Who won each KOF tournament? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA)
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"Who won each KOF tournament?" , posted Tue 29 Jul 18:44:post reply

Hello. I wanna ask, who won each KOF? I know for 94-97 it was Japan Team. And for 99-2001 it was K' Team. But I'm less sure about 2003, XI, and XIII. Is anyone familiar with how the story went in the Akihiko Ureshino Lightnovels?


EDIT: Oh whoops. I guess with 96 & 97 it was Kyo, Chizuru, and Iori. Anyway, I don't really need these questions answered anymore so you all are free to ignore this topic, or not.


[this message was edited by Badoor on Tue 29 Jul 23:00]


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"Re(1):Who won each KOF tournament?" , posted Wed 30 Jul 23:47:post reply

Hello. I wanna ask, who won each KOF? I know for 94-97 it was Japan Team. And for 99-2001 it was K' Team. But I'm less sure about 2003, XI, and XIII. Is anyone familiar with how the story went in the Akihiko Ureshino Lightnovels?


EDIT: Oh whoops. I guess with 96 & 97 it was Kyo, Chizuru, and Iori. Anyway, I don't really need these questions answered anymore so you all are free to ignore this topic, or not.

I've seen the draft of what this is heading towards, and I'm seriously hoping it improves before it's published on Kotaku :(
Oddly, the writer of the piece isn't listed in the site's staff page - no idea if it's a sporadic thing they won't bother listing there.
Maybe I'm just getting a nagging feeling of "I could do better than that"...

Edit: well, it seems like it's getting better, last I checked.


[this message was edited by Loona on Thu 31 Jul 00:59]

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"Kotaku of Fighters" , posted Thu 31 Jul 01:11post reply

For us dumb kids in the class could someone explain how we went from a plot question to Kotaku?

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"Re(1):Who won each KOF tournament?" , posted Thu 31 Jul 05:51post reply

Oh whoops. I guess with 96 & 97 it was Kyo, Chizuru, and Iori. Anyway, I don't really need these questions answered anymore so you all are free to ignore this topic, or not.

Ah, this is one of these cases where the answer is shaky at best.

For example.... Think of this af it this was the world cup, and after every match is done and the winning team is holding the cup, we learn that the referees were actually an evil doer dark plotting organization and they need to be stopped; then the winning team fights them off; and if for ABC reasons someone from the winning team can't participate or handle it, someone usually jumps and fills the place; but since that fight wasn't "programmed" from the get go, it actually has no bearing to the actual tournament results.

Thanks to that we have that whoever stops "the boss" is usually not who won the tournament (one of the initially enlisted teams); it's pretty obvious that such a thing happens in every game; for example in 94 the team is taken away as to receive "the prize", but they meet Rugal, in 95 the winner team gets a dose of sleep gas, in 96 it was apparently a "chance to meet with the sponsor" (we know how that ended up), and in 97 it was the bouzos crashing the tournament.

There is also the fact that SNK tries to "protect the dignity of the characters", and they never properly spell it as "they lost / they are weak"; though ironically they usually go out of their way to tell us that Kyo is the strongest school repeater of the world.

There are times were we are listed "winning teams" (like the Rival team was listed for XI), but since we had Ash snooping around and doing bad things, and we even had bouzo Iori turning on his team mates, Kyo's "dignity" as the strongest was protected (aka, it can be inferred that he "dropped out" due to a 'no show' thanks to special circumstances)

Oh, and since one of the major inspirations for KoF is Kinnikuman, you can tell that they are pretty lax with that stuff, since kinnikuman was incredibly frickle on such issues (for example, tournaments were the actual rules stated that you can't switch memebers, had member switching through it since it would be cooler, and other misc stuff which lacks congruence). Since switching teams and dropping out due to something weird happening was the rule there, it can be assumed that it's the rule here as well.

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"Re(2):Who won each KOF tournament?" , posted Thu 31 Jul 07:35post reply

Oh whoops. I guess with 96 & 97 it was Kyo, Chizuru, and Iori. Anyway, I don't really need these questions answered anymore so you all are free to ignore this topic, or not.

Ah, this is one of these cases where the answer is shaky at best.

For example.... Think of this af it this was the world cup, and after every match is done and the winning team is holding the cup, we learn that the referees were actually an evil doer dark plotting organization and they need to be stopped; then the winning team fights them off; and if for ABC reasons someone from the winning team can't participate or handle it, someone usually jumps and fills the place; but since that fight wasn't "programmed" from the get go, it actually has no bearing to the actual tournament results.

Thanks to that we have that whoever stops "the boss" is usually not who won the tournament (one of the initially enlisted teams); it's pretty obvious that such a thing happens in every game; for example in 94 the team is taken away as to receive "the prize", but they meet Rugal, in 95 the winner team gets a dose of sleep gas, in 96 it was apparently a "chance to meet with the sponsor" (we know how that ended up), and in 97 it was the bouzos crashing the tournament.

There is also the fact that SNK tries to "protect the dignity of the characters", and they never properly spell it as "they lost / they are weak"; though ironically they usually go out of their way to tell us that Kyo is the strongest

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I always had liked how SNK protects the dignity of almost all their characters (except the USA sports team, and lots of secondary characters from art of fighting)

I recall reading somewhere that the 2001 tournament was actually won by kim

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"Re(2):Who won each KOF tournament?" , posted Thu 31 Jul 08:12post reply

This guy asked about it on Twitter, and after some exchanges, turns out it's for an article on Kotaku covering several series, apparently with a mild focus on which countries get the victories.

Wait, where was there ever a mention of Elisabeth's team winning in XI?
The focus seemed split between Ash, Kyo, Iori and her in that game; the anniversary site doesn't cover XIII, and so the team backstories aren't there, and the Atlus site for the game which used to have them is no more.
However, this Cyberfanatix thread lives, although it's not very complete - it makes a mention of Elisabeth fighting Those of the Distant Land near the end of the Ash story, vague as it is...


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PSN: DefensorVirtuoso
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"Re(3):Who won each KOF tournament?" , posted Thu 31 Jul 09:41post reply

This guy asked about it on Twitter, and after some exchanges, turns out it's for an article on Kotaku covering several series, apparently with a mild focus on which countries get the victories.

Wait, where was there ever a mention of Elisabeth's team winning in XI?
The focus seemed split between Ash, Kyo, Iori and her in that game; the anniversary site doesn't cover XIII, and so the team backstories aren't there, and the Atlus site for the game which used to have them is no more.
However, this Cyberfanatix thread lives, although it's not very complete - it makes a mention of Elisabeth fighting Those of the Distant Land near the end of the Ash story, vague as it is...

In XI, it looks like Kyo/Iori, Ash, and Elizabeth team endings are canon, so after Ash stole Iori's flames, elizabeth appear in front on him and Ash congratulates her for winning the tournament.

I recall reading somewhere that K' won the tournament in 2003

Just a Person
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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Who won each KOF tournament?" , posted Wed 19 Nov 08:00post reply

I always had liked how SNK protects the dignity of almost all their characters (except the USA sports team, and lots of secondary characters from art of fighting)

And Kensou (if I remember correctly, Shingo's story in KOF'97 has him mentioning a technique that Kyo used to beat Kensou in the previous tournament). And Yuri and King in XIII (not only they can have their shirts ripped off, but in the beginning of Story Mode, Mai defeats them both by herself - which I consider quite depreciative for them; Mai may even be the strongest in her team, but I definitely don't believe she's stronger than Yuri and King COMBINED).

Anyway, about the tournaments, some of them were probably interrupted before the final matches. I mean, weren't Kyo's and Iori's teams supposed to fight before they were interrupted by Chizuru and then Goenitz (thus explaining Kyo, Iori and Chizuru joining each other to fight Goenitz, and Mature and Vice being around to be killed by Iori shortly after)?

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