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Professor 4211th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Fighting game thread 8 Omega Xrd FC edition" , posted Tue 6 Jan 17:18:    
Previous thread- Fighting game thread (Tekken)7 ~~~~ Re(6):Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!
Log of last few entries in previous thread :
HAYATO "Re(5):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Wed 24 Dec 21:14 I'll give this one the benefit of the doubt. ASB wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, but it was far from the abyssmal piece of crap I thought it would become. I wouldn't deny that everything revealed to date about this EoH sounds pretty awful per se' but, who knows, it may end up being a decent, entertaining title after all... In fact, I shouldn't complain so much, since I played the hell out of Phantom Blood back in the day (and ejoyed every single minute of it). Talk about guilty pleasures...
Iggy "Re(6):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Wed 24 Dec 21:32 quote:In fact, I shouldn't complain so much, since I played the hell out of Phantom Blood back in the day (and ejoyed every single minute of it). Talk about guilty pleasures... I was thinking about it the other day. I was thinking: "I may skip the game, and I played every single Jojo game released except the Cobra one, including Phantom Blood". And on the other hand: "I did play Phantom Blood. Can EOH be reasonably worse than it?"
Ishmael "Re(7):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 05:05 New year, new Tekken characters. He could have left the saber at home but otherwise I'm happy to see they actually toned down his costume from the over-accessorized look in the draft images.
Maou "Re(8):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 05:10 quote: New year, new Tekken characters. He could have left the saber at home but otherwise I'm happy to see they actually toned down his costume from the over-accessorized look in the draft images. That's actually...really cool! I can't help wishing that he were a new Soul Calibur character, which is where a proper sword fighter belongs, but these are sad times for the stage of history...
karasu "Re(9):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 08:20 quote: That's actually...really cool! I can't help wishing that he were a new Soul Calibur character, which is where a proper sword fighter belongs, but these are sad times for the stage of history... Seconded! I love the design, and hopefully he'll play as well as he looks! Speaking of The Stage of History, it would be great if there could actually be a new and decent game in the series! Here's hoping 2015 surprises us!
Spoon "Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 09:33 What hand-to-hand fighting style would be associated with Saudi Arabians? I actually don't know.
Gojira "Re(2):Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 09:54 quote: What hand-to-hand fighting style would be associated with Saudi Arabians? I actually don't know. Well according to our resident Saudi Badoor, his name is Persian (meaning "eagle"), so maybe his style is also Persian in origin? The thing that comes up when I search for Persian fighting styles is usually either curved swordsmanship or a kind of wrestling called Kosthi Pahlevani.
kofoguz "Re(3):Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Fri 2 Jan 10:37 quote: What hand-to-hand fighting style would be associated with Saudi Arabians? I actually don't know. Well according to our resident Saudi Badoor, his name is Persian (meaning "eagle"), so maybe his style is also Persian in origin? The thing that comes up when I search for Persian fighting styles is usually either curved swordsmanship or a kind of wrestling called Kosthi Pahlevani. Badoor is Saudi? I checked the TDK (Turkish Language Association) and indeed the name S,ahin (a popular name in Tu"rkiye) comes from Persian language (Farsc,a). But S,ahin doesnt mean Eagle it actually means Hawk and this. Eagle is Kartal which is also a popular male name in Tu"rkiye. A small fun fact the otherbird Falcon is Dog(an in Turkish which kind if sonda like Dong Hwan and Ceyhun which sounds like Jae Hoon.
Just a Person "Re(4):Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Sun 4 Jan 11:07 I like him! So far, actually, I like all the Tekken 7 newcomers (yes, Lucky Chloe included). I'm still surprised Jin wasn't shown yet, though.
Ishmael "Re(5):Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Tue 6 Jan 08:21 Everyone gets to be player 1 in Tekken 7. Or you can always be player 2 if you want, we aren't here to judge.
Toxico "Re(6):Re(10):A-S-B! A-S-B!" , posted Tue 6 Jan 12:00 quote: Everyone gets to be player 1 in Tekken 7. Or you can always be player 2 if you want, we aren't here to judge. Is something one picks when you insert the credit.
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 6 Jan 17:36] | | Replies: |
badoor 405th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "About Shaheen" , posted Thu 8 Jan 22:20    
I've been wanting to talk about Shaheen on here ever since his reveal, but I preferred to wait till I can think it out and see if I can make a good post that shows my full thought of his design, and also be able to give some context to cafe members. I'll try my best. So here goes:
- as kofoguz said, Shaheen (or Shahin) means Hawk, or Falcon. I mistakenly translated that as "Eagle" and told Gojira that on twitter. But to br honest, I can't confidently discern the differences between all these types of predatory birds. So they're kind of all the same to me, haha.
- Swords obviously have an important reverence in Saudi Arabia. They are after all in the country's flag and national emblem. In fact, swords are even incorporated into "Al-Ardah", Saudi Arabia's national traditional dance. For the Najd region (which is the central region, where the capital Riyadh is), their variation of the dance incorporates long blade Scimitar-like swords seen in the flag (this sword also matches the decorative one used by the US Marines Corps). And the dance is of a slower rhythm since moving the heavy sword at a faster rate would be considerabley hard. While in say the Western Hijaz region, their variation is faster rhythmically since they use much shorter blades. The Najd AlArdah dance is done by the Saudi Royal family, and sometimes the British Royal Family too.
Interestingly enough, the UAE's traditional dance. Al-Yola, eschews swords for just straight-up rifles, or canes if your in the "sideline" of sorts. Of course, all these guns and swords are just decorational.
- Shaheen has a bit of gold threads on his sleeves. The texture resembles that of a Bisht, which is a clothing someone would put over their normal thobe. These are worn by prestigious people. Or sometimes to show that this person is "important". For example in a wedding, the groom and the fathers of both the groom and wife wear Bishts. This, coupled with the amount of huge rings he's wearing, showcases that Shaheen may come from a prestigious family, possibly royalty.
- Shaheen is wearing an "Agal" (the circular black thing) on his Shemagh (the red head scarf), which is what most Saudi men usually wear. Just like a lot of Arabic traditional clothing, practicality is what created Shemaghs. They are versatile clothing, with immense uses for the old Bedouins living in the desert. Shemaghs can shield from the heat of the sun, they can cover your mouth and nose to protect from blowing sand and dust, they can even be used as regular scarfs to keep yourself warm as deserts can get quite cold at night, especially in winter. Agals, of course, keep the shemaghs from blowing away in the wind.
Oddly enough, Shaheen's Agal is tilted, and his Shemagh is left a bit flowing. This isn't the best "formal look" for someone to be in. Agals are expected to be straight flat, and the Shemagh is expected to be tucked in in. A Shemagh that's "Flowing in the wind" isn't a good look per se.
Maybe this shows that Shaheen is in serious "fight mode" and doesn't care about looks? Maybe this shows a more dangerous and uncaring side to formalities for Shaheen? Or maybe I'm giving Namco Bandai too much credit.
- Finally, there is no Saudi-originated Martial arts, or general Arabic martial arts for that matter, not even using swords. But if I have to guess, this video may be a good indication on how Shaheen will fight.
Overall, I think I like Shaheen's design. Initially, I thought he looked a little generic, but then I realized that it is because Namco Bandai actually did their homework "too well", and made a real looking Saudi fighter. It was generic because it matched my expecations. For example, as cool as Mahrel in Breakers Revenge is, his design is definitely more "stereotypical" than "accurate".
But Shaheen may have been "too accurate", which I initially thought may have given him less of a distinctive personality. But now I think I really like it. Hopefully, his Arabic voice would be as good as well.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
Gojira 3087th Post

PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):About Shaheen" , posted Fri 9 Jan 11:26    
quote: Overall, I think I like Shaheen's design. Initially, I thought he looked a little generic, but then I realized that it is because Namco Bandai actually did their homework "too well", and made a real looking Saudi fighter. It was generic because it matched my expecations. For example, as cool as Mahrel in Breakers Revenge is, his design is definitely more "stereotypical" than "accurate".
But Shaheen may have been "too accurate", which I initially thought may have given him less of a distinctive personality. But now I think I really like it. Hopefully, his Arabic voice would be as good as well.
When I initially said that I thought he probably looked like the Saudi equivalent of the "clean-shaven space marine," I did neglect to mention that from a general non-Saudi perspective he actually does look pretty unique, if only because the idea of a Saudi fighter is not an often-used idea in any game.
Tekken actually has quite a few generic concepts in terms of character design, to the point where some people would consider them uninspired. Yet that never stood in the way of characters getting a following, even ordinary bears and sumo wrestlers. It was their personality and moves that sold them. Hopefully this guy will be just as amicable.
Just a Person 1605th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(3):About Shaheen" , posted Sat 10 Jan 03:45    
quote: I never heard Hakan used as a name in Arabic. But Shahin, while not very common, is used in a lot of arab countries. For Saudi Arabia specifically, it is a bit of an oddity. But I'm sure there are some with that name here.
Like Katarina's case, then? Assuming she's Brazilian (well, Tekken Wiki says so), "Catarina" would be more common, but I'm sure there must be some women in Brazil named Katarina instead of Catarina... (her name is actually more plausible for a Brazilian person than "Christie" or "Eddy", even though I guess they're nicknames for "Cristina" and "Eduardo").
But I digress. Although I agree with Ishmael that Shaheen might look better without the sword, he's still a cool character. Hopefully Bandai Namco will soon release a trailer showing how he fights.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
badoor 408th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(4):About Shaheen" , posted Sat 10 Jan 08:57    
quote: It's a good thing now fighters have even more nationalities and get the designs quite right. Hakan was perfect SFIV version of Turkish character, even his family (except the wife's costume which is only suitable for over the top parties)was perfect, and now Tekken seems to be on the right way with Şahin. I think it's time for SNK to introduce that Kyrghız wrestler they didnt use in KOF XIII.
I remember you praising Hakan's design when he was unveiled a few years ago. And it's good to have a sort of validation of Hakan from someone who is part of that country and culture.
But yeah, shame about those unused characters in KOF. As much as I like XIII, it really failed in introducing new characters (really, it's just Saiki, and he is just an Ash headswap). XIII may as well have been a dreammatch.
This is why I am hoping XIV won't be a real dream match game given that it follows the end of a KOF arc. But I think with XII being a dream match for budgetary reasons. And with the fact that, by all accounts, assets will be built from the ground up for XIV without reusing old sprites (possibly because XIV will be in 3D?), there's a more than likely chance XIV will instead be the start of a new KOF saga.
And if that was indeed the case, I would really love for SNKP (and Capcom, for that matter) to include more characters from not-so-commonly-represented cultures. Not only will this make their games more inclusive, this will also inherently lead to more original and unique characters.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
Just a Person 1607th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Dead people returning in MKX (+ new DOA gal)" , posted Thu 15 Jan 03:34:    
quote: Super Sonico and Ai Shinozaki did the fusion dance and are now the new character in DoA.
I know many guys in Japan (and possibly in other countries as well) have this weird fetish for women dressed as schoolgirls, but this new DOA fighter looks really generic... does she even have a proper fighting style? Marie Rose at least brought Systema with her.
In other news, Mortal Kombat X is bringing back Kung Lao, Kitana and Goro (even though the first two died in the previous game - then again, when has it stopped any kombatant from returning?). It's weird that apparently Kung Lao got old while dead (either that, or he was resurrected many years before MKX takes place).
Now... didn't Ed Boon say that this game would introduce the biggest number of newcomers to the MK universe? So far, the only new fighters are Kotal Khan, D'Vorah, Ferra/Torr and Cassie Cage (by the way, I'm still not sure if I hate how Cassie is taking her mother's spot, or glad that she'll be subjected to all the violence and fatalities instead of Sonya). I'm pretty sure that even MKII and MK3 (damn, even MK4) introduced more new characters than that.
EDIT: Honoka (a.k.a. the new DOA girl) got her own trailer as well. Apparently she:
- copies other fighters' moves and stances - is 18 years old (yeah, right...) - is friends with Marie Rose - unlike Marie Rose (and like every other DOA girl), though, Honoka has big breasts - oh, and one of her victory lines is "Why am I so hot?"... seriously.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Thu 15 Jan 04:06] |
Ishmael 5068th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Dead people returning in MKX (+ new DOA" , posted Thu 15 Jan 04:40    
So Honoka just sponged up the moves that Raidou wasn't copying? Bah.
quote: Now... didn't Ed Boon say that this game would introduce the biggest number of newcomers to the MK universe? So far, the only new fighters are Kotal Khan, D'Vorah, Ferra/Torr and Cassie Cage (by the way, I'm still not sure if I hate how Cassie is taking her mother's spot, or glad that she'll be subjected to all the violence and fatalities instead of Sonya). I'm pretty sure that even MKII and MK3 (damn, even MK4) introduced more new characters than that.
That's a good point. Why did they even bother with the time skip if they are just doing another MK? When other games have done time skips it's to bring in a new protagonist such as Jin Kazama or Rock Howard. But if MK was going to introduce a new main character you think they would be building the discussion of the game around this new person. Instead, all the promotions for the game feature Scorpion and Sub-Zero once again doing their thing. What a curious decision.
I am, however, amused that some fans thought the story mode in MK9 was going to be unbreakable canon. Haven't they realized that every MK story features the entire cast getting massacred only to pop back to life as soon as they are added to the roster of the next game?
badoor 412th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(7):Dead people returning in MKX (+ new DOA" , posted Sat 17 Jan 09:44    
Maybe it's me but I thought that the MK 2011 story ending hinted more towards retelling MK4 (and possibly the subsequent 3D Mortal Kombats right until Armageddon). Maybe NetherRealm planned to do that before getting roped into Injustice. Or maybe they thought not a lot of fans cared for those Mortal Kombats and decided to move on to a brand new arc, which is true (as much as it pains me to know we'll probably never see Bo' Rai Cho again).
Ultimately, I'm glad they went with the whole brand new arc path. It seems with a lot of fighting game series, especially old 2D ones, their latest entries barely try to introduce new characters. KOF XIII, SF4, MK 2011, even Guilty Gear Xrd and Killer Instinct, they all relied so heavily on nostalgia by bringing back classic characters more than trying to introduce brand new ones.
It's like each of these fighting game series is having a "KOF 2002 moment" where high stakes and limited resources meant having to go the safe route with a contrived "dream match" game where they dial the series progression back a few years, bring back beloved characters and mechanics, remove the new mechanics that drove off old fans, and focus on nostalgia by putting in old music/stages. And I guess that is all fine when entries were released at a much more frequent pace than it is now (mostly yearly, as was the case with KOF), but with Street Fighter 4 nearing its 7th birthday, it seems...maybe wasteful to celebrate a game's legacy for so long when you could have actually added a real new chapter to that legacy in the time being.
I don't know. I like a lot of those games. And I understand that a big part of it is just how the nature of game development is now, but it is a slightly sad realization. And that is precisely why I'm kind of excited for the brave new world that MKX will hopefully bring (even if it looks like it will again mostly rely on old characters and tropes again).
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
Spoon 2771th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Dead people returning in MKX (+ new DOA" , posted Sat 17 Jan 10:39    
quote: Maybe it's me but I thought that the MK 2011 story ending hinted more towards retelling MK4 (and possibly the subsequent 3D Mortal Kombats right until Armageddon). Maybe NetherRealm planned to do that before getting roped into Injustice. Or maybe they thought not a lot of fans cared for those Mortal Kombats and decided to move on to a brand new arc, which is true (as much as it pains me to know we'll probably never see Bo' Rai Cho again).
Ultimately, I'm glad they went with the whole brand new arc path. It seems with a lot of fighting game series, especially old 2D ones, their latest entries barely try to introduce new characters. KOF XIII, SF4, MK 2011, even Guilty Gear Xrd and Killer Instinct, they all relied so heavily on nostalgia by bringing back classic characters more than trying to introduce brand new ones.
It's like each of these fighting game series is having a "KOF 2002 moment" where high stakes and limited resources meant having to go the safe route with a contrived "dream match" game where they dial the series progression back a few years, bring back beloved characters and mechanics, remove the new mechanics that drove off old fans, and focus on nostalgia by putting in old music/stages. And I guess that is all fine when entries were released at a much more frequent pace than it is now (mostly yearly, as was the case with KOF), but with Street Fighter 4 nearing its 7th birthday, it seems...maybe wasteful to
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I miss the days when Capcom kicked out an entirely new fighting/action game IP seemingly every several months.
caiooa 20th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Customer
| "Re(1):Recent 3S tier list from Kuroda" , posted Mon 19 Jan 00:57    
quote: Game has been around for over a decade, people are pretty much fixated around it being Chun/Yun/Ken?
Greatest of all 3S players Kuroda heavily shakes up the rankings after the big 3, and even stratifies the big 3 in a slightly different way from the way most think. I don't know just how serious he's being, but Makoto at C rank is eyebrow-raising.
i was looking for this, but just finded it in english now kuroda 2k15 tierlist commented by him
quote: Except maybe Fatal Fury and AOF! Geese Howard... is dead. ...Or is he??
someone said ff plot? It's kind of a big mess. Original series (ff1-2-3) added elements out of nowhere at every game. RBFF series do a good job at normalizing it, and is suposed to be the "canon"...but they throwed alternate versions in kof and wild ambitions anyway. My speculations
Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
In ff, his family problems drived him in a run for power, that ultimately maked him crazy. He already had decrypted some of the secrets of the phoenix scrool, making him kind of a demi-god with inhuman resistence/fast regenaration. But he wanted more: immortality.
In real bout he's quite different. He actually die with the fall form the tower. In rbffs, he shows up as a ghost, the "nightmare geese" secret challenge. In rbff2, this ghost is ballanced and normally playable. At the end of history mode, he let the phoenix scroll with billy before disapearing.
In this timeline, he wasn't looking for the secrets of the phoenix scrool for immortality. It could be for A-manifest himself as a ghost B-possessing rock C-saving his whife
In any case, he probably would need help from billy for B and C. But then MOTW never received a followup 
End of Spoiler
Spoon 2775th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Evo line-up" , posted Thu 22 Jan 03:09    
I was really surprised to see P4 usurp Blazblue, but that's from the perspective of Xrd being a shoo-in.
It's fun that they have Smash back in Evo. From the 15 years ago perspective, trying to answer why there are two Smash titles in EVO is probably going to provoke some intense headscratching among all of those who aren't already bemoaning the lack of 3S tournaments.
There is a historical precedent for Tekken 7, being... Blazblue! At Evo 2010, Blazblue CT was announced as one of the titles, which immediately led to a storm of complaints from the BB community. Reason being, the next installment was up in arcades, even if only officially in Japan. The console release of the game in the West wouldn't occur until well after the Evo tournament was over, and the JP console release happened like a week or two before Evo 2010 was scheduled to happen. There were the arguments about how all the top JP players had already moved on from CT, the BB community doesn't want to have to go backwards, it'd negatively showcase the game, etc. etc. The result of this was BB being dropped from Evo 2010 entirely, to be replaced by... MvC2! So even though going with the latest comes at a total handicap towards the Western playerbase, I think that sponsorship dollars together with that past experience of deliberately NOT going with the latest and the results of it inform this decision.
With respect to the lack of SNK, consider that the B5 tournament of 15 years ago (I don't think Evo was called Evo until.... 2002?) had only CvS1 as SNK representation. Even though 2000 was the year of the loltastic but aesthetically awesome KOF2k, it was not represented at "Evo".
Ishmael 5074th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Pokken Tournament - stream replay" , posted Mon 26 Jan 09:30    
quote: my impression may be wrong, but i think the standarth in japan is to have offline gatherings/ tourneys in arcades.
So not having a arcade port hurted mvc3 a lot. Some people do open their houses to receive people for gatherings, but you have to network your way to be invited.
It's ironic because the reverse happens in the occident...arcade only suffers here a lot
But did MvC2 have any sort of life in Japanese arcades? My impression was that Japanese players looked at Marvel, decided it was ridiculous, and tossed it on the pile of absurd, broken games along with Sengoku Basara X and the like. Meanwhile, in the US players looked at Marvel, decided it was ridiculous, and ate it up with a spoon. I gues some games just find traction with different audiences but I have no idea why.
Speaking of superheroes punching each other, some footage of an unreleased Justice League game popped up recently. Superman vs Batman and Bizarro vs Bane. I have no idea if the game would have been good or not but I do like the brighter, four-color comic book look over the drab teeth clenching style of Injustice.
Just a Person 1610th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "More ninjas in Mortal Kombat X" , posted Sat 31 Jan 01:23:    
Yup, Reptile and Ermac are back.
For a game supposed to introduce the biggest number of new kombatants, MKX is surely bringing a lot of returning fighters. Still, the end of Ermac's trailer seems to indicate there are still 11 or 12 more fighters to be announced (Goro is one of them, so 10 or 11 more fighters), so maybe 7 or 8 of them will be newcomers.
I won't be surprised if Kitana's nemesis Mileena is present in MKX, though. Usually they're not as interesting when only one of them is in the game (like Kitana in Deadly Alliance or Mileena in Deception). Plus, since MK 2011 she's become the sexiest MK lady (sure, she looks like a monster without her mask... but at least she looks like a FEMALE monster, unlike all the other MK ladies and their man jaws).
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sat 31 Jan 06:16] |
badoor 415th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(2):More ninjas in Mortal Kombat X" , posted Sat 31 Jan 08:55:    
quote: School of Ragnarok
I'm mostly interested in it because it has a soundtrack by Keiichi Okabe of NieR, Drag-On Dragoon 3, and Tekken fame. And listening to the music in the trailer, it sounds very much like his style, but it looks like Okabe is mostly just phoning it in.
quote: Ninjas in Mortal Kombat X
Again, I agree with Ishmeal on how odd it is for MKX, which is touted as being this brand new future chapter of the series, with a new generation of fighters and such, and yet only 4 out of the 14 fighters shown are actually new.
I'd like to think that most of the still empty slots in the character select screen in recent videos will have actual brand new fighters, but I doubt it. Looking at their marketing, during the first few months after the reveal with scorpion and sub-zero, they mostly revealed brand new characters because they would have more time to show them off and establish them for fans. But in recent times, just a few months before release, they only revealed returning characters because they're already known to the fanbase and may only need to show off that Kung-Lao now has grey hair and wears a buzz-saw hat.
But have no fear, we will get brand new characters in Mortal Kombat X thanks to this petition by GWAR fans to put the late Dave Brockie (specifically, his character Oderus Urungus) in the game
quote: Oh, and Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax is going to be released in the US. Seriously!
I don't know how this happened, but I'm buying both versions because someone clearly busted their ass to convince their boss that this would work.
Considering the recent SEGA layoff news, that person must have really really really done an amazing job at convincing their boss to localize this.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
[this message was edited by badoor on Sat 31 Jan 09:09] |
Spoon 2786th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):More ninjas in Mortal Kombat X" , posted Thu 5 Feb 14:09    
quote: Hi Keobas, and welcome to the BBS!
Phantom Breaker had an unfortunately slow launch which certainly hindered its outreach to players. In some ways I think the same could be said about Koihime-musou, which is actually now getting praised as a beginner-friendly game from its niche population.
Thanks for the welcome
PBE really did had poor launch, with even more questionable release history. By the time Phantom breaker extra was release the series was already on life support.
Koihime-Musou is really underrated gem imo.
One of the problem notice is that their a lot of misinformation about these games or just poor word of mouth.
I'm astounded how often some veteran FG downplay DFC due to its simplicity. Hello!
So when you say that some people aren't thrilled about DFC due to its simplicity do they mean it has simple controls as in something like P4:E or do they think it has no real depth? More so the first suggestion. Homogenize commands set, A+B clash attacks, Blast mechanics is what I hear what people hate the most. I'm reluctant to comment about depth since I think every game contains some form of depth.
I just think most dislike how their their no secrete tech to be discovered since mos
At least one of my friends who was a hardcore GG and MB player actually prefers playing Dengeki FC to playing UNiB. UNIB just feel awkward to me at times. prefer MBAACC,DFC over it.
You're only two posts in here, so I'm going to point this out early: your grammar isn't atrociously bad, but it is distractingly bad (as opposed to charmingly bad). And that's ok! We've had a lot of topics over the years about language nuances, so if English isn't your first language, we're pretty happy to discuss all of its weirdness and idioms. Or maybe you're typing on a phone, where monstrosities of language just happen as a matter of course due to autocomplete.
But it's always worth improving your written fluency so that you don't sell yourself or your ideas short. We break the rules all the time when we're intentionally trying to sound exasperated/excited/whatever about something, but that's a deliberately done thing. Also maybe we're more into writing grammatically correctly because we're a bunch of old farts, haha!
Ishmael 5089th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):More pokeballs in arcades" , posted Fri 13 Feb 04:12    
New pictures from the Lucky Chloe show.
quote: If I'm not mistaken, Harada said that T7 will have time-release characters. Considering who has consistently been around in the past games, Jin, Yoshimitsu, Nina, Lei, Julia, Kuma/Panda, Jack (-7?) and Eddy are all strong possibilities (assuming Lucky Chloe plays differently enough from Eddy).
Time release characters seem like such an antiquated notion that I forget that is still a viable method of adding characters to the roster.
quote: Tekken story really is all over the place. Its why I can appreciate how NRS and Arc system work handle their story.(though their not with out faults either)
While I enjoy teasing Tekken I actually like its sparse, incomprehensible storyline. These are characters who are defined by their actions so it doesn't bother me that most of my feelings for the cast is from how they look and act in the game. I'm glad to see that creators are still trying to find new ways to flesh out the characters and stories in fighting games I have yet to find a game that I feel fully pulls it off. I thought Xrd was going to be a step in the right direction but it became so obsessed with its story mode that the game itself became a prelude to the built-in visual novel. I don't want to deal with outside reading just so I can have a sense of conclusion to a game.
Loona 818th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):Dissidia Final Fantasy Arcade" , posted Mon 16 Feb 19:45    
quote: Yep.
- Brand new story and setting for Dissidia, not based on the previous Dissidia storyline. It's a reboot. - 3 vs 3 battles. - The trailer doesn't use any CG, it's all in-game assets. - They'll be holding a press conference on April 10 to reveal all the details about the game.
I really enjoyed the original Dissidia, although nowadays I'm weary of giving SE money since there hasn't been any news on the High Score Girl manga case with SNKP.
Even if the system is a bit different, it's interesting to see that a lot of moves remain from the original, and other than XIV's Y'shtola (who's been a representative for her game before in Lord of Verilion II and Theatrythm), so does the early cast.
Regarding the story, the wider events weren't as interesting as the ways smaller scenes reflected moments from the original games - in Duodecim, for example, it made sense for the few story moments Prishe had to be with Warrior of Light, who's a bit of a blank like the XI player characters are. An arcade game probably won't spend as much time with story, but if it eventually makes it to consoles, I hope they manage to continue making those kind of references work.
Just a Person 1613th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(6):no (Tekken) country for old (wo)men" , posted Fri 20 Feb 07:48    
quote: So if I make a fighting game, I should include a 50-something woman who has creases on her face and greying hair, and who does drunk boxing. A pre-order LE bonus will be a wheel of fine cheese together with a bottle of carefully matched liquor.
This will capture 100% of the mmcafe audience!
Yes, please! That would be an awesome fighter!
Anyway, back to DOA5LR, so Raidou now has only ninjitsu-based moves? In the first game, he had techniques from all the other fighters (except Leifang, for some odd reason). But since Honoka is now doing that, I guess Team Ninja had to find a way to make him different from her, somehow.
But Honoka could do drunk boxing, since Team Ninja has been saying all the time that she's 18 since her announcement... 18 year-old people are legally allowed to drink in Japan, aren't they?
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Maou 2744th Post

PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):no (Tekken) country for old (wo)men" , posted Sat 21 Feb 01:23    
quote: 18 year-old people are legally allowed to drink in Japan, aren't they?
Close...age 20. Growing up, it used to be you could easily get beer in vending machines, so it wasn't exactly hard to get around, but I see fewer of those around. In any event, older women in games, like film, are under-represented. The most promising start I can even recall was ten years ago in Grandia 3 with the main character's (hot) mom, but like the game itself, it apparently fell apart once she leaves your party. Bringing it back to fighting games, Soul Calibur 5 kind of fast-forwarded time and would offer as good an opportunity as any to show the older cast in a (highly unlikely) sequel.
karasu 1473th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(8):no (Tekken) country for old (wo)men" , posted Sat 21 Feb 02:08    
Drunken Style
Realistically, Drunken Style doesn't have anything to do with real booze involved in the style itself, other than it being an attempt to mirror in fighting the exaggerated and unpredictable movements of a drunk person. It's unfortunate for the style that just about every game and movie depiction has Drunken Style fighters only fighting like that after downing some sauce, but I don't think age has to prevent a younger female character from using the style.
quote: Bringing it back to fighting games, Soul Calibur 5 kind of fast-forwarded time and would offer as good an opportunity as any to show the older cast in a (highly unlikely) sequel.
You know it's funny-- other than a kind of passing understanding of the circumstances of a character or two, I gave up on following Tekken's storyline after 2, so I'm not bugged at all by resurrections, lack of aging, and mysterious gender swapping that Tekken has to offer. Now that I think of it, the fact that I ignore the continuity is one of the things I've grown to like about Tekken!
One of the things that I don't care for is how eventually somehow the entire cast creeps its way back into each game through having new characters who are essentially the poly equivalent of palette swaps and so on. One of the things I enjoyed about Tekken 3 is that they felt comfortable blowing away huge swathes of characters in favor of new faces (something it has in common with Street Fighter 3). Sadly, I think such radical approaches to sequels are long past. In conclusion, SFV will be 'everybody from SFIV plus four new guys'.
You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
Spoon 2805th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):no (Tekken) country for old (wo)men" , posted Sat 21 Feb 06:03    
quote: Drunken Style
Realistically, Drunken Style doesn't have anything to do with real booze involved in the style itself, other than it being an attempt to mirror in fighting the exaggerated and unpredictable movements of a drunk person. It's unfortunate for the style that just about every game and movie depiction has Drunken Style fighters only fighting like that after downing some sauce, but I don't think age has to prevent a younger female character from using the style.
quote: Tekken
Alright, let's work these angles.
Girl-A: teenager who is boozed up because she uses alcohol as a means of escape, while simultaneously loathing how she fulfills the stereotypes of Drunk Boxing she knows to be false. But she can't stop drinking and is all tragic. The elder sister, full of talent.
Lady-A: older, wiser version of Girl-A. Grey hair and creased face. Having fought and dealt with all kinds of shi* over a number of decades, she has fought her way past her youthful anger/angst/alcoholism and is now more at peace with herself. Completely sober, but does drunk boxing. On a quest to save her sister.
Girl-B: Girl-A's younger sister. Tradition-bound square of a person who is torn between her shame at Girl-A's (illegal, ill-advised, uncouth) behaviour and predicament, and her sisterly love for her. Part of the family, also does drunk boxing. Totally sober.
Lady-B: Older version of Girl-B, has come onto hard times after decades of strict living. Found that in spite of following the rules and playing it straight and doing all the good things that a good girl and good citizen should do, her rewards were isolation, shunning, getting scammed, losing family estate, etc. Over the past several years has crawled into a bottle and hasn't been able to come out, becoming what Lady-A was. Enters the tournament to earn (liquor) money, while also being on the run from Lady-A, unable to face her out of shame.
1+3 clones, we've got the Roger Jr./Law family angle, and the young/old Mishima angle, and the desired old lady drunk boxer.
Mosquiton 2026th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):First video of Rugal in Street Fighter" , posted Wed 25 Feb 17:29:    
quote: Black Jack turned evil! Here I thought Charlie was going to be Guile but instead he's Decapre. Aesthetically I really can't stand Frankennash's design, but at the very least he's not just a carbon copy of his old look slotted into the new game as though it was never a thing that he was dead, or that there's been any progression at all from SFZ. The forehead gem gives me hope that there's a Gill connection there but who knows.
Only at MMCafe would you get a Black Jack reference. Well done, sir.
As a Charlie Nash player in Zero Alpha series (hah hah), well... hmm. The design does look a little stupid. But he looks really fun to play! I'm sure he'll have a "classic" costume at some point.
I can appreciate the Decapre comparison, though to be fair, he doesn't really move or animate like Decapre past the teleports.
I actually kind of dig the Genocide Cutter, personally. It's a beautiful move that deserves to be copied. I wish they'd ripped off the crystal-flashy sound effect too! Since Rugal and Guile already had beef with each other, it's only fair that Charlie get in on it. But! I'd still be disappointed if they didn't work in his old reverse flash-kick animation in there somewhere. Maybe for a super?
What a weird unveiling so far. I'm actually kind of skeptical about where they're taking Street Fighter in terms of overall direction, meaning that I kind of worry that they'll indulge in too many gimmicks and end up with a game that just isn't as good as IV (or III, or Super Turbo...) but I'm not averse to getting a little hyped.
Oh, and Chun-Li looks gorgeous. For my personal taste, that's about as far as you can push the sexy aspect of the character without getting into "later Soul Calibur sequel" territory.
But seriously, although it's about a week late but best wishes to everyone here. I'm a Ram myself and I'm certainly hoping that fortune will smile upon me a bit, too.
/ / /
[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Wed 25 Feb 17:36] |
badoor 415th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(4):First video of Rugal in Street Fighter" , posted Wed 25 Feb 22:34    
On one hand, I'm disappointed that Capcom is probably not going to make a new "Guile-clone" character for a new Street Fighter yet again. In SF2 there was Guile, Alpha/Zero had Nash, and 3rd Strike had Remy. But SF4 didn't have a guile-clone cause... well, it had guile, and SFV looks to also not have a new guile-clone cause we have Nash back. But it's not so bad as as I really like Nash.
But I think his new design is too gruesome, too morbid for a Street Fighter, maybe going too far. Is he just made out of stitched up parts of his body, frankenstiened together, some parts of which are clearly decomposed? This is more Darkstalkers territory than SF. And his new sullen stance looks kind of dumb and overly dramatic.
And yeah, I agree that the Genocide Cutter does not look as cool as his older flash kick. I like how Nash's Flash Kick is a backwards front-flip, as opposed to Guile and Remy who do them with Backflips (although Remy uses both legs during the move).
That said, I like that Nash clearly has gained a lot of new moves, giving him much more of a rushdown angle. Traditionally, Guile-clones tend to be zoning-type characters. As much as I don't like his aesthetics, it does signal that Capcom is doing a drastic new take on Street Fighter and are confident enough to "mess around with tradition" and change things up with the older already defined cast and game systems.
I think with SF4, Ono, Dimps and team were too new to SF and maybe weren't confident enough to change around things (or didn't feel like they had the authority to mess with one of the most revered Video Game franchises), so that's why most of the cast of SF4 were returning from previous games, and that most of them didn't gain any new moves (Ultras aside). But now that they've handled this series for near 7 years now (which is about as long between the first version of SF2 and SF3: second impact. And probably 3rd strike by the time SFV ships), they seem to have the confidence and the authority to advance things and really add their own personal take on the franchise.
If anything, Ono by now has probably handled the Street Fighter series longer than anybody else, which is shocking to think about.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
Ishmael 5103th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):First video of Rugal in Street Fighter" , posted Thu 26 Feb 03:42:    
Yesterday I finally got around to trying out UNIEL. I picked up the game mainly on the strength of Nobi's praise for the animation. He's quite right, the characters really have a nice sense of weight and momentum to them. They may look like they wandered out of a How to Draw Manga book but they feel a lot more solid than an air dashing fighter.
Lucky me, it also seems fun to play. The characters have similar commands but they each feel distinctive. Even after spending a few hours with the game I already feel the guy with the scythe is stupidly strong but it still feels like something fun to mess around with.
Between the update to DoA5 and now UNIEL I can't complain about the amount of fighters I have at my fingertips.
quote: I think with SF4, Ono, Dimps and team were too new to SF and maybe weren't confident enough to change around things (or didn't feel like they had the authority to mess with one of the most revered Video Game franchises), so that's why most of the cast of SF4 were returning from previous games, and that most of them didn't gain any new moves (Ultras aside). But now that they've handled this series for near 7 years now (which is about as long between the first version of SF2 and SF3: second impact. And probably 3rd strike by the time SFV ships), they seem to have the confidence and the authority to advance things and really add their own personal take on the franchise.
You're right, it does feel like the producers are trying to make a statement with Shadow Charlie. He could easily have been a new character but instead they took an established member of the roster and radically changed his move list. I wonder if this is their method of getting around the higher-ups at Capcom and Sony who want as few changes as possible (including the roster) of the winning formula of SF. Whatever it is, they obviously aren't going to shake up the SF brand too much but I do appreciate the attempt to go outside expectations.
I also appreciate that he looks fun to play. I have no idea what all those moves are good for but Charlie Mk.11 has a lot more going on than Sonic Booms and the occasional Flash Kick. But the one thing I don't understand about nu-Nash is why everyone is focused on his Genocide Cutter. Didn't anyone notice his 212 Shiki Kototsuki In attack?
Oh yeah, I hope everyone had a good Spring Festival. I'm surprised that DoA doesn't have a themed costume pack to mark the occasion.
EDIT: Character reveals are nice and all, but the big news is that SF5 is going to be running an online beta program. This is going to be a lot different than having to rely on shaky phone footage to see how a game is shaping up.
[this message was edited by Ishmael on Thu 26 Feb 04:01] |
Spoon 2808th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):First video of Rugal in Street Fighter" , posted Thu 26 Feb 03:56    
quote: I think with SF4, Ono, Dimps and team were too new to SF and maybe weren't confident enough to change around things (or didn't feel like they had the authority to mess with one of the most revered Video Game franchises), so that's why most of the cast of SF4 were returning from previous games, and that most of them didn't gain any new moves (Ultras aside).
I don't think that's quite the case. SF4 to SF3 is "revival" vs "revolution". The SF franchise might be a revered one, but it was definitely absent in terms of new mainline entries for years. We love SF3, but it's clear in hindsight that the general absence of SF2 icons from it hurt its commercial success and public acceptance.
SF4's success and the superficial similarities SF5 has with it seems to suggest that the lesson Capcom learned was to not let the SF2 icons go. Whether or not the old faces constrict the design of the game or undermine the introduction of new characters, they're too important to the mainstream appeal and success of the game.
quote: Gill gem
The irony of it is that Gill with his chain combos was stupid in 3S, but seeing as how chain combos in the trailers are coming back in a big way universally, Gill is probably a better fit than ever. The real question is whether or not he's going to sport a huge stiched up seam down the middle like Charlie.
Baines 420th Post
Gold Customer
| "Re(1):Rise of $10 DLC Incarnates on Steam" , posted Mon 2 Mar 12:40:    
quote: There is a storm of negative user reviews, with the chief complaint among them being that a single character in the game costs 10 euros.
I'd like to think that the users complaining about lack of move/character variety or the simple movesets just don't know how to play the game... which is also unfortunate, because it means that the game has done a poor job of teaching new players how to play. I can't imagine that the Gundam Vs. gameplay is something that much of the Steam userbase is familiar with.
It sounded like people who like Gundam Vs have also been down on the game for various reasons.
I've no experience with Gundam Vs. I tried Rise of Incarnates, and uninstalled it after half an hour. It just wasn't interesting. To be fair, it is an Early Access title. Maybe it will improve. (I don't know if the game has changed since I played it, either.)
As for complaints about the limited move set, some of that is probably coming from sites promoting the title as a fighting game and people are expecting a larger moveset. Some however I think is coming simply from people being dissatisfied with the game. If the game had been more entertaining, then they wouldn't complain about the number of moves. The complaint comes from trying to figure out what the game is lacking, what would make it more interesting, and falling to the immediate idea "add more moves". I can't really voice my issues with the game either. It is like everything is somewhat off, so that the final product is less than the sum of its parts.
I'd rather play Vs mode in Gotcha Force than Rise of Incarnates, and Gotcha Force had fewer attack and movement options than Rise of Incarnates. (Gotcha Force was one of my favorite Gamecube games.)
[this message was edited by Baines on Mon 2 Mar 12:44] |
Just a Person 1624th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(4):MKX gets its first story trailer" , posted Sun 8 Mar 13:41    
quote: Just like SF, a lot of those buyers are casual players, but unlike SF, MK games haven't traditionally had periodic major updates. It's nice that NRS has taken the approach used by modern competitive PC games and issued balance patches over the course of the initial release's lifespan, but those don't tend to make quite as big of a splash as an edition update with SUPER slapped on it.
Well, NRS did release Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition and Injustice: Ultimate Edition, so they're not exactly strangers to edition updates for their games.
Anyway, Ghost Girl from KI was shown at PAX East 2015. Her name is Hisako, and she has the best intro ever!
With KI getting new content (GOOD new content, may I say) periodically and MKX, SFV and Tekken 7 coming soon and all of them looking very promising, these next years will probably be very interesting for fighting games fans.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Ishmael 5106th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):MKX gets its first story trailer" , posted Mon 9 Mar 22:40    
quote: Just like SF, a lot of those buyers are casual players, but unlike SF, MK games haven't traditionally had periodic major updates. It's nice that NRS has taken the approach used by modern competitive PC games and issued balance patches over the course of the initial release's lifespan, but those don't tend to make quite as big of a splash as an edition update with SUPER slapped on it.
Well, NRS did release Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition and Injustice: Ultimate Edition, so they're not exactly strangers to edition updates for their games.
I also remember hearing that some MK players became frustrated with the game because the updates were so frequent and often arbitrary. Responding to problems in a prompt manner is good but having the tier list flip every time you start up the game would make for some harrowing matches.
quote: Anyway, Ghost Girl from KI was shown at PAX East 2015. Her name is Hisako, and she has the best intro ever!
As a counter character with her own special meter I suspect she's going to be murder to balance but I like this initial intro of Hisako. At first I wasn't certain about the second season of KI since some of the characters either were rather uninteresting (T.J. Combo) or were uninteresting and really lame (Omen). Thankfully there have also been some really neat additions to the cast who have fun designs and new play mechanics. This is certainly a step up from the days when all the women in KI had the same face.
I don't know much about the workings of game tournaments but I suspect that most players sign up the day of the event. Still, I did find the pre-registration numbers for the upcoming Final Round tournament interesting. The KoF players have a really good shot at top 8!
Just a Person 1626th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(9):MKX gets its first story trailer" , posted Thu 12 Mar 09:54:    
quote: I'm not particularly a big fan of characters aging in fighting games. The characters have to serve as a very specific role in a game and that easily identified type is often not well served by making them grow old. For me the idea of Sakura no longer being a schoolgirl is the equivalent of demanding that Mickey Mouse age in real time and that Disney should now be on its 400th generation of mascot vermin. That said, I really like the old, washed-up douchebag version of Johnny Cage. It's a look that suits him. I hope he's working on a reality show and drags a camera crew with him throughout the tournament.
Old Johnny Cage looks cool, and wow, Mileena is actually dressed this time!
So Cassie will have the chance to fight her father. That's... creepy. But MK 2011 (and even older MK games) had the possibility of a Kitana vs. Sindel match, so it's not anything new. At least she won't have to fight her mother (I guess Sonya dies somehow during Story Mode).
EDIT: nevermind, Sonya IS playable in MKX. Surprisingly, this time her face looks like a woman face, she's not walking around with high heels and a lot of cleavage, and it seems she aged better than Johnny Cage. Though all of this may change when the final version of the game arrives.
Apparently, Kenshi and Shinnok were also confirmed as playable characters (I guess Shinnok won't be the final boss, after all). Which is great, but also makes me think how many more newcomers MKX will present.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sat 14 Mar 01:06] |
Just a Person 1626th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(3):OBSCENE VOODOO TELEPORT" , posted Wed 18 Mar 07:17    
quote: New pictures from MKX. Included this time are a cowboy, Shinnok cosplaying as Maleficent, and a giraffe alt costume for Cassie Cage.
Is Johnny Cage going to be able to fatality his own daughter? I'm sure that's got to be a groundbreaking thing outside of the outright horror genre. I would actually feel a little uncomfortable about that.
Don't forget that Sonya is also in this game, so she can fatality her daughter... and Cassie can fatality her parents... and Jax can kill his daughter Jacqui Briggs (and vice-versa), Kenshi can kill his son Takeda (and vice-versa), and so on...
To be fair, it's nothing new in the MK universe; we had the possibility of Sindel killing Kitana (and vice-versa) ever since Ultimate MK3. Damn, Sindel killed Kitana in the most brutal way in MK 2011's Story Mode...
As for Cassie's neck... wow, I hope NRS will fix it before the game release, it looks awful! Is it that hard to have women with feminine faces and human necks at the same time?
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Baines 421th Post
Gold Customer
| "DOA5LR PC port" , posted Thu 19 Mar 06:50    
I know the Cafe isn't as interested in PC ports, but Team Ninja finally broke their silence about the details of the PC port of Dead or Alive 5 Last Round.
To the surprise of few, the announced "best experience possible" PC version is based on the PS3 version. More accurately, it is one of Koei-Tecmo's enhanced PS3 ports. DOA5LR gets 4k resolution support, PS4 shadows, and anti-aliasing. In trade, it gets PS3 effects, lacks Soft Engine, lacks the two current gen bonus stages, and launches without online. I don't see any mention of hairstyles at all, either with a yay or nay.
People on the Steam forums have been posting images of the preorder cancellation screens, and the English Dead or Alive Facebook page has been flooded by posts from upset PC gamers.
Spoon 2827th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):DOA5LR PC port" , posted Thu 19 Mar 07:05    
quote: I know the Cafe isn't as interested in PC ports, but Team Ninja finally broke their silence about the details of the PC port of Dead or Alive 5 Last Round.
To the surprise of few, the announced "best experience possible" PC version is based on the PS3 version. More accurately, it is one of Koei-Tecmo's enhanced PS3 ports. DOA5LR gets 4k resolution support, PS4 shadows, and anti-aliasing. In trade, it gets PS3 effects, lacks Soft Engine, lacks the two current gen bonus stages, and launches without online. I don't see any mention of hairstyles at all, either with a yay or nay.
People on the Steam forums have been posting images of the preorder cancellation screens, and the English Dead or Alive Facebook page has been flooded by posts from upset PC gamers.
I wonder if Team Ninja is at all affected by PS4/XB1 console politics and simply isn't allowed / strongly dissuaded to put ports of those versions on the PC.
Just a Person 1629th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Plastic surgery in MKX (+ new kombatants)" , posted Sat 21 Mar 00:15    
Yesterday, three more kombatants (who were previously confirmed, but not properly shown) got some gameplay spotlight in a NRS stream.
From the returning kombatants, Mileena apparently got some plastic surgery after MK 2011. She looks... prettier? I'm not sure, but she's definitely different. She's still a dangerous fighter, though.
NRS also presented newcomers Takeda (and his awesome blade whips) and Kung Jin (with his bow/staff). I gotta admit, NRS managed to introduce the descendants of old kombatants and still make them look and play very differently from their parents/masters/cousins/whatever (Cassie's gameplay is also very different from Cage's and Sonya's, even if she borrowed one shadow move here, one groin punch there). And while Injustice's Green Arrow may have served as a basis for Kung Jin's arrow attacks, he still seems to play differently enough.
Hopefully we'll get more videos soon showing Jacqui Briggs, Sonya, Kenshi and the remaining "kharakters" (Jax? Baraka? Liu Kang?).
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Just a Person 1632th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(5):DOA5 does AOF cloth damage" , posted Fri 27 Mar 06:03    
Good amount of news for today:
* Now it's official: Liu Kang is present in MKX - and his Fatality is quite painful to even watch. The interesting thing is, this time many of the alternate costumes may show the older kombatants in different times, as both Liu Kang and Kung Lao seem to have a "zombified" younger look (Lao's one is hideous) and a human, older look. I guess the same will apply to Kitana, while Sonya and Johnny Cage may look younger in one costume (to represent them before marriage and Cassie's birth) and older in other (to show them when Cassie is already a grown-up and they're already divorced). But I'm digressing...
* In Killer Instinct news, Hisako's trailer was revealed... and Cinder is finally shown. The good part: he looks cool, but more like an alien being than a human being (which he's supposed to be). Then again, human beings don't walk around with flames covering their bodies, so maybe his look is right.
* As for Tekken 7, it got a hidden sub-boss. Is anyone surprised?
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Just a Person 1633th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Maleficent in MKX (...well, not really)" , posted Sat 28 Mar 22:31    
More news about Mortal Kombat X: yesterday, the game developers showed the special moves and variations not only for the recently announced Liu Kang (whose redesign looks great, by the way), but also for newcomer Erron Black (who may wear a ninja mask, but is actually some sort of marksman) and Maleficent... oops, I mean Shinnok.
All of them look pretty interesting, and Shinnok finally seems to be a respectable threat. But it's a pity that they were the only kombatants shown; I was expecting to see more of Jacqui Briggs, who was revealed before these three characters... we still don't have any idea of how she plays. Oh well, maybe one of the next streams will show her gameplay and variations alongside Sonya's and Kenshi's (and also whoever is the final kombatant needed to complete the select screen... possibly Jax or Baraka).
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Ishmael 5123th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Maleficent in MKX (...well, not really)" , posted Tue 31 Mar 01:52    
It looks like MK is jumping into the big tournament scene as well. Here's to hoping MKX is fun to watch.
quote: More news about Mortal Kombat X: yesterday, the game developers showed the special moves and variations not only for the recently announced Liu Kang (whose redesign looks great, by the way), but also for newcomer Erron Black (who may wear a ninja mask, but is actually some sort of marksman) and Maleficent... oops, I mean Shinnok.
I can't say I'm really that impressed with this latest batch of character playtests. Perhaps the people playing weren't very good? That, and Shinnok's bony forearms were more comical than frightening.
No, now that I think about it the big problem I had was that Liu Kang is only as good as his hair. It was disappointing to see his hair is a greasy, weighed flipper hanging off the back of his head. I wanted MKX to feature cutting edge shaolin hair.
quote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo8RGAQOpFo
Cloths damage! At first I was wondering how this was done in 3D considering the sheer number of characters in the game.
Looking at it, the tidbits of clothing that shreds and floats off actually seem to be made of just one texture pattern for each character, which is probably why the game doesn't go into slow motion or zoom in during the effect. The developers just instantly swap the model when the cloth explosion happens. Pretty smart way to cut corners.
That's a cute trick but in order to get the cloth explosion effect the outfits look like they are missing a great deal of detail. It probably explains why they waited until this crossover to try out this gimmick.
badoor 418th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Maleficent in MKX (...well, not really)" , posted Tue 31 Mar 22:52    
quote: Elsewhere, new character Josie in Tekken 7 has some really cool animations: Having a flying kick equivalent of a cross-counter that gets cinematically framed is awesome. Her grapples and elbows into grapples look great. Her slow motion counter kick was really impressive. Her victory pose where she sits down in the middle of the street and blubbers like a baby wasn't as inspiring.
Josie Rizal is a pretty cool character for a multitude of reasons:
1- she's designed by Mari Shimazaki of Bayonetta fame. Hell, the animation in her super-move or whatever resembles Bayonetta.
2- She practices Eskirma, a Filipino martial arts. Dan Inosantom, a Filipino-american student of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kun Do also helped develop it.
3- Her name is apparently a nod to historical Filipino revolutionary and hero Jose Rizal.
4- She cries when winning because...I'm not sure why. I guess she is just that modest maybe?
5- Most importantly, she is Filipino, or at least ethnically Filipino, which is great. And I'm so glad to see Tekken continue putting in characters from nationalities or ethnicity that don't usually get represented in fighters, let alone video games in general.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
karasu 1479th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):Maleficent in MKX (...well, not really)" , posted Wed 1 Apr 10:44    
quote: Elsewhere, new character Josie in Tekken 7 has some really cool animations: Having a flying kick equivalent of a cross-counter that gets cinematically framed is awesome. Her grapples and elbows into grapples look great. Her slow motion counter kick was really impressive. Her victory pose where she sits down in the middle of the street and blubbers like a baby wasn't as inspiring. Josie Rizal is a pretty cool character for a multitude of reasons:
1- she's designed by Mari Shimazaki of Bayonetta fame. Hell, the animation in her super-move or whatever resembles Bayonetta.
2- She practices Eskirma, a Filipino martial arts. Dan Inosantom, a Filipino-american student of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kun Do also helped develop it.
3- Her name is apparently a nod to historical Filipino revolutionary and hero Jose Rizal.
4- She cries when winning because...I'm not sure why. I guess she is just that modest maybe?
5- Most importantly, she is Filipino, or at least ethnically Filipino, which is great. And I'm so glad to see Tekken continue putting in characters from nationalities or ethnicity that don't usually get represented in fighters, let alone video games in general.
So far I'm a real fan of Josie's design! I guess knowing that Mari Shimazaki designed her explains a lot of that.
Fingers crossed that this guy seriously gets added to Tekken 7. I'm not even kidding!
You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
Just a Person 1636th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(3):Trailer for DragonBall 3DS" , posted Tue 7 Apr 04:38    
Mortal Kombat X is coming, and NRS is trying to keep the hype with their streams and trailers. Last week, we got demonstrations of veterans Sonya Blade and Kenshi, the full select screen, and a special trailer for Goro.
Unfortunately for them, someone got their hands on an early copy of the game and since then A LOT of spoilers hit the Internet, from fatalities and the number of stages to full details of what is shown in Story Mode. Some people hated what they saw and have been complaining ever since.
Me, I'm trying to avoid these spoilers for now, while hoping that this week NRS will finally show gameplay of Jax and Jacqui Briggs (why Jacqui is called "Jacqui Briggs" while her father is called only "Jax" in the game, I have no idea...).
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Just a Person 1637th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(6):Trailer for DragonBall 3DS" , posted Tue 7 Apr 23:04    
quote: Just curious, but is there somewhere I can see a summary of the plot and various other details of the game? I'm going to wait on picking up MKX and since it's doubtful I could keep myself in the dark for months I might as well read up on spoilers before the game is even released.
quote: I'm curious too. What can there be to piss people off, since most of the stages and characters are already known?
I'm not aware of the full details (I'm trying to avoid spoilers), but apparently people are upset that certain characters (don't know who) die in Story Mode and that most veterans get ignored in it, with half of the chapters being dedicated to the newcomers. There are also complaints about some kombatants appearing as fightable opponents in this mode but not being unlockable, and the number of stages (apparently there are just 13 of them, although four of them have variations).
One funny criticism is that many players think the game is wasting space in the roster by adding three military women (even though it has four male ninjas and two female ninjas). Jax's daughter Jacqui Briggs seems to be the target of most of the hate, accused of being a clone of Cassie, Sonya or Jax, with some people even saying they hate her more than Hsu Hao (who used to be the most hated character in the MK series). Since there's barely any footage of Jacqui's gameplay, I have no idea if all this hate is justified or not.
Overall, though, I guess it's just people overreacting. Nothing we didn't see before with SFIV and its upgrades, Tekken 7 regarding Lucky Chloe, and so on...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Just a Person 1639th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(2):Re(10):USF4 fail" , posted Sat 11 Apr 03:44    
quote: Not that I want to see Zangief's underwear disappear
You won't notice because he uses trunks on top....
That, and he probably doesn't wear any underwear underneath his trunks.
quote: As for MK, are the "missing" characters copy and pasted from the previous game for scenario purposes, and thus only there as cannon fodder for the scenario, but in no way satisfyingly playable? Since this game has the 3 variations thing, and possibly higher quality models...?
I haven't seen them, but from people's comments, it seems they fight exactly like they did in the previous game, even though they may not look exactly like they did in it. And none of them have variations specified under their health bars (including one certain character that is part of the first DLC pack).
In fact, I wonder how this variations system will work out. In theory, it seems to be a nice way to give each kombatant some diversity - problem is, the same idea was behind the ability to switch fighting styles from Deadly Alliance to Armageddon... and most players seem to be quite glad that the style switch ability is gone.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Iggy 9886th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):USF4 fail" , posted Sat 11 Apr 18:18    
quote: In fact, I wonder how this variations system will work out. In theory, it seems to be a nice way to give each kombatant some diversity - problem is, the same idea was behind the ability to switch fighting styles from Deadly Alliance to Armageddon... and most players seem to be quite glad that the style switch ability is gone.
The main reason I'm interested by this game is because this variation system reminds me so much of the darkest hours of Samurai Spirits, and I'm curious to see if they can pull it off. Probably, they will ditch it in the next game and all the moves will be concatenated into one big movelist. But this system makes sense for fighting games with a long, complicated scenario that can be taken seriously (i.e. not Tekken). And both SS and MK have plenty of characters which could benefit from it, like Kazuki/Enja and their brothers, Shiki, Asura, or be modified to benefit from it, like Nakoruru/Rera or Haomaru/Rasetsumaru. I guess plenty of characters from MK could fit the bill too, like normal/cyborg, alive/zombified, good/turned evil or mad, young/old, illusion/for real... The problem is when you force the system into characters that have no lore reason to be separated, or you fail to invent one (and the gameplay gimmick that goes with it). Nobody needed the two versions of Gaira, Hanzô or Shizumaru, and the same probably applies to a lot of MK characters.
Baines 422th Post
Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):USF4 fail" , posted Sat 11 Apr 23:29    
quote: Nobody needed the two versions of Gaira, Hanzô or Shizumaru, and the same probably applies to a lot of MK characters.
I mostly approve of what they've done with the system in MKX.
SNK failed with SS because it was so obvious that they only had real ideas for some of the cast. The rest of the cast got whatever ideas the devs could scrape up, and the unluckiest just had their movesets chopped up and split between two characters. To me, SNK actually made it worse when they developed some of these alternates into their own characters, because that made the divide in treatment even more blatant.
Netherealm doesn't seem to have that disparity of treatment. Some variations are going to end up stronger or weaker than others. Some are moves that I personally don't care much about. Some just look silly, like Jax's Heavy Weapons moves. Kitana has a Jade-themed variation. But all in all, these all feel fairly minor.
This could also work for a heavily story themed game. At least with three variations, when you have to play a character in story mode, you have a greater chance of finding a play style that you like. Admittedly that too is fairly minor, particularly when you might only play a character for a few fights, and will focus on a limited set of characters anyway for other play.
Okay the balance between variations could turn out to be rather major. We'll just have to wait and see there. That is the test of whether it is ever worth doing a universal variations system, versus just knocking out a bunch of "new" characters Tekken-style.
Baines 423th Post
Gold Customer
| "Re(5):Re(10):USF4 fail" , posted Sun 12 Apr 02:49    
quote: One of the major defining features of a fighting game character is their moves. Everyone remembers Terry's Burning Knuckle or Geese's Pretzel Storm. Heck, a major English language fighting game page is named "Shoryuken." But when characters are created with multiple move sets in mind they end up not having a single, memorable attack.
At the same time, how many times has SNK changed character movesets between games? How many SNK games included EX versions of characters? KOF went as far as to introduce a cloning storyline to justify having multiple versions of Kyo in a single game.
The trick there is to have enough to identify a character as a character. Share enough base moves, and enough of a theme, and you've got the basis for an individual being recognized even across multiple variations.
MK Deadly Alliance failed with its stances for reasons similar to SS. It very much felt like Netherealm only had ideas for a few characters, and everything else was just throwing whatever they could dredge up for the rest of roster. Weapon stances in particular often felt disconnected from the characters.
MKX is using a shared base for all variations of a character and changing some specials and other moves. Even then, they seem to be trying to keep a theme across any character. Jax isn't pulling out a broadsword or anything characteristically inappropriate. (A quick look up says Jax had a tonfa in MKDA, but that doesn't illustrate the point as well as my made up example. Besides, MKDA felt like a game where Jax might have been given any random weapon to fill in that third moveset.) And while Jax has different ground pounds in each variation, they are all "Jax" ground pounds.
TheRedKnight 388th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(6):Re(10):USF4 fail" , posted Tue 14 Apr 17:28    
Watch from 43:00 to 44:00 if you want to hear Boon do his thing
At some point I was excited for MKX, but I lost my interest along the way. My personal hype was at its peak when we finally saw how Takeda plays and I thought NRS had finally hired proper skilled animators, but then I saw the rest of the cast (like Liu Kang) and realised that most of the old rascals was still stuck with that stiff and awkward "floaty" animation.
quote: Will Bug Woman and Cowboy Wally be able to become continuing additions to the MK cast without a signature move?
Maybe, if one variation somehow becomes overwhelmingly more popular than the others. But I doubt that. I was really disappointed when I saw Erron Black in action. Cool design, but lame moves. I hope a dozen or so specific character variations stand out as tournament viable and thus boil down the game to a more appealing package, but knowing NRS's history with patches on patches approach that's never going to happen.
quote: At least with three variations, when you have to play a character in story mode, you have a greater chance of finding a play style that you like.
I would have not thought much about a comment like that before, but after experiencing the storymode in Samurai Spirits Shinsho and coming to terms with the fact that beating five enemies on a time limit and single lifebar with a character that only deals proper damage with a very limited set of moves I can stand behind your claim 100%.
quote: KOF went as far as to introduce a cloning storyline to justify having multiple versions of Kyo in a single game.
I wouldn't say that they introduced the cloning storyline just to have multiple Kyos. That's backwards thinking. They could have had clones of everyone if they wanted to use the storyline as an excuse. Sure, Kyo-1 and Kyo-2 are pretty weak additions, but so was the whole striker system. '99 is just a bit hit and miss because it tried to do so many new things for KOF. Still a great game though.
quote: The trick there is to have enough to identify a character as a character. Share enough base moves, and enough of a theme, and you've got the basis for an individual being recognized even across multiple variations.
Basically from the first game up to U3 MK had a shared base of moves for everyone, so MK was even more dependent on special move identification than say SF2. In pop culture "Shoryuken" is a Street Fighter thing in general, while the special moves from MK identify directly with the characters. When MK1 and SF2 were still hot in the arcades, without knowing how to do the specials Sub-Zero was nothing but a basic (chinese) ninja (warrior), but even if you just button mashed as Blanka you still felt that what you had in your hands was a crazy beast. So I find it interesting that MK has tried yet another approach that is very unlike the original vision. I would have stuck with the basic core gameplay from the original trilogy and revamped the Fatality system, not the other way around. When I thought about spending money on MKX it went down like this: the idea of 75 character variations (+ DLC characters) turned me off faster than looking at a character select screen from a Tekken game from T5 and onwards. Sorry, but a quality game can't be a bloated "krypt" like that.
TheRedKnight 389th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(8):Re(10):USF4 fail" , posted Wed 15 Apr 15:29    
People like and want that stiff and awkward animation, as well as the general "rushed" feel of any move that executes. It has become a defining aspect of MK. Back when Deadly Alliance came out, I remember people defending the stiff and awkward bits as a way of honoring the animation of the 2D days.
Changing it at this point might actually elicit complaint.
Well, as it is now, there are new MKX characters without floaty animations and returning characters that do have floaty animations. Maybe the complaints will roll in with time.
I didn't quite say that, either. They could have had multiple Kyos the same way that previous games had EX versions of characters. Those variations just exist. But someone decided to actually make a storyline justification for the idea, which was the cloning storyline and the creation of Kyo-1 and Kyo-2, as well as the creation of the new Kyo-themed character K'.
I still find it absurd to call it a storyline justification if you include K' in the line of suspects. I would be more willing to call Iori a Kyo-themed character than K'. Or Saisyu, or Shingo. As a design Iori has contributed a lot to KOF, as has K'. While Sairyu and Shingo are C-listers. And Kyo-1 and Kyo-2 are nothing.
...Having an army of clones that all wear school uniforms in alternative colours must've been the dumbest plan any organisation after world domination has ever had. Maybe they consulted SNK about it.
Loona 849th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(8):Re(10):USF4 fail" , posted Wed 15 Apr 17:24    
quote: I wouldn't say that they introduced the cloning storyline just to have multiple Kyos. That's backwards thinking.
I didn't quite say that, either. They could have had multiple Kyos the same way that previous games had EX versions of characters. Those variations just exist. But someone decided to actually make a storyline justification for the idea, which was the cloning storyline and the creation of Kyo-1 and Kyo-2, as well as the creation of the new Kyo-themed character K'.
I saw the Kyo-1 and Kyo-2 thing in 99 as a well of hinting at the game's story through the select screen: you expect Kyo to be the default character based on past games, but you have this new guy instead; look around the rest of the select screen and you have not one, but two Kyos with a tan close to that new guy... to find more, keep playing, and by the time you reach the final boss things are a lot clearer.
I get the feeling that in XIII they would have made Elisabeth the default character in the select screen, considering she's always listed first everywhere else in the GUI, but after how much XII was lambasted, SNKP probably wouldn't take the risk and refocused on Kyo and Mai in most of the visible promotional materials and sections of the game's presentation.
Loona 850th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(10):Re(10):USF4 fail" , posted Wed 15 Apr 22:29    
quote: I saw the Kyo-1 and Kyo-2 thing in 99 as a well of hinting at the game's story through the select screen: you expect Kyo to be the default character based on past games, but you have this new guy instead; look around the rest of the select screen and you have not one, but two Kyos with a tan close to that new guy... to find more, keep playing, and by the time you reach the final boss things are a lot clearer.
I don't think it's reasonable to base assumptions only because the characters have a "tan". Using a different colour scheme has always been used to signify change/alignment/etc in visual storytelling in Asia. In '99 it's used to draw attention to the similarities between K' and Krizalid, but also to point out the difference between Kyo and his clones. Besides, Clone Zero didn't have a "tan" but Zero did. That was for the purpose of surprising the audience. Take a look at any KOF characters and see how often they change colour or wardrobe if there's a change in their storyline...
Also, didn't SNK clearly announce K's team as the hero team in '99 before the game was even released in the arcades? So it's fair to say we all knew who the main character was before we got our hands on the game.
The tan was a really minor factor, but it was interesting that, IIRC, special strikers in the home version of 99 also had it.
For people following KoF news, K' as a new protagonist wasn't a surprised, but I don't recall that well if the 2 Kyos got that much, if any, focus before the game's release - if made for a strange sight, and probably an intentional one, as previous games wre fine with simply having the player hold Start while selecting Kyo to get an alternate set of specials.
Maybe I overthink this sort of thing, but I like the thought of using more than cutscenes to tell a story, and in a fighting game the character select screen is a pretty interesting place to start IMO.
Iggy 9889th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Beowulf!" , posted Sat 18 Apr 20:40    
Beowulf finally joined the rest of the Skullgirl cast, out of the Beta and into the main game!
To be honest, I wasn't a fan of the character's design, and his entire concept still is alien to me... Wrestling hasn't been popular in France since the 50s at most. And I think at the time it was more boxing than staged wrestling anyway. I don't think it ever was on TV except for paid chanels. The grabbing mechanic, on the other hand, is quite fun. I didn't really understand what they meant by Final Fight/Street of Rage chain grabs, but it really is that! All in all, I still like the other DLC characters more (even Robo Fortune is more amusing to play as, even though she's still not entirely done) but I'll put it on "cultural difference". Apparently, even Yamane couldn't really grab the essence of cheesy american wrestling, and they had to hire someone else for his track?
His scenario was quite cute. It's obvious they struggled to give him a role in the story, but the solution they found works well and makes the character quite endearing. Nothing at the level of Eliza's, of course, but on average, a fun package. I'd really love if the original characters would get their story mode fluffed out like this... and that we would get more DLC too... and a sequel... and a pony.
Spoon 2847th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Beowulf!" , posted Sun 19 Apr 02:52    
quote: To be honest, I wasn't a fan of the character's design, and his entire concept still is alien to me... Wrestling hasn't been popular in France since the 50s at most. And I think at the time it was more boxing than staged wrestling anyway. I don't think it ever was on TV except for paid chanels.
How have you managed to live through the entire rise and fall and resurrection of SNK while also being a fan of Zangief without a sense of what pro-wrestling is?! I'm caught between laughing and trying to derive how your understanding of characters like Tizoc and R.Mika and Hugo work, because it's a genuinely interesting train of thought to consider. You have to tell me more, because among the people I know, your case is very unique.
But to brief you very quickly, pro-wrestling in the West is a live-performed scripted drama about people who wrestle and their relationships with each other. All successful wrestlers have gimmicks with regards to their character (e.g. rich guy, psycho guy, undead guy, Russian guy, etc.) and with regards to things that they do (e.g. catch phrases, signature moves, signature props, etc.). They all have different reasons for being in the wrestling ring though it's mostly understood that it's just something they do, regardless of how many leaps of logic it takes to get them there. Wrestling is often quite meta with itself, including storylines invoking real things (e.g. Wrestlers A and B are up and coming talents who are friends in real life and fight and train together with the mutual dream of making it big) while working in scripted angles that play on that (e.g. Wrestler B backstabs Wrestler A as Wrestler A wins the championship, and Wrestler B declares that he wanted the championship more than anything else, even his lifelong friendship with Wrestler A). Hokuto No Ken is a lot like pro-wrestling.
Here's a quality educational video about wrestling.
GekigangerV 1907th Post

PSN: gekijmo XBL: gekijmo5 Wii: n/a
Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "MKX" , posted Wed 22 Apr 10:12    
This thread is probably on it's last legs, but I thought I would talk about MKX some as I got a chance to play it thanks to my cousin letting me borrow his PS4.
This is my first foray into the modern generation and I have to say I am impressed. Clothing texture is remarkable. You can really tell if something is leather vs cloth. Hair still looks a bit off though. I thought Liu Kang was wearing a do-rag at first.
Before I go into other details I just wanted to say that I think that the X-Rays/Fatalities aren't as interesting or "fun" as MK9's. X-Rays all seem to be focused on head and torso damage with a little bit of pelvis stuff with Cassie and Erron. I think this has may be due to the fact that there aren't near-universal body types in this game like there were in MK9 so they didn't want to hassle with the arms and legs. Except for Cassie Cage's and one of Johnny's Fatalities, there is no joking/tongue-in-cheek qualities to the Fatalities in MKX.
I was really surprised with the range that some character variations presented. Some characters just had some special moves swapped out, but other got tons of new specials as well as whole new combo strings. I haven't had a lot of time to experiment with the characters, but I really like Shinnok's bone shaper variant. It has some pretty good, easy to execute combos that I may mess around with in more detail in training mode. As far as the original characters are concerned, I really can't say I am impressed with any of them. I was pretty hyped about Erron Black for a while and saw he did really well in that MKX pre-release tournament, but when I got my hands on him I really didn't have much fun. The second-gen fighters also didn't wow me. They are, for sure, their own unique characters, especially Kung Jin with his bow and arrow, but I think their aesthetic didn't click with me as the default costumes for three of them is fairly generic body armor.
Fighting animations are so much better in this game as opposed to MK9 and Injustice. It is like night and day especially when you see some of the resued animation in Story mode. Netherrealm really got it together this time around.
Netherrealm still needs to work on their music though. I really cannot recall a memorable MK soundtrack since MK3. Injustice didn't have anything special either.
I was a bit disappointed to see that there is no challenge tower this time around. The new Living towers are okay, but kind of get a bit mundane even with the ever changing kombat modifiers. There was something a bit more fun about those mini-games in the MK9 tower as well as those really interesting challenges like beating both Goro and Kintaro or having to fight Shao Khan with Scorpion and Sub-Zero and having to change character depending on the color.
Also, a thank you to Pollyanna for dealing with my stupid tower challenge as I just wanted to get the trophy.
The new Factions feature seems to be almost a non-feature to me. I chose Black Dragons, but it appears most people are Lin Kuei. I fought a faction boss once and thought it was okay. It was Mileena with a ton of health and I didn't do much damage to her. It's cool that you don't have to do online stuff to level up your account though. I just went through story mode, played some VS and some towers and got to level 50 with Black Dragon's after a couple of days. Faction Kills (special fatalities assigned to your faction) are some pretty vanilla finishers. They have about the same amount of creativity as the ones used in MK1. It seemed like fairly basic decapitation or incineration animations.
Brutalities are pretty fun though. It is quite a thrill to finish someone off with Shinnok's amulet and have them turn to face the camera to show the hole in their chest.
Overall, I am really impressed. I hope to get more time with it later and go online to test my skill. I heard the netcode wasn't that great though.
Ishmael 5140th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):MKX" , posted Wed 22 Apr 22:37    
quote: This thread is probably on it's last legs, but I thought I would talk about MKX some as I got a chance to play it thanks to my cousin letting me borrow his PS4.
There are a few titles on my list of games to play when I get a PS4 and one of those is, oddly enough, MKX. Thanks to the frequent, crazed updates from NRS it's impossible to know what the game will play like by the time I get around to trying it but the MK games are always an interesting visual spectacle.
quote: As far as the original characters are concerned, I really can't say I am impressed with any of them. I was pretty hyped about Erron Black for a while and saw he did really well in that MKX pre-release tournament, but when I got my hands on him I really didn't have much fun. The second-gen fighters also didn't wow me. They are, for sure, their own unique characters, especially Kung Jin with his bow and arrow, but I think their aesthetic didn't click with me as the default costumes for three of them is fairly generic body armor.
Maybe they become interesting when you play them but from a visual standpoint the new characters are boring and forgettable. As you noted all that off the rack body armor is doing them no favors since it makes them look like background mooks who wandered in from some paramilitary space FPS. Erron Black had the chance to become memorable but for some dumb reason his hat, which is his most distinguishing article of clothing, is locked behind one of the stance choices. Instead of a being a crazed cowboy in two thirds of his play styles he's stuck in a generic and uncomfortable looking suit of rubbery armor. NRS made a mistake trying to make Black look "grounded" when he should be running around in a serape. MK made its name by featuring a rainbow of ninjas so this decision to make all the new characters dressed in heavily muted looks is not helping them make an impression. Hopefully MK11 will feature a ninja dressed in traffic cone orange.
quote: I was a bit disappointed to see that there is no challenge tower this time around. The new Living towers are okay, but kind of get a bit mundane even with the ever changing kombat modifiers. There was something a bit more fun about those mini-games in the MK9 tower as well as those really interesting challenges like beating both Goro and Kintaro or having to fight Shao Khan with Scorpion and Sub-Zero and having to change character depending on the color.
I've always had a soft spot for the extraneous nonsense that has been stuffed into the MK games. Some of it was fun such as the ability to make your own character and some of it, such as MK chess, was absurd. But even though I thought all those extras were a determent to the actual game I had to admire the everything and the kitchen sink approach. This time it seems MK is trying to sell the game on the idea that it's actually fun to play. We'll see how this tactic turns out.
Just a Person 1642th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(2):MKX" , posted Wed 22 Apr 23:02    
quote: Maybe they become interesting when you play them but from a visual standpoint the new characters are boring and forgettable. As you noted all that off the rack body armor is doing them no favors since it makes them look like background mooks who wandered in from some paramilitary space FPS.
Their personalities are quite interesting, though. Jacqui Briggs may feel a bit off in Mortal Kombat due to her good girl personality (although it can be improved in future games), but everyone else is pretty remarkable, from Cassie Cage being a constant snarker to Kung Jin's arrogance coupled with some empathy towards defenseless people, to Takeda's clumsiness when it comes to romance.
As for the bad guys, Kotal Kahn stands out as the first bad guy (at least from what I remember) who isn't exactly evil, more like a ruler who will do whatever he needs to do to ensure the safety of his people. Ferra/Torr manage to be creepy and hilarious at the same time, and D'Vorah has serious potential to become the main female villain of the franchise (as ruthless and sadistic as Mileena, and much more efficient as a backstabber as Tanya was in past games).
There's another topic in this board discussing how NRS approached Kung Jin's homosexuality, and I forgot to comment there how his sexual orientation is just part of his characterization, which includes his troubled past, him constantly challenging Cassie's authority, and the weight of being related to the Great Kung Lao. I gotta say, the newcomers in MKX have much more characterization than most newcomers in SF, KOF, Tekken and other fighting game series considered more serious. I agree that visually, the four heroes and Erron Black don't stand out as much as they should, though. Hopefully they'll improve in this aspect when the next game comes.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Just a Person 1643th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(1):Maybe stupid questions" , posted Sat 25 Apr 06:30    
quote: Another question :D Do you think that now with MKX out, does it make sense to get MK9 as I haven't played it and I have seen some interesting price drop for the Komplete Edition? The last MK that I played thoroughly was MK2, I played a little bit of MK3 and variations, but skipped the rest.
It depends on what you're looking for. MK 2011 is fun (at least in my opinion), and it manages to add new tools to the gameplay while still having a nostalgic feel. Story Mode is epic if you like stories; if you're more interested in playing the game, it may be a little exhausting. The Challenge Tower is great, and most of the characters play and look very nice (except for the manly faces in all women).
But it's been a while since I last played it, and from many comments I've read, it seems that not many people are playing it online nowadays, in case you want to test your skills against other players.
Anyway, my suggestion for you is: try to rent it first, or find out if a friend has it and ask him/her to test it. It's not the best fighting game out there, but it is fun.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Lord SNK 58th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(2):Maybe stupid questions" , posted Sat 25 Apr 17:22    
Thanks to all for the replies, I will avoid CVS2 for PSN for sure, and get MK9.
quote: Neither game might be the perfect game for you but if you enjoy the fun of mucking around with any fighting game these would certainly be worth it if the price is right. This line of reasoning is how I talked myself into buying the AoF collection.
Yes, I like trying a lot of fighting games, I hate most of the 3D one, but I like a lot of classics like MVC2, SF2CE, SFZ2, FFRBS, Garou, KOF97/98, LB1/2, etc.
Iggy 9899th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Justice Gakuen is..." , posted Sun 26 Apr 01:50    
Hey, remember that time when Ono started pushing that "Darkstalkers is not dead" thing? Apparently, he's starting again, this time with Justice Gakuen. Apparently, he has the story planned out in his head, and he'd like the higher ups at Capcom to give it a go. Am I just being a washed-up cynic to think we already know how that's going to end?
On a totally unrelated topic, do we know what 8ing is up to nowadays? I wouldn't mind a new versus game (against Tatsunoko, Nintendo, Mahvel, or Capcom themselves really), since that's the only place Vampire and Justice Gakuen characters have any reasonable chance to appear again.
kofoguz 1168th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(2):Justice Gakuen is..." , posted Sun 26 Apr 04:15    
quote: Hey, remember that time when Ono started pushing that "Darkstalkers is not dead" thing? Apparently, he's starting again, this time with Justice Gakuen. Apparently, he has the story planned out in his head, and he'd like the higher ups at Capcom to give it a go. Am I just being a washed-up cynic to think we already know how that's going to end? I, I don't know what I would do with a Justice Gakuen now that I'm not the same age as them and going to school (though not as gloriously a bisexual one as theirs). Am I too old for Nekketsu Seishun Nikki 3???
I was just going to say that if they're going to be openly bi in the storylines and quotes and have a interesting storylines I would support them. Capcom show how a fighting game could be pro lgbt to the other companies. Jokle aside (not really) I have no hope Capcom to make a rival schools game, at the most they would make a less than a barebone port, and blackmail people into buying to make a new one. Well at this point a barebone port would be something, though.
neo0r0chiaku 12th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a
New Customer
| "Re(1):Justice Gakuen is..." , posted Sun 26 Apr 08:55    
quote: Hey, remember that time when Ono started pushing that "Darkstalkers is not dead" thing? Apparently, he's starting again, this time with Justice Gakuen. Apparently, he has the story planned out in his head, and he'd like the higher ups at Capcom to give it a go. Am I just being a washed-up cynic to think we already know how that's going to end?
On a totally unrelated topic, do we know what 8ing is up to nowadays? I wouldn't mind a new versus game (against Tatsunoko, Nintendo, Mahvel, or Capcom themselves really), since that's the only place Vampire and Justice Gakuen characters have any reasonable chance to appear again.
Justice Gakuen was a game that was highly overlooked and underrated. It was a series that should have been more worked on based that it was a kind of its own. Not sure why they did not put much effort into that series.
Long Live!
Iggy 9902th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Justice Gakuen is..." , posted Tue 28 Apr 02:34:    
quote: The Resident Evil HD remake that got released in January sold a million copies. Maybe this can help Ono convince the higher ups to do something with PJ.
The games are nothing alike. MoeJus is low-poly even on DC, is full-3D, and would only look marginally less horrible in HD, though better than the PS1 games. The artworks are probably low-res and would need to be redrawn. Localization of the interesting part of the game would cost far too much, even ignoring any non-English language. It's a fighting game that never was popular as a fighting game to begin with, in a world where even Street Fighter needs Sony's push to continue. It's a dating sim, America's favourite genre. MoeJus tried to be a board game, and the less said about it the better. There is no way for JusGaku to come back without drastically reinventing itself. A school management game on iOS would have more chances to be successful than anything using the existing assets. Basically, pull a Rockman EXE on the old franchise with some marginal nods to the existing characters.
Realistically speaking, Warzard has more chances to come back than Justice Gakuen.
quote: I don't know anything about software development but couldn't a small team of 5-10 people push out a re-release of Project Justice in 6-18 months?
No. That is not how professional game development within a big company works. You would need 5-10 people on the legal team alone, and at least 20 just to write the digital manual of your game.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 28 Apr 02:44] |
neo0r0chiaku 14th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a
New Customer
| "Re(6):Justice Gakuen is..." , posted Tue 28 Apr 05:20:    
quote: The Resident Evil HD remake that got released in January sold a million copies. Maybe this can help Ono convince the higher ups to do something with PJ. The games are nothing alike. MoeJus is low-poly even on DC, is full-3D, and would only look marginally less horrible in HD, though better than the PS1 games. The artworks are probably low-res and would need to be redrawn. Localization of the interesting part of the game would cost far too much, even ignoring any non-English language. It's a fighting game that never was popular as a fighting game to begin with, in a world where even Street Fighter needs Sony's push to continue. It's a dating sim, America's favourite genre. MoeJus tried to be a board game, and the less said about it the better. There is no way for JusGaku to come back without drastically reinventing itself. A school management game on iOS would have more chances to be successful than anything using the existing assets. Basically, pull a Rockman EXE on the old franchise with some marginal nods to the existing characters.
Realistically speaking, Warzard has more chances to come back than Justice Gakuen.
I don't know anything about software development but couldn't a small team of 5-10 people push out a re-release of Project Justice in 6-18 months?No. That is not how professional game development within a big company works. You woul
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
I think originally the concept of the series was great. Maybe at the time, consumers would have preferred it being 2-D based? Maybe they should remake either one of them in 2-D instead of 3-D? To me, the series was great as a whole, maybe the 3-D setup was a negative part but even with that I still enjoyed the series for the package it delivered. It was great to see Batsu in TvC. I think Capcom should have used those characters in various fighting games so that the series can stand out in some way. Kyosuke was in CvS 2. Aside from that, no one else showed up in any other Capcom fighting game. Maybe that is a reason why players did not go back and look into the series.
Long Live!
[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Tue 28 Apr 05:26] |
kofoguz 1170th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(7):Justice Gakuen is..." , posted Tue 28 Apr 06:58    
/i /{/'⌒'} }}Y/ / ,r-、ヽ, / ノ、|、ヾ_,,ノ ノ ノ{ ヾ {^')) }フ/ / _/ \ヽ、 彡'`、、 'ー' ノ //",,゙ """ / ヽ ヽ-、ミ‐-、、 、,r=‐'¬ー=、、,-‐'_ ヽ、 /ノ / 『味』 ウ・ こ ミ/ ~  ̄ノ /\ /彡 "" |/ だ ソ・ の / ,' u ∪ ! ヽ | i、゙ー''"彡 /| ぜ を・ 味 、、∪ / ノ / _,,,...-‐‐ニ=,ノ,,/ ヽ、,,_ \ ,イ / | : つ・ は ニ、=!, l_. レr=-ニ二、,,,.-'" ー、==-ヽ'"/ / ヽ : い・ 、(・,)>ノ⌒ ∠,(・,)_く ゙` ヽ゚ノ`ー=、_ /// ∠ : て・  ̄/""゙ ヽ ̄ ̄ \ヽ  ̄ ̄ // ノ る・ u 〈 、 u (ヽ //  ̄ノ ヽ -' lj >、 // /  ̄ヽ、 /ヽー‐ 、 /'"´ 'i // / ∨ヽ/ ^゙"⌒ヾ、 ,i| ,"__} // / / ー- - ヽ_人`'′ // / / / i'゙' /-─‐‐''/_/_ 、 _/-‐ヽ、___,,,, -‐‐  ̄ ー-、、,,__,-‐'//ノゝノ ノ ヽ\
See you guys in two years when another Capcom director wishes to make a sequel for Star Gladiator franchise.
Loona 854th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):Justice Gakuen is..." , posted Tue 28 Apr 18:37    
quote: I'm surprised given Udon's comic book series about Justice Gakuen that it doesn't get more love
It shouldn't be that surprising. The art was terrible.
They should have gotten Dogan to do it.
The writing was pretty terrible too - when you're using lines like "No Burning Vigor attacks indoors!" and using special command motions as effects you're kind of missing the point (although I'm sure some people might find it amusing).
I have little direct experience with the series, but its strengths seemed to be more about the setting and characters interactions (the artworks got a lot of praise, and there was that visual novel mode in the sequel) than the gameplay itself (where at least to me, the neat part were the team attacks - something that could be adapted to different series).
As for Omar Dogan, he'd probably find an excuse to draw every girl as a goth loli at some point. But his style would still be a much better fit than Rey's, at least.
Batsu did make it to Project X Zone, as Hideo and Kyoko did in NxC - with the megalomaniac brainwashing plots in their series, maybe it can get a bit more relevance in PXZ2, if it's included. Seeing more of RS designs in 2D using neat team attacks and their plot elements wouldn't be a bad compromise, if not an ideal one for its fans.
As for a new series revival, I'd be all for more Cyberbots - the mechanics could be changed to something more modern like the Gundam VS games, since the charm is mostly in the setting and character designs, and the separation of gameplay (mechs) and plot (characters) is something we don't see enough of in the genre.
Just a Person 1644th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(6):Justice Gakuen is..." , posted Tue 28 Apr 23:56    
quote: The games are nothing alike. MoeJus is low-poly even on DC, is full-3D, and would only look marginally less horrible in HD, though better than the PS1 games. The artworks are probably low-res and would need to be redrawn. Localization of the interesting part of the game would cost far too much, even ignoring any non-English language. It's a fighting game that never was popular as a fighting game to begin with, in a world where even Street Fighter needs Sony's push to continue. It's a dating sim, America's favourite genre. MoeJus tried to be a board game, and the less said about it the better. There is no way for JusGaku to come back without drastically reinventing itself. A school management game on iOS would have more chances to be successful than anything using the existing assets. Basically, pull a Rockman EXE on the old franchise with some marginal nods to the existing characters.
Realistically speaking, Warzard has more chances to come back than Justice Gakuen.
It's sad to see how many cool fighting games Capcom had in the past, yet they may be forever abandoned.
Power Stone is one series I'd really love to see returning someday, but I doubt it will happen (unless it's another re-release like PSP's Power Stone Collection)...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
neo0r0chiaku 14th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a
New Customer
| "Re(7):Justice Gakuen is..." , posted Wed 29 Apr 12:01    
quote: The games are nothing alike. MoeJus is low-poly even on DC, is full-3D, and would only look marginally less horrible in HD, though better than the PS1 games. The artworks are probably low-res and would need to be redrawn. Localization of the interesting part of the game would cost far too much, even ignoring any non-English language. It's a fighting game that never was popular as a fighting game to begin with, in a world where even Street Fighter needs Sony's push to continue. It's a dating sim, America's favourite genre. MoeJus tried to be a board game, and the less said about it the better. There is no way for JusGaku to come back without drastically reinventing itself. A school management game on iOS would have more chances to be successful than anything using the existing assets. Basically, pull a Rockman EXE on the old franchise with some marginal nods to the existing characters.
Realistically speaking, Warzard has more chances to come back than Justice Gakuen.
It's sad to see how many cool fighting games Capcom had in the past, yet they may be forever abandoned.
Power Stone is one series I'd really love to see returning someday, but I doubt it will happen (unless it's another re-release like PSP's Power Stone Collection)...
You are right. Am I crazy enough to say I was a big fan of Pocket Fighter? Especially for the Saturn? I mean to me it was the look of a kids game but was not played as a kid game nor as hardcore like other Capcom fighters. It was just fun playing and experiencing the comedic atmosphere it had.
Long Live!