Holy Crap - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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3571th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Holy Crap" , posted Sun 2 Sep 16:45post reply

I just realized this year marked MMCafe's 15th anniversary in April (18th year if counting its non-web days). Damn we're aging.


5703th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Holy Crap" , posted Sun 2 Sep 16:53post reply

I just realized this year marked MMCafe's 15th anniversary in April (18th year if counting its non-web days). Damn we're aging.

Not old enough to drink yet.

...... But I'll globble some anyway.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12

1600th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Holy Crap" , posted Sun 2 Sep 18:08post reply

Holy Crap

4565th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Holy Crap" , posted Sun 2 Sep 18:16post reply


9374th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Holy Crap" , posted Sun 2 Sep 21:09post reply

Not old enough to drink yet.
Only if its legal tutor or whatever allows it to.
I'm sure we can find a way...

997th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Holy Crap" , posted Sun 2 Sep 22:41post reply

I wonder whats the average age of cafe members. I am myself 28 years old. To gamefaqs and such we could be the bunch of triplets of Belleville ladies.

2377th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Holy Carp" , posted Mon 3 Sep 01:43post reply

I wonder whats the average age of cafe members. I am myself 28 years old. To gamefaqs and such we could be the bunch of triplets of Belleville ladies.

It's true! That's why we have better taste and why the board doesn't have a bunch of clutter and why the front page is artisanal and pretty instead of ugly wordpress and why we get to yell "YOU KIDS" at all the upstarts.

Also: gift art gift art gift art gift art


402th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Holy Crap" , posted Mon 3 Sep 02:04post reply

I just realized this year marked MMCafe's 15th anniversary in April (18th year if counting its non-web days). Damn we're aging.

Congrats, Prof! How about a bit of history for those of us who weren't here at the beginning? I for one never even knew there were pre-web days.

I also feel very old now! I'm 28 as well, and remember being linked to this place about 10 years ago(ish?) from Orochinagi after I got serious about KOF.

4440th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Holy Crap" , posted Mon 3 Sep 03:38post reply

Congrats on keeping this place running for so long! Starting up a page is easy, but having the perseverance to maintain it over the long haul is what's impressive.

I wonder whats the average age of cafe members. I am myself 28 years old. To gamefaqs and such we could be the bunch of triplets of Belleville ladies.

I think I died of old age a couple years ago. My post-mortem status is reflected in the questionable quality of my posts.

980th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Holy Crap" , posted Mon 3 Sep 06:57post reply

Professor, I'll raise a glass in toast to the Cafe's big birthday! Thank you providing such a great haven for the emotionally deranged crowd that gathers here!

I wonder whats the average age of cafe members. I am myself 28 years old. To gamefaqs and such we could be the bunch of triplets of Belleville ladies.

I think I died of old age a couple years ago. My post-mortem status is reflected in the questionable quality of my posts.

Ishmael, don't be so hard on yourself. Perhaps like me you're aging like a fine cheese. By that reasoning our posts should get even better in the years to come!


7146th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Holy Crap" , posted Mon 3 Sep 07:01post reply

I just realized this year marked MMCafe's 15th anniversary in April (18th year if counting its non-web days). Damn we're aging.

Aaaaw, and I missed the party :(

news - art

998th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Holy Crap" , posted Mon 3 Sep 10:11post reply

I just realized this year marked MMCafe's 15th anniversary in April (18th year if counting its non-web days). Damn we're aging.

Sorry, the blues of getting old and sorrow of Ishmael' getting older like Doctor Who got me and made me forget to congratulate you Professor. For the honour of the Cafe's 15th years I got a confession. I dont know what most of the emoticon icons possibly means. Well they are faces to my embarrassment, and they should be self explanatory but I only guess these;
(objection, or taking permission to speak?)
Shut up and take my money/ hype?.
I'm old now .

3179th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Holy Crap" , posted Mon 3 Sep 11:09:post reply

I just realized this year marked MMCafe's 15th anniversary in April (18th year if counting its non-web days). Damn we're aging.

Late, but Happy Anniversary! We're aging. Site still looks good though.

I also feel very old now! I'm 28 as well, and remember being linked to this place about 10 years ago(ish?) from Orochinagi after I got serious about KOF.

I just became a member of Orochinagi today! Why did it take so long? I don't know?

[this message was edited by Seizya on Mon 3 Sep 11:55]

5705th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Holy Café" , posted Mon 3 Sep 15:01:post reply

Speaking of old, browsing through some files of the ps3 I realized that I have owned the console ever since 2009, even though I feel that I have barely owned it for less than a year.

Meaning, yes, I'm old, my things are growing old and I'm getting senile.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 3 Sep 15:01]

2869th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Holy Café" , posted Mon 3 Sep 15:43post reply

I'm not old, I'm just big-yeared

623th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Holy Crap" , posted Mon 3 Sep 22:05post reply

What a landmark - I remember getting net access through college in 97 and the Cafe was one of the 1st sites that came up when I searched for "kof" in Infoseek (R.I.P.), interesting time.
Nowadays I don't hink it'd be as simple to find this place, but it's nice to still have it around, still one of the nicest hangouts and best signal-to-noise ratios for talking about (SNK) games and related topics - I hope it sticks around for many years more, regardless of how often the main page gets updated.


Shut up and take my money/ hype?.

Apparently it's this, but it seems it can be used that way.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

981th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 4 Sep 02:58post reply

What a landmark - I remember getting net access through college in 97 and the Cafe was one of the 1st sites that came up when I searched for "kof" in Infoseek (R.I.P.), interesting time.

I found the Cafe the first time back in 19XX through the 'Neo Geo Mailing List'. I'll provide everyone with a moment to laugh at the goofy technology.

* * *

I'm curious if anyone else remembers that. Professor, you were on that list!

Regarding the emoticons, I've always enjoyed having them, but I'll admit that I also have little or no clue about their actual meanings.


2355th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 4 Sep 04:22post reply

I remember visiting here in like... 1998? 1999?

But I registered an account to post here in 2002, and that was... 10 years ago! Wow!

5706th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Holy Coffee" , posted Tue 4 Sep 06:06:post reply

I was expecting the topic to take this direction from the start....

My first memory of accessing the Cafe was from school and was like, the first thing I saw here was news about Rurouni Kenshin ending (I think that it was the end of the animated series? Because when the manga ending I was no longer in school). I was browsing without a mouse in windows 3.1, mind you. I can't remember the year, though; it should be 96, 97 or 98

I think that I remember checking the site earlier, but that Watsuki news was what struck me the most since I thought that it was weird for a gaming site to report non gaming things. Also, I wasn't clever enough to know that bbs was forum then.

Later I made my user account from my job back in 01 I think and I have been haunting the place ever since.

edit : I don't remember having more than 4k posts, by the way.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 4 Sep 06:09]

3179th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Memory Lane" , posted Tue 4 Sep 07:19post reply

I discovered this site through an artist's site which has now since went on to be a memory. Even the Professor doesn't know what's going on with her. Visited at around 1998 and got an account years later.

Burning Ranger
1710th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 4 Sep 10:41post reply

I just realized this year marked MMCafe's 15th anniversary in April (18th year if counting its non-web days). Damn we're aging.

As we grow old, we remember...

Man, has it been that long? I remember hanging out here and on Orochinagi and so many other now defunct sites. It makes me sad...

So much to do so little time...

red falcon
6121th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 4 Sep 14:57post reply

I don't really remember how I found the site, to be honest. I lurked for a while before joining, though.

3273th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 4 Sep 18:06post reply

Are we moving from "Homosexual Game Site" to "Geriatric Game Site?" We do have a few posters stuck on "the good old days".


I also feel very old now! I'm 28 as well, and remember being linked to this place about 10 years ago(ish?) from Orochinagi after I got serious about KOF.

I think it's been about 10 years since I've posted on Orochinagi? I used to spend a lot of time there. This is the only place I post anything anymore, though.

I don't remember having more than 4k posts, by the way.

You post more than half of the people here combined. Thankfully, you usually have something to contribute.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

21th Post

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PSN: Yamazaki_RJ
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New Customer

"Holy SNK" , posted Tue 4 Sep 19:39:post reply

It was true when they said that the more you age, the faster time goes.

I found the Cafe when searching beta reports about KOF 99, on a slow computer that took 10 minutes to open each topic. I wrote for a famous Brazilian website at the time, the KOF Battlefield, and Iggy was almost a hero to me with his beta reports...

Since then I have watched/stalked the Cafe and I never lost interest in it. You have a level of discussion about all kinds of games I like, SNK aside (surprise, I'm a fan!), that I can't find anywhere the internet.

More 15 years for MM's Cafe. "Congraturation" to you all.

[this message was edited by Yamazaki_RJ on Wed 5 Sep 01:03]

3572th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 4 Sep 20:22post reply

I'm amazed how this BBS has been running for over 10 years and people from back then are still here. Looking back at the old posts, some of the stuff there are nuts, lol.

Man, how many free web hosting sites died off during these 15 years? Geocities, Infoseek, Fortunecity... though technically Fortunecity is still around. I'm amazed Tripod is still offering free services. This almost feels like a memoir of old war comrades.

@shindekudasai: MMCafe started out as a thread on the Prodigy network back in 1994, very small time. It went on hiatus for a year and a half and came back in 97 in web form on Geocities and got hosted through various servers til it got one of its own. Hosting was expensive back then.

@kofoguz: It's all just for humor, use it any way you want! Staaaaaars.....

Something seriously has to be done about making the index page easier to update but I don't want to use a generic CMS either. Still thinking about what to do. There's plenty of news sites now, but IMO there's still interesting things that this site can bring.

37th Post

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Orochinagi WebHamster

"Re(4):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 4 Sep 21:45post reply

Unko is good, holy unko even better!

How does it feel?

403th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 5 Sep 00:22post reply


As we grow old, we remember...

Man, has it been that long? I remember hanging out here and on Orochinagi and so many other now defunct sites. It makes me sad...

Like SFiBM? Good times...

520th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 5 Sep 05:52post reply


As we grow old, we remember...

Man, has it been that long? I remember hanging out here and on Orochinagi and so many other now defunct sites. It makes me sad...

Like SFiBM? Good times...

Oh god, SFiBM, to think I worked with that stuff. RyogaMKN was such a weirdo.

Meanwhile, I'm (in my leisure time) roughing out the design specifications for an upgrade to SFiBM/SFRemake so I can get to coding it ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

join the m.bison hat club today
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2870th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 5 Sep 09:43post reply

I remember hanging out on FTP and Usenet newsgroups a lot. Also free Prodigy accounts. Oddly enough, even though I believe MMCafe started out on Prodigy I never ran into it (my internet fu was in its infancy then) and instead found it years later through a Metacrawler search for import game news.

1417th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 5 Sep 10:23post reply

I'm 30. I think I discovered this forum through GIA, if anyone remembers that site. It was one of the more thoughtful gaming sites back in the day.

I really appreciated this site, especially during my horrible Summer internship way back in the day. I think I was one of the more annoying posters, I remember arguing about Virtua Fighter versus DOA mostly, and who could forget the whole Samurai Shodown blood controversy.

I miss those innocent days... still I don't feel that old, honestly.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

1086th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 5 Sep 12:22:post reply

I'm 30. I think I discovered this forum through GIA, if anyone remembers that site. It was one of the more thoughtful gaming sites back in the day.

I really appreciated this site, especially during my horrible Summer internship way back in the day. I think I was one of the more annoying posters, I remember arguing about Virtua Fighter versus DOA mostly, and who could forget the whole Samurai Shodown blood controversy.

I miss those innocent days... still I don't feel that old, honestly.

Haha good times. I'm approaching 30 myself. I remember haunting this board for years until i worked up the courage to start posting in the earlyish 2000s? I was so nervous! So emotionally invested in every response!

I recall getting into a lengthy discussion about the term "artist" and what it means to different cultures.

I also remember really bagging on God of War and then later finding out that people on Caltrops.com had read my post and were wishing death and homosexuality on me.

I think (I hope!) I've calmed down a bit since those days. I'm glad the Cafe's still going strong. This is my absolute favorite avenue for video game discussion anywhere.


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 5 Sep 12:25]

2379th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Holy Smap" , posted Wed 5 Sep 16:15:post reply

wishing death and homosexuality on me.
I do wish we could compile a list of epithets we acquired and co-opted...was it NeoGAF who identified us as the homosexual gaming site? The cheese thread may have pushed us beyond the pale, but I'm pretty good with it.

On the subject of memory lane, Ktall, the GIA's memorial/reanimated ghost is still available here, by the way! In addition to being in all of our hearts, etc.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 5 Sep 16:15]

404th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 5 Sep 20:49post reply


Oh god, SFiBM, to think I worked with that stuff. RyogaMKN was such a weirdo.

Well... yeah. But there were so many other cool people there too! Maximoff, Death Adder, Eggyolk, TruFenix...

Ah, and The GIA! I used to love that site! Was one of my dailies 'til it went down. I guess that makes me appreciate this crazy place so much more.

521th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 5 Sep 21:04post reply

Well... yeah. But there were so many other cool people there too! Maximoff, Death Adder, Eggyolk, TruFenix...
Yeah, I know about those guys. I talked to Max the most, and I also am lending him some webspace as we speak, for where he now puts up his UFGE-related stuff (UFGE is Trufenix's reimagining of SFIBM data structure as his own custom fighting game engine).

As I said, I'm also trying to update SFIBM to Windows, but I want it backwards compatible and at the same time, sport some features that can make it sort of comparable with MUGEN but without all the ability to make a side-scrolling shooter out of it, or to make a bootleg of an actual game, because that's not what it should be for! I'm just trying to document the structure, first.

join the m.bison hat club today
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405th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 5 Sep 22:15post reply

Max is still working on stuff? (Google is my friend, I suppose). Nice! And I remember UFGE, it kind of grew out of this Dragonball game Fenix and I were working on for a while.

Sorry about the thread highjack, everyone. Back to glorious reminiscence and feeling ancient!

1418th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Holy Smap" , posted Thu 6 Sep 05:50post reply

was it NeoGAF who identified us as the homosexual gaming site? The cheese thread may have pushed us beyond the pale, but I'm pretty good with it.

On the subject of memory lane, Ktall, the GIA's memorial/reanimated ghost is still available here, by the way! In addition to being in all of our hearts, etc.

I regularly admire and give offerings to the corpse of GIA's website.

I think the worst thing about being older is the realization that I haven't done enough with my life. Where are my self programmed indie game releases?? *dives into unity textbook* I admire you guys doing projects on your own, I work for a soulless company instead. Still, I'm lucky to have a job and all that jazz.

Also, cheese is as homosexual as you want to make it. Cheese ramen is generally considered metrosexual, cheese on squid ink pasta is straight (in my circles), my favorite cheese snack growing up was cheez-its with microwaved cheddar cheese on top... anyone want to comment on that?

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

1086th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):Holy Smap" , posted Thu 6 Sep 07:49post reply


Also, cheese is as homosexual as you want to make it. Cheese ramen is generally considered metrosexual, cheese on squid ink pasta is straight (in my circles), my favorite cheese snack growing up was cheez-its with microwaved cheddar cheese on top... anyone want to comment on that?

Ham and cheese in between two crackers is pretty gansta:


1419th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Holy Smap" , posted Thu 6 Sep 08:50post reply

Ham and cheese in between two crackers is pretty gansta:

Thank you. Thank you very much. :D

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

4441th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Holy Smap" , posted Thu 6 Sep 09:07post reply

my favorite cheese snack growing up was cheez-its with microwaved cheddar cheese on top... anyone want to comment on that?

You might want to get some cardiovascular screening done.

I can't remember when I first came across the MMCafe but I remember it was a few years before I started posting. I finally joined the fashionable clientele here when Gouki's Page of Whatever -the site where I had previously been posting- left this earthly plane.

I'm amazed how this BBS has been running for over 10 years and people from back then are still here. Looking back at the old posts, some of the stuff there are nuts, lol.

Looking back over those old posts I realize I've been using the same Jigen avatar on and off for ten years now. I'm all for consistency but... wow. Maybe I should at least find a new picture of Jigen.

Burning Ranger
1711th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Holy Crap" , posted Thu 6 Sep 12:02post reply


As we grow old, we remember...

Man, has it been that long? I remember hanging out here and on Orochinagi and so many other now defunct sites. It makes me sad...

Like SFiBM? Good times...
Oh god, SFiBM, to think I worked with that stuff. RyogaMKN was such a weirdo.

Meanwhile, I'm (in my leisure time) roughing out the design specifications for an upgrade to SFiBM/SFRemake so I can get to coding it ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

I remember that... and SFR... and even MUGEN. Those were the days, eh? Back when we thought we could do anything?

Also reminiscing about other sites... Project Zero... fighters.net... there was also a Sega-heavy site I also used to frequent.

I also remember Kyasao.simplenet.com...

So much to do so little time...

1782th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Holy Crap" , posted Thu 6 Sep 13:47post reply

Congrats Prof on 15 and/or 18 years of the MMCafe.

I was looking at the image board a couple of weeks ago and someone uploaded an image of Aoi from KOF Kyo that I am pretty sure I captured to share with the MMCafe maybe 10 years ago which brought back quite a few memories.

Its kind of funny and sad to look through the old posts and the people who don't frequent anymore. But it is also cool to see some of the old crew around. I know Puar frequents a Hajime no Ippo board my brother posts on and Sano is the king of the comics section of Shoryuken. I think I have seen a few people over at NEOGAF a couple of times (did a site NEOGAF or not really call the cafe homosexual?)

I remember first coming to the Cafe when I was getting into KOF after I got my import Dreamcast and '98 back in high school. I used to go to Orochinagi quite a bit back in the day as well, but made the Cafe my home for SNK news. There was also this site, I think it was KOFonline.com I would go to a lot as well that posted summaries of those Hong Kong KOF comics which I always found quite amusing.

Although the flow is slow, I think the conversation here is far more interesting and thoughtful than some of the stuff I see on places like Reddit or Neogaf.

I just turned 27 myself earlier this week and I think I first started coming here when I was 14 or 15 or so.

522th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Holy Crap" , posted Fri 7 Sep 22:28post reply

死んでください: Yeah, here's the link if you wanna see what Max is up to these days.

I remember that... and SFR... and even MUGEN. Those were the days, eh? Back when we thought we could do anything?

I used to have your Chuck knockoff somewhere too, the dude was super tall compared to all the other sprites because it wasn't scaled.

I'm intending on bringing it back just for nostalgia by way of programming Windows versions and then a separate version that includes newer features such as being able to script things--something that shoulda been accomplished with SFRemake but I guess they didn't know about things like linked list techniques back then ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ Hooray for computer science majoring

join the m.bison hat club today
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1462th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Holy Crap" , posted Fri 7 Sep 23:16post reply

Ha! Am I the only one who isn't really surprised by how old the site is? I remember being blown away when I first found it! Good fighting game news wasn't easy to come by back then. Was this where I saw blurry photos of MvC1 when it was on test in California? Probably! Of course, it was only years later that I actually got involved. And everyone was oh so happy for it, right? Right.

It just makes me think of how easy it was for me to get excited about learning and talking about new fighting games back then, and in recent years I feel like I've been getting burned out on everything that's out there. There are tons of resources to learn how to improve, better netcode so playing online isn't horrible... and I don't really do much with it. Say, anyone wanna school me in P4A on PS3 tonight?! I still don't really know how to play it... but my PS3 is wired now and I can actually play games without dropping connections! Farther off topic: Lost Planet 2. I think it's time to do that again.

It kinda bums me out that I've never actually met more than one of you in person! Not even mbisonhatclub, who I've known online probably even longer than I've known this website for! I wonder if red falcon remembers how exactly we accidentally met at Otakon in 2003, hah.

Really glad to know a lot of us are creeping toward 30 together too. I like when other people are keeping pace toward death with me.

3576th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Holy Crap" , posted Sat 8 Sep 02:48post reply

The Cheese thread! Lord I remember that. And hey, who doesn't like cheese?

@KTallguy: Did you say CHEESE RAMEN?

@nobinobita: Cracker powder and Capri Sun, damn. This song is comepletely stuck in my head now thank you sir!

@Ishmael: Burning Ranger's long-used Shoryuken Lincoln avatar looks like Jigen too, come to think. Consistency isn't all too bad!

Wow, the GIA. I remember the site, didn't realize when it went down... it died out a decade ago!? It was really big back then. I'm amazed that The Magic Box is still updating at its same old pace.

Lord knows how many of the current sites will still be around in another 10 years... Somehow I think MMCafe will still be around at the same pace it is right now, like an old worn out bar. Some of us may have turned into Sages by then.

4568th Post

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PSN: Buttermonster
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Holy Crap" , posted Sat 8 Sep 03:47:post reply


Lord knows how many of the current sites will still be around in another 10 years... Somehow I think MMCafe will still be around at the same pace it is right now, like an old worn out bar. Some of us may have turned into Sages by then.

I actually can't remember how I found the cafe. It might have been from searching for kof art, because I keep thinking of Pendako and an artist called Chika linking here.

I did first learn how to scan and clean line art from a tutorial the Professor had in which he colored a picture of Rugal. SPAAMMMMMM

[this message was edited by Juan on Sat 8 Sep 03:51]

84th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(9):Holy Crap" , posted Sat 8 Sep 04:06post reply

I remember going to my local library to use their computers so I could find the latest updates on my favorite games. My 3 main sites were the Cafe, Fighters.net, and Magic Box.

1420th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Sat 8 Sep 08:46post reply

I used to go to The Magic Box a lot too. They are fun sites.

@Professor Damn that is some cheesy ramen. I don't know if I could eat that easily.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

982th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Sat 8 Sep 09:05post reply

I used to go to The Magic Box a lot too. They are fun sites.

Hah, I actually still frequent Magic Box quite a bit, even though I think they've been edged out a bit in terms of English language news by Andriasang.

@Grave, what part of the US are you in? There was a small west coast meetup a few months back and apparently an east coast one shortly thereafter. I'm all for making them something a little more regular since it was a lot of fun! Perhaps even Maou's proposed Japan meetup, someday!


1829th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Holy Crap" , posted Sat 8 Sep 11:51post reply

That inexorable march of time sure is something, isn't it. Congrats to the cafe and its patrons for clinging to dear life. Definitely my all-time favorite message board.

/ / /

Burning Ranger
1712th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Sat 8 Sep 11:54post reply

I remember going to my local library to use their computers so I could find the latest updates on my favorite games. My 3 main sites were the Cafe, Fighters.net, and Magic Box.

Word. I did the same thing, as well as read those sites in college. I havent been to Magic Box in a while...

So much to do so little time...

3180th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"An oldie, but goodie still." , posted Sat 8 Sep 16:37post reply

Outside of Chupiler, I've met maybe 1 or 2 other members? I know Justice Kyo's friends. We (his friends and I) live in the same city actually.

Until just now, I haven't been to The Magic Box in years. I'm amazed that it's still up. A good amount of the sites I used to go to no longer exist. I wish I know a good replacement for Natsume.

Hakase, maybe this is a figment of my imagination, but years ago, you told me that Chika-san was doing some sort of manga. Do you know if that came out? Or did she realize that it wasn't worth the effort?

917th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):Holy Crap" , posted Sun 9 Sep 12:54post reply

Wow, the GIA. I remember the site, didn't realize when it went down...

It might also be because they closed on April 1st. The vast majority of readers (including me) thought it was a joke.


985th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(9):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 21 May 13:52:post reply

Hi I'm still alive. Has it really been that long? I definitely remember posting on here 10 years ago. Congrats, Prof.

I check back now and again mostly to lurk but real life and lack of funds for gaming beyond a 3DS sure makes being a nerd difficult.

I do, however, have a really gay tumblr.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

[this message was edited by Nate on Tue 21 May 13:55]

9511th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 21 May 19:28post reply

Wrong thread, the "we're old and cranky oh wow I remember this" thread is in the ONSY thread!
I do, however, have a really gay tumblr.

As long as your hair is as fabulous as it was back then, I'm sure everything is fine.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

2464th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Holy Nate" , posted Tue 21 May 20:19:post reply


I check back now and again mostly to lurk
where have you been young man

Actually, not owning any new systems has not kept us me from posting as if I knew what was going on. Your post count is the same from what I remembered last time you were here, though for some reason I expected you to be gaining half-Experience Points like a FF VI character and still leveling up off-camera.

I do, however, have a really gay tumblr.

Your redemption will be easily obtained with a URL. I expect ワンダフル、ビューティフル、エキサイティング things.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 21 May 21:08]

9514th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Holy Nate" , posted Tue 21 May 21:17post reply

Your post count is the same from what I remembered last time you were here

That's kind of creepy. And I'm the one asking for people's birthdates for nefarious astrological purposes, so I know about creepy.

I expect ワンダフル、ビューティフル、エキサイティング things.

It's still a tie for as to which should be our lifelong motto: these immortal words of wisdom or these?

Spoiler: at the end, you learn that Wyald was Tiffany in disguise all along.

She does go for the Sasquatch cosplay during the school festival in Seishunnikki2, after all (full-body fur costume, ideal for early summer festival).

985th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 21 May 22:31post reply

Wrong thread, the "we're old and cranky oh wow I remember this" thread is in the ONSY thread!
I do, however, have a really gay tumblr.
As long as your hair is as fabulous as it was back then, I'm sure everything is fine.

1.) capntererible.tumblr.com, my hair has been through a lot in the last year so you'll probably enjoy that
2.) Sun in Scorpio, moon in Gemini, Pisces rising.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

9515th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 21 May 22:50post reply

Hey, you weren't exaggerating. IT REALLY IS. Congrats!
2.) Sun in Scorpio, moon in Gemini, Pisces rising.

Pfrrrr, pu-leaaaase. Do you think I don't know that already? Who do you think I am, Rappel?

1099th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 22 May 00:51post reply

Hey, you weren't exaggerating. IT REALLY IS. Congrats!
2.) Sun in Scorpio, moon in Gemini, Pisces rising.
Pfrrrr, pu-leaaaase. Do you think I don't know that already? Who do you think I am, Rappel?

I don't know what's creepier: Iggy's sick interest in astrology or the fact that he knows such an obscure Spanish weirdo as Rappel. Nowadays, Maestro Joao is the latest fad, and rightly so...

red falcon
6149th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 22 May 02:39:post reply

The Cheese thread! Lord I remember that. And hey, who doesn't like cheese?

Epoisses is objectively the best cheese.

Edit: And Torta del Casar is objectively the second best cheese by a small margin.

[this message was edited by red falcon on Wed 22 May 02:50]

9517th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 22 May 06:15post reply

Are Voging classes real? I thought it was a... you know... something you either know or you don't. Like doing a split, or being rude with just one eyebrow.
Between that and a friend who just started poledancing (link safe for work, don't worry), I feel... awkward. Like, high-school dorky. That feeling when everyone is doing strange and exciting social stuff while I'm reading Guatemalan poetry, history books about people from 6 centuries ago having sex and Icelandic sagas about dudes tearing up the tongue of giant wolves with their teeth.
Maestro Joao

I.... I had it coming, didn't I?

Dear café,

When I finally become a full-time astrologer (I'm actually seriously thinking about it, we'll see for the 25 anniversary thread of the Café), I promise I will be the most serious, manly and non-ridiculous fortune-teller you've ever met. Except for the part when I tell you where the gold is and if you will finally find true love (the answer is no, sorry).
Also, Nate? Try to stay away from alcohol and other judgement-altering substances between roughly end of next year to end of the following year.
Epoisses is objectively the best cheese.

Edit: And Torta del Casar is objectively the second best cheese by a small margin.

I had to move to Britain to discover, 5 minutes from my place, a mighty cheese shop that has all the Italian and French cheese in the world. No, not all of it: only the best one.
How could I live without knowing burrata? My Italian grandmother is finally at peace.

986th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 22 May 07:31post reply

Are Voging classes real? I thought it was a... you know... something you either know or you don't. Like doing a split, or being rude with just one eyebrow.
Between that and a friend who just started poledancing (link safe for work, don't worry), I feel... awkward. Like, high-school dorky. That feeling when everyone is doing strange and exciting social stuff while I'm reading Guatemalan poetry, history books about people from 6 centuries ago having sex and Icelandic sagas about dudes tearing up the tongue of giant wolves with their teeth.

Vogue classes are, in fact, real. There are even videos on youtube of my main teacher (Benny Ninja) leading classes in Paris! I live in NYC these days, so I have easy access, but there are various cities that have a vogue/ballroom scene in the US.

I've seen a lot of Scandinavian, Russian and Japanese voguers, too. I'm not sure what the options are in Great Britain but who knows!

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

9518th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 22 May 07:40post reply

I'm not sure what the options are in Great Britain but who knows!

I'm learning Mongol.
Besides, I'm counting on you to make me a demonstration one day (like the friend and his poledance, and oh, la, la).

1052th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Holy Nate" , posted Wed 22 May 07:58post reply

That's kind of creepy. And I'm the one asking for people's birthdates for nefarious astrological purposes, so I know about creepy.

People? PEOPLE? I thought I was the only one you being creepy towards!!!!

9519th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Holy Nate" , posted Wed 22 May 08:19post reply

People? PEOPLE? I thought I was the only one you being creepy towards!!!!

Hum... I was astrologizing all of my university's hot guys without their consent to get into their pants, so I think that ship sailed a long time ago.

1053th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Re(10):Holy Nate" , posted Wed 22 May 09:21post reply

People? PEOPLE? I thought I was the only one you being creepy towards!!!!
Hum... I was astrologizing all of my university's hot guys without their consent to get into their pants, so I think that ship sailed a long time ago.

Well life teaches you harsh things sometimes! Still asking the hour of the birth though. I'm still curious, what is it in my fortune!

2467th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Holy Nate" , posted Wed 22 May 12:05:post reply

I'm reading Guatemalan poetry, history books about people from 6 centuries ago having sex and Icelandic sagas about dudes tearing up the tongue of giant wolves with their teeth.
Ah, a practical and inderdisciplinary degree! Also, nothing like reading 1600's Chinese classic literature (that is also erotica) to end up feeling like you're missing out!
astrologizing all of my university's hot guys without their consent to get into their pants

I went to a hole-in-the-wall (like, deep underground, literally) pub the other month where the barmaster performed tarot and dowsing cleomancy, but that mostly just resulted in us buying more drinks. Consider it!

Tiffany actually goes sasquatch? Superb. I think my characters (male and female alike) got Hinata and teacher Kyoko to fall in love with them. Maybe Daigo, too. Still don't recall how my male character ended up with the shouting version of wonderful, beautiful, exciting though.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 22 May 12:06]

red falcon
6149th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 22 May 14:53post reply



Burrata? BURRATA????

I can't believe this! This is totally appalling!


In all seriousness, I assume it's legit burrata from Puglia?

9520th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Wed 22 May 19:36post reply

In all seriousness, I assume it's legit burrata from Puglia?

The shop imports cheeses from small family businesses, I'll write down the actual farm for the burrata next time I buy some.
I just love the idea of buying a cheese now, because the farm in the that particular village in the western alps only produces the cheese from August to November. It's like fruits.
I know it's normal, but in an industrial age of formatted products filled with preservatives and frozen to remain all year long, it feels just GREAT.

1103th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Thu 23 May 01:35post reply

In all seriousness, I assume it's legit burrata from Puglia?

The shop imports cheeses from small family businesses, I'll write down the actual farm for the burrata next time I buy some.
I just love the idea of buying a cheese now, because the farm in the that particular village in the western alps only produces the cheese from August to November. It's like fruits.
I know it's normal, but in an industrial age of formatted products filled with preservatives and frozen to remain all year long, it feels just GREAT.

Now that the thread has shifted again to MMCafe's favourite topic (KOF and Castlevania forever disputing the silver medal), I ought to tell you that making home blue cheese out of a Kefir-based Leban is perfectly doable. I made some tests last autumn and the results were great! One should exert caution when ageing the cheese in the fridge,though: any temperature below 10ºC will dehidrate it too fast...

9521th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Thu 23 May 02:09post reply

One should exert caution when ageing the cheese in the fridge,though: any temperature below 10ºC will dehidrate it too fast...

But then, how do you get a reliable 10ºC in the long run? I suppose you need a stable environment and variation between 5 and 15º are not acceptable... Can you get your fridge to minimum power and have it keep it at 10ºC? That means buying a brand new fridge for that specific purpose, right?

2468th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Holy Crap" , posted Thu 23 May 02:29post reply

I ought to tell you that making home blue cheese out of a Kefir-based Lebanis perfectly doable. I made some tests last autumn and the results were great!
Oh Hayato, I think I'm in love. I know Iggy already avowed his cheese-related love in the Cheese Thread, but I just don't care.


1108th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Holy Cheese, Madman!!" , posted Thu 23 May 03:15:post reply

One should exert caution when ageing the cheese in the fridge,though: any temperature below 10ºC will dehidrate it too fast...

But then, how do you get a reliable 10ºC in the long run? I suppose you need a stable environment and variation between 5 and 15º are not acceptable... Can you get your fridge to minimum power and have it keep it at 10ºC? That means buying a brand new fridge for that specific purpose, right?

Well, we are talking about yeast and mold after all; they aren't picky customers: they can grow on almost any organic surface in most climatic conditions in the world. Termal variations aren't a big deal for them, as long as temperature doesn't drop below 8ºC (around this termal range, yeast development stops). It's the balance between the serum amount on your Leban (i.e. liquid content on the piece), the size of the desired piece (for the yeast to cover it) and yeast's growing speed (directly related to temperature) what really matters.

As far as I know, around 11ºC to 14ºC would be the ideal termal range for yeast to grow from the inside out of a standard 800 gr. Kefir-Leban at an optimal pace and the aging process should take around 3 weeks. Following a tutorial for standard, non-Kefir based Blue Cheese, I waited for almost 5 weeks and ended up with a dried up, ultra-aged Kefir Blue Brick that felt in my mouth as if I was chewing a rubber toy for pets (the taste was great, though).

You may also try to age cheese on ambient conditions, depending on the season, but it can be a bit risky during summer, as the cheese can get spoiled in hours due to yeast overgrowth (Kefir fermenting process behaves in a similar manner and I've lost quite a few batches of Kefir Leban for this very reason). The warmer it gets, the quicker yeast and mold will grow, so I wouldn't suggest this method unless you live in a place with a continental-like climate and you have some practice in home-cheese making (I haven't tried it myself, I became tired of spoiling litres of sour milk down the gutter just by making Leban, so I went the safe route).

I'm pretty sure a wine chiller would do the trick... but it's just a theory I'll have to test on summer holidays, as I haven't bought one of those yet...


Some pics of a Kefir Leban au poivre et fines herbes I made today:

- Facebook style, [camwhore edition]

- Artsy-as-fuck, [still life edition]

[this message was edited by HAYATO on Fri 24 May 01:03]

red falcon
6151th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Holy Cheese, Madman!!" , posted Fri 24 May 10:23post reply

I have to admit, that's a fine looking piece of cheese!

3728th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Holy Crap" , posted Tue 28 May 01:46post reply

I just realized this year marked MMCafe's 15th anniversary in April (18th year if counting its non-web days). Damn we're aging.

I definitly do not come (or post) as much as I did before but glad to see the MMcafe still runing with most of the old members on it.

Happy Bday for the site Professor!

Fortes fortuna juvat...