Chile Calbuco explosion - Forums

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MMCafe Owner

"Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Thu 23 Apr 18:50:post reply

I hope Toxico and other MMCafe residents from Chile are doing fine from the Calbuco volcano eruption. I was surprised with the news which I've just heard after work. It must've really startled people, to the likeness of Mt.Fuji suddenly erupting.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 23 Apr 19:07]


1394th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Thu 23 Apr 19:06post reply

I hope Toxico and other MMCafe residents from Chile are doing fine from the Calbuco volcano eruption. I was surprised with the news which I've just heard after work.

Toxico, I hope you and your loved ones are ok! I hope this message finds you all safe.

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"Re(2):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Thu 23 Apr 21:15post reply

Yikes, the pictures I've seen make it look like the end of the world. I hope everyone is okay.

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"Re(3):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Thu 23 Apr 21:59post reply

Yikes, the pictures I've seen make it look like the end of the world. I hope everyone is okay.

Wow, powerful eruption. Hopefully it does not get as serious as the Volcano in Fogo eruption last year were lava was coming down.

Long Live!

1167th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Thu 23 Apr 22:54post reply

Yikes, the pictures I've seen make it look like the end of the world. I hope everyone is okay.

Wow, powerful eruption. Hopefully it does not get as serious as the Volcano in Fogo eruption last year were lava was coming down.

I hope this explosion don't hurt a soul. Including our beloved Café residents.

9896th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Thu 23 Apr 23:53post reply

I believe our favourite obscene voodoo teleport artist lives very far from the volcano in that very long country, so I hope he and everyone he values (if such a soul exists) are OK.
Fingers crossed that nobody got hurt.

5950th Post

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"Re(6):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Fri 24 Apr 03:52post reply

I believe our favourite obscene voodoo teleport artist lives very far from the volcano in that very long country

Exactly (sonotooridegozaimasu). Supposedly the situation was handled quite decently, with people moving away before the danger signs were imminent.

It's not like magma randomly pops out from the ground and starts killing poeple like it does in my dreams.

The images of the event are rather stunning.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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"Re(7):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Fri 24 Apr 09:54post reply

I believe our favourite obscene voodoo teleport artist lives very far from the volcano in that very long country

Exactly (sonotooridegozaimasu). Supposedly the situation was handled quite decently, with people moving away before the danger signs were imminent.

It's not like magma randomly pops out from the ground and starts killing poeple like it does in my dreams.

The images of the event are rather stunning.

Glad to hear you and everyone is safe and no serious incidents. Lets hope it stays quiet up into and throughout the Copa America 2015 being held there. Cant wait to watch that!

Long Live!

761th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Fri 24 Apr 11:32post reply

I believe our favourite obscene voodoo teleport artist lives very far from the volcano in that very long country

Exactly (sonotooridegozaimasu). Supposedly the situation was handled quite decently, with people moving away before the danger signs were imminent.

It's not like magma randomly pops out from the ground and starts killing poeple like it does in my dreams.

The images of the event are rather stunning.

Glad to hear the Cafe's penguinist mastermind is sound and safe!

It's pretty admirable that Chilean authorities could predict the eruption well in advance and thus prevent major human losses. Here in Japan Ontake san, a pretty well known mountain, erupted last year while people were hiking its slopes! Then again, maybe volcanoes are not that easy to read. As far as my knowledge about those fiery mountains goes, eruptions could very well be the result of Hephaistos' fits of rage, so what do I know...

4274th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Fri 24 Apr 13:47:post reply

I believe our favourite obscene voodoo teleport artist lives very far from the volcano in that very long country

Exactly (sonotooridegozaimasu). Supposedly the situation was handled quite decently, with people moving away before the danger signs were imminent.

Great to hear that you're safe! I've seen the video of the volcano and as you were saying, it's quite stunning. The ashes will be a headache but the falling debris is probably the bigger problem. Does Chile get many quakes?

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 24 Apr 14:03]

5951th Post

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"Re(8):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Sat 25 Apr 03:47post reply

Does Chile get many quakes?

I remember that we pretty much are in the same tectonic plate as Japan, so it's pretty much the same (supposedly guaranteed a large earthquake at least each 10 years?). Supposedly many of the anti-quake systems developed in Japan were first used here by their makers for test grounding.

The evacuation went nicely probably mainly due to the low population density of the area.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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"Re(8):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Sun 26 Apr 03:20post reply

I believe our favourite obscene voodoo teleport artist lives very far from the volcano in that very long country

Exactly (sonotooridegozaimasu). Supposedly the situation was handled quite decently, with people moving away before the danger signs were imminent.

It's not like magma randomly pops out from the ground and starts killing poeple like it does in my dreams.

The images of the event are rather stunning.

Glad to hear the Cafe's penguinist mastermind is sound and safe!

It's pretty admirable that Chilean authorities could predict the eruption well in advance and thus prevent major human losses. Here in Japan Ontake san, a pretty well known mountain, erupted last year while people were hiking its slopes! Then again, maybe volcanoes are not that easy to read. As far as my knowledge about those fiery mountains goes, eruptions could very well be the result of Hephaistos' fits of rage, so what do I know...

Chilean government is horrible at predicting disasters, this one went well because.

1) It was at the evening
2) Like toxico said the density is very low near the volcano.

Meanwhile, just 1 month ago, we had an entire region being flooded by the rain and the river overflowing, lots of deaths and people losing their house or being buried in the mud, even 1 month after the disaster.

Chile has some luck with his disasters, earthquakes, volcanos, rains, forest fire, and all withing a short spawn

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"Re(9):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Sun 26 Apr 08:34post reply

Toxico, I'm glad you're well, but every time I hear about an event of this sort it's been my habit to assume it was in some far off location from where you are.

A bit of looking around has turned up a cool map of the population density in Chile, which put things into a bit of perspective. Calbuco is somewhere around 41° S.

I'm always amazed at how casually US media will report an event as having happened in a huge geographic region with little or no additional clarifying information. Saying something happened "in Chile" is like saying something happened "in China".

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

2852th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Sun 26 Apr 16:58post reply

Saying something happened "in Chile" is like saying something happened "in China".

I get the same feeling just with "domestic" news in Canada about events in the different provinces. When a chemical explosion was reported as having happened in Quebec, well, Quebec is just shy of being as large as Spain, France, and Thailand combined.