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sibarraz 551th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(8):Chile Calbuco explosion" , posted Sun 26 Apr 03:20    
quote: I believe our favourite obscene voodoo teleport artist lives very far from the volcano in that very long country
Exactly (sonotooridegozaimasu). Supposedly the situation was handled quite decently, with people moving away before the danger signs were imminent.
It's not like magma randomly pops out from the ground and starts killing poeple like it does in my dreams.
The images of the event are rather stunning.
Glad to hear the Cafe's penguinist mastermind is sound and safe!
It's pretty admirable that Chilean authorities could predict the eruption well in advance and thus prevent major human losses. Here in Japan Ontake san, a pretty well known mountain, erupted last year while people were hiking its slopes! Then again, maybe volcanoes are not that easy to read. As far as my knowledge about those fiery mountains goes, eruptions could very well be the result of Hephaistos' fits of rage, so what do I know...
Chilean government is horrible at predicting disasters, this one went well because.
1) It was at the evening 2) Like toxico said the density is very low near the volcano.
Meanwhile, just 1 month ago, we had an entire region being flooded by the rain and the river overflowing, lots of deaths and people losing their house or being buried in the mud, even 1 month after the disaster.
Chile has some luck with his disasters, earthquakes, volcanos, rains, forest fire, and all withing a short spawn