Fighting Game Thread: Summer 2013 Edition - Forums

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MMCafe Owner

"Fighting Game Thread: Summer 2013 Edition" , posted Fri 9 Aug 03:27post reply

Will Guilty Gear Xrd live up to its anticipation? This summer to early fall is heating up with new releases! Only 7 hours left til the GGXrd location test begins!


1187th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Fighting Game Thread: Summer 2013 Editi" , posted Fri 9 Aug 05:36post reply

Will Guilty Gear Xrd live up to its anticipation? This summer to early fall is heating up with new releases! Only 7 hours left til the GGXrd location test begins!

Professor, will you be able to make it to the location test? I'll be curious to hear about how obvious/not obvious it is that the characters are 3d.

To inaugurate the new thread for our Favorite Genre, not only has Yatagarasu almost met its goal, the 4.3 version is available for cheap as part of a doujin bundle!

3832th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Fighting Game Thread: Summer 2013 Editi" , posted Fri 9 Aug 09:51post reply

Will Guilty Gear Xrd live up to its anticipation? This summer to early fall is heating up with new releases! Only 7 hours left til the GGXrd location test begins!

Professor, will you be able to make it to the location test? I'll be curious to hear about how obvious/not obvious it is that the characters are 3d.

To inaugurate the new thread for our Favorite Genre, not only has Yatagarasu almost met its goal, the 4.3 version is available for cheap as part of a doujin bundle!

This Friday through the weekend is a bit tough for me but I'm going to try and get a glimpse this morning, need to head towards Akiba direction anyhoos. I'm wondering how much of an impression I can report though, considering I haven't followed GG in ye old ages!

2532th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Yatagarasu" , posted Fri 9 Aug 10:48:post reply

Yatagarasu almost met its goal

(Yatagarasu)er, Karasu, I am so glad you keep bringing this game to my attention. I would love to hear more about what's been going on with it...I gather it's been a doujin free-to-play for some time before? It looks like they already met their goal, excellent! In the trailer on your link, there sure are a lot of...stockings that weren't being worn before, which I hope aren't indicative of graphical changes. Athena's magic/iron skirt in KOF13 grosses me out. I also can't really imagine playing fighting games on a PC. Hmm!


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 9 Aug 10:52]

1901th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Fighting Game Thread: Summer 2013 Editi" , posted Fri 9 Aug 14:10post reply


To inaugurate the new thread for our Favorite Genre, not only has Yatagarasu almost met its goal, the 4.3 version is available for cheap as part of a doujin bundle!

This game actually looks quite fun but I wish some of their influences were a little less obvious. Some of the "maybe in the future" characters have very cool designs. Qadl would be something like a female Dhalsim (or Necro considering all the SFIII love on display here).

A few things strikes me as a bit off/weird. Hanzo's boobs seem to inflate and deflate in her idle pose. Is
this supposed to be breathing? She's a bit awkward in general I think... it could be that 3rd Strike Chun is just so much of a masterpiece it's an extremely unflattering comparison.

/ / /

1048th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"GGXrd pretty pickcharz" , posted Fri 9 Aug 16:42post reply

Looks really nice!

I think they learned a lot from their efforts on Battle Fantasia.

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560th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):GGXrd pretty pickcharz" , posted Fri 9 Aug 18:50post reply

Looks really nice!

I think they learned a lot from their efforts on Battle Fantasia.

Fantastic on a technical standpoint but I'm not sure if I like the artstyle per se... kinda moe, Potemkin is really ugly and in general quite far from the late 90s "edgier" character design. I'm ok with overhaul etc. but not in this way, especially thinking of ABA, Zappa or Slayer.
It's just the firts impression, I prefer this over SF4 or Injustice alla the way.

Is comboing the same as usual or it feels more "3D"?

3834th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Loketest report a la Cafe" , posted Fri 9 Aug 21:30:post reply

Report & screenshot photo links:

I checked out the GGXrd loketest. Quite impressive. I'm not going to write about the character details because I haven't played the GG series in nearly a decade, and there's better sites to search for technical details like Dustloop.

However, this should give people a good idea of the hype surrounding the loketest, and how the game felt in terms of presentations. (Note: Skip to Part 3 if you don't care about the hype.)

I - Best Loketest, EVER.

There were about 120 people lining up outside before the loketest even started, a little past 11. Everyone shouted out "LET'S ROCK!" when the playing began. Needless to say the core staff were there including Blazblue producer Mori, who skipped out quicky from the scene.

Although it doesn't directly have to do with the game, this loketest was probably the best & effecient loketest that I've ever been at since the Fatal Fury Special and Virtua Fighter 1 days. I was pretty skeptical because the hosting arcade is pretty grimy and small; their past loketests with Meltyblood and KOF had been horrible experiences where a ton of people were always trying to fit in while there were also customers playing other normal videogames.

At today's loketest though, Sega took all out all their normal games at the arcade's 4th floor and dedicated the floor to just the loketest. It was the roomiest loketest I've been to, and even better, nobody smoked-- all the customers revolved too fast for that, especially with a 3 win limit. The effort showed just how serious that Arc System Works and Sega's Amusement division is about the game.

II - Player & Character demographics

A LOT of the players at the loketest were female. In fact, the first batch of players were ALL girls which was rare sight you'd never expect to see in the arcades.

The build only had the roster of 7 characters announced up to date, no surprises there. Sol and Ky were popular as hell and Arc System Works definitely anticipated on that. The souvenir they gave out (plastic fans) only came in two flavors, Sol or Ky. The other characters aside of Sol and Ky were picked at relatively equal paces to each other. May was probably the least picked character so that sort of left a deeper impression whenever she was seen. And to clarify, Sol and Ky being the most picked characters had nothing to do with the ratio of female players. It was like that regardless of player gender.

Most of the people were playing the game as though they haven't touched the series in years--- I'm pretty sure they haven't.

III - Graphics and presentation

-This game is so anime-

If you ever heard of anyone calling 2D fighting games an "anime game" and blistered at their ignorance between pixel art and toon shading... well, this is definitely what you'd call an anime game. These photos taken today by Radio Kaisan (as well as the other URLs at the top of this post) does a pretty good job at showing what the game looks like right now.

-Pre-fight intros-

The game has fully animated pre-fight intros for each character. With May, it starts out with a zoomed view of her shipmate calling for her from the sky, then the screen pans out to the ocean where May is riding her dolphin. Then May takes a leap and lands on to the stage. In Chipp's case, he comes running out from the horizon of a desert, meanwhile leaving a sand of smoke behind him.

At first glance these cinematics look like they're hand-drawn animation. In fact, if you take a look at the photos (like this for example), it's hard to tell that it's a render. However it's completely real-time 2.5D. The animation comes completely seamless to the game and they also come into play when supers are done during the matches. So YES, you'll finally get to see the emotions on the character's faces as they get thrown by a Potempkin Buster. The developers didn't compromise processor usage for the zoom-ins; the background doesn't fade away when the camera zooms in to the character as they do their super.

That said, there were some noticeable frameskips during some of the animation sequences. Millia was a prime example, as her pre-fight intro felt like it dropped to something around 10fps in some parts of the sequence. Hopefully that'll be improved in the upcoming builds.

Going 2.5D definitely gives GGXrd the leading edge over contemporary 2D fighting games. Every knockout comes with the screen panning around, zooming in, or flashing into different camera angles. In some ways it felt a bit overused, because it even happens when a player simply foot sweeps the opponent for a KO.

I've seen a couple of times where an unfortunate player went into their gorgeous and dramatic super move cutscene, and the next second-- wham, they get smacked out of their move. Pure drama.

-The small things that matter-

Arc System Works did quite a job at the small stuff that matters-- presentations. Every character still has their taunts and appraisals. There were a handful of matches where the players just kept using them to each other for the first 10-20 seconds of the game. And of course each character has unique time-over animations. I don't recall what they looked like back in the old games but for example, May squats on the floor with both feet out, throwing a tantrum as she pulls down her cap to her face. With Sol, he turns his back, looking a bit pissed.

And talk about Sol, his Dragon Install actually changes his appearance this time. He turns to a demonic form, a bit like the silhouette back when he did the move in the old GGX games, except he has small wings on the top of his head that makes him look like a demon with horns, and he's got a chain dangling from his neck. He has a different winpose if he wins in his install state.

The one thing I was wondering was how the game will handle Millia, given that the developers will have to toy around a lot with her rendering since her hair turns into various shapes. I'm not sure if it's done through just textures or if the developers went through the painstaking work of rendering each of her attacks, but she seems to retain all her moves. She also has her Bad Moon of course. Some of the moves actually look better than before, like the Lust Shaker (rapid hair poke) has a more natural flex to it, making it feel more like hair than needle-like pokes.

But of course, the biggest tidbit of detail that left a deep impression was...

-Back to the goodness of the 1990's-

Remember back in the 90's when publishers weren't afraid of showing the opponent, beaten up mercilessly by the player? Well, GGXrd brings that back. In the victory screen, the loser is seen laying on the floor while the winner stands in the distance, savoring their victory. In a way, the screen composition almost looks like SFIII's victory screen, except unfortunately there's no bruises or cloth damage in GGXrd's case-- the loser just lies on the ground in front of the screen, unconscious from the battle. It's a still shot (no animation), and surprisingly, no victory quote, at least in the current build. It looks a bit silly for Sol.

There's a bit more I'm tempted to write, but that should hopefully give some essence of what GGXrd felt like. The loketest has about 8-10 staff tending the crowd, so I'm not sure if anyone will be able to take videos, which of course is strictly prohibited.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 10 Aug 01:20]

4684th Post

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"Re(1):GGXrd pretty pickcharz" , posted Fri 9 Aug 22:02post reply

Looks really nice!

Wow, the screenshots look slick! Here I was worried that Millia was going to be a yellow blob but the blacks and slightly different shading on her outfit help define her outline and make it work. She looks like a Leiji Matsumoto heroine and that's a good thing. Before I felt that the color schemes on Millia, Ky and Venom overlapped a bit too much so this is a good change. True, she's now moving in on May's colors but nobody is going to mistake Millia for that brat.

After looking at those screenshots I actually want to play Potemkin. That's an incredible bit of character rehibilitation. It certainly beats adding yet more ponytails to the characters.

This game actually looks quite fun but I wish some of their influences were a little less obvious. Some of the "maybe in the future" characters have very cool designs. Qadl would be something like a female Dhalsim (or Necro considering all the SFIII love on display here).

Some of those homages are a bit too on the nose but at least the cast has a nice sense of variety. It's certainly better than Aquapazza, Arcana Hearts and other games that decide that just because they have small budgets they have to be as niche as possible in their presentation.

1049th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):GGXrd pretty pickcharz" , posted Fri 9 Aug 22:32post reply

Thanks Prof, really cool impressions. I am somehow pumped for this game even though I could never really get into GGX. I hope they bring back Faust because it would be very interesting to see how they handle him animation-wise.

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1188th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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"Re(3):GGXrd pretty pickcharz" , posted Sat 10 Aug 03:30post reply

Thanks Prof, really cool impressions. I am somehow pumped for this game even though I could never really get into GGX. I hope they bring back Faust because it would be very interesting to see how they handle him animation-wise.

Yeah Professor, thanks a million! I was excited to begin with since I've always enjoyed the series but now that we've seen how nice it all looks I'm even more anxious for it to come out.

(Yatagarasu)er, Karasu, I am so glad you keep bringing this game to my attention. I would love to hear more about what's been going on with it...I gather it's been a doujin free-to-play for some time before? It looks like they already met their goal, excellent! In the trailer on your link, there sure are a lot of...stockings that weren't being worn before, which I hope aren't indicative of graphical changes. Athena's magic/iron skirt in KOF13 grosses me out. I also can't really imagine playing fighting games on a PC. Hmm!

I'm not sure you'll love the game, but you may very well like it. Especially at that super low price. I'm not sure I would every consider playing a fighting game on PC to any degree of seriousness, but at least this one is well put together and fun.

1052th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):GGXrd pretty pickcharz" , posted Sun 11 Aug 02:05post reply

There are a couple of videos of the loketest in the wild, probably not for long.

You should find them quickly if you look carefully.

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4686th Post

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"Re(5):GGXrd pretty pickcharz" , posted Sun 11 Aug 05:23post reply

There are a couple of videos of the loketest in the wild, probably not for long.

GGXrd continues to look really good. I was wondering whether or not they would go crazy with the camera so I was happy to see that it was well handled for the most part. While the dramatic camera swing during launchers wasn't nearly as obnoxious as it was in SxT it could get old if players were going for it constantly during a match. Still, it looked good when it jumped around for something as dramatic as Potemkin winning the match with a command throw.

Even over the din of dozens of games and a room full of people you could still clearly hear May's squeal as she attacked and her squeaky shoes. It's remarkable.

The backgrounds look like they were built using the same manner as the ones in BB. That's to be expected, especially since BB always wanted to be GG when it grew up.

The more I see of this game the more I want to play it. Or that's what I would say if I had seen any of those runaway videos...

3548th Post

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"Re(2):GGXrd pretty pickcharz" , posted Sun 11 Aug 08:40post reply


Fantastic on a technical standpoint but I'm not sure if I like the artstyle per se... kinda moe, Potemkin is really ugly and in general quite far from the late 90s "edgier" character design. I'm ok with overhaul etc. but not in this way, especially thinking of ABA, Zappa or Slayer.
It's just the firts impression, I prefer this over SF4 or Injustice alla the way.

"Bright and shiny" doesn't exactly say "heavy metal" to me and as a huge fan of Ishiwatari's art, I would've liked something a little grittier with a different color scheme. That might be feasible to pull off elegantly, though, so it's hard to say. There are some little details that vaguely resemble the artwork, though, especially in the character's eyes.

I love all the "Location test" signs in the backgrounds.


I don't mind using Slayer, I-no, Jam or Baiken if push comes to shove, but I'll be bummed if none of my favorites make it in. (Of course, new characters are great, too.) Right now, I wouldn't even care to play the game, because I wouldn't have anyone to choose.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1055th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):GGXrd pretty captcharz" , posted Mon 12 Aug 02:57:post reply

Better videos have surfaced.

Well, it looks like Guilty Gear alright. Already three gauges and a Burst icon = I am not so sure they'll expand the fan base so much. I dig the reference to Potemkin's stage in the first GG. Ky seems to have moved from Paris to that new weird country featured in GG2Overture. Doesn't the game zoom out less than before? I remember GGX/GGXX having a SNK-like camera but here, it stays focussed very close to the characters.

I'll be bummed if none of my favorites make it in

Being worried that Bridget won't be in a new Guilty Gear is like being worried that Link won't be in the next Smash Bros.

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Mon 12 Aug 02:59]

3836th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):GGXrd pretty captcharz" , posted Mon 12 Aug 07:47post reply

FYI it's ok to post video links here, though I'm surprised people were able to take some shots!

Man, if only the test was going on today too, I'd be hitting it again.

3550th Post

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"Re(4):GGXrd pretty captcharz" , posted Mon 12 Aug 09:01post reply


Being worried that Bridget won't be in a new Guilty Gear is like being worried that Link won't be in the next Smash Bros.

I think my fear for ABA and Zappa has made me think completely irrationally. You're right.

It's kind of neat...looking at "over the shoulder" videos, I never would've guessed that the game was 3D. It would just look like "HD Guilty Gear." Still, seeing how close it is to the original, I wonder if this method is really easier, or if it's just more versatile.

I still have concerns with them using Unreal Engine, but I suppose it could just be a coincidence that all the Unreal Engine games I played had uneven performance issues.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

561th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):GGXrd pretty captcharz" , posted Mon 12 Aug 22:36post reply


It's kind of neat...looking at "over the shoulder" videos, I never would've guessed that the game was 3D. It would just look like "HD Guilty Gear." Still, seeing how close it is to the original, I wonder if this method is really easier, or if it's just more versatile.

I still have concerns with them using Unreal Engine, but I suppose it could just be a coincidence that all the Unreal Engine games I played had uneven performance issues.

The game gets better and better to my eyes every time a video shows something new (really impressive animation... check DAT Potemkin "ultra" move -withe the eyes of the victim blanked in nervous fear-). Very good! Now we know that a new Darkstalkers can be done (by ASW, luckily) :P

Another topic that is barely seen on boards about Xrd is music... GG is also about music and has nice pieces towards the hard rock genre (use of bass, distortions, etc) than "pure" metal chords like BB. I'm also a fan of the Korean ost for #Reload and hope for a similar approach with a "dirty" feel to it.
So, how's the music in Xrd? Is similar to BlazBlue or GGXX? Are there new songs or just arrangements of the old themes?

3848th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting today" , posted Fri 16 Aug 10:53post reply

Well this is unexpected. Persona 4 Arena is getting a sequel and the location testing has started today at Tokyo's Akihabara Hey and Osaka. Yukari and Junpei from P3 are in the game. Some location shots below.

63th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Fri 16 Aug 14:24post reply

Well this is unexpected. Persona 4 Arena is getting a sequel and the location testing has started today at Tokyo's Akihabara Hey and Osaka. Yukari and Junpei from P3 are in the game. Some location shots below.

Is it a sequel or an Extend? All the character portraits look the same.

3850th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Fri 16 Aug 15:28:post reply

Well this is unexpected. Persona 4 Arena is getting a sequel and the location testing has started today at Tokyo's Akihabara Hey and Osaka. Yukari and Junpei from P3 are in the game. Some location shots below.

Is it a sequel or an Extend? All the character portraits look the same.

[edit] Famitsu has an article detailing the shadow mode and stuff now

I checked it for a very brief time-- it's being marketed as a sequel but I'd say it's technically an extend. There's a bunch of new stages like the Junes shopping mall rooftop/eating area.

You can pick between "Normal" and "Shadow" when you chose a character in the select screen. For Labrys, it switches beteen normal Labrys and Shadown Labrys from P4A, but I'm not sure what the difference is for the other characters because very few people picked them-- I hear that they can't BURST but they can go into "Berserk mode" with the same input, which lets them do infinite supers for a limited time. Their portrait pic changes when you pick the Shadow version, for example Kanji looks gay. Shadow isn't available for Elisabeth.

Junpei fights with a bat and has a "baseball" gauge with the bases and Strike/Ball/Out. I'm not completely sure how it works but you can see a screenshot here.

Yukari fights like something inbetween Mina from Samurai Shodown and the Elf from Dragon's Crown, except with no stock/limit on her arrows.

Comparing this to Arc System Works' Guilty Gear location test last week, it's pretty puny. Only 4 units going head to head. The line was forming from the 1st floor even though the announcement was really sudden.

On a completely different note, I forgot to mention that PSN(JP) is offering Capcom Fighting Evolution and Capcom vs SNK 2 for 800 yen right now, PS2 Archives. For anyone feeling nostalgic to play those games, now might be a good opportunity-- neither titles have netplay though.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 16 Aug 15:42]

64th Post

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"Re(3):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Sat 17 Aug 03:06post reply

Thanks for the info, Professor!

1190th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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"Re(3):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Sat 17 Aug 04:02post reply

Wow, was there any warning that this was even happening? From my perspective in US, it seems like it was announced the same day as the event itself!

I'm really excited for this! P4A is just about the most fun I've had with a fighting game in the last decade!

The whole 'regular/shadow' business reminds me of Shura/Rasetsu from Samurai Spirits 3, although not so much with the radically different move sets, unfortunately).

5819th Post

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"Re(4):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Sat 17 Aug 04:34post reply

Wow, was there any warning that this was even happening? From my perspective in US, it seems like it was announced the same day as the event itself!

The Persona director was speaking about announcements hinting something in store for Atlus's anniversary (next year?); I'm guessing that they are going to choke us in Persona related projects and this is going to be the first step towards that end.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

4690th Post

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"Re(5):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Sat 17 Aug 04:58post reply

Huh, I step out for a second to see a man about a dog and come back to find loketests are being run for a game I knew nothing about! It's not a bad surprise, mind you, but it's still a surprise.

What is the fanbase like for P4A in Japan? I've heard rumblings that this update is only for Japanese arcades but P4A always struck me as a game that might be more popular as a console release considering its JPRG source material. Is there enough interest in the arcade version to go this route?

3857th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Sat 17 Aug 22:18:post reply

Wow, was there any warning that this was even happening? From my perspective in US, it seems like it was announced the same day as the event itself!

In fact, it was-- I don't know why they didn't make any prior announcements. For a loketest, it was definitely odd.

What is the fanbase like for P4A in Japan? I've heard rumblings that this update is only for Japanese arcades but P4A always struck me as a game that might be more popular as a console release considering its JPRG source material. Is there enough interest in the arcade version to go this route?

The fanbase for P4A is quite unique, because it's completely different between the arcade and console. IIRC, the game had the most successful launch week sales as a single-release fighter on console with approx 140K being shipped. It attracted even players who aren't familiar to fighting games because it was a direct/canon sequel to the P4 and P3 series.

But because of that, it also ended up with the same fate as RPG games, where people cleared through the story and sold them off, creating a quick drop in used market price in 3-4 months.

For the arcades, there were a lot of casual players around week 1-2, but after that it became the usual cluster of gamers. Once the console version came out, the scene quickly died down leave aside a few really hardcore gamers. Then Blazblue CP took over.

As far as I know, the original P4A was only released in Japanese arcades too; the thing was distributed on the Nesica network system.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 19 Aug 15:06]

1062th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Mon 19 Aug 07:56:post reply

IIRC, the game had the most successful sales as a single-release fighter on console with approx 14K being shipped.

I assume you mean 14万 / 140K (and strictly "most successful" for this generation of consoles). For your information, it passed 180.000 sales, making it (as of current data) the second biggest success of fighting games on PS3 in Japan, just behind Tekken 6 (which passed 190.000 sales). Obviously, Smash Brothers X on Wii sold above 2 million copies but I guess you don't count it as a traditional fighting game / competitor.


If you meant as a single-release fighter on console for Arc System Works, then yes. It passed Guilty Gear XX on PS2 and Guilty Gear X on DC (previously the two best sellers on console).

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Mon 19 Aug 10:04]

3857th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Mon 19 Aug 13:37:post reply

IIRC, the game had the most successful sales as a single-release fighter on console with approx 14K being shipped.

I assume you mean 14万 / 140K (and strictly "most successful" for this generation of consoles). For your information, it passed 180.000 sales, making it (as of current data) the second biggest success of fighting games on PS3 in Japan, just behind Tekken 6 (which passed 190.000 sales). Obviously, Smash Brothers X on Wii sold above 2 million copies but I guess you don't count it as a traditional fighting game / competitor.


If you meant as a single-release fighter on console for Arc System Works, then yes. It passed Guilty Gear XX on PS2 and Guilty Gear X on DC (previously the two best sellers on console).

Thanks for the correction! I need to additionally fix myself because I meant to say it had the most successful launch week sales. 約14万/approx 140K was just a really easy number to remember from the top of my head.

For current gen fighters, of course. As much as fighting games may seem like they've made a good comeback, it's not anything comparable to the golden era of the 90s.

Which also reminds me, Shibuya Kaikan arcade had its last day yesterday after its 35 years. The place was packed, many people taking photos. It will be missed.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 19 Aug 15:07]

1063th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Mon 19 Aug 17:04:post reply

it's not anything comparable to the golden era of the 90s.

Not to be all gloomy but to put it in perspective, it's actually worse than what we thought were the dark days of Dreamcast...

DC Top 3
Soul Calibur      288,604
Virtua Fighter 3tb    280,095
Capcom Vs. SNK    200,410

PS3 Top 3
Tekken 6       190,900
P4U Mayonaka     184,997
DBZ Burst Limit    163,010

And I know this will make not only Iggy but also some real people wonder so, for the sake of context...

Dreamcast Top 10 in Japan (numbers from Famitsu via Geimin)
01# Bio Hazard Code Veronica       403,962
02# Seaman               399,342
03# Sonic Adventure           385,365 
04# Sega Rally 2             374,892
05# Shenmue              355,902
06# Sakura Taisen 3            304,135
07# Soul Calibur             288,604
08# Virtua Fighter 3tb           280,095
09# J-League Pro Soccer Club wo Tsukurou!  274,620
10# Sakura Taisen 4            257,386

(Vita and Wii U would kill for those numbers right now. PS3 would not complain either.)

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Mon 19 Aug 17:39]

9629th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Death from above" , posted Wed 21 Aug 08:43post reply

So, after being a joke, being a non-joke, and being a tired joke that has gone on for far too long, Divekick is now an actual game you can buy with real money.

And it's actually quite good!
It's probably the only time I'll ever have a game to play on equal terms with my boyfriend (who only seem to care about SoulCalibur, but only because of the dressing-up mode)(now I think of it, like all my previous boyfriends. What have I been doing wrong?)
Even ignoring the jokes, some of which are obscure enough to warrant a wiki, the game is ridiculous and simple enough to have us laugh hard for over an hour. I was also worried that the more stupid things they added, the less clean the design would end up, but they built up a much better game as a result.
I didn't know they added half of the characters they did, but they are all at the same time distinctive, fun, and meta-ridiculous (stance character? Mash character? Zoning character? charge character? parry and teleport? All that with 2 buttons?). Half of the fun was to discover how to use the systems and super moves, then the specificities of each character, and then playing around with the cast.

Not sure how enjoyable the game is online, but offline with real people, it's absolutely brilliant. I'm very happy the game ended up being done and released the way it is, even though I may not have that many occasions to turn it on.
I also think it's a more valuable entry in the fighting game pantheon then... actually quite a few games recent and old.

1625th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Wed 21 Aug 11:34post reply

(Vita and Wii U would kill for those numbers right now. PS3 would not complain either.)

Any Japanese console game maker that is not Nintendo right now would kill for sales above 200k with how bad the industry is right now

On the other hand, mobile/social game makers would laugh at these numbers

1908th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Death from above" , posted Wed 21 Aug 16:26post reply

So, after being a joke, being a non-joke, and being a tired joke that has gone on for far too long, Divekick is now an actual game you can buy with real money.

And it's actually quite good!

It's silly and ugly, but yes, it's stupidly entertaining. Like you I was worried they'd made things too complicated but being able to switch characters really adds a lot. Really easy to pass an hour with a couple of friends. Mr. N and Dr. Shoals are wonderful dueling pieces. I never tire of trolling with the stream monster and Kung Pao. My greatest joy is bodying The Baz.

I even get a fair number of the jokes, but I think it works as absurdist humor just by virtue of its weirdness. People should play it, and know the true joy of scoring a headshot.

/ / /

565th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Death from above" , posted Wed 21 Aug 22:09post reply


Even ignoring the jokes, some of which are obscure enough to warrant a wiki, the game is ridiculous and simple enough to have us laugh hard for over an hour. I was also worried that the more stupid things they added, the less clean the design would end up, but they built up a much better game as a result.
I didn't know they added half of the characters they did, but they are all at the same time distinctive, fun, and meta-ridiculous (stance character? Mash character? Zoning character? charge character? parry and teleport? All that with 2 buttons?). Half of the fun was to discover how to use the systems and super moves, then the specificities of each character, and then playing around with the cast.

Sounds cool and funny. Demo or blind date?

It's probably the only time I'll ever have a game to play on equal terms with my boyfriend (who only seem to care about SoulCalibur, but only because of the dressing-up mode)(now I think of it, like all my previous boyfriends. What have I been doing wrong?)

Same here with my wife. Maybe the dress-up is some sort of incentive to play the game, is the same reward applied in story modes. Try to play with him a fighter with a deep story mode (Persona 4, BlazBlue) and see what happens.

1626th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Aquapazza going to the US" , posted Wed 21 Aug 22:53post reply

It might sell more than 1000 copies!

It's going to retail for $29.99 only

4696th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Aquapazza going to the US" , posted Wed 21 Aug 23:41post reply

Aquapazza is coming to the US? The dead horse that is Dive Kick is actually fun to mess around with? Madness!

While The Fighter Within doesn't look like much of a fighter -or much of a game, to be honest- the character bios are great. They are almost approaching SNK levels of coherence.

1070th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Aquapazza going to the US" , posted Thu 22 Aug 00:08:post reply

The character designs are not bad at all. I mean, that guy who is one year younger than me is a way better Tekken protagonist design than Lars Alexandersson. I hope VF6 will look something like that.

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 22 Aug 00:17]

1909th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Aquapazza going to the US" , posted Thu 22 Aug 03:38post reply

The character designs are not bad at all. I mean, that guy who is one year younger than me is a way better Tekken protagonist design than Lars Alexandersson. I hope VF6 will look something like that.

Really? I think you're right to imply that these are very Tekken-esque designs, but to me they have a really derivative and generic look, simply biting Tekken's style if anything. That female martial artist looks like a Xiao Yu cosplayer who really had to rush to get her costume ready.

Also you saying you want Virtua Fighter to have a bit more flair or are you talking more on a technical level?

/ / /

1208th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Aquapazza going to the US" , posted Thu 22 Aug 04:10post reply

They are almost approaching SNK levels of coherence.

I dunno if they will ever approach the brilliance of SNK's little character quirks like Earthquake's reason for his tattoos:

"My face looks like an old woman. (I tattooed my face to butch it up a little.)"

That one little line totally humanized Earthquake for me.

1191th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Aquapazza going to the US" , posted Thu 22 Aug 04:22post reply

I dunno if they will ever approach the brilliance of SNK's little character quirks like Earthquake's reason for his tattoos:

Since we live in a post-SNK-at-its-height world (for better or worse), I think we have to take what we can get in terms of creative design and bio writing. Which is to say I often feel as though the last 15 or 20 years of fighting game narrative and/or design has been biting off the wonderful works created by Sega, SNK, and Capcom for fighting games in their heyday (Arksys excepted, probably).

I'm just happy that for all three bios shown so far there's not a single brainwashed person, rogue ninja, or person entering the tournament to find a kidnapped loved-one.

All in all I'm not thrilled by the designs myself, but I'm just happy to see some actual new people in a new game where the cast isn't composed of 30% guest-stars. That's a hell of a chance to take in a world where games are squeaking by on a margin like the one mentioned earlier in this thread!

1072th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Not really talking about Aquapazza" , posted Thu 22 Aug 05:54post reply


Also you saying you want Virtua Fighter to have a bit more flair or are you talking more on a technical level?

I don't mind VF characters not looking "cool". I am actually fond the quirkiness of the team's choices in terms of character designs and fighting styles, although I am not sure it's a good idea from a business perspective.

I liked AM2's job on the stages and the innovative self-shadowing in VF5 but I really disliked most of the character designs and especially the plastic feel of their limbs (due to exaggerated light reflection on the skin). It was a huge step back for me from the flashy new visual treatment each VF brought to fighting games. I think, especially on the picture I linked to, Ubi's game does a great job with complementing the characters through lighting effects and interesting textures (ex. the protagonists' hair)?

I agree the girls in Ubi's game don't look that great but I think the fake Taki-Xiaoyu crossover looks neat in the specific screenshot I posted.

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1194th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):Really talking about Chaos Code" , posted Thu 22 Aug 10:15post reply

It's funny how much talk Aquapazza's US release is getting everywhere! In comparison, the news that Chaos Code will be released (PSN, download only) in the US has only been mentioned in this one tiny little post, as far as I've seen at least. Anybody here play it ever anywhere? If I recall, it was exclusive for the X360 for a while, which should make this the slightly expanded PS3 version.... right?

red falcon
6160th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Really talking about Chaos Code" , posted Thu 22 Aug 11:54post reply

It's funny how much talk Aquapazza's US release is getting everywhere! In comparison, the news that Chaos Code will be released (PSN, download only) in the US has only been mentioned in this one tiny little post, as far as I've seen at least. Anybody here play it ever anywhere? If I recall, it was exclusive for the X360 for a while, which should make this the slightly expanded PS3 version.... right?

It's been downloadable on PSN's Japan side for a while. I have it. It's hilariously goofy and hilariously broken, so it's tons of fun.

701th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Persona 4 Arena sequel loketesting toda" , posted Thu 22 Aug 14:24post reply


Which also reminds me, Shibuya Kaikan arcade had its last day yesterday after its 35 years. The place was packed, many people taking photos. It will be missed.

I had heard some rumors, but refused to believe them. Awful news... ;_;

Dreamcast JP sales records

Those make for a very interesting (and insighful) read, thanks for posting! Never tought Seaman was , by far, one of the best selling games of the system. It also comes as a surprise, given the numbers we are used to see nowadays, that Dreamcast never had a single million-seller game.

567th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Really talking about Chaos Code" , posted Thu 22 Aug 14:57post reply

It's funny how much talk Aquapazza's US release is getting everywhere! In comparison, the news that Chaos Code will be released (PSN, download only) in the US has only been mentioned in this one tiny little post, as far as I've seen at least. Anybody here play it ever anywhere? If I recall, it was exclusive for the X360 for a while, which should make this the slightly expanded PS3 version.... right?

I'm not getting why a title like Aquapazza could sell, especially when the other moe fighter (Arcana heart) bombed hard. We don't have any clue about the original Aquaplus games, so neither characters are a selling point. Phantom Breaker looks a bit better in terms of general design and gameplay but moe is moe, always terrible to look at (graphics are colorful, tough).
I wonder when a better product like Under Night In-Birth will be released... maybe never 'cause has non-moe Merkaba in it.

But seriously, I don't think why in the west these games can have success, and why bringing here Aquapazza and not EX Troopers or Ketsui.

1073th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit hole" , posted Thu 22 Aug 17:44post reply

Never tought Seaman was , by far, one of the best selling games of the system. It also comes as a surprise, given the numbers we are used to see nowadays, that Dreamcast never had a single million-seller game.

Well even the Saturn only had one million seller (VF2) and that was Sega's biggest hardware success story by far in Japan. Sega only had two million sellers in Japan ever (the second one being Love & Berry on DS).

What this speaks for is how much the landscape for successful video game genres had changed by late 1999, which is when Dreamcast had a chance to convince Japanese consumers but was also the year the entire Japanese market collapsed and successful games stopped being automatic million sellers.

The Dreamcast lacked appeal as a true RPG console or, more precisely, was hurt by the lack of Square titles. 1998-2001 was also the boom of music games like Bemani/DDR, which really hurt Sega and SNK in the arcades as they had no real alternative (Bemani games probably killed the Neo Geo 64). The Dreamcast lacked those as well. Compared to VF3, the success of Code Veronica and Sega Rally 2 (most likely thanks to the Gran Turismo racing sim boom) show how much influence the PlayStation had on gamers' habits by that time.

And as you mentioned, it's fascinating that Seaman beat Shenmue. I think Seaman was a much more obvious "new experience" for consumers, justifying a new console by having them doing something never seen on PS1. In retrospect, it seems obvious that Shenmue was too strange to become a million seller (which its budget required for the game to be called a success). It was trying too many new things yet it was not possible to clearly convey what was so unique in a simple sentence. I mean, "you can open the drawers in the kitchen and you have to wait for hours before you can talk to that florist" was fascinating to me but I can see why the average Japanese consumer was more interested by "you are having a conversation with a human-fish hybrid". Also it's possible the clubbing drugs were amazing in Japan in 1999.

But if you think about it, Shenmue combined RPG elements, cinematic elements (like Bio Hazard and MGS), fighting game elements inspired by Sega's biggest franchise in Japan at the time and amazing real time graphics at the moment real time cutscenes were becoming a trend compared to the CG approach (see MGS, Silent Bomber etc.). Even without the Yu Suzuki Golden Child connection, it wasn't so crazy to think it would become a huge success when the project got greenlighted. I wonder how much more it would have sold in Japan if Sega had called it Virtua Fighter RPG.

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18th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit" , posted Thu 22 Aug 18:01:post reply

Everything Sega does is ahead of their time
Online multiplayer, monthly subs to a wide library, sandbox play, QTE. Even sex, all the uncovered boobies in games were on sega consoles, and lead to me learning how to play mahjong.

Seaman ought to be ported to iOS

[this message was edited by HokutoAndy on Thu 22 Aug 18:20]

717th Post

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"Re(2):Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit" , posted Thu 22 Aug 22:03post reply

Everything Sega does is ahead of their time.

I'd love to agree, but then I remember Typing of the Dead still hasn't made it to Steam, and thinking about the Streets of Rage Remake shutdown still hurts.

The only interesting thing in those Fighter Within bios was that one character was pretty much in his post-martial-arts career phase while still looking fairly young. When coherence was mentioned here I expected connections between the characters, like SNK got me used to when I least expect it - for example, I always found something like the Fatal Fury story to me more interesting if you look it from the perspective of a non-main character like Tung Fu Rue, who's seen nothing but dissapointment from his past prized students (from their going crooked or dying) and taking a last shot at training a new one while he still has some life in him.
I wonder what kind of hoops one would have to jump to do do such stories some justice in an official capacity, Udon managed to do something interesting from the much rougher SF plot point, yet SNK's stuff is barely touched if you discard those Hong Kong comic oddities...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

361th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit" , posted Thu 22 Aug 23:21post reply

I'd love to agree, but then I remember Typing of the Dead still hasn't made it to Steam, and thinking about the Streets of Rage Remake shutdown still hurts.

The worst thing about the Streets of Rage Remake shutdown isn't that it was shut down.

It is that Remake is the kind of game that Sega would never make itself.

1627th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit " , posted Fri 23 Aug 02:51post reply

I can see why the average Japanese consumer was more interested by "you are having a conversation with a human-fish hybrid". Also it's possible the clubbing drugs were amazing in Japan in 1999.

1999 was around the time when Ganguro was at it's peak. There was definitely interest in human-nonhuman hybrids!

4697th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit" , posted Fri 23 Aug 04:54post reply

"Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit?" Indeed.

But seriously, I don't think why in the west these games can have success, and why bringing here Aquapazza and not EX Troopers or Ketsui.

I would honestly not be surprised to find that those titles are next in line for export. The PS3 and 360 are now entering a winding down phase where any pretense at respectability gets tossed, standards are lowered, and all the weird games start coming out. We're already getting Aquapazza and Chaos Code out of the deal so who knows what's coming next.

While I was digging at Fighter Within a bit in my last post I must admit that it already has a larger cast than the initial release of KI.

2971th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit" , posted Fri 23 Aug 13:54post reply

Yatagarasu goes to Vita, becomes "Legend of Raven"

Apparently they "moved" it from 3DS to Vita. Which is a nice way of saying the 3DS version is cancelled. Well, at least it's finally confirmed dead.

I must say that it's heart-warming to see a bullet point for "parallaxing backgrounds" in a game of this generation. Maybe someday a sequel will come out featuring wild Mode 7 effects!

568th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit" , posted Fri 23 Aug 18:42post reply

I'd love to agree, but then I remember Typing of the Dead still hasn't made it to Steam, and thinking about the Streets of Rage Remake shutdown still hurts.

The worst thing about the Streets of Rage Remake shutdown isn't that it was shut down.

It is that Remake is the kind of game that Sega would never make itself.

Yes, it's awesome. Same apply to certain Sonic games (After The Sequel and Sonic 2 beta reworked being probabily the best)... in any case fans from 16-bit eras are the best choice to revive old ips: the pupil has surpassed the master.

1129th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit" , posted Fri 23 Aug 23:59post reply

I'd love to agree, but then I remember Typing of the Dead still hasn't made it to Steam, and thinking about the Streets of Rage Remake shutdown still hurts.

The worst thing about the Streets of Rage Remake shutdown isn't that it was shut down.

It is that Remake is the kind of game that Sega would never make itself.

IIRC, SoRr was one of the first "Sega revival" fanprojects that got finished... and got released and widely circulated before Sega forced developers to take it down.

Sonic fangames seem to be a completely different thing altogether, with the developers of projects such as "Sonic Classic", "Sonic Before/After the Sequel" or "Sonic Megamix" being given almost free rein to do their thing... go figure!!

1843th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Death from above" , posted Mon 26 Aug 14:21post reply

So, after being a joke, being a non-joke, and being a tired joke that has gone on for far too long, Divekick is now an actual game you can buy with real money.

I got a chance to play it myself and enjoyed it quite a bit with my friends. It is a game you can pick up and have a good session for an hour or so.

As you said, character variety is pretty damn impressive for a two button game. The only characters I am having a hard time grasping are S-Kill and Markman (mostly trying to figure out how to do his lighting kick repeatedly).

The headshot mechanic is very unique. Not only are you stunned going into the next round you also lose all your meter. It is a very rough way to force a person to learn a game, but I think it is effective. Most of the time I get headshot'd from either falling into it or because I was too idle. Either way it appears it is more a fault of the recipient as opposed to the kicker.

In other news, there is an article over at Famitsu about something that took place over at CEDEC with a Tekken motion caption dude talking about what appears to be about "the principles of movements in fighting games"

Know some of y'all may be interested in it.

21th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Sega hypothesis are a dangerous rabbit" , posted Mon 26 Aug 22:54post reply

taking a last shot at training a new one while he still has some life in him.

My god, these endings are all so precious.
Billy noo

2974th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"SC2HD newish thing" , posted Fri 30 Aug 02:59post reply

Oh hi Spawn I guess you were in this game too

So that's at least one new matchup for the HD version since Spawn and Heihachi could never fight each other.

4704th Post

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"Re(1):SC2HD newish thing" , posted Fri 30 Aug 03:30post reply

Oh hi Spawn I guess you were in this game too

So that's at least one new matchup for the HD version since Spawn and Heihachi could never fight each other.

Unless the port is coming to the 2DS I guess Link isn't going to make the cut.

1079th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"3 new fighting games coming to Sega arcades" , posted Wed 4 Sep 08:13:post reply

Apparently some announcements from Sega:
+ A new 2D fighting game running on Sega arcade hardware will be announced in October
+ GG Xrd will be released in Spring 2014
+ An arcade port of DOA5 Ultimate will come this Winter (I wonder if that was in the VF collaboration deal from the start)

I got the confirmation today I'll be going to Japan for TGS. I hope I have time to see anything this year (didn't enter a single booth last year).

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 4 Sep 08:15]

Burning Ranger
1744th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):SC2HD newish thing" , posted Thu 5 Sep 11:30post reply

Oh hi Spawn I guess you were in this game too

So that's at least one new matchup for the HD version since Spawn and Heihachi could never fight each other.

Unless the port is coming to the 2DS I guess Link isn't going to make the cut.

Um... why is this game being released??? I can understand the original DC Soul Calibur (superior to the arcade version and damn awesone), and 2 was okay (I have the GC version because Link) but I never thought the nostalgia factor was there to warrant a re-release. I certainly hope Namco isn't considering re-releasing 3...

So much to do so little time...

4707th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SC2HD newish thing" , posted Thu 5 Sep 23:40post reply

Chaos Code is out on the US PSN store for $11.99? I guess I know which fighter I'm getting next.

Um... why is this game being released??? I can understand the original DC Soul Calibur (superior to the arcade version and damn awesone), and 2 was okay (I have the GC version because Link) but I never thought the nostalgia factor was there to warrant a re-release. I certainly hope Namco isn't considering re-releasing 3...

While I have heard that SC2 is popular with the folks who seriously play SC I've always felt that SC2 was the point where the series lost its way. With Necrid and all the other odd guest characters it felt like the producers had lost faith in SC as a brand and felt the need to prop it up with increasingly silly gimmicks that existed outside of the main narrative. SC2 seemed like such a letdown after the incredible presentation of SC1. That was an amazingly robust game, especially seeing as how it was a launch title.

Then again, Power Stone was also a launch title. That game was nothing but a snotty mix of dive kicks and characters banging each other over the head with flower pots. In the end I played PS more than the far more respectable SC1. Perhaps the fears of the SC2 producers were justified.

1079th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):SC2HD newish thing" , posted Sun 8 Sep 21:11post reply


Unless the port is coming to the 2DS I guess Link isn't going to make the cut.

Link is apparently too busy with other collaborations.

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2540th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The Soul Still Simmers" , posted Mon 9 Sep 00:55post reply

I can understand the original DC Soul Calibur (superior to the arcade version and damn awesone), and 2 was okay
Secret Facts: SC II was a test by Namco to see whether people could ignore minor aesthetic blemishes like McFarlane's characters and notice that it plays perfectly, better than the original. SC III was a reverse test by Namco to see if people with no sense of taste or aesthetics could notice that it was also a terrible game. SC IV was a self-test by Namco to see if they remembered how to make a game that played well and also wasn't gaudy (they did not). SC V was a mea cuplpa by Namco after running too many tests, only to find that most people had left the building.


3897th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"GGxrd announced for PS3+4, Axl and Ino is in" , posted Mon 9 Sep 17:38post reply

2014 release announced for both consoles at Sony's press conference, video below.

Burning Ranger
1745th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):GGxrd announced for PS3+4, Axl and Ino " , posted Mon 9 Sep 21:29post reply

2014 release announced for both consoles at Sony's press conference, video below.

The new trailer certainly builds the hype. I'm surprised by the PS3&4 news though. It certainly calls into question what the differences would be between the different versions. It would also be interesting to see how the US releases are handled given this situation; would Sega (I'm assuming they still own the GG property) withhold the PS3 version from US release leaving only a PS4 version? For someone who doesn't plan on buying the next generation systems for at least 2-3 years, this could be a frustrating prospect.

So much to do so little time...

4709th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):GGxrd announced for PS3+4, Axl and Ino" , posted Mon 9 Sep 21:47post reply

It looks like Axl pulled his old shorts out of the dresser. At least he bring back that tied off t-shirt he originally wore with that outfit since that was awful looking. Speaking of clothes, I-No is back and is as heroically underdressed as ever. Not only am I glad to see her back but if she can make it in then most all the cast has a good shot at returning. I'm looking forward to seeing Baiken's one arm flip from one side of her body to another in glorious 3D.

2541th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):GGxrd announced for PS3+4, Axl and Ino" , posted Tue 10 Sep 11:27post reply

I'm looking forward to seeing Baiken's one arm flip from one side of her body to another in glorious 3D.

Hahaha, I was just reminded of how Sodom's magically reversing shirt and helmet used to drive us NUTS in Street Fighter Zero and was trying to remember if they fixed that in the SFIV transition to 3D...but then I realized that he didn't make it in. Sorry, Sodom. Maybe GG will do better this time!


4710th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):GGxrd announced for PS3+4, Axl and Ino" , posted Tue 10 Sep 12:03post reply

Hahaha, I was just reminded of how Sodom's magically reversing shirt and helmet used to drive us NUTS in Street Fighter Zero and was trying to remember if they fixed that in the SFIV transition to 3D...but then I realized that he didn't make it in. Sorry, Sodom. Maybe GG will do better this time!

Sagat's eyepatch now stays over the same eye, which is a technological feat not seen since Nick Fury in the Punisher arcade game. Vega/Balrog still compulsively switches his claw from one hand to another but that guy has a lot of issues.

36th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):GGxrd announced for PS3+4, Axl and Ino " , posted Tue 10 Sep 19:13post reply

2014 release announced for both consoles at Sony's press conference, video below.

Dang, I never thought Guilty Gear could look that good in 3D!

3901th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"October is Blazblue month" , posted Wed 11 Sep 15:36:post reply

Here's a whole bunch of upcoming fighting game related stuff.

- Blazblue: Alter Memory is airing from Oct.8. This is an anime I'll be looking forward to together with Kill-La-Kill. Come to think, BBCP is coming out in October too, perfect timing. I feel sorry for JojoASB.

- Who'd have thought? Some nutty company is making a 1/12 size Vewlix cabinet plastic model, selling at around 2000 yen street price. This is also coming out in October as well. I didn't know they had Taiko drum master and Idol master cabinet as well, never saw them in stores!

- DOA5U is getting magazine collaboration costumes in Japan. I'm trying to figure out if these will be released in the States in one form or another.

- Soul Calibur is going F2P. Text is too small to read.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 11 Sep 15:36]

588th Post

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"Kokonoe joins the cast" , posted Wed 11 Sep 16:21:post reply

- Blazblue: Alter Memory is airing from Oct.8. This is an anime I'll be looking forward to together with Kill-La-Kill. Come to think, BBCP is coming out in October too, perfect timing. I feel sorry for JojoASB.
Some people are also reporting that Famitsu claims something about Kokonoe in the next Blazblue game. Here's proof of Kokonoe as a playable character, now.

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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Wed 11 Sep 21:07]

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"Re(1):October is Blazblue month" , posted Wed 11 Sep 21:40post reply

If the scale matches up I expect we will soon be seeing plenty of wacky pictures of Revoltech figures banging away on those Vewlix cabinets.

- Soul Calibur is going F2P. Text is too small to read.

Rumor has it that it's going to be a single player only game so I guess it's going to be a variation on Soul Calibur Legends? At least that's something different than simply being a watered down version of SC5.

1210th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):October is Blazblue month" , posted Wed 11 Sep 23:12post reply

On the subject of Blazblue, some of these designs are not bad at all. Let's see if they're legit for Xrd!

4715th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):October is Blazblue month" , posted Fri 13 Sep 00:43post reply

On the subject of Blazblue, some of these designs are not bad at all. Let's see if they're legit for Xrd!

Does Sol have a cover on his ponytail? Did he have to grow his hair out until it fit into the tube or did he have a custom ponytail cozy custom made to fit on the back of the giant headband he wears? The mind boggles. At least it was nice of Zappa's ghost to get all dolled up for the pachinko game.

1213th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):October is Blazblue month" , posted Fri 13 Sep 01:44post reply


Does Sol have a cover on his ponytail? Did he have to grow his hair out until it fit into the tube or did he have a custom ponytail cozy custom made to fit on the back of the giant headband he wears? The mind boggles. At least it was nice of Zappa's ghost to get all dolled up for the pachinko game.

I believe that's technically called a ponytail scabbard!

While I like that Zappa has been updated, I can't say I'm a fan of his jaunty little hat. Likewise the character with the eyepatch and his off-the-shoulder duster coat! That, combined with the design of the 'boss' looking character at the bottom makes me worry that BlazBlue is leaking over into GG a little too much.

1082th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Fri 13 Sep 23:31:post reply

I was unfortunately too busy to visit MMC Wednesday but I had put an alarm on my phone to remind everyone that we just celebrated the 10th anniversary of Sammy Vs Capcom's announcement at JAMMA Show 2003.

Maybe we'll finally see the game at TGS

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Fri 13 Sep 23:37]

4607th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Sat 14 Sep 01:28post reply

Who knows, now that Xrd is using 3D models we can get a GGXSF and have a mismash that would make CVS2 Morrigan blush

6259th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Sat 14 Sep 13:00post reply

Who knows, now that Xrd is using 3D models we can get a GGXSF and have a mismash that would make CVS2 Morrigan blush

Ha yes!

I still remember when this was announced. Yet, nothing came of it. I remember being so uptight over the roster would be.

If it does see the light of day, it would be epic!

2487th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Sat 14 Sep 14:49post reply

If Morrigan sprite is not in Sammy vs Capcom Xrd I will be so disappointed.

4716th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Tue 17 Sep 07:48post reply

Has anyone tried the DoA5 upgrade? If so, any thoughts?

For reasons beyond me Capcom decided to dust off Capcom Fighting Jam and trot that turkey out one more time. This is only of note to Zangief completists who want to want to check out the new head he was sporting in this game.

1217th Post

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"Re(5):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Tue 17 Sep 08:31post reply

Has anyone tried the DoA5 upgrade? If so, any thoughts?

I have been! It's not bad, but if I had bought the original game I would have never dropped $40 for five extra characters, some new stages, and a bunch of DLC I'll never buy.

Actually, that makes it sound awful, which it's not. I'm oddly happy that Leon's back, Rachel, Momiji, and Jacky are nice additions, and overall it's the same kind of fun I recall having back in the DC days.

Was Story Mode atrocious in the original? I appreciate the attempt at grafting a story onto "Defeat X", but it's full of plasticky set pieces, wooden dialog, people standing around in ludicrous outfits, and none of the nicely rendered aspects of the actual game.

For reasons beyond me Capcom decided to dust off Capcom Fighting Jam and trot that turkey out one more time. This is only of note to Zangief completists who want to want to check out the new head he was sporting in this game.

Seriously? I had never noticed a different head on Zangief, but I'll fish out my Arcadia Extra for CFG to check in a minute.

Even though I won't buy it (I've got... three copies (?) of the game already) I have a real soft spot for CFG and its Warzard connection. It's far from the best Capcom fighter, but it's also pretty fun.

Just a Person
1548th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Wed 18 Sep 02:52post reply

Was Story Mode atrocious in the original? I appreciate the attempt at grafting a story onto "Defeat X", but it's full of plasticky set pieces, wooden dialog, people standing around in ludicrous outfits, and none of the nicely rendered aspects of the actual game.

Story Mode in DOA5 Ultimate is exactly the same as it was in the original. The developers didn't bother adding new cutscenes (yup, the extra characters in Ultimate are completely ignored in Story Mode) or changing the existent ones to make DOA5's plot a little less ridiculous.

Although from the comments I read in some forums, it looks like many DOA5 players don't care about story as long as they can see the DOA girls wearing small bikinis and control the movement of their breasts.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

9656th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Wed 18 Sep 02:59post reply

Although from the comments I read in some forums, it looks like many DOA5 players don't care about story as long as they can see the DOA girls wearing small bikinis and control the movement of their breasts.

Really? How is that possible?
I'm sure these people were being ironic but it got lost along the way.

4719th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Thu 19 Sep 01:37post reply

Over the weekend I watched a stream of a DoA and was surprised to find that not only are there high level DoA players but that they managed to make the game look like a lot of fun. Well, more fun than the DoA5 story mode at any rate. That thing was like nails on a blackboard but since it probably required a great deal of resources I'm not surprised they tossed it into the upgrade version. I blame Mortal Kombat for making people think that droning story modes are a good idea in fighting games. Still, assuming the game doesn't make me play through story mode again I may have to pick up DoA5U since DoA is sort of a charming mess of a series.

570th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Thu 19 Sep 05:16post reply

Even though I won't buy it (I've got... three copies (?) of the game already) I have a real soft spot for CFG and its Warzard connection. It's far from the best Capcom fighter, but it's also pretty fun.

Yup, also can't understand why Warzard never came out for consoles. Sure it could have potential to a great single player mode.
Speaking of wich, Edge Master Mode says hi, Ishmael XD

Guilty Gear: the new characters looks cool, but I wonder how they will be in the actual game (if they appear in the game at all). Gald that those aren't the final design of the old characters, some are really awful (Johnny, but especially Zappa)

1220th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Thu 19 Sep 07:18post reply


Guilty Gear: the new characters looks cool, but I wonder how they will be in the actual game (if they appear in the game at all). Gald that those aren't the final design of the old characters, some are really awful (Johnny, but especially Zappa)

Well, actual art for Axl and I-No has appeared. Professor, they'll be in the next loc test in November.

I like that they're changing Axl up, but he's drifted pretty far from his denim metal roots; what's with the boots with no socks, the tie, and the weird jacket with the belt-cape? I-No, predictably, is completely unchanged, for the most part.

Nekros, I completely agree, Zappa and Johnny in those images are horrendous!

1218th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Thu 19 Sep 08:46post reply


I like that they're changing Axl up, but he's drifted pretty far from his denim metal roots; what's with the boots with no socks, the tie, and the weird jacket with the belt-cape?

I believe he's midway in evolving from Axl Rose to Angus Young:

66th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(8):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Thu 19 Sep 08:48post reply


Guilty Gear: the new characters looks cool, but I wonder how they will be in the actual game (if they appear in the game at all). Gald that those aren't the final design of the old characters, some are really awful (Johnny, but especially Zappa)

Well, actual art for Axl and I-No has appeared. Professor, they'll be in the next loc test in November.

I like that they're changing Axl up, but he's drifted pretty far from his denim metal roots; what's with the boots with no socks, the tie, and the weird jacket with the belt-cape? I-No, predictably, is completely unchanged, for the most part.

Nekros, I completely agree, Zappa and Johnny in those images are horrendous!

Weird AC/DC homage?

Burning Ranger
1746th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Thu 19 Sep 10:02post reply


I-No, predictably, is completely unchanged, for the most part.

This is a good thing? Because I don't really want to know what an I-No upgrade looks like (Miley Cyrus?!?). But, since this is 3D, there's always the possibility of alternate costumes...

So much to do so little time...

1219th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Thu 19 Sep 11:19post reply


I-No, predictably, is completely unchanged, for the most part.

This is a good thing? Because I don't really want to know what an I-No upgrade looks like (Miley Cyrus?!?). But, since this is 3D, there's always the possibility of alternate costumes...

This is the next logical evolution for I-No

573th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Sammy Vs Capcom Vs Time" , posted Thu 19 Sep 22:48post reply


I like that they're changing Axl up, but he's drifted pretty far from his denim metal roots; what's with the boots with no socks, the tie, and the weird jacket with the belt-cape? I-No, predictably, is completely unchanged, for the most part.

Both of them appeared in the last trailer as well.
I think they are going with Axl's design from the original GG, but softened (moe-sized?) it for the new generations.
About I-no I noticed that she has now a greater... behind.

1224th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"New Sega 2D fighter = wait, what?" , posted Sun 22 Sep 04:34post reply

Interesting to see this coming from Sega of all companies. I'd be more excited if it wasn't based on a light novel series, but at least it's a new fighting game, right? As always, Professor, I'm curious if you'll be going to the location test!

46th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):New Sega 2D fighter = wait, what?" , posted Sun 22 Sep 22:37post reply


Interesting to see this coming from Sega of all companies. I'd be more excited if it wasn't based on a light novel series, but at least it's a new fighting game, right? As always, Professor, I'm curious if you'll be going to the location test!

Sonic in a 2D fighting game, that's something I filled sketchbooks with in elementary school.

4725th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Sega 2D fighter = wait, what?" , posted Mon 23 Sep 02:24post reply

There's a shop near me that has a restored SF2:CE cabinet up and running. Naturally, I have to play a few games whenever I pass by. I was banging away on it yesterday when a kid who was about eight years old started watching me. Back when I was his age I used to watch others play arcade games so it was fun to see that tradition is continuing. I did, however, wonder what he thought of the game. What did he think of old sprite art and the genre of fighting games? Seeing as how the game was older than he was did he have any idea what I was playing? As I was pondering these questions he asked "Do you know how to do his Ultra?" That answers that.


This is going to be one of those games where the characters talk all the time, isn't it? Since the Valkyria Chronicles tanks with their glowing blue radiators are included in one of the backgrounds it looks like this is going to a bit more expanded than just pulling from light novels. While I could see some of the heroines from VC making it into the game who else does Sega have that would fit into a title like this? Is the Vocaloid license flexible enough that Miku and company can make a guest appearance in order to kick ass?

5842th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New Sega 2D fighter = wait, what?" , posted Mon 23 Sep 03:09:post reply


Is the Vocaloid license flexible enough that Miku and company can make a guest appearance in order to kick ass?

Wasn't Miku also in Virtual On? And Super Robot Taisen as well? I hope that her ability to turn into a giant robot answers your question about franchise flexibility.

This game is obviously Sega trying to nab some of that animugame fans money, pouring it into that desert called ringedge.

edit : How come nobody told me that Otokojuku is going to get a ps3 game?

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 23 Sep 10:28]

Just a Person
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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"New Killer Instinct trailer" , posted Mon 23 Sep 23:38post reply

The new trailer shows newcomer Sadira fighting Sabrewulf (wow, she's creepy...); plus, apparently the sixth and final character in the game release will be Orchid.

I'm kinda surprised that Orchid was chosen over Fulgore or Spinal. Then again, I'm more surprised that Thunder and a brand-new character were chosen over Fulgore and Spinal (and revealed before Orchid).

This game looks very good, but I still think Microsoft should delay it and release it when it is ready (that is, with all characters, game modes, etc.). Currently it seems unfinished, like when KOF XII was released...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1935th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):New Killer Instinct trailer" , posted Tue 24 Sep 00:52post reply

The new trailer shows newcomer Sadira fighting Sabrewulf (wow, she's creepy...); plus, apparently the sixth and final character in the game release will be Orchid.

I'm kinda surprised that Orchid was chosen over Fulgore or Spinal. Then again, I'm more surprised that Thunder and a brand-new character were chosen over Fulgore and Spinal (and revealed before Orchid).

This game looks very good, but I still think Microsoft should delay it and release it when it is ready (that is, with all characters, game modes, etc.). Currently it seems unfinished, like when KOF XII was released...

Yeah, I can see myself lingering on the character select screen sadly and ultimately deciding "well I guess I'll settle for..."

No Fulgore kind of bums me out. I suppose after the paid public beta (I mean, the game's initial release) KI has a good chance of getting tweaked, tuned, and expanded.

As for Orchid, it kind of looks like Asia Argento as the star of a 3D platformer from 2002... what with the giant goggles and the huge blue POWER GEM on her knee. Reminds me of Jak and Daxter, the somewhat obscure Haven: Call of the King, and Rare's own Kameo. I am not neccessarily insulting or complenenting the design here...

/ / /

Just a Person
1550th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):New Killer Instinct trailer" , posted Tue 24 Sep 02:22post reply

Yeah, I can see myself lingering on the character select screen sadly and ultimately deciding "well I guess I'll settle for..."

No Fulgore kind of bums me out. I suppose after the paid public beta (I mean, the game's initial release) KI has a good chance of getting tweaked, tuned, and expanded.

As for Orchid, it kind of looks like Asia Argento as the star of a 3D platformer from 2002... what with the giant goggles and the huge blue POWER GEM on her knee. Reminds me of Jak and Daxter, the somewhat obscure Haven: Call of the King, and Rare's own Kameo. I am not neccessarily insulting or complenenting the design here...

I think she looks alright. Better than Jago (but I guess it would be quite hard to make a redesign as bad as his), and not as radically changed as Glacius. Plus, she doesn't have Janet Jackson's face again, like in KI2 (nothing against Janet Jackson, it was just weird seeing the three women in KI2 with her face).

As for Fulgore, I guess him and Spinal will be the two post-launch characters for KI's "Season 1". Unless Microsoft decides to save them for "Season 2", to assure its sales (nevertheless, they still have better chances than the three newcomers from KI2).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

4727th Post

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"Re(3):New Killer Instinct trailer" , posted Tue 24 Sep 04:39:post reply

Looking at the pictures of Harada indulging himself I'm reminded of how much I miss the old version of Heihachi. I'm sure young Heihachi is a fine character in TTT2 but I can't enjoy the character unless he's at least ninety years old. It's strange how those little bits of character design can affect a player.

Speaking of character design...


Her new design is busy, random and -as Mosquiton noted- she looks like she wandered out of an old platformer. I would say that her new looks is a departure from her previous design but I can't think of anything from her original look that was distinctive. The only thing that springs to mind when I think of Orchid is those comically conical cans on her chest and her outfit was green. That's not a lot to work with so I can understand why the designers kept tacking things onto Orchid 3.0 in the hopes that something would make her distinctive. I do like that she might have an animal companion since that's an idea that hasn't been used much since the days of Galford and Nakoruru. It's certainly better than having Orchid randomly turn into a cat for one special attack. Was there any explanation given for why Orchid could turn into a laser cat? It seems that having random things attached to her in the hopes that it will make her interesting has been a trait of Orchid's since the beginning.

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Tue 24 Sep 04:42]

4728th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New Killer Instinct trailer" , posted Thu 26 Sep 01:01post reply

Me again!

Has anyone looked into Project EF-12? Any thoughts? It seems the Arcana Hearts team is jazzed about it if nothing else.

384th Post

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Silver Customer

"EF-12" , posted Thu 26 Sep 15:03:post reply

Has anyone looked into Project EF-12? Any thoughts?

It is MUGEN for 3D fighters, for better or worse.

It is also very much still in development. The game exits to the title screen after a match ends. The UI is barely present. I saw no way to back out during character selection, nor any pause or exit during a match, and menus are extremely basic.

Without taking the time to try to learn the system, it is hard to judge its current potential. And it is in development, so it will presumably improve over time (and users will learn tricks to implement unintended features as well).

But to judge it from a quick play, it feels like it is currently sitting somewhere between PS1 and PS2 3D fighter generations. Mechanically, it might be closer to PS1 at the moment. Some of those absent features might be a troublesome task to implement, and likely a performance hit as well.

I expect it to have a rougher future than MUGEN, largely because making 3D fighters is a bit more complicated than 2D ones (at least when you allow for most MUGEN characters being sprite rips). That, and it being a Japanese program.

[this message was edited by Baines on Thu 26 Sep 15:18]

575th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Perusona 4 The Arena ETC:" , posted Thu 26 Sep 20:43post reply

Has anyone looked into Project EF-12? Any thoughts?

It is MUGEN for 3D fighters, for better or worse.

It is also very much still in development. The game exits to the title screen after a match ends. The UI is barely present. I saw no way to back out during character selection, nor any pause or exit during a match, and menus are extremely basic.

Without taking the time to try to learn the system, it is hard to judge its current potential. And it is in development, so it will presumably improve over time (and users will learn tricks to implement unintended features as well).

But to judge it from a quick play, it feels like it is currently sitting somewhere between PS1 and PS2 3D fighter generations. Mechanically, it might be closer to PS1 at the moment. Some of those absent features might be a troublesome task to implement, and likely a performance hit as well.

I expect it to have a rougher future than MUGEN, largely because making 3D fighters is a bit more complicated than 2D ones (at least when you allow for most MUGEN characters being sprite rips). That, and it being a Japanese program.

576th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Perusona 4 The Arena ETC:" , posted Thu 26 Sep 20:43post reply

Has anyone looked into Project EF-12? Any thoughts?

It is MUGEN for 3D fighters, for better or worse.

It is also very much still in development. The game exits to the title screen after a match ends. The UI is barely present. I saw no way to back out during character selection, nor any pause or exit during a match, and menus are extremely basic.

Without taking the time to try to learn the system, it is hard to judge its current potential. And it is in development, so it will presumably improve over time (and users will learn tricks to implement unintended features as well).

But to judge it from a quick play, it feels like it is currently sitting somewhere between PS1 and PS2 3D fighter generations. Mechanically, it might be closer to PS1 at the moment. Some of those absent features might be a troublesome task to implement, and likely a performance hit as well.

I expect it to have a rougher future than MUGEN, largely because making 3D fighters is a bit more complicated than 2D ones (at least when you allow for most MUGEN characters being sprite rips). That, and it being a Japanese program.

575th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Perusona 4 The Arena ETC:" , posted Thu 26 Sep 20:43post reply

Has anyone looked into Project EF-12? Any thoughts?

It is MUGEN for 3D fighters, for better or worse.

It is also very much still in development. The game exits to the title screen after a match ends. The UI is barely present. I saw no way to back out during character selection, nor any pause or exit during a match, and menus are extremely basic.

Without taking the time to try to learn the system, it is hard to judge its current potential. And it is in development, so it will presumably improve over time (and users will learn tricks to implement unintended features as well).

But to judge it from a quick play, it feels like it is currently sitting somewhere between PS1 and PS2 3D fighter generations. Mechanically, it might be closer to PS1 at the moment. Some of those absent features might be a troublesome task to implement, and likely a performance hit as well.

I expect it to have a rougher future than MUGEN, largely because making 3D fighters is a bit more complicated than 2D ones (at least when you allow for most MUGEN characters being sprite rips). That, and it being a Japanese program.

578th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Perusona 4 the infinite subtitle" , posted Thu 26 Sep 20:50post reply

So the new game is called Persona 4 Arena: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold
In the trailer we can see:
1) new music remix of "The Arena"
2) new stages, I spotted Junes courtyard and Tartarus stairway
3) Junpei (of course)
4) Yukari (in a a sentai uniform!?)
5) a brand new character called Sho Minazuki (rumored Persona 5 character)

Seems ok, but I hope for more content in the home version (and a faster localization or directly region free).

4730th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Perusona 4 the infinite subtitle" , posted Fri 27 Sep 04:30post reply

Maybe it's because it's not another Fei Long mirror match but I rather enjoyed watching this steel cage throw down between Sakura and Makoto.

But to judge it from a quick play, it feels like it is currently sitting somewhere between PS1 and PS2 3D fighter generations. Mechanically, it might be closer to PS1 at the moment.

The videos I've seen of the system do give off the vibe of a PS1 era game so I'm not surprised it plays that way as well. I don't know if anything will ever come of this but it's an interesting tool for people to fool around with if nothing else.

So the new game is called Persona 4 Arena: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold

Here I didn't think any game was going to top Street Fighter 3 Second Impact: Giant Attack when it came to absurd naming but Persona took it to the max. The ultimax.

3911th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Perusona 4 the infinite subtitle" , posted Sat 28 Sep 08:09:post reply

So the new game is called Persona 4 Arena: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold
In the trailer we can see:
5) a brand new character called Sho Minazuki (rumored Persona 5 character)

Pure coincidence or potential answer?

He shortly appeared in the anime as well.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 30 Sep 19:17]

579th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Perusona 4 the infinite subtitle" , posted Sun 29 Sep 00:12post reply

So the new game is called Persona 4 Arena: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold
In the trailer we can see:
5) a brand new character called Sho Minazuki (rumored Persona 5 character)

Pure coincidence or potential answer?

He shortly appeared in the anime as well.

Daidara guy?
1st link doesn't work.
If it's him...time travel bullshit confirmed.

3911th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Perusona 4 the infinite subtitle" , posted Mon 30 Sep 19:18post reply

So the new game is called Persona 4 Arena: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold
In the trailer we can see:
5) a brand new character called Sho Minazuki (rumored Persona 5 character)

Pure coincidence or potential answer?

He shortly appeared in the anime as well.

Daidara guy?
1st link doesn't work.
If it's him...time travel bullshit confirmed.

Link fixed!
Yeah Daidara guy.

4737th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Perusona 4 the infinite subtitle" , posted Tue 8 Oct 21:10post reply

Dengeki Bunko has a new trailer and characters. It does my heart good to see that second-tier fighting games are still alive and well in the 21st century.

4741th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"By the numbers" , posted Fri 11 Oct 02:32post reply

Sales figures for games can be frustratingly hard to come by but GameCharts does its best to piece together the numbers for fighting games on console in Japan.

2553th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):By the numbers" , posted Fri 11 Oct 03:32post reply

Sales figures for games can be frustratingly hard to come by but GameCharts does its best to piece together the numbers for fighting games on console in Japan.

The most amazing thing about Ishamel's link is that the numbers for Virtua Fighter keep ranking so highly despite my never having met a living human who was "into Virtua Fighter."


4742th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):By the numbers" , posted Fri 11 Oct 09:41post reply

The most amazing thing about Ishamel's link is that the numbers for Virtua Fighter keep ranking so highly despite my never having met a living human who was "into Virtua Fighter."

VF is that respectable novel that people buy to display on their bookshelf but never actually read.

The numbers don't tell the whole story since there's no way of knowing the budgets or the expectations for how these games would sell. Still, there are some fascinating narratives to be seen as the years go by. For example, while it was unlikely that Tekken could keep the momentum it had from the early days of 3D fighters it's still too bad to see the numbers continue to slide with each new game. The KoF numbers were also interesting. The MI games were actually doing okay for themselves but I wonder if they were dropped because it was cheaper to keep burping out 96 sprites and calling it a "new" KoF game. But no matter how you spin it I can't imagine anyone was thrilled when KoFXIII couldn't even match the numbers of 94 Re-Bout. Ugh!

5849th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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"Re(3):By the numbers" , posted Sat 12 Oct 12:54post reply

BTW, that Dengeki Bunko Fighting something is apparently a shared effort between Ecole & French Bread source.... BTW, the game is being Beta Tested as we speak.

... So that means that the game quality is going to be better than what I originally expected, and that for very same reason we are bound to have to wait some more years for that Under Night port?

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

3915th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):By the numbers" , posted Sat 12 Oct 14:13:post reply

I checked the location test for a measely few minutes-- oh my lord the animation is an eyesore. It feels quite choppy compared to UNI, though it'll probably have more in terms of character variety.


[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 12 Oct 17:56]

343th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):By the numbers" , posted Sun 13 Oct 00:58post reply

The most amazing thing about Ishamel's link is that the numbers for Virtua Fighter keep ranking so highly despite my never having met a living human who was "into Virtua Fighter."


KOF doomsaying

Those sales are pretty low, not just KOF but for other series too mind you. They confirm that KOF is now a much bigger franchise outside Japan than in. Then again, the same can be said for almost every other fighting game series these days. It's just that KOF is a very severe case of that it seems. But then again, hasn't this been the case with KOF specifically since 97/98?
Dengeki Bunko Fighting something

Having it being made by French Bread & Ecole gives it some sort of legitimacy at least & not turn into the new Phantom Breaker, maybe. Also, I have no idea about the source material (materials?) but watching the stream, I'm still confused about why the Valkyria Chronicles tanks appear in that one stage.

1088th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):By the numbers" , posted Sun 13 Oct 04:51post reply

I'm still confused about why the Valkyria Chronicles tanks appear in that one stage.

Valkyria's staff (producer and director) are handling the title from Sega's side. Furthermore, it has apparently been heavily hinted that Valkyria characters would appear in the game, although I do not know whether that rumor predates the background's introduction in official media. Valkyria sounds right for Dengeki's audience, although none of the manga projects related to the IP have been handled by Dengeki so far; maybe the characters will appear in some novels?

ギンザ ♪

2555th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):By the numbers" , posted Sun 13 Oct 06:33:post reply

The most amazing thing about Ishamel's link is that the numbers for Virtua Fighter keep ranking so highly despite my never having met a living human who was "into Virtua Fighter."

Hahaha, just kidding, I used to play a lot of Virtua Fighter 2 while waiting for the Street Fighter Zero 2/3 machines to open up. I almost got tricked into buying a Saturn one time for VF 2, even! In the end, I still probably played more VF in the context of...Shenmue, and that includes today. I do salute your style and good taste in the same spirit I do of people who have taken the time to acquire better knowledge of sake and wine than me.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 13 Oct 06:35]

3916th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Thu 24 Oct 01:11post reply

- Noel can swap to her old costume

- System voices are available for all characters as well as some storyline characters

1233th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Thu 24 Oct 08:27post reply

- Noel can swap to her old costume

- System voices are available for all characters as well as some storyline characters

Professor, I'm super excited to hear about your impressions, assuming you're getting the game! I think I may very well end up importing it soon since the US release date is so far off.

I kind of can't believe I somehow didn't play the game at all when I was in Japan this summer! Although now that I think about it every time I saw a machine or two they were packed with people playing it!

Shin ATproof
1271th Post

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PSN: Shin_ATproof
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Thu 24 Oct 13:12post reply

- Noel can swap to her old costume

- System voices are available for all characters as well as some storyline characters

Professor, I'm super excited to hear about your impressions, assuming you're getting the game! I think I may very well end up importing it soon since the US release date is so far off.

I kind of can't believe I somehow didn't play the game at all when I was in Japan this summer! Although now that I think about it every time I saw a machine or two they were packed with people playing it!

Hope to play all y'all when I get the game in the mail=) PSN is Shin_ATproof

Fact: Everything with Norio Wakamoto and/or JAM Project is awesome.
Sí mon con langosta y camarón!

593th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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"Re(3):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Thu 24 Oct 15:50post reply

Hope to play all y'all when I get the game in the mail=) PSN is Shin_ATproof

and I'll be waiting until the US version so by then I'm sure you'll have moved on

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

Burning Ranger
1747th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Thu 24 Oct 20:11post reply

Hope to play all y'all when I get the game in the mail=) PSN is Shin_ATproof
and I'll be waiting until the US version so by then I'm sure you'll have moved on

Ditto... It's ridiculous this game is projected for US release in March 2014...

So much to do so little time...

3917th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Fri 25 Oct 11:38post reply

Hope to play all y'all when I get the game in the mail=) PSN is Shin_ATproof
and I'll be waiting until the US version so by then I'm sure you'll have moved on

Ditto... It's ridiculous this game is projected for US release in March 2014...

I've playerd it just a little bit last night and so far it's pretty good-- I'll write in-depth later.

The thing I was most interested in was the new online mode which "lets you experience the arcades", so I dived right into that. It's essencially an avatar chat where you can roam around a huge lobby that looks like an arcade, sit down and play 1 on 1 against another person. The avatars are drawn in 8 bit style, and you can buy additional avatars of characters from ArcSys' X-Blaze and some other titles via the PlayStation store. You can customize them with accessories (this on the other hands is purchaseable with game money and not real money, thank lord).

So far I'm liking this new mode. The matches in this new online mode is essencially the best of both worlds in sense of player match and ranked match. It plays like a player match since you don't get ranked, and it plays like a ranked match since it ends with just one match. meaning you don't have to keep playing a hoarde of sets or wait for another player's turn like in a player's match (which is fine if you're playing with friends, but not if you go in to a random room). To sum it up, this mode is very casual.

The three odd points that stuck to me were that-
1. There's way too many lobbies(arcades).
2. There's no way to spectate like in a real arcade. Hopefully this feature will be added.
3. There's pigeons inside the arcade.

4748th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Fri 25 Oct 22:31post reply

That virtual arcade experience in BBCP sounds like a lot of fun. Are some of the arcades filled with cigarette smoke to give it that full arcade ambiance?

Some new mechanics are being added to USF4. I'm certain some players are screaming that this is the end of life as we know it but I don't see how these changes will do anything other than make a few of the characters more well rounded. Then again I may be biased because the double Ultra trick will probably help Hakan. Also, does anyone know who did the art on the new Hakan Fighter 4 poster?

1234th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 00:08post reply

3. There's pigeons inside the arcade.

SOLD. Just ordered my copy! Even though I've chronically complained about BlazBlue's artistic style and character design, I can't argue over it being a fun game. It's a blast, and the new characters look great.


Some new mechanics are being added to USF4. I'm certain some players are screaming that this is the end of life as we know it but I don't see how these changes will do anything other than make a few of the characters more well rounded. Then again I may be biased because the double Ultra trick will probably help Hakan. Also, does anyone know who did the art on the new Hakan Fighter 4 poster?

A lot of complaining seems to go on in the SFIV community, which is strange given how insanely huge the scene is, and how engaged Capcom seems to be in its continued development. I mean, how bad could the update possibly be?

2506th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 03:12:post reply


I should make a chart with proportional character size on the poster.

Weighing that as marketing importance, Ryu is the most important, Juri is extremely important, newcomers Poison and Hugo are important, newcomer Rolento almost doesn't matter, and Elena is approximately as important as Bison's left thigh, who is himself utterly beholden to the logo given how much it obscures him.

EDIT: funny how much of a difference a word starting with "a" can make!

[this message was edited by Spoon on Sat 26 Oct 03:58]

Just a Person
1551th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 03:32post reply


I should make a chart with proportional character size on the poster.

Weighing that against marketing importance, Ryu is the most important, Juri is extremely important, newcomers Poison and Hugo are important, newcomer Rolento almost doesn't matter, and Elena is approximately as important as Bison's left thigh, who is himself utterly beholden to the logo given how much it obscures him.

Following this logic, shouldn't Chun-Li swap places with Blanka.

Anyway, I also don't get the complaints about the new implementations in the gameplay. In the worst case scenario, these players can just ignore Ultra and stick to Super Arcade Edition, can't they?

I'm still curious about who the mysterious fifth new fighter in Ultra will be.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

2556th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 03:52post reply


I'm still curious about who the mysterious fifth new fighter in Ultra will be.

skullomania skullomania skullomania!!!

Amazing thing is, given the weird character designs in IV, I think he would actually work.


1235th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 04:38post reply


I'm still curious about who the mysterious fifth new fighter in Ultra will be.
skullomania skullomania skullomania!!!

Amazing thing is, given the weird character designs in IV, I think he would actually work.

Shame on you, you scoundrel. Of course he would work! Just the mere thought of his presence in Ultra has given me a nosebleed of epic proportions!

Leave it to me to bring everybody down though: Haven't they said the character is an existing character, but one who has never been in a fighting game? Unless they have extremely low opinions of the EX series, that would seem to eliminate the possibility of Poor forgotten Skullo.

2986th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 05:35post reply


Leave it to me to bring everybody down though: Haven't they said the character is an existing character, but one who has never been in a fighting game? Unless they have extremely low opinions of the EX series, that would seem to eliminate the possibility of Poor forgotten Skullo.

They can't and probably won't use Arika property anyway. I get the impression that Capcom and Arika haven't really been best buds over the years.

As for the character, Capcom really narrowed it down badly with their clues to the point where there are either only a few really small sensible possibilities, or a bunch of really stupid crazy possibilities. If we stick with the small list of sensible characters all we have to choose from are characters that exist in SF lore but have never been playable. So characters like Zekuu, Goutetsu, Gill's secretary, Gouken's daughter, another Shadaloo doll, etc. Unused character designs could also fall under this though, so maybe one of these, or this guy?

1089th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Re(10):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 07:25post reply


Leave it to me to bring everybody down though: Haven't they said the character is an existing character, but one who has never been in a fighting game? Unless they have extremely low opinions of the EX series, that would seem to eliminate the possibility of Poor forgotten Skullo.

They can't and probably won't use Arika property anyway. I get the impression that Capcom and Arika haven't really been best buds over the years.

As for the character, Capcom really narrowed it down badly with their clues to the point where there are either only a few really small sensible possibilities, or a bunch of really stupid crazy possibilities. If we stick with the small list of sensible characters all we have to choose from are characters that exist in SF lore but have never been playable. So characters like Zekuu, Goutetsu, Gill's secretary, Gouken's daughter, another Shadaloo doll, etc. Unused character designs could also fall under this though, so maybe one of these, or this guy?

Dont forget Dan's father man. Only "just another shoto" I would tolerate if it properly mocks Takuma.

4749th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 08:34post reply

I wonder if this is a diptych poster and there's a second half that features the rest of the cast staring back at this group?

A lot of complaining seems to go on in the SFIV community, which is strange given how insanely huge the scene is, and how engaged Capcom seems to be in its continued development. I mean, how bad could the update possibly be?

Complaining about a game seems to be as popular a pastime as actually playing a game. Thinking critically about a game is good but can't they figure out a better way to express their interest in a game than by flipping out online over every little thing? Can't they do something productive with their time like write erotic fanfiction about the game or something? Oh well, as long as the game itself is fun.

Besides, complaining at this point seems premature since it's too early to predict that any of this stuff is going to radically break the game. The ideas sound like fun but it all depends on how they are balanced. How long does the red parry last and how much meter does it cost? How powerful will the duel Ultras be? If these things work within the framework of SF4 they could add interesting new tools to the game.

I've been thinking about the two Ultra option and came to the conclusion that it's not going to be the main choice for most of the cast. The only characters I can see going with that option would be the ones that have two decent Ultras and don't rely on big Ultra damage to win matches. With that in mind my choices for double Ultras would be:

Fei Long

In a secondary list I would include Blanka, Vega (the claw guy), Dhalsim, and Guile. Both their Ultras are somewhat lackluster so why not have the two of them running at the same time?

As for the fifth character I'll blindly guess that it's going to be Lucia from FF3 who will be built using C.Viper as a base.

2557th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 12:20post reply

Unused character designs could also fall under this though, so maybe one of these, or this guy?

Update: at long last, it is Dhalsim's wife Sally. [she jumps in joy like in the SF Zero 2 stage]

Update 2: not really though. If we lived in a better world, it would be Mike Haggar.


1946th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(9):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 16:22:post reply


Complaining about a game seems to be as popular a pastime as actually playing a game. Thinking critically about a game is good but can't they figure out a better way to express their interest in a game than by flipping out online over every little thing? Can't they do something productive with their time like write erotic fanfiction about the game or something?

Do you have something to share with the rest of the cafe?


I've been thinking about the two Ultra option and came to the conclusion that it's not going to be the main choice for most of the cast. The only characters I can see going with that option would be the ones that have two decent Ultras and don't rely on big Ultra damage to win matches.

I'm kind of interested in the double ultra. There are definitely times with T. Hawk that I wish I had Ultra 1... and the threat of Ultra 2 is half the point... but playing with reduced for Adon's ultras would really give me pause doesn't exactly hit like a truck with either of his...

It might be the kind of that will be more widely used in casual matches. If the other guy is doing it and taking the reduction, why not?

Honestly though I'd rather have had a third ultra for everyone... although this cast is much larger than Third Strike, that kind of effort might end up killing poor Ono-san and I'd imagine half of them would be useless anyway.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Sun 27 Oct 09:12]

2506th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 17:13post reply


Complaining about a game seems to be as popular a pastime as actually playing a game. Thinking critically about a game is good but can't they figure out a better way to express their interest in a game than by flipping out online over every little thing? Can't they do something productive with their time like write erotic fanfiction about the game or something?

Do you have something to share with the rest of the cafe?

I've been thinking about the two Ultra option and came to the conclusion that it's not going to be the main choice for most of the cast. The only characters I can see going with that option would be the ones that have two decent Ultras and don't rely on big Ultra damage to win matches.

I'm kind of interested in the double ultra. There are definitely times with T. Hawk that I wish I had Ultra 1... and the threat of Ultra 2 is half the point... but playing with reduced for Adon's ultras would really give me pause doesn't exactly hit like a truck with either of his...

It might be the kind of that will be more widely used in casual matches. If the other guy is doing it and taking the reduction, why not?

Honestly though I'd rather have had a third ultra for everyone... although this cast is much larger than Third Strike, that kind of effort might end up killing poor Ono-san and I'd imagine half of them would be useless anyway.

For some characters, unless the damage is incredibly nerfed, it give them the ability to really oppress their opponents. Sagat comes to mind. Akuma again gets too much utility out of this. Rose will make good use of this. I hope the damage isn't too nerfed for Fuerte.

Red focus just makes me think of mash attack buttton really hard for armor in SFA3.

9676th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 26 Oct 19:52post reply

But Rose does so little damage already, what good would it be to her if her ultras did 30% less damage?
I wonder for Fei Long and Cammy, as well: the main point of their U2 is to block vortices and unblockables, correct? If most of them are gone, are the U2 still useful?
I wonder if Capcom will be able to make some of the least useful ultras do at least something useful... some of them have been hanging in there for 3 or 4 revisions and still don't look that hot.

Forget double Ultras anyway: Hakan with red focus attack is a match made in heaven.

1946th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Re(10):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sun 27 Oct 09:23post reply

But Rose does so little damage already, what good would it be to her if her ultras did 30% less damage?
I wonder for Fei Long and Cammy, as well: the main point of their U2 is to block vortices and unblockables, correct? If most of them are gone, are the U2 still useful?
I wonder if Capcom will be able to make some of the least useful ultras do at least something useful... some of them have been hanging in there for 3 or 4 revisions and still don't look that hot.

Forget double Ultras anyway: Hakan with red focus attack is a match made in heaven.

I have heard many high hopes for Hakan... and Gief... and T. Hawk. SF4 Ultra Grappler Edition? Doesn't sound too bad to me, really.

Of course this is all just for fun speculation.

/ / /

4750th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Mon 28 Oct 09:27post reply

Of course this is all just for fun speculation.

You're quite right that this is all so much armchair quarterbacking. Still, with all this and apparently even more changes coming this sounds like this update could be a different beast than what has come before. It reminds me of the old days when games could change radically over the course of an update, such as SFA2 to SFA3 or KoF98 to KoF99. Too bad I don't like A3 or 99. Here's to hoping the third time's the charm.

Shin ATproof
1272th Post

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PSN: Shin_ATproof
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Mon 28 Oct 09:54post reply

Hope to play all y'all when I get the game in the mail=) PSN is Shin_ATproof
and I'll be waiting until the US version so by then I'm sure you'll have moved on

I still played BBCSE until recently so yeah, I'll still be playing this game come the U.S. release.

Fact: Everything with Norio Wakamoto and/or JAM Project is awesome.
Sí mon con langosta y camarón!

2508th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Tue 29 Oct 03:12:post reply

@Iggy: the reason I think Rose will find it useful is because U2 is useful even though it doesn't do much damage in the first place, and she doesn't lose the ability to land a counter-hit U1 during a midscreen fireball game even though the damage it does will be reduced. Again, we'll have to see how the numbers work out, but for a number of characters who can cover a lot of unique bases with their ultras I think this will be useful. I don't feel like Yun will be picking it any time soon, though.

Dizzy being out of the game on release of Xrd as suggested by the story translation sounds curious to me, but then again, I always think about how

[this message was edited by Spoon on Tue 29 Oct 03:15]

4751th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Tue 29 Oct 22:34post reply

Dizzy being out of the game on release of Xrd as suggested by the story translation sounds curious to me, but then again, I always think about how

Does that mean that Dizzy is going to be the first DLC character? I can't imagine they will leave her out.

But even if GG is going down the DLC route I'm certain I'll be playing the game since SLAYER is going to be in the game! Oh, Faust was also announced but it's all about Slayer.

1947th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Wed 30 Oct 13:34post reply


Does that mean that Dizzy is going to be the first DLC character? I can't imagine they will leave her out.

But even if GG is going down the DLC route I'm certain I'll be playing the game since SLAYER is going to be in the game! Oh, Faust was also announced but it's all about Slayer.

So the last regular character is... who? I'm going to guess Johnny.

/ / /

3922th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"BBCP the best selling release up to date" , posted Fri 1 Nov 11:14:post reply

BBCP sold 72,464 copies on launch week accounting for 86% of its first shipment, says the latest chart by Media Create. Famitsu has a different figure of 85,285 copies, making it rank 2nd following Pokemon instead of 3rd for the week of 10/21. Either way, the game has broken BBCS's week 1 sales record of 61,444 and thus far seems to be the most successful release in the series.

Considering that P4U has been the top selling fighter in Japan (leaving aside Jojo) and it sold around 140K on week 1, BBCP has done pretty good.

And on another note, it looks like Bandai is shifting gear from SNKP to Arc with its D-Arts figures. I guess Terry didn't sell too well.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 1 Nov 11:24]

4753th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):BBCP the best selling release up to dat" , posted Sat 2 Nov 01:18post reply

Congrats to BBCP but why did it do so well? What was it about this release that made people want to jump into the series?
And on another note, it looks like Bandai is shifting gear from SNKP to Arc with its D-Arts figures. I guess Terry didn't sell too well.

Noel can take off her hat which automatically makes her a better figure than poor, pinheaded Terry.

5857th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):BBCP the best selling release up to dat" , posted Sat 2 Nov 02:46post reply

Congrats to BBCP but why did it do so well? What was it about this release that made people want to jump into the series?

Stuff like that had also has to do with the timing. Right now the awareness of the brand is pretty high (promoting the new charas all over & the anime going at it as well). BB is also known as being strong "outside the fighting", like VAs doing shows and whatnot; so it's also popular with non fighting game fans (in fact, it's better to suspect that like 80% of those sales aren't harcore gamers, look at any "serious" 'fighting only' game numbers released so far as a clue).

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

394th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):BBCP the best selling release up to dat" , posted Sat 2 Nov 05:10post reply

Right now the awareness of the brand is pretty high (promoting the new charas all over & the anime going at it as well).

How is the anime, anyway? Particularly in regards to fitting the game storylines? I'm only casually associated with BlazBlue, so I can't judge.

I admit that I've already stopped watching the anime though. While I might would play a character like Noel in a fighting game, I just don't care about her in the anime, which is bad when she is a major character in said anime. That, and it seems slightly harder to get past the Guilty Gear similarities in anime form, for some reason.

1238th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 2 Nov 06:09post reply

Hope to play all y'all when I get the game in the mail=) PSN is Shin_ATproof
and I'll be waiting until the US version so by then I'm sure you'll have moved on

I still played BBCSE until recently so yeah, I'll still be playing this game come the U.S. release.

Just received my copy yesterday-- it's quite good! It may even be more fun than BBCS!

Shin AT, when are you typically online (as in time and timezone)? I'll add you this weekend and maybe we can have a match or two. Warning: I'm sub-awful.

I wonder where Polly's been off to? I'm sure she picked this one up too.

3567th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 2 Nov 07:55post reply


I wonder where Polly's been off to? I'm sure she picked this one up too.

I'm in work hell right now. I'm somewhere between the "want to curl into a ball and die" stage and the "why am I even doing this to myself" stage. I haven't even had time to post here.

I want BBCP pretty badly, but out of respect to my backlog, I'm abstaining. I've barely touched Monster Hunter 4 and haven't played Wonderful 101 (or anything for that matter) in weeks, so I would hate to put another obstacle between myself and perfectly decent games.

I hope that lightning will strike again for the game when it comes out in the US. I can't imagine they're last iteration was very popular, but most people seem to have forgiven and forgotten (myself included).

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1489th Post

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PSN: Drakee
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Sat 2 Nov 08:01post reply

I'm in work hell right now. I'm somewhere between the "want to curl into a ball and die" stage and the "why am I even doing this to myself" stage. I haven't even had time to post here.

Oh, do I feel that- but my current job doesn't make me wanna kill myself on a daily basis, so that much is good! Pays better too, in a town where money goes a lot farther... even when I'm tired, which is all the time, I'm much happier than before I think.

Of course, the games keep piling up and I don't play them because I'm an idiot. I have a shrinkwrapped copy of Metal Gear Rising staring at me while I play Pokemon and Marvel Heroes. Who am I? What have I become?

But yeah, I kind of want the new BB... but I don't think it's time. I just bought DOA5U after having liked my brief time with the first DOA5 release and it's scratching my fighting itch for now. Oh well.

Shin ATproof
1273th Post

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PSN: Shin_ATproof
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):BBCP out tomorrow!" , posted Mon 4 Nov 12:58post reply

Hope to play all y'all when I get the game in the mail=) PSN is Shin_ATproof
and I'll be waiting until the US version so by then I'm sure you'll have moved on

I still played BBCSE until recently so yeah, I'll still be playing this game come the U.S. release.

Just received my copy yesterday-- it's quite good! It may even be more fun than BBCS!

Shin AT, when are you typically online (as in time and timezone)? I'll add you this weekend and maybe we can have a match or two. Warning: I'm sub-awful.

I wonder where Polly's been off to? I'm sure she picked this one up too.

I'm usually on after 6pm PST during the weekdays for a little bit. Don't worry about skill, they changed so much with Hakumen that I have to relearn a lot of stuff with him. Also I plan to sub Bullet and Kagura so if Haku is too much I can go to them lol

Fact: Everything with Norio Wakamoto and/or JAM Project is awesome.
Sí mon con langosta y camarón!

1089th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Fingers..." , posted Mon 4 Nov 17:14post reply

Behold the new Midnight Bliss.

Regarding videos not recently uploaded by Imbuedgold, I really enjoyed the rather random 2nd Impact tournament at Acho. A lot of Sean, though...

ギンザ ♪

Burning Ranger
1750th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Fingers..." , posted Mon 4 Nov 22:34post reply

Behold the new Midnight Bliss.

Wow... there are no words... they should have sent a poet!

So much to do so little time...

1240th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Fingers..." , posted Tue 5 Nov 02:57post reply

Behold the new Midnight Bliss.

For the first time in quite a while I actually laughed out loud at this. I'm glad ArcSys is keeping it classy, hahahaha!

I'm usually on after 6pm PST during the weekdays for a little bit. Don't worry about skill, they changed so much with Hakumen that I have to relearn a lot of stuff with him. Also I plan to sub Bullet and Kagura so if Haku is too much I can go to them lol

I'll try and be around online this week sometime (probably Wednesday or after). I'm PST too which makes it a little easy.

I'm alarmed at your mention of Hakumen though. We'll see how laughably uneven the matchup is against my Tager!

4754th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fingers..." , posted Tue 5 Nov 03:21post reply

Stuff like that had also has to do with the timing. Right now the awareness of the brand is pretty high (promoting the new charas all over & the anime going at it as well).

Silly me, I totally forgot about the BB anime. Perhaps I should watch the anime to spur my interest in the game. Or should I play the game so I can follow the anime? This indecision is why I haven't been following BB all that closely.

Behold the new Midnight Bliss.

I hope Namco, Capcom and the rest are taking notes because attack animation in fighting games has just gone to the next level.

5861th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Fingers..." , posted Wed 6 Nov 05:40post reply

Speaking of fighters, I don't remember if I spoke here about the guys of French Bread liking Skull Girls to some extent. The thing is that within the latest release of promotion for the game or something, this was added among the regular cast, and that along with an upcoming nesica release of Skull Girls seems to be hinting at something.

Let us remember that Under Night already has 2 guest characters, one is Sion from Melty Blood and the other one is Akatsuki who I don't care for.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

4755th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Fingers..." , posted Wed 6 Nov 11:05post reply

Has it been noted that GGXrd has win animation? It also still has that awkward looking shot of the defeated character in the foreground which doesn't work nearly as well as the creators were probably hoping for. While it worked to have the winner and loser in different planes in games like Samurai Shodown or SF3, simply moving the camera around in GGXrd doesn't quite create the same effect.

Speaking of fighters, I don't remember if I spoke here about the guys of French Bread liking Skull Girls to some extent. The thing is that within the latest release of promotion for the game or something, this was added among the regular cast, and that along with an upcoming nesica release of Skull Girls seems to be hinting at something.

I like that even though even though she's been rendered in a different art style you can still tell that's Filia. Skullgirls has some decent character designs that are more than just some weird thing slapped on a girl's head.

Speaking of which, renders of the vampire girl in Tekken Revolution have popped up. Whether it's horns or hair, having something huge sprouting out of the character's head is the defining characteristic of the Tekken cast.

2508th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Fingers..." , posted Wed 6 Nov 11:28post reply

Akatsuki who I don't care for.

I like Akatsuki but the way he's animated in UNIB makes him seem really wimpy. The characters in UNIB are kind of lanky in general, but when I see him punch and kick in UNIB I don't think of how elegant he is, just how pitiful he is.

Meanwhile, I'm having far too much fun watching Salty Bet again.

1094th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Fingers..." , posted Wed 6 Nov 17:18post reply

Has it been noted that GGXrd has win animation?

Qu'est-ce que c'est beau, putain.

Speaking of fighters, I don't remember if I spoke here about the guys of French Bread liking Skull Girls to some extent.

I hope it did not cost French Bread $250,000 to add her in.

ギンザ ♪

583th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Fingers..." , posted Wed 6 Nov 19:57post reply

I hope Namco, Capcom and the rest are taking notes because attack animation in fighting games has just gone to the next level.

They won't. But SNK probabily do.
That attack is fantastic, especially when hits I-no. Can't wait ot see Venom and Bridget reactions.
Speaking of GG, any hints at the soundtrack and character themes?

Burning Ranger
1751th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Fingers..." , posted Wed 6 Nov 22:47post reply

Has it been noted that GGXrd has win animation?

This is looking better than I originally thought it would.

So I'm curious as to who still owns the Guilty Gear franchise. Last I heard, it was Sega. Is that still the case?

So much to do so little time...

1096th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Fingers..." , posted Wed 6 Nov 22:59post reply

Burning Ranger: here.

ギンザ ♪

585th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Fingers..." , posted Wed 6 Nov 23:37:post reply

Then we are finally ready for Versus Vortex.

[this message was edited by Nekros on Wed 6 Nov 23:39]

Burning Ranger
1752th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):Fingers..." , posted Fri 8 Nov 09:14post reply

Then we are finally ready for Versus Vortex.

I assume this means a Guilty Gear/BlazBlue/Other Arc Games crossover?

Also, thanks Chaz for the info!

So much to do so little time...

713th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Fingers..." , posted Fri 8 Nov 13:56post reply

Behold the new Midnight Bliss.

Woah. That kinda reminds me of this "classic" arcade of the early 2000s, but Ishiwatari's mise-en-scène is of course much classier.

4756th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"And away we go" , posted Fri 8 Nov 22:20post reply

Hadouken Cabs. Here I thought that the days of terrible commercials for fighting games had passed. Now I guess they are retro cool? Then again, I should probably be more focused on what this ad campaign is suggesting instead of how it was put together.

1948th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"We be on our way!" , posted Sat 9 Nov 06:08post reply

Hadouken Cabs. Here I thought that the days of terrible commercials for fighting games had passed. Now I guess they are retro cool? Then again, I should probably be more focused on what this ad campaign is suggesting instead of how it was put together.

Really disappointed there's no fireball iconography on the car. I'd rather take a Crazy Taxi.

/ / /

4757th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):We be on our way!" , posted Sun 10 Nov 00:59post reply

Really disappointed there's no fireball iconography on the car. I'd rather take a Crazy Taxi.

Personally, I was hoping the commercial would somehow incorporate the "whoosh" noise the airplane used to make back in SF2 but that's probably asking a bit much for an inexpensive bit of viral marketing.

In other fighting news, it seems that Yatagarasu is coming to next-gen consoles.

Just a Person
1552th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade version" , posted Thu 14 Nov 05:19post reply

And her name is Marirose (or Mary-Rose, who knows?)

*sigh* A gothic lolita... way to go, Team Ninja. Let's hope this girl at least isn't underage, since as a DOA girl she will surely get her share of inappropriate outfits. At least she (apparently) didn't get the huge breasts that every other DOA girl has (which reinforces the fear that Team Ninja is adding an underage girl to whatever perverted outfits they're certainly planning to give her).

I'm curious about what her fighting style will be, anyway.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1102th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Thu 14 Nov 08:55:post reply


I'm curious about what her fighting style will be, anyway.

Her martial art is Systema. Yep.

I was kinda intrigued by the rumor that we would finally get a flat-chested heroine as a new character, but I stupidly assumed it would be someone like Françoise or You, not a Star Ocean 5 reject. I have no explanation why I was expecting anything classy from Team Ninja.

Let's hope this girl at least isn't underage

Why wouldn't she be? She is probably 13, to play on the "13 years since the last arcade version". She would not be the first underage DOA character.

ギンザ ♪

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 14 Nov 08:58]

4760th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Thu 14 Nov 23:46post reply

Wow, little Blue Mary Rose or whatever her name is looks like quite the collection of questionable fetishes. Still, she already looks like she has more personality than Kokoro so that's something I guess.

Setting aside her design I'm looking forward to her addition to the game because she's little. Maybe I'm spoiled by 2D fighters but I that you can have Sakura fight Zangief or Choi and Chang on the same team. Heaven knows I don't expect realism in fighting games so wild size discrepancy doesn't bother me and actually helps make the matches more interesting. Let's hope DoA eventually adds in a boss that's larger than Tengu since I would love to see this tiny fighter beat the crap out of it.

Just a Person
1553th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Fri 15 Nov 06:01post reply


Why wouldn't she be? She is probably 13, to play on the "13 years since the last arcade version". She would not be the first underage DOA character.

Considering the treatment the DOA women get in the games, it would be REALLY disturbing if this girl was underage.

And, well, Kokoro kinda looks underage too, yet if I'm not mistaken she's 18 years old in DOA5. Maybe Marirose is just another girl that looks younger than she really is...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

716th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Fri 15 Nov 10:25post reply


Why wouldn't she be? She is probably 13, to play on the "13 years since the last arcade version". She would not be the first underage DOA character.

Considering the treatment the DOA women get in the games, it would be REALLY disturbing if this girl was underage.

And, well, Kokoro kinda looks underage too, yet if I'm not mistaken she's 18 years old in DOA5. Maybe Marirose is just another girl that looks younger than she really is...

You guys are too prudish. Think about the doujinshis! Poor doujin writers need some fresh fodder too!

I'll admit I am kind of excited interested on this arcade version, if only for nostalgia reasons. It's been so many years since the days I used to play DOA on the arcades on my way back home from high school, at the very same game center where I played Soul Edge, Tekken 3, Last Blade or Samurai Spirits IV... Aaah, the memories!

1246th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Fri 15 Nov 14:04post reply


Why wouldn't she be? She is probably 13, to play on the "13 years since the last arcade version". She would not be the first underage DOA character.

Considering the treatment the DOA women get in the games, it would be REALLY disturbing if this girl was underage.

And, well, Kokoro kinda looks underage too, yet if I'm not mistaken she's 18 years old in DOA5. Maybe Marirose is just another girl that looks younger than she really is...

You guys are too prudish. Think about the doujinshis! Poor doujin writers need some fresh fodder too!

I'll admit I am kind of excited interested on this arcade version, if only for nostalgia reasons. It's been so many years since the days I used to play DOA on the arcades on my way back home from high school, at the very same game center where I played Soul Edge, Tekken 3, Last Blade or Samurai Spirits IV... Aaah, the memories!

Ah, my friend, I wish that those days were still with us! They're marginally closer in Japan still, but unfortunately DOA5U just doesn't have the same special... something DOA2 had. I still suspect it's got some kind of inverse relationship to the quality of its graphics. It's at times like this that I feel like we're all those melancholy samurai of the Bakumatsu (as in Gekka no Kenshi), knowing that our era has come to a close, but still clinging to its ideals.

Maybe it's just the cold medicine talking though!

Just a Person
1555th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Sat 16 Nov 01:38:post reply

Okay, so the new character's name is Marie Rose, not Marirose. And Team Ninja uploaded a new trailer showing her (and the other characters as well).

Also, she is Swedish, works as a Maid (what??), and her age is 18 years old (she's actually some months OLDER than Ayane and Eliot). I guess it's okay now for Team Ninja to show her in skimpy bikinis.

EDIT: hmmm, just a thought: Swedish girl, who practices a Russian martial art, and her profession is most common in Japan (I assume that her job as a "maid" doesn't really involve cleaning houses, washing clothes and cooking, but something as those girls who work in Japanese cafes serving snacks and being cute)... Marie Rose is definitely the most multicultural fighter in Dead or Alive (and maybe one of the most multicultural fighters in fighting games overall).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sat 16 Nov 07:12]

3573th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Sat 16 Nov 02:07post reply


Also, she is Swedish, works as a Maid (what??), and her age is 18 years old (she's actually some months OLDER than Ayane and Eliot). I guess it's okay now for Team Ninja to show her in skimpy bikinis.

Thank God! Now Japan can maintain its perfect record of not sexualizing minors. WHEW!

She looks fun though, and like Ishmael, I'm happy to see some size discrepancy. I am getting a little annoyed at how many games and anime have gothic lolita characters with these generic dress designs, though. It's disappointing to see a fashion subculture represented by samey-looking $20 Halloween costumes.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1104th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Sat 16 Nov 02:22post reply

They probably made her 18 to fit her in the Western console versions. The reason all the girls were bumped as adults in DOA5 was to counter the ban of the 3DS version in Sweden.

The problem here is that the Swedish law clearly state the character must not only be over 18 but actually look like an adult to be featured in sexy situations; so making her 18 won't really fix anything if she still looks younger than Chloe Moretz in Kick-Ass... Poor Tecmo won't catch a break!

Were I the head of Team Ninja's new characters approval division, and this is a parallel universe career opportunity I rarely dabble into during my spare time, I would have gone all the way, claimed she's really 49 years old and her secret beauty tip (PLASTIC SURGEONS HATE HER!) is bathing in the blood of big-boobed ninja entrepreneurs.

i  n   t  h  e   f  a  s  t   l  a  n  e   ♪

4762th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Sat 16 Nov 05:34:post reply

They probably made her 18 to fit her in the Western console versions. The reason all the girls were bumped as adults in DOA5 was to counter the ban of the 3DS version in Sweden.

But officer, she said she was 18, I swear! I don't know who Tecmo/Koei thinks they are fooling with that one but at least it suggests that she's not going to remain an arcade exclusive character forever.

The latest news from the slowly gestating USF4 details red parry use and delayed wake-up. Judging from the comments I have read the grapplers are going to be top-tier in this version while simultaneously being garbage due to the wake-up delay. Mentally playing a game months before it is released is always a fun way to pass the time.

EDIT: Forgot the link.

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Sat 16 Nov 05:35]

Just a Person
1555th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Sat 16 Nov 07:17post reply

The latest news from the slowly gestating USF4 details red parry use and delayed wake-up. Judging from the comments I have read the grapplers are going to be top-tier in this version while simultaneously being garbage due to the wake-up delay. Mentally playing a game months before it is released is always a fun way to pass the time.

EDIT: Forgot the link.

Looks interesting. Too bad it will take quite some time before USF4 is released (April 2014 in Arcades and probably even later in PS3 and X360).

I wonder if the location tests in December will show the fifth new character (quite unlikely) and/or how the six SFxTekken stages look like in USF4 (a little more likely). For a game announced in July, Capcom could have shown a little bit more of it.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):DOA5U gets new fighter for Arcade versi" , posted Sat 16 Nov 07:45post reply

The latest news from the slowly gestating USF4 details red parry use and delayed wake-up. Judging from the comments I have read the grapplers are going to be top-tier in this version while simultaneously being garbage due to the wake-up delay. Mentally playing a game months before it is released is always a fun way to pass the time.

EDIT: Forgot the link.

Looks interesting. Too bad it will take quite some time before USF4 is released (April 2014 in Arcades and probably even later in PS3 and X360).

I wonder if the location tests in December will show the fifth new character (quite unlikely) and/or how the six SFxTekken stages look like in USF4 (a little more likely). For a game announced in July, Capcom could have shown a little bit more of it.

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