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Spoon 2394th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):TCP vs UDP, the question on netcoding" , posted Tue 5 Mar 08:53    
If they are using TCP, then their line of thinking is probably to take advantage of the packet acknowledgement and use that to synchronize machine state, and consequently synch frames to packets, resulting in the gameplay running at the speed of the slowest packets. This is how the old GGX#R netplay worked on PC, and led to hilarious lag tactics since you had more time to react to things that even SSF2. Sol could DP pokes. It was bananas. UDP requires quite a bit of work on top of it, since its unreliable nature means all kinds of crap can happen that you need to devise handling for, especially if the goal is for a seemingly lag-free experience. TCP gives you guaranteed synchronization for almost no work, but you are almost guaranteed to have sluggish gameplay.
Mauve, the guy who was behind the retooling of netplay for melty blood, akatsuki blitzkampf, and IaMP, has some things to say about the algorithms in general: http://mauve.mizuumi.net/2012/07/05/understanding-fighting-game-networking/#more-635
I haven't done any programming on the network stack in a long time, though, so I'm not a great authority on the matter.
Herv Ranger 0th Post

New Customer
| "Re(1):TCP vs UDP, the question on netcoding" , posted Thu 4 Jul 03:09    
TCP is basically reassuring the product gets their. It is far more efficient and less noticeable. TCP is internet environmentally friendly.
UPD was originally used for phone services, and thus VOIP takes advantage of UPD. However when a person uses UPD for personal usage, it looks like an elephant running through a crowd of mice. Meaning everybody can see you. That is bad, because the majority of internet users are composed of youtubing, and facebooking. No longer is the MSN, or privatized type networks are being used as much.
If a bunch of TCP are moving at once, they are like a bunch of insects or mice moving in a field of grass. When an UPD client moves, it is like fitting an wild elephant in that same crowd. Do you want to be that elephant?
UPD is currently used for VOIP, meaning phone service via your internet, Basically UPD via phone is a good way for your provider to make money with the extra space that is not being used at all.
TCP should be used for internet, since it has always been used, and is universal in that nature. UPD is distressful and should be used for emergencies, along those lines.