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Burning Ranger 1724th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(1):Fighting Game Thread: Easy Mode Edition" , posted Mon 4 Feb 04:18    
quote: The SFxT 2013 update is quite interesting. My uneducated intial thoughts are that the game has now turned into KoF 03. Whether that's a good thing or not is not up to me to decide but I am glad to see that people now seem to have an idea of how to play the game since I don't think anyone, including the people who made the game, had any idea what the hell was going on in SFxT when it was first released. Watching how the impressions of this game on both the corporate and players side have changed over time has been entertaining in its own odd way.
After a long break from gaming (in general), I went back to SFxT. I still don't understand why I have this game...and I am still vehemently opposed to paying $20 for the rest of the cast (which makes me sad because I'm missing out on Elena). Oh, the game plays well enough, but I'm still frustrated because of the completeness issues... It's funny because I don't feel this way about Persona 4A, or even Tekken Tag 2...
Meanwhile, I'm considering buying Mortal Kombat, especially now since Amazon has the "Komplete" version for about $17. Since I haven't played the new MK, I figure this is a great deal. I should also get BB Continuum Shift Extend too, since it's sooo cheap.
Also, broke down and bought a Qanba from a dealer at MagFest last month, where I played Chaos Code. It's a shame this game hasn't come to the US.
And lastly, I may have to get this: http://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Tamashii-Nations-Bogard-Fighters/dp/B008R7BZNO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1359919109&sr=8-1&keywords=Terry+Bogard
 So much to do so little time...
Ishmael 4542th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Fighting Game Thread: Easy Mode Edition" , posted Sat 9 Feb 02:54    
I watched a bit of the K.O. Fighting Game Festival from Kuwait and I was struck by a few things. First, it seems Daigo is now a hidden boss character who can only be unlocked through a code. Second, it seems there is no Arabic term for Fei Long's "chicken wing" kick. Fighting game terminology is a stew of different languages but I never expected "chicken wing" to become a loan word. Finally, I saw someone play a very impressive Juri. It made me happy to see that someone, somewhere knows how to play that character.
quote: Meanwhile, I'm considering buying Mortal Kombat, especially now since Amazon has the "Komplete" version for about $17. Since I haven't played the new MK, I figure this is a great deal. I should also get BB Continuum Shift Extend too, since it's sooo cheap.
I've lost track of BB, but $17 for MK is a steal. It's probably the best MK game yet. That's something of a left handed compliment but if you are familiar with the series you know what I mean.
karasu99 1065th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(5):Fighting Game Thread: Easy Mode Edition" , posted Sun 10 Feb 03:57    
quote: So, I'm about to reignite an ages-old rivalry. Are you ready? Here goes:
Over the last few years, I've had my current-gen fighting game collection split between X-box and PS3, but lately I've been buying the PS3 versions of games. My question is: is PS3 the way to go? One thing to consider: I don't play fighters online that much (I let my Xbox Live account lapse, meaning I won't play much of anything [The only reason I had it was to play CoD with my brothers living thousands of miles away]). And if I do, I'd rather not pay for a subscription service if I didn't have to.
So, am I making a smart move?
I originally got an X360 because it was cheaper than the then-outrageously priced PS3, and because there was a handful of exclusive titles that I wanted, but over the years things have been moving in the direction of being either crossplatform (where I buy for PS3), for X360 and PC (where I buy for PC), or where exclusive X360 games are things I don't want at all. So I rarely buy for X360 anymore. Add to that the fact that Microsoft charges for what Sony gives away for free (online play), and that Sony's equivalent of XBL Gold, Playstation Plus, pretty much just gives you stuff for free, for cheap, or early, all for a very reasonable monthly cost, and I seriously am not sure what Microsoft even offers of value anymore.
Nekros 533th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(5):Fighting Game Thread: Easy Mode Edition" , posted Mon 11 Feb 03:18    
quote: So, I'm about to reignite an ages-old rivalry. Are you ready? Here goes:
Over the last few years, I've had my current-gen fighting game collection split between X-box and PS3, but lately I've been buying the PS3 versions of games. My question is: is PS3 the way to go? One thing to consider: I don't play fighters online that much (I let my Xbox Live account lapse, meaning I won't play much of anything [The only reason I had it was to play CoD with my brothers living thousands of miles away]). And if I do, I'd rather not pay for a subscription service if I didn't have to.
So, am I making a smart move?
Yes. Got my first 360 as a present and switched to the new model to avoid RROD but the reason I'm keeping it are Cave shmups and a bunch of XBLA titles. I buy every fighting game on PS3, only because I'm, like you, an occasional online player and don't want to be charged for something I not use so often. I like playing online but I don't consider that nor a work or a duty of some sort; I play just for fun and I'm not competitive player, a concept that most fighting games players seem to ignore. Xbox is your best choice only if you love fp/tp gaijin shooters and racing games since the pad is designed around those kind of games.
Gojira 2907th Post

PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: 80085
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Fighting Game Thread: Easy Mode Edition" , posted Tue 12 Feb 05:59    
quote: So, I'm about to reignite an ages-old rivalry. Are you ready? Here goes:
Over the last few years, I've had my current-gen fighting game collection split between X-box and PS3, but lately I've been buying the PS3 versions of games. My question is: is PS3 the way to go? One thing to consider: I don't play fighters online that much (I let my Xbox Live account lapse, meaning I won't play much of anything [The only reason I had it was to play CoD with my brothers living thousands of miles away]). And if I do, I'd rather not pay for a subscription service if I didn't have to.
So, am I making a smart move?
Totally. I've already done this myself.
A lot of people where I live still use XBL for everything, but that's only because, well, a lot of people around here still use XBL. It's a simple dominance model. If you don't have many friends bugging you to play them on XBL you don't really have to worry about it. There are some features of XBL that you'll never get on PSN like the party voice chat (Sony literally said "not possible"), but if you can live without that there's no reason to worry. The difference in network speed is also indistinguishable IMHO.
Ever since Kinect became a thing MS has slowly been trying to push gaming to the wayside. They think as long as they have Halo and toss a few Halo-shaped bones in that direction they don't need to deal with that market, and their [weakly-motivated] technology is supposed to do the rest. The sad thing is they're probably right to some extent, at least for now. Doesn't mean they're a good platform to support, though.
Iggy 9431th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Jojo DLC AAAAAH" , posted Wed 13 Feb 20:13    
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH http://www.imagebam.com/image/cb15d3237070579
OK, Jôsuke/Soft&Wet, nobody really care. Release date on the 29th of august, aaaaaah. Limited edition full of random shit that anyone would love, aaAAAAAAAAaaaaah (Hayato memo, OST with a White Snake-like disk...). 17000 yens, pfff, easy. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY DLC CODE FOR KIRE YOSHIKAGE AAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH AND HE HAS HIS YOSHIKAGE FACE, NOT KAWAJIRI AAAAAAH.
And finally, if Kira is DLC, what about the other bosses ? Everyone is already wondering what could happen to Pucci or Funny Valentine... Or are they going full DLC road for the 5 remaining bosses? The only annoying thing is that it's scheduled DLC, meaning once the game is shipped, I'm not sure they'll continue working on the title to add more DLC characters. Oh well.
Professor 3655th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(1):Jojo DLC AAAAAH" , posted Wed 13 Feb 22:19    
quote: OK, Jôsuke/Soft&Wet, nobody really care. Release date on the 29th of august, aaaaaah. Limited edition full of random shit that anyone would love, aaAAAAAAAAaaaaah (Hayato memo, OST with a White Snake-like disk...). 17000 yens, pfff, easy. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY DLC CODE FOR KIRE YOSHIKAGE AAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH AND HE HAS HIS YOSHIKAGE FACE, NOT KAWAJIRI AAAAAAH.
Somehow I knew Iggy would easily beat me over this news and yes AAAAAAAAAH this will be a must-get. Just a side note, the Kira Yoshikage DLC code will come with both the Limited and first shipment of the Normal edition as well.
Now with all these announcements taken from next week's Shonen Jump before it's legitimately allowed on shelves, I wonder if there'll be anything worthwhile at this weekend's announcement (aside from probably a new trailer)
Loona 680th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(2):MLP Fighter going to the glue factory" , posted Wed 13 Feb 23:42    
quote: http://shoryuken.com/2013/02/09/mane6-receives-cease-and-desist-from-hasbro-my-little-pony-fighting-is-magic-development-shut-down/
It is unfortunate but not unexpected. I have seen this kind of stuff happen since that Dragonball Z: Bid for Power game back when I was in high school. You would think if people were to do these kind of efforts they would keep it on the down-low until they release it and then no one can really stop it as it has spread throughout the internet by then. People were saying things like "regardless of MLP, it's a good fighter!" If that's really the case, maybe they should alter the sprites and make it "Generic Unlicensed Pony Fighter" instead.
Lauren Faust offered to provide the dev team some alternate designs, not ponies, but likely still on 4 legs, which would let the team recycle a lot of collision box data. Despite the offer, it seems she's open to suggestions herself. I wouldn't be surprised if the team managed to get away with the "Fighting is Magic" name though, since it would no longer make a direct mention of ponies, some people have used that term to refer to the game before, and those words don't seems particularly prone to legal action. The question is, of course, if there'll be enough drive to redraw whole sprite sets...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Pollyanna 3387th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):MLP Fighter going to the glue factory" , posted Thu 14 Feb 08:15    
I don't even have anything to say about the JoJo game anymore. The roof has been blown off of my hype house and my excitement is flying free with the wind. It can reclaim its place within my brain after the release date.
Oh wait...I still have some negativity to throw out. A Joutarou figure is a pretty wasteful LE bonus that drives up the price for nothing. Like you couldn't buy one of hundreds of different Joutarou figures if you wanted one!? Beats the piece of crap Kaizoku Musou LE, but come on...
quote: Lauren Faust offered to provide the dev team some alternate designs, not ponies, but likely still on 4 legs, which would let the team recycle a lot of collision box data. Despite the offer, it seems she's open to suggestions herself. I wouldn't be surprised if the team managed to get away with the "Fighting is Magic" name though, since it would no longer make a direct mention of ponies, some people have used that term to refer to the game before, and those words don't seems particularly prone to legal action.
I'm sure the developers are too crushed to make a decision like this immediately, but I do hope it works out. I'm going to go ahead and show my bias here and say that while I would probably not play an MLP fighting game, I would jump on an alpaca one.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Iggy 9433th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):MLP Fighter going to the glue factory" , posted Thu 14 Feb 20:24    
I'm not too hyped for the statue either... or any Jôtarô / Star Plat item, to be honest. I'd rather pick up myself thoses of the characters I'm more interested in (I think I have 4 different Iggys now, it's OK, people, you can stop giving me those). Speaking of which... Ooooh Oooooooh. There also was a Killer queen statue last year, I think, that was ridiculously gorgeous.
quote: I'm more interested in what men we'll see from Stone Ocean. I'm not super pumped about Hermes, so I hope we don't just get Jolyne/Hermes/Pucci.
I'm pretty sure Weather will be in. They didn't waste resources in his 3D model (for him AND his stand) just for a stage gimmick. However, now I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up DLC... And I'm afraid that means neither Annasui nor F.F. OR MAYBE every part will get 6 characters each, but I'm pretty sure part 3 just got those because it's the most famous one and fans of the others should just be happy with the bone they're being thrown. If they add Vanilla, old Joseph or Iggy on top of that, it will make the discrepancy worse... Oh well, I'll just take any character they want, even Nukesaku or Wang Chen.
Also, I'm not sure the game is worth it for anyone not fan of the series to begin with. It is fan service 24 carats on a platinum plate, but watching fan service from something you're not familiar with is like watching people you don't know jerking off. It might seem like an interesting sociological experiment at first, but it ends up being an even sadder waste of time.
Iggy 9437th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Report from the Jojo event" , posted Sat 16 Feb 18:53:    
Remember when I was saying Jojo ASB was my fighting game of 2012, because it reminds me of the atmosphere before each release of KOF ten years ago? Well, it's only getting better. Reading the threads while the location test is happening when it's 6AM here, trying to guess what's true and what's approximation or outright lies... I just LOVE that feeling. Oh, and the game looks awesome too!
The first part of the post comes from the same (trusted) twitter account, so I'd say it's quite reliable. For clarity, if I write "Jôsuke", it's Jôsuke of part 4, if it's "Jojolion", it's Jôsuke of part 8. I tried to translate the sentences for easier reading but... hum. Let's say I'm not a professional translator to English.
Characters playable during the morning testplay: Jonathan, Zeppeli, Joseph, Jôtarô, Polnaref, DIO, Jôsuke, Okuyasu, Giorno, Jolyne, Johnny Mista, Hermes and Kakyôin don't appear to be usable. Gyro and Whamu aren't either. The conference will start in the afternoon. Unsurprisingly, videos and pictures were forbidden.
Jôsuke is awesome. Task 4 does a "oraoraora" rush. DIO's throw looks like his throw in the Capcom game (time stop/punch in the guts). The crowd cheers the first time someone uses the roar roller! Zeppeli's pose when he wins a round: holding a glass of wine (no bottle ?) Zeppeli's GHA have him sending hamon through the ground, then he breathes, and send zoom punch(es?) Polnaref's victory pause is the cover art of the last episode against Judgement (?) Giorno and DIO have a special dialogue !!! Not very interesting, G "Maybe I've been waiting for that moment" D "I feel something familiar in you". Giorno's victory "I'll use the strength I received from you to achieve my dream". But that does mean there are special interactions, even out of the manga. I was afraid they'll go too conservative and "if it doesn't exist in the manga, it's not in the game", so, good ! Giorno did a "slow pain coming" on DIO! Crowd cheering. Gold Experience Requiem stays on a long time. Giorno's voice actor was criticized by the VA dorks, but in the demo he sounds good. A fight Jôtarô vs Jonathan in the Green Dolphin prison huhuhu. Toads raining ! Lots of people using Jonathan. Zoom Punch is indeed very Dahlsim-esque. Jôtarô's 2P colour has a green school uniform, Star Plat purple (?) Polnaref's 2P colour is purple, and Silver Charriot golden DIO's victory pause is the cover of volume 27. Jôtarô vs Jolyne ! The guy didn't hear what Jôtarô says, but Jolyne answers "How... how young!" Jolyne victory "Well... I probably have a tendency to hallucinate stuff anyway". Another guy heard her say "My heart finally understood you!" Jolyne 2P colour : gold, Stone Free pink Jôsuke's provocation is the last image of part 4, with his school bag on his shoulder. Polnaref to Giorno "Who are you? I don't know you!" Joseph's 2P colour is orange. Jôsuke's GHA sends the opponent flying, he massages his shoulder, heals the enemy to full health, and then DORARARARA rush Jôsuke to Jôtarô "Hum, you look like me" Tarô "What, you want to fight?" Jôsuke's 2P color is purple. Crazy Diamond is like the recent 2nd figurine that was released (the green one ?) The guy's turn has come. He used Johnny. He loves the character and is very happy of how he was portrayed. Johnny's 2P colour is green. He's quite complicated to use. HE CANNOT MOVE IF SLOW DANCER IS NOT HERE (but he can move sideways) His oraora rush looks so good it hurts. His GHA has him jumping down from Slow Dancer, shoot some nails, and when they hit Tusk Act 4 does a Oraora rush. Johnny says "Thanks Gyro. I have no other word". He doesn't have any special interaction with Jonathan. Victory pause : that pause when he points at the sky with his index. Provocation : "I have no intention to step down". When you use DIO and you pick up stages, you're limited to stages indicated with a stone mask (coliseum and Dio's mansion for this demo). So probably vampire and pillar men can only fight during the night?
Start of the conference. It was about Jojolion and Kira. 4th PV ; it will be made available on the web next week. More characters will be revealed in due time. Kira's VA is super good. Theme of the 4th PV : crossover fights. Jôtarô/Jolyne, Giorno/Okuyasu, Gun vs Gun (Hol Horse/Mista) Revenge vs Revenge (Polnaref vs Hermes) Fire vs Wind (Avdol Whamu) Mudamuda vs Dorarara, Rerorero vs Rerarera (Kakyôin vs Gyro). All of them have special intros (Hol Horse: "Let's see who shots faster", Dio making fun of Jôsuke's hair) Then characters from part 1, 7, then Jojolion. Catch phrase, Release date, limited edition, Kira DLC. Preorder of the LE start on the 18th of February. COUNT ME FUCKING IN !!!! After the PV, they're playing with Jojolion a little. His 2P is white with Soft&Wet red. Apparently they completed the PV4 at 3AM today! That's why it will take them some time before they can put it on the net. The Hayato memo has Bites The Dust on the last page... and it's Bites The Dust that tells you the DLC code for Kira. Nice!!! If Avdol represents fire in the game, it's probably a good hint that Esidisi is not invited. Gyro's VA has been criticized a lot, but they re-recorded some voice samples and he sounds much better. No info on the story mode.
---------------------- Other random info from the thread (less reliable) DIO's 2P colour is orange. Time stops for quite long, 5 seconds ? The road roller takes like 1/4th of the life? But the gauge takes some time to fill in, so it's difficult to do it more than once per round. Polnaref's GHA requires the first hit to hit in order to have the full animation, while DIO's doesn't. Some character models such as Jôtarô or Joseph has been slightly changed : http://i.imgur.com/CBbCMu6.jpg The damage is HUGE. Easy combo do 1/3 of life damage, combo ending with a super do easily more than 50%. Okuyasu doesn't seem to have a lot of reach, quite difficult (especially against Jolyne who has a lot and is very fast). But once he's close, he can be very tough, as he has an unblockable. Jonathan has at least two provocation, "I'm ready for the fight" and "Naniwo suruda !" When doing provocation while the character is on the ground, the sentence appears like in a comic.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii http://www.famitsu.com/images/000/028/868/511e79a8af43d.html http://www.4gamer.net/games/173/G017380/20130216003/SS/019.jpg http://www.gamer.ne.jp/news/201302160005/
[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 16 Feb 18:59] |
Iggy 9437th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Report from the Jojo event" , posted Sun 17 Feb 04:06    
It's a fighting game, as it has been said. There's videos of it on youtube.
More stuff: The announcer is the VA of Lisalisa in the anime, which could mean she's in the game or could mean she's not in the game, your call. Apparently, there's several different announcers. Giorno's GER is ridiculously strong. Nobody expected the game to have good balance or anything, but that's some seriously retarded one-hit kill there, as everything combos easily from the slightest mudamuda to the super, rinse and repeat. Oh, well. On top of the stone mark icon to indicate the stage is night time, the stages also have a DANGER mark to say there's a stage gimmick. Which could either mean the gimmicks can be put on/off, or that some stage don't have gimmicks. Moriôchô, Dio's manor or the eyes in the wall don't appear to have gimmicks. Damage is really ridiculous. Jumps are still quite floaty.
Pollyanna 3390th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Report from the Jojo event" , posted Sun 17 Feb 08:12    
quote: That sounds cool and all, but what about the gameplay? Is a simple brawler like the Naruto ones or have a hint of complexity (cancels, tricks, balanced-based combos, etc.)? I'm asking because to me it seems a very good point for fanservice but no one speaks in detail about how the game works effectively as a fighter. I'm still happy only by seeing the graphic engine so no bitching here: I'm asking just out of curiosity because in my mind I have a certain picture of the game.
I think what we'll see over Naruto isn't so much "depth" as something more like "width". The cast seems to have a lot more variety and more characters with gimmicks. I haven't seen anyone who knows what they're doing play the game yet, so it's too early to pass judgement. It could be a good sign or a bad sign that inexperienced players look clumsy playing it.
quote: Giorno's GER is ridiculously strong. Nobody expected the game to have good balance or anything, but that's some seriously retarded one-hit kill there, as everything combos easily from the slightest mudamuda to the super, rinse and repeat. Oh, well.
I always wonder how stuff like this passes. Is it just "Well, Giorno is strong, so..."
Anyway, thanks for all the information.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Iggy 9438th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Report from the Jojo event" , posted Sun 17 Feb 18:47    
quote: I always wonder how stuff like this passes. Is it just "Well, Giorno is strong, so..."
Possibly... But also GER is so ridiculously omnipotent in the manga that it's difficult to portray its power without having it go berserk. I mean, the first thing it does when it appears is shooting venomous scorpions out of its fingernails, and that's BEFORE it uses its ability, so... The Capcom game of part 5 had a similar problem with GER, and in the end, it was just Gold Experience with slightly more power, until you do a mudamuda on Diavolo which triggers the final cutscene. But in an actual fighting game, you have to give it more than a simple damage boost.. I don't know what would be the right balance here. Maybe make it so Giorno has a lot of difficulty to fill up his gauge, and when he does, the round is basically won, like Phoenix in MvC3 ?
I'm afraid the more über abilities characters like Kars ultimate form, Diavolo and Pucci will all end up retarded broken that way. But then, we might end up in a MvC2 scenario where 3 or 4 characters are so dominating that the rest of the cast doesn't matter, but the top tiers are somewhat balanced between them, and the lower tiers are as well. And as a fan item... I'd rather have Giorno or Ultimate life form Kars dominate everyone else than, say, Hermes. I mean, I like Hermes, but...
Iggy 9440th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):JoJo All Star Battle - PV #4" , posted Mon 18 Feb 19:02:    
Hermes's panty in the trailer! Hermes confirmed to be GOD TIER.
Speedwagon is in Dio's castle (look at 1:39). There is some guy behind Zeppeli on the chandelier, probably Straizzo?
More opinions about the game system: The Stylish Move (Just defense that allows you to side-step, look extremely strong) seem to eat 25% of your guard gauge. That fantastic news if true, as it seemed totally broken in the first gameplay video (and I heard Naruto had a similar system, and since it was free you had basically no reason to not just do that all the time). Also, the timing is somewhat strict, and some ora-ora type move have a wide hitbox which will swallow you back into it if you side-step too early.
The puttsun cancel is as useful as we could imagine, either allowing to continue a combo or interrupting a move that was blocked so that it doesn't get punished.
Interestingly, the ukemi also seems to be an important system to use, as the provocation when the enemy is down gives a huge advantage (and if you ukemi, the enemy cannot do it). AND if you do your ukemi correctly and the opponent did the provocation anyway, some characters have the possibility to run and hit the opponent before the provocation is over.
Throws have a similar feeling as in any regular fighting game (which means "it's not like in Naruto"). Some characters with OTG can continue after a throw (like DIO with his road sign move).
If all that is true, it might be an even bigger news than Jôsuke's inclusion. It would mean they are actually aiming to release a complex, deep fighting game (whether they'll manage to do it is another question, but that seem like a solid base). I'm so excited!!!
EDIT : The preorder for the LE were up on Amazon for 6 hours before being sold out. Waroenai... At least the prospects for the game are good.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Mon 18 Feb 21:03] |
kofoguz 1028th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(2):JoJo All Star Battle - PV #4" , posted Mon 18 Feb 21:54    
quote: Hermes's panty in the trailer! Hermes confirmed to be GOD TIER.
Speedwagon is in Dio's castle (look at 1:39). There is some guy behind Zeppeli on the chandelier, probably Straizzo?
More opinions about the game system: The Stylish Move (Just defense that allows you to side-step, look extremely strong) seem to eat 25% of your guard gauge. That fantastic news if true, as it seemed totally broken in the first gameplay video (and I heard Naruto had a similar system, and since it was free you had basically no reason to not just do that all the time). Also, the timing is somewhat strict, and some ora-ora type move have a wide hitbox which will swallow you back into it if you side-step too early.
The puttsun cancel is as useful as we could imagine, either allowing to continue a combo or interrupting a move that was blocked so that it doesn't get punished.
Interestingly, the ukemi also seems to be an important system to use, as the provocation when the enemy is down gives a huge advantage (and if you ukemi, the enemy cannot do it). AND if you do your ukemi correctly and the opponent did the provocation anyway, some characters have the possibility to run and hit the opponent before the
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Thanks Iggy for the all the information. Small details. * I dont follow voice actors but Jolyne seems like her grand grand mother Lisa Lisa's voice or similar voice. She sounds cool. Her voice compensate her missing her heroic climax. * I really liked the smal box of terrified character's face when the opponent makes a big DM (or probably SDM) intro. I saw Jousuke did it when Dio was activating it. (1:18). * Special intros. Yay! That was one of the aspects that make me fall in love with KoF. Characters actually interact with each other. And I guess most briallant special intro is Gyro singing vs Kakyoin ReRo ReRo. I'm expecting goodnes galore. * Jonathan doing JoJo poses during fight is smoking sexy and cool. * Johnny Joestar looks intriguing. And he has growing fingernail scheme. He was eating orbs (cant remember which) to make it faster. I think he will be the first character I will try and eventually main. And first Paralyzed character like Iggy said. * If Mista and Hol are "gun match" to each other. Would Foo Fighters be Johnny's "shooting from the fingers match"? * On a second thought it would be hard to include Ringo Roadagain. But they can always surprise me. * Jojolion officially grew on me. Especially now that we know Jousuke Nigashikata...
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - ... is the main character who is fused with my all time favourite JOJO villain Yoshikage Kira.
End of Spoiler
For Jojolion readers;
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - If Yoshikage Kira/Jousuke is the son of Holly Joestar. Then maybe Joseph's illegitimate son is Jotaro in this universe. And I wanna brag one last time that I wrote that years ago (SBR times) that there will be an 8th part and in this part the main hero will be somehow main villain. I was right. (self highfive)
End of Spoiler
* I want sleeping under the matress intro for JoJoLion. Preferably naked.
My hype for this game getting bigger and bigger. Like Iggy said this is the game which makes waiting, expecting and speculating fun. I feel like waiting for an announced King of Fighters game. This game even know how to make an entrance to my life. The day before the announcement. I was staying with my friend and I was talking to him about JoJo on and on and on. I was telling him that how I wish SNK would make a KOF vs JOJO (one can wish). And the next morning he opened the announcement video put it in front of my face and wake me up. That was one of the great ways to wake someone up that you couldnt find on magazine advices.
karasu99 1067th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(3):JoJo All Star Battle - PV #4" , posted Tue 19 Feb 01:38    
quote: Jojo ASB infos
It's hard for me to tell if any of this is by design, but this feels so much (like Iggy I think previously said) the first hints of an upcoming KOF game from years ago in terms of how the info is being dribbled out. Part of it's got to be that I'm getting my updates on it exclusively through this site, where everyone has an approach to fighting games that's reminiscent of the old days of game news. Another part is that this being a fighting game based on a very popular series, that things like fanservice and intros are being included-- character-specific intros are something both very Jojo AND very old-style fighting game, which is undoubtedly why they're being included. I had been thinking that they way that characters are revealed in more recent fighters doesn't have quite the same impact that they used to, but here we are again, speculating about who will be included, waiting on each tiny bit of info that's being seen, micro-analysing videos and magazine images, all of which used to be hallmarks of upcoming fighting games.
I won't contribute to the speculations, but I've got to say that this game looks incredible! I literally can't wait to pay the atrocious amount of money to import it!
Iggy 9441th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):JoJo All Star Battle - PV #4" , posted Tue 19 Feb 20:40    
quote: Preordered, but I passed on the LE. The first press stuff is good enough.
I wanted the LE, but missed it... This thing flew away from virtual shelves at the speed of light, and is now available from virtual second-hand auctions around 50 000 yens. Oh well, I'll do as Polly suggested: use the difference to buy some Jojo items I actually want.
As for the future characters, I'd say Buccellati, Kôichi and Ceaser are given (plus Kars, Diavolo and Pucci). I'm even scared about Funny Valentine now (maybe he'll end up being a stage gimmick in the Love Train stage?). And no idea whether Dio part 1 will be there or not. Probable inclusions: I'd say Lisalisa (because of the voice) and Weather (because of the 3D model for the gimmick) might be in. On the other hand, Weather is clearly visible during the whole fight, not merely when he calls the frogs... If he's not playable, either Annasui or F.F. Kawajiri Kira + Stray Cat, Kars Ultimate Life Form, and maybe funky face hair Pucci might also be added at a later stage? And that more or less wrap up my sure bets on the rest of the cast. Out of all these characters I'd say Buccellati is the most likely to end up DLC because, well, he's probably the best way to make even more lots of moneys.
quote: * On a second thought it would be hard to include Ringo Roadagain. But they can always surprise me. This makes me wonder...who is everyone's "vain hope for inclusion?" The character you want to see the most that's least likely to show up, I mean.
I believe Ringo won't be playable, but he can totally be there either as a stage gimmick, a minigame... even a face in some menus, or loading screen if you decide to play in hardest difficulty... Same for Rôhan. He'll probably be there in cutscenes, for example he's the one drawing the game IN REAL TIME. (And that would explain why the blood is black: it's actually ink!) If they want to put as many characters as possible, stage gimmicks is quite a good idea... though frustrating. If they go the DLC road full force, they could also sell new stages "with this character as a DLC!". I'm sure the Ringo stage will sell like hot cakes. Blackmore seems quite popular as well...
There's so many characters I'd want in the game I wouldn't know where to start... I think the least likely to appear would be Rizzotto. Not only is his power quite difficult to use in-game, it's also super violent (and that's probably why he was cut out from the Capcom game as well). But his fight is probably one of my favourite in part 5... Another addition I'd be very happy to see would be Mariah, just because she was so fun to use in the Capcom game (though super weak). But enough part 3!
There's also a bunch of characters I could imagine possible to render in-game (Yukako doing things like KOF's Whip with her hair, Abbacchio with a sort of programmable stand, Vivianno Westfood as a grappler, Shigecchi (Harvest) would be quite fun and also offer a different body type compared to all the top models in the game, Enigma as a trap character, Chocolate Disco controlling the ground... Suzie Q possessed by Esidisi would make me laugh quite a lot as well), but the game would need to have 50 characters to include them. Doppio could also be in the game instead of Diavolo, and Diavolo would be his GER super (especially if the transformation happens with the oh-so-fabulous "taking off his shirt" animation).
30 characters is a lot, and at the same time so little.
kofoguz 1029th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(5):JoJo All Star Battle - PV #4" , posted Tue 19 Feb 23:52    
quote: Preordered, but I passed on the LE. The first press stuff is good enough. I wanted the LE, but missed it... This thing flew away from virtual shelves at the speed of light, and is now available from virtual second-hand auctions around 50 000 yens. Oh well, I'll do as Polly suggested: use the difference to buy some Jojo items I actually want.
As for the future characters, I'd say Buccellati, Kôichi and Ceaser are given (plus Kars, Diavolo and Pucci). I'm even scared about Funny Valentine now (maybe he'll end up being a stage gimmick in the Love Train stage?). And no idea whether Dio part 1 will be there or not. Probable inclusions: I'd say Lisalisa (because of the voice) and Weather (because of the 3D model for the gimmick) might be in. On the other hand, Weather is clearly visible during the whole fight, not merely when he calls the frogs... If he's not playable, either Annasui or F.F. Kawajiri Kira + Stray Cat, Kars Ultimate Life Form, and maybe funky face hair Pucci might also be added at a later stage? And that more or less wrap up my sure bets on the rest of the cast. Out of all these characters I'd say Buccellati is the most likely to end up DLC because, well, he's probably the best way to make even more lots of moneys. * On a second thought it would be hard to include Ringo Roadagain. But they can always surprise me. This makes me wonder...who is everyone's "vain hope for inclusion?" The character you want to see the most that's least li
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Well how come you guys remember almost every character. I only remember them when their stands and history is mentioned. Otherwise I google them.Also like Mountain Tim I realized I forgot all about Ceaser, too when he was introduced in new anime. Anyway, yes I sense stage gimmicks is due because of the favourite characters which are hard to add as playable characters. For example Superfly would be a great stage gimmick character who tries to trick characters into the telephone tower.
kofoguz 1031th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(6):JoJo All Star Battle - PV #4" , posted Mon 25 Feb 09:38    
quote: ...I've been wasting time thinking about Diavolo's power, how do you guys figure they're going to represent it? Well, I'm sure he'll have some cinematic super that uses it. It might be cool if it was a counter.
They can't really have him change the way the game functions, so it has to be something visual. My idea was that he would do something that didn't look like an attack (a pose or whatever) that had an invisible hitbox. When it hit, the characters would teleport as if time had passed and they were injured. That portrays the idea of "Diavolo understands what's going on, but the person being attacked does not" as well as "time is being erased." If they did it as a "time stopped" visual for a super or something, maybe they could have the actions that occur during the erased time look like afterimages. Then the "real" person and their afterimage would line up violently at the end of the move. (if that makes any sense)
Well, Minus the black flames I think Saiki(human) is pretty much heavily influenced by Diavolo. Please read art-eater blog if you didnt read before. It's a good read and in the comments you can see the connection of ash/saiki- doppio/diavolo relation.
In Jojo they can use counting down the timer immediately. And when Cpu (or just boss)Diavolo attacks, time is gone, we get the clue from background and see the result. As player we get to see the signature moves, timestops and when it is back to normal we see the result again. It reveals what was done.
Burning Ranger 1736th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "So..." , posted Thu 7 Mar 11:42    
...I started playing Capcom vs SNK 2 again on the old Dreamcast. It's interesting to play this 12-year old Dreamcast game with the hindsight gained after years of new 2D fighting games, not to mention the latest generation of Capcom fighters.
So, some random thoughts: - Wow, the art in this game sucks on both sides. Being the big SNK fan, I used to love Shinkiro's stuff. However, it seemed like he phoned it in for CvS2. Also, Capcom's art is hit or miss. I mean the Capcom art for Iori makes him look sad to be in the game. - Sound effects: It really sounds weird to hear Cammy's voice after playing SF4 and SFxTekken. - Groovin': Back in the old days, I tried sticking with what I knew (as an SNK fan), so I stuck to using N-Groove fairly consistently. Now, I find myself playing C-Groove, which isn't quite so bad. - Why the hell hasn't Ken's "Crack Shoot" made it into other Capcom games? - Why does Ryu suck in this game? - Finally, after 12 years, I still love this game's music (True Story: I worked out to the London BGM today).
 So much to do so little time...
Mosquiton 1854th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(1):So..." , posted Thu 7 Mar 16:16    
So, some random thoughts: - Wow, the art in this game sucks on both sides. Being the big SNK fan, I used to love Shinkiro's stuff. However, it seemed like he phoned it in for CvS2. Also, Capcom's art is hit or miss. I mean the Capcom art for Iori makes him look sad to be in the game.
Iori is reflecting on the true meaning of fightinf, dude! I actually really dig almost all of the Kinu art for this game and think there some good Akimans here and there.
But my favorite thing is how Vice plays with all her throw follow-ups and the anti-air whip sleeve. Great incarnation of the character although she's not that strong overall.
XIII made up for it maybe, she's quite the beast (or was, depending on the version? I couldn't keep up.
But yeah, awesome game and amazing soundtrack.
/ / /
Mosquiton 1855th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):So..." , posted Fri 8 Mar 13:10    
CvS2 is a bad game for me. It doesn't have a lot of characters I like and the ones I do like don't play how I like them to. Crazy that I like to use half of the cast in any given KOF, but Vice is the ONLY KOF character I enjoy in CvS2. The game is much kinder to SF2 fans.
But yeah, that soundtrack is one of my all-time favorites. Really nice atmosphere.
I thought Rock came out pretty fun to use (although again, not that strong), but you're probably right in saying SNK characters kind of got the shaft.
I typically used Vice, Rock, and Cammy, trying to HK and spike enough life with Cammy, chip away with Vice, and go for a cool-looking finish with Rock. It worked every once in a while.
/ / /
badoor 296th Post

PSN: BadoorSNK/PSVITA:BadoorUSA XBL: BadoorSNK/WiiU:BadoorSNK Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Copper Customer

| "Re(4):So..." , posted Fri 8 Mar 22:27    
CvS2 was THE game that got me to go deep into fighting games. I spent so many hours on training mode or looking on forums or GameFAQs to learn to better my skills.
I did casually like fighters early on like SF2, AOF, SamSho etc. But I checked out when I was not impressed with either SFA or KOF94 and focused on Virtua Fighter & other 3D fighters. I got back a little on the Dreamcast with KOF99 and the 1st CvS. But CvS2 was the seminal game for me.
After CvS2 I started working backward, playing older KOFs mainly and a few older Capcom fighters (and of course following on with newer KOFs). So it's ironic that my fighting game "career" was born when many in the press decried this genre as dead.
quote: but you're probably right in saying SNK characters kind of got the shaft.
There are a few characters that I feel comfortable with on the SNK side. Terry & Rock feel pretty faithful (surprisingly with Rock, he feels more natural here than in NGBC).
And Yamazaki plays great, probably because he isn't dependent on command attack combos or juggling or other factors that feel different in KOF from SF. He has his zoning attacks, his grapples, and his Geese Counter™, all of which are adapted pretty well.
On the other hand, Ryo (both his sprite and his moveset) is just a mess. He looks like he has a permanent 5 o'clock shadow and his zanretsuken looks cartoony. And yes, I recognize that Ryo is the fighting games universe's #1 shoto-clone, but I always preferred him in his newer non-projectile style of later KOFs.
Oh and "True Love Making" is an amazing track.
Ishmael 4556th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):So..." , posted Sat 9 Mar 04:37    
quote: I agree with this sentiment. There's obvious disparities (Kyo, for example), and those that, while similar to their original incarnations, just doesn't cut it (King and Kim).
Sometimes I feel as if I'm one of the few people who does not think that "SNK" is a variant spelling of "KoF." Unless Kim is able to hop into the background and King is reading Gertrude Stein they are not their original incarnations as far as I'm concerned. Looking back on it I was happy that the SNK characters who have low/mid/high attacks were once again given the proper button set-up in CvS2 instead of being shoe-horned into KoF's two punch/two kick system. Yamazaki's snake strike makes sense in games such as RBFF and CvS2 but becomes unintuitive when pressed into a title such as KoF98. A kick button makes him waggle his arm around? Really?
quote: I wonder: does anyone feel the same way about SFxTekken? I don't really spend a lot of time playing Tekken, but I do know that it feels weird controlling the Tekken side characters with their alien button inputs.
Outside of the objective of punching the other guy until don't get up any more I personally don't think there is a lot of overlap between Tekken and SF. Because of this the Tekken cast in SFxT feel, to me, like they need to be approached as they are in this game instead of mentally comparing them to how they are when they are competing in the King of Iron Fist. Oddly, I have heard that one of the many problems that SFxT had when it first came out is that people insisted on playing it as if it were SF4 due to the SF cast having pretty much the same designs. I wonder, did people try to play XMvsSF as if it were SFA2 due to the all the Alpha sprites?
Spoon 2395th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):So..." , posted Sat 9 Mar 08:18    
The overall difficulty in comboing off of short jump made all characters feel awkward if you tried to play like it was KOF.
Kyo have barely any autoguard was weird.
Iori was good in CvS2!
Rock didn't feel quite as dynamic as he does in Garou (I blame the weaker visual effects on his special moves, and the lack of freeform cancelling on a number of moves), but he's quite a strong character.
Guile needs to be pointed out among all characters because he was implemented in a really good way in this game. He had this grinding advance that really set him apart from the significant majority of the other versions of him.
Yamazaki was overall good except for his weird knife slash move. It was little more than combo fodder, but the LP and MP versions of it seemed to have no purpose at all.
King was awkward and had one highly situational crossup among her jumping normals. She looked awesome, though!
Todoh was good for reasons that were dumb.
Ryo was sluggish and awkward. He didn't had the power of AOF Ryo, he didn't have the fluidity of KOF Ryo. He had an air fireball, but really, wth?
Joe was sluggish, but arguably more like FF Joe.
Hibiki was good, but she definitely had none of the fluidity she had in LB.
I could yammer on about the others, but overall the SNK characters felt very stiff to play. They looked great (Rugal! King!), but they didn't feel like themselves. Even by Capcom standards, the game was kind of stiff (think about the freewheeling Marvel and Vs. series games that so captured the imagination leading up to the Dreamcast!)
Still, I had lots of people to play it with, so I loved it anyway.
Professor 3668th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(5):So..." , posted Sat 9 Mar 09:38    
quote: I agree with this sentiment. There's obvious disparities (Kyo, for example), and those that, while similar to their original incarnations, just doesn't cut it (King and Kim).
Leaving aside CvS since it's a dream match thing, I'd pretty much agree that the Fatal Fury/AOF characters aren't canon incarnations of themselves in the KOF series. Both movement wise and storyline wise, some of them just don't fit, or they've been completely changed and feels like a different character.
CvS2 though, some of the animations are really spectacular. Geese's counter throws for example feel more authentic to Aikido movement than their originals in FF.
SfxT... I haven't played it much since the recent update patch but the Tekken characters just didn't seem to fit in with the SF based system back in the previous version. I use Asuka and the update seems to have made her more powerful and better at defense, but she still lacks ways of getting into the opponent.
Nekros 545th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(7):So... Vampire Revengeance" , posted Fri 15 Mar 17:13:    
To be honest I'm pretty in love with the series, is my favorite fighting franchise and Savior is one of my favorite games of all time. My opinion may be a little over-excited but I think this port is something it has to be but it's a bit late to the party. Frankly, there are sound issues I can't simply forgive: in Hunter the final stage music is playing even the ending scene if it's silent (ie: Aulbath) and in Savior when you see the chart presenting the next opponent plays the music from Hunter selection screen instead of its own. This and MAME having better filtering options are the only flaws the games have. The collection on the other hand has the GREATER flaw of all: not being complete or at least not presenting the game with proper devotion. A complete cast Vampire Savior or a Saturn port or even a Chronicle port was the better choice. Not "infinte juggles" Vampire Savior. This being said, I enjoy the games a lot, even Hunter. Playing this collection it's clear how Capcom was so interesting back then: tons of animations, balancing, interesting and varied roster, good music. This is something you can't find nowadays, at least in modern Capcom games. Online plays fine, I haven't encountered a single problem like Ishmael said, maybe I'm just lucky (played only with EU and USA players).
PS: The western version of VS has the blood in, I recall it having white blood (even the bloodstained cloth in Forever Torment was clean)
LAST MINUTE UPDATE: Capcom D&D collection is coming to PS3 and 360!! Imagine Shadow Over Mystara with online multiplayer....
[this message was edited by Nekros on Fri 15 Mar 17:17] |
Loona 683th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(1):Capcom Gals Onimusha SNS thingy" , posted Tue 19 Mar 00:24    
quote: http://members.oni-soul.jp/payment/cap_heroines/ Man, that is... interesting. There's some rare characters I've never imagined to see anytime soon too, like Ingrid and Akira. For the character roster at the bottom, you can right-click to see their full portraits like this. Pity how the SNS card games are getting all the best artworks nowadays.
Interesting! Maybe it's the alternate outfits, but I'm not recognizing some of the (upcoming?) girls, like the one between Tron and Devilotte and the ones right of Ada Wong.
There's also a Sengoku Basara character pack - Onimusha and that get so easily confused in my mind, as I've played neither and as far as I know they both go for a "Oda Nobunaga wasn't just ruthless, he was actual demonic evil" thing, it's kinda surprising it took this long for them to crossover in some form.
There's also a couple of other character packs in there, but I can't tell if they're originals or from some more obscure game.
As for that Darkstalkers book, it's interesting it even covers alternate outfits used in Cross Edge - being an Idea Factory thing that only uses a few Darkstalkers characters, for what I've played of it so far it actually seemed to use as many alternate outfits as displayed in the actual series (and did Jedah some justice in terms of role in that world). It doesn't seem typical of Capcom to use artwork from other companies in their artbooks.
On the topic of crossovers, it was interesting to read about the RE4 and L4D2 collaboration for the PC, mostly consisting on each game borrowing the other's monsters, and L4D characters getting a specific playstyle/weaponset in RE6, since those are all thing that bring bits of each game's ameplay to the other. So it's odd that, if I'm understanding things correctly, Capcom is trying to get its fans to handle the work of making RE character skins for L4E - and if that is the case, I don't know if I'm more concerned about Capcom pushing the owrk on the fans, or Valve not doing some playable character customization itself - but i haven't played L4E, so maybe the characters are supposed to play identically and just be affected by the weapons they pick up...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Iggy 9463th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Skullgirl's 3rd character almost funded" , posted Tue 26 Mar 20:58    
quote: Oddly, time-traveller Isaac, whom Mike pretty much already started implementing mechanics-wise (he demostrated the mechanics using a modified Cerebella on a stream, someone posted the video at NeoGAF), has Sieger listed as an inspiration.
From the way they're pushing him, I suppose Isaac is almost a given... But they probably use the vote for eventual expansions/sequels if they ever get a chance to make one? Well, creating 3 more characters is probably to take them a full year, and I also hope they have another non-Skullgirls project by the side. But at least they managed to flesh up the universe of the game, plus create enough word-to-mouth. Now, is it going to translate into more sales and more money for them...?
Megane 563th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(8):Skullgirl's 3rd character almost funded" , posted Sat 30 Mar 00:40    
quote: Rumor has it, though, that the Japanese fans will be largely voting for Marie the Skull-Maido. Anybody else hoping that Big Band isn't the only playable dude in the game? Stanley has my main vote, that's for sure. As for the Japanese fans, I'm really curious to know how many of them actually donated (and thus will participate to the vote). It seems like something so foreign to them, I can't imagine many of them going through the process...
No idea, I was just regurgitating what I've read from NeoGAF and other websites. That said, it must be significant enough, because the indiegogo fundraiser has a Japanese translation version.
Although! Lab Zero forgot to update it, as it was still stuck in the 625k rewards stuff during the final hours.
Lastly, High five, brofist, best of luck to us Scions of the Science Shark.
Loona 687th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(7):Skullgirl's 3rd character almost funded" , posted Sat 30 Mar 01:30:    
quote: *deactivate lurking module*
I need to fist bump and high five those who will be voting for Stanley the Science Shark. Select your Favorite!
Rumor has it, though, that the Japanese fans will be largely voting for Marie the Skull-Maido. Anybody else hoping that Big Band isn't the only playable dude in the game?
Anyway: Voting will go as follows: Four rounds of voting - 1st round: All characters, 3 votes - 2nd round: Top 16 from 1st round, 3 votes - 3rd round: Top 8 from 2nd round, 3 votes - 4th round: Top 3 from 3rd round, 1 vote Polls will be e-mailed directly to all contributors.
Since we will be voting on two characters, each will have its own voting process, so the two campaigns don’t interfere with the other.
Apparently it'll be 4 votes, not 3, durnig the first round.
Also, 4th character was funded, with the amount reached in the final minute (I woke up just in time to see it and pitch in, man the thrill...).
dramatization of how it happened.
It's all about Beowulf, and while I'm not fully into her design (that Sagat-eyepatch-syndrome horn), Scythana sounds like a mashup between Dhalsim and Kim, which feels perfect for me. Panzerfaust has the most SNK indpirations, so I'm kinda inclined to root for the guy.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
[this message was edited by Loona on Mon 1 Apr 19:51] |
Professor 3701th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(8):Skullgirl's 3rd character almost funded" , posted Mon 1 Apr 19:40    
quote: It's all about Beowulf, and while I'm not fully into her design (that Sagat-eyepatch-syndrome horn), Scythana sounds like a mashup between Dhalsim and Kim, which feels perfect for me. Panzerfaust has the most SNK indpirations, so I'm kinda inclined to root for the guy.
829K is really something-- hells, it's almost a million! I wouldn't be surprised if this was a first for a videogames project on Indiegogo. Eliza, Umbrella, Stanley, Mrs.Victoria... hummm.
On a different news, aside from Tougeki/SBO coming to a close, Arcadia magazine is also taking a small step down as it's no longer going to be published monthly. From now on it'll be released once per two months, meaning only 6 issues an year.
karasu99 1096th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(1):Injustice Demo out, Skull Girls voting " , posted Thu 4 Apr 02:30    
quote: I only played it for a few minutes as I am a bit busy. I hope to get a bit more free time on the weekend though.
The first thing I notice is that it is official, Netherrealm just flat out sucks at animating fighting. I gave them a pass on MK9 as I thought it was a throw back to the original style of the 2D MK games. But some of this shit is embarrassing. Absolutely no movement of the hips in kicks or punches. Completely awkward fighting stances for Batman and Wonder Woman. Doomsdays special moves look alright, but that is about it.
I just couldn't get into it anymore after my first arcade mode run.
I had a few minutes before work this morning to play, after seeing the demo was up.
And... it plays pretty much exactly like MK9, unsurprisingly. You're absolutely right about the shitty animation and the awkward stances. It's weird that they made the choice to use completely unique outfits (I'm right on this... right? Sorry, the DCU changes so often I can't keep up with which Wonder Woman design is current ).
I like Luthor's super, but Batman's is honestly just dumb looking, completely with his old school MK-looking flip over the Batmobile at the end.
Still, a lot of the environmental interactions are pretty nicely done, and it looks like it will have a ton of value for the money, like MK9 did. It's just not so much my thing.
Pollyanna 3429th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):The injustice of the Injustice demo" , posted Fri 5 Apr 15:56    
quote: Thinking about it, I'd really like to know whether it is intentional, having become their "style". Or it is just that they have no talent at animation. Or a combination of the two, and they now have no interest in improving because it would cost them their recognizable style.
I would say they have no talent, because not only are the moves poorly-animated, they're poorly thought out. Like in a "what is this person even DOING?" kind of way. Regardless, I had fun with the demo. The quick reference move list was nice as was the frame data on every move. This might be totally normal for Mortal Kombat and I'm just not used to it, though.
It might not be a bad "Buy two games get this one free" pick for me or even a full-price purchase if I had enough friends who were into it, but since I'm not a fan of DC, MK or ugly things, its appeal is only so great.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
karasu99 1097th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(4):The injustice of the Injustice demo" , posted Sat 6 Apr 00:37    
quote: I would say they have no talent, because not only are the moves poorly-animated, they're poorly thought out. Like in a "what is this person even DOING?" kind of way. Regardless, I had fun with the demo. The quick reference move list was nice as was the frame data on every move. This might be totally normal for Mortal Kombat and I'm just not used to it, though.
I hate to think it's a lack of talent on the developer's part, since I know how hard it is to get a complex project like this made, but... yeah, totally agree. The stances look wooden, the characters' attack motions look like they were pulled directly from MK1 or 2, and honestly even some of the models don't look that great (to me anyway). I think the resemblance to MK has got to intentional.
The worst thing for me is that people are really gushing over this game, both from the look to the gameplay. I don't see what's so great personally, but everybody's got their likes and dislikes, huh?
It might not be a bad "Buy two games get this one free" pick for me or even a full-price purchase if I had enough friends who were into it, but since I'm not a fan of DC, MK or ugly things, its appeal is only so great.
My prediction is that a year from now this will show up on the Vita with all its inevitable pricey DLC bundled with it (like MK9 did) and I'll get it then for playing around with in my spare time.
badoor 305th Post

PSN: BadoorSNK/PSVITA:BadoorUSA XBL: BadoorSNK/WiiU:BadoorSNK Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Bronze Customer
| "Re(5):The injustice of the Injustice demo" , posted Sun 7 Apr 16:07    
quote: since I'm not a fan of DC, MK or ugly things, its appeal is only so great.
Haha well said. Though reluctantly I am sort of an MK apologist, having bought and played all of the games, including their ps2 releases and yes even MK: Special Forces (for very very cheap though). I seem to have became a MK fan haphazardly, probably because I enjoy playing it with my not-so-deep-into-fighters family & friends. And partially because I can find a lot of silly, stupid, and childish things I can laugh at, both the intentional and the non-intentional. Of course, I never took playing any of them in any serious manner, aside from learning the obvious & easy combo I can exploit. Though MK9 was a decent effort.
But Injustice is just nowhere near any of that. I remember playing the MK9 demo for several hours. And I could swear that MK9 looked and animated better than Injustice. Maybe Ed Boon and the NR A-Team are just working on the probably next-gen MK10 while the B-Team worked on this. It's weird how all of the characters have the same exact looking scowl when they do the supers. I remember someone here mentioned that the female characters in MK essentially have male body builds but with added boobs. And wonder woman just exemplifies that yet again.
As for whether the choppy animation is intentional or not, I think NR just lacks the capability. Even when they relied on non-real time CG in MK4, the animation just looked comically atrocious compared to the CG FMV scenes in Tekken 3.
GekigangerV 1816th Post

PSN: gekijmo XBL: gekijmo5 Wii: n/a
Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Misc Injustice demo, Skull Girls R1 voting in" , posted Mon 8 Apr 11:26    
quote: Regardless, I had fun with the demo. The quick reference move list was nice as was the frame data on every move. This might be totally normal for Mortal Kombat and I'm just not used to it, though.
It might not be a bad "Buy two games get this one free" pick for me or even a full-price purchase if I had enough friends who were into it, but since I'm not a fan of DC, MK or ugly things, its appeal is only so great.
I went through each character in arcade mode twice over the weekend and deleted the demo and I agree that I had fun with the demo once I figured out some of the finer details. I really appreciate how every characters animations are unique for jumping and upper cuts. I know it was a throwback in MK9 to have every character do a similar uppercut, but then there was stuff like every character having the same jump punch and kick that really didn't set right with me.
Wonder Woman had an air dash and Luthor could use his b,f+triangle to do an air dash as well. I have high hopes that this game may be very fun to mess around with to do combos.
I am kind of wondering about the decision to do a unique button for some of those character traits though. Maybe some characters will have more in depth use for the button, but for the most part it was one use for Wonder Woman and Luthor which I am sure they could have made their own special move command for.
The Wager system also doesn't sit right with me right now either. But time will tell how it will look like in real matches.
First round of Voting is done for Skull Girls and here are the results in Alphabetical order
quote: Aeon / エイオン Annie / アニー B. Dahlia / ブラック・ダリア Beowulf / ベオウルフ Brain Drain / ブレイン・ドレイン Eliza / イライザ Feng / フェン Isaac / アイザック Marie / マリー Minette / ミネット Molly / モリー Panzerfaust / パンツァーファウスト Scythana / サイサナ Stanley / スタンレー Umbrella / アンブレラ Venus / ヴィーナス
Beowulf was the only one of my choices to make it past the first round. Really bummed about the lack of Andy. I guess people don't appreciate the boxer archetype as I do.
Pollyanna 3430th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):The injustice of the Injustice demo" , posted Mon 8 Apr 12:20    
quote: Haha well said. Though reluctantly I am sort of an MK apologist, having bought and played all of the games, including their ps2 releases and yes even MK: Special Forces (for very very cheap though). I seem to have became a MK fan haphazardly, probably because I enjoy playing it with my not-so-deep-into-fighters family & friends
Although I will continue to mock MK and friends for their ugliness, awkward animations and inability to portray women, their accessibility and popularity are making them increasingly appealing to me.
I'm the sort of fighting game baby that gets mocked on the internet, but I'm really sick of bothersome obstacles to entry. Simple things like chaining two medium punches in SF4 or backdash canceling in Tekken. You do it in a match, your friend ask "how do you do that?" and the answer is "5 hours in training mode." I still can't do instant-air versions of moves on Capcom games, despite playing them for years and years and doing the same thing in my sleep in KOF and BlazBlue.
quote: Beowulf was the only one of my choices to make it past the first round. Really bummed about the lack of Andy. I guess people don't appreciate the boxer archetype as I do.
Andy looked a bit straightforward. The Skullgirls characters have a lot going on...transforming body parts and assistants and morphing bodies and whatever. Having a boxing character would've been neat, but I don't know if he was the best approach. I mean, I don't know what they would've done with him, but he's a harder sell than a lot of the cast.
Of the current batch, I think Aeon has the most solid design. All of my favorites advanced, but I'm sure I'll be sharing in heartbreak soon enough.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Loona 689th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(7):The injustice of the Injustice demo" , posted Tue 9 Apr 11:43    
Also, no info about Lobo in the game? Or obscure DC characters like Vertigo ones? Jesse, Constantine, Sandman/Death seem legit to be in a fighting game. Or not?
I think there were rumors about Lobo as DLC, but I haven't been following Injustice too closely - most of what I see of it struggles to not repel me... The mention of Vertigo folk like John Constantine reminds me of recent chats I had with friends making their own DC fan game, and how that character might work in the fighting genre, cosidering he seems to talk his way through most things -stuff like opening portals from which demons and angels would come out trying to reach him and hit his opponents instead came to mind, but he's apparently not very physical in the comics themselves to ins pire complete movesets... then again, if Capcom made a fighter out of Phoenix Wright in UMvC3, maybe it's a matter of extensive research...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Pollyanna 3442th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Re(10):The injustice of the Injustice d" , posted Thu 18 Apr 02:46:    
quote: Where are the results? I lost the track of whats going on. Visual representation of the current voting session.
The next batch is where it's going to get ugly for me. Still, this is a winning lineup no matter which combination of characters wins. Personally, I'm hoping Panzerfaust doesn't get in, because I wouldn't use him, and we're already getting one big guy. Somehow it would seem sad that what people want the most in a monster girl fighting game is huge dudes.
quote: Injustice
So I ended up getting this after all thanks to a joke from a friend. It went sort of like this:
Friend A: So, are you looking forward to playing Injustice with Polly?
Friend B: Yeah! I can't wait! Let's get together this weekend!
Me: Oh, uh...hmmm...guess I'd better buy the game, then.
Being neither a DC nor an MK fan, my opinions might be invalid, but here are a few impressions.
-Story mode is impressive. I finished it in one sitting, but it was a good length. I would've appreciated some sort of thematic or emotional to make the conclusion more satisfying, but oh well...it was still fun.
-The trials are fun because meeting the main objective isn't too difficult, but hitting the sub-objectives can be. It's nice to be able to challenge myself when I want to and decide when something isn't worth it other times.
-One of the sub-objectives on the Isis challenge is "Meow 25 times". Isis has a move list that's full of "Meow" listed over and over again.
-Some of the renders are fine, but a number are truly hideous. Cat Woman really comes across as gross and weird, rather than sexy and poor Raven's jawline has got to go. I know it's a hopeless prospect, but I keep thinking "maybe they'll patch in a new jaw for her." It's not just an ugly woman thing...several of the men have jacked up faces, too.
-Assuming that they end up being reasonably balanced across characters, I hope the tournament scene embraces the stage gimmicks. They're completely controlled by the player, so they aren't random outside of which level is chosen.
-I like all of the levels. Some are actually cool and others are just awesomely stupid. People working on computers you just smashed as if a battle isn't going on is awesomely stupid. Knocking opponents into other people or grabbing humanoid robots to beat them with is awesomely stupid.
-The writing in Story Mode seems "authentic" even if it's not just fantastic. The writing in challenge mode (STAR Labs) is more like "coloring book level."
-I can't tell if it's actually a good fighting game or not, but I predict that I'll have gotten my money's worth by the time I figure that out.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the controls set up splendidly for a pad, with clever use of the shoulder buttons. However, I need to see if there are better control options for joysticks, as some of the button combinations don't work so well.
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Thu 18 Apr 11:08] |
Pollyanna 3444th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):The injustice of the Inju" , posted Mon 22 Apr 17:20    
quote: So, as pretty much every game with an xbald port, the source code of Injustice has already been seen, if it's accurate the 4 yet to be revealed characters are :
This may very well turn out to be true, but as it stands, this doesn't have a lot of credibility. Although I do like the game, I already have plenty of characters to use and I'm not a DC fan, so there isn't much riding on this for me.
Two more notes on the game for those who are interested, but haven't played it: -Projectiles are really important and really powerful, but there are a huge variety of them they tend to not cancel each other out. In other words, projectile battles involve both players getting hit at the same time a lot.
-Doomsday has a full-screen, tracking, unblockable move that uses no meter. As soon as more people figure this out, it's all you're ever going to see online. I think it was irresponsible of the developers to include something like this, even if it won't effect high-level play much.
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.
Iggy 9492th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):The Injustice of Stanley's loss" , posted Tue 23 Apr 21:15    
quote: Someone should make a "nothing but big dudes" 2D fighter next. (no, SlamMasters doesn't cut it) They can call it "Muscleboys."
Or Buriki One?
I'm OK with any of the 4 (more Eliza than Minette or Aeon, obviously) and I wouldn't be so sure about the second round: Beowulf has chances (not my favourite, but at least it's a guy).
As for Stanley, after he lost last round, I actually started thinking I wasn't THAT interested in playing him in a fighting game. I really think the team should expand the Skullgirl universe beyound that single game. Some characters could fit in quite a few other types of game, brawlers, platformers, puzzles... Stanley would probably be better used in a game solely designed around his awesomeness, instead of being forced in an existing game.
karasu99 1112th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(6):The Injustice of Stanley's loss" , posted Wed 24 Apr 03:45    
quote: Someone should make a "nothing but big dudes" 2D fighter next. (no, SlamMasters doesn't cut it) They can call it "Muscleboys."
Or Buriki One?
I'm OK with any of the 4 (more Eliza than Minette or Aeon, obviously) and I wouldn't be so sure about the second round: Beowulf has chances (not my favourite, but at least it's a guy).
As for Stanley, after he lost last round, I actually started thinking I wasn't THAT interested in playing him in a fighting game. I really think the team should expand the Skullgirl universe beyound that single game. Some characters could fit in quite a few other types of game, brawlers, platformers, puzzles... Stanley would probably be better used in a game solely designed around his awesomeness, instead of being forced in an existing game.
I was just pointed to this, which could potentially mean trouble for Skullgirls. I hope not, but I also know there are a lot of creeps in the world who might pull just such a dastardly stunt.
Why couldn't a Slammasters sequel and a Big Dudes from Skullgirls fighter be the same thing? Sadly, I'm sure this is one of those 'big titles' cancelled by Capcom of late.
Just a Person 1538th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):The injustice of the Inju" , posted Mon 13 May 22:49    
quote: Using the UMvC3 snapback glitch to post two times in a row.
First up, the Batgirl trailer has been posted. Surprisingly, she looks more Batmanesque than Batman.
Secondly, Lei Fang's twin tails hairdo has been confirmed for DoA5: Ultimate. Oh, and Momiji gameplay and Leon as well. I had hoped that Momiji would fight with a staff or some other weapon just to shake things up a bit but her punching and kicking look serviceable. Ohoho, I was just about to post but you beat me to it!
I don't know, I've gotten more than a little bored with DoA5 vanilla, so I can't imagine that '5 Ultimate' brings enough more to the base game to be worth bothering with. Momiji looks cool, but she's not especially different-seeming enough. I did like the big statue though-- it was one of my favorite parts of Ninja Gaiden 2 so I was happy to see it represented.
The new stage in DoA5 Ultimate looks cool, so does Momiji, and Leon should have been in DoA5 since the vanilla version. The "vanilla" DoA5 somehow felt rushed (no bosses in Arcade Mode; Story Mode without chapters for Lisa and Christie (and without much sense in the story overall); lack of variety between certain stages...). I hope this time, Team Ninja can get it right.
(still about Leon, it's kinda funny that the least popular fighter in the previous DoA games is now presented as one of the reasons why people who didn't play the vanilla DoA5 should play DoA5 Ultimate...)
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.