Random GAMES! Thread#26: samba de amiibo - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1354th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Random GAMES! Thread#26: samba de amiibo" , posted Thu 6 Nov 06:09:post reply

>>#25 (189 replies)

There is a new Nintendo Direct in about one hour (2PM West / 5PM East / 11PM France / 7AM Japan). Good excuse to start a new games thread.

Japanese ND live
European ND live (Twitch)
American ND live

(You can get the replays on Youtube later: JPEUUS)

Considering the different line-ups in each market, expect slight differences between each ND.

Sony is also having an event in early December called PlayStation Experience.
I am not sure how that will take form and how it will be streamed.

No news from Microsoft yet regarding a similar event..

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 6 Nov 06:11]


5012th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random GAMES! Thread#26: samba de amiib" , posted Thu 6 Nov 10:27post reply

Referencing the prequel to this thread I'll say that the 3DS version of Luigi's Mansion sounds intriguing and I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation. While on that subject I'd like to thank those on the board who recommended XCom way back when. I've been playing that game recently and it's a total hoot. Seeing how long it takes me to go from hearing about a game to acting on that advice I'm looking forward to playing Luigi's Mansion in the year 2020.

1354th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Random GAMES! Thread#26: samba de amiib" , posted Thu 6 Nov 10:41post reply

"Referencing the prequel to this thread" A prequel is a sequel set in past events. Not a predecessor!

Duck Hunt Duo is glorious. The 3DS remake (... demake?) of Atelier Rorona, much less so. How and why did that girl and that game receive two remakes in five years? Overall, I did not expect that the Japanese Direct would be the least interesting one. I am especially surprised we didn't get to see more of Romancing Legend of SaGa Legacy.

Même Narumi est épatée !

2710th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random GAMES! Thread#26: samba de amiib" , posted Thu 6 Nov 13:47post reply

I can finally play this game without the framerate giving me a headache/nightmares.

That trailer is spooky, though.

5929th Post

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"What a horrible night....." , posted Mon 10 Nov 13:52post reply

To play a board game

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

2711th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Valkyria Chronicles on PC and other things" , posted Fri 14 Nov 05:09post reply

Getting into Valkyria Chronicles now that it's on PC.
The writing in the game so far is chronically, stereotypically friendship-and-teamwork anime, which to me is a bit detracting in the face of how lovingly historical they made the game feel.

But maybe part of the game's original target audience was a younger one to which war being grim and horrible and traumatic wouldn't resonate. For a peaceful university student suddenly thrust into war, even having had compulsory military training, Welkin is a lot more concerned with his team getting along than with the survival of his team, or all the people he is killing/ordering to be killed.

Budgetary constraints evidencing it, the short talking sequences in which there's just a portrait of the characters talking with lip sync to the dialogue was jarringly robotic in appearance coming out of the much more lively look of all the other cutscenes. I got used to it, but it was WEIRD at first.


Clannad's English-release kickstarter broke its funding goals within 24 hours of going up. I know almost nothing about it beyond the fact that it was made by Key and has those infamous face/eye proportions. Still, an impressive achievement.

800th Post

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"Re(1):Valkyria Chronicles on PC and other thi" , posted Fri 14 Nov 18:40post reply

Clannad's English-release kickstarter broke its funding goals within 24 hours of going up. I know almost nothing about it beyond the fact that it was made by Key and has those infamous face/eye proportions. Still, an impressive achievement.

Clannad gave us Kage Futatsu, which in turn gave us this pearl using Ideon footage - by default visual novels don't get my attention, but its soundtrack might be interesting to experience in its original medium.


5017th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Valkyria Chronicles on PC and other thi" , posted Sat 15 Nov 04:09post reply

Getting into Valkyria Chronicles now that it's on PC.
The writing in the game so far is chronically, stereotypically friendship-and-teamwork anime, which to me is a bit detracting in the face of how lovingly historical they made the game feel.

Valkyria Chronicles is a game that I know has faults but I still love it to death. Your squad in the game is a rag-tag collection of clichés but I liked that they tried to make every single character memorable. Whether it was in their looks or special quirks that would manifest on the battlefield each squad member felt like an individual. In practice this meant that all the engineers outside of one were neurotic but I appreciated the effort. Even VC's commitment to its anime trappings worked in its favor in some weird way. While there were plenty of crazy moments that came from that decision -VC even features an episode where they all go to the beach!- the emphasis on the character interactions kept the game from getting too big in scope. Too often war games go for big action pieces and big emotions and botch them all so VC's dialed back approach was appreciated.

Speaking of strategy shooting, I've recently been cursing my way through XCom. In an attempt to inject some personality into the generic soldiers in that game I modeled and named a sniper in the game after Marina Wulfstan from VC. Just like VC's Marina she became the best character on my squad. Between that and VC on the PC there has been something of a VC resurgence in my life. Are the forces that control the universe giving me a hint that Sega is finally going to do something intelligent with the VC series? No, probably not.

So after spending hours in XCom gunning down bug eyed aliens I guess I can then play Clannad and date The Greys instead.

1451th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re: "Other things"" , posted Tue 18 Nov 06:12post reply

Still more evidence that Ni-Oh hasn't been cancelled! The sad thing is that I'm actually really interested in it! Oh well, someday!

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

2015th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Re:" , posted Tue 18 Nov 16:47post reply

Still more evidence that Ni-Oh hasn't been cancelled! The sad thing is that I'm actually really interested in it! Oh well, someday!

Maybe they'll release it, and it will become the future template for all Musou games.

And then they'll release Crimson Sea 3.

/ / /

5018th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re:" , posted Wed 19 Nov 11:54post reply

Ni-Oh must be aged like fine wine... until it turns into vinegar.
And then they'll release Crimson Sea 3.

All I want is Kessen 4. Is that too much to ask?

Ni-Oh may never see the light of day but D3 continues to punch out games with the deadly efficiency of a machine gun. Their latest game Nairo High School: Seishun Hakusho is billed as “youthful memories that are filled with panties”. Please don't ever grow up D3.

850th Post

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"Re(4):Re: The Uncancelled" , posted Wed 19 Nov 15:52post reply

Oh look, Rodea the Sky Soldier is still alive...

1892th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Sega Saturn 20th Anniversary soon" , posted Thu 20 Nov 13:42post reply

The Japanese release of the Sega Saturn was on November 22, 1994 and Dengeki Online posted a collection of their SEGA EX covers during the era.

So much anime . . . .

I have so many fond memories of games on that system. 90% are probably CAPCOM/SNK/SEGA fighting games. That RAM cartridge was a godsend that allowed me to play X-Men vs Street Fighter and Marvel vs Street Fighter at home with my brother for hours on end along with a bunch of other CPS2 classics. DBZ Legends was a blast to play back in the day as well. I remember playing against my friend from Jr. High and using the counter several times in a row and it felt like something straight from the show.

391th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Sega Saturn 20th Anniversary soon" , posted Thu 20 Nov 14:04post reply

The Japanese release of the Sega Saturn was on November 22, 1994 and Dengeki Online posted a collection of their SEGA EX covers during the era.

So much anime . . . .

I have so many fond memories of games on that system. 90% are probably CAPCOM/SNK/SEGA fighting games. That RAM cartridge was a godsend that allowed me to play X-Men vs Street Fighter and Marvel vs Street Fighter at home with my brother for hours on end along with a bunch of other CPS2 classics. DBZ Legends was a blast to play back in the day as well. I remember playing against my friend from Jr. High and using the counter several times in a row and it felt like something straight from the show.

Love the Saturn. Jeremy Parish did a great Saturn retrospective yesterday, with input from fans, including yours truly: http://www.usgamer.net/articles/the-lost-child-of-a-house-divided-a-sega-saturn-retrospective

Ever since I re-bought one some months back and talked about it here, I've been collecting more games for it, spending more time playing on the console than both of the new PS4/XboxOne. It is such a great palette cleanser of a console, with it's amazing library of short quick-fun games. And it seems I always gravitate toward playing a round of Real Bout Fatal Fury, or play thru Layer Section, rather than wait ages in Destiny loading screens, or wait for system updates and other hassles of modern gaming.


2698th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Thu 20 Nov 17:16:post reply

Thanks, Gekiganger! Best sight: goregeous full-page covers with Lunar~Eternal Blue and Grandia from our now-vanished savior, Game Arts. Saddest sight: cover with never-arrived savior, Virtua Fighter 3. How different things could've been...


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 20 Nov 17:35]

1452th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Fri 21 Nov 01:40post reply

Love the Saturn. Jeremy Parish did a great Saturn retrospective yesterday, with input from fans, including yours truly: http://www.usgamer.net/articles/the-lost-child-of-a-house-divided-a-sega-saturn-retrospective

Ever since I re-bought one some months back and talked about it here, I've been collecting more games for it, spending more time playing on the console than both of the new PS4/XboxOne. It is such a great palette cleanser of a console, with it's amazing library of short quick-fun games. And it seems I always gravitate toward playing a round of Real Bout Fatal Fury, or play thru Layer Section, rather than wait ages in Destiny loading screens, or wait for system updates and other hassles of modern gaming.

I had been just gearing up to post about this fantastic article! Thinking back on it, the Saturn is probably my favorite console, edging out the TurboGraphx, which I always found to be odd in a similar way (probably just due to my very narrow view at the time of the weirdo US image it had). I think it's also probably responsible for the path of game obsession I've been back on since the mid-90's. As a kid I had been a big fan of video games, but by the early 90's my compulsion had begun to wane until the Saturn reminded me of why I had loved games in the first place, with its oddball games and fever-dream advertising.

Thanks, Gekiganger! Best sight: goregeous full-page covers with Lunar~Eternal Blue and Grandia from our now-vanished savior, Game Arts. Saddest sight: cover with never-arrived savior, Virtua Fighter 3. How different things could've been...

I suspect that our shared Saturn Love is a lot of what makes me get along so well with folks here at the Cafe! Thanks Gekiganger! I'm filing that link away for when I'm not in a panic over work.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

2714th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Fri 21 Nov 04:01post reply

I never owned a Saturn, and it wasn't until the twilight of the Saturn's time that I realized what was so good on it! This from somebody who was totally in love with mid-late 90s Capcom arcade titles (Captain Commando, Aliens vs. Predator, D&D, the Vs. series, and Cyberbots... such good times!)

It's kind of tragically ironic that a purportedly big selling point on both Saturn and Dreamcast was arcade-perfect ports of Capcom games.

3073th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Fri 21 Nov 04:25post reply

Speaking of Sega (and because I don't want to even touch the news of that Sonic game that nobody likes) I might as well take this opportunity to recommend some casual anime viewing that borderline doesn't belong in this thread!

Sega Hard Girls (or "Hi's Coool! SeHa Girls" if you prefer your Engrish nonsense to be full of punctuation) is a nerdy Sega wank, chock full of hardware and software references both blatant and obscure. Each episode is about 10 minutes and animated entirely (officially!) in Miku Miku Dance. It might look a little dumb at first but the second episode (which is Virtua Fighter themed) really sold me on the show and the humor has been pretty good throughout.

Since my too-casual Sega fandom is insufficient to explain it terribly well, I'll take this chance to link you to Zerochan's article at gaming.moe, a site that should appeal to many of you mmcafe patrons. It's only about the first episode but it should give you a rough idea what to expect, if you have any interest.

5022th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Sat 22 Nov 01:40post reply

Thanks for all the Saturn links everyone. That is a lot of entertaining reading.
(and because I don't want to even touch the news of that Sonic game that nobody likes)

"That Sonic game that nobody likes" is a title that could be applied to a depressingly large number of Sonic games.

1454th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Sat 22 Nov 01:59post reply

I never owned a Saturn, and it wasn't until the twilight of the Saturn's time that I realized what was so good on it! This from somebody who was totally in love with mid-late 90s Capcom arcade titles (Captain Commando, Aliens vs. Predator, D&D, the Vs. series, and Cyberbots... such good times!)

It's kind of tragically ironic that a purportedly big selling point on both Saturn and Dreamcast was arcade-perfect ports of Capcom games.

I'm finding that I share this general sentiment with a staggering number of individuals, from but here at the Cafe and elsewhere.

It's sorta disappointing that AvP never got ported to the Saturn, especially since it would have been such a perfect fit. But then the world moved on and that golden moment in time when it could have happened was lost. I would be shocked to find out years from now that a prototype was made or that a port was at least planned. It's sad that the finest distillation of Final Fight's lineage will probably never get ported to anything because of complex licensing issues.

But wishing for that kind of thing is kind of like wishing that Geki would make it into a new Street Fighter game.

Speaking of Sega (and because I don't want to even touch the news of that Sonic game that nobody likes) I might as well take this opportunity to recommend some casual anime viewing that borderline doesn't belong in this thread!

Sega Hard Girls (or "Hi's Coool! SeHa Girls" if you prefer your Engrish nonsense to be full of punctuation) is a nerdy Sega wank, chock full of hardware and software references both blatant and obscure. Each episode is about 10 minutes and animated entirely (officially!) in Miku Miku Dance. It might look a little dumb at first but the second episode (which is Virtua Fighter themed) really sold me on the show and the humor has been pretty good throughout.

Hah, that's fantastic! Thanks for the links!


(and because I don't want to even touch the news of that Sonic game that nobody likes)
"That Sonic game that nobody likes" is a title that could be applied to a depressingly large number of Sonic games.

I feel like discussing such base matters here would be like having someone insult our collective sainted (and departed) mother. But then I want so badly to talk about the subject that I'd suggest we talk about it elsewhere, like a new thread perhaps?

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

2717th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Sat 22 Nov 04:49post reply

Ghost in the Shell multiplayer FPS from Nexon

Pieces of it make me think of Blacklight Retribution, which was alright but looked cool.

2701th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Sun 23 Nov 02:56:post reply

Speaking of the Saturn and Dreamcast, Game Arts is re-releasing classic games on PSN for their 30th anniversary. Grandia has been out forever, but the marvelous (if Lunar 2-derivative) Grandia II was just released. Next release expected December 17. Pray to Zophar that the Mega CD versions of Lunar follow suit.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 23 Nov 03:43]

5023th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Sun 23 Nov 05:07post reply

Just curious but has anyone tried Dragon Age: Inquisition? DA is a series that amuses and annoys me in equal measure but DA:I looks promising. Does it still feature the terrific visual of your characters getting coated from head to toe in the blood of their enemies?

Ghost in the Shell multiplayer FPS from Nexon

Pieces of it make me think of Blacklight Retribution, which was alright but looked cool.

The game doesn't look great but it looks perfectly adequate. That doesn't sound like much of a compliment but not every game needs to shoot for game of the year title. I do find it interesting that there are many variations on GitS out there but SAC has become the go-to version. It seems GitS Arise can't even draw flies much less licensing royalties.

392th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA)
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Silver Customer

"Re(7):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Sun 23 Nov 08:17post reply

Speaking of the Saturn and Dreamcast, Game Arts is re-releasing classic games on PSN for their 30th anniversary. Grandia has been out forever, but the marvelous (if Lunar 2-derivative) Grandia II was just released. Next release expected December 17. Pray to Zophar that the Mega CD versions of Lunar follow suit.

Sega CD/Mega CD games just never get the rerelease they deserve, which is a shame. We get everything from Master System to Dreamcast to even a few Saturn ports, but barely any from Sega CD. And what we get are ports of PS1 remakes on PSN. Even PC-Engine CD games get their due ports on Wii and such.

Back on the Saturn, not to toot my horn but I wrote an article to commemorate this glorious day titled "5 Reasons the Sega Saturn is Cooler than the Playstation/Nintendo 64". It should mostly be taken in jest, but I like to think there is some truth there.

And finally, Saturn Memories, my new favorite YouTube channel, known for posting great HD quality footage of Saturn games (with no commentary), have posted the complete collection Segata Sanshiro ad campaign IN HD and with subtitles. Not only that, but the full music video and some behind-the-scenes stuff from the commercials that I've never seen before.

So happy SEGA Saturn day. May all your fingers break from playing too much SEGA Saturn!


1356th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Sun 23 Nov 15:53post reply

Nice! I came here to post those Saturn Memories videos. There are a few nice scans on the #Saturn20thanniversary hashtag. The Saturn is wonderful and literally changed my life for the better. The 12 years old me who made fun of the ambitious internal clock inside the console would be amazed to learn I still play it in 2014.

It's sorta disappointing that AvP never got ported to the Saturn, especially since it would have been such a perfect fit. But then the world moved on and that golden moment in time when it could have happened was lost. I would be shocked to find out years from now that a prototype was made or that a port was at least planned.

I am confused whether you mean you were shocked to find out a port was planned or if you will be shocked at the end of this sentence, but a port of AvP was planned and cancelled according to this video retrospective of cancelled SegaSaturn games for Japan (= including some Saturn games that did make it in other territories).

Jeremy Parish also wrote a long article this week about the 10 years of Nintendo DS.

I am not enjoying at all this new trend of going to work on weekends, but at least the train ride gives me a good excuse to play some Megaten IV. I might love it even more than Strange Journey! It's ambitious and full of interesting ideas. The setting is wonderful and captures some modern aspects of Tokyo astutely. The game is much easier than III or even SJ, on the other hand. I am not complaining but they really made it easier for the player to break/abuse the game completely.

Même Narumi est épatée !

5025th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Mon 24 Nov 04:20post reply

That AvP news hurts. Still, I didn't realize there were so many games that didn't make it onto the Saturn. Some, such as the first Guilty Gear, would have done well on the Saturn. Others, such as that rock climbing game, probably deserved to fall through the cracks.

Jeremy Parish also wrote a long article this week about the 10 years of Nintendo DS.

I'm never going to shake the feeling I was sold a bad horse with the 3DS but the DS was a charming little system. The DS should not have worked but the stars aligned and it managed to survive and thrive.

1368th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Mon 24 Nov 06:55post reply

That AvP news hurts.

This should soften the blow (or twist the knife it depends). Bengus just drew Dutch from AvP:




1455th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Mon 24 Nov 08:37post reply


I am confused whether you mean you were shocked to find out a port was planned or if you will be shocked at the end of this sentence, but a port of AvP was planned and cancelled according to this video retrospective of cancelled SegaSaturn games for Japan (= including some Saturn games that did make it in other territories).

Aha, that's certainly because of my sentence-breaking typo! What I meant to say is: "I would not be shocked to find out years from now that a prototype was made or that a port was at least planned." And now I'm not shocked, because Capcom was such a gigantic presence on the Saturn that it's always felt strange that AvP never showed up. Thanks for that amazing video and for confirming my suspicion!

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

851th Post

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"Re(10):Even in my Mystery Dungeon, FOE!" , posted Mon 24 Nov 21:28post reply

The Odyssey never ends...

1358th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Even in my Mystery Dungeon, FOE!" , posted Tue 25 Nov 00:38post reply

The Odyssey never ends...

Not to be mistaken with that other game they announced thirty-five minutes later.

Même Narumi est épatée !

2718th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Even in my Mystery Dungeon, FOE!" , posted Tue 25 Nov 05:02post reply

The Odyssey never ends...

Not to be mistaken with that other game they announced thirty-five minutes later.

I feel strangely much more interested in this Mysterious Etrian Dungeon Odyssey than in EOV.

Maybe it's because I still have yet to finish an EO game!

393th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA)
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Silver Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Even in my Mystery Dungeon, FOE!" , posted Tue 25 Nov 09:05post reply

The Odyssey never ends...

Not to be mistaken with that other game they announced thirty-five minutes later.

I feel strangely much more interested in this Mysterious Etrian Dungeon Odyssey than in EOV.

Maybe it's because I still have yet to finish an EO game!

Haha same here. I love EOIV but I've yet to beat it. I hear this is very common with EO fans.

And I cannot ask for a more suitable cross-over than Mystery Dungeon X Etrian Odyssey. Both series have a lot of gameplay ideas that the other could use.

That said, I'm worried that Atlus may milk the series (and Atlus will milk a series if they have the chance, just see Persona). I mean as of this writing, we have Persona Q, Etrian Odyssey 2 remake, Etrian Odyssey V and Etrian Odyssey x Mystery Dungeon all upcoming (well, all hopefully coming outside Japan).

But to be fair, these can all be considered actual Etrian Odyssey games. I mean, I don't know if an Etrian Odyssey fighting game, or a bunch of Etrian Odyssey anime movies or whatever could work.
Actually, a rhythm game with all Etrian Odyssey Yuzo Koshiro goodness could be a lot of fun.


1359th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"It's been ONE great year" , posted Tue 25 Nov 19:58post reply

How nice of them!

The website and picture above originally had my name on it. To celebrate the first year I spent with Xbox One (mostly on Minecraft to be honest), Microsoft generously offered me a gamerpic and this "exclusive digital poster" above. I guess it's the thought that counts!

So, what can you do with a "digital poster"?
Not much, except they did not protect the algorithm, and so...

I am having much more fun with this gift than I expected!

Même Narumi est épatée !

4173th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):It's been ONE great year" , posted Tue 25 Nov 20:35:post reply

How nice of them!

The website and picture above originally had my name on it. To celebrate the first year I spent with Xbox One (mostly on Minecraft to be honest), Microsoft generously offered me a gamerpic and this "exclusive digital poster" above. I guess it's the thought that counts!

So, what can you do with a "digital poster"?
Not much, except they did not protect the algorithm, and so...

I am having much more fun with this gift than I expected!

Nice generator, lol. I can only assume they used this method because they didn't want to store data on the server-side!

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 25 Nov 20:39]

3711th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):It's been ONE great year" , posted Tue 25 Nov 20:52post reply

How nice of them!

The website and picture above originally had my name on it. To celebrate the first year I spent with Xbox One (mostly on Minecraft to be honest), Microsoft generously offered me a gamerpic and this "exclusive digital poster" above. I guess it's the thought that counts!

I actually got a little excited at first, thinking I would be rewarded for buying their maligned console before its extremely early "temporary" price drop. In fact, I've been very happy with the XbOne, having played several exclusives I enjoyed on it, vs a big, whopping zero on PS4. Pleased with their ongoing, extremely nice system updates and having just finished Sunset Overdrive (which I was extremely fond of), I counted myself a surprisingly proud owner of the system. This "digital poster" turned that pride into shame.

I am not enjoying at all this new trend of going to work on weekends, but at least the train ride gives me a good excuse to play some Megaten IV. I might love it even more than Strange Journey! It's ambitious and full of interesting ideas. The setting is wonderful and captures some modern aspects of Tokyo astutely. The game is much easier than III or even SJ, on the other hand. I am not complaining but they really made it easier for the player to break/abuse the game completely.

I enjoyed lots of things about the game and I don't think back on it poorly, but the lack of difficulty, lack of dungeons and (personal) overhead map problems made me lose interest before I finished it.

Vaguely related...I don't know if I'll be able to play any other RPGs after Dragon Age: Inquisition, partially because I might be dead before I finish it. I have to laugh at myself every time I play, because I almost passed on the game. I had some nonsense logic like "It doesn't look as awesome as the new Witcher game and I don't need both."

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1360th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):It's been ONE great year" , posted Tue 25 Nov 23:12post reply

Square Enix is going to reveal a new RPG for console that isn’t a remake sometime next month, company president Yosuke Matsuda told the latest issue of Famitsu.

“Actually, right now, we’re working on a new RPG specifically for consoles and it isn’t a remake,” Matsuda told Famitsu. “We’ll start talking about it more in December and go from there.”

Ah! Then I assume we can expect this as Sony's December event, although I strongly suspect it is a multiplatform title.
I cannot vouch for the game's quality but I am pretty confident the art style will appeal to this board.

Même Narumi est épatée !

5026th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Wed 26 Nov 01:22post reply


This should soften the blow (or twist the knife it depends). Bengus just drew Dutch from AvP:



You can tell Gouda Cheese knows what he's doing when every part of a character's body -including his kneecaps- are larger than his head and the picture still somehow works. That's a refined sense of exaggeration.

3075th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):It's been ONE great year" , posted Wed 26 Nov 01:41post reply

How nice of them!

The website and picture above originally had my name on it. To celebrate the first year I spent with Xbox One (mostly on Minecraft to be honest), Microsoft generously offered me a gamerpic and this "exclusive digital poster" above. I guess it's the thought that counts!

I actually got a little excited at first, thinking I would be rewarded for buying their maligned console before its extremely early "temporary" price drop. In fact, I've been very happy with the XbOne, having played several exclusives I enjoyed on it, vs a big, whopping zero on PS4. Pleased with their ongoing, extremely nice system updates and having just finished Sunset Overdrive (which I was extremely fond of), I counted myself a surprisingly proud owner of the system. This "digital poster" turned that pride into shame.


But hey, at least you get Limbo for free...? Nothing like an old $5 game you've probably already played to recoup your investment. I mean it could have been a BAD $5 game, so that's something.

But seriously, how about that. I didn't know Microsoft was aiming to do something even more jarring than Nintendo's infamous "ambassador" deal, which for all its silliness at least gave us a few games that are still not available on 3DS to this day. And it's definitely nothing compared to Sony's "we fucked up" deal a couple of years ago.

2720th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Sega Saturn, shiro!" , posted Wed 26 Nov 03:12post reply


This should soften the blow (or twist the knife it depends). Bengus just drew Dutch from AvP:



You can tell Gouda Cheese knows what he's doing when every part of a character's body -including his kneecaps- are larger than his head and the picture still somehow works. That's a refined sense of exaggeration.

The more I stare at it the stranger it gets.

His left upper arm is larger than his thigh and I'm not sure how it would actually bend at the elbow. The bulkiness of that arm is EXTREME

But it still looks awesome!

1370th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Bengusssss" , posted Wed 26 Nov 12:11:post reply


This should soften the blow (or twist the knife it depends). Bengus just drew Dutch from AvP:



You can tell Gouda Cheese knows what he's doing when every part of a character's body -including his kneecaps- are larger than his head and the picture still somehow works. That's a refined sense of exaggeration.

Well said! That's what I love about Bengus and the old Capcom crew. They make some pretty daring choices that basically shouldn't work, but they pull it off with aplomb.

Here's a new drawing of Akuma/Gouki from The Man himself:

Interesting that after all these years, the style he seems to have settled into is the one he employed on Onimusha Dawn of Dreams:


He's gone through so many different styles. What is everyone's favorite?
I'm particularly partial to his work on Alpha 3 and X-Men vs Street Fighter and ... it's really to hard to pick. I love all his work.



Bengus has surprisingly few Twitter followers for such an influential artist (every super hero comics artist I've ever met admires him). I wonder if that's intentional cos he just doesn't like the limelight, or if he's actually unaware of his global influence.


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 26 Nov 12:24]

394th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA)
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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Bengusssss" , posted Wed 26 Nov 13:56post reply


Bengus has surprisingly few Twitter followers for such an influential artist (every super hero comics artist I've ever met admires him). I wonder if that's intentional cos he just doesn't like the limelight, or if he's actually unaware of his global influence.
Maybe because of his moniker change? Maybe people don't realize that it's the same Bengus from the Street Fighter days.

I mean his art has matured so much that maybe people can't recognize that This Akuma and That Akuma were drawn by the same person despite looking so different. It's a shame cause I really like Bengus's art. Him and Kinu Nishimura are legends to me.


2721th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Bengusssss" , posted Thu 27 Nov 15:45post reply


why doesn't he have more followers

Well until somebody here on mmcafe pointed out that Gouda Cheese is his account, even here people didn't know!

And if a bunch of crazies like the ones here didn't know, how could the larger world possibly know? I sure wouldn't think of searching for GoudaCheeeese (did I get the right number of E's there?)!

It probably also doesn't help that we don't know what project he's led since.... I don't know, a decade ago? Even if he's just being modest when he says that he didn't do much for the new Gundam series, what project lately has his art been at the forefront of?

1361th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Bengusssss" , posted Thu 27 Nov 19:59post reply

The last game-related project he has extensively worked on, as far as I know, is still in development (development hell, maybe?) and not announced yet. It's not a major production, though. Maybe he is also involved in some of Capcom's new projects? They are probably working on Street Fighter 5, and Ikeno might need some contractual talent for the next project from the DMC team.

I wonder if other people maybe overestimate his importance or at least his lifestyle / rapport with other artists. I agree Bengus has been extremely influential but I think this has happened more organically than you'd expect, i.e. neither him nor many artists actually realized how much he influenced a new generation of his peers.

I also agree with the theory that the name and style changes have blurred the perception of his input. To be honest, I think his more recent professional stuff, which is more personal and less technically impressive, has overshadowed his actual talent and made him a bit forgotten by current contractors and fans. We remember and care because we are old farts.

Even some more public/recognizable artists Kinu or Akiman have remained incredibly simple people, despite the praise and success. I would suspect Bengus is just a simple guy leading a simple life and following Kinu's tips/tails in order to get by, rather than an ambitious artist looking for a big project to shine.

Même Narumi est épatée !

758th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Americana Cheeese" , posted Fri 28 Nov 11:54:post reply

Bengus stuff

I have to agree with Chaz. Probably the guy himself is not aware of his own good name worldwide, as is the case with many other creators on the Japanese gaming business. Most of the guys working on games over here tend to view themselves as little more than mere salarymen, no different from those white collared workers who earn their pittances on real state agencies or insurance companies. I guess Japanese business culture just does not exactly foster stardomship.

On other news, charming Gensou Suikoden indie copycat Americana Dawn gets its release delayed once again. It's sill kind of rough around the edges (those UIs are just horrible, and character illustrations leave a lot to be desired), but still this is probably, by far, the game that has me more excited nowadays. Man, I like SO MUCH the shape it is taking...

EDIT: by the way, talking about "americana" stuff... Happy Thanksgiving to our fellow american cafers!!

[this message was edited by Maese on Fri 28 Nov 12:51]

5029th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Americana Cheeese" , posted Fri 28 Nov 22:37post reply

Has this version of Monster Hunter been mentioned yet? If not, something should be said just so it can be entered into the public record.
EDIT: by the way, talking about "americana" stuff... Happy Thanksgiving to our fellow american cafers!!

Same to you! I hope everyone, regardless of their nationality, spent yesterday eating until they were bloated.

4175th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Americana Cheeese" , posted Fri 28 Nov 23:02post reply

Has this version of Monster Hunter been mentioned yet? If not, something should be said just so it can be entered into the public record.
EDIT: by the way, talking about "americana" stuff... Happy Thanksgiving to our fellow american cafers!!

That's NOT the Monster Hunter I know moe...!?

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
(run turkeys, run!)

1362th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Americana Cheeese" , posted Sat 29 Nov 09:24post reply

I was about to wake up the old Capcom is doomed thread for those videos.

MH4G sales really dropped quick, and New 3DS is doing OK but not well enough to keep the game on track for Capcom's sales target... It won't get to 3 millions unless the Yōkai generation suddenly falls in love with the series for some random reason (and I doubt Monster Hunter Moe is aimed at them). It seems a lot of users complain that 4G was not worth a full release and could have simply been a DLC. It's a big blow for the company if 3 millions is now a difficult target to reach for its key franchise.

Même Narumi est épatée !

4176th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"URRRRYY!!! Stardust Crusaders Pt.2 trailer" , posted Mon 1 Dec 10:10post reply


MMCafe's beloved coffee gum dog has arrived!

9823th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):URRRRYY!!! Stardust Crusaders Pt.2 trai" , posted Mon 1 Dec 19:00post reply


MMCafe's beloved coffee gum dog has arrived!

Go go Iggy go!
I'm sure he's going to be all right this time.

1363th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"My Magnificent Schlong's Song" , posted Mon 1 Dec 20:58post reply

Gaming thread! I thought this was an announcement trailer for ASB2.

Actually, dear Atlus, I already had a magnificent schlong before being introduced to magnificent schlongs by this guy. It's my magnificent schlong that managed to beat off the last boss with the coup-de-grâce, by which I mean a powerful death blow. My powerful schlong' prowess was possible thanks to how heredity is handled in that world!

So, I finished SMT4 on Sunday, exactly one month after the outrageously delayed European release. I really enjoyed it. Great atmosphere and soundtrack, and an interesting megamix of all the good ideas found inside various Atlus games since SMT3. I was surprised how much [spoiler: the game calls back to the story and events of SMT1] in the end, although you can still enjoy the game as a freshman of the series.

I have started the NG+ but I am not yet sure whether I'll have the courage to pursue [spoiler: the Neutral ending with Isabeau]. That being said, like with so many other aspects of SMT4, the game does a very kind job of letting you arrange the NG+ how you want. You can simply bring everything back and literally breeze through the first 40 hours, or do that and increase the difficulty, or bring back only essentials, or nothing. A lot of customization for repeat players. Nice!

The entire game is nice like that, and all those options do have a huge impact on the balance of the game. You are simply too powerful, have access to too many cop-outs: save anywhere, death avoidance by passing a Macca-based (or 3DS coin-based!) pact with Charon, very docile demon fusion / demon management (only one few fusion accident in my run and there is no complementarity or affinity system like in Strange Journey), permission to decide which abilities the resulting demon will get, and a waaaay too permissive main character customization (you basically make him completely overpowered fairly easily).

All those features are really nice! I don't want them to go away in the next game. But in addition to the now familiar Press Turn system and the good ol' SMT demons who very often keep the same affinities/weaknesses game to game, there is very little challenge. They should make the battles a little bit trickier, as demonstrated in some interesting "puzzle-like" optional VR fights. There are only ten of them, but they required much more thought and dedication than any storyline or optional Boss I have met in the game.

The difficulty of the dungeons should also be ramped up a bit, because I like their organic design and the new exploration features, but in terms of ideas and challenge, we are back to the standard of PS2-era Atlus games, whereas Strange Journey fed the players some real "dungeon exploration" chops. Right now, the only difficulty of the game comes from the lack of Macca(money) forcing you to make choices in terms of gear and preventing you from abusing your demons' backlog too much for more powerful fusions.

My last complaint, because I loved everything else and did not have any issue with the apparently controversial city exploration interface, comes from the two main companions in the story: Walter (the Chaos companion) and Jonathan (the Law companion). They kinda suck.

I understand that Atlus was trying a similar thing as Fire Emblem 3DS, to bring new kids into the franchise. So they had to make the whole law/chaos shenanigans more basic and clear, to get everyone on board. According to sales, it worked, and the FExSMT connection makes a lot of sense after playing both games. So I don't mind that Walter and Jonathan are so openly on one side or another, I simply mind that neither of them has a particularly appealing persona or a good leitmotiv. The neutral/undecided third wheel Isabeau and several other non-playable characters were much more interesting than those two nincompoops. That is a very strong contrast with the much better duo Zelenin and Jimenez in Strange Journey.

And it does not hurt that the soundtrack is amazing. Good remixes, too!
I'd really like a Megaten 3 remake on handhled with all those interface ameliorations.

Même Narumi est épatée !

9824th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):My Magnificent Schlong's Song" , posted Mon 1 Dec 21:40post reply

How topical, your recent posts finally managed to make me interested in playing the game, at some point between the releases of Smash&Guilty and before the Christmas Steam sales, on the free time DoE and Isaac leave me. Not sure I'll be able to see much of the game out of these 10 minutes, but, well.

I think I remember the DLCs work a bit like FE's: one for mucho XP, one for mucho moneys, and others for more difficult dungeons/quests/bosses. Did you try any of those?

1365th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):My Magnificent Schlong's Song" , posted Tue 2 Dec 05:31:post reply

Ah, I forgot to mention the DLC, right. They are not helping with fixing the balance, that's for sure. I bought all the DLC of course, because I am DLC sucker. I think not all of them are out in Europe yet.

A few of the DLC are purely cosmetic, to let you have blond hair for instance (in Europe they were free at launch, I assume it was the same in Japan for a limited time).

A couple of DLC are endgame/NG+ Boss Fights which I have not done yet.

A couple of DLC are simple fetch quests that get you full armour sets of two Boss characters redesigned by the Kamen Rider guy who worked on the new monsters designs (there are only a few of them; most monsters keep their legacy Kaneko look). These are probably the most interesting DLC rewards, although the fetch quests are dumb. The armours are really strong (among the best in the game) and their visual style is interesting to say the least. I did not use them because I quickly found [spoiler: Black Demonica suits] via the main storyline and did not want to betray my fashion sense on my Streetpass Card, but I thought that was at least a nice DLC idea.

Finally, you have the cheating DLC that you mentioned. Unfortunately, those are not very interesting beyond the cheating aspect. It's not done as well as in Fire Emblem, which had genuinely cool ideas for those amicable DLC quests that made you feel less bad about yourself, and also found a way to make it that the DLC benefits would scale with your character's level/progress.

In SMT4, all three cheating DLCs get you in the same special area of Shinjuku. The (very small) area loops on itself. You find about 4 or 5 types of monsters and some of them are the equivalent of Silver Slimes = harder to kill, will flee after roughly one turn, will drop the thing you want if you kill them (items that you can consume to get XP, money or app points). You can also exchange those items to unlock one special demon per DLC. It's a simple palette swap of another demon in each case, so nothing to write home about.

Those DLC also scary efficient so I stopped going there after unlocking the palette swaps because the game was already quite easy enough for me. The one exception is Macca. Around 2/3rd into the game, you can reach an optional area. To get there, I won't explain why but you need to spend a LOT of money. Which I did. Then, inside that area, you find some premium shops with insane equipment, at an equally insane price. To give you an idea, I counted that to get all items, I would need to gather 32 million Macca. And this is thrown at you right after spending all that money to even get there; money that I could have used to play Dr Moreau and fuse more demons instead. So fuck it. I really wanted to wear that outfit until the end of the game, and I decided I deserved it after all those efforts, so I spent twenty~thirty minutes in the Macca DLC and got out with something like 2 Millions Macca to buy it.

In that sense, I might use those DLC again now that I finished the game, simply to yarikomi faster: getting all the apps and completing the akumazensho by spending money on resurrrecting demons to fuse them together. I am already in the low 90s level so I don't need the XP, but I could use money and app points to reach those goals quickly and simply focus on getting the Neutral ending before I am distracted by another shiny object.

I forgot to add my biggest complaint! No soft reset. Mgrgrgrgr! Same issue as Fire Emblem, by the way. I understand the point is to push for the interaction with Charon, but that's really annoying because 1. I am doing it anyway and 2. you cannot check for new DLC without quitting the game entirely and rebooting it and 3. all those "going back to the Home menu" made me lose time and messed up my 3DS user stats.

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Tue 2 Dec 18:34]

2722th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):My Magnificent Schlong's Song" , posted Wed 3 Dec 04:02post reply

There's really a lot on the 3DS that I want to play now, but with the New 3DS on the horizon I feel like putting any money into one right now might be a bit of a waste.

On the other hand, maybe I could just go and beat Strange Journey while I wait.

1371th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):My Magnificent Schlong's Song" , posted Fri 5 Dec 05:26:post reply

Both decisions seem very reasonable.

When you set-up a keynote called "the future of games", of course the first game that comes to mind is Ni-Oh! Fortunately, the only thing they showed is that artwork we've known for nine years. Let's not rush things.

And everyone's favorite doll costuming simulation DOA5:Last Round comes back with a bouncy trailer confirming a Steam release. I am not sure Internet can survive the potential modding scene for this game.

Oh and...

Sony is also having an event in early December called PlayStation Experience.
I am not sure how that will take form and how it will be streamed.

It's Saturday! 10:00 US Pacific. Time zones. Stream.

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Fri 5 Dec 22:17]

5036th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):My Magnificent Schlong's Song" , posted Sat 6 Dec 00:52post reply



Sony is also having an event in early December called PlayStation Experience.
I am not sure how that will take form and how it will be streamed.

Anything that will come out of this event has already been overshadowed by the news that the PS3 Godzilla game is somehow making it out of Japan.

2725th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):My Magnificent Schlong's Song" , posted Sat 6 Dec 04:16post reply


I don't know what humor can be said about it given that Ni-Oh has long since become its own punchline.

Just hearing factual reports about its development is magically entertaining!

1371th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Capcom trademarks Dragon's Dogma Online" , posted Sat 6 Dec 04:33post reply

Speaking of Ni-Oh!, I was wondering if its (unwillingly) next generation successor Deep Down was going to show up at all tomorrow. between the first time I played Deep Down and its eventual release (?), Dark Souls 2 has been released, Bloodborne has been unveiled, the Alpha of Bloodborne has been played and most probably, Bloodborne will have been released.

Well, maybe we are going to hear more about it tomorrow - or at least very soon - under a different name. Capcom has discretely trademarked Dragon's Dogma Online. Maybe the two are related? I remember strong suspicion at the very beginning of Deep Down's announcement that the "D.D." was related to Dragon's Dogma. Or is that Itsuno and Kobayashi's new project? I am still pretty sure they are working on DMC instead (and they also renewed the DMC trademark recently). Maybe it's just another mobile game... Anyway, interesting trademark check.

Même Narumi est épatée !

2726th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Capcom trademarks Dragon's Dogma Online" , posted Sat 6 Dec 05:36post reply

If Dragon's Dogma Online isn't either Deep Down or a relaunch of Dragon's Dogma, I will be impressed and simultaneously wondering about whether or not Capcom has enough money to pay all its employees.

Impending SaGa 25th Anniversary stream which I expect to hear rants from Iggy about.

1372th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Capcom trademarks Dragon's Dogma Online" , posted Sat 6 Dec 12:06post reply

Bloodborne TGA trailer

Not very interesting but maybe they are keeping some (silver) bullets for the Sony conference, like that random dungeon hinted at in Famitsu. Demon's Souls-style vertical leaps of faith are back!

Même Narumi est épatée !

9827th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Capcom trademarks Dragon's Dogma Online" , posted Sat 6 Dec 21:56post reply

Impending SaGa 25th Anniversary stream which I expect to hear rants from Iggy about.

I will be there, of course. I will even pre-order Legend of Legacy even though Kawazu and Itoken are not on it! That will console me from the delay of my GGXrd order because physical deliveries suck.

5037th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Capcom trademarks Dragon's Dogma Online" , posted Sun 7 Dec 05:31post reply

Yakuza 5 is going to be localized!

Is Suikoden 2 any good? It's going to be re-released next week.

The true power of the new consoles will finally be shown when Godzilla comes to the PS4.

Bloodborne TGA trailer

My dream of virtually rolling around on the ground with friends and strangers will soon come true!

1375th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Capcom trademarks Dragon's Dogma Online" , posted Sun 7 Dec 05:31:post reply

PS Experience:
That FF7 blunder was one for the ages... Otherwise good show, better than Sony's E3. I am very surprised we did not get to see MGSV. In the end, the big surprise of this event would have been Capcom's collaboration for SF5. Also there was a bit more Vita than I expected! Oh and Yakuza 5 in English!

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sun 7 Dec 05:46]

2705th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Capcom trademarks Dragon's Dogma Online" , posted Sun 7 Dec 05:45:post reply

Yakuza 5 is going to be localized!

On that note: maybe in a few generations this sentence will stop looking so strange:
Today is a very special and exciting day for all of us at SEGA. Partnering with our friends at Sony Computer Entertainment America

Is Suikoden 2 any good? It's going to be re-released next week.
Yes! Or at least, Parish's piece makes a fine case for it. I never had time for Gensou Suikoden, are you kidding?
That FF7 blunder was one for the ages...

To be fair, it serves VII fans right. I like to imagine that Square has a Disappointment Generation Services section that focuses specifically on punishing people with such bad taste.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 7 Dec 05:45]

3078th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Capcom trademarks Dragon's Dogma Online" , posted Sun 7 Dec 10:26post reply


Is Suikoden 2 any good? It's going to be re-released next week.

I wouldn't want to overhype it, but it is still my #1 favorite RPG of all time. If you enjoyed the first one it is a dozen times better, even with its occasionally missing translations.

2728th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Ralph H. Baer... is dead." , posted Tue 9 Dec 03:00post reply

The man who helped bring the first gaming console into the world has died. Given how all those old Magnavox games had titles ending with exclamation marks, I hope forever after his name and eulogies end with them, too.

Also, Magnavox would later help manufacture CD-i systems with Phillips (I think Magnavox had been acquired by them for some time by then... need to fact check!), helping bring into the world such things as Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon!

2706th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Ralph H. Baer... is dead." , posted Tue 9 Dec 16:35post reply

Like with the passing of D&D creator Gary Gygax, the loss of Baer is significant, even if in both cases I never enjoyed their works directly so much as the video games that were influenced by their creative visions. I'll never quite figure out if he or Nolan Bushnell were the true father of video games, but hey.
Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon!

Most comprehensive obituaries do have a section covering the less positive sides of the person's life, so this seems appropriate!


1458th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Ralph H. Baer... is dead." , posted Tue 9 Dec 23:09post reply

Like with the passing of D&D creator Gary Gygax, the loss of Baer is significant, even if in both cases I never enjoyed their works directly so much as the video games that were influenced by their creative visions. I'll never quite figure out if he or Nolan Bushnell were the true father of video games, but hey.

That's a remarkable complex topic, laden with all kinds of questions about who was actually working on what and when-- Baer is supposed to have proposed home videogames as early as '62 which seems incredible. One enduring legacy of his, at least, is that he is the definitive father of home videogames. I've always found it fascinating how much videogame history is basically unofficially based on hearsay and vague recollections of the prime players at the time.

Either way, Baer is one of the true founders of our unique preoccupation and was from what I've heard one hell of a nice guy. Let's all raise a glass filled with some intoxicant in his honor!

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

1376th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Ralph H. Baer... is dead." , posted Wed 10 Dec 08:37post reply

Baer is also directly responsible for Nintendo's introduction to video games, and the father of ragequit.
Clearly a very, very important figure for our hobby/business/livelihood.

Même Narumi est épatée !

5040th Post

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"Re(4):Ralph H. Baer... is dead." , posted Wed 10 Dec 09:26post reply

the father of ragequit.

That's an amazing, historical image. Having that cinderblock of a console prominently featured in the foreground is a nice touch.

2732th Post

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"Re(4):Ralph H. Baer... is dead." , posted Wed 10 Dec 10:17post reply

the father of ragequit.

I've heard that that being a ragequit is actually apocryphal, and that in the original context, since he lost he was supposed to give somebody else a turn... which might make him the father of the "got next"!

Either way, a wonderful moment.

9829th Post

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"Castlevania question" , posted Thu 11 Dec 00:30post reply

Oh, damn, I don't know, is it the right place to ask such question? I mean, I don't know, well... OK, I'll go.

The MSX2 version of 悪魔城ドラキュラ is going to be released on the Japanese WiiU VC next week. What was it again, is it the one that got redone on PS1 many years later? How is it, quality-wise, and more importantly music-wise?

2710th Post

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"Re(1):Castlevania question" , posted Thu 11 Dec 00:38:post reply

Oh, damn, I don't know, is it the right place to ask such question? I mean, I don't know, well... OK, I'll go.

You summoned me, dark priest Shaft Iggy?
The MSX2 version
What was it again, is it the one that got redone on PS1 many years later?

I wish! You're thinking of far more advanced hardware, the X68000. But then, it's already on PSN. This one is sort of like the first FC one, but with weird keys for each levels. More importantly, the music is worse.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 11 Dec 00:39]

5936th Post

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"Re(1):Castlevania question" , posted Thu 11 Dec 02:56:post reply

The MSX2 version of 悪魔城ドラキュラ is going to be released on the Japanese WiiU VC next week. What was it again, is it the one that got redone on PS1 many years later? How is it, quality-wise, and more importantly music-wise?

The MSX is technically the first Metroidvania of the series, the catch is that you have nintendo difficulty. For one, I think death is pretty meant bussiness almost like a roughlike, second is that some of the puzzle solutions make absolutely no sense at all (for example, think that a stage has 50 falling pits, 45 of them kill you while the on the other 5 is absolutely necessary to jump at to proceed, and you can't find which are which without trial and error).

In any event, is a good way of re-living the 1st Metroid experience in all of it's evil aspects.

edit : Anyway, you should try and see a youtube playthrough of it, and check out how the virtual guys make it seem as if the game makes perfect sense and is confortable and friendly to clear.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 11 Dec 03:39]

1378th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Ralph H. Baer... is dead." , posted Thu 11 Dec 07:48post reply

I've heard that that being a ragequit is actually apocryphal, and that in the original context, since he lost he was supposed to give somebody else a turn... which might make him the father of the "got next"!

Yeah it's only a joke, here is the actual footage; of course he was actually a really nice and polite guy, simply giving away his seat.

The MSX2 game: I think it's a mistake to buy it.
Intergrow's 2D hack and slash is coming out next week.
The Bravely Second demo is out on eShop and the game is becoming quite promising.

Même Narumi est épatée !

9830th Post

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"Re(2):Castlevania question" , posted Thu 11 Dec 08:12post reply

You're thinking of far more advanced hardware, the X68000.

Oh. hum... Well, I had one letter right!

Thanks for the answers everyone! I'll just go on Youtube then.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
And that's why game companies can't do business anymore.

End of Spoiler

1384th Post

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"PanchiraStation" , posted Sat 13 Dec 08:24post reply

Meanwhile, in Japan...

Même Narumi est épatée !

2710th Post

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"Re(1):PanchiraStation" , posted Sat 13 Dec 08:41post reply

Meanwhile, in Japan...

Yeah, I guess that's how I remember high school, except with fewer blue skies and conversations with the police...


2737th Post

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"Re(2):PanchiraStation" , posted Sat 13 Dec 14:07post reply

Tactical Stealth Dating

God bless D3

1385th Post

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"Re(3):PanchiraStation" , posted Sat 13 Dec 19:30post reply

出願人:株式会社スクウェア・エニックス /
出願日:2014年11月13日 /


Même Narumi est épatée !

5045th Post

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"Re(4):PanchiraStation" , posted Sun 14 Dec 03:30post reply

So it's Vanquish sliding and MGS stealth but with all the unpleasant guns and violence replaced with wholesome perversion? This is the power of the next generation!

2712th Post

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"Re(4):PanchiraStation" , posted Sun 14 Dec 04:28post reply



1387th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"PanchiraStation Vita gets a new SaGa" , posted Sun 14 Dec 20:31post reply

Well! SQEX did not confirm whether it was "SaGa Asterism" but a new SaGa directed by Kawazu is coming for PSVita in 2015.

Let's remember that Iggy always puts a curse on the game he buys a new console for so we don't need to be too excited. Now I bet he regrets not tainting Oreshika 2 instead.

By the way, I am pretty sure that is not the "new game, not a remake" mentioned by one SQEX honcho recently.

There is also a (dreadful looking) browser game called Imperial SaGa coming very soon.

Même Narumi est épatée !

9833th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):PanchiraStation Vita gets a new SaGa" , posted Sun 14 Dec 20:57post reply

Let's remember that Iggy always puts a curse on the game he buys a new console for so we don't need to be too excited. Now I bet he regrets not tainting Oreshika 2 instead.

The worst part is that Oreshika 2 got tainted regardless. I bet that all the Iggys in all the parallel universes bought it with so much fervor that it transpired into our own.
Anyway, Saga 2015 is safe, since I'm buying a Vita to finally play Shin Kamaitachi no Yoru that I have been dying to play for so long.
I hope more good games will be released in the future for this new console!

There is also a (dreadful looking) browser game called Imperial SaGa coming very soon.
Since Emperor's SaGa was already a Mugen of existing SaGa assets, I wonder how much lower they can dig the mine after it's totally extinct.

1390th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Dante you forget about me" , posted Tue 16 Dec 01:59:post reply

DMC4 and DmC redone for Xbox One and PS4. Meh.
At least the changes in DmC seem to address many issues people had with the original game.


Even MORE Devil May Cry! I think Capcom is trying to tell us something.

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Tue 16 Dec 06:06]

2740th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):PanchiraStation Vita gets a new SaGa" , posted Wed 17 Dec 03:40post reply


What is your opinion of Legend of Legacy?
Relevant tweet

5049th Post

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"Re(1):Dante you forget about me" , posted Wed 17 Dec 03:53post reply

Are we supposed to vote with our wallets on which Dante we like? Wasn't that election decided some time ago? I almost admire the stubbornness that's going into trying to make DmC happen. Too bad all the game refinements and the options to dress up the main character like OG Dante make it feel as if this is an attempt to bring DmC in line with the other games in the series. I guess this makes this re-mastered version of DmC the new Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. But since the one second shot of Vergil pouting in DMC4 created more buzz than anything to do with DmC I'm not sure why they bothered.

9836th Post

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"Re(3):PanchiraStation Vita gets a new SaGa" , posted Wed 17 Dec 06:47post reply

What is your opinion of Legend of Legacy?

I have a New 3DS so that the download of the game will be as fast as humanly possible. I'll need a month with the game to be sure, but I think I like it more than Bravely Second at the moment.
Plus, the hero is called the French imperative form of "Die!", which I like.

1393th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Tokyo Xanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" , posted Thu 18 Dec 17:51post reply

2015. ROLL OUT

Please don't be a crappy F2P game!
Please don't be a crappy F2P game for mobiles!
Please don't be a crappy F2P game for browsers!
Please don't be a crappy F2P game anywhere!
Gah, I hope this is what the Nayuta guys were working on.

This "Legend of Legacy looks more exciting than Bravely Second" thing is gonna be "Sonic Lost World looks more exciting than Mario 3D World" all over again...

Même Narumi est épatée !

401th Post

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"Re(1):Tokyo Xanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" , posted Fri 19 Dec 04:32post reply

2015. ROLL OUT

Please don't be a crappy F2P game!
Please don't be a crappy F2P game for mobiles!
Please don't be a crappy F2P game for browsers!
Please don't be a crappy F2P game anywhere!
Gah, I hope this is what the Nayuta guys were working on.

I hope so. I think Falcom hasn't been tinkering with f2p stuff in any form (despite how much they occasionally support the Chinese market). That's the charm of Falcom's old-school sensibilities. Their games look like they're 2 generations behind in terms of tech (with amazing art design). But that means their games are also 2 generations away from modern crappy game design practices.


2743th Post

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"Re(2):Tokyo Xanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" , posted Fri 19 Dec 06:00post reply

The only Xanadu game I ever played significantly was Faxanadu, which I have good memories of.

I'd be down for Toxanadu, though I wish one day that they could make a game that looks as good in-game as the cover art for Zwei 2 does.

Actually what I'm really going to do is wonder where all the time went between when Zwei!! came out and now. More than 10 years!

1394th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Tokyo Xanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" , posted Fri 19 Dec 07:47post reply

Actually what I'm really going to do is wonder where all the time went between when Zwei!! came out and now. More than 10 years!

At least you had Zwei 2. Unfortunately, it was Zwei 2.
We have now been waiting nine years for a sequel Xanadu Next.

Même Narumi est épatée !

808th Post

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"Capcom fighting tribute contest by Udon" , posted Fri 19 Dec 12:24post reply

I wonder if this is a hint that Capcom might actually be considering a new Capcm crossover without third parties - especially now that MvC Origins is getting pulled from PSN and XBox Live.

It's pretty odd that submissions can't include Rival School's Hayato, although the exclusion of Mega Man stuff is a lot less surprising...

I've got a dumb idea or two, but I don't think I can learn to do those Justice until the end of january...


2746th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Capcom fighting tribute contest by Udon" , posted Fri 19 Dec 12:34post reply


It's pretty odd that submissions can't include Rival School's Hayato,

Either Shimamoto asked for a lot of money, or Capcom doesn't want to bother to take the time to do a licensing agreement with him.

9839th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Capcom fighting tribute contest by Udon" , posted Fri 19 Dec 20:45post reply


It's pretty odd that submissions can't include Rival School's Hayato,

I'm surprised they single out "original characters Ruby Heart, Son-Son, and Amingo", while including Ingrid in CFJ.
Wasn't the final boss of MvC2 also a Capcom character (Abyss, was it)? Not that I can imagine anyone wanting to spend time drawing him.
Surprised as well that Kikaiô/Tech Romancer is on the ban list. Was there any legal issue with that title?
All in all, an interesting selection. Why Knights of the Round and not Magic Sword? Why ban Rockman Power Battle?
Also, I don't think it's an indication of anything. If a Capcom crossover game do come, it will be totally unrelated to this, which seems an entirely USA centric contribution. Except if you think the game might be done by Iron Galaxy or Netherrealm.

1397th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Santa Croft" , posted Fri 19 Dec 20:45:post reply

Famitsu is giving away Lara Croft (PS3 version) if you have a Japanese PSN account. Just put an e-mail address at the bottom, confirm the link sent it you and you'll get the code. Nice!

[edit] Actually it's the first game, not the sequel.

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sat 20 Dec 07:11]

1900th Post

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"Re(1):Random GAMES! Thread#26: samba de amiib" , posted Sat 20 Dec 00:15post reply

So speaking of Amiibos, anyone been following the drama surrounding them for the last few weeks?

I think it started with the notion that Wii Fit Trainer, Marth and Villager were going to be an extremely limited run. That set off a quick price increase in the secondary market. I think some stores probably only got one or two shipments of that wave and haven't gotten anymore since.

Then, the Target exclusive Rosalina/Luma went up for Pre-Order at some crazy time in the middle of the night and pre-sold out in a matter of minutes.

Now it appears that the Toys R Us exclusive Lucario is no the center of some new drama where a bunch of old pre-orders were canceled and then put BACK up for pre-order to be pre-sold out again.

Being an old action figure collector I can understand the idea of shortpacking figures in a box. I don't deny that Wii Fit trainer and Marth don't have the same mainstream appeal as Mario and the gang, but I was truly surprised about the Villager short pack as I thought Animal Crossing was quite popular. I would have thought that Nintendo would at least keep these figures fairly well stocked until after Christmas though. I am sure a lot of kids haven't even open the game up yet to play it and already figures are becoming an extreme hassle to find.

But then again, I think Nintendo hasn't even come out to confirm that Marth and the others are discontinued. It all started with a random tweet and some hear-say across the internet. I am sure Nintendo LOVES that people are scrambling for the Amiibos due to the idea that their character MAY be limited run. I bet they don't want a repeat of something like Link's Crossbow Training which sat of shelves for months and was heavily discontinued. So I guess in their minds sacrificing a few wave 1 figures is bringing in much more profits than keeping them well stocked.

There is also the problem of the Gamecube controller adapter being sold out though. Which is an actual BIG problem since I think I would prefer to play Smash Bros with my old Gamecube controllers over the Wii U game pad. But that is another issue entirely.

1398th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Random GAMES! Thread#26: samba de amiib" , posted Sat 20 Dec 07:50:post reply

I bet they don't want a repeat of something like Link's Crossbow Training which sat of shelves for months and was heavily discontinued.

(I assume you mean "heavily discounted"?)

I don't necessarily disagree with the overall idea of your post but this is a really strange comment. Two reasons.

1 - The comparison between Amiibo and Crossbow Training is a bit iffy because they don't have the same logistic issue; the different Amiibo are fighting each other for shelf space, the same way Tomica collections operate.

2 - I think at least one old financial report confirmed Crossbow Training had passed 4 million copies shipped. It's probably near 5 millions now. Even if you add the more recent Ocarina 3D to that old chart, it's probably the 4th or 5th best selling Zelda game ever, and it doesn't even have Zelda in the name.

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sat 20 Dec 07:52]

5052th Post

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"Re(2):Random GAMES! Thread#26: samba de amiib" , posted Sat 20 Dec 10:59post reply

I wonder if this is a hint that Capcom might actually be considering a new Capcm crossover without third parties - especially now that MvC Origins is getting pulled from PSN and XBox Live.

Avengers/Hissatsu no Buraiken? Doesn't a game need to have fans before it can have fan art?
So speaking of Amiibos, anyone been following the drama surrounding them for the last few weeks?

I read up a bit on it but I'm not certain I understand why there is such a demand for these Amiibos. From what I understand all they do is unlock a character for a mode in Smash and some other minor bells and whistles in other games. If so, why is everyone going crazy in the hunt for these figures? Do people really need a plastic representation of the Wii Fit Trainer in their lives? Is it tapping into a collecting obsession for some people? Does Skylanders and other games that employ this tactic create such a frenzy when they release figures?

9841th Post

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"Re(3):Random GAMES! Thread#26: samba de amiib" , posted Sat 20 Dec 20:10post reply

I read up a bit on it but I'm not certain I understand why there is such a demand for these Amiibos.

They are / may be limited. That is all there is to know.

(your new avatar is fantastic)

1400th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Holy shit what a weekend // new thread" , posted Sun 21 Dec 01:06:post reply


[edit] Wait there is so much stuff happening and we are reaching 100 posts already, let me open a new topic instead. I was not expecting this one to go so quick!


Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sun 21 Dec 01:11]