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Herv Ranger 1th Post

New Customer
| "Re(1):The ''Where's that Artist now?'' Thread" , posted Thu 4 Jul 03:23    
It does not matter where they are, all that matters is if you buy their works, and respect them in some form of another. For artists, it is a universe that most do not follow, and when they are successful it gives meaning to their lives. Personally I do not support Marvel anymore because of buy out from Disney.
Creator of Sailormoon? From last I heard she opened her very own art college, of animation and comics. Something along those lines. She is also married to the creator of boys comic I beleive.
Creator of Ranma series and more. She is basically remarketing her original works as her popularity has been overshadowed for sometime now. I do not know if she is working on anything new.
Creators of ErrantStory is currently making more comics, even after his father has passed away and almost lost his wifes life.
Creator of Scud, he is currently writing scripts and co-directing television programs, and movies as well.
Creator Tank Girl/Monkey Boys they are working on various projects from last I heard, but they did more Tank Girl series from 2011, and many comebacks.