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Iggy 9856th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):The WRYYYYYYY!!!!! Thread" , posted Thu 29 Jan 20:23    
quote: PS4 demo is out for Eyes Of Heaven! http://jojogame.bngames.net/trial/about01.html
I appreciate that they release a trial version so far in advance (because it mean they can change stuff on feedback) but... I really hope they do change stuff after receiving all the feedback.
Interestingly, I think the Pokken system (far away zoning, and when the characters go close, traditional fighter that could be like ASB) would work perfectly here. But it's probably far too late (and too demanding for this developer) to implement. I am... not very convinced. And I also wonder about the patch for ASB. If it's just the patch the west received last year, why bother? If it's more than that, why bother?
On the other hand, the Oingo&Boingo episode in the anime was great! The timing was good, fast enough to remain funny, and looked as it should. I was a bit worried that the Egypt part would end up a bit too spread out, but at least the N'doul and O&B episodes were quite good. Let's see if they can keep up the pace until the end...
Iggy 9877th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):The WRYYYYYYY!!!!! Thread" , posted Sat 14 Mar 22:11    
quote: I haven't been following EOH much but how are its discussions? Iirc the demo's reviews seemed pretty good (at least those early on), although that sort of had me worried of chances that it'd fall flat again when the game hit the shelves like ASB.
I can only tell about the internet discussions I've read, but after the demo, the general impressions seem to be: * low amount of moves * system doesn't make sense (partner's death powerup, QTE to finish, etc) * visuals (jauge, general effects...) are "trying too hard" and don't even try to get close to Araki's style and standard (on top of making the game more difficult to follow) * the camera is terrible * fan service levels are at an all-time low (random sentences get uttered without any reason or context by 4 people at the same, you see your character from behind so all the joy you should get from "I'm controlling that character I like" is gone since you cannot see your character or his poses) * the game is just not fun
Long story short: not a good fan-service + not a good game.
The recent unveiling of the pillar men was met with just a vague shrug, and the fact the screenshots didn't show any new background is widely interpreted as "there will be as little backgrounds as in ASB, so you can forget about any pretense of a story mode". The only people who might be interested by the game are yaoi fangirls who will be able to make all the coupling they want with the weird partner system. That is literally the only positive thing I have read on the game. I personally didn't even bother to download the demo after playing it 5 minutes at a friend's.
Iggy 9894th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Araki's How-to-draw Book and self portr" , posted Tue 21 Apr 22:12    
quote: Is... Is that a self-portrait of Araki fondling his own fictional proxy?
I don't know how familiar you are with Rohan (the character), but it's basically genius mangaka in the world of Jojo... and also one of the most despicable, annoying, self-centered, mean and generally unlikable character of the whole manga out of the main bad guys. And that's the way he's written, most of the other characters are at least annoyed by him, if not entirely grossed out.
Thinking about the thought process that lead to the insertion of this character in the narrative, and what Araki was thinking when he decided to make what could have been his Marie-Sue so unlikable, is actually part of the charm of the character and makes him quite popular in return. So having the character next to Araki is less some sort of weird self-on-self masturbation fantasy and more of an actual way to allude to one of the most fascinating oddities of the manga. Now I think of it, with all the supernatural weirdness, Jojo is also a strangely personal series if you think of (what we know of) Araki's childhood and family.
Iggy 9895th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Araki's How-to-draw Book and self portr" , posted Wed 22 Apr 05:30    
quote: I would like to know more about this
I don't remember the details exactly, I'd need to check in Jojo-A-Gogo to be sure. But more or less: he has two older sisters who are identical twins. The pair had a very close relationship, and used to keep their little brother out of their secret games and the secret language they made up, and occasionally they played tricks on him with their perfectly identical looks. While they enjoyed the emotional fusion of their sisterhood, he grew up feeling like he missed his own twin brother, with whom he would share secrets, play tricks on others or create his own language. It's a very specific kind of loneliness (since he technically wasn't alone) and of imaginary friend (less a friend than a double). Jonathan/Dio and Joseph/Ceazar are almost as much a closeted love/hate relationship as they are a troubled siblings relationship. Likewise, the whole concept of having your own double that no one but you can see, identical yet looking nothing like you, with whom you can communicate without words, who would allow you to be in two places at the same time and do incredible things is directly linked to the games his sisters were playing on him, and his jealousy of their union.
Plus, he's a Gemini with Mercury in Cancer and Moon in Scorpio, so the boy was going to grow fucked up regardless. At least he did it in a creative way.