can quit) until at least recently when the news got out. The details of what happened to him can be read in the URLs below. It was pretty depressing to see him being toyed by a voice actoress who kept jolting up the voltage on a massage gizmo strapped on his body while he was trying to make a presentation in one of his publicity jobs. The reaction of the public has been ugly after they've learnt about the whole incident, and the anime's radio show was forced to cancel just today.
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Damn, that is downright nasty. The first blog post is kind of creepy as the author phrased it made it seem like he wanted Yukichi to be the example of how minor VAs are mistreated.
And I am not too sure about that second blog post about "remember their faces and go home." Perhaps it was as simple as remember their faces so you don't interact with them ever again or remember their faces so you can plan your revenge type shit.
Zepy 1599th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(1):POWAAAA Harrasement" , posted Sun 2 Sep 00:52    
quote: The top KOF13 Terry player in Japan has become the biggest news in the anime industry this week, but not because of his 'ARE YOU OK' gaming skills. Hell, he even became headline on Kotaku.
Mitsuhiro Yukichi (you can see him play against Tokido here and here) works his dayjob as a professional voice actor. In fact, he became a voice actor because of his dream to one day do a character in KOF-- talk about being a hardcore fan. He's already in his 30's but so far he hasn't had his big break yet, living off on minor roles.
And as everyone knows, small-time voice actors are treated like crap.
In Yukichi's case, he was humiliated to the pulp on broadcast thanks to an idiot producer at Kingrecords who thought that lieing to him about getting a role in a new anime would be funny, and the harassment continued as a part of a janitor-level job thrown at him (not like he can quit) until at least recently when the news got out. The details of what happened to him can be read in the URLs below. It was pretty depressing to see him being toyed by a voice actoress who kept jolting up the voltage on a massage gizmo strapped on his body while he was trying to make a presentation in one of his publicity jobs. The reaction of the public has been ugly after they've learnt about the whole incident, and the anime's radio show was forced to cancel just today.
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Just read that he very likely gave up his plans to compete at Evo 2012 because he thought he got the role, man that really sucks.
Do you know this got found because of the almost completely unrelated case of eufonius vs Momoi Haruko on twitter which developed into a burning festival on VIP. I'd thought VIP had gotten tame recently, but I guess they're still the craziest people ever.
Seizya 3175th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "A call for the Power Geyser?" , posted Sun 2 Sep 12:34    
The prank disgusts me. Sure, Ichiki-san isn't well-known, but the prank still disgusts me. Is it his fault that he didn't get the same luck as someone like Yamamoto Maria-san? No. (I picked her because they're about the same age and they decided to become seiyuu early on.) Thank goodness I didn't watch "Kokoro Connect".
I know the fans mean well, but Kitamura Eri-san was not part of the problem even though she's supposedly dating the producer. She's a friend of Ichiki-san. As a result, she dropped her Twitter account. Oh. Forgot to say this, but I think that Ichiki-san should have the right to Power Geyser the guilty party.
So, the debate between Momoi Haruko-san and Eufonius is the reason why the former is on hiatus. Saw the comments too. That band does bother me because Fanime, the con I now work with, loves Momoi-san. She loves the Bay Area and the Bay Area loves her.
If I'm going at this topic too randomly or if I'm not making sense, I'm sorry. Seeing this bit ruined an otherwise great day for me. Yeah, I saw this before the greatness of my day, but it still bothers me.
Pollyanna 3275th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Kinu Nishimura draws Mai Shiranui" , posted Sun 9 Sep 14:15    
quote: Am I the only one who likes these modifications? I love the classic designs, of couse, but why not deviate? Mai sort of reminds me of Taki from Soul Calibur, and shorts would make Cammy appear tougher...
I must admit, I am looking SUPER TOUGH this summer wearing my shorts.
Even though I don't find these to be thoughtful redesigns, I agree that change is good. Waiting to see who had a new costume/haircut was one of my favorite parts of yearly KOFs. If only Capcom were that bold...
(Whew! I managed to say something about SNK)
quote: Did you get her two recent artbooks?
The one from Code of Princess is very nice. I did not open the 999 one since I have not played the sequel (beyond the demo) yet and some pages might spoil the story.
I diiiiid! And yes, the 999 one has spoilers, but I don't have any context for them, so I'm sure I'll forget by the time I play the game.
I got Akiman's Mouretsu Pirates artbook as well. Sadly, it made me have even LESS interest in the show. It's kind of depressing to see his lively designs next to the watered-down anime versions. I wouldn't have guessed he worked on the show if I didn't know beforehand. The book is lacking in fancy illustrations, but it has a fairly robust selection of roughs.
I also picked up the recent Yusuke Kozaki book, which is mega great. I wish Hiroaki would put one out like that.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食