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Professor 3834th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Loketest report a la Cafe" , posted Fri 9 Aug 21:30:    
Report & screenshot photo links: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/690/690981/index-2.html http://www.famitsu.com/news/201308/09038147.html http://www.radiokaikan.jp/press/?p=17669 http://www.inside-games.jp/article/2013/08/09/69405.html http://www.4gamer.net/games/216/G021678/20130809092/
I checked out the GGXrd loketest. Quite impressive. I'm not going to write about the character details because I haven't played the GG series in nearly a decade, and there's better sites to search for technical details like Dustloop.
However, this should give people a good idea of the hype surrounding the loketest, and how the game felt in terms of presentations. (Note: Skip to Part 3 if you don't care about the hype.)
I - Best Loketest, EVER.
There were about 120 people lining up outside before the loketest even started, a little past 11. Everyone shouted out "LET'S ROCK!" when the playing began. Needless to say the core staff were there including Blazblue producer Mori, who skipped out quicky from the scene.
Although it doesn't directly have to do with the game, this loketest was probably the best & effecient loketest that I've ever been at since the Fatal Fury Special and Virtua Fighter 1 days. I was pretty skeptical because the hosting arcade is pretty grimy and small; their past loketests with Meltyblood and KOF had been horrible experiences where a ton of people were always trying to fit in while there were also customers playing other normal videogames.
At today's loketest though, Sega took all out all their normal games at the arcade's 4th floor and dedicated the floor to just the loketest. It was the roomiest loketest I've been to, and even better, nobody smoked-- all the customers revolved too fast for that, especially with a 3 win limit. The effort showed just how serious that Arc System Works and Sega's Amusement division is about the game.
II - Player & Character demographics
A LOT of the players at the loketest were female. In fact, the first batch of players were ALL girls which was rare sight you'd never expect to see in the arcades.
The build only had the roster of 7 characters announced up to date, no surprises there. Sol and Ky were popular as hell and Arc System Works definitely anticipated on that. The souvenir they gave out (plastic fans) only came in two flavors, Sol or Ky. The other characters aside of Sol and Ky were picked at relatively equal paces to each other. May was probably the least picked character so that sort of left a deeper impression whenever she was seen. And to clarify, Sol and Ky being the most picked characters had nothing to do with the ratio of female players. It was like that regardless of player gender.
Most of the people were playing the game as though they haven't touched the series in years--- I'm pretty sure they haven't.
III - Graphics and presentation
-This game is so anime-
If you ever heard of anyone calling 2D fighting games an "anime game" and blistered at their ignorance between pixel art and toon shading... well, this is definitely what you'd call an anime game. These photos taken today by Radio Kaisan (as well as the other URLs at the top of this post) does a pretty good job at showing what the game looks like right now.
-Pre-fight intros-
The game has fully animated pre-fight intros for each character. With May, it starts out with a zoomed view of her shipmate calling for her from the sky, then the screen pans out to the ocean where May is riding her dolphin. Then May takes a leap and lands on to the stage. In Chipp's case, he comes running out from the horizon of a desert, meanwhile leaving a sand of smoke behind him.
At first glance these cinematics look like they're hand-drawn animation. In fact, if you take a look at the photos (like this for example), it's hard to tell that it's a render. However it's completely real-time 2.5D. The animation comes completely seamless to the game and they also come into play when supers are done during the matches. So YES, you'll finally get to see the emotions on the character's faces as they get thrown by a Potempkin Buster. The developers didn't compromise processor usage for the zoom-ins; the background doesn't fade away when the camera zooms in to the character as they do their super.
That said, there were some noticeable frameskips during some of the animation sequences. Millia was a prime example, as her pre-fight intro felt like it dropped to something around 10fps in some parts of the sequence. Hopefully that'll be improved in the upcoming builds.
Going 2.5D definitely gives GGXrd the leading edge over contemporary 2D fighting games. Every knockout comes with the screen panning around, zooming in, or flashing into different camera angles. In some ways it felt a bit overused, because it even happens when a player simply foot sweeps the opponent for a KO.
I've seen a couple of times where an unfortunate player went into their gorgeous and dramatic super move cutscene, and the next second-- wham, they get smacked out of their move. Pure drama.
-The small things that matter-
Arc System Works did quite a job at the small stuff that matters-- presentations. Every character still has their taunts and appraisals. There were a handful of matches where the players just kept using them to each other for the first 10-20 seconds of the game. And of course each character has unique time-over animations. I don't recall what they looked like back in the old games but for example, May squats on the floor with both feet out, throwing a tantrum as she pulls down her cap to her face. With Sol, he turns his back, looking a bit pissed.
And talk about Sol, his Dragon Install actually changes his appearance this time. He turns to a demonic form, a bit like the silhouette back when he did the move in the old GGX games, except he has small wings on the top of his head that makes him look like a demon with horns, and he's got a chain dangling from his neck. He has a different winpose if he wins in his install state.
The one thing I was wondering was how the game will handle Millia, given that the developers will have to toy around a lot with her rendering since her hair turns into various shapes. I'm not sure if it's done through just textures or if the developers went through the painstaking work of rendering each of her attacks, but she seems to retain all her moves. She also has her Bad Moon of course. Some of the moves actually look better than before, like the Lust Shaker (rapid hair poke) has a more natural flex to it, making it feel more like hair than needle-like pokes.
But of course, the biggest tidbit of detail that left a deep impression was...
-Back to the goodness of the 1990's-
Remember back in the 90's when publishers weren't afraid of showing the opponent, beaten up mercilessly by the player? Well, GGXrd brings that back. In the victory screen, the loser is seen laying on the floor while the winner stands in the distance, savoring their victory. In a way, the screen composition almost looks like SFIII's victory screen, except unfortunately there's no bruises or cloth damage in GGXrd's case-- the loser just lies on the ground in front of the screen, unconscious from the battle. It's a still shot (no animation), and surprisingly, no victory quote, at least in the current build. It looks a bit silly for Sol.
There's a bit more I'm tempted to write, but that should hopefully give some essence of what GGXrd felt like. The loketest has about 8-10 staff tending the crowd, so I'm not sure if anyone will be able to take videos, which of course is strictly prohibited.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 10 Aug 01:20] |
karasu99 1188th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(3):GGXrd pretty pickcharz" , posted Sat 10 Aug 03:30    
quote: Thanks Prof, really cool impressions. I am somehow pumped for this game even though I could never really get into GGX. I hope they bring back Faust because it would be very interesting to see how they handle him animation-wise.
Yeah Professor, thanks a million! I was excited to begin with since I've always enjoyed the series but now that we've seen how nice it all looks I'm even more anxious for it to come out.
(Yatagarasu)er, Karasu, I am so glad you keep bringing this game to my attention. I would love to hear more about what's been going on with it...I gather it's been a doujin free-to-play for some time before? It looks like they already met their goal, excellent! In the trailer on your link, there sure are a lot of...stockings that weren't being worn before, which I hope aren't indicative of graphical changes. Athena's magic/iron skirt in KOF13 grosses me out. I also can't really imagine playing fighting games on a PC. Hmm!
I'm not sure you'll love the game, but you may very well like it. Especially at that super low price. I'm not sure I would every consider playing a fighting game on PC to any degree of seriousness, but at least this one is well put together and fun.
Pollyanna 3548th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):GGXrd pretty pickcharz" , posted Sun 11 Aug 08:40    
quote: Fantastic on a technical standpoint but I'm not sure if I like the artstyle per se... kinda moe, Potemkin is really ugly and in general quite far from the late 90s "edgier" character design. I'm ok with overhaul etc. but not in this way, especially thinking of ABA, Zappa or Slayer. It's just the firts impression, I prefer this over SF4 or Injustice alla the way.
"Bright and shiny" doesn't exactly say "heavy metal" to me and as a huge fan of Ishiwatari's art, I would've liked something a little grittier with a different color scheme. That might be feasible to pull off elegantly, though, so it's hard to say. There are some little details that vaguely resemble the artwork, though, especially in the character's eyes.
I love all the "Location test" signs in the backgrounds.
Wishlist: -Bridget -Zappa -ABA
I don't mind using Slayer, I-no, Jam or Baiken if push comes to shove, but I'll be bummed if none of my favorites make it in. (Of course, new characters are great, too.) Right now, I wouldn't even care to play the game, because I wouldn't have anyone to choose.
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.
Nekros 561th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(5):GGXrd pretty captcharz" , posted Mon 12 Aug 22:36    
quote: It's kind of neat...looking at "over the shoulder" videos, I never would've guessed that the game was 3D. It would just look like "HD Guilty Gear." Still, seeing how close it is to the original, I wonder if this method is really easier, or if it's just more versatile.
I still have concerns with them using Unreal Engine, but I suppose it could just be a coincidence that all the Unreal Engine games I played had uneven performance issues.
The game gets better and better to my eyes every time a video shows something new (really impressive animation... check DAT Potemkin "ultra" move -withe the eyes of the victim blanked in nervous fear-). Very good! Now we know that a new Darkstalkers can be done (by ASW, luckily) :P
Another topic that is barely seen on boards about Xrd is music... GG is also about music and has nice pieces towards the hard rock genre (use of bass, distortions, etc) than "pure" metal chords like BB. I'm also a fan of the Korean ost for #Reload and hope for a similar approach with a "dirty" feel to it. So, how's the music in Xrd? Is similar to BlazBlue or GGXX? Are there new songs or just arrangements of the old themes?
Professor 3850th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Fri 16 Aug 15:28:    
quote: Well this is unexpected. Persona 4 Arena is getting a sequel and the location testing has started today at Tokyo's Akihabara Hey and Osaka. Yukari and Junpei from P3 are in the game. Some location shots below.
Is it a sequel or an Extend? All the character portraits look the same.
[edit] Famitsu has an article detailing the shadow mode and stuff now http://www.famitsu.com/news/201308/16038447.html
I checked it for a very brief time-- it's being marketed as a sequel but I'd say it's technically an extend. There's a bunch of new stages like the Junes shopping mall rooftop/eating area.
You can pick between "Normal" and "Shadow" when you chose a character in the select screen. For Labrys, it switches beteen normal Labrys and Shadown Labrys from P4A, but I'm not sure what the difference is for the other characters because very few people picked them-- I hear that they can't BURST but they can go into "Berserk mode" with the same input, which lets them do infinite supers for a limited time. Their portrait pic changes when you pick the Shadow version, for example Kanji looks gay. Shadow isn't available for Elisabeth.
Junpei fights with a bat and has a "baseball" gauge with the bases and Strike/Ball/Out. I'm not completely sure how it works but you can see a screenshot here.
Yukari fights like something inbetween Mina from Samurai Shodown and the Elf from Dragon's Crown, except with no stock/limit on her arrows.
Comparing this to Arc System Works' Guilty Gear location test last week, it's pretty puny. Only 4 units going head to head. The line was forming from the 1st floor even though the announcement was really sudden.
On a completely different note, I forgot to mention that PSN(JP) is offering Capcom Fighting Evolution and Capcom vs SNK 2 for 800 yen right now, PS2 Archives. For anyone feeling nostalgic to play those games, now might be a good opportunity-- neither titles have netplay though.
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 16 Aug 15:42] |
Professor 3857th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(4):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Sat 17 Aug 22:18:    
quote: Wow, was there any warning that this was even happening? From my perspective in US, it seems like it was announced the same day as the event itself!
In fact, it was-- I don't know why they didn't make any prior announcements. For a loketest, it was definitely odd.
quote: What is the fanbase like for P4A in Japan? I've heard rumblings that this update is only for Japanese arcades but P4A always struck me as a game that might be more popular as a console release considering its JPRG source material. Is there enough interest in the arcade version to go this route?
The fanbase for P4A is quite unique, because it's completely different between the arcade and console. IIRC, the game had the most successful launch week sales as a single-release fighter on console with approx 140K being shipped. It attracted even players who aren't familiar to fighting games because it was a direct/canon sequel to the P4 and P3 series.
But because of that, it also ended up with the same fate as RPG games, where people cleared through the story and sold them off, creating a quick drop in used market price in 3-4 months.
For the arcades, there were a lot of casual players around week 1-2, but after that it became the usual cluster of gamers. Once the console version came out, the scene quickly died down leave aside a few really hardcore gamers. Then Blazblue CP took over.
As far as I know, the original P4A was only released in Japanese arcades too; the thing was distributed on the Nesica network system.
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 19 Aug 15:06] |
Professor 3857th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(6):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Mon 19 Aug 13:37:    
quote: IIRC, the game had the most successful sales as a single-release fighter on console with approx 14K being shipped.
I assume you mean 14万 / 140K (and strictly "most successful" for this generation of consoles). For your information, it passed 180.000 sales, making it (as of current data) the second biggest success of fighting games on PS3 in Japan, just behind Tekken 6 (which passed 190.000 sales). Obviously, Smash Brothers X on Wii sold above 2 million copies but I guess you don't count it as a traditional fighting game / competitor.
If you meant as a single-release fighter on console for Arc System Works, then yes. It passed Guilty Gear XX on PS2 and Guilty Gear X on DC (previously the two best sellers on console).
Thanks for the correction! I need to additionally fix myself because I meant to say it had the most successful launch week sales. 約14万/approx 140K was just a really easy number to remember from the top of my head.
For current gen fighters, of course. As much as fighting games may seem like they've made a good comeback, it's not anything comparable to the golden era of the 90s.
Which also reminds me, Shibuya Kaikan arcade had its last day yesterday after its 35 years. The place was packed, many people taking photos. It will be missed.
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 19 Aug 15:07] |
chazumaru 1063th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(7):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Mon 19 Aug 17:04:    
quote: it's not anything comparable to the golden era of the 90s.
Not to be all gloomy but to put it in perspective, it's actually worse than what we thought were the dark days of Dreamcast...
DC Top 3 Soul Calibur 288,604 Virtua Fighter 3tb 280,095 Capcom Vs. SNK 200,410
PS3 Top 3 Tekken 6 190,900 P4U Mayonaka 184,997 DBZ Burst Limit 163,010
-edit- And I know this will make not only Iggy but also some real people wonder so, for the sake of context...
Dreamcast Top 10 in Japan (numbers from Famitsu via Geimin) 01# Bio Hazard Code Veronica 403,962 02# Seaman 399,342 03# Sonic Adventure 385,365 04# Sega Rally 2 374,892 05# Shenmue 355,902 06# Sakura Taisen 3 304,135 07# Soul Calibur 288,604 08# Virtua Fighter 3tb 280,095 09# J-League Pro Soccer Club wo Tsukurou! 274,620 10# Sakura Taisen 4 257,386
(Vita and Wii U would kill for those numbers right now. PS3 would not complain either.)
78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す
[this message was edited by chazumaru on Mon 19 Aug 17:39] |
Iggy 9629th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Death from above" , posted Wed 21 Aug 08:43    
So, after being a joke, being a non-joke, and being a tired joke that has gone on for far too long, Divekick is now an actual game you can buy with real money.
And it's actually quite good! It's probably the only time I'll ever have a game to play on equal terms with my boyfriend (who only seem to care about SoulCalibur, but only because of the dressing-up mode)(now I think of it, like all my previous boyfriends. What have I been doing wrong?) Even ignoring the jokes, some of which are obscure enough to warrant a wiki, the game is ridiculous and simple enough to have us laugh hard for over an hour. I was also worried that the more stupid things they added, the less clean the design would end up, but they built up a much better game as a result. I didn't know they added half of the characters they did, but they are all at the same time distinctive, fun, and meta-ridiculous (stance character? Mash character? Zoning character? charge character? parry and teleport? All that with 2 buttons?). Half of the fun was to discover how to use the systems and super moves, then the specificities of each character, and then playing around with the cast.
Not sure how enjoyable the game is online, but offline with real people, it's absolutely brilliant. I'm very happy the game ended up being done and released the way it is, even though I may not have that many occasions to turn it on. I also think it's a more valuable entry in the fighting game pantheon then... actually quite a few games recent and old.
Nekros 565th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(1):Death from above" , posted Wed 21 Aug 22:09    
Even ignoring the jokes, some of which are obscure enough to warrant a wiki, the game is ridiculous and simple enough to have us laugh hard for over an hour. I was also worried that the more stupid things they added, the less clean the design would end up, but they built up a much better game as a result. I didn't know they added half of the characters they did, but they are all at the same time distinctive, fun, and meta-ridiculous (stance character? Mash character? Zoning character? charge character? parry and teleport? All that with 2 buttons?). Half of the fun was to discover how to use the systems and super moves, then the specificities of each character, and then playing around with the cast.
Sounds cool and funny. Demo or blind date?
quote: It's probably the only time I'll ever have a game to play on equal terms with my boyfriend (who only seem to care about SoulCalibur, but only because of the dressing-up mode)(now I think of it, like all my previous boyfriends. What have I been doing wrong?)
Same here with my wife. Maybe the dress-up is some sort of incentive to play the game, is the same reward applied in story modes. Try to play with him a fighter with a deep story mode (Persona 4, BlazBlue) and see what happens.
Nekros 567th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(8):Really talking about Chaos Code" , posted Thu 22 Aug 14:57    
quote: It's funny how much talk Aquapazza's US release is getting everywhere! In comparison, the news that Chaos Code will be released (PSN, download only) in the US has only been mentioned in this one tiny little post, as far as I've seen at least. Anybody here play it ever anywhere? If I recall, it was exclusive for the X360 for a while, which should make this the slightly expanded PS3 version.... right?
I'm not getting why a title like Aquapazza could sell, especially when the other moe fighter (Arcana heart) bombed hard. We don't have any clue about the original Aquaplus games, so neither characters are a selling point. Phantom Breaker looks a bit better in terms of general design and gameplay but moe is moe, always terrible to look at (graphics are colorful, tough). I wonder when a better product like Under Night In-Birth will be released... maybe never 'cause has non-moe Merkaba in it.
But seriously, I don't think why in the west these games can have success, and why bringing here Aquapazza and not EX Troopers or Ketsui.
chazumaru 1073th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit hole" , posted Thu 22 Aug 17:44    
quote: Never tought Seaman was , by far, one of the best selling games of the system. It also comes as a surprise, given the numbers we are used to see nowadays, that Dreamcast never had a single million-seller game.
Well even the Saturn only had one million seller (VF2) and that was Sega's biggest hardware success story by far in Japan. Sega only had two million sellers in Japan ever (the second one being Love & Berry on DS).
What this speaks for is how much the landscape for successful video game genres had changed by late 1999, which is when Dreamcast had a chance to convince Japanese consumers but was also the year the entire Japanese market collapsed and successful games stopped being automatic million sellers.
The Dreamcast lacked appeal as a true RPG console or, more precisely, was hurt by the lack of Square titles. 1998-2001 was also the boom of music games like Bemani/DDR, which really hurt Sega and SNK in the arcades as they had no real alternative (Bemani games probably killed the Neo Geo 64). The Dreamcast lacked those as well. Compared to VF3, the success of Code Veronica and Sega Rally 2 (most likely thanks to the Gran Turismo racing sim boom) show how much influence the PlayStation had on gamers' habits by that time.
And as you mentioned, it's fascinating that Seaman beat Shenmue. I think Seaman was a much more obvious "new experience" for consumers, justifying a new console by having them doing something never seen on PS1. In retrospect, it seems obvious that Shenmue was too strange to become a million seller (which its budget required for the game to be called a success). It was trying too many new things yet it was not possible to clearly convey what was so unique in a simple sentence. I mean, "you can open the drawers in the kitchen and you have to wait for hours before you can talk to that florist" was fascinating to me but I can see why the average Japanese consumer was more interested by "you are having a conversation with a human-fish hybrid". Also it's possible the clubbing drugs were amazing in Japan in 1999.
But if you think about it, Shenmue combined RPG elements, cinematic elements (like Bio Hazard and MGS), fighting game elements inspired by Sega's biggest franchise in Japan at the time and amazing real time graphics at the moment real time cutscenes were becoming a trend compared to the CG approach (see MGS, Silent Bomber etc.). Even without the Yu Suzuki Golden Child connection, it wasn't so crazy to think it would become a huge success when the project got greenlighted. I wonder how much more it would have sold in Japan if Sega had called it Virtua Fighter RPG.
78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す
karasu99 1217th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Tue 17 Sep 08:31    
quote: Has anyone tried the DoA5 upgrade? If so, any thoughts?
I have been! It's not bad, but if I had bought the original game I would have never dropped $40 for five extra characters, some new stages, and a bunch of DLC I'll never buy.
Actually, that makes it sound awful, which it's not. I'm oddly happy that Leon's back, Rachel, Momiji, and Jacky are nice additions, and overall it's the same kind of fun I recall having back in the DC days.
Was Story Mode atrocious in the original? I appreciate the attempt at grafting a story onto "Defeat X", but it's full of plasticky set pieces, wooden dialog, people standing around in ludicrous outfits, and none of the nicely rendered aspects of the actual game.
For reasons beyond me Capcom decided to dust off Capcom Fighting Jam and trot that turkey out one more time. This is only of note to Zangief completists who want to want to check out the new head he was sporting in this game.
Seriously? I had never noticed a different head on Zangief, but I'll fish out my Arcadia Extra for CFG to check in a minute.
Even though I won't buy it (I've got... three copies (?) of the game already) I have a real soft spot for CFG and its Warzard connection. It's far from the best Capcom fighter, but it's also pretty fun.
karasu99 1220th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(7):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Thu 19 Sep 07:18    
Guilty Gear: the new characters looks cool, but I wonder how they will be in the actual game (if they appear in the game at all). Gald that those aren't the final design of the old characters, some are really awful (Johnny, but especially Zappa)
Well, actual art for Axl and I-No has appeared. Professor, they'll be in the next loc test in November.
I like that they're changing Axl up, but he's drifted pretty far from his denim metal roots; what's with the boots with no socks, the tie, and the weird jacket with the belt-cape? I-No, predictably, is completely unchanged, for the most part.
Nekros, I completely agree, Zappa and Johnny in those images are horrendous!
GPA 66th Post
Occasional Customer
| "Re(8):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Thu 19 Sep 08:48    
quote: Guilty Gear: the new characters looks cool, but I wonder how they will be in the actual game (if they appear in the game at all). Gald that those aren't the final design of the old characters, some are really awful (Johnny, but especially Zappa) Well, actual art for Axl and I-No has appeared. Professor, they'll be in the next loc test in November.
I like that they're changing Axl up, but he's drifted pretty far from his denim metal roots; what's with the boots with no socks, the tie, and the weird jacket with the belt-cape? I-No, predictably, is completely unchanged, for the most part.
Nekros, I completely agree, Zappa and Johnny in those images are horrendous!
Weird AC/DC homage?
Mosquiton 1935th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(1):New Killer Instinct trailer" , posted Tue 24 Sep 00:52    
quote: The new trailer shows newcomer Sadira fighting Sabrewulf (wow, she's creepy...); plus, apparently the sixth and final character in the game release will be Orchid.
I'm kinda surprised that Orchid was chosen over Fulgore or Spinal. Then again, I'm more surprised that Thunder and a brand-new character were chosen over Fulgore and Spinal (and revealed before Orchid).
This game looks very good, but I still think Microsoft should delay it and release it when it is ready (that is, with all characters, game modes, etc.). Currently it seems unfinished, like when KOF XII was released...
Yeah, I can see myself lingering on the character select screen sadly and ultimately deciding "well I guess I'll settle for..."
No Fulgore kind of bums me out. I suppose after the paid public beta (I mean, the game's initial release) KI has a good chance of getting tweaked, tuned, and expanded.
As for Orchid, it kind of looks like Asia Argento as the star of a 3D platformer from 2002... what with the giant goggles and the huge blue POWER GEM on her knee. Reminds me of Jak and Daxter, the somewhat obscure Haven: Call of the King, and Rare's own Kameo. I am not neccessarily insulting or complenenting the design here...
/ / /
Just a Person 1550th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):New Killer Instinct trailer" , posted Tue 24 Sep 02:22    
quote: Yeah, I can see myself lingering on the character select screen sadly and ultimately deciding "well I guess I'll settle for..."
No Fulgore kind of bums me out. I suppose after the paid public beta (I mean, the game's initial release) KI has a good chance of getting tweaked, tuned, and expanded.
As for Orchid, it kind of looks like Asia Argento as the star of a 3D platformer from 2002... what with the giant goggles and the huge blue POWER GEM on her knee. Reminds me of Jak and Daxter, the somewhat obscure Haven: Call of the King, and Rare's own Kameo. I am not neccessarily insulting or complenenting the design here...
I think she looks alright. Better than Jago (but I guess it would be quite hard to make a redesign as bad as his), and not as radically changed as Glacius. Plus, she doesn't have Janet Jackson's face again, like in KI2 (nothing against Janet Jackson, it was just weird seeing the three women in KI2 with her face).
As for Fulgore, I guess him and Spinal will be the two post-launch characters for KI's "Season 1". Unless Microsoft decides to save them for "Season 2", to assure its sales (nevertheless, they still have better chances than the three newcomers from KI2).
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Baines 384th Post
Silver Customer
| "EF-12" , posted Thu 26 Sep 15:03:    
quote: Has anyone looked into Project EF-12? Any thoughts?
It is MUGEN for 3D fighters, for better or worse.
It is also very much still in development. The game exits to the title screen after a match ends. The UI is barely present. I saw no way to back out during character selection, nor any pause or exit during a match, and menus are extremely basic.
Without taking the time to try to learn the system, it is hard to judge its current potential. And it is in development, so it will presumably improve over time (and users will learn tricks to implement unintended features as well).
But to judge it from a quick play, it feels like it is currently sitting somewhere between PS1 and PS2 3D fighter generations. Mechanically, it might be closer to PS1 at the moment. Some of those absent features might be a troublesome task to implement, and likely a performance hit as well.
I expect it to have a rougher future than MUGEN, largely because making 3D fighters is a bit more complicated than 2D ones (at least when you allow for most MUGEN characters being sprite rips). That, and it being a Japanese program.
[this message was edited by Baines on Thu 26 Sep 15:18] |
Nekros 575th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Perusona 4 The Arena ETC:" , posted Thu 26 Sep 20:43    
quote: Has anyone looked into Project EF-12? Any thoughts?
It is MUGEN for 3D fighters, for better or worse.
It is also very much still in development. The game exits to the title screen after a match ends. The UI is barely present. I saw no way to back out during character selection, nor any pause or exit during a match, and menus are extremely basic.
Without taking the time to try to learn the system, it is hard to judge its current potential. And it is in development, so it will presumably improve over time (and users will learn tricks to implement unintended features as well).
But to judge it from a quick play, it feels like it is currently sitting somewhere between PS1 and PS2 3D fighter generations. Mechanically, it might be closer to PS1 at the moment. Some of those absent features might be a troublesome task to implement, and likely a performance hit as well.
I expect it to have a rougher future than MUGEN, largely because making 3D fighters is a bit more complicated than 2D ones (at least when you allow for most MUGEN characters being sprite rips). That, and it being a Japanese program.
Nekros 576th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Perusona 4 The Arena ETC:" , posted Thu 26 Sep 20:43    
quote: Has anyone looked into Project EF-12? Any thoughts?
It is MUGEN for 3D fighters, for better or worse.
It is also very much still in development. The game exits to the title screen after a match ends. The UI is barely present. I saw no way to back out during character selection, nor any pause or exit during a match, and menus are extremely basic.
Without taking the time to try to learn the system, it is hard to judge its current potential. And it is in development, so it will presumably improve over time (and users will learn tricks to implement unintended features as well).
But to judge it from a quick play, it feels like it is currently sitting somewhere between PS1 and PS2 3D fighter generations. Mechanically, it might be closer to PS1 at the moment. Some of those absent features might be a troublesome task to implement, and likely a performance hit as well.
I expect it to have a rougher future than MUGEN, largely because making 3D fighters is a bit more complicated than 2D ones (at least when you allow for most MUGEN characters being sprite rips). That, and it being a Japanese program.
Nekros 575th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Perusona 4 The Arena ETC:" , posted Thu 26 Sep 20:43    
quote: Has anyone looked into Project EF-12? Any thoughts?
It is MUGEN for 3D fighters, for better or worse.
It is also very much still in development. The game exits to the title screen after a match ends. The UI is barely present. I saw no way to back out during character selection, nor any pause or exit during a match, and menus are extremely basic.
Without taking the time to try to learn the system, it is hard to judge its current potential. And it is in development, so it will presumably improve over time (and users will learn tricks to implement unintended features as well).
But to judge it from a quick play, it feels like it is currently sitting somewhere between PS1 and PS2 3D fighter generations. Mechanically, it might be closer to PS1 at the moment. Some of those absent features might be a troublesome task to implement, and likely a performance hit as well.
I expect it to have a rougher future than MUGEN, largely because making 3D fighters is a bit more complicated than 2D ones (at least when you allow for most MUGEN characters being sprite rips). That, and it being a Japanese program.
Just a Person 1551th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(9):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 03:32    
quote: poster
I should make a chart with proportional character size on the poster.
Weighing that against marketing importance, Ryu is the most important, Juri is extremely important, newcomers Poison and Hugo are important, newcomer Rolento almost doesn't matter, and Elena is approximately as important as Bison's left thigh, who is himself utterly beholden to the logo given how much it obscures him.
Following this logic, shouldn't Chun-Li swap places with Blanka.
Anyway, I also don't get the complaints about the new implementations in the gameplay. In the worst case scenario, these players can just ignore Ultra and stick to Super Arcade Edition, can't they?
I'm still curious about who the mysterious fifth new fighter in Ultra will be.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Gojira 2986th Post

PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 05:35    
Leave it to me to bring everybody down though: Haven't they said the character is an existing character, but one who has never been in a fighting game? Unless they have extremely low opinions of the EX series, that would seem to eliminate the possibility of Poor forgotten Skullo.
They can't and probably won't use Arika property anyway. I get the impression that Capcom and Arika haven't really been best buds over the years.
As for the character, Capcom really narrowed it down badly with their clues to the point where there are either only a few really small sensible possibilities, or a bunch of really stupid crazy possibilities. If we stick with the small list of sensible characters all we have to choose from are characters that exist in SF lore but have never been playable. So characters like Zekuu, Goutetsu, Gill's secretary, Gouken's daughter, another Shadaloo doll, etc. Unused character designs could also fall under this though, so maybe one of these, or this guy?
kofoguz 1089th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(4):Re(10):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 07:25    
quote: Leave it to me to bring everybody down though: Haven't they said the character is an existing character, but one who has never been in a fighting game? Unless they have extremely low opinions of the EX series, that would seem to eliminate the possibility of Poor forgotten Skullo.
They can't and probably won't use Arika property anyway. I get the impression that Capcom and Arika haven't really been best buds over the years.
As for the character, Capcom really narrowed it down badly with their clues to the point where there are either only a few really small sensible possibilities, or a bunch of really stupid crazy possibilities. If we stick with the small list of sensible characters all we have to choose from are characters that exist in SF lore but have never been playable. So characters like Zekuu, Goutetsu, Gill's secretary, Gouken's daughter, another Shadaloo doll, etc. Unused character designs could also fall under this though, so maybe one of these, or this guy?
Dont forget Dan's father man. Only "just another shoto" I would tolerate if it properly mocks Takuma.
Maese 716th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(3):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Fri 15 Nov 10:25    
quote: Why wouldn't she be? She is probably 13, to play on the "13 years since the last arcade version". She would not be the first underage DOA character.
Considering the treatment the DOA women get in the games, it would be REALLY disturbing if this girl was underage.
And, well, Kokoro kinda looks underage too, yet if I'm not mistaken she's 18 years old in DOA5. Maybe Marirose is just another girl that looks younger than she really is...
You guys are too prudish. Think about the doujinshis! Poor doujin writers need some fresh fodder too!
I'll admit I am kind of excited interested on this arcade version, if only for nostalgia reasons. It's been so many years since the days I used to play DOA on the arcades on my way back home from high school, at the very same game center where I played Soul Edge, Tekken 3, Last Blade or Samurai Spirits IV... Aaah, the memories!
karasu99 1246th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Fri 15 Nov 14:04    
quote: Why wouldn't she be? She is probably 13, to play on the "13 years since the last arcade version". She would not be the first underage DOA character.
Considering the treatment the DOA women get in the games, it would be REALLY disturbing if this girl was underage.
And, well, Kokoro kinda looks underage too, yet if I'm not mistaken she's 18 years old in DOA5. Maybe Marirose is just another girl that looks younger than she really is...
You guys are too prudish. Think about the doujinshis! Poor doujin writers need some fresh fodder too!
I'll admit I am kind of excited interested on this arcade version, if only for nostalgia reasons. It's been so many years since the days I used to play DOA on the arcades on my way back home from high school, at the very same game center where I played Soul Edge, Tekken 3, Last Blade or Samurai Spirits IV... Aaah, the memories!
Ah, my friend, I wish that those days were still with us! They're marginally closer in Japan still, but unfortunately DOA5U just doesn't have the same special... something DOA2 had. I still suspect it's got some kind of inverse relationship to the quality of its graphics. It's at times like this that I feel like we're all those melancholy samurai of the Bakumatsu (as in Gekka no Kenshi), knowing that our era has come to a close, but still clinging to its ideals.
Maybe it's just the cold medicine talking though!
Just a Person 1555th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(5):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Sat 16 Nov 01:38:    
Okay, so the new character's name is Marie Rose, not Marirose. And Team Ninja uploaded a new trailer showing her (and the other characters as well).
Also, she is Swedish, works as a Maid (what??), and her age is 18 years old (she's actually some months OLDER than Ayane and Eliot). I guess it's okay now for Team Ninja to show her in skimpy bikinis.
EDIT: hmmm, just a thought: Swedish girl, who practices a Russian martial art, and her profession is most common in Japan (I assume that her job as a "maid" doesn't really involve cleaning houses, washing clothes and cooking, but something as those girls who work in Japanese cafes serving snacks and being cute)... Marie Rose is definitely the most multicultural fighter in Dead or Alive (and maybe one of the most multicultural fighters in fighting games overall).
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sat 16 Nov 07:12] |