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chazumaru 1558th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Super MadMan Maker" , posted Mon 28 Sep 14:18    
About Mario Maker.
4972-0000-0078-E1AF 悪魔城ドラクッパ ~BOWSERVANIA~
I am really proud of this one. Took me 12 hours straight to create/tune/complete myself. I thought it was 1AM right now, not 6AM...
My favorite stage so far: 249C-0000-0067-A2D3 Aperture Science As you can guess, it's a Portal-inspired stage. Incredibly clever (ex. using the Miiverse feature to replace GladOS), nice homage but with a genuine Mario twist, visually outstanding as well. It also follows the Mario mantra of one idea per level, instead of going in all directions / including too many mechanics (my level above is actually guilty of not following this principle, as it tries to convey a condensed "full game" experience). And it's not too hard; I think almost any player can finish it as long as they know all the actions they can do with that specific weapon. But it's not too easy either. It's perfect.
I also have a soft spot for this one: B5D7-0000-005E-9CDA Airship Acrobatics It's way less polished, but it does have that feeling of condensed adventure, it remains focussed, and besides the Final Boss (really tough), it has a great learning curve. I died probably 100+ times trying to finish this one. Less than 1% of us made it! The lack of checkpoint made it feel like playing an old arcade action game like Blue's Journey or Chiki Chiki Boys. It's the fun I had playing this level over and over that inspired me to create an old school Castlevania adventure.
Même Narumi est épatée !
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Spoon 3068th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Super MadMan Maker" , posted Wed 30 Sep 02:15    
quote: I think it's fairly normal and I assume a minority but nevertheless significant share of SMM users are simply players and not creators. In fact, I think it's crucial this type of consumer enjoys the game and grows, to create a healthy cycle between providers and consumers. Consumers are also active because they become enablers (the more stars you receive from players, the more stages you can upload) and curators (stages they liked/rewarded influence the "next stage" recommendation pool at the end of stage).
Think of it as a good karaoke party; it cannot simply feature competitive good singers; it also needs followers who enjoy being in the room, and people who suggest the right songs for everyone to sing along. Otherwise, if only creators are active, what they will play and reward with will change over time and begin to reward stages for other reasons than "are they fun to play" (that's also why the stage charts are currently biased towards clever automated levels, which impress stage creators more than it entertain regular Mario players). This will have a negative impact on growth of the community.
So it's actually really important players like you guys feel welcomed and feel there is value for money in playing a Mario game designed by the equivalent of Drunk Internet. I can't answer if you will find the appropriate value for the money you spent but I hope this threads helps.
The strictly consumer perspective I like to think of as like the greater internet, place where millions of people post interesting creations and millions more post nothing.
Imagine if somebody only lurks on a forum. Let's say the forum is named "NNCafe". It's entirely possible that they get a lot of value out of just consuming funny things on NNCafe without ever making a post on it. It's also possible that without creatively participating in NNCafe, they find that they aren't getting value out of it.
Creating in-game economies about consumer participation in the market such that "value" can be created through their participation (e.g. the item economies in DOTA2/TF2 that allow players who are not creators to get hats of various artificial scarcity that they can trade with others, players can vote on hats made by others for official inclusion, etc.) is a big step and one which makes a lot of sense from many perspectives.