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Iggy 9814th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Xrd Japanese preorder bonuses" , posted Mon 27 Oct 21:37    
quote: • Some new "yiffy" costumes for Ultra SF4... Huh. I'm glad that Capcom is still supporting a game that is rather old at this point. But... not like this. Please, no, not like this.
I think I've been away from the internet more than I thought, because the outrage sparkling over some forums seems overplayed to me. Yes, there are furries in the world and yes, they will do disgusting things with these, but I'm not obliged to see them and I likely won't. It leaves us with costumes which looks OK on paper, which is more than can be said about the last costumes, or most previous costumes, or the whole game really. I mean, it's not like they were shoving ugly fanart on some timeless artistic masterpiece. SF4 still remains the ugliest mainline Street Fighter, and in that context, these looks more than OK to me. I do wonder how they will animate when they physically differ from human anatomy (the wolf's jaw, mostly) and suppose it will look unsurprisingly horrible.
BUT, but, Octopus Hakan. I think it balances out.
Loona 798th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(4):Xrd Japanese preorder bonuses" , posted Tue 28 Oct 22:00    
quote: It leaves us with costumes which looks OK on paper, which is more than can be said about the last costumes, or most previous costumes, or the whole game really. I mean, it's not like they were shoving ugly fanart on some timeless artistic masterpiece. SF4 still remains the ugliest mainline Street Fighter, and in that context, these looks more than OK to me. I do wonder how they will animate when they physically differ from human anatomy (the wolf's jaw, mostly) and suppose it will look unsurprisingly horrible.
DoA5U didn't do too bad with their Halloween outfits based on fanart (and Mila getting Momiji's recycled outfit from last year, the poor girl...). I found it funny how those were based on a fan-voted contest were the winners were mostly skimpy, but the devs for the most part picked outfits that looked interesting or fit the characters (drunk pirate Brad Wong couldn't possibly be left out), although they still indulged the voters to an extent.
Just a Person 1594th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(6):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Thu 13 Nov 01:47    
quote: Tekken 7 November trailer (japanese), absolutely nothing new revealed and the good part is having Kaiji's announcer hyping himself up.
If what Harada said a few months still stand true, we are a little less than a month away from more new character reveals--- Oh, scratch that, the next loke test (which is where they 2 new guys are supposed to be) is going to be in 10 days, source
Actually, there's one thing in this trailer that I consider as something new: according to earlier information, Katarina was supposed to be from Latin America, right? Well, she's speaking in Portuguese in this trailer... can we assume she's Brazilian, then? I don't remember any other Latin American country having Portuguese as its language.
By the way, I must say her Portuguese sounds kinda artificial - just like Christie and Eddy in TTT2. The way they talk feels too formal, not what one would expect from their personalities. Nevertheless, it's cool having a character who speaks Portuguese in such a big franchise.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Just a Person 1595th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(8):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Thu 13 Nov 06:03    
quote: Actually, there's one thing in this trailer that I consider as something new: according to earlier information, Katarina was supposed to be from Latin America, right? Well, she's speaking in Portuguese in this trailer... can we assume she's Brazilian, then?
No, of course you can't. That just means that Namco didn't had the money / connection to contact a foreing studio with the desired language, and merely used the same studio that provided the voices for Christie and Eddie; basically it's the same problem that Zafina has (Is she British according to you? Yeah, I thought so).
But Tekken has Spanish-speaking characters, doesn't it? Miguel's lines in TTT2 were in Spanish, and he'll likely return for T7. Plus, wouldn't it be EASIER to find a studio capable of providing voices in Spanish, instead of one providing voices in Portuguese?
(unless you're being sarcastic. I'm awful when it comes to identifying sarcasm)
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Just a Person 1597th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(6):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Wed 19 Nov 19:40    
quote: I'm not certain why but it sounds as if Raidou is coming back to DoA. All I can think of when I see that character is the look Sean Connery wore in the film Zardoz. Although I'm the only one who would enjoy it I really hope he has that outfit as an alternate costume.
Raidou back as a cyborg... in a weird way, this seems interesting. In DoA1, his movelist consisted of techniques from other characters (Kasumi, Hayabusa, Zack, Bayman, Tina, Jann Lee and Gen Fu, if I remember correctly - for some reason, he didn't have any techniques from Leifang, Bass or Ayane); I wonder if he'll still have these techniques or if he'll have a fighting style of his own now.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Loona 802th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(7):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Thu 20 Nov 19:00    
quote: Raidou back as a cyborg... in a weird way, this seems interesting. In DoA1, his movelist consisted of techniques from other characters (Kasumi, Hayabusa, Zack, Bayman, Tina, Jann Lee and Gen Fu, if I remember correctly - for some reason, he didn't have any techniques from Leifang, Bass or Ayane); I wonder if he'll still have these techniques or if he'll have a fighting style of his own now.
Ayane and Bass weren't in the very first version of DoA1, unlike Raidou - they only made it in in DoA+, and I guess by then his moveset felt complete enough.
There's a reveal video now - whose tone is ruined by appending Marie Rose in a bathing suit in the end, but the reveal that Raidou gets his Hayate slaps from this opening as part of his "super" is great enough news for me.
Just a Person 1598th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(8):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Sun 23 Nov 22:16    
quote: Raidou back as a cyborg... in a weird way, this seems interesting. In DoA1, his movelist consisted of techniques from other characters (Kasumi, Hayabusa, Zack, Bayman, Tina, Jann Lee and Gen Fu, if I remember correctly - for some reason, he didn't have any techniques from Leifang, Bass or Ayane); I wonder if he'll still have these techniques or if he'll have a fighting style of his own now.
Ayane and Bass weren't in the very first version of DoA1, unlike Raidou - they only made it in in DoA+, and I guess by then his moveset felt complete enough.
There's a reveal video now - whose tone is ruined by appending Marie Rose in a bathing suit in the end, but the reveal that Raidou gets his Hayate slaps from this opening as part of his "super" is great enough news for me.
Yeah, that explains why Raidou doesn't have any technique from Ayane or Bass. It doesn't explain why he also had no techniques from Leifang (who was present in DoA1 from the beginning), though.
As for the video, Cyber-Raidou looks awesome! But no matter how many times Team Ninja states that Marie Rose is 18 years old, it still feels wrong to put her fighting in a bathing suit (even if hers isn't as revealing as the ones her female fellows got).
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Iggy 9826th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 01:54    
quote: Maybe it means that characters have finally remembered how to air-block? SF IV was so dumb in that respect. Having the awful Third Strike special-moves-into-super-moves option yet withholding Zero-style aerial blocking because people who played the old series "wouldn't be used to it" was one of the stranger choices.
I have always been against air-block except if your game is going to be played more than 50% in the air Mahvel-style. Air block ruined entire games when not applied properly, and needs to have the whole system imagined around it, with heavy limitations applied to it (like Savior, or some KOF). Air-block in SF4 would have turned the game into an even heavier turtle-fest. If the game really ends up being SF4 HD+, I really hope they give plenty of time to the possible consequences of air-battle, such as movement options, air guard, longer combos and juggle, combo breaking, etc.
But I suppose most of the R&D has been spent on how to monetize the new game.
Spoon 2724th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 03:52    
quote: Maybe it means that characters have finally remembered how to air-block? SF IV was so dumb in that respect. Having the awful Third Strike special-moves-into-super-moves option yet withholding Zero-style aerial blocking because people who played the old series "wouldn't be used to it" was one of the stranger choices.
I have always been against air-block except if your game is going to be played more than 50% in the air Mahvel-style. Air block ruined entire games when not applied properly, and needs to have the whole system imagined around it, with heavy limitations applied to it (like Savior, or some KOF). Air-block in SF4 would have turned the game into an even heavier turtle-fest. If the game really ends up being SF4 HD+, I really hope they give plenty of time to the possible consequences of air-battle, such as movement options, air guard, longer combos and juggle, combo breaking, etc.
Some strong opinions here!
@Maou: I'm really surprised that you find super cancelling to be bad! But it's systemically more consistent if you look at it carefully: SF4 has EX moves like in SF3 (they didn't exist in SFZ), has a universal attack absorbing system like in SF3 (no alpha counters from SFZ), has universal movement options like dash and super jump like SF3 (only Nash could dash in SFZ!), has a selectable super (the Ultra) like SF3... SF4 is a whole lot of SF2 and SF3!
System-wise, the first SFZ if anything feels like an attempt to bring in system innovations from Darkstalkers and COTA into SF like air blocking and universal chain combos. The air blocking in SFZ felt like a direct attempt to address fireball trap gameplay with a universal system, a notion that would get touched upon again in SFZ3 with projectile damage decay over distance.
@Iggy: I agree that air blocking led to the beloved/reviled chicken blocking gameplay of many games. In SFZ series universal movement options were really limited, and there were few secondary penalties for air blocking (guard crush wasn't a thing in SFZ until SFZ3, and guard breaking an air blocker had very limited reward because of the restrictive juggle system pre-SFZ3) which made air blocking feel even more dominating. Chicken blocking is practically a fixture of most doujin airdash and ArcSys games.
Air blocking in SF4 would've been awful, I agree. It would be inconsistent with the kind of return-to-basics game they wanted with fireball trapping being a legitimate, effective tactic. Keeping it out was a good idea!
I'd rather not have air blocking that is so restricted like in KOF98 that it took awhile for me to even realize it was in the game.
On the flip side, Akatsuki Blitzkampf is a game mostly played on the ground that has very powerful airblocking (you can air block anything that isn't a throw or is explicitly air unblockable), but it's offset by things like the extra guard crush taken when airblocking and the presence of universal air throws. It doesn't have the devastating high speed forward movement that Vampire does, and yet makes it work. However, universal air throws have only ever been a mainline SF feature in... SFZ3. Guess what, that game also had a guard crush gauge! And guess which SF game they are most certainly NOT cribbing from? Hint: SFZ3.
@nobody in particular: The aesthetics and everything else tell me that this is definitely deriving most strongly from SF4, which is a conservative decision that I shouldn't be too surprised about. But I do wonder how this is going to re-invigorate sales of the franchise aside from just being on modern platforms and being a new title, given how much like SF4 it superficially seems to be. SF4 has done great for Capcom, but SF4 is clearly in the twilight of its life. If the perception of it is not SF5 but SF4.5, I can't imagine a whole lot of new blood jumping in.
Pollyanna 3713th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 08:37:    
I was really expecting USF4 on PS4 that would run just like the PC version on max settings. In other words, the least amount of effort that Capcom could possibly put forth. For that reason alone, I'm hugely delighted at the SF5 announcement.
quote: The aesthetics and everything else tell me that this is definitely deriving most strongly from SF4, which is a conservative decision that I shouldn't be too surprised about. But I do wonder how this is going to re-invigorate sales of the franchise aside from just being on modern platforms and being a new title, given how much like SF4 it superficially seems to be. SF4 has done great for Capcom, but SF4 is clearly in the twilight of its life. If the perception of it is not SF5 but SF4.5, I can't imagine a whole lot of new blood jumping in.
This was my first reaction as well. I am consoled by the fact that so many "big name" fighting game players have recently expressed their desire for a new game, since SF4 is getting a bit stale. This at least put my fears that people would be unwilling to "sacrifice" years of expertise in one game for a new one, even if it was more appealing. Taking a hit to the number of playable characters is a concern as well.
Personally, I think having a free to play model like Dead or Alive might not be bad. They can launch a retail version of course, but the size of the player base for a game like this is big and if they can push the boundaries of competitive play, that would be nice as well. That might be the hook they need to get more people playing and differentiate it from SF4. It might play nicer with a steady stream of new characters as well.
Another thing that came to mind...players complained a surprising amount about the lack of decent story modes in SF4 and MvC3. It seems like this is a big draw. That makes sense, in a way, since Street Fighter has remained in the eyes and heart of the public because people remember the characters more than they remember the intricacies of game systems they probably never fully worked out anyway. This is just an observation, though it is in opposition to a FTP system somewhat.
I have a lot of things I'd like to see in the game, but at the top of the list is better netcode. That's ultimately going to make or break the experience for me and many other players more than seeing our favorite characters or not.
EDIT: On a side note, Hori's (US) HRAP for PS4 is sold out everywhere just in time for Guilty Gear! Maybe that US LE delay isn't so bad...
I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sat 6 Dec 08:39] |
Maou 2704th Post

PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 12:30:    
quote: Off-topic from SF5, Who's picked up GGXrd? It may be interesting to try an online session soon.
Hoping to buy it online tomorrow once I finish a bit more work! Naturally, I intend to balance this unorthodox on-time purchase of a contemporary game by also buying Soul Calibur II HD now that I realized that the Japanese version isn't stuck with the US "acting" after all. 14 years?! Woah.
quote: Air blocking in SF4 would've been awful, I agree. It would be inconsistent with the kind of return-to-basics game they wanted with fireball trapping being a legitimate, effective tactic.
But I think this is what gets me. SF4 cannot possibly be a back-to-basics game if it has preposterously high-damage options like super cancelling, complicated little add-ons and tweaks like super selections, ultras, focus attacks, dashes, EX attacks...just typing it is making me tired. To have all that Third Strike bloat that's wholly unrecognizable from SF2 but to somehow cut out just air-blocking drives me nuts. Or maybe I've just eaten too many Shouryuuken->Shouryuureppa cancels from Third Strike on to ever want to deal with this nonsense again.
Summary: You are still teaching me how to Guilty Gear, though, and I will complain less there.
[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 6 Dec 12:58] |
the real kap 41th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(6):Lucky Chloe" , posted Mon 8 Dec 19:09    
On one hand, they're free to put in any character that they want. Some are just more divisive than others and will cause more buzz, that's how it goes sometimes.
On the other hand, Namco has been full of it for years and even though I played/owned most of the Tekken games, TTT2 and Namco's attitude burned me on the series.
On that third hand, Harada can troll all he wants if it makes him feel better for including his 'fetish' characters in the game to attract the Asian audience while many fans were waiting for the classic fighters who they know and love and (jokingly) say that Lucky is region-locked based on generalizing statements that the complaining forums are only in the USA.
So, yeah. I'll just occasionally watch this sinking ship from a distance. I played TTT2 for maybe 10 hours since launch, maybe I'll go back to mess around with it someday, but T7 isn't doing anything to re-ignite my interest in the series. Supers aren't that good, either.
Maybe T×SF will be cool, but anything remotely promising will be crushed by silly time locked pre-order on-disc character DLC and all that other nonsense.
Loona 805th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(6):Lucky Chloe" , posted Mon 8 Dec 19:27    
quote: Also wow at Lucky Chloe. Must be Harada trolling again. Honestly, I'm hoping she'd not be Japanese but be more like a western who is WAY into Japanese Idol culture and stuff. I guess somewhat like that Avril Lavign Hello Kitty video. The design for Lucky is by Yusuke Kozaki. Personally, I'm enjoying the unhappy and overly-serious reactions to her from the Western side of the fanbase.
Harada is trolling his English speaking fans so beautifully right now
These mini-riots and trollings came up at an interesting time - just yesterday I caught the later part of the latest South Park episode, in which one of the major plot points consists on Cartman becoming a major "Youtube personality" that just comments on stuff, with a secondary being Stan's father's musical career, for which he's asked to perform outrageous stuff on stage to generate controversy. At one point a character there mentions that this is an age where content doesn't matter by itself, but by the comments it generates, which is getting equated with relevance, as opposed to any longer-lasting meaning or implications of that content itself. So it's almost funny to see people commenting on this character's aesthetic and Lili -> Marie Rose (DoA) -> Chloe factor more than on the fact that her moves so closely resemble Tekken's capoeira characters...
I care a lot less about Tekken than I used to, frankly - I hope one of the Chang ladies still makes it, and if it's Julia I wonder if she'll keep her TTT2 JC moves, but most of all I'm curious to see how TxSF will handy the SF cast, and the lack of new about that troubles me a bit more.
For young girls in fighting games, as far as I'm concerned SF's Makoto is still the gold standard.
karasu 1457th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(6):Lucky Chloe" , posted Tue 9 Dec 01:26    
quote: Maybe she's some kind of otaku-ish Western girl who thinks it's cool to wander around in cat costumes? Even then, she's still far from being the weirdest fighter in the Tekken series... but I hope her Capoeira moves don't mean she'll take Christie's and/or Eddy's spots in the game (they were already threatened by Katarina's inclusion).
Just like with most things, I can't quite understand the ridiculous anger people are expressing at something so minor. I'm not a fan of the character design, but then I'm not a fan of the conventions that she represents, which is fine. Part of me wonders if she's part of an elaborate joke being perpetrated by Harada, which would actually elevate my opinion of her quite a bit. Likewise, she may also be something of a reaction to other games in the genre like DOA or one of the all-female 2D games that have come out lately.
Either way she's hardly uncharacteristic or even for Tekken, a game that's had boxing kangaroos and dinosaurs and an animated practice dummy as characters.
I am going to take a leap of faith and assume Lucky Chloe is not the character inspired by Arab culture they suggested earlier this year.
I'm still excited for that character, and for whatever Harada unveils next! I may still not buy Tekken 7, but I'll always be interested to see the roster.
You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
Just a Person 1600th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(7):Lucky Chloe" , posted Tue 9 Dec 02:10    
quote: Just like with most things, I can't quite understand the ridiculous anger people are expressing at something so minor. I'm not a fan of the character design, but then I'm not a fan of the conventions that she represents, which is fine. Part of me wonders if she's part of an elaborate joke being perpetrated by Harada, which would actually elevate my opinion of her quite a bit. Likewise, she may also be something of a reaction to other games in the genre like DOA or one of the all-female 2D games that have come out lately.
Either way she's hardly uncharacteristic or even for Tekken, a game that's had boxing kangaroos and dinosaurs and an animated practice dummy as characters.
Exactly. She looks kinda dorky, but also cute, and her fighting moves look really cool. As long as she isn't there to replace Christie and/or Eddy (although it's quite certain that one of them may be left out of Tekken 7, but hopefully the other one will still be playable), I have nothing to complain about her. In fact, I'm curious to find out more about her story.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Just a Person 1603th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(1):SF5 bonanza" , posted Tue 16 Dec 22:39    
quote: ("Naked female fighter in Killer Instinct" → Ha!)
Why is it ALWAYS French people leaking stuff We can't be trusted...
Heh, had Riptor been added to MK instead of KI, one could also say she's the most female-looking female fighter in the game.
As for the leak, everything seems very interesting. It's curious to see a Brazilian fighter named Laura (it's a name more common in Italy, right? Although there are many women in Brazil with this name, as well). As for Rachid, it's nice to see a fighter from Africa, but I'd like to know the specific country where he came from. It's lame how Africa is often perceived as if it were a country, when it's a continent full of countries which can be very different from each other in culture, religion, language and many other things.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
kofoguz 1133th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(5):SF5 bonanza" , posted Wed 17 Dec 09:16    
quote: But is this developed by the same people of ASB? There is not a glimmer of doubt, from the character choice, the wording or the new system's name (Dual Heat Attack, urgh). It is obvious though that the wording has been carefully selected to help people forget as much as possible about ASB and anything related to it. I wouldn't be surprised if Piroshi didn't cosplay as Rohan this time, or even wasn't involved in the public promotion of the game. We'll know better next week, but I find it hard to understand what the game looks like. The screenshots look nothing like screenshots, more like carefully crafted scenes with assets that have nothing to do with how the game will move and play. Could it be the first attempt at bullshoting of CC2?
I already loved the new artstyle. It gives the feeling of the anime. Looks kind of colored pages of JOJO scans. Not that I hate it old style (they used the ink better than SFIV) but still I'm happy for the change. Jotaro- Kakyoin vs Joseph-Ceaser seems in game screenshot to me though. And both parties looks like performing Dual Heat Attack. Only Diego and his Dino facing Jotaro looks like promotional art. Joseph and Stroheim's fight is even more so since they're too small. If they are somehow in game screenshots Jojo is officially the new fighting game series that gives me literal hype. Well I have to wait for a long time for a new SNK fighter, theres no Darkstalkers on the way, Guilty Gear Xrd has no Johnny, and Street Fighter wont have a roster that includes Eagle, Karin, R. Mika, Hakan and Remy. And all the pocket fighter genregone forever.
Iggy 9839th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Jojo Eyes of the ASB" , posted Fri 19 Dec 01:33:    
Just checked on 2ch: the salt on ASB is still very strong over there. 400 posts in 48 hours, most of them pure hate spam directed to CC2 or personally to Piroshi. Compared to the endless stream of threads consumed each time a single new scan of the previous game was released, that's quite an uphill battle... Let's see how public perception of the game will turn out after Jump Festa and especially the demo.
Regardless, according to V Jump, the demo at Jump Festa will have Joseph, Ceazar, Jôtarô, Kakyôin, Jôsuke (part 4), Diego and Stroheim playable. The demo will be released to everyone later. Kakyôin has his voice actor from the anime, the others have kept the same as in ASB.
Edit: Scan. Still no mention of CC2 or ASB on this... Mufufu.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 19 Dec 01:48] |