SFV Pt.3 - Coming updates edition - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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4814th Post

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"SFV Pt.3 - Coming updates edition" , posted Fri 18 Mar 23:47:post reply

So Nobi mentioned in the previous thread about SFV's graphics having being developed in Malaysia, but here's something as interesting.

A programmer who's been reverse engineering the game as a hobby was at GDC and noticed a booth that had Capcom's SFV as one of its client projects. As it turns out, the network system used by the game isn't a proprietarty system developed by Capcom but a middleware suite called Proudnet by Nettention Co., Ltd, a third party company based in Korea.

The middleware is apparently used by Nexon's Vindictus (Mabinogi Heroes) amongst other titles so I'm sure its had enough real-life testing during the years. It's a bit surprising that there's so many server issues with SFV.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 18 Mar 23:59]


10178th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(1):SFV Pt.3 - Coming updates edition" , posted Sat 19 Mar 00:08:post reply

I saw your tentative thread filled only with "aaaaaaa", and I thought it was a jab at the game...
"This thread will be updated with single-reader text before the end of March".

Interesting discovery about the network code!
But while outsourcing the assets is easy (when you receive the assets, they're yours and you can do whatever), outsourcing the netcode means you don't have anyone in-house to modify it or fix the holes... It makes the whole thing dependent of an extra layer of bureaucracy, which leads to the sluggish updates we're suffering from now.
And if you add Sony's bureaucracy on top of that for all the updates...

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 19 Mar 00:11]

3098th Post

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"Re(2):SFV Pt.3 - Coming updates edition" , posted Sat 19 Mar 09:39post reply

I saw your tentative thread filled only with "aaaaaaa", and I thought it was a jab at the game...
"This thread will be updated with single-reader text before the end of March".

[Now Printing]

I was going to start a new thread reflecting the new update (update on update date to be determined at a later date), but for now I think I'll leave it blank, or "re-launch" a new thread when something happens. Good thing this hasn't affected sales. ...? Oh.


Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):SFV Pt.3 - Coming updates edition" , posted Sat 19 Mar 17:06:post reply

...SFV's monthly "advance" in sales is even more disheartening than its first week sales. But I understand such a bombing is deserved. I really hope Capcom pulls off a FFXIV by the time Season 1 comes full circle (except Season 1 hasn't even begun yet updates wise, go figure).

EDIT: Standard edition is $20 off on the U.S. Amazon...sign of its commercial failure? Or part of some huge Amazon sale?

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 19 Mar 20:27]

480th Post

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"Re(1):SFV Pt.3 - Coming updates edition" , posted Sun 20 Mar 00:05post reply

So Nobi mentioned in the previous thread about SFV's graphics having being developed in Malaysia, but here's something as interesting.

I'm from malaysia and its quite surprising when I heard this news, and believe it or not even Hollywood 3D animation or effects were outsource to Malaysia branch studio too.

As for netcode , i really dont understand why Capcom give it as outsource. When outsourcing, we can't control the quality and has to depend on others. If others dont give a good quality and this will greatly impact Capcom and not third party.

That's my view anyway.

Who did this to these dogs ???

142th Post

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"Re(1):SFV Pt.3 - Coming updates edition" , posted Sun 20 Mar 00:11post reply

So Nobi mentioned in the previous thread about SFV's graphics having being developed in Malaysia, but here's something as interesting.

A programmer who's been reverse engineering the game as a hobby was at GDC and noticed a booth that had Capcom's SFV as one of its client projects. As it turns out, the network system used by the game isn't a proprietarty system developed by Capcom but a middleware suite called Proudnet by Nettention Co., Ltd, a third party company based in Korea.

The middleware is apparently used by Nexon's Vindictus (Mabinogi Heroes) amongst other titles so I'm sure its had enough real-life testing during the years. It's a bit surprising that there's so many server issues with SFV.

Some history for those who didn't know, Street Fighter 2 Break Down: Genre Defining Glitches.

Long Live!

3287th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SFV Pt.3 - Coming updates edition" , posted Sun 20 Mar 04:22post reply

The first large tournament as part of the Capcom Pro Tour featuring SFV is happening right now!


Yesterday there were team tournaments, in which Tokido's Ryu destroyed everybody. Daigo vs. Tokido all-Ryu finals plz

5417th Post

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"Re(3):SFV Pt.3 - Coming updates edition" , posted Sun 20 Mar 23:19post reply

The sales trajectory of SF5 is frustrating but entirely justified. Personally I've barely played the game lately since going up against online randos is not much fun for me. It's too bad because the core game itself is good fun but right now I want that Murata illustrated SF book more than I want to play SF5 in its current incarnation.

Yesterday there were team tournaments, in which Tokido's Ryu destroyed everybody. Daigo vs. Tokido all-Ryu finals plz

Finally some good news with SF5. When Capcom re-launches SF5 they should just run this clip to show people why they should play.

3293th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Mon 21 Mar 14:50:post reply

One of the signature systems of SFV has to be Crush Counter. SFV certainly isn't the first game to have unique counter hit properties, what with SF2 granting variable damage bonuses (like the infamous counter-hit a Blanka ball and Blanka loses half his life), and many contemporaries/successors with their own approaches to the subject.

I like to think that it was the 3D games that pioneered crumple stun states, but I could be wrong. Nevertheless, it is something that has been thoroughly embraced by major 2D fighting games of recent times, such as Blazblue with Fatal Counter, SF4 with Focus Attack, etc. I vaguely recall that in KOF98, landing a counterhit jump CD gave you a free juggle afterwards or something like that.

So SFV has Crush Counter, which among all the counter hit systems, is by far the most like SFA3. For one, it is a universal system solely triggered by counter hits scored with HP/HK normals. It doesn't require the use of a unique system move, <REDACTED THIS PART IS WRONG WTF WAS I ON WHEN I WROTE IT>, and does not change the cancelability properties of the counter-hitting move. Footsies with heavy normals are hugely rewarding, with the exception of sweeps, which are only slightly more rewarding than normal.

It's not as extreme of a counter-hitting system as, say, Koihime Musou's (wherein most characters have extremely weak combo damage until they score a counter-hit with the right move, which then causes the opponent to bounce off walls, become juggleable in all sorts of ways, etc.), and it makes these juicy counter hits immediately accessible with a single button press, on the buttons that most beginners probably want to press all the time already (heavy attack!). SFV is an unusual SF game in that pressure/rushdown is more heavily rewarded universally with systemic incentives (e.g. blocked normals cause white damage, all of which is cashed in the moment a move hits), basic damage is high, and stun is high (but not ST high, where people could get dizzied in literally two hits). Zoning/keepaway/poke-oriented styles of play don't really get to take advantage of that part of the system. If Karin or Rashid get in on you, even if you manage to successfully block for awhile, even if you alleviate the pressure by trading with the opponent, they cash in the white damage and you could wind up with a much bigger deficit than you'd like; indeed, if you are low on life and they get in on you, your options to get out shrink, because a trade that would ordinarily not be lethal now might be. This intensifies the pressure on the defender, and as the white damage mounts, gambles for the aggressor gradually become more and more rewarding. If Karin makes you block j.MK, d.MP, MP and then does f.MK, the f.MK goes from 60 damage to 90 damage. If Zangief makes you block a body splash and an MP, he gets like 30 bonus damage as well. 30 doesn't sound like much, indeed, it's like a jab worth of damage, but it builds up fast. When people talk about how the high damage allows for quick momentum shifts in this game, I like to think that this system helps that as well. It also makes players with sophisticated frame advantage on block tactics much more deadly; even if the number of hits that connect are the same between two players, the one who's been blocking more up until the hit is scored literally dies faster.

But the real hint that this game has a big piece of SFA3 influence is that Ryu's b+HK is really, really good. It still might not be SFA3 fast, but it's really good. I can't think of a time since SFA3 that Ryu's b+HK has been this good. MAKE BACK ROUNDHOUSE GREAT AGAIN!

So all that said, it's worth looking at one of the key things which helped Infiltration win Final Round 19 using Nash: the fact that he used Nash's V-Reversal liberally, and nobody really had a reliable way of punishing it even when they knew he was going to do it. Infiltration did it over and over again to escape pressure and quickly get out of corners. In a game where sustained pressure and momentum lead to quick KOs in the corner, Infiltration played in a way that allowed him to bypass that. Now, another aspect of the way he played is that in the neutral he could very suddenly shift from a tentative, throw-projectile-and-see-what-happens mode into sudden rushes. You can see how these two aspects of his playstyle are strongly complementary and make it seem like he's the one dictating the flow of the match. Even when Infiltration is backing off, he's not really on the run. You can see in the grand finals match how much trouble Tokido's Ryu has in chasing him down, and how when trying to do so, Infiltration can suddenly switch from running away to dashing in and attacking, or punishing attempts to zone him with the use of Nash's super. Some have said that this seems to clearly be an evolution of his Decapre playstyle from USF4, where he could switch between a lame-out runaway and rushdown offense suddenly, and this keeps the opponent off-balance.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Sat 26 Mar 06:12]

3100th Post

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"Re(5):SFV Pt. Alpha Q" , posted Tue 22 Mar 23:25:post reply

Great analysis, Spoon! One day I'll be smart enough enough to remember all English-language lingo. It's nice that SFV=SFZ4 goes beyond the character roster.

Given how dismal Capcom's "March update" schedule has been, and how it's made me respect KOFXIV's robust content despite its shoddy graphics, I suppose it's important to find small nice things, like fuller footage of SFV's Q.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 22 Mar 23:26]

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"Re(5):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 23 Mar 03:59post reply

It's not a big surprise, as Ono had said multiple times that he was trying to convince the executives to go foward for a alpha4, but i agree that's a lot of alpha3 in sfV:

-the traditional close version of normals becoming a command normal activated by pressing backwards (exactly like v-ism).

-alpha counters are done in the same way as alpha3 (foward + 3k or 3p depending on char), as oposed to alpha2/other fgs style (b b/d d + p or k).

-the "white damange" may be a thing from vampire savior, but it seems like a less extreme alternative to alpha3 guardbar (in A3 everytime you inflict a guardbreak, the guardbar of the opponent becomes shorter).

-the 4 non-sf2 and non-new characters are from alpha series (nash, karin, mika, birdie).

-alpha alt costumes for ryu, ken and nash are in the game.

With that said, it's obvious that the executives didn't agree to go all the way down. Sf4 was the most recent comercial sucess, and a lot that is in SfV came straight from there or as a correction to things perceived as mistakes in Sf4.
Hundreds of other people were involved in sfV development too, including Woshige...crush counters might have been heavily influenced by Woshige experience in ASW titles...

5419th Post

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"Re(6):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 23 Mar 04:33post reply

Hmm, now that Spoon spells it out like that SF5 does have more in common with A3 than I had originally thought. I think my problem is that whenever I think of A-groove lunacy, not the other aspects of the game.

From watching Final Round I learned that SF5 may not be playable at the moment but it works as a spectator sport. Watching people be at a loss with Infiltration's V-trigger usage or Tokido getting incredible mileage out of jumping LK was really entertaining. I'll be interested to see what lessons people learned -and whether they were the right lessons- at upcoming events.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 23 Mar 05:49post reply

Server maintenance started at 10AM PST and scheduled to end at 5PM PST...I'd love to claim it's going to lead to a certain something, but given Capcom's IDGAF stance it's not the case.

Ore no...kachi da!!

10185th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(8):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Fri 25 Mar 02:11post reply

Well, sucks for the Easter break...
We have some exciting news to share today: the long awaited March update that contains Alex will be releasing next week in two separate drops. Hit the jump for more details!

The first drop will take place on March 28 (MON) and contains the following content:

Challenge Mode
Demonstrations: Learn the ins and outs of Street Fighter V through helpful demonstration and tutorial content. Contains content for each of the 16 characters, as well as advice geared towards players of all skill levels:
Beginner Tutorials: 12 lessons covering, movement, normal attacks, special attacks, V-System, throws, counter hits, chip/recoverable damage, etc.
Intermediate Tutorials: 11 lessons covering projectiles, invincibility frames, armor and armor break, recovery, cross-up attacks, anti-air options, etc.
Advanced Tutorials: 4 lessons covering back dashing, frame advantage/disadvantage, combo potential, button priority, etc.
Character Tutorials: 16 lessons covering each individual character.
Trials: Put your skills to the ultimate test with combo trials for all 16 characters, ranging from basic to pro combos. Completing Trials will also earn you some extra Fight Money.
Online Rematch Option
Salty from a close loss online? Want revenge? Players can now play a 2/3 set in Ranked Match and Casual Matches, provided both players accept the rematch.

Battle Lounge Improvements
Enjoy up to 8 person lobbies, complete with match spectating.
Bug fixes and gameplay balancing
Various game bugs have been fixed, along with minor gameplay balancing. For more details please see the previous post.

The second drop will take place on March 30 (WED) at 10AM PT and contains the following content:

Alex + related character story content
In-Game Shop
Fight Money Expenditure: Spend your hard earned Fight Money to purchase extra game content, such as DLC characters (100,000 FM each) and the Story Mode Costumes (40,000 FM each).

One feature that will not be making it into the March update will be the Zenny (real money) functionality of the in-game shop. We have taken a long hard look at this part of the store, and after much review, have decided it is not ready to launch just yet. As Zenny is purchased with real money, we wanted to be extra careful and make sure it’s fully tested and optimized before launching it. There is currently no ETA on the Zenny store and we will release it as soon as it’s ready.

We realize that this causes an inconvenience to fans who want to purchase the DLC characters, such as Alex, but do not have enough Fight Money or own the Season Pass. To address this, we will be making Alex available for free as a trial period to all players, until the Zenny shop launches. This also will apply to any future DLC character that releases prior to the Zenny shop launching. Once the Zenny shop launches, the free trial for any DLC characters that released prior to the Zenny shop opening will end, and players will need to either use Fight Money, Zenny, or the Season Pass to access those characters.

Any DLC character related content (such as costumes) that is purchased with Fight Money during the trial period will remain in your account once the trial period ends, but you’ll need to purchase Alex to use that content. The same goes for colors and character progress, etc. that are earned during the trial period; everything will be saved, you’ll just need to purchase the character to resume your progress once the trial period ends.

As a special bonus to our Season Pass users, they will be the only ones who will be able to access the premium costumes of the DLC characters until the Zenny shop launches, and they also get to keep character access once the free trial period ends. Additionally, we will be giving all Season Pass users a free, brand new stage in the near future!

Finally, as a way of saying thanks for everyone’s patience and understanding throughout the beta phases and game launch we will be making Ryu and Chun-Li’s story mode costumes available for free to all users on March 30 as well. This is an 80,000 Fight Money value, almost the full value of a DLC character.

Thank you for continuing to support Street Fighter V and we promise that the game will continue to improve from here on out. More new updates, fixes and support for other pressing issues like rage quitters are in the works and we hope to have more information to share soon.

Until next time!

1929th Post

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"Re(9):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Fri 25 Mar 02:46post reply

Patch stuff

From the way they phrase that Zeny stuff it sounds like it won't be sorted out for a while since they hint that multiple DLC characters will have a "free trial period."

5421th Post

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"Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Fri 25 Mar 03:10post reply

Patch stuff

From the way they phrase that Zeny stuff it sounds like it won't be sorted out for a while since they hint that multiple DLC characters will have a "free trial period."

Perhaps when they realized they were going to have to float Alex out there without the store being live they decided that having a free trial period for all the characters wasn't a bad idea? Whatever the case, the idea that SF5 is supposed to be built around continuous updates (and payments) but the store still doesn't work is amazing. Just how far behind in development is SF5?

Still, I'm happy for the little things such as Policewoman Chun-Li. Now I just need to learn to play Chun-Li in SF5...

shin ramberk
445th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Fri 25 Mar 03:21post reply

The Capcom fanboy in me wants DLC costumes to reflect more of the different versions/eras of each character. I suppose they are sort of doing a little bit of that. That's my own personal preference even if the costumes are not that wildly different. What would be cooler still if the costume implemented a slightly different fighting stance / poses. I'm just dreaming here but I know that's what would tantalize me to buy costumes as opposed to "going to the beach" Chun Li, I'd rather have 3S Chun Li or SF2 Chun Li.

Its all about the subtle differences that long time fans would enjoy.


10187th Post

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Fri 25 Mar 09:40post reply

The Capcom fanboy in me wants DLC costumes to reflect more of the different versions/eras of each character. I suppose they are sort of doing a little bit of that. That's my own personal preference even if the costumes are not that wildly different. What would be cooler still if the costume implemented a slightly different fighting stance / poses. I'm just dreaming here but I know that's what would tantalize me to buy costumes as opposed to "going to the beach" Chun Li, I'd rather have 3S Chun Li or SF2 Chun Li.

This is something I'd like to know as well.
We know the game will have alternate costumes that can be bought with fight money, and "Premium" costumes that can only be bought with RM. But what will make them premiumer than stuff like Policewoman Chunli, Parkour Rashid, Alternate FANG with less clipping and Even Uglier Necalli?
Some of the non-premium are terrible (Ryu, Ken, Laura) so hopefully the Premium ones for those characters should be better (bearded Ryu is a good start), but "the premium are expensive because the non-premium just suck" doesn't sound very compelling.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Fri 25 Mar 18:24post reply

Capcom hasn't learned their lesson from SFxT at all. I know they had never announced an approximate release date for the March update, but I really, really was hoping they didn't keep us waiting more than 4 weeks, especially giving how shameless they were in launching the mere -although great- core of the game as the full retail package. Again, this game is only good for those who can regularly challenge other people as of now.

Ore no...kachi da!!

3101th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Fri 25 Mar 19:28:post reply


Still, I'm happy for the little things such as Policewoman Chun-Li. Now I just need to learn to play Chun-Li in SF5...

She is a JOY. I've never had such ease tolerating a charge character.

Capcom's feckless management sure isn't a joy, though. I'm in a situation similar to rooting for a perpetually losing sports team. Is it possible to hate the proverbial coach while loving the players=designers? You bet!


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 25 Mar 19:29]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Fri 25 Mar 22:49post reply

It happens a lot with Italian soccer teams xD Very clever way to summarize the sad situation SFV is in. I hope things start going for the better after September...

Ore no...kachi da!!

3293th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Sat 26 Mar 06:25post reply


Hundreds of other people were involved in sfV development too, including Woshige...crush counters might have been heavily influenced by Woshige experience in ASW titles...

I actually wonder if the more Woshige influence is not Crush Counters, but the white damage. Woshige's been playing a lot of fighting games for a long time, but one of the games he's a big name in is Guilty Gear, a game in which blocking attacks directly ties to increased combo damage. Because SF isn't a game where you get combos off pretty much every hit/throw no matter how or where your opponent is, as opposed to GG, in addition to characters that have very restricted comboing ability (e.g. Zangief), just cashing in the bonus instantly on hit fits better with SF. It's also a lot more beginner-friendly.

The general notion of "there is literally no limit to how long you can keep blocking attacks on the ground, but it gets more and more dangerous the longer you do it" feels very Guilty Gear. The is also unlike other ArcSys games which feature guard gauges together with a guard crush system.

4822th Post

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"Re(7):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Sat 26 Mar 10:34post reply


< .....Weak character?

3101th Post

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"Re(8):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Sat 26 Mar 10:44post reply


< .....Weak character?

Great art, great laughs.

inquiring minds want to know: is Rashid the new Dan?!?!!?


3294th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Sat 26 Mar 12:01post reply

Dan's truly mighty task is to bring in a side character with a compelling historical connection to Zangief.

Orochi Yamazaki
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"Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Sat 26 Mar 14:40post reply

I do agree that while SFV has a lot in common with the Alpha / Zero series, I think SFV has actively tried take an approach that is "opposite of everything SF4" was.

From a gameplay standpoint, SFV is very offensive oriented and fast paced, while SF4 is very defensive and slower paced. The Focus Attack system allowed players to use it as a damage buffer. Sure, it was also used as FADC cancelling into a combo, but its core design was as a temporary sacrificial damage in exchange for a better position / maneuvering. This made for players trying to 'buy time' as they tried not to take damage while the 'temp damage' regenerated. It made for some very interesting and chess-like play at high level, but I think it also affected the pace of the game significantly. SF4 is still a very 'mental' game, but in comparison, feels much defensive. In SFV, every character has some sort of offensive push / mechanic within their moveset. Rushdown is very common, due to weaker anti-airs and easier hit links.

And while SF4 tried very hard to (initially) avoid SF3, I think SFV tried very hard to include all aspects of the Street Fighter lore (whether they succeeded is another conversation I think). And this includes the Alpha / Zero series. I think I recall Ono did make a mention that he wanted to start with a clean slate gameplay-wise, where SF4 pros were on the same level as the new comers starting out?

Just my 2 cents!

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Sat 26 Mar 19:07:post reply

Maou, is this what we need? Comment is the lounge name I think, there's a password setting and of course the long awaited 8 people setting :D I went Plus a couple days ago -let's hope KOFXIV's netcode is solid on PS4 from day one, otherwise I've bought a 12 months subscription for naught-, so I'm looking forward to this feature.

EDIT: kept my PS4 in rest mode overnight (it's 9.20AM in Italy right now), checked it when I woke up -patch installed, yay- and now I'm back from the gym. Can't wait to try the sans-Alex side of the March update...I wanna believe that tutorials, trials and full featured lounges will give me the feel of a somewhat "complete" game *tries hard not to think about the cinematic story still being 3 months away from us*

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 29 Mar 16:22]

10188th Post

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 01:18post reply

Alex has his stomp!!! Ugliness redeemed.

Some of the "premium" costumes are fantastic. Birdie is amazing, Mika and Gief are great references... Midlife-Crisis-Ken looks like Joe from SF1. Laura forgot to put her pants on, but I'm afraid that will be her recurring theme...

Still, back to my previous question: I don't see the difference with the first costumes in terms of quality. I guess those will be the "taster costumes", and anything beyond that will be pay-only?

As a friend said, it's also a patch to fix Karin and make her pretty again. Few!

3295th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 03:05post reply

Doctrine Dark Charlie, Birdie Mercury, 90's wrestler (shades of Macho Man Randy Savage?) Gief...

of course, what everybody really wants is Hot Ryu.

5426th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 05:15post reply

I really hope that Birdie's alts are all parodies of outfits that other characters have worn.

Also, congrats to the MMCafe tier chart for getting mentioned during the Capcom Pro Tour.

3296th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 05:16post reply

Here's a fun note about Alex:

Alex has a new throw where he pushes his opponent off-balance and then does a backhand chop, while the victim does a huge and awesome oversell on it all.

Every pro-wrestling character in the game has the backhand chop. Zangief and Mika have it as standing MP (and it's a move they've had since their initial incarnations). Alex arguably has it in two forms with Flash Chop and this move.

The most iconic pro-wrestling move according to Capcom is the backhand chop! Forget the suplex!

3191th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 14:10post reply

Yeah, Alex is pretty fun. Uh, don't ask me how I know.

I never really touched Alex much in SF3 except as a training dummy to do crouching-Alex-in-corner infinites but I might have to give him a try in SFV. A lot of his moves and combos seem to work just like they did in 3s.

Unfortunately as I expected there's no real concept of front or behind in SFV, since only his HP flash chop and V-trigger lariat will set up his canned german suplex throw. Getting a stun and jumping behind the opponent will only turn them around for a power bomb. Oh well. Also he only has the one throw he can do "behind" them, his headbutt is too slow to connect in that window and his critical art doesn't change. RIP sleeper hold.

Speaking of his critical art, when it KOs it leaves them planted in the ground like with Zangief, but unlike Gief it also leaves them straight as an arrow like some kind of Looney Tunes villain. I like it though, the growing look of horror on the victim's face is a fun little touch.

3297th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 15:32post reply

Norcal Regionals wrapped up not so long ago, and once again, #1 and #2 are Infiltration and Tokido. Unfortunately, it isn't so much a rivalry as it is a champion and an underdog, which is a pretty amazing thing to consider Tokido being! Infiltration's Nash is on a whole different level from everybody else, with his bizarre ability to either dictate or roll with the tempo of the match. Tokido's no stranger to optimizing the hell out of a gameplan and developing/abusing the cheapest stuff to the limit, but Infiltration just seems to have all the answers no matter the situation. In the Winner's final, Tokido took one game, and in the grand final, Tokido got beat 3-0. It's well worth watching, because it's not often that you get to see Tokido utterly baffled. Just look at Tokido's face!

So what everybody is eager to see will of course be Daigo vs. Infiltration. SFV's Ryu is one of the strongest that Ryu has been in an SF game, and while Tokido hasn't managed to solve the myriad puzzle of Infiltration's neutral game, it will be fascinating to see what Daigo's approach will be. Maybe Daigo's more intuitive approach to fighting will bring answers that Tokido's more calculated approach haven't been able to.

It's great to see that Alex has not only his stomp, but also the dashing elbow! So I'm happily wrong in my estimation that the clothesline from hell would replace the elbow. Alex looks like he'll be a lot of fun to use!

4825th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 19:17post reply

Oh, the costumes!


...Come to think, I can't recall ever eating one of those. I'll probably pick up Zangief's costume just for fun though!

Also, congrats to the MMCafe tier chart for getting mentioned during the Capcom Pro Tour.

Haha, I missed out on that! Thanks for posting!

So the lounge settings for SFV unfortunately doesn't allow manual commenting even after the patch, so there's no way to really place a name or tag on it. I'll probably open a session soon after Alex is patched in. Anyone interested in a lagfest?

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 20:52:post reply

Demonstrations are utterly disappointing, you can't even practice what the tutorials explain, unlike ASW games and even the ridiculously barebones, sorrow excuse for a tutorial from KOFXIII. Character tutorials only tell you some stuff about some special moves -not even all of them for some characters- and their V-techniques, as if characters didn't have normals...but in hindsight, I admit I was expecting way too much thinking character tutorials would give you a breakdown of their most useful normals. You definitely have to rely on videos from expert players for that.

Trials on the other hand feel more user friendly. I barely had the time to clear Ken's trials before the servers went into maintenance and I'm positively impressed, no more insane combo ordeals from the SFIV days.

When I saw Alex actually has that stuff that wasn't mentioned in the Capcom Unity blog I was so happy, but I was afraid Capcom was waiting as long as possible before unlocking him like they did with the first part of the update, I mean, 5PM PDT is 2AM or so on the next day in Italy ^^; (at least now with DST active here). Good thing they chose a better time LOL (EDIT: no Alex and no shop at the moment...)

Lagfest?Let's give it a shot Professor :D Just keep in mind I live in Italy, if my ADSL connection is of any hinderance (my typical ping is between 30 and 40ms within my country, so I guess it should get abysmal cross-continent) I'd step out of the lounge for the sake of keeping the experience acceptable.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Wed 30 Mar 21:14]

3102th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 22:48post reply

Ouch. Yeah, I checked the lounge settings in the brief interval between server maintenance, and (at least in Japanese) there are just a few useless comments available in naming it, so it will only be MMCAFE LAGFEST in our hearts. Still, we can set it to private and invite everyone on our CFN lists. Maybe if the approaching second update looks decent, I'll muster energy to start a less dismal new thread!


513th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 23:05post reply

Still, we can set it to private and invite everyone on our CFN lists.

I'm down. Can't wait to use my Mika.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

3103th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Wed 30 Mar 23:14post reply

Still, we can set it to private and invite everyone on our CFN lists.

I'm down. Can't wait to use my Mika.

Superb! If you want to put it here, I'll add your Fighter ID to the list for next thread after the patch tomorrow.


10189th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(9):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Thu 31 Mar 00:53post reply

It will be terrible, unplayable, and overall a waste of everyone's bandwidth. OF COURSE I'M IN.

shin ramberk
447th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Thu 31 Mar 03:42:post reply

Demonstrations are utterly disappointing, you can't even practice what the tutorials explain, unlike ASW games and even the ridiculously barebones, sorrow excuse for a tutorial from KOFXIII. Character tutorials only tell you some stuff about some special moves -not even all of them for some characters- and their V-techniques, as if characters didn't have normals...but in hindsight, I admit I was expecting way too much thinking character tutorials would give you a breakdown of their most useful normals. You definitely have to rely on videos from expert players for that.

I pretty much go to training mode and watch SRK character tutorials on my laptop (next to me). It's so much more informative and intuitive. I haven't tried any of the new trials or whatever got added in the new update. I like trials even if they have no practicality but just for the challenge.

It's a blessing to have pros and enthusiasts pretty much break down the characters for you. I know part of the fun is discovering the best tactics but I'm too old for that now lol. I've mastered a turtle/aggressive style with Remy in 3S, I know his normals and easy combos. But that took me years and lots of quarters. I only needed to watch one video to discover that Birdie's standing MP is a great anti-air. :) :) :)


[this message was edited by shin ramberk on Thu 31 Mar 03:43]

514th Post

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PSN: Kusanagi82
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"Re(9):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Thu 31 Mar 04:38post reply


I haven't tried any of the new trials or whatever got added in the new update. I like trials even if they have no practicality but just for the challenge.

I've been doing the trials for the challenge as well.
With most characters I can complete their first 9 trials but end up giving up during their 10th trial; which is always their most difficult combo. I've been playing with one of these. Not sure if it makes a difference but I'm finding it very hard to complete Ruy's final trial. It's a fun challenge nonetheless.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

515th Post

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PSN: Kusanagi82
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Thu 31 Mar 04:39post reply


Superb! If you want to put it here, I'll add your Fighter ID to the list for next thread after the patch tomorrow.

Fighter ID: Kusanagi82

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

3192th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Thu 31 Mar 06:30post reply

MMCAFE LAGFEST in our hearts

I too am down for this. I mean my connection with Europe is absolute trash considering I'm on the exact opposite side of the world, but Japan only rolls back for like 10 frames. It's playably jarring!(tm)

Also I just found out that character color unlocks bought in the store are tied to your character level. So that Yamazaki color for Laura will have to wait until I've grinded my way up to some absurd level even higher than 31. Damn it.

shin ramberk
447th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(10):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Thu 31 Mar 07:35post reply


Also I just found out that character color unlocks bought in the store are tied to your character level. So that Yamazaki color for Laura will have to wait until I've grinded my way up to some absurd level even higher than 31. Damn it.

Really? That's interesting. I know that its an artificial restriction to put on obtaining an extra color but I kinda think that's cool. It's also a shorthand way to show a players ability-- "ooh, he must be really good, he's using pukey green Charlie!"


10190th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - IGGY ARI !

"Re(10):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Thu 31 Mar 08:14post reply

Also I just found out that character color unlocks bought in the store are tied to your character level. So that Yamazaki color for Laura will have to wait until I've grinded my way up to some absurd level even higher than 31. Damn it.

Oh, nice. I may hold off from Alex at least I grind until greyish blue at least.
Also, we all agree the second color on that screenshot is 100% Shiranui Mai, correct?

Alex's face is offensive. Why does he has bad skin? I mean, I get how, he's a slob who lives in a trailer. But... why??? And his third costume is just worse than the worst. It's worst than Rufus ever was! It almost makes Necalli bearable.
At least the second won't give me nightmares.

5427th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):SFV Pt. Alpha 3" , posted Thu 31 Mar 10:06post reply

Also I just found out that character color unlocks bought in the store are tied to your character level. So that Yamazaki color for Laura will have to wait until I've grinded my way up to some absurd level even higher than 31. Damn it.

That's a really curious limitation. Oh well, I guess that saves me from impulse buying any extra colors since I only play casual matches and my characters are leveling at a snail's pace.

3107th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Next thread!" , posted Thu 31 Mar 14:55:post reply


After all Capcom's dismal failures reflected in this current thread, updates are here at last, so time for a more upbeat start in a new thread!



[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 31 Mar 15:00]