Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions welcome - Forums

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9622th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions welcome" , posted Tue 26 Feb 22:04:post reply

Release date 29/8/2013
7,980 yens (16,980 yens for the LE)
Official PV:
Fifth (second half)

Confirmed playable characters:
Part 1 : Jonathan / Zeppeli / Dio
Part 2 : Joseph / Whamu / Ceasar / Esidisi / Kars
Part 3 : Jôtarô / Kakyôin / Polnareff / Avdol / Hol Horse / DIO
Part 4 : Jôsuke / Okuyasu / Kôichi / Otoishi / Rohan / Kira (Kawajiri version + Stray Cats) / Kira Yoshikage with Sheer Heart Attack (as a DLC code included in the first press of both the regular and the limited edition) / Shigechi (Harvest)(DLC)
Part 5 : Giorno / Mista / Buccellati / Narancia / Diavolo
Part 6 : Jolyne / Hermes / Pucci
Part 7 : Johnny / Gyro / Valentine
Part 8 : Jôsuke

Confirmed non playable : Speedwagon, D'arby (Osiris), Melone, Chimporio
Latest Famitsû article with new systems and part 5 characters

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 15 Aug 19:49]


13th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Wed 27 Feb 00:30post reply

I'd say Trish or Yukako. Hot Pants unlikely since she sorta disguised as a man at first, so her voice would match that.

5758th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Wed 27 Feb 09:32post reply

This thread has a disturbing lack of appropriate ASCII art.

三ニ                :::::ヽ√                    ||:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
三ニ= 、              く:::::个         _____    ヾ、:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

9448th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Wed 27 Feb 21:54:post reply

        /  , -''"´     \
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  /´r┐|__,|ト、       、____`7´
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―-、__        ``ヾニ='′
     `ヽ      /、
       |‐- ...__   /ヽ\_
         \    ̄   `ヽ \

EDIT : However, posting Hermes AA is a criminal offense.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 27 Feb 21:56]

2392th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Thu 28 Feb 02:44post reply



760th Post

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PSN: missantroop
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Thu 28 Feb 14:34post reply

New Screenshots from Famitsu

Jojolion looks so cool!


1075th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Fri 1 Mar 01:41post reply

New Screenshots from Famitsu

Jojolion looks so cool!

Agreed about Jojolion. Funny, his design initially seemed awful to me, but he's really grown on me quite a bit, from the tooth gap to the sailor suit. I wonder if someone else from that series will eventually join the cast, but I guess that depends on a compelling enough character (and one that translates well enough to the game) being revealed in the manga.

After reading through Steel Ball Run again lately, I'm kindof hoping that Mountain Tim will be added to the cast. He'd be a good match I think for a fighting game.

9449th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Fri 1 Mar 01:51:post reply

      (⌒) /.:/___! :| (⌒)
       }: レ;{.:〈= =j.::ト/.:/_) (⌒)
‐ 、    ,ノ = ≡ィ=ミ ミ :/.:/:、! /.:/
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   \`ヽi~/,イフノ ミ ミ ミ ミ i/,//¨  厂 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ
-‐=ニ、 ヾj} 〈_ノ' ` ヾ-'⌒>'Y´/     〈 More leaks!? |
-―- 、\jリ,/    / `! y<,.} j'´    _,厶_  _______,ノ
┤イ ト丶∨    ノ / 、},。)j/  ┌'´ ̄ ̄´  ` ̄`'┐
┬ 卜 イ ! }  // _ "¨ ン′  | Cioccolata's 〉
┬ ┤ト 」ハ{/´  fエl ,. '"|    <  Voice actor?|
L.卜 ┬ /\.〉   iノ┴'‐--'     └、______,r‐'
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}-‐'´    _ノ_,入_`ブ┐    \  TWEETING HE'S DONE     ヽ
 ̄`7ー'7´/  ノ  jレーく__) ))   | RECORDING FOR Jojo ASB ?! |
  {l __{ ..:\__┌<_>‐'´        \______________,/
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---‐'´     /___/| ̄又又>|
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==' _ -‐ ___,ノ、二._ーァー'
___,. -一'¨¨ ̄  `'ー‐'´ ̄

I suppose he's either a stage gimmick or Secco's backup character?
If they go that route... wow.
I just hope he's not just going to be scenario-only or the next commercial narrator like D'arby.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 1 Mar 01:57]

3667th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Fri 1 Mar 08:28:post reply

ASB need some animals.. like the fellow below (go away Petshop, you were a nightmare). Come to think, a Strength/Orangutan boat stage would be pretty cool, a lot of possible gimmicks.

Man, it really does feel like the old days with all these speculations, leaks, and AAs flying over the place!

      ク    ク   ク     ク
   ク  チ    チ  チ    チ   ク  ク
   チ  ャ     ャ  ャ    ャ   チ  チ
    ャ  、__,.-、`     _, .,r‐'"ヽ-;    ャ  ャ
       ゙| 、_ \_,.ィ─ァ、/ (⌒゙7|´ ノ
  ク    ヽ\_r}/ /  \ ヾ/     ク
   チ   `ヽ、/_ヽ,   ノ _!      チ  ク
ク   ャ   ,ィ゙《(・))ヾ| ==i《((・)ゞ }}     ャ チ
 チ    / |i il゙ ̄/ ▼ \"|    ))     ャ
  ャ   ,.!  .|i | |  ,r=-、rヽi っl} |,
      |  ヽ\K_,./ニニッ、。ノ゚,, 〃
     ./    \ヽ_ ̄  |ヽu  ハ
   /  i    |  ̄ ̄ .イ  | u
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   |    .|   ノヽ   イ  |、
   ヽ  |  `!  \    ゙|  ヽi}
    | .|  |   ヽ   |  |ノ

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 1 Mar 10:12]

1032th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Fri 1 Mar 12:59post reply

ASB need some animals.. like the fellow below (go away Petshop, you were a nightmare). Come to think, a Strength/Orangutan boat stage would be pretty cool, a lot of possible gimmicks.

Man, it really does feel like the old days with all these speculations, leaks, and AAs flying over the place!

[AA]      ク    ク   ク     ク
   ク  チ    チ  チ    チ   ク  ク
   チ  ャ     ャ  ャ    ャ   チ  チ
    ャ  、__,.-、`     _, .,r‐'"ヽ-;    ャ  ャ
       ゙| 、_ \_,.ィ─ァ、/ (⌒゙7|´ ノ
  ク    ヽ\_r}/ /  \ ヾ/     ク
   チ   `ヽ、/&#

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
Is everyone in MMCafe is (apparantly) great AA'tist? Or is google my friend?

9449th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions w" , posted Fri 1 Mar 20:07post reply

Google definitely is, I wouldn't be able to draw a stick figure to save my life.

1033th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Fri 1 Mar 21:25post reply

Google definitely is, I wouldn't be able to draw a stick figure to save my life.

                  -‐=≦        ヽ
               ィi〔             ‘:,
            ィi〔                   ‘:,
           /                        ‘:,
        /                            ‘:,______
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          ィi〔 }三三三三三三 >’   イ≧ミ: :{{ !:  ‘:,
        ィi〔    ≧=‐―‐‐‐=≦     ィ〔_/ ヽ { }} ノ: : :.‘:,
     ィi〔>―‐r‐ 、              ィ≫rzァ ア Ⅴ{{: : : : ‘:,
  ィi〔  /    `ーノ          ィi〔    -‐=≦   V}}:丶: : : :|
. `¨ア´   x≦二 __  ィi爪 }!ト-ミ{ `ヽ  し   |{{  \: : |
.   /     / __     .:}}     | |  / u    、 U| }}     、:.!
  /    // ‘:,     {{ ハ   l/ イ       }  | {{     丶
. / __,, -‐      ‘,- ミ  }} ∧      ,,... -rzぅ   / }}        \
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.、     ̄         L  ‘:,}}  ハ            /  ヽ       イ ア´
∧     __,,.. -‐=   \ {{、       _      /- 、: /_ _ イ ア´
..∧           _  | }} \   、_l__/ 人_ ノ /  |三三ア
 ハ       /(__/ {{   :〕iトミ    _ -‐≧=≦l   ゝ---   、
.  ∧       ヽ      }} _   -‐      /    /   /   /
.  ∧       }     {{(             (   /  /   /

Roger that.

9452th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Wed 6 Mar 18:59:post reply

 《 《  《  《  《  《 ,_||__,--||--___________
\》 》  》___》__||--||~~||~ ||   彡  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  (___》,,,--';;;\(((/;;;;;/(,,,,,,,,   )) 彡   二   Esidisi and Ceasar
 Oヽヾ_-_,-ヽ,( ミ;;/,ノ~'''__-,,_, ノノ彡  二     Confirmed in next WJ ?!
   /--~~''"iiノ;;ヾミ;;ヽ二~ヽ""´ノ  ミ //)     This... this is too much
 O/;;;/;;;iii/ ;; \;ii;;\ .)..ノヽヽ   //ii /     to bear...
  .(/;;;iii;;;;(___,,,--,;;)ii|ヾ;;;;;;;|  | |   ;; |;; / 
//ヽ/\ヾ-'~~ ,_, "ヽ;;;;\ ||   ii_)ii )     
  ノ ( (\-,__,-'~  ) )ヾ;;;;;;;;| | ./;;;;)/ヽ    
 ノ ノ~~└└└└( (  |;;;;;ii\/;;;/~ヽノヾヽ
     .\;;;;;;;;;;;;;(___;;;;;;;>- |;;;;;iiii(;;;;(     ) )
     __|,>┌┌┌ /  ..|;;;;;;iiiiiヾヽ,,____ノ /
     ('' 二''--,___ ノ  _,-~~´~ \, .  ノ
     > ii~~~--   /iiiiii       ~~~~
     / ii    __./iiiiiii

I'm quite surprised by Esidisi, especially if Lisalisa is still a possible addition, but well, at least we have Fujiwara Keiji in another glorious game (he's my new seiyû crush, he was Matsunaga in Basara).
Quick! Scans! Trailers! More characters! Confirmation of Annasui and Ciccolata! More leaks! MORE GAME!!!

EDIT : scan!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 6 Mar 21:29]

14th Post

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New Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Wed 6 Mar 22:00post reply

[AA] 《 《  《  《  《  《 ,_||__,--||--___________
\》 》  》___》__||--||~~||~ ||   彡  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  (___》,,,--';;;\(((/;;;;;/(,,,,,,,,   )) 彡   二   Esidisi and Ceasar
 Oヽヾ_-_,-ヽ,( ミ;;/,ノ~'''__-,,_, ノノ彡  二     Confirmed in next WJ ?!
   /--~~''"iiノ;;ヾミ;;ヽ二~ヽ""´ノ  ミ //)     This... this is too much
 O/;;;/;;;iii/ ;; \;ii;;\ .)..ノヽヽ   //ii /     to bear...
  .(/;;;iii;;;;(___,,,--,;;)ii|ヾ;;;;;;;|  | |   ;; |;; / 
//ヽ/\ヾ-'~~ ,_, "ヽ;;;;\ ||   ii_)ii )     
  ノ ( (\-,__,-'~  ) )ヾ;;;;;;;;| | .&#

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Ehh Esidisi fuels the suspicion I have about the relation to the cast of the game and Medicos releases! more more

9453th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Wed 6 Mar 23:59:post reply

Ehh Esidisi fuels the suspicion I have about the relation to the cast of the game and Medicos releases! more more

True, and the colors chosen (at least for player 1) seem to follow choices made for the figures.
I think I remember reading someone from CC2 saying that adapting such weird body proportions in 3D is very tricky, and having 3D figures to work on is a tremendous help.
But most of the figures released focus on part 2-5, I believe? Except for the main characters, I don't remember many figures of parts 6 and 7...
Oh well. If they give us 6 characters for parts 2-5 and less for 8 and 7, I won't complain.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 7 Mar 00:00]

551th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Thu 7 Mar 03:48:post reply

Ehh Esidisi fuels the suspicion I have about the relation to the cast of the game and Medicos releases! more more
True, and the colors chosen (at least for player 1) seem to follow choices made for the figures.

Then there's still hope for Yukako...maybe

Oh, one more thing, because of the scan (not by me): SHIZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Thu 7 Mar 03:56]

295th Post

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XBL: BadoorSNK/WiiU:BadoorSNK
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Copper Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Thu 7 Mar 04:10post reply

CC2 just continues to add more and more into JoJo ASB, it's kind of crazy. Maybe they should leave some for Super JoJo ASB. Anyway, I don't want to swerve this thread to another topic, but the old Capcom JoJo game is now half priced on Xbox Live, now going for the what-it-should-have-been price of $10 instead of the exceptionally expensive price of $20. I might jump in and get it now as a way to keep me entertained till JoJo ASB.

3670th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Sat 9 Mar 09:47post reply

So if we go by figures using Medicos' lineup here, that means potential characters would be... Purple Haze/Fugo and Echos/Kouichi. Interesting.

Get this and Uryyy!

5762th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Sun 10 Mar 07:11:post reply


Get this and Uryyy!

So, I'll counter attack with this while doing this pose


Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 10 Mar 08:02]

3675th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Sun 10 Mar 20:23:post reply

Capcom's Jojo is half-price on Jp-PSN and reportedly 800MSP on Xboxlive as well. MAy as well pick it up, humm!

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 10 Mar 22:50]

9455th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discus" , posted Sat 16 Mar 02:06post reply

Are they going to do the whole fight in CM? Not that there would be anything wrong with that.
Esidisi looks surprisingly good, and I like the fact that Jôtarô reacted to Giorno.
Can't wait for more screenshots in next week's Famitsu!

9457th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Fri 22 Mar 02:36post reply


That teasing is killing me. Neither Kôichi nor Yukako talk, by the way, so it can't be a sure indication about their presence or not.

9459th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Sat 23 Mar 02:26post reply


The scornful lack of expression on Killer Queen's face is fantastic.

3701th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Tue 26 Mar 23:55:post reply


That teasing is killing me. Neither Kôichi nor Yukako talk, by the way, so it can't be a sure indication about their presence or not.

That CM was unconfortably weird-- the first thing the viewer sees when it came on was Kira's face looking towards the screen. Eerie! For anyone wondering, it was an ad for a new art book JOJOVELLER.

And then the show goes back on and Kars is having fun with Lisalisa's leg

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 27 Mar 00:36]

554th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Wed 27 Mar 06:54post reply

And then the show goes back on and Kars is having fun with Lisalisa's leg

Who wouldn't? Ween ween ween ween

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

9466th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Thu 28 Mar 01:55:post reply

It already has been two weeks, I was starting to get worried! But finally, more pictures and moves from Esidisi and Ceasar.
I was worried Esidisi would end up with only two special moves, but he looks quite varied... He even has an antiair, which seems quite rare in this game (not sure how useful it might be, though).

I was daydreaming that we might end up discovering some ex-Capcom employees in the staff, but I'm starting to wonder if they wouldn't be actually ex-SNK employees (not that it would make much difference, but still).
We already have 3 characters with special counters, and Hermes even has a super counter (like Kasumi in the later KOFs). It's an interesting design decision, especially with the just defence-step system, and Ceasar being more of a zoning character, with projectiles at different angles and specials that make him move around...
There's a lot of seemingly "zoning" characters though, I wonder how it will end up in the final game.

Almost April! Quick! More characters pretty pretty CC2 please!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 28 Mar 01:56]

5764th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Tue 2 Apr 14:18post reply

It's time for some off topic notice - Nico

So, anyone else thinks that Baoh is going to be a guest character on this? Though I suddenly have this urge of playing Santana and entering every other male member of the cast..... Not like that is going to happen.

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Every door in the game should include a stage gimmick ズラ

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2407th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Wed 3 Apr 07:24post reply

Baoh vs. Cars would be awesome!

But I'm secretly hoping for Gorgeous Irene.

2913th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Mon 8 Apr 10:42post reply

The anime ended part 2, and Starlight Crusaders was teased, but still no official announcement... my guess is since they can't really depend on DVD sales they're waiting to see how well the game sells before committing to a continuation? It'd be a shame if unpredictable circumstances prevented the long-awaited return of Iggy and alpha-Benimaru to the animated space.

9479th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Thu 11 Apr 00:15:post reply

The next public showing of the game will be early may, in... Tokushima???
Probably we'll see a new PV there? With more Ceasar, Esidisi, whoever is shown in April, and maybe a character or two for May?

There's a rumour the next characters to be released would be Kôichi (Echoes Act 1-2-3) and Otoishi (Red Hot Chili Pepper), but there's no scan of it yet... which means it's probably fake.
I REALLY hope we'll have at least one or two characters added in April...


[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 11 Apr 01:07]

5767th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Thu 11 Apr 03:43:post reply

There's a rumour the next characters to be released would be Kôichi (Echoes Act 1-2-3) and Otoishi (Red Hot Chili Pepper), but there's no scan of it yet... which means it's probably fake.
I REALLY hope we'll have at least one or two characters added in April...


バ    ×   __   x
 チ   +   /~\
  メ   :\_/:  メ
   〈__,り  \曰/  ,|__)_〉 +
    ム_/\__,.--、__/ゝ__>┐  バ
  く乙(予 )`='゙て r引)_ソ   チ
   x   ̄ + ろ く   ̄ メ
        7厂 z

Aaah, this cruel announcement might make me think that the could add for about as many characters to each part as the amount of guys that there are in Stardust Crusaders.

While Akira personality is completely silly (well, the game needs someone like that, I guess?), I always found that the fact that he was "the other boss" of part 4 was pretty interesting (perhaps, the only part with more than one "boss").

It would be cool if they stick to the concept of his stand, as in "it's pretty broken, however it can't function for a long time unless it's fed". I guess we'll have Akira stop what he is doing to play the guitar every once in a while to keep rechiri pumped?

edit :

Can I assume that having Koichi means that Yukako is possible?

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 11 Apr 09:11]

1042th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions w" , posted Thu 11 Apr 06:08post reply

While Akira personality is completely silly (well, the game needs someone like that, I guess?), I always found that the fact that he was "the other boss" of part 4 was pretty interesting (perhaps, the only part with more than one "boss").

In my eyes, there's only one boss in chapter 4. And it is Yoshikage Kira. Dare I say I loved him as the best boss entire manga, imho he's even better than Dio.

1138th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions w" , posted Thu 11 Apr 06:17post reply

There's a rumour the next characters to be released would be Kôichi (Echoes Act 1-2-3) and Otoishi (Red Hot Chili Pepper), but there's no scan of it yet... which means it's probably fake.
I REALLY hope we'll have at least one or two characters added in April...


[AA]バ    ×   __   x
 チ   +   /~\
  メ   :\_/:  メ
   〈__,り  \曰/  ,|__)_〉 +
    ム_/\__,.--、__/ゝ__>┐  バ
  く乙(予 )`='゙て r引)_ソ   チ
   x   ̄ + ろ く   ̄ メ
        7厂 z

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Whooooaaaaaahhhh What's going on??? So many awesome characters right outta the box! It's like they don't even want to milk us dry with DLC and sequels!

2413th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Thu 11 Apr 08:50post reply

While Akira personality is completely silly (well, the game needs someone like that, I guess?), I always found that the fact that he was "the other boss" of part 4 was pretty interesting (perhaps, the only part with more than one "boss").
In my eyes, there's only one boss in chapter 4. And it is Yoshikage Kira. Dare I say I loved him as the best boss entire manga, imho he's even better than Dio.

I liked and disliked Kira, partly for reasons that symbolize fanboy reasons.

Part 4 saw Joseph reduced to his puniest form. As if the weakening of him in part 3 from the almighty bullshi* machine he was in part 2, now he's just short of being an invalid. Whatever happened to the ripple making you more youthful? Geeze.

And so it is that in order to put Kira over the top, there have to be moments when the almighty Jotaro just can't deal, and it's difficult to accept, especially when Kira is ultimately a much pettier villain than Cars or Dio. He's somewhat entertaining, but in the end all he is is a small-town murderer.

So while there's a lot about part 4 I like, I never really loved Kira much.

2414th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions w" , posted Thu 11 Apr 09:25post reply

I'm just looking forward to Echoes Act 3 trying to talk trash in Engrish.

1043th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Thu 11 Apr 09:42post reply

While Akira personality is completely silly (well, the game needs someone like that, I guess?), I always found that the fact that he was "the other boss" of part 4 was pretty interesting (perhaps, the only part with more than one "boss").
In my eyes, there's only one boss in chapter 4. And it is Yoshikage Kira. Dare I say I loved him as the best boss entire manga, imho he's even better than Dio.

I liked and disliked Kira, partly for reasons that symbolize fanboy reasons.

Part 4 saw Joseph reduced to his puniest form. As if the weakening of him in part 3 from the almighty bullshi* machine he was in part 2, now he's just short of being an invalid. Whatever happened to the ripple making you more youthful? Geeze.

And so it is that in order to put Kira over the top, there have to be moments when the almighty Jotaro just can't deal, and it's difficult to accept, especially when Kira is ultimately a much pettier villain than Cars or Dio. He's somewhat entertaining, but in the end all he is is a small-town murderer.

So while there's a lot about part 4 I like, I never really loved Kira much.

Yes, I agree everything you're telling about Joseph.

Spoilerish for the people who didnt read part 4 and 5.

What I like about Kira is that he is pain in the ass, creepy and believable (except the stand thing). He's not a vampire, or a pillar man from past or an infinite dimensions traveller or a dinozor. He's just a normal (!) guy, if you know what i mean. Pucci was an equerry on his own chapter, Diavolo was introduced too late, and body swap with an ally didn't help. Well Dio is Dio. So I liked him better, for the record I liked him better because I wanted him to be dead but the motherlover wasn't quitting easily. Juicy villain. Not to mention, Killer Queen, the Father and the extreme makeover (which I'm not fond of, the old face was better ) Everything you love to hate.So I love him as a villain.

3434th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Thu 11 Apr 11:23post reply

Kouichi was pretty much inevitable, but I didn't expect Otoishi. Maybe I should have, since he has a conveniently attack-based stand that doesn't do much that would be impossible in a fighting game. Even if I'm not excited about him, he does present the idea that we can expect more characters from each story.


What I like about Kira is that he is pain in the ass, creepy and believable (except the stand thing). He's not a vampire, or a pillar man from past or an infinite dimensions traveller or a dinozor. He's just a normal (!) guy, if you know what i mean

I was really impressed at how well Araki captured the "serial killer" persona with him. The idea of "why won't people just leave me alone?" and "I just want to live my life!" was really brilliant. He didn't have the grandiose "big villain" feel, but he was a great fit for the story, and he's my favorite antagonist as well.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

5767th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Thu 11 Apr 14:00post reply

I was really impressed at how well Araki captured the "serial killer" persona with him. The idea of "why won't people just leave me alone?" and "I just want to live my life!" was really brilliant. He didn't have the grandiose "big villain" feel, but he was a great fit for the story, and he's my favorite antagonist as well.

This. Though, to be honest, most of Kira's appeal wouldn't wither if he wasn't a "last boss", having him pursuing his life style long enough does the trick. I liked that we got to hear from him after he was dead.

The question is not if Kira is cool enough for you to like him, but if your hands are pretty enough for you to like him.

About Diavolo, the thing that I didn't liked was mainly that he was too powerful "just because", as stated most other bosses have silly backgrounds and stuff, even Kira had the "he used the arrow to evolve" stuff thrown in; but for Diavolo there is like, absolutely nothing special aside from being born out of masturbation.

I admit that he is much better than the priest or the president. He gets extra points for having such a memetic dead - Nico (original - Nico, skip to 9:30). Did I mention that he has his own RPG - Nico ??

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9480th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions w" , posted Thu 11 Apr 20:10post reply

Trash-talking Echoes Act 3 is good enough for me!
I don't really care for Otoishi, especially because I can't really imagine him fighting by himself. Red Hot was doing everything and will probably be crazy fast and powerful, with some charge mechanic I suppose, but what will the 本体 do? Stay in the background and play the guitar?
I hope they don't make it some random fighting musician who hits people with his guitar. Otoishi seems to treasure his guitar far too much to take the risk of damaging it like that.
Anyhow, if we are to get another character from part 4, I really, really, really hope it's Yukako. The game could use more females, and more hysterical, batshit insane characters. People are also wondering if Kawajiri-Kira couldn't be there in some form or another... After all, the background for part 4 is the end of the fight, and it was Kawajiri, not regular Kira by then. Especially because Killer Queen + Stray Cats could make the character completely different (and I hope they don't try to adapt Bites the Dust, I'm afraid it would be quite lame. Especially after the discussions on time manipulation in Skullgirls). If he were, that would ease up the turmoil about DLC Kira quite a bit.

Kira is hands down my favourite villain of the series (it helps that I didn't really care for Joseph or Jôtarô, and I really don't like Jôsuke. I only started liking the main character with Giorno). On top of what everyone said already, I'll add that he's reliable in the sense that not only you understand why he's doing everything he does, but you also see him doing his things as the main character of some episodes. Who didn't cheer when Araki suddenly used Cinderella to do something useful, even though she had been introduced several volumes ago? You even end up cheering for Kira against Stray Cats, and the whole "fight" with Hayato over Bites The Dust is probably the absolute apex of the manga. Both characters are so great I couldn't help cheering for both. Why did we have to get Emporio after Hayato?

No other boss gets close to Kira. DIO and Kars are good vilains, but still quite cliché. Diavolo is forgettable (I really hope we get Doppio as a playable character, not base Diavolo). It didn't help that we mostly saw him as Buccellati.
I think Pucci is the worst villain of the series. He's the main reason why Stone Ocean absolutely sucks. He keeps winning the whole time, double crossing the good guys every single time (so they end up looking dumb and weak), but there is no rhyme or reason to anything he does. What are his powers? Oh, more or less everything, here, I'll transform the room into a giant snake stomach to digest you. BECAUSE. Why does he do stuff? Because it fits some random flowchart that doesn't make any sense. Here, a bone! And then chanting things makes a baby appear? And he alone can approach the baby because? And random coordinates? And his stand evolves? Why? Because. For what? Because. Here, have 3 douchebags that might be DIO's sons! Thank god he left Giorno out of it.
And finally he gets killed by Emporio. How lame.
The President wasn't great, but at least he was an immense improvement over Pucci.

I wonder if the characters for May (April=4th month, so May=characters from part 5, right? right? right?) will be Buccellati and Cioccolata. I really have the bad feeling Buccellati will end up DLC... After all, he's probably the most popular character of the whole series. That would make a TON of money. Much more than, say, Cioccolata, or Kenzo, or Keichô, or Vanilla.
Another likely DLC character could be Schtroheim, after the anime and the really good work his voice actor did.
Well, I'll end up getting every single piece of DLC they'll make for this game if they keep the quality up, so the more the better!

15th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Thu 11 Apr 22:00post reply

My villains ratings are rather similar to Iggy's except I really like Diavolo as well. Rather than himself we get to see his stand and powers rather early and often, while he appears as a shadowy figure behind a column or something. He is a looming presence over the whole part, and then there's Doppio too obviously. As a whole, I think he's great character, but I'll agree that his final image is somewhat weak and certainly non functional to his persona and goals. And that's certainly what gonna transpire in the game so... but I'd still rather have him definitely.
Thinking about it now, he's probably the only important character that has such little exposition in favour of his stand. When I think of Diavolo, the 1st thing that comes to mind are King Crimson crazy eyes, and only later his rockstar-like appearance.

I also agree that is hard to not want/expect Stroheim after the fantastic work of his VA in the anime.

2415th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Fri 12 Apr 01:54post reply

I think that I like the battles with Kira more than I like Kira. I agree, the fight with Bites the Dust was great, and I honestly try to forget about the part 6 villain. Can't say I was a huge fan of the part 5 villain. Now that I think about it, are the only topmost villains I like Dio and Cars? Huh.

While the motivations and characters are rather shallower with Dio and Cars, they have a baroque and over the top quality to them that is so squarely Jojo that I like them.

I hope Antonio or Rohan are present in some form.

1044th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Fri 12 Apr 16:24post reply


No other boss gets close to Kira. DIO and Kars are good vilains, but still quite cliché. Diavolo is forgettable (I really hope we get Doppio as a playable character, not base Diavolo). It didn't help that we mostly saw him as Buccellati.
I think Pucci is the worst villain of the series. He's the main reason why Stone Ocean absolutely sucks. He keeps winning the whole time, double crossing the good guys every single time (so they end up looking dumb and weak), but there is no rhyme or reason to anything he does. What are his powers? Oh, more or less everything, here, I'll transform the room into a giant snake stomach to digest you. BECAUSE. Why does he do stuff? Because it fits some random flowchart that doesn't make any sense. Here, a bone! And then chanting things makes a baby appear? And he alone can approach the baby because? And random coordinates? And his stand evolves? Why? Because. For what? Because. Here, have 3 douchebags that might be DIO's sons! Thank god he left Giorno out of it.
And finally he gets killed by Emporio. How lame.
The President wasn't great, but at least he was an immense improvement over Pucci.

Pucci sucks. What is his motivation? Somehow he believed that to reach to the paradise he(/dio) thinks jojo's should wiped from the existence. He has basically have army to rule the world, but he is busted by a small kid. Weak sauce.

Also it sucks that, all the female characters are either useless or they just need help. Even Lisa Lisa was fooled by cheap trick and needs of his student help.Actually it is ok since the main character was joseph so let him shine, right. But what was Jolyne's excuse? Seeing her alternate universe version? And Hot Pants? How did she died? "Oh, sorry I forgot to kill the Zeppeli traditionally, even though I planned Gyro, no Sandman, no Johnny as the main character, so please die Hot Pants and DInO please exit immediately... Rant continues like that .

58th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Sat 13 Apr 00:44post reply

But weren't there 2 Hot Pants in the SBR world when the original "probably" died? So isn't the one from the world where they were chasing diamonds still alive? I thought she just got left behind when the other one went on the train?

I still have to read part 5 and 6, but so far my favorite bosses are Dio, Kira, Valentine, Cars. Probably in that order.

2426th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Sat 13 Apr 01:07post reply

But weren't there 2 Hot Pants in the SBR world when the original "probably" died?

While I've yet to get into Jojo despite everyone telling me to the last time I wondered what all the commotion was about, the staggeringly, fascinatingly surreal conversations and descriptions I hear make for such entertaining reading that I'm not sure I could bear to actually get around to reading it and seeing it take an actual form.


2418th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Sat 13 Apr 01:32post reply

There's no way that anything will ever be able to measure up with the beautiful mystery of what may be, but Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is so entertaining and so visually interesting that you might just forget.

5768th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Sat 13 Apr 07:30post reply

But weren't there 2 Hot Pants in the SBR world when the original "probably" died?
While I've yet to get into Jojo despite everyone telling me to the last time I wondered what all the commotion was about, the staggeringly, fascinatingly surreal conversations and descriptions I hear make for such entertaining reading that I'm not sure I could bear to actually get around to reading it and seeing it take an actual form.

Ah, I'm sure that the awesome posing would distract you from any meaningful reading. If that's not the case, there is actually plenty of singing - Nico in store to keep the mind occupied.

One thing, though; is that in Jojo many of the character dialogs become epic memes and that spread and preserved by future generations as part of our human patrimony. A single chapter can even easily be better than a MAD - Nico (watch the first 2 : 15 minutes for a wonderful experience) , but as a translator is pretty hard to handle that type of responsibility, in fact a lot of the translators out there aren't aware of that kind of weight and just content themselves with delivering the meaning of the sentences (which is a proper thing to do, even though some vital things such as kiais were lost).

Bottom line, if you can, check it on it's original form.

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3711th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Sat 13 Apr 08:36:post reply

Lol, I didn't realize there were so many hardcore Jojo fans here-- it's Awesome.

I was really impressed at how well Araki captured the "serial killer" persona with him. The idea of "why won't people just leave me alone?" and "I just want to live my life!" was really brilliant. He didn't have the grandiose "big villain" feel, but he was a great fit for the story, and he's my favorite antagonist as well.

This pretty much summarizes Kira. I still haven't checked out Dead Man's Q (the short episodes about his afterlife) and maybe it's time to do so. This thread reminded me of that.

I think Pucci just lacks the character or Araki-ness that the other antagonists had. Almost to a point that you wish he'd start going ween ween on Jolyne or looking at Jotaro's hands if they're pretty enough to get high on.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 13 Apr 09:29]

9495th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Wed 24 Apr 23:10post reply

We are overdue for more information and videos!!! Piroshi, just be done with Naruto and FEED US!

Interesting to see the figurines on the desktop, and I think their function is not merely decorative.

2429th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discuss" , posted Thu 25 Apr 11:09post reply

Question for those with sharp eyes:

In 2D fighting games, all kinds of interesting subtle deformations and oddities of perspective can feel natural; if anything, they convey the sensation better.

In SF4, one of the interviews describe how active parts of characters are slightly scaled up to emphasize them during attacks; it isn't something that is always immediately obvious in motion (certainly not as obvious as Gief's arms ballooning up in SFEX when he does a lariat!), but becomes evident in silhouettes. Guy's stance was another odd case: in order for him to be a 3D character while having that stance look right in 2D, his height and scaling had to be tuned in all kinds of ways.

How do you think that is reflected in 3D recreations (in sculptures/figures or digital models) of the always-wildly-posed 2D characters in Jojo? Araki has a great sense for the proportions of humans, but he also know how to violate those perfect proportions in order to make things bizarre.

9496th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discus" , posted Thu 25 Apr 23:39post reply

To be honest, it's difficult to know at the moment because they are only showing up very short, "perfect" segments. Some "legitimate" deformation happens (Jonathan's Dahlsim-like arm, the close-up on the distorted faces when Gold Experience punches) but I don't think we've seen anything on the scale of what you're talking about.

But Street Fighter comes from a very different perspective : they had to (or rather thought they had to) stick to the original 2D poses, even though a lot of them don't make sense (as 3D models, or as real people fighting). The worst example of that is Balrog (Spanish ninja with claw). His stance in SF4 is ridiculous, with his background shoulder absurdly and painfully sticking out of his lung.
Showing the front torso of Ken and Ryu makes sense in a 2D perspective (if I recall correctly, even more in SFZero?) to allow players to identify them more easily, but it translates oddly in a 3D plane (see : SF EX, or KOF MI when a character is on the 2nd player place and then shows only his back to the player). In other terms, characters facing each other VS characters facing the player with just their head facing the opponent at an uncomfortable 90º is a common visual issue in fighters.
Since Jojo is build up from the 3D plane, with visual satisfaction of the player being the prime goal and realism a mere distant concept, their perspective is probably going to be quite different from, say, Mortal Kombat or Tekken.

3448th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous " , posted Fri 26 Apr 08:06post reply

Just a quick Jojo-related note. The February issue of Spur is still available on Amazon Japan. It has a pullout "poster" Jolyne cover under the normal cover and a pack-in full color Jojo comic that includes Araki's recent Gucci illustrations. I would consider this a "must have" item.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

3720th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous" , posted Sat 27 Apr 04:24post reply

Chill your drinks with some Jojo text.

5771th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous" , posted Sat 27 Apr 05:42post reply

Chill your drinks with some Jojo text.

Humanity surpasses my expectations yet again. Related image

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9497th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous" , posted Sat 27 Apr 07:07post reply

Related image

If there is a word to describe my current state of mind after seeing this, it probably does't belong to any Earth-language.

5773th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous" , posted Mon 6 May 08:14:post reply

Have you, dear readers, ever thought of ways to using Jojo's wonderful and overly loud voice acting for the greater good of the human race? I'm sure we all have.

In any event, here is one of such answers - Nico . Comboing something good with something good naturally ends up with a nice mixture, even if you can potentially go deaf if you are using earphones.

edit : Oh, there it also seems to be a youtube version , just like the nico playlist, there are more in the channel.

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 6 May 13:01]

9500th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous" , posted Wed 8 May 01:50post reply

The location test of this week-end seemed to use a similar build as the last one. Some changes, but not a huge evolution.
Playable characters were the 7 Jojos, Whamu and Gyro (there since the TGS), as well as Zeppeli, Polnaref, DIO and Okuyasu. Still no Kakyôin, Mista, Hol Horse or Hermes, and none of the newer characters (Kira, Esidisi, Kôichi, etc). I sure hope development is going well, but I’m starting to get worried…
No newer video either.

*Guard gauge
The stylish gard consumes 1/4 of the guard gauge, however the gauge replenishes very slowly. Abusing the system would empty the gauge very fast, leading to plenty of guard crashes. The system seems to be surprisingly balanced.

* Provocation
Regular provocation depletes the opponent’s HH gauge by 1/8. If done after the enemy is sent flying, it depletes much more. DIO can do it after stopping time, and the enemy’s gauge will go down once the time has started moving again. Provocations cannot be canceled by anything, so you really need to be sure you can’t be punished before doing one.

The sword of Luck&Pluck is very easy to use. Puttsun Canceling it leads to easy and damaging combos. Zoom punch seems better for pocking? The range seems the same as Zeppeli’s.
Both Jonathan and Zeppeli seem very easy to use and beginner friendly, with several moves in common.
By the way, all Hamon users fill their breathing gauge at the same speed. According to the developer, that wasn’t the case at the beginning, but they had to change it to adjust the balance (it’s always reassuring to hear them say they consider balance with such systems).

He can send several Hamon cutters according to the button pressed (1, 2 or 3). You can also cancel “Jumping while sitting” with air Hamon cutters, meaning you can hop all around filling the screen with projectiles.

The sword has good reach and the tip of the blade hits well, which makes him a very offensive character. Close-up and defence against incoming opponents seems to be his weakness. Also, you need to be precise with his moves: the sword is very fast on the attack, but Polnareff needs some time to recover, so you need to not throw your moves mindlessly.
Armour Take Off (his HHA) lowers the defence, and creates 3 Chariot images (a little like Galon’s Mirage Body in Hunter). It is very powerful, and can be used at the earliest opportunity to push one’s advantage.

Generally, he seems quite easy to use, with anti-projectiles, good space control, range and speed, and some stunning attack. The HHA is very powerful, but on the other hand he might feel lacking when in normal mode, especially against aggressive opponents. His GHA is probably one of the fastest of the game, very useful to take anyone off-guard.

Against Jôsuke, Ponareff start by saying he’ll give him a free haircut.

The barrier he creates by breaking/remodelling the ground changes according to the stage (in Moriôchô, it’s concrete, in the coliseum, it’s brown tiles, in the prison’s courtyard it’s green leaves…). The strength of the button changes the distance at which it appears.

He has a cripplingly low number of moves, and they are all very slow.
All characters can start a combo from weak punch all the way to their HHA, but Okuyasu’s is so slow it gets avoided very easily.
However, his stand attacks are unblockable, and can be charged. Some attacks can also erase most projectiles of the game (except Johnny’s GHA), but it’s unclear which ones can and cannot. He also deals tons of damage; his HHA alone deals roughly as much damage as other characters' weak>middle>strong>special>HHA combo.

After the opponents are punched away by his HHA, they cannot move for around 2 seconds. So near a wall, HHA=>taking advantage of the paralysis to land a combo=>HHA=>combo=>HHA can be done until the gauge runs out. Fortunately, Giorno doesn’t deal a lot of damage, but it’s still very damaging / frustrating, plus the animation of the HHA becomes annoying when repeated in such ways.
It takes 3 real-life seconds to activate his GHA, so the worries about an unstoppable Requiem can be put to rest. The HHA infinite seems much more worrying.
He has a lot of tools at his disposal, the frog counter, the mudamuda rush, the easy evasion with the tree, and generally fast and low-lag moves. However, he doesn’t seem to excel in anything.
In Requiem mode, he can cancel a lot more things, close the distance very fast, create many more opportunities to break the opponent’s guard… But if he’s hit during the 3 seconds start-up, the gauge is wasted.
In any case, for the moment, he seems to be a character that will need to store a lot of gauge, and then release it in one go to kill the opponent, either through HHA cheapness of by finding a way to go into Requiem mode.

She is probably the character with the longest range in her moves. The 1000 ball throws is especially long-reaching.
She can also put a sort of net on the ground, low damage but paralyse the enemy for a short time. Her game plan could involve laying traps and harassing the opponent from afar, which would be quite different from other zoners such as Gyro. That makes the current unplayability of Mista and Hol Horse even more frustrating.

Tusk Act 4 is NOT an unblockable. There seems to have been a lot of spec changes going on with this move… I hope it will end up OK.
For the time being, if Johnny is not riding his horse, he automatically climbs on it before attacking. Since he’s shooting from a high position, he can miss if the opponent is too close. Also, whether it hits the opponent or not, it evolves Tusk straight to Act 4, regardless of his previous state.
Piroshi said that between Act 4 and Gold Experience Requiem, the latter is definitely the stronger (hence the 3 seconds lag).

Johnny’s sentence to Jôsuke is “that’s a great haircut, it super great, you’re so dope” in the flattest tone possible.

He’s more or less Jotarô with more emphasis on mid-range. Moves reaches farther, can counter/evade attacks by stopping time, and he is capable to keep the enemy away as well as rushing up close by teleporting or using attacks that move him forward. He also deals good damage and has an impressive variety of attacks.
He only throws one knife at a time (like he does against Joseph), but if you do it while the time is stopped, you can emulate the same feeling as the super in Capcom’s game.
DIO is a special character in that when he gets attacked, he gets half of the damage in recoverable health, like the system in Vampire Savior. However, it seems Hamon damage is unrecoverable.
He also has a move where he starts walking towards the opponent, “giving him a chance”. This move is cancellable, and has 2-3 hits of super armor. It seems like a powerful counter move.
If DIO sucks the blood out of a member of the Joestar family (Giorno included), he feels “最高にハイ”, which is all I wanted to know really.

General appreciation (biaised views, obviously):
The game plays well for beginners. It’s a very strange SF2, very lively, and pretty. Fights are dynamic and fast.
As a fan game, it’s simply amazing, you could just play all day pausing every second to see your favourite characters going through all their animations.
But for real fighting games fanatics (who would be simply looking for a good fighting game regardless of the licence), the game doesn’t look so hot. There are massive worries of imbalances and broken characters, the supers are extremely long (much longer than Ibuki’s infamous Ultra 1 in SSF4), which breaks the rhythm of the fight (no option to shorten them as of yet), and the 30 FPS won’t be popular with the kids nowadays…
In other words, the SRK crowd can continue to ignore the game.

16th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous" , posted Wed 8 May 02:40post reply

hmm 30 fps, that's pretty lame. Fighters on the Neogeo and CPS2 were 60fps it's not really a matter of new kids.
Still, only disappointing thing I read about ASB, no biggie. Will play the hell out of it anyway.

5773th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous" , posted Wed 8 May 03:35post reply

DIO is a special character in that when he gets attacked, he gets half of the damage in recoverable health, like the system in Vampire Savior. However, it seems Hamon damage is unrecoverable.

I'm guessing that all "night beings" have this stuff, it would make sense.

Considering the game, I'm actually very interested on which are going to be the bosses. It will be an universal strong one? (I doubt that) or every "boss" character is going to have a slightly souped up version waiting for you at the end? (that would be nice) or we are simply going to get a character there depending on who we play, like in Zero 1? (that's the more likely).

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

9501th Post

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"S.H.I.T !" , posted Thu 9 May 20:55post reply

Finally more info and screenshot of Kôichi and Otoishi.

Kinda relieved Otoishi doesn't attack with his guitar. I like his electric gauge gimmick.
They don't say anything about Echoes evolving... Does he simply have all 3 version available permanently?
Also, that's two more characters with a counter... There's going to be a lot of Geesowarding in this game.

I'm worried it took them a full month to show these two... I was expecting Bucca, Ciocco and another boss (Diavolo or Kars?) for May, but now, I'm afraid that might be the only info we'd be getting until June.
Oh, well. These two look much better than I thought they would, so I'm still happy.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
(I want to see them move, and Esidisi and Ceasar too!!! Gimme a new PV!!!)

End of Spoiler

9505th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Ultimate life form" , posted Wed 15 May 21:19:post reply

                          , ,__,._rフノ三ニ=-
                          巛 l ヽ.Vト、彡'/三ミ三ミニミミ彡ノ
                     ヽト、ll|  〉 | ハ/////彡ニニニニミヽ'
                  il|、_ハ._〉`丁川Lノ//ノ/彡⌒ミミi川ミミ三 I have no needs for turbans in that game!
                ,.--、≧ミミミr‐f⌒(__)ニ入ミミ三ミ//〈__,二二ミ  I am the ultimate life form!
        。・・。.  。_ rく___ノ __ヽソ ーヽ-' _ノ |lト、ミ三ニ、ミミミミミヽヽ
       。゚  .。・:{(__)ヽ'八ー'(_ )l\ i j/  __,,>_ヽミ//ヽ.})川|ヽミミ  No other character can stand next to me!
      :  。゚ <二〉 / ̄ ̄ヽ<二弋テ}'-‐'f‐t:テブ´ ヾ/リ./ノハヽミミミ  (or be unveiled on the same week as I)
       : 。゚   ,(○!: : : : : ノ○)l   /! '´ l  ̄    (⌒Yヽ巛ミミ、ヽヽ
      :。゜   / \ヽ: : : :/-ン ,ハ lノ __      f⌒V  ',川川,},}j  Buccalawho? Who cars!
     .。:゚  / `ヽ /ヽ ‐,'|〈_入{__ハ ヽ-'__,.     >‐<   Vノノノ八   I mean, cares!
    。゜ : /`ヽ /∨´|lvj人 _ 〉__ハ.`ー‐_'    /└-'    ノ ̄了ミ  
    .:  。゚{ ー‐、' \, |ー'`´!  /  巛',`匸  /    _... -‐::: ̄::::::{ミミ  
   。゚  。゜ _i  ヽ \,ヘノ    /   __ヽー─≦-‐::: ̄::::-‐:::: ̄::__:::::\  
  :  。゜ //\    _,. -‐ァ'   __rf´:::::::::_::::::::::-‐::::_ ̄::-─::: ̄::::::::::ノ:    
   ゚。・__./\  丶--' _/! ,...<::_ヽ_:::::__:::::-‐:: ̄:::::::::::::::::__:::::-::::´:::::::
 ,  ´  /  丶、二二 ..ノ:; '"´ \  \:::::::::ー‐:----:─::::-=三三二
   /,'   ,.'二二、ヽ //   ,. -‐ヽ'´ ̄ ̄ ̄ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::__:::::::

Also, new system: "Situational finish". It involves beating an opponent in a certain stage, with a certain move (or/and stage gimmick) to have a special K.O. animation/finisher mimicking the scene from the manga (the example given is the vampire horse in part 2's Colosseum). I speculate that's how they'll manage to fit Bites the Dust in the game, having your character explode if certain conditions are met in Moriochou's stage?

Also, there seem to be character customization in the game. Not sure yet if that means color edit, quote/pose edit (for provocations/victory pose?) or real customization with items (that would be the best option, of course... I mean, all of them combined would be the best option).
We'll know when the scan comes, tomorrow probably.

Still, only one character this month...


[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 15 May 21:23]

3738th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Ultimate life form" , posted Wed 15 May 22:03:post reply

And so, Kars stopped thinking.
Wonder if we'll get to send him out of orbit with the Situational KO.

Anyhoos here's the link to the Ultimate Kars snapshot floating around-

So the customization lets you change costumes, victory pose and voices. The text unfortunately is really small so it's impossible to pick everything up.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 15 May 22:15]

9507th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Ultimate life form" , posted Wed 15 May 23:05:post reply


That was totally unexpected!!!
(Too bad Yukako, see you in the sequel).

The customization allows to change poses and onomatopoeia for provocations and victory.
No word on actual clothing custom that I can see... But some people in the thread mention it, so let's hope.
The rush mode is probably "whoever mashes the button harder wins" ???

Possible new stage (hard so see) : Kira Yoshikage's room (gimmick: his father? Taking pictures, knives flying?)

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 16 May 20:14]

5776th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Ultimate life form" , posted Thu 16 May 06:49:post reply

And so, Kars stopped thinking.
Wonder if we'll get to send him out of orbit with the Situational KO.

I doubt that any major boss fight KO would be left out; it's pretty much the whole point of the system in the first place as those are the coolest deaths; furthermore the 'kangaeru no wo yameta' meme is pretty famous, so that's that.

I guess the biggest doubts in the cast would be "non stand Dio" (possibly redundant, & nobody cares about him) & Funny Valentine (he was spotted in a background, supposedly(?)). Now where is Straizo & his naked moveset?

Also, I would like a LisaLisa's training island to be in, just to replay ACDC's death motivated by the fact that Keiji Fujiwara has one of the best cursing voices in the industry

Considering how Rohan showed up, I wonder if I should get more hopeful of the cameos at the start of the trailers? At this point pretty much every character that they announce is gonna make me twirl with joy.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 16 May 07:14]

9507th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Ultimate life form" , posted Thu 16 May 08:30:post reply

I guess the biggest doubts in the cast would be "non stand Dio" (possibly redundant, & nobody cares about him) & Funny Valentine (he was spotted in a background, supposedly(?)).

Actually, now that Rohan can punch and kick Kars anytime, it rules out all the "this character (Valentine, Abbacchio, Rizzotto, Speedwagon) cannot be in the game because he doesn't have enough moves" objections. I mean, what is Rohan going to do? Eat spiders? And how frustrating is he going to fight against if he can make you do what he wants, seal off your moves, etc? It's going to be awesome.
After Rohan, anything is possible. They could even add Stray Cats (alone, as a plant rooted in the ground) as a playable character at this point.

by the fact that Keiji Fujiwara has one of the best cursing voices in the industry
*nod appraisingly*

Considering how Rohan showed up, I wonder if I should get more hopeful of the cameos at the start of the trailers? At this point pretty much every character that they announce is gonna make me twirl with joy.

He's also the second character after DIO that is playable while featured in a stage gimmick. So Vanilla, Weather, and the chandelier of Dio's manor all have a spot.
I suppose the situational finish of the manor will be Dire's head spitting a rose? It's sad but probably for the best if they don't put him playable...
They could also have Part 1 Dio being attacked by Dire during a super and killing him as an elaborate provocation/hyper cancel.

There aren't that many characters featured in the first trailers that haven't been added to the game... Merely Buccellati (who cannot be left out of the game whatever way you look at it) and Old Joseph if you don't count the quotes at the beginning of the PV2.
I wonder if they will add more Part 3 characters, or if they wait for the inevitable anime sequel to sell Old Joseph or Vanilla as DLC / in a sequel.

EDITAnd very unsurprisingly, Rohan's VA is KAmiya Hiroshi. He was the most obvious name lacking in the VA list, so now he's in. Maybe Hosokawa could be added... Buccellati?

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 16 May 20:17]

9527th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Fashion!" , posted Mon 27 May 18:52post reply

In a Jojo thread, it had to happen.
Some of them are really cool.

9532th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Golden Wind" , posted Wed 29 May 20:08:post reply

     __,,,,... -―‐-、__
=ニ_" ̄-...._,二   ,,..=''"   ""''=-、_
  ~~'''''‐、_ ''=;;;>ー`'―――--、    ヽ、     ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ
       `/         ヽ ヽ‐-、  ヽ   /  .とうおるるる...
       |エ`l  =''''エヱ,'' ‐/ /\    .l   l.  Hello ? Boss ?
       /(・)`|   /(・)  >  ヽ    \|   |.  You're in Jojo ASB this month ?
       /〈  ̄ "'  ,`ー- ' i   /\    |   〉  .With Buccellati?
.      l::::ヽ___ヽ  。゚ , ' l  ヽ__  /   〈   And Narancia too?
      |::::::r~‐、     /     ,r、`i/    l.  Congratulations!
.       |::::::))ニゝ     /     2り /    _ノ  But...
       |::::(_,,   /     (_/|-=二__   What about me?
      !::  ""        / 入. |        \________
       `ヽ、__,,,,........,,,,_/ / || |l|
.          〕;;;;;;;;;;:::::=''" _/||  ||/ |
       _|| ̄|| ̄|| ̄ ||.  ||,/|| ヽ
    '" ̄  ||  ||  ||   || /|    \

And what about Cioccolata, too.
I wonder how Narancia will play (and who will voice him).
Also, Buccellati! So much WKTK!

Edit: Scans, with not a lot except fabulous modelling.

Wait... New background, next to a train... Pesci and Prociutto???
If they add the two main couples of enemies (along with Ciocco&Secco) as playable and not merely gimmicks or story mode elements, they can skip Rizzotto and no one will complain.
Pfff. With Buccellati, they can even skip everyone else and release the game right now at this point.
29 characters already, and they have only showed 2 characters for parts 6 and 7! Who knows how much the final game will grow!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 29 May 22:10]

19th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Golden Wind" , posted Thu 30 May 04:15post reply

ohhh awesome. The cast is indeed already fantastic.
About these models, Diavolo and especially Narancia look more buff. I'm really not sure that expression fits much Bucciarati...?

The next trailer gonna give me a stroke I believe.

5782th Post

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"Re(2):Golden Wind" , posted Thu 30 May 18:11:post reply

            |: 丶
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.      イ_,ノ: ‘,/: : :.乂   _,,..-‐-ミ     _          オ、オレは何回死ぬんだ!?
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Just how many times have we posted about him? The next one, where will it come, when will it be? I.... I...

BTW, there is apparently a rumor that the next trailer should be close to July, supposedly comes from 2ch but I haven't seen anything about it.

Oh, also, someone over at nico nico gave themselves the work of comparing the current PVs to the manga scenes - A must see for any Jojo fan - very fun stuff.

1st PV - Nico

2nd PV - Nico

3rd PV - Nico

4th PV - Nico

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 30 May 18:16]

9532th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Golden Wind" , posted Thu 30 May 19:58post reply

BTW, there is apparently a rumor that the next trailer should be close to July, supposedly comes from 2ch but I haven't seen anything about it.

Ah, I think I've seen that rumour (late June trailer). It would be the last one and feature all the characters of the game. I find it hard to believe, since there are already 9 characters not featured in any trainer, and the game still needs a few part 6&7 characters. Or they'll show them all in the coming weeks? But then, I don't understand what they'll show during July and august...
Oh well. We'll see. Less than 100 days left!!!

3757th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Next trailer coming June 9" , posted Fri 31 May 18:54post reply

They're going to show it in Shinjuku and Osaka, then probably going to post a direct-feed later online!

9534th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Next trailer coming June 9" , posted Fri 31 May 19:40post reply


They're going to show it in Shinjuku and Osaka, then probably going to post a direct-feed later online!

I was coming to post this!
Oh well, I have something else then: everyone's favourite shop-specific DLC packs.
Damnit (especially now that everyone preordered their game 3 months ago).
3 shops are concerned, but the only one announced officially is Lawson, with custom voice DLC for provocations of Jôsuke, Okuyasu and Kôichi.

If it's that specific, I'm not that salty. Probably.
Depending on what they say. And who are the others.

21th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Next trailer coming June 9" , posted Fri 31 May 22:09:post reply

Are the seiyuu for the last part 5 characters known? I still have in mind the voices of the ps2 game and I'm very curious.

[this message was edited by Fuu on Fri 31 May 22:10]

9535th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Next trailer coming June 9" , posted Fri 31 May 23:41post reply

Are the seiyuu for the last part 5 characters known? I still have in mind the voices of the ps2 game and I'm very curious.

Not yet... Someone proposed Megumi Ogata for Narancia, and I kinda like it.
We'll probably know next week?

9542th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Next trailer coming June 9" , posted Thu 6 Jun 03:16post reply
Plenty of pictures of Rohan, Kars, Kira and the new stage.
Oh I want to play so much!!!

5783th Post

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"Re(5):Next trailer coming June 9" , posted Thu 6 Jun 03:55post reply

Plenty of pictures of Rohan, Kars, Kira and the new stage.
Oh I want to play so much!!!

I'm so glad that 'Sheer Heart Attack' is Kira's ougi, after all 'Bite the Dust' can't be used on stand users (In other words, it should be a stage gimmick via Hayato rather than an attack).

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

9544th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Next trailer coming June 9" , posted Thu 6 Jun 04:42:post reply

I'm so glad that 'Sheer Heart Attack' is Kira's ougi, after all 'Bite the Dust' can't be used on stand users (In other words, it should be a stage gimmick via Hayato rather than an attack).

Wasn't there something about the gimmick in that stage being about Bite The Dust ? Like, inserts of Rohan reading Hayato, then the thunder falls on the Pepsi sign and on the stage... Could it be that the sequence goes on until Rohan (and the players ?)'s death?
Also, does the fact Kira shows no sign of Stray Cats more or less confirm a Kawajiri version?

And Rohan's command move sealing off the style button, the HHA sealing off special moves and his GHA sealing off ALL attacks will be very annoying! Fortunately, he looks like he'll do very little damage.
On the other hand, Kars having flight plus unblockables on so many moves is terribly frightening (rightfully so, though). I wonder if Pet Shop cursed the game: "a flying character in a Jojo game? He has to be overpowered".

Edit : Kira can get damaged by his own explosions, and Echoes can stop Sheer Heart Attack. Neat!
I hope he has more tricks than that, though. A simple Rush and a powered-up [Leona's] SHA don't seem very appealing. Or maybe he has strong normals?

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 6 Jun 05:45]

5784th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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"Re(7):Next trailer coming June 9" , posted Thu 6 Jun 06:09post reply

On the other hand, Kars having flight plus unblockables on so many moves is terribly frightening (rightfully so, though). I wonder if Pet Shop cursed the game: "a flying character in a Jojo game? He has to be overpowered".

丶、 丶\ ヽ `、:| i:i|
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Ultimate being? Don't forget about the feathers.


Edit : Kira can get damaged by his own explosions, and Echoes can stop Sheer Heart Attack. Neat!
I hope he has more tricks than that, though. A simple Rush and a powered-up [Leona's] SHA don't seem very appealing. Or maybe he has strong normals?

Supposedly Kira's stand's design point was that it wasn't that great strength wise (like, Josuke & Jotaro could punch him silly without getting caught); since they kept Okuyasu's "slow but strong", I'm guessing that such a basic concept is going to be kept.... Well, I guess they could do gimmicky things like him throwing exploding coins with his normal or something? Maybe combo / damage oriented with little flash on his moves? (would fit his "efficiency, but not stand out" policy).

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9549th Post

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"Re(8):Next trailer coming June 9" , posted Fri 7 Jun 23:31:post reply

Online confirmed.

Over 30 characters!!!

We currently know 29 characters, so that means there probably won't be many more added...
Still MIA: Dio (part 1), Pucci, Valentine, Annasui (possibly leaked?) and Cioccolata (possibly leaked? Or stage gimmick?). That would be 34...
Maybe trading Dio for Diego??? Hopefully they don't count DLC characters, and they're making plenty of them?
... Are Annasui and Cioccolata DLC???

The regular (not the limited edition) is already over 100k preorders...
The marketing blurbs mentions that the game should appeal to core fans in their 20s and 30s, and also to users under 20 who have been drawn to the series by the anime.
I can't imagine they're not making a sequel after the anime of part 3.

I'm fine with it.

EDIT: 100k... 3 month before the release!
That's incredibly huge for something that looked so niche.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 7 Jun 23:56]

3766th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Insane Jojo trailer showing in Tokyo" , posted Sun 9 Jun 17:59:post reply

It just happaned an hour ago and I was there. The trailer was good but what was really surprising was the volume of fans that were crowding the street. INSANE. I knew Jojo was popular, but not this popular. An astonishing number of the crowd were female fans.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 9 Jun 18:10]

9553th Post

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"Re(1):Insane Jojo trailer showing in Tokyo" , posted Sun 9 Jun 18:10post reply

Thanks!!! I'm still not done reading the threads but it's super fun already.
Instead of creating the next thread at post 950, they built it at thread 650 "just to be on the safe side".

It's all sorts of amazing.

1616th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Insane Jojo trailer showing in Tokyo" , posted Sun 9 Jun 18:13post reply


It just happaned an hour ago and I was there. The trailer was good but what was really surprising was the volume of fans that were crowding the street. INSANE. I knew Jojo was popular, but not this popular. An astonishing number of the crowd were female fans.

Whoaaa those girls are going crazy!

3766th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Insane Jojo trailer showing in Tokyo" , posted Sun 9 Jun 19:26post reply

Official site is opened and Bandai Namco's server is down. I wonder if it's the Jojo or Tekken that's causing it.

5786th Post

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"Re(1):Insane Jojo trailer showing in Tokyo" , posted Sun 9 Jun 19:28:post reply


The trailer was good but what was really surprising was the volume of fans that were crowding the street. INSANE. I knew Jojo was popular, but not this popular.

Well "lately" referencing Hokuto no Ken in other works and think of it as a cult classic has been "out" (it was pretty in like 10 years ago); on the contrary Jojo references has caught on pretty much (Sonotoori de gozaimasu). Well, that, and the posing.

About the online, well, supposedly Bamco's online mode have been kinda of amazing lately, so I suppose they'll use their already tested formulas for it.

edit : I suppose we still don't know the VAs for the mob guys, right?

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 9 Jun 19:45]

3479th Post

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"Re(2):Insane Jojo trailer showing in Tokyo" , posted Sun 9 Jun 19:53post reply


edit : I suppose we still don't know the VAs for the mob guys, right?

Buccellati: Noriaki Sugiyama
Narancia: Yuuko Sanpei
Diavolo: Toshiyuki Morikawa
Doppio:Akira Ishida

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

9556th Post

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"Screenshot Extravaganza" , posted Sun 9 Jun 23:16:post reply

Doppio:Akira Ishida

Doppio having his own VA is very fishy if he's just here to ring his phone in Diavolo's intro.

I'm totally fine with playable Doppio, but is he going to be simply like Diavolo with less moves and weaker Epitaph?
Speedwagon commenting really looks like it's going to be quite annoying.

Old Joseph and... someone? Avdol?
Lucy and Steven
Kars and Lisalisa (Lisalisa alone when Kars is fighting
Kawajiri Kira playable (alternate costume like High DIO?)
DIO's situation finish against Kakyoin
Cream and Hermit Purple
Kraftwerk&Pearl Jam
Moody Blues, Harvest.
Also, situational finish with the red post in Moriocho and the hands.
AND they finally fixed "Diamond is not Crash" for "Diamond is Unbreakable".

It really feels like the KOFs of the old: "XXX is in the background! Do you think that means he won't be playable? But look, ZZZ in in the background too!"

[this message was edited by Iggy on Mon 10 Jun 01:12]

5787th Post

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"Re(1):Screenshot Extravaganza" , posted Mon 10 Jun 17:34:post reply

So, basically, I have to wake up at 4am (like a good yandere) to beat Iggy to the punch.

HD version of the trailer. Diavolo indeed sounds weird, perhaps it's me being too used to the ps2 game VA (Mitsuru Miyamoto). Otoishi sounds funny and Rohan doesn't sound like a creep (which is perfect, in a sense) ---- Gah, あんまりだ! No extra spoiler at the end of the video.

edit : I forgot to comment on the frog. Kira better pull out a hand out of a sandwich bag. I wonder which stage has spiders

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 10 Jun 17:49]

9556th Post

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"Re(2):Screenshot Extravaganza" , posted Mon 10 Jun 18:24post reply

Damn, beaten two days in a row! ~ううう、あんまりだ…HEEEEYYYY!あんまりだアアアア!

I think I'm already tired of Speedwagon. I hope he can be turned off.
Also, I forgot to save the link, but Chinporio is in the menus (explaining stuff about the gallery/customization/character model viewer/gallery shop). I expect other non-fighting characters such as Tony to appear there too... On the other hand, that's where I thought Rohan would appear before they showed him, so everything is possible.

Voice actors will be easy to adapt to, I think. I didn't really like Kira's voice in the first trailer he was in, but in this one I'm already used and welcome my new hero. Several characters (Joseph, Gyro and Giorno at least) have already been re-recorded, or at least had their voices changed with slightly different, more fitting accents, so everything is possible.
Having Kôichi's voice being almost entirely serious, anti-Kira dialogue was surprising, though... I wonder how he sounds like if he fight someone he doesn't hate.

The anime crew of part 2 is unsurprisingly brilliant, and I also like the fact that they sound slightly less... how could I say... energic than in the anime. Like, they toned down a bit. Which will make it much more bearable in the context of a fighting game where the sentences don't form an actual conversation.
Speaking of which, I wonder how they will fit "daga kotowaru". If it's just one of the provocations (Rohan punching a guy to oblivion and then saying だが断る out of the blue), it's going to be weird...
But Hermes shouts これもグロリアの分だ to everyone, and since no one in the game even knows who Gloria is, I don't think I should pay that much attention to such details. Speaking of which, was it really necessary to give her the "who wants my panty" pose to evade attacks?

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Well, yes, probably it was.

End of Spoiler

21th Post

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"Re(3):Screenshot Extravaganza" , posted Mon 10 Jun 21:05post reply

this is all too awesome. What's the deal with Kira's father at the end? I suppose he's some sort of stage accident?

9558th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Screenshot Extravaganza" , posted Tue 11 Jun 08:51post reply

What's the deal with Kira's father at the end? I suppose he's some sort of stage accident?

Yes, there's two Part 4 stages: the Kira mansion with Atom Heart father as a hazard, and the final battle with the firetrucks, with at least Bites The Dust, thunder falling, and the post of no return as hazards.

Speaking of which, Cioscolata's death scene is a situation finish in the trailer. I'm not saying anything.

9566th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Famitsu this week" , posted Thu 13 Jun 19:56post reply
Buccellati looks quite good, and he DOES have the resurrection that was hinted in the trailer (if you die on a round that would have cost you the match, you revive with a little bit of life. Nothing Phoenix-like, but neat). Narancia looks boring, I'm still not sure how necessary it was to put him in the game... Another zoner, and all his attacks look horizontal, so probably once you get the timing for side-stepping, he shouldn't be too much of a problem. Shota rejoice.
Diavolo is really frightening, though. Counters, invincible dashes, modes to make him invincible, and huge damage on top of it... I hope he moves very slowly to compensate.

Even more importantly, a few modes are explained:
* There will be a story mode, that follow key sequences of the manga (I suppose just having characters who are in the game fighting each other where they did in the manga... In a way it can confirm Dio, Pucci or Valentine, but on the other hand I really don't see them putting Xander Mcqueeen or SportsMax for Hermes to have someone to fight. We'll see I suppose)
* There is also a campaign mode. We don't know anything about it. Maybe a glorified Arcade mode ?
* In-game system: GOGOGO mode. It automatically triggers when you are low on health, and makes you deal more damage and gain HHgauge faster. That's what the sudden panels of the face of the characters we saw in earlier vids meant (I think it was Jousuke?)
* Another In-game system: Kakugo mode. This mode also raises your attack, AND GIVES YOU SUPER ARMOR. Plus, you gain more HHgauge when you're hit.
However, it seems only a few characters have access to it: they only confirm Giorno, Bucca, Mista, Hermes. No word on whether it's also automatic. These characters can't access GOGOGO mode.

Pesci is confirmed as the stage gimmick and Situation finish of the Firenze station.
AND SECCO IS A STAGE GIMMICK IN THE COLOSSEUM. What was Cioccolata's alleged VA doing, then?
DIO's manor gimmick seems to be limited to killing DIO (or any character weak to sunlight?), and punching him into the sun. Strange it doesn't seem to involve Cream... Vanilla as a stage gimmick, or later character?
The Situation Finish of the eyed wall involves scaring Yasuho until she screams, and Jôshû arrives and finishes the opponent with a brick. O....K???

5790th Post

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"Re(1):Famitsu this week" , posted Fri 14 Jun 04:35:post reply

The Situation Finish of the eyed wall involves scaring Yasuho until she screams, and Jôshû arrives and finishes the opponent with a brick. O....K???

Jôshû didn't have his stand revealed until short ago, the same for Yasuho (we don't even know the names yet, I think?). Considering how developing happens a little bit earlier than we see it; and that the eyed wall was one of the first stage shown, we have that the team had little choice but to portrait the characters as a bunch normalfags instead of stand users

It would be awesome if they could change it to the maid burying fruits and having weird things happening, but I bet it's way too late for that.

edit : I couldn't understand the mode explanation with the "GoGoGo" thing, but when I saw the ゴゴゴ , it became perfectly clear.

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 14 Jun 04:44]

Olivier Hague
170th Post

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"Re(2):Famitsu this week" , posted Sun 16 Jun 15:04post reply

Jôshû didn't have his stand revealed until short ago, the same for Yasuho (we don't even know the names yet, I think?).

Yasuho's Stand is Paisley Park.

3774th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Jojo All-Star Battle League stream" , posted Wed 19 Jun 19:58post reply

Just a URYYYYMINDER to fans that the first Jojo ASB stream is going to take place today in about.. another hour. It's like a CPU vs CPU tournament thing I think.

3778th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Pucchi and Classic Dio confirmed for ASB" , posted Wed 26 Jun 16:13:post reply

Yay to Dio, eeeghh... to Pucchi. Then again, we'll get to beat him up so it's not all that bad.

Hope they throw in LisaLisa!

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 26 Jun 16:15]

9568th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Pucchi and Classic Dio confirmed for AS" , posted Wed 26 Jun 18:37:post reply

Yay to Dio, eeeghh... to Pucchi. Then again, we'll get to beat him up so it's not all that bad.

I'm really surprised they didn't show any of the other characters of part 6 with Pucci... F.F., Annasui and Weather are all legitimate in their own way. But then, they are part 6 characters, so I'm OK if they're left out.
Also, I thought he would only have White Snake, in the same way Kira doesn't have Stray Cats/Bites the Dust, but he seems to have all his 3 stands... I wonder what they're going to do with Made in Heaven (insta-end of the universe? An ant falls on the battleground?) and even more C-Moon (he touches you, the CERO of the game goes up 2 degrees?).

Hope they throw in LisaLisa!

Now that Buccelati is in, she's my highest bet for DLC.
I believe that the parts 2, 4 and 5 will be 5 base characters +1 DLC. 4 already has Kira as DLC, 5 has a surprising low amount of characters compared to its popularity, and Lisalisa is really all sorts of needed if you think of the anime, the lack of females in the cast... Maybe Part 3 will also have 1 extra DLC, pumping it up to 7 characters when the TV series start? Difficult to say for parts 6 and 7, and parts 1 and 8 are probably good as they are.

Speaking of DLC: they are launching a set of figures of SBR, with 8 SD characters、one big Gyro, and the super big rare price is... a new outfit for Johnny in ASB.
They are really going to milk the hell out of the game.

Not that I'm complaining.

Pucci seems to have a gauge with 14 slots of his own to evolve.
And people thought Naruhodo in UMvC3 had a rough time!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 27 Jun 01:40]

3782th Post

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"Just like the real thing" , posted Mon 1 Jul 06:15post reply

Someone made a comparison video between the game and manga. - Nico

9570th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Just like the real thing" , posted Mon 1 Jul 08:59post reply

Someone made a comparison video between the game and manga. - Nico

The best part is that they only picked poses for Diavolo from his short appearance as himself, without mixing it with the period when it's Buccellati in his body (which we arguably see almost as long as the real thing).
Well done, CC2, as always!

3785th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Just like the real thing" , posted Fri 5 Jul 01:48post reply

I want some fries with the next Ustream - Nico

Hol Horse is out of the All-Star League Battle! People noticed a human player was controlling the game at times although it's supposed to be CPU vs CPU, which is understandable. So far from seeing how the CPU characters move though, it looks like 1P mode will be pretty easy.

1074th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Just like the real thing" , posted Fri 5 Jul 05:47post reply

I want some fries with the next Ustream - Nico

Hol Horse is out of the All-Star League Battle! People noticed a human player was controlling the game at times although it's supposed to be CPU vs CPU, which is understandable. So far from seeing how the CPU characters move though, it looks like 1P mode will be pretty easy.

Professor you mean that Hol Horse is out of the roster? How come?

5794th Post

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"Re(4):Just like the real thing" , posted Fri 5 Jul 07:32:post reply


Professor you mean that Hol Horse is out of the roster? How come?

The stream was about an AI vs AI tournament, it's not the first stream about that tournament.

Hmmm... The game feels kinda sluggish, I mean, it would be hard to get people who like fast games into it.

edit : あんまりだあああああああああああ!!!!!! ACDSEE got beat up straight loses as well.

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 5 Jul 08:00]

9574th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Just like the real thing" , posted Fri 5 Jul 18:52post reply

People noticed a human player was controlling the game at times although it's supposed to be CPU vs CPU, which is understandable.

Really? Twice, Ceaser did his air projectile far above the opponents, and the opponents, typical dumb-AI-style, jumped to get hit by the projectile...
This whole tournament is dumb, anyway. I don't see the point of showing AI playing instead of real, competent players that could showcase the game better. And nobody expect it to be truly random, as it's obvious the popular characters will end up winning.
Oh well, nothing else to see until we get more info about Pucci and Dio next week.

3787th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Just like the real thing" , posted Sat 6 Jul 02:23:post reply

Really? Twice, Ceaser did his air projectile far above the opponents, and the opponents, typical dumb-AI-style, jumped to get hit by the projectile...
This whole tournament is dumb, anyway. I don't see the point of showing AI playing instead of real, competent players that could showcase the game better. And nobody expect it to be truly random, as it's obvious the popular characters will end up winning.
Oh well, nothing else to see until we get more info about Pucci and Dio next week.

I didn't look through the whole show, but the Holhorse vs Avdol match starts off with a human controlling Holhorse (Player_1 vs COM_1), then switches to (COM_1 vs COM_2) inbetween the cutted scenes. Probably to showcase some movements.

But yeah, there doesn't seem to have been much effort put into the AI for this game. Of course, that isn't something unexpected.

What was unexpected though, was that the show was only 30 mins long... wow, that was short.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 6 Jul 02:31]

5796th Post

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"Re(5):Just like the real thing" , posted Mon 8 Jul 20:54:post reply

Group A & B, full matches.

edit : Wait, an evil brain pops up out of ACDSEE after his defeat? I'm loving this Now he only needs a Suzy Q palette.

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 8 Jul 21:13]

23th Post

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"Re(6):Just like the real thing" , posted Tue 9 Jul 00:00post reply

Johnny seems to be losing Jesus body parts when hit. Collect them all!

9576th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Just like the real thing" , posted Thu 11 Jul 04:40post reply

Since there's not much to do besides waiting for the movelist of Pucci and Dio, here are group C and D of the tournament thingie.

4270th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Just like the real thing" , posted Fri 12 Jul 07:44post reply

Since there's not much to do besides waiting for the movelist of Pucci and Dio, here are group C and D of the tournament thingie.

I still can't tell whether I'm gonna enjoy this, but I am glad it's getting made.

Also I just finished reading Fist of the North Star, which makes me think Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is the next step in muscly dudes beating on each other manga.

9577th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Just like the real thing" , posted Fri 12 Jul 08:01post reply

Also I just finished reading Fist of the North Star, which makes me think Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is the next step in muscly dudes beating on each other manga.

The good thing with Jojo is that there's something for everyone*. You'll start with muscly dudes, and before you know it you're reading about anorexique poseurs in fantastic fashion. I'm surprised you haven't read that earlier!

*everyone except, well, you know.These guys.

4272th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Just like the real thing" , posted Fri 12 Jul 08:07post reply


The good thing with Jojo is that there's something for everyone*. You'll start with muscly dudes, and before you know it you're reading about anorexique poseurs in fantastic fashion. I'm surprised you haven't read that earlier!

*everyone except, well, you know.These guys.

I'm pretty late to manga, I think. I haven't read much, and what I have read is kind of all over the place, not a lot of the classics. I still want to read all of Utena in English! (remember, my japanese reading comprehension is awful)

but yeah, that all sounds good! I'll put it in my queue.

9579th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Just like the real thing" , posted Fri 12 Jul 19:50post reply

I still want to read all of Utena in English! (remember, my japanese reading comprehension is awful)

Don't read Utena!
The manga is awful and doesn't have anything to do with the animation. it's just a poor adaptation of the anime, with regular patriarchal shojo undertones to make it easier on the stupids.

Back to Jojo: groups C&D full matches.
Watching videos is 90% of the fun the game can provide... Oh well. The music is quite good.
Pucci and DIO spotted in the background.

4273th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Just like the real thing" , posted Sat 13 Jul 04:56post reply


Don't read Utena!

ah! okay - I'll try to find all the anime then.

5802th Post

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"Made in heaven" , posted Fri 19 Jul 02:31post reply

Heard it from a friend, haven't checked source :

New info from VJump about Phantom Blood Dio & Pucci.

New stage is Cape Canaveral, but no visual confirmation yet.

Dio Brando

- Style button is unknown so far.
- Can freeze the opponent in different ways.
- Has the "Hand Stab" grab attack.
- Additional commands in most attacks where he can steal health from opponents.
- Also has a move for gaining HH gauge back.

Enrico Pucci

- Whitesnake can seal abilities by taking discs out of people. Much like Rohan can seal attacks.
- Whitesnake can actually take specific abilities from people. (Not Random)
- He has a move called "14 phrases" (he used to get a hold of Green Baby thus evolving his Stand) where
if you can chant them all successfully your Stand changes to C-moon. (This is what the special meter is for)

- C-moon can affect gravity to the point that he can turn an opponent upside down.
- Pucci's GHA successfully hit while using C-Moon activates Made In Heaven.
- Made in Heaven affects yourself and causes the background to move faster while the opponent moves at
either normal or slower speed.

Pucci - Sho Hayami (Vanilla Ice of the Capcom game)
Whitesnake & C-Moon - Takuya Kirimoto

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9585th Post

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"Re(1):Made in heaven" , posted Fri 19 Jul 04:24post reply

I want the scan where all this comes from... There's been a few guys talking about it, but some info has been contradictory.
I love the idea that Pucci must perform the move to say a mystic word 14 times in order to fill his Green Baby gauge to pass to C-Moon. I hope that at least is true.

5803th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Made in heaven" , posted Fri 19 Jul 11:17post reply

I want the scan where all this comes from... There's been a few guys talking about it, but some info has been contradictory.

Dunno if there is more

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9591th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Made in heaven" , posted Fri 19 Jul 17:23:post reply

Again, why do I waste time sleeping.

Full version of groups EF kitaaaaaaaa !!!
Go go Hermes! Go go Okuyasu!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 19 Jul 19:34]

3801th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Made in heaven" , posted Sat 20 Jul 17:11post reply

Again, why do I waste time sleeping.

Full version of groups EF kitaaaaaaaa !!!
Go go Hermes! Go go Okuyasu!

Off-topic from ASB, but this chalk art I saw a few weeks back was awesome. And I think it was a barber shop of all things.

9593th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Made in heaven" , posted Thu 25 Jul 19:24post reply

OK, so, Made in Heaven is basically an AUTOWIN button.
Makes sense, since it looks quite difficult to reach it. Still Pucci sounds horribly unbalanced at every level.

2476th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Made in heaven" , posted Thu 25 Jul 20:02post reply


OK, so, Made in Heaven is basically an AUTOWIN button.
Makes sense, since it looks quite difficult to reach it. Still Pucci sounds horribly unbalanced at every level.

Is this like Phoenix in UMvC3 where she's pretty crappy until she gets Dark Phoenix and then only a select few can even touch her?

Or is this like you start off as awesome and only get awesomer?

9596th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Made in heaven" , posted Thu 25 Jul 22:07:post reply

Is this like Phoenix in UMvC3 where she's pretty crappy until she gets Dark Phoenix and then only a select few can even touch her?

I think it's more like Naruhodo/Phoenix Wright where you need to collect evidence/prepare your transformation with the Green Baby gauge while you're in your weakest form. Also, each stands loses the moves of the previous one, while Kôichi (and I believe Johnny?) have access to all the versions of their stands.

I suppose his gameplan should be about avoiding the opponent as long as possible until he can transform. Rohan's moves seem to be about incapacitating the opponent then pressing your advantage, while White Snake incapacitates then runs away to say his 14 words.
It all depends on the power of White Snake's moves, and how laggy it is to say each of the 14 words...
From the wording, it seems the transformation into Made in Heaven is very slow (after seeing Giorno's GER transformation, it could be several real-time seconds). But C-moon alone seems already quite deadly, with a few unblockable specials.

ディオ is... simple. I wonder how the weakness to hamon will work out... Will the characters weak to hamon end up high tier except in a few select matchups, low tier regardless, and will it push up the 4 hamon users up the chart?
Hum... I'm taking for granted the game will actually be played competitively, which is probably an even greater bet than thinking the game would end up any good to begin with.

 ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ∧,,∧       。・゚・。・゚・
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            。・゚・。・゚・   三ヽ,,∧
                 二三 ・ω・´ )っ
           二三ニニフ━oイ    |
                  二三しー-J ヒュッ!!

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            ヽニニフ━oイ    |

                   ミ ・゚・∧
                  ミ。・゚・。・゚´ )っ
            ヽニニフ━oイ    |

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 26 Jul 01:48]

9602th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Dirty Killer" , posted Wed 31 Jul 19:15:post reply

Hurray D4C!
Meh Kawajiri...
I mean, I'm happy he's here, but in term of balance, fans of part 7 are not going to be happy... And I admit I was half-looking forward to playing with raptor Diego.
At least, it makes the game "complete" in the sense that all the bosses are in per default. The first DLC being Sheer Heart Kira... Let's see who the others are.

Anyhow. Both look GREAT. Valentine has the American flag "anything goes", Kawajiri frames the shot.... I was a bit underwhelmed by Kira's moves, let's see if Kawajiri has a bit more craziness.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 31 Jul 19:40]

1076th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Dirty Killer" , posted Thu 1 Aug 18:10post reply


Hurray D4C!
Meh Kawajiri...
I mean, I'm happy he's here, but in term of balance, fans of part 7 are not going to be happy... And I admit I was half-looking forward to playing with raptor Diego.
At least, it makes the game "complete" in the sense that all the bosses are in per default. The first DLC being Sheer Heart Kira... Let's see who the others are.

Anyhow. Both look GREAT. Valentine has the American flag "anything goes", Kawajiri frames the shot.... I was a bit underwhelmed by Kira's moves, let's see if Kawajiri has a bit more craziness.

I'm the only one that didn't like black hair Yoshikage. I literally didnt remember him as that face for entire run, may be except dying part.I can put that face there in my mind. D4C was a shoe in who else we will see? Sandman? Hot Pants? Magenta?

9602th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Dirty Killer" , posted Thu 1 Aug 18:58post reply

I'm the only one that didn't like black hair Yoshikage.

Yes you are! Shame on you!
who else we will see? Sandman? Hot Pants? Magenta?

It will already be a miracle if we get Diego not as a DLC, and there's even a possibility we don't get him period. Plus we're still missing the 3 main allies of part 6, and we might not get any either.
They could go the lazy route and give us a THE WORLD Diego instead of Scary Monsters... I wonder if they'll go cheap on the DLC (after Kira v1, Old Joseph? Anubis Polnaref?)

26th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Dirty Killer" , posted Thu 1 Aug 20:15:post reply

I'm the only one that didn't like black hair Yoshikage.
Yes you are! Shame on you!
who else we will see? Sandman? Hot Pants? Magenta?
It will already be a miracle if we get Diego not as a DLC, and there's even a possibility we don't get him period. Plus we're still missing the 3 main allies of part 6, and we might not get any either.
They could go the lazy route and give us a THE WORLD Diego instead of Scary Monsters... I wonder if they'll go cheap on the DLC (after Kira v1, Old Joseph? Anubis Polnaref?)

I'm pretty bummed there are only 2 female characters. I also want DInO but being JOJO's cast generally so male centric anyway I easily expected Yukako, Lisa Lisa, Trish at least to balance thing out.

[this message was edited by Fuu on Thu 1 Aug 23:08]

5812th Post

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"Re(1):Dirty Killer" , posted Thu 1 Aug 23:34post reply

Anyhow. Both look GREAT. Valentine has the American flag "anything goes", Kawajiri frames the shot.... I was a bit underwhelmed by Kira's moves, let's see if Kawajiri has a bit more craziness.

Thinking about for a second, it's completely obvious. The reason why Yoshikage had so little moves, was because he only has stuff from his pre-operation appearance (the vs Echo, vs Harvest and nothing else?), for Kawajiri there is a bunch of more stuff available for him, so he probably has way more stuff in the poses / stances / effects department.

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5815th Post

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"Re(2):Dirty Killer" , posted Tue 6 Aug 14:27post reply

From another place, I haven't been able to confirm anything :

This month's VJump summary is up!

- Special interview with Hirohiko Araki
- Interviews with the cast of the main JoJo's
- Interviews with the game's creators, including Director Hiroshi Matsuyama
- All Main JoJo & Nemesis original poster
- Special All-Star stickers
- Jotaro's "I seem to have found an idiot" Victory pose quote download code. (quote is from Dark Blue Moon Pt.2)

Point 2
- Unlocking characters in just one run of Campaign Battle. ("characters" could be plural or singular, it's unclear)
- Introduces the movelists of 34 characters.
- A large guide to Story Mode.
- Conditions for Cleared Rewards and Secret Missions are detailed.
- The places of occurrence/activation and effects for each Stage Gimmick and Situation Finish is also detailed.
- Other things, such as Taunt and Win pose data are also detailed to a substantial degree.

"34 Characters" -> There is still a guy that we don't know. Anasui? DInO? Stroheim? .... Who else makes sense?

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3828th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Dirty Killer" , posted Tue 6 Aug 16:11:post reply

Toxico has good ears!

The Vjump staff are releasing a launch-day guide book for the game that features everything written above. 1300Jpy.

I'm wondering what this implys:
[edit]Ah I get it, it must be the unlockable characters from campaign mode. So I assume it implies that there's multiple challenges.


"Featuring the movelists for 34 characters including the unlockable characters from Campaign #1"

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 6 Aug 16:16]

1077th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Dirty Killer" , posted Tue 6 Aug 17:42post reply

"34 Characters" -> There is still a guy that we don't know. Anasui? DInO? Stroheim? .... Who else makes sense?

If there's only one left, they might use an another character from Part 8. And by "another character" I mean the only one available right now. Yes him.

9604th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Dirty Killer" , posted Tue 6 Aug 19:51post reply


"Featuring the movelists for 34 characters including the unlockable characters from Campaign #1"

I wonder if that includes DLC Kira or not, leaving room for 2 characters...
Or maybe he's not really DLC, simply unlockable in the game? That would be strange, but who knows.

In a surprising turn of events, Famitsu decided to cover for the lack of updates to the official site by making their own.

Is Pucci holding the green baby in his neutral stance?
Some interesting bit: "Vampire" is written as Dio's exclusive style, and "Mode" are exclusive to Whamu, Esidisi and Kars.
So on one hand it rules out characters nobody really wanted such as Santana or Bluford, but on the other hand, "Hamon" doesn't say it's exclusive to Jonathan, Joseph, Zeppeli and Ceasar (leaving room for Lisalisa?) and "Horse riding" says it's Johnny and Gyro's style, without specifying "and only their". Who knows if that leaves room for Diego or Hot Pants. Or if they'll try to be adventurous and have a horse riding Hol...Horse.
Obviously, "Stand" is still a wide open category.

9609th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Wed 7 Aug 21:34:post reply

New PV with the 4 last bosses (Dio, Kawajiri Kira, Pucci and Valentine).
PLENTY of new PNJ in the menus, Giacco, Abbacchio, Ringo...
Even more interesting are the characters that we haven't seen in the menus: Annasui, Iggy, Shtroheim, Lisalisa, Diego, Vanilla... COULD IT MEAN SOMETHING.

Emporio's voice is amazingly annoying.

The tournament of the bosses (plus poor Kakyoin) has started:
Valentine is surprisingly awesome!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 7 Aug 22:11]

1046th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Wed 7 Aug 22:14post reply


Persona non-JoJo?
I think you meant "NPC" for our non-French speaking audience.

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9610th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Thu 8 Aug 00:05:post reply


What he said.
Also, Kakyôin striking the 4 bosses was unexpected... and incredibly boring. "Emerald Splash"x1000. Still, Valentine is high on my radar now. Also, his voice seems to match the length of the animation of his move, which makes the others stand out even more.
I'd love to see the fat midget version of Valentine with the exact same animations...


[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 8 Aug 00:23]

5817th Post

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"Re(4):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Thu 8 Aug 06:42post reply

Trailer LQ

.... I'm very, very worried that the "stopped thinking" and the "get away from me" special deaths weren't teased in the trailer.

Latest rumor from a shueisha site is that the cast will be 32 + 2 DLC (it's one of the links to the guide) .... Dunno where the site is, though

G Group, LQ

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3545th Post

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"Re(2):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Thu 8 Aug 06:53:post reply

New PV with the 4 last bosses (Dio, Kawajiri Kira, Pucci and Valentine).
PLENTY of new PNJ in the menus, Giacco, Abbacchio, Ringo...
Even more interesting are the characters that we haven't seen in the menus: Annasui, Iggy, Shtroheim, Lisalisa, Diego, Vanilla... COULD IT MEAN SOMETHING.

Emporio's voice is amazingly annoying.

The tournament of the bosses (plus poor Kakyoin) has started:
Valentine is surprisingly awesome!

Link is down. Here's another.

Valentine DOES look awesome! There are some characters that might not be my favorite in the series, but still make cool fighting game characters. I even got excited seeing Pucci, who I distinctly dislike.

I didn't even think to expect costumes for some reason. I had let my hype die down a bit, but that trailer got me jittery with excitement.

EDIT: Oops, Toxico beat me to the link. Now you have options! Identical options!

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Thu 8 Aug 06:54]

1079th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Thu 8 Aug 07:46post reply


Valentine DOES look awesome! There are some characters that might not be my favorite in the series, but still make cool fighting game characters. I even got excited seeing Pucci, who I distinctly dislike.


When I saw the gameplay of Pucci, he started grow on me. But that intro of his is really annoying which might not be a bad thing!

Valentine really seems cool, he has the one of the badass supers in the game (gang beating) and his situation finish or something that brings another Johnny Joestar to go literally "Fuck himself" is great to watch.

In the case of Pucci, similar thing might happen with Diavolo for me. Cause in the manga because of teh "freaky friday extravaganza", his "bossness" was damaged due to the mind fuck. Though it meant more screen time to Buccelatti, as if Diavolo had much screen time in the manga, Buccelatti rob of more from him. What I mean is Diavolo will gain more exposure than he had in manga thanks to the game. We have the chance to explore the character in a new dimesion with more visibility. This might help him as it did with Pucci.

I wonder "Kawajiri" and real Kira have the moveset/appearance swap? That would be interesting.

I wonder if we will see Fugo and the mirror guy fight as a background or stage gimmick? Any kind of inclusion would be great.

Also Ringooooooo!

9613th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Fri 9 Aug 00:25post reply

Latest rumor from a shueisha site is that the cast will be 32 + 2 DLC (it's one of the links to the guide) .... Dunno where the site is, though

Yes, that's the article the Prof linked to!
It's a guide for 34 characters "including the one/s of Campaign 1". Either campaign 1=Kira only, (and there's another default character that's still hidden) or there's a second DLC character to be released with the game.
Plus, "Campaign 1" means they have plans for several DLC campaigns, in case anyone was wondering.
And look! The guide comes with a DLC code for Jôtarô's victory quote マヌケは見つかったようだな!

Sometimes I forget BanNam is also working on Idol M@ster.

EDIT: Interesting bit of information about Pucci (according to Twitter, so pinch of salt): he keeps his green baby gauge from one round to the other, including if his stand has already transformed into C-Moon.
However, if he transforms into Made in Heaven, his stand goes back to C-Moon at the beginning of the following round.

Eromes Costello.

5818th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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"Re(2):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Mon 12 Aug 11:56post reply

G group, namco channel version.

..... BTW, did anyone else got this horrible feeling that the last character is going to be an Ossan Valentine? After all the regular Valentine has pretty much no sign of Love Train, so that gives me the feeling that they are going to do the same that they did for Kira / Kawajiri.....

Where is my DiNo?

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

9615th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Mon 12 Aug 19:12post reply

..... BTW, did anyone else got this horrible feeling that the last character is going to be an Ossan Valentine?

Nobody cares about him. I would throw all my money at tiny overweight Valentine, on the other hand.

1081th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Mon 12 Aug 22:34post reply

..... BTW, did anyone else got this horrible feeling that the last character is going to be an Ossan Valentine?
Nobody cares about him. I would throw all my money at tiny overweight Valentine, on the other hand.

Hmm there're Harvest figures on the table along with Jotaro and Dio, isnt there a pattern with the roster and medios figure choices?

3842th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Wed 14 Aug 10:39:post reply

Only about 2 weeks to go! I'm starting to wonder if it'd be good to make some sort of Jojo ASB page or FAQ when the game comes out. I can't think of any other (at least FG-centric site) that really understands the importance of Jojo.

The volume of characters though, it'd be tough

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 14 Aug 11:33]

9619th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Jojo ASB thread-fabulous discussions we" , posted Wed 14 Aug 19:44post reply

The volume of characters though, it'd be tough

And the casting will probably expand with time...
On one hand, it could be a neat idea, but on the other, there's also the chance the game ends up being not good at all and there is literally no reason to play it beside the fan service...

That's a risky bet.「覚悟」とは…

9622th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Harvest time" , posted Thu 15 Aug 19:48:post reply

                                  /\       /!
         /ヽ-一^ーへ-┐       _/\/   \/\/  |_
        ┌/ ⌒        'ー┐       \              /
     _r:/   u'  ヽ ∪  /⌒'ぐ!      >  WHAT?     /_
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.        \`ー'´   u  _,,.    / /   /               \
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I suppose they picked him over Yukako because he's a key character in the Kira scenario, while she's basically her own arc...
Anyhow, it's great to finally have a character with a different body type and different stand type!
Plus, part 4 is the "important" Jojo season that has been the less adapted (no anime, game, and almost no cameo in Jump crossovers), so it's nice to see the tables turned for once, especially since it's one of Araki's favourite moments and characters.

Shigechi looks like an interesting character to play as: he's the only stand-character to not have a regular, non-stand mode. Instead, the stand button makes Harvest shift from defense mode to attack mode and vice-versa. So he's basically a stance character.

I also wonder if it means the "campaigns" are part-specifics (like, campaign 2 would be part 6 characters, and so on). Since the encounter of Shigechi and Kira had such strong consequences on part 4, maybe the DLC characters will be released related to their importance in the manga? Like Vanilla and Iggy, Doppio and Risotto...?
Also, will the DLC characters be included in the scenario mode? I've read Naruto was like that: all the DLC character are non-playable opponents in the game, and you have to buy the DLC to unlock them. That would be disappointing... but who knows. At least they would be integrated in the main thing... but it robs of the excitation of speculating over who the next character will be.
We'll see. More characters is always a good thing anyway.

Anyhow, Oğuz was right, the figure on the display WAS a hint.

However, with 3 threads on 2ch consumed in half a day, the revelation is not pleasing everyone...
Fans of part 5 right now.

Fans of part 4 right now.
8 characters for part 4, almost as many as part 1, 6 and 7 put together... As many as part 5+6...

PS: No, I don't know why they replaced his face on the scans. I think it's to fuck up afilisites.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 15 Aug 20:26]

2481th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Harvest time" , posted Fri 16 Aug 02:32post reply

Harvest is definitely a surprise for me. I didn't know anybody liked him much, whether or not he figured into the story with Kira.

But then again I would totally play a game about Antonio, so what do I know.

1082th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Harvest time" , posted Fri 16 Aug 05:24post reply

Not a big fan of fatso but I was really sad when his story fiished the way it did.

Saying that inclusion of him might be about special finishes/events.
He was the first (important) character (with a stand) that meet the "Sheer Heart Attack" finish. Since we know producers' target is to give us the experience the feeling of the manga in the game. The priority is even higher than whether it categorizes as a fighting game or not. With him we can see how "Sheer heart attack" happened to him. With Kawajiri we can see how the trash truck, and ghost street happened. The frog rain all the special finish and strikes can happen as happened in the original. So my theory is inclusion of characters might be stronger relation with the such special events I mentioned above.Just my two cents.

3558th Post

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"Re(2):Harvest time" , posted Fri 16 Aug 05:45post reply


8 characters for part 4, almost as many as part 1, 6 and 7 put together... As many as part 5+6...

I think they were reasonable with 5, but yeah, 6 and 7 fans really suffer here. Every time they see Shigechi, they'll have to think "that could have been Annasui, or Weather Report or Diego."

But you're right about his body type and we do have quite a few hot guys and not so many dumpy little gremlins.

Anyway, 4 is fantastic and I'm happy to see just bout any character from it, it's only the exclusion of other characters that I lament.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

9622th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Harvest time: 600 yens" , posted Sat 17 Aug 20:06post reply

600 yens for Shigechi...
On one hand, that's a tiny bit pricey, but cheaper than what ASW asks for their characters.
On the other, I absolutely do not mind if they end up adding 12 more characters and the price for all of them (not counting any other tiny bit they sell separately as DLC) ends up being the price of another game.
After all, buying another game after a year is also what ASW asks for, so I won't complain.

Now, let's hope the game isn't garbage...

9626th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Game opening" , posted Tue 20 Aug 01:15post reply

It's surprisingly nice!
Not that I was expecting anything ugly, but they made a ton of esthetics efforts.

Difficult to realize the game will be released next week... After (almost) a year of (almost) constant hype...
Well, probably my game will be lost in the post and I'll receive it in 2014, surviving on scraps posted on Youtube until then.

1064th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Game opening" , posted Tue 20 Aug 01:28post reply

Who's Wondershare?

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9627th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Game opening" , posted Tue 20 Aug 02:00post reply

Who's Wondershare?

The soft the guy used to convert the video from the DVD in Ultra Jump, I suppose...

1065th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Game opening" , posted Tue 20 Aug 03:00post reply

Ah! With the "Wonder" name I thought this was related to NamcoBandai or possibly a reference to the series.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

1084th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Game opening" , posted Tue 20 Aug 04:42post reply

It's surprisingly nice!
Not that I was expecting anything ugly, but they made a ton of esthetics efforts.

Difficult to realize the game will be released next week... After (almost) a year of (almost) constant hype...
Well, probably my game will be lost in the post and I'll receive it in 2014, surviving on scraps posted on Youtube until then.

I really loved the tune. It sooo not something you expect for JOJO but it is soooo JOJO, if it makes sense.

26th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Game opening" , posted Tue 20 Aug 06:58post reply

Is this real? it seems too conveniently out of focus here and there...

9628th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Game opening" , posted Tue 20 Aug 07:15post reply


Is this real? it seems too conveniently out of focus here and there...

At the very least, no one has posted it in the main 2ch thread, and Weather and Annasui's inclusion is still discussed as a possibility that may not happen.
Either it's so new nobody has seen it yet, or it's already been debunked as fake (the thread moves VERY fast).
Annasui looks like someone painted over the manga's illustration... and yet he seems strangely off.
Plus, I don't think they would show them before Shigechi is out, would they? Since a lot of people (claim they) want them, and not a lot of people (seem to) want Shigechi, it would be making him even more redundant...
(But I'm still quite sure they'll both come sooner or later).

Olivier Hague
172th Post

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"Re(3):Game opening" , posted Tue 20 Aug 07:40post reply

Is this real? it seems too conveniently out of focus here and there...

Based on the font alone, I'd say that's an obvious fake.

3857th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu score" , posted Wed 21 Aug 18:52post reply

Either they were bribed or they have some serious fans doing the scores

1069th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu sco" , posted Wed 21 Aug 21:19:post reply

I don't think NBGI needed this game to be a 40/40 in order to sell it to the audience they target. This is not a "pressure on a big franchise" situation (or something really fishy like Skyrim).

I think it is rather Enterbrain smelling a niche group or specific trend being agitated about this release and going for a publicity stunt while rewarding a faithful business partner. Similar to what happened with 428.

With five 40/40 scores, PS3 now ties Wii for most 40/40 games on a single platform. The two platforms make up for nearly half the total 40/40 scores (21 in total).

Six perfect scores have been awarded in ten years between 1998 and 2007.
Fourteen perfect scores have been awarded between 2008 and 2013 (three in 2008 and four in 2009 alone).

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 21 Aug 21:20]

9630th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu sco" , posted Thu 22 Aug 00:20post reply

I think it is rather Enterbrain smelling a niche group or specific trend being agitated about this release and going for a publicity stunt while rewarding a faithful business partner. Similar to what happened with 428.

It might very well be, but it had the opposite effect: people in the main thread call for obvious moneyhat from BanNam, and say it makes them more worried about the quality of the game than if it had had a seemingly honest 37. And after less than 50 messages, the topic went back to the usual noise and trolling without any mention of Famitsu.

Fans are never happy!

16th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu sco" , posted Thu 22 Aug 01:02:post reply

Here is a list of Famitsu's perfect score games

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998, Nintendo, for Nintendo 64)[9]
Soulcalibur (1999, Namco, for Dreamcast)[10]
Vagrant Story (2000, Square Co., for PlayStation)[10]
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2003, Nintendo, for Nintendo GameCube)[10]
Nintendogs (2005, Nintendo, for Nintendo DS)[10]
Final Fantasy XII (2006, Square Enix, for PlayStation 2)[10]
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008, Nintendo, for Wii)[11]

Am I going to enjoy this game more than SSBB? Soul Calibur? I think so.

I've been reading JoJolion.
It is truly the most Bizarre of the JoJos, and definitely the most sexual (niiiipples!)

I don't think the series has progressed far enough for him to have a nice and big move set though. No main villain has appeared to really test his power to the limit either.

[this message was edited by HokutoAndy on Thu 22 Aug 01:04]

1070th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu sco" , posted Thu 22 Aug 01:52post reply

Here is a list of Famitsu's perfect score games

Here is the full list. (21 games - 23 if you count simultaneous 360/PS3 releases as two different titles)

Fans are never happy!

However, do 2ch fans of JoJo fairly represent the mood of most JoJo fans? I thought it was more like a vocal and extremist minority. Enterbrain does a lot of research on their readership so they have probably noticed potential for growth among JoJo readers.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

9631th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu sco" , posted Thu 22 Aug 02:15post reply

However, do 2ch fans of JoJo fairly represent the mood of most JoJo fans? I thought it was more like a vocal and extremist minority. Enterbrain does a lot of research on their readership so they have probably noticed potential for growth among JoJo readers.

Probably not. But then, Jojo fans who wouldn't be on 2ch probably don't even play videogames or know what Famitsu is. I'd suppose they would say "40/40 ? What's so special about that ?"
The only people that would touch would be past readers of Famitsû who have stopped but still understand the meaning of a 40, AND would give a high-enough importance to Jojo to make it count. On the other hand, you have all the people who will just think it decredibilizes the magazine even further.
When even the hardcore fans in the thread fail to be excited by the 40 and even get worried by it, I think that's taking the problem from the wrong end.
OR maybe the game is really a true gem. Who knows, at this point!

3859th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu sco" , posted Thu 22 Aug 02:20:post reply


Fans are never happy!
However, do 2ch fans of JoJo fairly represent the mood of most JoJo fans? I thought it was more like a vocal and extremist minority. Enterbrain does a lot of research on their readership so they have probably noticed potential for growth among JoJo readers.

The thing about Jojo is, it was relatively popular back in the 90s but Shueisha never pushed merchandising or promotion the same way it did with some of its other mangas. IIRC Jojo's tankoubon/individual mangas were selling around the same volume of copies as Yuyu Hakusho, though that series was getting more of a push. The manga is definitely not small to be considered a cult thing although people get that impression (as do I). It was one of the main titles for the Shonen Jump back in its golden era when it was selling around 6 million copies a week. It just wasn't in the same popularity as the super major titles of its time like Dragonball.

It wasn't until these past 2 years that Shueisha really started to promote Jojo (because of the series' anniversary but probably also due to the lack of current megahit titles), and when it did, things got relatively big. Nowadays you really can't leave a bookstore without seeing some sort of Jojo stuff before leaving. Except if it's a book-off; all their Jojo mangas are always sold out. Kinokuniya bookstore goes as far as selling stickers, figures, and even Iggy toys.

So now it's Thursday. Just one more week to ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 22 Aug 02:56]

1072th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu sco" , posted Thu 22 Aug 03:09:post reply

But then, Jojo fans who wouldn't be on 2ch probably don't even play videogames or know what Famitsu is.

JoJo is one of the biggest mainstream manga successes and Famitsu still sells (as far as I know) in the 6 digits weekly. I really doubt all the people concerned by the JoJo fighting game and Weekly Famitsu frequently visit the 2ch thread of ASB. ASB is most likely going to sell more copies than Tekken 6.

Actually, it will be very interesting to compare the sales of JoJo ASB and the sales of J-Stars Victory Vs (which is poised to become the best selling fighting game on PS3 and does not feature JoJo characters because of the specific JoJo game).

The manga is definitely not small to be considered a cult thing, though people get that impression (as do I).

I think it's quite comparable to SaGa, which was a regular million seller yet somehow gained a niche image making even the SaGa fans feel they are/were part of a tiny cult, simply because the sales and marketing push of SaGa were peanuts compared to FF and DQ (the equivalent of Dragon Ball and One Piece). Which in turn made fans of SaGa much more invested in the franchise. When the right timing, the right console and the right game strike (= Minstrel Song), sales will always be good.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 22 Aug 03:12]

3860th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu sco" , posted Thu 22 Aug 17:28post reply

ASB is most likely going to sell more copies than Tekken 6.

Bannam just made a release saying orders have reached half a million. Seems ok.

1075th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu sco" , posted Thu 22 Aug 18:01:post reply

Really good numbers! GJ CC2!

I was expecting 300k-350k LTD and I thought I was optimistic... It would be interesting and quite funny if CC2's labor of love did better than the soulless nostalgic cashgrab (J-Victory).

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 22 Aug 18:02]

5825th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu sco" , posted Thu 22 Aug 22:41:post reply

Rumors & Supposedly from V-Jump :

- Story mode : getting 100% = roughly 80 hours.
- More DLC planned in the future.
- DLC is not disk locked content.

Human vs Human

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 22 Aug 22:43]

3863th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Famitsu sc" , posted Fri 23 Aug 03:03:post reply

Rumors & Supposedly from V-Jump :

- Story mode : getting 100% = roughly 80 hours.
- More DLC planned in the future.
- DLC is not disk locked content.

Human vs Human

- Story mode : getting 100% = roughly 80 hours.
Confirmed-- a quote from the publisher in this week's Famitsu

DLC is not disk locked content.
Also confirmed-- by one of the devs.

- More DLC planned in the future.
I'm pretty sure everyone is naturally expecting that but again, somewhat of a confirmation

I'm assuming that BandaiNamco will either be releasing a catalogue file as they did with IdolMaster, or make frequent updates to cope for the data.

Putting that aside, the idea of making a DLC costume as a last-one prize for Steel Ball Run Ichibankuji still boggles my mind.

To those who don't know what an Ichibankuji is, it's like a raffle/lottery where you can win a prize right at the shop. There's a bonus prize if you buy the last remaining lottery ticket. The bonus is there so that people will keep buying the tickets even if the top prizes have already been won.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 23 Aug 03:29]

9633th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Sat 24 Aug 03:01post reply

Interesting talk about Narutimate and Jojo ASB

* The game has been made in a year and a half (so the TGS build was 6 months old?). Character motions and moves were fixed during the first 3 months, and the rest seems to have been mostly crunch time.
* The game is over the budget and costed more than what BanNam financed them, so they had to cover the rest with their own money. Which means they are in deficit (this is coherent with other declarations about the game and how they were prepared to take a blow in order to make the best fan game of their favourite manga)
* With half a million orders, they hope to break even and might even get some money in royalties, but they're not sure of that.

Obviously that doesn't count the huge amount of money they'll make through the gruesome DLC... if the money goes to them.
The game seems to have been a pretty big gamble. At the beginning, it was thought 100k would have been an OK result, but actually it would have probably meant the death of CC2.
Glad to hear they'll come out well. Now let's hope the game is good and not trash like Kaizoku Musou...
And since most of the investment in the models, engine and system has been payed back, a sequel would be much cheaper to make and could be profitable even with a fraction of the sales.

Still, 500k... Let's hope it doesn't end up an overordering situation that leads it to the wagon bin.
To answer Chaz's questions about 2ch, the current thread is the 173th. That means that since last year TGS, more than 173 000 messages have been written. The game could sell 2 copies for each message posted. That's insane.

1075th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Sat 24 Aug 04:42post reply

I am not sure I follow what point you are trying to make with the 2ch stat, to be honest. You have just established that even if every single poster on the JoJo threads only commented once (which is very unlikely), that would make up for 173.000 users. Now, let's go for the still optimistic yet much more reasonable guess of roughly 10 posts per user on average and we are down to less than 18.000 people. Considering the success of JoJo as a manga and the unique position of Famitsu in the video game industry, I really think you are giving too much clout to the vocal fanbase as properly representing the audience for this game and the target audience for Enterbrain.

There is a risk for Wagon sales, but given the decent sales of Prepare to Die, Dark Arisen and Utage, as well as the points you mentioned above, I think they don't intend to release a The Best version and that a "Champion Edition ++" version is already planned instead. Wagon sales for the Vanilla release are much less problematic for a ++ version than for a The Best version. FF12 Zodiac is the only recent example I have in my mind of a ++ version clearly suffering from Wagon sales of the original version.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

9634th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Sat 24 Aug 04:57post reply

I really think you are giving too much clout to the vocal fanbase as properly representing the audience for this game and the target audience for Enterbrain.
Yes, that's basically what I meant: you were right from the start.

3867th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Mon 26 Aug 12:30post reply

Interesting talk about Narutimate and Jojo ASB

* The game has been made in a year and a half (so the TGS build was 6 months old?). Character motions and moves were fixed during the first 3 months, and the rest seems to have been mostly crunch time.

An 18 month product is crazy! They must've thrown in some serious manpower at some time to get that done. TGS build was pretty solid for its time if it was only 6 months in. Thanks for pointing the article, it's a very interesting read. Explains some of the budget decisions CC2 made for the game.

And so, the countdown begins-- only 3 days to the game's release!

9637th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Wed 28 Aug 05:33post reply

Flying getters everywhere!
I hate them, I'll only have my game in 10 days.
Impossible to get a clear opinion on the game: the threads are flooded with trolls who burn a thread in less than an hour.
Not that I'm expecting anything good, but still.

Dengeki does a series of character introductions for the game.

I applaud the scale of values that made them review Jonathan, then DIO, then Jôtarô, then Hermès.

5831th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Wed 28 Aug 16:15:post reply

So, the craze of the pre-sales "get" has long started....

Interesting stuff that I have heard and of course I can't corroborate :

- The disk has "JP", "EU" & "US" folders; meaning that like pretty much every release in the current gen, where everything is in the disk even if you can't select it.

- DLC (original Kira & Fatty) doesn't show up (and have been rumored) in the VAs in the staff roll. Other characters that don't show up are :

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

Fatty , Yoshikage Kira , Risotto , Anasui , Vanilla Ice

End of Spoiler

- Characters that appear voiced in the staff roll (aka, they likely speak in the menus or stuff, though people are hoping for hidden unlocks) :

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

Stroheim , Kosaku Kawajiri , Cioccolatta (assuming his voice actor is assuredly Naoya Uchida) DiNo (by Koyasu Takehito) , Emporio is voiced by Junko Kitanishi , Yasuho is voiced by Eri Kitamura , Joshu is voiced by Hiroaki Miura , F.F is voiced by Yoko Shiraishi

End of Spoiler

Track names

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 28 Aug 16:22]

9638th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Wed 28 Aug 18:43post reply

DLC plans
I'm not sure I understand what everything does, but that's an item list for... advancing further in the campaign mode, I think?
It really looks like social games/facebook games F2P extortion. Let's hope it doesn't ruin the game too far...

3873th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Wed 28 Aug 19:05:post reply

DLC plans
I'm not sure I understand what everything does, but that's an item list for... advancing further in the campaign mode, I think?
It really looks like social games/facebook games F2P extortion. Let's hope it doesn't ruin the game too far...

Official site has been updated

So the campaign mode is very much like a F2P game mode. Play some matches, run out of stamina, wait for it to recover or buy a stamina item from BandaiNamco if you want to play right away. This is the mode where you can get customize items for your characters.

Also, flying getters are reporting the game is around a 20 second load time with a mandatory HDD install. Ouch. I don't think the servers for online play are up yet, but I hear there's no lobbies and spectating.

Character select screen

Aggh can it be? A kusoge? ・・・そのうちカーズは、考えるのを やめた。

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 28 Aug 19:44]

9639th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Wed 28 Aug 20:36post reply

Character select screen
The positions of the characters don't make any sense... They just put 7 out of 8 Jojos at the top and then hoped for the best. I suppose the order will be even more shuffled with more DLC characters...

Some scans from the strategy guide:

Aggh can it be? A kusoge? ・・・そのうちカーズは、考えるのを やめた。

Naaaah. It's probably a not very good game, as expected, but I don't get a full kusoge vibe.
The negakan trolls are incredibly strong and active, though. And the so-so quality of the game doesn't help.

Also, it seems you do need "energy" to progress, but you get 2 after 14 minutes. So if you don't need to unlock everything immediately, there doesn't seem to be any need to buy energy.

3874th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Wed 28 Aug 21:26:post reply

Naaaah. It's probably a not very good game, as expected, but I don't get a full kusoge vibe.
The negakan trolls are incredibly strong and active, though. And the so-so quality of the game doesn't help.

Today's Jojo ASB event announcements:

Iggy-- You've been confirmed to be in the game, together with Fugo. Chew chew coffee gum.

DLC characters will be half price until 9/25.

Baoh is in the game for the last Campaign mode!

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 28 Aug 21:41]

9641th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fam" , posted Wed 28 Aug 22:52:post reply

  υ_⌒_ゝ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 γ' (Å) < Brofist!!!
 υυUU   \_________

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[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 29 Aug 00:14]

5832th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/" , posted Thu 29 Aug 00:14:post reply

  υ_⌒_ゝ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 γ' (Å) < Brofist!!!
 υυUU   \_________

The latest trailer for those who are too bored to look for it here.

The manga comparison for the 6th pv here - Nico

DM video. Doesn't include the latest surprise character announced here - Nico

...... Yamaguchi as Fatty?? I remember when we were speaking that the VAs where mostly selected by trajectory rather than character suitability (like, most of the vampires & pillar men have incredibly weak vampiric kiai-s, expect for Beck & maybe Sto-sama. At least the anmarida part was great).

edit : I'm already waiting for someone to make a "omae no stugi no serifu wo....", some are so incredibly attrocious that they fit perfectly :

Joseph -> "The next line you'll say will be 'Whamu...'"
Wham -> "Whamu--- huh!?"

I'm also expecting for Risotto / Metallica to be voiced by Hayashi Nobutoshi, considering who voices Diavolo.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 29 Aug 00:27]

1629th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Thu 29 Aug 00:31:post reply

Aggh can it be? A kusoge? ・・・そのうちカーズは、考えるのを やめた。

That character selection screen and a 40/40 famitsu score! The signs of a possible kusoge are all there!

[this message was edited by Zepy on Thu 29 Aug 00:32]

5834th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
XBL: n/a
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fami" , posted Thu 29 Aug 03:12:post reply

Aggh can it be? A kusoge? ・・・そのうちカーズは、考えるのを やめた。
That character selection screen and a 40/40 famitsu score! The signs of a possible kusoge are all there!

Infinite found - Nico, easy looking and easy to come up with.

Your next line will be - Nico , it doesn't cover all the cast, though.

Puss[x] play - Nico .... Made in heaven should have a time count, it's too stupid when you get it.

What was that about my hair!?

edit :

And next you'll say...

LOOK AT ME, WHO CAN BE MORE WORTHY! - Nico (aka, infinite 2 discovered)

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 29 Aug 09:32]

3876th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(10):Re(10):Jojo ASB gets perfect 40/40 Fam" , posted Thu 29 Aug 13:24post reply

Aggh can it be? A kusoge? ・・・そのうちカーズは、考えるのを やめた。
That character selection screen and a 40/40 famitsu score! The signs of a possible kusoge are all there!

Infinite found - Nico, easy looking and easy to come up with.

Your next line will be - Nico , it doesn't cover all the cast, though.

Puss[x] play - Nico .... Made in heaven should have a time count, it's too stupid when you get it.

What was that about my hair!?

edit :

And next you'll say...

LOOK AT ME, WHO CAN BE MORE WORTHY! - Nico (aka, infinite 2 discovered)

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