The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*) - Forums

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2899th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Sun 27 Sep 00:51post reply

Cafe patrons, I hearby announce IGGY-FEST! In honor of the impending end of the world as Iggy achieves an unthinkable 10,000 posts (I expect the earth to be torn apart FFVI-style as he awakens the Three Gods of War), share your favorite sexual experiences and memories with Iggy as we celebrate the don of the Cafe!

Guillaume appears

Iggy vs. Guillaume

Iggy’s memoirs

Ask Iggy

Iggy x Kikkoken slashfiction

SaGa is god


Iggy’s dreams

Dreams of Iggy

Iggy vs. Computer vs. MOK-KOS

The exact post that officially resulted in our description as “Gay Gaming Site MMCafe”

Iggy at the Academy

In which JJJ nearly gets arrested and kofoguz figures out what Iggy looks like

MMCafe’s Biggest Asshole Contest: This is the URL to the fountain of knowledge, but only the Professor knows how to open up the ancient seal of the Archive pages. If you figure out how, you will discover the true heritage of Iggy and inherit his powers.



9996th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Sun 27 Sep 00:58post reply


*Go hide and cry in the corner while hugging his LE of Unlimited SaGa for comfort*

2901th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Sun 27 Sep 01:10:post reply


*Go hide and cry in the corner while hugging his LE of Unlimited SaGa for comfort*


Mostly I want to see if Iggy can exceed 9999 HP damage like Squall's keychain boss in FFVIII or if he simply glitches out~


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 27 Sep 01:13]

9997th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Sun 27 Sep 01:43post reply

Mostly I want to see if Iggy can exceed 9999 HP damage like Squall's keychain boss in FFVIII or if he simply glitches out~

You are teasing me and you shall not be disappointed, son.

1567th Post

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PSN: robotchris
XBL: robotchris
Wii: n/a

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Sun 27 Sep 03:08post reply


*Go hide and cry in the corner while hugging his LE of Unlimited SaGa for comfort*

Mostly I want to see if Iggy can exceed 9999 HP damage like Squall's keychain boss in FFVIII or if he simply glitches out~

I have this mistaken assumption that Iggy's post count will somehow roll over to zero for some reason, rather than continuing on to 10,000+. I think it's a more romantic notion that it will start displaying non-numeric sprite data like in Super Mario Bros.

But all that aside, congratulations, Iggy, on your Special Event!

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

5278th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Sun 27 Sep 04:27post reply

I'm hoping when he hits 10K Iggy gets the high score and is able to enter his initials. That, or he can enter the letters "ASS" if he would prefer. Either way congratulations!

5968th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Sun 27 Sep 11:55post reply

I'm hoping when he hits 10K Iggy gets the high score and is able to enter his initials. That, or he can enter the letters "ASS" if he would prefer. Either way congratulations!

"SEX" was an old favourite over these latitudes (many games censor it, though).

I'm absolutely and utterly surprised than there is another poster that can stalk Iggy' comments which such zealous and methodical devotion. I'm inclined to believe that all non biological garbage that our dog has ever discared is in Maou's possession (cool!)

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

Lord SNK
84th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Sun 27 Sep 17:17post reply

Cafe patrons, I hearby announce IGGY-FEST! In honor of the impending end of the world as Iggy achieves an unthinkable 10,000 posts (I expect the earth to be torn apart FFVI-style as he awakens the Three Gods of War), share your favorite sexual experiences and memories with Iggy as we celebrate the don of the Cafe!

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

One thing that always bothered me it's that all posts in the café have time, day, month but not a visible year.
Or the year it's there somewhere on the page but for unknown reasons I'm unable to see it.

1559th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"ALL ABOUT IGGY" , posted Sun 27 Sep 19:05:post reply

    Aaaah, Erokawaii Iggy-tan sure is my favorite character
  on Smile Pretty Pretty Marmelade☆Man Café... 'e is so dreamy...
  'e is nothing like zhose slimy human boys roaming around me
   at College Inaruko. Why can't I live in a 2D world instead?
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

  / ̄ ̄ヽ
 川 ゚∀゚メリ
_(_つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_

    !? What's zhat, imaginary yaoi-loving best friend?
   Besides being slightly uglier and more spotty-faced than me,
  And besides you forgetting that dildo in Japanese History 101
  and getting me accused which is why nobody sits next to me,
    but still we are Best Friends Forever , you disagree wizh my
     immaculate taste in celluloid fictional garçons!?
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

  / ̄ ̄ヽ   `   ´
 イ|ノ|ノ|ノ|从)     ! 
 川川 °ゝ  ´   `
_(_つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_

       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

  /`` ´ ´-    
 イ|ノ|ノ|ノ| 彡`
 川川 °ゝ  
_(_つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_

  / ̄ ̄ヽ 
 イ|ノ|ノ|ノ|从)   ...
 川川 °ゝ  
_(_つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_

  / ̄ ̄ヽ 
 イ|ノ|ノ|ノ|从)   ... You sick, sick imaginary friend.
 川川 °ゝ  
_(_つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_

  / ̄ ̄ヽ
 イ|ノ|ノ|ノ|从)   Hmm ...
 川 ゚_ ゚メリ
_(_つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_

  / ̄ ̄ヽ
 イ|ノ|ノ|ノ|从)   Hmm... Oui, JLPT is coming soon I should get around to learn hiraga
 川 ゚_ ゚メリ
_(_つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_

    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

  / ̄ ̄ヽ
 川 ゚∀゚メリ
_(_つ  c_ clap!
  \ ̄ ̄ ̄ \ ノ
    \     \
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  (who... Who is Géraldine talking to?)
                          (sshh... stay away from zhat weirdo.)
  / ̄ ̄ヽ                         (゚д゚ )   (゚д゚ )
 川 ゚∀゚メリ
_(_つ  c_ 
  \ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
    \     \
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

                      (Ah! She disap- She's gone!)
                              (Wh-Wh-Where did she go!?)
   ふ                         (゚д゚ )   (゚д゚ )
  \ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
    \     \
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄                   \
   /⌒"ヽ  Let's take a look at the book stash under my desk...
  イ ノノリハル I've seen those old ベントスタッフ guides lying around...
  川 ゚‐゚ノ  ╔╗ ╔╗ ╔╗ ╔╗ ╔╗ ╔╗  I do wonder who
  / ∪ ∪    ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ ¼ ½  conveniently left
  と __)__)   ╚╝ ╚╝ ╚╝ ╚╝ ╚╝ ╚╝  all zhose right here.

   /⌒"ヽ    「ALL ABOUT 対戦格闘ゲーム」
  イ ノノリハル     「ALL ABOUT ぷよぷよ」
  川 ゚‐゚ノ      「ALL ABOUT 餓狼伝説スペシャル」
  / ∪ ∪       「ALL ABOUT ワールドヒーローズ2JET」
  と __)__)         ...

   /⌒"ヽ      ...         
  イ ノノリハル    「ALL ABOUT ストリートファイターZERO」
  川 ゚‐゚ノ     「ALL ABOUT ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ'95」
  / ∪ ∪        「ALL ABOUT ウォーザード」
  と __)__)          ... 

   /⌒"ヽ      ...         
  イ ノノリハル    「ALL ABOUT I・G・G・Y」
  川 ゚∀゚メリ             Zhere it is! → ╔╗
  / ∪ ∪                          淫
  と __)__)                         ╚╝

   /⌒"ヽ     What say you, imaginary Internet friends? ~☆         
  イ ノノリハル    Should we read「ALL ABOUT I・G・G・Y」together?
  川 ゚∀゚メリ                      ╔╗       -desho?
  / ∪ ∪                          淫       -desho?
  と __)__)                         ╚╝

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Mon 28 Sep 14:21]

1190th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Sun 27 Sep 22:15post reply

I'm absolutely and utterly surprised than there is another poster that can stalk Iggy' comments which such zealous and methodical devotion. I'm inclined to believe that all non biological garbage that our dog has ever discared is in Maou's possession (cool!)

You mean kofoguz? Before Guillaume dies in the hands of Iggy another alter has been born immediately at that moment to download them into the conscious of kofoguz where they can safely lurk for the right moment of revengence. Kofoguz? He is in a "safe" imaginary place between heaven and hell. He is married with Iggy and Pollyanna. Spending his time trying to envision each member of Mmcafe and trying to remember Onsy's images. He has kikkoken in the Yoğurt room.

9998th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Mon 28 Sep 01:47post reply

You are all crazy and I don't know any of you guys. Nor do I post here that often anyway. It's a bug or something.

2902th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"endless Polly/Toxi/Oguz/Kikko/Zepy fanfiction" , posted Mon 28 Sep 01:47post reply

time, day, month but not a visible year.
Like the gorgeous shoujo manga scenes of our youth, we will always remember, unassisted, the exact year/month/day/nanosecond of our first imaginary night with Iggy-ngton (as he has been known ever since becoming a Londonian).
College Inaruko
As a bonus, INALCO sure sounds risque when you write it in kana in order to search what Chaz is talking about!
Oh, I thought that was already canon, at least since the dramatic breakup with Brandon and Kikkoken went to "study abroad in America."
Should we read「ALL ABOUT I・G・G・Y」together?淫
Yes, especially if we start writing イナルコ as 淫ナルコ.
He is married with Iggy and Pollyanna. kikkoken in the Yoğurt room.
This explains Polly's sudden "disappearance." But...Oguz-senpai, am I old enough to know what the Yoğurt Room is?


9999th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):endless Polly/Toxi/Oguz/Kikko/Zepy fanf" , posted Mon 28 Sep 03:19post reply

You are all filthy. I am shocked. I am officially retiring from public life in the Café.

time, day, month but not a visible year.
Like the gorgeous shoujo manga scenes of our youth, we will always remember, unassisted, the exact year/month/day/nanosecond of our first imaginary night with Iggy-ngton (as he has been known ever since becoming a Londonian).

I thought it meant we'll all be 17 for ever, even when the manga lasts 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years oh god we're so old.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Also, I ship Toxico x Zepy and Nate x Polly.

End of Spoiler

3063th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):endless Polly/Toxi/Oguz/Kikko/Zepy fanf" , posted Mon 28 Sep 03:43post reply


I can't wait for Iggy to shower us in the glory of 10k

5969th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):endless Polly/Toxi/Oguz/Kikko/Zepy fanf" , posted Mon 28 Sep 04:48post reply


I can't wait for Iggy to shower us in the glory of 10k

Actually, the post shown in each user's posts is the previous one, if you go to Iggy's profile you'll notice that he is already level 10.000

      ク    ク   ク     ク       
   ク  チ    チ  チ    チ   ク  ク
   チ  ャ     ャ  ャ    ャ   チ  チ
    ャ  、__,.-、`     _, .,r‐'"ヽ-;    ャ  ャ
       ゙| 、_ \_,.ィ─ァ、/ (⌒゙7|´ ノ
  ク    ヽ\_r}/ /  \ ヾ/     ク
   チ   `ヽ、/_ヽ,   ノ _!      チ  ク
ク   ャ   ,ィ゙《(・))ヾ| ==i《((・)ゞ }}     ャ チ
 チ    / |i il゙ ̄/ ▼ \"|    ))     ャ
  ャ   ,.!  .|i | |  ,r=-、rヽi っl} |,
      |  ヽ\K_,./ニニッ、。ノ゚,, 〃
     ./    \ヽ_ ̄  |ヽu  ハ
   /  i    |  ̄ ̄ .イ  | u
   |   \   |ヾ‐   | /
   |    .|   ノヽ   イ  |、
   ヽ  |  `!  \    ゙|  ヽi}
    | .|  |   ヽ   |  |ノ


Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

5279th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):endless Polly/Toxi/Oguz/Kikko/Zepy fanf" , posted Mon 28 Sep 09:57post reply

Some think the lunar eclipse on September 27th (right now!) will bring about the apocalypse. Others believe the world will end when the true form of Iggy shoulders its way into our dimension on the occasion of his ten thousandth post. No pressure or anything but I'm hoping one of these actions causes planet Earth to crack like an egg since that would be pretty cool.

1568th Post

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PSN: robotchris
XBL: robotchris
Wii: n/a

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5): Iggy = Dracula?" , posted Mon 28 Sep 12:01post reply

Some think the lunar eclipse on September 27th (right now!) will bring about the apocalypse. Others believe the world will end when the true form of Iggy shoulders its way into our dimension on the occasion of his ten thousandth post. No pressure or anything but I'm hoping one of these actions causes planet Earth to crack like an egg since that would be pretty cool.

Hmm, now that you mention it, maybe the crazy Castlevania moon out there and Iggy's 10,000th post are no mere coincidence and he's our True Dark Lord and Master after all? We'll all know it's the case when we each receive copies of the supposedly cancelled Dreamcast Castlevania '99 in the mail any time now!

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

1559th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6): Iggy = Dracula?" , posted Mon 28 Sep 14:29post reply

I hope all of Iggy's Café icons will disappear and be replaced by a single icon of Iggy the Dog. Or Enoch.

             ,r 7ヾ             ヾヽ、
             /〃    ' "           ヾ\
            / /        ヾ/         ヾ ヽ
         / 〃r 'ー " _,,,,_ )   ヽ 、 ,_,,     、 ヾヽ
        ノ ノ   / ,ィ' 〃  `' `'ー `゙ l l ヾ´`ヾ, ,, ヽ \
       / /  ハ  l 〃           l l      Vー ヾ  \
      ' /   / ! / ∥         l l     ∨  l ヽ  ヽ
      /   },   l l ∥          l/     lz,  ヾヽ、  ヽ
       r'  /i    / ∥'"`'=..-..、   ....||z==' ー ll l   `ヽ、  ヽ 大丈夫だ。問題ない。
     r" z j' ,,/  l ∥ ,,ィチ它ミ;:::::  :::::||::ヒ寸ヽ,  ll l i i    ヽ ハ 、
    j / /:! / j lレ!  `¨"´` :::  ` ll `¨ "´   }l l V  iヽ , ヽ l! ヽ
   ハ/  j l i  ,  l|i l      .::    ヾ       !ハ   ll ハ i  ゙ l ヽ
    )' r i ハ ! ノ  | l l       , '   :、      j l }   ミ ヾ ヾ、 lヾ 、_,
  〃' 々ヾi ノ ィ'  i }`'ハ     丶 - r .'        r' j  ハ ヾ ヽ、ヽ ミ ーハ
イ/ ' リ ↓/ ヾ i{ iハ       :: :        liiハ , ヽ ヽ ー、_  ーヽ l
彡≠=、 ( V     rヘハi l   ー-´-`´-`- ‐     /ll/ l ヾヽ、ヾ ヽ (`ヽ!
ヘヾ三彡//   ィ ´l  llヽ    ` ー....-'′    ,イi (  j  ミ  _`ヾミゝ、 `ヾ、
Tく-彡'"_' 、 , ィ/!/   ハ \            / l l  i、 ヾ、`ヾミミミヾ、 _,
jVl" ''´ ノミi / ノハ! i  jハ  丶        /:::  l i  ヾミ ミヾ ミゞー `ヾ、
ゞj= '" 彡彡'´  V! iイ : : : : :::`:::ー-‐:::':゙:::: :::   {ヽハ  ノヾミミfヾーヾー /
<,l    '´ l , >´l j  : :: : :::::::::::::::::::::::: : :: : ::    ヾハレヾ/ヾ////`ヽ
 i}     V::: : : : : : : : : : : : ::::: : : : : : : :: :: : ::    i V/ / ///    l   __     r、
 ハ       ヽ: : : : : : : : :: : : ::::: : : : : : : : : : : :      / /// /     l /::j`ヽ 、  .| |
イ l       ヽ: : : : : : : : : : : ::: : : : : : : : : :    / /// | ̄`'i    j./:::::/    丶| h_
. li '        ヽ: : : : : : : : : : : : :     ∠ ' ´ー' `"  /  /    /ー-、i      .| | lh
 l',::...     、 、 ヽ                        / /     /  /       . | | l h__
 |ヽ::::.. 、 、 ヽヽ ヽ                         //     /   l       .| | l l lヽ`iヽ

Même Narumi est épatée !

0th Post

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New Customer

"hello iggy" , posted Mon 28 Sep 14:55post reply

Impudent humans! Your feeble attempts to strengthen this "Iggy" with praise, amusing jokes and gifs, and tales of his supposed dark powers shall all come to naught. Whatever power this so-called "Iggy" obtains through his next post is less than nothing compared to your true dark lord and master.

IGGY! Lie down before me and await your destruction. There is nothing left to save you now. 無に等しい人間どもよ、滅びるがいい!


10000th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - IGGY ARI !

"Re(1):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Mon 28 Sep 20:32post reply

This entire thread


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I rest my case.

1561th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Mon 28 Sep 21:09:post reply

Now I have the Objection! theme stuck in my head.
And now I have an email from GEMA asking me to remove it from my head.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I'll try to get news from Géraldine later this week.

End of Spoiler

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Mon 28 Sep 21:18]

3065th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Tue 29 Sep 01:25post reply

Liquid (LIQUIIIIIIIIIIIID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) water has been discovered on Mars according to NASA's conference. Will the wonders of this day never cease?!

2904th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Tue 29 Sep 02:06post reply

Dracula moon
miraculous Iggy ari!

This did not happen at all the way I expected!

Look behind neo-Iggy's miraculous new ascii-layered user panel, which I did not even know was possible in our deliciously old-time format, and you'll see that a seventh column of post icons CAN exist!

PS: hey Chaz, I think I saw Géraldine on IRC. She kept wanting me to translate anime for her that didn't have subtitles, which she was calling "raw" for some weird reason. I didn't know what she meant so I sent her to the dean's office.


4656th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Tue 29 Sep 02:19post reply

Congratulations to Iggy on his 10,000th post! I was keeping mum until the occasion to surprise him with the Icon AA although he seemed to have realized it prior to posting via the preview pane, lol. There's a weenie more to it though to make sure the AA contantly being there won't be too distracting.

      ク    ク   ク     ク       
   ク  チ    チ  チ    チ   ク  ク
   チ  ャ     ャ  ャ    ャ   チ  チ
    ャ  、__,.-、`     _, .,r‐'"ヽ-;    ャ  ャ
       ゙| 、_ \_,.ィ─ァ、/ (⌒゙7|´ ノ
  ク    ヽ\_r}/ /  \ ヾ/     ク
   チ   `ヽ、/_ヽ,   ノ _!      チ  ク
ク   ャ   ,ィ゙《(・))ヾ| ==i《((・)ゞ }}     ャ チ
 チ    / |i il゙ ̄/ ▼ \"|    ))     ャ
  ャ   ,.!  .|i | |  ,r=-、rヽi っl} |,
      |  ヽ\K_,./ニニッ、。ノ゚,, 〃
     ./    \ヽ_ ̄  |ヽu  ハ

Let the Gum Party begin!!

3066th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Tue 29 Sep 02:27post reply

Congratulations to Iggy on his 10,000th post! I was keeping mum until the occasion to surprise him with the Icon AA although he seemed to have realized it prior to posting via the preview pane, lol. There's a weenie more to it though to make sure the AA contantly being there won't be too distracting.

[AA]      ク    ク   ク     ク       
   ク  チ    チ  チ    チ   ク  ク
   チ  ャ     ャ  ャ    ャ   チ  チ
    ャ  、__,.-、`     _, .,r‐'"ヽ-;    ャ  ャ
       ゙| 、_ \_,.ィ─ァ、/ (⌒゙7|´ ノ
  ク    ヽ\_r}/ /  \ ヾ/     ク

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Do the old icons underneath still update in addition to the "ascii" overlay? That'd be some exciting technology (for 1999...)!

1191th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):endless Polly/Toxi/Oguz/Kikko/Zepy fanf" , posted Tue 29 Sep 04:29post reply

Should we read「ALL ABOUT I・G・G・Y」together?淫Yes, especially if we start writing イナルコ as 淫ナルコ.
He is married with Iggy and Pollyanna. kikkoken in the Yoğurt room. This explains Polly's sudden "disappearance." But...Oguz-senpai, am I old enough to know what the Yoğurt Room is?

No. You are never old enough my child. But I can say your kinkiest visions would be too tame.But if you insist you can only get into the room to see it yourself since mere words cannot describe it. But choose wise since you may not want to go back to your old world.

1569th Post

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PSN: robotchris
XBL: robotchris
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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Tue 29 Sep 06:44post reply


Look behind neo-Iggy's miraculous new ascii-layered user panel, which I did not even know was possible in our deliciously old-time format, and you'll see that a seventh column of post icons CAN exist!

Is that... is that... a USB key?

Great job Professor, that was certainly unexpected! I'm as relieved that it didn't end up being some end-of-times scenario since I've grown to quite like everyone here. The Castlevania moon last night was an odd bit of convenient coincidence.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

3067th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Tue 29 Sep 07:57post reply


I'm as relieved that it didn't end up being some end-of-times scenario

Del Toro yesterday revealed that Junji Ito was a collaborator on the cancelled Silent Hills project. Maybe we did lose something...

1203th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Tue 29 Sep 08:05post reply

Hahaha! oh wow... After being absent for more than a month, I just coincidentally returned to see what had been cooking in the Cafe all this time... and now stumble upon this historical event!! It's no wonder I felt such a potent urge to return here in the first time, it was our french, cheese-loving, crooked gay gamer overlord summoning his underlings to celebrate a pagan orgy under the red moonlight to celebrate his 10.000 gets!!

Congratulations Iggy for achieving the official status of Saint Patron of the Cafe!! It's been a pleasure to be witness to your posts (be them either informed opinions or random RomaMin shenanigans) along the years, and I sincerely hope we can enjoy your presence around here for many years to come...

         ━ヽニニフ            (ヽ、,/)
         彡           ,、     |   |       ,-、-、
    ∧,,∧   ∧,,∧   (V⌒⌒)   ⊂   つ   / J J   ∧,,∧     ∧,,∧
キタ━( `・ω・)━(∩・ω・)━⊂(    )⊃━(    )━⊂(   )⊃━( `・ω・)━━( `・ω・)━━━━!!!
    と   つ  (   〈      `´`´    ∨"∨    `´`´    ⊂   つ  /   o━ヽニニフ
    (_,,つ   `J J                           ヽ、つつ  しー-J

782th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Tue 29 Sep 11:58post reply

I thought it meant we'll all be 17 for ever, even when...

But.. But... I, I thought we already were 17 years old forever...

In any case, threads like this sure bring back the spirit of the old times. MMCafe never dies!

*Add random Iggy love here*

4580th Post

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PSN: Buttermonster
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Thu 1 Oct 05:48post reply

Maybe we did lose something...


Is the phantom pain

1570th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Thu 1 Oct 06:11post reply

I thought it meant we'll all be 17 for ever, even when...

But.. But... I, I thought we already were 17 years old forever...

In any case, threads like this sure bring back the spirit of the old times. MMCafe never dies!

*Add random Iggy love here*

No Maese, you're definitely 17 forever! The rest of us though, *sigh*

This has been a great thread though! Let's all swear our eternal loyalty to the Dark One's lieutenant, Maou, for arranging this thread, and for the founder of the feast himself, Professor, for making the hellish ceremony possible!


Is the phantom pain

Hahahahaha, perfect!

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re(9):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Thu 1 Oct 06:56post reply

To be honest, my plan was to disappear FOREVER at 9999, while a new user with a totally innocuous account name would have mysteriously appeared in my place. But then I saw what the Prof had prepared for me and I bailed.

I don't know what to say, it makes me strangely emotional, and at the same time all awkward to be the centre of attention. I guess that's why I hate birthday celebrations too.

Thanks <3
I love you all, but only if you don't expect me to do anything remotely as cool for your own 10k.

2906th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*" , posted Thu 1 Oct 13:16:post reply

then I saw what the Prof had prepared for me and I bailed.

I don't know what to say, it makes me strangely emotional, and at the same time all awkward to be the centre of attention.
Maybe neo-Iggy is a fake! You were always at the center of our attention (despite your Londonian spelling of "centre"), and not just because of Iggy-blogging! However, it would be a shame if you abandoned your splendid maxed-out stats Iggy account with Prof's special gift in favor of lowly Iggy2. Anything would be better than that, even absorbing MOK-KOS' account... Plus I will be god-damned if I don't find out what the new post icons are.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 1 Oct 23:23]

3069th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Fri 2 Oct 02:15post reply

Maybe we did lose something...


Is the phantom pain

Why are we still here, just to matsuri?

2906th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Fri 2 Oct 03:21post reply

Why are we still here, just to matsuri?

You shall matsuri...forever! But what is your favorite Iggy moment?


5970th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*" , posted Sat 3 Oct 13:09post reply

But what is your favorite Iggy moment?

Bleh, that's for about as hard as picking your favorite Dracula castle.

Speaking of, destiny had me finally pick up Lords of Shadows 2 and play it to the end; simply an atrocious experience for all of the non intended reasons, the Toy Maker fight almost make up for the over all lackness of the game.... Well, let's blame this on Iggy, of course, since he obviously put into motion some sort of weird conspiracy that has been looming for over a thousand years.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

4656th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*" , posted Sat 3 Oct 14:54post reply

To be honest, my plan was to disappear FOREVER at 9999, while a new user with a totally innocuous account name would have mysteriously appeared in my place.

Iggy-- the Gyakuten Saiban only appears every 10 posts after the 10000th occasion, so don't worry about it too much.

On a side note, I wonder if anyone can figure out what that last icon is

10004th Post

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post ma" , posted Sat 3 Oct 18:10post reply

That's some crazy wizardry just for me... thank you!
On a side note, I wonder if anyone can figure out what that last icon is


4657th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post ma" , posted Sun 4 Oct 01:48post reply

That's some crazy wizardry just for me... thank you!On a side note, I wonder if anyone can figure out what that last icon is

Indeed it is  Chewy!

Almost forgot, it's a bit random on every 10 posts- sometimes it'll be Naruhodo, other times it'll be the same as your 10005th post.

2914th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post ma" , posted Sun 4 Oct 07:00post reply

Holy mackerel! One of my favorite things about IGGY-FEST so far is the magnificent bevy of titles and icons that are on rotation for Iggy depending on the post number. I guess what I'm saying is that Iggy is now a time-release character.


3075th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*" , posted Mon 5 Oct 07:25post reply

Why are we still here, just to matsuri?
You shall matsuri...forever! But what is your favorite Iggy moment?

Hazy memory paraphrasings:

"I rolled a XYZ cm ball and everything was okay"
"That's the romance! That's the saga!"
"Ash's painted nails make him gayer than I'll ever be, and I'm already gay"
"Favourite boxer/grappler/zoner/person of my geographic region which is the Mediterranean/etc.: Anakaris"

endless iggy titles

If Professor introduced this technology to the world 17 years ago the world would be a different place.

1474th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*" , posted Mon 5 Oct 15:48:post reply

Why are we still here, just to matsuri?
You shall matsuri...forever! But what is your favorite Iggy moment?

So many to choose from. These are some random quiet moments that have stuck in my memory

-Iggy educates us on what the term "artist" means within French culture vs how it may be percieved in other cultures
-Iggy describes the habits of Italian fashionistas who will literally starve themselves to be able to afford really nice clothing and accessories
-Iggy the bee keeper
-Anything Iggy and Siren or Vampire related

My all time favorite Iggy moment: When he told me "I love you."

Seriously that thread was what inspired me to start my own blog, which has been a continuous source of happiness for me ever since. Welp I'll stop now before I get too sentimental. You rock Iggy! (and friends!)

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Mon 5 Oct 15:49]

925th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*" , posted Mon 5 Oct 19:07post reply

Why are we still here, just to matsuri?
You shall matsuri...forever! But what is your favorite Iggy moment?

There are many, and the ASCII art posts over the years in particular have been amazing, although searching for each of them would take ages.

It's not strictly a Café moment, but it's still pretty notable that Iggy's wordsmithing got me to read about a gay eroge, which turned out be be a more enjoyable and insightful read that I'd expect.

Between something like this, now only accessible through, and Nobi's posts evolving into finely crafted blog posts, I can't help but fantasize about a hypothetical Articles section on the main Café site, based on posts people want to see being elaborated on, since the news don't get updated that often, and individual posts can be complicated to track, isolate and share for posterity.


790th Post

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PSN: Ikari_DC
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post ma" , posted Wed 7 Oct 14:10:post reply

Congrats Iggy! One of my Iggy related dreams was featured on the main post, I'm overjoyed to be part of such an important celebration! Iggy was back then, one of the main reasons for checking the boards as he cracked me up. Thanks for the memories everybody!

I feel I'm not worthy of intruding, I'm not even a regular lurker anymore! I returned to see the reactions on KOF:MI being promoted to the main series (when I think of KOF I think of MMC) and MGSV and kind of left the tab open at the office's computer. Glad to see most of the regulars in here!

[this message was edited by IkariDC on Wed 7 Oct 14:13]

5285th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post ma" , posted Thu 8 Oct 04:51post reply

It's not strictly a Café moment, but it's still pretty notable that Iggy's wordsmithing got me to read about a gay eroge, which turned out be be a more enjoyable and insightful read that I'd expect.

Between something like this, now only accessible through, and Nobi's posts evolving into finely crafted blog posts, I can't help but fantasize about a hypothetical Articles section on the main Café site, based on posts people want to see being elaborated on, since the news don't get updated that often, and individual posts can be complicated to track, isolate and share for posterity.

I remember that article! Iggy took what could have been fodder for easy jokes and wrote a far ranging and educational piece.

You're right, I would love to see the front page of the Café or some other site showcase posts that deserve more analysis. Thing is, I know I'm too lazy to contribute anything so it would be tacky of me to push too hard for that sort of forum.

1195th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post ma" , posted Thu 8 Oct 06:52post reply

It's not strictly a Café moment, but it's still pretty notable that Iggy's wordsmithing got me to read about a gay eroge, which turned out be be a more enjoyable and insightful read that I'd expect.

Between something like this, now only accessible through, and Nobi's posts evolving into finely crafted blog posts, I can't help but fantasize about a hypothetical Articles section on the main Café site, based on posts people want to see being elaborated on, since the news don't get updated that often, and individual posts can be complicated to track, isolate and share for posterity.

I remember that article! Iggy took what could have been fodder for easy jokes and wrote a far ranging and educational piece.

You're right, I would love to see the front page of the Café or some other site showcase posts that deserve more analysis. Thing is, I know I'm too lazy to contribute anything so it would be tacky of me to push too hard for that sort of forum.

I was thinking about the same thing the other day. Maybe there could be some Mmcafe blog by the important posts?

Nobi bros. blog worthy posts, Toxico's very long "Tekken's Jack/s" love letter, Badoor's Shaheen analysis and many more I don't recall or even not aware of. And my Hakan anakysis, which i am so sorry that i forgot to answer the request of whwther Hakan's BGM's fitting into the culture or not.

Also this gave me the similar idea you mentioned. What if Mmcafe have a this blogpediachart like tier chart/blog / that we can have some kind of karakter analysis for the fighter characters. I am sure we have enough diversity to do this kind of blogpediachart of Mmcafe, no?

10011th Post

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post ma" , posted Fri 9 Oct 19:59post reply

Nobi's Vampire animation love letter and Toxico's World Heroes guide are some of the all-time highlights of this bbs.

1587th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Re:The IGGY thread (*10,000 post mastur" , posted Wed 21 Oct 20:51post reply

Furyu is also joining the celebration.

Même Narumi est épatée !

988th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):endless Polly/Toxi/Oguz/Kikko/Zepy fanf" , posted Thu 22 Oct 08:44post reply

You are all filthy. I am shocked. I am officially retiring from public life in the Café.

time, day, month but not a visible year.
Like the gorgeous shoujo manga scenes of our youth, we will always remember, unassisted, the exact year/month/day/nanosecond of our first imaginary night with Iggy-ngton (as he has been known ever since becoming a Londonian).
I thought it meant we'll all be 17 for ever, even when the manga lasts 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years oh god we're so old.



ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

1197th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):endless Polly/Toxi/Oguz/Kikko/Zepy fanf" , posted Thu 22 Oct 21:18post reply

You are all filthy. I am shocked. I am officially retiring from public life in the Café.

time, day, month but not a visible year.
Like the gorgeous shoujo manga scenes of our youth, we will always remember, unassisted, the exact year/month/day/nanosecond of our first imaginary night with Iggy-ngton (as he has been known ever since becoming a Londonian).
I thought it meant we'll all be 17 for ever, even when the manga lasts 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years oh god we're so old.



The title of your post led me to have this vivid image/fantasy. Iggy is the dracula with the ability to dissolve into many coffee gum chewing creatures.Polly, me Kikkoken, Toxico, Zepy are the bitter jeaolus cult followers of him, Polly being the the oldest and the more independent of us all. We never even see her/his/its face! Maou is the curious professor that come to the castle to research and celebrate (because reasons,shut up). And he will, if he is lucky, be Iggystained!

For visual aid.

24th Post

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PSN: Yamazaki_RJ
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New Customer

"Re(1):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Sat 24 Oct 04:37post reply

Well, I found this bbs back in 98/99 while searching for KOF 99 information and beta reports to a brazilian KOF site (

Since then I was struck by the depth and knowledge that Iggy, Professor and many others show here, and yet have not seen throughout the internet over these years.

This place is unique.

Congratulations, Iggy. From the number one stalker of MMCafe.