Loona 893th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Effective recycling of assets" , posted Fri 17 Jul 18:23:    
quote: Didn't he have a tiger shaped Haoh-Shokouken SDM in '02UM or NGBC?
In NGBC at most the tiger was a BG effect, applied to Robert's side, not to the projectiles themselves: https://youtu.be/2eM2fokmPfg?t=516
In 2k2UM, it applied to the uppercuts at the end of ranbu HSDMs, not the projectiles themselves - and again, dragon for Ryo, tiger for Robert: https://youtu.be/KZTYGGnSIQI?t=257 But alternate Robert does have a tiger-shaped Haohshokoken as a finisher to his HSDM: https://youtu.be/KZTYGGnSIQI?t=1409
Can someone confirm that he was just a downscaled sprite from AOF? I find it hard to believe that they would have completely redrawn his sprite for a guest appearance.
Ryo had some different animations there he lacked in AoF - for example, he had the crouching walk everyone in FFS had, which could have been added, but his uppercut special emphasized hitting with the elbow early on a lot more than any other version of the character, which would make little sense unless he was entirely reanimated for the occasion.
Speaking of FFS, sunday there's a tournament for the game, for those unsated by EVO's lack of official SNK presence - I guess it'll be possible to watch it at Mikado's Ustream channel then?
While at it, reminder that today there's KoFXIII side tournament pools, streamed through the KingsofCO Twitch channel, embedded in the site for the tournament.
Oddly, top 8 is on the MadCatz Twitch on Saturday, so it's sort of like sponsor support, unless they're just filling that air time with a game they don't primarily focus on?...
Edit: According to the MadCatz stream schedule, that might indeed be the case. Curiously, they'll have a cosplayer as Leona at their booth saturday.
[this message was edited by Loona on Fri 17 Jul 20:58] |
Loona 896th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(9):Effective recycling of assets" , posted Fri 24 Jul 22:04    
Could this be Falcoon's Twitter?
I've heard nothing of the guy in ages, but I was poking around Akihiko Ureshino's account (worth following, if nothig else, for the Animal Crossing models of SNK characters, some of them rather obscure, like one of Rugal's non-Orochi secretaries), and decided to check who he was following - noticed the falcoon name in one of them, and turns out they're following each other, although the falcoon account is pretty inactive, and mentions no site.
Running Google Translate through the falcoon_master account, it tells me he's explicitly mentioning Ureshino and MI in a couple of tweets, so it seems likely that's the guy, but it seems odd that, divisive as he was, he has so few followers or references to recent projects...
neo0r0chiaku 70th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a
Occasional Customer
| "Re(9):SNKP hiring console staff for new KOF" , posted Fri 31 Jul 03:47:    
quote: I'd say it's about time SNKP pushes out a fighting game that's not a KOF installment. After KoF was awkwardly shoved into Beast Busters I'm not certain they want to put out a game that doesn't contain at least 10% KoF. The powers that be should change the company's name to SNKoF and be done with it.
On a less wiseass note, does SNKP really have the resources to make a fighting game on current consoles? That sounds a bit rough since I'm sure they can put together something, but what is it going to be? A standard 3v3 style KoF would need a minimum of 20-24 characters but creating that many characters that would look good on current consoles might be a bit out of reach for SNKP. They could go the route of KI and SF5 and have periodic updates but those two games have major backers who can make certain they find and maintain an audience. Can SNKP secure a similar deal and if so with whom? Will they aim for a budget release, digital only release or some other cost-saving measure? There's certainly a market for budget games -the Roger Corman-esque catalog of D3 certainly proves that- but the problem with aiming small is that your product probably won't get big. But with something as niche as fighting games does that even matter? Could a game still find success as long as someone is playing it and the netcode isn't totally terrible?
I'm just rambling here but I do wonder what SNKP is going to do since they are going to need a very creative game plan.
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Create a simple new 2-D style Samurai Spirits, Garou MOTW, and Metal Slug. Release as a digital download with the sole purpose of online play. Release DLC occasionally to improve the game, characters, etc. That way, people around the world can finally play something new and play online. Build up on that and they can finally release a full fledged fighting game on home consoles.
Long Live!
[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Fri 31 Jul 03:50] |
Loona 902th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(6):SNKP hiring console staff for new KOF" , posted Mon 3 Aug 17:38    
quote: They spoke a little about the working conditinos for '96, which basically was a death march after several concepts were discarded; and while working they had to discard most of the accepted concepts as well due to time constraints. I remember that they spoke a little about it in the character segments in the anniversary site; in the bits about the newly created characters for that game..... Dunno if those comments are still there.
There are hints of that in the Vice, Geese and Chizuru pages.
Any idea of who the Gilbert mentioned in the Goenitz page is supposed to be? A really really weird way to romanize Heidern or something?...
I wish they'd update the site to cover XIII - character-wise they'd only have to add Hwa Jai and Saiki...
"SNK hiring" has been a meme for years now, I think it can be even traced back to the ps2 era with; people dreaming about reviving frachises.
Speaking of memes, the other day I saw on Twitter this Japanese blog that references english gaming memes - it covers a lot of ground, including a couple of Mai-specific ones, "Me bouncy!" and "No Mai, no buy!".
I wonder if there's a Japanese -> English counterpart...
Meanwhile, new pachinko, but this time it's Beast Busters. I'm not sure if the mobile game is doing that well, or if SNKP is just really pushing for something outside fighting games and Metal Slug to help them diversify a bit. It's interesting that it plays even more with comic book aesthetics than the mobile game did, considering it's using the same characters (and artist?).