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Maou 2845th Post

PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Jazz fusion in 80s games: go go Red Knight" , posted Tue 14 Jul 09:57:    
Per the grade-A entry on 80s jazz fusion influences on game soundtracks in the SFV thread, Red Knight, mission start! CAN YOU PUNCH THE WAY TO GLORY?
The part about the composers needing to be sound programmers first is accurate and important. Happily, some people ended up being both, and I imagine that the developing hardware only helped get more and more musically talented composers into the mix. I'd love to hear more about the specific tracks you hear being...borrowed. Modern stuff is easier, like how everyone knows that Wild Arms' superb "Wayfarer of the Wilderness" came from "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", and composers talk about the influence of the Yellow Magic Orchestra (YMO) and Sakamoto Ryuuichi, but I bet most in our generation in Japan, the US, and elsewhere have no clue about the 80s Famicom-jazz legacy anymore.
But, well, I always went for 1970s-1980s Shouwa era pop, so I'm useless in this thread, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to keep posting unrelated links of seminal and pop singers like Barbee Boys, Watanabe Misato, and Pink Lady until Red Knight shows up.
IGGY BONUS: It's Guile's theme...or is it?!
[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 15 Jul 01:32] | | Replies: |
nobinobita 1563th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(6):Re(10):Jazz fusion: zero mission" , posted Thu 10 Mar 12:29    
quote: Making a note for myself to listen to these podcasts later:
Ep 7 - Castlevania Ep 16 - Forest Music Ep 26 - The History of Video Game Music Ep 27 - Final Fantasy Ep 44 - Pokemon Ep 94 - Chrono Trigger Ep 95 - Best of Playstation Ep 102 - Street Fighter Ep 128 - Chrono Cross and Xenogears Ep 119 - Mega Man Ep 182 - Final Fantasy 1-3 Ep 183 - Final Fantasy 4-6
Very glad to hear some interest for these guys!
I like when they explore more conceptual subjects. Nobi, look for episodes that feature Marty's Corner, a great segment that digs right into music theory.
Some of my favorite recent episodes are:
Ep 203 - Etrian Odyssey Ep 201 - Five Finger Fanfare Ep 192 - Yoshi's Wooly World Ep 191 - Kazumi Totaka Ep 174 - Breakdown & Analysis Vol.II
They tend to have an interview with a composer about once each season. Those are definitely worth checking out as well.
I'm really into this, thanks Gieflos.
Edit: And wow, these guys are very smart and very considerate of new listeners. Really cool stuff.
I've been enjoying these so much. This is by far and away my favorite video game podcast ever. The way these guys speak about music is the way I aim to speak about art. They're so well informed, and so well meaning too.
I've actually just been going through their podcasts in chronological order. It's the perfect thing to listen to at work.
Here are some random thoughts on/from the podcast:
-I usually expect game music nerds of my generation to worship at the altar of Squaresoft. It's really cool that they love Koji Kondo and Nintendo music so much.
-They made a really nice observation about how hardware limitations drove what kind of music appeared on each system. For instance the Genesis is better at synth keyboard/techo instruments while the SNES was the first console to have respectable string sounds, giving way to much more orchestral scores.
-I love how they describe the appeal of game music. The earliest consoles were extremely limited, so composers had to work very hard to get good music out of the system. They had to be creative and efficient. And they also had to compose music that loops over and over, but doesn't get annoying, yet can't be too indistinct either. At it's best, the result is some of the catchiest, most iconic tunes every composed. Nostalgia is a factor, but not the only factor (as evidenced by how they keep finding new 8bit tunes that they love from games they've never even played)
-I'm learning a lot about music terminology from these guys! Also, did you know "timber" is pronounced "TAM-bur" like tamborine? And not like that sound lumberjacks make when a tree is falling! #TheMoreYouKnow
Thanks a million for spreading the word about these guys. These podcasts are such a pleasure to listen to throughout the day!