Ultra Fighting game thread IV - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 16 Nov 07:41:post reply

The old thread takes forever to load, so let's start a new one.

The latest news from the slowly gestating USF4 details red parry use and delayed wake-up. Judging from the comments I have read the grapplers are going to be top-tier in this version while simultaneously being garbage due to the wake-up delay. Mentally playing a game months before it is released is always a fun way to pass the time.

EDIT: Forgot the link.

Looks interesting. Too bad it will take quite some time before USF4 is released (April 2014 in Arcades and probably even later in PS3 and X360).

I wonder if the location tests in December will show the fifth new character (quite unlikely) and/or how the six SFxTekken stages look like in USF4 (a little more likely). For a game announced in July, Capcom could have shown a little bit more of it.

It's astounding to me the amount of time and effort that goes into speculation on the part of the fighting game community on some new features for a game like this. I'll be excited to see how Rolento plays, and even though I bitched endlessly about just porting the SFxT characters to Ultra, I'll still be glad to play as Poison and Hugo. More Final Fight is always better, eh?

As for the fifth character mystery, I'm coming around to the suspicion that it will either be Go Hibiki or Guy and Maki's master (whose name I forget-- Zeku?).


[this message was edited by karasu99 on Sat 16 Nov 07:52]


Just a Person
1556th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 16 Nov 07:59post reply

The old thread takes forever to load, so let's start a new one.

The latest news from the slowly gestating USF4 details red parry use and delayed wake-up. Judging from the comments I have read the grapplers are going to be top-tier in this version while simultaneously being garbage due to the wake-up delay. Mentally playing a game months before it is released is always a fun way to pass the time.

EDIT: Forgot the link.

Looks interesting. Too bad it will take quite some time before USF4 is released (April 2014 in Arcades and probably even later in PS3 and X360).

I wonder if the location tests in December will show the fifth new character (quite unlikely) and/or how the six SFxTekken stages look like in USF4 (a little more likely). For a game announced in July, Capcom could have shown a little bit more of it.

It's astounding to me the amount of time and effort that goes into speculation on the part of the fighting game community on some new features for a game like this. I'll be excited to see how Rolento plays, and even though I bitched endlessly about just porting the SFxT characters to Ultra, I'll still be glad to play as Poison and Hugo. More Final Fight is always better, eh?

As for the fifth character mystery, I'm coming around to the suspicion that it will either be Go Hibiki or Guy and Maki's master (whose name I forget-- Zeku?).

Yes, his name is Zeku.

Isn't Go Hibiki dead? I know, Gouken was supposed to be dead as well, but Dan actually saw his father dying, didn't he?

There are some rumors indicating that the new character may be one of the Shadaloo Dolls, with strong indications towards Decapre (the one that looks like Cammy with a mask). I can see Capcom doing it to make development easier (after all, they could just model her after Cammy), but as much as I love the Dolls, I think they only work collectively. The 12 of them are very interesting; Juli and Juni together (as a Dramatic Battle) are slightly interesting. One single Doll, though? Not interesting at all to me.

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1251th Post

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"Re(2):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 16 Nov 08:14post reply

Yes, his name is Zeku.

Isn't Go Hibiki dead? I know, Gouken was supposed to be dead as well, but Dan actually saw his father dying, didn't he?

There are some rumors indicating that the new character may be one of the Shadaloo Dolls, with strong indications towards Decapre (the one that looks like Cammy with a mask). I can see Capcom doing it to make development easier (after all, they could just model her after Cammy), but as much as I love the Dolls, I think they only work collectively. The 12 of them are very interesting; Juli and Juni together (as a Dramatic Battle) are slightly interesting. One single Doll, though? Not interesting at all to me.

Zeku would be interesting, but I'd prefer Maki, really! She was great to use in CVS2.

I would not be shocked if you were right about a Doll. Capcom seems to be taking an otherwise risk-free approach otherwise, so why not just do the 3D equivalent of a head swap? It would be great if they could do a dramatic battle style Juli/Juni, but that would take more work!


shin ramberk
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"Re(3):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 16 Nov 08:55post reply

Well, if we're gonna include obscure characters that have never been playable before let's throw in...

Gotetsu (sp?) Maybe he faked his death to pursue a career as a bed & breakfast entrepreneur.

That Kid from the awful Street Fighter Alpha anime from a long time ago.

Random British Agent from Cammy's team.

Evil Shadoloo Scientist. Bumbling Shadoloo Scientist. Or Shadoloo Scientist with a Heart of Gold.

Another one of Gill's "failed" experiments (like Necro but not Necro). Maybe you could call him Eleven. :p

A cook from Yun/Yang/Gen's restaurant.

Mad Gear flunkie-- you know, that dude that really really really should not be in a gang but they allow him to hang out because they feel bad for him but he's always in danger of getting beat up.

One of Elena's pets. Like a giraffe, rhino or flamingo. Or all three!

Cross over character! Someone from any random Megaman series that is NOT Megaman. Because, welly, you know why. Why not Dr. Light!!!!!!!!


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"Re(4):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sun 17 Nov 06:25post reply

Gameplay videos of Marie Rose have started turning up and it looks like she's borrowing a lot of her moves from Ayane. Then again, the gameplay in DoA does sort of all blend together at some point so having her be a variation on an established character feels appropriate. I wonder if she's going to have the option for Miku style green hair since she's already sporting the twin tails haircut?

Oh, and my current guess for the new USF4 character is D.Honda or F.Honda.

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"Re(5):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Mon 18 Nov 00:59post reply

In their ever-lasting quest to attain 2D fighting game legitimacy, KI3 introduces that tropiest of all 2D fighting game tropes, EVIL alt palette-swaps, with Shadow Jago.

So far he is just an alt-skin of Jago with zero gameplay differences. But it seems down the line they might actually make him a different character (like Ken going from vanilla SF2 to SF2: Champion Edition). Game still looks like dumb fun.

As for USFIV, I'm finding a lot of analogies of what Capcom wants to do with this supposed "final" version of SFIV and what they did with the final version of SF2 with Super Turbo. Both only really introduce 1 true new character. And instead of focusing on adding characters, the updates focus on adding more new techniques to the system (Super Combos in ST compared to Red focus, dual Ultras, delayed wake-up and maybe more yet-to-be-unveiled mechanics). I don't know what this means but I like historical analogies.

Oh and my USFIV guess is Dudley's butler, Mr. Gotch. I heard butlers are a hot thing in Japan so makes sense.

EDIT: Dudley's butler now works as a farm & ranch lawyer!?


4610th Post

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"Re(6):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Mon 18 Nov 04:35post reply

The new character should be Retsu. He's the Ryuhaku Todoh of Capcom.

2993th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Mon 18 Nov 15:53post reply

I've been playing the SC: Lost Swords beta over the weekend, so I might as well talk about it a bit.

It's... playable. This may end up being the nicest thing I say about it. The load times are bad, but that may just be because I'm not in Japan since it seems to be pulling data from a server constantly.

The game was clearly not designed to be a good fighting game, but more just a "fun" one where you hit buttons in the right order and lots of combos happen. The three playable characters are totally dumbed down with long 4-hit strings that seem to always be guaranteed when they hit. Many even end in stuns, which allow you to do another string, which ends in another stun or knockdown or wall hit, allowing more damage etc. It's probably not supposed to be balanced, but it still gets frustrating when you know the CPU AI can hit you with a 16-hit combo without the slightest setup.

The game adds an equipment system for leveling up stats, a janken element system that increases/decreases damage, and a support system that allows you to temporarily use a character from another player when a bar fills. Critical edges are also heavily dumbed down to "supers" now, and the motion for them is just A+B. Equipping a stronger weapon changes your super attack, and thanks to the stupid easy combos in the game, setting up a quick deathblow super is easy as balls.

Also, there seems to be little-to-no story to the game. Considering it's single-player, that's a serious flaw. The enemies are all just custom characters - only the player characters are the traditional ones. So in the end it's just a game where you fight an endless stream of random characters to get equipment, and use equipment so you can fight more random characters. There is literally no other reason to play it.

Overall I feel like the only thing saving this game from being total garbage is what little remains of SC5 within it. The engine is still solid and accessible like SC5, but it lacks a lot of the old moves and new stuff is intentionally dumb. Playing dressup is as fun as it is in SC5 until you realize you can't change colors and the limited space and stats force you to change equipment often. Being able to change out to another character during a match is about the only thing unique to this game that I can't complain about.

Of course, this was just a beta and a lot could still be added in the final release, but I get the impression that this is it and the only other stuff to be added is the remaining player characters (which from the looks of things aren't going to be any surprises).

1949th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Mon 18 Nov 18:09post reply

I'm having a hard time commiting to a joke here...

Soul Calibur? More like Sold-out Calibur!

My expectations were seriously wounded, but the schill still burns!

Microtransactions? And I thought the female costumes were the tackiest thing about the series!

Lost Swords? Well I certainly won't bother looking for them!

Well, that's enough for now...

/ / /

49th Post

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"Re(2):Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Mon 18 Nov 18:37:post reply

Played DoA5 with my workmates, who are mostly women in game design/programming/animation/art

Kasumi and Ayane were popular 'cause of their ninja moves. When they saw Tina's power bomb though everone went "whoah!"

Then someone picked Brad Wong, shirtless, and one of them blurted "whoah what a sexy brother, if I knew I could take their shirts off I would've chose him"
...maybe this is what Itagaki wanted all along...

DoA5 was fun. I haven't gotten the hang of their holding system yet, I want my revenge as I dislike losing in fighting games. Overall everyone got into the game more than they did MvC2.

Bonus: Here's some western women warming up for their boxing match, as a Chinese receptionist girl eats a hamburger.


[this message was edited by HokutoAndy on Mon 18 Nov 18:38]

1106th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Mon 18 Nov 19:04post reply

Interesting anecdotes! Are they mainly Chinese (I see on Twitter that you live in Beijing) or from all regions of the World? Back in France, an ex of a friend was really into DOA Volleyball because she liked dressing them up and making friends/foes iwth the other girls.

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3575th Post

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"Re(4):Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Tue 19 Nov 03:00post reply

Just so that I fill this message with something vaguely relevant, I'm sad to see that Injustice on PS4 does not support any joysticks. Since it was announced that the PS4 was capable of supporting PS3 sticks from within games if developers so wished, this is a letdown and a concern for a future, 'cause I'm not going back to gamepads on fighting games.
Back in France, an ex of a friend was really into DOA Volleyball because she liked dressing them up and making friends/foes iwth the other girls.

I've said this before, but I'll say it again, I thought the first game was cute and fun and girl friends of mine that were like "you want to play that?!" enjoyed it in the end as well. However, I found the second game (which doesn't seem very different)really offensive, because instead of celebrating the characters, it ironed out all of their personalities into something more palatable.

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5866th Post

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"Re(3):Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Tue 19 Nov 05:48post reply

Then someone picked Brad Wong, shirtless, and one of them blurted "whoah what a sexy brother, if I knew I could take their shirts off I would've chose him"
...maybe this is what Itagaki wanted all along...

Ah. I have always thought of DoA games like these kind of Kentaro Miura authored type of entertainment; as in, the type of thing where they bring out humanity's "new lowest" for the reader to see every time they are visited.

After that I saw kick boxing office ladies and my world was destroyed in an eclipse. How fitting.

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1107th Post

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"Re(4):Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Tue 19 Nov 09:55post reply

Ryan Hart is one of the few people from the competitive fighting game community that I actually know, so I can vouch for the fact that he is a nice guy, but this project is completely insane. Do many crowd-funded comics even reach $30K? I am worried he gets a lot of backlash from this, especially considering there is no refund for backers in case the target is not met.

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Burning Ranger
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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Tue 19 Nov 22:19post reply

I'm having a hard time commiting to a joke here...

Soul Calibur? More like Sold-out Calibur!

My expectations were seriously wounded, but the schill still burns!

Microtransactions? And I thought the female costumes were the tackiest thing about the series!

Lost Swords? Well I certainly won't bother looking for them!

Well, that's enough for now...

*SNORT* Then again, hearing these opinions are making question another Namco F2P game I was eagerly anticipating (Ace Combat)...

Anyway, talking about DOA5U, I've seen it offered for a relatively cheap price ($30), but I worry about it being complete, especially since I heard DOA5U Arcade is getting a new character... Is DOA5U worth it?

So much to do so little time...

2995th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Tue 19 Nov 22:58:post reply


Anyway, talking about DOA5U, I've seen it offered for a relatively cheap price ($30), but I worry about it being complete, especially since I heard DOA5U Arcade is getting a new character... Is DOA5U worth it?

Well, in her console confirmation they say "update" instead of "DLC" so maybe this means that she'll be added as a free character.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 19 Nov 22:59]

1109th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Pedo Alive 5 Ultimate" , posted Tue 19 Nov 23:03:post reply

since I heard DOA5U Arcade is getting a new character... Is DOA5U worth it?

During a live event, Marie-Rose has been confirmed by Tecmo as a future DLC character for the home versions of DOA5U, so you don't need to worry so much about them releasing a new SKU. We don't know if the character will have to be bought or given for free. I would doubt so, though. Maybe she'll be part of a larger paid "Arcade" update.

I believe all DLC purchased in DOA5 become available for free in DOA5U. I only own the Vita version which did not receive a "DOA5U" update (unlike PS3 and X360) so I can't tell you how much better DOA5U is compared to the original. There are five more characters (+ the loli) on DOA5U.

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Tue 19 Nov 23:04]

4764th Post

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"Re(5):Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Wed 20 Nov 03:07post reply

Because we're between console generations it seems that fighting games are taking the opportunity to go into an experimental phase. Too bad most of it is turning out like SC:Lost Swords. Who would have guessed that DoA would have the most polished approach to presenting their material across multiple formats? Hopefully DoA will take this momentum and use it to make another title like their first volleyball game. As Pollyanna noted, XBV was actually a stealth game about playing with dolls but it's a good doll game. By the time I realized with the first volleyball game that I was actually playing Barbie Beach House I was too amused to care. The success of a fighting game isn't entirely built around the game engine as XBV and HokutoAndy's twitter feed prove.

Going from SC:LS to other work for which there is no audience...

this project is completely insane.

At best this is a vanity project run amok. At worst this is a cynical cash grab where the participants will pocket as much of the ludicrous $100,000 goal as they can. Then again, maybe there is a huge, untapped market out there for a blouse with Ryan Hart's head plastered on it. I've been wrong before.

3578th Post

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"Re(3):Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Wed 20 Nov 03:55post reply


Anyway, talking about DOA5U, I've seen it offered for a relatively cheap price ($30), but I worry about it being complete, especially since I heard DOA5U Arcade is getting a new character... Is DOA5U worth it?

The free version of the game is fairly comprehensive. It lacks story mode (which is awful anyway) and you have to buy most of the characters, but if you're not going to be playing with friends, you can probably make it out cheap. I don't think $30 is an unfair price for the game, but you might be able to do just fine with the free version. No harm in downloading it and finding out.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1254th Post

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"Re(4):Soul Calibur: Lost Integrity" , posted Thu 21 Nov 04:31post reply


Anyway, talking about DOA5U, I've seen it offered for a relatively cheap price ($30), but I worry about it being complete, especially since I heard DOA5U Arcade is getting a new character... Is DOA5U worth it?

The free version of the game is fairly comprehensive. It lacks story mode (which is awful anyway) and you have to buy most of the characters, but if you're not going to be playing with friends, you can probably make it out cheap. I don't think $30 is an unfair price for the game, but you might be able to do just fine with the free version. No harm in downloading it and finding out.

I agree, it's pretty low risk. I don't think DOA5U is a bad game per se, it just lacks the charm of the earlier (pre 3) games. I'm stunned by both the amount of costumes being sold for it and by the cost of said costumes, but sadly I think that's the way things are going-- at least if games like Tekken Revolution and SC: Lost Swords (and the new Killer Instinct) do well, which I'm sure they will. I guess from a developer's perspective, if you can either make $60 up-front for a game or upwards of $100 or more over time, why not go for it? I'm personally fine with it as long the quality of the games don't suffer, but that sounds like exactly what happened with Lost Swords. Ah well.

On a brighter note, Aquapazza is out in the US. For anyone who hasn't played it, it's quite good. It's got nice graphics and animation, it's a technically well made fighter, and it's pretty cheap. If anyone's on the fence about getting it I'd strongly recommend it.


68th Post

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Occasional Customer

"In Other News" , posted Thu 21 Nov 12:59:post reply

Zato One announced for GGXrd... and his name has changed back from Eddie.


Also, this...


[this message was edited by GPA on Thu 21 Nov 13:02]

1113th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):In Other News" , posted Thu 21 Nov 18:34:post reply



Holy crap it's Sarah Bryant!

(Would be cool if it was an unfinished or revised model of Leopaldon. )

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 21 Nov 18:38]

350th Post

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"Re(1):In Other News" , posted Thu 21 Nov 22:16post reply

Zato One announced for GGXrd... and his name has changed back from Eddie.


Also, this...


I thought the reason Ishiwatari killed off Zato-1 and let Eddie take over the corpse is because the original voice actor, Kaneto Shiozawa, died. But in-context with the story, I guess Zato-1 is now revived? or cloned? Are there revivals or clones in Guilty Gear? I really don't know.


2995th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):In Other News" , posted Fri 22 Nov 04:50post reply

Zato One announced for GGXrd... and his name has changed back from Eddie.


Also, this...

I thought the reason Ishiwatari killed off Zato-1 and let Eddie take over the corpse is because the original voice actor, Kaneto Shiozawa, died. But in-context with the story, I guess Zato-1 is now revived? or cloned? Are there revivals or clones in Guilty Gear? I really don't know.

That's what I thought too. It'd be funny if Ishiwatari just re-used old recordings of Zato-1's voice in Xrd. I guess since he had to let go of Daigo (literally) he's not going to care about voice consistency anymore. Speaking of which, is Slayer still voiced by Iemasa Kayumi in Xrd? I kind of assumed he was retired now, but if he's still in the game that would be really impressive. The guy's over 80 years old!

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"Re(3):In Other News" , posted Sat 23 Nov 02:16post reply

Supers and Ultras for the new characters in USF4 have been revealed. Poison is bringing the pain Makoto style.

That's what I thought too. It'd be funny if Ishiwatari just re-used old recordings of Zato-1's voice in Xrd. I guess since he had to let go of Daigo (literally) he's not going to care about voice consistency anymore. Speaking of which, is Slayer still voiced by Iemasa Kayumi in Xrd? I kind of assumed he was retired now, but if he's still in the game that would be really impressive. The guy's over 80 years old!

That's true, since Xrd is changing up the voice actors a bit perhaps the powers that be felt they could bring back Zato? Whatever the reason, this makes the total removal of Dizzy due to plot reasons seem even more unlikely. If a character who has been a corpse for years can suddenly stop being dead there's nothing that can't be hand waved away in the world of GG.

68th Post

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"Re(3):In Other News" , posted Sat 23 Nov 03:34post reply


That's what I thought too. It'd be funny if Ishiwatari just re-used old recordings of Zato-1's voice in Xrd. I guess since he had to let go of Daigo (literally) he's not going to care about voice consistency anymore. Speaking of which, is Slayer still voiced by Iemasa Kayumi in Xrd? I kind of assumed he was retired now, but if he's still in the game that would be really impressive. The guy's over 80 years old!

V/A is still listed as Takehito Koyasu, so it's still "Eddie"'s voice.

5869th Post

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"In Other Other News" , posted Sat 23 Nov 06:15post reply

So following the Tekken Revolution joke, Harada has stated that the team might consider one of their old, scrapped characters if the following message gets re-tweeted 1000 times.

Now, I'm not sure if memory fails me or not, but that character (Ganmi), was the one that was meant to be Ganryu's daughter? If that's so, then do the universe a favor and tell people to retweeted that thing as much as you can.


Oh, and supposedly there it was this rumor that the vampire was to be added before next year. Not that I care.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

1951th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):In Other News" , posted Sat 23 Nov 07:41post reply



Holy crap it's Sarah Bryant!

(Would be cool if it was an unfinished or revised model of Leopaldon. )

I like this crazy silhouette and surely they need at least one actual GEAR in there (Leopaldon seems like a good guess!) but don't tell me this is the last character reveal...

I might have to go back to Venom but he's like fourth on my list. Wherefore art thou Baiken, Johnny, Testament?

/ / /

6260th Post

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"Backgrounds" , posted Sat 23 Nov 10:35post reply

I've been an huge fan of fighting game backgrounds. And while that shouldn't excuse important things like gameplay and mechanics, it's disappointing that Capcom couldn't have made some effort to make at least 3 new stages, instead of re-using SFxT's awful ones.

On the plus side, the new Ultras looks cool. I like Rolento's second one the best, always a cool Super in the Alpha days.

Just a Person
1557th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Backgrounds" , posted Sat 23 Nov 23:53post reply

I've been an huge fan of fighting game backgrounds. And while that shouldn't excuse important things like gameplay and mechanics, it's disappointing that Capcom couldn't have made some effort to make at least 3 new stages, instead of re-using SFxT's awful ones.

On the plus side, the new Ultras looks cool. I like Rolento's second one the best, always a cool Super in the Alpha days.

Maybe the stages will be redone? I mean, Capcom has to at least remove the Tekken characters and references from them (like Alex in the Jurassic Era one, or Ganryu in the Blast Furnace one).

Maybe that's why these "new" backgrounds seem to be absent from the location tests so far.

In fact, didn't the Jurassic Era and Half Pipe stages have two levels each? I wonder if Capcom will choose only one level from each of them for USFIV, or if both levels from these backgrounds will be used (in this case, this would mean that the game gets eight "new" backgrounds instead of six)...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

6261th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Backgrounds" , posted Sun 24 Nov 03:02post reply

I've been an huge fan of fighting game backgrounds. And while that shouldn't excuse important things like gameplay and mechanics, it's disappointing that Capcom couldn't have made some effort to make at least 3 new stages, instead of re-using SFxT's awful ones.

On the plus side, the new Ultras looks cool. I like Rolento's second one the best, always a cool Super in the Alpha days.

Maybe the stages will be redone? I mean, Capcom has to at least remove the Tekken characters and references from them (like Alex in the Jurassic Era one, or Ganryu in the Blast Furnace one).

Maybe that's why these "new" backgrounds seem to be absent from the location tests so far.

In fact, didn't the Jurassic Era and Half Pipe stages have two levels each? I wonder if Capcom will choose only one level from each of them for USFIV, or if both levels from these backgrounds will be used (in this case, this would mean that the game gets eight "new" backgrounds instead of six)...

That's a very good point. I wonder how they'll accomodate that? And plus, what part of the world they'll be in? Since SF uses the world map, I wonder where they'll set the levels.

3936th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Backgrounds" , posted Sun 24 Nov 19:44post reply


Has anyone here played it yet?

Just a Person
1558th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Backgrounds" , posted Sun 24 Nov 22:46post reply

That's a very good point. I wonder how they'll accomodate that? And plus, what part of the world they'll be in? Since SF uses the world map, I wonder where they'll set the levels.

Good question. Half Pipe and Pitstop 109 could be anywhere in the world, I guess. Mad Gear Hideout may be located in Japan, since the Mad Gear thugs are dressed in Japanese clothes. Blast Furnace is probably in Russia, as it is kinda similar to Zangief's background in SFII. As for Cosmic Elevator (...outer space?!?) and Jurassic Era Research Facility... USA, perhaps?

I must say I'm actually more curious to see these SFxT backgrounds adapted to USFIV than to see the fifth new character (if it's really one of the Shadaloo Dolls as some rumors say, there's no reason for me to wait for the announcement at all).


Has anyone here played it yet?

I didn't. From the videos around the web, it looks quite fun, but until the Season 2 content arrives, it looks more like a demo than a proper game (kinda like KOF XII).

But the character redesigns are great (except for Jago).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

4769th Post

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"Re(4):Backgrounds" , posted Mon 25 Nov 00:58post reply

So following the Tekken Revolution joke, Harada has stated that the team might consider one of their old, scrapped characters if the following message gets re-tweeted 1000 times.

There was a time I thought of Tekken as the fighter that featured nothing but angry old men. Over the years it's somehow turned into Arcana Hearts without anyone noticing.


Has anyone here played it yet?

Thanks for the new chart! Poor KI, the lack of characters in the game looks even more sparse with all that graph territory to take up. The chart also made me realize how clothing optional the current KI is. In KI you can have pants or a shirt but not both.

396th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):Backgrounds" , posted Mon 25 Nov 06:04post reply

There was a time I thought of Tekken as the fighter that featured nothing but angry old men. Over the years it's somehow turned into Arcana Hearts without anyone noticing.

It went from angry men to indulging in joke characters to Arcana Heart.

Yes, Tekken had Kuma from the start. Tekken 2 added Alex/Roger. But Tekken 3 reveled in joke characters, bringing in Panda, Mokujin, Dr. Bosconovitch, and Gon.

That seemed to fade, as if the series wanted to be seen as more serious with Tekken 4.

Somewhere along the way, as you said, it started to turn into Arcana Heart. Tekken 5 added Asuka and Lili. But I think it was more Tekken 6, and specifically Alisa...

1120th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Tue 26 Nov 02:16post reply

(I would gladly talk about Killer Instinct if Amazon would finally care to deliver my console. People complain that Xbox One has no games but my games have no Xbox One.)

Via GAF/DualShockers:

On December the 26th at 7:30 PM Japan Time, a new round table session of the “Kurokawa School for the Future of Entrtainment” will be held, titled “The Future of Virtua Fighter, Twenty Years Later.”

Hosted by insider Fumio Kurokawa, the discussion will include illustrator Katsuya Terada, screenwriter Dai Sato and former Famitsu editor and member of the Virtua Fighter 5 production staff Takayuki Haneda.

Inviting Terada for a talk on Free-to-Play? What a waste of his time.

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2513th Post

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"Re(1):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Tue 26 Nov 11:34post reply

Being a fan of Killer Instinct from back before I could enjoy fighting games ironically, I really like the soundtrack for the new one. If the first Killer Instinct was about being grimdark and metal before grimdark was even a commonly used word, I love how the new one decided to take whatever stereotypes the old ones wore and rock out as hard as possible with them earnestly.

KI might have had a bit of a flaky sense of identity outside of ccccccombo break/ultraaaaaaaaa which might have as much to do with having some questionable/bad/discombobulated design, but the new KI seems to be crystallizing the most memorable (not necessarily best) elements of it into something that is eagerly KI.

I don't know if any of that makes any sense to anybody but me, but I do know I enjoy its music probably more than I should.

2996th Post

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"Re(2):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Tue 26 Nov 12:59post reply

Speaking of KI, the retro outfit designs have been leaked.


Not surprisingly, they brought back Jago, Orchid and Fulgore's KI2 look and put some pants on Sabrewulf because lawsuit(?) but what disappoints me is that they decided not to go through with retro Thunder. I was really hoping they'd go the extra-offensive mile and not only include his Village People outfit but also include his EEEEEE voice that you always heard when you were 5 machines away playing KoF94.

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"Re(3):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Thu 28 Nov 00:21:post reply

Speaking of KI, the retro outfit designs have been leaked.


Not surprisingly, they brought back Jago, Orchid and Fulgore's KI2 look and put some pants on Sabrewulf because lawsuit(?) but what disappoints me is that they decided not to go through with retro Thunder. I was really hoping they'd go the extra-offensive mile and not only include his Village People outfit but also include his EEEEEE voice that you always heard when you were 5 machines away playing KoF94.

I can understand why they would want to move away from that old, embarrassing version of Thunder. Problem is, Thunder 2.0 still comes across like a character whose personality begins and ends with his ethnicity so this feels like a lateral move. Maybe he will turn into a more nuanced character when the plot DLC is released. Still, a part of me is going to miss retro Thunder for no other reason than that he used to hit people with a mohawk that lights up. If there was one move that summed up the entirety of KI it would be a glowing mohawk uppercut.

EDIT: A new GGXrd character has been revealed. I'm not certain if it's a Roujin Z reference or if the character has even more frightening origins.

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Thu 28 Nov 01:08]

3583th Post

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"Re(4):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Thu 28 Nov 04:59post reply

I was really hoping they'd go the extra-offensive mile and not only include his Village People outfit but also include his EEEEEE voice that you always heard when you were 5 machines away playing KoF94.

HA! This made my day!

Actually, no...
EDIT: A new GGXrd character has been revealed. I'm not certain if it's a Roujin Z reference or if the character has even more frightening origins.

THIS made my day. I want to say "Ishiwatari is king!" but it appears that Bedman's bed is king. With only one picture, I've fallen in love. Oh Bedman, enticingly flashing your underwear at me, begging me to think that I can make love to you and you won't be able to escape, all the while knowing that your bed will take me on a wild ride from which I will never awake.

BEDMANBEDMANBEDMANBEDMANBEDMAN! You've reminded me why I love Guilty Gear so much! Will Faust stick his fingers up your anus or the anus of your bed!?

On a side now, I'm dearly hoping that Ishiwatari does fancy-pants illustrations for every character like he did in the past. They were all so wild, creative and fearless.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

3000th Post

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"Re(5):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Thu 28 Nov 05:56:post reply

With Bedman I think I've become convinced that Ishiwatari just goes down the list of all the metal/rock bands in his collection and designs the first thing that pops into his head. Let's just hope he's not a fan of these guys (probably NSFW)

[this message was edited by Gojira on Thu 28 Nov 05:58]

1262th Post

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"Re(6):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Thu 28 Nov 06:11post reply


BEDMANBEDMANBEDMANBEDMANBEDMAN! You've reminded me why I love Guilty Gear so much! Will Faust stick his fingers up your anus or the anus of your bed!?

The funny thing is, now that you mention it I'm dying to find out! We must know!

Yes, Bedman sums up everything I love about Guilty Gear. In any other series a design like this would b laughed out of the room (it it even made it that far), but in GG Bedman is not just great-- he's amazing! I don't even care what his fighting style is!

Now that Bedman is in, I'm not as worried that my other favorites, Zappa and ABA, will make the cut.

With Bedman I think I've become convinced that Ishiwatari just goes down the list of all the metal/rock bands in his collection and designs the first thing that pops into his head.

And it's awesome as a result!


1228th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"BEDMANBEDMANBEDMANBEDMANBEDMAN!" , posted Thu 28 Nov 07:29:post reply

With Bedman I think I've become convinced that Ishiwatari just goes down the list of all the metal/rock bands in his collection and designs the first thing that pops into his head. Let's just hope he's not a fan of these guys (probably NSFW)

GREAT character! I can't wait to see Ishiwatari's drawing of him!

I wonder if Bedman will have a master named Pentagram?!!



[this message was edited by nobinobita on Thu 28 Nov 07:29]

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"Re(1):BEDMANBEDMANBEDMANBEDMANBEDMAN!" , posted Thu 28 Nov 10:54post reply


I wonder if Bedman will have a master named Pentagram?!!

Ha ha ha ha... One of the first things I thought was, "I wonder if he'll have a super called PENTAGRAM or something?"

723th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Thu 28 Nov 18:44post reply


BEDMANBEDMANBEDMANBEDMANBEDMAN! You've reminded me why I love Guilty Gear so much! Will Faust stick his fingers up your anus or the anus of your bed!?
The funny thing is, now that you mention it I'm dying to find out! We must know!

Woah. Just woah. Never was very much into Guilty Gear stuff, but I have to admit that Ishiwatari has a stroke of genius... and balls of steel.

1156th Post

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"Re(8):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Thu 28 Nov 21:07post reply


I'm not sure where Ishiwatari gets inspiration from, but the first thing that came to my mind after seeing Bedman was Enix's Lolita Syndrome: hanging killer gadgets, the color palette, ABBA-like doorkeys... but perhaps I'm looking too much into this?

Anyway, she looks like the perfect character to pin against Bridget and put an end to his ultimate shotacon reign. I'll eagerly await for any upcoming footage!!

1122th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(9):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Thu 28 Nov 21:30post reply

but perhaps I'm looking too much into this?

BEDMAN is like a rorschach test; it might reveal more about you than about Guilty Gear after all. Lolita Syndrome, eh?

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3584th Post

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"Re(10):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Fri 29 Nov 08:01post reply

On kind of a sidenote, I-No sure is adorable in the new Guilty Gear. That's not quite how I would've imagined her in the new style, but she's so cute and lively that I'll likely pick her up again.
Yes, Bedman sums up everything I love about Guilty Gear. In any other series a design like this would b laughed out of the room (it it even made it that far), but in GG Bedman is not just great-- he's amazing! I don't even care what his fighting style is!

Now that Bedman is in, I'm not as worried that my other favorites, Zappa and ABA, will make the cut.

This was my exact response. I'll be sad if I don't get Zappa OR ABA, but Bedman will fill the hole in my heart for at least one of them. I imagine Zappa would be a lot of work to put together in the new system, but he'd probably turn out quite impressive.

And yeah, I don't care what Bedman's fighting style is either, partially because I have faith that whatever he does, he'll be fun to play. That's perhaps the one thing I like best about GG and Blazblue...the characters are always so well-realized within the game. I've never been excited about a character, then disappointed with how they play. I have a number of problems with Blazblue overall, but just like GG, every character is, at their core, interesting and fun to use. Even characters with designs that I roll my eyes at have sold me on their "concepts" in-game.

Also, I forgot to reply to this...
On a brighter note, Aquapazza is out in the US. For anyone who hasn't played it, it's quite good. It's got nice graphics and animation, it's a technically well made fighter, and it's pretty cheap. If anyone's on the fence about getting it I'd strongly recommend it.

UGH. I want to, but I can't. I'm sure I'd enjoy it like I enjoy pretty much every fighting game (to some degree at least), but I have too many games I already own to enjoy. Maybe I'll squeeze it into my next "buy 2 get 1 free" deal or something.

BEDMAN is like a rorschach test; it might reveal more about you than about Guilty Gear after all. Lolita Syndrome, eh?

Hahaha! I'm glad I was so forthcoming in my perversions, then!

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1123th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Fri 29 Nov 19:48post reply


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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(10):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Fri 29 Nov 20:47post reply

but perhaps I'm looking too much into this?

BEDMAN is like a rorschach test; it might reveal more about you than about Guilty Gear after all. Lolita Syndrome, eh?

But, Officer!! I just happen to be young at heart!!

3000th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Sat 30 Nov 06:23post reply


I really wish they'd do something like they did for the 15th Anniversary but I guess that would be too much to hope for

3586th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Sat 30 Nov 07:12post reply


I really wish they'd do something like they did for the 15th Anniversary but I guess that would be too much to hope for

Can we have Siba somehow? One of the greatest gaming moments of my life was unlocking him in Fighter's Megamix and answering the seemingly life-long question of "who the hell is that guy on the Virtua Fighter cabinet next to Akira's name?"

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1124th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Re(10):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Sat 30 Nov 08:54post reply


I really wish they'd do something like they did for the 15th Anniversary but I guess that would be too much to hope for

Well it seems we'll get a first glimpse of VF6 in a few weeks so that's not bad. Maybe the Japanese version of VF5FS will finally get a promotion on the PSN.

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1263th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):The future of Virtua Fighter" , posted Sun 1 Dec 05:38post reply


Can we have Siba somehow? One of the greatest gaming moments of my life was unlocking him in Fighter's Megamix and answering the seemingly life-long question of "who the hell is that guy on the Virtua Fighter cabinet next to Akira's name?"

YES! I remember that moment too! I fondly recall how well he fit in with the rest of the VF cast in that as well. Maybe a "Fighters Megamix HD" isn't too much to ask for? Someday? Aw forget it, I'll just play my Saturn copy.


2565th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Sun 1 Dec 06:32:post reply

Aw forget it, I'll just play my Saturn copy.

That must be such a good feeling! (I hope it's the non-US version so you have Our Lord and Savior Pepsiman and the Taste of Honey.) I forgot if you were one of the many people I've tricked into buying Saturns over the years (including Gregaman, who you met), but it was always a system I knew in my soul would be great even though I was a penniless young fellow and went where FF VII was going. AM2's output almost took me down that other path, though!


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 1 Dec 06:33]

1125th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Sun 1 Dec 08:13post reply

Pepsiman was in Fighting Vipers, not Fighters Megamix!

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2566th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Sun 1 Dec 11:26:post reply

Pepsiman was in Fighting Vipers, not Fighters Megamix!

Agh, you're right! I feel like poor Pai in this CG. Good news, chaz, I'm sacrificing you to the Ghost of AM2 of the 1990's to seek their forgiveness. Hmmm, Megamix had a bunch of weirdos in it too, didn't it? (Edit: ah hell yeah, it had the fighting car! Daytonnnnna!) Maybe I mixed them up because image-wise, for me Megamix was always "Vipers, with some Virtua guys in it maybe," as opposed to the other way around.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 1 Dec 11:33]

1264th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Sun 1 Dec 13:35post reply

Pepsiman was in Fighting Vipers, not Fighters Megamix!
Agh, you're right! I feel like poor Pai in this CG. Good news, chaz, I'm sacrificing you to the Ghost of AM2 of the 1990's to seek their forgiveness. Hmmm, Megamix had a bunch of weirdos in it too, didn't it? (Edit: ah hell yeah, it had the fighting car! Daytonnnnna!) Maybe I mixed them up because image-wise, for me Megamix was always "Vipers, with some Virtua guys in it maybe," as opposed to the other way around.

Let's be fair: Pepsiman SHOULD be in Fighters Megamix. I remember that amazing feeling of realizing FMM was so much more than just a Virtua Fighter OR Fighting Vipers game.

I forgot if you were one of the many people I've tricked into buying Saturns over the years (including Gregaman, who you met), but it was always a system I knew in my soul would be great even though I was a penniless young fellow and went where FF VII was going. AM2's output almost took me down that other path, though!

No no, I had a Saturn years ago, sold it, and then received a fancy new one as a gift just a few years ago. While the Dreamcast might be the system that I played the most all told, the Saturn is where my true game love always was.

Hey, maybe someone (Maou) should start a Saturn nostalgia thread!


1229th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Mon 2 Dec 02:49post reply


It occurs to me that Pepsiman is pretty much the forerunner to today's auto running games that are so popular on mobile. Games like Running with Friends, Minion Rush, Subway Surfers ... Pepsiman did it first (and better), right down to the sliding mechanic!



2515th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Mon 2 Dec 03:01post reply


It occurs to me that Pepsiman is pretty much the forerunner to today's auto running games that are so popular on mobile. Games like Running with Friends, Minion Rush, Subway Surfers ... Pepsiman did it first (and better), right down to the sliding mechanic!


I always thought of World Runner 3D whenever I saw them, but Pepsiman with its no combat and emphasis on collecting coins/pepsi is in fact a closer game!

1231th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Mon 2 Dec 03:59post reply


It occurs to me that Pepsiman is pretty much the forerunner to today's auto running games that are so popular on mobile. Games like Running with Friends, Minion Rush, Subway Surfers ... Pepsiman did it first (and better), right down to the sliding mechanic!


I always thought of World Runner 3D whenever I saw them, but Pepsiman with its no combat and emphasis on collecting coins/pepsi is in fact a closer game!

I just read up on 3-D World Runner, what a cool game!


Apparently it was the first game produced by the holy trinity of Hironobu Sakaguchi, Nobuo Uematsu and Nasir Gebelli!

Yeah there have been many other 3d-ish running games before Pepsiman, but Pepsiman is where all the factors come together as what we would now recognize as a modern running game (auto running on rails, no combat, focus on collecting items constantly, jumping and sliding mechanic).

Fun fact about Pepsiman: he was designed by the popular Canadian comics artist Travis Charest! (dude who drew WildC.A.T.s for a while)



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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Mon 2 Dec 20:59post reply


It occurs to me that Pepsiman is pretty much the forerunner to today's auto running games that are so popular on mobile. Games like Running with Friends, Minion Rush, Subway Surfers ... Pepsiman did it first (and better), right down to the sliding mechanic!


I always thought of World Runner 3D whenever I saw them, but Pepsiman with its no combat and emphasis on collecting coins/pepsi is in fact a closer game!

I just read up on 3-D World Runner, what a cool game!


Apparently it was the first game produced by the holy trinity of Hironobu Sakaguchi, Nobuo Uematsu and Nasir Gebelli!

Yeah there have been many other 3d-ish running games before Pepsiman, but Pepsiman is where all the factors come together as what we would now recognize as a modern running game (auto running on rails, no combat, focus on collecting items constantly, jumping and sliding mechanic).

Fun fact about Pepsiman: he was designed by the popular Canadian comics artist Travis Charest! (dude who drew WildC.A.T.s for a while)


I wonder whether it also took him 7 years to come up with Pepsiman's design...

That's right, Travis: as good a your art looks, I will never forget you for botching Jodorowsky's "The Weapons of the Metabaron" with your unbelievably long delays...

Just a Person
1559th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(10):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Tue 3 Dec 04:12post reply

Let's be fair: Pepsiman SHOULD be in Fighters Megamix. I remember that amazing feeling of realizing FMM was so much more than just a Virtua Fighter OR Fighting Vipers game.

He definitely should! By the way, SEGA should definitely make a Fighters Megamix 2.

Was Pepsiman in Fighting Vipers 2? I don't remember much about that game...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

2518th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Tue 3 Dec 04:30post reply


It occurs to me that Pepsiman is pretty much the forerunner to today's auto running games that are so popular on mobile. Games like Running with Friends, Minion Rush, Subway Surfers ... Pepsiman did it first (and better), right down to the sliding mechanic!


I always thought of World Runner 3D whenever I saw them, but Pepsiman with its no combat and emphasis on collecting coins/pepsi is in fact a closer game!

I just read up on 3-D World Runner, what a cool game!


Apparently it was the first game produced by the holy trinity of Hironobu Sakaguchi, Nobuo Uematsu and Nasir Gebelli!

Yeah there have been many other 3d-ish running games before Pepsiman, but Pepsiman is where all the factors come together as what we would now recognize as a modern running game (auto running on rails, no combat, focus on collecting items constantly, jumping and sliding mechanic).

Fun fact about Pepsiman: he was designed by the popular Canadian comics artist Travis Charest! (dude who drew WildC.A.T.s for a while)


Sometimes I wonder what a comprehensive lineage looks like. Some of the most immediate ones I think of are Worldrunner, the bonus stages in Sonic from Sonic 2 onwards, Pepsiman....

1265th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Tue 3 Dec 05:20post reply


I just read up on 3-D World Runner, what a cool game!

Its tech was unquestionably groundbreaking on Famicom, but I am glad they mention Space Harrier, since from day one I always thought of 3-D Worldrunner as Space Harrier but without flying.

He definitely should! By the way, SEGA should definitely make a Fighters Megamix 2.

Was Pepsiman in Fighting Vipers 2? I don't remember much about that game...

He wasn't, sadly. But FV2 was still a pretty fun game! Del Sol was a blast to play as!

I think it's highly unlikely a FMM2 would get made these days. At the time, Fighting Vipers was fairly high profile, but these days Sega only has VF as a well-known franchise, and all those other characters are now-- what, 10 or 15 years out of the public eye? Think of it this way: who the hell would remember Bean the Dynamite these days? I think the VF fighters' crossover into DOA5 is probably as close as we'll get.


Just a Person
1560th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Wed 4 Dec 01:27post reply


I think it's highly unlikely a FMM2 would get made these days. At the time, Fighting Vipers was fairly high profile, but these days Sega only has VF as a well-known franchise, and all those other characters are now-- what, 10 or 15 years out of the public eye? Think of it this way: who the hell would remember Bean the Dynamite these days? I think the VF fighters' crossover into DOA5 is probably as close as we'll get.

True, but Sega has other high-profile franchises (even if they're not fighting games). Sonic, for once. Then there's all the characters often featured in Sega's crossover games (NiGHTS, Ulala, Beat, Amigo...). And there's even old (...well, older) characters that could bring some nostalgia factor into it, like ToeJam & Earl, the Bare Knuckle/Streets of Rage people (like Axel and Blaze), Joe Musashi (from Shinobi), Ryo (from Shenmue), some people from the Phantasy Star series...

Sure, most of those characters don't fit with the seriousness from Virtua Fighter. Then again, many characters from FMM fit, and that never stopped it from being epically fun.

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):The future of Pepsiman" , posted Wed 4 Dec 02:14post reply

True, but Sega has other high-profile franchises (even if they're not fighting games). Sonic, for once. Then there's all the characters often featured in Sega's crossover games (NiGHTS, Ulala, Beat, Amigo...). And there's even old (...well, older) characters that could bring some nostalgia factor into it, like ToeJam & Earl, the Bare Knuckle/Streets of Rage people (like Axel and Blaze), Joe Musashi (from Shinobi), Ryo (from Shenmue), some people from the Phantasy Star series...

First Sega deletes the English web page for Kazuma Kiryu and company then some loser like Bean the Dynamite gets mentioned before they do for a hypothetical Sega all star fighting game. It seems that even though yakuza do nothing but fight all day they will never win.

9687th Post

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"The future of Bedman" , posted Fri 6 Dec 19:44post reply

Videos (but they get erased fast)


As great as the idea of Eddy becoming Zato-1's trenchcoat, it's frustrating that it's only during pre-fight poses...

Bedman's fighting style seems (surprisingly) to revolve around him dreaming the whole fight, with 8-way dashes and attacks which remains while he teleports on the other side and keeps attacking (a sort of mix between Yunfei from SS0 and Chizuru from KOF?). One of his projectiles is the head of the bed, that he then needs to call back to throw again if I understand correctly.
His more powerful super involves him waking up. I feel right at home.

All in all, I suppose many Zappa players should main him without complaining much, won't they?

3588th Post

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"Re(1):The future of Bedman" , posted Sat 7 Dec 07:33post reply


All in all, I suppose many Zappa players should main him without complaining much, won't they?

I was gonna be all like "now see here, sir!" but then I saw his super...and yeah.

Okay, since you found this video so readily, I'm putting you on "Bedman Anal Penetration Watch." You know what to do.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

2569th Post

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"Bedman for President" , posted Sat 7 Dec 08:54post reply


Okay, since you found this video so readily, I'm putting you on "Bedman Anal Penetration Watch."

This board (this game) is so great. Maybe Guilty Gear is Madman's Cafe: the Game.

Bedman gets a bonus for having more panty shots than Jam. We are entering bold new territory.


red falcon
6176th Post

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"Re(1):Bedman for President" , posted Sun 8 Dec 08:51post reply

Maybe Guilty Gear is Madman's Cafe: the Game.

Can I be Potemkin?

4775th Post

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"Re(2):Bedman for President" , posted Sun 8 Dec 09:27post reply

It's been a few months since Skullgirls was dealt a crippling body blow so I guess they were overdue for this.

2570th Post

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"Re(2):Bedman for President" , posted Sun 8 Dec 12:14post reply

Maybe Guilty Gear is Madman's Cafe: the Game.
Can I be Potemkin?

I don't know, Rugal, I think we all had you pegged for Faust (especially now that Baghead isn't here very much), but maybe we can make an exception.

As for Skullgirls...hmm! I guess online re-publishing after one's original publisher dies or severs ties can be done, though in instances I've seen of it for iOS, it was still necessary to re-buy it.


red falcon
6177th Post

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"Re(3):Bedman for President" , posted Sun 8 Dec 12:17post reply

If you watch the stream/listen to what Mike Z is saying, it seems (to me) like they have a reasonable chance of getting it back up on there, it sounds like Sony is trying to work with them... Konami is just being problematic.

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"Re(4):Bedman for President" , posted Mon 9 Dec 08:21post reply

If you watch the stream/listen to what Mike Z is saying, it seems (to me) like they have a reasonable chance of getting it back up on there, it sounds like Sony is trying to work with them... Konami is just being problematic.

I was also telling those guys how now might be a perfect time to port it over to eShop, but alas...

Guess I'm stuck with the Steam version then.

3950th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Bedman for President" , posted Mon 9 Dec 21:45post reply

As for Skullgirls...hmm! I guess online re-publishing after one's original publisher dies or severs ties can be done, though in instances I've seen of it for iOS, it was still necessary to re-buy it.

It's pretty unfortunate what Konami has been doing considering the efforts that Lab Zero as well as the community and supporters have been doing for Skullgirls. As for the transition, things seem to be moving in a good direction and you can read the details here.

On a different subject, I tried out Bedman this weekend-- the lokecabinets for GGXrd were pretty empty so CPU practices were OK! He turned out to be a lot more straightforward than I expected, but the funny part is-- when he gets KOed, it looks like he's just resting in bed. Oh boy does he babble a lot.

9688th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Bedman for President" , posted Mon 9 Dec 23:32post reply

Oh boy does he babble a lot.

That was something I was worried about, as ArcSys characters have had a tendency to shout loud nonsense in stereo for the whole duration of the fight, and what was already a nuisance in GG had become insufferable in BlazBlue.
So it seems Xrd is following that trend?

3953th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Bedman for President" , posted Tue 10 Dec 02:36:post reply

Oh boy does he babble a lot.

That was something I was worried about, as ArcSys characters have had a tendency to shout loud nonsense in stereo for the whole duration of the fight, and what was already a nuisance in GG had become insufferable in BlazBlue.
So it seems Xrd is following that trend?

Ok, here's my take on Bedman in a nutshell: he's the typical science nerd bishounen who can't stop talking about logics. He talks, talks, and talks. Fortunately though it's only during scenes like his victory quote, meaning you can hit a button and skip his babbling once you've heard enough. So far, he doesn't seem like Zappa; he doesn't shout weird and random quotes in the middle of his matches.

That also reminds me-- I was expecting Bedman to be a really odd character like Zappa but he turned out to be pretty straightforward. All of his moves seem to be attacks where he charges towards his opponent, either straight into them or at an arc. When he does an attack he also automatically sets an icon where the move started off, and he can shoot projectiles that mimics that move out from that icon.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 10 Dec 02:39]

5875th Post

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"Re(4):Bedman for President" , posted Tue 10 Dec 13:48post reply

Oh boy does he babble a lot.

You remind me that I would pay good money for a game where everything is voiced by Midorikawa

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1846th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Yu Suzuki interview for VF 20th anniversary" , posted Wed 11 Dec 14:42post reply

Yu Suzuki has an interview up at the VF 20th anniversery website.


Not too much I don't that that has been said before. Of course, my Japanese is pretty bad now so I am not 100% sure.
Suzuki originally wanted to do a soccer or rugby game after Virtua Racing, but had to settle with a fighting game since having too many characters on screen would have been too hard.

I think they talk about how Suzuki originally intended to go up to VF5, but I am not too sure what else they say about it.

9690th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Year of Eliza" , posted Thu 12 Dec 21:10post reply

So, after Skullgirls, it's Tekken's turn to get a vampire named Eliza
In a nutshell...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
She has reppuken, shippuken, Burning Knuckle, she's narcoleptic and she stores blood in her boobs.

End of Spoiler

How does the Tekken team manage to beat DOA in its own playing field with each game since T5DR?

Just a Person
1561th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Year of Eliza" , posted Thu 12 Dec 22:24post reply

So, after Skullgirls, it's Tekken's turn to get a vampire named Eliza
In a nutshell...
How does the Tekken team manage to beat DOA in its own playing field with each game since T5DR?

Her gameplay seems very different from the other characters in Tekken. Interesting.

And considering Eliza is far from being Tekken's weirdest character, what does it say about the franchise?

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4778th Post

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"Re(2):Year of Eliza" , posted Fri 13 Dec 01:28post reply

Eliza's cup size is a game play mechanic? That's either brilliant or bonkers. I admit I wasn't too thrilled about her initial announcement but that trailer sold me on this latest supernatural fighting game girl. Now if she would just show up in a Tekken game that's not TR I would gladly try her out.

3002th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Year of Eliza" , posted Fri 13 Dec 03:49:post reply

Eliza's cup size is a game play mechanic? That's either brilliant or bonkers. I admit I wasn't too thrilled about her initial announcement but that trailer sold me on this latest supernatural fighting game girl. Now if she would just show up in a Tekken game that's not TR I would gladly try her out.

I voted for Ganmi-chan so I didn't think I'd like her either, but the narcolepsy was a nice touch. I just hope it isn't a random mechanic like Tira's mood switching or Lei Lei's bag of tricks.

I'm terribly amused by the outcry from folks who think her goofiness is an affront to Tekken. Because having a boxing dinosaur, a self-decapitating robot maid and a fart-exploding mad scientist was some serious shit.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Fri 13 Dec 03:50]

6262th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Year of Eliza" , posted Fri 13 Dec 04:44post reply

Eliza's cup size is a game play mechanic? That's either brilliant or bonkers. I admit I wasn't too thrilled about her initial announcement but that trailer sold me on this latest supernatural fighting game girl. Now if she would just show up in a Tekken game that's not TR I would gladly try her out.

I voted for Ganmi-chan so I didn't think I'd like her either, but the narcolepsy was a nice touch. I just hope it isn't a random mechanic like Tira's mood switching or Lei Lei's bag of tricks.

I'm terribly amused by the outcry from folks who think her goofiness is an affront to Tekken. Because having a boxing dinosaur, a self-decapitating robot maid and a fart-exploding mad scientist was some serious shit.

I find Eliza's design interesting. She plays on that Lolita thing that otakus know and love. And what's this about her boobs being a gameplay mechanic? Nice!

Just a Person
1562th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Year of Eliza" , posted Fri 13 Dec 22:10post reply

I'm terribly amused by the outcry from folks who think her goofiness is an affront to Tekken. Because having a boxing dinosaur, a self-decapitating robot maid and a fart-exploding mad scientist was some serious shit.

Indeed. The Mishima family themselves are goofier than Eliza (Kazuya and Jin becoming devils - and Jin being sorta like a GOOD devil -, Heihachi and his rockets, Jinpachi's whole looks, Lars's whole plot, Jun looking like the younger sister of her own SON...). And let's not forget the bosses like Ogre, Azazel and that huge mecha from Tekken 6.

Eliza is quite at home.

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3957th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Sun 15 Dec 10:34:post reply

The 5th character for Ultra SF4 will be a female character, according to Producer Yoshinori Ono at today's Capcom Cup.
And it's not Mika. Who can it be?

...I'll take a wild guess and say that it's Roxy.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 15 Dec 10:39]

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"Re(1):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Sun 15 Dec 17:22post reply

The 5th character for Ultra SF4 will be a female character, according to Producer Yoshinori Ono at today's Capcom Cup.
And it's not Mika. Who can it be?

...I'll take a wild guess and say that it's Roxy.

My guess is Morrigan's sprite.

Waw!? And now what's going on!? Toh Shin Den is about to present to you a super hot virtual battle like one that you've never seen before at a rate of 90000 polygons per second!

585th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Sun 15 Dec 17:51post reply

The 5th character for Ultra SF4 will be a female character, according to Producer Yoshinori Ono at today's Capcom Cup.
And it's not Mika. Who can it be?

...I'll take a wild guess and say that it's Roxy.

My bet is a shoto character (since Ono loves shotos and USFIV still doesn't have any new shoto character).... maybe the rumored Gouken daughter who mixes ansatsuken styles from Ryu and Ken. Or could be one of the Psycho Dolls, even a well trained Eliza or Jessica.
Hopefully isn't Hatsune Miku or Nilin from Remember Me... glad it's not Daigo.

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"Re(2):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Sun 15 Dec 19:33post reply

The 5th character for Ultra SF4 will be a female character, according to Producer Yoshinori Ono at today's Capcom Cup.
And it's not Mika. Who can it be?

...I'll take a wild guess and say that it's Roxy.

I'll go the deranged fanboy route and vote for adult Anita. She would be a great addition as a guest, non-SF character and would help rekindle public interest on a Darkstalkers sequel. In the end they may end up adding Felicia or Morrigan but for once, I'd love to see an original character after all these years...

3003th Post

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"Re(3):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Sun 15 Dec 23:15:post reply

Narrowing it down further... lol at this point I'd have to break out the All About Capcom book just to try and guess.

In fact, I think I will do that. And I'll even rate their chances of being the one, because I'm just that bored. Feel free to rank them yourself if you think I'm wrong.

Eliza - 25% (added 20% because it Year of Eliza)
Julia - 5% (go home and be a housewife?)
Chris - 30% (sure why not, rebel teenager with daddy issues)
Sally - 5% (she runs even slower than Dhalsim)
Lita - 70% (probably the only supporting character from SF2 with a legit chance)

Kei - 40% (though she doesn't seem to like fighting)
Doll aside from Juli or Juni - 30-70% (varies with character)
Dan no Imouto - 125% (SHE IS CANON I TELL YOU)

Sarai - 50% (dull choice but possible)
Narumi - 30% (less possible)
Effie - 65% (well she did take to imitating Necro occasionally)
Patricia - ??% (can't say I know enough about her other than she's the daughter of Alex's friend)
Kolin - 70% (to be Gill's secretary she'd probably have to have some hidden strength)
Xiaomei - 20% (probably too young)
Hoimei - 30% (a bit more likely than her sister but nah, who needs another kungfu girl)
Julian - 1% (you know, the FBI chick in Q's ending)
A judgement girl - 1-10% (I don't know, Libra might have the sass for it)

Candy - 40% (if Rufus can get in by making up his own martial art, why not?)
Lauren - 5% (probably too young)
(those are the only SF4 support characters I remember)
EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot about...
Hakan's wife - 40% (Does she even have a name?)

In all seriousness, if they make it a character from another game that has no business being in the canon SF universe then I really don't know what to say. They've gone this long without doing that and they literally started entire crossover series just so they could maintain some consistency with the main series. It would be really weird if they decided to throw that away.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 17 Dec 08:39]

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"Re(4):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Sun 15 Dec 23:45post reply

That was an unusually good trolling by Ono. He eliminated a few choices for the fifth character, even going so far as to openly state that it was not Retsu or Haggar. But even with that he didn't actually reveal much at all since declaring that the fifth character is female hardly narrows it down. Just look at Gojira's post to see how wide open the competition still is. When Ono ended the whole thing with a completely random shout-out to UltraChen TV I knew he was in fine form.

Even though the fifth character is more mysterious than That Man from GG I think I know who it is: it's Blanka's mom who will have the same move list as her son.

9691th Post

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"Re(4):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Mon 16 Dec 02:48post reply

I didn't think of them, but Effie and especially Corine/Kolin (with a spicy touch of Mature) would actually be an awesome choice. Like, legit good choice.

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Ultttrraaa Comb.. . MvC3 DLC gone soon" , posted Mon 16 Dec 02:50post reply

So if they didn't announce the character at the Capcom Cup what venue is there between now and the arcade release that Capcom would deem appropriate to generate the most buzz?

Did that Hadouken Cabs thing ever get followed up with anything in particular? Is there any big SONY things happening in the future?

In other news, the Virtua Fighter characters will be available in the core version of DOA5U. I finally got to try out Jacky which was kind of nice. I am always thinking about getting the game with all the characters, but there is always something daunting when I see two to three rows of DOA5U DLC EVERYWEEK on the PSN. I am holding out for a bundle with all the DLC included, but at this point I am thinking they may charge $100 with all the stuff they are putting out.

Speaking of DLC, it appears that the Marvel license with Capcom is expiring soon so the DLC for MvC3 and the digital MvC2 will be going down. There is a sale right now. The only thing of real note is that Shuma-Gorath and Jill are only unlocked through the DLC code. I knew this would happen eventually, but I am still sad.

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"Re(5):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Mon 16 Dec 03:22post reply


Even though the fifth character is more mysterious than That Man from GG I think I know who it is: it's Blanka's mom who will have the same move list as her son.

We're not in true Cafe form until someone suggest that it's one of the top hatted ladies in Boxer's stage or the shouting woman in the crowd in the original Street Fighter II intro!


Just a Person
1563th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Mon 16 Dec 03:59post reply

The 5th character for Ultra SF4 will be a female character, according to Producer Yoshinori Ono at today's Capcom Cup.
And it's not Mika. Who can it be?

...I'll take a wild guess and say that it's Roxy.

I don't think so... can Roxy be considered a female (instead of a shemale)?

My guess is Morrigan's sprite.

Amazing idea! I would buy the game solely for Morrigan's sprite (and let's face it, so would many people)!

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

Just a Person
1564th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Ultttrraaa Comb.. . MvC3 DLC gone soon" , posted Mon 16 Dec 05:51post reply

So if they didn't announce the character at the Capcom Cup what venue is there between now and the arcade release that Capcom would deem appropriate to generate the most buzz?

Good question. My memory isn't the best, but I read somewhere that Hakan was revealed about one month prior to the SSFIV release, so the new character can be revealed until March.

Of course, since the alleged goal of USFIV is to be a competitive game with balanced characters, Capcom would be wise to include the new character in a location test to find out if she is okay the way she is or if she needs any buffs or nerfs.

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1492th Post

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"Re(6):Ultttrraaa Comb.. . MvC3 DLC gone soon" , posted Mon 16 Dec 10:44post reply

I am always thinking about getting the game with all the characters, but there is always something daunting when I see two to three rows of DOA5U DLC EVERYWEEK on the PSN. I am holding out for a bundle with all the DLC included, but at this point I am thinking they may charge $100 with all the stuff they are putting out.

I bought the full retail version of DOA5U for 360 since, well, there is no free version for 360 I don't think! I really like it, but I should warn you- if you have poor impulse control with DLC packs, DO NOT DO THIS. There's tons and tons of costumes and thankfully most of them aren't good but you'll absolutely want to buy some, even for characters you don't play - like Rig's Halloween outfit?! And the casual pack that came out a while ago... Mila and Eliot looked so good, how could I not?

Dangerous. Stay away.

6267th Post

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"An original character" , posted Mon 16 Dec 11:49post reply

I would love it if Capcom went on the unique route and just unveil a totally original character with a great story. I'd also prefer it if she weren't from Japan for a change, and focus on a country that the SF series hasn't really paid attention to. Namely Australia, Argentina, Chile or even other parts of Europe or Africa. Her style wouldn't have to pertain to her country of origin, like Elena's fighting style was.

But it'd be interesting to see which female they'll pick.

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"Re(1):An original character" , posted Mon 16 Dec 13:15:post reply

But it'd be interesting to see which female they'll pick.

It's obviously going to be Evil Cammy aka Decapre you heard it here maybe not first

EDIT: Some hobgoblin jerk is trying to say it'll be Lucia Morgan but he's lying to ruse cruise everybody, do not believe his lies and make sure everyone believes that Ondore still lives

join the m.bison hat club today
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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Mon 16 Dec 13:29]

3958th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Mon 16 Dec 15:21post reply

I don't think so... can Roxy be considered a female (instead of a shemale)?

That's a good point! The reason why I said Roxy is because they can basically just recycle Poison (and we know how much Capcom loves to recycle their assets). If it's a fresh new character though, that would be awesome.

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"Re(3):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Mon 16 Dec 17:18post reply

I don't think so... can Roxy be considered a female (instead of a shemale)?
Roxy according to Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1 was officially stated as female sex by birth. On the other hand this same collection also said Poison was born male.

But I've been hearing people throwing around that Capcom just got tired of the issue and turned Poison into a full female, unconfirmed, so if anyone has read anything like that before from an official source, eh, yeah.

Why they'd ever want to tease people and then come out with just Roxy or any other underwhelming character (Two P is not underwhelming by the way), well, I'll be there for the disappointment with a bucket to collect the tears.

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Just a Person
1565th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Mon 16 Dec 22:18post reply

It's obviously going to be Evil Cammy aka Decapre you heard it here maybe not first

EDIT: Some hobgoblin jerk is trying to say it'll be Lucia Morgan but he's lying to ruse cruise everybody, do not believe his lies and make sure everyone believes that Ondore still lives

Why people refer to Decapre as "Evil Cammy"? Sure, she has Cammy's braids and wears a black mask, but from what I remember, Decapre is just a common girl who was kidnapped and brainwashed just like the other Shadaloo Dolls (she's supposed to be from Russia, if I remember correctly). Unless the people at UDON changed her origin somehow.

As for Lucia, I don't think many people would care about her. Maki and even Jessica would probably generate more attention to the game (in fact, Jessica becoming a fighter - maybe a wrestler like her dad? - could be quite interesting).

Roxy according to Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1 was officially stated as female sex by birth. On the other hand this same collection also said Poison was born male.

Really? I thought the main reason why Poison was classified as a transexual was because the Western audience would be offended to have a hero beating a woman. What's the point of making Poison a transexual if her palette swap (who also gets beaten by the FF heroes) is still considered a woman since birth?

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

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"Re(4):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Tue 17 Dec 09:02post reply


Kei - 40% (though she doesn't seem to like fighting)
Doll aside from Juli or Juni - 30-70% (varies with character)
Dan no Imouto - 125% (SHE IS CANON I TELL YOU)

Hey, you forgot Mika's trainer from SFZ3!

I think Professor's guess (Roxy) is a good bet, and I won't even be upset, assuming she has a different move set from Poison.


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"十年早い" , posted Tue 17 Dec 10:15:post reply

Akira Yuki is the boss of Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax?!

[this message was edited by Gieflos on Tue 17 Dec 10:16]

2522th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):十年早い" , posted Tue 17 Dec 10:49post reply

Akira Yuki is the boss of Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax?!

I was flabbergasted when I saw this posted in SRK. I am shocked that they did that and trying not to laugh hideously that they had the gall to do something like this. It being real would be one of the best fighting game pranks I've seen in... a while!

1954th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Two P is not underwhelming by the way." , posted Tue 17 Dec 11:53:post reply


Why they'd ever want to tease people and then come out with just Roxy or any other underwhelming character (Two P is not underwhelming by the way), well, I'll be there for the disappointment with a bucket to collect the tears.


A street scene. There is a sign that reads METRO CITY BUS STOP. We hear the Final Fight main theme fade in from the background. Two P and J are sitting on a dirty stoop in Metro City, getting high off a shared joint and passing the time trying to scam on girls. A group walks by including a fine young lady whom the pair cannot ignore.

J: Damn Two P, look at that. (grabs crotch and adjusts his shades) Hey baby you wanna learn some ABCs?

FINE GIRL: Please asshole I learned that shit in kindergarten!

J: Yo my name is J by the way but with you I was thinking we could start with "D"!

GIRL #2: Piss off, pervert.

Two P: (standing up) Hey girl if you like we can just skip straight to "P"!

We hear FINE GIRL mouth a halfhearted "Fuck you, moron..." from offscreen. Two P sits back down, takes a drag on his joint.

Two P:
Shit man, I think I might just enter the Street Fighter tournament. Wreck some fools.
(passes the joint to J who waves it away)

J: (still adjusting his crotch) I don't know if we got what it takes man...

Two P: (takes another toke) Shit man, Rolento did it! I mean, shit! Cody did it. Guy did it. Poison did it. We must be the weakest motherfuckers in MC if one of us can't step up and throw down with those clowns... know what I'm saying J? I mean one of us have to do it I mean why the fuck not you know what I'm sayin'? Just do it. Rep dem capes, homie!

J reaches out for the joint, but Two P ignores him and takes another deep drag

J: Well I dunno man... I mean nothing personal but you just don't seem that tough. I mean, fuck, you don't see Bred filling out a fucking Street Fighter application or whatever and you know that poor motherfucker could use the money.

Two P: (takes another short drag and finally passes the joint back to J) Man fuck Bred, fuck his broke-ass car, and you know what J? Fuck you if you gonna be like this. I'm doing this man. (Two P stands up and pops the collar on his cape)

J: Well shit okay I'm sorry, but just... well good luck man. May the dragon guide you my friend.

J is just about to put the joint to his lips when Two P snatches it back again.

Two P: (pacing back and forth) Motherfuckin' right J! (cracks his knuckles) I am gonna fucking kill these motherfuckers' kidneys with this rabbit punch.(Two P twists his body and throws a few exaggerated punches at the air in front of him)

Rekka that shit! Nahmean?

Two P pauses for a moment and appears to be in deep thought.

Yo you think I should use quarter-circle forward on that or what?

J: Hell no, quarter-circle back for sure man. Quarter circle-back for that shit cuz you're coming from behind right?

Two P: (Nodding his head, doing a bit of shadow boxing) Okay... okay. (moving his hands like he's on a joystick) Now I just gotta come up with some Ultras real quick...

Yo man you got a pen and paper?


/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Tue 17 Dec 13:43]

2524th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Two P is not underwhelming by the way." , posted Tue 17 Dec 12:51:post reply


This is almost certainly the best-written fanfic canon fighting game plot I have read in years.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Tue 17 Dec 12:52]

600th Post

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"Re(5):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Tue 17 Dec 13:26post reply

Really? I thought the main reason why Poison was classified as a transexual was because the Western audience would be offended to have a hero beating a woman. What's the point of making Poison a transexual if her palette swap (who also gets beaten by the FF heroes) is still considered a woman since birth?

You know full well nobody cared until the SNES version
>implying anyone would have even known about this tranny thing before then
Two P: (standing up) Hey girl if you like we can just skip straight to "P"!
My sides left this orbit the moment I read this line. This story made my day

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1954th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Tue 17 Dec 14:07post reply


Two P: (standing up) Hey girl if you like we can just skip straight to "P"! My sides left this orbit the moment I read this line. This story made my day

Hah, glad I could amuse someone with this ridiculousness. Two P was always one of my favorite Final Fight bad guys. What a great name for a minor thug. I wrote this while goofing off at work... I just hope it doesn't offend anyone's sensibilities since I usually try to keep my language polite in here out of respect for my fellow cafe-goers.

/ / /

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"Re(7):Ultttrraaa Comb.... eh, no." , posted Tue 17 Dec 14:29post reply

Hah, glad I could amuse someone with this ridiculousness. Two P was always one of my favorite Final Fight bad guys. What a great name for a minor thug.
Mine too, I believe Grave can account for how many times I used to bring him up.

One bit of trivia is that at least Two P, both his name and appearance, was derived from Player 2 in Forgotten Worlds. J less so (Player 1 of that game became Unknown Soldier in the VS series).

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"Re(8):15-hit supercombo finish" , posted Tue 17 Dec 14:59post reply

Two P: (takes another toke) Shit man, Rolento did it! I mean, shit! Cody did it. Guy did it. Poison did it. We must be the weakest motherfuckers in MC
(Two P stands up and pops the collar on his cape)
Hell no, quarter-circle back for sure man. Quarter circle-back for that shit cuz you're coming from behind right?


"I can't believe my eyes! You've proooved yourself, street fighter!"


9692th Post

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"Re(9):15-hit supercombo finish" , posted Wed 18 Dec 00:58post reply

According to his bio in Capcom Classics Collection, Two P is autistic and has an obsession with salads.

Hey what don't you start with that!
I am fully behind that proposal now. Salads are awesome.

Ah, wait, did Ono say it was a female?
Hum... He didn't say it was a cis-female, did he? Maybe "Two P" reads backwards, he's the second Poison?
That sounds the most plausible bet.

1848th Post

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"Vampire fan event at the end of the month" , posted Wed 18 Dec 12:26post reply

In Japan on 12/22 there will be a (supposedly big) player community event for the Darkstalkers/Vampire series called "Judgement Day." I guess its been 8 years since something like this for Vampire has been done. 1v1 for Vampire Hunter. 3v3 for Vampire Savior.


Oshikiri Rensuke a Manga artist is supposed to be participating and did that lovely Morrigan image you see in those links.

4782th Post

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"Re(1):十年早い" , posted Wed 18 Dec 12:54post reply

Akira Yuki is the boss of Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax?!

So will this be a rare 2D appearance by Akira? I never imagined I would see a game that featured both VF's poster boy and Horo from Spice and Wolf but if you wait long enough I guess everything will eventually come to pass. Will Two P be a time release character?

1162th Post

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"Re(1):Two P is not underwhelming by the way." , posted Thu 19 Dec 07:38post reply


Mosquiton's "A Tale of Two P"

Please, anyone make this thread a sticky or something. This text should be saved for posterity!

2574th Post

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"Re(2):Two P is not underwhelming by the way." , posted Thu 19 Dec 13:36post reply


Mosquiton's "A Tale of Two P"

Please, anyone make this thread a sticky or something. This text should be saved for posterity!

Front page that stuff, and pair it with Juan gift art or something!


3961th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Two P is not underwhelming by the way." , posted Thu 19 Dec 18:34post reply


Mosquiton's "A Tale of Two P"

Nice Writeup Mosquiton! Gives the classic 80 brawler an even more downtown feel!

3963th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Skullgirls Jp publisher goes down" , posted Thu 19 Dec 18:47:post reply

Oh boy. Just when the Konami issue seemed to be under control, now it's with the Japanese publisher. I hope for the very best to Alex, Mike and the Lab Zero team. This is just so odd that they keep getting the baddest of luck.

Cyberfront, the Japanese console publisher for Skullgirls, announced that it will be closing down business. The decision came from its parent company Kaga Electronics' board metting today.

Kaga Electronics acquired 51% share of Cyberfront in 2010 to expand its business into the entertainment market but Cyberfront's operations kept failing. The company made Cyberfront into a full subsidiary in March 2013 to overhaul its operations, but things evidently didn't go too well.

An official press release is available on Cyberfront's site.


[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 19 Dec 18:50]

9701th Post

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"Re(1):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Mon 23 Dec 09:12post reply

I probably knew about this and then forgot, but I just got a Steam card for Skull Girls (Filia) whose commentary is "Grabbing a quick bite at the Mad Man's Cafe."

It still makes me warm inside.

4787th Post

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"Re(2):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Tue 24 Dec 02:08post reply

While I'm glad to see the Skullgirls team is still supporting their game it's too bad most of their work is going toward keeping the title from being killed by corporate bureaucracy.

It's a minor thing, but when looking through USF4 footage I was happy to see that Mad Gear's Hideout is on the East Coast of the United States. Metro City has the tendency to shift from one coast to the other but SF4 has managed to keep Haggar's town in one part of the country. True, the car bonus stage features palm trees that the Eastern Seaboard is so famous for but you can't have everything.

1276th Post

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"Re(3):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Tue 24 Dec 03:17:post reply

While I'm glad to see the Skullgirls team is still supporting their game it's too bad most of their work is going toward keeping the title from being killed by corporate bureaucracy.

It's a minor thing, but when looking through USF4 footage I was happy to see that Mad Gear's Hideout is on the East Coast of the United States. Metro City has the tendency to shift from one coast to the other but SF4 has managed to keep Haggar's town in one part of the country. True, the car bonus stage features palm trees that the Eastern Seaboard is so famous for but you can't have everything.

Well, and if I recall correctly, that bonus stage is explicitly in Metro City, right? OH! My car! Just like Southtown is a weird mixture of LA and San Diego though, Metro City has always been a mixture of New York, Philly, and Miami to me. Maybe I'm the only one though?

EDIT: Speaking of Skullgirls Encore this was unexpected!


[this message was edited by karasu99 on Tue 24 Dec 05:12]

399th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Wed 25 Dec 02:03post reply

I probably knew about this and then forgot, but I just got a Steam card for Skull Girls (Filia) whose commentary is "Grabbing a quick bite at the Mad Man's Cafe."

There is the homage of the painting Nighthawks in the game, changed to "MadMans Cafe".


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"Re(3):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Thu 26 Dec 00:54post reply

Back a while ago, there was a discussion here about how people hold joysticks while playing different fighting games.

I just stumbled upon something interesting. In the POP of 痛快GANGAN行進曲 (Aggressors of Dark Kombat) they show the "right" way to hold the stick while playing the game. PIC

Wine glass style is not fit for real street fighting action!

Waw!? And now what's going on!? Toh Shin Den is about to present to you a super hot virtual battle like one that you've never seen before at a rate of 90000 polygons per second!

3970th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Fri 27 Dec 01:44post reply

I probably knew about this and then forgot, but I just got a Steam card for Skull Girls (Filia) whose commentary is "Grabbing a quick bite at the Mad Man's Cafe."

It still makes me warm inside.

It's definitely awesome! Sometimes, I do wish I could actually run a Cafe.

1283th Post

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"Re(3):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 4 Jan 10:27post reply

AAAAANNNNNNDDDDD suddenly nobody's interested anymore.


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"Re(4):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 4 Jan 10:33post reply

AAAAANNNNNNDDDDD suddenly nobody's interested anymore.

H, Hinata from Justice Gakuen? Kyoko? Only they can save the day, even though Kyoko would just underline how dumb Viper is at doing the same thing.


605th Post

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"Re(5):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 4 Jan 10:43post reply

AAAAANNNNNNDDDDD suddenly nobody's interested anymore.
H, Hinata from Justice Gakuen? Kyoko? Only they can save the day, even though Kyoko would just underline how dumb Viper is at doing the same thing.

No, those characters would actually be interesting.

I'm warning you, the answer is already known and it's very underwhelming. It'll be like "oh" and "why"

That is all I will say~

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"Re(4):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 4 Jan 11:01:post reply

AAAAANNNNNNDDDDD suddenly nobody's interested anymore.

The only thing this is really doing anymore is reducing the chance of any other more interesting choices. Udon didn't do a SF3 comic so there go my favorite possibilities.

Guile had a Fio-like subordinate in the comics so I'm going to hold out for her now.

EDIT: Or eternally-pissed-off Kei, who is a different character from her official SF version.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 4 Jan 11:05]

2531th Post

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"Re(5):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 4 Jan 11:22post reply

AAAAANNNNNNDDDDD suddenly nobody's interested anymore.
H, Hinata from Justice Gakuen? Kyoko? Only they can save the day, even though Kyoko would just underline how dumb Viper is at doing the same thing.

Nah, one of the stipulations is that they haven't been in a fighting game, so all the justice gakuen characters are out, as well as Karin.

Viper's got really interesting and unique gameplay, and she has a unique way of provoking responses from her opponent. At first I was kind of repelled by her design, and while I don't feel her quite as timeless as the other SF characters, I'd rather have her around than not have her around.

Kyoko might top her in the sultry older lady category, but she plays differently enough.

1284th Post

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"Re(5):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 4 Jan 11:22post reply

AAAAANNNNNNDDDDD suddenly nobody's interested anymore.
H, Hinata from Justice Gakuen? Kyoko? Only they can save the day, even though Kyoko would just underline how dumb Viper is at doing the same thing.

But rule #4 rules them out-- this is the character's fighting game debut.

My impression of Udon's SF-themed comics has never been stellar, but maybe that's completely undeserved?


4795th Post

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"Re(5):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 4 Jan 11:30post reply

Seeing as how a lot of characters have appeared in the Udon comics that really doesn't narrow it down much. It could still be the Dolls, or Sarai or any other number of characters. Wait, when they say "Street Fighter comic" they are referring to the Udon comics, right? It's not a manga or some obscure HK comic nobody remembers?

EDIT: Or eternally-pissed-off Kei, who is a different character from her official SF version.

My new vote is for Kei but in order to differentiate her from Sakura she will now start taking fashion tips from Tekken's Miharu.

400th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 4 Jan 13:25post reply

I'm warning you, the answer is already known and it's very underwhelming. It'll be like "oh" and "why"

Once Ono said "fighting game debut", that pretty much guaranteed "very underwhelming", "oh", and "why".

There aren't many options for Capcom that would either draw a majority of acceptance or not create large swells of apathy. On the other hand, there were plenty of possibilities that would do the reverse.

53th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 4 Jan 19:55post reply

AAAAANNNNNNDDDDD suddenly nobody's interested anymore.

Well, Karen first appeared in the really awesome Street Fighter manga. But if it's an Udon original... bleh

3980th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 4 Jan 21:53:post reply

Quick note-- Aquapazza is 30% off selling at $21.35 on Amazon for both disc and digital. If anyone's interested in it, now might be a good opportunity.


[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 4 Jan 21:54]

606th Post

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"Re(5):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sun 5 Jan 01:06post reply

Well, Karen first appeared in the really awesome Street Fighter manga. But if it's an Udon original... bleh

Karin would have been DQ'd anyway due to the other rules. Shame, because I liked using her in A3.

UDON ruined her character, too.

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"Re(6):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sun 5 Jan 02:50post reply

C'mon guys, be positive. This is our beloved Capcom we are talking about!

Waw!? And now what's going on!? Toh Shin Den is about to present to you a super hot virtual battle like one that you've never seen before at a rate of 90000 polygons per second!

607th Post

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"Re(7):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sun 5 Jan 04:10post reply

C'mon guys, be positive. This is our beloved Capcom we are talking about!

Damn, what have I become. I've become too bitter about them simply out of spite for the fact that they canceled CFAS and gave us CFMUGEN, released UMvC3 in a small time frame after MvC3, fucked up the shipment to MvC3 for me in the first place, constantly give us new versions of SF4 despite always saying "this will be the last version of SF4", cancel MML3 I guess (not that I cared really), and its Euro PR blaming the fans for its cancellation, something about Resident Evil even though I'm not a fan of the series anyway, Lost Planet 3, ...

Yeah, I need to have more faith in Capcom.

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1236th Post

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"Re(8):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sun 5 Jan 07:04post reply

C'mon guys, be positive. This is our beloved Capcom we are talking about!

Damn, what have I become. I've become too bitter about them simply out of spite for the fact that they canceled CFAS and gave us CFMUGEN, released UMvC3 in a small time frame after MvC3, fucked up the shipment to MvC3 for me in the first place, constantly give us new versions of SF4 despite always saying "this will be the last version of SF4", cancel MML3 I guess (not that I cared really), and its Euro PR blaming the fans for its cancellation, something about Resident Evil even though I'm not a fan of the series anyway, Lost Planet 3, ...

Yeah, I need to have more faith in Capcom.

Shhhhhh! Nobody mention Breath of Fire 6!


1137th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(9):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sun 5 Jan 08:26post reply

The KOF11 Jon Kabira video is amazing.

i  n   t  h  e   f  a  s  t   l  a  n  e   ♪

4796th Post

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"Re(10):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sun 5 Jan 09:42post reply

The KOF11 Jon Kabira video is amazing.

Ah KoF11, the last KoF I really liked. There needs to be more pro matches of this game or I'll even more fake pro matches.

Just a Person
1568th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Mon 6 Jan 22:21:post reply

New hint about the mysterious fifth new character in USFIV: she has already appeared in Street Fighter comics.

And this hint eliminates... hardly anyone, since the main guesses have all appeared in comics before. If the hint refers exclusively to the UDON comics, then Gouken's daughter is officially out (she only appeared in a very old SFII manga), but it still leaves Sarai (Ibuki's friend), Lita Luwanda (Cammy's Delta Red teammate), ALL the Shadaloo Dolls... damn, even Jessica Haggar (who I would choose to include in USFIV had Capcom asked me... let's face it, at least Jessica is well-known to a wider audience) actually appears in one issue.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Mon 6 Jan 22:23]

730th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Wed 8 Jan 07:58post reply

New hint about the mysterious fifth new character in USFIV: she has already appeared in Street Fighter comics.

And this hint eliminates... hardly anyone, since the main guesses have all appeared in comics before. If the hint refers exclusively to the UDON comics, then Gouken's daughter is officially out (she only appeared in a very old SFII manga), but it still leaves Sarai (Ibuki's friend), Lita Luwanda (Cammy's Delta Red teammate), ALL the Shadaloo Dolls... damn, even Jessica Haggar (who I would choose to include in USFIV had Capcom asked me... let's face it, at least Jessica is well-known to a wider audience) actually appears in one issue.

I don't recall any official source specifically mentioning Udon, and I figure most japanese devs would be more familiar with the japanese comics - I wonder if any of those bothered to flesh out Mika's coach, now that's the sort of character that would feel refreshing in that cast.
As for Udon originals, they did depict a nameless master for Bison and Rose very briefly, and there's that Gibson desk jockey that works with Guile.

As for the Poison controversy, this video covers some considerable inventigations, and there's also a follow-up video for it covering some extra details.
I'm still puzzled to this day regarding how Poison became so popular when Roxy actually appears before her in the game.
No Poison, you are the palette swaps. And then Poison was a Street Fighter.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

609th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Wed 8 Jan 12:31:post reply

It's because of SF3. She appeared as a side character with Hugo, and it's obviously her because of the purple-ish hair color.

I was kind of an exception because I didn't know about her being in SF3 until someone told me (after Third Strike's release), but I was (and still am) a Final Fight nut.

I'm also really glad that video you linked addresses the fact that the whole trannie thing didn't become an issue until the SNES version, or else I would have sperged out with a multi-paragraph rant right here.

Not a really good analogy, but Poison is the Peach of Final Fight, while Roxy is the Daisy of it.

Trivia: The original arcade game has the guy say "oh my god" instead of "oh my car", but "oh my car" is way better for humor sake, so it's one of the few changes I actually like

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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Wed 8 Jan 12:32]

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"Re(5):Re(10):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Wed 8 Jan 21:14post reply

Not a really good analogy, but Poison is the Peach of Final Fight, while Roxy is the Daisy of it.

It's a good analogy. It would just be better if Roxy was considered the Pauline of Final Fight, rather than Daisy (after all, Pauline came before Peach, yet nowadays she's forgotten to the point of not even appearing in Mario's party/sports games...).

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"Re(4):Re(10):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Thu 9 Jan 02:24post reply

As for the Poison controversy

I've always been frustrated that this is such an issue, both with people vigorously defending the story that she's a transexual and the people vigorously defending that she's not. To be blunt, who gives a shit? I get tired of how it's endlessly been discussed, regardless of whether the people talking are grossed out by the idea of a transexual or 'white knights' defending them. Capcom, for their part, certainly enjoys fanning the flames since it means more sales for a game including Poison. This is right up there with the Dragon's Crown 'boob controversy' in irritation factor. As a super-fan of Final Fight as a game, it irks me that people end up remembering this one tiny fact but often forget this fantastic and influential game.



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"Ultra Poison thread IV" , posted Thu 9 Jan 02:38post reply

Coming at it from a different angle, I always cackle with glee at the "dude, looks like a lady"-type situations that result from Poison being both extremely voluptuous and (last I checked?) transsexual. I think it's god damn fantastic: no one in Japan cares in the slightest, and it confuses the staid, boring worldviews of certain (I imagine) conservative male American computer nerd types who actually are bothered or freaked out. Time to explore! And what better way than with Hugo's pink haired fight promoter?


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"Re(1):Ultra Poison thread IV" , posted Thu 9 Jan 04:24post reply

Coming at it from a different angle, I always cackle with glee at the "dude, looks like a lady"-type situations that result from Poison being both extremely voluptuous and (last I checked?) transsexual. I think it's god damn fantastic: no one in Japan cares in the slightest, and it confuses the staid, boring worldviews of certain (I imagine) conservative male American computer nerd types who actually are bothered or freaked out. Time to explore! And what better way than with Hugo's pink haired fight promoter?

Nah, US fighting game fans are completely inured to a mutable view of sexuality thanks to the mannish women that Netherrealm Studios continues to turn out.

Just a Person
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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Ultra Poison thread IV" , posted Thu 9 Jan 04:57post reply


Nah, US fighting game fans are completely inured to a mutable view of sexuality thanks to the mannish women that Netherrealm Studios continues to turn out.

Indeed. Most of the women in their games have quite beautiful bodies (although considerably muscular, yes), but some of them have manlier faces than the actual men in the same games... Kitana, for instance, looks amazing in her default (masked) costume, but her face in the alternate (maskless) costume is scary...

Maybe Netherrealm Studios should make ALL women in their games wear masks? We know they already make all of them wear high heels, even if it makes no sense for some of them (*cough*Sonya*cough*).

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"Re(6):Re(10):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Thu 9 Jan 06:51post reply

It's a good analogy. It would just be better if Roxy was considered the Pauline of Final Fight, rather than Daisy (after all, Pauline came before Peach, yet nowadays she's forgotten to the point of not even appearing in Mario's party/sports games...).

She (Pauline) recently appeared in Mario vs DK games, as well as being one of 5 featured females in the Puzzle Swap "Nintendo Starlets".

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"Re(10):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Fri 10 Jan 21:06post reply

She is still much less popular than the other girls (especially since the breakout success of Rosetta/Rosalina) so I doubt she'll appear often, but she is indeed featured in every Mario Vs DK game.

Speaking of Nintendo girls and fighting games, DeDeDe is rocking out his Mr.Big side.
I really enjoy the weird photos Sakurai has been rocking out so far.

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"Re(2):Re(10):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 11 Jan 00:08post reply

Speaking of Nintendo girls and fighting games, DeDeDe is rocking out his Mr.Big side.
I thought you meant because DeDeDe is the princess to rescue in the new Kirby.

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"Re(2):Re(10):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 11 Jan 08:57post reply


I really enjoy the weird photos Sakurai has been rocking out so far.

Where on earth did you get that photo from? It's hilarious!

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"Re(3):Re(10):Ultra Fighting game thread IV" , posted Sat 11 Jan 12:43post reply


I really enjoy the weird photos Sakurai has been rocking out so far.

Where on earth did you get that photo from? It's hilarious!

It's from the Nintendo of Europe facebook site for Smash Bros.

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"The Most Important Thing You Should Know" , posted Tue 14 Jan 07:22post reply

Nidhogg has arrived

It's discounted until the 20th, just FYI

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):The Most Crucial Thing You Should Play" , posted Tue 14 Jan 22:49post reply

Nidhogg has arrived

It's discounted until the 20th, just FYI

Online multiplayer included, which is nice, although this game is local multi OR DIE.
Music is so-so, fits the game and dynamic(?) but not really catchy.
I would have preferred a dynamic simulation of crowd reactions. Ah! Oh! Curleh mustache!
The analogue stick controls suck, why can't you play with a D-pad!? Arcade stick controls were better.
I am not sure yet what to think about the other 3 levels. "Cornfield" idea is nice. 1st level remains the best.
Single player mode is there, not really important but better than nothing.
It's only a time attack, no ending or unlock. AI is average.
98MB only, nice to have a light game. No Linux/mac version yet.
Besides that, it's NIDHOGG! WOOHOO!

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"Re(2):The Most Crucial Thing You Should Play" , posted Wed 15 Jan 02:54post reply

There's always a moment of trepidation when a long awaited game finally appears. Will it live up to the imaginary game people have been playing in their heads while waiting for the actual release? I don't know what the fate of Nidhogg will be but I'm glad to see it finally made it out into the wild. I'm also glad to see it still looks like the best Intellivision game to come out in the 21st century.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):The Most Crucial Thing You Should Play" , posted Wed 15 Jan 03:41post reply

it still looks like the best Intellivision game to come out in the 21st century.

You've weirdly channeled my brain in saying this-- my very first impulse on seeing Nidhogg was exactly that, which is to say that it appears to be basic while still managing to look stylish as well.

I'm traveling, with only my Mac to keep me apprised of Steam games, of which Nidhogg is not one, unfortunately. It'll have to wait until I get back to my Windows monster computer.


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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):The Most Crucial Thing You Should Play" , posted Sun 26 Jan 19:55post reply

Nidhogg has arrived

It's discounted until the 20th, just FYI

Online multiplayer included, which is nice, although this game is local multi OR DIE.
Music is so-so, fits the game and dynamic(?) but not really catchy.
I would have preferred a dynamic simulation of crowd reactions. Ah! Oh! Curleh mustache!
The analogue stick controls suck, why can't you play with a D-pad!? Arcade stick controls were better.
I am not sure yet what to think about the other 3 levels. "Cornfield" idea is nice. 1st level remains the best.
Single player mode is there, not really important but better than nothing.
It's only a time attack, no ending or unlock. AI is average.
98MB only, nice to have a light game. No Linux/mac version yet.
Besides that, it's NIDHOGG! WOOHOO!

Played Nidhogg for the first time last week, was a lot of fun.

Didn't get to try out Samurai Gunn yet, but I think I'll like it.

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):The Most Crucial Thing You Should Play" , posted Mon 27 Jan 12:10post reply

Nidhogg is a brilliant sport. I played a harrowing 17 minute match with my friend today, although any really good match feels longer than it is. I think The Wilds is my favorite stage actually (with the tall grass). Easy dpad control will be great since it really is a digital game, but I've adapted pretty well to cartwheeling with a 360 analog stick.

Samurai Gunn is great as well. Nidhogg is certainly the better dueling game (one-on-one) but Samurai Gunn can make you feel like death incarnate when you get some momentum going in a four-player match. I still want to mess around with team play but haven't really had a chance.

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"Re(4):P4A UUSH SP Skills!" , posted Wed 29 Jan 03:09post reply

It seems there are some hidden SP skills in Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold (guwah, what a name) that are in the process of being uncovered. Exciting! Only no one has posted how to actually perform the moves it sounds like.

This is a seriously good-looking game, by the way. Really can't wait till its inevitable console release!


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"GGXrd Arcade Trailer" , posted Thu 30 Jan 20:32post reply


So there's movie sequences in the game? Interesting!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):GGXrd Arcade Trailer" , posted Thu 30 Jan 21:41post reply


So there's movie sequences in the game? Interesting!

So I suppose that means Valentine will be the boss, and eventually becomes playable in the next revision?
I was conflicted by the low amount of characters of the game, but then I thought that may very well be the best way to revitalize GG with new players (instead of having all the veterans pouring in with their old skills all at once and wiping the floor with any potential new player).

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"Re(2):GGXrd Arcade Trailer" , posted Fri 31 Jan 00:02post reply

I was conflicted by the low amount of characters of the game
But Bedman and I-No are the only characters you will need. Time to finally learn how to play Guilty Gear after loving its righteous character design from afar for all these years.


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"Re(3):GGXrd Arcade Trailer" , posted Fri 31 Jan 04:33post reply

I had forgotten how much I liked Guilty Gear. Seeing all those characters posing amidst innumerable shrieking guitars makes me happy. I'm also glad to see that GG's tradition of female bosses is being kept alive with Valentine. But she appeared above Japan? Wasn't Japan blown up back before the first GG game? Is this a new Japan? Is Japan going to get blown up again? Why am I worrying about the ridiculous backstory of GG? For now I'm just going to enjoy the trailer intoning the word "backyard" like it's ominous.

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):GGXrd Arcade Trailer" , posted Sat 1 Feb 04:49post reply

I was conflicted by the low amount of characters of the game, but then I thought that may very well be the best way to revitalize GG with new players (instead of having all the veterans pouring in with their old skills all at once and wiping the floor with any potential new player).

Starting over again with a smaller roster isn't the worst idea, but it's tough for me to accept that my top three characters are all absent.

So in the absence of Testament, Baiken, and Johnny I'm going to have to adopt either Zato-1 and/or Venom.

I like I-no, but I'm just no good with her. The 3D presentation in this game, though, is insane.

/ / /

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"Re(3):GGXrd Arcade Trailer" , posted Sun 2 Feb 05:26post reply

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