Tokyo arcades - Forums

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"Tokyo arcades" , posted Fri 10 Jul 23:11post reply

Just got back from Tokyo and I've got to say I found this guide very useful when looking for arcades. However, I think the guide needs an update.

For example, I couldn't find Shibuya Kaikan anywhere. In the picture, we can see Forever 21 reflected in the glass. I've found that street following this map and Forever 21 is there, but there is no Shibuya Kaikan.

There are some others I couldn't find but I forgot to note which ones exactly and what parts of Tokyo. It is possible that I just missed these places but I really tried to find them, checked the buildings from all sides and all. Definitely check with someone in Tokyo who knows the streets better.



4312th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Tokyo arcades" , posted Sat 11 Jul 00:17:post reply

However, I think the guide needs an update.

For example, I couldn't find Shibuya Kaikan anywhere. In the picture, we can see Forever 21 reflected in the glass. I've found that street following this map and Forever 21 is there, but there is no Shibuya Kaikan.

There are some others I couldn't find but I forgot to note which ones exactly and what parts of Tokyo. It is possible that I just missed these places but I really tried to find them, checked the buildings from all sides and all. Definitely check with someone in Tokyo who knows the streets better.


Thanks for your compliments and welcome to the board! Yes, the guide is certainly due for an update, thanks for the reminder. The Shibuya Kaikan arcade unfortunately closed down a year ago, and two other locations in the area also faced the same fate. Tough times indeed.

The scary part, I can recall a bunch of iconic arcades closing down in the 4 years since the guide was made, but only one that's newly opened (fortunately it's a non-smoking arcade). Hopefully I'll have time during the year to update it with together with additional photos and pages!

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 11 Jul 00:50]

5222th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tokyo arcades" , posted Sat 11 Jul 01:39post reply

What are the big arcade games both currently and in the near future? Are people still playing established titles? Are arcade owners hoping Tekken 7 will single-handedly keep the industry afloat?

For the closed arcades you should simply stamp DESTROYED over their entry.

2837th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Tokyo arcades" , posted Sat 11 Jul 02:06:post reply

For the closed arcades you should simply stamp DESTROYED over their entry.

It's inspired hilarity like this that keep you in the highest tiers (to use arcade language) of my People at the Cafe I Haven't Met Yet But Should Meet ASAP list, Ish.

It'd be interesting to know the user bases for big games across different arcades in Tokyo. We can observe this anecdotally, but how interesting to know the revenues. Like, I'm sure in the heyday of the SoCal scene, you went to arcade X for the busiest play of game Y.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 11 Jul 02:13]

4312th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Tokyo arcades" , posted Sat 11 Jul 11:28post reply

For the closed arcades you should simply stamp DESTROYED over their entry.

I *might* just do that lol.
Tekken and Street Fighter are still the big games right now, and then there's the other titles like Guilty Gear, Blazblue and Dengeki Climax which have varying volume of players depending on the arcade you go to. Meanwhile, the more minor titles require going to a certain arcade (I'm looking at you KOF).

It'd be interesting to know the user bases for big games across different arcades in Tokyo. <snip> Like, I'm sure in the heyday of the SoCal scene, you went to arcade X for the busiest play of game Y.

As much a niche as it is, I've been thinking something about that!

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"Re(4):Tokyo arcades" , posted Sat 11 Jul 13:10post reply

For the closed arcades you should simply stamp DESTROYED over their entry.
I *might* just do that lol.
Tekken and Street Fighter are still the big games right now, and then there's the other titles like Guilty Gear, Blazblue and Dengeki Climax which have varying volume of players depending on the arcade you go to. Meanwhile, the more minor titles require going to a certain arcade (I'm looking at you KOF).

It'd be interesting to know the user bases for big games across different arcades in Tokyo. <snip> Like, I'm sure in the heyday of the SoCal scene, you went to arcade X for the busiest play of game Y.
As much a niche as it is, I've been thinking something about that!

Are they any arcades in Osaka?

Long Live!

2838th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Tokyo arcades" , posted Sat 11 Jul 13:21post reply

Are they any arcades in Osaka?

There are arcades everywhere, man. Now how it compares to the Tokyo scene, I couldn't say. Ktallguy used to live around there but he's MIA.


5225th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Tokyo arcades" , posted Sun 12 Jul 02:32post reply

I figured stalwarts like SF and Tekken were still popular at the arcades. Still, SF4 came out in 2008 and as far as I know SF5 is a console exclusive. While I appreciate that Tokyo arcades are practically interactive museums that can't be healthy in the long term. Oh well, as long as the arcades have enough floor space for Gundam cabs they should be able to stay afloat for years to come.

It's inspired hilarity like this that keep you in the highest tiers (to use arcade language) of my People at the Cafe I Haven't Met Yet But Should Meet ASAP list, Ish.

Someday I'll be in the right time zone for a MMCafe meetup! Speaking of which, it's been some time since one of those went down; when is the next one taking place?

1520th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Tokyo arcades" , posted Sun 12 Jul 08:26post reply


Someday I'll be in the right time zone for a MMCafe meetup! Speaking of which, it's been some time since one of those went down; when is the next one taking place?

Good question! Is anybody around here located in LA? I'll be there in October for Indiecade! Otherwise I'd be down for a meetup here in Portland if anybody wants to come visit this fine city.

Oh, and as for Osaka arcades, when I was there last year like Maou said there were arcades everywhere. Most were Taito branded and pretty small, but there was just a massive number of them.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

61th Post

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"Re(6):Tokyo arcades" , posted Sun 12 Jul 08:35post reply


Someday I'll be in the right time zone for a MMCafe meetup! Speaking of which, it's been some time since one of those went down; when is the next one taking place?

Good question! Is anybody around here located in LA? I'll be there in October for Indiecade! Otherwise I'd be down for a meetup here in Portland if anybody wants to come visit this fine city.

Oh, and as for Osaka arcades, when I was there last year like Maou said there were arcades everywhere. Most were Taito branded and pretty small, but there was just a massive number of them.

Good to know about the arcades in Osaka and Japan in general. Makes you wonder how it can make a come back here. Why not hook up a home console system into an arcade enclosure connected to the network and have a bunch of them in a arcade place? I know i know, its just a dream/wish. I am down for another meet up to. I was in the one in 2002 i think in the DMV area. I really want to play some old school games with you guys.

Long Live!

430th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):Tokyo arcades" , posted Mon 13 Jul 02:29post reply

Man these threads come up at the most perfect of times cause I was just about to say how great the mmcafe guide is, seeing that I'm in Tokyo right now & have been to a few of the mentioned arcades already (mainly the Taito Hey in Akiba, Mikado, and Battle Arena in Club Sega Shinjuku).