The "Where's that Artist now" Thread - Forums

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"The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Fri 28 Jun 20:22:post reply

Games come and go, and so do artists that've brought life to many of those franchises. Some of them are still around, some of them are MIA. This is a thread to collect their current activities.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 28 Jun 20:24]


1158th Post

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"Re(1):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Fri 28 Jun 20:42post reply

Games come and go, and so do artists that've brought life to many of those franchises. Some of them are still around, some of them are MIA. This is a thread to collect their current activities.

That's a great idea Professor! I've been curious what Nona has been up to lately. He was credited for... what, KOF XI? But that was a long time ago!

3781th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Fri 28 Jun 20:42:post reply

I'll start this thread off with Wakako Oba, the official artist of Wild Arms 3, F, and 4. She was pretty talented and even did 2 volumes of a manga based on the Wild Arms world perspective. As a hobby, she continues to draw Doujinshis and her style has kept up with the times pretty well. She has a site, but there's no info on what she currently does for a living.
Doujinshi Sample

Karasu, you're checking this site out from Kyoto? Lol. Nona got burnt after KOF12's development and quit SNKPlaymore. I haven't been keeping up on him, but it seems that he's working as a freelance illustrator on games and whatnot. He's active on Twitter, and he also has a Pixiv account.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 28 Jun 20:59]

9569th Post

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"Re(2):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Fri 28 Jun 21:32post reply

Someone who's been MIA for a while now: Akira Toriyama starts a new manga in Jump!
I wonder if it will go up to a full volume.

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"Re(3):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Sat 29 Jun 02:18post reply

Great thread idea, Professor.

I don't have any significant news about any particular artist. In fact, my only source for such news is this very site. But when I first read this tread's title, my mind went to Swery65's new twitter avatar drawn by Hiroaki (

This is a pretty cool callback in a sense since both Swery & Hiroaki worked for SNK. But it makes me speculate that, since Swery's new Xbox One game (D4, trailer here) has a more cellshady art-style, that maybe Hiroaki might be working on that game in some form. It's just speculation but that's part of the fun I suppose.

2499th Post

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"think like Amano" , posted Sat 29 Jun 03:28post reply

I still don't think there's any artist involved in the game world who's as skilled as Amano Yoshitaka---his modern art nouveau style certainly brought Final Fantasy alive for me. He has too many broken websites, but most recently he created a few new projects in 2012 for his 60th birthday that can be seen here.


1159th Post

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"Re(1):think like Amano" , posted Sat 29 Jun 19:34post reply

Karasu, you're checking this site out from Kyoto? Lol.

Haha, when not goggling like an idiot at 1300 year old shrines I can't stay away from this place! Thanks for the info on Nona. Too bad he hasn't kept working on games!


I had always hoped that eventually Final Fantasy games would come to resemble Amano's art, but unfortunately that hasn't happened.

I was glad to see Akiman's recent collection of game character portraits-- Professor you should slap me for not buying that the other day!!! Hopefully I'll see it again.

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"Re(2):think like Amano" , posted Mon 1 Jul 19:34post reply

I had always hoped that eventually Final Fantasy games would come to resemble Amano's art, but unfortunately that hasn't happened.

Dissidia certainly bent in the direction of Amano's designs by defeault in cases when there were several to choose from - in cases like Bartz it wasn't always a good fit IMO.

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1186th Post

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"Re(2):think like Amano" , posted Tue 2 Jul 02:44post reply


I had always hoped that eventually Final Fantasy games would come to resemble Amano's art, but unfortunately that hasn't happened.

Great to see love for Amano! Final Fantasy XIV does a FANTASTIC job of capturing the magic of FF1-6. While it's more like Amano by way of Yoshida, I'm totally OK with that cos Yoshida is also amazing.

It's (visually) the 3d Final Fantasy I've always dreamed of since FF7.

The characters look so cool and the monsters are stunning and even maintain some of that trademark whispyness of Amano's esthetic.|8|18

They even have Magitek armor in the game!

1187th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):think like Amano" , posted Tue 2 Jul 02:47post reply


I had always hoped that eventually Final Fantasy games would come to resemble Amano's art, but unfortunately that hasn't happened.

Great to see love for Amano! Final Fantasy XIV does a FANTASTIC job of capturing the magic of FF1-6. While it's more like Amano by way of Yoshida, I'm totally OK with that cos Yoshida is also amazing.

It's (visually) the 3d Final Fantasy I've always dreamed of since FF7.

The characters look so cool and the monsters are stunning and even maintain some of that trademark whispyness of Amano's esthetic.|8|18

They even have Magitek armor in the game!

I really wish they would do another proper single player RPG in this style. Or better yet, a Dark Souls style action adventure RPG.

But shoot, it already looks so good as it is I'm really tempted to give it a spin when they relaunch it.

1189th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Tue 2 Jul 03:03:post reply

Games come and go, and so do artists that've brought life to many of those franchises. Some of them are still around, some of them are MIA. This is a thread to collect their current activities.

Inquiring minds want to know:
What the heck is Bengus up to?

He's always been the most mysterious of all the Capcom artists. He works under so many pseudonyms...

Bengus, CRMK and now "Gouda Cheese"

He's one of the most important artists at Capcom, establishing the style of the Alpha, Versus and Dark Stalkers series. He seemed to be like a teacher of sorts helping Edayan and Ikeno find their legs as artists and yet I barely know anything about Bengus.

He's never had a consistent web presence and he's done very little character design or illustration in the last several years. I don't even know what he looks like.

And yet he's one of the most influential artists in the world. His approach to human anatomy in the CPS2 era really changed how people drew muscles.

His influence is very clear in Japan (for instance, I don't know for sure, but I have a strong feeling that Ken Sugimori is hugely influenced by Bengus) and I've also met countless American comic book artists who cite Bengus as a direct inspiration. Even in the age where people started acting as if they were never influenced by Manga and Anime, it was still OK for marvel guys to say "well I really liked Bengus's work on those fighting games."

Ed McGuiness has been one of the top super hero artists of the last decade and his drawing style is directly descended from Bengus. He would even sneak in homages to Bengus in his early issues of Deadpool.

Bengus is one of my alltime favorite artists. But I know next to nothing about him.

I would love to find out more!

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Tue 2 Jul 03:04]

1031th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Tue 2 Jul 06:01post reply

Nobi: I received a new year card from a game company featuring an illustration from "Gouda Cheese", so Bengus is most likely helping them on a game to be announced in the near future (I prefer to keep it vague for now).

Otherwise, Gouda Cheese recently helped Capcom with the PS3 cover of the upcoming japanese retail version of D&D Collection and, according to his Twitter account, provided some form of assistance on Bravely Default (although he wasn't one of the guest artists, as far as I can tell).

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1189th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Wed 3 Jul 10:32post reply

Nobi: I received a new year card from a game company featuring an illustration from "Gouda Cheese", so Bengus is most likely helping them on a game to be announced in the near future (I prefer to keep it vague for now).

Otherwise, Gouda Cheese recently helped Capcom with the PS3 cover of the upcoming japanese retail version of D&D Collection and, according to his Twitter account, provided some form of assistance on Bravely Default (although he wasn't one of the guest artists, as far as I can tell).

Sweet! Thanks for the info! I look forward to finding out about that game in the future! (Is it from Vanillaware?? :D :D :D)

Herv Ranger
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"Re(1):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Thu 4 Jul 03:23post reply

It does not matter where they are, all that matters is if you buy their works, and respect them in some form of another. For artists, it is a universe that most do not follow, and when they are successful it gives meaning to their lives.
Personally I do not support Marvel anymore because of buy out from Disney.

Creator of Sailormoon? From last I heard she opened her very own art college, of animation and comics. Something along those lines. She is also married to the creator of boys comic I beleive.

Creator of Ranma series and more. She is basically remarketing her original works as her popularity has been overshadowed for sometime now. I do not know if she is working on anything new.

Creators of ErrantStory is currently making more comics, even after his father has passed away and almost lost his wifes life.

Creator of Scud, he is currently writing scripts
and co-directing television programs, and movies as well.

Creator Tank Girl/Monkey Boys they are working on various projects from last I heard, but they did more Tank Girl series from 2011, and many comebacks.

1190th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Thu 4 Jul 03:32post reply


Creator of Scud, he is currently writing scripts
and co-directing television programs, and movies as well.

Dude SCUD was a great comic!
Did you know the artist behind SCUD created the hypnosis sequence in Zoolander?

9572th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Thu 4 Jul 03:59post reply

Creator of Sailormoon? From last I heard she opened her very own art college, of animation and comics. Something along those lines. She is also married to the creator of boys comic I beleive.

Takeuchi??? She hasn't done anything since her wedding with Togashi in 1999. Some short stories here and there, most of them abandoned halfway through. She's taking care of the kid (kids?) and occasionally complains about the patriarchal attitude of her husband (or use it as an excuse to not do any work, according to your point of view on said work).

As for Takahashi Rumiko, she's been working on Kyôkai no Rinne since 3 or 4 years, at her usual output.

2464th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Thu 4 Jul 06:32post reply


Creator of Scud, he is currently writing scripts
and co-directing television programs, and movies as well.

Dude SCUD was a great comic!
Did you know the artist behind SCUD created the hypnosis sequence in Zoolander?

I have always been a huge fan of scud for its crazyness and incredible.use of panels and sound effects, on top.of everything does. But the last that was mentioned about the guy going or.movies was in the collected scud volume afaik... Didn't he do that silly short movie robot bastard? I don't know if he's done amything since. I think it's kind of.unfortunate that the that were made using the scud license turned out the way they did in how loted they were in capturimg the feel of the comic.. I would love to see one done now with modern yech, but rob svhran sounded totally done with scud in his comments im the collectes book.

352th Post

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"Re(4):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Thu 4 Jul 22:00post reply

I have always been a huge fan of scud for its crazyness and incredible.use of panels and sound effects, on top.of everything does. But the last that was mentioned about the guy going or.movies was in the collected scud volume afaik... Didn't he do that silly short movie robot bastard? I don't know if he's done amything since. I think it's kind of.unfortunate that the that were made using the scud license turned out the way they did in how loted they were in capturimg the feel of the comic.. I would love to see one done now with modern yech, but rob svhran sounded totally done with scud in his comments im the collectes book.

IMDB says he's been pretty active in TV, as an executive producer, writer, director, and bit part actor. Wikipedia says he finally married in 2012.

3788th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Sat 6 Jul 03:39:post reply

A bit off-topic but since we're on the subject of art, here are Akiman's rough drafts for Darkstalkers' BBHood/Bulleta for anyone that's interested. It's been around for over a year, but I think there's probably people that don't know about it. He's pretty active on the Internet as far as things seem.
I'm not sure if a free signup is needed to see them-- probably not, I'm guessing.

On another note, and it seems that Bengus was comissioned by Vanillaware for their preorder bonus art book, so people picking up the game might want to get the first shipment!

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 6 Jul 03:47]