SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Fri 1 Jul 13:38:post reply

SFV is resembling a full game at last, just in time for Evo, one of the pro tournaments that forced the game out early. Will really cool Evo matches vindicate that insane decision? Will Story Mode contain even more deliciously stupid scenarios than usual? Will Hot Ryu get more purchases than Hot Karin? Will the brilliantly bystander-free alternate stages be worth the blood, sweat, and tears everyone sunk into the Survival Mode to avoid paying real money? Time to find out!

The biggest news for me is that taking Ibuki to the new Kanzuki beach stage with Hinata and Tiffany puts three Justice Gakuen-linked characters into one location for the first time since…Capcom vs. SNK 2?!

1. Official site

2. Official blog

3. Previous Threads
SFV thread 4
SFV thread 3
SFV thread 2
SFV thread 1
Iggy’s magical SFV (Justice Gakuen) design thread

4. MMCAFE LAGFEST: Add Cafe patrons to your CFN favorite fighter list, set battle lounge slots to private, and invite away! Ever since the first patch, it’s been easy to see when people are actually online, even cross-platform. I will see you at Kanzuki beach or New Zealand waterfall, and only there! NOBODY BLINK!

MMCafe ID - CFN Fighter ID
Gekiganger V - gekijmo
Gojira - Gojira
Grave - eccothedolphin
Iggy - Iggywata
Ishmael - Ishmael26b
Karasu - MrKarasu
KTallguy - KTallguy
Maou - zonepharaoh
Micky Kusanagi - MickyKusanagi
Mosquiton - ChaosFrame
Red Falcon - Rugalbgood
Spoon - [get to last boss on one credit in order to face Spoon]
Tai-Pan - Kusanagi82
Zepy - zepysf


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 12 Jul 02:22]


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"Re(1):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Fri 1 Jul 13:42post reply

It’s also only fitting that we get rolling with continued discussion of Urien’s thong. Previous thread quotes:

Nobi: Being nearly totally naked emphasizes: 1) His culture 2) His no nonsense approach to fighting 3) His iron body technique 4) His pankration fighting style

Mosquiton: Maybe Urien having trouble attracting ladies due to his overly conservative look? I mean, I guess it isn't the 90s anymore... but Urien, you're not getting any younger buddy.

Iggy: With all that, a vulgar suit (the parallels with RGG's yakuzas are spot-on) fits the character pretty well. Gill would never have worn such a brash attire. But Urien? He wouldn't see anything wrong in that unbuttoned pink vest.

Tai-Pan: You have ruined the character for me Iggy, but in such spectacular and fabulous fashion...

SF32I portrait
3S portrait
One of these two guys looks really cool
One of these two guys really doesn't
These two are the same guy

Karasu: his less-nakedness has a lot to do with US attitudes toward male semi-nudity, which I think points to how much of a US-focused game SFV seems.

Legendary Ninja: That character is a force to be reckoned with. He hits hard and demands respect. So even though the manga character he is based on was a second-rate villain, even though he appeared later in the SF3 series than Gill and has a bit or an attitude problem he's still more valuable as a whole to the fans than Gill ever will be. And that's why I think Capcom should have concentrated on the character's strong points instead of giving him a forced "edgy" revamp.

Gojira: I think since 50% of Urien's personality in 3s was his thong with the other 50% being his unforgettable voice, seeing him redesigned and his voice changed just ends up reminding people what little personality he actually had all along.

Luckily (?), thong Urien appears to be thoroughly available. Plus tacky purple yakuza suit Urien, per that Ryuu Ga Gotoku discussion.

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"Re(2):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Fri 1 Jul 15:28post reply

I wonder what mmcafe thinks about Dhalsim's new design. To me it's a good alternate but not a good substitute for his original design. Original version had captured his indifference for superficial things like looks causing him looking scarier. But with this fancy groomed beard he doesn't give the same vibe as gold-hearted freak as his original look does. I loved the movelist revamp though.

kofoguz, I agree that he doesn't really look the same anymore. Forced redesign of an iconic look. When I look at the entire cast of SFV and how they've been altered I get the same feeling that I get when I look at Marvel and DC comics characters in Hollywood movies.

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Fri 1 Jul 16:37post reply

(from the previous thread) Ish: I was downloading the story DLC when I was writing that post, but thank you for pointing it out ^^

Now I'm off to try some new content, then I'll read all the new posts in the previous SFV topic and in this one.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(2):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Fri 1 Jul 17:57post reply

This bit by Iggy:
Of course, he is a much more interesting character to play as since Gill never descended from his "broken boss" throne, but his ruthlessness is rooted into his frustration at being small fry, barely a spot on Gill's grand scheme of things (I always loved his 2nd Impact ending. Ultimately, in Third Strike, he simply destroys Gill's entire inheritance, as he is too small to comprehend it, let alone rule it). This gives him a depth and a personality not a lot of fighting game villains tend to have.

Reminded me how in a few endings out there Boxer is shown taking over the Shadaloo leadership and completely messing it up, as he lacked not only the psycho power, but also the grander view of things that Dictator appears to have. But again, Urien pulls off his inadequacy in a slightly more dignified manner, but he seems to be closer to the Illuminati inner circle as opposed to being hired muscle with an inflated sense of importance.


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"Re(3):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Fri 1 Jul 22:48post reply

Just to be clear, I was not throwing stones at Urien with my comment. I really like the character, and it feels like his palette-swap-ness is integrated into his scenario and his persona, while Gouki, Dan or Sean pretend they don't share most of their sprites with Ryu. Like Loona pointed out, he is SF3's equivalent of Boxer, with a bit more nuance (and an interesting game plan). Since Gill remains mostly behind the scenes, Urien is "that villain the good guys face during most of the series, but just before the epic final confrontation he gets dispatched by the actual real villain as he reveals himself to the heroes". As cliché as the role can be, it's difficult to make a good character for it, and Urien passes with flying colours.

Oguz: I don't mind Dhalsim's new design, but I'm also not a fan of Zangief remaining identical.
Iconic designs in iterative franchises face a big problem: either you change and people get confused (slim Vega and fat Vega are practically 2 different characters), or you don't and casual fans say your new game is the same as the previous one, I don't see the difference, I'm not buying the same game twice.
Tekken changing all the outfits each game creates some problems for several characters, in that they don't have a set look and end up being easier to forget. The Hwoarang that jumps to everyone's mind will be different according to which version people played the most/last. I believe that when a character changes a lot, their most famous costume ends up in their 2P slot? That can be a way of marrying tradition and modernity. That wedding dress Nina looks good, but the "real" Nina will always be the purple suit one.
Dhalsim and yakuza suit Urien are fine for a punctual default version in this game, but we all know what their "real" look is.

As for the scenario in SF5

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
apparently Gill appears at the end and Necalli is barely related to the plot? I didn't expect that.

End of Spoiler

I'm not sure I like that all the girls get even more revealing outfits for the beach pack (first because I'd like Laura to get at least one outfit where she has more clothes for once, and then because the guys don't seem to get anything), but at least it will give us moments such as Karin laughing because Laura will drown with the next wave, and you don't get rich by helping dying commoners. That's our girl!
The game almost died by catering too much to the tournament crowd, so it's nice we get a casual stage for goofing around.

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"Banana Hammock : Evo Edition" , posted Fri 1 Jul 23:18post reply

Rejoice at this mountain of metallic man-flesh on display!

Hmm, I had written up a long thing about character costumes but Iggy said everything I was going to in a much more concise and rational way. Instead, let me echo his idea that there is both good and bad in cosmetic changes to characters. For me, anything that gets Dhalsim away from his original ooga-booga look is fine by me and I find it funny that all the characters in Tekken are wearing ankle length leather coats. Still, when I think of Zangief I'm always going to think of how he looked in SF2:WW and my Lau Chan has black hair. It's going to vary from person to person but at least games nowadays offer us the chance to play "our" version of the character.*

*Your version of the character will be available via future DLC.

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"Re(2):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Fri 1 Jul 23:40post reply


Legendary Ninja: That character is a force to be reckoned with. He hits hard and demands respect. So even though the manga charac

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

As a semi-retired professional Urien player, I appreciate your understanding.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

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"Re(1):Banana Hammock : Evo Edition" , posted Sat 2 Jul 00:04post reply

It's going to vary from person to person but at least games nowadays offer us the chance to play "our" version of the character.*
*Your version of the character will be available via future DLC.

Hahaha, it really is the case, but I'm surprisingly okay with it. Seems like it will make everyone happy (unless you hate going through Survival Mode for money (of course you do (time to find four dollars))).

But in line with the idea of Tekken's radical character redesigns and the challenge of new series entries, it's true! I haven't played Tekken seriously since 3, and I feel like some spaced-out old man when I stumble on modern Tekken dudes in unrecognizable outfits and think, "What the hell are you kids wearing nowadays?!" The continuity of 2P outfits is a fantastic concept from Iggy, and I wonder if people would fret less if SFV had default 2P outfits...still, Story Mode essentially achieves the same result. Maybe the issue was whether the new SFV default outfits were any GOOD. I can see how people didn't like fat Birdie or jumpsuit Ken, but I acclimated to old Dhalsim and cape Vega almost instantly.
Just to be clear, I was not throwing stones at Urien with my comment.
Yeah, that's my job!
I'm not sure I like that all the girls get even more revealing outfits for the beach pack (first because I'd like Laura to get at least one outfit where she has more clothes for once, and then because the guys don't seem to get anything), but at least it will give us moments such as Karin laughing because Laura will drown with the next wave, and you don't get rich by helping dying commoners.
Hahahah. As for female beachwear, you're in luck! Laura's swimsuit might be the only alternate outfit in the entire game to feature more clothing rather than less!

To bridge these two discussions, let's imagine that thong Urien is actually part of the beach pack. Maybe he can get a special story arc where he starts out insecure as a second-in-command and in his "swimsuit," before fellow beach pack character fundoshi Ryu helps him gain confidence...and destroy the world.

Micky Kusanagi
292th Post

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"Re(3):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Sat 2 Jul 00:57post reply

I listened to Urien's voice in Bison's character story and it sounds a bit different from the shonen hero voice heard in the Bison trailer. It's a little hoarse, as if Urien's current seiyuu (info changed in the wiki to Masayuki Kato, guess it has been added in the game credits) made a big effort imitating Bayne in story material. The result feels a bit forced to me, but it's not bad.

I've barely played Ibuki and Bison's character stories and trials till now, so I don't know a thing about the general story, but even like this, I really like how the relationship between Bison and Ed is shaping up, and Karin's prominence in Ibuki's story made me even happier than before about her return.

Ibuki is a great ninja, even better than she was in SFIII with all that explosive material, and her trials told me "stop complaining about Gek already"i; Bison's V-Trigger is fantastic because it lets you juggle your opponent like a detached punching ball, fits his character like a charm.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(2):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Sat 2 Jul 02:06post reply

Karasu: his less-nakedness has a lot to do with US attitudes toward male semi-nudity, which I think points to how much of a US-focused game SFV seems.

Absolutely. And even though my point got mangled by my brain on the way to posting, my overall point is that SFV is very much a US game, from things like this to the overall feel of the game, which is less old-SF feeling and more 'old-SF-filtered-through-20-years-of-US-fandom' feeling.

Anyway! I also always liked Urien, but he also always had a little bit of a Bond villain from the 70's edge to him, so I think the trashy suit fits. And besides, I'm sure positive his loincloth outfit will be is an alt.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

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"Re(3):SFV thread 5th Strike: ESPN Edition" , posted Sat 2 Jul 03:03post reply

From what people can piece together it looks like Urien's classic thong is fully rendered underneath all his outfits. I expect his V-Trigger is going to be a magical girl transformation except it will just be Urien making his pants explode.

SF5 top eight at Evo will be carried live on ESPN2. It's probably because of deals like this that SF5 had to launch in February even though it should have stayed in the oven.

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"Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Sat 2 Jul 16:22post reply

One thing I really like about SFV is how Capcom is really revamping how old characters play, and their gameplay design seems to be very carefully considered to ensure that each character has a really, really unique flavour.

This of course means that every time I pick up a new old character, I am immediately incredibly angry for about 5 minutes as I discover that everything I used to know has been thrown out the window.

Ibuki's received a LOT of changes. Staple special moves have been outright removed or significantly changed. Old chain combos have been tossed. New special moves have been added, and the whole new mix feels like it will take quite a while to understand.

Old special moves that are flatout gone:
neck breaker (QCF+P)
hien (RDP+K, aka penguin kick in Gem Fighter)
tsumuji (QCB+K, those spin kicks)

Some old normal moves that are flatout gone:
b+MK (okay, who actually used this poke?)
HP,HP (the quivering fist of the second hit was so cool!)
close HK (the launcher! I can't believe it!)

Some old chain combos that are gone (she had A LOT in 3S):
j.HP, j.MK
j.LP, j.HP
j.LK, j.MK
like 4 chain combos involving "d.HK,HK"

Kunai is now a resource with a special move for loading it (SF ripping from Smash Bros?!?!??! Sheik mains in the house!), and though single air kunai can only be thrown in forward jumps, she has a bevy of new kunai throws: she has two different kunai throws on the ground (one of which consumes all her kunai), EX kunai throw now has a delayed explosion rather than just being two kunai, and she has 3 different air kunai throws that also consume all her kunai. Kunai being a vortex enabler in SF4 was a little silly, and I have to wonder if this isn't another little ArcSys grab by Woshige. She can do any of the kunai throws that consume all her kunai even if she doesn't have full kunai. This whole part of her game is either going to be really really powerful, or really really superfluous. I don't know which it'll be yet.

Her command jump is now just the HK version of her command dash. The arc of this is now so weird (her horizontal velocity suddenly cuts out and she sort of drifts down) that it in some ways resembles Chun's V-Skill command jump, but the arc is so odd and the descent so slow that I have no idea how it's supposed to be used.

Raita (the blockable HCB+P grab) used to move her forward slightly, which now only the EX version does. Doesn't have the funky motion blurred grab that the 3S one did.

EX DP+K is no longer a funky combo tool (in 3S, she would recover from it in midair and it would allow her to do air normals on the way down).

She doesn't have that two-hit close HP hammer punch anymore.

The standing MK knee is not cancellable. I can't tell you how weird this is. It's really weird.

j.MP is now a horizontal punch.

She can link d.LK into stand LP, which leads to chain combo in the corner.

You absolutely need to learn how to use SHOCKING PINK I mean, V-Trigger, because it is yet another powerful projectile-based tool. Just like SHOCKING PINK, you can kick it around, but unlike SHOCKING PINK, the explosion cannot harm you. It puts the opponent into a universally juggleable state, and it is a powerful pressuring tool or combo extender.

I like that they have made her two ninja gadgets, kunai and bomb, huge gameplay centerpieces for her. Though her chain-combo rushdown mania 3S style looked cool and was really fun, this new look lets her be tricky in a lot of odd and new ways. The simple fact that two of her kunai throw special moves are performed by holding and releasing buttons (holding K to throw kunai is either really inspired or really weird) is weird and new enough all by itself. I honestly can't even tell if I am or can have fun playing as her yet, because I have to relearn basically everything.

The fact that it feels like I need to learn so much may simply mean that I never take it any further with her. Meanwhile, I'm about to spend $5 to unlock, of all people, Balrog.

513th Post

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"Re(4):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Sat 2 Jul 17:17post reply

Like Loona pointed out, he [Urien] is SF3's equivalent of Boxer, with a bit more nuance (and an interesting game plan).

What's funny is that Boxer now also has a "pimp suit" alt costume in SFV.

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~
Micky Kusanagi
295th Post

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"Re(1):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Sat 2 Jul 20:51:post reply

One thing I really like about SFV is how Capcom is really revamping how old characters play, and their gameplay design seems to be very carefully considered to ensure that each character has a really, really unique flavour.

And that's what ultimately got me sold on SFV, the huge amount of effort they put in renewing the veterans. How shocked I was when I felt like Ken's limbs had shrinked by half xD

On a different note, I can't believe I keep forgetting trailer music DOESN'T make it to the final game. I had said in the previous thread I couldn't wait to listen to Ibuki's trailer theme in actual matches, but it wasn't supposed to happen at all. But this acoustic/rockish rendition of her theme is something, I just love the way the acoustic guitar is played. And don't get me started on the beach theme, I'm crazy for it. If there are any Lagfests® in the future, which I really hope, I'll make sure to change my favorite stage to the beach.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 2 Jul 20:58]

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"Re(2):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Sun 3 Jul 03:13post reply

The story is dumb as hell but I'm eating it up.
I'm pretty sure this is Stockholm Syndrome.

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"Re(3):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Sun 3 Jul 03:30post reply

"At the end of their lives, all men look back and think that their Ibuki was arcadia..."

I don't think I ever really understood Ibuki, so I'm finding the new one an interesting, technical puzzle. Only being able to throw kunai while jumping forward (not even straight up?!) is baffling for a former Rolento player, but she's charming and interesting. Had a good run-in with Gojira's last night, together with the marvel of Gekiganger-Zangief vs. Gojira-Zangief. Rugal, stop playing Story Mode and come destroy us! Speaking of Story Mode...
The story is dumb as hell but I'm eating it up.
I'm pretty sure this is Stockholm Syndrome.

I'm really looking forward to seeing whether it achieves the SF Zero 3 platonic ideal of a dumb story combining deadly serious Psycho Power intrigue with completely ridiculous threads for non-central characters, or whether it's like the awful, humorless SSFIV bonus anime. Street Fighter continues to be a series with incredibly well-defined characters who inhabit an incredibly ill-defined story world. It's kind of the opposite of Tekken, and I like it.


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"Re(4):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Sun 3 Jul 04:31post reply

SF5 is guilty of many sins, but if it had one redeeming quality left, it would be that its story mode perfectly understood Zangief. I almost contemplated starting playing as him, but then I saw what people were doing with Urien and I came back to my senses.

The scenario was a bit more serious than Zero3's, but the Kanzuki Zaibatsu is shown to be more nebulous and powerful than Gill's organisation or Vega's (after all, her Zero3 ending casually showed that her family's WMD were superior to Shadoloo's), so we are miles ahead from SF4's... whatever that was.

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"Re(5):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Sun 3 Jul 04:45:post reply

I can't believe that the story mode features Karin in a central role, with more screentime than Guile, Ryu, Ken, or Chun-Li.

I can't believe that they manage to actually do physical comedy jokes like twice and actually succeed.

I can't believe how incredibly stupid everything in this story mode is.

I can't believe how every single one of the jobber characters that barely have AI all manage to have at least one unique move, including every one of the Cammy clones.

I can't believe that the difficulty of the story mode actually ramps up over the course of the story in subtle and not subtle ways (at earlier stages, the jobbers do very little damage, barely attack, and have few moves. Towards the end, opponents deal normal damage and become increasingly aggressive and have complete movesets).

I can't believe that a large number of the characters for which they showed concept arts actually show up in the story mode, leading us to believe that somebody at Capcom ACTUALLY HAD A PLAN.

I can't believe that Juri's new idle stance so effectively portrays her character that it makes you want to use her.

I can't believe that Guile is still a nobody who's only job is to job to others in the story, just like in the SF2 movie.

I can't believe that even with post-fight cutscenes where the winner of the fight loses, they usually make you the player play the character who is meant to win the fight in the story, thus getting around the problem of making the player's "win" actually seem to have story consequence, and making sure that the player gets chances to play as the villains in the story.

I can't believe how Ryu is not the protagonist of the story.

I can't believe that I'm actually kind of enjoying story mode in spite of how stupid it is.

I can't believe that in spite of seeing one of the significant plot points coming a mile away

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
because I'm a 3S obsessed person

End of Spoiler

when it did happen I was still excited.

I'll probably enter the Acceptance stage soon, but right now I'm still in Denial.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Sun 3 Jul 05:57]

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"Re(6):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Sun 3 Jul 08:54:post reply

I have to say that Helen was the MVP of this little diversion. Her mood swings and delusions were something I never would have expected from a fighting game NPC, or for that matter

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
an already-existing character whose only role up until now has been to wash Gill's smelly robes until he burns them off.

End of Spoiler

FANG was a bit predictable and on-the-nose but his intent to pirouette all over the place even in a weakened state made for some memorable motion capture.

Surprisingly, the main characters of this whole mess were Karin and Rashid. And in spite of Azam being around most of the time (only mysteriously vanishing when Rashid has to lose) he had a total of 2 lines he repeated every now and then for the entirety of the 2 hour story. And here I was expecting it to flesh him out more, but it turns out his role in Bengus Mode was all the characterization he was granted.

I'm also sad that I only got to play Laura once in spite of her appearing in multiple scenes, but I guess that's neither here nor there. At least she had some story presence, unlike poor Alex who did nothing but look bored in a ring and then mistake Dangerously Dhalsim for a mugger.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sun 3 Jul 08:57]

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"Re(7):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Sun 3 Jul 17:59post reply

I have to say that Helen was the MVP of this little diversion. Her mood swings and delusions were something I never would have expected from a fighting game NPC, or for that matter

FANG was a bit predictable and on-the-nose but his intent to pirouette all over the place even in a weakened state made for some memorable motion capture.

Surprisingly, the main characters of this whole mess were Karin and Rashid. And in spite of Azam being around most of the time (only mysteriously vanishing when Rashid has to lose) he had a total of 2 lines he repeated every now and then for the entirety of the 2 hour story. And here I was expecting it to flesh him out more, but it turns out his role in Bengus Mode was all the characterization he was granted.

I'm also sad that I only got to play Laura once in spite of her appearing in multiple scenes, but I guess that's neither here nor there. At least she had some story presence, unlike poor Alex who did nothing but look bored in a ring and then mistake Dangerously Dhalsim for a mugger.

I figured that they would find some way to play up the newcomer characters just to promote them, and to an extent they did with Necalli, Rashid, and FANG... but somehow Laura just got left out in comparison. Necalli as a whole is just bizarre in the plot because he seemed to be his whole own thing who wound up not really doing much for anybody except being a test for Ryu in spite of Necalli's big ominous prophecy-driven world-warrioring.

The ninja Shadowloo doll was by far the most impressive of the bunch, in having stolen moves from Cammy, Ibuki, Laura's elbow, an elbow from Yun/Yang (which nobody else in the game has!), and her own unique sword slash that does a hilarious amount of damage on block or hit. She's like the Capcom edition of a Mortal Kombat ninja in having all this stuff from other characters cribbed together with a novel move thrown in.

Balrog is... pretty cool! I don't know how it is that both him and claw Vega both managed to get V-Skills that involve pirouetting and then optionally doing a strike like they're pretending they're from an SNK game, but Balrog has the ability to cancel his dash punches before they hit into the pirouette. His MP dash punch has an incredibly bizarre velocity to it that is probably designed to be a go-to for this, but if you slide your fingers you can still do it even with his LP dash punch. His V-Trigger feels very much like Cammy's in that it turns all of his special moves into high-return moves that combo into each other. Taking away his headbutt as a regular special move is a bold change, and one which seems like it was done to a good few other characters, too (claw Vega and Chun in particular). ST gave them upkicks, SFV has taken them away.

Ibuki's meterless damage dealing power feels so low that it seems genuinely strange. Everybody in SFV seemed to be able to dish out enormous combo damage, even Dhalsim (!), and coming from a character who could absolutely destroy people in 3S or SF4 without a super, it feels really strange. Ibuki could attack with a blistering pace in 3S, while in SF4 it was mostly vortex-based offense that carried the day for her. Still, displays like this could happen at the highest level of competition in 3S.

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"Re(8):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Sun 3 Jul 19:02post reply

For Ibuki's damage output: there definitely is something wrong. Combos that require near-perfect execution and the use of all available resources shouldn't deal so little damage. Let's see how the game stabilises when all characters are released and Capcom start working on the first big patch.

After Alex for SF3 and Abel for SF4 (le sigh), it's surprising that the main character of SF5 would end up being someone as upbeat and genuinely refreshing (not to mention arab) as Rashid. Necalli, with his weird prophecy thing and "V" shaped marks all over his body not accounting to anything will remain a mystery (unless they add a second scenario mode later when more characters would have been released, and he comes back? Or they release a manga for SF5 with a completely different scenario?).
Laura is... well, with the kind of personality they ended up giving her, maybe it's better we don't see her talking too much. Apparently her English VA is insufferable? At least she's still the most fun character to play as.
FANG is fantastic and a great addition to the SF cast. Hopefully he'll stick around in later games (by 2025 when Tencent will release SF6).
I only hope that after SF5 showed with Alex that they don't know what to do with bland blondes, they don't add French-sub-Alex to season 2. I guess Viper is almost a lock, so maybe they'll consider that 1 character from SF4 is enough? Hopefully Corin will join as well to add a Mature/Vice equivalent to the cast. She'll probably use priceless car keys as her projectile.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(9):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Sun 3 Jul 22:49:post reply

Juri has a freaking Hangetsuzan!! Maybe it's just that I don't remember her SSFIV self anymore because I barely used her, but it looks like her normals were changed in a way I like. I also like how her storing mechanic was revamped. Now that's a character I wanna use a lot as soon as she gets fully available. And I guess I'll replay her story battles a lot as a training mode surrogate. I just hope her Critical turns into a long cinematic thing, I don't think a plain looking Critical Art is suited for such a character.

Urien's strikes feel so massive, even landing a simple sweep with him feels very rewarding. His Critical is flashy enough IMO to stay as it is in his finished moveset, unlike Juri's.

I love how story mode gave Karin and Rashid central roles, I welcomed it as a nice surprise since promotions were kinda hinting at Ryu, Nash and Necalli being in the spotlight. Nash definitely is, Ryu and Necalli aren't. But hey, Ryu's final battle is wonderful. And his aftermath VS. Ken feels a bit like a KOF gimmick. I hope to God SFV sells enough to motivate Capcom to make a story DLC each year like Ono was teasing some months ago, because some stories need to be fleshed out better IMO -Alex's "search for answers", Ed's fate, Laura's quest for the glory of her martial art, Sean's training under Ken's wing, Necalli's prophecy, Ryu's ultimate victory against Satsui No Hado (featured in a flashback if it has already happened as I suspect) and of course the Illuminati (Necalli could turn into a pawn in their grand scheme). I love the credits theme by the way.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 4 Jul 15:48]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Mon 4 Jul 02:47:post reply


I only hope that after SF5 showed with Alex that they don't know what to do with bland blondes, they don't add French-sub-Alex to season 2. I guess Viper is almost a lock, so maybe they'll consider that 1 character from SF4 is enough?

Given that they showed Abel in the story, I think his likelihood of being released as a playable character in the next season is high.


The irony of this in relation to Abel is that Tencent was part of a successful joint bid to buy Zuffa and the UFC.

I think it's a good idea releasing Balrog and Ibuki at the same time. Ibuki might be fun to mess around with, but she requires a lot more study to be effective with. Balrog is not about complicated setups or combos, but about low numbers of quality hits, complete with a V-Trigger that lets him combo effortlessly.

Of course, the next ones to come up are Urien and Juri, who were both fairly technical in their original incarnations (Urien especially!)... so much for that good idea, I guess.

Speaking of things inspired by ArcSys games, I have to wonder if the chaining of rushing attacks is at all inspired by heavy-hitter Azrael from BB, who had a mechanic where striking an opponent after applying an effect to them grants dash cancellability or other cancel properties to certain moves, allowing for his unique rushing combos. Or maybe they just looked at how he was in CvS2 with A-ism and decided that a limited form of that would be cool. Or maybe the whole way in which his Ultra worked in SF4 where he could alternate kick/punch for uppercut/straight was cool, and they wanted a more manual way of doing it. Maybe deep down, they just wanted to find a way to give Balrog rekkas. No matter what, the outcome is fun!

[this message was edited by Spoon on Mon 4 Jul 04:39]

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"Re(10):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Mon 4 Jul 06:25post reply

Having finally finished story mode I can't quite wrap my head around it. Part of it felt limited by its budget and the necessity of having to recycle backgrounds. It put me in mind of old Doctor Who stories where they had to run around a cardboard maze for three episodes because that was the only set they had. Honestly, I think the only reason that Nash dreamt of talking sheep -besides it being hilarious- was that they were going to get their money's worth out of those sheep resources. Other parts of the story mode were surprisingly robust. Not only were all the Dolls individual characters but so was Peter the cop?!? Odds are these characters will be punching bags for the daily challenges but that was a larger supporting cast than I expected.

It was a pleasant surprise to find that Rashid managed to float into the main character slot. It was a left field choice that wasn't telegraphed by the promotion for the game or even the beginning of the story mode. Seeing a seemingly B-list character move up to become the hero was fun.

It was also amusing to see Karin take command and everyone fall into her orbit. In a different game it would have been a military operation that would try to stop Shadaloo; here it was led by a teenage martial-arts zillionaire.

Speaking of the military, in the SF2 animated movie Guile spent his time uselessly talking on the phone. This time he was given the opportunity to uselessly stand around in the background. Congrats on the promotion Guile!

Joining Guile in the background parade was Necali. Here I thought he was going to be the main villain. Instead nobody was all that surprised or concerned about him. I guess in the world of SF crazy shit like this happens all the time so an immortal warrior who absorbs souls is just another day at the office.

So in the end I mostly feel conflicted about story mode. Some parts of it were a corny bore while other parts brought a smile to my face by being stuffed to the rim with SF memorabilia. Some of the fights were actually fun but I couldn't help but wonder why they still haven't slapped together a quick arcade mode when seemingly all the characters have AI. So while story mode is what it is I'm at least happy it's another missing piece in the puzzle that is SF5. At this rate the game might actually be a game before the end of the year.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Re(10):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Mon 4 Jul 16:07post reply

It's good to see how the Cafe celebrated those sheep long before (Necalli turned into) a sheep became the star of the General Story, that's some sick foreseeing.

Now, I don't quite get it why the grid stage is banned at EVO...wasn't it used frequently at EVO and tournaments in general in SFIV? Did somebody suddenly come to the conclusion that players shouldn't have such a dead easy to measure space in a pro tournament? Why Kanzuki Beach was banned is a no brainer, of course. I hope Capcom adds a "Kanzuki Beach allowed" title to the list of lounge titles xD (I actually still want the option to write my own title, together with a real text chat...)

Ore no...kachi da!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Mon 4 Jul 16:26post reply

training stage banned

I'm willing to bet they banned it for two reasons:
- EVO is getting a LOT of exposure; it's going to be on one of the ESPN channels! So they need to make sure it has maximum spectacle, and the training room is the opposite of spectacle.

- the training room gives both competitors highly precise distance info, which allows them to do their setups even better than usual. By taking a little of that information away, there's more room for mistakes and uncertainty, and consequently more room for drama and spectacle.

EVO has come a long way from being a community-run event, and some of the decisions they make now are clearly not community-driven. As good of a game as Pokken is, you can bet that its inclusion in EVO was not a community-driven decision. The training stage is simply not as good for (casual) spectators.

All that said, they at least had the wisdom to realize that the water in the beach stage completely obscuring key things like Birdie's projectiles and various low normals indeed makes it not viable for competition. Of course, I love that stage, but that's a problem I sympathize with.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):Re(10):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Mon 4 Jul 19:51post reply

I was feeling lazy while writing my previous post and didn't write down the "training stage doesn't look good" thing, which I actually thought about. So, it's likely a combination of the two issues. Of course Kanzuki Beach must be banned, and the reasoning behind its ban is why I'm not choosing it as my favorite stage for non-lounge online play.

Ore no...kachi da!!
1741th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Does Nash dream of Zombie Sheep?" , posted Tue 5 Jul 05:25post reply

Honestly, I think the only reason that Nash dreamt of talking sheep -besides it being hilarious- was that they were going to get their money's worth out of those sheep resources.

You say that like it's a bad thing!

The MMC sold me on that Story Mode; although seemingly far from perfect, it sounds like they really tried something new for the series. Now I can't help but wonder how the game would have been perceived if it came out today with all contents up to the Summer update.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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"Re(5):Re(10):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Tue 5 Jul 06:24:post reply

Naturally the reason the Grid is banned is because the music is the worst and laziest the game has to offer and the Evo panel simply doesn't want to put unsuspecting patrons to sleep with it.

The piece is incredibly - LUDICROUSLY - lifeless. Unlike every other track in the game, it has no chord progression, no C section (barely even a B section), no dynamics, no changes in rhythm, no 2nd-round version, not even a critical remix or a round-ending cue. It ALMOST has no melody but at least there are a merciful three notes thrown in there other than the octaves it repeats over and over and over and over. That is simply not enough to keep it from being boredom personified, though.

In the camp lamenting the Grid-banning decision there's a discussion about "stage lag" on PS4 that I think hasn't really been proven to be an issue yet. I've seen the studies showing frame drops in some PS4 stages, but the effect these have on actual matches seems inconsequential and the frame drops weren't definitively linked to slowdown or dropped inputs. As of now the findings just seem inconclusive and the sentiment of it being a problem is just a holdover from SF4 days.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 5 Jul 06:26]

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"Re(6):Re(10):Lizard of My Youth" , posted Tue 5 Jul 14:21post reply

It's good to see how the Cafe celebrated those sheep long before (Necalli turned into) a sheep became the star of the General Story

The Cafe is rightly concerned with the New Zealand stage's magnificent sheep, but I am here to remind everyone that there exists an even more important and powerful in-game asset/sinister god, even greater than the takahe: the lizard.

The lizard is always there, watching
. The lizard silently oversees all matches on the best stage on the game. The lizard continues to watch you from the shadows even after the sheep and all the other lightweight animals go to bed. Sometimes he falls over, but the lizard remains. Much as Urien is the fake antagonist standing in for Gill, the sheep is subservient to the lizard. The lizard is the true last boss of SFV.
Naturally the reason the Grid is banned is because the music is the worst and laziest the game has to offer and the Evo panel simply doesn't want to put unsuspecting patrons to sleep with it.
GOD YES. The Grid sucks so much. At first I thought it was kind of silly that they gave me Fight Money just for clicking through Challenge Mode's simplistic training demonstrations, but then I realized I deserved the money just for putting up with that terrible music.

The Grid, however, is a fantastic way to gauge whether you're playing against A) a lunatic who is so advanced that he only sees hitboxes or B) someone with shockingly poor aesthetics, neither of which I want anything to do with. Needless to say, I set my default Ranked Battle stage to Kanzuki Beach ASAP with the goal of infuriating as many random strangers online as possible.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):Re(10):Lizard of My Youth" , posted Tue 5 Jul 16:15:post reply

Needless to say, I set my default Ranked Battle stage to Kanzuki Beach ASAP with the goal of infuriating as many random strangers online as possible.

I salute your resolve. I don't have the guts to do the same right now, but maybe I will someday :D

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 5 Jul 22:14]

red falcon
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"Re(1):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Tue 5 Jul 20:18post reply

Any west-coasters want to join me and the prof in a last hurrah(? Or maybe a final snooze fest?) before I ditch it for KOF?

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"Re(1):Does Nash dream of Zombie Sheep?" , posted Wed 6 Jul 01:44post reply

The fighting game community is a contentious group but I'm glad we can all agree that lizard=good, grid=bad.

The MMC sold me on that Story Mode; although seemingly far from perfect, it sounds like they really tried something new for the series. Now I can't help but wonder how the game would have been perceived if it came out today with all contents up to the Summer update.

I suspect there would still be some sort of blowback since SF5's underlying problems are still there. The online difficulties haven't been addressed and the offline component is still by and large a bore that doesn't let you interact with the game in an entertaining way. SF5 has changed very little since it's initial release, only now there's more of it.

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"Re(2):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Wed 6 Jul 09:58post reply

Any west-coasters want to join me and the prof in a last hurrah(? Or maybe a final snooze fest?) before I ditch it for KOF?

I could be down, depending on when.

(unless you meant right when you posted that, which was 4AM here)

4918th Post

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"Re(3):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Wed 6 Jul 13:11post reply

The fight against Peter the cop had me searching for chewed gum on the floor.... there was no chewed gum. Sad!

Now all of a sudden I feel like crabs

Any west-coasters want to join me and the prof in a last hurrah(? Or maybe a final snooze fest?) before I ditch it for KOF?

I could be down, depending on when.

(unless you meant right when you posted that, which was 4AM here)

Ahh, it was early evening here and I finally had time! We'll have other opportunities though!

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"Re(4):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Wed 6 Jul 13:40post reply

Speaking of, sort of off topic and maybe in topic? But day 1 of the new tekken, and Gouki is already giving crapload problems since that match up is too different to anything else and the Gouki player doesn't really need any sort of specific trained high-skillz..... Just like everyone predicted, I guess? (sans Harada ). He also debuted with a 100% combo that's situational (needs corner and gauges), but clearly is there.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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515th Post

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"Re(5):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Wed 6 Jul 15:48post reply

Worst case scenario is that Gouki is banned from tournaments and Harada uses that as an excuse to kill off TxSF for good... or is that the best case scenario?

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Wed 6 Jul 17:29:post reply

Rugal: as you may guess, I was waiting for West Coast Cafers to accept your request before saying "I'm in" myself. I hope I'll be able to soak my Ken's feet in the crystal clear water of the Kanzuki beach with fellow Cafers soon :D

Toxico: my guess is the same as Ninlia, Gouki will get banned from tournaments...unless there's some weird joint publicity stunt going on between Bamco and Capcom, as in keeping the SF hype high against the backlash SFV has gotten till now (and subtly hinting at Gouki being a Season 2 character) while possibly keeping the thought of TxSF alive.

Anyway, after seeing how you supposedly can get a counter hit out of Vegamoto's scissors kick with Rashid's st.MP but I can't pull it off for the life of me -I tried mashing MP, various timings and even the turbo function on my stick for teh lulz- I got a question: is it something you can only do on a sub-frame lag screen (I play on a Bravia TV) and/or with superhuman timing? I don't remember if Rashid or Vega have undergone frame data changes for these moves. The extent of my question actually is much larger and involves just about any move expert players label as "easily" punishable.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Wed 6 Jul 18:06]

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(5):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Wed 6 Jul 19:33post reply

Speaking of, sort of off topic and maybe in topic? But day 1 of the new tekken, and Gouki is already giving crapload problems since that match up is too different to anything else and the Gouki player doesn't really need any sort of specific trained high-skillz.....
Weird... I remember when they first showed the game an exhibition match Gouki vs Nina, where Gouki was just spamming the air fireball and Nina couldn't do anything, and that was... 3-4 months ago?
How come they haven't fixed the character since then? What was the point of all these beta tests?

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Thu 7 Jul 01:08post reply


Anyway, after seeing how you supposedly can get a counter hit out of Vegamoto's scissors kick with Rashid's st.MP but I can't pull it off for the life of me -I tried mashing MP, various timings and even the turbo function on my stick for teh lulz- I got a question: is it something you can only do on a sub-frame lag screen (I play on a Bravia TV) and/or with superhuman timing? I don't remember if Rashid or Vega have undergone frame data changes for these moves. The extent of my question actually is much larger and involves just about any move expert players label as "easily" punishable.

You're thinking about it a little wrongly.

You're thinking "I can hit dictator out of the recovery of his scissor kick" which isn't going to happen; last I checked, standing MP for Rashid is slower than the worst recovery of a scissor kick. What that video is telling you is that if you press MP and they did a scissor kick point blank, you will counter hit them if they pressed a button because dictator is at significant frame disadvantage off a blocked scissor kick.

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"Re(7):Re(10):Lizard of My Youth" , posted Thu 7 Jul 02:56post reply

I just finished Rashid’s Exciting Adventures General Story Mode, which was delightfully stupid, but maybe not stupid enough. Zangief, Laura, and all the goofy scenes are magnificent, as is Fang's continuous dancing. The story did achieve its primary mission of providing as many choice Vegamoto lines as possible, short of redubbing the entire SFII movie anime.

It's amusing to think that there's no end to this story for the vast majority of players unless SFVI decides to retell the events of SFIII. As it stands, 90% of humans will keep wondering what happens to the Illuminati, while the running joke/serious question of "there was no SFIII, right?" continues just like "there was no SF1, right?"

It was also odd watching the writers struggle with a shitty character like Necalli, having not only to ram him into a story where everyone inexplictably knows who he is but doesn’t care, while also having to use him in scenes with Ryu that logically should have been with Gouki. My biggest disappointment is that (when Necalli gets wasted by Ryu’s life-affirming new Hadouken, he isn’t expunged from the rest of the game, as well).
The fight against Peter the cop had me searching for chewed gum on the floor

Peter may take more damage than a World Warrior, but his police baton moves are robust.

Like Spoon and Ishmael said, it’s insane to see detailed character models and movesets for incidental characters. Even if this energy would have been better spent on an arcade mode, everything will be forgiven once I can download Peter and the Dolls for 10 Fight Money each.

2189th Post

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"Re(4):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Thu 7 Jul 03:40post reply

The fight against Peter the cop had me searching for chewed gum on the floor.... there was no chewed gum. Sad!

Now all of a sudden I feel like crabs

Prof, I assume you're referring to Eddie E. from Final Fight with the gum (the North American version calls it ABC gum, which means "already been chewed," which is is vastly outdated slang which would surely be lost on the youth of today)?

I'm drawing a blank on the crabs though.

Maybe I will actually download and play story mode someday, it sounds like they ended up doing alright for the most part.

/ / /

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Thu 7 Jul 03:56post reply

The fight against Peter the cop had me searching for chewed gum on the floor.... there was no chewed gum. Sad!

Now all of a sudden I feel like crabs

Is Professor making a Donald Trump joke

If so, I don't know where to be deeply amused or deeply concerned that not even Japan is free from his dastardly memetic reach

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Thu 7 Jul 04:13post reply


You're thinking about it a little wrongly.

You're thinking "I can hit dictator out of the recovery of his scissor kick" which isn't going to happen; last I checked, standing MP for Rashid is slower than the worst recovery of a scissor kick. What that video is telling you is that if you press MP and they did a scissor kick point blank, you will counter hit them if they pressed a button because dictator is at significant frame disadvantage off a blocked scissor kick.

Thank you Spoon. OK my bad, I didn't record a button after the scissor kick when I recorded Vega's action in training, otherwise everything would have made sense to me immediately. Besides, how I could hope to get a counter hit when an opponent is recovering from a move is beyond my understanding...truth is that I'm trying to learn how to play fighting games in order to get better against human opponents, but this is making me kinda nervous and so I forget the most basic things, like what a counter hit actually is. I hope I manage to get relaxed and step up my game for real ^^;

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Thu 7 Jul 04:36post reply

Weird... I remember when they first showed the game an exhibition match Gouki vs Nina, where Gouki was just spamming the air fireball and Nina couldn't do anything, and that was... 3-4 months ago?
How come they haven't fixed the character since then? What was the point of all these beta tests?

Those are just PR moves, I can remember how many years have went since a company did a true beta test and changed stuff according to any inputs there.

Gouki is obviously designed with the objective of having people that don't play tekken at all, pick Gouki and have strong chances of beating people that really play Tekken; and Namco is totally ok with that since it's a good chance to increase the audience and thus revenue (specially if it increases their failing console port scene, which hasn't returned how they had planned since the psx days).

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"Re(6):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Thu 7 Jul 05:05post reply


Ahh, it was early evening here and I finally had time! We'll have other opportunities though!

Well I guess that answers that. Next time!

Weird... I remember when they first showed the game an exhibition match Gouki vs Nina, where Gouki was just spamming the air fireball and Nina couldn't do anything, and that was... 3-4 months ago?
How come they haven't fixed the character since then? What was the point of all these beta tests?

Weren't they just loketests? IIRC for the most part Gouki was a sandbag that was so different people didn't know what to do when playing him. He may even have been buffed up for the release.

I must say seeing Gouki able to cancel into demon flip for a combo/pressure in a floaty juggly game like Tekken is reminiscent of old Zero 3 V-ism combos.

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"Now I have a PS4 HO - HO - HO" , posted Mon 11 Jul 18:52post reply

I finally get to play new fighting games! Oh, it's nice. If I don't have you on PSN, I'm Drakee and my Capcom thingy is eccothedolphin. Like it says on the left. I'm not very good at this but it sure is fun!

Micky Kusanagi
306th Post

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"Re(1):Now I have a PS4 HO - HO - HO" , posted Mon 11 Jul 21:02post reply

And so the lagfest family gets bigger, that's great ^^ I hope I can get involved again, I had lots of fun that time when connection was bearable.

Capcom is launching a hotfix in 2 days to get rid of Ibuki's air throw invincibility glitch and a V-Skill glitch. I don't remember, is it the first time Capcom launches a SFV bugfix instead of waiting for the monthly update? I'm glad they didn't wait, of course.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Umehara gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 12 Jul 00:32:post reply

Grave: Here comes a new challenger! Excellent. Speaking of new challengers...

Umehara ga kimetaaaaaaa!
Daigo's 2012 book, "The Will to Keep Winning," now has an English edition and is being sold first at Evo this year. I think this info has appeared before, but in the post, Daigo mentions that he loves arcades as a community gathering spot so he's sort of sad SFV is console-only, but he thinks the game itself is a lot of fun. He can imagine totally different people from the best SFIV players coming out on top in SFV. We'll see in a few days...

I helped a friend out a bit with editorial and was impressed by how natural the translation sounds. The book isn't really a secret history of the Street Fighter scene or anything but does touch on some famous battles (vs. Alex Valle, Justin Wong). It's more interesting as a profile on Daigo's life and approach to games, particularly the subtle difference between playing to win a championship and playing to continuously stay on top over many years.

The book was out on July 1 according to the publisher's website, but it hasn't been in stock online in Japan, so my guess is that all copies are going to Evo this week.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 12 Jul 02:23]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Umehara gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 12 Jul 03:48post reply

Grave: Here comes a new challenger! Excellent. Speaking of new challengers...

Umehara ga kimetaaaaaaa!
Daigo's 2012 book, "The Will to Keep Winning," now has an English edition and is being sold first at Evo this year. I think this info has appeared before, but in the post, Daigo mentions that he loves arcades as a community gathering spot so he's sort of sad SFV is console-only, but he thinks the game itself is a lot of fun. He can imagine totally different people from the best SFIV players coming out on top in SFV. We'll see in a few days...

I helped a friend out a bit with editorial and was impressed by how natural the translation sounds. The book isn't really a secret history of the Street Fighter scene or anything but does touch on some famous battles (vs. Alex Valle, Justin Wong). It's more interesting as a profile on Daigo's life and approach to games, particularly the subtle difference between playing to win a championship and playing to continuously stay on top over many years.

The book was out on July 1 according to the publisher's website, but it hasn't been in stock online in Japan, so my guess is that all copies are going to Evo this week.

Between Professor and Maou, it will be quite funny and fitting if the cafe secretly becomes the home to all kinds of Japanese fighting game translators or other literaries.

I like to think that the fact that we enjoy writing long screeds in a non-live environment (and so instantly ruling out Discord and Twitter) means that eventually we'll be exactly the kind of newspaper-reading old folks in cafes that I always used to think were silly!

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"Re(1):Umehara gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 12 Jul 04:07post reply

I finally get to play new fighting games!

Good news! Now you can join us for SF5 right now, KoF14 in August and Tekken 7 in the year 20XX.

Capcom is launching a hotfix in 2 days to get rid of Ibuki's air throw invincibility glitch and a V-Skill glitch. I don't remember, is it the first time Capcom launches a SFV bugfix instead of waiting for the monthly update? I'm glad they didn't wait, of course.

I guess if Ibuki is going to be scampering around EVO they wanted to make certain she works as intended. Speaking of working as intended, let's hope this fix doesn't break ten other things just in time for the game's ESPN 8 debut.


Umehara ga kimetaaaaaaa!
Daigo's 2012 book, "The Will to Keep Winning," now has an English edition and is being sold first at Evo this year.

Straight from the publishing empire that is Red Bull! Hopefully there will be English copies available outside of EVO soon. I would like to read the book not only out of genuine curiosity but because I'm still a bit amazed the book found an audience.

1492th Post

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"Re(2):Umehara gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 12 Jul 05:26post reply

I finally got to mess around with Ibuki for like 15 minutes, and wow she's very different. Enjoyably so, though I really miss her original costume. There are some fun bits of fanservice too.

Her character story mode is so boring, though. I feel like Capcom dug themselves a hole with adding this every time they want to add a new character. The art is ok, but it feels pointless. I really wish there was a persistent level up/unlocking mechanic outside the multiplayer.

Umehara's magnum opus... was it any good?

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)
1940th Post

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"Re(4):Ibuki of My Youth" , posted Tue 12 Jul 05:41post reply

"At the end of their lives, all men look back and think that their Ibuki was arcadia..."

I don't think I ever really understood Ibuki, so I'm finding the new one an interesting, technical puzzle. Only being able to throw kunai while jumping forward (not even straight up?!) is baffling for a former Rolento player, but she's charming and interesting. Had a good run-in with Gojira's last night, together with the marvel of Gekiganger-Zangief vs. Gojira-Zangief.

Thanks for inviting me that one time. It was the first time I played a non-rank match as well as try out Boxer.

I haven't been on in a while due to me FINALLY hitting gold rank and getting that trophy.

I needed to take some time off that game because I felt like I was going to have a stroke with every rage quit I encountered.

It took we 732 matches by winning only 406 of those fights.

I did it all with Zangief. I knew fairly early that he had huge deficiencies, but he was the only character I could have fun with it in the game. I think I will try to branch out to other characters now.

As for Story mode, it was okay. FANG and Rashid were the stars of the mode. Both had a lot of personality. Of anything I would like to get out of it would be a couple of the dolls. Maybe Capcom could host a poll and ask who they wanted to throw in.

With EVO coming up this weekend I will try to keep an eye out for stuff to steal.

I hope all the consoles are up to date with patches or we will see some drama.

1644th Post

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"Re(3):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Tue 12 Jul 14:31:post reply

I wonder what mmcafe thinks about Dhalsim's new design. To me it's a good alternate but not a good substitute for his original design. Original version had captured his indifference for superficial things like looks causing him looking scarier. But with this fancy groomed beard he doesn't give the same vibe as gold-hearted freak as his original look does. I loved the movelist revamp though.

kofoguz, I agree that he doesn't really look the same anymore. Forced redesign of an iconic look. When I look at the entire cast of SFV and how they've been altered I get the same feeling that I get when I look at Marvel and DC comics characters in Hollywood movies.

Quick crits of Dhalsim's new look

-The turban and beard are very expected. Dhalsim's bald head and face paint was very distinct and clearly marked him as a holy man from an Asian religion. The turban and beard just make him look more generic. They are like the first things an average person would fall back on to convey "this is a brown man from somewhere foreign." If they absolutely had to give him a beard, I think they should have still avoided the turban and just let his hair grow wild.

-The red tattoos/bodypaint are poorly implemented. They make the design too busy. Before, there was an emphasis on Dhalsim's feet and fists. He has cloth wrappings on his ankles and wrists and he is wearing a loop bracelet. These emphasise his extremeties as they reach out to strike.

Adding tattoos to his limbs makes the design more visually cluttered and takes away emphasis from his extremeties encouraging you to focus on the entire limb. A good design lets your eyes alternate between focus and rest as you gaze across a character. A hallmark of poor contemporary character design is that every part of the character is equally emphasised.

It was also a bad call to make the tattoos so horizontally aligned to the limbs. It makes his limbs stretching look like a glitch in the texture. If they absolutely had to give him tattoos/bodypaint they should have made it more segmented, like rings around his arms which would emphasise his deliberate lengthening of limbs rather than make it look like the texture is breaking.

Also, just in general, I've mentioned this before, but I strongly dislike how the actual stretching is animated now. I don't necessarily mind that he's gone full on freaky rubber man. I just think they make his limbs look to weak and thin, like they're about to snap off. I know they are thinking about it like there's a consistent level of mass that gets stretched over the movement, kind of like rolling out dough for noodles, but I just don't like how that "feels." It makes him seem brittle and weak. They were already doing this in SvC Chaos and I didn't like it there either. I feel like it's the obvious thing to do for a more junior animator. It sounds good in theory, but it doesn't feel good in execution.



[this message was edited by nobinobita on Tue 12 Jul 14:34]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Umehara gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 12 Jul 16:24:post reply

I guess if Ibuki is going to be scampering around EVO they wanted to make certain she works as intended. Speaking of working as intended, let's hope this fix doesn't break ten other things just in time for the game's ESPN 8 debut.

Sure, I'm a bit afraid Capcom wouldn't be so swift without EVO right ahead...let's hope things get better for this game. I have a feeling that if they improve online matchmaking for real (...), it could get more fun for non-experts.

EDIT: The Ibuki patch actually includes fixes for lots of characters

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Thu 14 Jul 17:42]

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"Re(3):Nash gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 19 Jul 08:57post reply

Per Spoon's note in the random thread, what a delight to see a weird character like Frankenash doing so well in Evo, followed by...R.Mika?! Barely a Ken in sight. Per Daigo's prediction above, I see a different crew at the top in SFV, and Justin Wong's Karin is only 13?

2191th Post

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"Re(4):Nash gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 19 Jul 12:14post reply

Per Spoon's note in the random thread, what a delight to see a weird character like Frankenash doing so well in Evo, followed by...R.Mika?! Barely a Ken in sight. Per Daigo's prediction above, I see a different crew at the top in SFV, and Justin Wong's Karin is only 13?

Frankenash is cool and all but I kind of wish his critical art wasn't so crucial to his game plan. Seeing it so many times in a row just makes it appear more and more stupid. I start to ask myself questions like...

If the opponent gets hit by the super one round, why don't they think to look behind them in round 2?

Everyone in the cast can leap like 7 feet into the air from a standing position. Did you ever think of jumping out of it?

Gambler's paradox... okay he's appeared behind me like seven times by now. This has got to be the time he's going to appear in front of me. I mean, surely if I keep looking straight ahead it will eventually pay off. Come on! I'm due!

If Nash is fighting Nash, doesn't he know his super will make him appear behind him? Or does he think no, that's just I would want myself to think me would do!

If I were a normal human being watching ESPN, would you really blame me for thinking (or saying out loud), "WHY DON'T YOU JUST TURN AROUND!"

It's actually kind of a cool-looking and brutal attack, but it really just LOOKS like the opponent should have an opportunity to respond to it. If it only happens once in match, sure, you have the element of surprise.... but when it's coming out once a round and like a dozen times a set for a mirror match, it just strikes me as kind of silly. They should have taken another look at this.

I mean, maybe it would be better there were some kind of stun before the big impact. IMO it's much better to start with an initial hit which presumably stuns the opponent (like Chun's houyoku sen or Ryu's shin shoryuken for example) if you're going to have any sort of noticeable delay.

EVO was fun, though! I was hoping for Nemo to win but hey, Nash gonna Nash. I'm just glad the grand final wasn't another mirror (seriously though I enjoyed watching most of the matches and they so often went to the final game to decide the match).

Oh, and one more time, I have to say that Zangief's CA honestly just straight up blows... the close-up of the scary face/terrified face is good, but then PPPPBBBBLLLLLTHTHTHTHTHTHHT.... so lame.

/ / /
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"Re(5):Nash gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 19 Jul 16:27post reply

OK, my turn to complain about Nash's design. This is a critical look at the character from someone who knows the character' backstory.

If he's supposed to be the guy who can do moves so fast that his limbs can throw sonic booms and whatnot, then why is he so damn slow in SFV with some of his moves? His Genocide cutter makes no sense at all.

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~
1649th Post

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"Re(5):Nash gaaaaaaa" , posted Wed 20 Jul 18:01post reply

Franken Nash sucks

Bless your hearts.


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"Re(6):Evo gaaaaaaa" , posted Thu 21 Jul 13:45post reply

He may be idiotic to look at, but damned if that isn't some sick Nash vs. Nash battling in from the Evo videos, now conveniently collected.

We live in a strange, new world where "incredible Mika play" has been both witnessed and spoken aloud.

More importantly, new swimsuits are out (but where is Ryu's?). And they are so stylish that even nobi could feel joy again. I'll see you people at the beach.


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"Re(7):Evo gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 22 Jul 01:26post reply

He may be idiotic to look at, but damned if that isn't some sick Nash vs. Nash battling in from the Evo videos, now conveniently collected.

We live in a strange, new world where "incredible Mika play" has been both witnessed and spoken aloud.

Who would have guessed that Mika would be our last, best hope against the scuttling, roach-like play of Nash?

Also, who would have guessed that we would come to a point where watch the finals of a videogame tournament through a stream, a second stream that's in Japanese and on ESPN2. Most professional sports manage maybe only radio and/or television coverage but Evo somehow had at least three different commentaries on the same set of matches!

1650th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Evo gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 22 Jul 12:51post reply

He may be idiotic to look at, but damned if that isn't some sick Nash vs. Nash battling in from the Evo videos, now conveniently collected.

We live in a strange, new world where "incredible Mika play" has been both witnessed and spoken aloud.
Who would have guessed that Mika would be our last, best hope against the scuttling, roach-like play of Nash?

Also, who would have guessed that we would come to a point where watch the finals of a videogame tournament through a stream, a second stream that's in Japanese and on ESPN2. Most professional sports manage maybe only radio and/or television coverage but Evo somehow had at least three different commentaries on the same set of matches!

Akiman designing DLC costumes for SFV:


Always great to see new illustrations from the awesome OG crew. New costumes look nice, though this also begs the question: why didn't they just hire Akiman (or Kinu, or Bengus, or Ikeno, or Edayan) to be the lead chara designer and art director in the first place?

In the past I'd heard from ex-coworkers of his that speculated he had priced himself out of the production art market because he can command so much money for an individual illustration these days. But that hasn't stopped him from working on Star Ocean so ...

Anyway it's nice to see him do official Street Fighter work again. I wonder if he'll do any costumes for the dudes or if he only felt like making waifu av costumes.

2192th Post

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"Re(9):Evo gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 22 Jul 15:22post reply


Always great to see new illustrations from the awesome OG crew. New costumes look nice, though this also begs the question: why didn't they just hire Akiman (or Kinu, or Bengus, or Ikeno, or Edayan) to be the lead chara designer and art director in the first place?

All I can do at this point is shed a silent tear when I read stuff like this.

/ / /
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(10):Evo gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 22 Jul 17:17post reply

*jawdrop at the artwork

Okay, the list of "real money only" costumes I want (despite those characters not being my main) is slowly increasing: Vega's luxury uniform, Karin's swimsuit and now this gorgeous Chun Li. I really hope Akiman makes costumes for male characters too, because I'd like to get something for Ken. I tried hard survival 4-5 times to get Ken's Ryo Sakazaki cosplay color but...argh. I got to stage 44 on my first try and then I got defeated earlier and earlier. I hope the Fight Money amount required for additional colors is very, very low.

I'm excited for Juri's release, I can't stress enough how much I like all the changes to her moveset. Too bad her Critical is gonna stay the same as we have seen it in General Story. After reviewing Juri's moves in USFIV I'm even more convinced than before that such a crazy, acrobatic character needs a long, convoluted cinematic for the actual execution of her ultimate attack, not just its intro. Her Ultra 2 is something, I did it countless times in training mode just for the sake of watching it.

EVO? In all honesty, I can't bring myself to enjoy watching SFV matches, whereas I love watching KOF14. I'll force myself to watch the grand finals as soon as possible.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(9):Evo gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 22 Jul 19:25post reply

Akimaaaaaan..... Is he only going to design Chunli costumes? I would love to see him put clothes on Laura.

From what I know, it's not that Akiman is that expensive (though he's obviously on the higher tier of illustrators). It's a combination of being so famous that people assume he'll be out of their price range, and that (as everyone in the business should know) high quality art requires more time than a rushed draft (and Bengus at least is able to deliver those when asked, but Akiman seems to have more trouble to work quickly and badly).

I remember last year or so when he was saying on Twitter that he hadn't had worked for over a month and finances were grim...

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"Re(10):Evo gaaaaaaa" , posted Sat 23 Jul 01:04post reply

When it comes to extra costumes I wouldn't mind if there was uneven distribution between the characters since some are better at being clothes horses than others. For example, I'm certain Akiman is designing outfits like this for Chun-Li constantly anyway so there's never going to be a shortage of new looks for her. But Ryu? You can tell the creators have been struggling with alternatives for him beyond his shirt/no shirt looks. This isn't a slight on male characters -you could stick Iori in any outfit from Hot Topic and it would work- but Ryu's default look so perfectly captures who he is that it's hard to picture him in anything else. Just because you can make alternate outfits doesn't mean you should... which means we'll probably get a Megaman alt for Ryu or something equally off-kilter.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Evo gaaaaaaa" , posted Sat 23 Jul 02:29post reply

When it comes to extra costumes I wouldn't mind if there was uneven distribution between the characters since some are better at being clothes horses than others.
Which begs the question: would the alternate costumes in SF4 have been better if they hadn't been forced to make one for each of the 40 characters? Or was the game so ugly there was no saving anyway?
For example, I'm certain Akiman is designing outfits like this for Chun-Li constantly anyway so there's never going to be a shortage of new looks for her.

I wonder if he actually sent to Capcom an artwork he had made ages ago on his freetime like it was new stuff he drew after they commissioned him. "Of course I drew that overnight, why do you ask?"

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"Re(3):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Thu 4 Aug 03:00post reply

Since the CFN Portal is willing to talk about anything someone went and dug up Capcom Fighting All-Stars. Was there ever any test footage of this game?

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Thu 4 Aug 05:33post reply

I did a quick Youtube search just for fun, and some very short loketest clips show up indeed.
Besides, I think this is a compilation of those clips (still haven't watched everything to verify).
I don't know what to think of the game -except animations look kinda preliminary at the time of this footage-, because I didn't watch the whole thing and didn't examine it carefully enough, but hey, it was supposed to be a new world and a new story BIGINNING. You couldn't possibly go wrong with such a claim.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Ryu is the new Rachel Berry." , posted Thu 4 Aug 07:49post reply

But Ryu? You can tell the creators have been struggling with alternatives for him beyond his shirt/no shirt looks. This isn't a slight on male characters -you could stick Iori in any outfit from Hot Topic and it would work- but Ryu's default look so perfectly captures who he is that it's hard to picture him in anything else. Just because you can make alternate outfits doesn't mean you should... which means we'll probably get a Megaman alt for Ryu or something equally off-kilter.

I think I understand what you mean but unfortunately Capcom doesn't at all. All the females are succubuses (succubii?), waifus, highschoolgirls, or swimsuit models. Alts that totally neglecting their character or profession. I think the only alts that are reflecting character origins are Zangief and R. Mika. And that is hard to miss. No, M. Bison damaged uniform alt. is neither original nor suitable for the character. That guy would fight in a clean work out tights rather than dirty clothes.

For the guys the redesigns that works are: Vega (Spanish remember), FFWA Ryo costume Ken (payback time?), officer Guile. Dhalsims Redesign is a really great alt but a horrible horrible redesign, same for Urien. Oh also -the Beard Ryu now supports- is reeally good. Shame that they didn't have the courage to put something that works into the redesign. Please no more "too iconic to change" nonsense. Chun Li had a redesign in Alpha and it is gorgeus. I dont buy that lazy and apologetic attitude to their cowardy. I mean even MK has zombie version of Lui Kang. It's ok to fail it's not ok to hide behind that lame excuse. No offense to anyone.

It's a shame Capcom is really only have the courage to change costumes, designs ending up horribly failing most of the time with female characters but becomes ridiculously safe and forgettable with the male characters.

You want a beach party? Sure but for some reason only the females know how to swim. 😒 Some should send them a Xmen Mutant Academy 2 copy to show that men in fighting games can join pool/beach parties, too.

If anyone watched or know about pop culture snack tv show Glee can see that Ryu is the Rachel Berry of SF series.

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"Re(4):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Thu 4 Aug 18:31post reply

Since the CFN Portal is willing to talk about anything someone went and dug up Capcom Fighting All-Stars. Was there ever any test footage of this game?

Even more surprising, there were Shinkiro illustrations for the game.

CFAS's appeal for me was more about Haggar, Akira, Alex and Poison sharing sharing a game - odd that years later that concept still hasn't been properly used, even if CFAS was cancelled due to failures at some other aspects...


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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Thu 4 Aug 19:45post reply

Even more surprising, there were Shinkiro illustrations for the game.
I had never seen these Shinkiro illustrations! Now that's a treasure chest!

Even more surprising, Ingrid's page even introduces Ingrid's evil twin, who is stronger than regular Ingrid on all fronts... but she has smaller boobs and that feeds her inferiority complex.
The knack with Ingrid is that her setting in CFA☆ and SFZero3↑↑ are very different (and PxZ2 is based on the "I'm the immortal goddess whose power has been stolen by Vega" version), so it's interesting they resurrect the setting "In CFA☆, she was the only code holder who had natural super powers", so both settings can coexist!

Now, what I'm REALLY excited about is: are they going to unearth artwork for Death, CFA☆'s final boss? And give us his real name? Now that would be amazing.
(And then add Poison and Akira to SF5 so that the world might be mended).

I couldn't help to notice that D.D., Akira and Rook are not in the continuation of the previous character profiles, but a "special issue" series. Does it mean they want to keep CFA☆ separate from the Street Fighter lore? I don't think anyone would mind if these 3 were to come back (maybe not now, but by season 3 or 4...).
Speaking of Street Fighter lore, having a page dedicated to Sagat's old master that he killed in his younger years is some serious crusty lore.

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"Re(6):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 5 Aug 00:20post reply

Sort of off topic considering all of this CFA talk, but apparently EVO japan line up has been revealed; and to be honest, is a dream line up that even surpasses the one from Ura Tougeki.

Between cringing with silly sponsors, DLC characters and bets in Las Vegas and this; you know which of the events your heart should be invested 300% into.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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"Re(7):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 5 Aug 01:52post reply

I did a quick Youtube search just for fun, and some very short loketest clips show up indeed.
Besides, I think this is a compilation of those clips (still haven't watched everything to verify).
I don't know what to think of the game -except animations look kinda preliminary at the time of this footage-, because I didn't watch the whole thing and didn't examine it carefully enough, but hey, it was supposed to be a new world and a new story BIGINNING. You couldn't possibly go wrong with such a claim.

Thanks for the link. Looking at the gameplay I can see why they pulled the plug but there were some interesting touches here and there. I particularly liked that Ryu was only tossing out shoryukens with his right hand.

I think I understand what you mean but unfortunately Capcom doesn't at all. All the females are succubuses (succubii?), waifus, highschoolgirls, or swimsuit models. Alts that totally neglecting their character or profession. I think the only alts that are reflecting character origins are Zangief and R. Mika. And that is hard to miss. No, M. Bison damaged uniform alt. is neither original nor suitable for the character. That guy would fight in a clean work out tights rather than dirty clothes.

You're right that a problem SF and all fighting games to a greater or lesser degree have is the tendency to play favorites and favor female characters when it comes to alt designs. DoA is particularly vexing for this; sexy times is good times but why are the male costumes so off? Shouldn't they get... I don't know, sexy butler costumes or ninja suits that make them look like Nightwing?

It's also frustrating when so many of the costumes don't feel as if they fit the character's personality. You're right, Bison shouldn't be wearing torn clothes, he should be wearing increasingly ridiculous uniforms. Have him dressed as Napoleon or wearing imaginary medals he awarded to himself or glowing epaulets or something. (Strangely, I've liked all the outfits for the "other Bison" Balrog. Who would have guessed Boxer is the Yoshimitsu of SF and is able to pull off almost any look?)

I don't think there is any one perfect answer to alternate costumes but I hope the designers try their best and are willing to toss bad ideas. I want more Maximum Impact Clark and less Armor Ralf.

Sort of off topic considering all of this CFA talk, but apparently EVO japan line up has been revealed; and to be honest, is a dream line up that even surpasses the one from Ura Tougeki.

Between cringing with silly sponsors, DLC characters and bets in Las Vegas and this; you know which of the events your heart should be invested 300% into.

I'm boycotting TokEVO until Basara X is added.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(7):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 5 Aug 02:36post reply

Sort of off topic considering all of this CFA talk, but apparently EVO japan line up has been revealed; and to be honest, is a dream line up that even surpasses the one from Ura Tougeki.

Between cringing with silly sponsors, DLC characters and bets in Las Vegas and this; you know which of the events your heart should be invested 300% into.
Savior, no game by Netherealm, no Smash, no thatotherSmash.

Good taste, how does it work, and can we get the recipe so we can graft it elsewhere.

Can someone educate me on why it's VF4FT and not 5?

Micky Kusanagi
348th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 5 Aug 03:14post reply

I can't believe CFN is showing such interesting stuff about CFAS...I'm astounded. Especially by Shinkiro's art.

And what about EVO Japan? This lineup is the stuff dreams are made of. I can't believe I've never played Fists Of Fire although I had read and seen something about it before, I usually give such games a full playthrough, and it's by Kaneko too. I have a soft spot for their wacky fighters. I'll make up for this oversight soon.

Ore no...kachi da!!
Lord SNK

169th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 5 Aug 03:35post reply

Sort of off topic considering all of this CFA talk, but apparently EVO japan line up has been revealed; and to be honest, is a dream line up that even surpasses the one from Ura Tougeki.

Between cringing with silly sponsors, DLC characters and bets in Las Vegas and this; you know which of the events your heart should be invested 300% into.

Wait, what ... Breakers Revenge??!
That game has a following?

I always hated this game and the previous one, ugly character designs, ugly graphics (but probably it's the color palette that hurts my eyes, but I don't know why).

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"Re(8):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 5 Aug 06:10post reply


Can someone educate me on why it's VF4FT and not 5?

The last time I checked (like 5? years ago), the VF crowd was very adamant on calling Final Tune perfect balance wise, and that VF5 never achieved such nor aimed for it..... I guess it's there for those guys?

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
2195th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 5 Aug 06:23post reply

I did a quick Youtube search just for fun, and some very short loketest clips show up indeed.
Besides, I think this is a compilation of those clips (still haven't watched everything to verify).
I don't know what to think of the game -except animations look kinda preliminary at the time of this footage-, because I didn't watch the whole thing and didn't examine it carefully enough, but hey, it was supposed to be a new world and a new story BIGINNING. You couldn't possibly go wrong with such a claim.

I was really looking forward to this game at the time. Maybe they just needed to put it back in the oven for a year.

It's a damn shame that a ROM never leaked, IMO. Would be interesting to see D.D. show up in SFV, I guess.

/ / /

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"Re(6):Re(10):D.Umehara gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 5 Aug 15:14post reply

Back to our original Umehara gaaaaaa, I see that they made his book into a Kindle version. Given how the book was weirdly never on sale properly in Japan after being nominally published there but shipped instantly to Evo, all in a weird shinsho pocket size, this could be a good way to read it.

In other news, Capcom finally made an English version of the Itsuno interviews from Iggy's super SFV/Justice Gakuen lore thread. Unsurprisingly, the official translation is much crappier and less funny.


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"Re(9):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 5 Aug 15:30post reply

The funny thing about #R blue is that even though it could be considered the least-complained-about GGXX game, it still features prominently top-tier Zato-1. The only GG game post-GGXX to not feature Zato-1 as a prominent top tier and not be named Isuka is GG Slash, which is not particularly loved in the GG community.

Because of the sheer amount of chaos and interruptions that happen in Isuka, characters reliant on long combos for damage see that their average damage per given opportunity is badly reduced. Indeed, it winds up being that Potemkin is surprisingly strong in this game because once he lands a pot buster, a chunk of damage is guaranteed.

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"Re(6):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 5 Aug 20:38post reply


Now, what I'm REALLY excited about is: are they going to unearth artwork for Death, CFA☆'s final boss? And give us his real name? Now that would be amazing.
(And then add Poison and Akira to SF5 so that the world might be mended).

I couldn't help to notice that D.D., Akira and Rook are not in the continuation of the previous character profiles, but a "special issue" series. Does it mean they want to keep CFA☆ separate from the Street Fighter lore? I don't think anyone would mind if these 3 were to come back (maybe not now, but by season 3 or 4...).

There's more, and your prayers have been answered - be sure to click a link below for Death artwork and the planned secret characters.

A lot more surprising is the Senri Kita artwork for the game - Shinkiro contributing for this wasn't surprising by this time, but I don't recall her working with Capcom too. That SNK/Capcom cross-polination...

4942th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 5 Aug 21:41post reply

A lot more surprising is the Senri Kita artwork for the game - Shinkiro contributing for this wasn't surprising by this time, but I don't recall her working with Capcom too. That SNK/Capcom cross-polination...

Senri Kita moved to Capcom during the time when Shinkiro and a whole bunch of other SNK employees shifted there. She left after a few years though.

But whoa, this is the first time I've seen the Final Fight intro redrawn by her. Awesome.



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"Re(8):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Sat 6 Aug 00:15post reply

A lot more surprising is the Senri Kita artwork for the game - Shinkiro contributing for this wasn't surprising by this time, but I don't recall her working with Capcom too. That SNK/Capcom cross-polination...

Senri Kita moved to Capcom during the time when Shinkiro and a whole bunch of other SNK employees shifted there. She left after a few years though.

But whoa, this is the first time I've seen the Final Fight intro redrawn by her. Awesome.


Does Shinkiro still hand draw his illustrations? Its seems He has been using the computer since moving to Capcom since the difference before is there in my point of view.

Long Live I AM!
2197th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Sat 6 Aug 12:02post reply


Now, what I'm REALLY excited about is: are they going to unearth artwork for Death, CFA☆'s final boss? And give us his real name? Now that would be amazing.
(And then add Poison and Akira to SF5 so that the world might be mended).

I couldn't help to notice that D.D., Akira and Rook are not in the continuation of the previous character profiles, but a "special issue" series. Does it mean they want to keep CFA☆ separate from the Street Fighter lore? I don't think anyone would mind if these 3 were to come back (maybe not now, but by season 3 or 4...).

There's more, and your prayers have been answered - be sure to click a link below for Death artwork and the planned secret characters.

A lot more surprising is the Senri Kita artwork for the game - Shinkiro contributing for this wasn't surprising by this time, but I don't recall her working with Capcom too. That SNK/Capcom cross-polination...

Goddamnit, why can't I play this stupid game.

/ / /

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Mon 8 Aug 09:25post reply


Now, what I'm REALLY excited about is: are they going to unearth artwork for Death, CFA☆'s final boss? And give us his real name? Now that would be amazing.
(And then add Poison and Akira to SF5 so that the world might be mended).

I couldn't help to notice that D.D., Akira and Rook are not in the continuation of the previous character profiles, but a "special issue" series. Does it mean they want to keep CFA☆ separate from the Street Fighter lore? I don't think anyone would mind if these 3 were to come back (maybe not now, but by season 3 or 4...).

There's more, and your prayers have been answered - be sure to click a link below for Death artwork and the planned secret characters.

A lot more surprising is the Senri Kita artwork for the game - Shinkiro contributing for this wasn't surprising by this time, but I don't recall her working with Capcom too. That SNK/Capcom cross-polination...

Goddamnit, why can't I play this stupid game.

Ask yourself what happens when the pro players themselves have become more interesting characters than the video game ones that they play.

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"Re(8):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 9 Aug 00:51post reply


Goddamnit, why can't I play this stupid game.

On a related note, it's interesting to see that a Street Fighter 1 team was apparently planned for Capcom Fighting Jam, with unscarred Sagat, Eagle, and Retsu (scroll to the bottom to see the static sprites).

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
Micky Kusanagi
353th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 9 Aug 05:38post reply

So the "what if" teasing about Capcom fighters isn't over, huh? While I know CFJ is an utterly broken mess -I only tried it very briefly, so it's not my personal experience-, I'm glad to know Capcom at least tinkered with the idea of acknowledging SF1's legacy in their ill-fated crossover.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(10):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 9 Aug 06:11post reply

OK, after CFA☆, we get Street Fighter 2010's protagonist (whose description repeatedly states that it's a parallel universe)(and also that it's kinda dumb) and Xiba (from Gunspike from 3 Wonders) that apparently is part of the Street Fighter Canon? (Spike?)
Hopefully we'll discover that Simone is SF canon as well, and so are Arthur and Buletta.

But no Rockman, for some reason.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 9 Aug 21:07post reply

OK, after CFA☆, we get Street Fighter 2010's protagonist (whose description repeatedly states that it's a parallel universe)(and also that it's kinda dumb) and Xiba (from Gunspike from 3 Wonders) that apparently is part of the Street Fighter Canon? (Spike?)
Hopefully we'll discover that Simone is SF canon as well, and so are Arthur and Buletta.

But no Rockman, for some reason.

Dont know why I always thought Simone was him.

1656th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Wed 10 Aug 02:45post reply

There's gonna be an official Street Fighter Art Exhibition in Tokyo from Aug 13-28th 2016!

They will be displaying art from SF1, 2, II, Zero and V (but not IV for some reason which is a damn shame cos Ikeno's concept art was AMAZING).

The event is to promote Terasolar (i guess they are a clothing company?) putting out new Street Fighter shirts.

Details here:

Ah man I wish i could go!

Anyone in the cafe gonna make it? It's close to Nakano Broadway, the most amazing-to-the-point-of-exhaustion mecca of Otaku shopping, which the professor so graciously lead me through years ago (thanks for that!). I ended up buying so much stuff I had to mail some of it back home that night cos it was so heavy!

I wonder how much original art they'll have on display. Seeing the original sketches and illustrations of golden age Capcom art would mean more to me than seeing most world famous priceless art history pieces (which I have no shortage of love for either).

I hope some of you guys can make it and report back!

Micky Kusanagi
356th Post

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"Re(1):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Wed 10 Aug 03:48post reply

Wow, it's gonna be such a great event. Good to see there will be SF1 art. Though it's unplayable to the point that it can break your nerves down -special moves are an eternal struggle, but it may be justified by their insane power-, I think "SF1 is the game without which SFII would never exist" all the time. So Im really glad SF1 art will be on display, since I feel this game doesn't get enough love.

SFIV's absence puzzles me too...while I don't like in-game models at all, I really like most of its art.

Ore no...kachi da!!
1659th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Wed 10 Aug 15:51:post reply

Wow, it's gonna be such a great event. Good to see there will be SF1 art. Though it's unplayable to the point that it can break your nerves down -special moves are an eternal struggle, but it may be justified by their insane power-, I think "SF1 is the game without which SFII would never exist" all the time. So Im really glad SF1 art will be on display, since I feel this game doesn't get enough love.

SFIV's absence puzzles me too...while I don't like in-game models at all, I really like most of its art.

Street Fighter IV had wonderful concept art! This exhibition exists to promote this new line of Street Fighter clothes. Street Fighter V just came out, so they probably want to emphasise it without reminding people of Street Fighter IV, the game that it's meant to replace (that it did not outsell)

The older titles came out so long ago that they're nostalgic and don't pose a threat to the latest game (man Street Fighter III came out almost 20 years ago!)


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 10 Aug 15:54]

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"Re(3):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Wed 10 Aug 17:40post reply

All this talk of Street Fighter concept art suddenly reminded me of a certain "bullfighter" character that became a sort of injoke.

Micky Kusanagi
358th Post

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"Re(3):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Wed 10 Aug 17:49post reply

Ehmmm...I had forgot the exhibition has a commercial reason when writing ^^; Besides, I read somewhere a statement by somebody -a r/Kappa user if I remember well- who said most of the Japanese gamers he knows play SFVI and not SFV, so this makes sense in purely commercial terms. I have proof of this too, even though it's severly outdated now: in the end of March, when I activated my PS Plus subscription, I tested it with USFIV...I had about 8 almost consecutive matches with Japanese people, arcade mode literally didn't have time to restart between matches °_° Sure lag was bad to the point inputs registered half a second later, but matches weren't completely unplayable.

I wonder what left the SFIV core user base so dissatisfied about SFV, besides the obvious -the game felt severely incomplete at launch and insanely long combos aren't a thing anymore-...

Ore no...kachi da!!
4947th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Wed 10 Aug 19:15:post reply

There's gonna be an official Street Fighter Art Exhibition in Tokyo from Aug 13-28th 2016!

Interesting! I'll certainly check it out. It's starting right on Comiket period which is a biiit nuttttty

Mickey: Not that many PS4 owners in Japan yet, it's only sold 2.5 million units as of around March (on the other hand the PS3's sold over 10million cumulative units).

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 10 Aug 19:29]

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"Re(2):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Thu 11 Aug 00:26post reply


Mickey: Not that many PS4 owners in Japan yet, it's only sold 2.5 million units as of around March (on the other hand the PS3's sold over 10million cumulative units).

Seems that hard core gaming keeps declining in Japan.
Does anyone have an idea of what type of entertainment are the Japanese people into lately? Mobile games? Going to the movies? Spending time on Youtube?

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
1659th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Thu 11 Aug 01:17post reply


Mickey: Not that many PS4 owners in Japan yet, it's only sold 2.5 million units as of around March (on the other hand the PS3's sold over 10million cumulative units).

Seems that hard core gaming keeps declining in Japan.
Does anyone have an idea of what type of entertainment are the Japanese people into lately? Mobile games? Going to the movies? Spending time on Youtube?

A big part of it is mobile. In 2013 Japan quietly overtook the US as the world's highest grossing app market.

I'm pretty sure that no 1 spot is held by China now, and I can't find any stats for this year, so I'm not sure if Japan or the USA is no 2 at the moment, but per capita the Japanese spend more money on mobile games than any other nation by far. Back when I worked at a certain massive casual games company I remember seeing some data that said an average Japanese player was worth 30x more than one of our average American players.

I am sad to see console gaming fade so much in Japan. But as usual they were just ahead of the global trends by a few years. This year will be the first time that mobile games revenues will exceed console (and PC games, which also exceed consoles).

I'm getting pretty far off topic from Street Fighter now! To bring it back, it's easy to forget how Street Fighter II was one of the original super mega hit game franchises that generated billions in revenue.

Micky Kusanagi
359th Post

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"Re(4):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Thu 11 Aug 02:12post reply

Thank you both Prof and Nobi for your interesting insights ^^ I wonder if Capcom will ever port SFV to iOS and Android -playing a fighting game on your phone is freaking uncomfortable, but Bluetooth controllers with phone mount are a thing- or make a mobile SFV related game to make up for its less than stellar launch...

Ore no...kachi da!!
2200th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Thu 11 Aug 02:28post reply


I'm getting pretty far off topic from Street Fighter now! To bring it back, it's easy to forget how Street Fighter II was one of the original super mega hit game franchises that generated billions in revenue.

It was a truly special game. And still is, of course.

/ / /

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"Re(4):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Fri 12 Aug 01:05post reply


I am sad to see console gaming fade so much in Japan. But as usual they were just ahead of the global trends by a few years. This year will be the first time that mobile games revenues will exceed console (and PC games, which also exceed consoles).

Thank you good sir. It makes me sad too, as Japanese game development has a style and idiosyncrasy that I hold very dear.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(5):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Fri 12 Aug 01:50post reply


I am sad to see console gaming fade so much in Japan. But as usual they were just ahead of the global trends by a few years. This year will be the first time that mobile games revenues will exceed console (and PC games, which also exceed consoles).

Thank you good sir. It makes me sad too, as Japanese game development has a style and idiosyncrasy that I hold very dear.

This is partly why I have so much hope that Pokémon GO will shake things up in Japan.
First, it diverted a lot of players to it immediately, and even if people got bored fast because of all the issues, many may have remembered (or discovered) that F2P games can also be enjoyable by themselves without paying, instead of being a mere cover for a glorified jackpot machine where you have 0.3% of getting the prize. Many mobile games dwindled from the moment GO was out in Japan, and even after the fad goes out I hope it will still divert a lot of revenue (or rather exchange revenue for play time) from all the casino trash.
But also, it's a game that cannot set a trend. You cannot have copycats AR games following GO, first because it needs access to map data that only a Google-spin-off company can have access to, and also because even with that, the game is an empty shell without the Pokémon brand.

I know it's far-fetched, but I want to think GO is the best thing that could happen to the Japanese mobile market. Just weed out GREE and the others.

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"Re(5):Street Fighter Art Show" , posted Fri 12 Aug 02:50post reply


I'm getting pretty far off topic from Street Fighter now! To bring it back, it's easy to forget how Street Fighter II was one of the original super mega hit game franchises that generated billions in revenue.

It was a truly special game. And still is, of course.

The main thing I got from that list is that whether it was through licensed games or their own releases Midway was everywhere during the arcade days.

1752th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(9):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Fri 12 Aug 04:01post reply


Does Shinkiro still hand draw his illustrations? Its seems He has been using the computer since moving to Capcom since the difference before is there in my point of view.

I have an unfathomably old issue of Comickers somewhere at home, mainly about coloring techniques, which I bought (or rather, my girlfriend at the time bought for me) because the cover illustration was a Shinkiro x Terada collaboration. In the issue, you could see Shinkiro was already scanning roughs and finishing the artwork / coloring on a computer. This was circa 2000. But the only info I find online is this old MMC thread, roughly 1000 personal posts ago.

I'll try to go check out that Street Fighter expo.

Même Narumi est épatée !
1660th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(10):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Sun 14 Aug 18:37post reply


Does Shinkiro still hand draw his illustrations? Its seems He has been using the computer since moving to Capcom since the difference before is there in my point of view.

I have an unfathomably old issue of Comickers somewhere at home, mainly about coloring techniques, which I bought (or rather, my girlfriend at the time bought for me) because the cover illustration was a Shinkiro x Terada collaboration. In the issue, you could see Shinkiro was already scanning roughs and finishing the artwork / coloring on a computer. This was circa 2000. But the only info I find online is this old MMC thread, roughly 1000 personal posts ago.

I'll try to go check out that Street Fighter expo.

I have that issue of Comickers too! Unfortunately it's in a dusty bin on another continent, otherwise I'd take a pic! If I recall correctly each artist drew a "tough guy" facing off. Terada drew a terrifying looking hulking Ogrish dude with purple skin and a pineable shaped head and Shinkiro basically drew a pretty normal realistic looking leather daddy looking dude. It was a great issue!

So awesome that you can make the show. If you go, please take lots of pics and share them! Sorry for such a shameless request I just ... ah man I wish I could go TT___TT But I'm real happy for anyone that actually can make it.

Related to that show, you can buy the new Street Fighter shirts on Amazon here:

Finally I can wear art by Akiman, Kinu, Bengus, Edayan and Ikeno, all legal and officially made and rather stylishly arranged! (you don't have to look like Comic Book Guy while repping your love for Street Fighter anymore!)

If Amazon doesn't ship to your country you can contact the clothing vendor directly here to work out the international shipping and pay via Paypal.


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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):D.D. gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 16 Aug 08:47post reply

What do you know, Capcom is still working on SF5! The latest update will include some sort of vs. CPU option, the often mentioned but little seen daily targets and the truly pathetic ability to pay for color options. There will also be a weekend where you can earn double the amount of fight money online. You earn almost nothing from fights so that bonus will give you a whole lot of nothing but these updates are all about small increments.

At least all of this will be something to check out when I get sick of seeing an endless stream of Shune'i players online.

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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Ishmael gaaaaaaa" , posted Tue 16 Aug 10:24post reply

Hey! That is pretty good news. I guess now that the first round of downloadable characters is almost done, they can focus on small little fixes that have a big impact. When can I set music preferences so I don't have to hear the crappy remixes of SFII tunes polluting my immaculate waterfall and Kanzuki beach stages? Are direct input controllers finally workable (for Vega's sake, why not (really))? Who knows!

Like with the confusion regarding the messenging from the US and Japanese divisions, I have no idea who is actually collecting fan feedback, and where, and in which language. Is it that bloated thread on the Capcom Unity site? Can I just write Capcom Japan directly? The twitter accounts??

I really do love SFV, though.

In other news, I wonder how long until the inevitable experiment of making a free version with just Ryu playable. I mean, it's not a bad model, and people who wouldn't have gone for it but like it will probably get other things.

red falcon
6231th Post

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"Re(1):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Tue 16 Aug 19:54post reply

Hey peeps! I say we get one more international MMCafe SF V snoozefest in before KOF 14 hits here in Japan too.

Micky Kusanagi
368th Post

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"Re(2):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Tue 16 Aug 20:24post reply

I'm in...provided that we manage to drag some American buddy along with us xD

Ore no...kachi da!!
red falcon
6232th Post

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"Re(3):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Tue 16 Aug 23:11post reply

I'm in...provided that we manage to drag some American buddy along with us xD

Absolutely. A middle-man is vital.

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"Re(2):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Wed 17 Aug 02:45post reply

In other news, I wonder how long until the inevitable experiment of making a free version with just Ryu playable. I mean, it's not a bad model, and people who wouldn't have gone for it but like it will probably get other things.

If I was running the show I would shoot for having a FTP version and an entirely new repackaging of the game out by February 2017. Judging from the financial reports SF5 sales have pretty much stopped so something has to be done to convince people that SF5 is a continually improving product that they can jump into at any time. A major relaunch titled something like "Season 2: It Doesn't Suck Anymore!" would go a long way to convincing people that SF5 isn't a niche product but can be enjoyed by anyone. Of course, that's assuming that SF5 can be enjoyed by anyone by that point. SF5 is slowly becoming the game it should have been when it was released but it must be frustrating to spend more time bailing out water than making a game people want to buy.

Speaking of these dry sales issues, I wonder what Capcom thinks of Capcom Bar Brawls or whatever the tournament is called. Sure, a lot of people watched Evo but is the only benefit that Capcom saw was that a few completionists bought that overpriced stage? Is this a good return on Capcom's investment?

Hey peeps! I say we get one more international MMCafe SF V snoozefest in before KOF 14 hits here in Japan too.

Ugh, my dance card is already looking full for this weekend. I might be available at around 22:00 Japan time on Sunday but I can't promise anything. Sorry!

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"Re(3):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Wed 17 Aug 13:26post reply

A major relaunch titled something like "Season 2: It Doesn't Suck Anymore!" would go a long way to convincing people that SF5 isn't a niche product but can be enjoyed by anyone.
Yeah, it'd be easy enough to package all the updates and fixes as "SFV': Championship Edition" without breaking the pledge to keep the same engine and core game throughout.

Meanwhile, Evo was cool, but I still don't have the slightest idea of what was gained by having SFV in the tournaments this year. Presumably the hardcore were going to play it anyway if it was good? What kind of person is suddenly interested in SFV because they saw it as an e-sport, anyway?

1663th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Wed 17 Aug 14:33:post reply


Meanwhile, Evo was cool, but I still don't have the slightest idea of what was gained by having SFV in the tournaments this year. Presumably the hardcore were going to play it anyway if it was good? What kind of person is suddenly interested in SFV because they saw it as an e-sport, anyway?

Man you really hit the nail on the head. They really got it backwards.

DOTA, Starcraft etc are major e-sports because they already had millions of fans to begin with. Street Fighter V was built with e-sports as the goal (hence the built in lag for instance), but they really put the cart before the horse. Rushing the game out so it could make the e-sports rounds (I wonder how far in advance they knew they would be on ESPN2) was a really bad decision.

I think they were hoping to play on the good will people have towards the brand (SF2 is the original e-sport game after all) but instead it just really tarnished the good reputation of the series.

The obvious thing for them to do is to trash SFV completely, pretend it never happend and to build a totally new 2d game from the ground up using amazing high res sprites with art overseen by Akiman, Kinu, Bengus and Ikeno :D


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 17 Aug 14:35]

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"Re(5):SFV thread 5th Strike: Evo Edition" , posted Wed 17 Aug 15:30post reply


hence the built in lag for instance

I'd argue that that's the opposite of putting the cart before the horse, because making the game smoothly playable online is an absolute must for a principally competitive video game to have mainstream traction these days. 60FPS with 1F precise windows which result in substantial state differences is something that they absolutely have to find a way around, because the internet will never be instant. Consider how many smaller fighting games that are already quite niche in their appeal don't even manage to maintain those niche communities because of poor online play. The reality is that not everybody has the luxury of an easily accessible local community to play with, and that the ability to find a match whenever is incredibly powerful: even with a local community, it kind of sucks if the only time you get to have anybody to play with is during scheduled meet up times!

There's a very strong idea of what a Street Fighter game ought to play like, and unfortunately not all of its ideals transfer to the delay-riddled world of the internet cleanly.

If I could get all of that art talent to collaborate on a new competitive game, I wouldn't make the game in the mold of classic SF. I think that there are plenty of fighting and action possibilities that can work well online that do not have to be just like SF, in which their work would still be able to shine. Nobody thinks that the Souls games are artistically vapid, and everybody has a blast with the online components of them even though it is one of the laggiest fighters to ever have popularity. The Gundam Vs. games have a game design that totally works in an online environment. If you look at the tremendous success of Overwatch and Splatoon, Overwatch which possessed hilariously low 20FPS (!!!) server-side simulation until recently, it suggests that they should really get together and devise a modern-generation Cannon Spike that is both fully 3D in its gameplay as well as supportive of PvP.

Making simultaneous online multiplayer is not trivial, and the game design has to be tolerant of the problems of online. Splatoon is ferociously competitive with CoD-esque TTK. Rocket League's ball might move slowly, but it allows for very fine control of the angle of the touch against the ball, giving it a unique and remarkable soccer feel as well as being fiercely competitive online. The MOBAs look soft, but there are plays that happen in them that happen in fractions of a second: projectile disjoints and dodges that demand fighting-game like levels of reaction speed!

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"SFV thread 5th Strike: 40% off edition" , posted Fri 19 Aug 14:09:post reply

build a totally new 2d game from the ground up using amazing high res sprites with art overseen by Akiman, Kinu, Bengus and Ikeno :D

Ah, what a glorious world that would be! But since we do not live in that glorious world, instead I must inform all patrons who are not currently members of the MMCAFE LAGFEST that SFV on the PC is 40% off all weekend. At this price you literally cannot afford NOT to get the best SF since Zero 3 (it is done, you cannot stop me now). GOGOGOGOGOGOGO


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 19 Aug 14:29]

1758th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):SFV thread 5th Strike: 40% off edition" , posted Fri 19 Aug 15:44post reply

Meanwhile, Evo was cool, but I still don't have the slightest idea of what was gained by having SFV in the tournaments this year. Presumably the hardcore were going to play it anyway if it was good? What kind of person is suddenly interested in SFV because they saw it as an e-sport, anyway?

Part of the deal with Sony came in the form of Sony diverting some of its own marketing budget into the promotion of SFV's tournaments (Capcom Pro Tour). So I think to cash out on the deal, they had to "force" SFV into becoming this huge tournament thing before it was played organically in tournaments around the world... And also before it was ready for release.

It's also possible Capcom had to start those tournaments before the new fiscal year started, so it would be accounted for in that year's budgets and expenses for both Sony and Capcom. Hence the rush.

Obviously in hindsight whatever decision led to this situation was a bad idea.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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"Re(2):SFV thread 5th Strike: 40% off edition" , posted Sat 20 Aug 09:15post reply

Meanwhile, Evo was cool, but I still don't have the slightest idea of what was gained by having SFV in the tournaments this year. Presumably the hardcore were going to play it anyway if it was good? What kind of person is suddenly interested in SFV because they saw it as an e-sport, anyway?

Part of the deal with Sony came in the form of Sony diverting some of its own marketing budget into the promotion of SFV's tournaments (Capcom Pro Tour). So I think to cash out on the deal, they had to "force" SFV into becoming this huge tournament thing before it was played organically in tournaments around the world... And also before it was ready for release.

It's also possible Capcom had to start those tournaments before the new fiscal year started, so it would be accounted for in that year's budgets and expenses for both Sony and Capcom. Hence the rush.

Obviously in hindsight whatever decision led to this situation was a bad idea.

That puts things in a better perspective. Too bad everyone was in such a rush to promote the game that they produced a half finished game and are now running a year long sales campaign for a title that's not selling. Just think, if they had let the scene continue naturally they would have sold more copies and not had to put money into the Capcom Pro Tour.

Ah, what a glorious world that would be! But since we do not live in that glorious world, instead I must inform all patrons who are not currently members of the MMCAFE LAGFEST that SFV on the PC is 40% off all weekend. At this price you literally cannot afford NOT to get the best SF since Zero 3 (it is done, you cannot stop me now). GOGOGOGOGOGOGO

Far be it from me to tell you how to spend your money but there's a PSN flash sale this weekend featuring both Dragon's Dogma and D&D. Forget about fighting games, Capcom sword-swinging games are where it's at!

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"Re(3):SFV thread 5th Strike: 40% off edition" , posted Sat 20 Aug 13:24post reply

Ishmael: That is an idea I can get behind!

Hey Gekiganger, thanks for those fun matches! Your Zangief is a sight to behold. Too bad our connection vanished. I think when you blew my Chun-Li through the wall in Hong Kong, you blew our connection out too. Next time!

Dearest Rugal: Please show us your Psycho Powers before you disappear into KOF! Mostly I see you displayed on Menu but that seems like the early "logout-displayed-as-menu" glitches.

1943th Post

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"US PSN Cammy DLC code for grabs" , posted Sat 20 Aug 13:32:post reply

Ishmael: That is an idea I can get behind!

Hey Gekiganger, thanks for those fun matches! Your Zangief is a sight to behold. Too bad our connection vanished. I think when you blew my Chun-Li through the wall in Hong Kong, you blew our connection out too. Next time!

I think the connection was mostly my bad. It looks like the ethernet cable came out of my PS4 sometime earlier and I didn't notice I was on wifi. I hope next time things will be smoother.

Code Claimed

God, the prices on those things are ridculous. After spending $45 on the base game (thanks to the Best Buy game club) and $25 on the season pass I am hard pressed to give Capcom more money for costumes. The prices skyrocketed compared to SFIV. Then there is the Capcom Pro Tour bundle, which I understand is meant to give money to the CPT prize, but it is almost unbelievable.

While I am lamenting Street Fighter V DLC, I am probably on my last legs of Street Fighter V in general. I am plateauing with Zangief and have no desire to learn a new character. Maybe Urien will bring me back in, but I doubt it.

IF there is a Season 2 of DLC they will need to have some Final Fight characters to get me interested or some really good new designs.

I am all ready for KOF XIV.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Sat 20 Aug 23:47]

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"Re(1):US PSN Cammy DLC code for grabs" , posted Sat 20 Aug 16:50post reply


I have a code for a Cammy preorder DLC costume from Best Buy that I never redeemed and will give first

First person to REPLY TO THIS POST I will message on PSN with the code.

Keep in mind this is probably only for US PSN accounts only.

ooh pick me :d also let's play

red falcon
6233th Post

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"Re(2):US PSN Cammy DLC code for grabs" , posted Sat 20 Aug 19:47post reply

Yo peeps, if somebody in the US is willing to be a middle-man, let's play some SFV (SnoozeFest V) today, as KOF 14 comes out next week in Japan. Last chance, folks!

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"LAGFEST tonight" , posted Sat 20 Aug 22:26post reply

Hey team, I'll be on today and will invite anyone I see from the OP list. Sharpen your fangs!

EST Sat 10:00pm
PST Sat 7:00pm
JST Sun 11:00am

or so

(I have seen his league points and Rugal is the true last boss of SFV)

1942th Post

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"Re(2):US PSN Cammy DLC code for grabs" , posted Sat 20 Aug 23:03post reply


I have a code for a Cammy preorder DLC costume from Best Buy that I never redeemed and will give first

First person to REPLY TO THIS POST I will message on PSN with the code.

Keep in mind this is probably only for US PSN accounts only.

ooh pick me :d also let's play

Sent. Hopefully it hasn't expired yet.

Micky Kusanagi
380th Post

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"Re(1):LAGFEST tonight" , posted Sat 20 Aug 23:25post reply

Hey team, I'll be on today and will invite anyone I see from the OP list. Sharpen your fangs!

EST Sat 10:00pm
PST Sat 7:00pm
JST Sun 11:00am

or so

(I have seen his league points and Rugal is the true last boss of SFV)

Sadly, I won't be able to enjoy the last SFV lagfest, it'll be 4AM here xD I wish you lots of fun :D (and as less lag as possible, in spite of the name :P)

Ore no...kachi da!!
red falcon
6234th Post

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"Re(1):LAGFEST tonight" , posted Sun 21 Aug 02:10post reply

I'll be there, so long as the lag is bearable. w

4957th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):LAGFEST tonight" , posted Sun 21 Aug 08:59post reply

Unfortunately I can't make it as I need to make my way out in a few mins but my heart will be with you guys. Go for broke!

red falcon
6235th Post

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"Re(3):LAGFEST tonight" , posted Sun 21 Aug 11:03post reply

Unfortunately I can't make it as I need to make my way out in a few mins but my heart will be with you guys. Go for broke!

Shame. Anyway, I'm on now, if anyone wants to invite me.

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"Re(4):LAGFEST tonight" , posted Mon 22 Aug 03:12post reply

MMCAFE LAGFEST report vol. xx

Rugal is the LAST BOSS of SFV, not just KOF

4958th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):LAGFEST tonight" , posted Mon 22 Aug 05:38post reply

MMCAFE LAGFEST report vol. xx

Rugal is the LAST BOSS of SFV, not just KOF

For him, it was tuesday

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"Re(6):LAGFEST tonight" , posted Tue 23 Aug 12:51post reply

MMCAFE LAGFEST report vol. xx

Rugal is the LAST BOSS of SFV, not just KOF

For him, it was tuesday

Hahaha, so apt. All the more so given that he was using Dictator. But...when will secret boss Spoon appear?!


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"Re(7):LAGFEST Japan" , posted Thu 8 Sep 04:38:post reply

The Urien trailer finally popped up. To think, when he first debuted Urien was just a head swap of Gill but now he's known almost entirely for his ability to create lethal bouncy castles.

The details about EVO Japan are starting to come out. Tournament life is not for me but I am interested in seeing how this turns out. What games will be played? How will the broadcasting be handled? Will the tournament be better run than the last SBO?

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Thu 8 Sep 04:43]

1674th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Hello Fellow Kids" , posted Mon 19 Sep 04:53post reply

So uh ...

This just happened. Redbull themed outfits for Chunli and Ryu. Also they let a pro player design an arbitrary samurai suit for Necali.

Im not even angry anymore. No sir. This is fine.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Hello Fellow Kids" , posted Mon 19 Sep 06:16:post reply

So uh ...

This just happened. Redbull themed outfits for Chunli and Ryu. Also they let a pro player design an arbitrary samurai suit for Necali.

Im not even angry anymore. No sir. This is fine.

The first time I saw those, I thought "Oh cool, new outfits for Laura and Sean."

Followed by "wait Sean isn't in the game"

Followed by "wait why is the guy wearing a Flavor Flav clock"

Followed by "wait that's supposed to be Chun Li"

Followed by "ganguro Chun Li is something I never knew anybody wanted"

Followed by "hahaha that's Ryu hahahah"

Followed by closing the tab and sighing.

Given the long history of skin tone changes in palette choices across fighting games, having characters become lighter or darker or crazy colored doesn't usually bother me, but for some reason these costumes feel uncomfortably like blackface. Maybe it's because over here, the public face of Red Bull feels very American, even though it's a Thailand-origin company whose main distributing arm is in Austria.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Mon 19 Sep 06:22]

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"Re(2):Hello Fellow Kids" , posted Mon 19 Sep 08:07post reply

Yahaha, those suck.

...on the other hand, even Flava Flave Ryu looks better than anyone in SFIV!

Challenge question: are these worse designs than Blanka?!


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"Re(2):Hello Fellow Kids" , posted Mon 19 Sep 08:19post reply

At first that Ryu alt made no sense to me. Then it dawned on me that Ryu must have listened day and night to a cassette of "License to Ill" during the final years of his tutelage. There's no evidence for this but that's what I'm going with. Also, Ryu's wanderings in SF3:NG just happened to overlap with the tour dates for Phish that year.

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"Re(3):Hello Fellow Kids" , posted Mon 19 Sep 17:13post reply


Challenge question: are these worse designs than Blanka?!

Of course - Blanka in the very least has a distinctive look that while going for the "wild man" archetype doesn't look like it's trying to imitate anything past that (I recall associating his look and colors very heavily with SF2 when I was just barely becoming aware of the game), giving it its own spin, and has managed to be handled in both serious (SF2) and silly (SFA3) ways.
Those DLC outfits seem like something mandated and/or approved in a boardroom by people who're barely aware of the game and audiences they were designed for - there's certainly a lack of awareness of design precedents for the characters or series. One of Ryu's SF4 DLC outfits managed to go for a more urban look while still fitting him, so a compromise was certainly possible, and Chun-Li's been presented with less then traditional looks where one could have tastefully slapped a logo without much detriment to her...


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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(4):Hello Fellow Kids" , posted Mon 19 Sep 19:29post reply

Of course - Blanka in the very least has a distinctive look that while going for the "wild man" archetype doesn't look like it's trying to imitate anything past that (I recall associating his look and colors very heavily with SF2 when I was just barely becoming aware of the game), giving it its own spin, and has managed to be handled in both serious (SF2) and silly (SFA3) ways.
More importantly, Blanka is the "wild man" without any racist undertone or "Grace Jones eating raw meat with a bone stuck in her nose" kind of cultural bastardization, which, when you look at Dhalsim, is an unbelievably happy incident.

These things...
... I probably won't see them in my game so I don't really care. Capcom still needs to eat pay for the servers and SF4 had some worse things...
The ridiculous mustache on Ryu is borderline "so bad it's hilarious".

1946th Post

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"Re(5):Hello Fellow Kids" , posted Mon 19 Sep 22:27post reply

The only thing more crazy than those Red Bull costumes is that Capcom is going to charge $5 for them.

Unless there will be some promotion with redemption codes on Red Bull cans.

I think I could buy a Red Bull or two to use before the gym to just get horrible DLC costumes.

Overall, Capcom's DLC costume selection for SF IV and V has been fairly weak. Sure, you get a few diamonds in the rough that are legitimate alternates that suit the characters personality like tattered clothing/Hot Ryu or wacky alternates that are fun like Haggar Zangeif.

No single costume really makes we eager to buy it(especially at $5 each.) I always got them cheap through pack sales in the SFIV era.

Looking back, we kinda got lucky with the Alt costumes in UMvC3.

Micky Kusanagi
423th Post

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"Re(6):Hello Fellow Kids" , posted Tue 20 Sep 00:26post reply

...I wouldn't find them horrible if they were alternates for Laura and Rashid...but giving them to Chun Li and Ryu is a no-no. And even then, I wouldn't buy them for sure. On the other hand, I like samurai Necalli. Nobi rightly argues that it's arbitrary and I agree, but putting aside the fact that this costume doesn't fit his concept and story at all, I think it gives him a nice appearance.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Tue 20 Sep 00:43post reply

a few diamonds in the rough that are legitimate alternates that suit the characters

I was actually surprised that the Cafe wasn't celebrating the glory of blaxploitation Birdie. His mustache is magnificent.

Chun-Li's swimsuit is legit stylish.

Bring back Ryu's SF1 shoes today! Or maybe some handcuffs for Guile, hohoho


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"Re(7):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Tue 20 Sep 02:45:post reply

I do like Necalli, if only because we know it was designed by a player rather than one of Capcom's own. It doesn't really matter if it's something he would wear or not since it's basically Necalli through the eyes of a top player who mains him (before switching to Cammy, hohoho). That's really the selling point; it's for superstitious types wanting to harness the power of Kazunoko.

My reaction to the Red Bull outfits was exasperated laughter. I guess they do look like something that somebody who'd had one too many Red Bulls would have come up with. Chun Li can wear whatever and they can just say she's "undercover" but Ryu... I guess this is Ryu's next evolution? The path of the warrior runs through some unusual places.

But whatever, I'm just glad more stage interactions are finally coming. To celebrate, tremble before Vegamoto's stylish headgear

[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 20 Sep 02:50]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Tue 20 Sep 03:09post reply

To celebrate, tremble before Vegamoto's stylish headgear

I've been telling people that the ultimate way to win a match now will be to lose the first round and get the helmet, and then win the next two rounds without getting the helmet knocked off. It's beyond merely a double Perfect! With any luck, it's almost like the Kick-Me challenge in God Hand.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(7):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Tue 20 Sep 03:50post reply

Maou, how could you change the title of the thread without a link to this magnificent gif?

I like that this week won't merely be Urien's official release, but also add a bunch of stuff that should have been in the release package. Now I can finally tell to people to try the game out without "if"s or "but"s. It's probably dirt cheap second-hand, so even adding the season pass would still be a reasonable price.

I didn't know Samurai Necalli was designed by Kazunoko for winning the cup! It doesn't fix his terrible hair unfortunately, but that's nice.
That's the first time I feel Capcom interacts with their e-sport public in a meaningful way (antithesis: the redbull thing, or "pay to be advertised toxic waste in a can").
And it also reminds me of "send your design for a robot master" of the old Rockmans: Samurai Necalli makes as little sense as Top Man or Toad Man. Except it's not a random fan-art, it's a random fan-art by the best player of 2015, so even though it has no place in the lore, it has a place in the (pre-release) history of the game. I hope they continue this trend for the years to come! It could even be nice if looking back we can see the evolution of the meta and who was thought top-tier in this or that version of the game.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
See the game live 10 more years and Daigo never managing to win the Capcom Cup or Evo even once.

End of Spoiler

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Tue 20 Sep 05:51post reply

Maou, how could you change the title of the thread without a link to this magnificent gif?

I like that this week won't merely be Urien's official release, but also add a bunch of stuff that should have been in the release package. Now I can finally tell to people to try the game out without "if"s or "but"s. It's probably dirt cheap second-hand, so even adding the season pass would still be a reasonable price.

I didn't know Samurai Necalli was designed by Kazunoko for winning the cup! It doesn't fix his terrible hair unfortunately, but that's nice.
That's the first time I feel Capcom interacts with their e-sport public in a meaningful way (antithesis: the redbull thing, or "pay to be advertised toxic waste in a can").
And it also reminds me of "send your design for a robot master" of the old Rockmans: Samurai Necalli makes as little sense as Top Man or Toad Man. Except it's not a random fan-art, it's a random fan-art by the best player of 2015, so even though it has no place in the lore, it has a place in the (pre-release) history of the game. I hope they continue this trend for the years to come! It could even be nice if looking back we can see the evolution of the meta and who was thought top-tier in this or that version of the game.

I think it's funnier that Kazunoko got input on the appearance of a character he hasn't played in forever (his tournament character for the past X tournaments has been Cammy).

It would be amazing if Kazunoko made a design for Cammy where she had pants on. Or if Daigo won Capcom Cup and told them to make Ryu look like Daigo from Rival Schools.

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"Re(8):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Tue 20 Sep 09:08post reply

Maou, how could you change the title of the thread without a link to this magnificent gif?

"Some jive-ass revolution don't mean shit to me!"
tremble before Vegamoto's stylish headgear
the ultimate way to win a match now will be to lose the first round and get the helmet, and then win the next two rounds without getting the helmet knocked off. It's beyond merely a double Perfect! With any luck, it's almost like the Kick-Me challenge in God Hand.
The samurai kabuto is the greatest thing to happen to SFV since the lizard.

This reminds me: if there's room for Red Bull, there damn well better be room for a God Hand costume in SFV. "I LOVE IT." 社長パンチ!

Micky Kusanagi
425th Post

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"Re(9):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Tue 20 Sep 16:18post reply

Spoon's Daigo costume wish

That'd be awesome in so many ways. What about a Wild Daigo costume? Just to emphasize Umehara's "Beast" nickname.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(8):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Tue 20 Sep 17:33post reply

I didn't know Samurai Necalli was designed by Kazunoko for winning the cup! It doesn't fix his terrible hair unfortunately, but that's nice.

I didn't know he got to due it due to a tournament victory.

I wonder what kind of designs we'd get if there were separate tournaments for prize money and for DLC design privileges, with the latter only applying to a character used without change throughout the tournament - I figure we'd get very different audiences and competitive levels in each, and that might actually motivate some people to take part in such events without having to worry about not being good enough to beat someone at Daigo's level, while encouraging some more character variety, and perhaps a more interesting spectacle while at it.

Micky Kusanagi
426th Post

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"Re(9):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Tue 20 Sep 19:56post reply


I wonder what kind of designs we'd get if there were separate tournaments for prize money and for DLC design privileges

Best competitive gaming idea ever. I bet it'd make for very entertaining tournaments ^^

Ore no...kachi da!!
2205th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Wed 21 Sep 12:54post reply

Maou, how could you change the title of the thread without a link to this magnificent gif? HECK YEAH

"Some jive-ass revolution don't mean shit to me!"
tremble before Vegamoto's stylish headgear
the ultimate way to win a match now will be to lose the first round and get the helmet, and then win the next two rounds without getting the helmet knocked off. It's beyond merely a double Perfect! With any luck, it's almost like the Kick-Me challenge in God Hand. The samurai kabuto is the greatest thing to happen to SFV since the lizard.

This reminds me: if there's room for Red Bull, there damn well better be room for a God Hand costume in SFV. "I LOVE IT." 社長パンチ!

That Birdie design just doesn't read Blaxploitation to me... everything from the hair to the tiny crown is just baffling to me. Is there any specific movie/character you're thinking of?

/ / /

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"Re(10):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Wed 21 Sep 13:02:post reply


That Birdie design just doesn't read Blaxploitation to me... everything from the hair to the tiny crown is just baffling to me. Is there any specific movie/character you're thinking of?

I am thinking that WICKED mustache really. I sure as hell don't understand the baby crown (is he a King Slime from Dragon Quest?) but given his magical SF1-to-SFZero racial history, it's the only design that makes him feel more like an unambiguously black American character as opposed to a bizarre and allegedly British character. Ah, except the crown!? This edition of Birdie is kind of from another planet or "Blaxploitation as imagined in Japan, as ordered by Capcom USA."

Meanwhile, I was pleased to be linked by Shoryuken to a Bayesian time series analysis of whether new characters or story mode grabbed more people. Yeah, the model's probably fundamentally busted since it's only for PC copies, but I like that it exists!

Urien tomorrow! I don't care, but you SFIII people will! I look forward to shredding his clothes like an SNK character using a secret move only my Chun-li can do. I will see you all online (or else).


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 21 Sep 13:05]

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Wed 21 Sep 18:17post reply

I thought the crown was more precisely "British Blaxploitation as imagined in Japan, as ordered by Capcom USA where they know as little about England as they do in Japan."

I think it was either the Queen's crown (or any other silly headwear) or her corgis.

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"Re(3):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Thu 22 Sep 01:04post reply

I thought Birdie's alts were parodies of other characters. The Shadaloo suit with the giant shoulder pads are a good reference but the second one parodying Dudley's Freddie Mercury alt. is really obscure. I guess even the designers thought the message didn't come through since they gave Birdie a little crown to give him a more "Queen"ly look. It's a huge mess but since "being a huge mess" is Birdie's V-skill it all sort of works out... not really.

But who cares about Birdie, I'm looking forward to the next update. The stage transitions will be nice but I'm really looking forward to the vs CPU. With that I can play through all the characters and pretend I have an arcade mode or play against the same character repeatedly and pretend I have friends. Keep going SF5, you're almost a full game!

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"Re(2):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Birdie" , posted Thu 22 Sep 01:31post reply

a Bayesian time series analysis

I'm quietly passing this on to A Certain Someone who will be interested in seeing it-- maybe I'll post her opinions here afterward, not that they'll likely be relevant from a non-economist's perspective! Maou, you always find the best things!

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

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"Re(3):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Thu 22 Sep 11:42post reply

Oh man I cannot believe the servers are going to be down for ten hours straight but I will most certainly wait that long for the thrill of the ability to knock someone off-screen on the New Zealand stage and into Nash's coffin (for real)


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(4):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Thu 22 Sep 19:33post reply

Apparently, chances are Urien would have an alternate intro ending with him wearing his non-clothes of SF3?
I really hope it's something simple like "keep a button pressed" instead of a full costume you'd need to buy. Either way, alternate intros are nice!
I'm really looking forward for playing him.

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"Re(5):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Thu 22 Sep 22:49post reply

Meanwhile, I was pleased to be linked by Shoryuken to a Bayesian time series analysis of whether new characters or story mode grabbed more people. Yeah, the model's probably fundamentally busted since it's only for PC copies, but I like that it exists!

Thanks for the link! I finally had a chance to read over the analysis and, yeah, it's working with some severely limited data. Only having PC data is a hindrance but I suspect the trends would still follow the same curves across all systems.

While I agree with the author that "softer" aspects of a game are a huge factor in both sales and player interest I question him on this point:

The meat-and-bones of SFV is online play so the question for SFV’s longevity is how well content like Story Mode converts new players to online warriors.

While that seems to be SF5's main point the numbers are suggesting that having online play as the primary focus is a mistake. The quick, temporary spikes when new content is released seems to suggest that players are interested in the characters themselves and not in the competitive online environment.

There is a great deal of information that is missing that would make this data more illuminating. For example, what are the overall PC sales for SF5, MKX and GGXrd and what were their sales during the time period presented on the charts? Did the DLC characters or story mode generate sales? How were other games performing during this time period? Was the PC version of MKX suffering from online problems and lack of XL content at this point? If SF5 can barely hold its own against a hobbled game that is not a good look for SF5's overall health.

I really like the core of SF5 but the general strategy behind the game is flawed. The Personal Thoughts section of the analysis suggests continuing to use the FGC as a narrative for SF when the numbers above directly contradict this and suggest that a good number of players are more interested in the in-game world. The core players of a game are -as the name suggests- small and insular. A core also needs a much larger covering to survive. Trying to fit the wide variety of SF players into one mode simply does not work.

In more important news...

Apparently, chances are Urien would have an alternate intro ending with him wearing his non-clothes of SF3?
I really hope it's something simple like "keep a button pressed" instead of a full costume you'd need to buy. Either way, alternate intros are nice!
I'm really looking forward for playing him.

I love the idea that everyone is excited about the possibility of blasting Urien's clothes off. See Capcom, this is what people want out of a game!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Fri 23 Sep 05:28post reply

I really like the core of SF5 but the general strategy behind the game is flawed. The Personal Thoughts section of the analysis suggests continuing to use the FGC as a narrative for SF when the numbers above directly contradict this and suggest that a good number of players are more interested in the in-game world. The core players of a game are -as the name suggests- small and insular. A core also needs a much larger covering to survive. Trying to fit the wide variety of SF players into one mode simply does not work.

Capcom is definitely thinking that they should be able to have the kind of esports success that other character games like League of Legends and more recently Overwatch have, games which are devoid of single player modes and are from the first moment multiplayer competitive games. SF is one of the oldest and most recognized competitive IPs, after all. SF is much more watchable compared to the average MOBA or FPS.

But I think that they haven't figured out how to make an SF game that manages to be SF and matches the zeitgeist of mainstream casuals. The core of SF remains, but their attempts at making it more appealing to casual players mostly comes in the form of making it easier to play. The core tenets of SF remain appealing to me, but they should consider how other games have taken many of the deeper lessons of SF and created highly successful games that aren't 1v1 fighting games. Capcom have been masters of the action genre and have been so influential in it that it bothers me that they haven't devised means of creating a new SF IP game that can undeniably contain the spirit of SF while not actually being literally SF. Ryu might not be Mega Man when it comes to being adaptable to arbitrary genres, but if Resident Evil can become a genre-defining action game and Gundam can be used to invent an entire genre of arcade multiplayer fighting games, SF can totally be used to make something genuinely new and incredible.

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"Re(7):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Fri 23 Sep 06:36post reply

Capcom is definitely thinking that they should be able to have the kind of esports success that other character games like League of Legends and more recently Overwatch have, games which are devoid of single player modes and are from the first moment multiplayer competitive games. SF is one of the oldest and most recognized competitive IPs, after all. SF is much more watchable compared to the average MOBA or FPS.

Digression: During the recent free weekend offer Overwatch ran I finally tried out the game. Even though it is not a style of game I enjoy at all I still enjoyed the beejeebers out the game and was even tempted to buy it. First, not only did I like a lot of the character designs but there was a huge amount of backstory available. What easily could have been empty avatars were part of a multi-generational story. It felt as if the game was a supplement to the created world and not the other way around. Secondly, for an online only game there were a lot of modes available. I found I was perfectly content to play with others against a cpu team or to create a private room and fill it up with bots. For a game of nothing but death matches there was a good deal of flexibility in the player experience. Blizzard seems to understand that a good deal of their audience just wants to cosplay as Tracer.

Micky Kusanagi
429th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Fri 23 Sep 15:36post reply

I still can't buy Urien because I've been a lazy ass with Normal Survival all these months and I still have 5 characters left. It's funny how one of the current "daily" missions is a riddle xD

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Watch Karin's Character Story epilogue.

End of Spoiler

I hope I manage to gather enough willpower to complete these mission thingies despite being pissed off because I'm fighting against my own ISP...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
they admitted the technician connected me to the wrong cabinet and this aborted my upgrade to fiber, but they don't want to fix this connection quickly...bunch of assholes

End of Spoiler

Ore no...kachi da!!
Micky Kusanagi
430th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Fri 23 Sep 23:46post reply

Do you remember the announcement of the Hot! Package edition came with the promise of some surprise? Well, since the whole Zeny thing got axed, I think this is the replacement for that bonus. Capcom is giving away one Battle Costume of your choice -limited to the 16 starting characters- for every 500 Zeny you had before Zeny were canceled (did other limited edition give you more than 1000 Zeny?). Go here and sign in PSN through this page. I took genie Rashido and pure gold shoulder pads Vega.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Sat 24 Sep 08:00:post reply

Oh man I cannot believe the servers are going to be down for ten hours straight but I will most certainly wait that long for the thrill of the ability to knock someone off-screen on the New Zealand stage and into Nash's coffin (for real)

Word of warning, Capcom has apparently really messed up with the PC version of SF5 with this update.

From complaints on the forum, SF5 now installs a rootkit. Not only has this angered people, it appears to also have simply broken the game for an unknown number of players. For those affected, the game won't launch at all.

EDIT: Ah, it isn't just a rootkit. It appears to be an unsecured backdoor in the form of a system file/process that will disable system security, run *whatever* is passed to it, and then re-enable security.


EDIT 2: Looks like the rollback patch is live. SF5 no longer tries to install the offending system file.

[this message was edited by Baines on Sat 24 Sep 11:44]

Micky Kusanagi
431th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Sat 24 Sep 17:15post reply

I stand with the players who cheated in order not to suffer from a nervous breakdown because of Capcom's shameful business model. Current free character unlock conditions are just disgusting. You don't want players to break the FM grind with trainers? Set survival to easy=10, normal=20, hard=30, hell=40 while leaving EVERYTHING ELSE as it is, limited but not included to difficulty up to the stage caps I mentioned, FM rewards, EXP gain and content pricing in FM. The way you set survival is just the same as breaking your bullshit "UNLOCK EVERY CHARACTER FOR FREE!!!111!!11111!!" promise.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(5):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Sat 24 Sep 18:37post reply

EDIT: Ah, it isn't just a rootkit. It appears to be an unsecured backdoor in the form of a system file/process that will disable system security, run *whatever* is passed to it, and then re-enable security.


EDIT 2: Looks like the rollback patch is live. SF5 no longer tries to install the offending system file.

Warning: if you have started the game before the rollback patch, the rootkit is still in your PC, just inactive.
After installing the patch, restart your PC, then look for capcom.sys, and delete it manually.

..... Capcom...

Micky Kusanagi
432th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Sat 24 Sep 19:34post reply

I'm only playing SFV on PS4, but still...what a shame. This "rootkit" thing makes me puke. Every fighting game developer I remember right now is being more honest than Capcpom IMO.

Ore no...kachi da!!
4979th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Sat 24 Sep 22:43:post reply

Holy Cripes, so Capcom essencially tried to make their own version version of NProtect/Hackshield and they messed up big time.

I can understand people being tolerent with anti-hack programs on MMORPGs because they value their character data, but I really can't see how anyone will symphasize with Capcom on this case even if it didn't have a bad exploit; it's a fighting game and about the only user data it features are player stats.

They must be seriously desperate about the microtransaction income.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 24 Sep 22:48]

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"Re(8):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Sun 25 Sep 00:46post reply


They must be seriously desperate about the microtransaction income.

SFV evolving from a no character game until it became an out of control malware is a perfect example of capcom business model for the current and past generation, marvelous.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Sun 25 Sep 02:28post reply

I can understand people being tolerent with anti-hack programs on MMORPGs because they value their character data,

Are people really tolerant with anti-hack programs in MMORPGs, or is it just that it is something you have to accept if you want to play an MMORPG?

You can find a fair amount of complaining about stuff like Hackshield. Hackshield was extremely popular among MMO publishers, even though it appeared to do little to actually stop hacking and had an annoying tendency to trigger false positives against legitimate users. But if you wanted to play the games, you had no choice but to accept Hackshield, because the publishers refused to do away with it. (Dragon Nest has a period where false positives were so bad that they did a massive item compensation giveaway for all players, but Dragon Nest continued to use Hackshield.)

The big difference with fighting games is probably just that other fighting games aren't doing similar. If MK, KI, KOF, GG, and BB all started installing rootkits, then fans would either have to learn to accept it or just stop playing most popular fighting games.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Sun 25 Sep 03:07post reply

What I don't understand is that the important things should be stored server-wise.
Everything that happens on the client side cannot really be controlled... It's impossible to prevent people from playing with their favourite costume (including mods) and datamining the next background and costume, but as long as it doesn't overflows online, I don't see the issue.
I HOPE it is not possible to play with a non-unlocked character, because that would reflect really bad on Capcom's ability to run their own shop.

All in all, I don't think there's any ill will, it just show that the whole plan was unprofessional beyond our wildest dreams.
Hopefully, they'll have learned not to do a FTP game without a solid shop system, not to do an online game with outsourced infrastructure, and then not to charge $60 for it all. Amateurs.
At least Urien is mighty fun, and his face is really good.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server Times" , posted Sun 25 Sep 05:52post reply

If you aren't logged in to CFN, you don't receive FM, and your FM value is hidden from you. This doesn't prevent you from playing the challenges or story which do grant FM on completion, but that's ok, those are fixed amounts which you would be granted.

Survival mode and story together are worth 600k FM. But since the survival mode game handling is 100% local, it should be an easy thing to spoof, in all kinds of different ways. 600k FM is about 6 DLC characters, which is worth about $36 to Capcom. That's actually a significant amount of money!

Although there are a lot of strategies for verifying the validity and integrity of a given match, as opposed to allowing the client to just send a data packet saying "I HAVE FINISHED THESE THINGS LOCALLY OBSERVE THAT THE FLAGS ARE TRUE NOW GIVE ME MY ENTITLEMENTS THANKS", forcing the matches to be played against a server-hosted AI in order to get the FM would probably be easier.

Trusting the client is generally a bad policy when it comes to any online game. In use cases where the actions are 100% not real time and are little more than account transactions and entitlements, there's almost no good reason to do so. In cases where client responsiveness is really important, e.g. showing where shots are going in Counter-Strike where precision aiming of instant-hitting guns or slow moving grenades is paramount to the game, I can see an argument for allowing a little more client say, but allowing a little more client say is not the same as allowing client authority.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server" , posted Sun 25 Sep 06:53post reply

forcing the matches to be played against a server-hosted AI in order to get the FM would probably be easier.

The weird thing is that Capcom didn't seem to do any real anti-cheat checking when playing Survival online.

Playing against server-hosted AI isn't that practical. From the player side, it would add lag to an already terribly designed mode. From Capcom's side, it would require more server support.

But SF5 could have at least done some measure of sanity checks during matches, monitoring the matches and raising a warning flag when matches are being won in a single hit (which should be impossible) and at least getting suspicious if a player gets 50 straight perfects.

Though the better solution might have been to both not have made Survival mode so awful and to not have locked such a significant chunk of fight money behind it. (Which was certainly an intentional combination on Capcom's part, as it allowed them to talk about how much fight money you could earn, while simultaneously making sure almost no one would be able to earn it legitimately.) The way they did color unlocks only made the whole thing worse, and ended up pushing some people to download trainers who wouldn't have done so otherwise.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server" , posted Sun 25 Sep 07:20post reply


But SF5 could have at least done some measure of sanity checks during matches, monitoring the matches and raising a warning flag when matches are being won in a single hit (which should be impossible) and at least getting suspicious if a player gets 50 straight perfects.

The problem is, neither of these are actually impossible!

R Mika actually can OHKO somebody, and in the brain-dead story/easy survival modes, it can actually happen! XYZ consecutive perfects in the easier Survivals is also totally plausible.

Rounds won in 1s is totally implausible for the player, though. It could happen when it's the AI killing a player who has very little health left in Survival. And I certainly agree that the notion of "you can earn so much fight money without paying money!" coming with the proviso of "you will probably never be able to earn this fight money, because even Infiltration can't do it reliably" is duplicitous.

It is totally possible to have server hosted AI matches that have relatively low cost in terms of computational power/memory/electricity, since the server hosted AI match doesn't have to be responsible for handling any of the burden of rendering, skinning as a result of animation, audio, or UI. It would be more work to do than not doing, totally.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server" , posted Sun 25 Sep 08:47post reply

R Mika actually can OHKO somebody, and in the brain-dead story/easy survival modes, it can actually happen! XYZ consecutive perfects in the easier Survivals is also totally plausible.

Cheating in Easy survival shouldn't be a serious issue anyway. The rewards are relatively minor. Continuous perfects through even Normal should raise a red flag, and even more so if that same player manages to repeat that feat with multiple characters and multiple attempts. Continuous perfects through Hard is either cheating or someone having found an in-game exploit.

R Mika can really OHKO someone? Ah, right... A fully charged Mic Performance, potentially with a Survival Attack boost? Okay, even so the game could check to make sure the fight seemed legit. It would be able to know what kind of Attack boost is in play, as well as what moves were used. And someone isn't going to win 30 straight Survival matches that way.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server" , posted Mon 26 Sep 06:01post reply

Back on track: Urien is amazingly fun! He was probably one of the easiest guys to move from 2D to 3D, thanks to his extremely clear designs with no clothes, no superfluous stuff, and perfect physique and movement. Sorry Elena, Mika and Necro.
Still, not only did Capcom not screw up something that seemed difficult to screw up and yet amazingly they did, they also made their best-looking character. Sorry Alex for your face, your neck, your hair... Can the person who made Urien give a facelift to half of the cast please?
Urien's face is great, very expressive (even though the original character wasn't), his smile is great and very Urien-like even though it may be the first time he smiles, the idea of hiding the thong under all the clothes and let you toggle at will is amazingly nice and very Capcom-of-the-old-where-have-you-been-we've-been-looking-for-you-for-10-years.
The only thing I'm not found of are his nails, and that's me really being nitpicky.

On the other hand, gameplay-wise, he was one of the trickiest characters to move out of his game, and it feels like SF5 was built from the ground up to welcome him. Unlike the sad Dreamcast version that removed the unblockable and the fun out of the character, or Capcom Fighting Jam which was Capcom Fighting Jam, the character is focused on why people care about Urien in the first place, the reflector. It's great! It works well! It confuses people! And sometimes it hits in unexpected ways and you have to adapt and everything fails because of an unexpected bounce.
The normals are satisfying, his only new move (the armor-adding-V-skill) is very Urien-like (and probably the reason we lost the metallic sound effect unfortunately), and the super is much better than Jupiter Thunder and Titan-something:it's a fantastic anti-air, combos out of everything (including the hilarious throw=>falls on Aegis that has been set up before=>super), and even OTGs.
He might not be the best character of the game, but who cares, he's the most fun I've had along with Laura.
Now I want Hugo to come back and a miniature/Osaka Castle as a background to re-enact Second Impact's Giant Attack poster.

Also, I think I've read the input lag has decreased by one or two frames? I haven't been following closely as this never bothered me, but if that's right, then the naysayers can look for another excuse for when they lose.

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Hello Exploitation Server" , posted Mon 26 Sep 07:42post reply

Since I'm on the PS4 and don't have to worry about PC noodling I've been really enjoying this update. The vs CPU mode isn't exactly arcade mode but it is fun. I can finally experiment with characters in the manner in which I first learned fighting games; by fighting the computer. Training mode and online fighting are too newfangled for me.

The challenges aren't exactly challenging but if it gets me money I'm all for it. One challenge was "play a ranked match." I not only the match lost but went down in rank. Nevertheless I passed the challenge since I followed the challenge down to the letter. If there's ever a "fail miserably at a ranked match" challenge I'm all set.

What do you know, I'm finally able to play SF5.

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"Re(6): Hello Iggy fanfiction" , posted Tue 27 Sep 11:26post reply

Back on track: Urien is amazingly fun!
Dearest Iggy-nton,

I am so happy for your note reminding everyone that SFV is still wonderful despite the idiotic management. But: you still have not met me by the gym after school to "train me" like you promised. Gojira-senpai offers me so much guidance but I can't split my heart between two Lauras anymore. Please meet me online with Urien ASAP so I can decide.


Micky Kusanagi
433th Post

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"Hello bad playstyle exploitation" , posted Wed 28 Sep 00:45post reply

No. Just. Fucking. NO. The mission about to end in a few hours is just the kind of goal I hate from the bottom of my heart: a goal which encourages shitty playstyles. 10 V-Triggers limited to online modes. I had to mindlessly spam Ken's running kick throughout some casual matches, because standing still like a punching bag was too much even for one of the worst players ever (me).

The only thing I feel like blaming myself about is that if I had gotten wind of the challenge when it started I'd have had all the time needed to look for European players and open a boost lounge with them, our Iggy for example (I don't remember if other Cafers living in Europe have SFV)...

Ore no...kachi da!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(7): Hello Iggy fanfiction" , posted Wed 28 Sep 01:40post reply

I will do my best!
The lagfest unfortunately happen often on an unfavourable timezone, and I get the message once they are finished.
Which timezone are you under/on/at/with/from, anyway?

(Please note that my inability to lagfest will be blamed on you regardless on your answer).

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"Re(8): Hello Iggy fanfiction" , posted Wed 28 Sep 03:49post reply

That's true! Assuming you are still in the land of rain and ghosts and poor decisions on multinational economic blocs, you'd probably need to be fighting at dawn or midnight to join our lagfests! I keep changing timezones but this fall I am in EST. If we fail, I can also coordinate trysts via maoujacky at hotmail.com of course.
(Please note that my inability to lagfest will be blamed on you regardless on your answer).

I still blame Necalli on principle, though.


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"Re(8): Hello Iggy fanfiction" , posted Wed 28 Sep 04:12post reply

I will do my best!
The lagfest unfortunately happen often on an unfavourable timezone, and I get the message once they are finished.
Which timezone are you under/on/at/with/from, anyway?

(Please note that my inability to lagfest will be blamed on you regardless on your answer).

One of these days I'll get in on the lagfest

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(9): Hello Iggy fanfiction" , posted Wed 28 Sep 04:20post reply

One of these days I'll get in on the lagfest

Until you do, blame Maou. It works pretty well for me!

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Hello bad playstyle exploitation" , posted Wed 28 Sep 09:00post reply

No. Just. Fucking. NO. The mission about to end in a few hours is just the kind of goal I hate from the bottom of my heart: a goal which encourages shitty playstyles. 10 V-Triggers limited to online modes. I had to mindlessly spam Ken's running kick throughout some casual matches, because standing still like a punching bag was too much even for one of the worst players ever (me).

I'd like to say that it would have been better as a 6 day mission instead of two days (or whatever it was), but even then people would have been tempted to blast through it on the first day.

Unfortunately, I think the bulk of the dailies (they aren't even really dailies) were supposed to be "Do X Y times (only in Ranked/Casual/Battle)" goals?

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"Re(10): Hello Iggy/Spoon slashfiction" , posted Wed 28 Sep 09:56post reply

One of these days I'll get in on the lagfest
Until you do, blame Maou. It works pretty well for me!

And for me, too!

SPOON: we are not excluding you (though I have a terrifying image of you somehow being a frame-master who can play blindfolded and who only chooses the Grid stage despite its terrible music), we merely do not know your CFN ID to invite you! I have input the secret code for Shin Gouki in SFZ2 but haven't figured yours out yet. Lagfest luvs U

Despite Mickey's rage to the contrary, I find the daily targets hilarious. I literally watched two seconds of a replay of Karin's ending and got 5000 FM for it. Okay!

Ishmael: You speak truth regarding the joy of winning by losing.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(8): Hello Iggy fanfiction" , posted Thu 29 Sep 16:24post reply

I will do my best!
The lagfest unfortunately happen often on an unfavourable timezone, and I get the message once they are finished.
Which timezone are you under/on/at/with/from, anyway?

(Please note that my inability to lagfest will be blamed on you regardless on your answer).

I live in Italy, so that's CEST, UTC+2. Will revert to CET (UTC+1) on the last Sunday in October.

I've already completed the V-reversal challenge because I wanted to see if I managed to get rid of it on my own instead of bothering other people, but in case you need company to complete it -or any future challenge- we can arrange a lobby. And if fellow Cafers ever wanna join -highly unlikely because of time zones...-, feel free to ask ^^

Baines and Maou both speak the truth about these targets. Repetitive tasks like 10 V-Triggers/Reversals better have a larger time window, so that you can play 1-2 matches a day and complete them if you don't feel like adopting an awful playstile to blaze through them -which I resigned myself to do :P- or playing online decently for more than a couple minutes, and some targets are just funny, not to mention that you get both the Play Story and the Sakura one upon playing Karin's epilogue xD

Ore no...kachi da!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(9): Hello Iggy fanfiction" , posted Thu 29 Sep 20:21post reply

I won't be able to play until well into next week, but I'll try to connect then.

The problem with the "10 V-skills" thing is that it is heavily character dependant. I use it a lot with Urien (because it speeds up the V-trigger, so I almost play him like Hakan or Kazuki in SS or Chin in KOF 2002, charging as soon as he has room to breathe), but I can imagine Dictator players for example will have a lot more troubles.

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"Re(10): Hello Iggy fanfiction" , posted Fri 30 Sep 00:59post reply

The problem with the "10 V-skills" thing is that it is heavily character dependant. I use it a lot with Urien (because it speeds up the V-trigger, so I almost play him like Hakan or Kazuki in SS or Chin in KOF 2002, charging as soon as he has room to breathe), but I can imagine Dictator players for example will have a lot more troubles.

I know I switched out from Dictator and had Alex work out the kinks in his rotator cuff until I passed the challenge.

So far I appreciate that the challenges that involve online play are something that would probably come up naturally in a match anyway. Now it's just a matter of finding the time to play the necessary number of fights to earn my latest little reward. I feel like a lab rat scratching at switches until I'm given a food pellet but at least I'm finally earning fight money.

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"Re(2):Re(10): Hello Iggy fanfiction" , posted Fri 30 Sep 15:20post reply

The 5000 FM things are pretty clever. I like the new one.

I was also just in a lounge and saw thong Urien versus Zangief. It was pretty steamy

Micky Kusanagi
437th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10): Hello Iggy fanfiction" , posted Fri 30 Sep 21:16post reply

Ahaha the new 5000 mission is amusing :D

When struggling to score 10 throws online, I noticed I have better fighting game reflexes than I'd ever thought I have. In a handful situations, I managed to avoid stuff I normally can't. While I'm not jumping to the conclusion of being able to rival Daigo someday, these online-only challenges are teaching me that I may get...a bit less scrubby? than I am at fighting games right now, if I train to actually focus on what my opponent is doing.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(4):Re(10): Hello Nobi fanfiction" , posted Sat 1 Oct 13:26:post reply

I may get...a bit less scrubby? than I am at fighting games right now, if I train to actually focus on what my opponent is doing.

Ryu sez: "You are on the path of a true warrior!"

In other news, Gekiganger showed me Urien and I can corroborate Iggy's account that he is a delight. The business suit and shades skeeze works well, though happiliy he was soon in thong mode. Lots of personality, leaves much more of an impression than in SFIII.

Can this bring Nobi over to my side? Who knows! I do know that as long as you stay exclusively on the New Zealand stage with its god-damned Lion King level heroic music, and play with Chun-Li, Urien, Ryu, Ken, Mike Bison, Vega, Birdie, or Juri, the game feels aesthetically fantastic. Yes, even Mike Bison (!!) is cool with his shades. How can this be? Sorry about Dhalsim's twisty legs and Necalli, of course, but I am otherwise constantly overjoyed by the little touches on most characters. Fat Birdie looked terrible until I saw him in motion, which made me realize he was wonderful, and I've loved him since the game launched. Join the Illuminati or perish!

Further observations: statistically speaking, I cannot lose once the funky-as-hell "near-fatal" final sequence of the Kanzuki Beach round 2 theme starts playing. WHO WILL PROVE ME WRONG? This is some Marvel 2 Take Me for a Ride level soundtracking, people.

My other favorite thing is that swimsuit Chun-Li's skin shines even at night. Yeah, this is because she's meant for Kanzuki Beach, but I just don't care!


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 1 Oct 14:11]

Micky Kusanagi
439th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10): Hello Nobi fanfiction" , posted Sat 1 Oct 20:11:post reply

Ryu sez

Okay, you just hit my soft spot for Sonic-related memes x'D *maniacally sings the Pingas Song

Besides, I agree with your SFV aesthetic analysis, because I find it a huge leap forward compared to SFIV. As I've already said, I got nothing against the SFIV artstyle per se, just its in-game rendition. Graphically, the only thing I like in SFIV is the ink effects -I spent several hours on SSFIVAE, so I do like it as a game. SFV's in-game visuals look really fine to me as a whole instead.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 1 Oct 23:44]

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"Re(6):Re(10): Hello Nobi fanfiction" , posted Mon 3 Oct 05:06post reply

The vs CPU and the not-so challenging daily challenges have given SF5 a new lease on life for me. Before I felt I had hit a wall I did not feel like climbing over. For example, before this I wanted to try Laura but wasn't too confident about going online with her. But since that was the only thing I could do I hopped into a few matches and immediately had to face two Laura mirror matches in a row. Just like that I never wanted to play Laura again. Now, however, I was able to fool around with Boxer in vs matches until I felt I was confident enough to go online with the guy. Having different ways to play is a much better way to get people back into the fold. That, and while the challenge money may not be a lot it's still a much better carrot than the scraps you can win through matches.

Two random things:

1. Between playing Dictator, Boxer and trying to fathom how you are supposed to win with FANG I'm still Shadaloo 4 life.

My other favorite thing is that swimsuit Chun-Li's skin shines even at night. Yeah, this is because she's meant for Kanzuki Beach, but I just don't care!

2. Between Urien's acres of man-meat and glistening female forms I'm glad to see that SF5 is giving the people what they want.

1684th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10): Hello Nobi fanfiction" , posted Mon 3 Oct 11:23post reply


2. Between Urien's acres of man-meat and glistening female forms I'm glad to see that SF5 is giving the people what they want.

Oddly enough, iron bodied Urien doesn't glisten. Missed opportunity. INFINITE THUMBS DOWN FOR SFV :P


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"Re(8):Re(10): Hello Nobi fanfiction" , posted Mon 3 Oct 21:33post reply


Oddly enough, iron bodied Urien doesn't glisten. Missed opportunity. INFINITE THUMBS DOWN FOR SFV :P

That's because the Kanzuki Beach Urien isn't out yet. The DLC is just going to be a slightly shiny Urien but his intro will be changed to Hakan oiling him up. It's going to sell like hotcakes.

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"Re(9):Re(10): Hello Nobi fanfiction" , posted Tue 4 Oct 10:52:post reply


Oddly enough, iron bodied Urien doesn't glisten. Missed opportunity. INFINITE THUMBS DOWN FOR SFV :P

That's because the Kanzuki Beach Urien isn't out yet. The DLC is just going to be a slightly shiny Urien but his intro will be changed to Hakan oiling him up. It's going to sell like hotcakes.

Oh I assure you that Urien or anyone else playing against Gekiganger's immaculate Zangief will be glistening to a very great extent indeed

Let's celebrate Urien, the speedos, and the new code to eliminate excess clothing online ASAP. Euro-Cafe, get up early in the morning! Or more realistically, see you online this weekend.

PS: Dear Nobi I was just in a battle lounge where a Platinum class R.Mika obliterated Claw and won the title of most gorgeous fighter. If R.Mika (!?!?!) having somehow become top-tier isn't enough to sell you on why SFV is the greatest, I don't know what will.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 4 Oct 13:10]

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"Re(10):Re(10): Hello Nobi fanfiction" , posted Wed 5 Oct 03:23post reply

It looks like I might be around on Friday if anyone is up for a few games. I've realized that while I'm not good at SF5 I'm total shit at KoF14 so for online I'll think I'll stick with the game where I can at least press the buttons correctly.

While most of the overpriced Halloween costumes make my Vampire loving heart cry I do really like the clever work they did with Necali. For a character designed not to have a personality they have given him some fun outfits.

1948th Post

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"I'M FREE!" , posted Wed 5 Oct 09:28post reply

I finally did it. I got the platinum for Street Fighter V. Overall, I am not a big trophy/achievement guy, but by just playing through the game I got almost all the trophies just naturally. I kinda did grind the replay viewing one, but the only one after that to elude me was the 1,00,000 Fight Money trophy. So for about the last month or so I have been slaving away away at the Survival mode on hard and failing repeatedly thanks to the input reading at the hard difficulty.

The way I figure it by doing Easy and Normal survival and everything else with all the characters got me 31500FM X 22 or 693,000FM. Which is where the biggest chunk comes from. I was able to do Hard survival with 7 characters which is another 15,000 FM each(and Level 24 for those characters.) I was able to do Extreme survival with 3 characters so another 25,000 FM each . I got 80,000 by doing the cinematic story on normal and hard. My Zangief is at level 37 which is 13 levels above Level 24 which is another 13,000 FM. The 400ish wins I have in ranked got me around 20,000. Thanks to the new bonus missions I got about 15,000 I think.

So my math puts it at

(31500*22) + (15000*7) + (25000*3) + 80000 + 13000 + 20000 + 15000 = 1,001,00 FM total.

All that work for a damn Bronze trophy.

Did they think Survival would be easier? Were bonus missions supposed to come out on launch thus give us more Fight Money from the get go?

"Thankfully" Capcom is allowing us to buy the extra colors for character costumes in the shop now instead of going through survival with the COSTUME we want more colors for.

I can probably go into a dissertation about it, but I will simply say that the fight money economy system is trash. A super majority is locked behind the bullshit survival mode. Someone put a trick out on twitter a month or two ago where if you mash pause you could better react to what ever the computer will throw out at you. That helped me greatly in the Birdie fights where his jumping throw is hard to react to naturally.

It is still horrible that Capcom doesn't "give" a secondary costume for the characters be default. Additional costume has been the standard for 3D fighters since Virtua Fighter 1. Yes, you can get the story costumes for Fight Money in the shop, but that would hypothetically take up almost all my Fight Money not to mention the possibility of getting the color sets as well.

I spent $60 for the base game and $30 for the Season pass and don't feel like it was a good deal.

Street Fighter V really doesn't respect my time or my money.

At this point I think I am done with Street Fighter V. Unfortunately we won't hear anything about a possible season 2 for months and by that point I don't know if it would be enough for me to come back.

It looks like I might be around on Friday if anyone is up for a few games. I've realized that while I'm not good at SF5 I'm total shit at KoF14 so for online I'll think I'll stick with the game where I can at least press the buttons correctly.

While most of the overpriced Halloween costumes make my Vampire loving heart cry I do really like the clever work they did with Necali. For a character designed not to have a personality they have given him some fun outfits.

Atleast the stage can be bought with Fight Money. It is really strange to have two different limited costume sets running concurrently(Halloween and CPT).

I guess they really want to exploit the impulse buyer.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):I'M FREE!" , posted Wed 5 Oct 10:37post reply

Did they think Survival would be easier? Were bonus missions supposed to come out on launch thus give us more Fight Money from the get go?

Daily missions were first mentioned long ago. I figure they were delayed while Capcom worked on other stuff.

One thing to consider is that Capcom as a company most likely doesn't *want* players being able to amass much Fight Money. Capcom as a company wants people to buy stuff with cash, not earn it for free.

As for Survival, my guess from the start is that it is working entirely as intended. Survival was never supposed to be easy. It was the "safe" place to squirrel away a large chunk of Fight Money where people wouldn't reach it, while leaving Capcom able to claim that the Fight Money was available to skilled players. It was also pretty much the only real single player mode for the game for months, and was designed to be a massive time sink in that area.

If you look at how Capcom chose to lock colors, you can tell it was meant to be a time sink. You originally had to beat three separate difficulties for every outfit for every character. Capcom eventually dialed back on some of that, such as having premium outfit colors unlocked at purchase and selling survival color unlocks.

As for the difficulty, they hyped that it was so difficult that even the best players in the world would struggle with the highest difficulty.

As for the design, it is, in a word, awful. SF5 Survival goes beyond being difficult and beyond being a time sink. It appears to be designed specifically to be frustrating and not entertaining at all. It feels like in any situation where Capcom had a choice, they went with the design idea that would be worse.

Score is meaningless, because it is as much based on random after-match offerings. (Get the right score multipliers, and your score rockets. Get the wrong healing, and your score plummets.) How many matches you survive is almost meaningless, because that can become heavily dependent again on whether or not random chance offers you the right after-match offerings. After-match boosts being random means you can't really plan for or depend upon certain options being available. Further, the options aren't close to balanced, some are really good, some are situational (which can go to either extreme), and some are really poor. Above Easy, the modes simply run way too long. There was no reason other than annoyance and frustration to make Normal 30 matches where the first 20-25 are almost sleepwalking. Normal could have been the same challenge at 20 matches with different AI scaling, or just 10-15 but while starting from the first at a higher AI difficulty. Hard and Hell are even worse in that regard. They aren't survival, but rather marathon grinds in a casino game against an opponent that cheats.

The most telling thing though is that with all the complaints, Capcom has done nothing about Survival. Well, they made it slightly harder when they slightly improved the AI in general.

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"Re(1):I'M FREE!" , posted Wed 5 Oct 13:53post reply

I spent $60 for the base game and $30 for the Season pass and don't feel like it was a good deal.
On the other hand, Capcom thinks you were a VERY good deal! After all, they got you to get to Platinum (congrats!) even while you hated Survival every step of the way. Deep down, you know your 'gief is too good not to keep playing. I think they know that, too.

After some sub-par performances in SFV tonight, I hopped over to fightcade to play some Zero 3 and was blown away as I remembered how different the pacing is. The one commonality: I still get pounded by scrub Kens.

Micky Kusanagi
440th Post

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"Re(2):I'M FREE!" , posted Wed 5 Oct 14:49post reply

All this survival talk reminds me I've finally found a short way to express my opinion on it: it's the same as locking 12 characters on disk in SFxT. Except paying 30 bucks on top of a (then) full priced game gives you half the characters. The only workaround is trying your luck with an opponent who uses a crystal ball as its input peripheral. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over seeing the DLC feature the last console generations brought exploited in the worst possible ways.

Ore no...kachi da!!
1949th Post

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"Re(2):I'M FREE!" , posted Wed 5 Oct 20:40post reply

Score is meaningless, because it is as much based on random after-match offerings. (Get the right score multipliers, and your score rockets. Get the wrong healing, and your score plummets.) How many matches you survive is almost meaningless, because that can become heavily dependent again on whether or not random chance offers you the right after-match offerings. After-match boosts being random means you can't really plan for or depend upon certain options being available. Further, the options aren't close to balanced, some are really good, some are situational (which can go to either extreme), and some are really poor. Above Easy, the modes simply run way too long. There was no reason other than annoyance and frustration to make Normal 30 matches where the first 20-25 are almost sleepwalking. Normal could have been the same challenge at 20 matches with different AI scaling, or just 10-15 but while starting from the first at a higher AI difficulty. Hard and Hell are even worse in that regard. They aren't survival, but rather marathon grinds in a casino game against an opponent that cheats.

In addition to all of this, certain characters perform better in survival mode than others. Ken and Ryu's Shoryuken seem to be able to trick the AI all the time. I beat extreme with Ken on my first try (with the addition of the pause trick which doesn't help all the time.) Zangief is the anti-Survival mode character. The Dhalsim AI absolute destroys him. His V-Skill will accrue white life which is truncated at the end of the round for NO GOOD reason and let's not forget V-gauge doesn't carry over for NO GOOD reason.

Then let's not forget that arcade mode is not in the game. Before they were forced to add VS CPU to the game, there was no way to play against the AI in a manner that mirrored the flow of a real match. That is to say, best two out of three without starting off with super gauge. The character story fights were just one round and you started with full super gauge. There is value in fighting against an AI IF there it puts you in a format of a real match. If anything to learn meter management. In survival mode ,risking meter to finish off an opponent is worthwhile because you hope to get the best life recovery, but in a three round fight you have to wonder if starting off the next round with more meter is better than risk losing it all.

On the other hand, Capcom thinks you were a VERY good deal! After all, they got you to get to Platinum (congrats!) even while you hated Survival every step of the way. Deep down, you know your 'gief is too good not to keep playing. I think they know that, too.

I suppose you are right on that. Speaking of our fight the other day, you got me right when I beat hard survival with Urien.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Skullomania on CFN Portal" , posted Fri 7 Oct 12:36post reply

That about rounds out the SFEX original cast, doesn't it?

2209th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Skullomania on CFN Portal" , posted Fri 7 Oct 12:50:post reply

That about rounds out the SFEX original cast, doesn't it?

It was all leading up to this moment.

The message is clear.

Skullomania will be unplayable and show up in Doctrine Dark's character intro.


Also, I love you guys. I'm having a crappy few weeks but reading people trash SFV's stupid survival mode and silently hope for a salary man in a skeleton suit to be in more videogames to beat the crap out of people really warms my heart.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Fri 7 Oct 12:52]

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"Re(1):Skullomania on CFN Portal" , posted Fri 7 Oct 12:52:post reply

That about rounds out the SFEX original cast, doesn't it?


Now he can plausibly join SFV. Season Two prophecy/demands: Sakura, Gouki, Sagat, Skullomania, Sodom. We call it "four S's and a G."

Likes: His Dear Family, World Peace
Dislikes: Evil, Overtime

please allow me to refer you to the abovementioned "mayhem" breakdown section in the Kanzuki Beach theme to capture my feelings here

To celebrate, get off your @$$ and online this weekend for a dust-up!


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 7 Oct 12:56]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(2):Skullomania on CFN Portal" , posted Fri 7 Oct 18:47post reply

That about rounds out the SFEX original cast, doesn't it?
This is the end, the bitter end of it all. Hopefully once we'll be done with this nightmare, the website will explore Justice Gakuen to wash out the trash.

On a similar tone: Maou-kun, I couldn't help to notice you haven't replied to my innocent and it's-not-like-I-care-about-you email.
But it's OK, I'll go cry in kofoguz's shoulder and he'll give me yogurt or something.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(3):Skullomania on CFN Portal" , posted Sat 8 Oct 02:39post reply

Hopefully once we'll be done with this nightmare, the website will explore Justice Gakuen to wash out the trash.
If Hinata's uniform was enough to make me get Ibuki, creating a potential pathway for a Daigo or Hayato entry into SFV will probably keep me playing until the end of time.

On a similar tone: Maou-kun, I couldn't help to notice you haven't replied to my innocent and it's-not-like-I-care-about-you email.
Iggy-senpai! Someone must have wanted to block our secret meeting and stolen your letter out of my getabako by the school entrance...could it have been a jealous kofoguz?! Or was it my mischievous ESP-using sister from Kimagure Orange Road? Either way, try maoujacky at hotmail.com again and I promise that no man/woman/yoghurt shall get between us.


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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Skullomania on CFN Portal" , posted Sat 8 Oct 17:48:post reply

Iggy-senpai! Someone must have wanted to block our secret meeting and stolen your letter out of my getabako by the school entrance...could it have been a jealous kofoguz?! Or was it my mischievous ESP-using sister from Kimagure Orange Road? Either way, try maoujacky at hotmail.com again and I promise that no man/woman/yoghurt shall get between us.

But Maou, I thought you love me, too. My Yoğurt room is like my heart; it's big enough for 2 or more.Each has a special place.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Nobody's allowed to visit shrine of Pollyann, though. It's been a while that it has been used.

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Sat 8 Oct 19:00]

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"Re(5):Iggymania on CFN Portal" , posted Mon 10 Oct 05:55:post reply

But Maou, I thought you love me, too. My Yoğurt room is like my heart; it's big enough for 2 or more.Each has a special place.

"Oh, oh! Oguz-kun! I, I didn't realize you were here in the SFV thread! This, this isn't what it looks like...!"

I will two-time Iggy and send you a secret Tobal 2 love letter later this year per the Fighting Game thread if you remind me.

Speaking of betrayal, I was lying about being free to play SFV all weekend! Starting Tuesday, I will never leave the lagfest ring! This will be just about in time for the wonderful-terrible-awful-wonderful Halloween update, I suppose.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 10 Oct 06:04]

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(6):Iggymania on CFN Portal" , posted Wed 2 Nov 03:02post reply

Ryu is using his training in footsies to engage in dance-offs.

2217th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Iggymania on CFN Portal" , posted Fri 4 Nov 05:58post reply

Ryu is using his training in footsies to engage in dance-offs.

Looks like 60% damage, meterless. Pretty impressive.

/ / /
453th Post

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"Akuma confirmed" , posted Mon 7 Nov 18:37post reply

Shocker right?

I'm interested to see if they give us the "going grey" version leading into III, or the monk-looking appearance from the CFN profiles.

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(1):Akuma confirmed" , posted Mon 7 Nov 21:26post reply

Shocker right?

I'm interested to see if they give us the "going grey" version leading into III, or the monk-looking appearance from the CFN profiles.

I still don't understand whether this website is supposed to lay down the design foundation for any returning character, or if it's just a guy drawing whatever he wants in his closet because no one is checking what he's doing. I guess we'll find out soon!

More importantly, Gouki seems to be coming with a new background that looks at the same time nice and clean, something the game desperately needs in its current stage.
I wonder if they will also add Decapre to complete the 24th character slot. She was very advanced in the June scenario mode, she would be a very easy "one last thing" to roll up the whole year?

Just a Person
1830th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Akuma confirmed" , posted Mon 7 Nov 22:00post reply

Shocker right?

I'm interested to see if they give us the "going grey" version leading into III, or the monk-looking appearance from the CFN profiles.
I still don't understand whether this website is supposed to lay down the design foundation for any returning character, or if it's just a guy drawing whatever he wants in his closet because no one is checking what he's doing. I guess we'll find out soon!

More importantly, Gouki seems to be coming with a new background that looks at the same time nice and clean, something the game desperately needs in its current stage.
I wonder if they will also add Decapre to complete the 24th character slot. She was very advanced in the June scenario mode, she would be a very easy "one last thing" to roll up the whole year?

But is Gouki just completing a slot or is he part of SFV's "Season 2"? If so, there should be more characters being added, like Sagat, Sakura, Abel or C.Viper.

And yeah, maybe Decapre as well. Or Marz, who I hope managed to survive the fall in Story Mode (although I don't think most SFV players would care about her, anyway).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
526th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Akuma confirmed" , posted Mon 7 Nov 23:18post reply

Eventhubs posted a "visual history" for the character the day before the announcement. Hmm.

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~
1950th Post

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"Re(1):Akuma confirmed" , posted Mon 7 Nov 23:58post reply

Shocker right?

I'm interested to see if they give us the "going grey" version leading into III, or the monk-looking appearance from the CFN profiles.

The back looks like classic Akuma. I don't think there is any hint at the hood unless he is wearing it in the fight.

It is so weird that more and more things are being taken from cross over games. Chun-Li got Air Lighting Legs, Nash has parts of Shadow on him, Zangief has Iron Body and now Akuma has the CVS2 characters on his back.

I am curious to see if Shin Akuma will be his V Trigger like Necalli or if it will be his baseline mode.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(2):Akuma confirmed" , posted Tue 8 Nov 00:28post reply

I like that the two edgelords "wait, he wasn't in the base game?" were announced on the same day.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Akuma confirmed" , posted Tue 8 Nov 00:34post reply

Ono should just pitch Akuma as the new star of Darkstalkers so it can finally get made.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Akuma confirmed" , posted Tue 8 Nov 00:37post reply

But is Gouki just completing a slot or is he part of SFV's "Season 2"? If so, there should be more characters being added, like Sagat, Sakura, Abel or C.Viper.

Is there even going to be a Season 2? Is Capcom just trying to figure out to salvage the game at this point?

Gouki's inclusion seems more of a popularity play than a character that fit the original ideas behind SF5. While he is mechanically different from the other shotos, as the third gi-wearing shoto he is uncomfortably close to the idea of "the same" for a game that originally stressed the idea of wanting to make characters unique. Nor does he play a part in the cinematic story, which left several characters relegated to incomplete AI opponents and many more to background cameos.

It just feels like Gouki would have been rather far down the list of planned characters, at least if SF5 had sold better. And now announcing just him?

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Akuma confirmed" , posted Tue 8 Nov 00:56post reply

But is Gouki just completing a slot or is he part of SFV's "Season 2"? If so, there should be more characters being added, like Sagat, Sakura, Abel or C.Viper.

My guess is he's a preview of season 2's cast and will be the first new character out the gate in February. Between Tekken 7 and this February is going to be Akuma month!

But while we're all thinking this is going to be Shin Gouki watch it actually be Heihachi.

Just a Person
1831th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Akuma confirmed" , posted Tue 8 Nov 01:20post reply

Is there even going to be a Season 2? Is Capcom just trying to figure out to salvage the game at this point?

If I'm not mistaken, the original plan was to update SFV regularly with more characters, stages, modes et al. These updates seemed to be planned as packages (thus the single announcement for Alex, Guile, Ibuki, Balrog, Juri and Urien, even though each one was released in a different date), kinda like Killer Instinct's seasons.

Now, I know that SFV failed to meet Capcom's expectations (and the players' as well, but we're considering Capcom's side here), but I don't know if this underachievement was big enough to make them drop all support for the game or if they expect to keep releasing new DLC content and rely on tournaments to boost SFV and try to make some profit. I mean, despite SFV's lack of content, players and critics do recognize it as a good fighting game...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(4):Akuma confirmed" , posted Tue 8 Nov 08:42post reply

Gouki's inclusion seems more of a popularity play than a character that fit the original ideas behind SF5. While he is mechanically different from the other shotos, as the third gi-wearing shoto he is uncomfortably close to the idea of "the same" for a game that originally stressed the idea of wanting to make characters unique. Nor does he play a part in the cinematic story, which left several characters relegated to incomplete AI opponents and many more to background cameos.

Wait, are we pretending they wrote the scenario first and then picked up the characters they needed for the part second? Not the other way around? You could practically hear some poor guy crying "but boss, how do I write a scenario with Laura, Gief, Dahlsim, Birdie and Karin all together?" while going through it.
I mean, I'm as eager to see Oro as the next guy, but I can't imagine how using Gouki as the poster boy for the second season/movement/run of the game can not be the best thing to do right now.
How do you call people's attention on "the game is complete now, you can come back" if not with one of the 5 more recognisable and popular characters of the entire franchise? And to be demoed at the Capcom Cup, when they should aim to have an even higher viewer count than Evo?
I mean, they could try with Decapre, but it didn't really work out last time they tried with her.

It just feels like Gouki would have been rather far down the list of planned characters, at least if SF5 had sold better. And now announcing just him?

I think there are 3 heavy-hitters left to bring back to the game: Gouki, Sagat and Sakura. I'd expect all three to be at least beyond the concept phase since the release of the game.
I could see one more coming in Season 2. If all 3 come back in one go, then that will be the sign that panic mode is on.
I'm not saying Capcom shouldn't be in panic mode given the circumstances, just that it's too early to tell whether they are or not.

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"Re(8):Iggymania on CFN Portal" , posted Tue 8 Nov 10:09:post reply

Ryu is using his training in footsies to engage in dance-offs.
Looks like 60% damage, meterless. Pretty impressive.

Hahaha. Just last night online, Flava Flave Red Bull Ryu beat me several times with his intense street stylez. I will never know whether he meant to shame me by winning with Ryu's preposterous outfit or whether he had a deep, unironic love for clock necklaces.
Shin Gouki watch it actually be Heihachi.
Heheh. At first I had a sinking feeling at the suggestion that awful characters like Decapre appearing in story mode would have priority for release, but then I remembered that Peter the Cop also has an improbably developed model, so...!

I hope that with each season, they just throw out the previous story mode and come up with increasingly, sublimely stupid ways to mash all the characters into a retold story, including ones like Necalli that the writers obviously hate.
I think there are 3 heavy-hitters left to bring back to the game: Gouki, Sagat and Sakura.
Almost! You forgot the invincible "four S's and a G" formula! Sakura-Sagat-Sodom-Skullomania-Gouki ensure BOUNDLESS profits, or at least my unbridled joy.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 8 Nov 11:36]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Iggymania on CFN Portal" , posted Tue 8 Nov 11:10post reply

Maybe in Season 2 they will introduce a Ryu who can either V-Trigger into Denjin mode, or can V-Trigger into Evil Ryu. Evil Ryu, whether or not he is selectable from the outset, can be V-Triggered into normal Ryu, who can then V-Trigger into not-evil Evil Ryu, thus fulfilling the MUGEN dreams harboured by the internet since ages past.

I hope that when Blanka is finally the next character, the secret doesn't get leaked out from under Ono. The stage for a legendary troll moment with Laura was right there, and it got yanked out from under him.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Akuma confirmed" , posted Tue 8 Nov 11:39post reply

Wait, are we pretending they wrote the scenario first and then picked up the characters they needed for the part second? Not the other way around? You could practically hear some poor guy crying "but boss, how do I write a scenario with Laura, Gief, Dahlsim, Birdie and Karin all together?" while going through it.

No, but that is the point. The characters that appeared in the story were there because they were planned for the game, or filled in background cameos. I'm sure some background roles were also filled on the prospect of potentially being a future character.

And yet Gouki isn't present. They made a model for Rashid's butler (who I'd have expected to be a Season 2 character if SF5 had met sales goals), made models and moves for various Dolls, teased Sakura's existence in multiple places, ... But left Gouki off the table.

That, combined with the desire to make characters "unique" while already putting two gi-wearing shotos into the game, makes me feel like Gouki was a pretty low priority. I'm not saying that he was never going to make an appearance. It is just that I don't think he was originally planned to be the next character revealed after Season 1 ended.

Mind, matters would be different if Capcom had announced a second cinematic story. All bets would be off then as to who they had planned. But I don't see Capcom ponying up the money for a second cinematic story.

I mean, I'm as eager to see Oro as the next guy, but I can't imagine how using Gouki as the poster boy for the second season/movement/run of the game can not be the best thing to do right now.
How do you call people's attention on "the game is complete now, you can come back" if not with one of the 5 more recognisable and popular characters of the entire franchise?

That, again, is why it feels more like a desperate action done in response to low sales than whatever the original long term plan might have been. If SF5 had sold better, then Capcom wouldn't be feeling any pressure to shout "Hey, we've got Akuma! Please come back?" We'd probably have seen a second season announcement that was a mix of new characters and characters returning from various previous games.

Seeing Gouki, and only Gouki, prominently teased... I don't even know if Capcom is going to have a Season 2 at this point. And if it does, I don't think it will be the mix of new and possibly scattershot weird returners that it might have been. Instead it is going to be packed with fan favorites, regardless of what it might mean for variety.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(6):Akuma confirmed" , posted Tue 8 Nov 22:09post reply

Hum, I see...
But then, we don't know what Gouki means regarding to Season 2, right?
He could be the first character of Season 2, a new character outside of both seasons, or a replacement for Season 2?
I also don't agree with the "yet another gi character". Ken is a totally different character from Ryu now, and Gouki an extremely popular character for which rules must be bent. He's not Decapre, Sean, Dan or Yun/Yang. We also don't know what changes happened to his gameplay to make him more unique, or what element from Oni he may have incorporated to his style.

It's true that there are several characters prominently featured in the scenario mode, probably enough to fill two full seasons. But then, we haven't seen any advanced model or work on most of them (except Decapre)(and Peter)(And Helen/Corin). Abel or Hazam, for example, have lower poly models compared to others. Some of Abel's animations are in (and re-used by some Shadoloo Grunts), but Hazam is extremely poorly animated. Though it would make sense for Viper and Oro to be in the next batch, we do not know their status: they could be well underway for Season 2, pushed back until the game gets better, cancelled, or never even considered to begin with because the scenario has been outsourced to totally different people (it would be stupid, but not as much as outsourcing literally everything else in the game).
After all, we haven't seen any Final Fight character in the scenario mode, and I would find it very strange if Guy, Cody, Poison or whoever was not considered at all for season 2 or 3.

Basically, what I'm saying is: let's wait for what Capcom has to say next month. The Gouki teaser is just an announcement of an announcement, nothing more. They are showing a new character much earlier than anyone expected, there are new backgrounds coming (Rashid's plane, Mika's ring and Dictator's SF2 stage) and those are a respectable investment as well. The fact Gouki comes with his own stage also hints that the character is not a rushed decision. All that seems to mean they are sticking to their initial plans to me.

If the announcement is nothing more than Gouki and a couple of trinkets, then it will be time to panic.

Just a Person
1833th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Akuma confirmed" , posted Tue 8 Nov 22:26post reply

I think there are 3 heavy-hitters left to bring back to the game: Gouki, Sagat and Sakura. I'd expect all three to be at least beyond the concept phase since the release of the game.
I could see one more coming in Season 2. If all 3 come back in one go, then that will be the sign that panic mode is on.

Maybe not. When we think about SFIV, pretty much ALL the heavy-hitters were already in the vanilla console version (only Cammy, Sakura and somehow Dan were missing from the arcade version). SSFIV did introduce some popular characters like Cody, Guy, T.Hawk and Dee Jay (though the latter two were most likely just added to complete the SSFII cast), but since then it still managed to have two roster updates, neither of which brought anyone close to being a heavy-hitter. And both were quite successful, nevertheless.

Bringing the heavy-hitters in Season 2 could be a smart move to generate more hype for it, keep people playing SFV and buying more DLC to make later seasons economically viable.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Akuma confirmed" , posted Wed 9 Nov 01:17post reply

Maybe not. When we think about SFIV, pretty much ALL the heavy-hitters were already in the vanilla console version (only Cammy, Sakura and somehow Dan were missing from the arcade version). SSFIV did introduce some popular characters like Cody, Guy, T.Hawk and Dee Jay (though the latter two were most likely just added to complete the SSFII cast), but since then it still managed to have two roster updates, neither of which brought anyone close to being a heavy-hitter. And both were quite successful, nevertheless.

Bringing the heavy-hitters in Season 2 could be a smart move to generate more hype for it, keep people playing SFV and buying more DLC to make later seasons economically viable.

That's a good point. Akuma is usually there day one or shows up fashionably late so this isn't without precedent. That awful Capcom Tour DLC stage felt like panic mode, this feels like a natural progression. Besides, when I heard there was an announcement I expected it to be a holiday costume pack with Santa Zangief and Chun-Li and Cammy in sexy little elf outfits so it was a crushing disappointment pleasant surprise to see a new character instead.

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"Re(7):motion sickness confirmed" , posted Wed 16 Nov 16:54:post reply

holiday costume pack with Santa Zangief and Chun-Li and Cammy in sexy little elf outfits


Otherwise, a postcard: in a series of matches with a friend today, I took a ride on Rashid's crazy new airplane stage and almost threw up. This would probably happen in real life, too, so I guess it's pretty realistic! I prefer to keep it just at epilepsy via the SFZero 2 field in a thunderstorm stage, though.

Have Spoon and others come up with further analysis of Ibuki? Said friend tried for about twelve matches to use her against my Chun, but there just wasn't a single thing to fear that I could see. All I needed were nonstop cross-ups, Chun's jumping fierce vs. his close-range jumps, and cancels into hyakuretukyaku and she was done. Our running theory is that Ibuki is like Guy: lots of work, low payoff. Bad matchup? Bad normals? Too technical? Downgraded from III (how would I know, you are the III players!)? You tell me!


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 16 Nov 16:56]

Just a Person
1835th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Jessica, Jessica, JESSICA!" , posted Wed 16 Nov 21:51post reply

Now that pretty much every SFEX character got his/her own CFN profile, Haggar's daughter Jessica got hers.

The first thing I think about when I see Jessica is that she could have been great if Capcom had added her as the final character of USFIV instead of Decapre. The "formerly kidnapped girl who decides to learn self-defense and becomes a badass fighter" trope worked wonderfully for Yuri Sakazaki, and it could work with Jessica as well, regardless of whether she would be a comical fighter like Yuri or a serious one. Such a sad, missed opportunity.

The second thing I think about is that old MadTV sketch parodying Laguna Beach...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(1):Jessica, Jessica, JESSICA!" , posted Wed 16 Nov 23:17post reply

Ha, I never thought that Jessica could follow Yuri's path, but between her dad, her boyfriend and her boyfriend's boyfriend, she has plenty of potential teachers to get on with it. Could be an interesting way to introduce the first FF character into SF5!

They've done the FF bosses, they've done the player characters of FF2 and Tough, and now they're on low-level goons like Two-P. That's... nice, I guess?
I guess Justice Gakuen will be next. Or Captain Commando?

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"Re(1):Jessica, Jessica, JESSICA!" , posted Wed 16 Nov 23:58post reply

Now that pretty much every SFEX character got his/her own CFN profile, Haggar's daughter Jessica got hers.

The first thing I think about when I see Jessica is that she could have been great if Capcom had added her as the final character of USFIV instead of Decapre. The "formerly kidnapped girl who decides to learn self-defense and becomes a badass fighter" trope worked wonderfully for Yuri Sakazaki, and it could work with Jessica as well, regardless of whether she would be a comical fighter like Yuri or a serious one. Such a sad, missed opportunity.

Truly this could have gone places, between Cody going jailbird, maybe making zombie Belger need that wheelchair for real, trying to get her dad to not think of her as helpless and discouraging Guy from trying to put Cody in his place instead of her...

Heck, maybe she could have picked up some techniques from her dad and joined that female wrestling league covered in past profiles... if she's not there already in disguise, I forgot how many blondes they showed off, only the name Maple Storm and Nadeshiko's heel persona remain in this memory of mine.

2223th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Jessica, Jessica, JESSICA!" , posted Thu 17 Nov 01:13post reply

And now they're on low-level goons like Two-P. That's... nice, I guess?

Does Two-P seriously have a profile? He's my favorite goon.

/ / /

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(3):Jessica, Jessica, JESSICA!" , posted Thu 17 Nov 01:44post reply

Does Two-P seriously have a profile? He's my favorite goon.

He absolutely does. He is amnesiac, loves green salad and hates worms.

... Are you sure you're not the one writing these character sheets? How many people in the world actually remember Two-P?

Lord SNK

196th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):Jessica, Jessica, JESSICA!" , posted Thu 17 Nov 04:43post reply


They've done the FF bosses, they've done the player characters of FF2 and Tough, and now they're on low-level goons like Two-P. That's... nice, I guess?
I guess Justice Gakuen will be next. Or Captain Commando?

Do they already covered Saturday Night Slam Masters?

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"Re(8):motion sickness confirmed" , posted Thu 17 Nov 10:52post reply

Otherwise, a postcard: in a series of matches with a friend today, I took a ride on Rashid's crazy new airplane stage and almost threw up. This would probably happen in real life, too, so I guess it's pretty realistic! I prefer to keep it just at epilepsy via the SFZero 2 field in a thunderstorm stage, though.

Have Spoon and others come up with further analysis of Ibuki? Said friend tried for about twelve matches to use her against my Chun, but there just wasn't a single thing to fear that I could see. All I needed were nonstop cross-ups, Chun's jumping fierce vs. his close-range jumps, and cancels into hyakuretukyaku and she was done. Our running theory is that Ibuki is like Guy: lots of work, low payoff. Bad matchup? Bad normals? Too technical? Downgraded from III (how would I know, you are the III players!)? You tell me!

Yeah, Ibuki seems like a high investment/low payment sort of character but I have yet to see anyone who has really done much with her. In the rare times I play online I've only come across Ibukis who seem content to simply fly around the screen. Ibuki and Juri seemed designed with the idea of bringing special meter characters into SF but nobody checked to see if that style of character would work in SF5. Unlike Juri I think Ibuki might have the potential to be useful. However, when Urien can take his pants off and get the party started I can understand why no one has tried to learn to play that poor ninja girl.

I guess Justice Gakuen will be next. Or Captain Commando?

Please, please, please let it be Captain Commando. If Pirate Ship Higemaru could get a listing the Commandos certainly should.

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"Re(9):motion sickness confirmed" , posted Thu 17 Nov 12:29:post reply

Urien can take his pants off and get the party started
I don't think I've ever seen Iggy anyone not play as naked Urien.
He absolutely does. He is amnesiac, loves green salad and hates worms.
Haha, even better, his other dislikes include "iron pipes." It's tough eating power-ups as a grunt all the time. In the spirit of Mad Gear, I still look forward to Sodom (lovingly referred to in the Bay Area scene of yesteryear as Da Mizer) being the first new character of season two, and I never even really played Final Fight!

Online this weekend and looking for you all, just not on Rashid's terrible plane.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 17 Nov 13:34]

2225th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Two-P, Two-P, TWO-P!" , posted Fri 18 Nov 08:18:post reply

Does Two-P seriously have a profile? He's my favorite goon.
He absolutely does. He is amnesiac, loves green salad and hates worms.

... Are you sure you're not the one writing these character sheets? How many people in the world actually remember Two-P?

Where's the respect for Two-P? We need more Two-P!

- Grave, 2003


METRO CITY, 12:34 PM. A street scene.

The weather is great but it's way too hot. A nearby sign that reads "METRO CITY BUS STOP 0433". We hear the Metro City Slums BGM fade in from the background and then fade back out. TWO P and J are sitting on a dirty stoop in Metro City, getting high off a shared joint and trying to scam on girls. Three clearly underage high school girls pass by, including a fine young lady whom the pair cannot ignore.

J: (grabs crotch and adjusts his shades) Hey shorty you want to learn the ABCs?

FINE GIRL: Please, asshole. I learned that shit in kindergarten!

J: Yo I was thinking we could start with "D"!

FINE GIRL: Piss off, pervert.

TWO P: (standing up) Hey girl if you like we can just skip straight to "P"! Yo, Two P is my name, girl! Hey, where are you going baby?

FINE GIRL: Couple of lame-ass, no-account scrubs don't know shit about shit.

TWO P: Girl come on, let me show you my V-Skill! I know you gonna love that!

(Two P performs several obscene gestures simultaneously with various parts of his body)

FINE GIRL: (half-yelling, not bothering to turn around) "You know what? Fuck you, okay? Moron..."

(As Fine Girl exits the frame, Two P sits back down and takes a long drag on his joint. J continues to go on about ABCs, 123s, something about "deez"...)

Shit man, I think I might just enter the latest Street Fighter tournament. Wreck some fools and get paid, know what I'm saying. You should try it too homie; you ain't got jack shit going on right now do you?

(He passes the joint to J, who waves it away)

J: (still adjusting his crotch from over two full minutes ago)

I don't know if we got what it takes man...

TWO P: (takes another toke) Shit man, Rolento did it! I mean, shit!

Cody did it. Guy did it. Poison and Hugo did it. We must be the weakest motherfuckers in MC if one of us can't step up and throw down with those clowns... know what I'm saying, J?

I mean one of us just have to do it. I mean why the fuck not you know what I'm sayin'? Rep these capes, homie!

(J reaches out for the joint, but Two P ignores him and takes another deep drag)

J: Well I dunno man... I mean nothing personal but you just don't seem that tough. I mean, fuck, you don't see Bred filling out a goddamn Street Fighter application or whatever and you know that poor motherfucker could use the money!

(mockingly in a funny-ass voice)

"Oh... My god! Oh... My car!"

TWO P: (takes another short drag, the then two more, then exhales and finally passes the joint back to J)

Man, fuck Bred, fuck his broke-ass car, and you know what? Fuck you, J, if you gonna be like this. I'm doing this man.

(Two P stands up and pops the collar on his bright orange cape which sports a green dragon logo and a weird grease stain from whatever he was just sitting on)

J: Well shit, okay. I'm sorry. But just... I mean... well good luck man. May the dragon guide you my friend.

(J does not sound sarcastic at all. He is just about to put the joint to his lips when Two P snatches it back again)

TWO P: (pacing back and forth)

Motherfuckin' right, J!

(Two P cracks his knuckles)

I am gonna fucking kill these motherfuckers' kidneys with this rabbit punch. (Two P hops around, twists his body and throws a few exaggerated punches at the air in front of him)

Just rekka that shit! Nahmean?

(TWO P pauses for a moment and appears to be in deep thought)

Yo you think I should use quarter-circle forward on that, or what?

J: Hell no bro, you need quarter-circle back for sure man. Quarter circle-back for that shit cuz you're coming from behind right?

TWO P: (Nodding his head, shadow boxing) Okay... okay.

(TWO P switches to moving his hands like he's on a joystick, cross-handed style)

Now I just gotta come up with my V-Trigger and Critical Art real quick. STREET FIGHTER V BABY!

(Two P starts laughing and is clearly feeling himself)

Yo man, you got a pen and paper? I'm bout to theorycraft some serious shit, man. You gonna see GamerBee repping my shit I swear to god. But first... I got to get me some of that GREEN SALAD!


/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Fri 18 Nov 09:38]

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"Re(5):Two-P, Two-P, TWO-P!" , posted Fri 18 Nov 10:13post reply

METRO CITY, 12:34 PM. A street scene.

TWO P: (takes another toke) Shit man, Rolento did it! I mean, shit!

We must be the weakest motherfuckers in MC if one of us can't step up and throw down with those clowns...

Submitted for Post of the Year, Post of Last Year, Post of Next Year, and Post of Every Year. Are you the secret author of the Metro City masterpiece of our times, the Ballad of Mike Haggar? It would make so much sense.

Maybe SFV season two could just be Sodom, Haggar, Rolento, and Two-P.

5010th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"AND THUS A LEGEND WAS REBORN." , posted Fri 18 Nov 14:38post reply

How can you not find this masterpiece of a writing

This was back from December 2013 and yes I recall thinking to myself how well written it was!
Mosquiton, the Two-P master.


2225th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):AND THUS A LEGEND WAS REBORN." , posted Fri 18 Nov 14:53post reply

How can you not find this masterpiece of a writing

This was back from December 2013 and yes I recall thinking to myself how well written it was!
Mosquiton, the Two-P master.


Well, I thought it was good enough to paste in an email and send it to myself.

I think it was worth updating for slightly more careful punctuation, a dirty V-skill joke, and to incorporate Two P's well-known love of delicious green salad (thanks, Iggy).

/ / /
1715th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):AND THUS A LEGEND WAS REBORN." , posted Fri 18 Nov 18:58post reply

How can you not find this masterpiece of a writing

This was back from December 2013 and yes I recall thinking to myself how well written it was!
Mosquiton, the Two-P master.


Well, I thought it was good enough to paste in an email and send it to myself.

I think it was worth updating for slightly more careful punctuation, a dirty V-skill joke, and to incorporate Two P's well-known love of delicious green salad (thanks, Iggy).

Mosquiton! I forgot to tell you how great that sketch was the first time I read it. So here's my second chance:

That was awesome! Such a fun read. I felt you extrapolated the perfect personalities for those characters through your dialog. It would make a great comic. I wish you had been in charge of writing Street Fighter IV and V. Seriously!


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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(3):AND THUS A LEGEND WAS REBORN." , posted Fri 18 Nov 21:37post reply

Well, if I needed a reason to keep on visiting the Café after all these years, here it is.
I wish you had been in charge of writing Street Fighter IV and V. Seriously!

I seriously cannot imagine how SF4 and 5 would look like with competent writing, let alone what I just read. I'm sure in the alternate universe where this is a reality, 2016 has been retconned.

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"Re(5):Two-P, Two-P, TWO-P!" , posted Sat 19 Nov 02:27post reply



Dear God... This is too awesome to be forgotten!!

Congratulations on your awesome piece of writing. As a wannabe writer myself, I only wish I could make character development half as good as you do...

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - THE FOOL

"Re(6):Two-P, Two-P, TWO-P!" , posted Sat 19 Nov 04:55post reply

*We interrupt your episode of Super Two-P Fighters: a legend is born with this informative message*

Next time I read Maou's horror stories about fighting for his life and whatever remains of his honour against our resident final boss Rugal, this is what I'll imagine.

Micky Kusanagi
445th Post

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"Re(10):motion sickness confirmed" , posted Sat 19 Nov 23:35:post reply

I don't think I've ever seen Iggy anyone not play as naked Urien.

First of all, one day I was waiting for a casual match in order to complete a daily challenge and I checked my message log, so I saw you had sent me an invite 2 days before, but sadly I hadn't seen it when you sent it -I probably was closing the game after completing that day's challenge when you invited me. I really appreciate it nevertheless, so thank you for that invite.

Back to Urien's nakedness, I fought two Uriens a couple weeks ago, both Italian LOL. The first one was in his default suit, the second one was naked...and that player's favorite stage is Kanzuki Beach!! I immediately thought of you because of his stage choice :D

Gouki's teaser is all kinds of hype. I can't wait to see what his V-Trigger will be, in the wake of the countless theories we can make. I think his reveal before Season 2 is a mix of natural progression and panic mode: Capcom announced ages ago they wanted to release a story DLC per year, so he may have been planned for the Season 2 cinematic story, but SFV's underwhelming commercial achievements may have forced Capcom to reveal Gouki as the first S2 character as early as possible as an emergency maneuver, instead of revealing him in, say, the second cinematic story, which now looks highly unlikely because of said sales underperformance.

Mosquiton, such a nice time travel experience. I was a Cafe lurker back then and I enjoyed the first version of your Two-P story a lot, now you've made it even better. Great stuff!!

Ah, I've been getting crashes when the VS screen -the stage select one for lounge matches- is loading since June...when I close the application, I get a CE-34878-0 error. Looks like playing more than 2 matches in a row triggers this shit, but there isn't a set number of matches. The rematch option doesn't give me any trouble. Already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, no luck. Any fellow Cafer having this kind of trouble? I briefly searched about it and a Capcom Unity user said he solved it by changing his DNS, I still have to try this myself.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sun 20 Nov 00:35]

2227th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Green Salad Chronicles" , posted Sun 20 Nov 18:48post reply

The following chronicle contains coarse language.

It’s dark, there’s like one light bulb in this place.
Two P and Bred are sitting in a dingy booth drinking. A simple tune plays on the radio. Both have a cheap beer in front of them.

TWO P: Man, that fool needs to hurry up with my salad.

BRED: Damn, Two P. You are all about that green salad, bro. Do you ever eat meat or what? How the hell do you keep on all that weight?

TWO P: I do partake, my dude! But see, I only eat a certain kind. I only go after that pink meat.

You best ask your sister about that though, “White Bred.”

(Bred turns his head away and starts scratching the back of his neck)

BRED: Say what now? What are you talking about bro? I have no idea what you’re talking about right now, bro… you seriously just don’t make any sense.

(Bred coughs a couple of times)

TWO P: I get plenty of exercise too; your sister know all about that as well! I been putting in those reps, know what I’m saying? (Two P pulls back his arms and flexes)

(Bred looks increasingly uncomfortable as the one dude that works in the place wordlessly walks up and puts down a large plate of salad. The dish is resplendent with Belgian endives, baby tomatoes, and half an avocado)

TWO P: Oh shit! Here we go! They say you don’t make friends with salad, but you know what? I make love to this shit, nahmean?

BRED: I don't know what you mean, bro. Who says that? Wait, are you quoting the Simpsons now or something? I don’t think they meant it like that, bro….

(Two P forks the avocado half and rotates it toward his mouth and begins licking it in a manner suggestive of, well you know what he’s getting it)

BRED: (Still unable to look directly at Two P) You know nobody watches that shit anymore bro. Fuckin' Simpsons, bro? That shit got so bad last ten years…

TWO P: (Going to town on his avocado half) Mmm, mmmmm... Oh damn! So gooood!

(Bred gets up and leaves)

TWO P: (Quickly swallowing a mouthful of avocado) Bred where are you headed to, homie? You got somewhere to be? Come back here fool! I was about to tell you about my bright future!

(Bred is already halfway to the door)

BRED: I think I just heard Damnd whistle man, I gotta go see what he wants. Enjoy your salad bro.

TWO P: Oh do you need a ride?

(Two P cackles a bit, Bred just keeps walking)

Yo, come on! You already ordered, man! Am I supposed to pay for your shit too? You best be back here with some cash homie, or you going to be the first motherfucker to feel this Critical Art I been working on!

(Bred opens the door)

TWO P: Bitch, you are filling my rage gauge right now! Or shit, I mean, super meter? Cee Ayy meter? Damn that sounds stupid....

Hey! Get back here!

(Bred is gone. Two P picks up Bred’s beer bottle and realizes it’s only half empty)

TWO P: Shit… I’m drinking this.

Two P ordered one more beer and then realized he still hadn't figured out his damn Critical Art.

/ / /
5012th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Green Salad Chronicles" , posted Sun 20 Nov 19:16post reply

You best ask your sister about that though, “White Bred.”

(Bred turns his head away and starts scratching the back of his neck)

BRED: Say what now? What are you talking about bro? I have no idea what you’re talking about right now, bro… you seriously just don’t make any sense.

(Bred coughs a couple of times)

Bred says : "OH, MY GOD"

Awesome chapter2 writeup!
Looks like Two-P's salad days have yet to ended

Micky Kusanagi
446th Post

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"Re(1):Green Salad Chronicles" , posted Sun 20 Nov 22:18post reply

Great second part Mosquiton!! The avocado double entendre is brilliant. Not figuring the Critical Art after all that stupidity makes for a good ending haha :D

Prof that's a nice Yourepeat alternative you used there, I'll keep it handy just in case.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(1):Green Salad Chronicles" , posted Mon 21 Nov 04:50post reply

TWO P: Man, that fool needs to hurry up with my salad.
OH MY CAR, while I generally agree with Iggy that the majority of 2016 should be retconned at this point, this a shining exception. The CFN salad profile factoid is just so rich...it's, it's just the perfect update for the modern era.


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"Re(2):Green Salad Chronicles" , posted Mon 21 Nov 11:39post reply

This may be the only worthwhile thing written on the internet this year.

2229th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Green Salad Chronicles" , posted Tue 22 Nov 06:15post reply

(Interest in Two P)

Glad I could amuse a few people with my silly ramblings. I do think Two P should take care not to get too vulgar; there is much more to this rich and interesting individual than dirty jokes. It could be that Bred just brings out his desire to troll.

/ / /

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"Gouki Dokey" , posted Thu 24 Nov 10:43post reply

Wait. Stop. What are you doing.

It seems Ono is saying here that the Gouki thing wasn't a character reveal...? I can't read too well but that's what it looks like.

If that's true the only other conclusion I can draw from this is that it's an arcade mode, and Shin Gouki is a boss or a hidden boss or something.

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"Re(4): stage ban chronicles" , posted Thu 24 Nov 10:43post reply

We interrupt Mosquiton's fanfiction the finest post in years to bring you Spoon's interesting news from the other thread:
So among the all-new DLC stages, two of them are now not for use in the most public setting of SFV.

I don't know if I should be impressed by the extent to which they didn't think it all the way through, or the extent to which they really wanted to make stages that would only appeal to the casual at-home audience.
Kanzuki Beach is the greatest and it's the only place where Iggy's naked Urien and my mostly naked Chun will agree to have our gorgeous battles, but Rashid's wings of barf stage is perplexing. There is NO way a Japanese team would have pushed for it given the prevalence of motion sickness. Is Capcom USA making stage design calls too in addition to lousy release strategies? Too bad since the music is cool and there's a history of cool mobile stages in fighters that work, like all the rafts in Soul Calibur. If the damn plane could even be bothered to fly straight there would be no problem. Maybe as a stage alt.


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"Re(5): stage ban chronicles" , posted Thu 24 Nov 11:36post reply

It seems Ono is saying here that the Gouki thing wasn't a character reveal...? I can't read too well but that's what it looks like.

If that's true the only other conclusion I can draw from this is that it's an arcade mode, and Shin Gouki is a boss or a hidden boss or something.

A lot has changed between SF4 and SF5. But the one thing that has remained consistent is that Ono can say something vague that borders on nonsensical and it will whip people into a frenzy. Thanks to his efforts I now want the next special edition of Street Fighter to come with one of those cheap little Blanka toys he's always waving around.

Kanzuki Beach is the greatest and it's the only place where Iggy's naked Urien and my mostly naked Chun will agree to have our gorgeous battles, but Rashid's wings of barf stage is perplexing. There is NO way a Japanese team would have pushed for it given the prevalence of motion sickness. Is Capcom USA making stage design calls too in addition to lousy release strategies? Too bad since the music is cool and there's a history of cool mobile stages in fighters that work, like all the rafts in Soul Calibur. If the damn plane could even be bothered to fly straight there would be no problem. Maybe as a stage alt.

I like that there are now three stages banned at official Capcom tournaments. It gives the proceedings a quick whiff of Russian roulette before the start of each match. But I also like that I have the option not to buy that plane stage. Just watching a YouTube video was enough to convince me that it was far too brain scrambling to be included in my version of SF5. At last, there's an up side to this à la carte method of game distribution.

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"Re(5): stage ban chronicles" , posted Thu 24 Nov 18:52post reply

We interrupt Mosquiton's fanfiction the finest post in years to bring you Spoon's interesting news from the other thread: So among the all-new DLC stages, two of them are now not for use in the most public setting of SFV.

I don't know if I should be impressed by the extent to which they didn't think it all the way through, or the extent to which they really wanted to make stages that would only appeal to the casual at-home audience. Kanzuki Beach is the greatest and it's the only place where Iggy's naked Urien and my mostly naked Chun will agree to have our gorgeous battles, but Rashid's wings of barf stage is perplexing. There is NO way a Japanese team would have pushed for it given the prevalence of motion sickness. Is Capcom USA making stage design calls too in addition to lousy release strategies? Too bad since the music is cool and there's a history of cool mobile stages in fighters that work, like all the rafts in Soul Calibur. If the damn plane could even be bothered to fly straight there would be no problem. Maybe as a stage alt.

I find it interesting that at one point the SF audience that keeps declaring "Smash isn't a fighting game" will have to drop the "tournament-viable stages" argument due to these recent development.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(6): stage ban chronicles" , posted Thu 24 Nov 19:28post reply

I find it interesting that at one point the SF audience that keeps declaring "Smash isn't a fighting game" will have to drop the "tournament-viable stages" argument due to these recent development.

I wonder if Smash players, with their calmest stages flying around, zooming in and out, "oh never mind it's just a giant spacecraft being destroyed in the foreground" are giggling reading this news.

I still haven't had the time to try Rashid's plane, but now I'm curious, because I never had motion sickness in any Smash stage and I wonder how it could be different. I need to try it!

As for Ono, I was already laughing at the beginning when he says: "I'm very happy with the popularity of the game in Korea, it rose by 50/60%, in tournament at least. In south-east asia, it doubled, at least in tournaments", but then he bluntly adds "if only the game could be selling twice as much as well!".
Oh, Ono, I have a mild dislike of you, but I will never be able to hate you totally.

As for the Gouki thing, I wonder if they are simply having fun because it won't be Gouki, but totally different character Oni? Or Shin-Gouki? Or Omega Gouki?
Fortunately, even if it's just the boss of the arcade mode, bosses become playable in a matter a weeks nowadays. It's still a weird way to put it, though.

I don't know if I'm more surprised that they admit that the servers are the Achilles' heel of the game, or to discover that the expression "Achilles' heel" exists in Japanese.

According to Ono, the roadmap of the game's development is set until 2020, so it should reassure people thinking Capcom will soon drop the game... But then, it could also be more Ono-talk.

I still don't understand what they are doing with the Arcade version: "so it's not like we're doing an arcade version, we're talking with Taito so that people will be able to play the game in the arcades". Err, m'kay?

Apparently, they think that younger players don't play with a stick, and that's why a real arcade version may not be planned, whatever "a real arcade version" means. He also says that since he saw Luffy killing everyone with a pad in SF4 (pour la France !), they tried to minimize the advantage of stick players at the system level, to allow pad players to enjoy the game more (he's talking about not making "ズラし押し" necessary at high level, but I don't know the English name for that).
On the same topic, they even thought about making the game playable with 4 buttons. Since it was a main SF game, they knew they would be slaughtered if they did, but as more characters get added to the game, there is a possibility some new characters playable with only 4 buttons would be added.
Hopefully these characters would be teenagers, like, high-school age, and they would have a burning love of Justice.

Micky Kusanagi
465th Post

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"Re(7): stage ban chronicles" , posted Fri 25 Nov 03:16:post reply

Sounds to me like Ono's getting revenge of whoever had leaked Laura back then. At least he warned us in time so I don't expect to see playable Gouki at PSX anymore LOL.

As for Rashid's stage, I still haven't seen matches set there because I'm far from the FM amount needed to buy it -I'm more or less at 32000 right now-, I'll take a look at it when I feel like it so that I can make up my mind in advance about the motion sickness thing.

I don't know how long it takes to make a stage for SFV -guess outsourcing is a possibility too-, but considering the amount of scrapped ideas Capcom gave us a glimpse of a couple months ago, I think all the stages we've seen so far were planned in advance, and so was the tournament ban for the beach and the plane. I suspect the grid was banned last minute instead.

EDIT: I've just completed the newest challenges, first time I played more than one match in a row with the Google DNS set up in my PS4, and they seemed to prove themselves as a game changer compared to other sessions I've had in the same time frame. Match finding rate was 2 minutes or less every time I got back to the main menu -it used to vary from 2 minutes to 10 or more before-, I think I played 10 sets in a row and the game never crashed. While I'm waiting for the opportunity to get back to my previous ISP, I'm happy as far as SFV online play is concerned.

EDIT 2: mark my words: it's the first time I've purchased a SFV DLC. The ring stage. If this thing ever comes back to the shop as a FM enabled add-on, heads will roll. The wonderful Kanzuki Estate theme is playing right now in the game, at least it's sugar coating my sadness for being forced to use actual money to add this stage.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Wed 30 Nov 01:42]

1956th Post

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"SF Holiday Costumes and Stage" , posted Fri 2 Dec 02:56post reply

Do you like Santa costumes?

I would have liked to see some variety in there. There is so much stuff you can do with X-Mas like elves, reindeer, or snowmen. Or really go out there with a Laura X-Mas Bulb outfit that lights up in V-Trigger, Urien with Mistletoe Thong? Krampus Necalli? X-Mas KFC Ryu? Sure would be better than what we got.

There is a pack that pretty much saves you the cost of one costume if you get all of them and the stage. Not that great considering what the prices of costumes were in SF4 and the content we got in the season one pass. But at least Capcom is learning.

I MIGHT just get Zangief's costume and use FM for the stage.

Micky Kusanagi
472th Post

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"Re(1):SF Holiday Costumes and Stage" , posted Fri 2 Dec 03:38post reply

...why is Ken's costume skin tight? O_O I was planning to get it until I scrolled down the whole picture xD I'll get the stage as soon as I can instead, I didn't read the article but I suppose all the Christmas content is time limited. I like to think of it as a SFIIING throwback.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(2):SF Holiday Costumes and Stage" , posted Fri 2 Dec 04:21post reply

...why is Ken's costume skin tight? O_O

Everything about Ken's costume is terrible but why does Ken have a giant, pointy star on his belt. Good luck getting off kicks or even crouching without skewering all sorts of body parts!

Karin's outfit is particularly sad; it could have been something classy but instead it just looks like she forgot to get dressed. Laura not caring and/or forgetting how clothes work is in-character so her outfit gets a pass.

Micky Kusanagi
474th Post

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"Re(3):SF Holiday Costumes and Stage" , posted Fri 2 Dec 07:04post reply

Karin's outfit is particularly sad; it could have been something classy but instead it just looks like she forgot to get dressed.

I had mistaken her for Cammy x'D I didn't pay any attention to her hair and jumped to that conclusion just because she's not very covered.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(4):SF Holiday Costumes and Stage" , posted Fri 2 Dec 10:58post reply

By MOK-KOS, what is everyone complaining about when we have bear hide Zangief straight out of some Russian forest painting of St. Nicholas? And Ken's MAGNIFICENT hat?
Urien with Mistletoe Thong
...admittedly, this did get my hopes up.

They also probably ought to have made the Skies of Barf stage into a sleigh ride through a blizzard.


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"CAPCOM CUP" , posted Sat 3 Dec 16:31post reply

Multi-post? Whateva! These Capcom Cup matches are thrilling. It's such a joy to see obscure, technical characters like Fang getting so far via Xian's valiant efforts, or a powerhouse Laura with Crimson, or the continous joy of R.Mika seeming to be top-tier based on multiple winners. Commentary in English is often quite good, in contrast to the exceptionally uninformative, crappy Japanese commentary (they should grab the funny guys who covered the Mikado Justice Gakuen set).

I realized that the language has gotten more opaque since the 1990s when I learned the English lingo via the SFZero2 guide by the top West Coast players. I thought it was just Shoryuken.com being slangy when they kept typing "meaty" combos, but apparently this and "confirm" (new for "combo?") are now standard, judging from the announcers. I sure don't know what that means!

Can't believe that Daigo, Justin Wong, Tokido, and Infiltration all got knocked down to the loser's bracket in round 1! Who's watching?

Micky Kusanagi
477th Post

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"Re(1):CAPCOM CUP" , posted Sat 3 Dec 17:56post reply

I've just watched Xian's latest match on Youtube cause you got me curious, and wow, what a spectacular F.A.N.G!! I knew he was going to be a character I'd enjoy to watch if used right, and Xian sure is the kind of player who uses him right.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(2):CAPCOM CUP" , posted Sat 3 Dec 22:13post reply

I'm so happy Capcom's channel keeps all the matches there. It used to be such a pain to watch a tournament the following day when the time difference is too big (because Twitch is dumb).

Surprised there was no Urien in the top 32 when there was 1 Claw and 1 Laura (well, and 1 FANG, but, you know). I was afraid the Chun and Mika army would be too much, but the top 8 is somehow balanced.

Chun x2
Mika x2

Though this is probably the most "Street Fighter" match of the entire tournament life of SF5.

Watching all these matches makes me really eager to learn about both season 2 characters and the balance changes. I guess they'll show them in the middle of the night today?
Also, a couple of hours for either MvC4 or infinite tears over the Internet!

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"Re(3):CAPCOM CUP" , posted Sun 4 Dec 00:33post reply

I'm sure I was supposed to be doing my job when I was at work on Friday but when Capcom Cup was on my productivity took a major hit.

Seeing tournaments like this is both exciting and frustrating for me. Seeing matches that bring out the full potential of the game is great fun and makes me want to play. Then I remember that SF5 is still hobbled and it makes me sad. This is a variation on the problem I have with Tekken 7 tournaments.

I'm so happy Capcom's channel keeps all the matches there. It used to be such a pain to watch a tournament the following day when the time difference is too big (because Twitch is dumb).

Kudos to the person who is loading the Capcom matches to YouTube because they are fast!

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"Re(4):CAPCOM CUP" , posted Sun 4 Dec 03:46:post reply

Somehow gouki fell asleep while on a hair dryier and 5 new silhouettes. Where's Hakkan?

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 4 Dec 03:50]

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"Re(5):CAPCOM CUP" , posted Sun 4 Dec 03:57post reply

Who the hell greenlighted that redesign? Gouki looks like the Cowardly Lion from Oz!

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~

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"Re(6):CAPCOM CUP" , posted Sun 4 Dec 04:04post reply

Who the hell greenlighted that?

That line sums up SFV perfectly.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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"Re(6):CAPCOM CUP" , posted Sun 4 Dec 04:23post reply

Who the hell greenlighted that redesign? Gouki looks like the Cowardly Lion from Oz!

Exactly the same person who greenlighted Necalli, I'm afraid. Sadly, Necalli the Echnida's X-treme American-pleasing design started a race to to the bottom that fellow lame "cool" character Gouki couldn't help but follow. Also, I realize that it was also used in earlier games, but I still think it's super-lame having a made-up variant of "Shin" that was made up in someone else's manga appear on his back now.


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"Re(7):CAPCOM CUP" , posted Sun 4 Dec 04:47post reply

I really don't have a problem with Gouki's new design. First, there's always costumes to fix that, and then.... when has Gouki not looked like a teenage boy marie sue fantasy?
Also, he has 2 supers. Wonder if that means they are adding 2 supers per characters like SSF4, or if Gouki has his Gouki clause "I can Shungokusatsu anytime regardless".

A much better news is the wording suggests that the 5 other characters would not be returning characters but 5 new faces. ("Completely new characters" means that for me).
No Sagat ! No Sakura ! No Viper, no Decapre ! OK, no Oro, Hakan or Eagle, but I'll take 5 characters as good as the 4 from SF5 over any familiar boring face. Plus it really means Capcom feels confident in that team, which is a big plus. Packaging them with Gouki in one season pack is probably the best way to make them sell better, I guess.
I am very excited!

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"Re(8):CAPCOM CUP" , posted Sun 4 Dec 08:13post reply

That's either Sho'nuff the Dragon of Harlem or Satsui no Hado Blanka.

But even if Akuma went to Ken's barber he looks fun. Plus his default look and his broken form from the Nakahira manga have already shown up so hopefully there will be plenty of looks to choose from for the folks who want to hop around all day throwing fireballs.

1958th Post

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"KnuckleDu is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Sun 4 Dec 14:50post reply

That's either Sho'nuff the Dragon of Harlem or Satsui no Hado Blanka.

But even if Akuma went to Ken's barber he looks fun. Plus his default look and his broken form from the Nakahira manga have already shown up so hopefully there will be plenty of looks to choose from for the folks who want to hop around all day throwing fireballs.

I wish Capcom would give a bit more attention to clipping especially when it is in the damn character select screen. Clipping doesn't bother me too much overall, but when it is right there in your face Capcom would think they would choose a pose that doesn't accentuate it.

So Knuckle Du won the whole tournament fairly easily. He plays on a different level, but it feels like Mika is a character you can press buttons and have mix ups for days.

I think I have read stuff saying she is getting a bit nerfed already for season 2.

Micky Kusanagi
482th Post

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"Re(1):KnuckleDu is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Sun 4 Dec 21:42:post reply

Gouki sure looks fun, I'm especially curious about those kick chains...unique attacks or a side effect or his V-Trigger? (don't remember if it shows whether he's in VT or not during those attacks)

As for the new characters, I hope no one of them is a bluff à la Decapre.

I'll take a look at the grand finals as soon as I can.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sun 4 Dec 21:44]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(2):KnuckleDu is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Sun 4 Dec 21:52post reply

As for the new characters, I hope no one of them is a bluff à la Decapre.

I for one would welcome Paula, Laura's evil twin sister whose sinister motives pushes her to wear pants and a fully buttoned blouse in all seasons.

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"Re(3):Hazzan is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Mon 5 Dec 02:47:post reply

Nuckle Du was seriously impressive. I didn't know Guile was allowed to throw Sonic Booms that fast. And for all the flaws of 2016, at least it allowed us to live in a world where one of the dopiest characters of Zero 3 is a top-tier Capcom Cup winner. Keeping on fighting, Rainbow Mika!

On Gouki: now that there's a Japanese trailer and it is thus possible to watch with the audio on, it's worth noting that his very Soul Calibur-y stage has very Soul Calibur-y music that is surely by our supreme lord Kobayashi Keiki. This alone marks the first useful thing to come out of a Gouki appearance in recent memory. Meanwhile, while it's also worth noting that the Japanese phrasing so far has been "Six new additional characters, including Gouki," they might might still be new. I have this premonition from Iggy somehow:
Hopefully these characters would be teenagers, like, high-school age, and they would have a burning love of Justice.

Neogaf and other places are filled with an amusing number of deep theories on the silouettes of the new characters, but the only logicial assumption is that they're all Justice Gakuen characters. BEHOLD, you know my vision to be correct.

Alterantely, please put the Taiyou Gakuen rooftop theme on loop and provide your correct, Justice-centric theories ASAP.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 5 Dec 03:04]

1731th Post

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"Re(4):Hazzan is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Mon 5 Dec 03:05post reply

Nuckle Du was seriously impressive. I didn't know Guile was allowed to throw Sonic Booms that fast. And for all the flaws of 2016, at least it allowed us to live in a world where one of the dopiest characters of Zero 3 is a top-tier Capcom Cup winner. Keeping on fighting, Rainbow Mika!

On Gouki: now that there's a Japanese trailer and it is thus possible to watch with the audio on, it's worth noting that his very Soul Calibur-y stage has very Soul Calibur-y music that is surely by our supreme lord Kobayashi Keiki. This alone marks the first useful thing to come out of a Gouki appearance in recent memory. Meanwhile, while it's also worth noting that the Japanese phrasing so far has been "Six new additional characters, including Gouki," they might might still be new. I have this premonition from Iggy somehow: Hopefully these characters would be teenagers, like, high-school age, and they would have a burning love of Justice.
Neogaf and other places are filled with an amusing number of deep theories on the silouettes of the new characters, but the only logicial assumption is that they're all Justice Gakuen characters. BEHOLD, you know my vision to be correct.

Alterantely, please put the Taiyou Gakuen rooftop theme on loop and provide your correct, Justice-ce

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Be careful what you wish for.

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"Re(4):Hazzan is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Mon 5 Dec 04:12:post reply

Nuckle Du was seriously impressive. I didn't know Guile was allowed to throw Sonic Booms that fast. And for all the flaws of 2016, at least it allowed us to live in a world where one of the dopiest characters of Zero 3 is a top-tier Capcom Cup winner. Keeping on fighting, Rainbow Mika!

On Gouki: now that there's a Japanese trailer and it is thus possible to watch with the audio on, it's worth noting that his very Soul Calibur-y stage has very Soul Calibur-y music that is surely by our supreme lord Kobayashi Keiki. This alone marks the first useful thing to come out of a Gouki appearance in recent memory. Meanwhile, while it's also worth noting that the Japanese phrasing so far has been "Six new additional characters, including Gouki," they might might still be new. I have this premonition from Iggy somehow: Hopefully these characters would be teenagers, like, high-school age, and they would have a burning love of Justice.
Neogaf and other places are filled with an amusing number of deep theories on the silouettes of the new characters, but the only logicial assumption is that they're all Justice Gakuen characters. BEHOLD, you know my vision to be correct.

Alterantely, please put the Taiyou Gakuen rooftop theme on loop and provide your correct, Justice-ce

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

That would be nice and all but isn't that sort of cheating on Capcom's part for SF? One Justice guest character would be nice but 5? Might as well be the prototype of the king of street fighters or Streets of Fighters! Lol

Edit: Ok I jumped the gun real early on that but as I am not strong with knowledge on the background story of SFIV/SFV and Sakura, is Sakura's and Rival Schools story in the same timeline as SF? Correct me if I am wrong, SF Zero is not part of the original SF timeline?

Long Live I AM!

[this message was edited by Neo0r0chiaku on Mon 5 Dec 04:26]

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"Re(5):Hazzan is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Mon 5 Dec 04:25post reply

Be careful what you wish for.
Nobi, you cannot stop me now! I will not look back at the suffering of the innocents aesthetic sacrifices that must occur to achieve my glorious ambition of an ordered world where Justice Gakuen exists alongside a well-playing contemporary Street Fighter purged of SFIV's wretched music. The legendary hero Ghaleon you knew is no more!

I’m not sure if you are the White Dragon and Luna is SFIII's legacy in this cinema, or vice versa. I shall not repent until I am revived 600 years later, or until SFVI comes out in a beautiful Guilty Gear Xrd style.

Micky Kusanagi
483th Post

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"Re(3):KnuckleDu is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Mon 5 Dec 04:28post reply


I for one would welcome Paula, Laura's evil twin sister whose sinister motives pushes her to wear pants and a fully buttoned blouse in all seasons.

I admit I would like that xD

Maou: I was waiting for a Japanese trailer too, and while I did watched the Western one with audio on because I wanted to listen to the music -it's such a powerful, goosebumps inducing piece, that's one of the two things I had forgot to comment about Gouki's trailer*-, I liked Gouki's Japanese voice better as usual. Having SFII as my first voiced game ever made me biased like this *shrugs*
Second thing I had forgot, I'm actually not a fan of seeing Gouki during his Shun Goku Satsu. It takes something away from the magic of this iconic move IMO.

I saw the grand finals, and while Nuckle's dominance is clear during most of the set, Ricki's last aggressions made me wish the finals could drag to a tight 3-2 instead of ending at 3-1. I really wanted to see more of that gorgeous Chun Li pression.

*I don't remember some of the DLC character reveal trailer themes, but they usually don't get featured in the game. I wanted Ibuki's uber-cheesy ninja rock theme and I got a scorching disappointment when I unlocked her, though the acoustic rendition of her classic theme is really good. But if Gouki's trailer theme doesn't get featured as his in-game theme -or his stage theme-, I'll flip tables.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(4):Hazzan is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Mon 5 Dec 04:42post reply

BEHOLD, you know my vision to be correct.

The second it was confirmed that the other characters were "new to SF" I immediately decided silhouette #4 was Akira. Then again, I think #5 is Rook so what do I know?

2236th Post

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"Re(4):KnuckleDu is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Mon 5 Dec 06:41post reply


I'm actually not a fan of seeing Gouki during his Shun Goku Satsu. It takes something away from the magic of this iconic move IMO.

I agree, this is really dumb.

/ / /
Micky Kusanagi
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"Demonic (half)nudity up ahead" , posted Wed 7 Dec 02:23post reply

The next character kinda follows Urien's footsteps :D

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(1):Demonic (half)nudity up ahead" , posted Wed 7 Dec 03:00post reply

The next character kinda follows Urien's footsteps :D

This is such a little thing but it makes me happy. Akuma art has featured him shirtless since the very beginning so I'm glad that variation is finally playable.

1737th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Hazzan is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Wed 7 Dec 03:05:post reply

Be careful what you wish for. Nobi, you cannot stop me now! I will not look back at the suffering of the innocents aesthetic sacrifices that must occur to achieve my glorious ambition of an ordered world where Justice Gakuen exists alongside a well-playing contemporary Street Fighter purged of SFIV's wretched music. The legendary hero Ghaleon you knew is no more!

I’m not sure if you are the White Dragon and Luna is SFIII's legacy in this cinema, or vice versa. I shall not repent until I am revived 600 years later, or until SFVI comes out in a beautiful Guilty Gear Xrd style.

Oh man Maou. You have no idea how often my friends and I would quote that exact line throughout High School hahaha. Thank you for unlocking this treasured memory.

I also recall an outtake where Ghaleon's VA says "im gonna pop you in the pooter till your butt bleeds!" Boy I hope that's a real quote cos I don't want to google it and it sure would be weird if my unconscious made that up!


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 7 Dec 03:07]

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"Re(7):Hazzan is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Wed 7 Dec 12:55post reply

I also recall an outtake where Ghaleon's VA says "im gonna pop you in the pooter till your butt bleeds!" Boy I hope that's a real quote cos I don't want to google it and it sure would be weird if my unconscious made that up!
I...Ghaleon's voice actor doesn't have that outtake in any language of any edition of Lunar. But don't worry! Soon, your...unusual memory as well as your (principled) opposition to SFV will both be washed away once my vision for a perfect world containing a Batsu vs. Sodom match in SFV becomes a reality via SFV season 2!

"Unfortunately for you, the object of your desire has a destiny more powerful than your meaningless affection."
"So sit back, dragonboy, and behold the power of the salvation I shall deliver!"

...I think Luna is still SFIII's legacy in this analogy.

Micky Kusanagi
502th Post

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"Re(8):Hazzan is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Fri 9 Dec 01:41post reply

I've just found this (skip to 1:58 for the part I'm talking about)...what do you think? Helen's hat looks on point compared to the first silhouette -but the skirt doesn't look skin tight-, and so do Matthew's sheer size and Rook's spiky hair, Goutetsu and Satsuki look less convincing to me instead.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(9):Hazzan is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Fri 9 Dec 02:36post reply

I've just found this (skip to 1:58 for the part I'm talking about)...what do you think? Helen's hat looks on point compared to the first silhouette -but the skirt doesn't look skin tight-, and so do Matthew's sheer size and Rook's spiky hair, Goutetsu and Satsuki look less convincing to me instead.

I've heard the guess that #1 is actually Ingrid. It may take years upon years but Capcom will eventually make Ingrid a thing!

Micky Kusanagi
504th Post

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"Re(10):Hazzan is the Capcom Cup Champ" , posted Fri 9 Dec 17:16post reply

I'd be fine with it. I briefly tried Ingrid in CFJ, and while I'm afraid she would feel out of place in Street Fighter -isn't she a goddess with an absurdly long lifespan or something?-, I'd warmly welcome her. Besides, she was co-designed by Neo_G :D (according to the SF Wikia)

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(2):Zac Zinger is the Capcom Jazz Champ" , posted Fri 16 Dec 15:25post reply

When the Xmas DLC hits I was only going to get the Laura outfit (since I am required by law to acquire all DLC for my main no matter how obvious a cash-in it is) but then I heard the excellent stage music and now I think I might just buy the whole damn set.

Also I don't think it's confirmed yet but if that's not Zac Zinger then I will never recover from the resulting crippling depression. I have to guess the right composer for at least one of these stages, dammit

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Zac Zinger is the Capcom Jazz Champ" , posted Fri 16 Dec 17:17post reply

It's such a beautiful theme. Even though I've learnt trailer music doesn't get turned into in-game themes -still haven't listened to Gouki's themes though-, I was bracing myself for some shitty pseudo-rock rendition of some Christmas carol, but when I listened to the "leaked" Christmas theme I felt like I had been thrown back in time till the '90s. Such a magical experience.

Maou, this is for you :D I'm waiting for this option too, and I'll use it a lot :P

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(4):Shin Gouki is the Capcom Jazz Champ" , posted Sat 17 Dec 10:39:post reply


Maou, this is for you :D I'm waiting for this option too, and I'll use it a lot :P


My disappointment that the (surely Kobayashi) piece playing in Gouki’s stage in the trailer is traded for a terrible tune in the actual game is mitigated by the news that you can FINALLY select between the (weak) character themes and the stage themes in various modes, freeing you from having to go to Skies of Honor to hear the cool track, or enabling you to correctly have the New Zealand theme playing in every battle, on every stage, at all times.

Edit: Gouki is pretty boring, but to celebrate his impending release anyway, I had way too much fun watching this exuberant guy play SFZero 3 Max's REVERSE dramatic battle mode, where he has to use Shin Gouki to fend off two challengers at once. Vs. Mika/Zangief and vs. Gouki/Gen are extra-fun(ny). "I only know the Mecha-Gouki lore!"


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 18 Dec 04:55]

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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CFN: zonepharaoh
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"HERE COMES A NEW THREAD" , posted Tue 20 Dec 11:46:post reply


See you there
in season 2.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 20 Dec 11:57]