Played Darkstalkers again after many years - Forums

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"Played Darkstalkers again after many years" , posted Tue 20 May 10:33post reply

I never ever looked up move lists for Darkstalkers before, so when I finally did...

Jesus, everything is so weird and amazing, the controls have combinations quite different from Street Fighter. Playing as Zeonic Mummy Gundam (Anakaris), flying around as my legs kick people and then my torso kicks people.

And that weird upside down quarter circle motion to do a fireball, I had totally forgotten about that (I used to use Talbain/Gallon)

Argh, such amazing designs, I want more games where I can play as Anakaris and Huitzil and float around shooting sarcophagus's and ice lasers at sasquatch and succubus.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Played Darkstalkers again after many ye" , posted Tue 20 May 20:16post reply

A lot of motions are totally impossible to discover without the move list/the Gamest of the month (many moves are bastard offsprings of Gôki's shungokusatsu)(I have found memories of messing Leilei's Tenraiha's impunt, and since it ends with the "up" direction, I just floated upward to my doom instead).

It's also one of the games with the biggest amount of totally useless moves that I know of (without the character being garbage/unidimentional). Like they had added these elements to the game just to have, like, "fun". Weird!
And of course, all the character-specific damage animations, including finishers... How often did anyone won a match with Bishamon's ground-chopper that triggers serving the remains of the opponent on a nicely dressed table?

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Played Darkstalkers again after many ye" , posted Wed 21 May 08:00post reply

Even the constantly increasing and decreasing super meter is strange in that game. VS may have been the game where the mechanics and weirdness were fine-tuned to perfection but that first Vampire game is a big, crazy debut. It's no wonder the series developed a small but devoted following.

Speaking of Darkstalkers, has anyone checked out the Darkstalkers Complete Works book Udon recently translated?

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"Re(3):Played Darkstalkers again after many ye" , posted Wed 21 May 08:23post reply

Even the constantly increasing and decreasing super meter is strange in that game. VS may have been the game where the mechanics and weirdness were fine-tuned to perfection but that first Vampire game is a big, crazy debut. It's no wonder the series developed a small but devoted following.

Speaking of Darkstalkers, has anyone checked out the Darkstalkers Complete Works book Udon recently translated?

The Vampire series is right up there with things like Garou, SamSho 2, and Third Strike (and World Heroes Jet!) as one of my real favorites, as far as fighting games go. It's been ages since I played it, somehow! I put countless hours into Vampire Chronicle on the Dreamcast, which at the time cost me the most I had ever spent on a new game. Totally worth it!

As for the book, I have the earlier graphic works collection from a few years back, so I hesitated to buy it when I was in Japan, and I'm hesitating to buy the Udon version right now, since I'm afraid it will only be a slight upgrade. Can anybody comment on its worthiness to owners of the older book?