Rythm Games - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Rythm Games" , posted Sat 1 Sep 17:30post reply

I'm talking about rythm games a lot recently, so I want to know if any of the Cafers has some interest in the genre or gotten into some games.
In my opinion they are one of purest arcade experience: based on skill, self-learning and scoring. The same reason I love puzzle games and shmups, but I can't say that to fighting games because they are more complex and time-consuming unless you learn only one character.
In the early 2000s I played a lot of Guitar Freaks games (all the arcade versions till V5 and all the home ports) and among Bemanis it was my favourite series and my favourite rythm game of all time. I have tried every rythm game was at local arcade (event that crazy violin thing) but never touched a DDR cabinet (hate clubbing, dancing and that kind of body movement; if you want sex from someone simply say it!). I also enjoy A LOT the chinese game Rock Fever 3 and Dj Max Portable on PSP but I don't think the button layout is comfortable whan playing those type of games.
This generation I didn't play any kind of rythm games (If you don't count Child Of Eden, but it's more a rail shooter based on music), mostly because west has saturated the market with shitty overpriced peripheals and stupid character designs. I only played, and loved, Frequency and Amplitude on PS2: addicting gameplay, overall good music, challenging score system. You could imagine my interest when Harmonix (the same dev team, made mostly of musicians if you don't know) released Rock Band Blitz with the same gameplay as the previous controller-based games. If you like rythm games is the best for this gen, although is not better than Freqency and Amplitude. First of all it has a lot of songs: you chan choose over 2000 songs from the dlc catalog of the Rock Band games including a good variety of genres and artists, the game is very simple yet challenging and require skill both in rythm/song knowledge and gaming/reflexes. It also come at a very reasonable price (15 dollars or 11 euros) and has a free pack with 25 songs. The bad is the scoring system heavily based on power ups and their combination; this is not bad per se but it require coins (gained by completing the songs) and every time you want to obtain an High Score you are forced to use them. Very stupid choice of design. The other stupid thing is that the game needs to be played online because your progress are saved only on the game servers. You can play it offline but you can't use power ups or keep track of your records. Very silly decision and plagued by the social aspect of the modern gaming. Hope they fix that in the future.


908th Post

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"Re(1):Rythm Games" , posted Sat 1 Sep 21:22post reply

I find interesting that studios like IndiesZero and Game Freak approach the genre in their own way, many years after the trend of rhythm games has waned.

Theathrythm is the game I played the most so far this year. I clocked in a bit less than 100 hours according to the log of the 3DS. Very tight experience for what it was going for. It almost made me buy FF9 !

I tried the Hatsune Miku Diva F the other day but it really did not appeal to me. It actually worsened my overall impression of Miku fans.


484th Post

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"Re(2):Rythm Games" , posted Sat 1 Sep 22:03post reply

I find interesting that studios like IndiesZero and Game Freak approach the genre in their own way, many years after the trend of rhythm games has waned.

This, even if Sega did first with Space Channel 5. Also liked Ouendan and Gitaroo Man.
Not fond of moe childish dancing girls, so skipped Miku series with pleasure. Also, she's not a character, she's a mascot without a background of any sort: to me is a reinvention of Kyoko Date linked to a business model for arcade and social games.

401th Post

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"Re(3):Rythm Games" , posted Sat 1 Sep 22:53post reply

I used to be hooked on DDR games until I had some problems and was in the hospital for a while, then just never really picked them back up. I think the last one I played was DDR Supernova on PS2. Every once in a blue moon I'll hook up my Wii Rock Band stuff. Strangely, in the past few months, I've been having cravings to play PaRappa the Rapper/UmJammer Lammy. Probably due to the Playstation All Stars reveal.

910th Post

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"Re(3):Rythm Games" , posted Sun 2 Sep 00:30post reply

This, even if Sega did first with Space Channel 5.

OK but that was thirteen years ago! Rhythm games were still extremely popular back then.


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"Re(4):Rythm Games" , posted Tue 4 Sep 18:24post reply

In the early 2000s I played a lot of Guitar Freaks games (all the arcade versions till V5 and all the home ports) and among Bemanis it was my favourite series and my favourite rythm game of all time

I got all the PS2 home versions, myself. I was excited after the long absence when they finally released the Vs and Gold/Silver. Funny that you mention this now, I think I threw my guitars away about 3 months ago?

Drum Mania actually taught my friend to play the drums. Our Guitar Freaks band soon became a real band.

Rock Band is still fun as a sort of party experience, since it's easier to play on "easy modes" than GF, which so many of my friends absolutely could not manage to play on any difficulty/any song.

I used to play DDR a ton as well (I like dancing), but it quickly became a workout tool. I remember how wonderfully fit and skinny I was when I'd do 50 song non-stop runs and eat vegetable soup every day. Looking back, I don't know how I tolerated that music, though.

The other stupid thing is that the game needs to be played online because your progress are saved only on the game servers. You can play it offline but you can't use power ups or keep track of your records. Very silly decision and plagued by the social aspect of the modern gaming. Hope they fix that in the future.

This is madness!


I think these games are wonderfully packaged and more than reasonably fun (with tons of extras), but if you don't like Vocaloid, you don't like Vocaloid. I'm glad that the new one seems to be selling well...for the Vita's sake.


I hear so many wonderful things about this, but when I see it in motion, I don't get it. Still, it's gotten enough recommendations that I'll certainly pick it up when I get a 3DS.

Ahhh...memories. Ouendan was the first game I played on DS, I think. I got that and Jump Superstars at the same time. (This is going to turn into me raging against region lock again, if I continue...)

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(5):Rythm Games" , posted Wed 5 Sep 01:01post reply

This month arrived to my local arcade DJ MAX TECHNIKA 3, which is the only machine in all latin america. Also for the first time ever here they bring out an ID CARD system, so I bought it in a heartbeat

The game is hard but I'm enjoying it, since some of my favorite songs from dj max fever are there (Like oblivion or miles) and also I think that I will become a k-pop fan at this rate

Unfortenately, the game is NEVER avaliable unless you go on certain times, for example yesterday after college I went there and the machine had 30 CREDITS there you had to put tons of credits at once if you want to play

About guitar hero/Rock Band, I love them since you can play lots of songs that I love and per se the game is fun, but also very expensive, and since this franchises faded away is a bit hard to fins the periphericals, plus, the last rock band that was released some weeks ago looks really lame

And finally, DDR, PIU are games that I always wanted to play but were never avaliable thanks to the 30 credits syndrome, but now are empty most of the time so I want to play more, but my cardio is horrible, I think I will start working out so then I will add these game to learn them and get a better cardio

In the arcade we had PIU Fiesta, Fiesta EX, DDR X and 7th mix, plus ez2dancer UK

3276th Post

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"Re(6):Rythm Games" , posted Sun 9 Sep 14:22post reply

I played the demo of Rhythm Thief today and found it to be adorable. I don't know if it has the tight control to give it the longevity of something like Ouendan, but I'll cheerfully buy when it inevitably goes down in price.


Unfortenately, the game is NEVER avaliable unless you go on certain times, for example yesterday after college I went there and the machine had 30 CREDITS there you had to put tons of credits at once if you want to play

I don't understand. Like you HAVE to buy a several games at once? Or someone chooses to buy a whole bunch and hogs the machine for an hour?

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(7):Rythm Games" , posted Sun 9 Sep 17:46post reply

I was a huge huge huge DDR nut for years. Played that thing to death. And lost a ton of weight doing it. I tried Beatmania because I liked the songs, but I just didn't feel like practicing playing something that is just... utterly useless in real life :p

All the Bemani stuff was awesome though. I think it's sad and hilarious that Konami couldn't capitalize on Guitarfreaks and how Guitar Hero and Rock Band made so much damn money. Really, really sad.

Anyone here own Vib Ribbon? It's so... weird. I also loved Um Jammer Lammy and Parappa. I beat Parappa 2 for the first time a few months ago, and wow, I didn't realize that it would be that good. I remember it got such mediocre reviews, so I avoided it. What a mistake. Gitaroo Man was also splendid, good music, interesting controls.

Hatsune Miku just ... don't even get me started. I played the ping pong and beatcube rhythm games in Japan. They're cool but I'm kind of over those types of games... they feel kind of soulless.

Alas, I have never played any iteration of Space Channel 5. I am a bad person. :(

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

2379th Post

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"Re(8):Rythm Games" , posted Mon 10 Sep 04:40post reply

Alas, I have never played any iteration of Space Channel 5. I am a bad person. :(
You and me both. I can feel space reporter Ulala's disapproval from here.

That reminds me, I think that one of the pioneers alongside Parappa, Bust A Move (or "Groove," if you must), is missing from this conversation! We had a LOT of fun with its peppy tunes and fun characters. Even in the pre-DDR dance pad era, it felt so intense and aerobic. Robo-Z for life! Flyin' to your souuuuuuuuuuul

The video also reminds me of how the announcer threw me off like none other. As soon as you messed up, he'd yell, "MOOOORE RHYTHM!!", literally guaranteeing that you would never, ever get your rhythm back.


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"Re(9):Rythm Games" , posted Mon 10 Sep 07:14post reply

As soon as you messed up, he'd yell, "MOOOORE RHYTHM!!", literally guaranteeing that you would never, ever get your rhythm back.

This is pretty much the story of my entire experience with rhythm games.

Although... I should report that I was always great with Technic Beat, a game that gets almost no discussion anywhere whatsoever, but that I'm held quite a bit of love for thanks to its licensed Namco tracks, plus the fact that you can play as a weird bear.


Alas, I have never played any iteration of Space Channel 5. I am a bad person. :(
You and me both. I can feel space reporter Ulala's disapproval from here.

I am almost as bad a person since I played it quite a bit but could never quite get the hang of the game. Ah well.


3278th Post

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"Re(8):Rythm Games" , posted Mon 10 Sep 11:13post reply


All the Bemani stuff was awesome though.

I bought SO MANY Pop'n Music games. I couldn't get enough of the characters, and the home versions had an absolutely insane number of songs. Konami kept popping (pun intended) new versions out, but they always had a rich collection of music, so it wasn't a problem.

Incidentally, I recently sold all the games, realizing I would never invest in a proper controller because it was a waste of time and money.

The video also reminds me of how the announcer threw me off like none other. As soon as you messed up, he'd yell, "MOOOORE RHYTHM!!", literally guaranteeing that you would never, ever get your rhythm back.

And this reminds me that my friends absolutely could not deal with the boos in DDR. Like, as soon as the audience would start booing, they'd stop playing and say they couldn't handle it.

On the subject of Bust a Move, I loved the game, but those secret inputs were bullshit.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

485th Post

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"Re(9):Rythm Games" , posted Sun 16 Sep 18:32post reply


All the Bemani stuff was awesome though.

I bought SO MANY Pop'n Music games. I couldn't get enough of the characters, and the home versions had an absolutely insane number of songs. Konami kept popping (pun intended) new versions out, but they always had a rich collection of music, so it wasn't a problem.

Incidentally, I recently sold all the games,

Remember me when you have to sell Japanese games that aren't rpg. I'm serious.

Btw, I never played Cool Cool Toon by SNK. Is it worth? It has a specific designed cabinet or it's just a plain board? Is the DC port worthy?

3286th Post

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"Re(10):Rythm Games" , posted Sun 16 Sep 19:45post reply

Remember me when you have to sell Japanese games that aren't rpg. I'm serious.

I just sold the vast majority of my import collection. It was a lot of games. I had considered posting something here in case someone was interested, but too late now. In a year or so, if I'm in the same situation, I'll be sure to tell you.

Btw, I never played Cool Cool Toon by SNK. Is it worth? It has a specific designed cabinet or it's just a plain board? Is the DC port worthy?

It's only on DC. There is no arcade version, as far as I know. I thought the game was cute and reasonably fun, but I wouldn't spend much money on it. I was oddly reminded of it just now playing Rhythm Thief, because both games have an adorable sneaking level.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

469th Post

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"Re(7):Rythm Games" , posted Mon 17 Sep 06:09post reply

I played the demo of Rhythm Thief today and found it to be adorable. I don't know if it has the tight control to give it the longevity of something like Ouendan, but I'll cheerfully buy when it inevitably goes down in price.

Unfortenately, the game is NEVER avaliable unless you go on certain times, for example yesterday after college I went there and the machine had 30 CREDITS there you had to put tons of credits at once if you want to play

I don't understand. Like you HAVE to buy a several games at once? Or someone chooses to buy a whole bunch and hogs the machine for an hour?

Is an option in the end of the day, for example, guys are waiting until the arcade open to put all the credits at once and avoid waiting for turns, sadly that's the way that you had to be there, put as much credits as you want to play and let the rest wait after you, at times, some nice guys let you borrow one of their credits in exchange of one coin if you said ''I'm in a hurry and I had to leave''