kofoguz 1010th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Neo-Geo X Gold Hands-on" , posted Sun 4 Nov 09:37:    
quote: It's a probablilty though I'm not sure. A small-size traditional Japanese company isn't too likely to hire someone with an US-only career into their company as president. It would explain why his name doesn't bring any results in the Japanese side of things however.
If he indeed had a career in the USA, that could be a good thing - SNKP historically has a hard time affirming itself in the international market, so if someone leading pushes it further in that direction it could be a good thing. Just translating their Japan-only cellphone games for the overseas market would be a welcome step.
Nice to know that Harada tweet about SCxSS wasn't completely forgotten, at least around here - I wonder what the opinions look like at Namco-Bandai - it's Tekken season and the Project Soul team must have been reassigned to something since the latest SC5 DLC, right?...
@chaz Well, I'm a daydreamer and when I am pessimistic the world and all the souls of living things end , so I always trick myself to be a optimist. So daydreaming full throttle. 
About SCvsSS I think, it would do good for both franchises. It'll shake up and add some spice. SCV tried that and ( I heard) it kinda worked. I didnt have the chance to play it yet. SSSen did not worked out. And integrated storyline would be great. Imagine SC game which has SS characters and they also heard the two swords and looking for them. Imagine Charlotte, Ukyo, Basara, Jubei, Nakoruru, Shiki etc. in SC style. Or imagine SC characters Taki (her lady parts in good hands), Voldo, Yoshimitsu, Siegf. Kılık, in SS style backgrounds, they heard Amakusa got the both swords, and they are after that.
Also I would like to see another crossover between companies other than Capcom. I do want to see sequels of SVC/CVS series though.
About Masao Ohata, obviously I hope he helps the creativity and productivity of game section . But I wonder why don't they make some Facebook games, like Zynga and such. And more Android/Iphone ports would make quick cash ( I suppose).
Finally I think they are upto a new Climax console version with more characters. That is just not hope. I predict something like that. I have feeling about that. In before people saying this doesnt make sense because of so and so, I would like to stress on "I'm just guessing" and "Snk didnt make a decision that make sense since forever".
EDIT: Neo-Geo hands-on video
[this message was edited by kofoguz on Mon 5 Nov 08:44] |
Toxico 5736th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Neo-Geo X Gold" , posted Thu 8 Nov 01:35:    
What show it that? Something by Kyoto animation again? I read they have something new out after "Hyouka" called "Chu-2-Byo demo Koi ga Shitai!", but the little I've seen from character designs in that doesn't match those screenshots...
I'm not sure if I if I can write the name out of memory, but it should be something like Sakurasou pet na Kanojo. The Chyuuni bou series has the Konami code (I have been told). The SNK images are from this week episode (the 5th one).
quote: What, 2000 in France alone!? I wonder how much it's getting in the US.
Actually come to think, I wonder how well KOF13 sold in the US too, never got the real figures.
France is a much better nostalgia landmine than the US for anything other than SF2 (same goes for Italy and, well, technically Latin America), so I wouldn't be surprised that the US got at best the same amount of units.
Speaking of Atlus sales figures, the fact that they always refused to release them coupled with the fact that the game dropped 30% of it's price not even 3 months away from release can't be a good sign.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 8 Nov 01:51] |
Loona 662th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(2):Re(10):Neo-Geo X Gold" , posted Wed 14 Nov 09:12    
Am I the only one frustrated by how some some trivia on the games isn't sourced or sufficiently cross-referenced?
For years I've read that Mary's grandfather trained Geese, but didn't see his name anywhere. Now I check some stuff on Toji Sakata, whom I assumed had trained Geese too, and a name for that grandfather appears, Suo Tatsumi (didn't expect a japanese name there...), along with Toji having an unresolved rivaly with that guy, but another about Toji actually teaching...
Where does info like this come from?... The wiki has plenty of it, but never states the source for any of it, which blurs the line between info and ascended headcanon... At least the KoF anniversary site is a great direct source for some factoids (like confirming Mary's family name is actually Ryan), even if it messes up things like spelling sometimes...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Toxico 5738th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Neo-Geo X Gold" , posted Wed 14 Nov 09:53    
quote: Am I the only one frustrated by how some some trivia on the games isn't sourced or sufficiently cross-referenced?
Where does info like this come from?... The wiki has plenty of it, but never states the source for any of it, which blurs the line between info and ascended headcanon...
For Toji's case, the japanese version of WA had detailed in game background for the characters coupled with their basic information and a bunch of stuff, I think that it was conveniently placed in the gallery of the game. WA's settei is pretty strong, not only they are reusing things from Garou Densetsu 1 (which had a pretty advanced settei for it's time), but they are adding a bunch of things to tie fun facts and nods from the following games.
For Toji's case, I think that the text hints that he knew nothing of Geese before he killed his rival. As for Mary's Grandfather; I think that the Garou 3 storyline pointed out that he trained Geese and was later offed by him.
BTW, labeling an eng wiki focused on entertainment (games, music, movies, anime, etc) as a "good source of info" rather than a "fan fiction collection of misinterpreted facts" is unquestionably horribly wrong.
Speaking of WA, just the other day I was remembering on just how criminally underrated it's sountrack is, example , example . There are a bunch of other decent tracks as well.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
Loona 663th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(4):Re(10):Neo-Geo X Gold" , posted Wed 14 Nov 11:13    
quote: For Toji's case, the japanese version of WA had detailed in game background for the characters coupled with their basic information and a bunch of stuff, I think that it was conveniently placed in the gallery of the game. WA's settei is pretty strong, not only they are reusing things from Garou Densetsu 1 (which had a pretty advanced settei for it's time), but they are adding a bunch of things to tie fun facts and nods from the following games.
For Toji's case, I think that the text hints that he knew nothing of Geese before he killed his rival. As for Mary's Grandfather; I think that the Garou 3 storyline pointed out that he trained Geese and was later offed by him.
Yeah, I recall the bit about Mary's grandfather training Geese being mentioned in a french mahazine before FF3 was released, but the name was new to me, as was the bit about Geese offing the guy (motivation? timeline?). Toji not training him after all makes things more manageable, fitting 2 teacher figures in the guy's life is easier than to do so with 3, but Toji is such a subtly badass character I wouldn't mind seeing him have a bigger role in things.
I didn't care much for Tsugumi in WA, but one of her loading screens had a character in it I've never seen identified - her father perhaps? Makes me think of a younger Segata Sanshiro, for some reason.
BTW, labeling an eng wiki focused on entertainment (games, music, movies, anime, etc) as a "good source of info" rather than a "fan fiction collection of misinterpreted facts" is unquestionably horribly wrong.
It has a lot of problems, but it's practically the only place where one can find stuff like information on the Yagyu Life Theatre in english - an effort like the Street Fighter canon plot guide and its extensive listing of sources never quite materialized for SNK's works, sadly. Just getting proper sources mentioned there might at least help, bit it's discouraging when an effort like trying to split the articles for a Fatal Fury game and a portable counterpart gets reverted because it's "the same game", even if there are necessary cast and gameplay changes...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
sibarraz 475th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Neo-Geo X Gold" , posted Thu 15 Nov 08:23    
quote: Am I the only one frustrated by how some some trivia on the games isn't sourced or sufficiently cross-referenced?
Where does info like this come from?... The wiki has plenty of it, but never states the source for any of it, which blurs the line between info and ascended headcanon...
For Toji's case, the japanese version of WA had detailed in game background for the characters coupled with their basic information and a bunch of stuff, I think that it was conveniently placed in the gallery of the game. WA's settei is pretty strong, not only they are reusing things from Garou Densetsu 1 (which had a pretty advanced settei for it's time), but they are adding a bunch of things to tie fun facts and nods from the following games.
For Toji's case, I think that the text hints that he knew nothing of Geese before he killed his rival. As for Mary's Grandfather; I think that the Garou 3 storyline pointed out that he trained Geese and was later offed by him.
BTW, labeling an eng wiki focused on entertainment (games, music, movies, anime, etc) as a "good source of info" rather than a "fan fiction collection of misinterpreted facts" is unquestionably horribly wrong.
Speaking of WA, just the other day I was remembering on just how criminally underrated it's sountrack is, example , example . There are a bunch of other decent tracks as well.
For me, WA is the best OST/AST that SNK has ever released, maybe is fighting this position with kof 96
karasu99 1030th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(8):SNK Playmore president's background con" , posted Fri 16 Nov 03:17    
quote: Sort of. I don't get this guy. At least on paper, he's been in major companies and then he's going to one of the most notorious videogames company in Japan. It's like working for Joel Robuchon and then going on to flipping burgers at Mcdonalds.
Well, this kind of thing isn't unheard of elsewhere in the world of business management, where a competent guy is brought in investors in a company that's not doing well but that has at least some value with the intention that they may be able to turn it around. Professor, I'm not sure if this kind of thing is common in Japan, but might it not be a possibility?
I mean, SNKP may have trashed their IP in the past several years, but surely the name has at least some value and brand recognition even if it's only overseas, right?
I was just about to press post when it occurred to me how bleak this whole discussion is. I know we talk about all kinds of things here, but SNK's games were one of the big reasons I came around here originally, and love for their work is a lot of what kept me playing video games in general over the years. I find it really, REALLY sad to see the kind of state they're in these days.
Professor 3618th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(9):SNK Playmore president's background con" , posted Fri 16 Nov 04:17:    
quote: Well, this kind of thing isn't unheard of elsewhere in the world of business management, where a competent guy is brought in investors in a company that's not doing well but that has at least some value with the intention that they may be able to turn it around. Professor, I'm not sure if this kind of thing is common in Japan, but might it not be a possibility?
I mean, SNKP may have trashed their IP in the past several years, but surely the name has at least some value and brand recognition even if it's only overseas, right?
I was just about to press post when it occurred to me how bleak this whole discussion is. I know we talk about all kinds of things here, but SNK's games were one of the big reasons I came around here originally, and love for their work is a lot of what kept me playing video games in general over the years. I find it really, REALLY sad to see the kind of state they're in these days.
Yes and no. For a small-sized company that's closed-stock, it's extremely rare. That definitely seems to be the intent in him being hired, but I still find it surprising. Hopefully next week's press release will shed some light.
I wholeheartedly agree with you. The thing about SNK is that the company, despite known in the gaming industry to have really horrible management and working conditions, also had really good IP and a lot of ambition and challenges in their products. Their games were really great, even a tad over the edge at times. And that's what really got me, as well as a lot of others, into it. But they became a mere ghost after their acquisition by Aruze, and after starting anew as SNKPlaymore, they were completely worn out, almost dead on arrival.
KOF13 brought some of that magic and nostalgia back, so I'm hoping that they'll continue to do well from here on. They're still making good use of their IP in the SNS sector, like this and this.
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 16 Nov 04:47] |
kofoguz 1012th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(10):SNK Playmore president's background co" , posted Fri 16 Nov 11:24    
quote: I mean, SNKP may have trashed their IP in the past several years, but surely the name has at least some value and brand recognition even if it's only overseas, right?
I was just about to press post when it occurred to me how bleak this whole discussion is. I know we talk about all kinds of things here, but SNK's games were one of the big reasons I came around here originally, and love for their work is a lot of what kept me playing video games in general over the years. I find it really, REALLY sad to see the kind of state they're in these days.
Yes and no. For a small-sized company that's closed-stock, it's extremely rare. That definitely seems to be the intent in him being hired, but I still find it surprising. Hopefully next week's press release will shed some light.
I wholeheartedly agree with you. The thing about SNK is that the company, despite known in the gaming industry to have really horrible management and working conditions, also had really good IP and a lot of ambition and challenges in their products. Their games were really great, even a tad over the edge at times. And that's what
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Yeah, I'm not expert or anything but it really dumbfounding that havin great IP's but it took forever to milk them. I cant believe they stil couldnt get most of their classics to PSN /Live/Virtual collections etc.
They still couldnt reach the (AFAIK) Last Blade/Real Bout period yet. To this day we still play KOF XI with my friend, we dont have KOF XIII yet but even then I would like to play KOF XI on PS3, but we cant, cause there's no option. Lots of great titles still not on PSN/Xboxlive/virtual. It's a miracle NGBC is on Xbox Live. From my point of view you release them and get money. I dont understand. Does it cost too much?Does it take months? Dont they bother? I heard time to time they release something on N-G Station and now some ipad/iphone/android ports (which i think is good) but thats it. Really weird.
I feel like some game division employee's beg Mizufune to port classics and now and then he accepts. LOL I can imagine, Mizufune as the evil step mother and the pachislot division as the ugly step-sister and our beloved game division as Cinderella. I hope Ohata is the Prince charming!
karasu99 1038th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(1):SamSho1 Interesting Rounds" , posted Wed 5 Dec 09:16:    
quote: From way back, it seems. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19499917
My buddy and I were talking about how all 2D fighters feel like tick --> combo games lately and how Samsho had such a cool thing going. It would be cool to have another fighter in that vein. Too bad the 3D samsho wasn't a little bit better, it had potential. And it had a black guy in an afro.
I had forgotten just how much of that game looks and sounds so right. Back in the early 90's I'm guessing I clocked hundreds of hours playing this game with my roommate, and the sounds, like the character voice clips, the announcer's voice, and little things like the sound the barrels make in Galford's stage when they're cut really take me back!
Plus I love the little oddities like the coins that shower down when a character is finished by being cut in half!
I agree about how fighting games could perhaps benefit from a new game that's focused less on big combo and more on the big, meaty hits of the SamSho series. For me, it's no less exciting to watch than a combo fest like MvC2 or something.
EDIT: Wow, I just can't shut up today. I had also forgotten just how amazing the backgrounds are in the SamSho series, or at least for the first three games! It's no wonder that I always felt unimpressed with the ones in KOF (sorry).
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Wed 5 Dec 09:23] |
karasu99 1038th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(3):SamSho1 Interesting Rounds" , posted Wed 5 Dec 11:49    
quote: Yeah, it was definitely a labor of love. I think that there is some subtlety that a lot of games lack.
In theory you could say that SamSho is a technically easier game because of the lack of combos, but really where the skill comes in is having good yomi and timing, and taking advantage of your opponent's 隙あり... taking advantage of when the opponent makes themselves vulnerable for a split second. The problem is, when you're Haomaru and your A+B slash on counter hit takes half health, a lot of people will throw down the controller. But in Blazblu and potentially Marvel, you can hear the tap tap as your opponent is working to extract every last bit of damage out of you.
This phenomenon is also responsible for the very long combos seen in Tekken... and even VF5 followed suit with much longer combos than VF4 Evo, seriously compare matches of both games sometimes...the combo length is much longer now.
I like games that are about big hits and good timing, but how do you make it feel fair?
Well, unfortunately I don't ever had a chance to find out, since by the time SamSho was to its fourth game it had jumped on the comboing bandwagon as well. It could have been that the formula got more and more refined and and tuned. Playing many of those early NeoGeo titles I often get the impression that almost nothing beyond pure functionality got playtested, and that was only playtested to avoid bugs rather than balancing issues.
This would certainly be a good space for some enterprising indie or doujin dev to slip into and make a timing and strategy based fighting game!
Mosquiton 1845th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):SamSho1 Interesting Rounds" , posted Wed 5 Dec 16:08    
quote: Yeah, it was definitely a labor of love. I think that there is some subtlety that a lot of games lack.
In theory you could say that SamSho is a technically easier game because of the lack of combos, but really where the skill comes in is having good yomi and timing, and taking advantage of your opponent's 隙あり...
To have no fear, to slice and kill, to survive.... yes, this is a proper mode of combat.
I was really hopong that Street Fighter IV would be a bit less combo crazy than it ended up being, but I learned how to FADC into Ultras and moved on with life... but this is definitely in line with what I've been feeling about fighters these days.
I was hoping devs would experiment a bit more with the sort of revival fighting games have been enjoying, but the industry is so risk-averse at present.
Karasu is right that it's a great time for a smaller dev to step up. I'd love to see a SamSho or Bushido Blade high-risk high-reward style of fighting game.
I have ideas myself, actually... I may need a few years to get things moving though, heh.
/ / /
karasu99 1039th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(4):SamSho1 Interesting Rounds" , posted Wed 5 Dec 19:42    
quote: Yeah, it was definitely a labor of love. I think that there is some subtlety that a lot of games lack.
In theory you could say that SamSho is a technically easier game because of the lack of combos, but really where the skill comes in is having good yomi and timing, and taking advantage of your opponent's 隙あり... To have no fear, to slice and kill, to survive.... yes, this is a proper mode of combat.
I was really hopong that Street Fighter IV would be a bit less combo crazy than it ended up being, but I learned how to FADC into Ultras and moved on with life... but this is definitely in line with what I've been feeling about fighters these days.
I was hoping devs would experiment a bit more with the sort of revival fighting games have been enjoying, but the industry is so risk-averse at present.
Karasu is right that it's a great time for a smaller dev to step up. I'd love to see a SamSho or Bushido Blade high-risk high-reward style of fighting game.
I have ideas myself, actually... I may need a few years to get things moving though, heh.
We should all consider starting a development house, like some online communities do. There's quite a lot of talent here from what I've seen!
I'll confess that a friend and I have a fighting game concept that's similar to what we're talking about here, but there's so much work involved that we are holding off until we have some traction via other games before pursuing it.
Madgear 4th Post

New Customer
| "Re(5):SamSho1 Interesting Rounds" , posted Wed 5 Dec 23:31    
quote: Yeah, it was definitely a labor of love. I think that there is some subtlety that a lot of games lack.
In theory you could say that SamSho is a technically easier game because of the lack of combos, but really where the skill comes in is having good yomi and timing, and taking advantage of your opponent's 隙あり... To have no fear, to slice and kill, to survive.... yes, this is a proper mode of combat.
I was really hopong that Street Fighter IV would be a bit less combo crazy than it ended up being, but I learned how to FADC into Ultras and moved on with life... but this is definitely in line with what I've been feeling about fighters these days.
I was hoping devs would experiment a bit more with the sort of revival fighting games have been enjoying, but the industry is so risk-averse at present.
Karasu is right that it's a great time for a smaller dev to step up. I'd love to see a SamSho or Bushido Blade high-risk high-reward style of fighting game.
I have ideas myself, actually... I may need a few years to get things moving though, heh. We should all consider starting a development house, like some online communities do. There's quite a lot of talent here from what I've seen!
I'll confess that a friend and I have a fighting game concept that's similar to what we're talking about here, but there's so much work involved that we are holding off until we have some traction via other games before pursuing it.
That sounds great-I too have dreamed of having art in a fighting game...the computer-heavy side of things isnt for me...programming and coding arent at all in my skill set.
As for some SNK news that made me happy, one of my favorite SNK fighters "Last Blade 2" was placed on the Wii virtual console arcade! Saw that and bought it. I think we'll record some matches soon over here. Also uploaded and purchased was RealBout Fatal Fury 2-the one with the awesomely slick animations. Really fun stuff!
rlateef.com / rlateef.wordpress.com
sibarraz 477th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(4):SNKP gets new chief for games division" , posted Fri 7 Dec 01:33    
quote: Some info from NeoGAF by Fersis !
Its not much what i know (And even less what i can share") but ive been told that:
- XIII sales were quite good (Think SNKP numbers not COD numbers) - They worked on more characters besides the released cast CANT TELL YOU WHO! - SNKP is working on a fighting game
Source : http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=45065260&postcount=5567 Logged Well it was obvious. I think trophies are clues to this. Adelheid was too obvious and clearly theye wanted shroom&Rimelo and Botan. Maybe Heidern for a surprise Maybe they teamed up with Adelheid with third member. Rose or Whip. I remember how they wanted to use Whip because she was a challenge.
The fighting game; if it is not KOF it is definitely Garou 2. I dont think they will try NGBC yet. With Garou 2 they can use Gato, Tizoc and B. Jenet.
I don't know, those 3 rumors seems to be well known facts, The SNKP sales were implied in lots of parts so isn't surprise, the rejected characters were obvious too since we saw them as portraits on the Iphone game, and the new fighting game, well, is snkp, they don't know how to do other games, and the producer of XIII said in an interview that they were in the planning process of which game will be developed, discussing between garou 2 or NGBC 2 just to name some examples that he gave
Badoor 290th Post

PSN: BadoorSNK XBL: BadoorSNK Wii: PSVITA:BadoorUSA
Copper Customer

| "Re(4):The new Metal Slug is ..." , posted Sat 29 Dec 09:29    
I seriously hope that that's not the new Metal Slug they meant. And that this is part of a cross-industry Metal Slug promotional campaign. But really I'm just setting up myself for more disappointment.
Well, I know SNK's internal game development right now can only work on one HD project at a time. and with KOF being their bigger franchise, they seem eternally stuck to doing more & more KOFs.
But I wonder, how viable is it for SNK to outsource the development of a new HD Metal Slug to another developer? Could be Japanese, like M2, or could be western, for an XBLA/PSN release.
It'll probably be 2.5D but if it looks good I won't mind much. I feel the Metal Slug IP has a decent following worldwide. And, maybe besides Contra, is considered the most popular "2D run & gun" series (Gunstar Heroes is popular but it was only 2 games, & Treasure seems focused on updating its old games, though they haven't said anything ever since Guardian Heroes on XBLA last year).
Professor 3641th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "KOF Tournament w/ SNKP & Enterbrain, Jan 14" , posted Sat 5 Jan 02:57:    
Looks like the new year will be starting out with a bang for the KOF tournament scene in Japan, or at least what's left of it. Here's a lowdown from Dune of KCE.
SNKPlaymore and Famitsu's Enterbrain are officially cooperating with one of the first KOF13 tournaments of this year to be held in Japan. This Special Tournament will be held on Jan 14 at a venue in Nishinippori Versus. The registration details & page will be opened in 1-2 days so we'll probably get more details soon.
Rules for the tournament will be the same as another big KOF tournament, 'KCE Cup 5', which will be held on the previous day. Two teams from that tournament will be given seeding at this Special Tournament. (Rules: 2-on-2 team match, same characters can't be used, Alt characters are considered separate.)
This Special Tournament is said to feature some 'new ideas' to make it additionally entertaining. As usual it'll be streamed live on Nico. According to Dune, this Special Tournament will be "a step into a new direction of things". (By that, I assume SNKP is becoming more friendly towards the competitive scene that they seemed to care pretty much crap about.)
Coincedently, EVO champion MadKOF and his teammates are slated to hit Japan around the same date, so things should be pretty interesting.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 5 Jan 03:58] |
Professor 3645th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "KOF Tournament w/ SNKP & EVOchamp details&URL" , posted Fri 11 Jan 15:32:    
Quick update on the previously mentioned tournament so whatever sites that need this info can pick up on it.
Japan's first major KOF XIII tournament for 2013 "V-1 FINAL" is taking place this weekend with Official support from SNKPlaymore and peripheral maker Qanba. There's going to be a grueling tournament for seeding on the day before as well. The details are finally solid. Here's the lowdown.
- This is the first tournament for KOF13 in Japan that's receiving official support by SNKPlaymore. Qanba is also a supporter as well. (Not sure about Enterbrain, not listed in official site)
- This tournament in conjunction with the KCECup5 seeding tournament taking place the day before makes for the biggest KOFXIII event in Japan yet. Two days of pure KOF.
-EVO Champ MadKOF and Lacid are confirmed as guest players. There will also be a KOREA vs JAPAN 5-on-5 Exhibition featuring them and the top Cafeid players (reportedly Verna, Gutts, Kenssouzang). If things go according to plan, that means there's going to be four EVO finalists at this event. (MadKOF[1st], Verna[3nd], Gutts[4th], Lacid[5th tied w/Romance])
- Rules for both days: 2-on-2 team match, same characters can't be used by teammates, Alt characters are considered separate.
- The event is professionally written and organized to make KOF understandable to even the general audience. It's an official NicoNico broadcast to be shot using professional equipment. Dune and Shoki will be commentating. Both days are free for viewing of course (requires login. Make an account).
Stream URL for KCECup5: http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv122023437 Preliminaries http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv122023787 Top 8 Finals Preliminaries Starts at 3PM JST on Jan 13 which is around Jan 12(Sat) 10PM pacific in the States. Top 8 Finals Starts at 5PM JST on Jan 13 which is around Jan 12(Sat) 12 Midnight pacific in the States. It'll be KOF13 right off the bat. Chances are we'll probably see more players than the officially supported tournament. Click on the left door when it's time for the event.
This seeding tournament will run in two parts: the preliminaries, then the finals. 6 of the top 8 teams for the finals have already been decided from previous events last year. Only two of these teams will win seeding for the next day. Team 1: Kyabetsu(Evo 9th place winner), Koukou Team 2: Rinomoto, Picnic Team 3: Ogosho(Two-time SBO champion), Dune Team 4: Haregoro, Hisa Team 5: Tenkawa, Myu Team 6: Nagihey, Gaku Team 7&8: TBD from preliminaries
Stream URL for V-1 Final Officially supported by SNKPlaymore and Qanba: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv121882948 Starts at noon JST on Jan 14 which is around Jan 13(Sun) 7PM pacific in the States. The first hours will be an 02UM tournament, then the XIII tourney. (schedule subject to change) The Korea vs Japan 5on5 will be at the very end of the event. This event is slated to run for a total of 10 whopping hours. Click on the left door when it's time for the event. Official site here for anyone that wants to grab the logo.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 12 Jan 16:20] |
Professor 3646th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(1):JAEPO Expo 2013, no SNK !" , posted Mon 14 Jan 00:10:    
quote: AOU and JAMMA SNK isn't on the exhibitors list, but Taito is ! so what do you think? Source : http://www.jaepo.jp/company.html
They're too poor to have their own booth so who knows. If they have something to show at someone's booth, count on them to try and make a big deal about it beforehand.
Quick wrapup of today's seeding tournament
19 teams(37 players) entered, including 3 teams from Korea. Two of them passed through the prelims but got knocked out in their first match of the top 8. (MadKOF lost against an Athena). There were also players from France, Taiwan, and West Japan including Uuu.
Winning teams were 1st place: Team Picnic (Picnic, Rinomoto) / 2nd place: Team Myu (Myu, Tenkawa) The players for tomorrow's Korea vs Japan were also announced:
Team Korea: MadKOF, Verna, Gutts, Lacid, Kenssouzang Team Japan: Shoki, Dune, Ogosho, Rinomoto, Koukou
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 14 Jan 00:22] |
Professor 3647th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):V-1 final streaming already." , posted Mon 14 Jan 21:29:    
There was like 110K viewers counting re-entrance, not bad for a KOF game. 3rd Strike tournament had about 150K, so it's still losing out to even a classic though.
2on2: 1st: West-Japan team(Fujishima, Sange Tenchou) 2nd: East-Japan team(Rinomoto, Picnic) MadKOF teamed with Gutts, Lacid teamed with Verna. They both did very strong but lost in semifinals
5on5: Korea Won 5-4 Korea Team [Kenssouzang, Lacid, Gutts, Verna, MadKOF] Japan Team [Rinomoto, Ogosho, Koukou, Dune, Shoki ]
Rinomoto beat 3 players, Ogosho beat 1, then MadKOF went on a roll, beating practically everyone in Japan's side
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 14 Jan 21:55] |
kofoguz 1021th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(3):V-1 final streaming already." , posted Tue 15 Jan 00:12    
quote: There was like 110K viewers counting re-entrance, not bad for a KOF game. 3rd Strike tournament had about 150K, so it's still losing out to even a classic though.
2on2: 1st: West-Japan team(Fujishima, Sange Tenchou) 2nd: East-Japan team(Rinomoto, Picnic) MadKOF teamed with Gutts, Lacid teamed with Verna. They both did very strong but lost in semifinals
5on5: Korea Won 5-4 Korea Team [Kenssouzang, Lacid, Gutts, Verna, MadKOF] Japan Team [Rinomoto, Ogosho, Koukou, Dune, Shoki ]
Rinomoto beat 3 players, Ogosho beat 1, then MadKOF went on a roll, beating practically everyone in Japan's side
I missed it because it crossed with an exam of all days. :( How was he tournament. Can we watch it later?
Toxico 5754th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Art Of Fighting making a comeback" , posted Wed 6 Feb 18:23    
quote: Am I the only person who actually likes this series? It's awesome.
Oh, I hate you and your "misleading thread title even though I knew better from the get go" name. Also, IT IS awesome, harhar. I can't count with my hands how many times someone over here compared the AoF plot-line with a bad City Hunter episode (and that was awesome, hahaha).
etc : a Kyo Kusanagi themed combo video here - Nico , pretty wild and TAS stuff.
Kizuna Enconuter TAS here
Crossed Swords 2 footage. Simply here hoping to make chaz's day worse.
samusupi sen battles. It creeps me out just to type that. Speaking of, a End year Musouken tournament. Yes, I'm not kidding you (the event also included a Zero Special Tournament.
A semi un-official but not really Japan vs China event in KoF 95 here, like everything else, video descriptions contains the links to the rest.
Garou Densetsu Special at Nagoya Loop
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
Professor 3683th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(4):Art Of Fighting pachislot stuff" , posted Thu 14 Mar 01:57:    
quote: How nice of Kenshirō to fill in for Ryō!
To be honest, since we'll never get an anime of this quality in 2013, I would not mind playing a Vita or 3DS version... I remember having fun with Tecmo's Rio de pachislo on DS back then.
Between this kind of announcement and the recent SNK cameo trend in anime, I was actually wondering about the relationship between the animation business and the pachinko market. Now that money from traditional anime / OAV sales is slowly disappearing, surely animation studios must be making much more money from this kind of partnership, no? Does it mean top animation and groundbreaking storyboards will now come from pachinko parlors?
I remember the recent Lupin pachinko cutscenes looking cooler than its contemporary Lupin anime.
With Hyouka, the scene in the original novel featured Capcom characters so it might've just been that SNKP was easier to get rights for. Either way, the anime business is pretty broke so I'm sure studios love partnerships with Pachi companies. It's a dieing industry. I was hearing that some studios make it regular practice to even bargain with staff directors that "we know our wages are bad, but you're free to make money off from printing the storyboards and selling them at Comiket".
Badoor: Good theory about the "Dragon" part. I really like the AOF series. A game that takes place in the late 70s/early 80s is pretty unique. As for the pachislot, they're holding a press preview tomorrow so we'll probably be seeing more footage soon.
That reminds me, the "Ichigeki" KOF13 tournament hosted by Arcadia magazine's enterbrain and officially supported by SNKP is coming up in just a little over a week, March 23. They've just sent out notices to accepted players. I'm hoping something will be announced there, though I wouldn't hold my breath over it.
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 14 Mar 02:34] |
sibarraz 479th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "kof xiii on pc rumors" , posted Thu 21 Mar 04:32    
For those who don't remember, last month a page dedicated to post all the registry that are done on the steam service, published a list with tons of games which probably will be released on Valve's service, amongst those appeared KOF XIII, 98UM, and 2002UM (and even Ikari Warriors)
Well, this week we had seen a lot of announcements from steam, with a good chunk of them being predicted by the list from last month, if we add that 2 days ago appeared some achievements on the KOF XIII registry, maybe we are near the hear announcement of a PC port
Professor 3692th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Ichigeki tournament URL" , posted Thu 21 Mar 19:10    
Enterbrain-- the company that publishes Famitsu, Arcadia, and also runs the annual SBO/Tougeki tournament, will be running a KOF13 tournament called Ichigeki this weekend, Saturday 7PM JST.
URL: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv129728461 Note that it's a live stream, meaning the Nicovideo Redirector will not work for this.
quote: Well, this week we had seen a lot of announcements from steam, with a good chunk of them being predicted by the list from last month, if we add that 2 days ago appeared some achievements on the KOF XIII registry, maybe we are near the hear announcement of a PC port
I took a quick glimpse of the KOF13 entry but the registry (unlike the other games like MK9) is completely blank and whoever made it used placeholder images taken from cell phone games. I wouldn't hold my breath over it.
Sparkster 10th Post

New Customer
| "Re(4):Fake Gets Real?" , posted Sun 21 Apr 13:32    
quote: Just curious, but has anyone tried Xuan Dou Zhi? Visually it's obviously wearing its influences on its sleeve but does it play that way as well?
System Summary
• Running, hopping/jumping, button layout, combo chains, rolls, guard cancels, and counter hits are KOF style for the most part.
• You can combo from counter hit sweeps. CD counter combos are the same as in KOF, as well as the small possibility for A/B/C/D moves to lead into combos on AA counter hit. GCCD counter hit combos also work, so you can punish Ell Blue's qcb+D shenanigans in the corner safely with meter.
• Throw inputs are A+C. I'm not sure of the start up speed, but I'll guess it's around KOFXII. This should lead to offense working differently since the 4+C/D option select against empty hops wont work now. As you would expect, you can tech throws any time except when thrown out of a roll. Alternate guard is in the game, too!
• (neutral) B+C activates '98 style MAX Mode. The timer is much shorter than in '98, and DMs become SDMs. I forget if there's a pushback increase in this mode.
• Hitconfirms and combo starters follow the KOF pattern (i.e. cr.B cr.A special) but most characters have a launcher type move. st.C > f.A > launcher > f.A > special/DM is generally the longest combo archetype you'll find, and the DM at the end will usually scale down from longer combos. Damage seems capped around 50% per combo so far.
• Power Gauge caps at 3 stocks in 3v3. There's no gain or loss between rounds as in '98.
• There's no super freeze. You can input whatever you like as soon as a DM starts, which is weird at first.
• I haven't tested if reversal super jumping or backdashing offers any invuln on wakeup, but DPs feel a little better than in '98 but not quite KOFXIII good. However, most reversals will cleanly lose to throws!
Quick Character Details
• Brazel (K' character) relies on cr.B cr.A starters or cr.B cr.B st.B chain into launcher. His st.B is amazing for footsies since it cancels into f.B j.hcf+K for a launch, whereas his Ein Trigger doesn't hit as high up as K's does, which makes it weaker in the neutral game for stopping hops and he doesn't have Second Shell for AA (it's an overhead axe kick). Instead of Crow Bites, he has a less powerful K9999 style DP but great AA DMs. Corner combos end with a Storm Bringer chain which actually steals health!!! Very powerful like K', but uses different normal attack set and spacing game.
• The Kula character has better midscreen combos, but worse high/low conversion since after a jump-in you have to cr.A f.A to combo. Less j.C and cr.B mashy, but she has an air flipkick, upper body invuln dash, and her ice DM freezes for a launch on hit. No Ray Spin for mindless, 2002 style getting in but she has a command Bazooka Knee overhead which links into cr.A from correct spacing.
• Sheva (pink Benimaru) is almost a direct copy of '98 Benimaru, only with some buffs. TK Raijinken can be done in XIII style (minus the infinites), st.CD his XIII kick, cr.A st.D link is very easy. Despite being easy to pick up, he feels underwhelming compared to how great many of the characters are.
Even most of the 'cloned' characters play differently than their KOF counterparts, and a good deal of the cast have crazy tools (Ameth is insane!).
With more servers or more stable connections to minimize lag, I'd really enjoy the game (★★★★☆). <100 ping matches feel like playing on GGPO, though a sort of local play mode would be great, though unlikely. The free to play model doesn't affect much, and given consistent competition I'd pay some money to buy characters instead of earning in-game points.