Fighting Game Thread: Easy Mode Edition 2 - Forums

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MMCafe Owner

"Fighting Game Thread: HD Edition" , posted Tue 14 May 03:21:post reply

Stuff that's been covered in the previous thread for the past week:

DOA5 Ultimate trailer
Skullgirls has problems with Paypal
Arcana Heart 3 BUG MAX!! launches in Japan
Batgirl trailer for Injustice

And now on to this week. Capcom has announced it'll release a "Street Fighter 25th anniversary Sound Box" and "Vampire Sound Box" through its official site in Japan. The SF25th is the same thing that came out in the US a bit back, albeit with a new box packaging featuring an illustration by Yusuke Murata (EyeShield21, Onepunch-man). The Vampire box seems like a new thing and it'll also feature artwork by Murata.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 14 May 03:39]


1004th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Fighting Game Thread: HD Edition" , posted Tue 14 May 06:32post reply

Murata also drew this wonderful illustration for Mahvel. Anyone knows the purpose of this illustration? A specific book? A poster? Murata also did some Rockman artworks recently, I wonder what exactly is his connection with Capcom. I would have rather expected someone like him to work on a Monster Hunter manga...

This weekend at an event, I discovered the best fighting game I have played in the past 10 years: Nidhogg. Not officially out yet, in development for the past couple of years, it's a strange cross between Urban Champion and fencing on crack. This video of 2012 , on a pretty old/dodgy build with different moves from the version I played (the new one has a divekick!), gives a good idea of the tension created by the game and its ability to hypnotize an entire crowd.

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350th Post

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"Re(2):Fighting Game Thread: HD Edition" , posted Wed 15 May 02:52post reply

Nidhogg. Not officially out yet

I wonder if Nidhogg will ever be officially released.

It was commissioned for an exhibition back in 2010. It has been playable at various events since then, and became a net darling on hype and praise by the few people who have played it. But I don't recall ever reading about any plans to actually release the game.

red falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fighting Game Thread: HD Edition" , posted Fri 17 May 13:33post reply

Oh yeah, Beowulf won the second vote for the Skullgirls DLC chara. I'm not displeased, even if he wasn't my first choice!

9507th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Fighting Game Thread: HD Edition" , posted Fri 17 May 20:20post reply

Oh yeah, Beowulf won the second vote for the Skullgirls DLC chara. I'm not displeased, even if he wasn't my first choice!

The saltpocalypse is delicious.
He wasn't my first choice either, but he will pull the cast in interesting directions.
Squigly's gameplay has me interested, I'm actually looking forward to playing her next month (in two months?)

3452th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Fighting Game Thread: HD Edition" , posted Sat 18 May 05:38post reply

Beowolf works for me. Really, the whole thing went much better than expected, so, seeing as I hardly play Skullgirls anyway, I'd be hard pressed to complain.

I have been playing a lot of Injustice lately, though. I'm extraordinarily fond of it. Most of my initial negative impressions have been completely dispelled. At this point its at a very nice "depth vs accessibility" level, but we'll see how it evolves.

There's a glitch that makes both players take a loss if one of them disconnects, which is fantastic, because so many people rage quit. I don't much care what my win record is, so it's not a pain for me, but I do find it funny that sometimes I think "how can I beat this guy in a way that won't make him disconnect?"

Anyway, that's getting fixed on Tuesday.

(Also, projectiles do too much chip damage.)

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1869th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Fighting Game Thread: HD Edition" , posted Sat 18 May 15:28post reply


I have been playing a lot of Injustice lately, though. I'm extraordinarily fond of it. Most of my initial negative impressions have been completely dispelled. At this point its at a very nice "depth vs accessibility" level, but we'll see how it evolves.

There's a glitch that makes both players take a loss if one of them disconnects, which is fantastic, because so many people rage quit. I don't much care what my win record is, so it's not a pain for me, but I do find it funny that sometimes I think "how can I beat this guy in a way that won't make him disconnect?"

Anyway, that's getting fixed on Tuesday.

(Also, projectiles do too much chip damage.)

What characters do you play, Polly?

/ / /

3453th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Fighting Game Thread: HD Edition" , posted Sat 18 May 19:56post reply


What characters do you play, Polly?

Hawkgirl is my main. Compared to other characters with fancy pants combos, she's more "lag-proof" so I've used her the most online. Raven is a close second.

I like to try out lots of characters in everything, but instead of switching around every few matches, I'm trying to do 50-100 games in a row with each one I try. Today I did Harley, but lag didn't treat her so well. Even though she can do nearly 40% off of a fast low with no meter, I'm not convinced that she's that great.

In matches with friends, I'll use Aquaman, Bane, the Joker and Killer Frost as well, but I don't know how much I want to invest in any of them. Depends on how much I like Batgirl, maybe.

Bane is really fun and a neat idea, but I think he's going to be more trouble than he's worth to try and use.

Also, Superman can go to hell, even if his "taking his glasses off" animation is brilliant.

Random note: I love it when people disconnect when they don't get the level they want. SUPERBABIES.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

3743th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Fighting Game Thread: HD Edition" , posted Sat 18 May 20:51post reply

I was saying "humm.... Beowulf..." til I took another look at his wrestling ring illustration. Then I was saying "HUMM! BEOWULF!". Looking forward to him.

A surprising news from Japan's side of fighting games today, as Blazblue has been announced to go anime. No details nor info yet, including the studio that'll be making it. It should be easy for the game to go anime considering its artstyle and also that the voice actors are all professionals from the field.

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"New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Sun 19 May 23:47post reply

Using Unreal engine of all things. It is sad that ASW are not using 2D sprites. But the cell shading method they're using here is pretty spectacular and looks very authentic to the original 2D sprites. They even kept the non-smooth low frames of animation of the older Guilty Gear games so that each frame is an exact replica of the older sprites, when they could clearly have increased them easily. I suppose if ASW just could not possibly do games with 2D sprites anymore, than this looks like an apt replacement.

So far, it seems Sol, Ky, Milla, and Eddie are in.

1096th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Mon 20 May 00:25post reply


Using Unreal engine of all things. It is sad that ASW are not using 2D sprites. But the cell shading method they're using here is pretty spectacular and looks very authentic to the original 2D sprites. They even kept the non-smooth low frames of animation of the older Guilty Gear games so that each frame is an exact replica of the older sprites, when they could clearly have increased them easily. I suppose if ASW just could not possibly do games with 2D sprites anymore, than this looks like an apt replacement.

So far, it seems Sol, Ky, Milla, and Eddie are in.

This... this looks amazing!!

I'm very pleased with ArcSys going the cell-shading route, so befitting for a fighting game like GG, with its distinct, anime-like visuals. It seems Battle Fantasia was successful enough that Arcsys decided to make the jump to 2.5D route with its flagship IP...

I initially thought Capcom would adopt this method for its Street Fighter IV, as a sort of spiritual successor to SFIII and, after watching GG in motion, I secretely wish they had...

95th Post

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"Re(2):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Mon 20 May 05:19post reply

That background has to be a nod to those early build photos, right?

Lady Liberty


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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Mon 20 May 06:28post reply

That background has to be a nod to those early build photos, right?

Lady Liberty


I'm VERY impressed by this! It looks every bit as excellent as BlazBlue's animation is, and I'm at a loss to explain why anyone would find it to be inferior to 2d spritework except purely out of principle.

3454th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Mon 20 May 06:51post reply

I suppose if ASW just could not possibly do games with 2D sprites anymore, than this looks like an apt replacement.

I was expecting to be really really unhappy when I read the headline, but this isn't so bad at all.

Still, "exactly like the old GG" is a double-edged sword. On one hand, preserving the look and feel of the original in a completely new medium is impressive, and of course, it's updated to HD. However, after all this time and totally rebuilding the game, "exactly like the old GG" is a little disappointing. The animation does look a bit strange and I hope they use the 3D in some more interesting ways (it looks like it zooms in on a launcher?)

Well, whatever. It's probably still very early in development and I'll have more to be excited about later. Having inevitable new illustrations from Ishiwatari is enough for me.

Unreal Engine does trouble me, though. I've never played an UE game that didn't have technical issues of some sort. In a game that requires so much precision, I can't help but wonder if it was a bad choice.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

550th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Mon 20 May 07:08post reply

That background has to be a nod to those early build photos, right?

Lady Liberty


Actually, the Lady Liberty stage is Sol's stage from the first Guilty Gear.

While I'm glad about the new engine being not ass like SFIV's, I'm a bit concerned regarding the use of 2D sprites. We all know ArcSys is developing a new fighting series for PS4, it will be sad if they ditch sprites forever in favor of 3D graphics.
Speaking of wich... I don't particulary dig the new character design, it seems so off and that strange bold black line around the characters alienate them from the background. In motion the effect is less noticeable, but the stills are not so stylish as GG used to be.

Anyway, hyped ad xxxx... not only is another fighting game from Arc (finally I joined the late party train to Persona Arena and it's awesome!) but is a sequel to Guilty Gear! About time!

1817th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Mon 20 May 13:09post reply


While I'm glad about the new engine being not ass like SFIV's, I'm a bit concerned regarding the use of 2D sprites. We all know ArcSys is developing a new fighting series for PS4, it will be sad if they ditch sprites forever in favor of 3D graphics.
Speaking of wich... I don't particulary dig the new character design, it seems so off and that strange bold black line around the characters alienate them from the background. In motion the effect is less noticeable, but the stills are not so stylish as GG used to be.

Anyway, hyped ad xxxx... not only is another fighting game from Arc (finally I joined the late party train to Persona Arena and it's awesome!) but is a sequel to Guilty Gear! About time!

The bold black lines are one of the first things I noticed (as well as the use of "they're" when they probably meant "there are"). I thought they put the old sprites through one of those "smoothing" filters emulators used which gives the models a weird flat appearance. Seeing the game in motion really makes it look great though.

I haven't seriously touched Guilty Gear since the Dreamcast, but I am looking forward to this. These look better than CC2's Naruto games and I thought those were right on the cusp of indistinguishable from 2D.

Hopefully Capcom looks at this as a good foundation for a new Darkstalkers game or even a Rival Schools revivial.

1172th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Mon 20 May 13:42post reply

That background has to be a nod to those early build photos, right?

Lady Liberty


Oh man, I bet you're totally right! What a great and obscure nod to the series' roots!

Here's a comparison of the sprites vs the new cel shaded look:

I think the cel shading works fantastically for this series.

I do think the sprites have the advantage in a few areas though. They have more controlled lighting, blurs and contours (for instance in Sol's thumbs down pose the sprites has a nicer sweep to the legs). But this is super duper early and what they're showing already leaves most of the competition in the dust (loop!) XD

1173th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Mon 20 May 13:50post reply

I'm digging the animation style and how closely it matches a 2d fighter. They could have easily tweened everything for a smoother look, but I much prefer this approach because they're controlling every single frame by hand, giving it the attention of good traditional animation. Everything is in its right place frame to frame, no arbitrary computer tweens.

I think this combined with the lack of 3d camera pans works better for a game where you're thinking about inputs in 1/60th second ticks. Having the animation come out the same clean way every time makes me feel much more in control.

3746th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Tue 21 May 02:38:post reply


This new Guilty Gear is looking really good! While I love 2D and pixel art, The dust attack scene in the concept trailer really shows the strength of 2.5D. While this game is still in its infant stage, it's already making me wonder what Blazblue could've been like had it been developed with this engine.

@Nobi: I was looking at that image and I realized that I can't figure out where the light source for the new 2.5D version of the thumbs-down is! The shadow on his bicep seems to disagree with other parts?

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 21 May 02:40]

1097th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Tue 21 May 03:49post reply

The most important issue at hand is: will GG-Xrd past the final test? Will it endure the upcoming Trial of RecapThe Purists?


Which one do you prefer?
Original version is the way to go!!
I'd like my GG-Xrd scanlined, not antialiased.
I don't care anymore. 2D pixel art is dead and my life withers.

1051th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Tue 21 May 08:19post reply

The most important issue at hand is: will GG-Xrd past the final test? Will it endure the upcoming Trial of RecapThe Purists?



Ok I can not vote any of that. The scanline think work fantastic on the background but original is far better for the characters.mixing them like that would be great.

Anyway I AM ok with Guilty Gear Xrd being in this style. But I think pixel art isn't and shouldnt be dead! But if this is the way to bring back some of the classic fighters back or continue ( I'm looking at you Capcom; especially for Darkstalkers), so be it. But the purist in me want pixel art for main KOF series and Metal Slug HD. If possible MOTW2, NGBC2 and Darkstalkers. So I'm not against this style, in act in favor of it rather than seeing fugly cell shaded graphics (looking at you again Capcom for SFIV).

685th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Tue 21 May 16:39post reply

The most important issue at hand is: will GG-Xrd past the final test? Will it endure the upcoming Trial of RecapThe Purists?


9513th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Tue 21 May 19:36post reply

Since we're talking of GG here, has anyone seen the latest popularity votes on the official website?

1位 Bridget
2位 Sol
3位 Dizzy
4位 Ky
5位 Baiken
6位 Chip
7位 Johnny (dat Wakamoto power)
8位 May
9位 Jam
10位 Slayer

The top 3 is already surprising enough, but then you start thinking of who is NOT in the top 10 (Millia, Eddy, Potemkin, I-no, Testament, Venom) and it makes you wonder who voted and how the top-level/fandom developed while we were not looking.

red falcon
6148th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Wed 22 May 02:41post reply

Since we're talking of GG here, has anyone seen the latest popularity votes on the official website?

1位 Bridget
2位 Sol
3位 Dizzy
4位 Ky
5位 Baiken
6位 Chip
7位 Johnny (dat Wakamoto power)
8位 May
9位 Jam
10位 Slayer

The top 3 is already surprising enough, but then you start thinking of who is NOT in the top 10 (Millia, Eddy, Potemkin, I-no, Testament, Venom) and it makes you wonder who voted and how the top-level/fandom developed while we were not looking.

W.. what about ABA?

9516th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Wed 22 May 04:05post reply

W.. what about ABA?

You... might not want to hear the answer.

2438th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Wed 22 May 07:55post reply

How is Chipp so high?

Burning Ranger
1739th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Wed 22 May 10:45post reply

Awesome that there's going to be an actual new Guilty Gear fighter instead of another "edition" of a game that came out in 2000 (or 2002, if we're starting with XX). I've always been fond of the GGXX series--excellent presentation, memorable music, and fun gameplay even at the casual level. From the looks of it, Xrd won't disappoint in these departments.

HOWEVER, I do lament the timing of the announcement amidst the forthcoming PS4 and X1. Development is infancy, and it's scheduled to arcade first, meaning a home port is still far off. This also means that it will likely get a release on PS4 and X1, and not the current generation of systems.

It probably just frustrates me because I wasn't planning on getting the PS4 or X1 for at least 3-4 years after they've been on the market.


So much to do so little time...

1016th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Wed 22 May 17:02post reply

This also means that it will likely get a release on PS4 and X1, and not the current generation of systems.

Not likely. The game will probably arrive by the end of this year and the first consumer version will almost certainly come to PS3 and Xbox next year.

BlazBlue only came to HD consoles in 2009. ASW mentioned at the time they did not want to jump into HD consoles until the install base was wide enough.

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308th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Wed 22 May 20:03post reply

This also means that it will likely get a release on PS4 and X1, and not the current generation of systems.

Not likely. The game will probably arrive by the end of this year and the first consumer version will almost certainly come to PS3 and Xbox next year.

BlazBlue only came to HD consoles in 2009. ASW mentioned at the time they did not want to jump into HD consoles until the install base was wide enough.

I don't know. I'd be very surprised if it did come out this year in any form. The whole "In development" part at the end suggest that it'll be a long while before it comes out. The trailer definitely has the same vibe as the KOF XII reveal trailer. That was shown way ahead of its release.

My guess is there's a very good chance there will be PS3/360 ports, even if it does come out in 2014. There were plenty of fighters released on the PS2 long after its successor was out. And the main reasons developers had to move on to newer systems is because A: They wanted to make games that are technically unfeasible to make on PS2. B: They wanted to put online Multiplayer that works with players internationally. or C: There's a bigger market to sell on those system.

For A: Nothing about Xrd feels like it is only possible on next-gen systems in terms of technical prowess (Unless it's running on Unreal Engine 4 using a next-gen arcade board provided by SEGA, who btw did appear in the trailer).

For B: I don't know how these next-gen systems could improve on standard features like online play and such. It seems that it would be an identical experience doing lots of "GUNFLAME!!" online whether on a PS3 or PS4.

For C: I highly doubt any of the PS4/WiiU/X1 would be the main console market for a few years, at least for fighting games. None of the current systems ever came close to the PS2's popularity at +150 million sales. And it'll be a while before any of the next-gen systems would come close to the popularity of PS3 & 360.

3752th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Wed 22 May 23:14post reply

Just a quick note, it turns out the Arcade Nesica release of Skullgirls is being handled by M2. Pretty interesting.

Just a Person
1540th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Jacky Bryant enters DOA5 Ultimate" , posted Wed 22 May 23:50:post reply

According to Siliconera, DOA5 Ultimate will not only include Momiji and Leon to the roster of fighters, but also Ein (predictable) and... Jacky Bryant.

Jacky is cool and all (and I'm surprised Team Ninja chose him over Kage or one of the three remaining VF women), but four guests from another fighting game franchise is kinda overkill in my opinion... I'm still curious about how this upgrade will turn out, though. Hopefully the Zack Island stage will be available by default this time.

BTW, it looks like the game will be released in September.

EDIT: Famitsu just showed pictures of Jacky and Ein (no Leon yet, even though he was hinted in Momiji's trailer... weird)

EDIT 2: now with the trailer for Ein and Jacky (plus prisoner Rig and police officer/stripper/hooker Christie)

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Fri 24 May 05:59]

689th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Jacky Bryant enters DOA5 Ultimate" , posted Thu 23 May 14:37post reply

According to Siliconera, DOA5 Ultimate will not only include Momiji and Leon to the roster of fighters, but also Ein (predictable) and... Jacky Bryant.

Jacky is cool and all (and I'm surprised Team Ninja chose him over Kage or one of the three remaining VF women), but four guests from another fighting game franchise is kinda overkill in my opinion... I'm still curious about how this upgrade will turn out, though. Hopefully the Zack Island stage will be available by default this time.

BTW, it looks like the game will be released in September.

EDIT: Famitsu just showed pictures of Jacky and Ein (no Leon yet, even though he was hinted in Momiji's trailer... weird)

I wonder if Tecmo will manage to make VF characters actually fun to play with... The looks seems to be a lost battle from the start, but that was to be expected. They're VF characters after all.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Jacky Bryant enters DOA5 Ultimate" , posted Thu 23 May 17:31post reply

I wonder if Tecmo will manage to make VF characters actually fun to play with... The looks seems to be a lost battle from the start, but that was to be expected. They're VF characters after all.

If they managed to negotiate the inclusion of yet another character could indicate they're on good enough terms with Sega than maybe a full-fledged crossover could actually become possible, eventually, letting them take some more liberties with the VF cast.

What keeps coming to mind is that article about the intent of bringing in Ryo Hazuki as well, so I wonder if there are more reveals in the horizon, much like Pai was revealed later than everyone else, if poorly hidden...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

9522th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Jacky Bryant enters DOA5 Ultimate" , posted Thu 23 May 22:43post reply

If they managed to negotiate the inclusion of yet another character could indicate they're on good enough terms with Sega than maybe a full-fledged crossover could actually become possible

With the limited size of the VF roster, can't the game already be considered as an unequal crossover?
The game already has, what, 1/3 of all of VF's characters?

552th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Fri 24 May 02:13post reply

Nothing about Xrd feels like it is only possible on next-gen systems in terms of technical prowess (Unless it's running on Unreal Engine 4 using a next-gen arcade board provided by SEGA, who btw did appear in the trailer).

It's on RingEdge 2, totally ok with current gen.
Other games on the hardware are Under Night In-Birth, Phantom Breaker and GGXX AC+.
So, it's PC based hardware, it's Unreal Engine, but not seems far away even for a WiiU.
As for next gen, Mori himself said he wants develop a completely new fighting franchise, at least on PS4. No comment on Xbone(d).

1108th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Fri 24 May 05:27post reply

Nothing about Xrd feels like it is only possible on next-gen systems in terms of technical prowess (Unless it's running on Unreal Engine 4 using a next-gen arcade board provided by SEGA, who btw did appear in the trailer).

It's on RingEdge 2, totally ok with current gen.
Other games on the hardware are Under Night In-Birth, Phantom Breaker and GGXX AC+.
So, it's PC based hardware, it's Unreal Engine, but not seems far away even for a WiiU.
As for next gen, Mori himself said he wants develop a completely new fighting franchise, at least on PS4. No comment on Xbone(d).

Yeah, I also think (and hope) we'll see this new iteration of the franchise in current-generation consoles, along with its multiple revisions (@,#,€,¬ hash burst accent gamma core unloaded)...

BTW, I found the "SCANLINES ----- YESYESYES / NONONO" poll results really surprising: I thought that my fellow Cafers would show polarized reactions over such a controversial matter, but I didn't expect the majority of them going for the apathetic, defeatist third option. I guess we are becoming uncaring, grumpy old men after all...

1132th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Fri 24 May 05:50post reply


BTW, I found the "SCANLINES ----- YESYESYES / NONONO" poll results really surprising: I thought that my fellow Cafers would show polarized reactions over such a controversial matter, but I didn't expect the majority of them going for the apathetic, defeatist third option. I guess we are becoming uncaring, grumpy old men after all...

I hesitated to answer it myself, since I feel like I would prefer gorgeous 3d fighting games like Xrd to 2D fighting game franchises going away completely, but on reading it more closely you asked what we PREFER, which is handily the first choice.

Like I've said before, I think Xrd is a wonderful precedent. I cant wait to see more!

1018th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Tue 28 May 21:46post reply

That Jacky trailer made me realize how I would be much more excited by a new Fighters Megamix than a new Virtua Fighter.

I am still bummed they never released a ST-V version of Fighters Megamix.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

4614th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Fri 31 May 01:00post reply

FYI, VF5: Final Showdown is on sale in the US PSN store. If that DoA trailer featuring Jacky screaming "YEAAAH!" in that nasally voice of his has you pumped for more VF now's your chance to enjoy the game at a discounted price.

2478th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Fri 31 May 01:32:post reply

much more excited by a new Fighters Megamix than a new Virtua Fighter.
All Pepsiman, all the time. Maybe that cactus too.


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 31 May 01:34]

1136th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So Unreal" , posted Fri 31 May 02:54post reply

much more excited by a new Fighters Megamix than a new Virtua Fighter. All Pepsiman, all the time. Maybe that cactus too.

Boy, you said it. Despite being a really unbalanced, all over the map kind of fighting game, Fighters Megamix is the rare 3D fighter that I could really mess around with pretty much constantly. It was also of the 'unlock 1000 things' era of games. Now I'm sure Maou's prized Pepsiman would be $3.99 DLC, or a preorder buns, not just a buried unlockable.

I think when it comes down to it, people may complain about 'Disc Locked Content' and half-games being sold with DLC in mind, but for me it's all about unlocking that damned car.

Personal Number 1 request for Fighters Megamix 2: Beat and Gum from Jet Set Radio.

4617th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Mon 3 Jun 23:58post reply

DoA gets a piecemeal release. It's an interesting experiment if nothing else.

Scorpion gets over here. I feel I should say something witty here but it's a trailer that features a goofy looking zombie Superman fighting a character from Mortal Kombat. Where do you go from there?

Just a Person
1541th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Tue 4 Jun 03:21:post reply

DoA gets a piecemeal release. It's an interesting experiment if nothing else.

Scorpion gets over here. I feel I should say something witty here but it's a trailer that features a goofy looking zombie Superman fighting a character from Mortal Kombat. Where do you go from there?

Scorpion's new costume isn't the best he had... Boon should have kept him in his MK 2011 outfit.

Anyway, seeing this video shows that a new MKvsDC game with the Injustice style would be kinda cool, actually. Unlike the MKvsDC we actually got.

As for the DOA5U "test-drive" version, it could be interesting for people who don't know it well enough... but I wonder: if the player pays for Story Mode but doesn't have all the characters, will s/he still be able to play it? For instance, if I don't buy Leifang (Leifang is awesome so everyone will buy her, but you get the picture), will I still be able to play her chapter in Story Mode? Will Story Mode be accessible only if I have ALL characters? Or will Story Mode just "skip" Leifang's chapter then?

Although, to be honest, I'm not sure if anyone would miss DOA5's Story Mode (unless it gets some extra chapters and cutscenes in this Ultimate version)...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Tue 4 Jun 05:07]

700th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Tue 4 Jun 18:57post reply

DoA gets a piecemeal release. It's an interesting experiment if nothing else.

It's basically how League of Legends works, the way I understand it - I've been hoping some fighting game gives the system a try, and DoA got there first.
As expanded re-releases go, seems like an interesting way to give it a try without pissing off the buyers of the previous version too much, since they get to reuse a lot of assets from a previous traditional release (Momiji's video made her seem like a cross between Hayabusa and Kasumi, Jacky probably gets to use animation imported from his original VF self, Ein gets a tweaked Hayate model with previous DoA animation data plus extras, etc...).

I might get the free version and pay for Mila (fave new character) and Jacky (crossover factor), maybe Momiji too, since I already have vanilla DoA5 but would like to see this model become more common.

Now I wonder who else will give this a try - I can't help but think it would a nice way for SNKP to put all their KoF 96-XI sprite sets to use, but on the other hand those might get dismissed as "SNES graphics", and there'd still be the issue of a standard gameplay system to go with (98 advanced or extra, 2k2? typical etam system or XI tag?...).


As for the DOA5U "test-drive" version, it could be interesting for people who don't know it well enough... but I wonder: if the player pays for Story Mode but doesn't have all the characters, will s/he still be able to play it? For instance, if I don't buy Leifang (Leifang is awesome so everyone will buy her, but you get the picture), will I still be able to play her chapter in Story Mode? Will Story Mode be accessible only if I have ALL characters? Or will Story Mode just "skip" Leifang's chapter then?

Although, to be honest, I'm not sure if anyone would miss DOA5's Story Mode (unless it gets some extra chapters and cutscenes in this Ultimate version)...

If they make it so you get to use everyone in Story mode (but only in that mode) it can be a nice way to test-drive the characters - DoA5's didn't give a playable role to Lisa, Christie and the unlockables, so addressing that would be an automatic improvement.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

1065th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Tue 4 Jun 20:25post reply

DoA gets a piecemeal release. It's an interesting experiment if nothing else.

Scorpion gets over here. I feel I should say something witty here but it's a trailer that features a goofy looking zombie Superman fighting a character from Mortal Kombat. Where do you go from there?

Did anyone noticed the rainbow colored Lanterns? Is it a hint of the Alan Scott of "The New 52"?

4618th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Tue 4 Jun 22:07post reply

I had planned on passing on Injustice but I might pick it up if they are practically giving the dumb thing away.

Did anyone noticed the rainbow colored Lanterns? Is it a hint of the Alan Scott of "The New 52"?

I thought those were just background decoration but seeing how much the MK group loves their secrets anything is possible.

Scorpion's new costume isn't the best he had... Boon should have kept him in his MK 2011 outfit.

Lee's idea of incorporating a scorpion design into his costume is a good thought but I think he went too far in trying to keep the triangular body shape since it makes Scorpion look top-heavy. The hood should either have been a bit more clamped down or the pants should have been a bit less tight because as it is Scorpion's costume strikes me as a bit inconsistent. It's funny, for character who is so well known and been around for so long Scorpion sure has a lot of lousy costumes. Oh well, since Injustice has gone nuts with alt. outfits I'm certain you'll be able to dress Scorpion up in plenty of ugly old clothes from his extensive wardrobe soon enough.

If they make it so you get to use everyone in Story mode (but only in that mode) it can be a nice way to test-drive the characters - DoA5's didn't give a playable role to Lisa, Christie and the unlockables, so addressing that would be an automatic improvement.

I've heard that Story mode isn't going to be in the freemium version of DoA but that may change. My question about this news release is the identity of the two characters who were blocked out on the select screen in the picture that was with the article. One of them is probably Leon but who is the second character?

1115th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Wed 5 Jun 00:31post reply


Now I wonder who else will give this a try - I can't help but think it would a nice way for SNKP to put all their KoF 96-XI sprite sets to use, but on the other hand those might get dismissed as "SNES graphics", and there'd still be the issue of a standard gameplay system to go with (98 advanced or extra, 2k2? typical etam system or XI tag?...).

I bet Tencent-SNK are eagerly following this project. In case DoA manages to succeed, I'd expect KOF XIV to sport this business model...

1142th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Wed 5 Jun 00:46:post reply


Now I wonder who else will give this a try - I can't help but think it would a nice way for SNKP to put all their KoF 96-XI sprite sets to use, but on the other hand those might get dismissed as "SNES graphics", and there'd still be the issue of a standard gameplay system to go with (98 advanced or extra, 2k2? typical etam system or XI tag?...).

I bet Tencent-SNK are eagerly following this project. In case DoA manages to succeed, I'd expect KOF XIV to sport this business model...

I find that this model appeals to me much more than the typical 'here's 16 characters and we'll sell you four more later' model of most fighting games, but I suspect it's just marketing that appeals to my brain a little better somehow. I'm the kind of person who messes around with all the characters in a game rather than one or two though, so in practice I'd probably just buy the whole thing anyway.

I had planned on passing on Injustice but I might pick it up if they are practically giving the dumb thing away.

Har, I tried casually to buy myself a copy just now, but the feeding frenzy to get this for $9.99 (and probably sell it on eBay at $20 later) has practically shut down the site. It's really saying something that I can't even be bothered to buy the game for this small amount since it requires the smallish inconvenience of waiting for web pages to load.

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Wed 5 Jun 02:23]

3467th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Wed 5 Jun 08:55post reply

Injustice is really good you guyssss, I meannnn it. *sniffle* :(

As for the "LoL" model for fighting games, I believe Harada mentioned something like this for Tekken, but got beaten to the punch. It's quite clever for DoA5, which already met sales expectations, but lacks a devoted, ongoing player base (well, a large one, I mean).

Although I'll almost certainly buy every character/stage/mode in every fighting game, I hope this model takes off to keep an influx of players coming.

The lack of story mode on DOA makes sense, since it's mostly "fat" in terms of download size and it wasn't popular to begin with, but it is unfortunate to not have an introduction to the game and its systems, especially for new players. People who specifically bought a fighting game, knowing what they were getting into still get overwhelmed without a proper tutorial, so I imagine it's going to be much worse for people who are trying out something free.

Personally, I think the "ideal fighting game tutorial" is probably impossible anyway, but it's bad not to have anything.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1142th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Wed 5 Jun 09:06post reply

Injustice is really good you guyssss, I meannnn it. *sniffle* :(

Hahaha, Polly, I was totally willing to but it, even for $20 (although I probably won't ever buy the DLC characters) but the site was taking so long and returning DB errors and so on, that I couldn't continue to wait for it to respond. I have a project that's ongoing and I could only really devote 20 minutes to the process. Boo to Gamestop for only lowering it for an hour instead of dropping it even halfway for the long term (and for not having bandwidth to handle the prospectors).

As for the "LoL" model for fighting games, I believe Harada mentioned something like this for Tekken, but got beaten to the punch. It's quite clever for DoA5, which already met sales expectations, but lacks a devoted, ongoing player base (well, a large one, I mean).

Although I'll almost certainly buy every character/stage/mode in every fighting game, I hope this model takes off to keep an influx of players coming.

The lack of story mode on DOA makes sense, since it's mostly "fat" in terms of download size and it wasn't popular to begin with, but it is unfortunate to not have an introduction to the game and its systems, especially for new players. People who specifically bought a fighting game, knowing what they were getting into still get overwhelmed without a proper tutorial, so I imagine it's going to be much worse for people who are trying out something free.

Personally, I think the "ideal fighting game tutorial" is probably impossible anyway, but it's bad not to have anything.

Everything you've said here I agree with completely. I'd love to see this model followed by a larger segment of fighting games, since for a lot of folks learning a fighting game involves buying the entire cast and then just using Ken a single character exclusively. I'm not sure what the overall earnings would look like from that kind of scheme, but it could be a success, who knows.

Oh, and on the subject of "ideal fighting game tutorial", Virtua Fighter 4 had a pretty damned amazing tutorial. Too bad they didn't keep it up in quite the same fashion with 5.

1067th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Wed 5 Jun 10:11post reply

Injustice is really good you guyssss, I meannnn it. *sniffle* :(

Hahaha, Polly, I was totally willing to but it, even for $20 (although I probably won't ever buy the DLC characters) but the site was taking so long and returning DB errors and so on, that I couldn't continue to wait for it to respond. I have a project that's ongoing and I could only really devote 20 minutes to the process. Boo to Gamestop for only lowering it for an hour instead of dropping it even halfway for the long term (and for not having bandwidth to handle the prospectors).

As for the "LoL" model for fighting games, I believe Harada mentioned something like this for Tekken, but got beaten to the punch. It's quite clever for DoA5, which already met sales expectations, but lacks a devoted, ongoing player base (well, a large one, I mean).

Although I'll almost certainly buy every character/stage/mode in every fighting game, I hope this model takes off to keep an influx of players coming.

The lack of story mode on DOA makes sense, since it's mostly "fat" in terms of download size and it wasn't popular to begin with, but it is unfortunate to not have an introduction to the game and its systems, especially for new players. People who specifically bought a fighting game, knowing what they were getting into still get overwhelmed without a proper tutorial, so I imagine it's going to be much worse for people who are trying out something free.

Personally, I think the "ideal fighting gam

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What else would be perfect for this? AOF 1 :)

9540th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Wed 5 Jun 18:49post reply

Although I'll almost certainly buy every character/stage/mode in every fighting game, I hope this model takes off to keep an influx of players coming.

I would be most curious to see the system applied to fighting games, but if possible to a series I'm not interested in, so I can see from afar what's going on (so DoA is perfect).
The issue with people like you and me who will buy every trinket for a game we happen to like (Jojo ASB, I'm looking at you) is that selling the characters separately is probably going to end up doubling the price of the game for us.
Look at UMvC3 or SFxT: if you take the retail price of the launch date, each character costed less than 1 GBP. But I cannot imagine any F2P system where each character wouldn't be triple of that.
And that's only talking about characters, so alternate costumes, soundtracks, music...
Or Jojo ASB: if you do flat arithmetic, buying the game at the retail price puts each character at around 230 yens each. But I can't imagine any additional DLC character to be below 500 yens. Plus costumes, voice-packs...

3469th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So U" , posted Fri 7 Jun 12:35post reply


I would be most curious to see the system applied to fighting games, but if possible to a series I'm not interested in, so I can see from afar what's going on (so DoA is perfect).
The issue with people like you and me who will buy every trinket for a game we happen to like (Jojo ASB, I'm looking at you) is that selling the characters separately is probably going to end up doubling the price of the game for us.
Look at UMvC3 or SFxT: if you take the retail price of the launch date, each character costed less than 1 GBP. But I cannot imagine any F2P system where each character wouldn't be triple of that.
And that's only talking about characters, so alternate costumes, soundtracks, music...
Or Jojo ASB: if you do flat arithmetic, buying the game at the retail price puts each character at around 230 yens each. But I can't imagine any additional DLC character to be below 500 yens. Plus costumes, voice-packs...

You're right. There is almost no way that it wouldn't be more expensive in the long run for fans who want everything, but the tradeoff is that the game would maintain a community, have support from the developer and continue to evolve without the need for new retail versions.

To be successful, they would have to strike a balance between robbing you and keeping it cheap enough to bring in less devoted players. (On some level, this sort of system would almost justify Capcom's ludicrous costume pricing.)

I can't see this being a good system for you, though. You don't play online, do you? I don't know if you follow tournaments either...and it sounds like you just play really casually with friends. Maybe I've formed the wrong impression from your posts or I'm remembering poorly, though?

I don't have friends to play with, so if I want to play at all, I have to play online. I'm not not not not good at fighting games, but I do spend a fair amount of time watching tournaments/learning proper combos/practicing in training mode/trying to learn how to play properly.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

9546th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear?! So " , posted Fri 7 Jun 20:07post reply

I can't see this being a good system for you, though. You don't play online, do you? I don't know if you follow tournaments either...and it sounds like you just play really casually with friends. Maybe I've formed the wrong impression from your posts or I'm remembering poorly, though?

Ages ago, I was playing with friends, but these days are long gone, and each time a new fighting game gets released, I think "OK, THIS time I'll play online". And each time after a week or two I get tired of playing either against the scrubby Ken flowchart jerks and their poor grammar in their insult messages, or against the people who actually know how to play the game and hopelessly destroy me. I feel like I'm in a middleground where it's impossible to find online someone of my level (though I'm probably a boring scrub for good players, and a fighting game god for beginners, meaning everyone ends up being frustrated).

However, I do watch a lot of tournaments, especially KOF 13 and MvC, and it's obvious you can't enjoy watching a tournament if you don't have a minimal knowledge of the characters, tactics, systems or combos involved. As an early Morrigan player from vanilla MvC3, it was even more entertaining to witness Chris G's rise to power, for example.
So on the current topic, I would want, and actually need, to have all the characters unlocked in a game I'm interested to watch, in order to play with each of them enough to enjoy the tournament.
But it also go the other way... I dropped SFxT too early to play with most of the cast, but each time I see someone playing a character I'm familiar with (Bob, Christie...) I'm reminded of the annoyance playing that game and I start to look at what's happening on different streams.

As for the future, I find Divekick very fun to watch; I might play online at the beginning to Skullgirls, since I ended up being the PC beta version; and there is still no confirmation of online to Jojo ASB (and even if there is an online mode, I expect all the players to be in Japan and the netcode to be grossly inefficient for around-the-world play, so I don't think it will be any better). We'll see what the future will bring.

3761th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Fri 7 Jun 22:53post reply

I was thinking about this for a while, but maybe it'll be an interesting idea to create a sort of MMCafe fighting game matchup/gathering for anyone interested. Maybe when Jojo ASB comes out. Only problem, as Iggy was saying-- BanNam hasn't announced if the game has an online mode. Or to be more accurate, they haven't unveiled a single game mode yet, which is a bit disturbing considering the game is coming out in about 2 months.

9547th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Fri 7 Jun 23:23post reply

I was thinking about this for a while, but maybe it'll be an interesting idea to create a sort of MMCafe fighting game matchup/gathering for anyone interested.

That's a good idea! Especially since a lot of people here might be playing less popular games... The issue being we're spread around the world.

And just as I was complaining, BanNam announces Jojo ASB WILL have online. It all depends on the netcode now.

4620th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Sat 8 Jun 01:28post reply

I too am in that odd limbo where I appreciate the intricacies of fighting games and have fun playing about with them but I'm never going to be any good. Personally I'm okay with this since there's more than one way to enjoy a game. Going along with that, the idea of having more than one way to pay for a game is interesting even if I don't know how practical it's going to be. While there are games where I ultimately am only interested in playing one or two characters how am I going to know who that character is if I don't have the chance to try a good chunk of the cast? So while I rarely buy all the DLC junk available for a game -meaning I often don't have the complete game- I can't see the freemium format giving me enough of the game to be able to fully understand what it offers. So while I like thought of experimenting with something new I can't see how this will possibly benefit me.

I was thinking about this for a while, but maybe it'll be an interesting idea to create a sort of MMCafe fighting game matchup/gathering for anyone interested.

Cool, thanks!

Finally, Gamespot put out a nice article on the ambitious, impenetrable Weaponlord. It was the Skullgirls of its day.

1145th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Sat 8 Jun 02:24post reply

I too am in that odd limbo where I appreciate the intricacies of fighting games and have fun playing about with them but I'm never going to be any good. Personally I'm okay with this since there's more than one way to enjoy a game. Going along with that, the idea of having more than one way to pay for a game is interesting even if I don't know how practical it's going to be. While there are games where I ultimately am only interested in playing one or two characters how am I going to know who that character is if I don't have the chance to try a good chunk of the cast? So while I rarely buy all the DLC junk available for a game -meaning I often don't have the complete game- I can't see the freemium format giving me enough of the game to be able to fully understand what it offers. So while I like thought of experimenting with something new I can't see how this will possibly benefit me.

My hope is that there will be some kind of discount for buying the whole mess upfront. I can't imagine that there won't be a way to buy everything in one go, and if there is, it's hard to think they would charge the same price as all the pieces (if it's in excess of $60) and risk 'sticker shock'. I mean, even Capcom, the worst over-charger of all, gives a discount for buying whole outfit sets. The worst part if they didn't offer something like this would require that I make a million small transactions.

I was thinking about this for a while, but maybe it'll be an interesting idea to create a sort of MMCafe fighting game matchup/gathering for anyone interested.
Cool, thanks!

I'd love that as well Professor! I've tried to play against some folks from the Cafe but never managed to match up.

Finally, Gamespot put out a nice article on the ambitious, impenetrable Weaponlord. It was the Skullgirls of its day.

The thing I most remember about Weaponlord is its badass Simon Bisley art. Game wise I have very few memories of it. Thanks for the link!

1118th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Sat 8 Jun 04:21post reply

I was thinking about this for a while, but maybe it'll be an interesting idea to create a sort of MMCafe fighting game matchup/gathering for anyone interested.

Well here goes an initiative worth risking my modded PS3's SEN account for (I hardly use it anyways). So Prof, if you come up with something in the end, count me in!!

The thing I most remember about Weaponlord is its badass Simon Bisley art. Game wise I have very few memories of it. Thanks for the link!

Back in the day, I only knew of the game by name and the only thing that appealed to me was its stunning, Bizlicious artwork. I approached it some years ago via emulation and found it unplayable, but I must admit that, had I been given the chance to play it at the time of its release, I'd have loved it. Oh 90s, I miss you so much...

3471th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Sat 8 Jun 05:10post reply


Ages ago, I was playing with friends, but these days are long gone, and each time a new fighting game gets released, I think "OK, THIS time I'll play online". And each time after a week or two I get tired of playing either against the scrubby Ken flowchart jerks and their poor grammar in their insult messages, or against the people who actually know how to play the game and hopelessly destroy me. I feel like I'm in a middleground where it's impossible to find online someone of my level (though I'm probably a boring scrub for good players, and a fighting game god for beginners, meaning everyone ends up being frustrated).

You're not so different than me, then. That's one reason why I'm interested in a "freemium" model...because it would widen the player base, hopefully to include more players in the intermediate range. I've had lots of excellent experiences online, but it can still be very difficult to find a "good match." I've had the best luck with Injustice thus far, despite its mediocre netcode and huge number of disconnectors. The larger "middle class" in the game may be attributable to comic book fans and its comparatively less demanding barrier to entry.

I still have sobby little girl emotional problems with playing online sometimes, though. Like when people will abuse poor netcode or just be petty instead of playing properly. It's not about winning or losing, but I find myself thinking "why are people so terrible?"

I'd love that as well Professor! I've tried to play against some folks from the Cafe but never managed to match up.

Do you mean the game wouldn't connect? That sort of thing? Did you go through the needlessly annoying NAT3 process for PS3? (Still... I have NAT3 on a wired connection and I can't connect to people for crap.)

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

9550th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Sat 8 Jun 05:50post reply

Did you go through the needlessly annoying NAT3 process for PS3? (Still... I have NAT3 on a wired connection and I can't connect to people for crap.)

What's that weird language you're talking now?

3477th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Sat 8 Jun 08:44:post reply


What's that weird language you're talking now?

Maybe you're just joking, but run a network test (probably under network settings) on the PS3 and it will tell you what kind of NAT you have. NAT1 is plugged directly into the modem and NAT2 is uninhibited, but NAT3 might give you some problems. As long as you don't have an ISP from hell, it's a fairly easy fix, though.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sat 8 Jun 13:57]

9551th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Sat 8 Jun 09:32post reply

NAT1 is plugged directly into the modem and NAT3 is uninhibited, but NAT2 might give you some problems. As long as you don't have an ISP from hell, it's a fairly easy fix, though.

So if you're having connexion issues and you're in NAT2, you should change, and NAT1 and 3 depend on your configuration? Or is NAT1 always better if nothing else is plugged on the modem, for example?

Serious question, I have no idea of those.

3477th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Sat 8 Jun 11:27:post reply


So if you're having connexion issues and you're in NAT2, you should change, and NAT1 and 3 depend on your configuration? Or is NAT1 always better if nothing else is plugged on the modem, for example?

Serious question, I have no idea of those.

Yes to all of that.

NAT1 and NAT2 are essentially the same, it's just that you might have to configure your router to get NAT2, whereas NAT1 is a direct connection.

If you have NAT 3, then you have to do a few simple router configurations to get it to NAT2. Tutorials are easy to find.

Although the point in NAT3 seems to be headset compatibility for a lot of people, in the case of fighting games, you'll be unable to connect to a (potentially large) group of players in some games. At any rate, best to just test your machine and see if you have anything to worry about in the first place. I've had some problems configuring mine, but that's only because of my rotten ISP

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sat 8 Jun 13:56]

3762th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Sat 8 Jun 13:29post reply

OK, so I'll think about setting up some sort of system where people can meet up.

Well here goes an initiative worth risking my modded PS3's SEN account for (I hardly use it anyways).

Holy Moses?! I don't think that's a good idea!

So if you're having connexion issues and you're in NAT2, you should change, and NAT1 and 3 depend on your configuration? Or is NAT1 always better if nothing else is plugged on the modem, for example?

Serious question, I have no idea of those.

Let me throw in my few cents on the NAT settings for the PS3.

NAT1 means your connection is bridged. You're directly connected to the Internet and should have minium issues connecting to people.
NAT2 means your connection is going through a router correctly, and you normally shouldn't have problems.
NAT3 means your connection is going through a router incorrectly, and prevents you from making many of your connections. It can be caused by a number of reasons, including disabled UPnP setting on the modem, going through multiple routers, etc.

If you have NAT3, you need to try and fix things to get NAT2. I play on a NAT2 connection as well.

NAT1 is the most issue-free in terms of playing games, but having a bridged connection in your residence means you're more vulnerable to Internet security attacks (meaning it's not ideal for your PC and other hardware connecting to the Internet)

3477th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Sat 8 Jun 13:55:post reply


If you have NAT3, you need to try and fix things to get NAT2. I play on a NAT2 connection as well.

ACK! I got it backwards! Yes! Thank you for saying this. I got 2 and 3 confused because I haven't had to mess with this in ages. I'll change my posts to reflect that.

Also, how gracious of you to say "let me throw in my two cents" rather than "this person has no clue what they're talking about." Hahaha...

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sat 8 Jun 13:57]

3763th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New 3D Guilty Gear" , posted Sat 8 Jun 14:44post reply

Also, how gracious of you to say "let me throw in my two cents" rather than "this person has no clue what they're talking about." Hahaha...

Two! That's the magical number I was looking for! Thanks Polly.

The NAT setting issue is something I hear often but never seen anyone around me having. That, and "my games are so laggy" > person was using wireless.

9552th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Tekken F2P" , posted Sun 9 Jun 03:28post reply

So Tekken Revolution, F2P, on PS3, released... on the 11th of this month????? When did that happen?
(around 19 min).

1825th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Tekken F2P" , posted Sun 9 Jun 07:45post reply

So Tekken Revolution, F2P, on PS3, released... on the 11th of this month????? When did that happen?
(around 19 min).

This is most interesting. I wonder how this F2P model will work out for fighting games. I hope it doesn't become a huge hindrance to tournament organizers as I enjoy watching many fighting games on the weekends. I also hope that a "complete package" deal is available for a reasonable price.

The only F2P game I have right now is DCU online on ps3 and I enjoy it quite a bit, but haven't touched any of the DLC and don't feel like I am missing out on anything. But then I look at Marvels F2P online game and I want to vomit. They offered a complete package for $200 before the game was out and before revealing the complete roster and that was supposed to be the great deal.

I don't follow League of Legends or Defense of the Ancients II, but those are the big F2P games out there along with Team Fortress 2 and I hear those games are huge. So there must be something in the F2P model.

Perhaps console gaming has spoiled me, but I love having all the characters available (minus whatever DLC there is of course) and going through them at my own pace and deciding which I want to main.

3477th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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"Re(1):Tekken F2P" , posted Sun 9 Jun 08:06post reply

So Tekken Revolution, F2P, on PS3, released... on the 11th of this month????? When did that happen?
(around 19 min).

I'm so confused. Surely this isn't a new's just like...Tag 2 without the tag or something? Like Harada wanted to do F2P and they said they wouldn't do Tag2 and ended up with this instead? But what's the point? If it does bring in money somehow, then that only takes away from Tag2, which would still probably be the better game. Then the new game would have a larger community and...ARGH. There must be something I'm missing here, because this doesn't make any sense.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

2929th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tekken F2P" , posted Sun 9 Jun 09:35:post reply

So Tekken Revolution, F2P, on PS3, released... on the 11th of this month????? When did that happen?
(around 19 min).

I'm so confused. Surely this isn't a new's just like...Tag 2 without the tag or something? Like Harada wanted to do F2P and they said they wouldn't do Tag2 and ended up with this instead? But what's the point? If it does bring in money somehow, then that only takes away from Tag2, which would still probably be the better game. Then the new game would have a larger community and...ARGH. There must be something I'm missing here, because this doesn't make any sense.

It probably is Tag 2, just defaulting to single characters instead of tag. It seems like it would communicate with TTT2 on some level, at least for online matchmaking, just with a different client. That's my guess anyway.

I don't know how I feel about F2P for fighting games. I think it is probably fine for people who don't play the game it's promoting, but for people who do play it, it can be pretty terrible. With all the micro-transactions you'll end up paying too much for stuff, but you'll tell yourself it's okay, because you're only buying that stuff. But that's a lie, and eventually you end up paying more on it than you would have for a full version. So maybe it's better if you don't like it and wouldn't have spent much money on it to begin with.

Then again, I used to spend way too many quarters playing arcade fighters back in the heyday - far more than I would have spent on a home version - so maybe this is actually the perfect model for it? From a consumer perspective, anyway... not sure if it's better for the company, considering an arcade profit used to come from unit sales to distributors, while those quarters just went to the operators.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sun 9 Jun 09:36]

3479th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Tekken F2P" , posted Sun 9 Jun 11:53:post reply


It probably is Tag 2, just defaulting to single characters instead of tag. It seems like it would communicate with TTT2 on some level, at least for online matchmaking, just with a different client. That's my guess anyway.

I hope so. That sounds reasonable enough. It's further de-tagging TTT2, but...ah...that's better than making a "new" gimped game from old resources. Ideally (for me) it would be incorporated with TTT2 and introduce some new DLC stuff, so that TTT2 owners will already have most of the game, but also have something new to play with. From Namco's perspective, it can wring a little more money out of them that way as well. We'll know soon enough, I suppose.

EDIT: Full trailer. Join the confusion!

F2P stuff

I don't want to make it sound like I'm disagreeing with you, because everything you're saying is true. I'm making a parallel discussion.

For the sake of the "strictly money" discussion, I probably would've come out ahead on DOA5 and TTT2 where I use a small portion of the total cast (TTT2) or actively dislike most of the characters (DO5). For something like KOF, though, it would be every single character or bust and I could see myself losing a lot of money that way.

But that doesn't really matter, because I'm not counting money spent as an issue here at all. The only thing that matters to me is "is it good for the game?" Will this method keep fighting games alive and healthier for longer? Will it allow for more content in the long run? Will it open the doors to a wider community and more frequent re-balances? I'm looking past "it's the exact same game, only you have to pay more money for it."

Although that is the case with DOA5 (same game, I mean), buying the original is still an option and I strongly doubt that the update would bring in a significant number of new players, or even bring back a significant number of old players without the F2P addition.

I have been very displeased with some DLC practices and not supported them, even on games I enjoy, but for the most part, I don't really count the money spent as long as the product meets my expectations and the system behind it makes sense.

I'm sure I'll look the fool when we get a F2P KOF with a sea of never-patched infinites, awful netcode and a $5-a-try gacha machine that gives you a random character that you may already have.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sun 9 Jun 14:46]

9554th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Tekken F2P" , posted Sun 9 Jun 18:12post reply

EDIT: Full trailer. Join the confusion!

I love the double meaning on Asuka's final quote!!!
English: "You asked for it!"
Japanese: "And if you go cry after that, it's your problem, not mine!"

I wonder which one applies the best to the game...

4622th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(5):Tekken F2P" , posted Mon 10 Jun 01:38post reply

For the sake of the "strictly money" discussion, I probably would've come out ahead on DOA5 and TTT2 where I use a small portion of the total cast (TTT2) or actively dislike most of the characters (DO5). For something like KOF, though, it would be every single character or bust and I could see myself losing a lot of money that way.

Since I only use a small number of the Tekken cast I thought this might finally be the point of this F2P model. But the only reason I picked up those characters is because I have played the previous Tekken titles. Is this going to convince anyone who has not played Tekken to get into the series? Will Tekken players want to play whatever this is instead of something like Tag2? None of this makes any sense. Still, odds are I'm going to get more amusement out of trying to understand the thought process behind this game than I am out of a fighter where you have to buy your character's health and strength.

2450th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 02:26post reply




1178th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 03:34post reply




First screens:

1148th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 04:00:post reply




First screens:

Sorry guys, but this is one a growing number of games that are being given sequels/rereleased/revived/remastered that I'm just not into. I never cared for the original games and their wooden feel and dial-a-combos, so I can't say I'm excited for this one, even with updated graphics and OMG NEXT GENERATION.

I've been thinking today that it's depressing that so far the best thing I've seen announced at E3 is Dead Rising 3, it's a pretty bad state of affairs for me (Dark Souls 2 doesn't count). Who knows though, something decent could emerge before long. EDIT: I am a filthy liar. After posting this I saw the trailer for Below by Capybara Games which looks very nice indeed. If it ends up being an Xbone exclusive it won't be enough to get me to buy one, but it just might be enough to get me to Donkey Kong-throw my Xbox360 at my neighbor's house.

Still, I'm happy to hear that people are excited about Xbone games finally!

[this message was edited by karasu99 on Tue 11 Jun 04:05]

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 04:09post reply

Just 2 characters so far, excited, but... thing is, Double Helix is the one developing it, and their record isn't really good.




First screens:

The Witcher 3 gameplay trailer was beautiful. Some people mistook it as an exclusive, but is multiplatform. Do you have anything to say about the art direction in it Nobi? I like the Witcher series, more than anything for their unique feel; being an European RPG gives it a special exotic flavor.

This one was kinda off-topic, why is that there isn't an E3 official thread yet? Long time lurker here!

28th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Tekken F2P" , posted Tue 11 Jun 04:14post reply

So Tekken Revolution, F2P, on PS3, released... on the 11th of this month????? When did that happen?
(around 19 min).

As someone who's always believed that there's no such thing as a free lunch, I'm a bit pessimistic about Tekken Revolution. Since the characters now have stats that can be leveled up, I wonder just how difficult it'll be to level up without forking over some cash. I hope it's not Pay-to-Win masquerading itself as Free-to-Play.

Though I do have to give credit to Namco for thinking outside the box. I never would've thought about making a fighting game F2P.

Just a Person
1541th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 04:38post reply

Just 2 characters so far, excited, but... thing is, Double Helix is the one developing it, and their record isn't really good.




First screens:

Actually, 3 characters. Jago, Glacius and Sabrewulf were shown in the first trailer, right? Sure, Glacius only appeared for a couple seconds...

Great news! And the gameplay looks good so far. Now bring Orchid, Fulgore and Spinal!

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1827th Post

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PSN: gekijmo
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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 04:49post reply

Just 2 characters so far, excited, but... thing is, Double Helix is the one developing it, and their record isn't really good.




First screens:

The Witcher 3 gameplay trailer was beautiful. Some people mistook it as an exclusive, but is multiplatform. Do you have anything to say about the art direction in it Nobi? I like the Witcher series, more than anything for their unique feel; being an European RPG gives it a special exotic flavor.

This one was kinda off-topic, why is that there isn't an E3 official thread yet? Long time lurker here!

Welcome Sasha! It is great to have fresh faces here at the cafe.

$500 bones for the Xbone is quite a steep price. I probably won't consider one until it reaches $250 (probably never).

I learned today that "just let it happen" is an internet meme used on macros to refer to rape. When I heard it in the conference I thought it was an extension of "shut up and take your medicine", "bite the bullet", "take your punishment like a man". KI isn't even out yet and it already at the top list of FGC drama.

The Phantom Pain was beautiful, now to just wait for the PS4 price announcement. I really hope R* does a Red Dead 3 soon.

4594th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"MIRROR'S EDGE 2" , posted Tue 11 Jun 06:14:post reply

Sorry KI, you're taking a backseat to Faith.

"Coming...when it's ready." And I'll be ready and waiting.

[this message was edited by Freeter on Tue 11 Jun 06:15]

2929th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(4):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 06:39post reply

Damn, I was looking forward to seeing it, but now that they've shown it I don't know what to think. The sound design is great as always, but the look is kinda generic dark stuff. Granted, KI was like that, but Rare's signature rendering style was one of the things that set it apart and I don't see that anymore. Having it be 3D2D was predictable, but I honestly would have been excited to see what they could do with a pre-rendered look in this day and age. I guess the thing that's supposed to say Killer Instinct about it is the awkwardly repetitive combo animations, but beyond that I'm not finding much about it to get excited over.

Krzyzewski Man
1181th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 07:00post reply

It's being developed by a studio whose most notable game was Silent Hill Homecoming.


That's fucking great! Who the fuck wants a Killer Instinct that isn't dumb and broken?! That's the fucking point!


1179th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 07:16post reply

Just 2 characters so far, excited, but... thing is, Double Helix is the one developing it, and their record isn't really good.




First screens:

The Witcher 3 gameplay trailer was beautiful. Some people mistook it as an exclusive, but is multiplatform. Do you have anything to say about the art direction in it Nobi? I like the Witcher series, more than anything for their unique feel; being an European RPG gives it a special exotic flavor.

This one was kinda off-topic, why is that there isn't an E3 official thread yet? Long time lurker here!

Glad to see you're posting Sasha! It took me years and years of lurking before I worked up the courage for my first post haha.

I like the Witcher Games from what I've seen. I've unfortunately never owned a powerful game ready PC, so I haven't played it myself, but I like the art direction a lot. I think they walk a very nice line between realism and stylization, and I like how much research they put into the clothing and gear and even the sword fighting stances.

The armor that the main character is wearing in the latest trailer isn't period accurate, it almost feels like modern body armor that you'd use for Xtreme sports, but it's appropriate cos from what I understand the main character is a rogue, a jack of all trades who needs to be very dextrous. In this way you can imagine that perhaps he had all that armor customized for his unique needs and that's why it has an almost modern utilitarian feeling to it.

I like it!

4625th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(4):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 08:20:post reply

Now all we need is for Sony to announce that Battle Arena Toshinden is coming back.

The old design on Jago was ugly and immediately dated so I'm glad to see the new design on Jago is ugly and immediately dated but in a new way. Combine that with long combos that are full of animation that does not flow together and lots of hit sparks and, yep, it's KI all right.

Just curious, but what sort of reception did the KI series receive around the world? It had a following where I am but I'm just one fish in a very small pond. What was the international take on this series?

This one was kinda off-topic, why is that there isn't an E3 official thread yet? Long time lurker here!

Turns out we're all too lazy to make one. That's a bit pathetic but hardly surprising, to be honest.
EDIT: Whoops, while I was typing Polly went and posted a new thread.

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Tue 11 Jun 08:22]

1875th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 10:01post reply


The old design on Jago was ugly and immediately dated so I'm glad to see the new design on Jago is ugly and immediately dated but in a new way.

Agreed, although I kind of wish it were a more classic ugly. His headgear looks absolutely terrible. He looks like a generic enemy in a beat em up rather than a main character.


Combine that with long combos that are full of animation that does not flow together and lots of hit sparks and, yep, it's KI all right.

Hmm. I actually think the look is really off here, the animation looks way jerkier with these 3D models and that's definitely saying something. Of Killer Instinct 2 was already pulling in an ugly direction so perhaps they're simply following in the footsteps of confused giants.

/ / /

2487th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 11:26:post reply

Now all we need is for Sony to announce that Battle Arena Toshinden is coming back.

...mainly because it would logically progress to a revival for Justice Gakuen and Fighting Vipers and...Tobal?!
Who the fuck wants a Killer Instinct that isn't dumb and broken?!
Exactly. But can a new KI coast by on irony alone?

Just curious, but what sort of reception did the KI series receive around the world?
No one knows Mortal Kombat in Japan, but NO ONE knows KI. Never released in any form, arcade or home, to my knowledge.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 11 Jun 11:32]

2452th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 13:26post reply


I like the Witcher Games from what I've seen. I've unfortunately never owned a powerful game ready PC, so I haven't played it myself, but I like the art direction a lot. I think they walk a very nice line between realism and stylization, and I like how much research they put into the clothing and gear and even the sword fighting stances.

I agree, the sleekness and form-fitting quality of the armor Geralt wears in the Witcher 3 trailer is definitely anachronistic to the overall medieval setting. But his sword fighting animation looked great, and once again so did the environments. I'm a little disappointed CD Projekt didn't have anything of Cyberpunk to show, and that the Witcher 3 footage was so little, but I'm just happy that the Witcher series exists as it does.


I had a KI arcade machine ages ago, but it definitely wasn't popular. It had a SNES port which was visually stunted due to the hardware power differences. KI Gold was very nearly a launch title (it was out within like a month or two) of the N64, and it was pretty astounding at the time. However, none of them ever really caught fire in the tournament scene, at least in part because there was very little in the way of organized fighting game tournaments at the time. The fact that there were no subsequent sequels at home or in the arcade didn't help.

In spite of all that, it had some things that are simply indelibly etched into the global psyche. C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! Who cares if the fighting of it was good or not, 17 years after its release, it still has memetic power, and considering its total lack of support and new material since its release, that is kind of amazing.

60th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 15:35post reply

Long time lurker here!

Glad to know I'm not the only consistent lurker on this board. I've been a daily visitor since GPOW, but the strong personalities here secretly frighten me.

2490th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 16:04:post reply

the strong personalities here secretly frighten me.
Hmm hmm hmm, impossible, these scary voices and big grins we all have here are the better to eat greet you with, m'dear!

PS: dear Spoon your member fee is overdue for the broken avatar club pay at once or risk having your car towed

PPS: I'm so glad that the third search result for 邪神 or evil god still turns up MOK-KOS so consistently.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 12 Jun 01:15]

96th Post

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PSN: pooplos-z
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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 17:45post reply

Ehhh?! KI nonsense brought out the lurkers?! I want in too! I said this somewhere else but I'll drop my thoughts here as well.

I always felt that Killer Instinct was the half step between Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat design wise. It definitely looks to be following the same model, whether intentionally or not. The modelling looks like a blend of SF4 and MK9. Initially I'm disappointed with the character designs but even just this footage shows the animation to surpass Nether Realm's. Yeesh

Hit sparks grant you a waterfall of actual sparks! Hah!

1019th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"KILLER (separate DLC: INSTINCT)" , posted Tue 11 Jun 18:11post reply

Killer Instinct will be free to play, Jago will be the only character, and all other characters must be bought separately.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

1829th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):KILLER (separate DLC: INSTINCT)" , posted Tue 11 Jun 19:15post reply

Killer Instinct will be free to play, Jago will be the only character, and all other characters must be bought separately.

Wow, it seems F2P fighting games are coming in waves now. But who thought it was a good idea to have ONE character available at launch? You will kill all hype with endless Jago/Jago matches.

Burning Ranger
1740th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 20:14post reply




I only have two things to say about KI:

Thing the First: "Killer! Killer! Oh...she's a Killler!" (Those are the lyric's to B. Orchid's BGM...)

Thing the Second: I kinda want to do that joke from Supertroopers where the troopers inserted "Meow" in nearly every sentence--except I want to replace meow with Orchid's "Heeyah!"

Anyway...not really caring about KI...Rare/MS has to do better than that!

So much to do so little time...

9559th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 21:29post reply

PPS: I'm so glad that the third search result for 邪神 or evil god still turns up MOK-KOS so consistently.

That's probably the best news of the E3! It genuinely brings an old, twisted grin on my face.

And hello world lurkers!
Has someone been doing witchcraft Lately? Onsy, Nate, Krwskyman, MOK-KOS, new posters... Fortunately, I don't have a newborn I may lose to that particular ritual.

701th Post

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"Re(6):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 21:49post reply


The old design on Jago was ugly and immediately dated so I'm glad to see the new design on Jago is ugly and immediately dated but in a new way.

Agreed, although I kind of wish it were a more classic ugly. His headgear looks absolutely terrible. He looks like a generic enemy in a beat em up rather than a main character.

KI suffers from a lack of a main character design that sets the tone for everyone else (it's a cast of weirdos), so it seems really silly that they go for a single character while experimenting with the F2P model, while DoA went with 4 despite having a clear protagonist, and Tekken with 8 (none of which are the central Mishima trio, for a completely different take on character desirability).
I kinda feel bad for the devs, I bet most wish they were working on something more interesting, and to top it off people started seering "rape culture" comments in the game's demonstration, as if the game didn't have enough problems already.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2490th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):KILLER WITCHCRAFT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 22:48:post reply


Has someone been doing witchcraft Lately? Onsy, Nate, Krwskyman, MOK-KOS, new posters...
Kukukuku, the 魔王 name doesn't look so sinister when it's written just in Roman characters, you see. Onsy's resurrection was momentarily successful, proving that it can be done again and for longer if we were just to sacrifice a...few more. This is all a wonderful preview for whatever otherworldly horror will be unleashed when you break 10,000 posts.

Speaking of otherwoldly horrors, Killer Instinct will be lucky if the most attention it gets is through the slimy (and probably worse) comments of some Microsoft goon nearby. I do admit that is quite fun to yell "SPINAAAL!" and that I played that game a lot during a short trip to Sea World when I was 11.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 11 Jun 22:53]

4626th Post

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"Re(7):KILLER WITCHCRAFT" , posted Tue 11 Jun 22:59post reply

Did I miss the meeting where everyone agreed to try out the F2P model? This is getting sillier than the time the fighting game groupthink decided that every game needed a tag feature.

At this point I feel sorry for KI fans. A game where only Jago is playable and the rest of the cast will be avaliable at some point in the future for an undetermined price is destined for failure. While I can understand the desire to try out new things I can't see this model working.

1149th Post

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"Re(5):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Wed 12 Jun 01:02post reply

the strong personalities here secretly frighten me. Hmm hmm hmm, impossible, these scary voices and big grins we all have here are the better to eat greet you with, m'dear!

PS: dear spoon your member fee is overdue for the broken avatar club pay at once or risk having your car towed

PPS: I'm so glad that the third search result for 邪神 or evil god still turns up MOK-KOS so consistently.

OH NO, your link is broken, and I had been looking forward to what I'd see! Oh well, I've got an example too.

It's no mistake I suspect that the best thing to be taken away from the Xbone part of E3 is the new silly F2P KI. Which is pretty sad really.

Speaking of F2P fighting games I'm not shocked at all that we're seeing so much of that model emerging since it's really just an outgrowth of demos. In a lot of ways then it's just a change in marketing plus the ability to buy the game in bits afterward. We'll just have to see if how big those bits are and if there is a discount for buying all the important bits (the characters) at once.

2490th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Wed 12 Jun 01:18post reply

Tsk tsk, it would appear that your computer is incapable of handling the splendor (or Japanese text URL's) of our dark lord and savior, MOK-KOS, but no matter: I've relinked it through our board.

Continuing on with KI, I am baffled by the idea of a by now relatively unknown series being presented with a single character free to play. Do they honestly think that they have an intersting enough character design or system to actually draw in the uninitiated?


Just a Person
1542th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"DOA5 Ultimate: Here come TWO new challengers!" , posted Wed 12 Jun 04:58post reply

Leon is back (why he was left out of vanilla DOA5 is still uncomprehensible to me), looking tougher than ever... and Rachel the fiend hunter debuts!!

It seems this game will have LOTS of new content besides these two fighters, including new stages, outfits, intros (both for single and tag modes) and moves.

Rachel fortunately isn't another ninja. And a good thing for her is: who will accuse her of dressing inappropriately next to Christie, Lisa and Tina in their "top secret bathing suits"?

I must say I'm also shocked the trailer showed a male fighter in a speedo... will the DOA men start being objectified as the DOA women?

...Nah, I doubt it.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

2933th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):DOA5 Ultimate: Here come TWO new challe" , posted Wed 12 Jun 05:35post reply

Leon is back (why he was left out of vanilla DOA5 is still uncomprehensible to me), looking tougher than ever... and Rachel the fiend hunter debuts!!

I did not expect Rachel, I didn't think she was popular enough to be added. But then you think boobs and it makes sense, I guess.

I like how the date at the end was 2 days ago. I imagine something like:

A: Boss! Tekken is releasing their Free-to-play game on the 11th! They're going to come out tomorrow, before us!
B: No they won't! We'll make our release date 2 days before them! What's that, June 9?
A: So... yesterday?
B: YES! Update the trailer to show this!
A: But... we didn't come out yesterday...

I know, they probably meant September 6 and got the date format mixed up but imagining hijinks gets me through the day.

1832th Post

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PSN: gekijmo
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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Tekken Revolution thoughts" , posted Wed 12 Jun 07:51:post reply

So I just got Tekken Revolution on PSN and gave it a quick run. Here are some impressions after about an hour of play. The playable characters were Paul, Law, Jack-6, King, Lars, Lili, Kazuya, Asuka. On top of them I fought Steve, Alisa, Ogre, Jinpachi, Bryan and Leo in arcade mode. You can have as many as two “arcade tokens” at a time to play arcade mode. These token replenish at a rate of 1 per hour. I went through arcade mode with King and Lars first to get a feel of the game.

Although I haven’t picked it up in a few months, it appears to be 1v1 TTT2. The only noticeable difference to me was that some attacks had this motion blur to them. Jinpachi appears to be the sub-boss and ogre the final boss. No endings just a “game over” screen with artwork in the back.

So I went through my two arcade tokens within 30 minutes of starting up the game so I went into online play. You have a maximum of 5 “battle tokens” you can use for either ranked or player battle that respawn at a rate of 1 every 30 minutes. If you win a ranked match you will get another battle token. I can’t recall if that holds true for player battle as well. I lost both matches as none of the available characters were my mains in TTT2.

Money comes into the picture with premium tokens, which I think can be used as either arcade or battle tokens and can have a max of 999. Cheapest is 4 for $1 and the most is 30 for $5. There is a middle tier in there for $2 that gets you 10. There are some bonus things that popped up since I got the game the first day or something, but I didn’t pay it much mind.

In arcade mode there is a gift box icon which I think is how you get new characters, but I didn’t see exactly how I could exchange my gift tickets for it through.

There is no training mode from what I saw and I didn’t want to commit to the stat building right now as I really want to stick with Steve or see if Armor King is going to pop up soon. There is no training mode from what I saw, but you can pause the game in arcade mode and look up the move list. Nor is there any offline versus play.

So from the looks of it, Namco is trying to recreate the arcade experience on the home console and to tell you the truth I was thinking about a similar business model myself, but I would have made arcade mode free play. But as a person who owns TTT2 already, I don’t see any benefits with sticking with Tekken Revolution. Will Tekken X Street Fighter follow if this turns out to be a success? Rage quits would be a waste of your money if it happened to you so I hope they are serious about banning those types of players.

I let you know if the tokens respawn even if you aren't playing the game. Now I am just gonna wait for XCOM and Uncharted 3 to finish downloading. I love PS+, please don't change with PS4.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Wed 12 Jun 07:59]

3487th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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"Re(1):Tekken Revolution thoughts" , posted Wed 12 Jun 09:22post reply

I think that's British style on the DOA release date, but it made me do a double take, too. "Like this comes out...the day before yesterday!?"

Although I haven’t picked it up in a few months, it appears to be 1v1 TTT2. The only noticeable difference to me was that some attacks had this motion blur to them. Jinpachi appears to be the sub-boss and ogre the final boss. No endings just a “game over” screen with artwork in the back.

You might be a little rusty. It felt pretty different to me. No bound (ground bounce) for one, and many combos don't work anymore. I don't know the full extent of what you can and can't do, but I had to take a different approach in a number of cases and the game felt simplified overall.

I'm not a Tekken aficionado, so I don't know if the music was new or not, but it was different than the default on TTT2 and several of the stages were either new or altered.

Also, the renders are different. Everything looks a bit different overall and Asuka's face is noticeably more "pretty" (among other changes here and there).

But no costume customization!? What the hell!? What's the point!?

I'm even more confused after playing the game. Maybe they made something intentionally gimped to try and sell TTT2 more and make money in the process, but it's just going to divide people unnecessarily. Having the two connect in some way would be much better.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

4627th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(2):Tekken Revolution thoughts" , posted Wed 12 Jun 09:50post reply

TR recreates that feeling when there's an arcade game that you want to play but you only have two tokens to your name.

Honestly, outside of the prettier graphics I'm not certain I like any of this. The coin system is bad enough but the fact that characters can gain stats as they play means that it's very easy to pay to win. If this is what a F2P fighting game looks like I want no part of it. All that TR makes me want to do is go back to playing TTT2. That's a great game.

Leon is back (why he was left out of vanilla DOA5 is still uncomprehensible to me), looking tougher than ever... and Rachel the fiend hunter debuts!!

If I do pick up DoA5U I know it won't be the freemium model. Still, I'm going to have to try it at some point since that double Izuna drop from Momiji and Ryu was pretty cool looking.

2934th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tekken Revolution thoughts" , posted Wed 12 Jun 16:16post reply


I'm even more confused after playing the game. Maybe they made something intentionally gimped to try and sell TTT2 more and make money in the process, but it's just going to divide people unnecessarily. Having the two connect in some way would be much better.

Just played it myself and yeah, it's an odd approach. Since I do play a lot of Tekken I'll weigh in my thoughts and observations.

Visually there are some modeling updates, most noticably on Asuka and Lili. But I think the character modelling might actually be a lower quality, possibly to keep the game's overall download size low. Or maybe it's the new persistent outline effect on the characters giving me that impression (I hate outlines in 3D games). All the TTT2 stages have changed the time of day or other small details to look different.

The music is definitely different. More dubstepping cacophony.

The best thing I find is that a lot of move properties changed drastically. The game feels more like Tekken 5 than Tekken 6 or TTT2, so the feeling of juggling is back to sane human levels. With this and the limited roster, the game evokes some feeling of playing Tekken in an arcade. You're forced to play characters you don't usually play and you have limited resources to play them, and because of the changes you're forced to learn about them on the fly instead of grinding in a training mode. For players intimidated by the monstrous size of Tekken, this can be a good point to jump in. The limitations aren't that limiting; I was able to play for a solid 80 minutes on freebies alone, but the game does reward you for being decent so ymmv.

Will I play it? Maybe for a little while, but the lack of overall newness hurts it and doesn't justify playing it if you're experienced with Tekken. I could see it keeping some casual players busy until the next real Tekken game or TvSF comes out, though.

5788th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tekken Revolution thoughts" , posted Wed 12 Jun 16:22:post reply

It felt pretty different to me. No bound (ground bounce) for one, and many combos don't work anymore. I don't know the full extent of what you can and can't do, but I had to take a different approach in a number of cases and the game felt simplified overall.

Indeed, there are a bunch of balance tweaks here and there (like, some moves that juggle the enemy in Tag 2, but here don't and in some cases the opposite). There are many "general" engine tweaks; no bound as stated, damage is completely different and mirrors pre-6 games (standing damage 100%, ground damage 70%, juggle 80% -> 50%); there are also many changes in there to make okizeme game weaker (okizeme -> attacking & continuously preventing the enemy from standing up).

Not being able to play the game offline to check differences is a complete killer of everything. Having to wait 60 minutes for the game to refill credits while logged in to the psn is a huge drag; maybe I'll play Wild Arms 3 in one TV and leave this game hanging in the other, while the pc is left as an off-line mp3 player .... Well, I don't love this game that much.

I'm guessing that playing offline 2p mode is impossible.


I'm not a Tekken aficionado, so I don't know if the music was new or not, but it was different than the default on TTT2 and several of the stages were either new or altered.

Also, the renders are different. Everything looks a bit different overall and Asuka's face is noticeably more "pretty" (among other changes here and there).

The music is new to the series, and the new tweaks to 'rendering' is the most noticeable change; makes you wish they'll patch TTT2 up with some of the arcade changes, costumizations that the arcade has and the console doesn't + new rendering style from here, rather than dedicating extra time to a half baked experience.

It's pretty obvious that this game was "prompted" by not having TTT2 made it's yearly unit deployed counts.


I'm even more confused after playing the game. Maybe they made something intentionally gimped to try and sell TTT2 more and make money in the process, but it's just going to divide people unnecessarily. Having the two connect in some way would be much better.

I think that this game is trying pretty heavily to tone done the difference that years of experience can bring between players, it's almost like if this game was made so that beginners would have somewhere to run away in when they can't touch seasoned players in ranking matches in TTT2.

The fact that this game can't interact with TTT2 is stupid, that would have been the smartest thing about Tekken F2P. I have no clue how to unlock more people and the game doesn't let me try often enough to figure out how; all in all the game would have been "forgivable" like a Z-movie guilty pleasure kind of thing if some new characters would have been created for this game, some of them even ready to go.

EDIT: Full trailer. Join the confusion!
I love the double meaning on Asuka's final quote!!!
English: "You asked for it!"
Japanese: "And if you go cry after that, it's your problem, not mine!"

I wonder which one applies the best to the game...

It's definitely tears

There is also some new characters lines, so your guy doesn't confess about having an air friend with something like "you can't scratch us".

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 12 Jun 16:39]

3768th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Tekken Revolution thoughts" , posted Wed 12 Jun 17:14post reply

Tried a few mins of Tekken Revolution, its character renderings are quite improved over TTT2 I think. I'm not too keen on Tekken's gameplay but the overall consensus from Japanese players are that they seem to like it compared to the juggling hell that was TTT2.

Right now there's no training mode and it's pretty much catered towards experienced players. To be honest, I don't think this business model really fits too well for the console market considering its main consumers are casual players unlike the arcades. DOA5U's model seems way more reasonable in comparison. Hopefully things will look better with future updates.

5789th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tekken Revolution thoughts" , posted Wed 12 Jun 17:38:post reply

Right now there's no training mode and it's pretty much catered towards experienced players. To be honest, I don't think this business model really fits too well for the console market considering its main consumers are casual players unlike the arcades. DOA5U's model seems way more reasonable in comparison. Hopefully things will look better with future updates.

With the reduced damage and shortened juggles the experience does feel different; furthermore trying to search for the actual changes that your character got without practice mode and with another guy trying to kill you, that totally has all of the charm of an arcade version.

Currently the weirdest thing is that the "game rewards you" for waiting but there is no actual way to wait; I guess they didn't added practice mode as a single practice session can be good to farm coins for a good few hours.

Fortunately I know pretty well 2 of the default characters, & I just leveled one of them to disciple (which I think is just as high or even higher than my highest rank in TTT2 ), winning all of your matches but still get kicked out of the session reminds me of my high school days where you couldn't enter the arcade (in uniform) outside certain times, and when a certain bell rung, the guy that cleans unceremoniously kicked you out of there.

edit : I wonder how many characters are in there? I doubt that the actual 59 guys are hidden there as prizes to get.

Having invincible attacks to spam feels really odd with the series.

Also Jack's cartridges are larger, which looks funky as hell.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 12 Jun 21:26]

3489th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tekken Revolution thoughts" , posted Wed 12 Jun 17:42post reply

Visually there are some modeling updates, most noticably on Asuka and Lili. But I think the character modelling might actually be a lower quality, possibly to keep the game's overall download size low. Or maybe it's the new persistent outline effect on the characters giving me that impression (I hate outlines in 3D games). All the TTT2 stages have changed the time of day or other small details to look different.

The characters looked...different, but the backgrounds looked like they took a hit. It seemed like a number of them were missing details and the new ones were less "busy" than the TTT2 ones. Maybe it's just me.

I think that this game is trying pretty heavily to tone done the difference that years of experience can bring between players, it's almost like if this game was made so that beginners would have somewhere to run away in when they can't touch seasoned players in ranking matches in TTT2.

I wondered about that. Naturally, I found very quickly that my old combos didn't work, but the ones that I replaced them with were extremely easy, even without training mode to practice with. Cutting down the cast and gradually re-introducing them also limits the huge amount of matchups you have to learn.

The problem is that it came at the wrong time. If this was designed to get players into Tekken so that they're ready for TTT2, that would be fine...but it's backwards. Well, whatever...there's obviously a billion things wrong with this and I don't need to talk in circles about it, since I'm preaching to the choir anyway.

I actually like some of the simplified ideas as a tool to get more people interested and let them absorb the game at a slower, consistent pace (by rewarding logging in every day). However, the "play when your stamina recharges" plan doesn't work very nicely on a system you can't put on "hold" like a PS3. It's not the same as an ios device.

It seems a lot of people are saying that this is "getting ready for Tekken X SF," but I don't know if it's that thoughtful. The only thought that went into it might've been "let's try to monetize Tekken in a new way and see if it works," which would explain why no one can figure out their plan...there wasn't one.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

22th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Tekken Revolution thoughts" , posted Wed 12 Jun 21:37post reply


Currently the weirdest thing is that the "game rewards you" for waiting but there is no actual way to wait;

The coin countdown is server related, you can shut down your PS3 and they'll refill no problem.

I know this coin system can be pretty jarring for most games but somehow I find it even charming here, but I haven't played Tekken seriously in quite some years. It's just, being unable to binge in a game, yeah I appreciate.

Just a Person
1543th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):KILLER INSTINCT" , posted Wed 12 Jun 23:45post reply

Tsk tsk, it would appear that your computer is incapable of handling the splendor (or Japanese text URL's) of our dark lord and savior, MOK-KOS, but no matter: I've relinked it through our board.

Continuing on with KI, I am baffled by the idea of a by now relatively unknown series being presented with a single character free to play. Do they honestly think that they have an intersting enough character design or system to actually draw in the uninitiated?

According to an article at EventHubs, Killer Instinct will actually be sold as a full game. Players have the options to download the F2P version and later purchase packages with the other characters, but only if they don't feel like buying the complete game when it's released.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1023th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Tekken Revolution thoughts" , posted Thu 13 Jun 00:58:post reply



I know, they probably meant September 6 and got the date format mixed up but imagining hijinks gets me through the day.

It's a PEGI rating at the beginning, which means it is a European trailer, which means the format is correctly dd/mm/yy.

I wonder how it works for Sega characters in the F2P version. Does Sega get a cut on the VF characters exclusively ?
At this stage, they should just add Chinese Generals in the mix.


reminds me of my high school days where you couldn't enter the arcade (in uniform) outside certain times, and when a certain bell rung, the guy that cleans unceremoniously kicked you out of there.

He probably did that to save you from those crazy-ass military police raids you had in South America in the Eighties.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 13 Jun 01:00]

2936th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Zod in Injustice" , posted Thu 13 Jun 09:15post reply

Zod will fly you to the moon and let you swing among the stars

5793th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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"Re(4):Tekken Revolution" , posted Tue 2 Jul 17:41:post reply

To commemorate 1M downloads, Namco is going to add 2 regular characters to the cast (Jin & Xiaoyu), plus there are going to be more modes added such as practice & premium shop.


Personally, I would like an off-line vs mode without boosted stats (the only instance where the game is remotely interesting). BTW, I still haven't unlocked everyone

Now, on actual interesting notes :

A-cho Dark Angels tournament

A-cho Cyberbots tournament

A-cho PuyoPuyo tournament

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 2 Jul 17:52]

3502th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Tekken Revolution" , posted Tue 2 Jul 21:18post reply

To commemorate 1M downloads, Namco is going to add 2 regular characters to the cast (Jin & Xiaoyu), plus there are going to be more modes added such as practice & premium shop.


Personally, I would like an off-line vs mode without boosted stats (the only instance where the game is remotely interesting). BTW, I still haven't unlocked everyone

The unlock system is straight up stupid. What if Xiaoyu is your main? You might have to play hundreds and hundreds of matches with characters you don't even like before you can unlock her. Just take my money! This is an easy way to monetize the game!

I think the required number of gift points to unlock characters would be reasonable if you could choose which character you wanted, but it being random is just...augh...playing for days only to get someone you'll never even touch?

I do play the game a lot, though, because it's a good game for people who like Tekken, but who don't have the million hours a week to live the Tekken lifestyle. I think I need help. I keep saying that there's no point in bitching about this game, and yet I keep coming back for more.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

4640th Post

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"Re(6):Tekken Revolution" , posted Wed 3 Jul 01:45post reply

I wonder if Tekken Revolution is considered successful or not. Pulling in Zynga level downloads is nice but does that translate into profits for Namco, Sony or anyone else? Have people been buying credits or have most players been sticking to the free aspect of FTP? Why can't they simply sell me a nice Tekken game instead of breaking it up into jagged, alienating little pieces? Can I have some cheese with my whine?

Speaking of cheese, Ono is tweeting again. SF4: Championship Edition? Let the baseless speculation commence!

1073th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):Tekken Revolution" , posted Wed 3 Jul 03:32post reply

I wonder if Tekken Revolution is considered successful or not. Pulling in Zynga level downloads is nice but does that translate into profits for Namco, Sony or anyone else? Have people been buying credits or have most players been sticking to the free aspect of FTP? Why can't they simply sell me a nice Tekken game instead of breaking it up into jagged, alienating little pieces? Can I have some cheese with my whine?

Speaking of cheese, Ono is tweeting again. SF4: Championship Edition? Let the baseless speculation commence!

Championship'94. For some random reason it remind me of KOF'94 hence hint of the CVS3?

1032th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"champion ship '94" , posted Wed 3 Jul 08:09post reply

It's a hint that this year's Evo tournament will be released on VHS.

Note the cool attention to detail regarding the color of the paper protector.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

3505th Post

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"Re(1):champion ship '94" , posted Wed 3 Jul 21:45:post reply

I had the tremendous fortune of getting Xiaoyu for my 60 thousand gift, but now I need to remember how to use her! Any ideas for a decent BnB launch combo? I'm stumped. I can do launch, f31 (or 1, d2) 2,2...uh...4? 2,1,4? That's all too lame! Surely there's something better that ends with X Marks the Spot or ff21 or something.

I'm not a skilled player, so I like to keep my combos simple. I'll sacrifice damage to ensure that I can pull it off in lag conditions and if I have one BnB that works off of several situations, I'll use it in lieu of something stronger.

So, just so I contribute something to this other than bitching, here are my incredibly hard to screw up combos that are good for beginners or idiots, like myself:

Asuka: Launch (f2 or df2 or db 4,3 or ws3) uf3, 21, 21 1+2

Also 1+2, 1+4, 21 1+2

Lars: launch (uf4 or ws1, *Silent Entry*f3 or f1+2) db 21, f21*Silent Entry* f1

Alisa: df 2, b1, ws 12, 1, b43)

or ff1+2 d1, ws 12, 1, b43

My coveted Xiao combo seems to be (launch) f3,1 (back) 2,1, ff1+2, 1+2. That seems kind of simple, but I can't finagle much else out of the game.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Thu 4 Jul 22:02]

706th Post

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"Re(7):Tekken Revolution" , posted Wed 3 Jul 23:23post reply

Speaking of cheese, Ono is tweeting again. SF4: Championship Edition? Let the baseless speculation commence!

The way things are going, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it were a SSF2T remake using the SF4 engine, maybe F2P...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

1885th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):Tekken Revolution" , posted Thu 4 Jul 04:47post reply

Speaking of cheese, Ono is tweeting again. SF4: Championship Edition? Let the baseless speculation commence!

The way things are going, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it were a SSF2T remake using the SF4 engine, maybe F2P...

I don't like your prediction because it sounds entirely too plausible.

/ / /

4642th Post

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"Re(9):Tekken Revolution" , posted Sat 6 Jul 22:10post reply

The adorable beta of Squigly is floating around out there. It looks like all of her combos are going to be a corner combos.

4645th Post

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"Re(10):Tekken Revolution" , posted Fri 12 Jul 04:27post reply

Double posting for the fun of it!

Big Band makes his debut. The guy has pretty good balance considering those tiny feet and that giant saxaphone neck on his back.

566th Post

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"Re(9):Tekken Revolution" , posted Fri 12 Jul 13:03post reply

I don't like your prediction because it sounds entirely too plausible.
And I don't like it because I'm tired of SF2

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3514th Post

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"Re(10):Tekken Revolution" , posted Fri 12 Jul 16:49post reply

Big Tekken Revolution update on the 16th.

Costumes, accessories, training mode, different arcade difficulties, optional stat resets, new characters, higher ranks and higher levels.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

711th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Tekken Revolution" , posted Fri 12 Jul 20:17post reply

Big Tekken Revolution update on the 16th.

Costumes, accessories, training mode, different arcade difficulties, optional stat resets, new characters, higher ranks and higher levels.

Now Harada's putting together a poll for new characters

Not ancying those options much: dead people, weirdos or token sexy archtypes - might go for the first option, since that might be more recyclable for future games.
I'm kinda surprised that Tekken-chan from that Neptunia game didn't make it, I wonder if Namco Bandai didn't retain full rights or something...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

24th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Tekken Revolution" , posted Fri 12 Jul 20:37post reply

Big Tekken Revolution update on the 16th.

Costumes, accessories, training mode, different arcade difficulties, optional stat resets, new characters, higher ranks and higher levels.

Now Harada's putting together a poll for new characters

Not ancying those options much: dead people, weirdos or token sexy archtypes - might go for the first option, since that might be more recyclable for future games.
I'm kinda surprised that Tekken-chan from that Neptunia game didn't make it, I wonder if Namco Bandai didn't retain full rights or something...

Wow, all these ideas are so terrible that I can't help loving this. I'm uncertain between Zombie Bride, Mantis and Sayke.

4648th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Tekken Revolution" , posted Sat 13 Jul 00:05post reply

Not ancying those options much: dead people, weirdos or token sexy archtypes - might go for the first option, since that might be more recyclable for future games.

I'm holding out until these ideas start folding in on themselves and we get a sexy salmon. But all these character suggestions make me wonder when Alex is coming back. Did he go extinct or evolve into a bird and fly out of the series?

9581th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Tekken Revolution" , posted Sat 13 Jul 01:46post reply

But all these character suggestions make me wonder when Alex is coming back. Did he go extinct or evolve into a bird and fly out of the series?

Isn't he in TTT2?
I like the idea of a Hinako-like clone for Ganryû (the same kind as Bob-Slim Bob, or Lily-Sebastien).

2948th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Tekken Revolution" , posted Sat 13 Jul 03:42post reply

I like how these characters are mostly just terrible rejected ideas and probably retained their original pitch. It adds a bit of authenticity.

The zombie bride idea is funny to me. Miguel's sister coming back from the dead makes it seem even more like Miguel's life is just some spastic mashup of Robert Rodriguez movies. That's a character theme I can get behind. And I also like the idea of GANMI-CHAN, not just because Hinako but also because it's adorable to think that someone actually likes Ganryu. I don't count Lili, since I think she only likes his eyebrows.

Unfortunately I think characters like Tougou and Shin Kamiya will get an unfair advantage because they're normal, people know what they look like, and they're dead. Which in Tekken fan terms makes them top priority.

4649th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Tekken Revolution" , posted Sat 13 Jul 08:56post reply

Isn't he in TTT2?

You're right, I totally forgot that he was in there. Why did I not remember that? Why am I not playing Alex in TTT2? Since the fans had to move heaven, earth and Nintendo to get Melee into Evo why am I not the stream? So many unanswered questions.

1162th Post

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"Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 05:38post reply

I don't want to say I called it, but... well, I pretty much called a while back. SSFIV gets Rolento, Elena, Hugo, and Poison, plus some other unannounced new person. I guess I was technically wrong since I didn't call the unknown fifth person, har!

354th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 06:14post reply

I don't want to say I called it, but... well, I pretty much called a while back. SSFIV gets Rolento, Elena, Hugo, and Poison, plus some other unannounced new person. I guess I was technically wrong since I didn't call the unknown fifth person, har!

I wonder how annoyed Capcom was when the Rolento (with his moves) mod/hack showed up months ago.

4651th Post

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"Re(1):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 06:27post reply

I don't want to say I called it, but... well, I pretty much called a while back. SSFIV gets Rolento, Elena, Hugo, and Poison, plus some other unannounced new person. I guess I was technically wrong since I didn't call the unknown fifth person, har!

I'm certain Hugo is going to be terrible but I will play him and love him as if he were my own son. But who will the fifth character be? Smart money is on another Final Fight character which means that Zombie Belger is a shoo-in.

The rebalancing of the characters and the six new stages are also a nice touch. I wonder if all the stages will be brand new or if some will be recolored stages? For example, the Kilauea stage could be brightened up so that it's more than just red and black. Whatever happens, it should provide plenty of grist for the rumor mill. So far I do like the news about Makoto: "One simple note, she'll be buffed and not nerfed." I already like this update.

In other news Glacius has been turned into an Eddie/Testament sort of character. I've never been a big KI fan but I'm still enjoy hearing about how this new game is coming along.

9583th Post

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"Re(2):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 06:47post reply

Smart money is on another Final Fight character which means that Zombie Belger is a shoo-in.

Akira from Justice Gakuen is the best case scenario... which mean it will probably be Evil El Fuerte.

I'd like to imagine Poison will not be boring to play as this time, but let's be realistic.

1163th Post

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"Re(3):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 08:33post reply

Smart money is on another Final Fight character which means that Zombie Belger is a shoo-in.
Akira from Justice Gakuen is the best case scenario... which mean it will probably be Evil El Fuerte.

I'd like to imagine Poison will not be boring to play as this time, but let's be realistic.

In all seriousness, since nothing in this update otherwise is new, I'm guessing we'll get Haggar. Somebody already paid to get his character model made, so like the other 4 he'll just be slotted in. It's funny, since a decade and a half ago when Cody was being added to Zero 3, I was overjoyed by the idea that someday Haggar might also make the cut. Now the thought of his inclusion just makes me shrug a bit.

3516th Post

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"Re(3):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 10:08post reply


I'd like to imagine Poison will not be boring to play as this time, but let's be realistic.

Ugh. I know. She's the most boring character I can think of. And let's see if "third time's the charm" for making Elena actually useful.Good for Hugo and Rolento players at least. I wonder if some of the stages will be taken from SFxT too.

Naturally, I would've wanted Alex/Q/Mike/Karin, but I don't know if the effort would justify the payoff for Capcom. Maybe they're just lame and suck, but I feel like maybe the recycled characters are a result of "we can't guarantee sales, so we can't spend much either."

(Also, I've said this before, but of course I'd like to see Necro again sometime too, I just know better than to ask for him.)

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

2505th Post

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"Re(2):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 12:18post reply

"Ready?" "Eat fire!" I am pretty excited about this, even if I freely admit that Q and his weird lumbering attacks would spice things up a bit more. People may be feeling ho-hum about Haggar, but it's important to get in the party spirit by returning to his stirring ballad from earlier.
I'm certain Hugo is going to be terrible but I will play him and love him as if he were my own son.


1888th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 12:59post reply


Street Fighter stuff

Everybody loves Q, but what about Necro? Don't try to pull the "too close to Dhalsim" argument while cheering for Hugo, either....

But speaking of Hugo, I never messed around with him in 3rd Strike but I'm interested in another grappler . Other than having a sexy manager, what are his virtues?

/ / /

1194th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 13:35:post reply


Ah man, those brushy portraits are terrible!
Why not just get Ikeno to do the art? Do people actually prefer those weird photoshop filtered 3Dcg paintovers to a beautiful painting?

Sorry for the negativity :(

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Sun 14 Jul 13:37]

3791th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 14:35post reply


If they add in something like an Alternate version pre-surgery Poison as the 5th char, I wonder what the general reaction will be. I'll be looking forward to the patch since I'm a Rolento user since SFA2!

Unfortunately my SSF4 disc is chipped so I'll have to buy it anew. Sounds odd, but it's actually chipped. No idea how it's happened.

2506th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 14:41post reply

pre-surgery Poison
I can't remember if she/he was a boy or girl then, but anything that keeps the boys club internet confused and dealing with more complex sexuality is always welcome!
I'm a Rolento user since SFA2!
It's true, Prof's Rolento relentlessly pounded my poor Sakura in the face with that staff last time we fought!


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"Re(7):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 15:32post reply

I think everyone in the Cafe knew that Capcom would port these characters from SFxT to the SSFIVAEmoneymoneymoney game.

Even though, it has been reported that it will not be anyone seen in a SF game for the fifth character, I still want Alex to be the fifth addition. Hugo needs a rival, does he not?

My guess for the fifth character that has never been in a SF game: Evil Ken from SVC: Chaos.

Since Capcom disappointed me with the addition of more Shoryuken/Hadouken characters in the AE update, I expect another X-mas of disappointments.

pre-surgery Poison I can't remember if she/he was a boy or girl then, but anything that keeps the boys club internet confused and dealing with more complex sexuality is always welcome!
I'm a Rolento user since SFA2! It's true, Prof's Rolento relentlessly pounded my poor Sakura in the face with that staff last time we fought!

I don't know how to live
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1833th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 18:07post reply


I wonder if some of the stages will be taken from SFxT too.

It looks like that is the case. I can't say I am not too excited for that. I always thought that the SFxT stages were too busy with too much stuff not centered around the fighters.

I am hoping that the new character is Haggar, I can see them just modifying a few of Zangief's assets. Hell they have a good foundation for the character model with Zangief's first alternate costume.

Speaking of alternate costumes, UDON has finally made its way officially into the SF4 game with alternate costumes designed by them.

Someone on another board brought up the awful thought that it could be fat Mega Man as well since he fits the MO of copy/paste from SFxT and is also a character not in a previous Street Fighter title.

But I can't imagine Capcom really putting him in after the horrible reaction he originally got combined with the fact that old-school Mega Man was so well received in Smash Bros.

Looking back, its hard to believe that it approaching 6 years since we first got the SF4 teaser trailer. It has also almost been almost 5 years to the DAY since the Japanese arcade release of SF4 (July 18th, 2008).

I imagine this HAS to be the last release of SF4. Hopefully it lasts at EVO for a couple of more years and Hugo and Rolento bring the hype.

558th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Sun 14 Jul 18:13post reply

I think everyone in the Cafe knew that Capcom would port these characters from SFxT to the SSFIVAEmoneymoneymoney game.

Yup, lazy effort, MUGEN worthy. At least, add some more characters (Alex, Karin, etc.).
Side note about Necro: I like him but players don't. He reached near the bottom of the characters poll published by Capcom, so he may be lost forever as an active part in the franchise.


Even though, it has been reported that it will not be anyone seen in a SF game for the fifth character

It could be anyone from Capcom universe, but I bet on Haggar (replacing Alex as Hugo rival). The fact they point it as "first debut in a SF game" hints at the character not being new/original.

4652th Post

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"Re(9):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Mon 15 Jul 04:47post reply

I'm enjoying the KoF finals and I'm not even a big fan of KoF13.

I am hoping that the new character is Haggar, I can see them just modifying a few of Zangief's assets. Hell they have a good foundation for the character model with Zangief's first alternate costume.

Since this update has all the budget of a KoF game it's safe to assume that they are going to have to reuse assets to make a new character. That's why I'm assuming the new character is going to be a head swap of Sakura and her buddy Kei is finally going to be playable. That, or the new character is Scorpion. Nobody would see that one coming.

But speaking of Hugo, I never messed around with him in 3rd Strike but I'm interested in another grappler . Other than having a sexy manager, what are his virtues?

He's large? Honestly, I like Hugo but everything he does is awkward. It's as if he's really large and really powerful but it's to such a degree that it's a disadvantage. Hugo is sort of like Hakan in that he has a lot of neat attacks but the challenge from playing him comes from trying to overcome all his problems.

red falcon
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"Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Mon 15 Jul 08:02post reply

The "new character" will be Dark Sakura. She'll be "New to Street Fighter", like they said, since she's only ever been in Marvel vs. SF. Mark my words!

1121th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Mon 15 Jul 08:03post reply

I'm enjoying the KoF finals and I'm not even a big fan of KoF13.

I am hoping that the new character is Haggar, I can see them just modifying a few of Zangief's assets. Hell they have a good foundation for the character model with Zangief's first alternate costume.
Since this update has all the budget of a KoF game it's safe to assume that they are going to have to reuse assets to make a new character. That's why I'm assuming the new character is going to be a head swap of Sakura and her buddy Kei is finally going to be playable. That, or the new character is Scorpion. Nobody would see that one coming.

Knowing Capcom's rehashing habits, it'd be safer to bet on something like THIS

4598th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update crazy" , posted Mon 15 Jul 09:01post reply

I'm enjoying the KoF finals and I'm not even a big fan of KoF13.

Reynald pulled off quite the amazing comeback. Had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

Evo crowd should throw money at Atlus to get KOF XIV funded.

771th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Mon 15 Jul 09:19post reply

What does fire do?


I don't know how to live
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62th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Mon 15 Jul 09:43:post reply

My bets are on Asura from Asura's Wrath because that would be easy and lazy, or a Darkstalkers character being used to hype/test Ono's hypothetical Darkstalkers game.

[this message was edited by GPA on Mon 15 Jul 09:45]

2950th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Mon 15 Jul 12:19:post reply


Well, that was certainly a trailer. I like how the video editor was like "ZOOM! ZOOM HERE! ZOOM THERE! ZOOM EVERYTHING!"

At least it has an official name now, I guess.

Edit: forgot link :P

[this message was edited by Gojira on Mon 15 Jul 13:44]

1835th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Mon 15 Jul 17:28post reply


Well, that was certainly a trailer. I like how the video editor was like "ZOOM! ZOOM HERE! ZOOM THERE! ZOOM EVERYTHING!"

At least it has an official name now, I guess.

Edit: forgot link :P

UDON DLC costume drawings

Apparently Fat Mega Man and Asura were ruled out by Ono-san.

2465th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update" , posted Mon 15 Jul 18:22post reply

I didn't get to see the Evo 2013 results until now, but I was blown away to see a team with Shuma on it make top 8 in UMvC3.

713th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Mon 15 Jul 22:45post reply

UDON DLC costume drawings

Apparently Fat Mega Man and Asura were ruled out by Ono-san.

Haggar seems even more likely, although there's a far-fetched chance of someone else from Slammasters or Rival Schools (I'd like to think the US release of CvS2 on PSN next week could be meaningful - I wonder when it'll reach Europe...).
I wonder if they'd count Ingrid as "not in SF before", despite that SFA3 update role... I'm not too fond of her, but Ono seems fond of Capcom's girls...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

4653th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Mon 15 Jul 23:55post reply

The way things are shaping up it seems that the smart money is on Haggar. That, or Rufus will be used as a base to bring Wong Who in from Final Fight.

Reynald pulled off quite the amazing comeback. Had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

Evo crowd should throw money at Atlus to get KOF XIV funded.

It was good to see that our very own Professor got a shout out on stream.

Too bad at this point SNKP might be in better shape than Atlus...

Well, that was certainly a trailer. I like how the video editor was like "ZOOM! ZOOM HERE! ZOOM THERE! ZOOM EVERYTHING!"

I haven't seen camera zooms like that since SFxT but it must be hard to make an exciting trailer for a game where one of the selling points is that Ken has a slightly faster walk speed. That's good but it's not much of a visual.

32th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Tue 16 Jul 03:17post reply

I'm gonna go with Poison Kiss as the 5th character, only because Ono wants to see fandom burn.

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Wed 17 Jul 18:01post reply

I'm a bit surprised Capcom didn't use this opportunity to port the retail version of USF4 onto PS4 and XB1. It seems like an easy way to entice players to get the $40 version on a brand new hardware instead of the $15 dollar dlc one. But it seems that neither Capcom nor the Fighting Game Community are in any hurry to go next-gen (I mean, one of the main EVO games was Smash Melee). And I guess segmenting the online player base from 3 main systems (PS3, 360, PC) to 5 (+ PS4 and XB1) could be detrimental in a way.

Anyway, I'm glad I can now play with Poison, Hugo, and Elena. Though I wonder if introducing a brand new 5th character (from what Capcom is saying, seemingly) so late to SF4 is a good idea or not. And I suppose this is a definite concede by Capcom that SFxT was quite the failure. Here's hoping Tekken x Street Fighter fares better, whenever that's coming.

1165th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Thu 18 Jul 09:42post reply

Well, it seems the fifth one won't be Haggar, so my guess is that since laziness is paramount, we're getting Asura, who's never been in a fighting game before (despite the bonus stages starring Ryu etc.), but who has been shoehorned into the aforementioned bonus stages.

Yeah, overall I guess I'm a little happy to have Rolento back in, and Poison may be fun to play as, but... that's a little like commenting about food that I don't mind the taste.

3520th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Thu 18 Jul 10:27post reply

Ah man, those brushy portraits are terrible!
Why not just get Ikeno to do the art? Do people actually prefer those weird photoshop filtered 3Dcg paintovers to a beautiful painting?

IknowIknowIknowIknow! I was shocked to see what beautiful art SF4 had when the game itself comparatively ugly. I understand that they use renders instead of artwork on American covers to meet the extremely narrow graphic design guidelines that everything seems to follow, but I'm continually surprised to see the same thing in Japan and the use of these render...things everywhere.

Well, that was certainly a trailer. I like how the video editor was like "ZOOM! ZOOM HERE! ZOOM THERE! ZOOM EVERYTHING!"

I get the impression that this is still early in development and that if they showed it raw, it wouldn't quite look right. That's the only explanation that makes sense to me.

Well, it seems the fifth one won't be Haggar, so my guess is that since laziness is paramount, we're getting Asura, who's never been in a fighting game before (despite the bonus stages starring Ryu etc.), but who has been shoehorned into the aforementioned bonus stages.

Yeah, overall I guess I'm a little happy to have Rolento back in, and Poison may be fun to play as, but... that's a little like commenting about food that I don't mind the taste.

They already de-confirmed Asura as well. (as Gekiganger said)

My fondness for SF4 is soaring after EVO, but it only makes this addition sting more.How excited are people for recycled materials from an unpopular game and more hideous Halloween costumes? Who will care about this other than the smallest percentage of players? The one's who will stick with the game anyway? Why not jump on the free-to-play bandwagon now? This is Capcom at its typical worst...thinking small and penny-pinching. On the bright side, one could say we could've just gotten a balance update and this is a bonus, but I can't help but feel "if you weren't given any budget or any time, why should I give a damn?"

Of course, I'll buy it and enjoy the game again, but I'm more concerned about its popularity and longevity outside of the tiny frame of tournaments.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

5801th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Thu 18 Jul 10:49post reply

This is Capcom at its typical worst...thinking small and penny-pinching. On the bright side, one could say we could've just gotten a balance update and this is a bonus, but I can't help but feel "if you weren't given any budget or any time, why should I give a damn?"

With this train of thought, aren't we likely to get Roxy or Abigail as that extra character? That's a scary thought.

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2510th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Thu 18 Jul 14:08post reply

With this train of thought, aren't we likely to get Roxy or Abigail as that extra character? That's a scary thought.

Please look forward to the fifth character, And(o)re, who will be a palette swap of fourth new character Hugo!


1035th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Thu 18 Jul 17:54post reply

Please look forward to the fifth character, And(o)re, who will be a palette swap of fourth new character Hugo!

I laughed way too hard at this.

Lots of new info recently about Yatagarasu on the GAF topic.

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33th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Thu 18 Jul 22:50post reply

Well, it seems the fifth one won't be Haggar

Interesting bit of information. I'm going to go with Goutetsu. From a marketing standpoint, it'd make headlines and SF fanboys won't be able to say no to such a legendary shoto. If Ono had no problem bringing back Gouken, why not Goutetsu?

I don't think the 5th character will be another Final Fight character because this DLC has enough FF characters as is, they might as well rename it "Final Fight DLC Pack..and Elena."

1166th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Thu 18 Jul 23:32post reply

They already de-confirmed Asura as well. (as Gekiganger said)

Ah, that's right! My eyes for some reason only tracked on 'fat Megaman'.

I think it's my duty to hope for the weirdest of Final Fight characters then, like Damnd, Two P, and Jessica! Or better yet, Holly Wood or Eddi E!

Or 'Player 2' from Forgotten Worlds!

I figure I had better be excited about the new character now while we don't know who it is. Once they're announced I'm sure there will be plenty of 'oh... it's only that guy'.

62th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(8):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Fri 19 Jul 02:04post reply

They already de-confirmed Asura as well. (as Gekiganger said)
Ah, that's right! My eyes for some reason only tracked on 'fat Megaman'.

My vote's on Dr. Wily then. He's the clear choice.

Actually, I wonder if Leon Kennedy has a chance?

567th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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"Re(8):Re(10):Super Street Fighter IV update c" , posted Fri 19 Jul 04:17post reply

Or 'Player 2' from Forgotten Worlds
AKA Two P from Final Fight?! DAY ONE BUY.*

*also applied to Karin Kanzuki when she wasn't already denied

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1167th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 05:04post reply

Please look forward to the fifth character, And(o)re, who will be a palette swap of fourth new character Hugo!

I laughed way too hard at this.

Har, it would be very much in keeping with Final Fight, naturally!

Lots of new info recently about Yatagarasu on the GAF topic.

I keep meaning to talk about this game too! There's a lot of crap out there on crowd sourcing, but this looks like a really fantastic game, with a lot of inspiration looking like it comes from not just Capcom/SNK but also the Rumble Fish and Daraku Tenshi. Hopefully it's as fun to play as it looks. I don't back a whole lot these days, but I threw a few dollars their way.

3521th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 05:25post reply

I'm going to go with Goutetsu. From a marketing standpoint, it'd make headlines and SF fanboys won't be able to say no to such a legendary shoto. If Ono had no problem bringing back Gouken, why not Goutetsu?

When they said the character is "very much related to Street Fighter," I thought the same thing. Goutetsu is the final frontier on that and plays into the usual "Not MORE shotos!" approach. It could also spare Capcom some effort, which is obviously something they're always looking to do.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

355th Post

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Silver Customer

"Yatagarasu" , posted Fri 19 Jul 05:37post reply

I keep meaning to talk about this game too! There's a lot of crap out there on crowd sourcing, but this looks like a really fantastic game, with a lot of inspiration looking like it comes from not just Capcom/SNK but also the Rumble Fish and Daraku Tenshi. Hopefully it's as fun to play as it looks. I don't back a whole lot these days, but I threw a few dollars their way.

I want to fund it, but I don't like it when Kickstarters make exclusive game content for the funding campaign, and hate it when they put that content in a higher tier donation.

I don't mind items like soundtracks and art books. Nor do I really mind beta access.

But Yatagarasu, a $15 game, has "Unlock keys" as a $40 tier reward. Those keys unlock hidden bonuses in the game itself, including "Hidden characters with different move sets". They allow that hidden characters may become available to all players in the future, but that is "may", not "will".

1889th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 07:24post reply

I'm going to go with Goutetsu. From a marketing standpoint, it'd make headlines and SF fanboys won't be able to say no to such a legendary shoto. If Ono had no problem bringing back Gouken, why not Goutetsu?

When they said the character is "very much related to Street Fighter," I thought the same thing. Goutetsu is the final frontier on that and plays into the usual "Not MORE shotos!" approach. It could also spare Capcom some effort, which is obviously something they're always looking to do.

BARF. Don't break my goddamn heart Capcom, for fuck's sake.

I like how all our guesses are the laziest and stupidest things we can possibly think of.

How about Charlie from Street Fighter Alpha? I would actually play Charlie... YES. Okay, that's my personal low bar.

Some fucking SOMERSAULT JUSTICE. But then I'll need to learn how to do the goddamn motion again. Did they make it more lenient in SF4? For whatever reason I only played Adon, T. Hawk, and Sakura (barely).

/ / /

9586th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 07:27post reply

When they said the character is "very much related to Street Fighter," I thought the same thing. Goutetsu is the final frontier on that and plays into the usual "Not MORE shotos!" approach. It could also spare Capcom some effort, which is obviously something they're always looking to do.

My personal bet is on Enero (or Fevrier or any of the others). Her moveset would be a mix of July and Juni's. Now they only have to create her 3D model! Wait...

1168th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Ultra Cheap Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 07:37post reply

When they said the character is "very much related to Street Fighter," I thought the same thing. Goutetsu is the final frontier on that and plays into the usual "Not MORE shotos!" approach. It could also spare Capcom some effort, which is obviously something they're always looking to do.

My personal bet is on Enero (or Fevrier or any of the others). Her moveset would be a mix of July and Juni's. Now they only have to create her 3D model! Wait...

Guys. GUYS. Wait, I think I know who it is.

1891th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Ultra Cheap Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 07:42post reply


Guys. GUYS. Wait, I think I know who it is.

Ken Masters, Cyborg Cop! Rival to Mecha Zangief.

/ / /

9587th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"New Strider" , posted Fri 19 Jul 08:05post reply

Let me pretend this is a Capcom thread: there is indeed a new Strider game coming, but what the leak didn't say was that the 2.5D game would be more of a Metroidvania.

That's... strangely.... great?

1075th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 08:11post reply

I'm going to go with Goutetsu. From a marketing standpoint, it'd make headlines and SF fanboys won't be able to say no to such a legendary shoto. If Ono had no problem bringing back Gouken, why not Goutetsu?

When they said the character is "very much related to Street Fighter," I thought the same thing. Goutetsu is the final frontier on that and plays into the usual "Not MORE shotos!" approach. It could also spare Capcom some effort, which is obviously something they're always looking to do.

My money is on this guy.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -


End of Spoiler

3524th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 08:18:post reply


Some fucking SOMERSAULT JUSTICE. But then I'll need to learn how to do the goddamn motion again. Did they make it more lenient in SF4? For whatever reason I only played Adon, T. Hawk, and Sakura (barely).

No motions for anything are more lenient in SF4. Although I don't have a problem with that particular motion, don't get me started on SF4 execution barriers...
Guys. GUYS. Wait, I think I know who it is.

Man, Capcom called it. 2010 was JUST LIKE THAT.
Let me pretend this is a Capcom thread: there is indeed a new Strider game coming, but what the leak didn't say was that the 2.5D game would be more of a Metroidvania.

Not made by Capcom. Don't care. Well, not without some convincing at least.

EDIT: Less negativity

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Fri 19 Jul 08:19]

1036th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 08:30post reply

It's going to be Alex.

Yes, you know he was playable a few fighting games before, but can you be 100% certain Capcom does?

"We just saw that guy in some old Street Fighter illustrations and thought he should play a major role someday!"

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2952th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 09:29post reply

Ha ha, these are great.

What if they resurrected D. D. or Rook? One of them could be Viper's estranged brother or something.

4660th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Ultra Cheap Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 09:47post reply

My personal bet is on Enero (or Fevrier or any of the others). Her moveset would be a mix of July and Juni's. Now they only have to create her 3D model! Wait...

Guys. GUYS. Wait, I think I know who it is.

2010 Ken would be great. He could team up with Captain Commando and the two of them could run around being awesome in their power armor. That's how I would want to spend my days.

Since Iggy mentioned the Dolls I do wonder if it's going to be Decapre since all they would have to do is slap a mask on Cammy. That seems like a lazy Namco way of puffing up the cast but it would be an easy way to make a new character. That, or after years of being on the sidelines Gorbachev is finally going to be playable.

1893th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 10:34:post reply


No motions for anything are more lenient in SF4. Although I don't have a problem with that particular motion, don't get me started on SF4 execution barriers...

I had honestly thought 360 motions were easier in IV.

I'm not that worried about it... I can could consistently FADC into Ultra with Adon.

But I also feel like the weird motion for somersault justice is a bit of a relic. Maybe I'm just resentful for the times I had to do it with a d-pad.

1 frame links though, yeah.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Fri 19 Jul 10:34]

red falcon
6154th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 11:11post reply


No motions for anything are more lenient in SF4. Although I don't have a problem with that particular motion, don't get me started on SF4 execution barriers...

But execution is generally quite easy in SF 4... only tough things are links, and even then it's got nothing on ST or Zero 3, where, like EVERY LINK is tough.

569th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):Ultra Cheap Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 17:05post reply

Breaking news: 5th character will be guy that gets mad when you break the bells in M.Bison's SF2 stage

join the m.bison hat club today
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1836th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 17:37post reply

I'm going to go with Goutetsu. From a marketing standpoint, it'd make headlines and SF fanboys won't be able to say no to such a legendary shoto. If Ono had no problem bringing back Gouken, why not Goutetsu?

When they said the character is "very much related to Street Fighter," I thought the same thing. Goutetsu is the final frontier on that and plays into the usual "Not MORE shotos!" approach. It could also spare Capcom some effort, which is obviously something they're always looking to do.

It's hard to say who fits all the criterion set forth by Capcom about this mystery character, who was worth NOT revealing in the initial EVO trailer, who is related to Street Fighter who has not been in a game before and can be made for as cheap as possible.

Goutestsu and Go Hibiki both seem to fit all of the above (If you don't count the Go Hibiki cameo in Pocket Fighter). However, I am not sure why they wouldn't just show them right away. Neither character is known by the mainstream nor by much of the Street Fighter fanbase too I imagine.

So I guess we will be seeing a mix of Gouken/Akuma's moves for Goutetsu which may be interesting. Go Hibiki could be a Dan with better priority with his moves and the like I guess.

Abigail from Final Fight would actually be a fairly cool shoto clone thing they can do for Hugo and would have been a nice surprise. I am sure one of his ultras could be him turning red and powering up like the Fung Shuei engine Juri has.

So If any of y'all are interested Daigo has a new shirt out called "God's Right Hand"

Very Humble

3800th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 18:28post reply

It's hard to say who fits all the criterion set forth by Capcom about this mystery character, who was worth NOT revealing in the initial EVO trailer, who is related to Street Fighter who has not been in a game before and can be made for as cheap as possible.

This character on the right

1038th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 18:45post reply

I thought about Eliza as well but isn't she supposed to be pregnant with their kid during SF4?

I bet on this familiar appearance instead!

Who are we kidding it's just going to be "Mind-Controlled Ken" from the SF2 movie...

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715th Post

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"Re(7):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 22:46post reply

The bit about not being from a fghting game really throws me in for a loop... with fewer option remaining, I keep thinking of someone like Sylphy from Forgotten Worlds, who in Namco X Capcom used moves from several Capcom characters, including Makoto.

It may pay to look into older games with unarmed combat in them though - maybe something like Tiger Road?
Or the original character from Cannon Spike, since that game was filled without fighting game characters not actually acting as such, could be an interesting conversion...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2513th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Fri 19 Jul 23:40post reply

Dudes, dudes, while Ish is in fact entirely on the mark with Gorby and while I like Karasu's cyber style (speaking of which, how about Cyberbots Gouki?), we can't overlook the possibility that after the madness of fat American Rockman we could be blessed with Ryu from Street Fighter the Movie the Game! Dazzimaki Zem Bye Akooooooooooooo
Some fucking SOMERSAULT JUSTICE. But then I'll need to learn how to do the goddamn motion again.
Man, Mosquiton, I can't count the number of times friends and I tried to get that to work on the PS home versions of the Zero series before I bought some Saturn pads.


1169th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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"Re(6):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Sat 20 Jul 01:23post reply

Dazzimaki Zem Bye Akooooooooooooo

Hahaha, Maou, I know you have a soft spot for SFTMTG Ryu, and I'm really curious how they would manage to handle bringing him into USFIV!

One bonus of this thread is that I had never really noticed that Abigail is pretty much just a unique head on And(o)re.

It's been surprisingly fun going through the guessing game of who 'the 5th guy' will be, so thanks for that at least Capcom! It reminds me of the days leading up to the release of Zero 2 when there was a fair amount of speculation (at least among my friends and I) as to who would be added.

Wait, STRIDER THREAD CROSSOVER! Maybe it's Ton Pooh?

3527th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Sat 20 Jul 04:12post reply

I had honestly thought 360 motions were easier in IV.

I use f,b,d,u for 360 anyway (I imagine most people do?). Is there a shortcut for 720, though?

But execution is generally quite easy in SF 4... only tough things are links, and even then it's got nothing on ST or Zero 3, where, like EVERY LINK is tough.

Instead of arguing this point, I'm going to just assume that I either worded what I said poorly, or I have no idea what I'm talking about. Possibly both.

While I'm on the subject, though, do you have any advice on instant-airing Makoto's axe kick in SF4? I've asked this question before, but I don't think I got your advice in particular on it. This is the first time I've ever had a problem instant-airing anything, and I'm at about 0/100000 on attempts. You'd think I'd at least do it once by accident, but no...

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1485th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Hi again friends" , posted Sat 20 Jul 10:36post reply

Haven't played many games that aren't on 3DS or PC lately. PS3 barely works and I don't have a lot of good 360 games. Haven't really felt like posting either. But I've missed you all all the same!

My fondness for SF4 is soaring after EVO, but it only makes this addition sting more.How excited are people for recycled materials from an unpopular game and more hideous Halloween costumes? Who will care about this other than the smallest percentage of players? The one's who will stick with the game anyway? Why not jump on the free-to-play bandwagon now? This is Capcom at its typical worst...thinking small and penny-pinching. On the bright side, one could say we could've just gotten a balance update and this is a bonus, but I can't help but feel "if you weren't given any budget or any time, why should I give a damn?"

Ha! This is what I'm struggling with, exactly- it's "typical Capcom" behavior and yet I'm happy that it happened because SFxT never really clicked for me and that train has sailed. I would have been happy for a simple rebalance, hell, I already was, but giving these characters--

Sorry, I kind of lost my train of thought because my cat decided to piss in my bed while looking me in the eyes. She's nice to me like that. Picking up where I left off...

Another chance for these characters to get appreciated is OK by me! Especially Rolento! I'll buy it. It didn't take long for AE to get so cheap that I could justify owning both the DL upgrade and the disc (for visiting friends!), so I imagine I'll have both versions of this soon enough too?
It's going to be Alex.

Yes, you know he was playable a few fighting games before, but can you be 100% certain Capcom does?

"We just saw that guy in some old Street Fighter illustrations and thought he should play a major role someday!"


So, uh, since this is a Capcom thread now... how's that D&D collection?

2954th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"SC2HDO" , posted Sat 20 Jul 10:47:post reply


I guess Namco-Bandai realized that in order to match the success of a SC2, you have to first become a SC2. Or something. I don't know if this has anything to do with the reported "Lost Swords" trademark that was filed last week, but regardless, just take my goddamn money.

EDIT: Also, the vampire chick won the Tekken Revolution poll, proving that if you attach Lili to anything in Tekken it's guaranteed 100k votes. Even if nobody plays her, like, ever.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 20 Jul 11:02]

red falcon
6155th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Super Penny-Pinching Fighter IV update" , posted Sat 20 Jul 11:57post reply


While I'm on the subject, though, do you have any advice on instant-airing Makoto's axe kick in SF4? I've asked this question before, but I don't think I got your advice in particular on it. This is the first time I've ever had a problem instant-airing anything, and I'm at about 0/100000 on attempts. You'd think I'd at least do it once by accident, but no...

I'm not sure how else to explain it other than you do 214 9 K... buffer it. But honestly doing 9 214 K as fast as possible gets virtually the exact same results if you're quick, so it isn't something to sweat over. Considering there is some SSF4 discussion going on in this thread, any cafe-ers up for some games?

5805th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SC2HDO" , posted Sat 20 Jul 14:30post reply


EDIT: Also, the vampire chick won the Tekken Revolution poll, proving that if you attach Lili to anything in Tekken it's guaranteed 100k votes. Even if nobody plays her, like, ever.

Speaking of animu, Under Night In-birth new version location test upcoming this 26th, they have only confirmed one extra character outside the rebalancing, but people who follow the staff in tweeter or something theorize that we might have 3 from the previously sketched characters that the staff has been working on.

Yes, I know that nobody cares.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

1894th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):SC2HDO" , posted Sat 20 Jul 15:56:post reply

EDIT: Also, the vampire chick won the Tekken Revolution poll, proving that if you attach Lili to anything in Tekken it's guaranteed 100k votes. Even if nobody plays her, like, ever.

Say what? I don't always play Tekken, but when I do, I main Lili.

I was actually disappointed that Karin didn't team up with Lili in SFxT. Team spoiled rich white girl ftw. You can't handle this haughty laughter.

Seriously though I love bounding and launching fools with those fancy kicks.

Too bad there's (Street Fighter) Zero chance it would be Karin or any other of the neglected Alpha fighters in SF4. She would probably be the weirdest, least likely choice out of everyone that didn't make it. Well, excluding Birdie or Sodom. I was kind of surprised Mika didn't get Ono's blessing since she always struck me as a Blanka-caliber oddball.

How about someone from Delta Red? Is that too lame even for a joke suggestion?

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Sat 20 Jul 16:31]

2954th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SC2HDO" , posted Sat 20 Jul 17:13post reply


Say what? I don't always play Tekken, but when I do, I main Lili.

I mean I never see anyone playing Lili in Revolution, even with its limited roster. But to be fair that applies to a lot of characters not named Law or Kazuya.


I was actually disappointed that Karin didn't team up with Lili in SFxT. Team spoiled rich white girl ftw. You can't handle this haughty laughter.

Seriously though I love bounding and launching fools with those fancy kicks.

It occurred to me the other day that maybe because she was originally a manga character, Capcom didn't have the rights to use her anymore? Normally that would be ridiculous, but in a world where Ulala can't even have her own theme from Space Channel 5 in a crossover game, I don't know. What are these rules that make things dumb.

1196th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):SC2HDO" , posted Sat 20 Jul 17:38:post reply


Yes, I know that nobody cares.

I care :D

I've only played Under Night In-Birth once (against the Professor!) but I really loved what I saw. It's the most beautiful HD 2d Fighter I've seen (not counting KOF XII and XIII which have standard def sprites anyway) and I really like how the game feels. Every action has a super satisfying snap to it, like cracking a whip.

I really hope it comes out for PS3.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Sat 20 Jul 17:53]

325th Post

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XBL: BadoorSNK/WiiU:BadoorSNK
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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Hi again friends" , posted Sat 20 Jul 17:49post reply


So, uh, since this is a Capcom thread now... how's that D&D collection?
I got it on PS3 and it's lots of fun. I liked Tower of Doom but thought Shadow over Mystara's was better, not just because it had more content but I felt it controlled better and was more "stick friendly". I also enjoy the look of mid-90s 2D sprite arcade games, especially in non-fighters (like Osman, Metal Slug etc.). Wish I had played it before now.

2514th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SC2HDO" , posted Sat 20 Jul 23:32post reply


The series was seriously injured, BUT THE SOUL STILL BURNS! Finally, someone besides me will be playing the best-playing Soul Calubur again?! I might just have to get a PS3 after all, if I can just get confirmation that it's happening outside the US, which as the article noted was unclear.


3804th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):SC2HDO" , posted Sun 21 Jul 18:18post reply

The series was seriously injured, BUT THE SOUL STILL BURNS! Finally, someone besides me will be playing the best-playing Soul Calubur again?! I might just have to get a PS3 after all, if I can just get confirmation that it's happening outside the US, which as the article noted was unclear.

Keep in mind that with the PS3, games are region free and you can buy stuff from the US store as well! P4A has been the only exception up to now.

4664th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Hi again friends" , posted Mon 22 Jul 06:51post reply

While I like SC well enough I admit I haven't followed the series all that closely. Is SC2 considered the best of the lot?

So, uh, since this is a Capcom thread now... how's that D&D collection?

It's like the arcade games except you don't have to feed them money and it's like the Saturn version except without the laborious load times. Good stuff, in other words. Get some friends together, have a ball and watch as nobody plays the cleric.

Considering there is some SSF4 discussion going on in this thread, any cafe-ers up for some games?

Things have been going too well in my life recently so I'm up for losing match after match in a fighting game. If I catch you online we will have to go a few rounds.

3529th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Hi again friends" , posted Mon 22 Jul 07:51:post reply

While I like SC well enough I admit I haven't followed the series all that closely. Is SC2 considered the best of the lot?

I think it's more like, they did Soul Calibur 1 and now they're doing 2. I imagine that 2 is remembered fondly because it was a good game, but also because it proceeded 3 and 4, which were not so hot and gave the impression of "the series has lost direction."

I really can't see SC2 as better than SC5, though. 5 had its share of issues, but they were like...unfinished story mode/missing characters sort of things. The game itself seems like the obvious winner in the bunch.

EDIT: I don't know that a bunch of people will really be interested in playing SC2 online, but its announcement somehow makes me feel sad for SC5 again, which had everything going for it except its deadline and will likely be remembered as a failure as a result.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Mon 22 Jul 07:53]

2956th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Hi again friends" , posted Mon 22 Jul 09:17post reply

Yeah I don't think SC2 was so much the best SC as the least hated. Even then, near the end of its lifetime there were some hideous things discovered that practically ruined the game, so who knows what will happen now. All I know is I'm happy to have a reason to play SC2 Raphael again with all of his stances. Any Raph player will tell you that post-SC2 Raph has never been nearly as fun to play as the original.

3806th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"World Clock" , posted Wed 24 Jul 01:45post reply

As a first step towards making matchups easier between BBS users, I've placed a World clock, accessible from the top menu. If I missed anyone's country, give me a hollar on this thread!

2517th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Hi again Sophitia" , posted Wed 24 Jul 11:21:post reply

Yeah I don't think SC2 was so much the best SC as the least hated. Even then, near the end of its lifetime there were some hideous things discovered that practically ruined the game
Objectively speaking, SC 1 is probably the best in terms of perfect presentation, a maximum variety of fun single-player things to do, graphical consistency, and depth of play. Like Street Fighter II, it's an astounding achievement for fighting games.

However, SC2 is a bit prettier and more fluid, and it's even more fun to play as a result---enough that I can overlook the slowdown on the PS2 version of Talim's stage and the dumb McFarlane character you can ignore and the absence of certain characters. Stages...that reminds me, SC2 had such fun stage designs, with various sizes and layouts that actually felt like real-life locations as opposed to floating Tobal 2 (Tobal, you are always in my heart!) squares with different backgrounds.

Sometimes I wonder about those game-shattering discoveries that the truly dedicated supposedly discovered late in the game. I cannot overstate how much SC2 we used to play among friends, probably in the thousands of hours and frequently until dawn, and I never encountered such a downer. The only downers were how awful 3 and 4 are, tohohoho.

Meanwhile, thanks for the clock, Prof!


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 24 Jul 11:22]

4665th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Hi again Sophitia" , posted Wed 24 Jul 23:21post reply

The character section of USF4 has been updated. There's not much to see at the moment as far as the new characters go outside of weight and various measurements that, as usual, seem to have no basis in reality.

Objectively speaking, SC 1 is probably the best in terms of perfect presentation, a maximum variety of fun single-player things to do, graphical consistency, and depth of play. Like Street Fighter II, it's an astounding achievement for fighting games.

SC1 really was an impressive package. The combination of Soul Edge's variety with a much more interesting game engine made for a home release that was something special. That's why I've never been able to quite warm up to SC2. Not only were the extras not nearly as extensive but the main selling point of the game was the multiple guest character gimmick. For me, SC2 was the game that started all of SC's bad habits.

As a first step towards making matchups easier between BBS users, I've placed a World clock, accessible from the top menu. If I missed anyone's country, give me a hollar on this thread!

All those seconds ticking by in unison is hypnotic and slightly terrifying. Are you going to include the link on the main page or is only for the page?

2519th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Hi again Todd McFarlane" , posted Thu 25 Jul 00:39post reply

Not only were the extras not nearly as extensive but the main selling point of the game was the multiple guest character gimmick. For me, SC2 was the game that started all of SC's bad habits.

I think it's a fair point about the lousy guest characters, but unlike the parade of insane nonsense in 4's guests or 3's awful gaudiness, SC2's blemishes are just so clearly outweighed by how fluid and wonderful the actual fighting is. I can just choose to never play as Necrid or Heihachi, but in SC1 I can't suddenly make the game play quicker and more impressively, nor can I eliminate the break-away strength of Cervantes, either. SC1 is raw excitement and polish, but when SC2 is in the room I just can't see not playing it. To my pedestrian tastes, it's as easy as selecting SF Zero 3 over vanilla Street Fighter II, however perfect the latter may be in its own way.


3815th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Guilty Gear Xrd location testing Next month" , posted Fri 26 Jul 14:39post reply

Arksys is running its first location test for Guilty Gear Xrd at Akihabara Hey next month, August 9 - 12. They're going to have quite a number of setups (9 sets of head-to-head cabinets, 4 sets of single player cabinets). Director Ishiwatari will be there on opening ceremony on day 1.

789th Post

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PSN: Ikari_DC
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Guilty Gear Xrd location testing Next m" , posted Fri 26 Jul 17:58:post reply

Awesome! I'm gonna be in Tokyo on those dates! I'm gonna make sure I show up one of those days, too bad I can't make it for the opening event.

Scratch that, what was I thinking, I can go to the opening event!

BTW, the location test is not Akihabara Hey, it's one of the Sega arcades in Akihabara.


Arksys is running its first location test for Guilty Gear Xrd at Akihabara Hey next month, August 9 - 12. They're going to have quite a number of setups (9 sets of head-to-head cabinets, 4 sets of single player cabinets). Director Ishiwatari will be there on opening ceremony on day 1.

[this message was edited by IkariDC on Fri 26 Jul 18:11]

3817th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Guilty Gear Xrd location testing Next m" , posted Sat 27 Jul 00:07post reply

BTW, the location test is not Akihabara Hey, it's one of the Sega arcades in Akihabara.

Ah thanks, I stand corrected!

...Holy cripes, it's being held at Sega branch 1? That place is too small to hold something like this. Even though they're going to be handing out numbers to avoid trouble, I can already imagine the health hazard that place will be.

Early players for each day will be getting a souvenior. Wonder what it'll be.

3818th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Guilty Gear Xrd location testing Next m" , posted Sat 27 Jul 12:11post reply

It seems that last year's Tougeki/SBO may have found its equal

559th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):Hi again Todd McFarlane" , posted Sat 27 Jul 18:48post reply

Not only were the extras not nearly as extensive but the main selling point of the game was the multiple guest character gimmick. For me, SC2 was the game that started all of SC's bad habits.
I think it's a fair point about the lousy guest characters, but unlike the parade of insane nonsense in 4's guests or 3's awful gaudiness, SC2's blemishes are just so clearly outweighed by how fluid and wonderful the actual fighting is. I can just choose to never play as Necrid or Heihachi, but in SC1 I can't suddenly make the game play quicker and more impressively, nor can I eliminate the break-away strength of Cervantes, either. SC1 is raw excitement and polish, but when SC2 is in the room I just can't see not playing it. To my pedestrian tastes, it's as easy as selecting SF Zero 3 over vanilla Street Fighter II, however perfect the latter may be in its own way.

I Agree, especially in regards of Zero 3 and the awful characters. Note that Namco is easily milking money on nostalgia... how well was received the HD upscaling of the first Soul Calibur?

Can't wait to hear something from the loctest of GGxrd, I wonder if it stays on its legacy or will be more influenced from BlazBlue (hope not).

I absolutely don't care about new KI or Xbone in general but I think what they're doing with music is nice: The theme of Jago is also nice, but sounds more fitting for Jubei (BB) or DLC Asura in USFIV.
Speaking of which... I think there are no shotos this time so the 5th character will be a probabily a shoto. Gouken's daughter or even Goutetsu. Or the cyborg from SSFII animated movie!

1618th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Guilty Gear Xrd location testing Next m" , posted Sat 27 Jul 21:07post reply

It seems that last year's Tougeki/SBO may have found its equal

I've been enjoying it so far reading all about it!

Rice has never tasted better this weekend

1043th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Guilty Gear Xrd location testing Next m" , posted Sun 28 Jul 00:42post reply

It seems that last year's Tougeki/SBO may have found its equal

Between that topic, the confirmation of Nidhogg coming out this year and the new RB2 videos on the GITR channel, this has been a very good week.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

4671th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Guilty Gear Xrd location testing Next m" , posted Sun 28 Jul 05:29:post reply

News of the new GG being out for a very early test run is good news.

It seems that last year's Tougeki/SBO may have found its equal

This is not good news. Hilarious, but not exactly good.

FADC Edit: Because things aren't goofy enough, Daigo Umehara has a comic book coming out. Of all the players out there Daigo seems to be the only one who realizes that merchandizing is where it's at. I expect he will have his own shoes before long; the Daigo Air Parries or something along those lines.

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Mon 29 Jul 11:04]

1185th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):Guilty Gear Xrd location testing Next m" , posted Tue 6 Aug 11:43post reply

Wow, LOVE the new Potemkin design!

336th Post

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XBL: BadoorSNK/WiiU:BadoorSNK
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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):Guilty Gear Xrd location testing Next m" , posted Tue 6 Aug 12:23post reply

Wow, LOVE the new Potemkin design!

He looks like Panzerfaust from Skullgirls.

1205th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Guilty Gear Xrd location testing Next m" , posted Tue 6 Aug 18:20post reply

Wow, LOVE the new Potemkin design!
He looks like Panzerfaust from Skullgirls.

Haha those were my first thoughts too!
They both kinda remind me of Vince from Metal Gear Acid 2 (this game had really cool characters!)

I am a sucker for Pickelhaubes.

4602th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"SF 5 in 2018" , posted Tue 6 Aug 22:21post reply

You must be as old as Sheng Long to stand a chance

1841th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):SF 5 in 2018" , posted Tue 6 Aug 23:01post reply

You must be as old as Sheng Long to stand a chance

I saw that earlier. I wonder if one of the higher ups at Capcom will look at a calendar and realize that 2017 is the 30th Anniversary of the series and try to get a game out by then.

USF4 will most definitely have a strong life going through 2014 and 2015. I am sure Capcom doesn't want to step on the toes of Namco when they release Tekken X SF which I hope will be in the 2014/2015 range. So the gap doesn't seem too bad. Although I would like to see an advancement of the SF3 characters I know in my heart that we will get SF2 with 6 new characters when we first see SF5.

I like how he mentions that the SFxT characters aren't ripped from the game because they don't have the boost combos. It like saying they aren't ripped from the game because they don't have gems with them.

368th Post

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"Re(2):SF 5 in 2018" , posted Wed 7 Aug 00:32post reply

I am sure Capcom doesn't want to step on the toes of Namco when they release Tekken X SF which I hope will be in the 2014/2015 range.

Hmm... Unrealistically high expectations for TXSF?

Waw!? And now what's going on!? Toh Shin Den is about to present to you a super hot virtual battle like one that you've never seen before at a rate of 90000 polygons per second!

9606th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SF 5 in 2018" , posted Wed 7 Aug 00:47post reply

Hmm... Unrealistically high expectations for TXSF?

Or letting them go die without being dragged in the mess.
The Tekken team has issues of its own, with the relative failure of TTT2 compared to the expectations it had. SFxT could have been a push to better popularize these characters, but at best it had no effect, at worst it actually damaged them. I understand Capcom being wary of being on the other side of the beating...

I love how "2018" is slowly becoming the official release date of SF5. It's like another lunatic predicted the end of the world for "Q4 2018".

shin ramberk
413th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):SF 5 in 2018" , posted Wed 7 Aug 03:52post reply

I love how "2018" is slowly becoming the official release date of SF5. It's like another lunatic predicted the end of the world for "Q4 2018".

Well, Capcom has a history of making rumors/jokes published in American magazines into reality. Somebody publish this!!

SFV will be on a next gen console. Just gotta wait it out...

I like the idea of regular updates, balance changes and character additions. Just wish we were getting more characters.

4678th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SF2010 in 2018" , posted Wed 7 Aug 04:01post reply

Wow, LOVE the new Potemkin design!

Have they announced how many characters are going to be in the game? Are all the old characters coming back and are there going to be any new additions to the roster? I should probably know this already but when it comes to GG my ears don't perk up until Baiken or Slayer are mentioned.

I love how "2018" is slowly becoming the official release date of SF5. It's like another lunatic predicted the end of the world for "Q4 2018".

Why does anyone think that Capcom is going to make any mention of SF5 if they are still fiddling about with SF4? Then again, if KoF14 rumors have taught me anything it's that some people will only hear what they want to hear. At least it's nice to see people who are excited about upcoming games instead of constantly grousing.

5816th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SF 5 in 2018" , posted Wed 7 Aug 07:23post reply

The Tekken team has issues of its own, with the relative failure of TTT2 compared to the expectations it had.

Speaking of, Tekken WTF, is going to hell. That means, that the site that keep tracks of your gaming statistics, Tekken World Federation, is going to cease operations with less of a year since it's opening.

Harada's main argument for this was that "the service was getting too expensive", but if you look at the underneath, there it has been a bunch of hidden problems, like the guys trying to skip black listing -but still acting worthy of black list- or guys boosting ranking and some other stuff..... Then again, fixing all of those things periodically, might actually create bigger expenses for them?

In other words, it's another of those stories where humans end up being the vilest & evilest of the Earthly races.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

3542th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):SF 5 in 2018" , posted Wed 7 Aug 07:49post reply

There's a lot of reasons not to release TxSF that pretty much everyone here has touched on. It's probably going to be our first "next-gen Tekken," so I would expect it at a time when that would (theoretically) be in actual demand. Since we won't be seeing SF5 for so long (?), they might have the advantage of people being hungry for SF as well. Sounds good to me.

Have they announced how many characters are going to be in the game? Are all the old characters coming back and are there going to be any new additions to the roster? I should probably know this already but when it comes to GG my ears don't perk up until Baiken or Slayer are mentioned.

I hope we see more redesigns and more gameplay redesigns if we're only getting returning characters. We had SO MANY revisions of GGXX that it's frustrating to see them stick to it even in a completely new game. If we don't get all of the old cast, I wonder who's getting thrown under the bus.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

red falcon
6159th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):SF 5 in 2018" , posted Wed 7 Aug 10:12post reply

If we don't get all of the old cast, I wonder who's getting thrown under the bus.

ABA. :(

2479th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):SF 5 in 2018" , posted Wed 7 Aug 11:19post reply

If we don't get all of the old cast, I wonder who's getting thrown under the bus.

ABA. :(

I would be surprised if they manage to put in the WHOLE current GGXX cast into the game on the first go.

We know

I think the ones that would likely get left in the dust (ha!) on the first version are Faust and Robo-Ky because neither are very popular, no matter how much I like Faust. Zappa seems like a lot more work to implement than most others. That said, from the list everybody present was also present in the original PSX guilty gear. The list of that being:

Axl Low
Chipp Zanuff
Dr. Baldhead
Kliff Undersn
Ky Kiske
Millia Rage
Sol Badguy

So maybe Faust will make it in. The staggering popularity of some of the characters introduced since then and the relegation of Kliff in the console series/storyline puts him low in contention. Justice is probably also low probability.

9607th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):GGXrd" , posted Wed 7 Aug 18:36post reply

I believe the game takes GG Overture into account in its canon (I don't know much about the series, but I've read someone saying Ky's scenario references it).
So I suppose reading through Overture's scenario could give us an idea of who could be in, who is out of the picture, and eventually some new characters?

And taking popularity into account, I don't think they have characters more popular than Dizzy and Bridget. I'd see everyone else, including I-No, Testament or ABA in a second league behind these two. I wonder if Bridget is going to start wearing bras...

1901th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(9):GGXrd" , posted Thu 8 Aug 06:32:post reply


And taking popularity into account, I don't think they have characters more popular than Dizzy and Bridget. I'd see everyone else, including I-No, Testament or ABA in a second league behind these two. I wonder if Bridget is going to start wearing bras...

So would you say that Testament is a popular character in Japan? I do remember watching a Testament dominating at SBO maybe two years ago, but I've never really met too many other Testament players in person.

I'm really hoping to see Testament or Johnny confirmed. I'd also love to see my one-armed waifu Baiken but for some reason I'm afraid to get my hopes up.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Thu 8 Aug 06:34]

9610th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):GGXrd" , posted Thu 8 Aug 06:49post reply

So would you say that Testament is a popular character in Japan?

No! Damnit, I meant Eddie, not Testa.
I'm tired. Especially since Eddie was already in the trailer and half-confirmed.
Now I think of it, I wonder if there is such a thing as a GG character that wouldn't have his or her core group of fans. Kliff... Justice... Anji maybe?

4679th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):SF 5 in 2018" , posted Thu 8 Aug 09:50post reply

That said, from the list everybody present was also present in the original PSX guilty gear. The list of that being:

Axl Low
Chipp Zanuff
Dr. Baldhead
Kliff Undersn
Ky Kiske
Millia Rage
Sol Badguy

Don't forget Baiken was in GG1. She was hidden, cheap and overpowered but everyone was cheap and overpowered in that game. It was GG1's version of balance. But when it comes to characters I agree with Rugal; odds are the dog from Isuka has a better chance of making it in than ABA.

1047th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):SF 5 in 2018, GGXrd sooner" , posted Thu 8 Aug 19:52post reply

I am surprised they did not already confirm Zato/Eddie since we know he is around.

Now I think of it, I wonder if there is such a thing as a GG character that wouldn't have his or her core group of fans. Kliff... Justice... Anji maybe?

Justice probably has many fans who are more interested in the background/storyline, since she is a crucial character and it has never been fully revealed whether she is indeed Aria (Sol's lover from before they were turned into Gears).

But she does not need to show up as a character for that audience to be contented; a simple appearance/mention in Sol's storyline will do. It's a different case from Dizzy who has a lot to gain from appearing as a playable character.

Let's not kid ourselves, the single most crucial decision/reveal of this GGXrd project is what costume is Bridget going to wear. An entire parallel economy at Comiket revolves around that important question.

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"Re(10):SF 5 in 2018, GGXrd sooner" , posted Thu 8 Aug 23:39post reply


Let's not kid ourselves, the single most crucial decision/reveal of this GGXrd project is what costume is Bridget going to wear. An entire parallel economy at Comiket revolves around that important question.

I hope Bridget comes back with facial hair.


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"Re(2):Re(10):SF 5 in 2018, GGXrd sooner" , posted Fri 9 Aug 02:45post reply

This thread is horribly puffy so I should probably start a new one but the inaugural post to a new thread should be something interesting such as GGXrd test reports. Until then here's some things that don't deserve to headline a thread.

PSAS makes its triumphant return.


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"Re(3):Re(10):SF 5 in 2018, GGXrd sooner" , posted Fri 9 Aug 03:28post reply

This thread is horribly puffy so I should probably start a new one but the inaugural post to a new thread should be something interesting such as GGXrd test reports.

I was thinking of the same thing as well. Need to do something with the Dracon's Crown thread too!

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