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Pollyanna 3481th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Thread" , posted Tue 11 Jun 08:17:    
I felt the urgent need to divert E3 discussion from the fighting game thread. Current impressions:
Dark Souls 2 Really not fond the trailer. It got me UNexcited about the game, though I'm sure that's not the actual game's fault.
Microsoft Did the LAST thing I expected...they announced Japanese games. I'm torn, because Crimson Dragon and D4 simultaneously says "we've got games!" and "If we really had games, we wouldn't be showing you these."
Dead Rising 3 A marvel to behold, but absolutely not for me. The last two games HUGELY rubbed me the wrong way.
Metal Gear Every trailer they've shown has nearly left me in tears. I can't believe how excited I am. My greatest hope for the game is that Snake and Kaz kiss. I'm not into BL and I never ship characters, but somehow, I just want those two together so bad. An ambiguous kiss on the forehead would be fine, but I want man lip touching manflesh for the first time in my life.
The Witcher I liked the battle system in the last game and this looks like it carries it forward nicely. I feel like you have just the right amount of "magnetism", where you still feel in control of your character, but you always seem to line up with the enemies nicely.
I didn't actually get through the Witcher 2, but that wasn't the game's fault. "Open world" isn't really a selling point for me, but I might be persuaded to check this out eventually.
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Tue 11 Jun 08:21] | | Replies: |
Iggy 9557th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Thread" , posted Tue 11 Jun 08:49    
quote: Dead Rising 3 A marvel to behold, but absolutely not for me. The last two games HUGELY rubbed me the wrong way.
What was wrong with them? I never played any so I'm wondering.
MGS looks gorgeous, probably the prettiest game after Ubi's latest hidden game. The difference is that Ubi's game seems dumb and boring, while MGS is... I couldn't focus on the setting because my mind was counting all the way Kojipro would make fools of themselves. It started from the very first second of the horse, and... oh god. I mean, it can end up good! And even maybe non-ironically good! But I wouldn't bet on it. Plus, little black warrior children... this is not going to end well, Kojima, stop right here before anyone gets hurt.
Beside that... it's the year of "let's show everything in CG because new engines are not ready, even though all these games will have a current-gen version". Doing that for Watch Dog and AssCreed4 was ridiculous, since they already showed in-game before. I really hope Sony has something more exciting in store. Something that wouldn't be excitingly laughable.
Still on the E3 front, do we have details on the pricing of Tekken F2P? I'm really curious to see the direction they're taking.
Pollyanna 3482th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Thread" , posted Tue 11 Jun 09:08:    
EDIT: I have concerns about these "cross generation" releases. I understand the reasoning behind it, but like with PSP/Vita releases, I don't like the lack of commitment to new hardware. I hope they balance it out by releasing the next gen versions first to encourage people to adopt the new systems, rather than wait for an inferior version. On the upside, I'll be happy to play big name games on next gen sooner, rather than being stuck with weak launch titles for God knows how long.
quote: There's something about how Konami models and lights things (especially on the MGS and Silent Hill 1-3 teams). Their stuff is attractive to me like a drawing rather than a faximile of life. I think it's cos they choose their contours as someone skilled at drawing would, and they do their lighting as a painter or cinematographer would.
Maybe that's it! I felt an overwhelming sense of "there's nothing else like this," (even with simple things like guys with guns shooting each other) but I couldn't pinpoint what made me feel that way.
Wow, I feel 10 years younger seeing Konami actually put something out. I hope their big claims about the Fox Engine moving the company forward turn out to be true. They're practically a "non company" these days, compared to what heavy hitters they used to be.
quote: What was wrong with them? I never played any so I'm wondering.
This is very much my personal opinion and I don't know how many people share it, but I found both games to be infuriating, sloppy and needlessly frustrating. I hated the way the combat felt, I hated trying to keep people alive and I found the boss battles more irritating than gratifying. I don't mind dying a lot in games...I usually like it, even, but in Dead Rising, I felt an overwhelming sense of "this is bullshit" and "screw this crap" over and over again. I think plowing through the crowds of zombies was appropriately frustrating, but I didn't find it frustrating in a fun way.
Also, the sandbox "looking for supplies/building weapons" thing is really neat and fun for a little while, but not really a selling point for me, especially when I dislike the gameplay so much.
The 3rd game seems to continue to give you lots of toys to play with in a rich environment, so I'm sure it will be great for fans of the series. Seeing the combat made me wince just a little bit from bad memories, though.
Again, not saying it's a bad series, not saying "don't play it," just saying that it really doesn't sit well with me.
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Tue 11 Jun 09:11] |
Spoon 2451th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Thread" , posted Tue 11 Jun 13:07    
quote: Metal Gear trailer made me tear up too. I love these characters. Everything about the trailer blew me away artistically.
There's something about how Konami models and lights things (especially on the MGS and Silent Hill 1-3 teams). Their stuff is attractive to me like a drawing rather than a faximile of life. I think it's cos they choose their contours as someone skilled at drawing would, and they do their lighting as a painter or cinematographer would.
On that topic, Metal Gear V seems to be the only next gen game with naturalistic colors. I'm very thankful to see such rich, vivid colors.
I'm really tired of the generic "blockbuster" palette that everything else is using, with the silvery washed out look, punctuated with super saturated blues and oranges that still somehow feel drab.
I know that part of the blue/orange/cold look is due to color correction applied to the rendering. It was infamous in Battlefield 3; the lighting model actually supports a much richer and broader color palette, but it gets iced down before it is shown on the screen.
FOX Engine purportedly uses a more accurate/realistic internal HDR color gamut for rendering prior to display (which other engines are doing, too!). If anything, FOX Engine is actually attempting to be more physically accurate, and that physical accuracy is combined with genuine cinematography to create the more naturalistic feel that you are getting. The sun/sky/haze model FOX Engine uses for instance is fantastic; in the opening moments of the video, the blue is rich and the sensation of the atmosphere is palpable, and it is commensurate with the lighting of the area. Accurate simulation of this phenomenon is not trivial!
Battlefield's Frostbite technology is astounding, but the irony of it is that the game boxarts which show blue/grey dudes and orange flames are sadly accurate caricatures of how the game itself looks. I think they are better about this with Battlefield 4, but the settings of the early footage are in grey and dark artificial environments, so it's hard to tell.
maese 696th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(1):Dragon's Crown E3" , posted Tue 11 Jun 19:39    
quote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MVmq2dNzOG4
I remember scaling the spiral stairway in Shadow Over Mystara being mesmerizing, and in Dragons Crown you will do so from the outside!
Somebody else can pick through the overwhelming amount of art references.
Oh my God, even if the character voices are somewhat underwhelming, this baby sure is looking impressive!! What a beauty!! I am amazed at how good Dragons Crown is shaping up.
Other than that and Sony kicking MS arse real hard Sony owning the E3, the most interesting thing so far was probably good ol' Snake playing The Lone Rider in Afghanistan. Such level of visual awesomeness is what one would expect from a next gen title, sure, but as Nobi has already pointed out, Konami earns tons of extra points for good taste and graphic artfulness. I fail to see the point of having a ridiculously powerful graphic engine with zillions of effects, lighting patterns, etc. at your disposition if you end up just creating dull, monochrome environments.
Oh, and I'm kinda embarrased, but I must admit...
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - ...that I have liked quite a bit what we have seen of FFXV. It reminds me of FFVII in a strange way (man, it seems we're talking about French monarchy with all these silly roman numerals).
End of Spoiler
karasu99 1150th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(3):Re(10):E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Thread" , posted Wed 12 Jun 00:51:    
quote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4dFfVBdRWmw
Bayonetta 2, now with short hair.
Wow, same great design aesthetic, same great vocal direction, same great cinematic sense, a character arriving on a jet... I had been joking that I didn't need to see the trailer since it was already a locked-in buy, but I'm really happy with how it's looking. It's a relief since the first game was probably my favorite game of the last decade, and sequels are so hit or miss.
EDIT: Whoops, I keep forgetting to talk about Dead Rising! The problem I have with the series is that it seems like it's just mindless fun involving bashing zombies to pieces and it's got this great mechanic of different objects behaving differently. But then you play it and you realize that you've got this awful timer pressure keeping you from just having a good time, the fights don't feel fun at all, and the different objects don't feel especially different from each other with a few exceptions.
In other words, the best thing to come out of DR is that Frank was in Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
[this message was edited by karasu99 on Wed 12 Jun 01:07] |
Pollyanna 3486th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Re(10):E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Thread" , posted Wed 12 Jun 07:41:    
All of Nintendo's stuff looked good, but it was pretty much what I expected, so it's hard to get excited. My biggest delight was seeing that the new 3D Mario is 4 player and all the characters play differently. When I saw that it looked almost exactly like 3D Land, I groaned, but they turned that around nicely by the end of the trailer. Even if I would've preferred something more aggressively "new", 3D Land was a great game and the level designs here look energetic and fun.
Also, the new Mario Kart seems to take cues from Sonic Racing, so that's a plus.
Bayonetta looks like Bayonetta, Smash Bros looks like Smash Bros, Wonderful 101 looks like it did before and the new Monolith game showed mostly the same stuff as the last trailer. These aren't complaints, but I'm done probably with the hype train for any of these until we see a Monolith story trailer.
EDIT: As mentioned, great use of music in the Rockman reveal.
quote: I know I shouldn't trust Square but the rebranding of FFXV and KH3 made me excited. I'm certain they will fall on their face later but for now I'm looking to that mysterious far-off date when these games are actually released.
They always have good elements, they just can't seem to put them together properly. Still, I couldn't help but be hugely excited seeing XV. If they screw this up, they might as well call it quits.
EDIT 2: New gameplay video. Like the old trailer from a million years ago, it looks like Kingdom Hearts. Maybe Type 0, too.
Extended MGSV video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UMyoCr2MnpM
The only thing that's putting even the tiniest stop on my hype for this game is the fear that we'll get some heavy-handed "press the button to torture" minigame, rather than letting us squirm through the uncomfortable scenes instead.
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Wed 12 Jun 07:51] |
Spoon 2461th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Re(10):E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Thread" , posted Thu 13 Jun 08:20    
quote: Extended MGSV video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UMyoCr2MnpM
New Art-Eater post on Metal Gear and biblical allusions:
Maybe my Bible study is rusty, but isn't Elijah the son of David? I don't remember the genealogy of the priest Eli.
My personal take on Metal Gear is that Kojima's work is just scatterbrained enough to be surreal, and just coherent enough to seem to make sense. I remember when I first played MGS, my feeling was that this was the first game where I felt a total triumph of voice acting over the writing: some of the dialogue was so long and so clumsy that it continually threatened to torpedo its own gravitas, but the unprecedented (for video games) staging and voice acting totally overcame it. You can either read symbolism in EVA telling (Naked) Snake about how instant ramen is the food of the future, or you can look at it as a fun joke that has some historical accuracy (Nissin instant noodles went to market in Japan around 1958, and first became available in the USA around 1970, just after the 1960s setting of MGS3. EVA may have come into contact with them in China or elsewhere in Southeast Asia seeing as how she was part of the Chinese army. Nevertheless, in predicting that they would become a worldwide sensation, she was far ahead of the curve. What does that say about her acumen in the MGS timeline?).
Nekros 555th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Threa" , posted Thu 13 Jun 18:51:    
Why the negativity around Bayonetta? Not the best thing I've seen in my life, but seems fine. The whole airplane boss fighting reminded me The Avengers movie and that gave me mixed feelings. But come on, finallly a decent third party exclusive on WiiU. To me the most exciting news I got these days (except the PS4 not being tainted by draconian rules) is the possibility of an actual BOXED release of Gyakuten 5. I dont' care much about most of the games presented since they're all sports and shooters (even if they look amazing like The Division, Destiny or Killzone 4).
Microsoft -in terms of games presented- was the best. Good choices, decent amount of new ips. I think Quantum Break may be very innovative but with Remedy the change to have another tps is high. Crimson Dragon with controller support is a backstab, but I have hopes to play it since the 360 version is not cancelled (and when the title will bomb on XO they can release on 360 as well....they have a huge fanbase on current gen and releasing the game on XO is really dooming it). D4 seems good but endend to be a kinect game... creepy. Killer Instinct is meh, I like trash fighters (Kasumi Ninja, Shadow Warrior, Dong Dong Never Die, even MK) but the whole mess around it being f2p and being developed by the people who raped Silent Hill are a huge stop to my desire to play. Plus, the Xbone is a very bad console, so no support here for now.
Sony wins on the moral side, but has nothing interesting to me in term of games. Sure, The Order 1886 is a new game but I know absolutely nothing (huge chance of it being the nth shooter, according to trailer). FFXV seems intriguing but I think the whole combat sections were scripted and will differ from the final product. Also, not an exclusive. Anyway, my console of choice.
Nintendo has presented nothing new or mindblowing, but is a solid 1st party lineup. same game Mario Kart (copying Sega Racing) is nothing to me, Neko Mario has a good arcade action that could be fun if played online, Zelda is another remake no one asked for (but they milk Zelda till death). Donkey Kong got me interested in the beginning since I was sure I can play the game with the WiiU gamepad, then the onstage demo shows the waggle icons and my love for the series and Retro Studios faded away instantly. Seriously guy, **** you. The only thing I can rant about DKCR was the mandatory motion control and they repeat the same thing on a system were the bundled controller doesn't have the feature. X instead, was the surpise of the show. Huge sci-fi elements, different mechas, big monsters.. this is Takahashi! I'm glad they dropped the fantasy influence of Xenoblade in favour of technology; the game will probabily be similar, but they know how to keep my interest high (scifi tends to have more elements and variety and unique features than hero/epic fantasy). High hopes for this game, very high.
Also, Castlevania LOS2. I liked it. It is the true heir of Legacy Of Kain... shame it's not a proper Castlevania.
@ Polly: you HAVE TO play The Witcher 2. The only wrpg that I can't hate (except ME1), it deserves at least 2 full playthroughs to see everything and has characters in the grey line (not bad guys, not good guys). It's worth it.
[this message was edited by Nekros on Thu 13 Jun 18:54] |
Pollyanna 3490th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Threa" , posted Thu 13 Jun 19:53    
quote: Yaiba:NGZ: This guy hates boom boxes.
I'm too scared to watch.
quote: I had been wondering about what was going on with Dead Rising 3: well THERE'S your problem!
Well, it is made by a western studio and the last game had plenty of orange and blue...
quote: Why the negativity around Bayonetta? Not the best thing I've seen in my life, but seems fine. The whole airplane boss fighting reminded me The Avengers movie and that gave me mixed feelings.
Ironically, I think what you just said here was the most negative thing anyone has said about Bayonetta. It's just indifference. Like "yep, it's Bayonetta." I had the same response to the new Batman game. Yep. Arkham.
quote: The Order 1886 is a new game but I know absolutely nothing (huge chance of it being the nth shooter, according to trailer).
I'm hoping it'll be more "Gears of War" shooter than FPS. I wouldn't mind a GoW game that isn't GoW. Hopefully we'll have fully-customizable facial hair. Pretty lame to announce a game with no GENRE, though.
quote: FFXV seems intriguing but I think the whole combat sections were scripted and will differ from the final product.
I strongly disagree with this. I can't say what the final product will be like, but nearly everything they showed in the trailer has been done similarly in Kingdom Hears and Type 0. I didn't even see anything that looked like a stretch. I think it's even easy to imagine what buttons do what if you've played its "predecessors". The only "fishy" thing is that they didn't have onscreen prompts for contextual actions like you see in Kingdom Hearts. The actions themselves were nothing really new, though.
quote: Also, Castlevania LOS2. I liked it. It is the true heir of Legacy Of Kain... shame it's not a proper Castlevania.
HA! I didn't think of it that way! I'm very firm about not following games based on their titles/sequels, so as I said, I'm waiting for good word before I get this one unless a great deal comes along.
quote: @ Polly: you HAVE TO play The Witcher 2. The only wrpg that I can't hate (except ME1), it deserves at least 2 full playthroughs to see everything and has characters in the grey line (not bad guys, not good guys). It's worth it.
I do like the game, but I was playing it while a friend watched and she got too busy to watch anymore. I redownloaded it recently (I switched hard drives), so all hope is not lost. I did like it...except for some of the acting.
And yeah, X looks great. The reason I bought my (dust collecting) WiiU are still there waiting for me and I still don't regret it.
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.
badoor 311th Post

PSN: BadoorSNK/PSVITA:BadoorUSA XBL: BadoorSNK/WiiU:BadoorSNK Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Bronze Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Threa" , posted Fri 14 Jun 01:24    
MGSV: I too am excited for it. It looked great. And as Nobi said, it's ironic how Fox Engine aspiring to create ultra realistic visuals accurately meant that the game looks very colorful as opposed to drab and colorless.
Polly: Funny you mention Snake and Kaz kissing. As you know, the MGS series is known for it's attention to detail in modeling male butts, both bare or in skin-tight suits. Maybe more so than female. In addition, Vamp was known to be bisexual. And giving the fact that Kojima wants to "Push all the taboo buttons" in MGSV, maybe Snake kissing Kaz might not be all that far-fetched.
I also liked the voice acting. Kiefer Sutherlund sounded believable as Big Boss. Maybe it's because he didn't scream as much as he usually does in 24 or other games. Also, despite being in every game now, Troy Baker as Ocelot sounds good and close to how Ocelot was in MGS1,2,and 4.
Bayonetta 2: While I am very excited about it, I felt more like "yep, that's Bayonetta 2". The fighting on a jet fighter part felt pretty much like bog standard-issue platinum level design. And I don't know if that is a compliment to Platinum or a complaint about Bayonetta 2. In any case, Bayonetta looks awesome. Though it's funny that Bayonetta and Jeanne exchanged hair-lengths. Oh and Jeanne totally looks like Ash Crimson. And while talking about platinum, The Wonderful 101 looks great too.
Of course there's more smaller news that come out of E3 like the new Etrain Odyssey getting a US release (Two Etrain Odysseys in 1 year!) and so will the next Blazblue.
And then there's the duds, like the new Yoshi's Island on 3DS. That is seriously disheartening as a Yoshi's Island fan. It's simply a straight copy of the original and yet not looking visually anywhere near as interesting. As if The 3DS game the antithesis of the original's design goals. Disappointing.
karasu99 1152th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Threa" , posted Fri 14 Jun 02:11    
quote: Yaiba:NGZ: This guy hates boom boxes. I'm too scared to watch.
Haha, it's actually a pretty funny kind of video, complete with execrable voice acting. While I think this kind of self-consciously bad video is funny now, I really hope that it doesn't become a trend since the joke gets old fast.
Hey, was I the only one who was reminded of Taito's old Ninja Warriors games by this, if only in the sense that it's a cyborg ninja?
I suppose there's some chance I might get this if the price is right and if it ends up being fun. I really liked NG 1 and 2, but 3 was a real disappointment, even the updated version. It's also unfortunate that it has to have zombies in it. I would have thought that the whole zombie thing would have burned itself out by now.
quote: And then there's the duds, like the new Yoshi's Island on 3DS. That is seriously disheartening as a Yoshi's Island fan. It's simply a straight copy of the original and yet not looking visually anywhere near as interesting. As if The 3DS game the antithesis of the original's design goals. Disappointing.
Since I wasn't expecting or wanting a sequel to a game that's just about the pinnacle of its genre, I'm going to quietly insist this doesn't exist once this post is over with. I'll just say that while the 3DS Smash Brothers shows that you can indeed use shaders to an appealing effect, this mess shows that they can also look awful, in which case the attempt should have never been made (or in this case given the go-ahead to be shown. Who exactly thought this looked good enough to show?). As far as I'm concerned, this looks weirdly close to that terribly uncomfortable era of pre-rendered 2d-from-3d-models assets that Nintendo insisted on using in the DS era.
Last sentence of rant I promise: Yoshi's Island has already had a somewhat reasonable followup on the DS, and the updated GBA game was fantastic, so in theory it's possible. I know that making 2D assets for fighting games is extremely costly, but Nintendo has deep pockets to start with and a set of 2D tiles and assets for what would likely sell like hotcakes if done right would be trivial. END OF RANT return to discussion.
Boy, Final Fantasy XV sure looks nice! Here's hoping it's as fun and action-gamey as it looks as it might bring me back into the fold of fans after all these years.
Pollyanna 3491th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):E3 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF Threa" , posted Fri 14 Jun 04:35    
Polly: Funny you mention Snake and Kaz kissing. As you know, the MGS series is known for it's attention to detail in modeling male butts, both bare or in skin-tight suits. Maybe more so than female. In addition, Vamp was known to be bisexual. And giving the fact that Kojima wants to "Push all the taboo buttons" in MGSV, maybe Snake kissing Kaz might not be all that far-fetched.
I also liked the voice acting. Kiefer Sutherlund sounded believable as Big Boss. Maybe it's because he didn't scream as much as he usually does in 24 or other games. Also, despite being in every game now, Troy Baker as Ocelot sounds good and close to how Ocelot was in MGS1,2,and 4.
I had heard people say "Big Boss is bisexual" for years, but looking it up, it's presumably only due to the date you can have with Kaz in Peace Walker. That was pretty straightforward, but it was also silly and probably non-canon. If Kojima didn't have it in his head at least a little all along, then I wouldn't want it, but when he was talking about "making controversial decisions that could affect sales" it came to mind. I would love to see the response from fans, but I don't want it unless it's "right."
I'm loving Kiefer Sutherlund as Boss so far, but I'm in the minority in that I really don't like David Hayter. Or at least, I didn't like him in Snake Eater and Peace Walker. I liked him in MGS1 and 2 just fine and I can forgive him in 4, as maybe he sounded ridiculous because he was trying to do some "old man thing," but I've always liked Snake much more in Japanese. The new casting evens the playing field for me.
Ocelot I'm "meh" on, but that's probably due to a fondness for his previous actors and my love-hate relationship with Troy Baker. It's amazing how many voice actors and directors I've heard trash talk him, then say "great actor, though." Hahaha...
quote: Yoshi's Island
Somehow I completely missed this. I will now pretend like it doesn't exist.
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.
Mosquiton 1878th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "I PLAYED SOME GAMES, GUYS" , posted Sat 15 Jun 14:17:    
So I was at E3 and I played some things that I thought Cafe members may be interested in.
Killer Instinct: Sure it looks like it caught an ultra combo from the ugly stick, and the announcer is lame, but the game plays surprisingly well. It would be silly to try and talk about balance, but the combo system actually feels like a lot of fun. I'm not sold on the weird combo meter. I think the fact that there's a need for it is a big strange... essentially you can keep linking hits and you have to finish it before it fills up.
The game is actually pretty fast and it's not quite as rigid as the old games either. You can start combos from low hits as well as overheads, and normals actually seem to be useful for poking. Jago can do a crouching short or forward into a light wind kick for example, which is safe on block. Saberwulf has some crazy high-low shenanigans and his dash goes through opponents. It's interesting, at the very least. I actually wish they'd put the "no mercy" moves back in... the ultras look a bit stuttered to me, I miss the gradually ramping speed and blender effect of the original KI, and since you can't knock opponents off the one demo stage I'd prefer to bust out a cheesy fatality.
Maybe it sounds like I swallowed a hype pill, but while I really don't like the look of the game I'd actually like to play more of it. If they're smart they'll put it on 360 as well and think long and hard about how they implement the free-to-play angle. I can't imagine the Xbone could sustain a community if they trickle out characters one by one. I just hope they don't fuck up Fulgore. After seeing what happened to Jago I worry they might give the poor mechanical bastard a goddamn toaster for a head or something.
Dragon's Crown: It's obvious this game looks good, and it seems to play pretty nicely as well. I picked up a controller and found a Dwarf attached, so I rolled with the mighty muscle mountain. I wish there was digital control, and that double-tapping dashed, but it wasn't too bad. Square beats things, forward and square is a dash attack, down and jump to slide (which is fine since crouching is useless in Capcom D&D anyway). Dwarf grabs things by pressing up and square, at which point you can toss them across the screen or into the ground. After jumping you can hit up and attack or down and attack to do a rising smash or downward crash. He also had a triple jump skill equipped which turned the third jump into a fixed-angle body smash which was fun to bomb with. Not sure about the loot/level/quest systems since I didn't have much time with the game, but I'll definitely play this one.
Killer is Dead: The short version is this is a typical Suda game (tigers, beam swords, sexy girls, ridiculous bosses, etc.) that's mechanically a bit more solid than usual... maybe. It's definitely in line with No More Heroes. Health is measured in diamonds, and special meter in flowers. You can transmute power to life by holding a trigger, or hold a different trigger to enter ADRENALINE MODE that lets you one-shot normal enemies or fire various weapons from your gun arm. Square is sword, triangle is guard-breaking punch that can be charged up (weirdly similar to Yaiba in NGZ actually). As you land hits and either dodge or parry enemy blows using circle, your combo level goes up and you do faster, flashier attacks for more damage. It's a bit simplistic in that you basically wail on enemies most of the time, but its fun, and you sometimes get the chance for a finisher. Again, very NMH style of fighting.
Level design and camera feel a bit underdeveloped, giving it the feel of an older action game in certain ways (it's also stage-by-stage progression... I guess Suda didn't hop back on the open-world bandwagon which has gotten so crowded these days), but it was pretty enjoyable to cut people up. The dodge-dash is nice and quick, and I love games that let you parry. There's also a weird dating game between stages where you have to sneak peeks at a woman's lingerie using x-ray glasses, which somehow lets you build up brain juice to seduce them. Not the way I do it, personally. I don't have a problem partaking of cheesecake in general, but it feels like its pandering to an imagined otaku-loser audience more than anything. Apparently bedding the ladies lets you learn new combat moves. Not sure if you can actually move on without succeeding, since I quit this noise to get to the killing.
I didn't get to play Bayonetta 2, unfortunately, but some friends told me it was quite good, and speaking of Witchery everyone who saw Witcher 3 says it's super-dope-witchy-as-shit. Finally, Titanfall looks like an amazing action game that just happens to be a first-person shooter.
I also saw some potential duds. Do not get your hopes up for Lost Planet 3. Ditto for Swery's D4, which he told me has nothing whatsoever to do with Kenji-san. Although everything I saw from that game was work-in-progress, I just don't have a good feeling about it. Maybe I'm biased against Kinect controls. For the record, I did not play Deadly Premoniton.
Why did I type so much? Because I love you guys. Cheers, my friends.
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[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Sat 15 Jun 15:26] |
Pollyanna 3492th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):I PLAYED SOME GAMES, GUYS" , posted Sat 15 Jun 18:20    
quote: Killer Instinct: Sure it looks like it caught an ultra combo from the ugly stick, and the announcer is lame, but the game plays surprisingly well. It would be silly to try and talk about balance, but the combo system actually feels like a lot of fun.
Looking at videos and hearing what you've said, it seems to be a reasonably good followup to its predecessors, but it's just not for me. Normally, I think a fighting game that's only worth playing single player is a failure, but in this case, I think that I would enjoy toying with crazy combos on my own, but wouldn't like them in a vs setting at all. Also, the only character I can even vaguely stomach is Spinal.
quote: Dragon's Crown: It's obvious this game looks good, and it seems to play pretty nicely as well.
Great to hear! Despite my high level of hype, in the back of my mind, I was always worried that the game just wouldn't be that hot. The variety between characters seems really nice.
quote: Killer is Dead: The short version is this is a typical Suda game (tigers, beam swords, sexy girls, ridiculous bosses, etc.) that's mechanically a bit more solid than usual... maybe.
I felt like the mechanics in NMH were just barely tolerable and Lollipop Chainsaw was "decent" by the time you had all of your moves. If this is one notch up from that, I'll be pleased. I'm not expecting Platinum-level quality, but I hope I don't have to return to the frustrations of NMH2, which stretched its sloppy system to the breaking point on its conceptually awesome, but mechanically disastrous boss fights.
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.
Mosquiton 1879th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(2):I PLAYED SOME GAMES, GUYS" , posted Sun 16 Jun 03:50:    
quote: Killer Instinct: Looking at videos and hearing what you've said, it seems to be a reasonably good followup to its predecessors, but it's just not for me. Normally, I think a fighting game that's only worth playing single player is a failure, but in this case, I think that I would enjoy toying with crazy combos on my own, but wouldn't like them in a vs setting at all. Also, the only character I can even vaguely stomach is Spinal.
I had fun playing the game against a few fellow showgoers, but playing against someone from the dev team I realized combos can go on for a really long time, and there's no such thing as a guaranteed combo breaker... it's a 1 out of 3 guessing game every time although you may be able to "read" the animations to determine the right breaker strength. The funny thing is that it seems matches between two skilled players can still be hilariously one-sided, the game definitely has its own weird flavor.
quote: Interested to hear how "fast and fluid" Dragon's Crown feels, since the otherwise lovely Odin Sphere seemed to get bogged down in slowdown and other things when I played it. Was hoping to try it out myself tomorrow, but with Atlus delaying that event, will have to wait!
I actually was actually kind of down on Odin Sphere, I felt like that game didn't have a concept of hit stun and was just kind of awkward overall. Dragon's Crown maybe isn't as tight as Mystara but it's far from clunky. I just need to figure out how to dash properly.
One other thing! Dark Souls II is good, combat feels changed but not too terribly different. Still Dark, still Soulsy.
/ / /
[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Sun 16 Jun 04:36] |
Pollyanna 3505th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Japan Expo 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF" , posted Fri 5 Jul 06:31    
quote: I'm not sure if SQEX's relationship with its fan is more of a classic abusive relationship or running gag comedy routine, but Lightning arriving in FF14, along with a full line of items if you want to cosplay as her (or Snow) while interacting with her, is pure... something.
I had hoped that they would go all the way with including things from other FF games in FFXIV, but I don't think I properly considered what "all the way" would entail.
Still, you can get a baby Demon Wall (a brick) to follow you around, so I'm not complaining as long as the game doesn't end up with more FFVII tie-ins than anything else. The only thing I'm not liking is the new soundtrack. In the old version, having Uematsu do the music gave it an "authentic" flavor and the battle themes in particular had a good feel. The new soundtrack puts me to sleep. Excluding a few tracks, I aggressively hate it. I'd much rather have nice mixes of classic FF music. Still, it seems to be going over well with other players, so pfffffft, what do I know?
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.
Pollyanna 3506th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Japan Expo 2013OMGWTFBBQBFF" , posted Sat 6 Jul 06:18    
quote: You mean that changing the game and map wasn't enough, they even ditched the whole soundtrack and composed a new one???
The game isn't like...an addon and while it's a rebuild of the original, it's also a sequel, so it would be a little weird if it had all the same music. My biggest problem is that they ditched a wealth of classic-style Uematsu battle themes and replaced them with really watered-down stuff. I know it's the norm to have more "atmospheric" pieces in online RPGs, but I refer something a little more striking. There are an absurd amount of new tracks, so I'm sure to find a few in there I like, but it doesn't have the classic FF feel anymore, even though they tried to add it everywhere else.
quote: I'm just kind of miffed that even if they announced Gilgamesh would make it to FF14, Lightning actually got included first... priorities, people!...
Well, Gilgamesh doesn't have a new game coming out, soo...hahahaha.
I don't think it's the inclusion of Lightning that bothers me so much as how she was included. Wouldn't it have been better if she was wearing her XIII-2 or XIII-3 costume instead of modern-looking clothes? Maybe she could be a plot character in a quest like that leads to you fighting Odin (but also fits within the world). This just feels tacked-on and will give (lots of?) players costumes that don't fit in the world.
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.