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Maou 2902th Post
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "endless Polly/Toxi/Oguz/Kikko/Zepy fanfiction" , posted Mon 28 Sep 01:47
quote: time, day, month but not a visible year.
Like the gorgeous shoujo manga scenes of our youth, we will always remember, unassisted, the exact year/month/day/nanosecond of our first imaginary night with Iggy-ngton (as he has been known ever since becoming a Londonian).
quote: College Inaruko
As a bonus, INALCO sure sounds risque when you write it in kana in order to search what Chaz is talking about!
Oh, I thought that was already canon, at least since the dramatic breakup with Brandon and Kikkoken went to "study abroad in America."
quote: Should we read「ALL ABOUT I・G・G・Y」together?淫
Yes, especially if we start writing イナルコ as 淫ナルコ.
quote: He is married with Iggy and Pollyanna. kikkoken in the Yoğurt room.
This explains Polly's sudden "disappearance." But...Oguz-senpai, am I old enough to know what the Yoğurt Room is?
Toxico 5969th Post
PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):endless Polly/Toxi/Oguz/Kikko/Zepy fanf" , posted Mon 28 Sep 04:48
quote: 9999
I can't wait for Iggy to shower us in the glory of 10k
Actually, the post shown in each user's posts is the previous one, if you go to Iggy's profile you'll notice that he is already level 10.000
ク ク ク ク ク チ チ チ チ ク ク チ ャ ャ ャ ャ チ チ ャ 、__,.-、` _, .,r‐'"ヽ-; ャ ャ ゙| 、_ \_,.ィ─ァ、/ (⌒゙7|´ ノ ク ヽ\_r}/ / \ ヾ/ ク チ `ヽ、/_ヽ, ノ _! チ ク ク ャ ,ィ゙《(・))ヾ| ==i《((・)ゞ }} ャ チ チ / |i il゙ ̄/ ▼ \"| )) ャ ャ ,.! .|i | | ,r=-、rヽi っl} |, | ヽ\K_,./ニニッ、。ノ゚,, 〃 ./ \ヽ_ ̄ |ヽu ハ / i |  ̄ ̄ .イ | u | \ |ヾ‐ | / | .| ノヽ イ |、 ヽ | `! \ ゙| ヽi} | .| | ヽ | |ノ おれは人間をやめるぞ!
さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
CHAZumaru 1559th Post
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(6): Iggy = Dracula?" , posted Mon 28 Sep 14:29
I hope all of Iggy's Café icons will disappear and be replaced by a single icon of Iggy the Dog. Or Enoch.
,r 7ヾ ヾヽ、 /〃 ' " ヾ\ / / ヾ/ ヾ ヽ / 〃r 'ー " _,,,,_ ) ヽ 、 ,_,, 、 ヾヽ ノ ノ / ,ィ' 〃 `' `'ー `゙ l l ヾ´`ヾ, ,, ヽ \ / / ハ l 〃 l l Vー ヾ \ ' / / ! / ∥ l l ∨ l ヽ ヽ / }, l l ∥ l/ lz, ヾヽ、 ヽ r' /i / ∥'"`'=..-..、 ....||z==' ー ll l `ヽ、 ヽ 大丈夫だ。問題ない。 r" z j' ,,/ l ∥ ,,ィチ它ミ;::::: :::::||::ヒ寸ヽ, ll l i i ヽ ハ 、 j / /:! / j lレ! `¨"´` ::: ` ll `¨ "´ }l l V iヽ , ヽ l! ヽ ハ/ j l i , l|i l .:: ヾ !ハ ll ハ i ゙ l ヽ )' r i ハ ! ノ | l l , ' :、 j l } ミ ヾ ヾ、 lヾ 、_, 〃' 々ヾi ノ ィ' i }`'ハ 丶 - r .' r' j ハ ヾ ヽ、ヽ ミ ーハ イ/ ' リ ↓/ ヾ i{ iハ :: : liiハ , ヽ ヽ ー、_ ーヽ l 彡≠=、 ( V rヘハi l ー-´-`´-`- ‐ /ll/ l ヾヽ、ヾ ヽ (`ヽ! ヘヾ三彡// ィ ´l llヽ ` ー....-'′ ,イi ( j ミ _`ヾミゝ、 `ヾ、 Tく-彡'"_' 、 , ィ/!/ ハ \ / l l i、 ヾ、`ヾミミミヾ、 _, jVl" ''´ ノミi / ノハ! i jハ 丶 /::: l i ヾミ ミヾ ミゞー `ヾ、 ゞj= '" 彡彡'´ V! iイ : : : : :::`:::ー-‐:::':゙:::: ::: {ヽハ ノヾミミfヾーヾー / <,l '´ l , >´l j : :: : :::::::::::::::::::::::: : :: : :: ヾハレヾ/ヾ////`ヽ i} V::: : : : : : : : : : : : ::::: : : : : : : :: :: : :: i V/ / /// l __ r、 ハ ヽ: : : : : : : : :: : : ::::: : : : : : : : : : : : / /// / l /::j`ヽ 、 .| | イ l ヽ: : : : : : : : : : : ::: : : : : : : : : : / /// | ̄`'i j./:::::/ 丶| h_ . li ' ヽ: : : : : : : : : : : : : ∠ ' ´ー' `" / / /ー-、i .| | lh l',::... 、 、 ヽ / / / / . | | l h__ |ヽ::::.. 、 、 ヽヽ ヽ // / l .| | l l lヽ`iヽ
Même Narumi est épatée !
Professor 4656th Post
MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Tue 29 Sep 02:19
Congratulations to Iggy on his 10,000th post! I was keeping mum until the occasion to surprise him with the Icon AA although he seemed to have realized it prior to posting via the preview pane, lol. There's a weenie more to it though to make sure the AA contantly being there won't be too distracting.
ク ク ク ク ク チ チ チ チ ク ク チ ャ ャ ャ ャ チ チ ャ 、__,.-、` _, .,r‐'"ヽ-; ャ ャ ゙| 、_ \_,.ィ─ァ、/ (⌒゙7|´ ノ ク ヽ\_r}/ / \ ヾ/ ク チ `ヽ、/_ヽ, ノ _! チ ク ク ャ ,ィ゙《(・))ヾ| ==i《((・)ゞ }} ャ チ チ / |i il゙ ̄/ ▼ \"| )) ャ ャ ,.! .|i | | ,r=-、rヽi っl} |, | ヽ\K_,./ニニッ、。ノ゚,, 〃 ./ \ヽ_ ̄ |ヽu ハ
Let the Gum Party begin!!
HAYATO 1203th Post
PSN: Lord-Hayato XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(6):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Tue 29 Sep 08:05
Hahaha! oh wow... After being absent for more than a month, I just coincidentally returned to see what had been cooking in the Cafe all this time... and now stumble upon this historical event!! It's no wonder I felt such a potent urge to return here in the first time, it was our french, cheese-loving, crooked gay gamer overlord summoning his underlings to celebrate a pagan orgy under the red moonlight to celebrate his 10.000 gets!!
Congratulations Iggy for achieving the official status of Saint Patron of the Cafe!! It's been a pleasure to be witness to your posts (be them either informed opinions or random RomaMin shenanigans) along the years, and I sincerely hope we can enjoy your presence around here for many years to come...
。・。゚・。 ━ヽニニフ (ヽ、,/) 彡 ,、 | | ,-、-、 ∧,,∧ ∧,,∧ (V⌒⌒) ⊂ つ / J J ∧,,∧ ∧,,∧ キタ━( `・ω・)━(∩・ω・)━⊂( )⊃━( )━⊂( )⊃━( `・ω・)━━( `・ω・)━━━━!!! と つ ( 〈 `´`´ ∨"∨ `´`´ ⊂ つ / o━ヽニニフ (_,,つ `J J ヽ、つつ しー-J .し'
karasu 1570th Post
PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(8):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*)" , posted Thu 1 Oct 06:11
quote: I thought it meant we'll all be 17 for ever, even when...
But.. But... I, I thought we already were 17 years old forever...
In any case, threads like this sure bring back the spirit of the old times. MMCafe never dies!
*Add random Iggy love here*
No Maese, you're definitely 17 forever! The rest of us though, *sigh*
This has been a great thread though! Let's all swear our eternal loyalty to the Dark One's lieutenant, Maou, for arranging this thread, and for the founder of the feast himself, Professor, for making the hellish ceremony possible!
quote: Iggy
Is the phantom pain
Hahahahaha, perfect!
You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
Loona 925th Post
PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post matsuri*" , posted Mon 5 Oct 19:07
quote: Why are we still here, just to matsuri? You shall matsuri...forever! But what is your favorite Iggy moment?
There are many, and the ASCII art posts over the years in particular have been amazing, although searching for each of them would take ages.
It's not strictly a Café moment, but it's still pretty notable that Iggy's wordsmithing got me to read about a gay eroge, which turned out be be a more enjoyable and insightful read that I'd expect.
Between something like this, now only accessible through archive.org, and Nobi's posts evolving into finely crafted blog posts, I can't help but fantasize about a hypothetical Articles section on the main Café site, based on posts people want to see being elaborated on, since the news don't get updated that often, and individual posts can be complicated to track, isolate and share for posterity.
Ishmael 5285th Post
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post ma" , posted Thu 8 Oct 04:51
quote: It's not strictly a Café moment, but it's still pretty notable that Iggy's wordsmithing got me to read about a gay eroge, which turned out be be a more enjoyable and insightful read that I'd expect.
Between something like this, now only accessible through archive.org, and Nobi's posts evolving into finely crafted blog posts, I can't help but fantasize about a hypothetical Articles section on the main Café site, based on posts people want to see being elaborated on, since the news don't get updated that often, and individual posts can be complicated to track, isolate and share for posterity.
I remember that article! Iggy took what could have been fodder for easy jokes and wrote a far ranging and educational piece.
You're right, I would love to see the front page of the Café or some other site showcase posts that deserve more analysis. Thing is, I know I'm too lazy to contribute anything so it would be tacky of me to push too hard for that sort of forum.
kofoguz 1195th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(3):Re(10):The IGGY thread (*10,000 post ma" , posted Thu 8 Oct 06:52
quote: It's not strictly a Café moment, but it's still pretty notable that Iggy's wordsmithing got me to read about a gay eroge, which turned out be be a more enjoyable and insightful read that I'd expect.
Between something like this, now only accessible through archive.org, and Nobi's posts evolving into finely crafted blog posts, I can't help but fantasize about a hypothetical Articles section on the main Café site, based on posts people want to see being elaborated on, since the news don't get updated that often, and individual posts can be complicated to track, isolate and share for posterity. I remember that article! Iggy took what could have been fodder for easy jokes and wrote a far ranging and educational piece.
You're right, I would love to see the front page of the Café or some other site showcase posts that deserve more analysis. Thing is, I know I'm too lazy to contribute anything so it would be tacky of me to push too hard for that sort of forum.
I was thinking about the same thing the other day. Maybe there could be some Mmcafe blog by the important posts?
Nobi bros. blog worthy posts, Toxico's very long "Tekken's Jack/s" love letter, Badoor's Shaheen analysis and many more I don't recall or even not aware of. And my Hakan anakysis, which i am so sorry that i forgot to answer the request of whwther Hakan's BGM's fitting into the culture or not.
Also this gave me the similar idea you mentioned. What if Mmcafe have a this blogpediachart like tier chart/blog / that we can have some kind of karakter analysis for the fighter characters. I am sure we have enough diversity to do this kind of blogpediachart of Mmcafe, no?
kofoguz 1197th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(3):endless Polly/Toxi/Oguz/Kikko/Zepy fanf" , posted Thu 22 Oct 21:18
quote: You are all filthy. I am shocked. I am officially retiring from public life in the Café.
time, day, month but not a visible year. Like the gorgeous shoujo manga scenes of our youth, we will always remember, unassisted, the exact year/month/day/nanosecond of our first imaginary night with Iggy-ngton (as he has been known ever since becoming a Londonian). I thought it meant we'll all be 17 for ever, even when the manga lasts 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years oh god we're so old.
The title of your post led me to have this vivid image/fantasy. Iggy is the dracula with the ability to dissolve into many coffee gum chewing creatures.Polly, me Kikkoken, Toxico, Zepy are the bitter jeaolus cult followers of him, Polly being the the oldest and the more independent of us all. We never even see her/his/its face! Maou is the curious professor that come to the castle to research and celebrate (because reasons,shut up). And he will, if he is lucky, be Iggystained!
For visual aid.