karasu 1460th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "MMCafe Travel Edition 2014/2015: Giant Attack" , posted Thu 11 Dec 01:32    
I'm sure it gets tiresome to hear me ask after meetups at different places, but I've found Cafe folk all over the place to be such exemplary humans that I always like to ask.
I'll be in Japan and Taiwan for two weeks starting 12/16 and there will be a Tokyo meetup on 12/17, if anyone here is also located in the vicinity and would care to join us. I'll also be coming back through Tokyo on 12/25 if that works for anyone. Most of my time will be spent in Osaka and Nara though. Anybody who is around should feel free to drop me a line at chris dot harback at gmail dot com.
I'll also take the opportunity to ask if any of the worldly folks here can suggest anything I should see in Osaka and Nara, which I'll also be visiting, and in Taipei, where I'll be attending a wedding. I'd welcome both videogame and non-videogame related suggestions of course!
You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.