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badoor 431th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(5):SNK Playmore acquired by Ledo Millenium" , posted Fri 7 Aug 05:43    
This is probably the biggest corporate change for SNK since the dark Azure days. And well, this could spell good or bad things for SNK's IPs.
For one, it's not like SNKP have been doing much with most of their IPs lately, this will shake them up surely. It always seemed that SNKP's problems post-reform was that they didn't have enough resources to dedicate towards all their different game series. And if they were going to put their investment on 2 or 3 games at a time, they'd better be ones that can most pay back their investment, and that ended up being mostly KOF/Samurai Shodown/Metal Slug/cross-overs that included those characters.
And when "HD" consoles came about and SNKP wanted to work on "HD" sprites, it seems costs were so high that even making a new HD Samurai Shodown or Metal Slug was unfeasible. Heck, they kinda barely we able to make a KOF with the new sprite set as they had to offload KOF XII to us just to be able to get back some money and go back straight into making KOF XIII. So I feel having more capital behind them would make it easier for SNK to vary-up their projects, to be able to make more than just a single major entry (like a KOF or a Sam Sho or even a new IP) every few years.
What worries me though is that Ledo seems squarely interested in SNK's IPs, and not the developer or the talent in Osaka. They talk about following the "Marvel formula", which of course is like the gold standard now for creative IPs, but Marvel still makes a lot of comic books, even if they're making a fraction of the money they make in movies etc. I hope Ledo understands that they have to keep the core of SNK running, and not just spin everything into mobile/browser/pachinko stuff (Does China have pachinko btw? I know gambling is illegal besides macau. Although it really doesn't matter either way since they can rely on pachinko sales in Japan anyways)
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
exodus 4353th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):SNK Playmore acquired by Ledo Millenium" , posted Tue 11 Aug 04:14    
My guess is this acquisition happened because SNKP has proved that their properties can get users in the F2P space (Metal Slug Defense, for example), even if they don't monetize particularly well.
What worries me is I know SNKP is working on a couple actual video games right now, and what will happen to those? Will the new owners keep that going in order to boost the IP's profile, or cancel them because they may not be profitable, and definitely cost a lot of money?
This comes at a weird time, because SNKP has finally gotten back a lot of the key SNK staff who could actually make some proper games happen over there, and they've been working along those lines for around a year.
I wonder whether the management will change significantly - like I know that with the old guard, there'd be no way you could do something like acquire the remaining NGPC prototypes, or other near-completed games. But with new management, who knows??
Spoon 3009th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):SNK Playmore acquired by Ledo Millenium" , posted Tue 11 Aug 10:06    
quote: My guess is this acquisition happened because SNKP has proved that their properties can get users in the F2P space (Metal Slug Defense, for example), even if they don't monetize particularly well.
What worries me is I know SNKP is working on a couple actual video games right now, and what will happen to those? Will the new owners keep that going in order to boost the IP's profile, or cancel them because they may not be profitable, and definitely cost a lot of money?
This comes at a weird time, because SNKP has finally gotten back a lot of the key SNK staff who could actually make some proper games happen over there, and they've been working along those lines for around a year.
I wonder whether the management will change significantly - like I know that with the old guard, there'd be no way you could do something like acquire the remaining NGPC prototypes, or other near-completed games. But with new management, who knows??
I'm hoping that the new owners are wise to the fact that characters in an IP are extremely powerful in making a game captivating with recent examples of LoL and DOTA2, and that those characters need to be put in an environment where they can amply demonstrate their characteristics.
I have no idea just how much money Marvel makes from comics these days, but I'm sure it isn't a sneeze on what their movies do. But, the comics serve as key story and character development grounds whose content can then be incorporated into the blockbuster movies. I'd love it if it were the case that they could have a multi-stream approach to that game-wise, where less-profitable games are still made for the sake of establishing fascinating characters in entirely new molds/game styles, which might then be incorporated in their more mainstream megahit title. You know, like KOF once was.
Spoon 3017th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):SNK Playmore acquired by Ledo Milleniu" , posted Tue 18 Aug 15:49    
quote: If anything the KoF IP is more valuable than Marvel in the sense that Chinese audiences will actually recognize them from their childhood. Like when Doraemon finally got a theatrical release in China, it outdid all of the dreamworks and pixar movies to come out there because audiences recognized the Blue Future Cat of their childhood.
China is a BIG place, but China isn't the whole world. Winning big in China would undoubtedly be huge, and it'd be interesting to see how well it can do in Latin America, where SNK historically had quite a bit of popularity. I think in aggregate calling it more valuable than Marvel is a bit of a stretch, though. SNK is certainly not a strong brand in the USA, and I'd be really surprised if it was a force in the major European markets like the UK.
Doraemon however absolutely did do great in China, and while it may sit behind Kung Fu Panda 2 in total gross, for a movie franchise debut its total performance is on par with the first Avengers movie in China. That's amazing by any stretch, and solidly beats the franchise debuts of any number of major Marvel heroes. In China, Doraemon is easily as big as any one of Marvel's franchises, movie-wise.
So an alternative question is this: is any one of, or even all of, SNK's stable of characters as big of a cultural powerhouse in China as Doraemon? I don't actually know the answer to that question, but personally I lean towards "not at this moment". I hope that the people running it are canny enough to make seriously good stuff with it.
Actually, deep down maybe what I really want is just an action-noir movie about Seth and Vanessa made by the Korean film industry.
Professor 4343th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "SNKP settles with Square Enix" , posted Wed 26 Aug 16:04:    
Square Enix made a public release today saying that the "High Score Girl" incident with SNKPlaymore has been settled effective August 24. Judging from the timing and the press release, it seems natural to assume that its new majority shareholder Ledo Millenium may have intervened.
This is good news as Square Enix is the parent company of Taito that runs the NesicaLive arcade distribution system. It's still got a much larger market penetration than the Sega Aime.
Tokyo, Japan (August 26, 2015) – Square Enix Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) today announces that the Company and SNK Playmore Corporation (“SNK Playmore”) have reached an amicable settlement on criminal complaint and civil lawsuits regarding the comic series “HIGH SCORE GIRL” published by the Company (collectively, the “Disputes”). The settlement became effective on August 24, 2015.
1. Outline of the Disputes SNK Playmore brought a criminal complaint against the Company and its employees to Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters on May 26, 2014, claiming that “HIGH SCORE GIRL” allegedly infringed SNK Playmore’s copyright. The Company consequently brought a lawsuit to seek a declaratory judgment that the Company did not infringe SNK Playmore’s copyright to the Osaka District Court on October 8, 2014 followed by a countersuit to the same court filed by SNK Playmore against the Company to seek an injunction of the publication on March 16, 2015. Today, the Company and SNK Playmore announced that both companies and Ledo Millennium Co., Ltd. (“Ledo”), a major shareholder of SNK Playmore, have reached an agreement on August 24, 2015 that the Disputes must be resolved promptly to enable the creation of new business opportunities utilizing each company’s content. Based on this agreement, the Company and SNK Playmore agreed to settle the Disputes. In accordance with the settlement agreement, SNK Playmore has withdrawn the criminal complaint against the Company, and the Osaka District Public Prosecutors' Office has accepted the withdrawal on August 24, 2015.
Both companies and Ledo will pursue developing and providing content that meets customers’ expectations through the creation of new business opportunities.
2. Major Conditions of the Settlement 1 ) SNK Playmore to withdraw the criminal complaint, 2 ) Square Enix and SNK Playmore to withdraw civil lawsuits, and 3 ) Square Enix to proceed with the publishing and sales of “HIGH SCORE GIRL.”
3. Future Forecast The effect of this settlement on the Company’s financial performance is insignificant.
[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 26 Aug 16:26] |
neo0r0chiaku 74th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a
Occasional Customer
| "Re(4):KOF14 announced on PS4" , posted Tue 15 Sep 21:14    
quote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2wU_1y3NkQ
Wow it looks so PS3 or not even! Hell, it looks like something out of Dead or Alive 2. Who were they planning on impressing with these graphics?
True, the content matters the most, but thinking wholistically, the graphics are part of that content, even if it's merely a presentational aspect of it.
What's sad is that there are so many people surprised it's not 2D, but we've known for a long while that SNKPlaymore was pursuing this direction for a long while. And their website even said that they were trying to recruit 3D artists, right? So the surprise anyone following SNKPlaymore has is hard to understand.
I agree is a bad idea for it to be only on the PS4. Not only for the cheap graphics, they can lose a significant amount of money if they do not perform well. However, If the gameplay far exceed our expectations and the online mode is perfect as a donkeys back, then maybe it can survive and succeed. In short, if I was SNK Playmore, I would spend every little penny on the gameplay and online mode. I would not even focus on the story, because based on KOF history, this is suppose to be a dream match title before starting a new arc correct?
Long Live!
Just a Person 1669th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(6):KOF14 announced on PS4" , posted Tue 15 Sep 22:24    
Maybe my opinion is influenced by the fact that I'm not a huge KOF fan (I do like the KOF games, though), but I don't think the teaser was that bad. It's too short to let me have an opinion about the graphics - and even if they are indeed outdated, if KOF XIV follows the SFV/KI/MKX lead (that is, 3D graphics with 2D gameplay), the fluidity of the animations should be more important than the graphics themselves. As long as it plays well, I'm sure the KOF fanbase will enjoy it and support it.
Now, I wonder if it will still be a team-based fighting game, and hope that in this case, the teammates will be in the background cheering for their friend like in the first games.
(oh, and also hope that SNKP doesn't allow to destroy King's and Yuri's clothes anymore; leave the perverted fanservice to Dead or Alive)
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
badoor 439th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(5):KOF14 announced on PS4" , posted Wed 16 Sep 04:33    
As much as I'm glad a new real KOF exist, I feel like disregarding it's graphical artsyle as something unimportant does a disservice to the series and to SNK's legacy (that is considering that you do think that it's not a great looking game. You are still free to think otherwise of course). Sure, it will probably look better when it's being played right in front of our eyes. And even if it didn't, it could still be a great game to play. KOF2002 had ugly stages and UI and music but it turned out to be one of the best in the series and helped rejuvenate KOF after 2001 and the whole SNK->Playmore messy transition (you could argue KOF2002 was SNK's most important title they ever made. And that things would have been very different for them if it failed. But that's another topic).
SNK built it's legacy on amazing 2D spritework that for the longest time could not be replicated accurately outside of Neo Geo Hardware. And KOF exemplified that. Heck that could be said for every great fighting game series out there. It's kinda impossible to find any fighting game series that also didn't have great art design, whether it's Virtua Fighter's super minimal design, which nicely contrasts with Tekken's informed and very detailed design, or Vampire's splendid reimagining of classic monsters, or Street Fighter's uncanny ability to represent command motions and special move attributes into the animation of characters. Like as much as I'm currently way into Guilty Gear, I do hate how Dusts (aka the universal overhead attacks) for most characters do not at all look like they're overheads (nor do they look like something that will launch the other player upwards a few screens). And moves that do look like overheads are not. And moves that have invincibility or at least upper body invincibility do not even look like they do have that. You just have to explicitly learn them.
I do realize that it is 2015 and expecting a new game to have sprites is futile. The last time SNK tried to update their sprite, we got KOF XII, a game that pretty much is a living example of how excruciating making new high-rez spritework using classic dot-style is for a large cast. We got an anemic KOF with one of the lowest roster sizes in the series history, and with many of the characters feeling half finished with several missing moves (albeit a very very pretty game, probably even prettier than XIII).
And I can't expect them to follow Arc System Work's path with Xrd. As pretty as that game looks, the amount of work it requires is clearly visible just by looking at the cast size. Nearly 2 years of updates consisting of the Arcade Release, Console release, and now Revelator and the game's cast size is STILL less than vanilla Guilty Gear XX/X2. And while it's ok for 1 on 1 fighters, team fighters like KOF need a huge cast to function.
But it's not like SNK never had experience making 3D fighters. They had several, whether it's the Hyper Neo Geo 64 titles or Maximum Impact or even the dreadful Samurai Shodown Sen. But KOF XIV just looks bad. Am I asking too much? Have I become the entitled sort of fan that I always dreaded to be? I just expected better from them, much much better, that's all.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
Doshin 46th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(9):KOF14 announced on PS4" , posted Wed 16 Sep 05:43    
quote: That anybody thinks with regards to an SNK game that "I'm ok with it looking bad if it plays ok" is really sad.
I don't think that many people do. At least, I haven't seen it be such a prevalent sentiment.
Apparently, Orochinagi's Gunsmith found a video that confirms that the January release schedule was, in fact, people jumping the gun and assuming things. He's yet to show anything, but I guess that will come in due time.
Which is good, because if what we're looking at now is going to reflect the resulting product, then I'd rather them take it back and rework everything, because it looks like some kind of joke. They can't compete with even Steam indie games at this rate if they're going to shell something like that out.
Seriously, it looks like some kind of B-grade ecchi "game" developed by some wannabe Yakuza's dev team.
neo0r0chiaku 76th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a
Occasional Customer
| "Re(10):KOF14 announced on PS4" , posted Wed 16 Sep 05:49:    
quote: That anybody thinks with regards to an SNK game that "I'm ok with it looking bad if it plays ok" is really sad.I don't think that many people do. At least, I haven't seen it be such a prevalent sentiment.
Apparently, Orochinagi's Gunsmith found a video that confirms that the January release schedule was, in fact, people jumping the gun and assuming things. He's yet to show anything, but I guess that will come in due time.
Which is good, because if what we're looking at now is going to reflect the resulting product, then I'd rather them take it back and rework everything, because it looks like some kind of joke. They can't compete with even Steam indie games at this rate if they're going to shell something like that out.
Seriously, it looks like some kind of B-grade ecchi "game" developed by some wannabe Yakuza's dev team.
It would be funny if that was not actual gameplay and what we saw was CG animation of a cut scene in the game. That would be a nail in the coffin.
Long Live!
[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Wed 16 Sep 05:52] |
mrkarate23 0th Post

New Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):KOF14 announced on PS4" , posted Fri 18 Sep 03:07    
I am new here, don't know how to post without replying to someone.
Even if SNKP did what you suggested it would still not be in their favor. Regardless they would still be competing against xrd and sfv in terms of visuals and appealing amongst the fighting games community and the general gaming public. I cant imaging the amount of effort needed to do this and have have to sold a fraction of what the other games sell. Some characters like clark, king, elisabeth, billy cane and some other characters feel incomplete. On top of that they would need to add a second super to characters who have one, redo the fighting system, rebalance. On top of that create more characters and stages from scratch. Kof xiii sold like 21k in japan, that number is on the low end. Really cant imaging what it sold elsewhere.
My problem with kof 14 is what happened to all of the 3d models they used for kof xii and xiii. Plus the many frames of animation needed to transcribe into 2d pixel art. It beats starting over from nothing. At least with the kof xii models and engine or what ever they were using they can retool and have a presentable game. If they where actively recruiting for the past few years I would have expected more to be shown. Something stinks beside the graphics, its what is going on with this project. Could this be proof of concept, i don't know nor do I care to speculate. SNKP is incompetent to show this, it has a 2016 release date. They really need to inform people of their plans for this game.
If this was canceled, i bet you this would end their console development. I still would see them doing mobile, and what crap their buyers want them to do for the pc market in china, plus pachinkos.
Professor 4660th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(3):SNKPlaymore shutting down Pachislot div" , posted Sat 10 Oct 01:16:    
quote: More news: http://www.yugi-nippon.com/?p=3591
Apparently they're closing the pachinko offices and transferring their staff to the game division?
Thanks for the heads up, I've updated the post with that news!
That said, I'm surprised they closed their Tokyo office. They should've just converted it into gaming sales. The company being situated just in Osaka probably doesn't given them much of an edge (or a sense of reality) in business.
quote: Hasn't the law on pachinko recently been revised and made more repressive (cap on uses, impossible to trade beads for goods...), at least in Tokyo? I guess now that pachinko has become more cumbersome and less profitable, they have to find another grey area (or a legal loophole) to keep that branch of their activity profitable, or something else that fits that role in their business model.
Laws on Pachislot restrictions are getting pretty heavy that the industry is starting to impose some on itself before the government throws something worse at them. They're sort of like choking their own throat just so that they won't get shot. With Smartphones crushing their market, they're inevidably going to end up as dead as videogame arcades. According to some reports the player population's declined from 30 million at its peak down to less than 10 million.
As for Tokyo, there was a regulation passed last month that bans "equal trading rates", meaning that Pachislot parlors can't refund players at the same rate as they paid per bead. So unless the player wins a lot more than they started off, they'll always be on the losing side.
With some additional restrictions on the way, it's unquestionable that players will have to spend longer at Pachislot and Pachinko machines to recoup with the rates that've been lowered to solve issues with the more addicted players. It pretty much goes completely goes opposite to modern lifestyles.
Pachinko/Pachislot is about the only non-government gambling business in Japan, which is one of the often cited reasons why they're getting hit while horse track betting and others aren't. Of course there's also the issue of the mob...
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 10 Oct 03:06] |
Professor 4661th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(7):SNKPlaymore shutting down Pachislot div" , posted Sat 10 Oct 04:08:    
quote: The Ledo statement they made when they bought SNK suggested that they were primely interested in tending and growing SNK's IPs. And I just can't see Pachinko ever being a way to "introduce" new young fans. It's usually to coerce old fans into playing Pachinko (hence why not a lot of modern IP's get the pachinko treatment, it's usually franchises that are 10 years or older, although I was surprised Madoka and Bayonetta got the pachinko treatment given how relatively new they are).
It's hard to take notice since it's rarely talked about in the English side of the internet, but there's actually quite a lot of recent titles that get turned into pachi-- Monogatari series, God Eater, Devil Survivor 2, Stein's Gate for example are a few that comes to my mind for this year.
That said, whether they're actually a hit is a question I wonder too. It certainly caters to a different kind of audience than the hardcore gamers. When Toheart2 turned into pachi a few years back, I was seriously scratching my head. It's certainly hard to imagine moe otakus going to pachi parlors.
I have a feeling that in the long run, SNKP may end up being a hollow IP holdings company under Ledo.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 10 Oct 04:19] |
badoor 441th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(8):SNKPlaymore shutting down Pachislot div" , posted Sat 10 Oct 04:28    
quote: It's hard to take notice since it's rarely talked about in the English side of the internet, but there's actually quite a lot of recent titles that get turned into pachi-- Monogatari series, God Eater, Devil Survivor 2, Stein's Gate for example are a few that comes to my mind for this year.
That said, whether they're actually a hit is a question I wonder too. It certainly caters to a different kind of audience than the hardcore gamers. When Toheart2 turned into pachi a few years back, I was seriously scratching my head.
I have a feeling that in the long run, SNKP may end up being a hollow IP holdings company under Ledo.
I stand corrected. I sometimes speak out of a notion of authority but in most cases I really don't have a clue what I'm talking about.
I suppose with this recent news, the new doomsday scenario for SNKP has changed from "endlessly churning out pachislot machines" to "ceasing to exist as a developer in Japan, merely being another basket of IPs being held by a corporation, only being used in Chinese Market-only online games". And well, at least it's a change of pace.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
badoor 443th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):Professor shutting down Pachislo" , posted Mon 12 Oct 23:08:    
quote: By the way, anybody could told me just how really popular is the fighting game in China? I doubt that is making LOL numbers but it seems that still has some kind of mainstream following and that they scene is super healthy in the mainland.
Is there a good way to see latest videos of tournaments and the like? and which games are being played?
This is something I've been curious about for so long. And I feel like there's not enough information about it, which is unfortunate. There was this hubbub lasy year when China streamed a KOF 97 tournament on Douyu (China's equivalent to twitch) and it got over 500,000 viewers, the most in any fighting game tournament ever by a wide margin.
But it seems that Douyu's viewer count is either intentionally jacked-up or is just inaccurate. Streams for other game tournaments like Dota 2 and LoL are also exuberantly high, higher than it makes sense for it to be the case. I don't have a lot of sources but there're a few reddit topics (one and two) about it.
I can only comment about my personal first-hand impression, but KOF (especially 97 and 2002/2002UM, although 98 does get played, and to a lesser extent 98UM,) are the main games in arcades in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai (although KOF XIII is completely ignored publicly). So if you are a fighting game player there, you probably started with KOF. Part of that is the nature of console's having mostly being banned in China since 2000 (thus why Nintendo had to get around that loophole with consoles like the iQue). Of course consoles did exist ina blackmarket, with people mainly playing pirated versions of games. Although China has lifted the console ban just last year.
But even in Hong Kong, that's been the case too. Arcade-wise, none of the other fighting games get played, partially because Japanese Arcade manufacturers right now have moved on to digital distribution services like Nesica and Aime, both of which are Japan-only and not supported outside the country, so none of the (at least the newest update of) major fighting games are even available there. As I mentioned, it's certainly an interesting question and I'd love to learn more about it.
[edit] This interview with top Chinese KOF and USF4 player Xiao Hai delves a little into the nature of fighting games in China. I find it interesting that he thinks KOF XIII has more viable characters that can compete than KOF98 given the whole "Mr Karate, EX Iori, and Kims in every top 8" popular sentiment right now with KOF XIII.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
[this message was edited by badoor on Tue 13 Oct 01:46] |
TheRedKnight 438th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Professor shutting down Pachislo" , posted Tue 13 Oct 17:07    
quote: But even in Hong Kong, that's been the case too. Arcade-wise, none of the other fighting games get played, partially because Japanese Arcade manufacturers right now have moved on to digital distribution services like Nesica and Aime, both of which are Japan-only and not supported outside the country, so none of the (at least the newest update of) major fighting games are even available there. As I mentioned, it's certainly an interesting question and I'd love to learn more about it.
IMO* in Hong Kong, it is guaranteed that almost every game center has KOF2002. It is not guaranteed that they will have any other fighting games. Or any other games at all. I've seen dingy little arcades with one Blast City for 2002 sitting in the back after rows of nothing but slotmachines. I'd estimate that about 80% of all arcade cabinets with a fighting game in them have 2002. 2002UM and 98UM can be found also. SSFIVAE2012 cabs are left unplayed, but can be seen in some places. Everything else is a rare sight.
Here's an interesting read about the HK scene: Street Fighter and The King of Fighters in Hong Kong: A Study of Cultural Consumption and Localization of Japanese Games in an Asian Context
*I of course have not been to every game center in HK, but I've been to about a half of them roughly a year ago. I'm talking about the current situation. About ten years ago I saw more 3S cabinets there than you can find SFIV cabinets now. There used to be a lot of variety, now it's just KOF.
badoor 443th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(5):Re(10):Professor shutting down Pachislo" , posted Wed 14 Oct 17:54    
quote: But even in Hong Kong, that's been the case too. Arcade-wise, none of the other fighting games get played, partially because Japanese Arcade manufacturers right now have moved on to digital distribution services like Nesica and Aime, both of which are Japan-only and not supported outside the country, so none of the (at least the newest update of) major fighting games are even available there. As I mentioned, it's certainly an interesting question and I'd love to learn more about it.
IMO* in Hong Kong, it is guaranteed that almost every game center has KOF2002. It is not guaranteed that they will have any other fighting games. Or any other games at all. I've seen dingy little arcades with one Blast City for 2002 sitting in the back after rows of nothing but slotmachines. I'd estimate that about 80% of all arcade cabinets with a fighting game in them have 2002. 2002UM and 98UM can be found also. SSFIVAE2012 cabs are left unplayed, but can be seen in some places. Everything else is a rare sight.
Here's an interesting read about the HK scene: Street Fighter and The King of Fighters in Hong Kong: A Study of Cultural Consumption and Localization of Japanese Games in an Asian Context
*I of course have not been to every game center in HK, but I've been to about a half of them roughly a year ago. I'm talking about the current situation. About ten years ago I saw more 3S cabinets there than you can find SFIV cabinet
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Wow! that article you linked is super interesting. It's exactly the sort of thing I was talking about.
And yeah, KOF2002 dominates HK arcades from all the ones I've been to when I was there just over a month ago (and the time before that, around 2 years ago).
Of course this is all talking about the arcade side of things. I'm guessing the console fighting game scene hues much closer to what's globally popular now (Ultra SF4, Tekken etc.).
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
hasukii 475th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(5)::KOF XIV" , posted Tue 3 Nov 10:41    
quote: Director of the dreadded SSF4AE. And designer for SFxTekken. Oh dear lord, I can hear the agony of KOF fans.
Why are we still here, just to Psycho Ball?
According to a report by Gamebiz.jp, KOF98OnLine (a smartphone app by Tencent) is dominating the top ranks of Apple's iOS Appstore in Chinese speaking countries. It's currently ranked at #1 in Hongkong and Taiwan, and #2 in China.
It's not 1st place in China because they've had a head start; the app was available since August 10 in China whereas it just got released around the 13th of this month in the other two countries. Still though, it reportedly hasn't dropped from the top 5 in China since its release, which certainly shows the series' popularity there.
Apparently they invited Tencent's app developers along with other involved staff to SNKP's Osaka headquarters and had an interview there with various media outlets from China. The KOF14 interview was a part of that.
Yes it is, I'm also playing on it! I can tell you is, it is addicting and keeping you busy. Keep sending 3 times a day of free energy , daily and main quests are good too.
Best of it is, you dont have to spend money on this game as you can gradually get it anyway. Just slow progress.
I would say is , content and game play is way better than Metal Slug Defense.
Maybe I should do a English part ? LOL But I'm sure English version will be there soon.
Who did this to these dogs ???
chazumaru 1593th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):2nd PV" , posted Wed 4 Nov 20:12:    
quote: Some people are arguing prisoner Chang is a confirmation or a rumor once posted here (although right now I can't access the page...).
I copied the original post below (from Evil_Yagami) just in case. I remember us discussing it on MMC last winter.
KOFXIV roster according to the rumor!!
Team 01 : China Team ( 恶魇青年 (??), 糖葫芦 (Tung Fu Rue), 枕头少年 (??) )
Team 02 : Japan Team ( 草蕹京 (Kyo Kusanagi), 二阶堂红丸 (Benimaru Nikaido), 大门五郎 (Goro Daimon) )
Team 03 : Fatal Fury Team ( Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, 东丈 (Joe Higashi) )
Team 04 : Art of Fighting Team ( 坂崎良 (Ryo Sakazaki), Robert Garcia, 坂崎百合 (Yuri Sakazaki) )
Team 05 : K' Team ( K', Maxima, Kula Diamond )
Team 06 : Kim Team ( 金家藩 (Kim Kaphwan), 他师父 (Kim's Master), 他师母 (Kim's Wife) )
Team 07 : Criminal Team ( 犯人陈 (Prisoner Chang Koehan), 犯人蔡 (Prisoner Choi Bounge), 新人囚犯 (Newcomer Prisoner) )
Team 08 : Women Fighters Team ( 不知火舞 (Mai Shiranui), King, Alice )
Team 09 : Ikari Team ( Ralf Jones, Clark Still, Leona Heidern )
Team 10 : Psycho Soldier team ( Athena Asamiya, 椎拳崇 (Sie Kensou), 摸元斋 (Chin Gentsai) )
Team 11 : Yagami Team ( 八神庵 (Iori Yagami), Mature, Vice )
Team 12 : Mexico Team ( Ramon, Angel, Tizoc )
Team 13 : Palace Wan Team ( 脸谱女 (Acting Mask Girl), 电属性少女歌手 (Teenage Girl Singer with Electric Element), 神秘兜帽男 (Mysterious Hooded Man) )
Team 14 : South Town Team ( Geese Howard, Billy Kane, 营家新人 (??) )
Team 15 : South America Team ( 巴西忍者 (Brazilian Ninja), 残障拳击手 (Handicap Boxer), 拉丁美女 (Pretty Latin Girl) )
Team 16 : Alternate World Team ( 娜可露露 (Nakoruru), Love Heart, 龙娘 (Mui Mui) )
Mid-Boss : ( 中BOSS俄罗斯富豪 (Russian Billionaire) ) Final-Boss : ( 最终BOSS人形态非人类物种 (Non-Human Species) )
Même Narumi est épatée !
[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 4 Nov 20:12] |
neo0r0chiaku 84th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a
Occasional Customer
| "Re(3):2nd PV" , posted Wed 4 Nov 22:27:    
quote: Some people are arguing prisoner Chang is a confirmation or a rumor once posted here (although right now I can't access the page...).
I copied the original post below (from Evil_Yagami) just in case. I remember us discussing it on MMC last winter.
KOFXIV roster according to the rumor!!
Team 01 : China Team ( 恶魇青年 (??), 糖葫芦 (Tung Fu Rue), 枕头少年 (??) )
Team 02 : Japan Team ( 草蕹京 (Kyo Kusanagi), 二阶堂红丸 (Benimaru Nikaido), 大门五郎 (Goro Daimon) )
Team 03 : Fatal Fury Team ( Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, 东丈 (Joe Higashi) )
Team 04 : Art of Fighting Team ( 坂崎良 (Ryo Sakazaki), Robert Garcia, 坂崎百合 (Yuri Sakazaki) )
Team 05 : K' Team ( K', Maxima, Kula Diamond )
Team 06 : Kim Team ( 金家藩 (Kim Kaphwan), 他师父 (Kim's Master), 他师母 (Kim's Wife) )
Team 07 : Criminal Team ( 犯人陈 (Prisoner Chang Koehan), 犯人蔡 (Prisoner Choi Bounge), 新人囚犯 (Newcomer Prisoner) )
Team 08 : Women Fighters Team ( 不知火舞 (Mai Shiranui), King, Alice )
Team 09 : Ikari Team ( Ralf Jones, Clark Still, Leona Heidern )
Team 10 : Psycho Soldier team ( Athena Asamiya,
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
Based on this list, this has to be a Dream Match. Some past (really old aged) characters, present (who should be old by now), and new characters that might be the future of the story line for KOF. It can not be a prequel since K team, Leona, Mexico team, come about during the franchise. Can not be a new arc story line since prison team, Tung Fu Rue, Kim's master, and Kim's wife happens before KOF 94. I wish they would have implemented more Garou characters since it continues the story of Fatal Fury. Using the same fighters from previous installments into this migration to 3-D would be best with new protagonists!
Long Live!
[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Wed 4 Nov 22:29] |
nobinobita 1484th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):2nd PV - Why KOF14 has crappy poses" , posted Thu 5 Nov 14:54:    
quote: At first I thought Chang was the one doing the claw swipe and I thought that that was kind of hilarious.
Holy crap, the posture of some of the characters is so bad. Look at Kyo at the super freeze of his Orochinagi super: he's got that computer programmer hunch! It doesn't look like he's ready to dish out righteous fury on the other guy, it looks like he's leerily examining a dead animal dangling on a string. And that's ignoring the animation leading into it, which is weak as hell.
We need that fine gentleman who once described the fine differences between Ryo/Robert/Takuma and the brilliance of Makoto to explain to the world why the character animation in this is so bad.
Alright, I'm not the person you’re asking for, but I’m going to tackle this question anyway. Thanks for your comments and for the screen cap. I’ve put it next to the corresponding frame from Kyo’s old sprite that I believe they are referencing for that pose.
So why does the new pose look so bad? Well here goes…
Spoon you were very right to call that pose weak. It is WEAK WEAK WEAK. Everything about it screams weakness. While the original pose exudes confidence. Here’s why:
-Look at the head. In the original pose, Kyo is looking directly at his opponent. His head is tilted slightly downward. His expression is very focused. It feels predatory. In the new pose his head is starting to turn away from the opponent and it’s angled downward towards the viewer. It feels very unconfident, shy, weak. The 3d model is also pretty expressionless.
Look at the shoulders. In the original pose his front shoulder is turning outward (away from the viewer, following the position of his raised arm). His back shoulder is relaxed. In the new pose his shoulders are turned inward and raised. He is hunching. A very stiff, unconfident pose that also doesn’t quite follow the direction of the arm.
-Look at his arms. In the original pose his raised arm has a smooth curve to it. It’s aggressive, but calm. It’s not full of bravado or machismo, it’s very measured. His back arm is hanging back, relaxed. There’s a nice contrast there. In the new pose his raised arm is bent awkwardly at a 90 degree angle. Visually unexciting. It has zero flow. It’s also very much a defensive, blocking posture. It feels meek. The back arm is also bent and clenched. It’s tense. Nervous. Weak weak weak.
-Look at his chest. The original pose is slightly puffed out. Just slightly. New pose is hunched over.
-Look at his crotch (LOOK AT IT). Original pose is angled oh so slightly outward, ready for action. New pose is pretty straight and stiff. No tilt on the z-axis.
-Look at his legs. First off the original sprite actually looks like he’s wearing pants. There’s flow to the cloth. The 3d model very much looks like a 3d model with a texture on it. The pants follow the contours of his muscles way too much (nice calves). But back to the posing. The original pose is firmly planted on the ground. He isn’t going to budge. The front knee is facing his opponent. Confident. The back leg is straighter, providing more visual contrast and stability. In the new pose his legs feel weak. Both legs are bent, as if they are about to do a little spring and run away. The front knee is pointed more towards the viewer, making it feel a little knock kneed and cowardly. The back leg is bent because whoever posed this doesn’t understand contrast and just puts a bend in everything just because.
So these are a lot of small, specific differences, but they add up to a crucial whole. The original pose conveys so much about Kyo specifically. One way I like to think about poses (especially in the context of a fighting game) is: would this pose fit any other character just as well or better? Think about it. This pose wouldn’t look quite right on another character.
It’s too fancy for Terry or Kim. It’s not flamboyant enough for Benimaru. Too manly for Ash. It’s almost an Iori pose, but it’s not aggressive or evil enough. It’s almost a K’ pose, but it’s too relaxed, that guy’s always tightly wound. It has just the right balance of cool/poise/flashiness/heroic for Kyo, with his fashion model good looks, good nature and regal bloodline.
Now that new pose, even though it has this original pose for reference, it’s just a shallow workmanlike facsimile. It’s missing the subtle decision making, the thought poured into every angle that gives the character life and vitality. Taking that single frame out of context, it looks to me more like a blocking animation than a cool pose that precedes a super.
I hope this makes sense. I’m using a lot of words to describe something that you should really just feel in an instant. That’s the power of good art. This isn’t just nostalgia speaking, these classic 2d fighting games had a ton of expertise put into every frame. That’s why they remain excellent to this day.
Part of the reason the new animation looks bad is because of the very linear tweening as Gojira has pointed out. Another reason is that the key poses themselves just aren't very solid.
[this message was edited by nobinobita on Thu 5 Nov 15:03] |
Loona 944th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):KOF 20th anniversary" , posted Mon 9 Nov 20:36    
quote: I wonder how Shermie (not Orochi) would work, though. She doesn't have any move that would make her efficient in this game. Does MSD support invincibility frames, in which case her spin kick could have some use? It would probably be easier to have the NFT being in full Orochi mode, though.
Some attacks do have invincibility frames, like Leona's moon Slasher, Athena's Shining Crystal Bit, Ralf's Galactica Phantom and Kyo's Orochinagi - those are closer to autoguard invincibility as opposed to dodging-based invincibility, but it's there (and it's fun to se missiles getting punched). Some characters like Daimon have normal moves as their attacks, so I don't think anyone's completely disqualified - they just seem to be going for characters from 94 and 98 for now.
Maybe later down the line Chizuru, Heidern and Saishyu will get to be a team, their other teammates are already in anyway...
nobinobita 1512th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):Andy beats Terry for once - to XIV" , posted Tue 24 Nov 22:29:    
quote: Somehow Andy managed to become trailer-ready before Terry - and I wasn't really expecting a new trailer before that PlayStation Experience event. Also, Kyo has brown hair again. He's so thin... Are they using the same body for several character and just change clothes/hairs? Him, Kyo and Iori look off in the same similar way... And Andy is the more buff of the three so it shows more. I wonder if they took the criticism against Ralf and Clark's design in XII too far and will have them weight 50 kg in XIV.
I'm guessing they are using the same body rig for most of the male characters to save time and money. They will undoubtably do the same for all the women (I'll be surprised if they even have variations in bust size). This streamlines the creation of new costumes for DLC etc.
It's sad to see this happen, especially after KOFXII and XIII had such magnificent variety in body types. That's something that's sorely missing in most games, especially 3d games. </shameless self plug>
Of course KOF is not the only fighting game series guilty of this.
Aside from the odd monster, all the Mortal Kombat characters tend to share the same body types.
In Street Fighter V the bodies have become pretty generalized too. Charlie, Ryu/Ken, Bison, Necali, Vega all seem to have the same body.
[this message was edited by nobinobita on Tue 24 Nov 22:50] |
Iggy 10053th Post

Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master
| "Re(3):Andy beats Terry for once - to XIV" , posted Wed 25 Nov 00:33    
This made me realize one of the many bad things about their Kyo model is that he's too thin as well. Kyo is a Japanese teenager, but he has broad shoulders at least. This Kyo is not only thin, his general build is too frail... I guess the only characters who would have this body type in regular KOF would be K' or Ash? Benimaru maybe? If they apply the same model to the likes of Terry, Kim or Takuma (or, to raise another issue, Kensou), the result is going to be laughable. I'm also intrigued that we haven't seen Mai yet. Are they struggling with all the things that need to be animated with her (hair, boobs, butt, cloth)?
Nobi, about the link you just posted: I thought Mature and Vice's bodies were identical. Does Vice has a slightly bigger butt, or did you just take a screenshot at different stages of the animation?
Spoon 3150th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Andy beats Terry for once - to XIV" , posted Wed 25 Nov 04:21    
Benimaru is meant to be the lanky pretty boy, but he's absolutely ripped. Let's say that the company ignored everything made for the KOFs that weren't monstrously successful inside of China and just looked at... KOF 98. He's absolutely got a lot of musculature in that game, even in his win portrait.
On one hand KOF98 had a lot of similar torsos for the men, and even the Guilty Gear X/XX series had this one male torso that was used for at least 3 male characters (Sol, Johnny, Anji).
I agree with nobi's assessment that a cost-saving measure is probably in place here with rig reuse. It's not as though there isn't historical precedent for it (see the sprite equivalent above!), but it does lend itself to a certain blandness when a larger number of the guys in your game are waifish boys. That isn't to say that they can't have more than one rig (could you imagine Daimon using that rig? it'd be hilarious/awful, and he's an iconic KOF'98 character due to his top-tier common-ness), but I'm 100% expecting all the traditionally "skinny" characters (e.g. Beni, now Andy, Ash, K', Duo Lon, hopefully not Joe because they're overlooking KOF12-13 hahahaha T_T, etc.) to have the same build, in addition to characters newly gaining that build (e.g. Kyo, Iori). Chang certainly has his own rig, though.
One interesting thing to look at with regards to rig variation will be character height. Iori's always got this sort of hunched over stance that makes it hard to tell just how tall he is, but for other fighters that stand up straight, it should be easy to compare. Will everybody be the same height/have the same proportions regardless of their height?
shin ramberk 437th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(9):Andy beats Terry for once - to XIV" , posted Thu 26 Nov 05:10    
quote: This is sort of OT, but back when the first Zero game came out I was disappointed at how Dan was just a head swap of Ryu and Ken. Then Zero 2 came along and I didn't notice anything special. But with Zero 3 they made him even goofier and I started to dislike the character... Yet about a year ago I fired up the first Zero again and noticed that he's completely different in all Zero games. I now main him in the first one. He's much more 'serious' and closer to Ryo / Robert in his first appearance. Oh, and if it's true that Ryu and Ken were not initially in SF3, that means that they're headswaps of Sean. Gouki too.
It is interesting how Dan evolved. I forgot how much more "serious" he was in Zero 1. I loved that he was a hidden character that stunk on purpose and was just mysterious and offbeat. He wore a pink gi, had an undershirt, was a shoto character but... was just weird. And he stunk! Even his cheat code was odd. It involved a lot of quick button presses. I'm just being nostalgic. The scene was a lot more different back then.
I don't know how "successful" Dan's design would have been if he had remained "serious". I think the goofy, obnoxious, cry baby characterization fits a role that no other character has in the SF universe. His comedic pairing with Blanka was awesome. His recurring awkward "relationship" with Sakura is a very memorable piece of SF mythos. I also understand why folks dislike him or just pretend he doesn't exists.
The over-the-top characterization can get tiresome but I think he would be more bland if he remained "serious" like he was in Zero 1. That was a great "in-joke" introduction but that's not enough to carry a character (IMO).
Daydreaming about what Dan would or should be like in SFV, I would continue to have him be a "weak" character overall but have one abusable V-trigger ability. In the unlikelihood that he appears in SFV, he should evolve again. He went from serious to crybaby to goofball to... clumsy master with some respect? I don't know...
quote: The ninjas in MK games never bothered me until the series went into 3D and they tried too hard to make them all different. In the last two games I can still recognise Sub-Zero, but the rest are nothing like they used to be. They have new personalities and they don't click with me. I skipped all the games after 4 so I don't have anything to say about those. Except that all the characters look like G.I.JOE Action Force rejects.
Maybe its nostalgia but I always enjoyed the ninjas more when they had identical or near identical appearances. I don't know why, but I just do. I'm not a fan of their design revamps. But that just might be my old man grumpy nostalgia talking...
Professor 4694th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "First reports on New CRT game (aka kof14)" , posted Sun 6 Dec 17:17:    
KOF14, Retro now.
The trailer is an odd mix of fair and bad renderings! So the PlayStation Experience event is happening in California right now, and a demo featuring all the characters up to trailer 3 + Kula are playable.
- KOF14 will have a mashable easy-combo system. Like Persona 4 or Undernight InBirth, the game lets you do a combo by just mashing one button (the weak punch button). Apparently there's some attacks that are exclusive to this system, and likewise to Persona and undernight, it'll even do a super at the end if you have enough meter. - Jumps in general are slower, which is probably good for new players but will certainly get complaints from old schoolers. - The combo-heavy HD system from KOF13 has been replaced with "Max Mode" from the past series. - Basically when you have 1 bar of meter, you can go into Max mode with two button presses, and you can do infinite EX specials for a limited time. (EX specials are more powerful versions of special attacks, fireballs, uppercuts and whatnot) - You can only do EX specials during Max mode, which is a pretty big difference from KOF13 or even SF4/5. - There's the "Just defense" system from Garou:Mark of the Wolves where you get some advantage compared to blocking normally, which you can do by blocking at the same time when an attack is coming your way. - There's guard cancel evasion/rolling but there may not be guard cancel CD/thrust. This could be the reason why Just defense is in the game. (Personally I'd much rather prefer the contemporary guard cancel thrust since it can be used for offense as well as defence.)
... The Neogeo versions of Last Blade 2 and KOF2000 are coming to PS4 as well, which is kind of an odd decision.
Btw, here's a list of photos and videos which I've compiled with a Japanese site.
Videos: Shakycam stream archive from venue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ej0Zdjk_Im0 Top players Xiaohai and Dakou gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZATQmeDg88 SF4 player Nemo's gameplay https://twitter.com/KingsofCO/status/673281587325198336 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0KHYG85ENI https://twitter.com/KingsofCO/status/673268030822998017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlAuSdXu5fQ https://twitter.com/KingsofCO/status/673302186164555776 https://twitter.com/KingsofCO/status/673353216529068032 New Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmS63iQqdr4 New Trailer (w/o login) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQMYnI5rPhM
Screenshots: Collection of screenshots https://www.facebook.com/TeamChaosL.A/photos_stream character select screens http://www.eventhubs.com/imagegallery/2015/dec/05/king-fighters-14-character-select-other-menus/1/ http://www.eventhubs.com/imagegallery/2015/dec/05/king-fighters-14-character-select-other-menus/4/ http://www.eventhubs.com/imagegallery/2015/dec/05/king-fighters-14-character-select-other-menus/6/ http://www.eventhubs.com/imagegallery/2015/dec/05/king-fighters-14-character-select-other-menus/7/ https://twitter.com/skullokei/status/673320533371453440 https://twitter.com/skullokei/status/673288040857530368 https://twitter.com/skullokei/status/673366343320657920 Stage select, victory screen, etc http://www.eventhubs.com/imagegallery/2015/dec/05/king-fighters-14-character-select-other-menus/2/ http://www.eventhubs.com/imagegallery/2015/dec/05/king-fighters-14-character-select-other-menus/3/ http://www.eventhubs.com/imagegallery/2015/dec/05/king-fighters-14-character-select-other-menus/5/ Misc stuff https://twitter.com/tonpy_/status/673286867215773696 https://twitter.com/tonpy_/status/673285590264102913 https://twitter.com/tonpy_/status/673285093352275968
Gameplay instructions https://twitter.com/skullokei/status/673322361349791744 https://twitter.com/KingsofCO/status/673254498245042176
Producer was at event. https://twitter.com/1itzentl/status/673232913652039680/
quote: No, the roster doesn't match the rumor and that rumor was supposedly disproved already (source credibility is 0%).
The rumored list sleeps deep within the BBS threads! http://www.mmcafe.com/cgi-bin/forums/bbs/messages/13494.shtml#69318
Team 01 : China Team (?? / Tung Fu Rue / ?? ) ~ Possible Characters ~ ( Jin Chonshu / Jin Chonrei ) Team 02 : Japan Team ( Kyo Kusanagi / Benimaru Nikaido / Goro Daimon ) Team 03 : Fatal Fury Team ( Terry Bogard / Andy Bogard / Joe Higashi ) Team 04 : Art of Fighting Team ( Ryo Sakazaki / Robert Garcia / Yuri Sakazaki ) Team 05 : K' Team ( K' / Maxima / Kula Diamond ) Team 06 : Kim Team ( Kim Kaphwan / Kim's Master / Myeng Swuk ) Team 07 : Criminal Team ( Chang Koehan / Choi Bounge / Newcomer Prisoner ) Team 08 : Women Fighters Team ( Mai Shiranui / King / Alice ) Team 09 : Ikari Team ( Ralf Jones / Clark Still / Leona Heidern ) Team 10 : Psycho Soldier team ( Athena Asamiya / Sie Kensou) / Chin Gentsai ) Team 11 : Yagami Team ( Iori Yagami / Mature / Vice ) Team 12 : Mexico Team ( Ramon / Angel / Tizoc ) Team 13 : Palace Wan Team ( Acting Mask Girl / Teenage Girl Singer with Electric Element / Mysterious Hooded Man ) Team 14 : South Town Team ( Geese Howard / Billy Kane / ?? ) Team 15 : South America Team ( Brazilian Ninja / Handicap Boxer / Pretty Latin Girl ) Team 16 : Alternate World Team ( Nakoruru / Love Heart / Mui Mui ) Mid-Boss : ( Russian Billionaire ) Final-Boss : ( Non-Human Species )
The list is supposedly fake, but little by little it's starting to look legit. Coincedence or smoke of truth? - Prisoner Chang - Angel is in the game - Total 50 characters (48 + 2 bosses)
Regardless of the rumor, I can't imagine 50 characters playable at launch. I'm naturally assuming they'll come gradually.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 6 Dec 20:11] |
neo0r0chiaku 93th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a
Occasional Customer
| "Re(5):KOF14 is 70% a PS1 CGI, says producer" , posted Mon 7 Dec 22:34    
quote: THE格闘ゲー
I have to say the 48+2 Bosses count of the Chinese "Russian Billionaire" rumored roster was at the minimum eerily accurate. And while the game looks like a cheap knockoff from Culture Brain or Tamiya, I do think the changes in game mechanics and rules are going in the right direction, conceptually. That being said, there is still plenty of time for the developers to cave in to the complaints and demands of hardcore fans, the same way KOF12 gave up any ambition to attract a wider audience when the pitchforks were brought at the first loketest.
[edit] The joke is still funny whichever way you phrase it. It might get tiring by the time KOF15 comes out.
I still find this hard to believe that this would be a new arc. Especially based on the so called roster that has been floating around. It’s a confusion selection of characters for it to be a new arc or even a prequel arc to the Orochi saga. Prisoner Chang is an example. That happened before the Orochi saga. Unless, he went on a violent rampage and Kim was not able to contain him. I hope that this roster is somewhat fake and the rest of the characters waiting to be released are heavily new(hoping for more Garou characters). Because Iori, Kyo, Terry, and co. are getting a bit old and should be old in age for that matter in the KOF universe(like Terry in Garou). Shingo should be running this now! lol Maybe he will finally get his flames!
Long Live!
Toxico 5986th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):KOF14 is 70% a PS1 CGI, says producer" , posted Tue 8 Dec 05:16:    
quote: And while the game looks like a cheap knockoff from Culture Brain or Tamiya, I do think the changes in game mechanics and rules are going in the right direction, conceptually.
I feel exactly the opposite. Due to the game's flow; just defense murdered the offense of 90% of the cast in neowave since it created too many windows to combo or input special moves on the attacking side; let alone that the defending character couldn't be guard crushed when using it (basically, it turned what was an offensive game into Justice Gauken); I'm guessing easily 40%~ of the problems it brough in NW are gonna be inherited by XIV, SNK has a long history of not testing too deeply the possibility of their game systems which allow some pretty sazzy things in the end product.
Also, drive cancel really did gave the chance "do something" to characters that couldn't use the MAX mode in the previous games (like many of the grapplers), and that's like, gone now.
- Producer Oda: "Climax supers are the biggest moves in the game and they take 3 bars. They're like the NeoMax supers from KOF13 but since not all the characters had it in the game, we'd decided to add it to everyone for KOF14" (Note: Everyone actually had it in KOF13. The producer probably didn't play the game that much)
Actually, the bosses didn't have NeoMaxes, but I'd rather put my vote in that "he didn't knew the game that much" rather than "he knew the game up to that point".
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 8 Dec 05:22] |
izek 144th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(6):KOF14 is 70% a PS1 CGI, says producer" , posted Tue 8 Dec 05:50:    
quote: I feel exactly the opposite. Due to the game's flow; just defense murdered the offense of 90% of the cast in neowave since it created too many windows to combo or input special moves on the attacking side; let alone that the defending character couldn't be guard crushed when using it (basically, it turned what was an offensive game into Justice Gauken); I'm guessing easily 40%~ of the problems it brough in NW are gonna be inherited by XIV, SNK has a long history of not testing too deeply the possibility of their game systems which allow some pretty sazzy things in the end product.
Actually, that is not how Just Defending works in KOFXIV. People who played the game and spoke to SNK staff at PSX said that the mechanic as it is implemented in the current build of the game has only two functions. It reduces (not nullifies) the amount of guard gauge damage and it builds a little extra power meter than a regular block. That's it, you cannot guard cancel the JD into a special move and there is no frame advantage or anything of the sort after a JD. You cannot and will not be able to air JD.
As for the neomax comment, that might be a mistranslation. In a full translation of the interview, this is what he said of the neomaxes:
quote: Famitsu: What are Climax DM's?
Oda: These are DM's that use up 3 stocks of the power gauge, and are the most powerful moves in the game. In XIII there were NEOMAX supers, but they didn't always suit the character. This time, we've made each Climax DM more appropriate for every single character.
Detailed impressions from an old school KOF player who played the game at PSX can be found here:
Seems most that have tried XIV and seen it in person feel very positive about the game.
[this message was edited by izek on Tue 8 Dec 05:52] |
Loona 962th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(6):KOF14 is 70% a PS1 CGI, says producer" , posted Tue 8 Dec 19:46    
quote: I still find this hard to believe that this would be a new arc. Especially based on the so called roster that has been floating around. It’s a confusion selection of characters for it to be a new arc or even a prequel arc to the Orochi saga. Prisoner Chang is an example. That happened before the Orochi saga. Unless, he went on a violent rampage and Kim was not able to contain him. I hope that this roster is somewhat fake and the rest of the characters waiting to be released are heavily new(hoping for more Garou characters). Because Iori, Kyo, Terry, and co. are getting a bit old and should be old in age for that matter in the
Well, the previous game did end up with the timeline getting messed with - a character got retconned, a couple of them got their powers back, according to Heidern everybody was forgetting its events anyway, so some other things changing like Kim not getting his hands on Chang and Choi, Angel never getting involved with NESTS and focusing on hanging out with other luchadores because K9999 never existed and space-time itself getting so messed up that Nakoruru and the other pachinko girls appearing doesn't seem that far-fetched a possibility (especially considering the XIII stage cameos).
It's just really weird that if the leaked list is true that Duo Lon in particular is excluded, considering the whole handing plot with the Hizoku - but at least Kensou is still in, and there's a China team with Tung in it, so maybe that story will still get some indirect development.
badoor 449th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(7):KOF14 is 70% a PS1 CGI, says producer" , posted Tue 8 Dec 22:36    
Slowly but gradually KOF XIV seems to be getting better and better. On the mechanics end, KOFXIV seems to be one that should satisfy KOF players who were disillusioned with XIII's combo heavy system and those who liked XIII's style. KOFXIV is also willing to rethink mechanics that don't have much of a purpose or use other than "It's KOF so it has to be there". Things like Standing CD attacks leading to wallbounce. For most of the cast in most of the KOF series, Standing CDs were never very useful. They were slow to use as pokes or anti-airs. They also cause knockdown so you can't usually combo after them (unless you get a counterhit). In fact, KOF 2003 relinquished standing CDs and re-purposed their animation for the much more versatile Tag-attack. Of course jump CDs are something else entirely as they are much more useful to the average character. Even jump CDs that don't have that good of speed or range or hitbox can still be useful because they result in a massive blockstun that is instrumental to offensive play in KOF. Standing CDs are a feature that were mostly always kept because A: they were always there before and B: They sort of come as a package with jump CDs since it would be weird for a game to have a jump version of a normal attack but not like a standing version of them. But in XIV they pose a much clearer risk-reward scheme. Use a risky slow attack & you'll be rewarded with corner carry and possibly a combo.
But as mentioned in the thread, it's a shame all of this has to come at the price of very shoddy amateurish visuals, especially coming after XIII's beautiful sprites. I've come to terms with XIV but we would be lying to ourselves if we don't recognize that we lost something with KOF XIV, we lost SNK's pedigree as a premier 2D arthouse in the industry.
And to be honest, I don't blame them really. I don't think anyone wants another KOFXII, which was so obviously crippled mechanically because of the insurmountable amount of resources needed to create the sprites needed for a competent and complete Fighting game with a huge roster in "HD" . And in a sense, even XIII felt very compromised, with most characters having missing far/close normals, or missing specials that were half-replaced by other ones (like Clark's Frankensteiner being replaced by his autoguard SAB, which to be honest is twice as cool anyway), or character's like Vice, who's missing moveset were so detrimental to her ability as a grappler that SNK basically gave her an exploit with EX Sleeves as a megabuff. Or the fact that in the nearly 10 years since KOF XI, the last KOF that used Neo Geo-era sprites, SNK only managed to create a single original playable character with Saiki, who is pretty much an Ash headswap.
I'm still conflicted about it. But I'm much more hopeful now. And whether XIV looks great or looks bad, or plays great or sucks, we will still have the older games. And honestly, I think XIII made so much of an impact that I have a feeling people will still play it for many years after. It definitely has that "beautiful looking and yet so execution-demanding" type of pedigree that 3rd Strike has nowadays, and that's not bad at all.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
badoor 450th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(9):KOF14 is 70% a PS1 CGI, says producer" , posted Wed 9 Dec 03:45    
quote: Actually, in KoF94 there were standing CDs but no air version - those were introduced in 95. The CD attacks in 94 were a carryover from the attacks from FF2/Special that would knock an opponent into a different plane - much like all systems in 94 were adapted from something from FF and AoF (crouch walking stayed an FF-character-only thing though), which over time turned into something more natively KoF-ish, like the dodges which were meant to replicate FF's voluntary place switching, but were to static without a 2nd place, became the more dynamic rolls
Ah interesting. I guess they were there before the jump versions. But I suppose as you said, early KOF was just a mishmash of AOF and FF systems to go along with the mishmash of characters. It was only with 96 that the series found its footing and reestablished itself as its own series, with its own system, coupled with the new sprites which reimagined a lot of AOF & FF characters (and gave them new unique moves, like Ryo gaining his new stance & losing his projectile for the short range Koohken he has now)
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
Toxico 5986th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):KOF14 is 70% a PS1 CGI, says producer" , posted Wed 9 Dec 03:55    
Actually, in KoF94 there were standing CDs but no air version - those were introduced in 95.
Actually, this is wrong. 94 has air CDs, that have different hit effect and block stun than regular heavy attacks, but they all have the same animation has an air D. Heck, I think I remember it even has crouching CDs with that same features, not sure if I remember that one right.
And yes, as people said taking out air CDs does take out a lot of the groove, since since most of the chars have pretty a unique range with them that they don't have with the other attacks (like Ralf, Clark, Maxima and 80% of the cast). Having an air attack that knocks down has also other benefits, like; you don't need to jump fireballs on frame 1 of their animation to punish them (which was annoying as hell in some kofs).
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
Toxico 5987th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):KOF14 is 70% a PS1 CGI, says pro" , posted Wed 9 Dec 05:07    
quote: My recollection of watching the "good players" was that KOF 98's Chris was a jump CD that also happened to have a character attached to it.
Don't judge normals according to old games, the amount of stupidity there is falcepalm worthy (like Goro whose kicks are better than the taekwon do characters; or Vice a "grappler" whose normals beat the sh!t out of karatekas or martial artist in usablity. I could add 8.000 lines to this, but I better stop here). To be honest, I was surprised how a bunch of the stuff got fixed on XIII (I was surprised that Billy's crouching C could no longer be called "AT Field"); most normals have easy to achieve dead angles for skilled people (I loved this). That's also why I liked EX moves, that meant that "regular" special moves didn't had all of the groove like before (like fireballs that hit hard, break a lot of guard, recover fast, travel fastly and are hard to jump and have annoying voice acting guaranteed to be heard 80 times per round or command throws that were nicknamed "black hole" since they ate 95% of the normals at the game at any range).
If you think about it, tiers in XIII there mostly because of their mobility & conversion ability (dash, jump being too stupidly good) rather than obscene normals (well, Kim is sort of an exception)
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
Spoon 3164th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):KOF14 is 70% a PS1 CGI, says pro" , posted Thu 10 Dec 05:16    
quote: My recollection of watching the "good players" was that KOF 98's Chris was a jump CD that also happened to have a character attached to it.
Don't judge normals according to old games, the amount of stupidity there is falcepalm worthy (like Goro whose kicks are better than the taekwon do characters; or Vice a "grappler" whose normals beat the sh!t out of karatekas or martial artist in usablity. I could add 8.000 lines to this, but I better stop here). To be honest, I was surprised how a bunch of the stuff got fixed on XIII (I was surprised that Billy's crouching C could no longer be called "AT Field"); most normals have easy to achieve dead angles for skilled people (I loved this). That's also why I liked EX moves, that meant that "regular" special moves didn't had all of the groove like before (like fireballs that hit hard, break a lot of guard, recover fast, travel fastly and are hard to jump and have annoying voice acting guaranteed to be heard 80 times per round or command throws that were nicknamed "black hole" since they ate 95% of the normals at the game at any range).
I think apart from what character/martial arts action the attack represents, the mechanical feature of the attack can itself become iconic. To wit, jump CD is an iconic aspect of some characters specifically (e.g. jump CD is a very different and highly memorable feature of '98 Chris due to his frequent reliance on it, as opposed to, say, '98 Kyo), as well as the game itself. And as you have mentioned, it has unique effects as a tool because of the fact that it inflicts a knockdown, such that it can be hugely advantageous to the attacker on trade because of the time it gives him to close in on the now-knocked-down opponent.
I certainly think a number of characters will have air command normals which will effectively function as jump CD. But it being a character-specific feature as opposed to a universal feature is a fairly significant change to the fundamental KOF system that has been maintained for literally decades.