Loona 768th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(3):SNK Stuff Thread 12 - Summer 2014 editi" , posted Wed 23 Jul 17:17    
quote: Things that make you go hmmmm....
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16260198 - Nico http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12375295 - Nico http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12949449 - Nico http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11733011 - Nico http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12290526 - Nico
interesting find profesor, are those mods or what?
Probably unused animations - messing around dipswitch setting in NeoGeo emulation tends to reveal a few interesting things (a lot of which has been prolifically mined by the Mugen community). Those King animations make me wonder if they made her arms really thin in XIII because by now (unlike the original AoF, where they covered practically all of her chest) they didn't need to cover anything, as her sex has been known for decades, and development is quite settled on how she's depicted during gameplay.
BTW, last night MoriyaMug, who used to be known as Deuce in SNK/NeoGeo and Mugen circles many years ago, streamed some translated SS RPG gameplay: http://www.twitch.tv/moriyamug/b/550118472 http://www.twitch.tv/moriyamug/b/550135166 The translation project has been silent for years, and while it show no signs of continuiing, he mentions a lot of the issues and choices involved in the process there.
Professor 4105th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Square Enix raided by cops from SNKP lawsuit" , posted Wed 6 Aug 05:51:    
[edit] SNK Playmore released an official statement. Click here for the link and a rough translation.
Interesting news today. According to a report by the MSN Sankei, Square Enix's main office in Tokyo and related personnel were raided on August 5 by the Osaka district police due to a criminal lawsuit filed by SNK Playmore.
The claim alleges that SNK Playmore's intellectual properties were being infringed by Square Enix's publishing division in their popular arcade manga "High-score Girl". Police officials will be looking through confiscated evidence and will be conducting interrogations to the editor as well as the author, Rensuke Oshikiri.
"High-score Girl" is a love comedy manga that takes place in Japan during the 1990s and features many scenes with fighting games which was the big trend at the time. SNK Playmore claims that the manga has over 100 cutscenes featuring characters from their games including KOF and Samurai Shodown. The end pages of the books have (C) printed with SNKPlaymore's company name, making it look as though they were published under permission.
SNK Playmore realized the infringement when anime production for High-score Girl began in summer of 2013 and its production company contacted them for authorization on the use of their characters and music. The company filed suit this May.
Article http://sankei.jp.msn.com/west/west_affairs/news/140806/waf14080602000002-n2.htm
--------- Now, Some personal notes about this queer incident.
1- Square Enix and SNKPlaymore hasn't been in a rocky relationship at all, so this may come as a surprise to many people. Keep in mind that Square Enix was one of the few companies that actually did collaborations with SNKP with their "Lord Of Vermilion" arcade card game, which had cameos from KOF characters. Square Enix is also the parent company of Taito that sells the TypeX arcade board and also runs the NESiCA arcade distribution system, which SNKP's titles currently run on.
2- This was clearly filed in criminal court, not civil court. Otherwise the police couldn't have gotten involved.
3- According to the article, SNKP realized in Summer of 2013, but they didn't file a suit until this May. That's a huge mysterious gap. Perhaps things will become more clear in the upcoming months.
4- As stated in the article, High-score Girl has been popular enough that an anime release is scheduled. What will happen to it after this suit this is something we'll need to wait and see. In an unrelated note, Capcom gave out free limited edition NESiCA cards featuring Zangief and the manga's heroine as a gift to loketest players of Ultra SF4 in Japan. Sample here
[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 6 Aug 12:52] |
Professor 4105th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(3):Square Enix raided by cops from SNKP la" , posted Wed 6 Aug 12:49:    
SNK Playmore has released an official statement available for viewing in PDF here. Below is a quick translation with a little help from Google translation (it's the middle of the workday, sue me)
SNK Playmore (hereinafter, our Company), has filed a criminal complaint against Square Enix and associates of its publishing division, as hereby announced to everyone.
Without receiving permission of our Company, the manga "High Score Girl (Author: Oshikiri Hasukai)" reproduced an abundant number of game characters whom ownership belongs to our company, and its publication by Square Enix thereby infringed our copyrights. In order to protest the strict serious misconduct, our Company has sent multiple warnings again and again to Square Enix to place an immediate stop to the sales of books, e-books, monthly magazine and other products of "High Score Girl", but any good faith correspondence was not made.
In order to protect our copyrights and strictly address infringements, our Company cannot overlook the extremely malicious act by a major group company listed on the stock exchange. By necessity, our Company has filed a criminal complaint as according to Section 119 Paragraph 1 of the Copyright Act, against Square Enix's publishing division and related associates.
In order to protect our characters and games such as "METAL SLUG DEFENSE" which are widely loved by users around the world, we will continue to resolute in measures against infringements and other acts against our copyrights.
[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 6 Aug 13:09] |
badoor 386th Post

PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Silver Customer
| "Re(2):KOF97, SS2, MS2 HD remakes? And where's" , posted Mon 11 Aug 07:38:    
quote: That's interesting news but I wonder why they went with KoF97? Nowadays that game feels more like a beta test for KoF98 than anything else. Was it cheaper to get the rights to 97 or is someone at CMGE a fan of fighting a final boss who floats around in white slacks?
The easy answer is: Probably because they could then sell you KOF98 later on. That's precisely what they did with the iOS/Android ports by DotEMU.
The longer, more anecdotal answer is that when I went to Hong Kong and various parts of China last year, visiting a few arcades here and there, I noticed that players definitely gravitated towards KOF97 and KOF98 equally (if not more to 97). Why? I'm not sure. I always had the impression that, maybe out of all the KOFs, KOF97 is the most replaceable by KOF98 since it does not have any exclusive characters (aside from boss characters like Orochi Iori/Leona and Orochi). 96 has the boss-team, 95 has Eiji and is in a totally different system (ie: no running, no hops, old sprites, crazy-high damage combos, everyone, EVERYONE, has real projectiles etc.). 94 is...well it's the first one. But 97 (as Ishmael said) is pretty much 98-beta.
Naturally, I don't play 97 nearly as much as 98 so I don't know the inner workings of character-balance and system-minutia that makes 97 more appealing then the more robust 98. Maybe it's the absurd amounts of easy infinite combos.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
[this message was edited by badoor on Mon 11 Aug 10:42] |
Ishmael 4940th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):KOF97, SS2, MS2 HD remakes? And where's" , posted Wed 13 Aug 08:49    
quote: I thought that it was common knowledge that 97 was for the chinese their "street fighter 2"
While it makes sense to target the local market first and foremost it does make me even more convinced this isn't going to see an international release.
The longer, more anecdotal answer is that when I went to Hong Kong and various parts of China last year, visiting a few arcades here and there, I noticed that players definitely gravitated towards KOF97 and KOF98 equally (if not more to 97). Why? I'm not sure. I always had the impression that, maybe out of all the KOFs, KOF97 is the most replaceable by KOF98 since it does not have any exclusive characters (aside from boss characters like Orochi Iori/Leona and Orochi). 96 has the boss-team, 95 has Eiji and is in a totally different system (ie: no running, no hops, old sprites, crazy-high damage combos, everyone, EVERYONE, has real projectiles etc.). 94 is...well it's the first one. But 97 (as Ishmael said) is pretty much 98-beta.
The few arcades I saw in China had everything from SF4 to Tekken to KoF so it was hard for me to tell just what was popular. Lucky you, it sound like you managed to interact with the local players a lot more than I did.
Personal anecdote: When I was a kid I would happily agree to a long, boring day of shopping if I would be allowed to spend a few minutes checking out the mall's arcade. When I was last in China I found I was still responding to this same method of carrot and stick but instead of it being my parents who benefitted from this deal it was my wife. My Pavlovian conditioning has been remarkably consistent throughout my life.
quote: This is really funny but I restrained myself from laughing for the possible future regrets. Might be too soon without knowing.
All kidding aside I do hope he shows up again.
Loona 778th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(5):Re:KOFXIII on humblebundle (13 DAYS rem" , posted Thu 21 Aug 17:31:    
quote: Can anybody comment on any of the other games in the bundle?
I have no experience with the others, but there's nothing quite like Crusader Kings 2 out there, as far as I know - basically its a dynasty simulator, where you start out as a noble and manage your standing and domain through plotting, war, alliances, religious compromises, etc, and after your character dies, you continue with his or her direct successor.
Every character has defined traits and a non-reciprocal opinion (others can like you, but your character may not necessarily like them) about every other character, based on things like traits, lineage, standing, religion, etc, and this come into play when selecting people to associate with. There's also a system of ambitions, which can go from getting married, to seeing someone dead, to take over some territory or a title - you can define some for yourself, and can see almost everyone else's, which is important for how relationships develop.
You'll get to see wars break out, can plot to declare your own, manage your court to arrange marriages for politically convenient alliances, and if you're ruthless enough, arrange for the early demise of direct successors with inconvenient traits you'd be forced to play as when your current character kicks the bucket. I do enjoy the mini random events where you get to make decisions about your offspring's upbringing, which can affect their traits, but you can have them raised by other characters with more desirable traits than your own, if you're so inclined - some characters will even occasionally petition for that privilege.
For history buffs it may be particularly interesting to see territories and their flags updating throughout the events, and the name all have a historical basis, even if the borders end up diverging a lot from their real world counterparts.
Extra Credits's coverage of it is what got me interested.
Oh, and one of the recent DLC expansions has a completely bonkers demonic possession event chain.
[this message was edited by Loona on Thu 21 Aug 17:35] |
Evil Yagami 143th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(4):KOF 20th Anniversary Logo ..." , posted Fri 22 Aug 18:50    
@ kofoguz, I am fine ... thank you for asking my friend, I missed a lot of KOF news because I was in Greece for vacation, I went to an isolated island where is difficult to find internet connection, but now I am back and ready for KOF 20th Anniversary, I saw also the 3D model of Kyo, and I like what I am seeing, but I believe it's not the final render of the characters, they are teasing us ... thank you again and I wish you all the best my friend.
@ Professor, thank you so much :D I missed this place <3
kofoguz 1113th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(7):KOF 20th Anniversary Logo ..." , posted Sun 24 Aug 07:25    
quote: hi all im new here, my name is sam. ive been following this site for a long time to hear all the snk related news and id love to be part of the team. also forgive me for my bad engrish, its not perfect.
Hi, welcome to the café Sam. Since you lurked behind the Cafe's window, you must know you're in a wide variety of people. You can find french speaking people who really understands industry (they're probably in it too), loveable assholes , londonians, hate-to-be in london londonians, accurately analyzing elitists, Super Artblog Bros. (you really should pay a visit to their blogs), friendly guidance to Japan and any land with gaming-related places, our very own Dick Gumshoe and me; A yoğurt loving Turkish guy who while not lurking, posts surprisingly accurate something about SNKP once in a blue moon, (Lol self deceit of mine), but "mostly posts daydreams" type of guy named Oğuz!
Also this cafe is a homosexual elitists' regular bar according to some angry God of War fan! Yay Gay!
Finally don't worry about your english, I know I don't about mine, not that I dont need to though.
Professor 4112th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(1):SNK is registering a lot of trademarks!" , posted Tue 26 Aug 00:34:    
quote: trademark_bot has listed tons of SNK's trademarks today, there is also one trademark called The King of Fighters.
Source : https://twitter.com/trademark_bot Source : https://twitter.com/trademark_bot/status/503825877700845569
Update : SNK registered Maximum Impact trademark?!
Source : https://twitter.com/trademark_bot/status/503837698239385601
It seems that SNKP is going on a trademark craze; the company is suddenly filing almost everything they own, including old titles like Beat Busters, Gekka no Kenshi, and some really, really odd-end Pachislot titles like "256" (which reads as "Gigolo" in Japanese).
Now, keep in mind that these are just being filed by SNKP-- many of them will pass through, but it's another question whether the trademark office will actually allow a number like 256 to be trademarked. Perhaps as a logo, but otherwise I doubt it.
On another hand though, they're tradmarking multiple logos for what's probably a smartphone game (it reads as "Athena Asamiya". https://twitter.com/trademark_bot/status/503842731416760320 https://twitter.com/trademark_bot/status/501616060534390784 https://twitter.com/trademark_bot/status/501530501404839937/
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 26 Aug 00:45] |
kofoguz 1115th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(2):SNK is registering a lot of trademarks!" , posted Tue 26 Aug 00:45    
quote: trademark_bot has listed tons of SNK's trademarks today, there is also one trademark called The King of Fighters.
Source : https://twitter.com/trademark_bot Source : https://twitter.com/trademark_bot/status/503825877700845569
Update : SNK registered Maximum Impact trademark?!
Source : https://twitter.com/trademark_bot/status/503837698239385601
It seems that SNKP is going on a trademark craze; the company is suddenly filing almost everything they have, including old titles like Beat Busters, Gekka no Kenshi, and some really, really odd-end Pachislot titles like "256" (which reads as "Gigolo" in Japanese).
Now, keep in mind that these are just being filed by SNKP-- many of them will pass through, but it's another question whether the trademark office will actually allow a number like 256 to be trademarked. Perhaps as a logo, but otherwise I doubt it.
On another hand though, they're tradmarking a logo for what may potentially be a smartphone game (it reads as "Athena Asamiya". https://twitter.com/trademark_bot/status/503842731416760320
Maxımum Impact deserves at least one more game. It was decent but for single player content it has everything a fan wants.
I was playing Skyward Sword last night and thought, "Man think this game as the protagonist starred Athena Asamiya. This way Female Link wouldn't be an issue. I want female Link though.I hope this trademark craze thing fruits.
Loona 778th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):SNK is registering a lot of trademarks!" , posted Tue 26 Aug 17:18    
quote: It seems that SNKP is going on a trademark craze; the company is suddenly filing almost everything they own, including old titles like Beat Busters, Gekka no Kenshi, and some really, really odd-end Pachislot titles like "256" (which reads as "Gigolo" in Japanese).
Now, keep in mind that these are just being filed by SNKP-- many of them will pass through, but it's another question whether the trademark office will actually allow a number like 256 to be trademarked. Perhaps as a logo, but otherwise I doubt it.
On another hand though, they're tradmarking multiple logos for what's probably a smartphone game (it reads as "Athena Asamiya". https://twitter.com/trademark_bot/status/503842731416760320 https://twitter.com/trademark_bot/status/501616060534390784 https://twitter.com/trademark_bot/status/501530501404839937/
What a subtle way to commemorate the 20th anniversary!
Those Athena logos are really intriguing - the aesthetics of the kanji-less ones evoke the older ("Princess") Athena more than the Asamiya one from Psycho Soldier and KoF, between the sword and wings, while the one with kanji for "Asamiya" has a more serious tone to it, not unlike that "Awakening from the Ordinary Life" game. Those have been separate characters, although Asamiya has a bit of a history of referencing (evoking?) the other one in her supers - I wonder if they have plans for a game that ties them more closely together...
I would have settled for an English port of Athena: Full Throttle, but this could get interesting - I'm all for companies revisiting their older works and expanding on their mythos.
sibarraz 522th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Rhythm of Fighters is now FREE" , posted Fri 29 Aug 07:54    
Well, I'm sure that we all knew that this was to happen sooner than later. ROF is avaliable now as a F2P in android devices and later for IOS devices.
For those like myself who already purchased the game, will receive as a compensation 5 tracks (Esaka, Diet, Shizen no Utage, Fairy and Exceed the Limit) on their neo geo versions.
Also, they released 3 new DLC packs, a KOF Selection 2, Real Bout Selection, and a mix of other series like last blade
kofoguz 1118th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(3):SNKP wants you" , posted Mon 1 Sep 02:19:    
quote: ・オリジナルのパチスロを考えるのが好きな方
"Behaving properly when surrounded by yoghurt". Sorry Kofoguz...
In all seriousness, the usual stuff: being a fan of games/pachinko, having ideas for new products etc.
Ah Chaz, that's the sole reason I cannot have a bright future! Once my family voted because of my yoğurt addiction that I have to get in rehab or bust! You know typical Yoğurt-vention stuff!
quote: Ok, excuse my naiveness but what's the qualities they're looking for in the interns?
It's just a one-day experience so as Chaz said, there's no "real" qualifications, 1/you need to like games 2/you need to like making original games (or at least have ideas for one) 3/you need to be fourthcoming about new methods of expressions
Oh my God, I really really want to go but lack of speaking Japanese, I believe is a big issue. If not I think I would sell my house to have this experience and gave freely one of my game ideas. (I had the project in blue print)Also out lack of Japanese speaking because of overly postponed mandatory military duty thing, I cannot leave the country (I was supposed to study in Denmark this year but I had to cancel it). Please someone to say please repeat this type of experiment next year. And I will try to make every cirsumstaiton to work. Oh god I'm between fan-gasm and hitting my head to the wall (not really but the feeling you know).
[this message was edited by kofoguz on Mon 1 Sep 11:29] |
the real kap 36th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(5):SNKP wants you" , posted Thu 4 Sep 04:37    
quote: Oh god, if SNKP could let me give my opinion for one day, I will ask them to fix some mechanics on rhythm fighters, and release card fighters clash as a f2p game on mobile and pc.
Also, will love to see 2002um and 98um fe on steam.
I'd also tell them to make IAP prices reasonable in both MSD and ROF. As free products, they are completely fine, but the paid items are way too expensive and have way too little value. I mean, a dollar for 30 medals in MSD? That's absolutely pathetic, it should be at least 100 medals. Oh, and put both of them as F2P games on the Vita. It's easy to port things to the Vita and the software attachment rating is pretty high, easy money.
And make a F2P NGBC online 2D MOBA/turn based RPG game or whatever which pretty much has all of their sprites that they ever created on NG/AW hardware. Just milk the doodoo out of their assets to make some profit.
And then, don't put on-disc DLC in their next big title, unless they want to get eviscerated like Capcom. It was on a whole different scale in SFxT, but it's still an incredible lame thing to do, no matter what company, and the sooner that BS policy stops and the moronic fanboys defending them on every whim shut up, the better.
Loona 779th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(5):SNKP wants you" , posted Thu 4 Sep 18:05    
quote: Oh god, if SNKP could let me give my opinion for one day, I will ask them to fix some mechanics on rhythm fighters, and release card fighters clash as a f2p game on mobile and pc.
Also, will love to see 2002um and 98um fe on steam.
Same for CFC, although they'd do fine with an SNK-only version of the classic game - between the expanded casts they could explore like they did for RoF, and character variations like the 4 versions of Kyo in 2002UM, I'm sure they could reach a decent character variety. Or go with Sega as a crossover partner (I'll never tire of advocating this, they have too much in common not to).
Same for the 98 and 2k2 updates on Steam, but the XB version of NGBC should also be simple enough to adapt.
A small but nice thing would be to update the KoF anniversary site (still missing references to XIII). Also, translate the Garou Densetsu anniversary site, possibly revising its main URL as they did with the KoF one when the series became considerably more than a decade old - garou15th.com feels odd when it's older than the KoF series that recently turned 20. Maybe add an AoF section to it, as a nod to the shared continuity. They characters are settings are their most valuable assets, they should make it simpler to learn about them.
I don't buy their rereleases of games I already own unless they're on Steam, but if they were to rerelease the like of FF3 and AoF2, a proper, corrected English translated option would be great - I'm sure a lot of people love the mangled engrish, but I'd like the option of knowing what the characters are really supposed to be saying.
Translating the official NGBC site would be nice too, especially if that ever gets re-released on Steam. It's a nice nod to their history, which again, is one of their greatest assets.
Speaking of rereleases, there wre PC version of FF3 and SS2, I think - Steam and GOG would be good ways to keep them around.
Also, speaking of Steam, I read devs get a portion of every card bought/sold there - why aren't there MS3 trading cards?
Other than the mobile CFC and classic game retranslations, all of these sound doable with some small to moderate effort.
Professor 4120th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "SNKP to fight piracy in China" , posted Sun 7 Sep 00:00:    
SNKP announced they will be working with China's CMGE co. to fight piracy of KOF97, Samurai Shodown 2, and Metal Slug 2 in China. These are the three titles that were recently announced for an mobile HD remake by the aforementioned company.
That's going to be a lot of KOFs, considering how dominant that 97 is in the country.
Also noteworthly, this is a pretty long column with insights from a lawyer in Japan regarding the recent SquareEnix case. The article is written in Japanese and it's a bit too much for me to translate, but I'm posting the URL in case anyone who can read is interested. http://otapol.jp/2014/09/post-1542_3.html
In particular, this article made a good point that SNKP may have decided to file a criminal case instead of sueing Square Enix because it doesn't cost much as much money.
If you sue someone it can take an year or so before the case gets settled, and in the meanwhile SNKP would have had to spend quite some legal fees. Instead they filed a criminal case, which still needs some legal costs to get things going but after that, you pretty much leave the police to do everything. Which sounds effective, but since you're leaving the police to do everything, you have no control over the case past that.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 7 Sep 00:57] |
Loona 783th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(3):SNK Stuff Thread 12 - Summer 2014 editi" , posted Wed 10 Sep 21:20    
quote: This is floating around. Cool seeing that there is a game called "Asamiya Athena", remember seeing those logos around in the trademark bot It says RPG, does anyone remembers old mobile games whether rpg or not?
I know there was a classic Athena sequel, Full Throttle, which IIRC was a platformer like the original. For Asamiya, I think there was some sort of idol management sim, so i figure this announced game must be new.
Sister quest was a slot/pachinko game, right? I wonder how the transition to a more typical game genre will work out. And while at it, which KoF character(s) will make it to Beast Busters... I'd expect the Ikaris, but we'll see.
Regardless, nice to see them diversifying, and finally making the UMs on Steam official, and confirming it's FE for 98.
samierre 3th Post

PSN: geese1howard XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Customer
| "Re(4):SNK Stuff Thread 12 - Summer 2014 editi" , posted Wed 10 Sep 23:42    
quote: This
I know there was a classic Athena sequel, Full Throttle, which IIRC was a platformer like the original. For Asamiya, I think there was some sort of idol management sim, so i figure this announced game must be new.
Sister quest was a slot/pachinko game, right? I wonder how the transition to a more typical game genre will work out. And while at it, which KoF character(s) will make it to Beast Busters... I'd expect the Ikaris, but we'll see.
Regardless, nice to see them diversifying, and finally making the UMs on Steam official, and confirming it's FE for 98.
my faith in humanity restored!!!
sorry son life is harsh so learn to play along
Loona 784th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(5):SNK Stuff Thread 12 - Summer 2014 editi" , posted Thu 11 Sep 17:26    
quote: Out of all the games in the world who would have guessed that Beast Busters would come back? Too bad for BB it doesn't look like it managed to escape the gravitational pull of KoF. There are times when it seems as if SNKP only publishes KoF games and it doesn't help matters when older games are retroactively turned into KoF titles. Has Guerrilla War/Guevara been folded into KoF yet?
The Last Blade/Garou timeline covers events in from ancient China to modern north America, with a fair amount of events in Japan and some Europe, but is mostly silent when it comes to south America - something must have happened there, and I'm OK with Guevara being alternate SNK history, on par with SS's Gaoh being the SNK take on Nobunaga, or an Andrew Jackson fighting people in tights and a bayonet in Japanese festivals.
I'm always a bit curious to see how characters from existing games play in a completely different genre though - makes them feel like more complete individuals when it happens.
I forgot, what was the opinion on FE? I remember UM added Krauzer&friends and forgot to balance them, but did FE fine-tuned their addition? Or was the remedy worse than the disease?
Similar question on 2002UM, which had a gorgeous selection screen with amazing Hiroaki artworks, and that's all I know about it.
I haven't played FE, but at NeoGAF I've seen comments about Frauser beng reasonable now, and Lucy having become top tier - so he's finally vindicated after getting his invitations stolen as a running joke.
I hear Nameless does very well in 2002UM too - almost expected, for a character who was given so much story in a game that has none.
In the meantime, the recently trademarked Athena Asamiya logo is now associated with the more ancient (presumably non-Asamiya) Athena, which is puzzling, as nobody recognized her in SvC's intro dialogues and RoF treats them as different characters. One of the illustrations has her wearing slightly more than a bikini (the armor would be cooler), but it's still 2 ancient Athenas, with the modern one absent, despite the latter tending to invoke the former in her supers in the FGs. I tend to care a bit too much about story and making things fit together, so this intrigues me - I'll have to keep an eye on it...
Spoon 2682th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):SNK Stuff Thread 12 - Summer 2014 editi" , posted Fri 12 Sep 04:11    
The Last Blade/Garou timeline covers events in from ancient China to modern north America, with a fair amount of events in Japan and some Europe, but is mostly silent when it comes to south America - something must have happened there, and I'm OK with Guevara being alternate SNK history, on par with SS's Gaoh being the SNK take on Nobunaga, or an Andrew Jackson fighting people in tights and a bayonet in Japanese festivals.
Given that Castro did in fact take over Cuba, Guevara doesn't need to be alternate history at all. HAIL THE HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION
If you want odd alternate history timelines, consider that Ikari 2 involved the main characters being more or less hit by the Bermuda Triangle, thrown into a mutated/alien infested presumably post-apocalyptic future, and being forced to barter with (bar)shop keepers using still-beating alien/mutant hearts as currency. Zang Zip the War Dog is still a memorable villain name to me to this day. Unfortunately I can't think of any SNK character who's name I can wrangle into Zang Zip maybe somebody else knows?
Given that I have actually beaten Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road multiple times on my NES and thus have sentimental attachment to it, Guevara/Guerilla War is very much a better Ikari: it's much faster and cleaner in movement and gameplay, and more varied.
It's actually impressive how much changed between each Ikari Warriors game, with Ikari 2 being this crazy grim game that had shops for you to buy/challenge bounty hunters in, and Ikari 3 being a beat'em up featuring soldiers that would try to Double Dragon/Flying Warriors/SF cyclone kick you.
I like to think that the shooting dudes, getting into vehicles, and movie homage lineage of Ikari Warriors plays directly into the genesis of Metal Slug.
Sibarraz 527th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(10):SNK Stuff Thread 12 - Summer 2014 edit" , posted Sat 13 Sep 02:52    
Che Guevara and Fidel Castro should appear in KOF
Now I reminded that funny theory that somehow SNK were communist sympathizers
-Guevara -Developing cheap hardware mostly sold on third world countries -That almost all thier final bosses are evil business man - And Im sure that there must be some more.
And to respond something that i read before here I think that SNK F2P games are amazing, in the sense that are not like those games where you had to make long waits to play or grind like mad to beat the game without spending money. At least thats the case wit metal slug defense, all my friends who hate mobile fames loved it because it really feels like a free game. I only paid like 1 dollar just to unlock quickly trevor, but besides that, I never had to spend money to beat the single player, and heck, they always give you medals
Same with ROF, its a free game with 14 songs, thats the double of songs that technika gives you, and the dlcmare half the price too with the same songs. SNK prices are fairly reasonable, but now im afraid with all those mobile RPG since those are boring without paying.
If beast busters is like the mobile house of the dead game it will be grat, since that gsme didnt need money to enjoy it too
Grave 1500th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: eccothedolphin Wii: n/a
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):Big SNK sale Also on XBox360" , posted Sat 4 Oct 18:12    
quote: There is also a 50% off sale on XBox Live which has a bit more unique selection such as NeoGeo Battle Colosseum, the UMs of KOF2002 and 98, MOTW, Sky Stage, Samurai Showdown Sen, SamShoII, Fatal Fury Special and a couple of other things.
I think it's finally time to bite the bullet on 360 NGBC! I... highly doubt that this game has good netcode or even had much of a community, oh, ever, but it never lasted long in my apartment on PS2. We shelved it for KOF XI in about 4 days, like we did most games. But if anyone wants to play this, I'd be totally down. It seemed like an awfully goofy game and I'd like to explore it with other people.
sibarraz 528th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(3):Big SNK sale Also on XBox360" , posted Sun 5 Oct 00:30    
quote: There is also a 50% off sale on XBox Live which has a bit more unique selection such as NeoGeo Battle Colosseum, the UMs of KOF2002 and 98, MOTW, Sky Stage, Samurai Showdown Sen, SamShoII, Fatal Fury Special and a couple of other things. I think it's finally time to bite the bullet on 360 NGBC! I... highly doubt that this game has good netcode or even had much of a community, oh, ever, but it never lasted long in my apartment on PS2. We shelved it for KOF XI in about 4 days, like we did most games. But if anyone wants to play this, I'd be totally down. It seemed like an awfully goofy game and I'd like to explore it with other people.
Professor 4157th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):3-Day kof event" , posted Wed 5 Nov 14:22    
quote: i am new here and english is not my first language. pardon me for my english.
can i ask you what is the result of this tournament? thanks
Hi Hisoga, and welcome to the MMCafe! Your English is fine. Here's the results and an archive of the finals/top8 & exhibitions.
[KOF13] 1st place: Hitossan, Taki Jinpachi, Sange Tenchou 2nd place: Picnic, M', Dune Notes: There were 4 players from Evo top 8 (MadKOF, Verna, Gutts, Woo) but none of them made it past brackets. Team MadKOF's matches can be seen here.
[KOF13 International Exhibition France+Korea VS Japan] Japan won 9-7
[KOF02UM] 1st place: Naruto, M' 2nd place: Yousai, Tatsuya
[KOF02UM Exhibition -West Japan VS. the rest of Japan] rest of Japan won
[KOF98] 1st place: Jojo (entered solo) 2nd place: Umibouzu, Akihisa
[KOFXI singles] 1st place: Ryumi 2nd place: Urasia
[KOFXI random-pair 2on2] 1st place: Cap, Nori 2nd place: Dune, Shingo
hisoga 1th Post

New Customer
| "Re(3):3-Day kof event" , posted Wed 5 Nov 22:04    
quote: i am new here and english is not my first language. pardon me for my english.
can i ask you what is the result of this tournament? thanks
Hi Hisoga, and welcome to the MMCafe! Your English is fine. Here's the results and an archive of the finals/top8 & exhibitions.
[KOF13] 1st place: Hitossan, Taki Jinpachi, Sange Tenchou 2nd place: Picnic, M', Dune Notes: There were 4 players from Evo top 8 (MadKOF, Verna, Gutts, Woo) but none of them made it past brackets. Team MadKOF's matches can be seen here.
[KOF13 International Exhibition France+Korea VS Japan] Japan won 9-7
[KOF02UM] 1st place: Naruto, M' 2nd place: Yousai, Tatsuya
[KOF02UM Exhibition -West Japan VS. the rest of Japan] rest of Japan won
[KOF98] 1st place: Jojo (entered solo) 2nd place: Umibouzu, Akihisa
[KOFXI singles] 1st place: Ryumi 2nd place: Urasia
[KOFXI random-pair 2on2] 1st place: Cap, Nori 2nd place: Dune, Shingo
Thanks Professor. i am surprise Sange Tenchou win KOF13. why they don't have a tournament for kof 98UM?
Professor 4163th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "'SquEnix vs SNKP' coming Dec 2" , posted Sat 15 Nov 19:47:    
The battle of the millenium may be coming soon. According to Japanese pop-culture news site Otapol, Square Enix will have its first hearing against SNKPlaymore at the Osaka district court on December 2, coincedently just two days before the launch of GGXrd.
It'll be interesting to see how Square Enix plans to counter SNKPlaymore's claims over use of their IP without consent. Will the two companies come to a settlement or will this be the start of an all-out war? The hearing will start on 11:30AM JST at court #707.
Recap: Back in August the Osaka regional police made headlines, raiding Square Enix's offices in Tokyo (approx. 500km away) after criminal charges were filed by SNKP, claiming purposely unconsented use of their IPs and characters in the manga "High Score Girl"
While this might've been the first time in Japan where a game publisher filed a criminal charge against another publisher, what's just as interesting is that a civial charge wasn't filed together with it, meaning Square Enix & staff could end up getting fined or jailed by the police, but as far as compensations would go, SNKP wasn't going to get any until they filed one and won a court battle using their own money and lawyers. And Squenix decided to take the initiative on that.
Two months after the raid, SquareEnix announced their decision to file a civil claim that they didn't do any copyright violations and they had no responsibility to pay compensations to SNKPlaymore. Dec 2 will be the first hearing for this.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 15 Nov 22:33] |
badoor 390th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Silver Customer
| "Re(2):SNK Delays games & forgets to release o" , posted Wed 19 Nov 01:32    
quote: SNKP apparently doesn't know how to write dates in English format and they printed "November 14" as an abbreviation of November 2014. a couple of communities including even Japan's top kof site stumbled on the same problem when reporting on it.
Oh whoops, you're right. I never thought that "Nov-14" would probably mean "November 2014". I guess there's a little bit of time left for SNKP before they release Beast Busters.
In other news, KOF XI, Samurai Spirits Tenka, and KOF98UM were rated on the Korean Video Game rating board:
Now I'd love if these were real genuine ports with online mode and such, and not merely PS2 classic, but I'm suspecting it's the latter for a couple of reasons: 1- It's KOF98UM, not KOF98UMFE. If this was a new port, why won't SNK use the latest version of 98UM, the one that they're already working on with the upcoming Steam port. 2- The publisher is Sony Computer Entertainment, and that is usually the case with PS2 Classics if you look up any PS2 Classic rerelease on ESRB and such.
It's a shame, but hey this is better than nothing I suppose.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
Loona 801th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(7):Better Beast Busters screens" , posted Thu 20 Nov 18:47    
quote: You see some icons on the bottom left side of the screen of Whip, Kyo and Athena (which appear to just be old art they cropped). The article mentions "KOF fighters join the fight," but nothing about how it factors into the gameplay.
Probably like in RoF, each character might correspond to a certain kind of gameplay boost, like firing rate, amount or type of bombs, reach of splash damage, that sort of thing.
This attempted revival did remind me of the NGPC game, which was an interesting departure from the shooters, with this descent to the underworld theme to acquire dark power and all that, while the other games seem to boil down to "shoot all freaks on sight".
It's a bit sad that neither it or the HNG64 game have official footage there like the original does...
the real kap 40th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(7):Better Beast Busters screens" , posted Thu 20 Nov 18:55    
quote: Edit*
You see some icons on the bottom left side of the screen of Whip, Kyo and Athena (which appear to just be old art they cropped). The article mentions "KOF fighters join the fight," but nothing about how it factors into the gameplay.
I don't see this taking off to over take Metal Slug Defense on SNKs mobile presence. SNK really needs to spice things up with MSD if they want people to stay on. Just adding fairly forgettable units and maps with more of the same stuff is not going to cut it.
Also, I just noticed that the PSN KOF98UM was a PS2 archive. Was there any reason by XBL got so many exclusive SNK games? KOF 98/02 UM, NGBC, KOF Sky Stage. I would have thought that the Playstation audience would be a better fit for SNK's games.
SNK has a weird history with PS/Xbox, made even more difficult because Sony was a house of pricks in both the EU and US; they had a lot of policies to hold back 2D games.
- Sony US didn't like 2D games period. - Sony EU forced Ignition to put small games on CDs, resulting in obnoxiously long loading times. Metal Slug 3 was on a DVD for unknown reasons, though. - Ignition got the okay to release 00/01 as a compilation on DVD, but 02/03 were separate (on a CD) in the EU because Sony doesn't allow bundles if the games are too recent. They had no problems including Samurai Shodown 6 in the Anthology, but I'll have to double check the dates to see if Sony loosened their policies. - The EU didn't even get the second volume of the Fatal Fury collection. This one's probably on Ignition.
Well, PSP got that NeoGeo Ultimate Shooting stuff --which sold like horse vomit-- and a port of Sky Stage was in there.
Though, I'll always be jealous of Xboxers being able to play Samurai Shodown Sen, har har.
And I think those KOF icons are just powerups or cheerleaders if they don't even bother with new art.
the real kap 44th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(4):KOF98UM:FE delayed to 16th december" , posted Mon 22 Dec 19:26:    
These prices are all in €.
30 Medals - 0,89 90 Medals - 2,69 180 Medals - 5,49 330 Medals - 8,99 690 Medals - 17,99 1080 Medals - 26,99 1860 Medals - 44,99 3900 Medals - 89,99
50 000 - 30 Medals 250 000 - 120 Medals 750 000 - 240 Medals 2 000 000 - 480 Medals 5 000 000 - 1000 Medals
8 - 30 Medals 25 - 60 Medals 50 - 90 Medals 75 - 120 Medals 100 - 150 Medals
5 Grenades - 30 Medals 5 Medkits - 30 Medals
Kyo - 450 Medals
= Chance Menu =
You get Cores out of a slot machine, that either uses Coins or Medals. You get 120 Medals for free for a first time.
Normal Chance - 5000 Coins Rare Chance (Over R guaranteed) - 120 Medals Rare Chance 10-Pack (1 SR guaranteed) - 1200 Medals
It's all random, you can't pick the ones you want. The game is pretty clear about that.
= Core Menu =
- Deck Formation - Power-Up Fusion - Evolution Fusion - Core List - Core Sale
Cores are basically power ups that you can equip/power-up/fuse with other cores. I just got K' with the Rare Chance option.
You know what, the game is adamant that fusing and powering up is all based on chance and collecting and it might not go well balblablabla, even the doctor character who explains it all is like (not a literal quote) "well, it's hard and there's a chance that it might not work, but it'll be worth it!!!" This will cost me a good amount of medals/coins so I won't bother with it for now.
I'll just play some of the game and see what happens.
*Nevermind. This game´s performance is close to that of PS3 Skyrim on my Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini and it crashed to the homescreen for no reason. Already deleted.
[this message was edited by the real kap on Mon 22 Dec 19:41] |
Loona 821th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):KOF 14 gossips" , posted Wed 25 Feb 17:22    
quote: https://twitter.com/aluoaniki/status/570206243383431168
An interesting tweet by a 2002 combo maker
From rumors, in upcoming KOF14, there will be Nakoruru from Samurai Showdown, Mui Mui from Dragon Girl and Love Heart from Sky Love.
It's kinda random to see those 2 pachislot characters (and nakoruru is one now I guess) in the upcoming kof 14
Quite the contrast seeing the reveal of nash in SF V today To tell you the truth I'm ok with that as long as there's going to be mainline 2D games. As for the characters they're actually not bad designs so that might be interesting. Also if this game also follows Ash Saga Nakoruru could come from time cracks/door since she is also a nature entity of some sort. Though two female pirates in KoF might mean the other one will be absent.
Well, Nakoruru was also a KoF2K striker and was in a KoFXIII stage, and that game pretty much established SNK timelines are FUBAR, everything's viable now, except for Ash and K9999, who get to hang out in different kinds of limbo.
Those pachislot girls were also represented in Rhyhtm of Fighters, so I wouldn't be too surprised - given Athena's history alone, and then the Fu'un characters in XI, KoF is no stranger to unusual designs or settings. Mui-Mui wouldn't really surprise me, if XIV turns out to be as China-centric as the lingering Kensou/Hizoku/dragon power plot hints it might be.
Loona 823th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(4):KOF 14 gossips" , posted Thu 26 Feb 18:39    
quote: That rumor is one step short of "my friend has an uncle who works at SNKP" so I'm not certain how much weight I would put into that latest bit of conjecture. Still, the idea of bringing in characters from their more popular franchises into the catch-all that is KoF is an idea that sounds reasonable. If they do bring Nakoruru into the fold I hope they use it as an excuse to undo that ridiculous plot twist that turned her into an immortal, pocket-sized magic fairy. Who in the world thought turning Nakoruru into Tinkerbell would be a good idea?
Well, that was a side effect from actually killing her (sort of) at the end of SS2, which forced the rest of the series to bend over backwards to accommodate that.
With KoF it's easier - the latest villans explicitely messed around with time itself, which is a sufficient explanation for time freezing after KoF95 (saving Ralf from reaching his 40s), K9999 and Ash no longer existing, twisting the AoF cast's ages into aligning with the FF characters', keeping Geese alive, bringing in the Fu'un and Buriki One characters into XI, all those strikers in KoF2000, and all those SS and LB cameos in XIII. Nako being around is easy in that context.
Professor 4233th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Thu 26 Feb 22:01:    
quote: http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580/sign=0a2c14203ef33a879e6d0012f65c1018/3bf4e0fe9925bc31837596885adf8db1cb1370f3.jpg
People in that forum are shouting 'Mugen', lol. Putting that aside, I can't read Chinese but from the things I can recognize...
(updated) Team 1 - China team ('Demon youth(?)', Tung Fu Rue, 'Pillow Youth(?)') Team 2- Japan team (Kyo, Beni, Goro) Team 3 - FF team (Terry, Andy, Joe) Team 4 - AOF team (Ryo, Robert, Yuri) Team 5 - K' team (K', Maxima, Kula) Team 6 - Kim team? (Kim, his master, his wife) Team 7 - Criminal team (Chang, Choi, New character) Team 8 - Female fighters team (Mai, King, Alice) Team 9 - Ikari team (Ralf, Clark, Leona) Team 10 - Psycho Soldier team (Athena, Kensou, Chin) Team 11 - Yagami Team (Iori, Mature, Vice) Team 12 - ??? Team (Ramon?, Angel, GriffonMask) Team 13 - ??? Team 14 - ??? Team (Geese, Billy, New Character) Team 15 - ??? Team Team 16 - Alternate world team? (??, Love Heart, ??) Middle Boss Last Boss
Team 13 seems to feature a singer girl and a man in a mask. Team 15 seems to be another females team and it seems to say ninja girl and latin girl. Again though, I can't read them accurately.
Where.is.Takuma ?
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 27 Feb 01:16] |
Just a Person 1617th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(1):Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Thu 26 Feb 23:01:    
quote: http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580/sign=0a2c14203ef33a879e6d0012f65c1018/3bf4e0fe9925bc31837596885adf8db1cb1370f3.jpg
People in that forum are shouting 'Mugen', lol. Putting that aside, I can't read Chinese but from the things I can recognize...
Team 1 - China team (???, Tung Fu Rue, ???) Team 2- Japan team (Kyo, Beni, Goro) Team 3 - FF team (Terry, Andy, Joe) Team 4 - AOF team (Ryo, Robert, Yuri) Team 5 - K' team (K', Maxima, Kula) Team 6 - Kim team(??) not sure about this Team 7 - Criminal team (??) not sure about this Team 8 - Female fighters team (Mai, King, Alice) Team 9 - Psycho Soldier team (Athena, Kensou, Chin) Team 10 - Yagami Team (Iori, Mature, Vice) Team 11 - ??? Team (Ramone?, Angel, GriffonMask) Team 12 - ??? Team 13 - ??? Team (Geese, Billy, New Character?) Team 14 - ??? Team Team 15 - Alternate world team? (??, Love Heart, ??) Middle Boss Last Boss
Team 12 seems to feature a singer girl and a man in a mask. Team 14 seems to be another females team and it seems to say ninja girl and latin girl. Again though, I can't read them accurately.
Where.is.Takuma ?
Could "Ramone" (from Team 11) be Ramon (from KoF 2000-2002/XI)? That way, all the members of that team would be wrestlers. Although I don't think Ramon would be too happy about teaming up with Angel, who previously helped the NESTS in their world domination attempt...
Another weird thing: where is the Ikari Warriors team? Leona, Ralf and Clark are among the most popular characters in the KoF series; I'd be surprised if SNKP really left them out of 14. Sure, bad decisions aren't exactly a new thing for SNKP, but still...
EDIT Ah, so the story is a little more believable, then. Thanks for the information, Iggy.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Fri 27 Feb 01:41] |
Evil Yagami 153th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(4):Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Fri 27 Feb 00:48:    
Update : Here is the first 12 Teams :
Team 01 : China Team ( 恶魇青年 (??), 糖葫芦 (Tung Fu Rue), 枕头少年 (??) )
Team 02 : Japan Team ( 草蕹京 (Kyo Kusanagi), 二阶堂红丸 (Benimaru Nikaido), 大门五郎 (Goro Daimon) )
Team 03 : Fatal Fury Team ( Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, 东丈 (Joe Higashi) )
Team 04 : Art of Fighting Team ( 坂崎良 (Ryo Sakazaki), Robert Garcia, 坂崎百合 (Yuri Sakazaki) )
Team 05 : K' Team ( K', Maxima, Kula Diamond )
Team 06 : Kim Team ( 金家藩 (Kim Kaphwan), 他师父 (Kim's Master), 他师母 (Kim's Wife) )
Team 07 : Criminal Team ( 犯人陈 (Prisoner Chang), 犯人蔡 (Prisoner Choi), 新人囚犯 (Newcomer Prisoner) )
Team 08 : Women Fighters Team ( 不知火舞 (Mai Shiranui), King, Alice )
Team 09 : Ikari Team ( Ralf Jones, Clark Still, Leona Heidern )
Team 10 : Psycho Soldier team ( Athena Asamiya, 椎拳崇 (Sie Kensou), 摸元斋 (Chin Gentsai) )
Team 11 : Yagami Team ( 八神庵 (Iori Yagami), Mature, Vice)
Team 12 : Mexico Team (Ramon, Angel, Tizoc)
I will add the rest later!!
[this message was edited by Evil Yagami on Fri 27 Feb 01:20] |
Evil Yagami 154th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(7):Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Fri 27 Feb 02:48:    
Team 01 : China Team ( ??, Tung Fu Rue, ?? )
Team 02 : Japan Team ( Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido, Goro Daimon )
Team 03 : Fatal Fury Team ( Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, Joe Higashi )
Team 04 : Art of Fighting Team ( Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Yuri Sakazaki )
Team 05 : K' Team ( K', Maxima, Kula Diamond )
Team 06 : Kim Team ( Kim Kaphwan, Kim's Master , Kim's Wife )
Team 07 : Criminal Team ( Chang Koehan, Choi Bounge, New Character)
Team 08 : Women Fighters Team ( Mai Shiranui, King, Alice )
Team 09 : Ikari Team ( Ralf Jones, Clark Still, Leona Heidern )
Team 10 : Psycho Soldier team ( Athena Asamiya, Sie Kensou, Chin Gentsai )
Team 11 : Yagami Team ( Iori Yagami , Mature, Vice )
Team 12 : Mexico Team ( Ramon, Angel, Tizoc )
Team 13 : Palace Wan Team ( New Female Character, Teenage Female Singer , Mysterious Hooded Man )
Team 14 : South Town Team ( Geese Howard, Billy Kane, ?? )
Team 15 : South America Team ( Brazilian Ninja, Boxer, Latin Girl )
Team 16 : Alternate World Team ( Nakoruru, Love Heart, Mui Mui )
Mid-Boss : ( Russian Billionaire ) Final-Boss : ( Non-Human Species )
[this message was edited by Evil Yagami on Fri 27 Feb 02:52] |
hasukii 464th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(8):Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Fri 27 Feb 03:20    
quote: Team 01 : China Team ( ??, Tung Fu Rue, ?? ) Team 13 : Palace Wan Team ( New Female Character, Teenage Female Singer , Mysterious Hooded Man )
Team 14 : South Town Team ( Geese Howard, Billy Kane, ?? ) Team 15 : South America Team ( Brazilian Ninja, Boxer, Latin Girl )
More accurate info
Team 01 : China Team (Young Demon, Tung Fu Rue, Youth with Pillow) *NOTE* Much direct translation, like Young Demon .. mostly mean a very bad and demonic young man. For Youth with Pillow, I hope he doesn't do pillow fight.
Team 13 : Palace Wan Team (Acting Mask Girl, Teenage Female Singer with Electric Element , Mysterious Hooded Man) *NOTE* This team should call New Heroes Team Acting Mask Girl, the mask is commonly seen in Chinese Opera show
Team 14 : South Town Team ( Geese Howard, Billy Kane, New Housekeeper) *NOTE* New Housekeeper (pretty much direct translation) Maybe Geese's new housekeeper ?
Team 15 : South America Team (Brazilian Ninja, Handicap Boxer, Pretty Latin Girl ) *NOTE* Handicap Boxer, could also mean Disabled Boxer .. its hard to translate chinese to english in some words or condition.
Who did this to these dogs ???
karasu 1477th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(10):Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Fri 27 Feb 04:00:    
Ohohoho, assuming there is any truth to this list, leave it to SNKP to be the last existing company where news like this squeaks out through unconfirmed sources and and in tiny bits where everyone suspects the news might be fake (but wishes it isn't). This is opposed to typical game news cycle these days where the game is announced with tons of fanfare and fancy video, perhaps during a press conference, six months to a year before its release.
I have no idea personally if this could be true or not, but at least if it's a hoax the perpetrators have had a good time coming up with a combination of odd inclusions, returning veterans, notable omissions, and flat-out mysteries.
Anyway, we'll see, but hoax or not, it's entertaining to read about!
You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
[this message was edited by karasu on Fri 27 Feb 04:01] |
the real kap 50th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Fri 27 Feb 07:03    
quote: Who else is going to fund it, if not Tencent? And even if SNK was still a real company anyway, who else is going to develop it, if not Chinese subsidiaries?
What I would be more concerned about is that if it were true, 50 characters in a new engine would mean extremely poor graphic, balance and overall package. If only for that, I'd rather not the thing to be true. Fortunately, it doesn't look moderately believable, so I can sleep soundly until further notice.
Well, Tencent did give SNKP a pretty penny, should be of great help.
The last time SNKP focused too much on graphics, we got KOF XII. :p I'll take gameplay over graphics any day, even though both are nice to have.
Let's say this rumor is true, I don't think all the characters would be introduced in the first entry. Some of the playable fighters would probably be introduced in the sequel/expansion pack/whatever.
I do wonder who the Russian billionaire is, Hinako's father?
Just a Person 1617th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(6):Re(10):Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Fri 27 Feb 10:15    
quote: They need to go the Xrd route on the visuals. Capitalize on Capcom's mistake for sticking with the SF4 style.
While I understand that each person prefers the visuals in a fighting game in a certain way, the commercial and critical success of SFIV and its upgrades seems to indicate that Capcom's choice for its style was quite well received, actually.
That said, KOF has a more "anime-ish" feel than SF, so I agree that SFIV/SFV's visuals wouldn't fit for it. Although I don't think the XIII visuals were fit for it, either (with the hugely muscular men, fat Athena and all). Yeah, I agree, Xrd's style would be perfect for KOF (but maybe with more down-to-earth designs for the characters, like the Persona 4 Arena characters).
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Loona 824th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Fri 27 Feb 19:34    
Team 1 - China team ('Demon youth(?)', Tung Fu Rue, 'Pillow Youth(?)')
I love the prospect of Tung getting more students other than Jeff, Geese, Cheng and Chonrei, he's certainly old enough to have tutored a few, and it would make perfect sense to bring him to a more China-centric story.
I wonder if the "pillow youth" thing actually means that the character's on the plump side, like an SNK take on Sammu Hung - it would make sense in a setting with Hon-Fu as a Jackie Chan counter part... This is of course moot if he just holds a pillow, but still an amusing thought...
Team 6 - Kim team? (Kim, his master, his wife)
As for the prospect of Kim's wife (Myeng Swuk?), considering how Jae Hoon takes after him, maybe Dong Hwan takes after her - maybe she turns out to be more fun than her discrete appearances with the kids let show. The prospect of a master makes this less believable, but Kim has one of the largest legacies in the SNK world, and most other arts there have their active aged grandmasters, so maybe this could be a break from the young taekwondo characters?...
Team 8 - Female fighters team (Mai, King, Alice)
The Alice that was mentioned, maybe that one from the pachinko and cellphone games?...
Of course there's going to be a "real" China team. And it's before Kyo's Team. Of course.
They've been setting up a China-centric story since the Kensou endings in 99 and extending that with the Hizoku references since, I'm OK with this. Also, in KoF XIII, in everywhere but the actual character select screen, Elisabeth and her team are listed before Kyo, not to mention K's gang in the NESTS years.
Could "Ramone" (from Team 11) be Ramon (from KoF 2000-2002/XI)? That way, all the members of that team would be wrestlers. Although I don't think Ramon would be too happy about teaming up with Angel, who previously helped the NESTS in their world domination attempt...
Based on KoF XIII's story mode cutscenes, Ramon has no work ethic and only gets involved to be around Vanessa. With no NESTS or K9999 to go back to, Angel is pretty much a free agent - and likely to get Ramon's attention too. Tizoc could be the Kim-ish sub-messianic figure putting those characters together to promote wrestling and gather money for the little children, so this team makes some sense, regardless of how real this list is. Grappler-centric teams are rarely a thing in the series, so this could be interesting for fans of that playstyle.
Team 14 : South Town Team ( Geese Howard, Billy Kane, New Housekeeper) *NOTE* New Housekeeper (pretty much direct translation) Maybe Geese's new housekeeper ?
Maybe it's the protagonist from that one Days of Memories game.
I'm surprised there's no new main character. Are we back to Kyo and Iori being the poster boys?
The fact that a different team is listed first already looks like a nice hint that once again Kyo might be important, but not that important that the protagonist role won't pass to somebody else.
Okay, that makes sense. It would also mark a first for KOF by having a female as the lead.
Elisabeth was pretty much the protagonist of KoFXIII, although that role was sort of shared with Ash.
Am I the only one who finds it obvious that this is Tung + the Real Bout twins? We know they have a relation from the ending of RB2. I know the names don't fit (秦崇雷 • 秦祟秀) but maybe those nicknames are some weird private jokes we don't get? "Youth" definitely applies to those kids.
I wish, but that only really applied to Chonrei - Chonshu is only depicted with Kim. I so want Kim-and-Tung-trained Chonrei in a game...
Hell, this is the developer who forgot to include Mai in KOFXII.
They also left her out of XI, and with that game's roster's size, I doubt it was a matter of forgetting. Good riddance if you ask me, but after the reactions to XII, so much for that...
I'm getting these weird flashbacks of when the initial info on KoF99 came about - one of the first characters people got a glimpse on was Jhun Hoon, who turned out to be nearly irrelevant plot-wise, and back then some people claimed his name might be Kuniharu Nikaido... interesting times...
hasukii 467th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Mon 2 Mar 14:56    
quote: I see many people are saying that 50 characters is very hard to do, But I guess you should know that Tencent made Terry Bogard and Benimaru Nikaido playable only in 3 months, they announced their agreement with SNK PLAYMORE in April 2013, and we saw those 2 characters in action in July 2013, 3D technology can reduce development time in comparison of 2D!!
Tencent & SNK PLAYMORE Conference : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yL0kI-BaT8
First video of Terry and Benimaru in Xuan Dou Zhi Wang : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4NL7vrHNJY
I have to support you on this. I used to work with China's Shanghai based software company, their IT knowledge, skill, ability and speed were really shocked me when I first joined there.
I wont be surprise if Tencent made next KOF. Check out their work in XDZW, its a complete KOF rip-off but I'm impressed.
I would still prefer the DreamMatch instead of New Saga, if Tencent really made it.
I would say, do not underestimate them especially in IT related area.
Who did this to these dogs ???
Just a Person 1621th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):Re(10):Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Tue 3 Mar 11:18    
quote: I wouldn't mind a China-centric KOF. Better to pander to that market than to uhhh what are the other big markets for SNK fighters that are still alive and haven't jumped on the SFIV boat?
Plus, if this list is true, the roster seems quite diverse when it comes to nationalities. South Korea gets two teams (Kim's and the criminals'), China gets two teams (plus Kensou and Chin), Mexico technically gets one (I may be wrong, but aren't Ramon, Angel and GriffonMask all Mexican?) and even South American countries get a team representing them (the idea of a Brazilian ninja is weird yet intriguing). And, of course, Japan and USA would still have a LOT of characters in this roster, so there would be no reasons to complain...
I think Yuri should be in the Women Team, though (and then, maybe Marco/Khushnood could replace her in the AOF Team, thus adding another Garou character to KOF). But who knows, maybe this Alice chick will be cool enough to justify her inclusion with Mai and King...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Loona 827th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(4):Re(10):Chinese-text KOF 14 gossip" , posted Tue 3 Mar 17:53    
quote: I see many people are saying that 50 characters is very hard to do, But I guess you should know that Tencent made Terry Bogard and Benimaru Nikaido playable only in 3 months, they announced their agreement with SNK PLAYMORE in April 2013, and we saw those 2 characters in action in July 2013, 3D technology can reduce development time in comparison of 2D!!
Tencent & SNK PLAYMORE Conference : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yL0kI-BaT8
First video of Terry and Benimaru in Xuan Dou Zhi Wang : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4NL7vrHNJY
Official announcement date of those characters doesn't mean they started working on them on that date. Also, they clearly used assets SNKP gave them access to, so they didn't start from scratch.
SNKP partnering with Tencent to continue from where XIII left off doesn't sound bad at all. It makes sense for SNKP to concentrate on Asia and forget the west.
It would be a bit foolish to entirely forget the west when after so many years they finally started to actually reach out to it in a noticeable way.
Indulging China is still fine (there's no shortage of good and important SNK characters from there), and I'm OK with China also handling asset creation (XZDW's use of color is all over the place, but it still manages to be kind of pretty), as long as the actual gameplay is handled by SNKP's own know-how.
sibarraz 537th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Metal Slug defense surpasses 20 million DLs" , posted Fri 6 Mar 08:30    
Today SNK Playmore announced that Metal Slug Defense reached the 20 million mark. To celebrate they gave 200 medals, a mini king jupiter unit, and released the final boss of MS3 as a unit
And speaking of MS3, today Ars Technica released the list of the games that sold the most in 2014 (or better said, owned copies, since this could consider other keys released through other stores) and to the surpirse of everyone, metal slug 3 was the 4th japanese title with most units sold (approx 450k)
Is an impresive number. Also, metal slug x is at 17th with 85k units.
This is a good measure, since it means that 98umfe and 2002um hadn't sold that many units, even though those could increase with a daily sale or even a bundle, at this point I could see snk making a bundle in humble since they already had like 6 games there
Spoon 2818th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Metal Slug defense surpasses 20 million" , posted Fri 6 Mar 11:54    
quote: Today SNK Playmore announced that Metal Slug Defense reached the 20 million mark. To celebrate they gave 200 medals, a mini king jupiter unit, and released the final boss of MS3 as a unit
And speaking of MS3, today Ars Technica released the list of the games that sold the most in 2014 (or better said, owned copies, since this could consider other keys released through other stores) and to the surpirse of everyone, metal slug 3 was the 4th japanese title with most units sold (approx 450k)
Is an impresive number. Also, metal slug x is at 17th with 85k units.
This is a good measure, since it means that 98umfe and 2002um hadn't sold that many units, even though those could increase with a daily sale or even a bundle, at this point I could see snk making a bundle in humble since they already had like 6 games there
My real take away from this is that Double Dragon Neon just barely outsold Road Redemption last year.
Considering the news of Sega claiming that they will shift more towards PC and mobile development (no surprise considering all the reorg news Chaz has provided us with), I wonder what the future holds for SNK with respect to the other platforms. I do think it's great that SNK has managed to take one of their great and historically artistically accomplished IPs and make it both relevant and very profitable.
Then again, considering how Steam is the hot new destination for visual novels, maybe what we'll really see next are Western ports of Days of Memories.
Loona 830th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):Metal Slug defense surpasses 20 million" , posted Fri 6 Mar 18:47    
quote: Today SNK Playmore announced that Metal Slug Defense reached the 20 million mark. To celebrate they gave 200 medals, a mini king jupiter unit, and released the final boss of MS3 as a unit
And speaking of MS3, today Ars Technica released the list of the games that sold the most in 2014 (or better said, owned copies, since this could consider other keys released through other stores) and to the surpirse of everyone, metal slug 3 was the 4th japanese title with most units sold (approx 450k)
Is an impresive number. Also, metal slug x is at 17th with 85k units.
This is a good measure, since it means that 98umfe and 2002um hadn't sold that many units, even though those could increase with a daily sale or even a bundle, at this point I could see snk making a bundle in humble since they already had like 6 games there
With Metal Slug doing that well, I'm looking forward to seeing NGBC getting announced for Steam and promoted as "Metal Slug Vs all of these other guys and Mai".
Unrelated, but last night I found that at one point SNK sponsored a wrestler, Chigusa Nagayo, and had her wear Krauser's armor on the way to the ring. They should have played Dies Irae for the occasion though...
How many other companies that make fighting game actually ever sponsored fighters, even those more on the entertainment side of things?...
Sibarraz 538th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(2):Metal Slug defense surpasses 20 million" , posted Sat 7 Mar 04:02    
quote: Today SNK Playmore announced that Metal Slug Defense reached the 20 million mark. To celebrate they gave 200 medals, a mini king jupiter unit, and released the final boss of MS3 as a unit
And speaking of MS3, today Ars Technica released the list of the games that sold the most in 2014 (or better said, owned copies, since this could consider other keys released through other stores) and to the surpirse of everyone, metal slug 3 was the 4th japanese title with most units sold (approx 450k)
Is an impresive number. Also, metal slug x is at 17th with 85k units.
This is a good measure, since it means that 98umfe and 2002um hadn't sold that many units, even though those could increase with a daily sale or even a bundle, at this point I could see snk making a bundle in humble since they already had like 6 games there
With Metal Slug doing that well, I'm looking forward to seeing NGBC getting announced for Steam and promoted as "Metal Slug Vs all of these other guys and Mai".
Unrelated, but last night I found that at one point SNK sponsored a wrestler, Chigusa Nagayo, and had her wear Krauser's armor on the way to the ring. They should have played Dies Irae for the occasion though...
How many other companies that make fighting game actually ever sponsored fighters, even those more on the entert
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Back in 1997 when Sega developed the AJPW Games and virtua fighter was at his peak, the promotion introduces a wrestler who played at his enterity the gimmick of Wolf Hawkfield. Also Wolf And Jeffrey on the saturn game of AJPW. Later Kage will appear on the second game for the dreamcast
Evil Yagami 160th Post

Regular Customer
| "Tencent and SNK!" , posted Mon 9 Mar 20:45:    
Tencent and SNK PLAYMORE are in negotiations to decide what's next.
Source : http://xd.qq.com/webplat/info/news_version3/1490/2083/2084/2086/m2009/201501/301040.shtml
Original Text :
quote: 《炫斗之王》拳皇经典角色“红丸/特瑞”临时下线公告
亲爱的小伙伴们: 《拳皇》经典角色“红丸/特瑞”携手登陆《炫斗之王》已经走过一年多了,在这一年多的时光,我们共同见证了经典的重生和格斗游戏魅力的所在。自《炫斗之王》首测以来,纯正格斗游戏特色,畅快的对决体验赢得了玩家的一致好评。 如今《炫斗之王》主创团队和日本SNK公司协商下一步的品牌战略合作,鉴于后期游戏产品的开发,更多角色的深度合作,《炫斗之王》将临时下线《拳皇》经典角色“红丸/特瑞”。为打造高品质原创格斗游戏品牌,未来我们将注入更多自主开发的原创角色。 至此,给广大玩家带来的不便,深表歉意。《炫斗之王》作为国人格斗游戏的先驱者,将会持续开发,我们会将更好的作品和理念传承给大家。 2015年1月15日 《炫斗之王》官方团队
Translation :
"Xuan Dou Zhi Wang," The King of Fighters classic role "red pill / Terry" temporary offline announcement
Dear little friends: "King of Fighters" classic role "red pill / Terry" Together landing "Xuan Dou Zhi Wang," has gone through more than a year, in more time this year, we witnessed the rebirth of the classic fighting game and charm lies. Since "Xuan Dou Zhi Wang," the first test, pure fighting game features fun experience to win the duel players alike. Today, "Xuan Dou Zhi Wang" creative team and the Japanese company SNK negotiated next brand strategic cooperation, in view of the development of post-game products, more character depth cooperation, "Xuan Dou Zhi Wang" will be temporarily offline "King of Fighters" classic role "Hong Wan / Terry." To create high-quality original fighting game brand in the future we will inject more developed original role. Thus, for the majority of players inconvenience, sorry. "Xuan Dou Zhi Wang," as people fighting game pioneers, will continue to develop, we will be better works and ideas passed on to everyone. January 15, 2015 "Xuan Dou Zhi Wang," the official team
[this message was edited by Evil Yagami on Mon 9 Mar 20:47] |
sibarraz 541th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(4):Tencent and SNK!" , posted Thu 12 Mar 00:33:    
quote: Consumer Psychology- The company is looking for psychology graduates to work in their development team to make their games more appealing. I guess they still haven't figured out why MSD had so many downloads.Maybe they should try using common sense. Then again, SNK was never known for that. I guess that's what happens when you have confused businessmen out of touch with their own business.
Statistics and Analysis- The company is looking for statistics graduates to analyze data useful for game development.
Overseas sales and business management- For taking care of business sales, contracts, etc. These might be useful, at least.
SNK mobile games are kinda curious for me.
For example, metal slug defense doesn't had all the tropes that all the popular f2p games had, or if they had them, they follow them in a very loosely way (for example, the energy system that all those games had is ultra permisive in MSD, to the point that if you grind well enough, you can play whenever you want the single player mode)
In the other hand, they don't include very basic thing like facebook integration so you can save your data there and post it with your friends, yet somehow they integrated nico nico to save your matches and post them online.
Metal slug defense is a game where if you want you can't expend a dime and beat everyting, but at the same time, you need to expend money to get the better tropes, is kinda different of other games where at some point you are screwed if you don't pay something to keep advancing.
That being said, I like mobile games from SNK, they are still fun and doesn't feel like a drag like other games, metal slug defense is a brilliant game, I wonder who came with that idea inside snk
[this message was edited by sibarraz on Thu 12 Mar 00:44] |
Loona 831th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(5):Tencent and SNK!" , posted Thu 12 Mar 23:25    
quote: SNK mobile games are kinda curious for me.
For example, metal slug defense doesn't had all the tropes that all the popular f2p games had, or if they had them, they follow them in a very loosely way (for example, the energy system that all those games had is ultra permisive in MSD, to the point that if you grind well enough, you can play whenever you want the single player mode)
In the other hand, they don't include very basic thing like facebook integration so you can save your data there and post it with your friends, yet somehow they integrated nico nico to save your matches and post them online.
Metal slug defense is a game where if you want you can't expend a dime and beat everyting, but at the same time, you need to expend money to get the better tropes, is kinda different of other games where at some point you are screwed if you don't pay something to keep advancing.
That being said, I like mobile games from SNK, they are still fun and doesn't feel like a drag like other games, metal slug defense is a brilliant game, I wonder who came with that idea inside snk
I figure the pre-existing assets from the multiple MS games help, but at least to me, one of the charming appeals of the game is that for once just about every unit is shown an official name and description, and while it seems possible to complete levels just by using the unlockables, there's some appeal in collecting the whole set (so, money for SNKP).
But what I think really helps is the mini missions they release with every update - those let you use the units you can buy and expose you to their specific mechanics. While on a regular level level you can swarm everything with a full deck of your favorite or more powerful units, the missions often make you use 2 or 3 very specific units, making you learn about their ins and outs - and that, like the KoFXIII combo trials, really helps to reveal interesting gameplay design points about the game and its playable units.
Unrelated, but I just saw this promotional image on Pixiv through Twitter - a fan-made KoF calendar for sale at Comiket, if Google Translate isn't failing me much?
nobinobita 1384th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):Tencent and SNK!" , posted Sat 14 Mar 05:45    
quote: Consumer Psychology- The company is looking for psychology graduates to work in their development team to make their games more appealing. I guess they still haven't figured out why MSD had so many downloads.Maybe they should try using common sense. Then again, SNK was never known for that. I guess that's what happens when you have confused businessmen out of touch with their own business.
Statistics and Analysis- The company is looking for statistics graduates to analyze data useful for game development.
Overseas sales and business management- For taking care of business sales, contracts, etc. These might be useful, at least.
I think SNK needs to realize that although they don't have a chart topping world conquering property like Clash of Clans or Puzzle and Dragons, they have something else that's in many ways even more difficult to achieve: IP that people care about.
The majority of mobile games companies will rise to the top then burn out within a few years. I honestly don't think anyone will have genuine enthusiams for Angry Birds 5 years from now. But people will probably still care about SNKs cast of characters. It's a niche audience, but it's worth something.
I mean, yeah, most people would probably rather work really hard for a few years, have an amazing IPO then fizzle out and live off of that money for the rest of their lives... but for better or worse SNK has something much longer lasting on their hands. I just hope they figure out a smart way to keep those IPs alive cos I love em dearly (Metal Slug Defense was a surprisingly great start!)