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kofoguz 1125th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "LTTP?; Tiger & Bunny!" , posted Wed 8 Oct 12:44    
I just finished the series and I'm in love with it and SKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYY HIIGH! Who would've told waay less deranged but still airhead, blonde Tom Cruise would be so hot! His vanilla personality makes him stand out more in the crew. He's a goofball (I know, I know totally opposite of me ), goody goody, awkward but dedicated, cool without noticing husband material. Me likey.
Warning: Spoilerish
Anyway out of my crush on a cartoon character I post this thread because it was here, MMcafe that I've first heard this series. Recently I decided to watch and instantly fell in love with it. And I crave for more, eventhough sometimes storylines could be a bit predictable, it still has great settings and pace is just right. Not too dragged, not too fast. And I liked that they planned out the main plot from the beginning. You can even see the big hint in the first season's opening.
Other plusses is that it contains a lot of bromance outright Hoyay, deliciously shamelessly. It really has positive portray of LGBT in heart such as having random gay and lesbian couples in the background, :Rising's it's ok to be me/gay subplot except for Fire Emblem's bum-touching harrasment of Rock Bison but it still is in character so it is OK to have a faulty features. Though it wasn't always like this with coded gay characters like Natasha and Pao Lin. So while its heart is in the right place, it doesnt decide fully on being clear or in disguise. This is evenmore surprising for me since recently I heard Japan itself isnt aware about LGBT or sensitive about its issues.
I really like how it has thought out lore for just another action series; the mythology, the setting, the next, easter egg characters and everything.The only thing I dont like is knowing Lunatic's motives I cant see why he would attack Kotetsu (my second go to crush). Kotetsu is not a killer so thinking back and failing to find a satisfying answer is the biggest fault of the series. Or I need to re-watch aforomentioned episodes.
So what do you think about the series?
P.S: My avatar and sig seems to be down and it encouraged me to have certain someone's scenes. Thank you and thank you again.
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Spoon 2693th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):LTTP?; Tiger & Bunny!" , posted Thu 16 Oct 03:42    
I remember the first time I saw it, I was totally impressed with the Pepsi Next commercial and couldn't stop laughing at the UStream sponsored flying hero.
It took almost no time at all to see that the show would become popular with the yaoi fans, and I had to wonder if the show was meant to have another season or two.
I think that the best episode of the whole show was the one where the backstory of the judge gets explored. The entire angle of how the greatest hero in late middle age loses his powers, it becoming his mid-life crisis and existential challenge, and him taking it out on his wife and son was probably the most powerful and well-executed story of the series. For the sake of the juxtaposition, I can understand why the comparison between the primary character losing his power (Tiger), the character rising to prominence (Bunny), and the tale of the other power-loser (the Judge's dad) all being male, but it would've been interesting to see that from the perspective of female characters. Arguably, that would put it into the archetype of the Triple Goddess, though.