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red falcon 6166th Post

PSN: Rugalbgood XBL: RugalBGood Wii: Doesitmatter?
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Weird BBS hiccup?" , posted Sat 7 Sep 11:02    
quote: Shit, where'd the link go? You have a messed up version of it, though... this is what I get for posting it and walking off, I guess. Ha ha ha ha..
It looks like my post ate the link somehow... I didn't actually try to embed it at all.
Well, I hope the stream went well, anyway!
The URL is in your original post, but I think the tag wasn't closed properly. http://www.twitch.tv/tobemorecrazy
FYI, you can just paste a URL, highlight it and hit the URL button! Much easier that way.
That's what I did... :( Or at least what I THOUGHT I did, obviously I botched it somehow. Anywhoo, probably will do this again in the near future after working out some kinks, and will probably do requests! I'm thinkin' SLAP HAPPY RHYTHM BUSTERS next time...