SNK Stuff Thread 9 - Spring 2013 edition - Forums

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"SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 edition" , posted Tue 14 May 03:07:post reply

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SNK Stuff Thread 9

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[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 14 May 03:10]


3730th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Tue 14 May 03:18post reply

Not much happening right now with SNK stuff aside from Examu's crazy PR joking that they're interested in doing a remake of SNK Gals Fighters. Oh the rumors that'll spur.

Also effective 5/16, the [KOF x Fatal Fury] SNS game for smartphones will be renamed to simply [KOF]. Not like the name really matters when you have Nakoruru cards and stuff coming out.

2923th Post

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"Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Tue 14 May 03:52post reply

And don't forget this one:

Terry and Benimaru to be in everyone's favorite totally-not-KoF-ripoff XDZW

559th Post

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"Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Tue 14 May 13:54post reply

Not much happening right now with SNK stuff aside from Examu's crazy PR joking that they're interested in doing a remake of SNK Gals Fighters. Oh the rumors that'll spur.

Fund it.

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1005th Post

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"Re(3):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Tue 14 May 16:27post reply


Fund it.

I am not sure Prof has that kind of money...

How much does an update like LoveMax cost for an operator? And do they buy it directly from Examu or from Taito? I remember Examu demanding extraordinary sums of money back for each update when they sold the ExBoard.

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693th Post

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"Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Tue 14 May 19:09post reply

Not much happening right now with SNK stuff aside from Examu's crazy PR joking that they're interested in doing a remake of SNK Gals Fighters. Oh the rumors that'll spur.

I'd buy it - the original was erleased in 99 or so, and a few more female characters came up since then, not to mention there's a lot more to draw from for the creative liberties the original took with the aesthetics.

Sort of related and mentioned in the previous thread, the latest character voting poll for Skullgirls also included a question on what sequel people would like to see LabZero tackle, and Garou was an option.

SNKP has great IPs, but apparently not enough staff and budget to do them all justice, I could deal with some outsourced effort that could do right by them.


Also effective 5/16, the [KOF x Fatal Fury] SNS game for smartphones will be renamed to simply [KOF]. Not like the name really matters when you have Nakoruru cards and stuff coming out.

Better. Now they just need to have that translated and made available abroad.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

3733th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Wed 15 May 00:12post reply

How much does an update like LoveMax cost for an operator? And do they buy it directly from Examu or from Taito? I remember Examu demanding extraordinary sums of money back for each update when they sold the ExBoard.

LoveMax is distributed by network on Nesicalive so it costs nothing for operators. Oh how times have changed-- Nowadays, everything is on Nesicalive!

Sorta explains why there's so very few Undernight Inbirth cabinets around (it's on Sega's equivalent of the Nesica, and it's doing badly).

Loona- For art savouring SNK fans, the SNS game is really good. There's like 7-10 new illustrations every week. If only SNKP actually studied other successful companies and made their game worth paying money for... Right now, the thing is so badly developed that there isn't even a trading system.

1006th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Wed 15 May 00:44post reply

Wow so there is not even a single fee? That's an amazing deal. I remember us talking a while ago how this would change the business equation (Taito is basically doing licensing+royalty business like Nintendo and Sony) but I had not realized how good the deal was for the operators. They basically do not have to worry about betting on the wrong ROM purchase anymore, as long as the system itself is popular. I feel a bit less sorry about the whole 50Yen/100Yen problem we discussed back then...

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3735th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Wed 15 May 02:48:post reply

Well, personally I think it's a great deal. On one hand, operators don't have the risk of buying a crappy game, while on the other hand, game developers need to be more serious of making games that people will actually play (otherwise they won't get any money with the Nesica's business model).

But the smaller mom & pop shops seems to have problems. It's harder for them to slash prices because of the royalty system and they end up having to compete at the same price as the bigger arcades. It's also hard for them to offer per-hour freeplay. They're already sort of doomed in the dieing arcade scene, and this isn't making things any easier for them.

Also, the Nesica sort of works like the old MVS system and allows the player to switch between games before inserting their coin. This sounds good but doesn't really work in practice to give long-tail income to the older games. Everyone is always playing the most popular game of the time, or sometimes the operator even has the Nesica it locked on it. Right now you'll find nothing but Blazblue ChronoPhantasma running on Nesica units.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 15 May 02:49]

1008th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Wed 15 May 20:53post reply

But the smaller mom & pop shops seems to have problems. It's harder for them to slash prices because of the royalty system and they end up having to compete at the same price as the bigger arcades. It's also hard for them to offer per-hour freeplay. They're already sort of doomed in the dieing arcade scene, and this isn't making things any easier for them.

I remember you mentioning that the last time, but if the hardware and software makers are adapting to an evolving market, it might just mean the mom&pops should maybe adapt too!

There used to be three factors for an arcade scene to succeed:
1. The location
2. The game selection
3. The cost of playing
and eventually, a fourth one appeared:
4. The community/scene

So nowadays, factors 2 and 3 are disappearing. It is a problem for small operators to differentiate themselves, but as you mentioned, it is also seriously reducing the risk of making a bad choice in purchases and it reduces the risk they get priced out by competitors going on crazy promotions. It's important to consider that the average price of a credit (for a standard arcade game) has remained Y100, which is insane if you consider the inflation; competing by providing cheaper credits will not create a sane environment in the long term.

This means Moms&Pops need to adapt to these new rules by focusing on the remaining factors for success: location and community (which are tied).

What kind of crowd comes to your store because they are working or living close-by?
What kind of crowd would be motivated to cross over town if you provided the right environment for them?
Once you have decided on your target userbase, how do you get to come in your store?
What kind of service do you provide beyond games?
How can you make money outside of the arcade machines themselves?
Would that crowd buy books? Clothing?
What kind of food or drink would they consume?

There is always going to be people going places. Blaming "the slow death of the arcades" as an inevitable trend is a self-fulfilling prophecy if the small operators don't try new things to attract consumers differently.

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3740th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Wed 15 May 23:34:post reply

Great points. From what I've seen, mom & pop arcades nowadays are giving more focus to vintage titles since they can't compete with the newer games. They aren't in great locations to begin with, so they're focusing towards the niche groups.

That sort of reminds me how operators were complaining that Tougeki/SBO did absolutely no help to bring in new customers or new crowds into their stores. The regional preliminaries in the arcades were supposed to help grow the local communities, but the top players from the cities would travel around and win over the invitation tickets.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 15 May 23:35]

80th Post

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"New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 18:42post reply

SNK has posted this image on their website :

1009th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 21:15post reply

Huh. "Looking for staff for new KOF and Samurai Spirits games in 3D."
Interesting that it singles out these two series. It should put the Garou rumour to rest.
Is that supposed to be old Terry?

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81th Post

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"Re(2):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 21:21post reply

Can anyone translate this page?

1614th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 21:29post reply

SNK has posted this image on their website :

They're recruiting 25 people!? This only sounds like disaster

82th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 21:34post reply

SNK has posted this image on their website :

They're recruiting 25 people!? This only sounds like disaster

Maybe they will use the existing department with new hired employees !

1011th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 21:52:post reply

Well, they say they are looking for 5 planners (= game designers), 10 CG artists and 10 programmers, to create amazing new 3D episodes of KOF and SamSpi. Basically sounds like they don't have a team for these games besides a producer. The other job offers are for smartphone and Pachislo projects. The game dev people will be based in Osaka. Other new employees will be based in Osaka and Tokyo. Game programmers applying are asked to have experience with OpenGL, Xbox360 and PS3 development. Does not really seem like the projects have really started yet...

By the way, whatever happened to Neo Geo Hakase?

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Fri 17 May 21:53]

83th Post

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"Re(4):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 22:04post reply

@ chazumaru, many thanks for the information ! maybe SNK is planning to collaborate with Tencent, the company behind "Xuan Dou Zhi Wang", creating 3D models is much easier than drawing the animation frame by frame, no problem with 3D, only if plays like 2D KOF !

84th Post

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"Re(5):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 22:13post reply

最強の3D KOF、侍魂の開発スタッフを大募集!

格闘ゲーム 「THE KING OF FIGHTERS」 シリーズ、「サムライスピリッツ」 シリーズの次世代タイトル開発のための新たな開発スタッフを大募集!「KOF」そして「侍魂」という2大人気シリーズの新時代を創造する、情熱とチャレンジ精神に溢れた方を募集しています!

2457th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 22:28post reply



I accidentally became the president of SNK because I knew more about the company than the last guy and even played KOF XIII a few times I think

I'm really sorry about also accidentally firing all the staff though


3741th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 23:16:post reply

SNK has posted this image on their website :

They're recruiting 25 people!? This only sounds like disaster

Holy cripes 25, I thought it included the mobile sector but apparently it doesn't! This is pretty much like someone announcing that they're sending their unborn kid to college. It's good to know they're taking a serious approach to it... surprized they have the money.

That said, I can't anyone wanting to apply for Mcdonalds SNKP.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 17 May 23:26]

85th Post

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"Re(3):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 23:25post reply

Why terry's hair is so short?!

3742th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 23:48post reply

Why terry's hair is so short?!


it also kinda explains why he's so pissed

86th Post

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"Re(5):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 23:50post reply

Why terry's hair is so short?!


it also kinda explains why he's so pissed

Lol :D

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"Re(4):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Fri 17 May 23:58post reply

Why terry's hair is so short?!

If that's Terry, his taste in clothing and hiar got more sensible by Garou's timeline, it's only reasonable his design would evolve in that direction, unlike some Paul Phoenix who keeps pressing his luck with his hair at an age most men started losing a lot of theirs.

Might also be someone completely new - when KoF MI came along, it focused disproportionately on its new characters.

Then again, that face lacks Terry's warmth... aged Rock?...

Cautiously optimistic here - I loved what they did with KoF MI2 in terms of fanservice, and if a new episode means something along those lines with more paid outfits, so be it, I'd buy all of them. I'm a bit weary on 3D SS given recent attempts, and FF is more of a 3D game waiting to happen, but as far as KoF goes, i'm all for a 3d spin-off.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

1125th Post

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"Re(7):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Sat 18 May 02:38post reply



I accidentally became the president of SNK because I knew more about the company than the last guy and even played KOF XIII a few times I think

I'm really sorry about also accidentally firing all the staff though

Well, I guess you'll be getting all the applications for work on this new game, eh? I have no experience programming fighting games and I speak no Japanese whatsoever, so I'm perfect, right? Right?

Hum, I can't imagine wanting to work for SNKP personally. It's not like in the old days when a KOF, a Garou, and a Samsho were guaranteed to come out each year. These days you'd probably be worked into the ground on a pachislot or some half-baked mobile game.

Still, I like the possibility of a new KOF or Garou, 3d or otherwise. As far as KOFMI is concerned, I hated/still hate Falcoon's art and designs and that turned me off to the games (fanservice or no), so anything without him involved can only get better as far as I'm concerned.

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"Re(5):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Sat 18 May 02:56post reply

@ chazumaru, many thanks for the information ! maybe SNK is planning to collaborate with Tencent, the company behind "Xuan Dou Zhi Wang", creating 3D models is much easier than drawing the animation frame by frame, no problem with 3D, only if plays like 2D KOF !

That's the first thing that came to my mind when I read the news. If that Tencent partnership experiment is successful enough, I'm afraid we can say goodbye to traditional, sprite-based 2D KOFs and SamuSupies...

2458th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Sat 18 May 02:59post reply

no experience programming fighting games and I speak no Japanese whatsoever
You're hired! To the pachislot division with you.
I hated/still hate Falcoon's art and designs
But now you're fired.


560th Post

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"Re(9):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Sat 18 May 11:27post reply

no experience programming fighting games and I speak no Japanese whatsoever You're hired! To the pachislot division with you.
I hated/still hate Falcoon's art and designs But now you're fired.

Curses. I was gonna say I can program, have (very limited) 3D programming experience, and I disliked Falcoon's ideas.

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2460th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Sat 18 May 23:37post reply

Curses. I was gonna say I can program, have (very limited) 3D programming experience, and I disliked Falcoon's ideas.

Good news, Hatclub, we are making a special exception for you based on your superior handle and the Psycho Powaa listed on your resume. Report to HQ next Monday. Unfortunately, your first assignment will be probationary work on Doki Doki Majo Shinpan 4 due to Falcoon-related personnel infractions.


1012th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Sat 18 May 23:41post reply

Oh! FYI the main guy behind Doki Doki Majo Shinpan! (also creator of Twinkle Star Sprites) has left SNK and now works with M2.

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1126th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Sun 19 May 05:21post reply

Falcoon-related personnel infractions.

Damn, I had it all and then threw it all away because I couldn't learn to like Falcoon!

red falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Sun 19 May 11:40post reply

Falcoon-related personnel infractions.

Damn, I had it all and then threw it all away because I couldn't learn to like Falcoon!

If this is even actually a fighting game and not some kind of 3D KOF Patchislot game.... I'd it will be "3D" ala SF 4; 3D models, 2D gameplay. I'm not sure they'd want to risk going back to Max Impact style gameplay, even though those games are actually pretty fun and certainly in the same vein as the Marvel games in terms of goofy shit.

9509th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Sun 19 May 22:15post reply

If even Guilty Gear resurfaces in 3D, then I can see why SNKP goes back to its root...

The problem with all these new fighting games is that without the Tougeki and arcades, how many of them will actually gather a large enough crowd to remain alive?

I like how GG kept the low-animated one-frame-slash-of-sword even in 3D. In a way, they are the Mortal Kombat of Japan.

the real kap
27th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Sun 19 May 22:53post reply

It really is time for SNKP to ditch 2D sprites for their major projects, 3D is so much more flexible; there would never be a content-less disaster like KOFXII again.

...unless they add unneeded details again, like individual hair strands.

1615th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Sun 19 May 23:56post reply

If even Guilty Gear resurfaces in 3D, then I can see why SNKP goes back to its root...

Whoa all the distortions during attack animations seem to be custom made by hand rather than being rendered by an automated process

3455th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Mon 20 May 06:54post reply

I was going to rant about how I'd rather have no KOF than a poorly-done 2.5D KOF and that this pseudo-announcement is a nail in the coffin for seeing another beautiful 2D KOF, but the Guilty Gear announcement filled me with a special sort of sadness, where instead of anger, I just thought "there's no way SNK will ever make something that looks half this good in 3D."

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

18th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Mon 20 May 16:51:post reply

I was going to rant about how I'd rather have no KOF than a poorly-done 2.5D KOF and that this pseudo-announcement is a nail in the coffin for seeing another beautiful 2D KOF, but the Guilty Gear announcement filled me with a special sort of sadness, where instead of anger, I just thought "there's no way SNK will ever make something that looks half this good in 3D." feelings exactly yes. Also KOF XII - XIII sprites have a very distinctive and unique style, this 3d announcement (ehi we're hiring 10 dudes to do the graphics!!) doesn't make me optimistic to say the least.
I know all about high res sprites being hardcore time consuming but adding say 2 teams to KOF XIII while slightly tweaking the excellent and solid engine they have can't really be more expensive than making a whole new game from 0. Or is it?

[this message was edited by fuu on Mon 20 May 17:04]

3745th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Tue 21 May 02:04:post reply

If even Guilty Gear resurfaces in 3D, then I can see why SNKP goes back to its root...

The problem with all these new fighting games is that without the Tougeki and arcades, how many of them will actually gather a large enough crowd to remain alive?

I like how GG kept the low-animated one-frame-slash-of-sword even in 3D. In a way, they are the Mortal Kombat of Japan.

That 2.5D Guilty Gear is looking good! Considering it's still in its early stages of development, I can't wait to see how it'll look in the months to come.

To be honest about fighting games, I think that-- even in Japan, the arcade scene doesn't play an important role as it once did. The arcades are no longer what they used to be in the previous golden era back in the 90s: it's become too niche and hardcore to attract casual customers. The hardcore players are definitely going to be at a loss though, and it's something that's already becoming an issue.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 21 May 02:18]

1128th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Tue 21 May 02:40post reply


That 2.5D Guilty Gear is looking good! Considering it's still in its early stages of development, I can't wait to see how it'll look in the months to come.

To be honest about fighting games, I think that-- even in Japan, the arcade scene doesn't play an important role as it once did. The arcades are no longer what they used to be in the previous golden era back in the 90s: it's become too niche and hardcore to attract casual customers. The hardcore players are definitely going to be at a loss though, and it's something that's already becoming an issue.

I'm not an online player of console fighters in the slightest anymore, so I'm curious: how easy is it for extremely talented players to find other extremely talented players through online matching? Even as scrawny of a player as I am at fighting games, my experience at playing online was to get my ass handed to me by half the players and have the other half rage quit when it became apparent I would win.

I'm really excited about the quality of the 3D GG. Even though it's got its minor issues, it's still light years beyond a lot of 3D games in how nice it looks. In a perfect world, I'd love to have 2D, hand animated fighters still get made, but I suspect the cost of making them grows each year, to the point where it's just not feasible, without charging lots more for them, kind of like Cave's done with their shooter ports for the XBox, which have grown too expensive for me (a huge fan) to buy anymore.

3747th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Tue 21 May 03:54:post reply

Here's a rough translation of the SNKP employment page. Should clear doubts for people in other sites and forums.

[GAME ---- Development staffs for New "KOF" and "Samurai Shodown"]

Seeking development staffs for the greatest 3D KOF and Samurai Shodown

Recruiting multiple staffs towards the development of our next-generation "The King of Fighters" series and "Samurai Shodown" series Fighting game titles! We are looking forward to entrants with the passion and ambition to take on the challenge and creation of the next era in our two major franchises, KOF and SS!

Consumer Game Planner (5 staffs wanted)
Consumer Game Programmer (10 staffs wanted)
3DCG Designer (10 staffs wanted)

Consumer Game Programmer job summary:
-Programming job for console games
-fighting game development
-3D game development

-Experience in OpenGL
-Experience in PS3 development
-Experience in Xbox360 development

3DCG designer job summary:
-3DCG Designing job
-Model creation
-Texture creation
-Motion creation
-Movie creation
-Effect creation
-Authoring job
-Graphic creation using Photoshop

-Experience in Model creation
-Experience in Texture creation
-Experience in Motion creation
-Experience developer in Movie creation
-Experience developer in Effect creation

*Experienced developer in Bone cutback and Polygon cutback will be given higher priority
*Experienced developer in Maya, MotionBuilder will be given higher priority

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 21 May 04:04]

3747th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Tue 21 May 04:04post reply

I'm not an online player of console fighters in the slightest anymore, so I'm curious: how easy is it for extremely talented players to find other extremely talented players through online matching? Even as scrawny of a player as I am at fighting games, my experience at playing online was to get my ass handed to me by half the players and have the other half rage quit when it became apparent I would win.

It depends on the game since some games have really crappy matchmaking or so much lag that it makes gameplay unfeasible to begin with (I'm talking about you, KOF13). But in general, matchmaking in console fighting games are pretty good and finds you players around your same strength if you play in ranked mode.

Of course it won't match you up accurately until you play a number of games and it gets a proper assessment of your strength.

One of the goodness of console is, you can watch replays of yourself and say "oooh, so that's what I'm doing wrong! I shouldn't do that all the time, it's so obvious!".

87th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Tue 21 May 04:30post reply


Recruiting multiple staffs towards the development of our next-generation "The King of Fighters" series and "Samurai Shodown" series Fighting game titles!

Wow, they want to shift KOF to a new direction, this is lovely, hope they follow the direction of the new Guilty Gear, live long SNK :)

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"Re(9):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Tue 21 May 07:25post reply


Wow, they want to shift KOF to a new direction, this is lovely, hope they follow the direction of the new Guilty Gear, live long SNK :)


Waw!? And now what's going on!? Toh Shin Den is about to present to you a super hot virtual battle like one that you've never seen before at a rate of 90000 polygons per second!

1050th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Tue 21 May 07:57post reply


Recruiting multiple staffs towards the development of our next-generation "The King of Fighters" series and "Samurai Shodown" series Fighting game titles!

Wow, they want to shift KOF to a new direction, this is lovely, hope they follow the direction of the new Guilty Gear, live long SNK :)

Personally I want the MI games to finish its saga. But with new redesign. It was fun it can sell well and also we get to have our 2D sprite KoF, too.

For the Guilty Gear route, if it is indeed rather easier and cheaper to do 2,5D style I wish they used on titles like World Heroes,Savage Reign, Kizuna Encounter. Those games really needs to comeback. Although even though they wont have their turn before possible MOTW2/new FF / new Last Blade /AOF4 or NGBC2 but I wish at least World Heroes comes back with the deathmatch style gameplay.
Who am I kidding I want all of them to return.

I know this is toooooo early for gettin hopeful but for me; a hopeless dreamer, I like that direction new president giving. Hope they dont forget pixel art along the way.

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"Re(8):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Tue 21 May 12:50post reply

-Experience in OpenGL

Ooh ooh, I can do OpenG--

-Experience in PS3 development
-Experience in Xbox360 development

Well, shit.

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"Re(9):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Tue 21 May 16:36post reply


hope they follow the direction of the new Guilty Gear

That would probably be a very sound artistic decision, but I wouldn't bet my money on it.

I have a bad feeling about this, but I must admit I am kinda curious to see some actual designs and screenshots nonetheless.

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"Re(10):Re(10):New 3D KOF ?!" , posted Tue 21 May 16:53post reply

I just remember about this:

Looking at them now, well! They have a similar feel to what GGXrd is doing now.

88th Post

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"KOF XIII Climax for NESiCAxLive !" , posted Tue 21 May 17:28post reply

The King of Fighters XIII Climax is coming to NESiCAxLive !

Source :

9512th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOF XIII Climax for NESiCAxLive !" , posted Tue 21 May 19:31post reply

The King of Fighters XIII Climax is coming to NESiCAxLive !

Not only that, but SkullGirls as well!!! That must be a dream come true for a few guys of the team, I wish them all sorts of lucks.

3750th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):KOF XIII Climax for NESiCAxLive !" , posted Tue 21 May 20:55post reply

The King of Fighters XIII Climax is coming to NESiCAxLive !

Source :

Skullgirls and KOF13CL are heading to Nesicalive which is pretty cool. I think it'll be a significant impact for SG more than KOF13 since it'll be the game's arcade debut. It's undoubtedly going to help raise sales of the console version of SG. The new version of Chaos Code is also coming out, but I'm not too sure how it'll do. The console version doesn't even have netcode as of now.

With KOF13, the hardcore players will probably stick to the TypeX2 PCB version since it's half-price per credit. A number of them will definitely play the Nesica version in the early months to rank themselves at the tops on the leaderboards. The big part about this is that people in rural areas will at least have the option to play the game.

1013th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):KOF XIII Climax for NESiCAxLive !" , posted Tue 21 May 21:27post reply

Nesica really is turning into the go-to "platform" of the arcade industry.

Speculating that:
1. Guilty Gear Xrd is indeed coming to RingEdge 2 (I could not find an official confirmation anywhere),
2. ASW is nevertheless working as promised on a "new series" for the next generation of (consumer) hardware,
3. For political and business reasons, it would make sense to keep Guilty Gear on Sega hardware and <Not Guilty Gear> on Taito hardware,

I would assume that we will see Taito TypeX 3 next year, compatible with DirectX11 and aiming of performance similar to the next Xbox and PlayStation.

I really wonder what SegaSammy will do. The arcade market is crashing, card games are stalling, even medal games (which do not require fancy hardware power for their electronics) are going down... I am not sure how a "RingEdge 3" could help them as most of their business partners would most likely stay on the earlier models.

Given the situation, the most logical step would be for Sega and Namco to join forces on their next generation of arcade hardware. It would be the best way to reduce costs, it would suit their need for hardware designed for console ports, it would help harmonize their online services (IC cards, accounts, catalogue, infrastructure) and it could help bringing Capcom back in their camp for Street Fighter V.

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89th Post

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"Re(3):KOF XIII Climax for NESiCAxLive !" , posted Wed 22 May 00:40post reply

Ureshino Akihiko was talking about SNK and NESiCAxLive version of KOF XIII Climax on his twitter, can anybody translate what is it?

- 確か引っ越す時にデッキごと弟にあげてしまったような……ちょうどSNK倒産時に絶望して、関連書籍やグッズをあらかた処分したことがあったので……。

- 曽木さん、「ロックはギースの息子でテリーに育てられた」ということを知らなかったのか、意外……と思ったが、そもそもコングさんも、20周年記念の映像作る時に説明するまで、それ知らなかったしな。 #SNK

Source :

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"Re(3):KOF XIII Climax for NESiCAxLive !" , posted Wed 22 May 01:38:post reply

I would assume that we will see Taito TypeX 3 next year, compatible with DirectX11 and aiming of performance similar to the next Xbox and PlayStation.

I really wonder what SegaSammy will do. The arcade market is crashing, card games are stalling, even medal games (which do not require fancy hardware power for their electronics) are going down... I am not sure how a "RingEdge 3" could help them as most of their business partners would most likely stay on the earlier models.

I didn't think much about Sega's situation until you wrote it, very nice. They're in a rut now. This new Guilty Gear is RingEdge 2 according to what the press apparently got so it'll be Sega's major title until operators shift to the next platform. I wonder what lifespan ASW is planning with this title.

EvilYagami: He's just talking about how he passed his old set of Neogeo LD soundtracks to his younger brother and got rid of books & everything else back when he was devastated at SNK's bankruptcy.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 22 May 01:40]

1054th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):KOF XIII Climax for NESiCAxLive !" , posted Wed 22 May 09:24post reply

Is there any chance that NesicaxLive version will have any additional stuff?

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

687th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):KOF XIII Climax for NESiCAxLive !" , posted Wed 22 May 10:29post reply

KOF XIII Climax for NESiCAxLive

Interesting, I didn't see that coming. I wonder how popular is KOF nowadays on the Japanese arcade scene?

5776th Post

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"Re(5):KOF XIII Climax for NESiCAxLive !" , posted Wed 22 May 11:43post reply

Is there any chance that NesicaxLive version will have any additional stuff?

But Of course that Obviously not. First of all, all of the "nesica versions" have pretty much nothing new expect some slight engine tweaks (98FE was the most "changed" of them all, but it was experimental and it didn't have a single freaking new graphic drawn for it (aka, it was still a quick hack job)), for a while the norm has been "as long as the name of the game is the same (sans the "for nesicaxlive"), the game is going to be the same".

There is also the fact that SNK is probably insanely under-staffed right now, if those job recruit signs aren't a decent enough hint for anyone (hiring 25 people in one go? good luck), having the ps3 re-releases titles stopped in their tracks was another clear sign. Chaz even mentioned a while back that XIII's producer was with M2 now, and who knows if the rest of original staff that worked on CLIMAX is still there.

Obviously XIII on nesica is about trying to suck off something out of that "1 credit = profits" deal that the board is characterized by and that SNK hasn't jumped at for like 2 years or something. Personally I think that is yet another case of "too little, too late" kind of deal, as an old product competing with upcoming titles might get kinda ugly, but at least it has a better chance than 02 & 98 as XIII CLIMAX was supposedly a low units count production board..... Personally I thought that the most natural case for the next KoF game was gathering together Noise Factory, M2 and some random Chinese company and put them to work as the hands that SNK seems to lack right now.

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"Re(5):KOF XIII Climax for NESiCAxLive !" , posted Wed 22 May 11:57post reply

Is there any chance that NesicaxLive version will have any additional stuff?

I'm pretty sure they've given up on that by now.

Let's just wait in anticipation for the new 3D KOFs and SamShoSpiDoRiWnTs.

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"Evo candidates" , posted Sat 1 Jun 16:52post reply

Dune twitted that possible Japanese candidates for this Year evo are Gosho , KouKou , Kaoru , Woo / Uuu , Kantoku / Keykakko & Cabbage / Kyabettsu .

おそとはしってくるぅ --indeed.

Let's hope that all goes well this year, unlike the past Evo where some people where left standing in their rooms drinking with an updated / hard to come by visa.

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90th Post

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"Recruitment page of KOF 3D in Famitsu Magz !!" , posted Fri 14 Jun 18:34post reply

Recruitment page of KOF 3D in Famitsu Magazine !!

Source :

Source :

1023th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Recruitment page of KOF 3D in Famitsu M" , posted Fri 14 Jun 18:54post reply

It's pretty much the same info as what was posted on their website. Once again the two series specifically mentioned are KOF and Samurai Spirits.

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"Re(1):Recruitment page of KOF 3D in Famitsu M" , posted Fri 14 Jun 18:54post reply

They threw in that ugly Terry CG, lol.

In semi-related news, lurkers that only read this thread at MMCafe may be interested in checking this out as well. Hopefully this won't hinder any potential future projects for KOF13, if there are any.

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"Re(2):Recruitment page of KOF 3D in Famitsu M" , posted Fri 14 Jun 19:24post reply

Maybe SNK Playmore is getting support from Sega to develop new games on their Arcade machine "RingEdge 2", I wonder also if this 3D KOF game will look like the CG of Terry Bogard, I prefer Anime style like the one in Guilty Gear Xrd, also I want them to use the existing library of KOF XIII animation !!

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"Re(3):Recruitment page of KOF 3D in Famitsu M" , posted Sat 15 Jun 00:09post reply

Here is a big and clean scan of the ad !

Source :

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"Re(3):Recruitment page of KOF 3D in Famitsu M" , posted Sat 15 Jun 08:44post reply


Are you trying to ruin my day

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"Steamy rumors" , posted Sun 16 Jun 02:21post reply

Yeaaah... well, at least there's something to talk about.

the real kap
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"Re(1):Steamy rumors" , posted Sun 16 Jun 02:32post reply


Yeaaah... well, at least there's something to talk about.

I bet Ex Kyo/EX Iori/Karate are still DLC, more than a year and a half after its console release. XD

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"Re(2):Steamy rumors" , posted Mon 17 Jun 18:50:post reply

Current Japanese Shitaraba ratio chart for KOFXIII

Max 9 points

6 Kim, Flame Iori, Karate
5 Hwa, Claw Iori, Nests Kyo, Shen, Vice, Ryo
4 Chin, Benimaru, Takuma, Duolon, Saiki, Normal Kyo
3 Goro, Yuri, Clark, Athena, Raiden
2 Kula, Billy, Maxima, K', King, Ralf, Elisabeth, Kensou, Mai
1 Ash, Leona, Andy, Mature, Terry, Joe, Robert

edit:fixed error

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 18 Jun 16:25]

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"Re(3):Steamy rumors" , posted Tue 18 Jun 01:06post reply

Current Japanese Shitaraba ratio chart for KOFXIII

..... So, Clark is amazing enough to appear twice?

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"Samurai Shodown Endless Runner" , posted Wed 26 Jun 19:48post reply

Haohmaru, Nakoruru, and Genjuro are starring in a korean-made endless runner mobile game.

This might quite possibly be the most cynical-soundning sentence ever written regarding the SS franchise. If I read this say 5 years ago, I probably would have cried out of sadness and depression. But you know what, it honestly looks kind of fun & well-made. I do want to play it.

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"Re(1):Samurai Shodown Endless Runner" , posted Wed 26 Jun 21:18post reply


Haohmaru, Nakoruru, and Genjuro are starring in a korean-made endless runner mobile game.

This might quite possibly be the most cynical-soundning sentence ever written regarding the SS franchise. If I read this say 5 years ago, I probably would have cried out of sadness and depression. But you know what, it honestly looks kind of fun & well-made. I do want to play it.

From the video it seems to use pets for whatever passive bonuses, but they don't seem to be fixed - Nako isn't necessarily assigned a wolf of hawk, but I get the feeling there should be a frog in there somewhere for Genjuro.

What's not completely clear to me if the SS characters are the only playables or extras - I'd expect the game's name to be affected if they were to be the only stars...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

1027th Post

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"Re(2):Samurai Shodown Endless Runner" , posted Thu 27 Jun 06:44post reply

What's not completely clear to me if the SS characters are the only playables or extras - I'd expect the game's name to be affected if they were to be the only stars...

Well the strange thing is the game is neither called Samurai Spirits nor one of its local variations (Fighters Sword, Saulabi Spirits).

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"Re(3):Samurai Shodown Endless Runner" , posted Thu 27 Jun 07:47post reply

What's not completely clear to me if the SS characters are the only playables or extras - I'd expect the game's name to be affected if they were to be the only stars...

Well the strange thing is the game is neither called Samurai Spirits nor one of its local variations (Fighters Sword, Saulabi Spirits).

I suppose this is as good a time to ask as any since I've always wondered: what is/was the deal with Korea and samurai?

1185th Post

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"Re(1):Samurai Shodown Endless Runner" , posted Thu 27 Jun 10:13post reply


Haohmaru, Nakoruru, and Genjuro are starring in a korean-made endless runner mobile game.

This might quite possibly be the most cynical-soundning sentence ever written regarding the SS franchise. If I read this say 5 years ago, I probably would have cried out of sadness and depression. But you know what, it honestly looks kind of fun & well-made. I do want to play it.

Wow this looks great! It's the best looking auto running game I've seen yet. I hope it makes its way outside of Asia.

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"Re(2):Samurai Shodown Endless Runner" , posted Thu 27 Jun 10:57post reply

Ah! That actually looks fun, SS or no SS. The mascot animals look lame, though. Not because they're mascot animals...they just kind of suck, especially since the rest of the game looks so good.

I guess it isn't out in Japan yet? I can't find it on the app store. I don't have a name to search for, but it didn't show up with the other games from the Korean company.

For those of you who may not know, it's fairly easy to access the Japanese app store. I imagine the Korean one is the same, but I don't think I'd bother adding another account just for a SS-tie in running game.

I suppose this is as good a time to ask as any since I've always wondered: what is/was the deal with Korea and samurai?

A lot of traditional Japanese culture things are a no-no in Korea, but I imagine that's just related to things for children. I'm not an expert on the issue, but I've seen a number of things censored.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

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"Samurai Spirits Sumaho Matsuri" , posted Thu 27 Jun 15:40post reply

What a timing! This came out today on iOS and Android.

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"SNK/Neo Geo Exhibit in Rome" , posted Fri 5 Jul 01:09post reply

There was an SNK/NeoGeo exhibit held this past week at the Vigamus museum of video games in Rome, Italy. There were video interviews from development staff in the company as well as new artwork provided by main illustrator Eisuke Ogura for the exhibit. SNK President Masami Ohata was reportedly supposed to be there, but I don't see him in any of the photos so who knows. I wonder if anyone reading this site was there, and what they thought of the event.

Facebook Photos Why a vocaloid, I donut know

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"Re(1):SNK/Neo Geo Exhibit in Rome" , posted Fri 5 Jul 02:53post reply

There was an SNK/NeoGeo exhibit held this past week at the Vigamus museum of video games in Rome, Italy. There were video interviews from development staff in the company as well as new artwork provided by main illustrator Eisuke Ogura for the exhibit. SNK President Masami Ohata was reportedly supposed to be there, but I don't see him in any of the photos so who knows. I wonder if anyone reading this site was there, and what they thought of the event.

Facebook Photos Why a vocaloid, I donut know

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That looks like a lot of fun. Wish I was there. Glad SNK agreed with the organizers to do this museum and connect with international fans. And the Ogura poster is a nice bonus.

From Google translate, it seems the 4 characters in the poster represent different SNK mascots for different eras for Neo Geo. G-Mantle is pre-fighting game Neo Geo, Terry is pre-KOF & early '90s, school-uniform Kyo being the later '90s. And Kula is for the new millennium (Not K' weirdly, but I'm ok with that). Oh and the Colosseum is of course because it's in Rome.

555th Post

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"Re(1):SNK/Neo Geo Exhibit in Rome" , posted Fri 5 Jul 20:51post reply

There was an SNK/NeoGeo exhibit held this past week at the Vigamus museum of video games in Rome, Italy. There were video interviews from development staff in the company as well as new artwork provided by main illustrator Eisuke Ogura for the exhibit. SNK President Masami Ohata was reportedly supposed to be there, but I don't see him in any of the photos so who knows. I wonder if anyone reading this site was there, and what they thought of the event.

Facebook Photos Why a vocaloid, I donut know

More photos

Gladly this was off my radar (I'm trying to get my second degree as fast as I can)...
I'm not a NeoGeo collector so I completely forgot about that but I noticed recently Italy is gaining attention from Japanese developers: SNK Legends in Rome, Hideo Baba was in Milan last month for a special "Tales Of" event and Namco Bandai will present One Piece Musou 2 for EU during "Milano Manga Festival".
It's a start, hope it holds well.

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"Re(2):SNK/Neo Geo Exhibit in Rome" , posted Fri 5 Jul 21:41post reply

And Kula is for the new millennium (Not K' weirdly, but I'm ok with that).

An odd choice, but she did debut in KoF 2000...

I wish I'd knew about this in advance... have the SNK fansites focused too much on the tournament scene recently for this to slip between the cracks?...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(3):SNK/Neo Geo Exhibit in Rome" , posted Sun 7 Jul 00:20post reply

And Kula is for the new millennium (Not K' weirdly, but I'm ok with that).

An odd choice, but she did debut in KoF 2000...

I assume because she was the last -intended- iconic character released by the "original" SNK.

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"Evo stuff" , posted Sat 13 Jul 00:04post reply

A pre-evo meeting can be found in twitch & youtube, for those interesting in the scene it can be found here.

I haven't checked the schedule, but it seems that the groups stuff from KoF is going to be on Saturday from 12pm to 10pm or something.

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"Re(1):Evo stuff" , posted Sat 13 Jul 04:11post reply

I haven't checked the schedule, but it seems that the groups stuff from KoF is going to be on Saturday from 12pm to 10pm or something.

Event schedule for the live streams says pools at 8am Saturday, Quarterfinal at 2pm, Semi at 4pm, and Finals at 10am Sunday. Unfortunately, it doesn't say what time zone, so I guess it is Pacific.

The Evo site at has the schedule at the bottom.

3794th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Evo stuff" , posted Sun 14 Jul 14:19:post reply

EVO Finals stuff

Top 8 consists of
Japan x 2 Players [Tokido, Woo]
Korea x 2 Players [Verna, MadKOF]
USA x 2 Players [Romance, Reynald]
Singapore x 1 Player [Xian]
France x 1 Player [Fox]

Winners bracket matches
Verna[KR] vs Woo[JP]
Tokido[JP] vs MadKOF[KR]

Losers bracket matches
Romance[US] vs Reynald[US]
Xian[SG] vs Fox[FR]

As slightly mentioned during the stream, MMCafe has provided EVO2013 with Japanese player profiles for use by KOF13 commentators. Unfortunately very few of the players actually showed on stream!

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 14 Jul 16:38]

1832th Post

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"Re(3):Evo stuff" , posted Sun 14 Jul 17:49post reply

EVO Finals stuff

Top 8 consists of
Japan x 2 Players [Tokido, Woo]
Korea x 2 Players [Verna, MadKOF]
USA x 2 Players [Romance, Reynald]
Singapore x 1 Player [Xian]
France x 1 Player [Fox]

Winners bracket matches
Verna[KR] vs Woo[JP]
Tokido[JP] vs MadKOF[KR]

Losers bracket matches
Romance[US] vs Reynald[US]
Xian[SG] vs Fox[FR]

As slightly mentioned during the stream, MMCafe has provided EVO2013 with Japanese player profiles for use by KOF13 commentators. Unfortunately very few of the players actually showed on stream!

It's OK Prof, I am sure they appreciate your work anyways. It's too bad we couldn't see more Japanese players though. KOF kind of got gypped for stream time, but I can understand since Capcom games are usually the main event.

I hope Xian makes it out of Losers, but Romance or Reynald will not be easy fights.

Evil Yagami
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"KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Sun 14 Jul 18:10post reply

- According to the next KOF is coming next year to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the game.

- Kei Yamamoto is the head producer of the project.

- Many overseas staffs from USA, France, South Korea, and China also participated in the project.

- 3D Technology will be used instead of 2D Sprites to create the Next-Generation of KOF series.

- The developers are working very hard about how they will represent the 2D image in 3D !!

- The game seems is planned for PS3 and XBOX 360.

Development Staff - Pictures :

Source :

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Evil Yagami
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"SNK PLAYMORE in TGS 2013 !!" , posted Sun 14 Jul 20:44post reply

SNK PLAYMORE will attend TGS this year, they will be in the Business Meeting Area !!

Source :

3795th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Sun 14 Jul 21:12:post reply

Gekiganger-- Thanks. Well, hopefully some use will be made for Tokido and Woo!

EvilYagami: Nice finds, but unfortunately not what you're thinking.

1/ The classifieds site says "It is currently the 20th anniversary for Samurai showdown and also the 20th anniversary for KOF next year". It doesn't say anything about a next-gen game coming out by then.

2/ SNKPlaymore doesn't have a booth at TGS. They just have a negociation space for business.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 14 Jul 21:13]

Evil Yagami
95th Post

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"Re(2):KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Sun 14 Jul 21:29post reply

Hi Prof, so next KOF is not coming next year ?! damn that google translator, I made a huge mistake, pls can you offer for us some correct translation about the main highlights. About SNK in TGS what they will do in that business area ?! best regards !!

3796th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Mon 15 Jul 01:49:post reply

Hi Prof, so next KOF is not coming next year ?! damn that google translator, I made a huge mistake, pls can you offer for us some correct translation about the main highlights. About SNK in TGS what they will do in that business area ?! best regards !!

Well let's see, to point out the main highlights.. aside from what was previously posted on their official site, the job listing also recruits for

- Experienced Network engineers
C/C++, Protocol connection
(Programmers that can write realtime communication TCP/UDP code)

Which is great. But also to put it in other words, If they're looking for net coding staff now, that casts a shadow over rumors of better netcode with the rumored steam version.

Oh boy, and their introduction sentences are seriously ironic.

"With social network games and casual games bloating the market, we at SNKPlaymore hope to bring the joy of fighting games to people around the world as an established brand.

Our Samurai Shodown series is currently at its 20th anniversary, and our KOF series will be celecrating its 20th anniversary as well next year.

We are recruiting development staffs for our huge project: the creation of next-generation titles for our two most popular series."

And the ending sentences reads

"We have just started on our projects under the slogans of "The ultimate 3D KOF" and "The ultimate Samurai Shodown", and we will take our time to develop the games. Our results are still far away, but we are confident that you will feel a great accomplishment when the game is complete. Let us work together to create this project that fans all over the world are waiting for."

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 15 Jul 01:50]

Evil Yagami
96th Post

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"Re(4):KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Mon 15 Jul 02:54post reply

Hi Prof, so next KOF is not coming next year ?! damn that google translator, I made a huge mistake, pls can you offer for us some correct translation about the main highlights. About SNK in TGS what they will do in that business area ?! best regards !!

Well let's see, to point out the main highlights.. aside from what was previously posted on their official site, the job listing also recruits for

- Experienced Network engineers
C/C++, Protocol connection
(Programmers that can write realtime communication TCP/UDP code)

Which is great. But also to put it in other words, If they're looking for net coding staff now, that casts a shadow over rumors of better netcode with the rumored steam version.

Oh boy, and their introduction sentences are seriously ironic.

"With social network games and casual games bloating the market, we at SNKPlaymore hope to bring the joy of fighting games to people around the world as an established brand.

Our Samurai Shodown series is currently at its 20th anniversary, and our KOF series will be celecrating its 20th anniversary as well next year.

We are recruiting development staffs for our huge project: the creation of next-generation titles for our two most popular series."

And the ending sentences reads

"We have just started on our projects under the slogans of "The ultimate 3D KOF" and "The ultimate Samurai Shodown",

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Many thanks to you Professor, I really appreciate your great effort by giving us a nice translation ! Arigato :)

SNK is very serious this time with 3D, can't wait more, I want to see the new KOF nowwwwwwwwwwwww !!

4599th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Mon 15 Jul 09:04post reply

"The ultimate Samurai Shodown"

Didn't they already achieve that with Tenka?

1033th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Mon 15 Jul 20:15post reply

I thought Capcom was the maker of ULTIMATE fighting games? Stop confusing me SNK.

SNKPlaymore doesn't have a booth at TGS. They just have a negociation space for business.

Prof, are you going to TGS this year? It's sad to see that big names like Konami and Level Five have already given up on the event.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

Evil Yagami
97th Post

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"Japanese Article about SNK Event in Rome !" , posted Mon 15 Jul 21:38post reply

Here is a long Japanese article talking about the latest event of SNK in Rome - Italy !

3797th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Tue 16 Jul 19:55post reply

I thought Capcom was the maker of ULTIMATE fighting games? Stop confusing me SNK.

SNKPlaymore doesn't have a booth at TGS. They just have a negociation space for business.
Prof, are you going to TGS this year? It's sad to see that big names like Konami and Level Five have already given up on the event.

Chaz-- I'm not sure! I might, if I can get a business pass. That place reminds me of.. work, but this year I'm guessing it should be pretty awesome.

Evilyagami-- Thanks for the link. It doesn't have any breaking news, but there's a note about an Italian neo geo "bible" created by one of the speaking guests there, which might be an interesting read.

On a completely different note, EVO2013's KOF13 champion AS|Reynald created this User's Guide Chart, which is getting quite some number of hits.

Evil Yagami
98th Post

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"Re(7):KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Tue 16 Jul 20:57post reply

Maybe SNK PLAYMORE is planning to show short teasers of their upcoming projects, I remember they did that in TGS 2006, at that time they showed just a logo of KOF XII besides to Samurai Spirits Sen, and KOF Maximum Impact Regulation A !

KOF XII Teaser - TGS 2006 :

9584th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Wed 17 Jul 02:50post reply

On a completely different note, EVO2013's KOF13 champion AS|Reynald created this User's Guide Chart, which is getting quite some number of hits.

I'm surprised Joe is considered highly technical and high damage... Does he have a very-hard-to-pull-out-infinite that is absolutely necessary for him to win anything?

5801th Post

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"Re(8):KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Wed 17 Jul 03:07:post reply

I'm surprised Joe is considered highly technical and high damage... Does he have a very-hard-to-pull-out-infinite that is absolutely necessary for him to win anything?

If you have the highest theoretical possible execution, he is a pretty deadly character that can get something like +50% damage anywhere on screen and something like 70%~100% on the corner by expending little resources.

If you don't have any type of execution, you are stuck with Street Fighter 2 complexety level of combos with do like 15% mid screen, and something like 30% in he corner... The problem is that Joe's normal are kinda stiff and weak to use, so unlike characters that have strong normals and good game flow, you can't keep yourself "winning" by using simple bread and butters over and over and over again (For example chars like Ryo, Clark or Duo Lon have "weak" short combos outside a bizzilion gauges, but they can be pretty solid and good chars with just those weak combos), thus you'll feel that the character is "subpar" when in reality he is a Kenshirou type of char that touches you in the ear or a finger and offs you. Takuma also shares this, if you don't have the execution and criteria capacity to execute his high damage stuff, he feels subpar compared to scrub level characters that get high damage by chaining up Qcfs.

BTW, you "can" win with some intermediate execution Joe, but needs practice; so it's not like there is an incredible, indistinguishable gap between "no execution" and "perfect execution", you can "improve him with time", but you have to be aware of where you are heading skill wise.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 17 Jul 03:14]

Evil Yagami
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"Terry and Benimaru in action - XDZW" , posted Thu 18 Jul 21:24:post reply

Terry and Benimaru in action in Xuan Dou Zhi Wang, I guess they are using SNK's 3D models besides to their animation library from KOF XII / XIII, it can give you a thought about how KOF XIV will look a like !!

[this message was edited by Evil Yagami on Thu 18 Jul 21:33]

569th Post

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"Re(1):Terry and Benimaru in action - XDZW" , posted Fri 19 Jul 04:17:post reply

Terry and Benimaru in action in Xuan Dou Zhi Wang, I guess they are using SNK's 3D models besides to their animation library from KOF XII / XIII, it can give you a thought about how KOF XIV will look a like !!

Let's not jump the gun on assumptions there, buddy

EDIT: Also, huh, am I seeing things or did Terry just combo from a crouching C into a blowback and then crackshot? Or did they give him his power charge back and just reuse the animation from blowback?

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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Fri 19 Jul 04:20]

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"Re(2):Terry and Benimaru in action - XDZW" , posted Fri 19 Jul 04:48post reply

It feels weird to watch a Terry match where he's not shouting in Engrish.

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"KOF 97,98, 98UMFE and 2002 on qq?" , posted Sun 21 Jul 06:35post reply

Well, this is interesting

3824th Post

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"KOF ending on September" , posted Fri 2 Aug 21:41:post reply

When you name a smartphone social game after your biggest franchise as a cheap solution to gain popularity, things turn into a PR nightmare when you need to announce that you're pulling the plug on its server. Such was the case with SNKPlaymore today.


Thank you four your continued support towards [KOF].
[KOF] will be ending its services as of September 30, 2013.

By lord, some people can probably misinterpret that into a seriously wrong way, lol. I'm sure people sort of saw it coming when they released a shirtless-KO card for Yuri that'd cost about $500 to get.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 2 Aug 23:30]

3825th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):KOF ending on September" , posted Mon 5 Aug 03:43post reply

After licensing with SNKP, it seems that the KOF-lookalike Xuan Dou Zhi Wang (XDZW) is looking for more collaboration characters. A voting poll is now up. ..Mario?

Thanks to Orphen for confirmation.

1840th Post

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"Re(2):KOF ending on September" , posted Mon 5 Aug 06:58post reply

After licensing with SNKP, it seems that the KOF-lookalike Xuan Dou Zhi Wang (XDZW) is looking for more collaboration characters. A voting poll is now up. ..Mario?

Thanks to Orphen for confirmation.

Wow, if those numbers that pop up when you scroll over a character are votes then Mikasa from Attack on Titan is in the lead followed by Iori.

Anyone know who the ape, Chinese armor guy and blue western armor guy are?

4676th Post

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"Re(3):KOF ending on September" , posted Mon 5 Aug 08:56post reply

That's a wonderfully optimistic poll. Even doing something like getting more SNKP characters might be a bit of a stretch but they could go the K9999 route and have a stretchy guy named "Taffy" or something awful like that.

Anyone know who the ape, Chinese armor guy and blue western armor guy are?

The Chinese warrior is Zhao Yun, the character who shows up in Koei games when Nobunaga is too busy to put in an appearance.

1126th Post

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"Re(3):KOF ending on September" , posted Mon 5 Aug 17:22:post reply


Anyone know who the ape, Chinese armor guy and blue western armor guy are?

Unsurprisingly enough, the Mind Ape is on the list, eager to create havok amongst the ranks of earthly warriors on his journey west... That weird and unfitting, WoW-esque rendition of the character just doesn't make justice to the awesome Sun Wukong!

After doing some research, the bulky knight in shining blue armor seems to be Garen (盖伦/ Gai Lun), a character of MMORPG League of Legends. No wonder we had no clue about his identity...

[this message was edited by HAYATO on Mon 5 Aug 17:53]

1204th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):KOF ending on September" , posted Tue 6 Aug 05:31post reply

That weird and unfitting, WoW-esque rendition of the character just doesn't make justice to the awesome Sun Wukong!

Bless your heart.

I feel sorry for any artist trying to do a gritty interpretation of Sun Wukong in the shadow of Terada's peerless rendition:

1078th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):KOF XIII starting on Steam!" , posted Thu 8 Aug 06:35post reply

Finally! So, 2002 UM is coming, too. Hopefull thatit will help online play a lot.

481th Post

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"Re(2):KOF XIII starting on Steam!" , posted Thu 8 Aug 14:55post reply

Finally! So, 2002 UM is coming, too. Hopefull thatit will help online play a lot.

Not so sure about 2002 yet, xiii was constantly updated, 2002 not so much

1080th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):KOF XIII starting on Steam!" , posted Thu 8 Aug 17:49post reply

Finally! So, 2002 UM is coming, too. Hopefull thatit will help online play a lot.

Not so sure about 2002 yet, xiii was constantly updated, 2002 not so much

The rumours was KOFXIII and '02UM coming to steam. Since KOf XIII one is confirmed, so Um could be on the way, too.

357th Post

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Silver Customer

"KOF XIII available for preorder on Steam" , posted Tue 13 Aug 04:19:post reply

Steam is now taking pre-orders for KOF XIII.

US price is $30, but it is 17% off ($25) until September 13. (EDIT: Description also says DLC characters Iori, Kyo, and Mr. Karate are playable from the start.)

They are running a 300 person closed beta test (participants selected by lottery if more than 300 people apply) later this month.

[this message was edited by Baines on Tue 13 Aug 04:54]

1842th Post

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"Re(1):KOF XIII available for preorder on Stea" , posted Tue 13 Aug 11:17post reply

Steam is now taking pre-orders for KOF XIII.

US price is $30, but it is 17% off ($25) until September 13. (EDIT: Description also says DLC characters Iori, Kyo, and Mr. Karate are playable from the start.)

They are running a 300 person closed beta test (participants selected by lottery if more than 300 people apply) later this month.

Additionally, there are some avatars up on Stream if anyone wants to pick them up for here.

Magaki and Mukai are avatars for some reason.

I am excited for the stream version but I think I will wait for a sale to put it around $20. I already have the game for both 360 and PS3 and got both sets of DLC characters at full price.

369th Post

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"Re(2):KOF XIII available for preorder on Stea" , posted Tue 13 Aug 19:20post reply

Anyone know what the Neo Geo Pad 3's are like? Shoddy like the 2's? If they're better, I might consider one for PC KOF on-the-go...

Waw!? And now what's going on!? Toh Shin Den is about to present to you a super hot virtual battle like one that you've never seen before at a rate of 90000 polygons per second!

3555th Post

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"Re(3):KOF XIII available for preorder on Stea" , posted Wed 14 Aug 06:42post reply

Preordered KOF XIII. I was going to wait to see how good the port was, but I thought I could donate to charity at least once.

Kind of surprised that people who preorder aren't automatically put into the beta, though.

I have a little put my joystick on when I play on the TV, so it simulates a Japanese arcade experience fairly well. I have a standing desk for my PC with a little shelf for my keyboard that will simulate an American arcade experience. I'm kind of excited to try it out. This is a silly little thing, but it's one of my great joys in playing fighting games. That's why I have 3 joysticks, even though I'm such a shoddy player.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

571th Post

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"Re(4):KOF XIII available for preorder on Stea" , posted Wed 14 Aug 14:56post reply

Kind of surprised that people who preorder aren't automatically put into the beta, though.
I don't know your skill level so it's not a comment on it, but I'd rather they just select top players who can tell what's happening with the feedback from the game and netplay.

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3842th Post

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"Re(2):KOF XIII available for preorder on Stea" , posted Wed 14 Aug 18:12post reply

Additionally, there are some avatars up on Stream if anyone wants to pick them up for here.

Thanks for the heads up. The Chibi avatars are already available on the BBS but they've got backgrounds right now as seen on the left, so I might replace them with the Steam ones later on.

I don't know your skill level so it's not a comment on it, but I'd rather they just select top players who can tell what's happening with the feedback from the game and netplay.

Player skill probably won't matter for the beta test. At less than 1 month to launch, it's most likely just for last minute debugging. I dearly hope the console versions will get a patch somewhere in the future as well.

3556th Post

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"Re(5):KOF XIII available for preorder on Stea" , posted Wed 14 Aug 20:44post reply

KinI don't know your skill level so it's not a comment on it, but I'd rather they just select top players who can tell what's happening with the feedback from the game and netplay.

I agree that people with familiarity with the game would provide better feedback, but I wonder if they're just trying to rouse up some general interest among people who aren't already sold on it. That's the only logic I could think of for not automatically including people who preorder. If I wanted to "beta test" KOF, I could always just play it on PS3, so I didn't mean it from that perspective, although I could understand if someone who preordered the game did not make it into the beta test because "too many" people who didn't entered. Then it's like "I bought the damned game and someone else gets to play it?"

Also, my skill level is "donkeys." That goes for most games I play.
I dearly hope the console versions will get a patch somewhere in the future as well.

Do you mean for the netcode, or balance? I forgot if the final arcade version had a few new tweaks or not. Anyway, I've learned to never expect anything from SNK to the point that I wonder if the Steam KOF is outsourced.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

357th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):KOF XIII available for preorder on Stea" , posted Thu 15 Aug 06:14post reply

Player skill probably won't matter for the beta test. At less than 1 month to launch, it's most likely just for last minute debugging. I dearly hope the console versions will get a patch somewhere in the future as well.

300 people isn't much for an online test, either. I want to believe it was a Cafe poster who mentioned that Japanese developers underestimate the size of the US, which leads to them underestimating network issues outside of Japan. I get a similar feeling with this test, as 300 people just doesn't sound like enough data points. If you restricted it to just the US, then that would be six people per state. And this isn't a US test, but rather world wide.

As for skilled players versus unskilled, they are picking testers by lottery if more than 300 apply, which implies they aren't concerned about skill anyway.

1905th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):KOF XIII available for preorder on Stea" , posted Thu 15 Aug 06:34:post reply


Also, my skill level is "donkeys." That goes for most games I play.

She's just lulling you into a false sense of security, then WHAM! A wicked combo loop ending with Shin Chou Polly Upper MAX CANCELLED into FINAL ASININE KICK.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Thu 15 Aug 06:35]

482th Post

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PSN: DefensorVirtuoso
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"Re(4):KOF XIII available for preorder on Stea" , posted Sat 17 Aug 00:59post reply

Player skill probably won't matter for the beta test. At less than 1 month to launch, it's most likely just for last minute debugging. I dearly hope the console versions will get a patch somewhere in the future as well.

300 people isn't much for an online test, either. I want to believe it was a Cafe poster who mentioned that Japanese developers underestimate the size of the US, which leads to them underestimating network issues outside of Japan. I get a similar feeling with this test, as 300 people just doesn't sound like enough data points. If you restricted it to just the US, then that would be six people per state. And this isn't a US test, but rather world wide.

As for skilled players versus unskilled, they are picking testers by lottery if more than 300 apply, which implies they aren't concerned about skill anyway.

I had read that some players had over 300 hours of gameplay. I honestly think that this is more of a marketing idea than a beta testing per se, obviously they will take feedback and will try to check the netcode but still

btw, the entries for 98um and 2002um were completely deleted, now I'm sad :(

573th Post

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"Re(5):KOF XIII available for preorder on Stea" , posted Sat 17 Aug 10:41:post reply
Can I do the "I'm right" dance here? I like doing the "I'm right" dance. It's less harsh than the "I told you so" dance

EDIT: so you can click the link

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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Sat 17 Aug 10:54]

716th Post

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"Re(4):KOF XIII available for preorder on Stea" , posted Sat 17 Aug 11:48post reply


300 people isn't much for an online test, either. I want to believe it was a Cafe poster who mentioned that Japanese developers underestimate the size of the US, which leads to them underestimating network issues outside of Japan. I get a similar feeling with this test, as 300 people just doesn't sound like enough data points. If you restricted it to just the US, then that would be six people per state. And this isn't a US test, but rather world wide.

As for skilled players versus unskilled, they are picking testers by lottery if more than 300 apply, which implies they aren't concerned about skill anyway.

More than skill level, it seems wiser to go for geographic distribution if they want to test connections, even if 300 is likely too low a number...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

Evil Yagami
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"Rumors about KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Sat 17 Aug 19:32post reply

Somebody is calming that he has a source in Taito Corporation that knows some info about KOF 20th Anniversary, the info is written in Korean, I tried my best to translate them using the Online Translators, I am pretty sure that I have some mistakes, so be careful, those info are rumors, so keep in mind it may means nothing !! :

-내년 20주년을 맞이 하는 KOF 신작은 내년 10월경 가동을 위해 준비중이며 3~4월경 상세 정보를 공개할 예정.

- Next year is the 20th Anniversary of KOF, a new KOF game is expected to be revealed in March or April next year, also the same source mentioned October, it could be the release date of the game !

-드림매치로 이루어질 것이며 타이틀은 연도제나 시리즈 숫자 표기가 아닌 부제 형식으로 갈지도 모른다.

- The next KOF is going to be a Dream Match, also the game doesn't have a number till now !

-참전캐릭터의 수는 50명 이상이 될 예정이며 현재 36명의 라인업이 확정되었고 이미 디자인 및 도트작업에 들어가고 있다.

- The number of the characters in the new KOF game will be more than 50, includes all the 36 characters from KOF XIII !

-그들은 KOF에서 나오지 않았던 깜짝놀랄만한 캐릭터의 컴백을 계획하고 있다.

- I couldn't understand it !

-XIII 에서 사용했던 캐릭터의 도트를 사용하지 않고 1080p의 해상도에 모든것이 3D로 이루어 새롭게 만들어진다.(3D로 작업후 2D를 덮어씌우는 방식이 아님.)
이는 다양한 캐릭터 등장씬과 기술에 따라 다양한 카메라 구도와 효과를 사용하기 위함이며 2D형식과 비슷한 속도감과 타격의 게임을 구현하기 위해 노력하고 있다.

- The graphics of the new KOF will be in 3D, KOF XIII couldn't offer a real dot characters in 1080P, some parts couldn't understand it !

-시스템은 어느정도 윤곽은 잡혔으나 문제점이 계속 발견되어 계속 수정중에 있다.

- They are facing some issues with the gameplay system, and still doing configurations and modifications on it !

-조금 더 유저들이 친근하게 다가갈 수 있도록 시스템을 XIII보다 더 쉽게 할 것이며 모드콤보를 삭제하고 98정도의 콤보로 회귀하는 방향도 검토중.

- The system is more user friendly, seems more easier than KOF XIII, and the combo system will be similar to KOF 98 !

하지만 전작처럼 타이밍같은 것이 어렵지는 않을 것이다.

- Like the previous work, the same thing, but the timing will not be difficult.

-역대 가장 많은 인원수와 금액으로 개발을 하고 있으며 지금도 인력을 구하고 있다. (어떤 기판을 사용하는지는 공개하지 않고 있다.)

- Big number of development staffs !

Source :

3850th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Rumors about KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Sat 17 Aug 22:04post reply

Can I do the "I'm right" dance here? I like doing the "I'm right" dance. It's less harsh than the "I told you so" dance

Hah, that is incredible. I never expected SNKPlaymore to do anything logical. Hopefully the netcode will actually be good as they boast.

Somebody is calming that he has a source in Taito Corporation that knows some info about KOF 20th Anniversary, the info is written in Korean, I tried my best to translate them using the Online Translators

Thanks for the update. It seems like this BBS doesn't do a good job at displaying Hangul. I don't have a real knowledge of Korean, but here's my understanding. I'm sure there's mistakes, and again it's a rumor, but a fun one at that.

- Marking its 20th anniversary next year, The next KOF is currently in preparation for (arcade) operation around October. First details are slated for release around March - April.

- It will be a Dream Match and won't be a numbered title. It might possibly feature a subtitle instead.

- Over 50 characters are slated for the game. 36 characters are already solid for the lineup; their design and figures are already under development.

- They (SNK Playmore) are planning the sensational return of character(s) not in the KOF series.

- The sprites used in XIII will not be recycled. They are re doing everything in 3D for 1080P. (It isn't the method where they use 3D models and do the 2D pixel art based on them). This is for using various character ???? (toon rendering?) and technology in order to make use of camera angle and effects, meanwhile keeping the same speedy gameplay as the game did in 2D.

- (not too sure on this) The system has some issues which are still being fixed?

- The combos will be easier than the system in XIII to make the game more friendly to players. They are giving consideration to makeing the game's combo more like 98.

- The development is costing them the most budget and most staff in the series' history, and they're still seeking for additional recruits. (No word on what board the game will run on).

4605th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Rumors about KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Sat 17 Aug 22:49post reply

I hope they reinstate character intros and tag swapping.

Also, Rugal needs to be the final boss. Keep the tradition alive.

483th Post

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"Re(3):Rumors about KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Sun 18 Aug 00:24post reply

mmm, it seems that XIII realy gave them a lot of money if the rumours are to be trusted, that, or they recovered their faith on the series so they will use money from the pachislot division in order to give the series a bigger boost

At least returning to the 98 roots doesn't seem a bad idea since that formula is still the most beloved of the series

1083th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Rumors about KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Sun 18 Aug 01:21post reply

I hope they reinstate character intros and tag swapping.

Also, Rugal needs to be the final boss. Keep the tradition alive.

Yes and Yes!

I want little details like supporting teammates in the background.

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"Re(2):Rumors about KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Sun 18 Aug 02:13post reply

- They (SNK Playmore) are planning the sensational return of character(s) not in the KOF series.
Now would this mean the zero chance of KOF original characters like beloved Shermie returning? This would be heresy.

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"Re(3):Rumors about KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Sun 18 Aug 22:00post reply

Over 50 characters in 1080P? This is going to be the most amazing pachislot ever made!

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"Re(4):Rumors about KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Sun 18 Aug 22:25post reply

Greetings Professor and fellow KOF players! Have been lurking this forum for a long time and decided to join in.

These rumors sounds too good to be true, furthermore its coming from the Korea side. But I seriously hope SNK will announced something soon since the next KOF series is way overdue.

3854th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Rumors about KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Mon 19 Aug 01:49post reply

Greetings Professor and fellow KOF players! Have been lurking this forum for a long time and decided to join in.

These rumors sounds too good to be true, furthermore its coming from the Korea side. But I seriously hope SNK will announced something soon since the next KOF series is way overdue.

Welcome to the BBS Orphen! I'm sure some people might recall you being credited for a few posts in the past.

The rumors are, well, rumors. I've heard a few of the things from other places in the past, although whether they're true or not is something we'll have to wait and see. When it comes to SNKP, nothing ever seems solid.

413th Post

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"Re(4):Rumors about KOF 20th Anniversary !" , posted Mon 19 Aug 04:50post reply

Over 50 characters in 1080P? This is going to be the most amazing pachislot ever made!

It's posts like this that make me wish we had a 'like' or 'upvote' function. Bravo.

Also, while I would truly, truly love to believe this is all happening, I've pretty much lost all faith in the gaming companies I loved as a child. Except Nintendo, and even that's only because Megaman looks incredible in the new Smash Bros.

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"Re(5):Rumors are tumors" , posted Mon 19 Aug 10:33post reply

Also, while I would truly, truly love to believe this is all happening, I've pretty much lost all faith in the gaming companies I loved as a child. Except Nintendo, and even that's only because Megaman looks incredible in the new Smash Bros.

It's exactly why I would rather discourage rumor milling. Until the companies outright say something themselves, I don't care to have it spread around, because people start to believe the rumors as some kind of official word and it becomes a giant mess when the company says something different and people think "BUT I THOUGHT YOU SAID THIS OR THAT" and end up disappointed by the reality. I'm not saying it's not okay to talk about what you hope will happen (or make cracks at pachinko), but we've no business going around parading rumors as official news.

Sadly, people are spreading these rumors around as if it's some kind of official word from SNKPlaymore.

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"Re(6):Rumors are tumors" , posted Mon 19 Aug 11:33post reply

Over 50 characters in 1080P? This is going to be the most amazing pachislot ever made!
Heheheh. Reminds me of that brilliant new Lupin entry that was actually a pachinko game.
when the company says something different and people think "BUT I THOUGHT YOU SAID THIS OR THAT" and end up disappointed by the reality.
Ha, but at least we're not going in the Capcom Rockman Dash 3/Legends direction! Yet. I have high hopes for SNK suddenly being tricked by rumors about themselves and figuring, "Well, I guess we'd better make a game now."


4606th Post

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"Re(7):Rumors are tumors" , posted Mon 19 Aug 12:16post reply

Honestly, considering how KOF should realistically be dead in the water due to the tumultuous development of XII/XIII, I'll gladly take a positive rumor like this any day of the week.

Besides, it's not like Capcom's situation where they can drop a 2018 release for SF and the fans don't even bat an eye.

9625th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Rumors are tumors" , posted Mon 19 Aug 18:23post reply

Besides, it's not like Capcom's situation where they can drop a 2018 release for SF and the fans don't even bat an eye.

I was about to say "well, that's probably because Capcom has more chances to still be alive in 2018 than SNKP", but all things considered, it might very well be the opposite.
Especially if that stupid rumour ends up false.

563th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Tue 20 Aug 19:10post reply


- Over 50 characters are slated for the game. 36 characters are already solid for the lineup; their design and figures are already under development.

- They (SNK Playmore) are planning the sensational return of character(s) not in the KOF series.

This bit had me interested. Maybe (MAYBE), the fact SNK was hiring animators for KOF and Samsho has its end here. I don't think they have money to produce two big games with a brand new technology but using characters from SNK games in a KOF dream match should be fine for old and new players. Is the same nostalgia tactis Capcom used wit SF2 chars in SFIV... imagine a KOF with a team from SS, GNK, and nearly every other SNK fighting franchise. IMHO it will end up something like this, unlikely that we have a new KOF and a new SS.

Btw, Kizuna and Buriki characters are in KOF XI, the crossover thing is not completely new.

And speaking about rumors... I've heard somewhere SNK is working on an exclusive title on NeoGeoX. This is mere speculation tough, based on the silhouettes from the facebook page (artworks of Kyo, Kaede and Hahomaru from NGBC and Magican Lord), but really sweet if true.

1067th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Tue 20 Aug 19:21post reply


Btw, Kizuna and Buriki characters are in KOF XI, the crossover thing is not completely new.

Wait, I am not sure I get your point? The "crossover thing" is the starting point of the entire KOF series. It mixed characters from four different SNK franchises. What was so strange about adding Kizuna and Buriki?

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1th Post

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"Re(2):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Tue 20 Aug 21:04post reply

Any reviews on for KOF XIII Steam Edition yet?

1085th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Tue 20 Aug 22:21post reply

Any reviews on for KOF XIII Steam Edition yet?

Well Falcoon once said that they were working on some hardware. But it took too long and they just gave up. For some reason however its not business wise that does not make sense, I wouldnt be surprised they show a new NeoGeo. I wouldnt hold my breath for a nano second though.

564th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Tue 20 Aug 22:27post reply


Btw, Kizuna and Buriki characters are in KOF XI, the crossover thing is not completely new.

Wait, I am not sure I get your point? The "crossover thing" is the starting point of the entire KOF series. It mixed characters from four different SNK franchises. What was so strange about adding Kizuna and Buriki?

Nothing, is only the first time we see something new besides Garou, Ryuuko, Ikari e Psycho Soldier. I always wondered why Samsho and other series were left out.

359th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Wed 21 Aug 05:07:post reply

Any reviews on for KOF XIII Steam Edition yet?

Haven't seen any news yet.

New scandal is that game's price was dropped after the lottery for the beta ended.

The game went from 17% off of $30 to being 20% off of $25. Anyone who pre-ordered before today was effectively paying (without their knowledge) $5 for the chance to be picked for the online beta.

EDIT: Early claims are that the net code is bad. Beta testers supposedly get a hidden Steam forum/thread to use, so others can't see what is being said between them.

[this message was edited by Baines on Wed 21 Aug 05:18]

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"Re(3):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Wed 21 Aug 05:08post reply


Btw, Kizuna and Buriki characters are in KOF XI, the crossover thing is not completely new.

Wait, I am not sure I get your point? The "crossover thing" is the starting point of the entire KOF series. It mixed characters from four different SNK franchises. What was so strange about adding Kizuna and Buriki?

Nothing, is only the first time we see something new besides Garou, Ryuuko, Ikari e Psycho Soldier. I always wondered why Samsho and other series were left out.

it always felt odd to see kizuna encounter characters since they felt to be from a different era in a design wise sense

but then, they key theme in the ash saga was time, so you could always say that they just traveled from time

576th Post

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"Re(4):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Wed 21 Aug 07:53:post reply

(Rant about rollback garbage here)

(Summary) Juicebox received a generous gifting of a beta code for KOFXIIISE, so he's been able to try it out, saying it was a small improvement, but not by much. Y2, the community manager for KOFXIIISE, got to play Juice one match, and it was rather laggy. Around 12 easternish, a patch in the form of some text file(?) was released and he tried it out again, and noticed a drastic improvement--he got a really good connection to someone in Canada. He also played some people in Japan and noticed that while there was lag, the lag was consistent and stable. Also, they were able to verify that there is a host advantage in that the host player gets slightly less input delay. The Japanese players Juice played against aside from Y2 were possibly all devs considering their enormous amount of playtime with the game (200+). Devs have been paying attention to Juice's stream and are very interested in his feedback, now.

Request for an increase of the number of Closed Beta testers posted by SNK.Dir_Y2 @ 02:02AM on August 21, 2013I am thinking of increasing the number of testers for "KOF XIII Steam Edition" Closed Beta Test by 50 players. The first 300 testers have been chosen fairly and without any region preference. However, as the number of beta testers from Central/South America and Asia were a minority, I will focus on these areas on the next selection. The winners of this new lottery will be carefully selected among the candidates who have previously registered themselves during the first beta tester campaign, and will be notified by email and in the KOF XIII Closed Beta Test relevant forum later in the week.

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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Wed 21 Aug 18:18]

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"Re(3):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Wed 21 Aug 10:01post reply


Btw, Kizuna and Buriki characters are in KOF XI, the crossover thing is not completely new.

Wait, I am not sure I get your point? The "crossover thing" is the starting point of the entire KOF series. It mixed characters from four different SNK franchises. What was so strange about adding Kizuna and Buriki?

Nothing, is only the first time we see something new besides Garou, Ryuuko, Ikari e Psycho Soldier. I always wondered why Samsho and other series were left out.

Technically they weren't, if you count all the extra strikers in 2K which included Nakoruru. That's also where Gai's original KoF sprite came from.

485th Post

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"Re(5):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Wed 21 Aug 23:38post reply

(Rant about rollback garbage here)

(Summary) Juicebox received a generous gifting of a beta code for KOFXIIISE, so he's been able to try it out, saying it was a small improvement, but not by much. Y2, the community manager for KOFXIIISE, got to play Juice one match, and it was rather laggy. Around 12 easternish, a patch in the form of some text file(?) was released and he tried it out again, and noticed a drastic improvement--he got a really good connection to someone in Canada. He also played some people in Japan and noticed that while there was lag, the lag was consistent and stable. Also, they were able to verify that there is a host advantage in that the host player gets slightly less input delay. The Japanese players Juice played against aside from Y2 were possibly all devs considering their enormous amount of playtime with the game (200+). Devs have been paying attention to Juice's stream and are very interested in his feedback, now.

Also:Request for an increase of the number of Closed Beta testers posted by SNK.Dir_Y2 @ 02:02AM on August 21, 2013I am thinking of increasing the number of testers for "KOF XIII Steam Edition" Closed Beta Test by 50 players. The first 300 testers have been chosen fairly and without any region preference. However, as the number of beta testers from Central/South America and Asia were a minority, I will focus on these areas on the next

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

I'm confused, is there any kind of hope?

Honestly, if I could play with my friends from the city well I will be satisfied

In the other hand, I wonder if the game mechanics of the game make difficult to get a good netcode. it will explain the rumour to return into a 98 like for the 20th anniversary, but well, 98um netcode sucked ass

576th Post

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"Re(6):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Wed 21 Aug 23:56post reply

I'm confused, is there any kind of hope?

Honestly, if I could play with my friends from the city well I will be satisfied
There's hope if SNK's steam team keeps working throughout the beta test period. For now, it's better than console version, but there is still the issue of host advantage where input delay comes. As in, host has less input delay than non-host. People discovered this by swapping hosts.

It's said to be something like "playable lag" or no significant lag at all, depending on the location of the opponent.

Patching day one is a clear sign that the devs over there care a lot to make this work out. Especially since one of the devs personally contacted Juicebox on steam to get his feedback.

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"Re(7):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Thu 22 Aug 00:42post reply

Patching day one is a clear sign that the devs over there care a lot to make this work out. Especially since one of the devs personally contacted Juicebox on steam to get his feedback.

Unfortunately, the closed beta is still at an absurdly small size.

If SteamCharts it right, the peak number of concurrent users so far has been 29.

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"Re(8):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Thu 22 Aug 01:53post reply

Unfortunately, the closed beta is still at an absurdly small size.

If SteamCharts it right, the peak number of concurrent users so far has been 29.
I've seen it, and that's rather unfortunate, and it makes me wonder if there are people who haven't been even trying to play it online. I was under the impression this was something you had to sign up for? It baffles me that they just let their opportunity just sit there, such a waste.

Anyway, Gunsmith has something about giving away beta codes for those who want to try it out (just provide specs and region on ON), and ArcadeShock will be handing out codes tomorrow. Also, MrWizard has been giving out codes to my knowledge, and SNK is contemplating giving out 50 more codes to less represented areas. I still say that they especially need to choose people who can tell more accurately how the netcode feels (ie people who can actually play). It really will make a difference when trying to do those 1-frame links, which most casual players might feel they're just not able to do them anyway, and better players who are confident in consistently nailing them but when online comes, it's always missed. THAT is why I'm saying better players should be selected.

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Thu 22 Aug 02:59post reply

Some of the top players already have keys from what I understand. They're not exactly too talkative on the internet to begin though.

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"Re(10):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Thu 22 Aug 04:33post reply

Some of the top players already have keys from what I understand. They're not exactly too talkative on the internet to begin though.

I recall reading that bala and romance were testers for the console version of the game, I will not bo surprised if top players are doing a more ''internal'' job

360th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(9):Re:Rumors are rumors" , posted Thu 22 Aug 05:27post reply

I've seen it, and that's rather unfortunate, and it makes me wonder if there are people who haven't been even trying to play it online. I was under the impression this was something you had to sign up for? It baffles me that they just let their opportunity just sit there, such a waste.

There were people signing up without any real intention to help. They just wanted to try the game or fool around. Some were annoyed that they weren't automatically given access for pre-ordering, and signed up just to get their "due".

Then you have to figure in the limited number of available players making it sometimes hard to find a playable match, which can discourage some less dedicated beta testers. Supposedly it is an issue in under-represented areas (which is apparently everywhere outside of the US).

9635th Post

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"Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Tue 27 Aug 03:21post reply


2482th Post

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"Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Tue 27 Aug 03:56post reply


Alas, Iggy beat me to it.
Odds are this will be more popular than the KOF fighting game has been in the past 5-6 years, which makes me sad.

The fact that Tizoc/Griffin is one of the featured characters is a big surprise, though.

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"Re(3):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Tue 27 Aug 10:14post reply

As long as this MOBA thing has nothing to do with what SNKP themselves are conjuring up, I'm not gonna care about it.

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"Re(4):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Tue 27 Aug 13:54post reply

Man, this MOBA news is messing with my head. This is the 3rd game to bear the title of "The King of Fighters Online" right? I wonder if this will share a similar fate as its predecessors and never come out. And it is developed in Thailand of all places?

923th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Tue 27 Aug 16:48post reply


I'd play it if only because the person playing Shion is named hahahaha

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

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"Re(3):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Thu 29 Aug 05:44post reply

Hey guys, everybody who has purchased the game can now dowload the beta!

So far the game runs fine, but I can't find 3-4 bars matches yet

364th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Thu 29 Aug 10:38post reply

Hey guys, everybody who has purchased the game can now dowload the beta!

Which is strange, because they were still doing key giveaways only a few hours before on their Facebook page.

The change in policy has however increased the peak number of players from 30 to 250, though.

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"Re(5):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Thu 29 Aug 20:12post reply

Hey guys, everybody who has purchased the game can now dowload the beta!

I'm glad they did this - I always found the code giveaway thingies too late and don't play that well that I feel my feedback would amount to much, in part since I'm kinda rusty. At least this now lets potential opponents make those judgements a bit better.

I now have to deal with a different set of issues from the PS3 version - a completely different controller, and while my PS3 has a wired connection specifically because of KoF's online issues, my laptop has no such access. I've got some retraining to do, and while having access to the single player modes (how else are we to access Saiki and Billy?...) to mess around with moving targets and trial modes to test execution, it's understandable why this beta is set up as it is.


The change in policy has however increased the peak number of players from 30 to 250, though.

Peaking at 333 as of today - more than the initial batch... ya done good SNKP, ya done good and it looks like it's been a rewarding decision for all involved.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(6):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Spring 2013 editi" , posted Thu 29 Aug 23:03post reply

Hey guys, everybody who has purchased the game can now dowload the beta!

I'm glad they did this - I always found the code giveaway thingies too late and don't play that well that I feel my feedback would amount to much, in part since I'm kinda rusty. At least this now lets potential opponents make those judgements a bit better.

I now have to deal with a different set of issues from the PS3 version - a completely different controller, and while my PS3 has a wired connection specifically because of KoF's online issues, my laptop has no such access. I've got some retraining to do, and while having access to the single player modes (how else are we to access Saiki and Billy?...) to mess around with moving targets and trial modes to test execution, it's understandable why this beta is set up as it is.

The change in policy has however increased the peak number of players from 30 to 250, though.

Peaking at 333 as of today - more than the initial batch... ya done good SNKP, ya done good and it looks like it's been a rewarding decision for all involved.

Well I had good news for you, today they released the Beta V6. In this version billy and saiki are unlocked (but only until the beta ends)

No netcode improvements were made but SNKP said that they are not done with it yet

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"SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Netcode Impressions" , posted Sat 31 Aug 04:16post reply

Ok, I had been testing the game, and I had played with a chilean, a brazilian and a colombian

the chilean was at 300 miles of distance from mine and the match was PERFECT. 4 bars, cero lag

the brazilean was at 1200 and the delay fluctuated between 1- 3 bars, but in the match, it was great too, I could feel some lag, but still, I had no problems playing the match.

With the colombian I had problems, 2700 miles aprox, and it was unplayable.

Still, from the moment I could play with my friends from chile, who are a LOT (30 aprox) so from the moment, I'm glad with the netcode, but if SNKP could improve it more, I will be happy

365th Post

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"Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Netcode Impressio" , posted Sat 31 Aug 13:28post reply

Ok, I had been testing the game, and I had played with a chilean, a brazilian and a colombian

the chilean was at 300 miles of distance from mine and the match was PERFECT. 4 bars, cero lag

the brazilean was at 1200 and the delay fluctuated between 1- 3 bars, but in the match, it was great too, I could feel some lag, but still, I had no problems playing the match.

With the colombian I had problems, 2700 miles aprox, and it was unplayable.

Still, from the moment I could play with my friends from chile, who are a LOT (30 aprox) so from the moment, I'm glad with the netcode, but if SNKP could improve it more, I will be happy

Be aware that, unless they've patched it out, there is some degree of host advantage in the netcode.

If you aren't posting to the Steam forum for the game, then you probably should in order to give more feedback.

3882th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Netcode Impressio" , posted Sat 31 Aug 19:34post reply

Ok, I had been testing the game, and I had played with a chilean, a brazilian and a colombian

the chilean was at 300 miles of distance from mine and the match was PERFECT. 4 bars, cero lag

the brazilean was at 1200 and the delay fluctuated between 1- 3 bars, but in the match, it was great too, I could feel some lag, but still, I had no problems playing the match.

With the colombian I had problems, 2700 miles aprox, and it was unplayable.

Still, from the moment I could play with my friends from chile, who are a LOT (30 aprox) so from the moment, I'm glad with the netcode, but if SNKP could improve it more, I will be happy

From Japan's end, I'm hearing people say that the netcode is better than the console versions but the frameskips still make it hard to play. It seems that most of the Jp folks trying the steam version are too KOF-centric to compare it with other titles with well-featured netcodes like Skullgirls and P4A. Steam is next to unknown in Japan to begin with, so it's natural that only the hardcore fans would even think of trying out the beta test.

Is the host advantage still there? The netcode has gone through at least 7 revisions since it was launched, but from the way some people are reporting completely lagless matches, it sounds like it might still be around.

367th Post

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"Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Netcode Impressio" , posted Sat 31 Aug 23:12:post reply

Is the host advantage still there? The netcode has gone through at least 7 revisions since it was launched, but from the way some people are reporting completely lagless matches, it sounds like it might still be around.

Host advantage was added in the second or third version. I don't know if it is still there, because you can only tell if you ask the other player afterwards, or play the same person with the hosting swapped.

I can't really tell myself because I'm currently a victim of the performance issues. The game uses a lot of the CPU for the older machine that I am currently stuck with, and CPU demands are increased when you go online. There is a weird gimmicky fix that can greatly reduce CPU usage, but the "fix" may slightly affect framerate consistency.

I do wonder if the performance issue is affecting people's opinions of the online. If you are near the borderline, you can play fine offline, and only see issues online. A few backgrounds, if you leave them set to animated, can also kill performance even though the game plays fine for you on the majority of stages.

The game really needed to go into beta earlier than it did, and it needed to go into a wider beta than SNK Playmore initially planned. Right now, I've a feeling that the game will end up launching with unresolved issues. The beta revisions have been addressing problems, but they haven't been solving the problems for everyone.

[this message was edited by Baines on Sat 31 Aug 23:19]

490th Post

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PSN: DefensorVirtuoso
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"Re(3):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Netcode Impressio" , posted Sun 1 Sep 04:57post reply

Is the host advantage still there? The netcode has gone through at least 7 revisions since it was launched, but from the way some people are reporting completely lagless matches, it sounds like it might still be around.

Host advantage was added in the second or third version. I don't know if it is still there, because you can only tell if you ask the other player afterwards, or play the same person with the hosting swapped.

I can't really tell myself because I'm currently a victim of the performance issues. The game uses a lot of the CPU for the older machine that I am currently stuck with, and CPU demands are increased when you go online. There is a weird gimmicky fix that can greatly reduce CPU usage, but the "fix" may slightly affect framerate consistency.

I do wonder if the performance issue is affecting people's opinions of the online. If you are near the borderline, you can play fine offline, and only see issues online. A few backgrounds, if you leave them set to animated, can also kill performance even though the game plays fine for you on the majority of stages.

The game really needed to go into beta earlier than it did, and it needed to go into a wider beta than SNK Playmore initially planned. Right now, I've a feeling that the game will end up launching with unresolved issues. The beta revisions have been addressing problems, but they haven't been solving the problems for everyone.

I couldn't tell if there is host advantage

Now, some considerations

- The game has offline delay if you play it on fullscreen, in windowed mode the game is lagless
- I play with static backgrounds in order to improve my performance, so that could help

One question professor, I read sometime ago that in japan, the pc's were really old, or at least there was not this idea of ''high tech master race PC'' and that people owned really basic computers to only do their homeworks and other things which doesn't require an amazing pc, is that true?

3884th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Netcode Impressio" , posted Sun 1 Sep 12:13:post reply

There is a weird gimmicky fix that can greatly reduce CPU usage, but the "fix" may slightly affect framerate consistency.
This sounds interesting- out of curiousity, can you elaborate?

One question professor, I read sometime ago that in japan, the pc's were really old, or at least there was not this idea of ''high tech master race PC'' and that people owned really basic computers to only do their homeworks and other things which doesn't require an amazing pc, is that true?
Very good question! The answer is YES. In general, people simply don't have any use for a high-end PC because there's no game publishers here that releases games on PCs. Very few people go out of their way to play Western games on PC here because it doesn't suit their tastes. Bishoujo games are about the only thing people would need a PC for, but they can be played on any old machine. The only real exception would be a handful of people that play MMOs.

Smartphones becoming the main trend is overwhelming the console market to begin with, so you can imagine how non-existant the PC game market is. High-end gaming PCs including the Alienware are available from manufacturers of course, but their demand is quite low compared to the West.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 1 Sep 17:55]

368th Post

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"Re(5):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Netcode Impressio" , posted Sun 1 Sep 13:16:post reply

There is a weird gimmicky fix that can greatly reduce CPU usage, but the "fix" may slightly affect framerate consistency. This sounds interesting- out of curiousity, can you elaborate?

Run the game in windowed mode, right click on the title bar to bring up the right mouse button context menu, and just leave the menu open.

Doing that can cut the CPU usage during matches by anywhere from a half to up to two-thirds. The only cost, other than having the menu block a tiny part of the screen, appears to be that it can make the frame rate slightly more unstable.

It is a bit weird that it works. It doesn't seem that you should be able to get that steep a CPU usage reduction without a more visible cost.

There are some other weird performance-related things with the game, though. Some people can get bouts of slowdown out of nowhere for no apparent reason. Also, disabling Windows 7's Aero effects can apparently hurt performance.

[this message was edited by Baines on Sun 1 Sep 13:18]

3884th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):SNK Stuff Thread 10 - Netcode Impressio" , posted Sun 1 Sep 17:59post reply

There is a weird gimmicky fix that can greatly reduce CPU usage, but the "fix" may slightly affect framerate consistency. This sounds interesting- out of curiousity, can you elaborate?

Run the game in windowed mode, right click on the title bar to bring up the right mouse button context menu, and just leave the menu open.

Aha, that makes sense. The same effect should able to be done by switching to another window and placing it somewhere on the screen where it's not going to be a bother.

Evil Yagami
101th Post

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"KOF-A 2012 for Android." , posted Sun 1 Sep 22:40post reply

SNK PLAYMORE announced an updated version of KOF on Android “ KOF-A 2012 “ !

Source :

3887th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):KOF-A 2012 for Android." , posted Mon 2 Sep 16:22:post reply

SNK PLAYMORE announced an updated version of KOF on Android “ KOF-A 2012 “ !

Source :

Nice find! Seems like it has almost identical features to KOF-i 2012 for the iOS, except finally on Android.

[edit] A bit off-topic; given that the game is now available for steam, I'm amazed there doesn't seem to be any movement to analyze its data for hit/hurtbox detections and whatnot.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 2 Sep 20:17]

491th Post

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PSN: DefensorVirtuoso
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"Re(2):KOF-A 2012 for Android." , posted Tue 3 Sep 01:10post reply

SNK PLAYMORE announced an updated version of KOF on Android “ KOF-A 2012 “ !

Source :

Nice find! Seems like it has almost identical features to KOF-i 2012 for the iOS, except finally on Android.

[edit] A bit off-topic; given that the game is now available for steam, I'm amazed there doesn't seem to be any movement to analyze its data for hit/hurtbox detections and whatnot.

I guess that we will see that stuff after the full release of the game

Evil Yagami
103th Post

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"New Samurai Spirit Pachi ??? + Steam Staff." , posted Wed 11 Sep 20:56:post reply

I found this flyer on JP website, you can see Haohmaru's face in 3D, is't a new Pachislot game for Samurai Spirits ?!


Source :

- Also SNK PLAYMORE is looking for new staffs experienced in Steam :


[this message was edited by Evil Yagami on Wed 11 Sep 21:21]

3903th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):New Samurai Spirit Pachislot ?!" , posted Wed 11 Sep 21:36:post reply

During my search for KOF XIV news, I found this flyer on JP Pachislot website, you can see Haohmaru's face in 3D ?!

Source :

Nice interesting finds! The ad itself isn't for an announcement of a new title-- it's a discount promo where pachislot operators can trade in their current machines and get a special discount when a new one comes out in future. The Haohmaru and Alice renderings are pasted on the "future machines" example, so they might actually be coming out.

As for the recruiting, the ad says "Staffs wanted for new project" but the detailed description calls for programmers with experience on "porting" games to Steam. There's really no chance that SNKP will find anyone of that criteria in Japan considering that Steam is dead here, so there's a fine print saying that they'll hire as long as the staff knows programming languages needed for the company's other wanted positions (smartphone, SNS games). That means C+、Objective-C、Java, PHP、Perl、Python.

So it seems that they're probably thinking of doing more ports, and then to go on making new projects. long as their budget holds, of course.

While we're on it, two recent notes about KOF13.

- The Steam version is getting trading cards. My bet is that it'll be reusing artworks from the mobile games, but who knows.

- The Nesica version of KOF13Climax is hitting arcades tomorrow. It'll implement Player Points and rank titles. Rank titles will go as below, the English is a rough translation.

三種ノ神器 - The Three Sacred Treasures
八傑集 - Hakkesshu (The Eight Heads of Orochi)
無敵の龍 - The Invincible Dragon
最強の虎 - The Raging Tiger
伝説の狼 - The Legendary Wolf
天帝 - The Heavenly Lord
猛者 - The Ferocious
強者 - The Strong
免許皆伝 - Full Mastership
師範代 - The teacher
初段~4段 - Entry level ~ 4th Dan
入門生~1級 - Beginner ~ Level 1

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 11 Sep 22:28]

376th Post

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"Re(1):New Samurai Spirit Pachi ??? + Steam St" , posted Wed 11 Sep 22:55post reply

- Also SNK PLAYMORE is looking for new staffs experienced in Steam :

That's good. I was afraid that their experience so far with the Steam version of KOF XIII might scare them away from PC releases.

I cannot help but think that SNKP underestimated the task of releasing a PC title, particularly with their original tiny beta test plan, which gradually extended to a full beta open until the release date. SNKP probably felt most of the work was already done, having made the arcade version for an XP-based board.

But PCs aren't locked to a single build, and the KOF XIII beta has been popping up general issues as well as issues that only affect some random users. And fixes may not affect everyone, or may even help some while making the game worse for others.

The game officially releases in two days, and I don't see SNKP being able to address all the known issues by then. And who knows what will crop up after the game officially releases, with more players coming in, and the current players finally getting access to the single-player content.

588th Post

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"Re(2):New Samurai Spirit Pachi ??? + Steam St" , posted Wed 11 Sep 23:38post reply

The game officially releases in two days, and I don't see SNKP being able to address all the known issues by then.
The beauty of Steam is that it's on PC, so they can update on the fly and as much as they need to, even after official release, without having to wait on approval.

C+、Objective-C、Java, PHP、Perl、Python
Sucks, I only know 4 out of 6 of those!

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

492th Post

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PSN: DefensorVirtuoso
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"Re(2):New Samurai Spirit Pachi ??? + Steam St" , posted Wed 11 Sep 23:42post reply

- Also SNK PLAYMORE is looking for new staffs experienced in Steam :

That's good. I was afraid that their experience so far with the Steam version of KOF XIII might scare them away from PC releases.

I cannot help but think that SNKP underestimated the task of releasing a PC title, particularly with their original tiny beta test plan, which gradually extended to a full beta open until the release date. SNKP probably felt most of the work was already done, having made the arcade version for an XP-based board.

But PCs aren't locked to a single build, and the KOF XIII beta has been popping up general issues as well as issues that only affect some random users. And fixes may not affect everyone, or may even help some while making the game worse for others.

The game officially releases in two days, and I don't see SNKP being able to address all the known issues by then. And who knows what will crop up after the game officially releases, with more players coming in, and the current players finally getting access to the single-player content.

mmm, 4 hours ago SNKP released another patch with fixes to the netcode, maybe what we will see now

Also, the game will had trading cards :) I hope that the emoticons and backgrounds are good

721th Post

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"Re(3):New Samurai Spirit Pachi ??? + Steam St" , posted Thu 12 Sep 02:07post reply

The game officially releases in two days, and I don't see SNKP being able to address all the known issues by then.

The beauty of Steam is that it's on PC, so they can update on the fly and as much as they need to, even after official release, without having to wait on approval.

They can, but will they?...
Stuf that should be simpler than the netcode, like the player/character statistics resetting to zero unless you go online should be fairly simple fixes, but still happen, so I'm a bit worried...


C+、Objective-C、Java, PHP、Perl、Python

Sucks, I only know 4 out of 6 of those!

Ditto... and considering I'm between jobs now and my programming skills are a bit rusty, I wonder if working on those there I haven't dealt with yet would be a productive idea...

Unrelated, but I've noticed lately that the SNK Playmore logo has changed a bit, replacing the green in the "Playmore" part with blue to match the rest - looks better that way, but I wonder why they decided to toss green in there in the first place...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

377th Post

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"Re(4):New Samurai Spirit Pachi ??? + Steam St" , posted Thu 12 Sep 07:53post reply

They can, but will they?...
Stuf that should be simpler than the netcode, like the player/character statistics resetting to zero unless you go online should be fairly simple fixes, but still happen, so I'm a bit worried...

Yes, unlocked color palettes resetting was reported fairly early in the test, but apparently wasn't fixed until version 10.1a. And that was a bug that was apparently in the console version of the game?

And while some companies try to fix their games after release, most stop after a certain point, and some never really try at all. I tried to play a game a week or two ago that didn't display its pre-rendered video if you ran the game full-screen. Checking the forums showed it was a well known and long standing issue, but the publisher is pretty much a shovelware publisher and appears to not care to have its games fixed. Or take the case of the first two Commandos games, which have the ability to save the game disabled by default. Enabling it is a simple one line change to an INI file, but at no point over the years has anyone involved ever bothered to fix the Steam distributed copy.

Evil Yagami
104th Post

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"Interview with SNKP about KOF XIII-SE + TGS13" , posted Thu 12 Sep 23:05:post reply


- SNK PLAYMORE will be in TGS 2013, you can find them in Meeting Room Booth #9 - 2F, International Conference Hall !

Map :

[this message was edited by Evil Yagami on Thu 12 Sep 23:36]

3904th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Interview with SNKP about KOF XIII-SE +" , posted Fri 13 Sep 13:44:post reply


- SNK PLAYMORE will be in TGS 2013, you can find them in Meeting Room Booth #9 - 2F, International Conference Hall !

Map :

The stuff about the netcode patch for console version is a pity.
The International Conference Hall at TGS isn't a part of the show, so don't expect anything. It only holds about 140 people and a bunch of companies are stuffed in there.

Only 12 or so more hours until the Steam version launches! I'm looking forward to seeing its trading cards, hopefully there'll be some new artwork.

The NesicaLive version of KOF13 Climax was released yesterday and quite frankly it's a bit of a letdown as would be expected. The game is simply a port of the regular Climax unit and has the same exact bugs. The game features bookkeeping of your stats but it's a bare minimum-- user name, PP, win rate, rank title, that's it.

Typicially with NesicaLive games, the bookkeeping features a ton of stats, not just about yourself but also about other players in the rankings.

The name of the arcade where other players play their games, the hours at which they play, their past 10 or so game records, what characters they use, what characters they win/lose to a lot, are few of the examples of the tracked records you can view with other NesicaLive games. None of that is supported right now for the NesicaLive version of KOF13 Climax since it simply doesn't feature any sort of stat viewing interface. The only stats you get is this bottom thing while playing the game, and that's it.

Hopefully there'll be support for additional bookkeeping in the future.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 13 Sep 14:01]

Evil Yagami
104th Post

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"KOF XIII-SE Official Website + 2nd Trailer !" , posted Fri 13 Sep 20:33post reply

KOF XIII-SE 2nd Trailer :

KOF XIII-SE Official Website Launched :

1081th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Interview with SNKP about KOF XIII-SE +" , posted Fri 13 Sep 23:37post reply

SNK PLAYMORE will be in TGS 2013, you can find them in Meeting Room Booth #9 - 2F, International Conference Hall !

Unfortunately that means no genuine access, but rather only scheduled meetings with other companies.

If I have time Thursday, I'll try to chat with them and see if they are up to discuss anything (or at least find out the names of the people who represented SNKP at TGS).

Next week in Tokyo, I should also meet with a friend who worked on Twinkle Star Sprites before leaving ADK. Maybe he knows more about who currently works for them at the producer level.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

Evil Yagami
105th Post

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"Re(2):Interview with SNKP about KOF XIII-SE +" , posted Sat 14 Sep 01:16post reply

SNK PLAYMORE will be in TGS 2013, you can find them in Meeting Room Booth #9 - 2F, International Conference Hall !

Unfortunately that means no genuine access, but rather only scheduled meetings with other companies.

If I have time Thursday, I'll try to chat with them and see if they are up to discuss anything (or at least find out the names of the people who represented SNKP at TGS).

Next week in Tokyo, I should also meet with a friend who worked on Twinkle Star Sprites before leaving ADK. Maybe he knows more about who currently works for them at the producer level.

That's sweet, I hope you able to catch anything, thanks :)

380th Post

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"Re(2):Interview with SNKP about KOF XIII-SE +" , posted Sat 14 Sep 02:25:post reply

Only 12 or so more hours until the Steam version launches! I'm looking forward to seeing its trading cards, hopefully there'll be some new artwork.

It's not new artwork. They are made from Eisuke Ogura's existing KOF XIII art. Specifically, the win screen art.

13 card: Classic Iori, NESTS-style Kyo, Mr. KARATE, Mai Shiranui, Kim Paphwan, K', Terry Bogard, Robert Garcia, Shen Woo, Clark Still, Ralf Jones, Andy Bogard, Ash Crimson

EDIT: With the types of issues found during the KOF XIII beta, I figured there would be bugs in the modes that were locked. There was at least one, and it was immediately obvious on the first play of the game. Arcade mode's cut scenes and endings don't display text. If SNKP wants to continue to pursue PCs as a market, they are going to have to step up their approach to testing.

[this message was edited by Baines on Sat 14 Sep 15:11]

3908th Post

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"Thread closed, move to next!" , posted Mon 30 Sep 17:44post reply