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kofoguz 1060th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(1):Riots in Turkey" , posted Sat 1 Jun 10:22    
quote: kofoguz is our resident Turk, but I was wondering if anybody else had been following this. It looks pretty serious. Is it affecting the area you're in, kofoguz?
One person is streaming footage of things here: http://geziparkitv.blogspot.com/
So far the most notable thing on that stream is the number of other people with cameras trying to get shots/footage of what's going on.
Actually it's near the restoraunt where I work. The gas affected me little. Late night the protest was near in front of door. It started with the Taksim Square's neighboor Gezi Park being sold without even consulted and trees were being cut to destroy the park and sell the land for the Mall. People was camping, but a day earlier in 5 a.m people were attacked and their tent were burnt down by the police and they didnt let anyone get in. People said that's enough and protest but the reaction was unnecesarlly cruel. So fed up with goverment the whole country wants them down and protest all day and night upcoming days. Theyre still protesting.
This photo is taken a few days earlier You can see it live And in case I forgot something one of my friends status on Facebook;
To all my non Turkish friends and Turkish friends living abroad: police attacked today at 5am the protesters defending a park in the center of Istanbul and woke them in their tents with pepper spray and burnt down their tents. The attack is disproportional and unjust.
The protest itself is against the destruction of Gezi Parki the only green left in the center of Istanbul and construction of a shopping mall instead (by people who are in close relations with Tayyip Erdogan and the government). It was never only about the park. The park became a symbol for everything that the government is tearing down, the trees they cut down, the history they destroyed, the rivers they polluted, the seas they filled with cement, all in the name of economical growth, and of course the laws they have enacted to attack our private lives...The protest at the park is a protest against their corrupt government. So please spread the word by using social media; facebook, twitter, friendfeed etc...we are using the following hashtags: #ayagakalk #geziparki #occupygezi
Today a war long due has begun...It's a day of unity...I hope your hearts are beating with ours...Let our love and determination defeat their ambition for money
And the latest one.
"Dear friends all around the world,
something brave and significant is happening in Istanbul, Turkey. A late blooming Occupy wave one might call it.
Citizens tired of a bullying government with its corrupt management of public spaces and reckless abuse of land are coming together to protect a public park in the heart of the Istanbul which is under the threat of being demolished so the 94th shopping mall can be built in its place. People are holding in spite of the brutal attacks by the police (today's attack was at 5am in the morning one shall point out! including tear gas bombs, burning the tents, hospitalizing a person...). It is the 3rd day now, more than 10,000 people have gathered in the park! Meanwhile, public spaces are being sold to hotels, precious ecosystems are being wasted for more industry, power plants, 3rd bridge over Bosphorus!
This has become a matter about more than just saving trees. This is an 'I can do whatever I damn well want', fascist mentality that not only supresses but attacks its own people.
To make matters worse, media channels are being censored so as not to display the news.
#direngeziparki is now the 2nd worldwide trending topic on Twitter.
Please help us to share this message and stop Erdogan's ruthless, inhumane acts.
What you can do: - Forward this message to everyone you know - Send your support messages through twitter with the #direngeziparki hashtag - Tag @bbc @cnn @reuters and other large media channels in these posts - Post this message on facebook - Let your local and national media channels know
Please help spread the news globally. We need all the support we can get now."
The media is so corrupt now that when I look at the tv (news channel CNNTurk) it was showing somekind of unimportant lame talk show, when turn my head the opposite direction I could see the gas bombs are thrown and the protestors. Please also let it be known the 95% of media is inside the hands of the goverment. Tomorrow I will try to go to work, it will probably be closed so I will be in the protest if I can. They blocked the roads and stopped the Metro's.
kofoguz 1062th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(5):Riots in Turkey" , posted Sun 2 Jun 04:58    
quote: Wow. Stay safe, Oguz. I had no idea about all that... Best of hopes that the situation ends up better than in Tunisia. They now blocked facebook and twitter. Spread the word that it can be tricked with dns changing. I heard it might be only on this area there's alot of jammers to prevent people showing videos and pictures. Spread! Hope you, your family, your friends, and Turkey itself can get thru this protest safely. Stay safe, Oguz.
Thanks I'm proud of this country. Now every city almost every square is protesting. Even my neighbourhood -moderately conservative- is protesting, they had spoons and pots to make some noise to be heard. Bigger counties have massive amount of people (Beşiktaş has 30.000 people), in taksim it's tens of thousands) My home city Adana is also has tens of thousands of people gathered. I'm hoping that would make the government fall. He was acting like the emperor. When he said "you can do whatever you want we decided" was the last straw. There's also stories like a famous comedian stopped his show and walk to the Taksim and goverment puppet tv canceled his show. This is huge, this is the strength of the people, two trees died a nation woke up!
kofoguz 1066th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(3):Monsters of the Goverment" , posted Tue 4 Jun 20:29    
quote: Man, be careful! I remember going to a nice hotel gym off of Taksim several times when I was enjoying Istanbul. Hard to believe that lovely city is facing something like this. Maou it is not just İstanbul now. Almost every city and the major cities are in riot. Polis is monsterously reacting to the protestors. They attacked to the ER's shelters of the protestors schools yesterday. Today when I was out of work, I thought it was calming down cause all the major media is controlled by the goverment so I wasnt aware of the protests, when I try to go home I trapped and had to run to a shelter. Now I'm in a house of one of the protestor (he is really in very bad shape). The dictator is fled to the tunusia for some excuse. The controlled media is still encouraging the diktator and he still doesnt car about public and still he claims he can do whatever because he was elected (by cheating). Still saying things like "we'll do whatever we like".
I saw my own eyes that a controlled media was reporting the detached pavement, when you walk a little you can see all the protestors was cleaning the street. Even the smallest shattered glass. But I just saw the news and they dont even show that. I saw polis burning down a dozer and blaming on to the protestors. Things getting more and more serious.
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Chatting about videogames feels somewhat pointless when stuff
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Thanks. The protests continues peacefully till the police came. People will camp (me too in Gezi Park. People will sing, dance, lay down, read book and picnic. Still going strong and probably police will come and throw gas bomb. People are marching all over the country for goverment to resign.
karasu99 1144th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(7):Monsters of the Goverment" , posted Fri 7 Jun 07:44    
quote: But because of that market crashes. And now because of him wealthy lose money, too. Or something llike that Im not expert on how economics works.
Probably the wallet is the biggest weak point... What's the wealth of Turkey? I believe it's a modern, open western economy? I'm asking because what happened in Tunisia, Algeria or Lybia was that since most of the wealth was oil, such issues were irrelevant to the wealth of businessmen. It was only when it was obvious that the current dictator was not in position to reliably give oil to his foreign friends that they let him fall... So hopefully the situation in Turkey might end up better.
But then with NATO and Syria you never know. Bestest hope for everyone there. Take care.
I'm sure that a big part of Turkey's economy involves tourism, and I can't imagine many people look at Istanbul being in the midst of protests and say "I have to travel there now, it will be fine". With that in mind, Oguz, shut the place down! In the long run when tourism drops to a tiny fraction of what's normal, the government will definitely take notice!
I've been gratified to see a lot of people on Facebook have been posting regularly with news from Turkey. That way the news is not passing so quickly from everyone's perceptions.
I'm glad you're well Oguz! We're all behind you!