Fighting game thread (Tekken)7 - Forums

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"Fighting game thread (Tekken)7" , posted Tue 21 Oct 09:59post reply

New thread, same concept.

Tekken 7 is aiming for an arcade release of February 2015. The game will be running on a new, as of yet unnamed board. In lieu of discussing the mystery board customizing items were shown off, including the ability to equip the hands of a large man onto Asuka. At least I think those are customizable items since I can't imagine those meat hooks are an actual part of her body.


5928th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fighting game thread (Tekken)7" , posted Wed 22 Oct 02:45post reply


In lieu of discussing the mystery board customizing items were shown off, including the ability to equip the hands of a large man onto Asuka. At least I think those are customizable items since I can't imagine those meat hooks are an actual part of her body.

......... Since those are actually smaller than the hands that she had in previous games, I failed to notice (I remember the local gaming group being really creeped out on some drunken sessions a few years back).

Speaking of 7; so far we know that the game is going to have time release characters like in the old days, meaning that we are probably not going to see the full cast until way after launch, like in the old games.

Harada said that the next public showing of the game is going to be tentatively in early December; and it will probably have a couple of new faces (new as in, brand new).

New game, same concept

Were you Ono all along?

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

4150th Post

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"Xrd Japanese preorder bonuses" , posted Sat 25 Oct 14:32post reply

I might pick mine up at Sofmap!

1346th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Xrd Japanese preorder bonuses" , posted Sat 25 Oct 18:30post reply

In other news...

Translation of the VF20 interviews.

Some new "yiffy" costumes for Ultra SF4... Huh.

• And I guess everyone either enthusiastically watched that 30min Smash Bros announcement or had to suffer through the reactions to that announcement anyway.

Même Narumi est épatée !

5001th Post

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"Re(2):Xrd Japanese preorder bonuses" , posted Sun 26 Oct 00:33post reply

Some new "yiffy" costumes for Ultra SF4... Huh.

I'm glad that Capcom is still supporting a game that is rather old at this point. But... not like this. Please, no, not like this.

Lord SNK
28th Post

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"Re(2):Xrd Japanese preorder bonuses" , posted Sun 26 Oct 00:58post reply


Some new "yiffy" costumes for Ultra SF4... Huh.

These things are official???

9814th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Xrd Japanese preorder bonuses" , posted Mon 27 Oct 21:37post reply

Some new "yiffy" costumes for Ultra SF4... Huh.
I'm glad that Capcom is still supporting a game that is rather old at this point. But... not like this. Please, no, not like this.

I think I've been away from the internet more than I thought, because the outrage sparkling over some forums seems overplayed to me.
Yes, there are furries in the world and yes, they will do disgusting things with these, but I'm not obliged to see them and I likely won't. It leaves us with costumes which looks OK on paper, which is more than can be said about the last costumes, or most previous costumes, or the whole game really.
I mean, it's not like they were shoving ugly fanart on some timeless artistic masterpiece. SF4 still remains the ugliest mainline Street Fighter, and in that context, these looks more than OK to me. I do wonder how they will animate when they physically differ from human anatomy (the wolf's jaw, mostly) and suppose it will look unsurprisingly horrible.

BUT, but, Octopus Hakan.
I think it balances out.

5004th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Xrd Japanese preorder bonuses" , posted Tue 28 Oct 05:20post reply

BUT, but, Octopus Hakan.
I think it balances out.

OctoHakan is obviously the saving grace but Hakan makes everything better.

2689th Post

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"Re(5):Xrd Japanese preorder bonuses" , posted Tue 28 Oct 08:23post reply

BUT, but, Octopus Hakan.
I think it balances out.

He is the sole and true successor to our long-lost savio(u)r, Skullomania.


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"Re(4):Xrd Japanese preorder bonuses" , posted Tue 28 Oct 22:00post reply

It leaves us with costumes which looks OK on paper, which is more than can be said about the last costumes, or most previous costumes, or the whole game really.
I mean, it's not like they were shoving ugly fanart on some timeless artistic masterpiece. SF4 still remains the ugliest mainline Street Fighter, and in that context, these looks more than OK to me. I do wonder how they will animate when they physically differ from human anatomy (the wolf's jaw, mostly) and suppose it will look unsurprisingly horrible.

DoA5U didn't do too bad with their Halloween outfits based on fanart (and Mila getting Momiji's recycled outfit from last year, the poor girl...).
I found it funny how those were based on a fan-voted contest were the winners were mostly skimpy, but the devs for the most part picked outfits that looked interesting or fit the characters (drunk pirate Brad Wong couldn't possibly be left out), although they still indulged the voters to an extent.


1350th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DLed" , posted Fri 31 Oct 18:04post reply

There is no accounting for taste and Street Fighter IV is now at 8 Millions copies shipped+downloaded.

Street Fighter IV
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3.3M
Super Street Fighter IV
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.9M
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.2M
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.1M
Ultra Street Fighter IV
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 500K
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8M

Même Narumi est épatée !

5006th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Fri 31 Oct 22:57post reply

Somewhere on the internet I heard that the digital upgrades to USF4 were not included in this listing; is that true? Either way, it's still an impressive sales total. I'm particularly surprised that SF43D sold 1.2M. Who knew people still bought games for dedicated handheld consoles?

Higher quality images of the latest SF costumes have been released and they are still... huh. One thing that is now obvious is that the characters are not being turned into human/animal hybrids but are wearing felt animal costumes. It's as if the characters were suckered into attending a tournament that was being aggressively sponsored by a pet food company. Well, except for Hakan, his costume is totally a sex thing. From the brass ring on his crotch to the suckers on his boots his costume is amazing.

Less salacious parts of the latest SF blog post also included more Omega mode lunacy. I like that Bison/Vega/Wakamoto now has a move where he vogues while the enemy gets hit. Psycho Pose!

Tekken's Mastercup 7 is taking place this weekend. Never have so many characters been juggled for so long.

1351th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Fri 31 Oct 23:56post reply

Somewhere on the internet I heard that the digital upgrades to USF4 were not included in this listing; is that true? Either way, it's still an impressive sales total. I'm particularly surprised that SF43D sold 1.2M. Who knew people still bought games for dedicated handheld consoles?

It's not entirely clear but indeed, it seems those numbers comes from shipped copies + full game downloads on services such as PSN/eShop/XboxLive, while all DLC (including digital upgrades) are counted in a separate column.

SSFIV3DE was probably the biggest launch title for 3DS (and the only online title for a while), and has remained a steady seller in all markets. I would have not expected it to outperform RE:Revelations so handily, especially considering RE:Revelations was an exclusive game for a while. I wonder how much the announcement of RE6 just before the release of Revelations has impacted the interest of the fanbase at a time when 3DS itself wasn't very popular.

Overall there is not much you can blame Ono about the way he has handled the SF4 project, at least from a business perspective.

Même Narumi est épatée !

1891th Post

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"Re(3):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Sat 1 Nov 03:23post reply

Those SF4 numbers are quite interesting. They consistently kept >50% of the previous iterations numbers from upgrade to upgrade(I am sure Ultra will eventually get about 50%).

I wonder if a "remastered" Ultra SF4 will appear on the PS4/XBO since it would appear the series still does respectable numbers.

2705th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Sat 1 Nov 05:25post reply

One thing that is now obvious is that the characters are not being turned into human/animal hybrids

Wait what?!
People actually seriously thought that?

I thought it was pretty clear that their human mouths/jaws showed through the costumes, even in the lower resolution shots.

Dudley literally being a British bulldog gave me a hit of WWF nostalgia every time I see it, though.

413th Post

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"Re(3):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Sat 1 Nov 23:03post reply

Wait what?!
People actually seriously thought that?

I thought it was pretty clear that their human mouths/jaws showed through the costumes, even in the lower resolution shots.

Dudley literally being a British bulldog gave me a hit of WWF nostalgia every time I see it, though.

To be fair, people wouldn't actually be able to wear some of those animal heads, not with where the jaws are shown. Cammy cheats by just wearing animal ears and a tail. Ryu could be wearing a wolf mask, and Hakan is okay as well.

But Gen and Dudley's masks as pictured aren't designed for human heads. The jaws are in impossible positions for the shapes of the heads. The human jaws are in the normal positions, but you'd have to hold your head back around 45 degrees to even hope to wear those two masks. Either that, or Dudley had the top half of his head cut off and slid back several inches.

5008th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Sun 2 Nov 08:00post reply

Wait what?!
People actually seriously thought that?

Never doubt the depths of my stupidity!

But Gen and Dudley's masks as pictured aren't designed for human heads. The jaws are in impossible positions for the shapes of the heads. The human jaws are in the normal positions, but you'd have to hold your head back around 45 degrees to even hope to wear those two masks. Either that, or Dudley had the top half of his head cut off and slid back several inches.

That's what I'm not quite certain about. Some of them are obviously costumes made out of heavy felt (all of which would probably smell like old socks by round three.) Then there are those where human skin appears to be sticking out at odd angles. I guess I'm going to have to wait to see in-game pictures before I know for certain what's going on. This is not something I would normally sit around and think about so I guess this DLC is doing its job on some level in drumming up interest in the game.

5010th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Wed 5 Nov 03:41post reply

Double post two hit combo!

VF5 is getting an update
. From what I can tell the update is to declare that they are no longer going to update VF5.

Another character who is not Baiken is confirmed for GGXrd. In keeping with the fighting game tradition of limited color palettes Leo's hair is the same color as the fur trim on his coat.

1450th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Wed 5 Nov 03:50post reply

Double post two hit combo!

VF5 is getting an update
. From what I can tell the update is to declare that they are no longer going to update VF5.

Oof, they're getting dangerously close to Guilty Gear XX <INSERT SUFFIXES HERE> territory with VF5. How many years can they continue to release slight updates without ever releasing VF6?

Another character who is not Baiken is confirmed for GGXrd. In keeping with the fighting game tradition of limited color palettes Leo's hair is the same color as the fur trim on his coat.

C'mon, that could totally be chest and wrist hair!

1366th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Wed 5 Nov 11:12post reply

Double post two hit combo!

VF5 is getting an update
. From what I can tell the update is to declare that they are no longer going to update VF5.

Oof, they're getting dangerously close to Guilty Gear XX <INSERT SUFFIXES HERE> territory with VF5. How many years can they continue to release slight updates without ever releasing VF6?

Another character who is not Baiken is confirmed for GGXrd. In keeping with the fighting game tradition of limited color palettes Leo's hair is the same color as the fur trim on his coat.

C'mon, that could totally be chest and wrist hair!

The other day I was making a Photoshop action that would automate turning Ken Masters' CVS Sprite black and I noticed his skin tone was actually tied to his gloves. Got me thinking about how having these limited palettes forced the designers to be super careful with what colors they used. Limitations necessitated best practices that lead to much more visually cohesive and legible games. I'm glad to see this practice kept alive in Guilty Gear as it enters the Xrd dimension where there are so few limits.

414th Post

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"Re(8):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Wed 5 Nov 12:31post reply

The other day I was making a Photoshop action that would automate turning Ken Masters' CVS Sprite black and I noticed his skin tone was actually tied to his gloves. Got me thinking about how having these limited palettes forced the designers to be super careful with what colors they used. Limitations necessitated best practices that lead to much more visually cohesive and legible games. I'm glad to see this practice kept alive in Guilty Gear as it enters the Xrd dimension where there are so few limits.

Limited colors also led to some wacky alternate palettes, the kinds of weirdness that someone wouldn't create if a character's hair color wasn't tied to their shoe soles and the shadow colors used in their pants.

Of course it also meant you had little freedom when home ports added in color edit modes. Sure, you could make that blond character a red head, but you also made their bare arms red...

4159th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Wed 5 Nov 22:29post reply

The other day I was making a Photoshop action that would automate turning Ken Masters' CVS Sprite black and I noticed his skin tone was actually tied to his gloves

That reminds me of how Blue Mary's red tanktop palette was surprisingly tied to her blue pants in FF3&RBFF! The way how artists dealt with hardware limitations back in the yesteryears are amazing.

Humm, I've been thinking of a new project related to fighting games and it's not a tierchart thing this time around. And Nobi, I might ask you for advice down the road!

2708th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Thu 6 Nov 03:11post reply


The other day I was making a Photoshop action that would automate turning Ken Masters' CVS Sprite black and I noticed his skin tone was actually tied to his gloves. Got me thinking about how having these limited palettes forced the designers to be super careful with what colors they used. Limitations necessitated best practices that lead to much more visually cohesive and legible games. I'm glad to see this practice kept alive in Guilty Gear as it enters the Xrd dimension where there are so few limits.

A thought occurred to me: palette limitations of 8-bit to 16-bit games results in/forces color keys and color palettes that have a 1:1 correspondence. They literally have to create an ironclad color specification for the sprites in general and for each level due to the limited number of color palettes available at any given time.

2696th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+DL" , posted Thu 6 Nov 05:31post reply

Limited colors also led to some wacky alternate palettes, the kinds of weirdness that someone wouldn't create if a character's hair color wasn't tied to their shoe soles and the shadow colors used in their pants.

This is so interesting. And here I had always admired Sakura's dedication to detail in making certain her underwear color matched her shoes. Odder still is that the trend really does persist, making color design in SFIV the equivalent of Apple software products' using wood panel or spiral notebook visuals.


2709th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shipped+D" , posted Thu 6 Nov 06:23post reply

making color design in SFIV the equivalent of Apple software products' using wood panel or spiral notebook visuals.

The flip side of that is that depending on the director, things can change dramatically. Jony Ive intentionally removed skeumorphic design as part of iOS visual style, instead moving towards a flatter look softened by gradients.

I think that it'd be really awesome if some of the studios with tremendous design prowess like Nintendo or Kojima Production ever released documents about the design language used in order to develop their things. Not stuff like the general "we tried for this and were inspired by this" that you get in artbooks or interviews, but things like Google's design document describing in detail Material.

5014th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Tue 11 Nov 01:57post reply

From staged events in Smash to naked people playing Street Fighter it was quite the weekend for fighting games.

shin ramberk
419th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Tue 11 Nov 06:29post reply

From staged events in Smash to naked people playing Street Fighter it was quite the weekend for fighting games.

Thanks for posting the Canada Cup grand finals. Those were really great matches and I likely would have missed them. It was great seeing such an intense match-up with two lesser used characters.

5015th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Tue 11 Nov 23:57post reply

Thanks for posting the Canada Cup grand finals. Those were really great matches and I likely would have missed them. It was great seeing such an intense match-up with two lesser used characters.

Too often grand finals features a dominating player pounding on the one poor slob left standing after finals. Having an absolutely bananas grand finals that featured two characters you don't see much of was a real treat.

Footage of the cancelled 360 version of KI has recently popped up. It's always interesting to see games that never made it to market. This footage also features my favorite version of Thunder.

5931th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Wed 12 Nov 13:31:post reply

Tekken 7 November trailer (japanese), absolutely nothing new revealed and the good part is having Kaiji's announcer hyping himself up.

If what Harada said a few months still stand true, we are a little less than a month away from more new character reveals--- Oh, scratch that, the next loke test (which is where they 2 new guys are supposed to be) is going to be in 10 days, source

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 12 Nov 13:34]

1355th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Wed 12 Nov 20:27post reply

absolutely nothing new

At least it's using that new 60FPS mode for Youtube, which is a welcomed addition for such games and trailers. I have friends working on a 60FPS game at the moment and this feature is a godsend for them as it really changes the perception of the game's quality. Too bad you cannot switch 60fps on imbedded videos yet.

Re(6):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi- I like that it now seems I was cursing at the success of SF4.

Même Narumi est épatée !

Just a Person
1594th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Thu 13 Nov 01:47post reply

Tekken 7 November trailer (japanese), absolutely nothing new revealed and the good part is having Kaiji's announcer hyping himself up.

If what Harada said a few months still stand true, we are a little less than a month away from more new character reveals--- Oh, scratch that, the next loke test (which is where they 2 new guys are supposed to be) is going to be in 10 days, source

Actually, there's one thing in this trailer that I consider as something new: according to earlier information, Katarina was supposed to be from Latin America, right? Well, she's speaking in Portuguese in this trailer... can we assume she's Brazilian, then? I don't remember any other Latin American country having Portuguese as its language.

By the way, I must say her Portuguese sounds kinda artificial - just like Christie and Eddy in TTT2. The way they talk feels too formal, not what one would expect from their personalities. Nevertheless, it's cool having a character who speaks Portuguese in such a big franchise.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

5931th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Thu 13 Nov 05:29post reply

Actually, there's one thing in this trailer that I consider as something new: according to earlier information, Katarina was supposed to be from Latin America, right? Well, she's speaking in Portuguese in this trailer... can we assume she's Brazilian, then?

No, of course you can't. That just means that Namco didn't had the money / connection to contact a foreing studio with the desired language, and merely used the same studio that provided the voices for Christie and Eddie; basically it's the same problem that Zafina has (Is she British according to you? Yeah, I thought so).

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

5016th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Thu 13 Nov 05:35post reply

The main thing I learned from watching this 60FPS video is that I finally noticed that Katarina has gun holsters built into her bra. Also, does Claudio have a bare face or does he have one of those goofy tribal Tekken tattoos?

Just a Person
1595th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Thu 13 Nov 06:03post reply

Actually, there's one thing in this trailer that I consider as something new: according to earlier information, Katarina was supposed to be from Latin America, right? Well, she's speaking in Portuguese in this trailer... can we assume she's Brazilian, then?

No, of course you can't. That just means that Namco didn't had the money / connection to contact a foreing studio with the desired language, and merely used the same studio that provided the voices for Christie and Eddie; basically it's the same problem that Zafina has (Is she British according to you? Yeah, I thought so).

But Tekken has Spanish-speaking characters, doesn't it? Miguel's lines in TTT2 were in Spanish, and he'll likely return for T7. Plus, wouldn't it be EASIER to find a studio capable of providing voices in Spanish, instead of one providing voices in Portuguese?

(unless you're being sarcastic. I'm awful when it comes to identifying sarcasm)

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

3072th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Thu 13 Nov 07:49post reply

Also, does Claudio have a bare face or does he have one of those goofy tribal Tekken tattoos?

It's odd, but then I remember that in the world of Tekken, some tattoos are printed with invisible ink. Having the Devil gene probably also consists of a mysterious burning lemony scent.

2014th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Thu 13 Nov 16:52post reply

The main thing I learned from watching this 60FPS video is that I finally noticed that Katarina has gun holsters built into her bra.

I have mixed feelings about her character design but that flying knee animation she has looks really nice.

/ / /

4161th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):SF4 reaches 8 Million copies shi" , posted Sat 15 Nov 19:30post reply

Actually, there's one thing in this trailer that I consider as something new: according to earlier information, Katarina was supposed to be from Latin America, right? Well, she's speaking in Portuguese in this trailer... can we assume she's Brazilian, then? I don't remember any other Latin American country having Portuguese as its language.

By the way, I must say her Portuguese sounds kinda artificial - just like Christie and Eddy in TTT2.

That's an interesting point! It's probably hard for BanNam to get an authentic Portuguese VA, though I wonder whether they record non-Japanese voices in their Tokyo studios (in which case it's hard to even find fluent Spanish speakers).

I haven't thought about it, but does Miguel sound native?

4164th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"JOJO ASB 2" , posted Tue 18 Nov 19:44post reply

PlayAsia says it's coming in March

9820th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Tue 18 Nov 20:44post reply


PlayAsia says it's coming in March

Am I dumb enough to buy that again full price?
Am I?

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Of course I am, bring it yesterday!

End of Spoiler

Could it be a version with the improvements of the US version (that weren't patched back into the Japanese version, thanks for nothing CC2)and the DLC included?

2712th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Wed 19 Nov 05:59post reply


Could it be a version with the improvements of the US version (that weren't patched back into the Japanese version, thanks for nothing CC2)and the DLC included?

Knowing Capcom, it would probably be called "<PREFIX> JoJo ASB" or "JOJO ASB <SUFFIX>" if that were the case. Something like Super JOJO ASB, or JOJO ASB Turbo.

I like to think that numbered sequels mean something more, but Capcom may yet (unpleasantly!) surprise me!

9821th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Wed 19 Nov 06:08post reply

I like to think that numbered sequels mean something more, but Capcom may yet (unpleasantly!) surprise me!

Why Capcom? It's CC2's game, published by BanNam...
I expected a title like "ASB Requiem" or "ASB Act 2", but that one might have be too optimistic.
I'm really curious what could come out of that. I'm thinking 75% "nothing", 25% "nothing of importance", and 1% of...

2713th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Wed 19 Nov 06:19post reply

Why Capcom? It's CC2's game, published by BanNam...

Because my fingers reflexively typed it right after I hit the capital "C"! Freudian slip, I guess.

5019th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Wed 19 Nov 12:12post reply

I'm not certain why but it sounds as if Raidou is coming back to DoA. All I can think of when I see that character is the look Sean Connery wore in the film Zardoz. Although I'm the only one who would enjoy it I really hope he has that outfit as an alternate costume.

Just a Person
1597th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Wed 19 Nov 19:40post reply

I'm not certain why but it sounds as if Raidou is coming back to DoA. All I can think of when I see that character is the look Sean Connery wore in the film Zardoz. Although I'm the only one who would enjoy it I really hope he has that outfit as an alternate costume.

Raidou back as a cyborg... in a weird way, this seems interesting. In DoA1, his movelist consisted of techniques from other characters (Kasumi, Hayabusa, Zack, Bayman, Tina, Jann Lee and Gen Fu, if I remember correctly - for some reason, he didn't have any techniques from Leifang, Bass or Ayane); I wonder if he'll still have these techniques or if he'll have a fighting style of his own now.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1894th Post

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PSN: gekijmo
XBL: gekijmo5
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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Thu 20 Nov 13:47post reply


Could it be a version with the improvements of the US version (that weren't patched back into the Japanese version, thanks for nothing CC2)and the DLC included?

I sure hope it is that so my patience pays off. If not, I sure hope we get a better looking storymode this time around.

1895th Post

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PSN: gekijmo
XBL: gekijmo5
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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Thu 20 Nov 13:47post reply


Could it be a version with the improvements of the US version (that weren't patched back into the Japanese version, thanks for nothing CC2)and the DLC included?

I sure hope it is that so my patience pays off. If not, I sure hope we get a better looking storymode this time around.

802th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Thu 20 Nov 19:00post reply

Raidou back as a cyborg... in a weird way, this seems interesting. In DoA1, his movelist consisted of techniques from other characters (Kasumi, Hayabusa, Zack, Bayman, Tina, Jann Lee and Gen Fu, if I remember correctly - for some reason, he didn't have any techniques from Leifang, Bass or Ayane); I wonder if he'll still have these techniques or if he'll have a fighting style of his own now.

Ayane and Bass weren't in the very first version of DoA1, unlike Raidou - they only made it in in DoA+, and I guess by then his moveset felt complete enough.

There's a reveal video now - whose tone is ruined by appending Marie Rose in a bathing suit in the end, but the reveal that Raidou gets his Hayate slaps from this opening as part of his "super" is great enough news for me.


4169th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"GGXrd 12-min trailer" , posted Fri 21 Nov 08:52:post reply

The game is looking great and the new trailer reveals some interesting things. It seems like the developers really added in a lot of thought to details. Btw who's picking up the game? It may be interesting to have sessions the way we did with Dragon's Crown.

Few new points from the trailer-
- A story mode with animating characters
- Character voices that can be used when communicating in the lobby (sort of like the short preset comments in Persona4)
- Nicovideo style text comments from lobby spectators that can run through the screen when playing online
- Customizable characters (via the ARPG-like m.o.m. mode) that can be used online
- A mission mode that actually presents realistic situations that'll happen during matches
- Online training mode allows players to swap each other's characters (useful for showing stuff to each other)

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 21 Nov 09:05]

2715th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):GGXrd 12-min trailer" , posted Fri 21 Nov 10:33post reply


- Nicovideo style text comments from lobby spectators that can run through the screen when playing online

I can see it already: having a strategic bunch of spectators who flood the screen with spam right when the mixup is coming.

2698th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):GGXrd 12-min trailer" , posted Fri 21 Nov 12:53post reply

Btw who's picking up the game? It may be interesting to have sessions the way we did with Dragon's Crown.
Heck yeah. But only if you teach me how to play. I've admired the art for a decade+ but never learned how to play a non-Capcom or Namco fighter. Shame!


5021th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):GGXrd 12-min trailer" , posted Sat 22 Nov 01:33post reply

Nuts, I'm on a self-imposed moratorium on brand new games until I get a new console but Xrd is looking so entertaining I might not be able to hold out. Perhaps I should buy vanilla Xrd on the PS3 and get the inevitable upgrade on the PS4?


- Nicovideo style text comments from lobby spectators that can run through the screen when playing online

I can see it already: having a strategic bunch of spectators who flood the screen with spam right when the mixup is coming.

As long as there are macros that let me flood the screen with "WWWWWW" and "ああああああああ" I'll be good to go.

There's a reveal video now - whose tone is ruined by appending Marie Rose in a bathing suit in the end, but the reveal that Raidou gets his Hayate slaps from this opening as part of his "super" is great enough news for me.

I'm hoping that Marie Rose stuff is Team Ninja testing out material for a new volleyball game. Are there flattering swimsuits that are cut to accommodate Tengu's wings? Will Alpha-152 dissolve in sea water if she goes for a swim? These are the questions that the DoA franchise needs to explore.

1453th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):GGXrd 12-min trailer" , posted Sat 22 Nov 01:44post reply

Nuts, I'm on a self-imposed moratorium on brand new games until I get a new console but Xrd is looking so entertaining I might not be able to hold out. Perhaps I should buy vanilla Xrd on the PS3 and get the inevitable upgrade on the PS4?

Humm, I plan on eventually picking it up but I've been super busy lately so I'm not sure I would even have time to play. It may happen as I get progressively more excited about its eventual release though!

There's a reveal video now - whose tone is ruined by appending Marie Rose in a bathing suit in the end, but the reveal that Raidou gets his Hayate slaps from this opening as part of his "super" is great enough news for me.
I'm hoping that Marie Rose stuff is Team Ninja testing out material for a new volleyball game. Are there flattering swimsuits that are cut to accommodate Tengu's wings? Will Alpha-152 dissolve in sea water if she goes for a swim? These are the questions that the DoA franchise needs to explore.

Man, Dead or Alive-- I went from being honestly excited about 5 since I had such fond memories of DoA2 to being disappointed by a game that just didn't feel like it had progressed since then in any meaningful way... other than boob physics, before Ishmael somebody points that out! DoA5 just feels like a shallow fighting game that's a vehicle for never-ending overpriced fanservice. But they genuinely interested me by announcing Cyber-Raidou... still, I won't fall for it again, Team Ninja!

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

4170th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):GGXrd 12-min trailer" , posted Sat 22 Nov 02:29:post reply

Heck yeah. But only if you teach me how to play. I've admired the art for a decade+ but never learned how to play a non-Capcom or Namco fighter. Shame!
I haven't played Guilty Gear since the second release (GGX), but I shouldn't have problems teaching you the basics, no problem!

Nuts, I'm on a self-imposed moratorium on brand new games until I get a new console but Xrd is looking so entertaining I might not be able to hold out. Perhaps I should buy vanilla Xrd on the PS3 and get the inevitable upgrade on the PS4?

That was the same I was thinking which made me preorder the PS3 version instead of looking into a PS4 for the time being. I wonder how well the PS3 version plays, considering Arc is only showing off the PS4 build whereever they go.

I heard director Ishiwatari was in a store about two days ago as a promotion-- apparently people who preordered right at the spot would get an autographed art from him come launch date, though I'm not sure if the art is fresh or a copy.

In related news, here's his current art style.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 22 Nov 02:35]

3074th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):GGXrd 12-min trailer" , posted Sat 22 Nov 02:40post reply

There's a reveal video now - whose tone is ruined by appending Marie Rose in a bathing suit in the end, but the reveal that Raidou gets his Hayate slaps from this opening as part of his "super" is great enough news for me.
I'm hoping that Marie Rose stuff is Team Ninja testing out material for a new volleyball game. Are there flattering swimsuits that are cut to accommodate Tengu's wings? Will Alpha-152 dissolve in sea water if she goes for a swim? These are the questions that the DoA franchise needs to explore.

At this point in the existence of DoA5 and its endless costume updates the only thing I ever look forward to is what new item they will replace Nyotengu's fan with this time. Considering it's kind of like a weapon, changing it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and it would certainly be easier to leave it alone, but they do it anyway so now you can use things like a syringe, a xmas wreath on a stick, or a carrot to create whirlwinds. Beta carotene is a powerful thing.

2716th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):GGXrd 12-min trailer" , posted Sat 22 Nov 04:41post reply

GG teaching

I have put a ton of time into playing GG but all of it into Faust. I can teach any of you the basics of the basics, but I will not be able to teach you any of the character specific technicalities.

FRCs are unfortunately something that can't be taught, they just have to be practiced. For some characters (Faust in all revisions after the first GGXX) they have relatively little importance, while for others (Sol) you are gimped without them.

PS3 differences

Yeah, I'm still waiting to hear exactly what the differences are, but what I've heard so far from my seriously competitive GG friends, the PS3 version feels fine except for the lower resolution. It supports console crossplay, but are there any issues with playing across regions (aside from latency)?

2699th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):GGXrd 12-min trailer" , posted Sat 22 Nov 07:41post reply

Professor and Spoon's GG dojo
Man, that will great. For whatever reason, none of my friends growing up in any country played SNK or Arc games, though I admire them from afar. Hopefully this will have voice chat so you can tell me when I'm fighting like an idiot.


4170th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):GGXrd 12-min trailer" , posted Sat 22 Nov 18:01post reply

FRCs are unfortunately something that can't be taught, they just have to be practiced. It supports console crossplay, but are there any issues with playing across regions (aside from latency)?

As far as playing across regions go, past releases from Arc System Works have played pretty fine! Just latency issues, but they tend not to be as much a problem for games where you can button mash compared to heavliy reaction-based games.

GGXrd has no Force Roman Cancels (FRC) and the game should be a lot easier to teach people than previous releases! It took out a few other stuff too, like the ability to break out of throws.

Just a Person
1598th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Sun 23 Nov 22:16post reply

Raidou back as a cyborg... in a weird way, this seems interesting. In DoA1, his movelist consisted of techniques from other characters (Kasumi, Hayabusa, Zack, Bayman, Tina, Jann Lee and Gen Fu, if I remember correctly - for some reason, he didn't have any techniques from Leifang, Bass or Ayane); I wonder if he'll still have these techniques or if he'll have a fighting style of his own now.

Ayane and Bass weren't in the very first version of DoA1, unlike Raidou - they only made it in in DoA+, and I guess by then his moveset felt complete enough.

There's a reveal video now - whose tone is ruined by appending Marie Rose in a bathing suit in the end, but the reveal that Raidou gets his Hayate slaps from this opening as part of his "super" is great enough news for me.

Yeah, that explains why Raidou doesn't have any technique from Ayane or Bass. It doesn't explain why he also had no techniques from Leifang (who was present in DoA1 from the beginning), though.

As for the video, Cyber-Raidou looks awesome! But no matter how many times Team Ninja states that Marie Rose is 18 years old, it still feels wrong to put her fighting in a bathing suit (even if hers isn't as revealing as the ones her female fellows got).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1357th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

""General is back!"" , posted Sun 23 Nov 23:37post reply

What a fitting gift for SegaSaturn's anniversary!

... I am not sure myself whether I am commenting on the return of Raidou or the ladies outfit selection right out of a Soft on Demand catalogue.

In case you do not follow Toxico's account, the Kaiser Knuckles video is hilarious.

Même Narumi est épatée !

5024th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Mon 24 Nov 03:48post reply

Man, Dead or Alive-- I went from being honestly excited about 5 since I had such fond memories of DoA2 to being disappointed by a game that just didn't feel like it had progressed since then in any meaningful way... other than boob physics, before Ishmael somebody points that out! DoA5 just feels like a shallow fighting game that's a vehicle for never-ending overpriced fanservice. But they genuinely interested me by announcing Cyber-Raidou... still, I won't fall for it again, Team Ninja!

DoA5 is a game with a very odd life. Since DoA was no longer an outlet for Itagaki's id it felt like they were trying to make a fresh start with the franchise. The characters were redesigned to be a bit more subdued and the initial presentation of the game was that it wanted to be a real fighting game. I even remember Tecmo trying to drum up interest in the tournament scene for DoA. Trouble is, the tournament matches were some of the most boring things I've ever seen. Every match seemed to nothing but constant counter-picking which robbed the characters of any sort of individual traits they may have possessed. It seems I wasn't the only one not smitten with DoA's attempts at being a proper fighter because DoA5 switched gears and now seems to exist to sell fetish gear DLC. While I'm glad to see DoA is still around it's a shame it's only through base interests. Even worse, since DoA no longer has a forceful personality like Itagaki at the helm the game now survives through perversion by committee. The meetings must be something else.

As for the video, Cyber-Raidou looks awesome! But no matter how many times Team Ninja states that Marie Rose is 18 years old, it still feels wrong to put her fighting in a bathing suit (even if hers isn't as revealing as the ones her female fellows got).

I assume that Marie Rose is eighteen only because she is carrying around an obviously phony I.D. on which "18" has been scrawled in ballpoint pen.

5027th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Wed 26 Nov 01:32post reply

Double post!

The 1.04 balance patch of USF4 has finally been confirmed. That's nice and all but without any concrete details it's the goofy costumes that are the main draw to this latest news post. I had been hoping we would see an in-game shot of Hakan's Anna Williams outfit but they are probably holding that one back since it would make everything else look bad in comparison. Also, E.Honda's outfit made me wonder if Toxico has ever linked to any Star Gladiator matches.

4174th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Xrd DLCs" , posted Thu 27 Nov 20:04post reply

DLC info have been released for GGXrd.

3500yen for all the extra announcer voices! Whoa.

There's going to be a smartphone app that allows users to create tournament rooms, but it's only compliant with the PS4 version. I wonder if this means that PS3 users have no way of creating or joining tournament rooms? That'll be a pity.

756th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):JOJO ASB 2" , posted Fri 28 Nov 11:41post reply

Double post!

The 1.04 balance patch of USF4 has finally been confirmed. That's nice and all but without any concrete details it's the goofy costumes that are the main draw to this latest news post. I had been hoping we would see an in-game shot of Hakan's Anna Williams outfit but they are probably holding that one back since it would make everything else look bad in comparison. Also, E.Honda's outfit made me wonder if Toxico has ever linked to any Star Gladiator matches.

Woah! A much as I despise yiffing fiends, you must admit that Kappa Honda and Old Goat Gen (pun intended) are really something.

4178th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"GGXrd Wiki & PS3 info" , posted Mon 1 Dec 21:58:post reply

The Official GGXrd wiki has detailed info on all characters including the new console additions.

On another note, according to a Tweet from the game's director, the PS3 version has a display mode to simplify some things on the screen (number of background NPCs, etc) to keep the framerate steady at 60fps. So apparently there's some occasional frameskips if you want to play at arcade quality graphics, although the director says it's not usually going to be a problem. Needless to say the PS4 version doesn't have the mode since it's powerful enough the handle the graphics. It'll be interesting to hear the initial reports once the "flying getters" get their hands on the game.

[edit] Bulletta!

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 1 Dec 22:10]

5030th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):GGXrd Wiki & PS3 info" , posted Tue 2 Dec 03:38post reply

The amount of care that went into translating GG into 3D is amazing. GG is a game that never looked particularly pretty to me in motion but the individual frames are impressive.
On another note, according to a Tweet from the game's director, the PS3 version has a display mode to simplify some things on the screen (number of background NPCs, etc) to keep the framerate steady at 60fps. So apparently there's some occasional frameskips if you want to play at arcade quality graphics, although the director says it's not usually going to be a problem. Needless to say the PS4 version doesn't have the mode since it's powerful enough the handle the graphics. It'll be interesting to hear the initial reports once the "flying getters" get their hands on the game.

I'm surprised that the PS4 version doesn't have this option as well. Fighting game players tend to be a superstitious lot so if there is even the rumor of slowdown on a stage it often won't get picked. Stages that have garish coloring or distracting animation also get left behind by some players. One of the reasons training stages get picked so much is because they are so bland. The more bare a stage -outside of that obnoxious boss stage in KoF XIII- the more some players seem to like it.

As for me I'll probably be spending most of my matches trying to spot the differences in the stages as if it were a game within the game. Oh well, I was never very good at GG so now I have an easy excuse for losing.

4178th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):GGXrd Wiki & PS3 info" , posted Wed 3 Dec 08:37post reply

Video showing difference between the two graphical settings in PS3. (from 24min) - Nico

I.. can't notice the difference

1457th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):GGXrd Wiki & PS3 info" , posted Wed 3 Dec 09:24:post reply

Video showing difference between the two graphical settings in PS3. (from 24min) - Nico

I.. can't notice the difference

So, I just had a chance to try the demo on PS4 this morning, and HOLY SHIT IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!

I'm astounded at how they managed to capture the look and feel of 2D GG games, until that magical moment when it's suddenly in 3D. Videos do this game absolutely no justice.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

[this message was edited by karasu on Thu 4 Dec 00:53]

1370th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Fri 5 Dec 21:51post reply

I guess this was meant to be uploaded tomorrow. Here is the logo.
And so begins the generation of delayed multiplatform.

I am sure the Sony fanboys who complained so loudly about the unfair! and obviously temporary! exclusivity of Tomb Raider for Xbox One will also call out the ambiguity of this announcement.

Même Narumi est épatée !

1898th Post

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PSN: gekijmo
XBL: gekijmo5
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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 00:08post reply

I guess this was meant to be uploaded tomorrow. Here is the logo.
And so begins the generation of delayed multiplatform.

I am sure the Sony fanboys who complained so loudly about the unfair! and obviously temporary! exclusivity of Tomb Raider for Xbox One will also call out the ambiguity of this announcement.

The exclusivity is kinda junk like the Tomb Raider. I cannot imagine this is a Bayonetta 2 type situation where the game would NOT exist without Sony's intervention as SF is a mega franchise. But then again, I remember Ono saying funding was kinda hard to come by and that we shouldn't expect SFV until like 2017/18 so maybe there was some truth to that. But going down that line of thinking, I don't see why Sony would also allow a PC version as well.

I am kinda more surprised by the lack of arcade mentioned. I guess Capcom finally realized it was time to go straight to consoles? Or there will be a SFV Arcade Edition later on.

I am hyped. A bit disappointed by the lack of the game being in more hands with the exclusivity deal. But this also pretty much cements which current gen console I will go with. I was kinda leaning towards XBO since the only games out I was kinda interested in were Killer Instinct, Dead Rising 3 and Overdrive.

As for the game footage, it looks nice. I like the art direction more than SFIV thats for damn sure. I am surprised they are keeping the brush stroke stuff and it appears they are adding it to more moves. Is that the effect of EX attacks now or is it for something else?

I hope the initial cast (because I DAMN sure expect multiple updates which BETTER ALL be DLC, no more of this disc only stuff like SFIV to SSFIV) is more than just SF2 the other New Challengers like we got with the arcade version of SFIV.

5035th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 00:44post reply

Half the fun of a leaked trailer is watching the company play whack-a-mole in their fruitless attempts to keep the video offline.

Thankfully I was able to see the video before the mallet came down and I like what I see. The hints of the new game engine look really intriguing. Chun-Li getting back a variation on her areal Spinning Bird Kick suggests there's going to be more emphasis on air combos this time. Also, what is that ink and electric aura around Ryu? A meter charging move? A power boost burst? The fun that comes after the trailer hunt is trying to reverse engineer the game through split-second images.


I am sure the Sony fanboys who complained so loudly about the unfair! and obviously temporary! exclusivity of Tomb Raider for Xbox One will also call out the ambiguity of this announcement.

Those in the know were already buying the PS4 for Blood Bourne so this exclusive -or timed exclusive- isn't so much a tipping point for choosing a console as it is icing on the cake.

2702th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 01:28post reply

areal Spinning Bird Kick suggests there's going to be more emphasis on air combos this time.

Maybe it means that characters have finally remembered how to air-block? SF IV was so dumb in that respect. Having the awful Third Strike special-moves-into-super-moves option yet withholding Zero-style aerial blocking because people who played the old series "wouldn't be used to it" was one of the stranger choices.


9826th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 01:54post reply

Maybe it means that characters have finally remembered how to air-block? SF IV was so dumb in that respect. Having the awful Third Strike special-moves-into-super-moves option yet withholding Zero-style aerial blocking because people who played the old series "wouldn't be used to it" was one of the stranger choices.

I have always been against air-block except if your game is going to be played more than 50% in the air Mahvel-style. Air block ruined entire games when not applied properly, and needs to have the whole system imagined around it, with heavy limitations applied to it (like Savior, or some KOF). Air-block in SF4 would have turned the game into an even heavier turtle-fest.
If the game really ends up being SF4 HD+, I really hope they give plenty of time to the possible consequences of air-battle, such as movement options, air guard, longer combos and juggle, combo breaking, etc.

But I suppose most of the R&D has been spent on how to monetize the new game.

Burning Ranger
1769th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 03:52post reply

I guess this was meant to be uploaded tomorrow. Here is the logo.
And so begins the generation of delayed multiplatform.

I am sure the Sony fanboys who complained so loudly about the unfair! and obviously temporary! exclusivity of Tomb Raider for Xbox One will also call out the ambiguity of this announcement.

Not sure how I feel about a new game (or new "series" since it will no doubt spawn variants/editions.

The (brief) gameplay footage looks pretty though. I guess, in the end, its a good thing it'll take a while before the game is released...I won't need to get a PS4 anytime soon (or upgrade my PCs).

Hey....wheres Street Figther X Tekken (the Namco game)?!?

So much to do so little time...

2724th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 03:52post reply

Maybe it means that characters have finally remembered how to air-block? SF IV was so dumb in that respect. Having the awful Third Strike special-moves-into-super-moves option yet withholding Zero-style aerial blocking because people who played the old series "wouldn't be used to it" was one of the stranger choices.

I have always been against air-block except if your game is going to be played more than 50% in the air Mahvel-style. Air block ruined entire games when not applied properly, and needs to have the whole system imagined around it, with heavy limitations applied to it (like Savior, or some KOF). Air-block in SF4 would have turned the game into an even heavier turtle-fest.
If the game really ends up being SF4 HD+, I really hope they give plenty of time to the possible consequences of air-battle, such as movement options, air guard, longer combos and juggle, combo breaking, etc.

Some strong opinions here!

@Maou: I'm really surprised that you find super cancelling to be bad! But it's systemically more consistent if you look at it carefully: SF4 has EX moves like in SF3 (they didn't exist in SFZ), has a universal attack absorbing system like in SF3 (no alpha counters from SFZ), has universal movement options like dash and super jump like SF3 (only Nash could dash in SFZ!), has a selectable super (the Ultra) like SF3... SF4 is a whole lot of SF2 and SF3!

System-wise, the first SFZ if anything feels like an attempt to bring in system innovations from Darkstalkers and COTA into SF like air blocking and universal chain combos. The air blocking in SFZ felt like a direct attempt to address fireball trap gameplay with a universal system, a notion that would get touched upon again in SFZ3 with projectile damage decay over distance.

@Iggy: I agree that air blocking led to the beloved/reviled chicken blocking gameplay of many games. In SFZ series universal movement options were really limited, and there were few secondary penalties for air blocking (guard crush wasn't a thing in SFZ until SFZ3, and guard breaking an air blocker had very limited reward because of the restrictive juggle system pre-SFZ3) which made air blocking feel even more dominating. Chicken blocking is practically a fixture of most doujin airdash and ArcSys games.

Air blocking in SF4 would've been awful, I agree. It would be inconsistent with the kind of return-to-basics game they wanted with fireball trapping being a legitimate, effective tactic. Keeping it out was a good idea!

I'd rather not have air blocking that is so restricted like in KOF98 that it took awhile for me to even realize it was in the game.

On the flip side, Akatsuki Blitzkampf is a game mostly played on the ground that has very powerful airblocking (you can air block anything that isn't a throw or is explicitly air unblockable), but it's offset by things like the extra guard crush taken when airblocking and the presence of universal air throws. It doesn't have the devastating high speed forward movement that Vampire does, and yet makes it work. However, universal air throws have only ever been a mainline SF feature in... SFZ3. Guess what, that game also had a guard crush gauge! And guess which SF game they are most certainly NOT cribbing from? Hint: SFZ3.

@nobody in particular:
The aesthetics and everything else tell me that this is definitely deriving most strongly from SF4, which is a conservative decision that I shouldn't be too surprised about. But I do wonder how this is going to re-invigorate sales of the franchise aside from just being on modern platforms and being a new title, given how much like SF4 it superficially seems to be. SF4 has done great for Capcom, but SF4 is clearly in the twilight of its life. If the perception of it is not SF5 but SF4.5, I can't imagine a whole lot of new blood jumping in.

1652th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 05:23post reply

I don't know what to feel about SF5, every numbered title for SF has been so drastically different from the last, and SF5 will probably again have a system that's completely different from SF4.

I would give up if I was tasked with creating a completely new system that's different from all previous street fighters and still be able to be good enough to take the main stage as a next gen fighter

I honestly thought they would never touch SF5 till 10 years later because that would make it much easier to make a successor

3076th Post

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"Re(7):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 08:04post reply

It looks okay, just not amazing. On close enough inspection it does actually look much more detailed, but with every new generation it only gets exponentially harder to tell the difference, especially without some radical change in presentation or concept. While the stage looks good, the dark lighting of it makes it especially difficult to make out model detail.

I think the animation is really the biggest culprit to the lack of impact here. It's just odd to see SF5 re-using animation from SF4 when it really should be started over on like every numbered SF. I guess this means that Dimps is still involved, since re-using animation between sequels is more their thing than Capcom's (though Capcom probably okayed it without much thought). It also explains why they were not involved in USF4's release.

3713th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 08:37:post reply

I was really expecting USF4 on PS4 that would run just like the PC version on max settings. In other words, the least amount of effort that Capcom could possibly put forth. For that reason alone, I'm hugely delighted at the SF5 announcement.
The aesthetics and everything else tell me that this is definitely deriving most strongly from SF4, which is a conservative decision that I shouldn't be too surprised about. But I do wonder how this is going to re-invigorate sales of the franchise aside from just being on modern platforms and being a new title, given how much like SF4 it superficially seems to be. SF4 has done great for Capcom, but SF4 is clearly in the twilight of its life. If the perception of it is not SF5 but SF4.5, I can't imagine a whole lot of new blood jumping in.

This was my first reaction as well. I am consoled by the fact that so many "big name" fighting game players have recently expressed their desire for a new game, since SF4 is getting a bit stale. This at least put my fears that people would be unwilling to "sacrifice" years of expertise in one game for a new one, even if it was more appealing. Taking a hit to the number of playable characters is a concern as well.

Personally, I think having a free to play model like Dead or Alive might not be bad. They can launch a retail version of course, but the size of the player base for a game like this is big and if they can push the boundaries of competitive play, that would be nice as well. That might be the hook they need to get more people playing and differentiate it from SF4. It might play nicer with a steady stream of new characters as well.

Another thing that came to mind...players complained a surprising amount about the lack of decent story modes in SF4 and MvC3. It seems like this is a big draw. That makes sense, in a way, since Street Fighter has remained in the eyes and heart of the public because people remember the characters more than they remember the intricacies of game systems they probably never fully worked out anyway. This is just an observation, though it is in opposition to a FTP system somewhat.

I have a lot of things I'd like to see in the game, but at the top of the list is better netcode. That's ultimately going to make or break the experience for me and many other players more than seeing our favorite characters or not.

On a side note, Hori's (US) HRAP for PS4 is sold out everywhere just in time for Guilty Gear! Maybe that US LE delay isn't so bad...

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sat 6 Dec 08:39]

4180th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 09:47:post reply

Maybe it means that characters have finally remembered how to air-block?

I have always been against air-block except if your game is going to be played more than 50% in the air Mahvel-style.

I remember how one fighting game in particular had a very interesting way of (probably coincedentally) solving the issue of turtling in air blocking; it had some moves that'll hit multiple times only when blocked in air, and it did a LOT more damage than on a clean hit, lol. What a memorable game 天外魔境 was!

Looking at SF5 though, it feels a lot more like... a SF4.5. SF4 was a great title to get people back into the fighting game genre, but after 4-5 years it's certainly gotten stale despite all the minor updates. Hopefully SF5 is going to bring new fun to the series, and perhaps play a bit more offensively than the current game.

Off-topic from SF5, Who's picked up GGXrd? It may be interesting to try an online session soon.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 6 Dec 09:51]

2727th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 09:57post reply

it had some moves that'll hit multiple times only when blocked in air, and it did a LOT more damage than on a clean hit, lol.

I like to imagine that Capcom borrowed this idea for Chun's spinning bird kick in SFZ3 which dealt more damage airblocked than when it hit, whether it hit an airborne or grounded opponent!

2704th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):SF5 prematurely announced for PS4+PC" , posted Sat 6 Dec 12:30:post reply

Off-topic from SF5, Who's picked up GGXrd? It may be interesting to try an online session soon.
Hoping to buy it online tomorrow once I finish a bit more work! Naturally, I intend to balance this unorthodox on-time purchase of a contemporary game by also buying Soul Calibur II HD now that I realized that the Japanese version isn't stuck with the US "acting" after all. 14 years?! Woah.
Air blocking in SF4 would've been awful, I agree. It would be inconsistent with the kind of return-to-basics game they wanted with fireball trapping being a legitimate, effective tactic.
But I think this is what gets me. SF4 cannot possibly be a back-to-basics game if it has preposterously high-damage options like super cancelling, complicated little add-ons and tweaks like super selections, ultras, focus attacks, dashes, EX attacks...just typing it is making me tired. To have all that Third Strike bloat that's wholly unrecognizable from SF2 but to somehow cut out just air-blocking drives me nuts. Or maybe I've just eaten too many Shouryuuken->Shouryuureppa cancels from Third Strike on to ever want to deal with this nonsense again.

Summary: You are still teaching me how to Guilty Gear, though, and I will complain less there.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 6 Dec 12:58]

1374th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Ultra SF4 also for PS4, more info on SF5" , posted Sun 7 Dec 05:33post reply

Ultra SF4 will also come to PS4, including all costume DLCs.
And Ono clarified (at least this version of) SF5 will stay exclusive to PS4.
Online multiplayer will cross-play between PS4 and PC.

Même Narumi est épatée !

5038th Post

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"Re(1):Ultra SF4 also for PS4, more info on SF" , posted Sun 7 Dec 06:01post reply

So SF5 will feature launchers, air combos, OTG's, some sort of power up system, guard breaks, and the ability to boot people through walls. This isn't SF4, it's Marvel Super Heroes. All this is subject to change of course but it looks like they have a pretty good idea of what they want to do with the game.

3077th Post

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"Re(2):Ultra SF4 also for PS4, more info on SF" , posted Sun 7 Dec 10:07post reply

Random thoughts on the gameplay video:

The corner wall breaks away into a restaurant a la RBFFS. So the stage really is based on the Yun/Yang stage from SF3. Meaning the time period could be around SF3?

The character models look like a compromise between the models of SF4 and MvC3. The textures don't look intentionally rough as they did in SF4.

Same character voices from SF4, which unfortunately furthers the whole "SF4.5" impression. If the game is really supposed to take place around SF3 then this makes it even harder to swallow.

Zero 3/CvS style guard breaking is back? I guess this game will be more about the offense.

They were only shown using EX moves after going into a special mode where they have some electricity effect surrounding them. Maybe that mode is the only way to do EX moves?

The cinematic moves appear to be just normal supers. In both cases Ryu and Chun Li are shown cancelling into them from a low MK. Since ultras were never cancellable like that it would seem ultras are out.

5935th Post

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"Lucky Chloe" , posted Sun 7 Dec 14:06:post reply

I didn't took any pictures, but the new Tekken 7 character is a cat girl who fights while scratching and giving silly flips.

....... Approaching the casual audience indeed. Someome please, confort me.

edit : Video

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 7 Dec 14:21]

1900th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Lucky Chloe" , posted Sun 7 Dec 14:24:post reply

I didn't took any pictures, but the new Tekken 7 character is a cat girl who fights while scratching and giving silly flips.

....... Approaching the casual audience indeed. Someome please, confort me.

Video of Lucky Chloe

A very DOA character from the looks of it. I thought Alisa was a strange characters, but this seems like a whole other level.

The Japanese voice stands out as she appears to be a "white" character, but with a lot of stereotypical J-Idol features yet still speaking quite a few lines in English. Tekken has been using appropriate voice actors for characters for the last few iterations so either the decision for a Japanese voice was to simply appeal more to Japanese audiences(like Alisa) or perhaps there is a bit more to it.

She definitely doesn't appeal to me though. I hope we get more "grounded" characters than these type of characters when the game finally comes out.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Sun 7 Dec 14:26]

3079th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Lucky Chloe" , posted Sun 7 Dec 15:17post reply

This was more what I was expecting when Tekken 7 started revealing new characters instead of Katarina and Claudio. Not appealing to me but I guess someone in Japan might care. I just hope that the next few characters are a little more grounded.

396th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Lucky Chloe" , posted Sun 7 Dec 22:05post reply

SFV seems to be combining a lot of ideas from Street Fighter x Tekken & MVC3, in fact it may be SFxT without the Tekken part. I think it has bound from SFxT, that thing where specific knockdown attacks make the character flop around on the floor, allowing for more hits of any kind, not just specific OTG moves ala KOF. The powering up mechanic looks like a mini-Pandora mode. And SFxT already had launchers and was a more juggle-friendly/Air combo-friendly than SF4.

I think Ono said that they'll have SFV playable at Capcom Cup next week. Hopefully we'll see more interesting stuff then cause right now I'm feeling very lukework from everything I've seen.

Also wow at Lucky Chloe. Must be Harada trolling again. Honestly, I'm hoping she'd not be Japanese but be more like a western who is WAY into Japanese Idol culture and stuff. I guess somewhat like that Avril Lavign Hello Kitty video.

1375th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Lucky Chloe" , posted Mon 8 Dec 09:49post reply

I am going to take a leap of faith and assume Lucky Chloe is not the character inspired by Arab culture they suggested earlier this year.

Même Narumi est épatée !

1th Post

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New Customer

"Re(4):Lucky Chloe" , posted Mon 8 Dec 12:28post reply

Also wow at Lucky Chloe. Must be Harada trolling again. Honestly, I'm hoping she'd not be Japanese but be more like a western who is WAY into Japanese Idol culture and stuff. I guess somewhat like that Avril Lavign Hello Kitty video.

The design for Lucky is by Yusuke Kozaki. Personally, I'm enjoying the unhappy and overly-serious reactions to her from the Western side of the fanbase.

1370th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Lucky Chloe" , posted Mon 8 Dec 17:42post reply

Also wow at Lucky Chloe. Must be Harada trolling again. Honestly, I'm hoping she'd not be Japanese but be more like a western who is WAY into Japanese Idol culture and stuff. I guess somewhat like that Avril Lavign Hello Kitty video.
The design for Lucky is by Yusuke Kozaki. Personally, I'm enjoying the unhappy and overly-serious reactions to her from the Western side of the fanbase.

Harada is trolling his English speaking fans so beautifully right now

the real kap
41th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(6):Lucky Chloe" , posted Mon 8 Dec 19:09post reply

On one hand, they're free to put in any character that they want. Some are just more divisive than others and will cause more buzz, that's how it goes sometimes.

On the other hand, Namco has been full of it for years and even though I played/owned most of the Tekken games, TTT2 and Namco's attitude burned me on the series.

On that third hand, Harada can troll all he wants if it makes him feel better for including his 'fetish' characters in the game to attract the Asian audience while many fans were waiting for the classic fighters who they know and love and (jokingly) say that Lucky is region-locked based on generalizing statements that the complaining forums are only in the USA.

So, yeah. I'll just occasionally watch this sinking ship from a distance. I played TTT2 for maybe 10 hours since launch, maybe I'll go back to mess around with it someday, but T7 isn't doing anything to re-ignite my interest in the series. Supers aren't that good, either.

Maybe T×SF will be cool, but anything remotely promising will be crushed by silly time locked pre-order on-disc character DLC and all that other nonsense.

805th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):Lucky Chloe" , posted Mon 8 Dec 19:27post reply

Also wow at Lucky Chloe. Must be Harada trolling again. Honestly, I'm hoping she'd not be Japanese but be more like a western who is WAY into Japanese Idol culture and stuff. I guess somewhat like that Avril Lavign Hello Kitty video.
The design for Lucky is by Yusuke Kozaki. Personally, I'm enjoying the unhappy and overly-serious reactions to her from the Western side of the fanbase.

Harada is trolling his English speaking fans so beautifully right now

These mini-riots and trollings came up at an interesting time - just yesterday I caught the later part of the latest South Park episode, in which one of the major plot points consists on Cartman becoming a major "Youtube personality" that just comments on stuff, with a secondary being Stan's father's musical career, for which he's asked to perform outrageous stuff on stage to generate controversy.
At one point a character there mentions that this is an age where content doesn't matter by itself, but by the comments it generates, which is getting equated with relevance, as opposed to any longer-lasting meaning or implications of that content itself.
So it's almost funny to see people commenting on this character's aesthetic and Lili -> Marie Rose (DoA) -> Chloe factor more than on the fact that her moves so closely resemble Tekken's capoeira characters...

I care a lot less about Tekken than I used to, frankly - I hope one of the Chang ladies still makes it, and if it's Julia I wonder if she'll keep her TTT2 JC moves, but most of all I'm curious to see how TxSF will handy the SF cast, and the lack of new about that troubles me a bit more.

For young girls in fighting games, as far as I'm concerned SF's Makoto is still the gold standard.


Just a Person
1600th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Lucky Chloe" , posted Mon 8 Dec 22:17:post reply

Maybe she's some kind of otaku-ish Western girl who thinks it's cool to wander around in cat costumes? Even then, she's still far from being the weirdest fighter in the Tekken series... but I hope her Capoeira moves don't mean she'll take Christie's and/or Eddy's spots in the game (they were already threatened by Katarina's inclusion).

I am going to take a leap of faith and assume Lucky Chloe is not the character inspired by Arab culture they suggested earlier this year.

Great question. When will the Arab fighter be presented? Or is he just a concept character that Harada discarded? I hope not; he looked quite cool.

I also wonder if Eliza, the narcoleptic vampire with inflatable breasts, will be canonly introduced in Tekken 7. Probably not, though.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Mon 8 Dec 22:40]

1457th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Lucky Chloe" , posted Tue 9 Dec 01:26post reply

Maybe she's some kind of otaku-ish Western girl who thinks it's cool to wander around in cat costumes? Even then, she's still far from being the weirdest fighter in the Tekken series... but I hope her Capoeira moves don't mean she'll take Christie's and/or Eddy's spots in the game (they were already threatened by Katarina's inclusion).

Just like with most things, I can't quite understand the ridiculous anger people are expressing at something so minor. I'm not a fan of the character design, but then I'm not a fan of the conventions that she represents, which is fine. Part of me wonders if she's part of an elaborate joke being perpetrated by Harada, which would actually elevate my opinion of her quite a bit. Likewise, she may also be something of a reaction to other games in the genre like DOA or one of the all-female 2D games that have come out lately.

Either way she's hardly uncharacteristic or even for Tekken, a game that's had boxing kangaroos and dinosaurs and an animated practice dummy as characters.

I am going to take a leap of faith and assume Lucky Chloe is not the character inspired by Arab culture they suggested earlier this year.

I'm still excited for that character, and for whatever Harada unveils next! I may still not buy Tekken 7, but I'll always be interested to see the roster.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

Just a Person
1600th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Lucky Chloe" , posted Tue 9 Dec 02:10post reply

Just like with most things, I can't quite understand the ridiculous anger people are expressing at something so minor. I'm not a fan of the character design, but then I'm not a fan of the conventions that she represents, which is fine. Part of me wonders if she's part of an elaborate joke being perpetrated by Harada, which would actually elevate my opinion of her quite a bit. Likewise, she may also be something of a reaction to other games in the genre like DOA or one of the all-female 2D games that have come out lately.

Either way she's hardly uncharacteristic or even for Tekken, a game that's had boxing kangaroos and dinosaurs and an animated practice dummy as characters.

Exactly. She looks kinda dorky, but also cute, and her fighting moves look really cool. As long as she isn't there to replace Christie and/or Eddy (although it's quite certain that one of them may be left out of Tekken 7, but hopefully the other one will still be playable), I have nothing to complain about her. In fact, I'm curious to find out more about her story.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

5039th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Lucky Chloe" , posted Tue 9 Dec 03:55post reply

Part of me appreciates that fighting game companies are much more open nowadays in their interactions with fans. Seeing the progression of a game is very interesting. Too bad the relationship between the companies and fans have become strangely antagonistic and codependent. Then again, with the personalities of all the people involved I'm not certain the interaction could have turned out any other way. I'm not a big fan of this early look at Lucky Chloe but I wonder if I'm obligated to play her just to keep the whole hate-sex thing going.

I also wonder if Eliza, the narcoleptic vampire with inflatable breasts, will be canonly introduced in Tekken 7. Probably not, though.

What did Tekken players ultimately think of Eliza? Her projectile seems like it would be fun but since Tekken is usually fought toe to toe its uses would seem limited. Or were Tekken players too busy playing serious characters -such as muscled men who have cat tails stapled to their asses- to properly test Eliza out?

Ack, GGXrd is out in the US next week! I need to start reading up on the system mechanics because I do not remember how to play GG at all.

2729th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Lucky Chloe" , posted Tue 9 Dec 09:19post reply


While debating which console to get here (PS3 or PS4), would it be good to start up a GGXrd thread? I'm thinking we might have enough to talk about playing that by itself that it would be worth not having this thread clogged with it. If I have general things to say about playing GG, I'd also rather put it there, too.

3713th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Lucky Chloe" , posted Tue 9 Dec 11:55post reply

I was debating if I wanted to rant about the Lucky Chloe situation, but now sites are reporting that she won't be available in America as A NEWS STORY. People are actually posting that they're looking forward to the bald muscle man. This is like if Harada said "fine, you Americans can have a turd on a stick" and people believed it and reported on the exciting new turd/stick character. I can't even laugh. I am shaking in disbelief. I want to hide under my bed. Poor Harada is too good for this world, and I'm not saying that as a tremendous fan of his.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

806th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):Lucky Chloe" , posted Tue 9 Dec 19:04post reply

I was debating if I wanted to rant about the Lucky Chloe situation, but now sites are reporting that she won't be available in America as A NEWS STORY. People are actually posting that they're looking forward to the bald muscle man.

I'm looking forward to see the arab character being that new muscled strong character, for nothing else but seeing Harada's taunt turning out to be absolutely serious, even if it means making Chloe paid DLC (despite the TTT2 approach, which must have gotten him into a few arguments with the Bamco heads).


398th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA)
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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Lucky Chloe" , posted Tue 9 Dec 20:49:post reply

Oh hey it turns out that Lucky Chloe is not Japanese, but from another country and is just way into Japanese Otaku-culture:

This significantly makes her that much cooler. Too bad about the whole region-exclusive thing (I think. You never really know with Harada)

As for the Arab character, Harada mentioned that for that character specifically, they're looking for input from Arab Tekken fans so he's still being worked on. I wonder if he'll be able to make it to the Arcade release, or maybe he'll be console-character, or in a Tekken 7 update. In any case, I seriously hope he's not a region-exclusive (again, if this is a thing at all).

[this message was edited by badoor on Tue 9 Dec 20:58]

3715th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Lucky Chloe" , posted Tue 9 Dec 21:03post reply

They had some preliminary sketches of the Arab guy, I think? If I recall, he was handsome, but a bit boring.

Although it would almost be cute to give different countries timed exclusives/DLC, Chloe is a standard arcade character, not a bonus console one. Removing characters, then asking for extra money is decidedly not cute and would probably make a bigger stink than Chloe herself.

Using Chloe's exact animations on a bald muscle man (Lucky Carlo?) with a pitched-down voice and Chloe as DLC would clearly be the best solution.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

Just a Person
1601th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Lucky Chloe" , posted Wed 10 Dec 02:40post reply

Oh hey it turns out that Lucky Chloe is not Japanese, but from another country and is just way into Japanese Otaku-culture:

She has a big secret... is she a man? Is she another child of Heihachi? Is she actually a 42 year-old woman? Is she some kind of Deadpool-ish character who will insult the players who insulted her since her announcement?

Speaking of that, didn't Marie Rose's bio for DOA5 Ultimate mention that she also has a big secret? Which is funny, actually, because Team Ninja never bothered to create any new part for the Story Mode (or even endings in Arcade Mode) to explain what she and the other additional fighters are doing in the game at all.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

3080th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Lucky Chloe" , posted Wed 10 Dec 07:24post reply

Oh hey it turns out that Lucky Chloe is not Japanese, but from another country and is just way into Japanese Otaku-culture:

She has a big secret...

Now I'm hoping she has a Tira-like dual personality where she becomes evil and her cat paws turn into long metal claws.

1377th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Re(10):Lucky Chloe" , posted Wed 10 Dec 08:39post reply

Another character hiding big secrets is Mr Namco Bandai Europe, with strange compilations that are apparently not planned for other markets.

Même Narumi est épatée !

5042th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Lucky Chloe" , posted Wed 10 Dec 22:58post reply

Putting aside the Lucky Chloe brouhaha I must say that I like the latest trailer for T7. Not only am I glad to see individualized hit sparks are back but the counter sparks appear to have been greatly toned down. Just because you can fill the screen with particles doesn't mean you should so I'm glad the Tekken team got that out of their system during the initial reveal.
She has a big secret... is she a man? Is she another child of Heihachi? Is she actually a 42 year-old woman? Is she some kind of Deadpool-ish character who will insult the players who insulted her since her announcement?

Having another member of the ridiculous Mishima family would be good but I'm hoping the big secret is that Lucky Chloe is actually Leo's brother.

Lord SNK
31th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Lucky Chloe" , posted Thu 11 Dec 04:03post reply

Another character hiding big secrets is Mr Namco Bandai Europe, with strange compilations that are apparently not planned for other markets.

I saw that compilation on sale on an online UK store, about a week ago, so I searched on Internet for some infos about this but I have not found anything!
Now I know why!
Because it is not yet released (and also announced!)

2th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Lucky Chloe" , posted Sat 13 Dec 16:55post reply

People are actually posting that they're looking forward to the bald muscle man. This is like if Harada said "fine, you Americans can have a turd on a stick" and people believed it and reported on the exciting new turd/stick character.
That's a strange interpretation of the situation, because I'm seeing people call Harada a racist on and off Twitter for his "stereotyping of westerners".

These are the same people who consider Lucky to be a little too "Japanese" for their tastes.

Harada is thankfully not one to back down from criticism.

1386th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Nash (Charlie) returns in SF5" , posted Sun 14 Dec 13:45post reply

Hinted at the end of today's updated trailer.
The rumour from French blogs (which correctly predicted/leaked the PS4 deal) is 16 chars, 12 returning chars + 4 new chars including one guy called Rachid, no upgraded version anymore but big focus on DLC. Let's see.

Même Narumi est épatée !

9832th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Nash (Charlie) returns in SF5" , posted Sun 14 Dec 19:59post reply

Hinted at the end of today's updated trailer.
The rumour from French blogs (which correctly predicted/leaked the PS4 deal) is 16 chars, 12 returning chars + 4 new chars including one guy called Rachid, no upgraded version anymore but big focus on DLC. Let's see.

For some reason, the sequence with Nash looks like a pre-rended CG from the late PS1 - early PS2 period. Could they be adding a new character in SF EX3???

1132th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Nash (Charlie) returns in SF5" , posted Mon 15 Dec 02:16post reply

Hinted at the end of today's updated trailer.
The rumour from French blogs (which correctly predicted/leaked the PS4 deal) is 16 chars, 12 returning chars + 4 new chars including one guy called Rachid, no upgraded version anymore but big focus on DLC. Let's see.
For some reason, the sequence with Nash looks like a pre-rended CG from the late PS1 - early PS2 period. Could they be adding a new character in SF EX3???

The whole fighting video, especially Chun Li's kick reminds me Kirby's Canvas Curse. It is waaay better than IV graphics but It kind of have the feeling of Play-doh. Anyway I think IV should be clean like this and V should have another interesting graphic style.

About the rumour, knowing Capcom and their DLC policies, 16 character is seems very plausible. Why put all the characters at once while you can charge dollars for them.

I loved the bowl but didnt like how it stuck to her head entire round. It really distracted me. Wished it would fall at least when she performs Spinnig bird kick. Though I'm happy about comeback of bruise/wounds/ripping of clothes and now the new ideas such as this bowl.

2714th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Nash (Charlie) returns in SF5" , posted Mon 15 Dec 02:25post reply

Could they be adding a new character in SF EX3???
Hahaha YES Skullomania is coming to SF5! At laaaast


3082th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Nash (Charlie) returns in SF5" , posted Mon 15 Dec 08:51post reply

So the animation is a little different, still about 30% re-used but all the attacks and motions were tweaked to resemble the SF3 versions. Chun Li's walk cycle looked so weird in the exhibition though, like her upper body is floating and her legs are just dangling.

I like the implication of stage-specific interactions and flashy KOs. Honestly I would have expected a feature like this in a new Fatal Fury before seeing it in SF, but I'm just glad somebody is doing it. Also the idea of being forced to fight the rest of the match with the noodles on your head is great. Adding extra psychology to matches is always a fun thing.

5048th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Nash (Charlie) returns in SF5" , posted Mon 15 Dec 12:19post reply

For some reason, the sequence with Nash looks like a pre-rended CG from the late PS1 - early PS2 period. Could they be adding a new character in SF EX3???

Most of the budget for the reveal of Charles Nash went towards that exquisite costume Ono was wearing. Sony may be throwing money at the game itself and the tournaments but it seems not everything is getting equal amounts of cash.

Not only is Charlie not dead anymore but he appears to have picked up a Urien/Gill forehead crystal. I guess he used his Resurrection super to come back.

I like the implication of stage-specific interactions and flashy KOs. Honestly I would have expected a feature like this in a new Fatal Fury before seeing it in SF, but I'm just glad somebody is doing it. Also the idea of being forced to fight the rest of the match with the noodles on your head is great. Adding extra psychology to matches is always a fun thing.

Now that you mention it all those weird little stage touches like the breakaway backgrounds and the characters switching sides depending on where they were KO'ed does feel very Fatal Fury-esque. I'm guessing that SF5 is going to be more like Tekken in that people are going to be much more particular about the stages they fight in.

Things I'm uncertain about: Grey damage on blocked normals? That's different. I have some guesses on the game mechanics based on what has been shown but it seems a bit early to make any firm declarations. Besides, I'm certain there are already a thousand YouTube videos out there full of wild guesses.

Things I am certain about: Even at this early stage I love how the characters are interacting. From the varying blocks to the characters reacting to different hits in different ways it all looks very solid and varied. It could be argued that it's a bit too much but I remember people complained that SF3 had too much animation so I'm certain players can learn to adjust. If this is what the game looks like over a year from its release date I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops.

Just a Person
1602th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Naked female fighter in Killer Instinct" , posted Tue 16 Dec 06:22post reply

Not the kind that would please the Dead or Alive Xtreme players, though.

It's great seeing people like Combo, Maya and Riptor back. Such a shame that Kim Wu and Tusk didn't make it to Season 2, though, and will only be available in Season 3 (whenever Microsoft launches it - Season 2 isn't even close to being complete yet)...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1390th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"SF5 bonanza" , posted Tue 16 Dec 19:24post reply

("Naked female fighter in Killer Instinct" → Ha!)

Why is it ALWAYS French people leaking stuff We can't be trusted...

Même Narumi est épatée !

9834th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SF5 bonanza" , posted Tue 16 Dec 19:58post reply

So unsurprised: Jojo Eyes of Heaven, Diego and Stroheim join the cast.
The only interesting bits are that it's tag battle and on PS4 as well as PS3. If they keep the same engine as ASB, I wonder how the PS3 will handle 4 characters at the same time...

Also, could it be related to the lacklustre sales of GGXrd? BlazBlue Chronophantasma Extend arrives on PS4 and XBone.

Just a Person
1603th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):SF5 bonanza" , posted Tue 16 Dec 22:39post reply

("Naked female fighter in Killer Instinct" → Ha!)

Why is it ALWAYS French people leaking stuff We can't be trusted...

Heh, had Riptor been added to MK instead of KI, one could also say she's the most female-looking female fighter in the game.

As for the leak, everything seems very interesting. It's curious to see a Brazilian fighter named Laura (it's a name more common in Italy, right? Although there are many women in Brazil with this name, as well). As for Rachid, it's nice to see a fighter from Africa, but I'd like to know the specific country where he came from. It's lame how Africa is often perceived as if it were a country, when it's a continent full of countries which can be very different from each other in culture, religion, language and many other things.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

9835th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SF5 bonanza" , posted Tue 16 Dec 23:41post reply

Jojo scan
It looks strangely different from ASB. Who knows how it's going to play... Do Naruto games still play like boring arena fighters with cinematic moves? Did they ever had team mechanics added?

Lord SNK
33th Post

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"Re(3):SF5 bonanza" , posted Wed 17 Dec 04:25post reply

Jojo scan
It looks strangely different from ASB. Who knows how it's going to play... Do Naruto games still play like boring arena fighters with cinematic moves? Did they ever had team mechanics added?

But is this developed by the same people of ASB?

9837th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SF5 bonanza" , posted Wed 17 Dec 06:50post reply

But is this developed by the same people of ASB?

There is not a glimmer of doubt, from the character choice, the wording or the new system's name (Dual Heat Attack, urgh).
It is obvious though that the wording has been carefully selected to help people forget as much as possible about ASB and anything related to it. I wouldn't be surprised if Piroshi didn't cosplay as Rohan this time, or even wasn't involved in the public promotion of the game.
We'll know better next week, but I find it hard to understand what the game looks like. The screenshots look nothing like screenshots, more like carefully crafted scenes with assets that have nothing to do with how the game will move and play.
Could it be the first attempt at bullshoting of CC2?

1133th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):SF5 bonanza" , posted Wed 17 Dec 09:16post reply

But is this developed by the same people of ASB?
There is not a glimmer of doubt, from the character choice, the wording or the new system's name (Dual Heat Attack, urgh).
It is obvious though that the wording has been carefully selected to help people forget as much as possible about ASB and anything related to it. I wouldn't be surprised if Piroshi didn't cosplay as Rohan this time, or even wasn't involved in the public promotion of the game.
We'll know better next week, but I find it hard to understand what the game looks like. The screenshots look nothing like screenshots, more like carefully crafted scenes with assets that have nothing to do with how the game will move and play.
Could it be the first attempt at bullshoting of CC2?

I already loved the new artstyle. It gives the feeling of the anime. Looks kind of colored pages of JOJO scans. Not that I hate it old style (they used the ink better than SFIV) but still I'm happy for the change.
Jotaro- Kakyoin vs Joseph-Ceaser seems in game screenshot to me though. And both parties looks like performing Dual Heat Attack. Only Diego and his Dino facing Jotaro looks like promotional art. Joseph and Stroheim's fight is even more so since they're too small. If they are somehow in game screenshots Jojo is officially the new fighting game series that gives me literal hype. Well I have to wait for a long time for a new SNK fighter, theres no Darkstalkers on the way, Guilty Gear Xrd has no Johnny, and Street Fighter wont have a roster that includes Eagle, Karin, R. Mika, Hakan and Remy. And all the pocket fighter genregone forever.

2741th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):SF5 bonanza" , posted Wed 17 Dec 17:11post reply

Though I can understand not getting hype about a game that doesn't have you favourite characters in it, don't dismiss games that don't have all of and exactly your favourites TOO easily.

That's basically the entire story of SF3, after all.

In direct opposition to what I just said, have some Justice Gakuen from a-cho

37th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):SF5 bonanza" , posted Wed 17 Dec 21:36post reply

It is obvious though that the wording has been carefully selected to help people forget as much as possible about ASB and anything related to it.

You're likely right, which is a pity because after all the patching ASB was a very nice game. I hope this is basically ASB2 with tag, I will be hella annoyed if it's just a party game.

Besides, why put Diego and Stroheim there instead of Jotaro if it's a new game? To me it screams "look who's joining the ASB's cast!"

1134th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7):SF5 bonanza" , posted Thu 18 Dec 10:54post reply

Though I can understand not getting hype about a game that doesn't have you favourite characters in it, don't dismiss games that don't have all of and exactly your favourites TOO easily.

That's basically the entire story of SF3, after all.

In direct opposition to what I just said, have some Justice Gakuen from a-cho

It's not that I dismiss the game completely, it's just â few can give me â sense of hype/excitement. I love Guilty Gear and I will play it when it's time, but î have no hurry. I even played sfxtekken today and even had fun though still find it hideous and trying too hard to be funny and rarely succesful.

9839th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Jojo Eyes of the ASB" , posted Fri 19 Dec 01:33:post reply

Just checked on 2ch: the salt on ASB is still very strong over there.
400 posts in 48 hours, most of them pure hate spam directed to CC2 or personally to Piroshi. Compared to the endless stream of threads consumed each time a single new scan of the previous game was released, that's quite an uphill battle... Let's see how public perception of the game will turn out after Jump Festa and especially the demo.

Regardless, according to V Jump, the demo at Jump Festa will have Joseph, Ceazar, Jôtarô, Kakyôin, Jôsuke (part 4), Diego and Stroheim playable. The demo will be released to everyone later. Kakyôin has his voice actor from the anime, the others have kept the same as in ASB.

Edit: Scan. Still no mention of CC2 or ASB on this... Mufufu.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 19 Dec 01:48]

4199th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 19 Dec 19:26post reply

The teaser page for Jojo: Eyes of Heaven has launched!

So, the game is no longer going to be a 2D fighter and more like a Naruto where you move around a 3D field. I guess that's one way of avoiding balance criticizm from fighting game players.

Also, ASB is actually mentioned in the teaser page; a ver 1.05 patch is coming out. I'm naturally assuming it's going to add in the changes that were in the English release.

9840th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 19 Dec 21:46post reply

... and it seems 1 player only...
That reminds me of the part 5 PS2 game... or of Phantom Blood, by the same BanNam that Piroshi "hated" so much... Welp.
Demo is PS4 only, unsurprisingly.

5051th Post

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"Re(2):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 19 Dec 23:10post reply

There are many different ways one can enjoy fighting games beyond simply playing. You could, for example, overanalyze tier charts to an incredible degree.

1135th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Sat 20 Dec 06:57post reply

... and it seems 1 player only...

...And the hype level goes down... This and no 2d plane is not a merry surprise.

2747th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Sat 20 Dec 07:41post reply


That reminds me of the part 5 PS2 game...

Which certainly had some very positive merits, albeit with some significant minuses.

It is also graced with one of the only reviews ever submitted by Polly on gfaqs!

9843th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Sat 20 Dec 21:07:post reply

* Speedwagon does the commentary during the matches. I wonder if they will go the Arc route and sell character voices for that?
*Tags are fixed at least for the demo: Kakyoin&Jôtarô, Joseph&Ceazar, Diego alone but with dinosaurs. We've seen in screenshots that it shouldn't be the same in the final game (I think we've seen a Diego&Joseph tag for example)
*Automatic combos are like in ASB, pressing square several time
*moves are done my pressing L1+a button, like Gundam VS
*L1+R1 does the tag move
*There was treasure boxes with items in them (such as a hammer)
*Zone to heal yourself
*◯→dash (uses stamina)
You only play your main character. The other one is just there for support. No character change in the middle of the match.

That... doesn't look good at all. A kind of Gundam VS / Jump star crossover?
Not to mention the camera being at the back of the character robs from the interest of seeing the poses... What were they thinking...

Trailer (Official)

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 21 Dec 21:41]

2749th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Wed 24 Dec 05:33post reply

Two and a half hours of Virtua Fighter 3tb tournament footage because somebody still loves

1136th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Wed 24 Dec 07:36post reply


You only play your main character. The other one is just there for support. No character change in the middle of the match.

That... doesn't look good at all. A kind of Gundam VS / Jump star crossover?
Not to mention the camera being at the back of the character robs from the interest of seeing the poses... What were they thinking...

Trailer (Official)

Ok Artwork seems the same. Kinda dissapointed about that.Tag team system without being able to play your tag partner... is interesting if it would cause more dual heat whatever supers but I dont think it would. To tell you the truth I think at this point only surpisingly good choices of roster would help me to hype.

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Wed 24 Dec 21:14post reply

I'll give this one the benefit of the doubt. ASB wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, but it was far from the abyssmal piece of crap I thought it would become.

I wouldn't deny that everything revealed to date about this EoH sounds pretty awful per sé but, who knows, it may end up being a decent, entertaining title after all... In fact, I shouldn't complain so much, since I played the hell out of Phantom Blood back in the day (and ejoyed every single minute of it). Talk about guilty pleasures...

9843th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Wed 24 Dec 21:32post reply

In fact, I shouldn't complain so much, since I played the hell out of Phantom Blood back in the day (and ejoyed every single minute of it). Talk about guilty pleasures...

I was thinking about it the other day. I was thinking: "I may skip the game, and I played every single Jojo game released except the Cobra one, including Phantom Blood".
And on the other hand: "I did play Phantom Blood. Can EOH be reasonably worse than it?"

5057th Post

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"Re(7):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 05:05post reply

New year, new Tekken characters. He could have left the saber at home but otherwise I'm happy to see they actually toned down his costume from the over-accessorized look in the draft images.

2724th Post

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"Re(8):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 05:10post reply

New year, new Tekken characters. He could have left the saber at home but otherwise I'm happy to see they actually toned down his costume from the over-accessorized look in the draft images.

That's actually...really cool! I can't help wishing that he were a new Soul Calibur character, which is where a proper sword fighter belongs, but these are sad times for the stage of history...


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"Re(9):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 08:20post reply


That's actually...really cool! I can't help wishing that he were a new Soul Calibur character, which is where a proper sword fighter belongs, but these are sad times for the stage of history...

Seconded! I love the design, and hopefully he'll play as well as he looks! Speaking of The Stage of History, it would be great if there could actually be a new and decent game in the series! Here's hoping 2015 surprises us!

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

2755th Post

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"Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 09:33post reply

What hand-to-hand fighting style would be associated with Saudi Arabians? I actually don't know.

3085th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 09:54post reply

What hand-to-hand fighting style would be associated with Saudi Arabians? I actually don't know.

Well according to our resident Saudi Badoor, his name is Persian (meaning "eagle"), so maybe his style is also Persian in origin?

The thing that comes up when I search for Persian fighting styles is usually either curved swordsmanship or a kind of wrestling called Kosthi Pahlevani.

1137th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 10:37post reply

What hand-to-hand fighting style would be associated with Saudi Arabians? I actually don't know.
Well according to our resident Saudi Badoor, his name is Persian (meaning "eagle"), so maybe his style is also Persian in origin?

The thing that comes up when I search for Persian fighting styles is usually either curved swordsmanship or a kind of wrestling called Kosthi Pahlevani.

Badoor is Saudi? I checked the TDK (Turkish Language Association) and indeed the name Şahin (a popular name in Türkiye) comes from Persian language (Farsça). But Şahin doesnt mean Eagle it actually means Hawk and this. Eagle is Kartal which is also a popular male name in Türkiye.

A small fun fact the otherbird Falcon is Doğan in Turkish which kind if sonda like Dong Hwan and Ceyhun which sounds like Jae Hoon.

Just a Person
1604th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Sun 4 Jan 11:07post reply

I like him! So far, actually, I like all the Tekken 7 newcomers (yes, Lucky Chloe included).

I'm still surprised Jin wasn't shown yet, though.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

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"Re(5):Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Tue 6 Jan 08:21post reply

Everyone gets to be player 1 in Tekken 7. Or you can always be player 2 if you want, we aren't here to judge.

5938th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Tue 6 Jan 12:00post reply

Everyone gets to be player 1 in Tekken 7. Or you can always be player 2 if you want, we aren't here to judge.

Is something one picks when you insert the credit.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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"Longthread too long! Move to next!" , posted Tue 6 Jan 17:23:post reply

Longthread too long! Move to next!

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 6 Jan 17:23]