New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worrying... - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worrying..." , posted Mon 16 Feb 04:31:post reply

... and Love the <too many nouns possible>

I've gotten a New 3DS, so it's time to catch up on games that are merely 2-3 years old. I could also play Last Window on it, Maou.

I've gotten Kid Icarus. On my radar are:
- Virtue's Last Reward,
- THRTHRHRHRTHM (did I spell that right?),
- Bravely Default,
- Dual Destinies,
- Etrian Mystery Dungeon,
- Guild01 and Guild02,
- and the Zelda games.

I've heard a lot of good things about Persona Q, but after finally slogging through Strange Journey I think my appetite for tiled first person dungeon crawling has been depleted for months. I will probably be getting Xenoblade when it comes out for it, but the sheer length of the game makes me kind of not want to.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Mon 16 Feb 07:34]


the real kap
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"Re(1):New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worryi" , posted Mon 16 Feb 06:29post reply

Virtue's Last Reward has a nasty corrupt save glitch on the 3DS that will ruin everything. It occurs when you save during a certain part of the game, forgot where exactly.

There are a lot of branching paths, I suggest starting from the left and work your way to the right.

The story will hook you, but it's very easy to get spoiled so don't wiki anything. Also, some puzzles are pretty tedious even though the logic behind it is clear, don't feel ashamed to use Easy Mode/a spoiler-free FAQ when things get crazy.

1432th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worryi" , posted Mon 16 Feb 09:16post reply

Virtue's Last Reward has a nasty corrupt save glitch on the 3DS that will ruin everything. It occurs when you save during a certain part of the game, forgot where exactly.

This is the best explanation I have ever found about it and the one I send all my friends when they asked about the bug:

To preface my explanation, I will tell you that this game has Novel (story) and Escape (puzzle) sections.

To avoid the save corruption, never save in an Escape section, and definitely never save in the PEC, neither in the Novel nor Escape sections. (PEC stands for Pressure Exchange Chamber, but you don't need to know this, as it is always referred to by its acronym in the game.)

As for the freezes, the main culprits are certain mini-games, specifically the dice mini-games (which appear in two difference puzzle rooms) and the mini-game in the PEC. With the dice mini-games, don't move the dice too quickly and you should be fine. With the other one, just hope it doesn't freeze.

All in all, it sounds a lot worse than it actually is. You'll probably only encounter at most a couple of freezes in your entire run of the game, and as long as your follow the aforementioned precautions you won't lose your save file, either.

It's still infuriating that they never fixed it, and the main reason I never bought it, myself. You should not play the game without having played 9/9/9 first by the way. (It seems) the two games are closely linked story-wise.

THRTHRHRHRTHM (did I spell that right?)

Well yes I believe that is the correct spelling.
You can directly skip to Curtain Call TRHTRHRHM. No need to buy the first one.

I started playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate as promised. Monster Hunter is very much like natto, or cigarettes. I cannot possibly fathom how someone would enjoy it in any way the first time they try it. It has to be the curiosity, the masochism or the desire to be part of something larger that gets you into consuming either of those. Then it slowly becomes palatable, and eventually enjoyable.

The only difference is that, instead of spending a shameful amount of money on nicotine that won't solve any of your problems and create a few more, you spend a shameful amount of time on killing Jaggi and failing one hour long boss fights where half the battle is against the camera.

But then, after a few nauseating days, you really get into it.

So yeah, now that portable Monster Hunter is more or less playable (thanks to the second stick and semi-lock) and can be enjoyed online on a handheld without requiring to buy a home console separately - I mean, just how INSANE where portable MH players before such elementary issues were fixed? - you might be foolish feel brave enough to join me there. I am around 10-12 hours in so still early in the game.

Also if you have not played it on PC or Wii U already, Shovel Knight is a wonderful 2D platformer worthy of all the praise and hype. The 3DS version is actually my favorite of them all. Soul Hackers and SMT4 are two excellent dungeon crawlers if you are the Atlus type. Donkey Kong Returns 3D (Monster's previous port before Xenoblade 3D) is a nice platformer if you did not play it on Wii already.

All that said, it seems you have nice backlog of games to catch on already.

Même Narumi est épatée !

935th Post

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"Re(1):New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worryi" , posted Mon 16 Feb 18:35post reply

I've gotten Kid Icarus. On my radar are:
- Virtue's Last Reward,
- THRTHRHRHRTHM (did I spell that right?),
- Bravely Default,
- Dual Destinies,
- Etrian Mystery Dungeon,
- Guild01 and Guild02,
- and the Zelda games.

I actually would've recommended against Kid Icarus, but that's mostly a personal thing. Otherwise there's not much else to add, the list you've got is pretty good.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

2795th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worryi" , posted Tue 17 Feb 03:18post reply

Is there any equivalent to Space Invaders Extreme on the 3DS?

I have previously played 999, and though I have my misgivings about it, it was still interesting enough to make me want to play VLR. I've already played through Shovel Knight on PC, too.

If you want further irony, the new Kid Icarus was probably the game I wanted the most on the 3DS.

Lord SNK
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"Re(1):New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worryi" , posted Tue 17 Feb 04:31post reply

... and Love the <too many nouns possible>

I've gotten a New 3DS, so it's time to catch up on games that are merely 2-3 years old. I could also play Last Window on it, Maou.

I've gotten Kid Icarus. On my radar are:
- Virtue's Last Reward,
- THRTHRHRHRTHM (did I spell that right?),
- Bravely Default,
- Dual Destinies,
- Etrian Mystery Dungeon,
- Guild01 and Guild02,
- and the Zelda games.

I've heard a lot of good things about Persona Q, but after finally slogging through Strange Journey I think my appetite for tiled first person dungeon crawling has been depleted for months. I will probably be getting Xenoblade when it comes out for it, but the sheer length of the game makes me kind of not want to.

Guild 01 and 02, I bought The Starship Damrey and Attack of the friday monsters when they were on sale, but didn't liked them a lot.
The first one is really "empty" and the single twist in the story was predictable, the other one is good only for the atmosphere, but other than that it's really a poor game.

I have heard a lot of good things about Weapon Shop de Omasse and Crimson Shroud, but I didn't have the courage to buy also them after the bad experience with the other two.

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"Re(2):New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worryi" , posted Tue 17 Feb 07:57post reply

I've gotten myself a nice shiny New 3DS this past weekend as well! I was already in the middle of a game or two, but true to form I grabbed a copy of Majora's Mask to go with it (the only Zelda game I've never played, somehow).

Initially it bugged me that the smaller New 3DS wasn't being brought to the States, but honestly, the new screen on the XL is nice enough, and so much bigger than my geriatric old gen 1 3DS, that I don't mind so much.

I've heard a bunch of complaints from friends about the new layout but as far as I'm concerned it's a step up. The screen is crisper than the old XL, the button layout is nicer, and best of all those horrible old membrane buttons are a thing of the past. I'm not exactly sure what the latest button technology of 1979 was doing on my 3DS!

As for Majora's Mask, I'm having a surprisingly good time playing it. It's weird enough (even down to ostensibly normal folks like the mask salesman and his weeeeird animation cycle) that it's entertaining.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

9862th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worryi" , posted Tue 17 Feb 08:50post reply

Guild 01 and 02, I bought The Starship Damrey and Attack of the friday monsters when they were on sale, but didn't liked them a lot.

I thought these two were "charming". I liked them, but I cannot find any better word than "charming". I'm not really sure that the Guild 1 and 2 packages stand out very well on a whole, especially now that many good indies have taken the eShop in the last year or so. I also find them quite expensive compared to what has launched later.
I didn't really like Weapon Shop de Omasse (good concept, that's about it), and Crimson Shroud was all the good and the bad of Matsuno at such a high concentrated dose that I couldn't take it after a couple of hours. It's still the best game of the package, but that doesn't say much...

I just opened my 3DS's activity log:
* Pokémon X is so high on top it's not even funny, though I suppose now ORAS would be a better choice (but I hate Hoenn). If you care for Pokémon: XY's main campain is trash, but the metagame and raising tools are the best it's ever been. ORAS is the same with a couple of tweaks to make it even more user friendly.
* StreetPass Plaza? I don't know the name in English, but if you are in an area where you can get frequent and reliable StreetPass, you can't buy anything better than the 4 StreetPass games. Buy the bundle, yes, even the flower shop one. AMAZING package. If you have enough StreetPass.
* THRSMGRHMRMH Curtain Call. No surprise here.
Then Megaten 4, Bravely Default, Smash, Kid Icarus (I adore the game, and was so disappointed when I found out it didn't understand what to do with the C-stick), Luigi's Mansion 2 (definitely something to try. Disregard any opinion you may have on the Mansion 1 if any), plenty of Picros, plenty of Zelda... Donkey Kong 3D Returns is the best version, since whatever it loses on the graphic level it gains by not having to wiggle the wiimote (but Tropical Freeze is so much better than everything it's not even funny). Hakoboi and Solitiba are great small games, but unfortunately only in Japan for now I think.
And speaking of games only released in Japan, the horrifying crane game to get badges to decorate your home menu for a very very negligible price is... WHAT THE HELL I ALREADY SPENT 8 HOURS ON THIS???
I don't want to know how much money that represents.

2741th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worryi" , posted Tue 17 Feb 10:20:post reply

Ugh ugh ugh people I barely even gave my poor DS enough attention after finishing Wish Room and Fuurai No Shiren (sorry, Last Window), and now you are convincing me (effectively) to get a New 3DS to play all its wonderful games, when I can't even see 3D without getting a headache?! Tell you what: convince me that the new Xenoblade will be ported to this, too, and I'll just forget all about that Wii U?


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 17 Feb 10:39]

9864th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worryi" , posted Tue 17 Feb 20:09post reply

For the headache: I never use 3D on this console for exactly the same reason as you, and it really hasn't bothered me at all.
Why did I buy a New3DS then, if I don't have a C-stick compatible game, don't plan to buy Xenoblade and don't play in 3D? Because I'm an idiot, that's why.
Tell you what: convince me that the new Xenoblade will be ported to this, too, and I'll just forget all about that Wii U?

Even if that were to happen (it won't), you would still miss Tropical Freeze and Bayo2, the two absolute best games the WiiU has to offer (and if you're obsessed about blue sky, do these game have skies, and blue colour everywhere also).
If you're not in a hurry to burn money right now, what you could do is wait a couple of years and buy Nintendo's next portable or home console, since retro-compatibility has been (until now) their specialty. I wonder how they will tackle diagonal retro-compatibility from now on, and if I'll still be able to use my downloaded DSi games on the next hardware...
Buy Bayonetta 2 and Tropical Freeze.

2741th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worryi" , posted Wed 18 Feb 05:30post reply

(and if you're obsessed about blue sky, do these game have skies, and blue colour everywhere also).
Phooey, I suppose that clinches it. You could say it's been a life-long obsession.


2810th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):New 3DS or How I Learned to Stop Worryi" , posted Fri 27 Feb 03:47post reply

Crimson Shroud is everything I hoped it would be and I've only played it for less than an hour.