stuff I'm doing! - Forums

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4286th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 2 Jan 13:41post reply

hey pals!
someone from the board, maybe badoor(?) said maybe I should tell everyone on here what I'm up to, for those that like to consume media.

insert credit has been going on as a podcast for about a year and a half - you can see/hear all that here.

I've also started doing livestreams of games I think are interesting. I'm still getting all the mechanics right (I've only done three so far), but there'll be a lot more to come. That's going on over here.

that splatterhouse livestream sucks, because I had my dang mic off. I'm gonna try it again tonight at midnight, so maybe it'll be better by the time y'all see it.

my first stream had strider for PCE in the wrong aspect ratio... but eventually it's all going to be fun times I reckon! My shubibinman 3 playthrough has no significant issues. so if you use Twitch you can look at that stuff and subscribe if you like.

Also I wrote up my top 5 games of 2013 on gamasutra, but of course none of them were actually newer than 1996.

Other than that, just making dumb video games as usual, and maybe some of them will even come out soon :P

what exciting things are YOU ALL doing!?


2581th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 2 Jan 15:07post reply

Oho, wayward traveller!
what exciting things are YOU ALL doing!?
Mostly playing Dragon's Crown and sacrificing the occasional village to the gods in hopes of your miraculous return. We also resurrected Onsy, but people did not pray to the moon hard enough and he ran away afterwards.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Nice Runes in Dragon's Crown (did you know: your spell names are in English, even in the Japanese version). But what is the Unleash Exodus combination?

End of Spoiler


4287th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 2 Jan 15:10post reply

hmm, I guess that spoiler thing would make sense given they couldn't change the runes themselves, and each one of them is associated with a certain letter.

I am really bad at remembering to go to web sites these days, even forums. I try!!!

354th Post

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XBL: BadoorSNK/WiiU:BadoorSNK
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Silver Customer

"Re(3):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 2 Jan 19:05post reply

Hooray, I finally achieved that old cafe mainstay of summoning old cafe member back from the void. I feel like I have grown so much

Anyway, thanks for sharing the news on what you've been up to, exodus. I've enjoyed listening to the podcast and your top games of "2013" on gamasutra.

As for me, I'm in your standard "post-college 1st year at a job confusion state of not knowing what to do next in life". But no one cares about that.

More importantly, I've been playing Gurumin as part of a Falcom Month community blog event throughout January. I've taken to blogging recently as a way to waste time at my job and improve my skills at writing in English in hopes it will help for future graduate level studies. But any excuse to play more Falcom games is good enough for me.

9709th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 2 Jan 20:41post reply

Hurray Exodus!
You're sorely missed around here. At least Facebook manages to be useful to spy on you know stuff about stuff.

Stuff I'm doing: I'm buying a flat with my eventualy-to-be-husband (but he doesn't know that last part yet).
My astral powers are growing, I'm starting to be able to predict big personal crisis and the appropriate answer to them (sometimes).
I really think good astrologers are better than most shrinks, and that's what I should be doing at a later stage to pay the bills.
And also, you should definitely buy Pokémon X and Y, they are the bestest!

1137th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 2 Jan 23:46:post reply

That live-streaming thing sounds pretty interesting.

Being employed by one of the worldwide leaders in ALWAYS CONNECTED ALWAYS ONLINE ALWAYS FUN HIGH TECH INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT, I am preparing its future by making stuff with scissors, cardboard, paper, glue and the few remaining fingers that have not yet perished because of the aforementioned deadly weapons.

Also I am (not very energetically) looking for a new flatmate. Usually these things are left on my doorstep in late January once the neighbours grow tired of the baby flatmates they received for Christmas.

i  n   t  h  e   f  a  s  t   l  a  n  e   ♪

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 2 Jan 23:53]

4288th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 3 Jan 09:25post reply

Hooray, I finally achieved that old cafe mainstay of summoning old cafe member back from the void. I feel like I have grown so much

yes, you did it!!

I'll read some of your falcom impressions, that may be interesting for me... I'll be curious to see what you think of Dragon Slayer. there are a few cute moments in there that I really enjoy.

Iggy, I should get my chart read by you! I keep thinking I should do that, even if I don't really believe in it :3 that is neat news about the flat though, and the future husband! I guess he has been around for quite some time. I reeeeally can't see myself getting into pokemonxy though.

Chaz - your flatmate must be a real jerk to move out during the holidays! let's hate whoever that flatmate may be with all our might!

the livestreaming stuff should get more interesting as I bring more of my consoles upstairs. going to get my marty, my staturn, and my PC-fx up there soon.

OH ALSO: I bought just now, in honor of our dearly departed MMC member who went off to soccer camp and never returned. not sure what to do with it, if anything. I was thinking of making a site for casual players of fighting games, people who like them but are not very good at them (like me). anyone want to participate?

2582th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 3 Jan 09:36post reply

Don't forget that the greatest miracle of all time was that Hazzan actually came BACK from football camp circa 2008~
a site for casual players of fighting games, people who like them but are not very good at them
Oh, you mean the Madman's Cafe? Well, except the Professor...he cleaned my clock.


3979th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 3 Jan 10:10:post reply

I'll read some of your falcom impressions, that may be interesting for me... I'll be curious to see what you think of Dragon Slayer. there are a few cute moments in there that I really enjoy.

OH ALSO: I bought just now, in honor of our dearly departed MMC member who went off to soccer camp and never returned. not sure what to do with it, if anything. I was thinking of making a site for casual players of fighting games, people who like them but are not very good at them (like me). anyone want to participate?

He's peeked in! Happy new year Exodus!

Stuff that's been happening:
- Hazzan came back as our new years surprise
- We temporarily bought back Onsy with some obscene voodoo dance
- It also bought back Talbaineric with a slight delay
- Maou left a curse on me dropping my discovery rate of glazed chocolate cake donuts to 0.1%

2013 was a really interesting year as I got to meet up with a number of MMCafe's fascinating members. It was also a year where there were actually games that many old-school gamers cared for (Dragon's Crown for one).

Most of my 2013 gaming activities were in support for the fighting game scene albeit behind the scenes, like helping out EVO a little and whatnot. I'm planning to give focus more to MMCafe this year, doing something about the index for one.

Holy joyshticks you bought lol. Maybe make it something for casual reading amongst casual fans?

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 3 Jan 10:28]

4289th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 3 Jan 12:31post reply


Stuff that's been happening:
- Hazzan came back as our new years surprise
- We temporarily bought back Onsy with some obscene voodoo dance
- It also bought back Talbaineric with a slight delay
- Maou left a curse on me dropping my discovery rate of glazed chocolate cake donuts to 0.1%

Holy joyshticks you bought lol. Maybe make it something for casual reading amongst casual fans?

huzzah for hazzan!!!

yeah, with, if I do anything, I might like to have a site that describes different fighting games in terms of why they're interesting, why people might like to care about them, what's different about them, etc. just use a template for every game, and put them all up there for casual folks like me to browse!!

2584th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 3 Jan 12:45:post reply

a site that describes different fighting games in terms of why they're interesting, why people might like to care about them, what's different about them, etc. just use a template for every game, and put them all up there for casual folks like me to browse!!

Hmm, a kinder man's I...would read that! You know, if not for Tim, I probably would have no idea that the IC podcast was still going from the main page, but it is a lot of fun. Thanks!
discovery rate of glazed chocolate cake donuts to 0.1%
Ha, it sure is weird, isn't it? I remember sailing to victory at first with tons of glazed, but I swear they've been out every time we've hit that place since! I guess our characters' stats are maxed out and we can only equip those maccha donuts now.


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 3 Jan 12:53]

4793th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 3 Jan 23:26post reply

Streaming Splatterhouse and You may not be here much but you're certainly being productive with your time!

729th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Wed 8 Jan 07:04post reply


yeah, with, if I do anything, I might like to have a site that describes different fighting games in terms of why they're interesting, why people might like to care about them, what's different about them, etc. just use a template for every game, and put them all up there for casual folks like me to browse!!

So more of a reference site that wouldn't necessarily try to have frequent new content (sort of how the current specialized FG sites keep posting about combos videos and tournament which end up sinking the posts with actual news), but at least try and be thourough about the games it covers, like a Fighters Generation that focuses more on the games and their gameplay (maybe lore, if high-end gameplay isn't the focus?) than on characters and artwork?

Could be interesting...

This reminds me I should probably update my own site project, but with FFXI becoming more soloable and completable than it ever was, I haven't resisted trying to catch up on its old content instead.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

4290th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Wed 8 Jan 09:30post reply


So more of a reference site that wouldn't necessarily try to have frequent new content (sort of how the current specialized FG sites keep posting about combos videos and tournament which end up sinking the posts with actual news), but at least try and be thourough about the games it covers, like a Fighters Generation that focuses more on the games and their gameplay (maybe lore, if high-end gameplay isn't the focus?) than on characters and artwork?

yeah, more like that. I was thinking I might have a template the site follows, just saying why a game is interesting, what's different about it, and link to some videos.

1238th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 9 Jan 04:27:post reply


Also I wrote up my top 5 games of 2013 on gamasutra, but of course none of them were actually newer than 1996.

Great writeup! You did a fantastic job explaining why each game is so interesting and worth revisiting. Thanks for being so concise and specific. I appreciate the wide frame of reference and higher level of awareness that you bring to your games writing. I think most writers aren't even aware that games can be interesting in the ways you described. Sorry for the awkward heaps of praise, it's just that I'm surrounded by people who think Bioshock, Braid and Journey are the alpha and omega of games and don't really care to look back further than 5 years into the past. Hopefully your writeup will encourage them to go exploring more.

Other than that, just making dumb video games as usual, and maybe some of them will even come out soon :P

Anything you can share with us at this point?

yeah, with, if I do anything, I might like to have a site that describes different fighting games in terms of why they're interesting, why people might like to care about them, what's different about them, etc. just use a template for every game, and put them all up there for casual folks like me to browse!!

That sounds fantastic! I've been a diehard casual fighting game player all my life. I love em, but I don't necessarily want to go on SRK and study frame data. I'd definitely be interested in a site like that.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Thu 9 Jan 04:28]

4293th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 10 Jan 06:12:post reply

nobinobita, if you want to write things for this website that may or may never come to fruition, do let me know! :3

you can see some of my game stuff here:

Gunhouse, which is the first game I've directed, I guess, is coming out on the 15th for PSM (vita/playstation-approved android phones). I still need to make a trailer!

[this message was edited by exodus on Fri 10 Jan 06:12]

2536th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 10 Jan 06:17post reply

At first I thought something about the art in Gunhouse looked familiar, and then I saw that it's done by our very own Juan!

4294th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 10 Jan 09:25post reply

At first I thought something about the art in Gunhouse looked familiar, and then I saw that it's done by our very own Juan!

OH YEAH, I should've mentioned that Juan from MMC is the artist!!

2537th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 10 Jan 09:49post reply

At first I thought something about the art in Gunhouse looked familiar, and then I saw that it's done by our very own Juan!

OH YEAH, I should've mentioned that Juan from MMC is the artist!!

Are there penguins in the game?

4296th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 10 Jan 17:52post reply


Are there penguins in the game?

you realize we're talking about me and juan here, right!?

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
of course, an entire enemy set is devoted to penguins

End of Spoiler

1633th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sat 11 Jan 16:41post reply


Are there penguins in the game?

you realize we're talking about me and juan here, right!?


Will I ever get to sell your game?

9713th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sat 11 Jan 19:17post reply

Will I ever get to sell your game?

Do you mean it like "buy a physical copy, realize the game sucks, and sell it to buy some FIFA game instead"?

1634th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sun 12 Jan 01:52post reply

Will I ever get to sell your game?
Do you mean it like "buy a physical copy, realize the game sucks, and sell it to buy some FIFA game instead"?

I've never mentioned it ever but I own a game store nowadays! Or rather game stores now.

I need more PS4s.

1289th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sun 12 Jan 02:22post reply


I've never mentioned it ever but I own a game store nowadays! Or rather game stores now.

That's great! Where are you located?

4297th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sun 12 Jan 04:36post reply

Oh yeah, I met Zepy in 2012! so that's cool!

But unfortunately no, you won't get to sell it, it's digital only :\ I can't see myself ever releasing a physical media game in this day and age, unless it's a game that has hardware dedicated to it (which I'd very much like to do some day).

2612th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sun 12 Jan 05:29post reply

Oh yeah, I met Zepy in 2012! so that's cool!

But unfortunately no, you won't get to sell it, it's digital only :\ I can't see myself ever releasing a physical media game in this day and age, unless it's a game that has hardware dedicated to it (which I'd very much like to do some day).

Brings a tear in my eye to see more of the cafe members involved with games now!

As for myself I deal with real-time render engines in my line of work, so I guess that's distantly related?

2539th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sun 12 Jan 07:59post reply


As for myself I deal with real-time render engines in my line of work, so I guess that's distantly related?

Way cool!
Who do you work for/what do you do?

1239th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sun 12 Jan 09:06post reply

Brings a tear in my eye to see more of the cafe members involved with games now!

Spoon and I ended up working at the same game company last year! n___n

It's truly a small world (especially in the Bay Area)

1635th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Mon 13 Jan 10:54post reply

That's great! Where are you located?

It's a secret!

But unfortunately no, you won't get to sell it, it's digital only :\ I can't see myself ever releasing a physical media game in this day and age, unless it's a game that has hardware dedicated to it (which I'd very much like to do some day).

If you sell 1 million a big publisher will slam a bag of cash over your head and force you at gunpoint to physical media! Just like all the other indies people

1851th Post

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PSN: gekijmo
XBL: gekijmo5
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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Tue 14 Jan 11:32post reply

Hey, I was actually watching you stream from a couple weeks ago live. I found it pretty entertaining.

Did you ever check out that Bravoman Cartoon?

I will be sure to get Gunhouse although I have yet to get a Vita for myself even though I have several games waiting in the wings thanks to PS+.

The Insert Credit Podcast is great too. It is really the only one I listen to now. I really appreciate the controlled nature of the show. Not too much rambling like EVERYOTHER video game podcast out there.

4299th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Tue 14 Jan 12:18:post reply


Did you ever check out that Bravoman Cartoon?

OH MY GOD that cartoon is so bad. shame, really.

but thanks for watching stuff! hopefully some people will eventually be able to get gunhouse, I realize basically nobody owns a vita :P

[this message was edited by exodus on Tue 14 Jan 12:19]

1292th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Wed 15 Jan 03:45post reply


but thanks for watching stuff! hopefully some people will eventually be able to get gunhouse, I realize basically nobody owns a vita :P

Well, I'm one of those unnamed nobodies with a Vita (as are a few other folks here. I'll check it out, it looks pretty nice! The Juan art was of course instantly apparent!

It's a secret!

Ohoho, sorry Zepy, I didn't mean to be so forward in asking such a thing. I just long for a game store local to me, since I've been relying on for so long.

4299th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Wed 15 Jan 05:56post reply


Well, I'm one of those unnamed nobodies with a Vita (as are a few other folks here. I'll check it out, it looks pretty nice! The Juan art was of course instantly apparent!

Then I'll let you know when it's out! (probably in this thread)

2540th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Wed 15 Jan 06:09post reply

That's great! Where are you located?
It's a secret!

This coyness ensures that I SIMPLY MUST FIND OUT.

But seriously, do you sell old games and doujin games at the store?

I dream of _this_ being combined with 3D printed cartridge cases that will allow me to create truly homebrew carts for my Famicom.

4300th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Wed 15 Jan 11:05post reply


This coyness ensures that I SIMPLY MUST FIND OUT.

I know where it is :3

4301th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Wed 15 Jan 12:29post reply

OH HEY, I guess my game is out now. If you have a vita or a PSM approved android phone, you can buy it! It has Juan's art and music by disasterpeace!

If you don't have those or don't want to buy it that's okay too. :3

1852th Post

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PSN: gekijmo
XBL: gekijmo5
Wii: n/a

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Wed 15 Jan 16:54post reply

OH HEY, I guess my game is out now. If you have a vita or a PSM approved android phone, you can buy it! It has Juan's art and music by disasterpeace!

If you don't have those or don't want to buy it that's okay too. :3

Congrats on launching the game.

Is there any reason I cannot buy this on the sony entertatinment network website like any other vita game? Or is it because it is also a PSM game they don't list that on the website?

4302th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Wed 15 Jan 18:29post reply


Congrats on launching the game.

Is there any reason I cannot buy this on the sony entertatinment network website like any other vita game? Or is it because it is also a PSM game they don't list that on the website?

I've heard it takes a while for games to show up on the web site. I'll try to find it tomorrow, but I think for now it may just not exist!

The only way to buy it right now is direct from the vita store...

1241th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 16 Jan 08:16post reply

At first I thought something about the art in Gunhouse looked familiar, and then I saw that it's done by our very own Juan!

OH YEAH, I should've mentioned that Juan from MMC is the artist!!

Are there penguins in the game?

Hecka penguins!

Game is looking really nice! I wish I had a Vita to try it out on.
Do you have any plans on releasing your games for mobile?

4304th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 16 Jan 09:18post reply


Hecka penguins!

Game is looking really nice! I wish I had a Vita to try it out on.
Do you have any plans on releasing your games for mobile?


1243th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 17 Jan 09:31post reply


Hecka penguins!

Game is looking really nice! I wish I had a Vita to try it out on.
Do you have any plans on releasing your games for mobile?


Mobile games are the future.
You heard it here first >:]

Seriously though, I would like to know why you are developing for Vita vs other platforms. There any advantages to it?

1298th Post

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PSN: robotchris
XBL: robotchris
Wii: n/a

Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sat 18 Jan 06:53post reply

Brandon, once I'm back in the land of the living (my home network, and not traveling) I'll gladly buy your cool-looking work. I'm excited about it!


Mobile games are the future.
You heard it here first >:]

Seriously though, I would like to know why you are developing for Vita vs other platforms. There any advantages to it?

As a game developer myself I'm curious about this as well. Personally I don't care for the idea that phones are the future, but I'm quite the fan of handheld consoles like the Vita and the 3DS. For me, while I can certainly adjust game ideas to work with touch controls, the solidity of real buttons and real direction pads are essential for the kinds of games I want to make.

Unfortunately when I hear 'mobile games' I think of cash grabs with crappy control schemes for the most part, at least in the English-speaking world. But then again, TV-based consoles are becoming very 'dudebro shooter'-centric, so who can say for sure what the alternative is for old fashioned folks like us?

1146th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sat 18 Jan 09:40post reply

Seriously though, I would like to know why you are developing for Vita vs other platforms. There any advantages to it?

It's important to note that Brandon & Friends developed this game for PS Mobile, not specifically for PS Vita (although I am not sure how many Sony mobile devices outside of Vita use PS Mobile).

I went through the trouble of recharging my Vita and lo and behold, Gunhouse was available for us Japanese account peons who are still not allowed to buy Spelunky and Hotline Miami. And because I dislike Defend your Castle less than I like Exodus & Juan, I went ahead and spent the exorbitant¥325 requested by the store. Spend them wisely!

I really like the idea of rewarding the player for checking the credits. I don't think i have ever seen that in a video game before, and that kind of new experience is why I buy games in the first place. So I guess "mission accomplished".

Anyway, Necrosoft can already fax a PR to the Washington Post and Vogue Italia that, thanks to (at the very minimum) my purchase, Gunhouse is now outselling Hotline Miami and Spelunky on Vita in japan.

i  n   t  h  e   f  a  s  t   l  a  n  e   ♪

9715th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sat 18 Jan 19:58post reply

Now I'm sad I don't have any device I can play that on... If you keep releasing on PS Mobile, it will have to change.
But yeah, what other devices actually use it? I thought Sony was with Nokia, and then it went bad so Nokia was all frowny face, and then that was more or less it. Did they release it widely on Android, or is it really limited to Sony stuff nobody is aware of?

3012th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Sun 19 Jan 02:44post reply

This game was pretty hard to get the hang of. I like it though.

(Yeah I got a Vita for xmas.)

4306th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Mon 20 Jan 16:48:post reply


Anyway, Necrosoft can already fax a PR to the Washington Post and Vogue Italia that, thanks to (at the very minimum) my purchase, Gunhouse is now outselling Hotline Miami and Spelunky on Vita in japan.

that's two confirmed japanese sales! success!!!

I don't really expect everyone to like it. it's rough around the edges, and the mechanic is a new idea, and that's always rough for a while. some people really like it, so that's all I can ask for.

oh, and as for nokia, it's microsoft who bought them. Sony has ericsson.

[this message was edited by exodus on Mon 20 Jan 16:53]

4573th Post

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PSN: Buttermonster
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Mon 27 Jan 05:27post reply


355th Post

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XBL: BadoorSNK/WiiU:BadoorSNK
Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341

Silver Customer

"Re(6):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Mon 27 Jan 06:30post reply

Shameless self promotion time: I thought I'd share some of the posts I recently wrote, which I hope cafe members would enjoy reading.

First is my post on Gurumin, a super charming action game by Falcom, a game which the one and only Exodus helped bring out to the west.

Second is my post on the recently translated and very controversial SNES-exclusive Ys V. I spent a lot of time talking on the reception to Ys V before even starting to talk on Ys V itself. I felt like the difference in context between 1995 & 2014 is one of the bigger reasons why Ys V has a lot of value today than when it was out. But I regret not really articulating as much why I loved PLAYING Ys V as I should.

BONUS POST: An old college paper on the tradition of eating KFC on Christmas in Japan. Which by the way, I was mostly able to write thanks to Professor giving me some tips on the topic way back when.

Ok bye.

4308th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Tue 28 Jan 05:24post reply

I've still never played Ys V - I feel like I should some day. I can imagine I'll have an alright time with it, though I do like the original battle system. In fact, I've actually never properly gone through Ys IV! Maybe that should be first, hmm.

356th Post

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XBL: BadoorSNK/WiiU:BadoorSNK
Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341

Silver Customer

"Re(8):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Wed 29 Jan 22:20post reply

I've still never played Ys V - I feel like I should some day. I can imagine I'll have an alright time with it, though I do like the original battle system. In fact, I've actually never properly gone through Ys IV! Maybe that should be first, hmm.

Yeah Ys V's battle system is sort of a half step towards whats in the modern Ys games. It added the sword swing but is quite slow and somewhat imprecise, while the modern Ys games boosted up the battle speed so that it hearkens back to Ys I to IV. But if you are to pick Ys V, get Ys V Expert.

4312th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 30 Jan 03:56post reply

But if you are to pick Ys V, get Ys V Expert.

hmmm, that all depends on whether I think I'm going to enjoy the challenge, or just enjoy getting through the story and the experience. it's more likely the latter, in which case making the game harder won't do much for me!

358th Post

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XBL: BadoorSNK/WiiU:BadoorSNK
Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341

Silver Customer

"Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 30 Jan 06:15post reply

But if you are to pick Ys V, get Ys V Expert.

hmmm, that all depends on whether I think I'm going to enjoy the challenge, or just enjoy getting through the story and the experience. it's more likely the latter, in which case making the game harder won't do much for me!

Yeah you're right. I never played Ys V Expert. But given that it's a rerelease 3 months after, I assume it won't have many alterations beside some simple stat changes (boost boss health, reduce Adol's health & xp, more grinding, less money etc). So maybe you should stick with regular Ys V. Sorry to be so flip-floppy about my suggestions.

1307th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 30 Jan 06:25post reply

But if you are to pick Ys V, get Ys V Expert.

hmmm, that all depends on whether I think I'm going to enjoy the challenge, or just enjoy getting through the story and the experience. it's more likely the latter, in which case making the game harder won't do much for me!
Yeah you're right. I never played Ys V Expert. But given that it's a rerelease 3 months after, I assume it won't have many alterations beside some simple stat changes (boost boss health, reduce Adol's health & xp, more grinding, less money etc). So maybe you should stick with regular Ys V. Sorry to be so flip-floppy about my suggestions.

Thanks for the link to your post about Ys V badoor! It's timely since I've been rediscovering how much I used to love Ys lately after having a great time with Memories of Celceta. I've always been interested in Ys V even though it has an awful reputation, I guess because the game art is really amazing, but for some reason I've never gotten around to try it. Maybe now I'll take the time?

1149th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 30 Jan 07:50post reply

That is an interesting lore of american gaming. I don't remember Ys V being unloved in Europe. Obviously less revered than PC Engine games, per the simple lack of an Ys fanbase on SFC, but certainly not seen as a black sheep of the series or anything as violent as what is suggested in the scanned review; it was and still remain simply an afterthought.

I was personally extremely disappointed by Ys Celceta. It only held my attention for a couple of hours. I felt the UI, controls, system and overall presentation were a huge step down in craftmanship after the excellent Nayuta no Kiseki on PSP the previous summer.

i  n   t  h  e   f  a  s  t   l  a  n  e   ♪

3989th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 30 Jan 20:41:post reply


that's two confirmed japanese sales! success!!!

Dammit, I want to shoot Juan Carrots but I don't have a Vita or Android! Congrats on your game release Brandon!


That should be used as's site banner

Badoorsnk--- That's a pretty nice writeup! And yeah, Baking is so uncommon here. I can't recall ever seeing turkey being sold aside from import shops.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 30 Jan 20:42]

359th Post

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XBL: BadoorSNK/WiiU:BadoorSNK
Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341

Silver Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Thu 30 Jan 20:54post reply

Thanks for the link to your post about Ys V badoor! It's timely since I've been rediscovering how much I used to love Ys lately after having a great time with Memories of Celceta. I've always been interested in Ys V even though it has an awful reputation, I guess because the game art is really amazing, but for some reason I've never gotten around to try it. Maybe now I'll take the time?

Thanks. Very happy to see that you liked it. I guess since its now in English, there's never been a better time to try it.

That is an interesting lore of american gaming. I don't remember Ys V being unloved in Europe. Obviously less revered than PC Engine games, per the simple lack of an Ys fanbase on SFC, but certainly not seen as a black sheep of the series or anything as violent as what is suggested in the scanned review; it was and still remain simply an afterthought.
I think I overstated how much badly received Ys V was. I should have known that GameFan tend to make a mountain out of a molehill. But finding stuff like the Japanese reception (or any market for that matter) of a particular game at the time of its release is not easy. Although I find it weird that non of the music in Ys V is ever reused in any of Falcom's arrangement CDs or concerts. But that is very weak evidence.

I was personally extremely disappointed by Ys Celceta. It only held my attention for a couple of hours. I felt the UI, controls, system and overall presentation were a huge step down in craftmanship after the excellent Nayuta no Kiseki on PSP the previous summer.

Yeah I'm worried about that. I heard similar disappointments from some of my friends. Also I'm really sad that Nayuta no Kiseki would probably be ignored in terms of localization against a new Ys or a real mainline Kiseki game. Tha game looks like so much fun and everyone who played it says it's great, even better than Memories Of Celceta. I'm even considering importing it despite having zero knowledge in Japanese language.

4315th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):stuff I'm doing!" , posted Fri 31 Jan 05:13post reply

hmmm, that is unfortunate about celceta. I played it at E3 and quite liked it, but that was only 15 minutes. It seemed like a good "non-ys" sort of action RPG, and while I did suspect it could get repetitive, it felt pretty slick and smooth.

well, now I want to get it to see for myself. hmm.