SNK Stuff Thread 19- Summer 2016 DEMO Edition - Forums

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"SNK Stuff Thread 19- Summer 2016 DEMO Edition" , posted Thu 21 Jul 09:01post reply

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"Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 19- Summer 2016 DEMO E" , posted Thu 21 Jul 09:43post reply

Ah, that new thread smell.

I saw in the E3 trailer a brief moment with a score counter above the player's health bar, so I think Story mode has a score counter and is structured as an arcade ladder, since the main menu says something like "choose your favorite team and fight through 10 stages" when you highlight the Story box

So it does! Between that, time trial mode and whatnot I should have plenty of ways to interact with the game that doesn't involve interacting with other people. It's the best of both worlds.

I'm glad to see people are already messing around with combo videos. When I saw that Sylvie could toss out her climax and run around after it I knew people would use it to create set-ups. Hopefully KoF14 has a wide range of ways to attack. KoF13 very quickly turned into a game where there entire object was to push your opponent into a corner and juggle them to death. I don't expect KoF14 to be balanced -this is KoF we're talking about- but I would like to see it feature more than one game plan.

4935th Post

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"Fuzzy Guard discovered in KOF14" , posted Thu 21 Jul 10:30:post reply

There's a sort of historically new thing in the KOF series, and it's potentially bad considering how the game gets played with a lot of jumps--

FUZZY GUARD has been discovered in KOFXIV.
It was rumored from day 1 of the demo's release and Dune confirmed it.

[edit] I decided to frontpage it since come to think, it pretty much effects all the characters in the game.
Unless there's something more groundbreaking, I'll probably start posting more casual news forinfested with KOF stuff, lol

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 21 Jul 12:06]

4936th Post

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"Re(7):New trailers on Playstation Youtube" , posted Thu 21 Jul 22:23:post reply

I'm reading conflicting reports on Mai, some say she's been vastly improved from 13 while some say the total opposite.

To reply to Micky's post in the previous thread, my personal take on Mai is that she's insanely stronger than KOF13. A few quick reasons are

- Very strong neutral game. Projectiles are so useful in KOF14 because there's very few moves that go through them, and in Mai's case her fans are hard to jump over with hyperhop so she can do a fireball-antiair game. D button is a good anti-air.

- Her staple chain combo from KOF13 (Cr.B, St.B, St.D) is even better now; it can be canceled with even a regular special. It's also easy to start a Maxmode combo from there too. It pretty much kills any reason to use her Rush combo, which seems horrendously bad to begin with.

- Fuzzy Guard is so practical for her and even useful during mid-screen game. She can do some very basic stuff that'll leave her in advantage, like something as easy as j.CD> j.a> float down thingy.

- Climax Move can put a lot of pressure on the opponent. You can have it buffered on various moves during neutral game too.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 21 Jul 22:27]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(8):New trailers on Playstation Youtube" , posted Thu 21 Jul 23:40post reply

I agree, I'm having a lot of fun trying Mai combos, she feels so versatile.

I was afraid criticism about auto combos could arise, and it's happening indeed. I don't mind them, but an option to disable them wouldn't hurt for sure.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(1):Fuzzy Guard discovered in KOF14" , posted Fri 22 Jul 00:29post reply

FUZZY GUARD has been discovered in KOFXIV.

Ain't that a kick in the head? In my last post I was wondering how KoF14 would play once people starting to fiddle with the game engine; I think we just received a major clue about what's going to happen.

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"Re(2):Fuzzy Guard discovered in KOF14" , posted Fri 22 Jul 01:16post reply

FUZZY GUARD has been discovered in KOFXIV.
Ain't that a kick in the head? In my last post I was wondering how KoF14 would play once people starting to fiddle with the game engine; I think we just received a major clue about what's going to happen.

I have plenty of experience with fuzzy guard from VF, and personally I think it doesn't contribute to a good game. It removes a mixup option in exchange for making players do all sorts of erratic input. It's similar to the Slow escape mechanic in DOA5 (which VF has but in smaller amounts).

But who knows, maybe KOF14's implementation will be better?

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)
4936th Post

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"Re(3):Fuzzy Guard discovered in KOF14" , posted Fri 22 Jul 01:23post reply

FUZZY GUARD has been discovered in KOFXIV.
Ain't that a kick in the head? In my last post I was wondering how KoF14 would play once people starting to fiddle with the game engine; I think we just received a major clue about what's going to happen.

I have plenty of experience with fuzzy guard from VF, and personally I think it doesn't contribute to a good game. It removes a mixup option in exchange for making players do all sorts of erratic input. It's similar to the Slow escape mechanic in DOA5 (which VF has but in smaller amounts).

But who knows, maybe KOF14's implementation will be better?

Actually funny as it is, Fuzzy Guard in 2D fighters points to a completely different thing-- in fact I don't know why the term is even called Fuzzy Guard when it's actually an offensive tactic. Check the news article for the details!

I remember fuzzy guarding in some old 3D games was a serious headache though, oh Last Bronx....

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"Re(4):Fuzzy Guard discovered in KOF14" , posted Fri 22 Jul 07:23post reply

What western 2D community call fuzzy guard is know in east as kirikae chuudan (kof 97), saiko soap (GG), f-shiki (GG and SF4) or kamone chuudan (melty blood).

It consist in locking down the oponnent in standing block animation, what makes their vunerable area higher, more vulnerable.

As a example from melty blood, Len might use a jumping down C (overhead) to lock the oponnent in the standing block animation, and then instead of landing and using a low go for a double jump C during the rising part of a jump.

This "instant overhead" thing would normally whiff, but in this situation it don't, creating a double overhead. It can throw off the defending side, but tend to be char-specific (work better in tall characters).

Micky Kusanagi
332th Post

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"Re(5):Fuzzy Guard discovered in KOF14" , posted Fri 22 Jul 22:32post reply

Ladies and gentlemen, Spong'ei!!

Playing some more VS matches I found out Nelson and Sylvie have 2 winposes: Nelson has one where he lowers his gaze on his opponent and says something and an "ore no kachi da" pose where he screams "RICIAAAAA!!!" (his hospitalized girlfriend...Rocky Balboa joke?); Sylvie has the hilarious dance we all already know and the bullhorn pose we saw last week in a daily screenshot. I had stopped caring about winposes when I thought "hell, SNK made 100 freaking cinematic for MAX DMs and I'm still complaining about winposes?", but they actually went the extra mile for some characters.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Planet of the apes" , posted Sat 23 Jul 18:13post reply

So, finally had a chance to play a session with veterans, after a very long afternoon and several arguments I managed to brainwash the others into copying my opinion, erm; we finally reached an agreement.

So far, regardless of playing ourselves or seeing overseas matches, the game direction had been obviously clear: the staff was aiming to make it so that each member of the cast to be "specialized" at something, but their lack of understanding of fighting games or the kof competitive scene shows greatly on their part and thus the cast comes out as a bunch of one trick phonies. There are plenty of strategies / techniques that can be easily escaped and the staff obviously was ok with that and probably though of "it's okay because not everyone escapes everything all the time" which is 5 year level mentality, specially when a free escape option is for about as complex as merely pressing back + AB.

Hit confirms can hardly be delayed, thus the game really doesn't encourages mentally juggling different options as you are doing something (which is fun); adding to that the fact EX moves can't be easily and quickly accessed and DMs were nerfed to the point that they are basically totally useless outside combos for most of the lads, you pretty much are not meant to complicate yourself with hard stuff, stop using your head and just leave the match to luck (I guess this is what they meant by being a game with an easy entry for beginners? "Don't worry, you won't lose to someone with a superior head, since we are handcuffing them and chaining down their feet to keep things 'honest'"). The game is ultimately absolutely not designed to have an opponent not commiting mistakes during a match, you are supposed to strongly rely on the lucky punch factor; just assume that the enemy is not going to defend your gimpled offense 100% of the time and that they are going to screw up and eat that combo (for the record, I'm that type that never screws up with anti-airing due to my visual confirmation speed being great and I also never mess up at blocking; and that made 'serious matches' against me seriously unpleasant for the other guys. It was like AoF 2 all over again with no means to break through somebody's guard). I won't even begin to touch how guard recovers tremendously fast to the point where 'guard crush' is someting that happens in practice.

A big side effect of having most of the cast being a one trick phony, is that characters that can do a little bit of everything (like Kyo or Iori) felt tremendously special when trying them out. The staff was obviously going for this since all of the publicity and game presentation masturbates with the poster boys all of the time and keeps doing so all over the place. And this was obviously porpusedly made as such because old popular kofs had Kyo & Iori being "special" in some way or other.

MAX Mode is way more important to a match here than it ever was in XIII. In XIII, you usually have to think of when you want to use your combo gauge, because while you can one touch kill or close to it, the bar won't magically come back the next round. For XIV, having that one bar is a extremelly simple deal and is obvious that a good chunk of the cast is meant to disguise the little damage or pressure options they have normally by using Max mode every time they hit again and again and again (2 times or more per round would be an ideal). That, or you are the unlucky King of Dinosaurs. So yeah, it's ridiculous how you have to use MAX mode several times in a round, yet not everyone in the cast can actually do something with it.

Since already with 7 characters the balance feels messed up, you pretty much know what's going to happen when you have 50 faces in your hands. Since the main characters are already like this, I don't want to think how the last boss is going to end up.

They kept flaunting that they wanted to make the game like 98 or 02 feeling wise, but the truth is that this game is the most similar to KoF XI instead. Why? It's not due to the super low fast jumps, but rather; KoF XI is a game that sort of "judged" the previous game as a "failure" on taking a hold of the core mechanics of the franchise, and thus it discarded all of the stuff that the previous game did and tried to rebuild the basis from the ground up so that they resemble "the soul" of the series. A little side effect of that 'rebuilding', is that the new core mechanics of the game end up being extremely stale, limited and simple to the point that it's like looking at 94 from a technical point of view. That XI comment describes XIV perfectly.

,... So bottom line, does that mean that I'm going to pass on the game, along with my friends? Sadly, for better or worse the answer is of course not. We do not live in an age where an inferior sequel will fade into oscurity and people can just choose to play the other cool game on the streets. Right now it's hard to meet as communities, and you not playing something is a big loss; the only present choice we have as players is to jump into the ship or quit the saga for the next 2 years (to find later that the next game is just as or even more atrocious). Also, this game benefits tremendously from being a console game, from being a game that it's meant to be played by people that don't play games.... That means that there is no one who will take the game 300% seriously nor they will practice to the point where the game engine has been completely broken down by the locals and that abusing the abusable is how the bigger fish in the pond makes a living.

..... As a last point, I would like to add that right now I'm for about as drunk as if I was trapped in a Saint Bernard's collar, so I'm mainly posting this since no one is saying anything and so I can later regret it as a youthful indiscretion

Never stop spaming crouching C XIV, we'll always remember you for that.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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"Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 19- Summer 2016 DEMO E" , posted Sun 24 Jul 10:56post reply

Apparently this week there's a figurine event, and they revealed a couple based on Kyo and Mai.

Curiously, they're listed between Harley Quinn and Deadpool in the gallery[url] - I'm not sure I'm more surprised by western comic characters appearing there at all, or by the fact that those 2 enjoy some popularity as a crossover ship.

Micky Kusanagi
334th Post

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"Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 19- Summer 2016 DEMO E" , posted Sun 24 Jul 21:26post reply

Beautiful little figures I'll buy both as soon as they come out. Every time I think SNK is done with KOF14 (or KOF without being closely related to the upcoming game) merchandising, pre-order/first press bonuses or other goodies, something new shows up. I'm very happy to see them so active.

Ore no...kachi da!!
4938th Post

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"Re(1):Planet of the apes" , posted Sun 24 Jul 21:30:post reply

SNK's KOFXIV world tour starts out pretty heartwarmingly at the Bifan film festival in Korea.
Kids are playing KOF!

So, the KOF14 demo has been quite fun and I'm having a blast! Dinosaur is cute. However at the same time, likewise to Toxico I can already see concerns.

If feels like the developers were focused on character design and traits for the new faces, which is a great thing really. It sort of makes sense since a lot of the ex-SNK creators that returned from Dimps seem to be artists. But as Toxico sort of pointed out, that might also be their achilles heal if it means that they don't have good knowledge on gameplay or at least how KOF plays.

With a week coming to pass since the demo got released, players are getting the basic hang on how the game should be played; just use Kyo, Iori and Mai. Bottom line, defense is a lot stronger compared to previous KOFs-- or to put it another way, the offense is weak. Jumps are slow so they aren't so useful for pressure, you get pushed back too much to keep a pressure game with weak attacks, and it feels like you have the limbs of a Welsh Corgi when you're trying throw. So in the end, Kyo and Iori, who still play like their old selves and have moves that render good defense meaningless, end up being really good. And Mai, who's pretty strong to begin with, and oh the Fuzzy Guard...

I think the traditional rules and skill factors in playing KOF doesn't fare well in this game, but that it requires quite a different mindset more focused on pokes and ground game. It feels so weird not running to catch a rolling opponent and using a far attack instead and going into Maxmode. I'm hoping see more uniquely viable characters in the remaining roster.

Btw does anyone know the conditions for the controller voices? They seem to come out randomly when life reaches 50%.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 24 Jul 21:32]

Lord SNK

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"Re(2):Planet of the apes" , posted Sun 24 Jul 21:44post reply

I don't remember if anyone has already asked this, but does KOF XIV support PS3 sticks on PS4?

Otherwise I should put another thing in my things-to-buy list.

4938th Post

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"Re(3):Planet of the apes" , posted Sun 24 Jul 23:00post reply

I don't remember if anyone has already asked this, but does KOF XIV support PS3 sticks on PS4?

Otherwise I should put another thing in my things-to-buy list.

From what's been reported during the Evo staff presentations, the full product release will have PS3 stick/controller support.

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"Re(1):Planet of the apes" , posted Mon 25 Jul 00:36:post reply

..... As a last point, I would like to add that right now I'm for about as drunk as if I was trapped in a Saint Bernard's collar
This is why only Toxico must ever be allowed to review games.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 25 Jul 00:36]

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"Re(2):Planet of the apes" , posted Mon 25 Jul 03:14post reply

SNK's KOFXIV world tour starts out pretty heartwarmingly at the Bifan film festival in Korea.
Kids are playing KOF!

So, the KOF14 demo has been quite fun and I'm having a blast! Dinosaur is cute. However at the same time, likewise to Toxico I can already see concerns.

If feels like the developers were focused on character design and traits for the new faces, which is a great thing really. It sort of makes sense since a lot of the ex-SNK creators that returned from Dimps seem to be artists. But as Toxico sort of pointed out, that might also be their achilles heal if it means that they don't have good knowledge on gameplay or at least how KOF plays.

With a week coming to pass since the demo got released, players are getting the basic hang on how the game should be played; just use Kyo, Iori and Mai. Bottom line, defense is a lot stronger compared to previous KOFs-- or to put it another way, the offense is weak. Jumps are slow so they aren't so useful for pressure, you get pushed back too much to keep a pressure game with weak attacks, and it feels like you have the limbs of a Welsh Corgi when you're trying throw. So in the end, Kyo and Iori, who still play like their old selves and have moves that render good defense meaningless, end up being really good. And Mai, who's pretty strong to begin with, and oh the

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

I had a chance to play the demo at friend's place.
For me, this game really towards newcomers.
I have to agree on Prof. points too.

You have to play this KOF in other mind set otherwise you gonna hate it (LOL)

I personally feel this KOF a lil bit slow but still OK to my acceptance level.

but my main concern is still net code , gotta wait and see before I buy it :)

Who did this to these dogs ???
Micky Kusanagi
336th Post

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"Re(2):Planet of the apes" , posted Mon 25 Jul 03:50:post reply

Dualshock 4 voices?

I'm playing some VS matches with my DS4, but I didn't get a single DS4 speaker sound :( I had only used it to record dummy actions till now, I kept forgetting I'm actually curious to hear those sounds you can only hear from the controller. Feature works for me when testing from the options menu -I was afraid there was a bug or something-, the sample they chose to test the DS4 speaker volume is "he he, moetaro?" xD I hope I can grasp what triggers them.

Light bar turns yellow when the timer gets to 10 LOL

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 25 Jul 03:57]

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"Re(3):Planet of the apes" , posted Mon 25 Jul 05:31post reply

Thanks to Toxico for doing the voodoo that he do so well in his summary of KoF14. I'm not great at figuring out the intricacies of fighting game engines so I wasn't certain why max mode and everything else seemed off. It turns out it wasn't me, there is something off about the whole thing. We'll see what the game looks like when the entire roster is available but I suspect that the critiques that Toxico and the Professor brought up are going to become much more obvious and prevalent after the game has been released.

Apparently this week there's a figurine event, and they revealed a couple based on Kyo and Mai.

Curiously, they're listed between Harley Quinn and Deadpool in the gallery[url] - I'm not sure I'm more surprised by western comic characters appearing there at all, or by the fact that those 2 enjoy some popularity as a crossover ship.

I wonder if some of those figures are meant strictly for foreign markets since I'm not certain anyone in Japan wants a Korra figure with a gigantic head. But my thoughts mean nothing since the page also shows that there are Ryu ga Gotoku and Bloodborne figures coming out. This means that Goro Majima can soon beat up hunter-chan to show how much he loves him.

2193th Post

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"Re(4):Planet of the apes" , posted Mon 25 Jul 13:30post reply

Thanks to Toxico for doing the voodoo that he do so well in his summary of KoF14. I'm not great at figuring out the intricacies of fighting game engines so I wasn't certain why max mode and everything else seemed off. It turns out it wasn't me, there is something off about the whole thing. We'll see what the game looks like when the entire roster is available but I suspect that the critiques that Toxico and the Professor brought up are going to become much more obvious and prevalent after the game has been released.

I won't say a lot about it since I just barely messed around with the demo, but I will say that not being able to perform EX moves outside of MAX mode does feel really damn odd.

/ / /
1652th Post

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"Re(2):Planet of the apes" , posted Mon 25 Jul 19:41post reply

..... As a last point, I would like to add that right now I'm for about as drunk as if I was trapped in a Saint Bernard's collar This is why only Toxico must ever be allowed to review games.

Hear hear!

Thanks for the wonderful analysis that was both entertaining and easy for me to understand as someone who has zero knowledge of the deep inner workings of KOF.

I guess this is what they meant by being a game with an easy entry for beginners? "Don't worry, you won't lose to someone with a superior head, since we are handcuffing them and chaining down their feet to keep things 'honest'"

This is a common complaint I hear amongst my more hardcore fighting game playing friends, especially reguarding Street Fighter IV and V. I mean, this complaint goes as far back as every game after SF2, but I have been hearing more and more that longtime players feel new games rely on "random"/"luck" based mechanics too much in order to make new players feel like they have a fighting chance against experienced players.
4939th Post

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"Re(3):Planet of the apes" , posted Wed 27 Jul 04:17post reply

So two things confirmed:

1. Story mode is essentially arcade mode. You run through 10 stages and get different endings depending on your team.

2. You can play through story mode with team edit and some of the combinations will result with a bonus at the end. Not sure if it's a special ending or something like a one-shot illustration.

Micky Kusanagi
336th Post

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"Re(4):Planet of the apes" , posted Wed 27 Jul 05:33post reply

Thank you Professor ^^ So, Story Mode doubles as an arcade mode as you could find out reading its description in the demo. I assume the edit team bonuses are special pictures, and I hope we get lots of them. 2003 Garou Densetsu Team, I'm waiting for you :D

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(5):Planet of the apes" , posted Wed 27 Jul 10:11post reply

Thanks for the information Professor.

So, Story Mode doubles as an arcade mode as you could find out reading its description in the demo.

Games like to make all sorts of wild, exaggerated claims about content -this is known as Peter Molyneux Syndrome- so I appreciate it when I get confirmation about exactly what I'm getting for my money.

Micky Kusanagi
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"KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Thu 28 Jul 15:21:post reply

It's the same as the original, except text language (I love this BGM)
The app isn't up on the Jap App Store yet, but I guess we're close with this new announcement. Loona were you the one asking for news about it?

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Thu 28 Jul 15:22]

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"Re(1):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Thu 28 Jul 18:25post reply

It's the same as the original, except text language (I love this BGM)
The app isn't up on the Jap App Store yet, but I guess we're close with this new announcement. Loona were you the one asking for news about it?

Yeah, thanks - I like to gather links with as much official information as possible at the little SNK corner of Reddit I put together (since most SNK/KoF-focused sites out there often mix that with tournament-specific stuff that holds little relevance unless you're neat the tournament's area), so anything from SNK themselves is always nice. BTW, that just got 100 people following which feels neat, even if it still has to catch up with my prior effort, /r/SNKplaymore - when the company started rebranding to remove the Playmore bit I just had to get Reddit to let me have the subreddit that was functioning only as a redirect to the Shingeki no Kyojin subreddit.


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"Re(2):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Thu 28 Jul 18:45post reply

It's the same as the original, except text language (I love this BGM)
The app isn't up on the Jap App Store yet, but I guess we're close with this new announcement. Loona were you the one asking for news about it?

Yeah, thanks - I like to gather links with as much official information as possible at the little SNK corner of Reddit I put together (since most SNK/KoF-focused sites out there often mix that with tournament-specific stuff that holds little relevance unless you're neat the tournament's area), so anything from SNK themselves is always nice. BTW, that just got 100 people following which feels neat, even if it still has to catch up with my prior effort, /r/SNKplaymore - when the company started rebranding to remove the Playmore bit I just had to get Reddit to let me have the subreddit that was functioning only as a redirect to the Shingeki no Kyojin subreddit.

Speaking of SNK activity, it's interesting that their Japanese Twitter account has recently retweeted stuff about High Score Girl - I know the legal stuff has been taken care of for a while, but this feels like the hatchet is truly buried, in a way. No idea if it has any implications on an anime version having footage of their games or something...

Micky Kusanagi
340th Post

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"Re(2):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Thu 28 Jul 20:21:post reply

You're welcome ^^ I used to take a look at your previous subreddit from time to time and I was happy to find some fancy SNK tidbits, so I've just subscribed at last :D Off to read the Evoga interview.

EDIT: the story behind Angel's creation is unbelievable, I love it. LMAO at the remark about Ángel Torres's (lack of) likeness with KOF's Angel.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Thu 28 Jul 21:24]

Just a Person
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"Re(1):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Thu 28 Jul 22:14post reply

It's the same as the original, except text language (I love this BGM)
The app isn't up on the Jap App Store yet, but I guess we're close with this new announcement. Loona were you the one asking for news about it?

Does it have all the characters from KOF98UM or just the ones from KOF98 + Orochi? The select screen in the trailer looks like the one from KOF98, not the one from KOF98UM (which doesn't look so beautiful, but includes Geese's Team, Goenitz, Eiji and the ever adorable Kasumi)...

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"Re(2):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Fri 29 Jul 00:47:post reply

Looks like there are all the Orochi characters, and some NESTS faces too...will this game get more coverage now that it's about to have a Japanese version? I hope so.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 29 Jul 00:50]

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"Re(3):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Fri 29 Jul 02:12post reply

Fire, fire, red-drunk soldier - oh, and Athena and Kensou too.


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"Re:Psycho Soldier Team" , posted Fri 29 Jul 02:36:post reply

Fire, fire, red-drunk soldier - oh, and Athena and Kensou too.

I think they did a good job with Kensou. Even though he looks like a wimp, SNK executed him very nicely. I would have rather see a mature Athena then the teen type. The intro of the song is a bit icky for me but the track overall is well presented.

Long Live I AM!

[this message was edited by Neo0r0chiaku on Fri 29 Jul 02:39]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Fri 29 Jul 03:31post reply

Fire, fire, red-drunk soldier - oh, and Athena and Kensou too.

That's right xD

Besides, I absolutely love their stage, I'm sure it'll be my favorite training ground, even though it means doing without that gorgeous saxophone. I'll only resort to the training toile...ehm, stage when measuring space is a matter of life or death.

Developers hinted at an Easter egg in the BGM, I think it's just that the beginning of the "verse" sounds much like the original Psycho Soldier song. Can't wait for the vocal version.

Fuck all that looks shaming on Kensou, his fighting style is awesome, I love it since his KOF94 days and I can't wait to try this bold mixture between his XII normals and his pre-XII specials. I love the intro to his EX Shinryu.

Ore no...kachi da!!
Just a Person
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"Re(3):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Fri 29 Jul 06:06post reply

Looks like there are all the Orochi characters, and some NESTS faces too...will this game get more coverage now that it's about to have a Japanese version? I hope so.

Oh, am I seeing Eiji, Kasumi and Shingo? That's awesome; best unofficial team ever!

As for the NESTS people, I'm not sure if they should be there, but faces like K', Maxima and Kula are very popular, so it's understandable to use them to attract more gamers (Bao and Zero, on the other hand...).

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Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Sat 30 Jul 00:26post reply

I guess Bao was included because KOF98OL was first released in China, so he maybe appeals to Chinese players. I personally see Zero appealing to the Chinese audience as well. One thing is sure, there's not enough space for all the NESTS characters in that screen, which is no issue to me because this game is supposed to be based on '98.

KOF14 final boss revealed...??

Xiao Hai VS. Japanese players I guess, but you must buy a ticket to see the event.

Last but not lease, SNK hasn't added the Psycho Soldiers bios nor linked their trailer to the game site...

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(5):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Sat 30 Jul 09:24post reply

I guess Bao was included because KOF98OL was first released in China, so he maybe appeals to Chinese players. I personally see Zero appealing to the Chinese audience as well. One thing is sure, there's not enough space for all the NESTS characters in that screen, which is no issue to me because this game is supposed to be based on '98.

KOF14 final boss revealed...??

Xiao Hai VS. Japanese players I guess, but you must buy a ticket to see the event.

Last but not lease, SNK hasn't added the Psycho Soldiers bios nor linked their trailer to the game site...

Micky that shadow looks like a DLC costume for Kensou or Kyo.

I said it somewhere else but I wanna say it again. Since this game sounds like KoF Kyo, If not, there should be a KOF KYO, K', and Ash for mobile with storylines and side characters like Daimon's wife could be added to the KoF universe. Plus some characters can get out of spinoff/side game limbo. Yes I'm looking at you Reiji Oogami you magnificient one off (ex series) awesome character. On the attractiveness scale he is the male version of Vanessa.
I never Hong Kong style for KoF manhua but an anime/Manga in this style would be great. Feels like Neowave artwork done right.

For the last, finally Kensou had an awesome Climax! Since 02 his maxes were weaksauce except for maybe XIII. Now this is distinct and it put kung fu back in Kensou.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(6):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Sat 30 Jul 18:14post reply


Micky that shadow looks like a DLC costume for Kensou or Kyo.

I just felt like making a silly joke :D It's actually Oda's shadow, if you take a look at both pictures in the tweet you'll notice it's a picture of Oda getting revealed to present him on stage at the Gamepoch press conference.

side characters ideas for KOF98OL

True, games like 98OL are a good opportunity to put such characters in the spotlight.

Kensou's awesomeness

While I don't dislike Kensou's ultimate supers from 2002 onwards because I think they revolve around the theme of showing he has his powers back in full swing, his XIV Climax is somewhat of an original move at last, compared to everything else, and it's great. It's so acrobatic and dynamic, and it ends with a mighty blast too. Dynamite!!

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Sat 30 Jul 20:30post reply

finally Kensou had an awesome Climax!
..... eh.

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"Re(7):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Sun 31 Jul 06:14post reply

finally Kensou had an awesome Climax! ..... eh.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

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"Re(8):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Sun 31 Jul 18:05post reply

Game Watch interview's translation:

"– SNK seems happy with the Chinese public, and certainly they are a great bet, as they are a big market.
– There will be no ON /OFF option for Rush Combo, and it was decided during the EVO where the Rush was not used and not even exploited.
– No DLC for now, only the 50 characters! … But anything can happen …
– Apparently Oda was challenged in the event, and it was not this time, again, that he won.
– Several censorship happened in the Chinese version (Ex: Luong and Angel)
– It is expected one patch per year for XIV, as Oda after the release of XIV will prepare himself for the release of another SNK game.
– Oh, and DOA vs. KOF hasn’t been thought yet, only Mai until now…and there are no plans to put DOA characters in the KOF franchise. (note: due to the fact that Mai Shiranui will appear as a guest character in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round)

As for Oda’s next project… Stay tuned for more upcoming information."

You can see the censored version of Angel here:

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(9):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Sun 31 Jul 20:47post reply

Thank you Alucard and welcome to the Cafe :D (I don't remember whether you're new or you have already posted here with a similar nickname ^^; )

I perfectly agree about rush combos: forcing yourself not to use them requires no effort.

On the other hand, even though I understand the Chinese market is a huge bet (which risks to fall flat anyway, because the console ban lift in China is a farce of sorts as far as I know), censorship sure is something i can't stand at all.

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"Re(9):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Sun 31 Jul 22:24:post reply

Thanks for the links Alucard!

A few things that need to be added from the same Impress Gamewatch article--

Ryu Seira is doing voiceover for the game. She's a VA from China who's now living in Japan so she fits the bill perfectly for a character that talks in both languages. It's probably Meitenkun, not Mian.

There's no off switch for the Rush system, but it wasn't because of Evo.
In the original text Oda says
"There's no on-off switch for the Rush system and we believe that the Rush System has been balanced enough that advanced players won't be able to exploit it. In fact, nobody at Evo was using it, and I believe it's because the advanced players are better off without it."

Oda going on to another SNK title after XIV or talking about patches is misunderstood. This is what he said:

"Updates are something we'll need to think about. Traditionally we released a new KOF on an annual basis, but whether that fits with the customer's need in the modern age is something we need to figure out."

"(For the future of the KOF series) As a creator I want to make it into something new, but players will have a difficult time if the rules keep on changing so its's something of a headache."

On a slightly different note, according to this week's Famitsu, ranked match for KOFXIV will have an option for grade skipping for advanced players when they start off. It not only lets them save time from grinding to climb up the ranks, but it also lets new players avoid getting slaughtered.

The way it works, the number of wins in their first 10 matches will advance them to a certain rank as follows:

0 Wins: Entry level
1-2 Wins: Junior rank 5 (5 Kyu)
3-4 Wins: Rank 1 (Sho dan)
5-7 Wins: Rank 5 (5 dan)
8-10 Wins: Ranked title "Shihandai" (Associate Master)

Note that the Kyu/Dan ranking system is unique to Japan so it'll probably be worded differently for the English release of the game.

SNKLover on Twitter has all pages of the Famitsu.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 1 Aug 00:42]

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"Re(8):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Mon 1 Aug 03:38post reply

finally Kensou had an awesome Climax! ..... eh.

It's ironic that Athena has her worst climax in XIV.

Her outfit change ones might be burden to male but I really liked the phoenix one. Though it was really cheap so making it in to a grab move or one hit or miss type of move would solve that problem.

I know Dragon power thing was emphasised on previous ones for Kensou but it doesn't feel like they were that useful. XI was the colest one but still hard to connect and limited plus weak damage. Maybe they can add some Dragon visuals inyo this one later on.

For some reason censors doesnt bother me that much. I don't wanna open the can of worms but let's see some guys using their sex appeal in the games before censorship bothers meanwhile too many female characters using same gimmicks. Im looking at you Amano from Last Blade series.

I'm happy they are already mentioning next project. Even though small shortcomings (no background presentation like in the trailer, no teammates waiting for their 6urn, no cameos) or the technical ones professor and Toxico mentioned it has a lot of heart and it's in the right direction. It's really exciting to see what is next.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(10):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Mon 1 Aug 15:34:post reply

Thank you Professor for being on the lookout for stuff to translate all the time :D

I have a weird theory about the KOF14 lifecycle, but hey, XIV isn't even out, so I'll wait till October or so before sharing such nonsense.

It's August now. 20 or so days and the full game will be in stores at last. Also, Psycho Soldier page in the official site at last (English version)

EDIT: too bad the weather is so freaking hot it even doesn't let me have proper lab sessions with the demo. I wonder how (bad) I'll fare in my evaluation matches xD

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 1 Aug 23:29]

Just a Person
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"Re(9):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Tue 2 Aug 22:58post reply

Sorry for going off-topic for a while, but I gotta ask:

For some reason censors doesnt bother me that much. I don't wanna open the can of worms but let's see some guys using their sex appeal in the games before censorship bothers meanwhile too many female characters using same gimmicks. Im looking at you Amano from Last Blade series.

It's been a while since I last played the Last Blade series, so I may have forgotten: did Amano have any sex appeal gimmick? I just remember him being the guy who liked to drink and who broke the fourth wall in his endings...

As for SNK's next project, what could it be? Maybe a 2D Samurai Shodown reboot?

...Nah, probably not.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

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"Re(10):KOF98UMOL trailer on SNK Youtube" , posted Tue 2 Aug 23:48post reply

Sorry for going off-topic for a while, but I gotta ask:

For some reason censors doesnt bother me that much. I don't wanna open the can of worms but let's see some guys using their sex appeal in the games before censorship bothers meanwhile too many female characters using same gimmicks. Im looking at you Amano from Last Blade series.

It's been a while since I last played the Last Blade series, so I may have forgotten: did Amano have any sex appeal gimmick? I just remember him being the guy who liked to drink and who broke the fourth wall in his endings...

As for SNK's next project, what could it be? Maybe a 2D Samurai Shodown reboot?

...Nah, probably not.

Well with his fancy kimono (Excuse my ignorance it is kimono right?) laid back character and sexy body he is obviously coded bisexual. It's not hard to imagine that he would be fine with sexual fun. So he can be developed into more sexual character with his moves as long as they dont turn him into Rasputin.

Speaking of Rasputin, Ogura said on one of the interviews that he wanted to make a new World Heroes game. So hopefully the next title could be that. 2D with Ogura's sprites and season model would be awesome and convenient and shows SNK is still in 2D business.
But if that happens that rape move of Rasputin should be adjusted into something more consensual.

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"Even nukes" , posted Fri 5 Aug 02:19:post reply

The Ikari team trailer is out - quite a bit of focus on MAX mode combos. Looks like Clark can pick of fallen opponents?... this is looking rather common in the game, but as far as I'm concerned it's a good distinction for grapplers to have.

Meanwhile, SNK's Japanese Twitter posted a couple of links about ports of KoF97 and Metal Slug 3, but I'm not recognizing the service they're supposed to be running on - something Japan-only that serves as an alternative to the usual iOS and Android?...


[this message was edited by Loona on Fri 5 Aug 02:20]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):Even nukes" , posted Fri 5 Aug 03:51post reply

I didn't expect to enjoy the Ikari trailer so much. SNK knows this was gonna be a critical trailer because each character got teaser trailer screen time, so they went creative with the stage showcase. The amount of love they put in this military base is something fantastic. Their theme adds to the awesomeness of the clip, I love it. I also laughed at how Ralf and Clark's Climax make for retardedly predictable ryona material xD

Ralf's Climax is the highlight of the trailer anyway, one of the most brilliant ultimate specials ever. Ninmu...kanryou!!

Ben Reed suggested what may be an interesting special illustration team...hope SNK thought about it.

Ore no...kachi da!!
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Even nukes" , posted Fri 5 Aug 04:02post reply

I didn't expect to enjoy the Ikari trailer so much. SNK knows this was gonna be a critical trailer because each character got teaser trailer screen time, so they went creative with the stage showcase. The amount of love they put in this aircraft carrier is something fantastic. Their theme adds to the awesomeness of the clip, I love it. I also laughed at how Ralf and Clark's Climax make for retardedly predictable ryona material xD

Ralf's Climax is the highlight of the trailer anyway, one of the most brilliant ultimate specials ever. Ninmu...kanryou!!

Ben Reed suggested what may be an interesting special illustration team...hope SNK thought about it.

Ore no...kachi da!!
Just a Person
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"Re(2):Even nukes" , posted Fri 5 Aug 04:08post reply

I didn't expect to enjoy the Ikari trailer so much. SNK knows this was gonna be a critical trailer because each character got teaser trailer screen time, so they went creative with the stage showcase. The amount of love they put in this military base is something fantastic. Their theme adds to the awesomeness of the clip, I love it. I also laughed at how Ralf and Clark's Climax make for retardedly predictable ryona material xD

Ralf's Climax is the highlight of the trailer anyway, one of the most brilliant ultimate specials ever. Ninmu...kanryou!!

Ben Reed suggested what may be an interesting special illustration team...hope SNK thought about it.

I know, right? I don't even play the Ikari Team (although I think Clark is super cool, but I can't play grapplers at all), but this trailer may have been my favorite so far!

Each new trailer shows that SNK really put a lot of effort and love into this game. While there are some things I wish they had done differently, I really hope KOF XIV achieves the success and recognition it deserves.

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"Re(3):Even nukes" , posted Fri 5 Aug 05:53post reply

That's what I hope too, that KOF14 achieves each goal SNK has in mind for it.

By the way, kofoguz I agree with you about stage intros. Since they were made for the team gameplay trailers, why not include them in the full game?

Can Chang get more sillier than this? xD Can't wait to see all the characters' staggers :D

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"Re(4):Even nukes" , posted Fri 5 Aug 06:34post reply

That's what I hope too, that KOF14 achieves each goal SNK has in mind for it.

By the way, kofoguz I agree with you about stage intros. Since they were made for the team gameplay trailers, why not include them in the full game?

Can Chang get more sillier than this? xD Can't wait to see all the characters' staggers :D

This reminds me, I meant to post this about playing the demo, but they fixed the boob animation (i.e., they no longer lock in place after a dramatic movement).

/ / /

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"Team Ikari Warriors trailer" , posted Fri 5 Aug 06:38post reply

Team Ikari Warriors trailer


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"Re(4):Even nukes" , posted Fri 5 Aug 08:18post reply


Can Chang get more sillier than this? xD Can't wait to see all the characters' staggers :D

Sadly, that was actually an official Reggaeton song popular and a major hit in the Hispanic community. I really do not understand how.

I wonder if that last hit from Clark's super actually does damage before his climax connects.

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Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):Even nukes" , posted Fri 5 Aug 20:14post reply

I know about the song because if you go to the video cited as a base for that thing, the description -or maybe the comments- say song title and "singer". I love this song in a "so bad it's good" way xD

SNK didn't delay character profiles at all this time, they're already up as usual :D I know we've already seen much footage of all the standard characters, yet still, I hope 2 trailers are published simultaneously next week or the week before August 23, I don't like the idea of seeing the Women Fighters gameplay after the full game is officially in stores.

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"Re(6):Even nukes" , posted Fri 5 Aug 22:02post reply

There's no pictures yet, but the oldest-running Maid cafe in SNK's hometown of Osaka is holding an official collaboration with the company.

During August 24-31, Maid Cafe CCocha will be having their waitresses dress up as KOF characters as they serve meals that are themed in KOF. You get some sort of bonus freebee when you order the special KOF menus, though details aren't known yet.

Coincedently the cafe owner happens to be one of the world's top Leona player.

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"Re(7):Even nukes" , posted Fri 5 Aug 23:59post reply


Coincedently the cafe owner happens to be one of the world's top Leona player.

さんげ店長's place, right? We always mention with my friends how it has to be an unique experience to spend all night playing games in a local to recieve nothing but creppy looks that make you feel like dirt from those college girls part time maids who don't approve of your hobbies but are there for the hourly wage the next morning; truly nothing but a worthy page of our youths.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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"Re(7):Even nukes" , posted Sat 6 Aug 10:50post reply

There's no pictures yet, but the oldest-running Maid cafe in SNK's hometown of Osaka is holding an official collaboration with the company.

During August 24-31, Maid Cafe CCocha will be having their waitresses dress up as KOF characters as they serve meals that are themed in KOF. You get some sort of bonus freebee when you order the special KOF menus, though details aren't known yet.

Coincedently the cafe owner happens to be one of the world's top Leona player.

Forget people arguing about tier lists and match-ups, this is the sort of thing that I find fascinating when it comes to fighting games.

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"Re(8):Even nukes" , posted Tue 9 Aug 11:16post reply


さんげ店長's place, right? We always mention with my friends how it has to be an unique experience to spend all night playing games in a local to recieve nothing but creppy looks that make you feel like dirt from those college girls part time maids who don't approve of your hobbies but are there for the hourly wage the next morning; truly nothing but a worthy page of our youths.

You know, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Many girls on the maid cafe business are actually hardcore otaku, so chances are any disdainful looks you may receive would be because you failed to pull out that special attack as a real man should do.

A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(9):Even nukes" , posted Tue 9 Aug 17:23:post reply

I didn't wanna bring this maid OT further, but Maese's delightful answer to Toxico's bittersweet tale made me change my mind :D Here in Italy, maid cafes are temporary, and they're run at comic conventions or very big manga stores, like Yamato Shop in Milan. Maids do get some kind of wage, but they're actually into manga, J or K-music, video games and stuff. I made friends with a maid group and we recognize each other and say hi if we meet at conventions they're attending as regular guests. One of them is as an avid One Piece fan as I am and Sanji is her favorite character just like me :P I've never bothered getting info about Japanese cafes, but reading Toxico's experience saddens me a bit because of how fun Italian maid cafes are.

Back to 14, it will set me back twice than expected because I'm a crazy fanboy xD I'll buy a HK digital copy just in time to preload it, because I know I'd be a sad panda if I waited for my JP physical copy (it realistically can't come home before August 29th °_°). Good thing there's the Mai theme in the HK bundle, which is an Asian exclusive ^^

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 9 Aug 20:47]

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"Re(8):Even nukes" , posted Tue 9 Aug 17:23post reply

There's been some talk on Twitter about the end of neoGeo Station, but the only link provided about it, the NeoGeo Station site itself, only mentions news items from 2011, and the main SNK site says nothing about it either - I also couldn't find an English version of the site to try and find more.
I guess the NGS games are simply gone from Japanese PSN or something? Maybe taking into account the end of the PS3's lifespan, or renewed deals with Sony?...

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(9):Even nukes" , posted Tue 9 Aug 21:16post reply

I searched the PS Store JP and noticed there aren't NeoGeo Station games anymore indeed :( (US store still has the "first installments" bundle) Guess both factors you mentioned came into play. Here comes a sad reminder of how much I hate the digital-only business model: there's no legal way to recover such games once they get removed from the digital store (a bit OT, but after becoming a JoJo fan I was shocked to learn the PSN/XBLA release of Capcom's JoJo fighter has been long delisted). Physical titles are a whole different story.

Ore no...kachi da!!
Lord SNK

171th Post

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"Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Wed 10 Aug 01:28post reply

(a bit OT, but after becoming a JoJo fan I was shocked to learn the PSN/XBLA release of Capcom's JoJo fighter has been long delisted). Physical titles are a whole different story.

I'm still crying for not having bought Marvel VS Capcom 2 on PSN when it was still available

4946th Post

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"Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Wed 10 Aug 01:38:post reply

there's no legal way to recover such games once they get removed from the digital store (a bit OT, but after becoming a JoJo fan I was shocked to learn the PSN/XBLA release of Capcom's JoJo fighter has been long delisted). Physical titles are a whole different story.

[edit: updated date]

So NGStation ended on July 27, such a weird timing. Nobody must've cared that it was completely under the radar when it closed down.

Just a quick note, with PSN you can redownload purchased titles even after they're gone from the store. Same goes with limited time demos.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 10 Aug 19:16]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Wed 10 Aug 15:23:post reply

I know Professor ^^ It's just that I still can't get into watching PS Stores closely ^^; What if SNK was planning to port NeoGeo Station to the PS4?

Journalists are receiving download codes for KOF14 full version. The game is approaching more and more :D

Four top players from other games will clash in KOFXIV the week before's why Justin Wong streamed the demo on Twitch.

We haven't talked about this theme yet, right? While I still find the Western digital pre-order theme the best of the bunch, I like this one a lot.

EDIT: look at this pathetic scam xD

I bothered to scroll all the way before comments, and it turns out it's nothing more than the usual "fill out a scam survey" shit. But what's more hilarious IMO, is that the description states the game is a full fledged 3D fighter instead of 2D with 3D graphics xD

Thanks to Badoor for finding and posting it on his Twitter, I'll take a more careful look at this site since it has some other crazy gems according to the list on the side.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Wed 10 Aug 19:26]

4947th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Wed 10 Aug 19:20:post reply

Four top players from other games will clash in KOFXIV the week before's why Justin Wong streamed the demo on Twitch.

And the exhibition will be done on the demo version too.
So while it'll be interesting, I'm not sure how much the general viewers will enjoy it compared to say, the Evo side tournament.

On another note, the so-called "World premire event" 48 character demo will take place for Japan on the 20th in Osaka and 21st in Tokyo. They'll be giving away a free set of postcards to players but other than that it's nothing special.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 10 Aug 19:21]

4947th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Thu 11 Aug 23:36post reply

Pad voice compilation - Nico

Antonov stuff

KOF Station #3

I did the translations for KOFStation3 and the dreammatch trailer.
The lines in the dreammatch trailer are a bit out of order from the original script so it kind of reads weird.

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"Re(5):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Thu 11 Aug 23:58post reply

I did the translations for KOFStation3 and the dreammatch trailer.
The lines in the dreammatch trailer are a bit out of order from the original script so it kind of reads weird.

Thank you so much for your hard work!

It's a really well done vid for people who have never played a fighter before, I'll be pointing people to it in the future for sure.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Fri 12 Aug 00:48post reply

Thank you like always Prof for your hard work, and for sharing the links too.

I've only seen the JP version of KOF Station 3 for now, I got a notification on my phone which was only about the JP video so I rushed to it without waiting for the English version notification xD While I wished for some trivia about 12 of the first 24 character, the idea of centering this episode on Ai Kakuma's absolute(ly hilarious) lack of fighting game basic skills is just brilliant. Ichiki sensei, please work hard to turn her into a top 8 tournament player!! LOL

The top players exhibition on the demo is a real bummer, luckily we've already seen countless hours of final build footage thanks to EVO.

Antonov looks fun, all about massive strikes, a style that fits perfectly with his over the top persona. I'm almost sure such a goof can't be evil, he must be being manipulated by the final boss, or the boss is taking advantage of the tournament without manipulating him.

Waiting for the Another World trailer :D I really hope Mui Mui becomes a non-canon installments regular, I love her fighting style but I got a feeling the Another World will change Nakoruru's mates each episode in this trilogy, provided that dimensional travel is a thing in the whole saga and not just in 14.

Ore no...kachi da!!
1751th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Fri 12 Aug 03:41post reply


Waiting for the Another World trailer :D

There you go. I am sure in a parallel universe, or simply a different message board probably called CRcafé, some old school pachi players are lamenting that their cherished and storied characters won't come back in parlors yet make an appearance on filthy video game machines that don't even give you metallic pellets when you KO your opponent.

So NGStation ended on July 27, such a weird timing. Nobody must've cared that it was completely under the radar when it closed down.

I believe Wednesday is the usual PSN udpate in Japan, right? At least it's the case for the eShop. So it woud mean they removed NGS as July was coming to a close. It certainly looks like the end of a licensing agreement, probably to be replaced by something else. Maybe we'll hear more about their plans at TGS...

Do we have any idea how well their first PS4 re-releases sold? (I am not sure if MOW is already out.)

Même Narumi est épatée !

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"Re(7):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Fri 12 Aug 03:55post reply


Waiting for the Another World trailer :D

One of the most impressive games I've ever hated playing!


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"Re(7):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Fri 12 Aug 07:20post reply


Waiting for the Another World trailer :D

There you go. I am sure in a parallel universe, or simply a different message board probably called CRcafé, some old school pachi players are lamenting that their cherished and storied characters won't come back in parlors yet make an appearance on filthy video game machines that don't even give you metallic pellets when you KO your opponent.

So NGStation ended on July 27, such a weird timing. Nobody must've cared that it was completely under the radar when it closed down.
I believe Wednesday is the usual PSN udpate in Japan, right? At least it's the case for the eShop. So it woud mean they removed NGS as July was coming to a close. It certainly looks like the end of a licensing agreement, probably to be replaced by something else. Maybe we'll hear more about their plans at TGS...

Do we have any idea how well their first PS4 re-releases sold? (I am not sure if MOW is already out.)

Love Heart came out pretty nice. Good to see another mature female in the game. She would fit great in a Gully Gear game as well.

Long Live I AM!
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"Re(8):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Fri 12 Aug 08:45post reply


Waiting for the Another World trailer :D

One of the most impressive games I've ever hated playing!

I want to finish this game, but on steam crashes on 2 different pc's

Dotemu is a disease that doesn't want to leave my life

KOF is already selling on SA, and a friend invited me to test the game this monday, I'm excited

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"Re(9):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Fri 12 Aug 15:08:post reply

Without spoiling anything storywise, in terms of netplay, people who got early copies of XIV from TOTALLY-OKAY-TO-DO broken street dates (including Jebailey) have said that currently, online play is pretty good. So SNK's high confidence in it isn't just all talk, afterall. If this holds up at release with a larger playerbase is another thing, but hopefully it does. Also, it's supposedly even playable under pretty slow connections since it doesn't eat your input like XIII online did.

Sold, yet?

[this message was edited by Doshin on Fri 12 Aug 15:10]

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"Re(5):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Fri 12 Aug 16:07post reply

Pad voice compilation - Nico

Antonov stuff

KOF Station #3

I did the translations for KOFStation3 and the dreammatch trailer.
The lines in the dreammatch trailer are a bit out of order from the original script so it kind of reads weird.

Again, thanks prof for the hardwork!

By the way, a little OT here. Does anyone here knows where to purchase the official drink or T-shirt in Japan? Am I the only one here who likes to collect stuff like this?

Lastly, are there any news on the official KOF song? The more I listen to it, the more it grew on me.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(10):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Fri 12 Aug 16:14:post reply

While you sure can't judge how online play holds up with such a non-final user base -but let's keep in mind on the other hand that KOF isn't so popular as SF, let alone MK, so I don't see online activity for this game skyrocketing after August 23rd-, Jebailey and Antinomy's words are heartwarming. Let's hope netplay quality stays the same after the actual launch.

Team stories page (English version) I don't know if it's because my laptop is getting closer to death day by day or the SNK site is actually being hammered by people who want to read these prologues, but I'm having such a hard time browsing the site. The artwork with Shun'ei, Kyo and red eyed Iori is fantastic though. On the other hand, some stage concept arts look unfinished compared to those SNK showed off on Twitter and Facebook before April 25th, but it's still a pleasant insight on KOF14 development.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I saw the last boss and I find it underwhelming. I'm almost sure he's just a pawn in a way bigger scheme, like Mukai. I also find his design an alternate costume for Kouryu xD

End of Spoiler

EDIT: I'm not sure so I'll ask, is it by Hiroaki??

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 16 Aug 21:01]

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"Re(6):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Fri 12 Aug 17:58post reply

Orphen: The drinks were given out as promotion so it's not purchasable. The t-shirts, I think there's two kinds; one is for staff only, and the other is for giving out as tournament prizes.

Regarding netplay, unless there's situations where you end up connecting with a relayed server (which I severely doubt considering SNK's traditional budget) the matches should run in P2P like all other fighting games, meaning the user population shouldn't effect the game.

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"Voice actors revealed" , posted Fri 12 Aug 18:09post reply


Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Fri 12 Aug 18:58:post reply


Regarding netplay, unless there's situations where you end up connecting with a relayed server (which I severely doubt considering SNK's traditional budget) the matches should run in P2P like all other fighting games, meaning the user population shouldn't effect the game.

I must learn not to expose my sheer ignorance on networking anymore xD Thank you for correcting me ^^

As for the voices, I'm shocked that Yasui has been replaced...I was sure it still was him O_O Props to those who got it from the first teaser, I only was suspicious about Kyo back then.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 12 Aug 19:00]


38th Post

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"SNK asks for no spoilers until Aug 23." , posted Fri 12 Aug 19:47:post reply

A Friendly reminder from Yasuyuki Oda and Atlus USA...


We have received notices from concerned fans,
that certain distributors / retail have been
breaking our 8/23 street date in North and Latin America.

For the sake of all our SNK / KOF fans,
for those who have been able to purchase copies beforehand,
please think of others before leaking spoilers regarding KOF XIV
before 8/23. Thank you for your kind consideration and support of SNK.

Burn to Fight!

I guess it's super hard to read "DO NOT SELL BEFORE STREET DATE" on KOFXIV shipments. If u got an early copy, plz don't spoil it for others.

Team stories are now up!

[this message was edited by videoman190 on Fri 12 Aug 19:59]

4950th Post

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"Re(1):SNK ask for no spoilers until Aug 23." , posted Fri 12 Aug 19:55:post reply

Didn't realize they had an English version of the list, kind of wasted my time making one lol.

But this is... no different from before in the sense that most of them are just local narrators or theater actors lol. I think at least one guy isn't even neither, he's a game developer lol.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 12 Aug 20:07]

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"Re(1):Voice actors revealed" , posted Fri 12 Aug 21:42:post reply


Ayumi Fujimura as zarina - i recognized that annoying yuzuhira(unib)/ibuki (sf4-5)/nine (blaz) voice since the first video -_-

Takashi Kondou as terry - well, this one have gone completely over my head. The guy is such a professional, and has such a voice range that it's very hard to recognize him. potenkim/faust (guilty gear), carmine (unib), tons and tons of anime roles too.

Toa Yukimari as love heart - i knew that strong female voice from somewere, but couldn't make heads for tails. It's caska VA in berserk movies!

[this message was edited by caiooa on Fri 12 Aug 22:01]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Voice actors revealed" , posted Sat 13 Aug 04:23:post reply

About the returning characters, I must say, after reading the list once more, that I'm shocked for not finding out on my own how many returning characters have a new seiyuu. They sounded like returning seiyuu re-recording everything from scratch to me.

On another note, I made a one month JP Plus subscription in order to grab the Kyo & Iori theme. It's beautiful!! While I still find the Western preorder theme better overall after seeing both on my TV, I love the golden icons in the Japanese theme, and the music choice: Yappari Esaka and Saxophone Under The Moon played back to back, only separated by a slight fade out. Now I'm undecided...buying the KOF13 Kyo chibi avatar for my Japanese PSN account too -I already have it on y EUR account- or waiting for KOF14 and seeing if something as fancy comes out? As I write, I'm already 99% sure I'll do both. I only added ¥1000 after all, so it's not like I can buy games or other big stuff with ¥486 remaining xD

EDIT: got rid of that crude red dragon scribble as my PSN avatar -but I admit I had gotten kinda attached to it-, now I'm waiting for possible launch day avatars. I'd be so happy if SNK published hand drawn icons as avatars, like they did with XIII, I'd switch between avatars frequently.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 13 Aug 20:27]

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"Re(3):Voice actors revealed" , posted Sun 14 Aug 02:12post reply

I finally had the chance to play Demo and I liked how it felt. Im not a pro but jumps did feel a little slower but overall pace feels like KoF. I loved playing with Shunei and Sylvie . Can't wait to play on random selection.

For the storyline I love how they're aware of other characters and I do hope they would show them in cinematics and endings.

And also there's again confirmation by Heidern that Ash Saga tournaments happened but without major incidents. But thjngs happened in different way. Chizuru still git attackef somehow, Shingo still broke his arm, etc. Need to check what really happened and how did it happened.

Also they should have that drag queen npc in somehow in a non transphobic way.

And please please have the Fake Kyougenryu "Dan" as SNK take on it. Make the look mixed between Ryu and Ken. Maybe dark beard with blonde shoulder length hair? And make tge fireball long range and weak in damage and make fun of " I can kill with one punch thing" That would be wonderful and it would have a better match up than poor Joe if another crossover happens.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):Voice actors revealed" , posted Sun 14 Aug 02:37post reply

I thought exactly the same as you when I read the fake Kyokugenryu thing. I didn't thought of details -I like how you envision this possible imposter though, it's brilliant-, but I wanna see such a character too, for sure.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Endings are hand drawn!! But I didn't look at them closely, I don't wanna spoil myself

End of Spoiler

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(5):Voice actors revealed" , posted Sun 14 Aug 04:26post reply

I thought exactly the same as you when I read the fake Kyokugenryu thing. I didn't thought of details -I like how you envision this possible imposter though, it's brilliant-, but I wanna see such a character too, for sure.

Thanks Micky.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
And I am happy hear that endings are hand drawn along with cinematic videos.Cant wait to see the style. I also dont want to be spoiled. So I'll try not to be spoiled.Because I love how the characters reflecteven more with illustrations. Even Zarina's fanart was awesome. And she is one of the characters I wasnt hyped at first reveal. More 2D art is always good on my book. *Sees the 2D art of the stages and asks "Whyyyyyyy?"*

End of Spoiler

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(6):Voice actors revealed" , posted Sun 14 Aug 19:09:post reply

A couple random thoughts based on what I decided to see among the ever growing range of pre-release footage -Story Mode intro, a Climax compilation and versus matches only, I will never see or read anything about cutscenes and endings before playing the full game myself. I took the story playthrough video available on Youtube and skipped countless time in order to get how much dialogue is in, even though the player didn't use a full default team.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
-Member select when you begin a story mode run has another BGM, it's the drum intro from the April 25th Gameplay Trailer. Great choice ;) As soon as you make your team, the game cuts to the Antonov opening ceremony, then it's order select -with the ordinary player select music- and first match

-Verse is growing on me, especially his design, which I love now, but as for his fighting style, I still have a "pawn forcibly turned big shot" feeling about him, like I felt for Mukai. Even his Climax left me "meh", I think of it as a watered down version of Shun'ei's. I actually find Antonov cooler than Verse overall

-New World Order is confirmed among the alternate BGMs, and it's a new arrangement too!! You can briefly hear it in the Climax compilation video. I'm so happy the KOF14 staff showed this track some love. Now I'm curious to know what the other alt BGMs are, provided that SNK has already teased Geese Ni Katakori. I saw a "BGM 2" option in the online modes menu, you can switch between BGM modes on the fly by pressing C (Triangle), so it's more convenient than going to the option menu before playing in KOF13

-dialogue in between fights looks so scarce...given that I got careless skipping the video because I don't wanna see cutscenes in advance and the player didn't use a default team, I just spotted one dialogue, it was between match 5 and 6 if I remember well. I really was hoping to see dialogues before each match. But...

-...I peeked the bottom of the screen during endings in a Twitch stream, and they seem long. Same for most cutscenes. Guess this makes up for the lack of character specific cutscenes between fights during a single run, and I find it clever.

End of Spoiler

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sun 14 Aug 22:26]

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Sun 14 Aug 23:08post reply

Although I don't know what I expected I had hoped for more flair from Love Heart. When I think of the surprisingly large number of sky pirates out there I think of boisterous characters and that initial trailer made her look a bit plain. Perhaps she will come to life when I see her in the full game, in much the same way that Sylvie and her jazz hands suddenly worked.

Still, based on the quick screen grab I saw of him I'm not certain any animation is going to help that tokusatsu looking final boss. Wait, he will work only if there's an obvious zipper on his back where the suit actor can get in and out.

EDIT: I'm not sure so I'll ask, is it by Hiroaki??

I can't even begin to guess which arm belongs to what person.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Mon 15 Aug 02:41post reply

LOL for the arms thing xD I took a minute to figure out the convoluted composition -which I really like- of the picture when I first saw it, it just takes a little effort. Anyway, a few people confirmed it's Hiroaki. I don't even know how I could be uncertain for a moment, now that I'm looking at some of his previous SNK art. Good thing he still makes art for them from time to time.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Mon 15 Aug 03:18:post reply

EDIT: I'm not sure so I'll ask, is it by Hiroaki??

I can't even begin to guess which arm belongs to what person.

LoL Kyo and Iori welcoming Shune'i.

Edit: Joke aside I liked the artwork because it also syncs with Shune'i team story and probably overall story. It gives the impression of how he is not bothered with the punches of the two of strongest fighters of KOF. Also in his storyline he was afraid of his own strength would hurt other fighters and the artwork shows Kyo and Iori are not bothered either. So with the artwork of new protagonist and the old ones we are shown their strength level. I find this brilliant.

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Mon 15 Aug 19:39]

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Even nukes" , posted Tue 16 Aug 10:57post reply

Played the full game today, I really liked the game, but some people couldn't get used yet, is a really weird game in the sense that doesn't feel like previous KOF

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"You have earned a Victoly" , posted Tue 16 Aug 14:20post reply

Well for those that care (I know nobody does), here are the trophies of the game.

I always like to read how stressing is to get the silliness of trophies is in each game; I take it as a sign of the company's cruelty. Specially when they request you to do some extensive touching of game modes that you'd rather never get close to (like M.O.M.)

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
4952th Post

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"Re(1):You have earned a Victoly" , posted Tue 16 Aug 17:44:post reply

Well for those that care (I know nobody does), here are the trophies of the game.

I always like to read how stressing is to get the silliness of trophies is in each game; I take it as a sign of the company's cruelty. Specially when they request you to do some extensive touching of game modes that you'd rather never get close to (like M.O.M.)

Holy cripes, they still have a "win 10 in a row" trophy for ranked matches!

[edit] I haven't watched spoilers so can't confirm it, but word out in Japan right now is that the VA Yusaku who plays the last boss may be the same Yusaku (facial photo) who's known for his hilarious gay porn videos.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 16 Aug 18:17]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):You have earned a Victoly" , posted Tue 16 Aug 19:31:post reply

Take it with a grain of salt, but maybe some stores in Europe are already selling KOF14 EUR version. As selfish as it is, I hope somebody in my city is selling it. I won't post any kind of material before the official release
FlameOfNova reported the EUR edition is being sold in Saudi Arabia.

On another note, are there rumors of netplay being awful? Given how relay servers are likely out of SNK's budget, I really don't get such a sudden turn, unless Jebailey and Antinomy only tested the online modes with players living a couple meters from them, which I find very unlikely because they're respected, knowledgeable figures in the FGC as far as I know, so they wouldn't be so enthusiastic after an online match against their neighbors.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Wed 17 Aug 01:49]

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"Re(2):You have earned a Victoly" , posted Wed 17 Aug 01:32post reply

[edit] I haven't watched spoilers so can't confirm it, but word out in Japan right now is that the VA Yusaku who plays the last boss may be the same Yusaku (facial photo) who's known for his hilarious gay porn videos.

The final boss might be more interesting than I initially gave him credit for.

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"Re(2):You have earned a Victoly" , posted Wed 17 Aug 11:22post reply

Take it with a grain of salt, but maybe some stores in Europe are already selling KOF14 EUR version. As selfish as it is, I hope somebody in my city is selling it. I won't post any kind of material before the official release
FlameOfNova reported the EUR edition is being sold in Saudi Arabia.

On another note, are there rumors of netplay being awful? Given how relay servers are likely out of SNK's budget, I really don't get such a sudden turn, unless Jebailey and Antinomy only tested the online modes with players living a couple meters from them, which I find very unlikely because they're respected, knowledgeable figures in the FGC as far as I know, so they wouldn't be so enthusiastic after an online match against their neighbors.

There is not a consensus yet, I had heard both sides of the situation, at least isn't as unanimous as 13 was

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"Re(3):You have earned a Victoly" , posted Wed 17 Aug 12:23post reply

On a sidenote, a limited number of the US version has reached our shores (Singapore), which got sold out within a few hours and I was quite amazed for the first time KOF is sold out.

I'm still patiently waiting for my Asia version next week. Burn to fight!

Micky Kusanagi
369th Post

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"Re(3):You have earned a Victoly" , posted Wed 17 Aug 17:02post reply

There is not a consensus yet, I had heard both sides of the situation, at least isn't as unanimous as 13 was

Thank you for your anwser ^^ At this rate, we definitely better wait till day one in my opinion. I strongly believe Professor when he says netplay is likely P2P though, so it may just be that some players saw a maximum connection icon before the match, but the match played bad, which happened to me a couple times in SFV...5 bars in confirmation screen, King Crimson mode while playing -_- (the opposite happened too).

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(4):You have earned a Victoly" , posted Wed 17 Aug 18:00post reply

SNK put a trailer for one of MuiMui's Gragol Gal pachislot games on their Youtube channel - it's probably a way to clarify the character's origin after the Another World trailer and team story, but it's pretty weird how that still has a "coming soon" bit - I figure they just recycled an old trailer, unless they're planning a cellphone adaptation like they have with prior pachislot games... still odd.
Also odd, they uploaded a 2nd version of the Japanese KoF Station #3 video... I wonder what, if anything, is different.

Brainfart: what are the odds of SNK pulling a DoA5 and eventually repurposing their XIV demo into a F2P version of the game with a rotating cast of characters?...
With a cast that large it seems roughly viable, but it may require some infrastructure they're not quite ready to support yet, which which could still be an interesting way to keep the game active online while letting people experiment with multiple characters before committing to either the full game or a specific character purchase, if it came to that.

Micky Kusanagi
371th Post

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"Re(5):You have earned a Victoly" , posted Wed 17 Aug 22:03:post reply

I think Dragon Gal and Sky Love would make for great third person action games (maybe Sky Love would be better as an action RPG). It's good to see SNK keeps acknowledging these long as we don't see pachi stuff anymore from SNK xD

This live stream had a KOF14 segment with some game staff about 1-2 hours ago, some interesting tidbits like the legacy controller setting shown in the options menu and a slightly more in-depth look at the gallery.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Wed 17 Aug 23:30]

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"Re(5):You have earned a Victoly" , posted Wed 17 Aug 22:49post reply

SNK put a trailer for one of MuiMui's Gragol Gal pachislot games on their Youtube channel - it's probably a way to clarify the character's origin after the Another World trailer and team story, but it's pretty weird how that still has a "coming soon" bit - I figure they just recycled an old trailer, unless they're planning a cellphone adaptation like they have with prior pachislot games... still odd.
Also odd, they uploaded a 2nd version of the Japanese KoF Station #3 video... I wonder what, if anything, is different.

Brainfart: what are the odds of SNK pulling a DoA5 and eventually repurposing their XIV demo into a F2P version of the game with a rotating cast of characters?...
With a cast that large it seems roughly viable, but it may require some infrastructure they're not quite ready to support yet, which which could still be an interesting way to keep the game active online while letting people experiment with multiple characters before committing to either the full game or a specific character purchase, if it came to that.

That's actually great idea. Fans will go all the way anyway where as peopl3 new to the game might be intrigued by the demo.

605th Post

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"Re(6):You have earned a Victoly" , posted Thu 18 Aug 13:26post reply

It seems like SNK will start selling the OST of their older games on Amazon

Hope to see this in the west

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):You have earned a Victoly" , posted Thu 18 Aug 18:20post reply

Fantastic. Preserving the old, jawdropping SNK music is just as important as pushing KOF14 and developing the upcoming Samurai Spirits game.

Exact embargo lift date for KOFXIV: August 22nd BST

I put my eyes on Street Smart through the Replay Burners' playthrough. Michael Max's theme sounds very alike the Street Smart stage 1 theme, and besides that, I can easily see myself playing it through as a homage to the pre-NeoGeo SNK era while waiting for KOF14. You can clearly see in Street Smart that they were already developing their vision of a fighting game which made its way to Garou Densetsu.

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"King Of Lagfest XIV" , posted Thu 18 Aug 19:45post reply

Given that the netcode for KOF14 is reportedly good and it also allows users to set messages in the Esaka stage, I'm thinking of opening some sessions as we did with SFV.

First slated session will be August 27 (Sat) midnight 12:30 JST, which should be

5:30PM Paris
11:30AM EST
8:30AM PST

If anyone's interested drop a line, thanks.

606th Post

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"Re(1):King Of Lagfest XIV" , posted Thu 18 Aug 22:31post reply

Given that the netcode for KOF14 is reportedly good and it also allows users to set messages in the Esaka stage, I'm thinking of opening some sessions as we did with SFV.

First slated session will be August 27 (Sat) midnight 12:30 JST, which should be

5:30PM Paris
11:30AM EST
8:30AM PST

If anyone's interested drop a line, thanks.

The title of your post scared me, I though that somehow now the consensus was that the lag was bad

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"Re(1):King Of Lagfest XIV" , posted Thu 18 Aug 23:12post reply

Given that the netcode for KOF14 is reportedly good and it also allows users to set messages in the Esaka stage, I'm thinking of opening some sessions as we did with SFV.

First slated session will be August 27 (Sat) midnight 12:30 JST, which should be

5:30PM Paris
11:30AM EST
8:30AM PST

If anyone's interested drop a line, thanks.

I'll post if there are any changes but I should be able to make that time. Although I'll be about as much challenge as the training dummy I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has to offer.

It's finally come to this: I have to schedule play dates for myself.

Micky Kusanagi
373th Post

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"Re(1):King Of Lagfest XIV" , posted Thu 18 Aug 23:16:post reply

Good idea Professor, I'm in ^^ I'll take a look at lobby commands as soon as I get the game this time, when I first joined a SFV Lagfest I seriously messed up with the commands and risked to leave the lounge upon entrance xD

The last two team trailers are coming out together as I was hoping :D I'd like to get an in-depth look at the church stage, like in the Ikari trailer. And I hope they've come up with something very silly for Alice xD

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 19 Aug 00:05]

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"Queens & Fighters" , posted Fri 19 Aug 00:53post reply


The last two team trailers are coming out together as I was hoping :D I'd like to get an in-depth look at the church stage, like in the Ikari trailer. And I hope they've come up with something very silly for Alice xD

I wouldn't say silly, but it's a neat touch that they show off their attacks against their story-relevant guys.

Before committing to some online play I want to make sure the game even arrives on time, but the idea interests me.

Just a Person
1804th Post

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"Re(1):Queens & Fighters" , posted Fri 19 Aug 02:22post reply


The last two team trailers are coming out together as I was hoping :D I'd like to get an in-depth look at the church stage, like in the Ikari trailer. And I hope they've come up with something very silly for Alice xD

I wouldn't say silly, but it's a neat touch that they show off their attacks against their story-relevant guys.

Nice trailer. I'd still prefer Yuri over Alice in this team (King, Yuri and Mai will always be the classic female team - and I don't even like Mai), but Alice seems to be cooler than she did in the previous gameplay videos.

What's her deal with Terry, though? Does she have a crush on him (and if so, how does Blue Mary react to that?)? Is she his cousin, half-sister or other kind of relative? Is she out of revenge because Terry beat up someone close to her (like Kasumi in relation to Ryo)? Or just a girl wanting him to be her master with no romantic feelings involved (like Sakura in relation to Ryu - at least allegedly)?

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

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"Re(2):King Of Lagfest XIV" , posted Fri 19 Aug 03:09:post reply


If anyone's interested drop a line, thanks.

The title of your post scared me, I though that somehow now the consensus was that the lag was bad

Same here. I did the big "ooohhhh no" expression. Hopefully I get the game in the mail by that time. And hopefully I get a PS4 before that time. And get a, what some are calling, a PS plus account?

Edit: I am so behind I actually typed PS3 on my original comment!

Long Live I AM!

[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Fri 19 Aug 03:10]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):Queens & Fighters" , posted Fri 19 Aug 04:09post reply

So, the team trailers adventure has finally come to an end. King's st.B guard point in the Women Fighters trailer is icing on the cake.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Given that I still haven't the full game to test its netcode first hand, my one and only gripe with it is that combo trials only consist of 5 combos per character instead of 10.

End of Spoiler

Loona: I was hoping for a comedic version of Xanadu's first sighting in the Villains trailer -existing poses of her souped up with a little bit of editing- or something like that, but it's no big deal. I really like how "punching bag" choices were on point with the KOF backstories in the Women Team trailer, and in most other trailers as well ^^

JaP: as far as I remember, Alice is just a fan of Terry, but I hope there's a slight crush implied for comedic purposes, which would kinda amuse me.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(1):King Of Lagfest XIV" , posted Fri 19 Aug 12:16post reply

Given that the netcode for KOF14 is reportedly good and it also allows users to set messages in the Esaka stage, I'm thinking of opening some sessions as we did with SFV.

First slated session will be August 27 (Sat) midnight 12:30 JST, which should be

5:30PM Paris
11:30AM EST
8:30AM PST

If anyone's interested drop a line, thanks.

Sure, I just got hold off the game yesterday! Hope the online is as good as what other claim.

1) Orphen

1757th Post

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"Alice through the looking of fighters" , posted Fri 19 Aug 15:34post reply

K' team

Women Fighters' Team

Même Narumi est épatée !

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"Re(2):Queens & Fighters" , posted Fri 19 Aug 18:14post reply


What's her deal with Terry, though? Does she have a crush on him (and if so, how does Blue Mary react to that?)? Is she his cousin, half-sister or other kind of relative? Is she out of revenge because Terry beat up someone close to her (like Kasumi in relation to Ryo)? Or just a girl wanting him to be her master with no romantic feelings involved (like Sakura in relation to Ryu - at least allegedly)?

The team profiles are up now - looks like Alice basically wants to be like Terry. Her birthplace is listed as "America & Japan" somehow - I gues she was born on an airplace between countries or something? Even with mixed ancestry and a name like Alice Garnet Nakata, you can only be born in a single place...

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Queens & Fighters" , posted Fri 19 Aug 20:14:post reply

Gotta love these silly tidbits you can find in SNK character profiles.

Dream Match was so fun!! Justin Wong has such an overwhelming Mai, great playing. But what had me really astonished is Ogura's prize artwork...I just love his art.

Looks like F-shiki was removed, but I wouldn't be so sure because they're Japanese tweets under the #KOF14 hashtag I translated with Google.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 19 Aug 20:16]

4953th Post

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"Re(4):Queens & Fighters" , posted Fri 19 Aug 20:33post reply

Looks like F-shiki was removed, but I wouldn't be so sure because they're Japanese tweets under the #KOF14 hashtag I translated with Google.

As it turns out, fuzzy guarding/F-shiki wasn't intended to be in the game so the devs are currently trying to take it out. There'll be a patch when they figure out how to get rid of it.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):Queens & Fighters" , posted Fri 19 Aug 20:58post reply

Thank you for confirming Professor. The team is really dedicated to this game, and I wish from the bottom of my heart that such dedication stays alive for future titles.

I found something amusing in the web manual: if you win an online ranked or free match against somebody who has unlocked gallery items you don't have, you get the fight bonus option, i.e. unlock a random one among those. Nice idea.

Ore no...kachi da!!
4955th Post

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"Re(6):Queens & Fighters" , posted Fri 19 Aug 21:16:post reply

Thank you for confirming Professor. The team is really dedicated to this game, and I wish from the bottom of my heart that such dedication stays alive for future titles.

I found something amusing in the web manual: if you win an online ranked or free match against somebody who has unlocked gallery items you don't have, you get the fight bonus option, i.e. unlock a random one among those. Nice idea.

Btw a word of warning: DLC stuff for KOF14 will be locked to their purchased account, meaning you can't use them with other accounts on the same PS4 as was possible back with the PS3. I'll top-page this.

I think this might mean that people who pre-ordered using a subaccount might get screwed; their Classic Kyo and Nightmare Geese might not be playable on their main account.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 19 Aug 23:40]


39th Post

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"Stream schedule for Summer Jam X" , posted Fri 19 Aug 21:23:post reply

Here's the stream schedule for KOFXIV at Summer Jam X

On Friday they will have a 2v2 team tournament at 8:00 pm.

On Saturday they will have pools at 7:30.

On Sunday is the top 8 at 11:00 am

[this message was edited by videoman190 on Sat 20 Aug 00:18]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):Queens & Fighters" , posted Sat 20 Aug 01:29post reply

Account locks piss me off, no matter whether they directly concern me or not, and this is no exception.

It's stream time again :D I hope Summer Jam X got the same build Japanese fans will play this weekend, I'm curious to hear about the extent of balance changes.

Please help me a bit: I'm about to buy my digital copy, is the Hong Kong English version uncensored? I'm almost sure of it, but my Google skills are failing me.

Ore no...kachi da!!

39th Post

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"Re(8):Queens & Fighters" , posted Sat 20 Aug 03:05post reply

Yes it will have the 48 character demo as part of the KOFXIV world premiere tour.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(9):Queens & Fighters" , posted Sat 20 Aug 03:46post reply

So you think "balanced build" in the World Premiere page means that the Summer Jam build has the day one changes in it? I wasn't sure because EVO is considered part of the World Premiere, but all the talk about the day one changes made me think such changes may have been made after EVO. Sorry for being confusing ^^; And thank you for answering.

Bumping my other question for safety: does any of you know if this HK version is the uncensored one? My guess is that this is uncensored, the JP/CN subs is censored.

Ore no...kachi da!!
4957th Post

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"Re(10):Queens & Fighters" , posted Sat 20 Aug 10:35:post reply

So you think "balanced build" in the World Premiere page means that the Summer Jam build has the day one changes in it? I wasn't sure because EVO is considered part of the World Premiere, but all the talk about the day one changes made me think such changes may have been made after EVO. Sorry for being confusing ^^; And thank you for answering.

Bumping my other question for safety: does any of you know if this HK version is the uncensored one? My guess is that this is uncensored, the JP/CN subs is censored.

I'd be surprised if the Summer Jam build is the same as the Osaka/Tokyo premiere version. From the sound of things it seems like the devs just decided to place a patch over the 48 character build at the last moment before the Japan event.

Not sure about Hong Kong version. Personally I doubt that it's censored but not sure.

[edit] On a different note, just to clarify; the KOF Station Channel series concluded with Vol 3.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 20 Aug 12:49]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Re(10):Queens & Fighters" , posted Sat 20 Aug 17:01:post reply

Even though I was hoping to see the latest changes at Summer Jam, I'm fine with the way things are, given that the West had its first taste of KOF14 way before Japan. I'm not saying Japan should have been first, but first together with the U.S.: a Japanese event in the same days as the PlayStation Experience would have been great.

OK, so there's no wait for other KOF Station episodes. I hope SNK edits the movie page :P

Does anybody remember there were frame numbers next to each input in the training mode scene in the April 25th trailer? I wonder why they're gone...

I bit the bullet and bought the HK English version. Info page in my HK profile says it's slated for pre-load today!! Now it's officially -2 for me, since it'll be 22nd 6PM when the HK digital version gets unlocked. Thank you for your support Professor :D

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 20 Aug 17:03]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitch" , posted Sun 21 Aug 20:03:post reply

Sorry for double posting, but this is important to me: casual play at the Tokyo event is streaming live on the official SNK Twitch, in gorgeous 60fps. Game footage is kinda grainy, but talk segments show it's a real HD stream. Nemo's playing right now. I'd have never expected this quality from the SNK Twitch after the April 25th stream.

On a personal note, I got my HK digital copy preloaded and I'm almost done with my punish labwork in the demo -yes, I've procrastinated this stuff till the very end xD-, so all that's left to me is to wait 6PM CEST. And have a Street Smart playthrough :D I'm really, really hyped.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sun 21 Aug 20:28]

4959th Post

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"Re(1):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Mon 22 Aug 05:50post reply

Sorry for double posting, but this is important to me: casual play at the Tokyo event is streaming live on the official SNK Twitch, in gorgeous 60fps. Game footage is kinda grainy, but talk segments show it's a real HD stream. Nemo's playing right now. I'd have never expected this quality from the SNK Twitch after the April 25th stream.

On a personal note, I got my HK digital copy preloaded and I'm almost done with my punish labwork in the demo -yes, I've procrastinated this stuff till the very end xD-, so all that's left to me is to wait 6PM CEST. And have a Street Smart playthrough :D I'm really, really hyped.

Quick note- a few things about game balance that was discussed in the stream.

1/ Mai has been nerfed. To what degree is uncertain but her fans are easier to jump over now, and her ground CD is negative on block.

2/ Dinosaur runs faster

3/ Talking about Andy looking strong in the game, Neo-G commented that overall, characters in the game have been balanced to be strong and he wants to see people playing them for a while before thinking about additional balance patches. However it seems that the devs will take out glitches if they see them to be problems, like the F-Shiki/Fuzzy Guard.

4/ Regarding the fuzzy guard, Neo-G said that he and Hayato Watanabe (the other game designer) had a discussion whether it should be taken out or kept in as a technique, but considering it didn't really seem to match with KOF they decided to take it out. They're taking their time to review the reason and it seems that they might also fix a few other potential issues that may be happening because of it (no details on what that means).

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"Re(2):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Mon 22 Aug 12:21post reply

Yahoo! I have finally gotten whole of my Asia version yesterday!

A few things to note and share here.

1) For trophy hunters, the US version and the Asia version shares the same trophy list.

2) Though they share the same trophy list, unlocking characters and stage does not carry over. That makes sense since it's different region. How silly of me.

3) DLC code not working yet, maybe due to official release date?

4) Online mode is amazing! Great improvement from XIII. Well, there are few frames of lag, but doesn't affect the experience overall.

However, there are some 'bugs' I encounter. Using different region disc seems to cause the game to enter a black screen or hang after some matches. I hope this will be patched in future.

5) As reported by some, the story mode is great. It's trying to link all the characters together. Love the battle speech before the matches.

Micky Kusanagi, what kind of censorship are you talking about?

Professor, there's a version 1.01 for Asia, is that the nerf patch you are talking about?

4960th Post

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"Re(3):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Mon 22 Aug 15:22post reply

Professor, there's a version 1.01 for Asia, is that the nerf patch you are talking about?

1.01 might be it-- if you try running with Dinosaur and he's faster than the demo version, or if Mai's fan can be jumped over with hyper hop more easily using kyo, you've got the balance update patch.

Micky is wondering whether the Hong Kong version is the same as the mainland China version, which has censorship on female characters (for example, Angel's legs don't show any skin. she's wearing black leather or something)

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Mon 22 Aug 15:27:post reply

Wow, some interesting notes from both of you ^^ I'm a bit worried about those hangups, but it shouldn't be a big deal for me because I'll delete the HK digital version from my PS4 hard drive as soon as my physical copy gets delivered installed.

Censorship: it only concerns the Chinese version. There's some outfit editing for female characters, and I've also read Mai's breast jiggle has been removed. I can't seem to find KOFXIV in the Chinese PSN store, even after copy/pasting the Chinese kanji title in the search field -could it be that the Chinese version will only be sold physically?-, so I got afraid that one of the two Hong Kong versions -there are two versions in the HK store, one has English subtitles and the other has Chinese, Japanese and Korean- is the censored one for the Chinese market. (Professor beat me to the punch :D)

Anyway, it's only 9 hours to go and my hype is rising.

EDIT: 4 pages interview on Famitsu, fresh off the press

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 22 Aug 15:52]

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"Re(3):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Mon 22 Aug 15:48post reply

Fret not! I was trying out with Angel last night and there's no censorship on that!

On the other hand, unlike the R1 which offers multi languages, R3 is soley in English.

Professor, I will try out them later.

1663th Post

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"Re(3):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Mon 22 Aug 16:02post reply

Wow, some interesting notes from both of you ^^ I'm a bit worried about those hangups, but it shouldn't be a big deal for me because I'll delete the HK digital version from my PS4 hard drive as soon as my physical copy gets delivered installed.

Censorship: it only concerns the Chinese version. There's some outfit editing for female characters, and I've also read Mai's breast jiggle has been removed. I can't seem to find KOFXIV in the Chinese PSN store, even after copy/pasting the Chinese kanji title in the search field -could it be that the Chinese version will only be sold physically?-, so I got afraid that one of the two Hong Kong versions -there are two versions in the HK store, one has English subtitles and the other has Chinese, Japanese and Korean- is the censored one for the Chinese market. (Professor beat me to the punch :D)

Anyway, it's only 9 hours to go and my hype is rising.

EDIT: 4 pages interview on Famitsu, fresh off the press

Mai's Breast jiggle has been removed from the Chinese version? That's not gonna go over well.
4961th Post

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"Re(3):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Mon 22 Aug 16:41post reply

Wow, some interesting notes from both of you ^^ I'm a bit worried about those hangups, but it shouldn't be a big deal for me because I'll delete the HK digital version from my PS4 hard drive as soon as my physical copy gets delivered installed.

Censorship: it only concerns the Chinese version. There's some outfit editing for female characters, and I've also read Mai's breast jiggle has been removed. I can't seem to find KOFXIV in the Chinese PSN store, even after copy/pasting the Chinese kanji title in the search field -could it be that the Chinese version will only be sold physically?-, so I got afraid that one of the two Hong Kong versions -there are two versions in the HK store, one has English subtitles and the other has Chinese, Japanese and Korean- is the censored one for the Chinese market. (Professor beat me to the punch :D)

Anyway, it's only 9 hours to go and my hype is rising.

EDIT: 4 pages interview on Famitsu, fresh off the press

Half the interview's been roughly translated and it's up now.. kind of. Will fix some parts. maybe/

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Mon 22 Aug 16:48:post reply

Thanks Orphen :D No problem about the language, I feel comfortable with English.

Nobi, that's something I read around the net, the only edit I've seen screens of is Angel's pants. I can't seem to find Chinajoy footage right now...

Great job Professor with the Famitsu interview synopsis, a very interesting read.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 22 Aug 18:52]

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"Re(5):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Tue 23 Aug 09:50post reply

Thanks for the interview summary Professor. It was refreshing to see them admit that they did the best they could with unfamiliar tools and other restraints. Seeing as how other programmers claim they are going to give you the entire universe in a single game having a programmer admit to shortcomings is a nice change.

My copy of KoF14 should be arriving sometime tomorrow. In the past I would have declared I was "sick" so I could ignore my responsibilities and spend the day with the game. Instead I'm going to work tomorrow like a good boy and will wait until Friday to play hooky. I'm much more mature nowadays.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(6):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Tue 23 Aug 18:22post reply

KOF14 is getting good reviews. With mixed reception for the netcode and the usual barrage of graphics criticism -I wonder when people will understand that SNK's resources are lower than a one-man doujin developer...-, but still, they're good reviews. Most of all, I wasn't expecting the 8 from Gamespot.

Professor you're unstoppable. Since I didn't even check the long-ass Famitsu interview with Google Translate, I thought you had summarized the whole interview, but today I see a second part of the summary. Thank you a lot!! This part of your synopsis is crucial to understand how barebones SNK's resources are, they barely had the workforce needed to make KOFXIV as it is. But when you play it, you clearly feel they make up for their technological shortcomings -which they do have the guts to admit- with an insane amount of dedication. The graphics may be heavily outdated, but it's still such a finely crafted game.

Reboots? I know a lot of people may freak out if character redesigns aren't to their taste, but I really like the idea.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(7):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Tue 23 Aug 21:03post reply

Thanks for the translation Professor, lots of pearls in there.


Reboots? I know a lot of people may freak out if character redesigns aren't to their taste, but I really like the idea.

I got the impression they like the idea of using older characters like John Crawley, but not necessarily in sequels of their old series - if the setting remains, even a game's genre can change entirely to keep them around, and I'd be OK with that.

On the topic of playing 3D KoF, Famitsu has some screenshots of DoA5LR Mai (plus some KoF outfits for other girls), and running Goole Translate on that gives what appears to be an overview of her gameplay - there are also references to SvC Chaos and FF Wild Ambition... did they get moves from all of those games?... That would be even neater than expected.


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"Re(8):KOF XIV Review Scores" , posted Tue 23 Aug 21:45:post reply

Courtesy of Cyberfanatix

Famitsu: 31/40 (8/8/7/8)
PlayStation Insider: 8/10
GameSpot: 8/10
Destructoid: 8/10
Eurogamer: Recommended
Hardcoregamer: 4/5
Push Square: 7/10
Digitally Downloaded: 4.5/5
Gaming Nexus: 8.5/10
USgamer: 4/5
GamesRadar+: 4.5/5
The Games Machine (Italian): 9.2/10
God is a Geek: 8.5/10
laPS4 (Spanish): 82/100
Italy: 8.2/10
Spain: 8.2/10
Hey Poor Player: 5/5
Area Jugones (Spanish): 7.5/10 (French): 7/10
We Got this Covered: 4/5
MeriStation (Spanish): 8.3/10
Spazio Games (Italian): 8/10
Twinfinite: 3.5/5
Level Down Games: 8.5/10
Orochinagi: 8.5/10
GamingBolt: 7/10
Hobby Consolas (Spanish): 89/100
Trusted Reviews: 4/5 (Italian): 7.8/10
3D Juegos (Spanish): 8.5/10 (Spanish): 8.2/10
Gamekult (French): 7/10
DualShockers: 9.5/10
Reno-Gazette Journal: 4.25/5
Gaming-Age: A+

Long Live I AM!

[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Tue 23 Aug 21:45]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(9):KOF XIV Review Scores" , posted Wed 24 Aug 06:26post reply

Team Ninja's adaptation of Mai's fighting style is shaping up great, or so it seems. Nice glimpses of Kasumi and Yuri's costumes in the screens. Can't wait to see videos detailing Mai and the costumes. More and more satisfied for this collaboration.

Nice to see once again that the press is giving KOF14 good reviews, the team's crazy effort is paying off. I wish them and SNK as a whole all the best, may its revival go to its full extent!!

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Kusoge" , posted Wed 24 Aug 10:54post reply

Had my first full cast vs session this morning, pretty much I hold my opinion than for about 1/3 of the cast are now basically the most the nerfed / weak and the boring / lacking strategical options that they have ever been in all iterations. That's sure "use everyone since they are strong" that SNK was going for.

Well, but more than nitpicking, there are some design stuff that's seriously annoying. That practice mode options don't save themselves every time you enter and leave it is A MAJOR annoyance (wasn't so in XIII and is not so in basically every game I have tried); there is also the ultra annoying fact that Random select does nothing. Like, I picked random select and random stage select when playing a pal, and that leaded me to play like for 1 hour with Kyo in China stage. That's sure random (basically, random-kun only works once the selection screen, and after that he runs away for it's life after seeing my face, like most citizens do).

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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"Re(1):Kusoge" , posted Wed 24 Aug 13:06post reply

Had my first full cast vs session this morning, pretty much I hold my opinion than for about 1/3 of the cast are now basically the most the nerfed / weak and the boring / lacking strategical options that they have ever been in all iterations. That's sure "use everyone since they are strong" that SNK was going for.

Well, but more than nitpicking, there are some design stuff that's seriously annoying. That practice mode options don't save themselves every time you enter and leave it is A MAJOR annoyance (wasn't so in XIII and is not so in basically every game I have tried); there is also the ultra annoying fact that Random select does nothing. Like, I picked random select and random stage select when playing a pal, and that leaded me to play like for 1 hour with Kyo in China stage. That's sure random (basically, random-kun only works once the selection screen, and after that he runs away for it's life after seeing my face, like most citizens do).

I know that feel bro. Especially when playing repeated stage for an hour.

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"Re(8):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Wed 24 Aug 14:09:post reply

, Famitsu has some screenshots of DoA5LR Mai (plus some KoF outfits for other girls)

Here is a video compilation of her moves.
It would be quite something if the Virtua Fighter girls received KOF costumes in DOA.

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 24 Aug 18:42]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(9):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twitc" , posted Wed 24 Aug 15:48post reply

Fantastic. Mai has just about any move she's ever had, from Kachosen to Ryuenjin, looks so fun to play. And just before I clicked the video link, I found myself hoping for a remix of her GD2 theme as her theme in DoA5. I was not disappointed, this rendition fuses the magic of her historical theme with Team Ninja's taste in music for their DoA ninjas. Great job, I really can't wait to try her out.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(10):Tokyo World Premiere streaming on Twit" , posted Wed 24 Aug 16:25post reply

Am I the only one here who finds Mai looks unappealing in DOA? Especially the face, something seems to be lacking.

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"Re(2):Re(10):Tokyo World Premiere streaming o" , posted Wed 24 Aug 16:59:post reply

neo0r0chiaku-- Thanks for the scores list. Yuki Yagami did quite a job there summing up all the sites, links are on there too.

Toxico, Orphen-- So how are the jumps in the game? I heard that with the latest patch, they're a lot faster now compared to the beta builds.

I tried out Mai in DOA5 during lunch today-- all the Multi-Ras cabinets in Sega West Shinjuku had her available. Here's a quick roundup:

- She's completely fine-tuned to the DOA5 engine. Unlike Tekken's Akuma who played with his own systems and 2D game engine, Mai feels like just another plain character in DOA5, albeit with the ability to cancel some moves with her specials. So if you were hoping to steamroll 3D fighting game players with 2D fighting techniques, it won't be happening.

- She has four specials: Kachousen(), Ryuuenbu(), Shinobibachi(), and Kagerou no Mai().

- She can't jump by simply holding up on the controller like Akuma-- she'll just sway like the rest of the cast. Jumps are done by or

- A bunch of her command moves are throwbacks to her various NeoGeo moves. For example She has the SDM move from RB2 as a command throw. Fans can check out the moves list on TecmoKoei's official site to figure them all out.

- is punch, is kick, is feirce attack. So it's essencially the buttons in the Real Bout series. As seen in the video, her DM is the triple fan super from KOF97, followed by a Chou hissatsu Shinobibachi.

- She gets dirty but she doesn't cloth tear, very obviously.

- And no she doesn't look like Momiji in a cosplay, her face is different from the rest of the DOA cast.

- Only two colors available by default, 1P(normal) and 2P(blue). Surprisingly she already has some unlockable costumes available; I saw someone playing her with a Santa outfit. There's apparently other costumes as well.
[edit] News is already out! Oops.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 24 Aug 19:10]

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"Re(3):Re(10):Tokyo World Premiere streaming o" , posted Wed 24 Aug 17:19post reply

So how are the jumps in the game? I heard that with the latest patch, they're a lot faster now compared to the beta builds.

They feel strong with characters that have short, aggressive jumps (like Iori), but a good chunk of the cast has unnessearily floaty jumps and no command / special moves options out of it, sometimes they don't even have a cross up---- there is also that ultra terribad hit stun from air attacks.

It's related to jumps, and one of the most annoying things in this game is that close standing attacks need basically "stealing his wallet" range to come out.... so, many times you jump with a cross over, and then go for a close standing attack and gauge activation as you have been doing for like 12 years in a row, but here that will miss since the far standing punch will come out. There is also a good chunk of links that went away since you can't input a close standing move after hitting a jab (Chin's cls A -> cls C, for example).

Oh, and the "DM grab voids throw invulnerability" is obviously still there, it's very annoying if the grappler nets a hard knock down and has quick feet. I'm guessing that once people get absolutely used to it, some characters will be able to theoretically kill you by landing 5 times a DM throw without leaving room for you to input moves, like in '03.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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"Re(2):Re(10):Tokyo World Premiere streaming o" , posted Wed 24 Aug 17:53post reply

Am I the only one here who finds Mai looks unappealing in DOA? Especially the face, something seems to be lacking.

She look too serious maybe? Otherwise I think moveset really well transferred. Though personally I was waiting for her move from 97-98. Since I didn't played her in the Fatal Fury origins so I got the illusion that she was having basic 97-98 moveset.

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"Re(3):Re(10):Tokyo World Premiere streaming o" , posted Wed 24 Aug 18:03post reply


I tried out Mai in DOA5 during lunch today-- all the Multi-Ras cabinets in Sega West Shinjuku had her available. Here's a quick roundup:

- She's completely fine-tuned to the DOA5 engine. Unlike Tekken's Akuma who played with his own systems and 2D game engine, Mai feels like just another plain character in DOA5, albeit with the ability to cancel some moves with her specials. So if you were hoping to steamroll 3D fighting game players with 2D fighting techniques, it won't be happening.

- She has four specials: Kachousen(), Ryuuenbu(), Shinobibachi(), and Kagerou no Mai().

- She can't jump by simply holding up on the controller like Akuma-- she'll just sway like the rest of the cast. Jumps are done by or

- A bunch of her command moves are throwbacks to her various NeoGeo moves. For example She has the SDM move from RB2 as a command throw. Fans can check out the moves list on TecmoKoei's official site to figure them all out.

Thanks for the info!

You might want to adjust the link to the PDF though.

IIRC, in DoA5 P+K tends to work like hard punch and K+H(hold) tends to work like hard kick, so with the button shortcuts you can use in the home versions you can essentially treat the DoA cast as 4-button characters with an additional button for active defense (Hold) an another for throws (P+H) - so depending on the animations they use for that, Mai might actually look closer to her FF2, FF3 and KoF versions.

Also, of course Kasumi gets a Kasumi Todoh outfit - and if the outfit allows her so change hairdo, if gives us something KoF never did, a choice between classic hairdo and ponytail Kasumi, which is neat.

1762th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Tokyo World Premiere streaming o" , posted Wed 24 Aug 18:44post reply

I did not even get the Kasumi connection before you mentioned it... Pretty neat.

I like how they transferred the Real Bout commands into the DOA system. I'd rather trust them with a 3D Garō game than SNK at this point.

Même Narumi est épatée !
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"Re(4):Re(10):Tokyo World Premiere streaming o" , posted Wed 24 Aug 19:13:post reply

Toxico- Ah so the command throw supers are good. Dinosaur simply didn't set a good example so I'm eagerly waiting to see how effective they are with other grab characters.

Loona- thanks fixed!

So why Sylvie's pancakes...

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 24 Aug 19:17]

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"Re(5):Re(10):Tokyo World Premiere streaming o" , posted Wed 24 Aug 19:21post reply

Thanks for the interesting news item on the maid cafe and the menu detail. I wonder if the slap thing has some counterpart in the place's regular services - seems a bit odd, but the maid cafe thing never really appealed to me, so I have no idea how specific are the tastes it caters to nowadays...

The other day the Japanese Twitter account retweeted about that place's special Kof promotion, but also something else I couldn't quite figure out - regarless, nice to see all the collaborations at work - I hope there'll be more and more fruitful ones for months and years to come.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Re(10):Tokyo World Premiere streaming o" , posted Wed 24 Aug 20:34post reply

Am I the only one here who finds Mai looks unappealing in DOA? Especially the face, something seems to be lacking.

I see what you mean. DoA5LR's graphics are more advanced than KOF14, but I find Mai's face a bit plain. Moves are a whole different story in my opinion, Team Ninja did such a great job capturing the essence of her fighting style.

Thank you Professor for your Mai analysis, it makes me even more hyped to play her. I'll read the maid cafe article as soon as I can.

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"NeoGeo Gals Dynamic Theme" , posted Wed 24 Aug 21:19:post reply

Loona: Just a local tournament they hold at the same maid cafe. It's owned by a KOF player so they hold regular fighting game tournaments there after hours.

SNK just uploaded a KOFStation Vol.3 Gaiden on Youtube. It's got Ichiki playing against the Lv5 CPU.

On another note, the US PSN Store has a free KOFXIV Gals dynamic theme up for grabs as well as a Sharefactory theme. May as well get them!

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 24 Aug 21:45]

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"Re(1):NeoGeo Gals Dynamic Theme" , posted Thu 25 Aug 02:03post reply

A few quick thoughts:

1. The look of the characters is all over the place. Mian looks great, from the way she moves to her constant mask flipping. She looks even better when compared to the stumpy squat that Nakoruru is in. I get the feeling that Nakoruru's idle stance isn't something that works in 3D but if that's the case they should have given her a new stance.

Also, much like SF5, the animated pre-fight vignettes show the limitations of the 3D models. I thought Geese looked fine in the middle of a match but when he's talking smack to Ryo or whatever Mr. Howard looks like he has tennis balls for muscles and is wearing too much eyeliner. These character models are built to punch each other, not act.

2. The netcode is something else. Of the two online matches I fought (wow, what a sample size!) one was halfway decent. The second was running at maybe half speed. I was playing Andy and his quick attacks were now slow, gentle movements. It was like watching a manta ray in an aquarium.

3. You can turn off the vocals on the song that endlessly loops on the menu screen. Thank heavens for small favors.

4. How many other fighters have come and gone during the time that DoA5 continues to thrive? Congrats to Team Ninja.

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"Re(3):Re(10):Tokyo World Premiere streaming o" , posted Thu 25 Aug 17:14post reply


Toxico, Orphen-- So how are the jumps in the game? I heard that with the latest patch, they're a lot faster now compared to the beta builds.

I didn't actually played demo match that much. Liked what Toxico mentioned, it seems a tad faster though and there are a lot of floaty jumps! Maybe SNK did this intentionally for the new players?

On the other hand, the netcode's performance is unstable. Playing with the same person again varies from time. If you are lucky, it may be smooth (with some frames lag obviously) to an underwater fight where you wished you could end the game quickly.

One of the noticeable online experience is the region play. I'm not sure how they netcode it. I have tried experimenting a R1 with R3, and the game will hanged after a game or two. With the same region, it works finely. How about you guys? The number of players in the lobby does seem to affect the speed for me too.

Hoping there will patches down the roads to fix this issue and throw in an option to select random stages instead for online.


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"KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Thu 25 Aug 20:05:post reply

The KOFXIV World Championship has been announced and will start in 2017.

SNK is aware of the netcode problems and will be fixed.

[this message was edited by videoman190 on Thu 25 Aug 20:11]

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"Re(1):King Of Lagfest XIV" , posted Fri 26 Aug 03:34post reply


Should the get-together be postponed until the netcode patch is released? I'm worried our matches are going to be moving at the same speed as King of Dinosaurs.

Given that the netcode for KOF14 is reportedly good and it also allows users to set messages in the Esaka stage, I'm thinking of opening some sessions as we did with SFV.

First slated session will be August 27 (Sat) midnight 12:30 JST, which should be

5:30PM Paris
11:30AM EST
8:30AM PST

If anyone's interested drop a line, thanks.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Fri 26 Aug 06:00post reply

Ish, I was thinking the same. In my opinion, the options are waiting for the patch -fingers crossed...- or limiting ourselves to party mode, but that would require a six people group, no less, no more.

As for the worldwide tournament, fantastic. I wish SNK the best bringing this competition to life.

Random thoughts after 4 days of single player -I've only completed story mode with Japan, Official, South America, Yagami, China, K' and Ikari teams, and tried all the moves of 12 teams in the order you see in the member select screen so far:

-Story mode is great, and that comes from someone who was getting a bit skeptical. Those who would rather see cinematic story telling or a visual novel -no criticism intended, I like such forms of story mode in a fighting game- will obviously disagree with me, but I really like this old school approach, feels like a time travel of sorts. How appropriate, given what the last boss seems to be all about xD Endings are good ol' SNK style and make for a sizeable amount of story content, enriched by enjoyable pre-fight dialogues. Besides, some teams have their personal variation of the pre-Verse cutscene: the core scene gets a couple team specific intermissions. I saw it with Japan, Official and China teams so far. My only complaint is that such intermissions, the post-Verse CG scene and some endings assume that your team fights Verse and wins the tournament, but I understand it's part of the old school feel, and other than that, I'm really enjoying the way the plot of this new episode gets told to us players. A long, yet pleasant grind. Gallery stuff keeps unlocking match after match, I'll take a good look at it after I complete all the teams.

-From the perspective of an utterly unskilled player like me, each character's moveset feels really fun, at least for messing around in the lab. I keep thinking "I'll test this, this and this when I focus on this character" when trying their moves. The only characters left to try for me for this brief move testing session are the bottom row -I'm repeating demo characters all over again- and the bosses.

-I didn't do thorough testing back to back between the demo and the full game, but the latter feels faster to me in both walking speed and jumping speed. El Rosa said something like "beware, jumps are crazy fast now!" on Twitter after the day one patch.

-I've been spoilered the Joe/Ramon/Robert special artwork -_- It's hilarious though xD I'll probably unlock it first, after I complete all the team and boss stories.

A silly report needs to end in a silly way, so here you are. One of his shows

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Dines, Dives and Drive Ins

End of Spoiler

was aired a lot here and I enjoyed it a lot, so seeing this thing cracked me up.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(2):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Fri 26 Aug 07:33post reply

KoF14 may not be the best playing game in the series. Someone like Toxico can articulate the difficulties better than I but right now I'm mostly frustrated that there does not appear to be taunts in the game.

KoF14 may not be the best looking game in the series either. Through the years KoF has had some rough looking releases but it's frustrating that Terry's jacket is so full of stitching and unnecessary details that he looks like he's a walking screen tear. Considering the age of the guys in charge you think they would catch those potential problems in the design phase.

But with all that said KoF14 is fun to play. I'm enjoying it on the same level I enjoyed a lot of old SNK games; they're full of fun characters that I enjoy and enjoy playing. After SF5 felt scientifically designed to not be fun for a single player it's a true joy to play something like KoF14.

A silly report needs to end in a silly way, so here you are.

Was this made because Guy Fieri is the cameraman during the boss fights?

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"Re(3):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Fri 26 Aug 08:10post reply

KoF14 may not be the best playing game in the series. Someone like Toxico can articulate the difficulties better than I but right now I'm mostly frustrated that there does not appear to be taunts in the game.

KoF14 may not be the best looking game in the series either. Through the years KoF has had some rough looking releases but it's frustrating that Terry's jacket is so full of stitching and unnecessary details that he looks like he's a walking screen tear. Considering the age of the guys in charge you think they would catch those potential problems in the design phase.

Hum, I feel like some variety of degenerate/thought criminal because I've yet to buy KOF14, and I only played the demo for about 1/2 hour. In my defense I haven't gotten it since I need to pay for things like food and I've barely had time to leave the house, let alone play videogames.

I'm taking the long view here as far as KOF is concerned. My suspicion is that this is the KOFXII to KOF15's XIII. In other words, this was to get the major kinks ironed out.

I mean, I get it as far as the flaws in 14 are concerned: Nobody likes 3D as much as 2D sprites, but 2D is an incredibly costly proposition these days, at least for the amount of art needed for a game like KOF. 3D, on the other hand, is really hard to get looking nice, even with talented 3D modelers. I little bit wish that rather than trying so hard to get semi-realistic characters, they had instead gone for non-realistic styling (like cel shading or something like that), and not even to the degree of something like Xrd. It may have covered up some of the dirty laundry, so to speak.

As far as gameplay is concerned, I can only really speak to netcode, which (speaking from some recent experience) is incredibly hard to get right absent actual user activity, which you can never really duplicate until the game is out. You always think things will be fine, until thousands of users are hitting the servers, at which point you cross your fingers.

I'm just happy that SNK made a thing, and that they've gotten real, actual coverage on non-FGC sites, and that said coverage has been generally good.

Anyway! That's all I really have to contribute.

PS: I promise I'll get KOF as soon as I have some money/time.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
4965th Post

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"Re(4):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Fri 26 Aug 09:37post reply

Regarding the session, we'll postpone it until the netcode is fixed.

In the meanwhile, everyone have fun!

I've only played the game for about 3 hours so far but if the matches I had with Orphen last night is an indicator, the netcode in KOF14 feels like magic, which of course is surprising since it's the last thing I'd expect from SNK.. Usually when we have matches it's really laggy: KOF13 was just plain unplayable and Xrd Sign had is own share of input lag. Whatever the netcode in 14 is doing (I think it adjusts its overall game speed), it plays smooth as butter and no noticable input delays.

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New Customer

"Re(5):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Fri 26 Aug 11:49post reply

Regarding the session, we'll postpone it until the netcode is fixed.

In the meanwhile, everyone have fun!

I've only played the game for about 3 hours so far but if the matches I had with Orphen last night is an indicator, the netcode in KOF14 feels like magic, which of course is surprising since it's the last thing I'd expect from SNK.. Usually when we have matches it's really laggy: KOF13 was just plain unplayable and Xrd Sign had is own share of input lag. Whatever the netcode in 14 is doing (I think it adjusts its overall game speed), it plays smooth as butter and no noticable input delays.

Good games Prof, not to mention we lived countries apart! Awaiting for the netcode fix.

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"Re(2):King Of Lagfest XIV" , posted Fri 26 Aug 12:54post reply


Should the get-together be postponed until the netcode patch is released? I'm worried our matches are going to be moving at the same speed as King of Dinosaurs.

This isn' a one time thing, right? There is no harm in joining up and seeing how bad it can be. I promise to be there so just drop me a line; I'll be sure to kindly slow down everyone else's connection with my atrociously bad pin average.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
4966th Post

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"Re(3):King Of Lagfest XIV" , posted Fri 26 Aug 17:20post reply


Should the get-together be postponed until the netcode patch is released? I'm worried our matches are going to be moving at the same speed as King of Dinosaurs.

This isn' a one time thing, right? There is no harm in joining up and seeing how bad it can be. I promise to be there so just drop me a line; I'll be sure to kindly slow down everyone else's connection with my atrociously bad pin average.

Yeah more sessions will come up, just that if the netcode isn't patched, there's no reason to commit to schedule. I should be around as well so if anyone wants to try out the online at said date and time, feel free to join.

607th Post

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"Re(5):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Fri 26 Aug 23:29post reply

Regarding the session, we'll postpone it until the netcode is fixed.

In the meanwhile, everyone have fun!

I've only played the game for about 3 hours so far but if the matches I had with Orphen last night is an indicator, the netcode in KOF14 feels like magic, which of course is surprising since it's the last thing I'd expect from SNK.. Usually when we have matches it's really laggy: KOF13 was just plain unplayable and Xrd Sign had is own share of input lag. Whatever the netcode in 14 is doing (I think it adjusts its overall game speed), it plays smooth as butter and no noticable input delays.

Professor, how is the game doing in japan?

The game has picked up some steam in the country or the fanbase feels alienated without an arcade release?.

At least I have the feeling that SNK did a better job at promoting this game than previous entries from the playmore era

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Sat 27 Aug 00:20:post reply


Was this made because Guy Fieri is the cameraman during the boss fights?

I hope whoever made this thing took inspiration from that xD It's from a Tumblr account seemingly made with the sole purpose to post game covers with Guy's face plastered onto them.

Screens of edit team special artworks are surfacing at a nice pace, looks like there's a lot of them, just like I was hoping.

Adding a bit to my report, I must say I find Verse more impressive after fighting him myself and trying him in training mode. Most of all, his Climax is well done, on par with Shun'ei's in terms of flashiness -it's a shameless counterpart of that move after all. His armor is really nice, heavily inspired by tokusatsu main antagonists. I like his color 2 better than color 1.
Speaking of bosses, Antonov has an interesting gimmick: you can cancel his f+A command attack before its hit animation. I had a bit of silly fun canceling it with each of his specials.

But what's most important is that the netcode patch is already under review. I wouldn't have bet a cent on it honestly Let's hope it actually fixes the damage, and that Sony approves it swiftly. I need that freaking switch to fiber!! *pissed off to no end

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 27 Aug 05:22]

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Sat 27 Aug 07:09post reply

Regarding the session, we'll postpone it until the netcode is fixed.

In the meanwhile, everyone have fun!

I've only played the game for about 3 hours so far but if the matches I had with Orphen last night is an indicator, the netcode in KOF14 feels like magic, which of course is surprising since it's the last thing I'd expect from SNK.. Usually when we have matches it's really laggy: KOF13 was just plain unplayable and Xrd Sign had is own share of input lag. Whatever the netcode in 14 is doing (I think it adjusts its overall game speed), it plays smooth as butter and no noticable input delays.

Glad to hear. Even though I have no PS4 or TV right now, as a true fan I got the game day one nevertheless... I wanted to support the revival of the company. But I do play days with my friends so there is a possibility I might join and I'd love to join.

OK I have a new speculation about story... It's again a keen one but I got a hunch. Kukri is...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
...actually Saiki. After his descendant's betrayal he wasn't somehow erased from existence. They might go into this pocket void (see Futurama "Quick everyone get out of universe" joke) Since Saiki was master of time he couldn't be erased and he was simply imprisoned unlike Ash who has different powers and Ash wasn't erased because he was possesing Saiki's body. Like Orochi they were sealed. But Saiki's powers turned to dust in time Sands of Time). When he escaped and tried to manipulate time again he realized that his powers were turned into sands. This pissed him off but he finally understood his prodigy's love towards humans orrr he still needs Ash to plot something. So Kukri/Saiki and Elisabeth teamed up to bring Verse (Verse might be the pocket universe the unfortunate souls trapped in) so they can let Ash out. Near death (more like near being erased from existence)experience might made him soften up for humanity. He doesn't want "world domination/destroy all humans" schemes but still has anger and rudeness towards people. So being rude and having white hair plus sands of time related powers are only connections to support this idea. Plus we need to assume he has some kind of motivation to bring back Ash. This is just a pure speculation of course. Of course game play purposes if we need Saiki Ash can have mix of his move So Ash and Saiki can merge into one character for design wise

End of Spoiler


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Is it me or did one of the souls got into Antonov? Is it Rugal? Or someone entirely new? So we have good and evil in Antonov. Also I hope Krizalid comes back as a non-boss character and the '99 clone please with both version changeable somehow ala Orochi Leona or Chris style.

End of Spoiler

This game desperately needs alternate outfits. Especially the ones in endings. Plus Choi's and Chang's outfits in XIII endings. And how adorable it would be if Antonov fights with the bandages.

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"Re(6):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Sat 27 Aug 10:31post reply

Allegedly a day-0 tier list from Xiaohai.

King of Dinosaurs in the top tier group alongside Mai, Geese right in the middle of the pack, Nakoruru and Athena (?!?!?!) at the top.

If I got this game, the team I'd want to make is probably from the set of KoD/Geese/not-Ruby-Heart/Mian/Alice/Gang-Il.

And geez does Mature's face look terrible as her portrait gets compressed.

4967th Post

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"Re(7):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Sat 27 Aug 14:39post reply

Allegedly a day-0 tier list from Xiaohai.

That's from Umezono, 3rdStrike Tougeki 2007 finalist and director of the Yatagarasu fighting game series.

He only cared about the top tiers so everything below the halfway mark isn't really thought out, lol.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Sat 27 Aug 15:57post reply

Allegedly a day-0 tier list from Xiaohai.

That's from Umezono, 3rdStrike Tougeki 2007 finalist and director of the Yatagarasu fighting game series.

He only cared about the top tiers so everything below the halfway mark isn't really thought out, lol.

A ha, still, it's an opinion of somebody worth considering. Somebody with a twitter account should probably correct that!

What makes KoD and Athena so strong in this game at this early stage?

4968th Post

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"Re(9):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Sat 27 Aug 18:23post reply

Allegedly a day-0 tier list from Xiaohai.

A ha, still, it's an opinion of somebody worth considering. Somebody with a twitter account should probably correct that!

What makes KoD and Athena so strong in this game at this early stage?

Athena hasn't lost any of her tools from kof13 and her fireball is hard to jump. KoD has a strong ground game and his combos are damaging. However his rank seems to be different between east Japan and west Japan (west Japan sees him as strong and Umezono is from the region).

Btw is there a list of special ending teamups for this game yet? Zarina, Nakoruru and KoD is one of them for example (reptiles team)

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"Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Sun 28 Aug 01:10post reply

Btw is there a list of special ending teamups for this game yet? Zarina, Nakoruru and KoD is one of them for example (reptiles team)

Wouldn't that be a bird team, not reptile? (Zarina and Nakoruru both having birds, and KoD actually being Tizoc.)

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Sun 28 Aug 02:39:post reply

Kofoguz: in my opinion, it's either as you say or

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Shion. He has more or less the same eye shape as Kukri, the same body build and had two little braids in KOFXI, and he could have lost his spear tossing it through Magaki.

End of Spoiler

Prof: I think I got 9 out of 10...

Lucky Seven = Alice/Love/Mui
Ninjas = Andy/Bandeiras/Mai
NESTS Girls = Angel/Kula/Sylvie
Beautiful Long Hair = Athena/Kula/Nako
Masks = Dino/Kukri/Mian
Birds = Dino/Nako/Zarina
Masters = Chin/Gang-Il/Tung
Tigers = Joe/Ramon/Robert
Dragons = Kensou/Mui/Ryo

If I read well somewhere, there's a Tung's Disciples team, guess it's 3 among Shun, Meiten, Terry and Geese.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sun 28 Aug 02:57]

4970th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Sun 28 Aug 17:01:post reply

Prof: I think I got 9 out of 10...

Lucky Seven = Alice/Love/Mui
Ninjas = Andy/Bandeiras/Mai
NESTS Girls = Angel/Kula/Sylvie

If I read well somewhere, there's a Tung's Disciples team, guess it's 3 among Shun, Meiten, Terry and Geese.

Turns out it's Shun, Geese and Terry. Thanks for the list!

Also btw I can't add you into friends list for game invites, you have it disabled on your account I think.

[edit] Day 2 Tier chart from Umezono.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 28 Aug 18:31]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Sun 28 Aug 19:44:post reply

Yes, I got the team right after a few tries. You're welcome ^^

Sorry for the friend request inconvenience, I added you myself because I remember your PSN ID from when you invited me to that SFV lagfest.

EDIT: Masks Team may be wrong, I saw an artwork on Twitter for a Hein/Kukri/Luong team (Mysterious Newcomers).

EDIT 2: Is this some weird ass KOF2001 hack? Or just sprite art? The tweet is old, but I had never seen this picture before today...

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 29 Aug 02:18]

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Mon 29 Aug 09:02post reply

Kofoguz: in my opinion, it's either as you say or

More plausible theory I admit.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
...since it has the consequence of losing Shion if he turns out to be Kukri. But with Saiki he can be integrated into Ash. They share moves and they shared bodies, too

End of Spoiler

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"Re(4):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Mon 29 Aug 17:35post reply

Kofoguz: in my opinion, it's either as you say or

More plausible theory I admit.

I'm still pretty unsure about Kukri, but one thepry that comes to mind is

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
he's sort of a merge remnant of the result of Saiki assimilating Mukai near the end of XIII - the sand powers could be a weakened version of Mukai's stone-based abilities (not to mention his skin being unnaturally dark would help explain why Kukri's base is never clearly visible - on the other hand, there's that blurred portait from the artbook that's been floating around Twitter...), while the tendency to treat everyone like shit seems to fit Saiki, while working with some lingering bitterness Mukai may have of how things have worked out for him, yet the willingness to work with Elisabeth may play to Mukai's more benevolent traits.

At the same time, I wonder if Xanadu will play a relevant role in things to come, as despite his presentation, most things he says actually make some sense in the game story's context - he seems quite likely to be ignored on account of how he presents himself, but I could see him willingly aligning himself with whatever force turns out to be behind this story arc.

I also wonder if the mysterious strangers team or Hein, Kukri and Luong are actually working together in some capacity, each getting close to someone with interesting ties in the wider KoF setting: Hein with Geese, to whom practically all South Town characters are bound in some way, Luong with Kim, whose legacy is all over the SNK universe (South Town games, his counterparts in Kizuna Encouter, Samurai Shodown Sen and Buriki One, not to mention his stae cameo in SS2), and Kukri more directly involved with KoF itself through Antonov and Elisabeth.

I'm yet to finish the game with all the teams, but the ones with distinct pre-boss sequences are Nako's (mentions the disturbed timeline thing), Kukri's (reveals he was actually planning/waiting for the Verse incident), Shun'ei's (power affinities with Verse) and Kyo's (who as traditional protagonist, simply enables the previously mentioned teams to appear in his team's story mode to encourage players to play through with them).

I've got a light suspicion that the boss for XV might be a "blue Verse" to match Shun'ei's other giant hand, the one with the long nails - that may be related to the issue of symmetry brought up in his ending and apparently some Xanady dialog, but we'll have to wait and see...

End of Spoiler

Micky Kusanagi
393th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Mon 29 Aug 19:19post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Ah, I was thinking about Mukai before replying to kofoguz, but I somehow forgot to include him in my personal speculations. In addition to Loona's observations, Mukai seems to have yellow eyes, and his height is the closest to Kukri's...visual estimation xD While his physique is undoubtedly closest to Saiki (and Ash) or Shion.

End of Spoiler

Professor: I've changed my PSN friend request and search settings, just in case.

Ore no...kachi da!!
1943th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Mon 29 Aug 21:40post reply

Kofoguz: in my opinion, it's either as you say or

More plausible theory I admit.

I'm still pretty unsure about Kukri, but one thepry that comes to mind is

I get the same feeling as you as far as the characters and story are concerned. I really like how the plot is being spread across several teams as opposed to just a couple like how previous KOF's have done.

It is a shame SNK cut off the ability to record during story and while browsing the gallery. I would have loved to have made a GIF of the Team Mexico ending. You know the part.

It is fairly weird that companies still utilize that feature since a lot of people now have cheap and easy to use streaming equipment themselves.

Speaking of weird features. I noticed that the game doesn't pause when you hit the home button while in story mode. I had to answer the phone really quick when a match started and when I came back the match was already on the second round with my character at half health. This is the first game I have seen where that happens. I didn't have any online matchmaking on so I don't see why this was the case.

Speaking of online, I hope to play with you all when the netcode patch gets through. I need to find some cheap stuff ASAP because I get real tense about getting those win stream trophies. 10 wins in a row is just TOO MUCH for a game where people can lag switch, rag quit, lag in general or whatever the case may be.

Overall, I am having a blast with the game. I was surprised to see I have 18 hours in the game already and I have just done story with all the official teams and almost all the trials.

I must admit it is hard to switch over from SFV since jump in attacks are more lenient with combo capabilities while you really have to hit them low to ensure you get a combo going in KOF.

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"Re(6):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Tue 30 Aug 02:00post reply

Week-old Q/A from Ryan Hart with Oda and others on KOF14

KoD's climax being just the first names of the designer's favourite dinosaurs with a roar stuck on at the end is pretty good.

Micky Kusanagi
394th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Tue 30 Aug 03:31post reply

No wonder that there's thought about a possible new World Heroes (was Ogura the one telling he'd like to make one?), these guys are silly enough for the job :D And World Heroes is one of the very few NeoGeo games I've ever had the joy to play in an arcade*, so that series holds sentimental value to me.

*the others are Samurai Spirits 1 -with glorious stripe artifacts on the screen!!- and Ryuuko No Ken 1.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Tue 30 Aug 04:26post reply

Since I have yet to weigh in, I'll drop some random thoughts:

I haven't played online yet. Part of that is because I am taking an inordinate amount of time to get acclimated to the timing and movements in KoF again, and part of that is because I'm waiting for the patch. I don't think the patch is going to change that much though. I hope people aren't expecting the world from it.

So instead of that I've just been going to town on story, trials and offline vs, which have enough content to keep me busy. Favorite dialogues: Billy vs. Joe (right to the point), Zarina vs. Nakoruru (fly away Coco!), Dinosaur vs. Terry (KORAAAAA~)! I kind of wish there were more dialogues than just around 3 per character, but then I guess I've been spoiled by XIII and SvC Chaos having dialogues for everyone when they don't have anywhere near 50 characters.

I feel bad because the interesting characters I wanted to main like Nelson and Mian I had to put aside in favor of characters with actual range and less complication, like Heart and Meitenkun. When I get used to the game I might switch back, but like a lot of KoFs the execution is extremely tight. In the end tight execution suits me just fine though, after a game like SFV where trying to walk back and anti-air button can lead to me doing qcb+button on accident even if I delay the button press as long as possible. Huge input buffers are just evil.

I do wish the game would take it easy on people like me who can't bemani three different rapid button combinations within 10 frames to pull off advanced cancels. Dinosaur's one advanced cancel trial is clearly a 1-frame link since if you're too early it misses and if you're too late it doesn't combo and ugh finger cramps.

However at least the trials in general aren't as spirit-crushing as XIII's. I noped out of so many of those just because there was no way I could possibly remember any of them while I was trying to do them. But XIV's are easy, almost TOO easy in some cases. And then you get that one gatekeeper trial that takes you almost an hour to figure out. (Or in Angel's case, you have to learn the entire character before you can even start her trials)

10 wins in a row is just TOO MUCH for a game where people can lag switch, rag quit, lag in general or whatever the case may be.

The 10 winstreak trophy can be unlocked in Vs mode offline. I accidentally got it while looking for special BGMs.

Speaking of trophies though, apparently the "complete story with all teams" trophy is bugged. Several people including Toxico and me are finding that it doesn't unlock when it should.

Micky Kusanagi
395th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Tue 30 Aug 05:16post reply

Unlocking the 10 win streak trophy through offline VS

Are you sure Gojira? I've just checked the trophy list and there are 2 separate trophies: "Arch-rivals by Blood" for winning 10 versus matches and " one can stop me" for winning 10 consecutive ranked matches.

It's funny that Geki commented the 10 consecutive ranked wins thing more or less like I had commented a similar trophy from SFV...guess I'm not the only one who doesn't appreciate such trophies.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(8):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Tue 30 Aug 07:26post reply

Unlocking the 10 win streak trophy through offline VS
Are you sure Gojira? I've just checked the trophy list and there are 2 separate trophies: "Arch-rivals by Blood" for winning 10 versus matches and " one can stop me" for winning 10 consecutive ranked matches.

So it is, the one I was thinking of was actually the "straight to the finish" one which now that I look isn't about a winstreak, but the way it's worded makes it sound like it is.

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"Re(7):Re(10):KOFXIV World Championship" , posted Tue 30 Aug 09:08post reply

I haven't played online yet. Part of that is because I am taking an inordinate amount of time to get acclimated to the timing and movements in KoF again, and part of that is because I'm waiting for the patch. I don't think the patch is going to change that much though. I hope people aren't expecting the world from it.

What's weird is that I played in a room hosted by the Professor and had a fine connection but when I've tried to play people closer to me it's been like wading through hip deep water. KoF somehow defies the laws of physics and gets better the further away the connection is. I wonder if anyone is playing on the International Space Station since we could get in some lightning fast matches.

1667th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"The strongest character in SNK is Mamahaha" , posted Tue 30 Aug 12:03:post reply

Apparently Mamahaha is invincible in KOFXIV.

As a projectile she comes out even when Nakororu is hit. Unlike a fireball, you can't actually interrupt the move once it's started, so she's good for stopping combos in their tracks. Also apparently she can negate other projectiles, not just stop them, but go through them, even supers and she is not reflectable.

She may be the strongest character in SNK's pantheon!

I don't actually understand this game's mechanics well enough to know if this is broken or not, but I am greatly amused that there's basically an entire Twitter account dedicated to how overpowered she is.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Tue 30 Aug 12:10]

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"Re(1):The strongest character in SNK is Mamah" , posted Tue 30 Aug 14:21post reply

She may be the strongest character in SNK's pantheon!

I don't actually understand this game's mechanics well enough to know if this is broken or not

She is quite way out there, but there are a couple of other characters that are for about that bad. Not only the bird overpowers eveything and comes out even if you are hit, this game has the problem that hit and hurt boxes are all over the place, and this benefits tremendously characters that have long range weapons.

There is also the fact that she has never been "this good" in Samurai Shodown (not counting SSIV where she could infinite from everything). Not only she is much faster than in her series, additionally, unlike SS; the stronger slashes don't leave you open to something when blocked. So she just basically can do for about everything she wants without any risk nor losing any offensive edge.

She is quite literally the Pet Shop of the game.

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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"Re(1):The strongest character in SNK is Mamah" , posted Tue 30 Aug 17:44post reply

Apparently Mamahaha is invincible in KOFXIV.

As a projectile she comes out even when Nakororu is hit. Unlike a fireball, you can't actually interrupt the move once it's started, so she's good for stopping combos in their tracks. Also apparently she can negate other projectiles, not just stop them, but go through them, even supers and she is not reflectable.

She may be the strongest character in SNK's pantheon!

I don't actually understand this game's mechanics well enough to know if this is broken or not, but I am greatly amused that there's basically an entire Twitter account dedicated to how overpowered she is.

Looks like instead of recruiting Mui Mui and Love Heart, Nakoruru should have just got Mahamaha some breeding partners and use her unspoken spacetime travel techniques to wait until Mahamaha's extended family becomes an invencible army to curbstomp the final boss with.

Finished Geese's team story yesterday

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
and apparently the new KoF story with the revival of the dead is related to the Jin scrolls from Fatal Fury - unless the translation or my interpretation is twisted, he mentions the scrolls actually mention Verse. That's one way to try and give closure to that plot point... and/or maybe to Garou's, since it's viable to have Rock in KoF, and current circumstances would allow Rock's mother to be brought back, making Kain's claims true despite past events...

End of Spoiler

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):The strongest character in SNK is Mamah" , posted Tue 30 Aug 17:50post reply

MY COPY CAME WITH THE ARTBOOK!! Sorry for the all caps but I'm insanely happy. And there's the CLASSIC KYO sticker on the outer film of the game box. I'll show you pics soon. Could it be because they were changed from pre-order bonuses to first press ones? Remember that Nippon-Yasan had told me they didn't have access to the bonuses when I asked them. I wasn't even charged any custom fees -UPS Worldwide Express Saver as shipping option-, may it be because my package had two customs stops -one in Japan and one in Italy- instead of just one in Italy (which is what happens with Play-Asia and FedEx, don't remember the name of the shipping option but it's 3-5 business days)?

I did the right thing buying an additional HK digital copy though, I just couldn't wait for the fucking antics of the Italian branches of shipping companies...when a package gets to Italy, it suddenly becomes slooooow.

An all-Nako team in Party Battle is a must when have our first KOF14 lagfest xD

Ore no...kachi da!!
1669th Post

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"Kamehamemamahaha" , posted Tue 30 Aug 20:57:post reply

MY COPY CAME WITH THE ARTBOOK!! Sorry for the all caps but I'm insanely happy. And there's the CLASSIC KYO sticker on the outer film of the game box. I'll show you pics soon.

Oh boy! Can't wait to see those pics! I hope there's some good concept stuff in there!

While everyone still has Nokoruru on their mind, here is the Twitter account of a real life Falconer who is also the world's best Nokoruru cosplayer (complete with her own real life Mamahaha)

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Tue 30 Aug 20:59]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):Kamehamemamahaha" , posted Wed 31 Aug 00:10post reply

I only meant the mandatory celebration pic where I'm holding the game and the artbook in my hand ^^; But since you're interested, tell me what are the characters you'd like to see the most, I'll take pics of them for you as soon as I can ^^

That Nakoruru cosplayer is fantastic, I feel how happy she is about her feat through her pictures.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(2):Kamehamemamahaha" , posted Wed 31 Aug 20:54post reply

My physical copy arrived yesterday, although it's been preodered for ages and the European release date was last week. The PS4 detected the game and deleted the digital version of the game while keeping the save data. But apparently my physical disc has an error and won't load the game at all, and now loading the digital version isn't an option any more, since the PS4 always asks for the disk even if I try to open that from the PSN Stone library...

And to think I wouldn't order the American special edition for the art book because I didn't want 2 physical copies after already buying both physical and digital in my region... now I can't play at all despite paying for it twice until I get the game replaced... FML...

At least I still have SRW Moon Dwellers, I guess...

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"Media Create Sales" , posted Wed 31 Aug 22:45post reply

KOF sold approximately 21k copies on his first week in japan, this is slighlty below the 24k that XIII did, while not having an arcade revenue.

In the other hand, I don't know if this game was cheaper to produce than XIII considering that part of the development budget must be considered with XII too

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"Re(3):Kamehamemamahaha" , posted Wed 31 Aug 23:17post reply

My physical copy arrived yesterday, although it's been preodered for ages and the European release date was last week. The PS4 detected the game and deleted the digital version of the game while keeping the save data. But apparently my physical disc has an error and won't load the game at all, and now loading the digital version isn't an option any more, since the PS4 always asks for the disk even if I try to open that from the PSN Stone library...

And to think I wouldn't order the American special edition for the art book because I didn't want 2 physical copies after already buying both physical and digital in my region... now I can't play at all despite paying for it twice until I get the game replaced... FML...

At least I still have SRW Moon Dwellers, I guess...

That's rough. I don't have any advice to offer but I have noticed that I've received errors with KoF14 when I put the disc in the PS4 if I'm too quick to push a button. There seems to be some issues with the initial loading of the game.

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"Last Blade released on Steam" , posted Wed 31 Aug 23:24post reply

SNK keep going with his neo geo releases on steam and now is the turn of Last Blade 1, for $9.99 and online multiplayer

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"Re(1):Media Create Sales" , posted Fri 2 Sep 01:09post reply

KOF sold approximately 21k copies on his first week in japan, this is slighlty below the 24k that XIII did, while not having an arcade revenue.

In the other hand, I don't know if this game was cheaper to produce than XIII considering that part of the development budget must be considered with XII too

What were SNK's expectations for KoF14? From what I've read it seems they considered this game to be a stepping stone for where they want to go in the future so to have it do nearly as well as KoF13 must be pretty good. Heck, the fact that it overcame that horrible debut should be a cause for celebration.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Fri 2 Sep 03:42:post reply

Nobi: I'll take and post some pics of the artbook tomorrow morning (CEST time). I chose to post those characters who have 4 pages instead of 2 -Maxima, Xanadu, Bandeiras and Verse IIRC-, unless you chime in and tell me you'd rather see other faces.

Sales stuff: given how few PS4 are around in Japan -I honestly didn't know it-, I'm really happy. Waiting for the U.S. figures, I think SNK is relying on them for the bulk of sales.

Verse trailer is up, but I still haven't had the time to watch it. link

Last but not least, update 1.02 is live. I got an update warning as soon as I turned my PS4 back on from sleep (put it to sleep in a rush, without closing the game :D). Fingers crossed...

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 2 Sep 03:58]

1768th Post

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"Re(3):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Fri 2 Sep 13:10post reply

You can see sales comparisons here. I think 20,000 first week is what SNK should have expected when they greenlighted this project and overall an encouraging result. They probably dreamed about reaching the "heights" of Millennium Impact but it was not gonna happen in the current environment (current PS4 problems + SF5 situation) and without something like the casual hype Falcoon generated at the time, on a more popular console. I think that played a more important role than the existence or absence of an arcade version. It doesn't seem that KOF98UMOL is lighting Japanese app charts on fire, which is more worrying for health of the series in Japan.

I don't expect much (i.e. virtually zero sales) from the West but the game should perform well in Asia, which is a growing region for Sony, especially since PS4 launched.

I feel like a bad person for not buying the game yet...

Même Narumi est épatée !
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Fri 2 Sep 19:09:post reply

I don't know what this picture specifically is about (a single store? A chain?), but it's from South Korea (article, so I'd say KOFXIV is selling well there, which is kinda surprising to me because Shinobee had said on Twitter that the game was being ridiculed as "SHIT XIV" in that area.

I made a disaster with the artbook sample pics: I hadn't rotated them before uploading them to Photobucket -_- And PB's batch rotate command doesn't freaking work at all!! I didn't upload them here because there's a 500KB limit per picture, and these shots are either grainy or blurry because the weather wasn't very cooperative and had fun covering up the sun a bit multiple times. So, I'm about to rotate the last pic. Edit in a couple minutes.

EDIT: artbook the mandatory celebration pic :P [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached] [Image Attached]

EDIT 2: tons of good reports on the netcode. I wasn't expect anything and kept a "finger crossed" stance until multiple positive opinions showed up. When's my damn switch to fiber? Houses 600m away from me have been running on fiber for some weeks, go figure...

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 2 Sep 20:21]

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"Re(5):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Fri 2 Sep 21:46post reply

Thanks for the pictures! Usually the extras included with special editions of games aren't all that "special" so I passed on the KoF artbook edition. My mistake, since that looks pretty nice.

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"DOA5LR x KOF" , posted Fri 2 Sep 22:44post reply

so it looks like kof costumes are destructible ...

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(6):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Sat 3 Sep 01:16post reply

You're welcome Ish, it was stressful but I'm happy for contributing something to the Cafe ^^

I wonder if only the Kasumi and Yuri costumes are destructible -with the excuse of a Ryuuko No Ken reference xD- or the Hinako one will get this treatment too...

Loona I hope you work out your loading issues soon...such disturbing interferences between two copies of the same game.

Ore no...kachi da!!
4971th Post

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"Re(7):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Sat 3 Sep 01:37:post reply

Loona: Wow that's an odd spec for PS4. I wonder if it can be solved by deleting the installation via user settings menu.

Micky: Thanks for the photos, btw you have nice fingers. (And no that's just a compliment, I'm not a kira yoshikage)

If anyone is up for some games tomorrow/Saturday I'll be around for some games at midnight 12:30 JST, which should be

5:30PM Paris
11:30AM EST
8:30AM PST

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 3 Sep 01:41]

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"Re(8):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Sat 3 Sep 03:01post reply

(And no that's just a compliment, I'm not a kira yoshikage)

Professor why is there no "レロレロ" emote icon

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(8):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Sat 3 Sep 05:25post reply

*runs from the Cafe forever after Professor's compliment

Just kidding, thank you :D Great Jojo reference like always. I actually tried to show my hand as little as possible because I didn't want it to cover the artworks. I'm glad you too appreciated my samples.

As for the lagfest, I'm in ^^

Several details from this book impressed me, including Xanadu's heavy metal inspired designs, Nelson's skinny and fat variations, the idea of a giant Verse...but what I really find jaw dropping is seeing the King Of The Monsters movie April's fools on paper. Fantastic.

Ore no...kachi da!!
Just a Person
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"Re(7):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Sat 3 Sep 05:27post reply

I wonder if only the Kasumi and Yuri costumes are destructible -with the excuse of a Ryuuko No Ken reference xD- or the Hinako one will get this treatment too...

I wonder why they chose Hinako's costume over King's (which could also be destructible with the "reference" excuse) or Shermie's (which would definitely fit into the wardrobes of most of the DOA girls).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(8):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Sat 3 Sep 15:54post reply

Good question. I think it's for the school uniform fanservice factor and because these costumes are marketed as KOF2000 costumes IIRC, and Hinako debuted in KOF2000, so Hinako's outfit kinda justifies this label. Now you make feel like seeing Christie cosplaying King, that style would look good on her :D Besides, it may be a tie-in with a KOF2000 JP release on PS4, since almost all the NeoGeo games -both Station PS2 Classics- were removed from the PS Store, but that's just me having fun with weird-ass theories.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(9):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Sat 3 Sep 19:03post reply

Thanks for the pictures Micky. I wanted to get artbook, too. However I didn't want to wait two weeks to get the better editions so I grab the game first day from local gamestop. T_T
I hope they seriously consider adding some costumes from the unused designs and endings. That Nelson with messy shirt and tie would be swell. I love Luong's default design which really works in KoF, like how Yashiro works in KoF but her ending outfit is too good to ignore.

Tried online but I wasn't good at all. I am average and pressure type of player and I have specific requirements. For joypads I have to us3 dpads for general movements and precise jumping and hoppings if I want to perform a special moves or supers I have to use gloves or jump to the analog stick. Fir arcade sticks I cannot control the stick with my left hand except for some qcf motions. So I have to cross my hands which both interrupts each other. So I need a arcade stick where the stick stands on the right side and the buttons lay on the left side.

Also I had to downsize recently and moved to a new place that means no PS4 for me near future. T_T

Though I played some Online last two days and it was fine. Other than me struggling with the controllers. But glad to see Netcode is really good.

Alice and Mian is growing on me more and more and I loved being able to hear characters more. I love how Chang sounds and Kukri'articulation and how fast and sexy he speaks.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch is live" , posted Sat 3 Sep 20:22:post reply

No problem Kofoguz, I agree it would be nice to see some of the preliminary design released as DLC costumes.

Provided that I bet Orochinagi's Gunsmith has some lightning fast fiber internet, he says KOF14's netcode is just THAT good. I'm in awe. A dream come true for a longtime SNK fan like me. Playing online and streaming is a no-no of course xD

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 3 Sep 20:42]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Sun 4 Sep 02:13:post reply

Sorry, the game froze on me O_O And I would have left the room a couple minutes after that match anyway. Cross continent with an Adsl connection is an ordeal -not to mention I can't play to save my life-, but I still had lots of fun. Thank you!!

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sun 4 Sep 02:18]

4973th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Sun 4 Sep 03:17:post reply

Orphen, Micky, Loona-- It was interesting matches! Good games.

So a few things about the netcode--

Overall it's a lot better than KOF13. unless the connection is really horrendous the game moves smoothly and with minimum lag. Of course playing with people in Europe has some input delays which makes some things hard including combos, but that's obviously expected. It's still a lot lot better than SFV, surprisingly.

The lag though of course vastly differs between players. For instance with Gunsmith in France, the matches were smooth and had about only the same input lag as a local Tokyo-to-Tokyo match back with KOF13. And I've played him in both KOF13 and Xrd to know that our lag is typically really horrendous. KOF14's netcode does a pretty damn good job.

With Orphen, our KOF13 matches used to be utterly unplayable. With KOF14 it's smooth as butter. It wouldn't be surprising if we had some input lag given our distance, but it's nothing that's offsetted combo timings.

When the lag is bad things can get ugly of course, like the screen would start to move slow and turn into a slideshow and canceling will become really hard-- I initially thought that the lag ate inputs, but that wasn't the case. It just becomes hard to match the cancel timings.

One gripe, when there's desynching and the match ends, one of the players will get a frozen screen, Hopefully this will be fixed and make both sides return to the lobby in future patches.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 4 Sep 03:21]

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"Re(4):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Sun 4 Sep 15:23post reply

Orphen, Micky, Loona-- It was interesting matches! Good games.

So a few things about the netcode--

Overall it's a lot better than KOF13. unless the connection is really horrendous the game moves smoothly and with minimum lag. Of course playing with people in Europe has some input delays which makes some things hard including combos, but that's obviously expected. It's still a lot lot better than SFV, surprisingly.

The lag though of course vastly differs between players. For instance with Gunsmith in France, the matches were smooth and had about only the same input lag as a local Tokyo-to-Tokyo match back with KOF13. And I've played him in both KOF13 and Xrd to know that our lag is typically really horrendous. KOF14's netcode does a pretty damn good job.

With Orphen, our KOF13 matches used to be utterly unplayable. With KOF14 it's smooth as butter. It wouldn't be surprising if we had some input lag given our distance, but it's nothing that's offsetted combo timings.

When the lag is bad things can get ugly of course, like the screen would start to move slow and turn into a slideshow and canceling will become really hard-- I initially thought that the lag ate inputs, but that wasn't the case. It just becomes hard to match the cancel timings.

One gripe, when there's desynching and the match ends, one of the players will get a frozen screen, Hopefully this will be fixed and make both sides return to the lobby in future patches.

Good games guys!

Btw does anyone knows how to unlock Artwork 008 for gallery? I did it with Mask team, but didn't unlock anything.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Sun 4 Sep 18:24post reply

OK, I'm in for a slightly more detailed report on yesterday's gathering.

Playing vs. Professor was a pain just as I expected, slow motion a go-go. I don't know if he gave me some advantage xD or our connections got slightly better, but I managed to nail some hops and some cancels vs. him in our later matches. His King is as devastating as the steamroller Dio Brando throws on Jotaro, except Prof actually wins matches. During what was gonna be my last match in the room, the game froze on me, as Professor said: black screen and "online lights" moving continuously. I really hope SNK fixes this as soon as they can.

VS. Loona, on the other hand, matches were so smooth they were close to an offline experience. That means I should have a blast playing other European players with my current 25ms connection. I really like his Mai.

I didn't have a chance to play vs. Orphen -I bet it would get almost as slowmo as with Prof xD-, but I enjoyed watching his Terry in the first match I saw after joining the room.

It was a fun session ^^

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Sun 4 Sep 18:45post reply

OK, I'm in for a slightly more detailed report on yesterday's gathering.

Playing vs. Professor was a pain just as I expected, slow motion a go-go. I don't know if he gave me some advantage xD or our connections got slightly better, but I managed to nail some hops and some cancels vs. him in our later matches. His King is as devastating as the steamroller Dio Brando throws on Jotaro, except Prof actually wins matches. During what was gonna be my last match in the room, the game froze on me, as Professor said: black screen and "online lights" moving continuously. I really hope SNK fixes this as soon as they can.

VS. Loona, on the other hand, matches were so smooth they were close to an offline experience. That means I should have a blast playing other European players with my current 25ms connection. I really like his Mai.

I didn't have a chance to play vs. Orphen -I bet it would get almost as slowmo as with Prof xD-, but I enjoyed watching his Terry in the first match I saw after joining the room.

It was a fun session ^^

Thanks Micky! By the way are you from Hong Kong? If yes, the online should be ok. I played with quite a few HK players and the speed was decent.

Micky Kusanagi
408th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Sun 4 Sep 22:13:post reply

No Orphen, I live in Italy. I just bought the HK digital version of the game because it was the earliest to unlock while waiting for my physical JP copy xD (it was August 22rd 6.00 PM in Italy when it unlocked).

Kuroki shared KOF14 U.S. preorder figures from VGChartz,. All in all, it's the best it could do IMO.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sun 4 Sep 22:40]


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"Re(8):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Mon 5 Sep 02:52post reply

No Orphen, I live in Italy. I just bought the HK digital version of the game because it was the earliest to unlock while waiting for my physical JP copy xD (it was August 22rd 6.00 PM in Italy when it unlocked).

Kuroki shared KOF14 U.S. preorder figures from VGChartz,. All in all, it's the best it could do IMO.

I wonder if that includes mexico,central and south america. It would have been a higher number. But if that's only for USA it's not bad. I think the number will go higher now that the patch is out and everyone feel comfortable with online play.

Long Live I AM!
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(9):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Mon 5 Sep 05:16post reply

The VGChartz page says "The most pre-ordered games in the USA ranked by unit sales", so it's United States only. I'm looking forward for further U.S. sales info and for news about the countries you mentioned.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(4):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Mon 5 Sep 19:06post reply

Good times were had on Saturday, and it was also my first real major experience with the game's netcode, since whenever I search for stuff like Party mode rooms they all seem to be based on Japan and the US (and this is probably why European special preorder editions didn't get nice bonuses like artbooks - there are some pretty devoted fans, but the critical mass seems to be lacking, or they just connect to other continents to play).
Still, while the connections to Asia weren't always super fluid they were still quite manageable and my execution failures were no greater than they already are offline. The matches with Micky played out pretty well, so within the same continent things seem to go well - I may need to get in the habit of creating my own room for online play once I'm done with all offline unlockables.
I really need to settle on a handful of characters instead of switching all the time for the sake of experimentation to try and make the most of each match.

Since I mentioned unlockables above, in the Sound section the track above Verse's stage still appears empty for me for some reason, although I've finished the game with every established team, bosses and NESTS girls. Given the order of placements, it would make sense for that to be Antonov's track, but that actually appears after Verse's, oddly...

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Mon 5 Sep 20:10post reply

Ah, I'd like to give a warning to those who use out-of-region PSN accounts: region assignment looks forced based on your account's country, so for example I'm listed as Japanese in my online profile. Is there an option for changing your region in KOF14? If there's one, I couldn't find it.

Ore no...kachi da!!
4973th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Mon 5 Sep 23:46post reply

Since I mentioned unlockables above, in the Sound section the track above Verse's stage still appears empty for me for some reason, although I've finished the game with every established team, bosses and NESTS girls. Given the order of placements, it would make sense for that to be Antonov's track, but that actually appears after Verse's, oddly...

That'll be "I'm the King Of Fighters Type-1", which should be the tune that plays when you're doing versus on Antonov's stage without him in the teams.

Ah, I'd like to give a warning to those who use out-of-region PSN accounts: region assignment looks forced based on your account's country, so for example I'm listed as Japanese in my online profile. Is there an option for changing your region in KOF14? If there's one, I couldn't find it.

You might be able to set it through languages but otherwise it should be psn-account specific.

Btw that reminds me, for those who want friends to send invites in the future, it might good idea to keep your login status visible in the friends list as there's no way of otherwise telling if you're online or not.

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"Re(6):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Tue 6 Sep 09:58post reply

Since I mentioned unlockables above, in the Sound section the track above Verse's stage still appears empty for me for some reason, although I've finished the game with every established team, bosses and NESTS girls. Given the order of placements, it would make sense for that to be Antonov's track, but that actually appears after Verse's, oddly...

That'll be "I'm the King Of Fighters Type-1", which should be the tune that plays when you're doing versus on Antonov's stage without him in the teams.

Thanks, managed to have a match online there and got it.

Micky Kusanagi
414th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Tue 6 Sep 17:03:post reply

You might be able to set it through languages but otherwise it should be psn-account specific.

Btw that reminds me, for those who want friends to send invites in the future, it might good idea to keep your login status visible in the friends list as there's no way of otherwise telling if you're online or not.

As for my status, OK, I'll set it online any time I'm willing to get invitations ^^

Do you mean language in the game options? I have it set to English since I first booted my JP copy -system language in my console is set to English-, so I'm afraid I'm stuck on JPN. I'll mess around with any possible settings anyway, thank you ^^

I'm afraid this country thing affects the connection quality icon: each time I played with Loona, I was reported as 1 bar and Loona had 4 bars O_O I set my PS4 in DMZ in my router's settings because room search results in KOF14 were abysmal most of the time, even after opening countless ports as seen in multiple PS4 networking guides. Besides, I always disconnect my computer's Ethernet cable from my router before playing online. Still, it looks like connection icons still get messed up.

As a side note, do you remember Amazon Japan had KOFXIV as not shipping to Italy? Well, the soundtrack is another story, I preordered it a week ago and my preorder was accepted without a hitch. I couldn't enable a Prime trial on checkout though...maybe Prime for Amazon JP doesn't apply for overseas customers.

EDIT: the winner of the French tournament Return of the KOF to be held this weekend will win this gorgeous artwork by Ogura. When's a full manga drawn by him? Not necessarily SNK related, anything will do as long as he draws it.

EDIT 2: I edited my languages in my PSN account stating those I actually know in order -Italian first, then English (US) and Spanish (Latin America), but my KOFXIV profile still says region=JPN.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 9 Sep 01:19]

4974th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Sat 10 Sep 12:20post reply

If changing your PS4 console language setting doesn't work, I think in your case the best option might be to simply play from your regional/Italy account rather than JP account.

However just to let you know, the connection quality icon doesn't effect actual gameplay-- I've had plenty of games where one bar matches were fine.

Nice Shun'ei art! Thanks for sharing.

Micky Kusanagi
414th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Media Create Sales...and patch i" , posted Sat 10 Sep 23:17post reply

I already suspected connection icons are inaccurate -it's so obvious-, but I still wanted to discuss it with fellow KOF players :D Connection icons are way less accurate than in SFV -which isn't perfect in this respect to begin with, but it has an acceptable accuracy rate-, and I hope SNK fixes this in a future patch, because I saw people complaining on it to the point they give up on netplay because of this.

Ore no...kachi da!!

42th Post

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"EVO Japan & SNK Panel" , posted Wed 14 Sep 02:17:post reply

EVO Japan Panel at TGS 2016... September 16 (JST)
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Presscon
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM - Arc System Works
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM - EVO HQ
1:15 PM - 2:00 PM - SNK

To be streamed at 4Gamer

Neo_G twitter

"With that the TGS! I can tell you some information, so everyone please wait ~!

[this message was edited by videoman190 on Wed 14 Sep 13:44]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):EVO Japan & SNK Panel" , posted Wed 14 Sep 04:58post reply

Great news!! SNK stayed out of TGS for a couple years IIRC, so I'm happy about their comeback. What can we expect? Personally, I think nothing more than KOF14 post-release discussion, which likely includes the first details about the world championship. I'm also hopeful for its inclusion in EVO Japan, after it got all that coverage from the biggest Japanese video game magazines/sites and a good number of pre-release playable appearances, including the exhibition tournament at KSB.

Ore no...kachi da!!
4975th Post

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"Re(2):EVO Japan & SNK Panel" , posted Fri 16 Sep 11:09post reply

SNK related TGS streams for Today (9/16):

Evo Japan talk show 13:15-14:00
Producer Oda and Neo-G will be there. I'm assuming they'll be making some announcements.

DOA5 dev stage 13:50
This stage will have the DOA developers talking about the creation of Mai in DOA5.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):EVO Japan & SNK Panel" , posted Fri 16 Sep 14:46:post reply

Thank you for the info and the links ^^ Why did the two streams have to overlap at some point? xD

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 16 Sep 14:47]

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"Re(3):EVO Japan & SNK Panel" , posted Fri 16 Sep 19:11post reply

Thanks for the translated info Professor - great stuff in there! (you might want to adjust a few typos like "devlopers" though)

In other SNK news:

* Tencent's King of Glory (?) adds Ukyo Tachibana to its cast - it apparently already had Mai and Nakoruru

* There's a Lore in a Minute episode about KoF, supposedly about the Orochi saga since no way the whole thing would fit in a minute, but it barely leads up to the 97 events without covering them - still nice that it exists, but it bothers me that they called Goeniz "Leopold", since I recall no actual official source using that name

* on the topic of videos atypically covering SNK stuff, Death Battle is having a Ken/Terry match - the only other SNK character they've ever covered was Mai, who beat Chun-Li then, and I think Terry's got enough feats to pull this off, especially with beating Geese twice, driving Kruaser to suicide, and causing inadequacy issues in his ninja brother that make him neglect Mai in favor of training. Regardless of result, I want to see a missed Shoryuken punished with a pretty little Tripple Geyser juggle.

* 4chan's Video Game Generals (/vg/) section now has an SNK general topic, separate from the recurring fighting game general topics usually in that section - there have been some interesting KoF/SNK topics on /v/ recently, so it's nice to see their audience find a new "home".

4977th Post

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"Re(4):EVO Japan & SNK Panel" , posted Fri 16 Sep 20:32post reply

Thanks for the translated info Professor - great stuff in there! (you might want to adjust a few typos like "devlopers" though)

Ah I forgot to spellcheck! Thanks, and the article has been updated at the end.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):EVO Japan & SNK Panel" , posted Fri 16 Sep 23:47post reply

Thanks for the translated info Professor - great stuff in there! (you might want to adjust a few typos like "devlopers" though)

Ah I forgot to spellcheck! Thanks, and the article has been updated at the end.

Thanks Professor and Loona for the news and trasnlations. I dont understand though I thought a SS game was on the way.

Micky Kusanagi
422th Post

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"Re(6):EVO Japan & SNK Panel" , posted Sat 17 Sep 03:29post reply

The beetles thing is *KOF14 female announcer kicks in* FANTASTIC!! The Garou 2 part is so heartbreaking and then Neo G's beetle problems come. Gotta love a developer who brings such silly stuff to life.

Ore no...kachi da!!
Lord SNK

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"Re(5):EVO Japan & SNK Panel" , posted Sat 17 Sep 03:31post reply

Prof thanks for the great translation as always.

Seeing again that sprite sheet for Garou 2, that boxer kid (the one after after Kain) reminds me somewhat Loran Cehack from Turn A Gundam...

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"Re(6):EVO Japan & SNK Panel" , posted Sat 17 Sep 04:24post reply

Thanks the translation Professor!

Having a balance patch in October seems a little hasty since KoF14 has a huge cast that has yet to be fully explored. But if the patch is only designed to address the more obvious problems (such as everything Nakoruru can do) it should be okay.


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"Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Thu 29 Sep 22:05:post reply

Hamster just announced the are adding Neo-Geo Title for the Acrcade Arcives for PS4

Alpha Mission II
Fatal Fury: King of Fighters
The King of Fighters ’94
Metal Slug
Samurai Showdown


If SNK want to make games for PSVR Crossed Swords and The Super Spy would be perfect for the system.

[this message was edited by videoman190 on Fri 30 Sep 00:41]

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"Re(1):Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Fri 30 Sep 01:04post reply

Hamster just announced the are adding Neo-Geo Title for the Acrcade Arcives for PS4

Alpha Mission II
Fatal Fury: King of Fighters
The King of Fighters ’94
Metal Slug
Samurai Showdown


If SNK want to make games for PSVR Crossed Swords and The Super Spy would be perfect for the system.

What, they didn't dig up League Bowling? I'll never understand why SNK dips so far back into their catalog for these releases instead of releasing some of their "newer" titles. I suppose the thinking is that people wouldn't buy KoF94 if they released 98 first but not a lot of people are going to buy 94 in the first place so this strategy is not helping anyone.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Fri 30 Sep 02:37post reply

Can we assume this is the reason why NeoGeo Station for PS3 was delisted altogether? I'll forever regret not buying at least one of those ports, but I'll be careful this time and buy one or two AkeAka titles. I'd love to see KOF95 and RBS featured in this collection.

Ore no...kachi da!!
1774th Post

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"Re(3):Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Tue 4 Oct 01:30post reply

Yes, it's most certainly the reason the previous collection got delisted. Ishmael, I don't think SNK actually goes as far as thinking about the catalogue or takes the time to have an opinion on League Bowling. They just let each aggregator (D4E, M2, now Hamster) choose what they want to release.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Tue 4 Oct 08:36post reply

Yes, it's most certainly the reason the previous collection got delisted. Ishmael, I don't think SNK actually goes as far as thinking about the catalogue or takes the time to have an opinion on League Bowling. They just let each aggregator (D4E, M2, now Hamster) choose what they want to release.

That doesnt sound hopeful at all. When they have lots of games people are waiting for them to be ported, they(or the companies they give licence in thus case) go for the same old same old ones. I hope it wouldnt take forever to bring some cult classics to Steam and PS4/Xbone/NX:/
Though only thing that gives hope is LB2, MotW on PS4 and random output of Shock Troopers 2 port on Steam/. I hope they dont forget KoFXI, NGBC and dare I say SVC Chaos.
Unfortunately they're stupidly slow with (new game) announcements. *Sigh*

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"Re(5):Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Tue 4 Oct 22:27:post reply

Yes, it's most certainly the reason the previous collection got delisted. Ishmael, I don't think SNK actually goes as far as thinking about the catalogue or takes the time to have an opinion on League Bowling. They just let each aggregator (D4E, M2, now Hamster) choose what they want to release.
That doesnt sound hopeful at all. When they have lots of games people are waiting for them to be ported, they(or the companies they give licence in thus case) go for the same old same old ones. I hope it wouldnt take forever to bring some cult classics to Steam and PS4/Xbone/NX:/
Though only thing that gives hope is LB2, MotW on PS4 and random output of Shock Troopers 2 port on Steam/. I hope they dont forget KoFXI, NGBC and dare I say SVC Chaos.
Unfortunately they're stupidly slow with (new game) announcements. *Sigh*

It sucks but that is how the market is. The same old old ones will be the ones that will make some kind of pennies. As you and others mentioned, I would love for them to port those rare and hard to find games like Sengoku 3, Matrimelee, Rage of the Dragons, Prehistoric isle 2, Quiz of Fighters, Nightmare in the Dark, Strikers 1945 plus, and so on. Other than us, who else would buy it?

Did anyone buy or like KOF NeoWave?

Also, anyone have the latest updates of total sales for KOF XIV?

Long Live I AM!

[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Tue 4 Oct 22:28]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(6):Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Wed 5 Oct 14:22post reply

Eh, sad truth, we few players who would like to see less known games get some love are always getting disappointed. Sengoku 2001 for example is a great game, you may argue the regular enemy cast is a little too small -I remember recolors don't have significant unique skills, whlist Turtles In Time gives each Foot Soldier color his unique weapon, which keeps things fresh in my book-, but it plays so smooth with a fun combo/chain system and a good number of player characters, great graphics, great music, decent story telling for a strictly arcade game -oh well SNK has always been pro at it-, I'd buy a digital-only console port for sure, provided that it has online 2P.

NeoWave? I kinda like it. I take it as an experiment to get confident with the then newly adopted Atomiswave hardware making some extra cash in the process. It has a weirdly fascinating oddball factor IMO, mostly thanks to Nakano's artwork and its soundtrack, which is so unfitting for a KOF game -except Geese's song, which I actually find fitting- I've come to like it not only in its own right, but in the game context as well. Being able to mess around with 3 systems is also fun for me.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Wed 5 Oct 18:10post reply


Did anyone buy or like KOF NeoWave?

I liked the option of a mode that didn't use rolls paired with a form of Just Defend, heretical as that may be to some who swear by KoF98. Then again, while I bought the game, I hardly played it in a super serious of competitive manner, but it was one of those experiments I'm glad were allowed to exist.


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"Re(7):Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Wed 5 Oct 20:08post reply


Did anyone buy or like KOF NeoWave?
Wasn't it just KOF2002 with a couple of minor characters swapped and young Geese poorly copy and pasted from AoF2, heralding the glorious era of "let's copy and paste everything regardless of graphic consistency no one has time for that shit anyway" that Capcom Fighting Jam and SS Tenkaichi are remembered for? With a groove system similar to CvS2 (and as broken)(similar to Tenkaichi again)?

In the arcades, it was played for a very short time before being forgotten forever, and KOF2002UM didn't even bother to reference it. The whole Atomiswave thing was just a scam to get rid of hardware at the expense of arcades owners anyway, so I can see why no one has any good memory of it. Or rather, no memory at all.

1687th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Wed 5 Oct 21:28post reply


Did anyone buy or like KOF NeoWave? Wasn't it just KOF2002 with a couple of minor characters swapped and young Geese poorly copy and pasted from AoF2, heralding the glorious era of "let's copy and paste everything regardless of graphic consistency no one has time for that shit anyway" that Capcom Fighting Jam and SS Tenkaichi are remembered for? With a groove system similar to CvS2 (and as broken)(similar to Tenkaichi again)?

In the arcades, it was played for a very short time before being forgotten forever, and KOF2002UM didn't even bother to reference it. The whole Atomiswave thing was just a scam to get rid of hardware at the expense of arcades owners anyway, so I can see why no one has any good memory of it. Or rather, no memory at all.

I distinctly remember that game for it's mock Range Murata character portraits. It was like an uncanny valley version of his art.

Come to think of it, I wonder if the artist for Neowave (2004) was Range Murata's understudy on Matrimelee (2003) because I don't think Murata actually did all the art for that game.

Speaking of which, there's a nice discussion going on about Power Instinct over yonder ...

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"Re(9):Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Wed 5 Oct 22:04post reply

mock Range Murata character portraits. It was like an uncanny valley version of his art.
Hahaha, it's EXACTLY that! That's the best way to describe it!
The art was not bad by any mean, it was just... very off.
I guess after the controversy over Nona's art, they wanted something very conservative, and that's what came out of it?

Strange Hiroaki was not involved, considering the game bombed.


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"Re(9):Neo-Geo games for PS4 Arcade Archives" , posted Thu 6 Oct 00:21post reply

Come to think of it, I wonder if the artist for Neowave (2004) was Range Murata's understudy on Matrimelee (2003) because I don't think Murata actually did all the art for that game.

It seems Murata and Tomokazu Nakano worked together on a few games, including Wachenröder, Matrimelee and, according to Wikipedia, Eternal Chain (a cancelled RPG).
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"Aiming for 20 Billion copies sold" , posted Fri 7 Oct 21:15post reply

Cute video for the announcement of the KOFXIV world championships. I am surprised how much it specifically panders to the French audience.

Même Narumi est épatée !
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"SNK Recruit and New Office" , posted Tue 18 Oct 11:37post reply

Looks like SNK has a new office building and created a Facebook page called SNK Recruit.
Looks like they really want to get back into buisness.

Long Live I AM!

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"Re(1):SNK Recruit and New Office" , posted Tue 18 Oct 18:15post reply

Looks like SNK has a new office building and created a Facebook page called SNK Recruit.
Looks like they really want to get back into buisness.

Nice. Japanese-only, as expected, but it's a step forward. I wonder if LinkedIn has any relevance in Japan, searching for SNK there returns a reference to the old USA offices...

4981th Post

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"Re(2):SNK Recruit and New Office" , posted Tue 18 Oct 18:32post reply

Looks like SNK has a new office building and created a Facebook page called SNK Recruit.
Looks like they really want to get back into buisness.

Nice. Japanese-only, as expected, but it's a step forward. I wonder if LinkedIn has any relevance in Japan, searching for SNK there returns a reference to the old USA offices...

I don't think the office is new, albeit it looks shiny and nice! For the time being they probably want Japanese speakers and people that can work locally in the dev teams.

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"KOF 14 Patch to be released this afternoon" , posted Tue 18 Oct 20:47post reply

So the new KOF Patch will be released at 6 PM PST

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"Re(1):KOF 14 Patch to be released this aftern" , posted Tue 18 Oct 23:11post reply

So the new KOF Patch will be released at 6 PM PST

Is there any word on what will be changed? Will Mamahaha still be the most terrifying bird in video games since Pet Shop? Will K' get even more stupidly strong?

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"Re(2):KOF 14 Patch to be released this aftern" , posted Wed 19 Oct 05:18post reply

So the new KOF Patch will be released at 6 PM PST

Is there any word on what will be changed? Will Mamahaha still be the most terrifying bird in video games since Pet Shop? Will K' get even more stupidly strong?

I roughly recall that when arcade XIII got ported to console, or at least updated away from Raiden and K's reign of terror, the focus was on emphasizing things about them other than those that made them very strong then, to make up for the advantages they had to lose.... it's a different dev team running the show after all these years, but hopefully they take a similar enough approach.

Meanwhile, there's piece of news on pachislot Samurai Shodown - if I understand correctly, that a PC port of the pachislot game from some time back, not unlike how some others like Garou Premium got mobile phone ports?...


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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):KOF 14 Patch to be released this aftern" , posted Wed 19 Oct 09:05post reply


I roughly recall that when arcade XIII got ported to console, or at least updated away from Raiden and K's reign of terror, the focus was on emphasizing things about them other than those that made them very strong then, to make up for the advantages they had to lose.... it's a different dev team running the show after all these years, but hopefully they take a similar enough approach.

Meanwhile, there's piece of news on pachislot Samurai Shodown - if I understand correctly, that a PC port of the pachislot game from some time back, not unlike how some others like Garou Premium got mobile phone ports?...

I wonder who's going to be the lucky team if they're indeed going for adding new characters? Hard to say. Story wise Agents team with Seth/Vanessa/Seth seems like a good choice but they might spare them for the sequel, maybe? Though I wish for more cinematic sequences.

Btw those hair looks really good eventhough models seems to suffer from wax/lighting. Hoping that they kept some of the talent from Pachislot.

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"Re(3):KOF 14 Patch to be released this aftern" , posted Wed 19 Oct 09:40post reply

So the new KOF Patch will be released at 6 PM PST

Is there any word on what will be changed? Will Mamahaha still be the most terrifying bird in video games since Pet Shop? Will K' get even more stupidly strong?

I roughly recall that when arcade XIII got ported to console, or at least updated away from Raiden and K's reign of terror, the focus was on emphasizing things about them other than those that made them very strong then, to make up for the advantages they had to lose.... it's a different dev team running the show after all these years, but hopefully they take a similar enough approach.

Meanwhile, there's piece of news on pachislot Samurai Shodown - if I understand correctly, that a PC port of the pachislot game from some time back, not unlike how some others like Garou Premium got mobile phone ports?...

I hope that pachislot on my iphone, I love nako's jackpot


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"Re(4):KOF 14 Patch to be released this aftern" , posted Wed 19 Oct 10:54post reply

KOF patch notes, japanese only, if it hasn't already been posted here:

A sten my house wis yo browd

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):KOF 14 Patch to be released this aftern" , posted Wed 19 Oct 12:22post reply

KOF patch notes, japanese only, if it hasn't already been posted here:

Thanks, waiting for the translated version!

4983th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):KOF 14 Patch to be released this aftern" , posted Wed 19 Oct 15:09post reply

KOF patch notes, japanese only, if it hasn't already been posted here:

Thanks, waiting for the translated version!

King has turned into utter trash now.
I'm waiting for Romance to post up his thoughts, but King wasn't strong enough to be tournament-viable to begin with. She was good for casuals, but she's no longer viable for ranked matches.

I don't think the developers have their own thoughts about how to balance out the game and they're just following complaints from online, particularly 2ch.

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"Re(6):KOF 14 Patch to be released this aftern" , posted Wed 19 Oct 15:52post reply

Patch is crap. Most of the changes are totally irrelevant. K', Mature, Robert & Nakoruru got nerfed hard, buy they are probably still going to be among the best chars since their mobility and ability to hit confirm is pretty much the same.

- Most of the command input bugs are still there or got changed and not in a good way.
- Hit boxes are still the worst they have ever been, same for hit confirms.
- New bugs got introduced (for example, for many normals with new hitbox; using direction + button nets you the old hitbox).
- Most of the characters that needed that extra something to be interesting (like 3/5ths of the cast) got basically nothing at all (many got nerfed even).
- Random Select still doesn't random select when it should.

BTW, since a big chunk of the weird jumping throws got patched, now King of Dinosaurs is the only idiot in this whole big blue planet whose command throw can be dodged by ducking..... Congratulations?

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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"Re(7):KOF 14 Patch to be released this aftern" , posted Wed 19 Oct 16:17post reply

Patch is crap. Most of the changes are totally irrelevant. K', Mature, Robert & Nakoruru got nerfed hard, buy they are probably still going to be among the best chars since their mobility and ability to hit confirm is pretty much the same.

- Most of the command input bugs are still there or got changed and not in a good way.
- Hit boxes are still the worst they have ever been, same for hit confirms.
- New bugs got introduced (for example, for many normals with new hitbox; using direction + button nets you the old hitbox).
- Most of the characters that needed that extra something to be interesting (like 3/5ths of the cast) got basically nothing at all (many got nerfed even).
- Random Select still doesn't random select when it should.

BTW, since a big chunk of the weird jumping throws got patched, now King of Dinosaurs is the only idiot in this whole big blue planet whose command throw can be dodged by ducking..... Congratulations?

Between what you just wrote and what Prof wrote...
... what's going on in this town?

Is there some amazingly hilarious low-level meta where those characters just NEED to be nerfed? Is there at all a good reason why some of the normals are so screwed up?

Did they just want to take alternate guard to the next level with KoD and make it so that mashing crouch would outright lottery chance the possibility of evading the command throw? (they probably didn't, that just sounds like a bug unless there is a really compelling reason why somebody needs a crouchable throw.... actually, there is a precedent for that: in the blessed HnK fighting game, every character in the game has an untechable grab that can be crouched except Toki, because in their infinite wisdom they anticipated that a character that it actually pays to block high against by default didn't need the one tool designed to mix it up against people that block high all the time)

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"Re(8):KOF 14 Patch to be released this aftern" , posted Wed 19 Oct 19:53:post reply

I think the developers at SNK simply can't play fighting games enough to understand the fundamental issues and flaws in their own game. They know how to design and make games, but they don't know how to fix them. They need experienced players to help them out with that.

Think of the current SNK as an architect that knows how to create good buildings, but they've only got a general idea on how the wirings or waterpipes are supposed to be placed. So the buildings end up having weird problems.

But the architect decides to go hands-on to fix the problems rather than to call the electric company or anyone that specializes in them.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 19 Oct 19:55]

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"Re(9):KOF 14 Patch to be released this aftern" , posted Wed 19 Oct 22:00post reply

English patch notes.

I hope everyone likes Benimaru because you're going to see plenty of him from now on!

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"Re(10):KOF 14 Patch to be released this after" , posted Mon 24 Oct 06:16post reply

Since Sister Quest is, or was, one of those SNK IPs that remained in the Asia-only domain of pachislot and mobile, I never got too acquainted with it, but this is intriguing - there's a new trailer about it which could be for an anime for all I know, but it's associated with a company with "777" in its Twitter account name, so it's probably something in the pachislot domain. More intriguing,SNK Playmore isn't mentioned at all in the brief legal/rights line these things tend to have, and SQ is also absent from SNK's licensing page - maybe they sold the IP?
This would be less of an issue if Sky Love, Love Heart's source series, didn't also get a mention in that video, which makes me wonder if the character's return is compromised for future KoFs... On the other hand, with an arcade release for XIV on the way which should include Love Heart, maybe that's not that big of an issue, but Sky Love's also absent from the licensing page...


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"Re(10):KOF 14 Patch to be released this after" , posted Mon 24 Oct 06:57post reply

English patch notes.

I hope everyone likes Benimaru because you're going to see plenty of him from now on!

An entire page of buffs for Choi is SNK's Halloween scare.

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"Another patch is here......" , posted Mon 31 Oct 13:39:post reply

And again there is no actual nerfing to Nakoruru, this is just rich. It's actually them erasing a bunch of bugs that they created with 1.03

edit : eng notes

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 31 Oct 13:52]

1703th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Another patch is here......" , posted Mon 31 Oct 14:24post reply


edit : eng notes

Wait, did she just get even stronger??
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"Re(2):Another patch is here......" , posted Mon 31 Oct 18:08post reply


edit : eng notes

Wait, did she just get even stronger??

Nakoruru was nerfed quite a bit in the previous patch from a week or two ago but she's still quite playable, just not as much crazy fun as before (her hawk is no longer a lazer beam that goes through everything). The new patch from today just smoothens out her control a bit for beginner players so it's not really doing much.

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"Fun" , posted Mon 31 Oct 19:28post reply

At this stage since all hope is lost regarding high leve competitive play, why don't they just keep the game fun and make more characters broken, Hokuto/Basara-style?

It seems a lot of casual players, by which I mean players with a decent grasp of fighting games and renewed interest in the genre following the SF4 boom, but no skill/time/patience to actually get competitive, enjoy this game more than SF5 (maybe for "bad" reasons i.e. specifically in reaction to SF5, but, eh). So why not please them by giving more combo opportunities? I probably played KOF'98 the most because everyone insisted on playing that game for competitive purpose between 1998 and 2005-ish when I was more seriously into fighting games, but the most fun I've had with KOF was KOF2000 because it was just so damn hilarious to abuse the broken Strikers system among Neo Geo friends.

Speaking of fun games, once again thanks to Shmuplations' effort, this is a truly great interview about the first Real Bout, tip-toeing on the issues of FF3 and laying out the game design philosophy* for the entire trilogy.

Même Narumi est épatée !
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"Re(1):Fun" , posted Mon 31 Oct 21:00:post reply

enjoy this game more than SF5 (maybe for "bad" reasons i.e. specifically in reaction to SF5, but, eh). So why not please them by giving more combo opportunities?

With the previous patch, the game got better balanced but it's in a weird state where there's a bunch of not-too-broken top tiers and a bunch of low tier characters. It's become pretty mild compared to before. Also, whether casual players prefer broken games compared to high-level players is extremely debatable given that many high-level players tend to love broken characters.

High-level competitive play is actually around for KOF14, but it just doesn't get too much visibility for various reasons. The high-level players aren't well known in general outside of the KOF scene to begin with, especially since they can't get sponsorship in the same way that SF players get. So Xiaohai and Dakou from China are about the only players that are seen traveling around and playing matches (and yes they've been slaughtering everyone in NA).

The reason why a lot of non-professional players might prefer KOF (or any other title, say Xrd or BB) over SFV isn't because they're broken, but probably because of the freedom in the games. Also, nothing is holding them back from switching from one game to another. If you're pro though, you need to play SFV.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 31 Oct 21:57]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Fun" , posted Tue 1 Nov 02:52post reply

"Non-professional players" is such a diverse category that I think it's hard to pin down without some segmentation. I mean, I'm definitely in that category, but my understanding and level of play is way way above some of my other friends who fall into that category. Among my much more casual friends, all of the technical business of links and chains and cancels are a mystery, and I think that they wouldn't give KOF14 the time of day because of how it looks. The whole "brokenness" element expressed in MAX mode is not a plus for them at all because they will never invest the time into learning how to use it, and it will likely be a negative for them when somebody uses it on them.

On the other hand, the ease of MvC3, how good it looks, the characters it features, being able to make a team that fights together... all of that appeals to them. Sure they can barely string together an ABCS jc ABC combo, but they have fun playing it.

Just like in the 90's heydey of fighting games, if your game doesn't look good from either/both a technical and artistic standpoint, it won't get a lot of play from these casual casual players. It's pretty hard to get them to buy revisions, too; a lot of them are barely aware of that, and don't feel really inclined to go out and buy a new game for something they feel they already have bought. I would think that this mentality is further reinforced by the well-supported online PC games which receive regular revisions at no further cost: LoL gets enormous gameplay updates, like, ST-level updates, annually for free. Whenever CSGO adds a new gun, you don't need to buy a DLC in order to use it. Whenever DOTA revamps a character completely or changes the map, it's also free. etc.

SFV is about the right level of easy for me. In fact, going between it and SF4 makes SF4 feel really fast, which is really funny considering how I thought it was kinda slow and eh back when it was new.

1808th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Fun" , posted Tue 1 Nov 03:38post reply

"Non-professional players" is such a diverse category that I think it's hard to pin down without some segmentation. I mean, I'm definitely in that category, but my understanding and level of play is way way above some of my other friends who fall into that category. Among my much more casual friends, all of the technical business of links and chains and cancels are a mystery, and I think that they wouldn't give KOF14 the time of day because of how it looks. The whole "brokenness" element expressed in MAX mode is not a plus for them at all because they will never invest the time into learning how to use it, and it will likely be a negative for them when somebody uses it on them.

... Hmm, I am kinda confused. You seem to be talking about a group of people who are not playing KOF but could be playing KOF but will not be playing KOF into a theoretical discussion about what constitutes "non-professional players" and which game might attract the most people. I am not denying a potential MVC4 would theoretically attract more people; but that's not what I am arguing.

I am talking about the current user base for KOF. From my experience, whether I look at my colleagues at work or my acquaintances back in France, most of the people around me who have bought and are enjoying KOF14 are not the most hardcore/competitive fighting game players (who are all still playing SF5 whether they actually like the game or not), but rather fighting game enthusiasts who have a good understanding of competitive playing but are not good enough to play at a competitive level, and have some nostalgia for KOF which they probably originally played via the PS and Saturn ports rather than the Neo Geo. The kind of people who will enjoy playing fighting games online and trying challenges, and will even follow tier lists and watch the major tournaments (namely Evo and maybe something like Topanga), but will not invest enough time and effort to play every day.

Typically the profile of players who felt burnt with SF5 and kept complaining about the lack of offline features or about how their favorite character in SF4 was either not in SF5, or didn't play the same way in SF5, because it was one of the rare times they actually invested some effort/time to develop skill in a fighting game and felt "character investment withdrawal" for the very first time.

For these players, KOF14 felt right. There was a lot of characters from the get go, it was easy to do some flashy stuff, and the moves were close enough to the ones they remembered from 18 years ago. I've never heard the criticism from their side that the game system was broken. In fact, I had to tell them what Prof or Toxico reported here to get them looking into the issues of the game.

So, for this kind of user, I see no benefit to nerf characters or balance the game. They want to feel cool, so having bonkers Mamahaha is a good thing. I can see how top level players also love god tier characters, but at lease they should logically want the priority given to competitive balance and a variety of valid teams.

Since, by all reliable accounts, it seems SNK is incapable of doing the right changes to please the competitive crowd, my point is they should rather at this stage be careful not to alienate the larger user base they managed to bring into this game.

Même Narumi est épatée !
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"Re(4):Fun" , posted Tue 1 Nov 08:39:post reply

Ah I see what sort of player range you're talking about, and I certainly do see your point. Personally I would've loved it if they added in more broken things to other characters to balance out the game rather than to nurf things overall, leave aside some that were a bit too abusive. That was the general direction that KOF13 went, but I have doubts whether the KOF14 dev team could've done that without utterly destroying the game. Whoever's in charge of the game balance simply doesn't seem to understand the characters.

On the other hand though, I don't think the nerfs really effected the aforementioned player range given that the flashier stuff in the game are generally either 1/not effected with the nerf or 2/required a decent level of skill to pull off. Nakoruru's Hawk was strong but it wasn't really something flashy as much as it was a practical move. Leave aside her and Love Heart (a character that hasn't been discussed), the nerfs were mostly stuff that you won't notice unless you regularly play fighting games to a certain degree. If you do though, they'd make a huge difference.

On a side note, I'm not sure if I'd say the KOFXIV's game system is broken in terms of game balance. The Maxmode system can deal quite a bit of damage but it's not too different from KOF13, and moreso some of the characters really need the system in order to pressure the opponent.

However the game itself is sort of glitchy-- it has "X-Axis problems" that makes hit detections really wonky and makes some situations extremely awkward for both players, which is probably the bigger problem that many players are complaining about (it gives advantage to some characters too, but that's something by design). The X-axis issue is deep-rooted into the game's core system and I don't think it can be easily fixed; probably better to just wait for the next game.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 1 Nov 11:11]

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"Success-corp" , posted Tue 1 Nov 20:35:post reply

Oh wait, it says SNK-corp. I seriously mislead that... we need a new Touch Detective title!

And congrats to Imoya for taking out.. well, Imoya!
They're officially SNK now instead of SNKPlaymore.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 1 Nov 20:37]

4996th Post

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"Who FRAMEed Rog.." , posted Tue 8 Nov 21:42post reply

For hardcore fans that are still playing KOF14, the game's frame data leave aside some low tier characters and the bosses are available at Japanese site Game no Nikki

The KOF community portal Dreamcancel also has some character's frame datas but both of the sites have some wrong parts (for example king's far D and EX Surprise Rose are wrong in one and correct in the other) so they're probably best used as just a basic reference.

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"Re(1):Who FRAMEed Rog.." , posted Fri 11 Nov 15:14:post reply

For hardcore fans that are still playing KOF14

This sums it up perfectly.

edit : I also love it how Verse, who basically doesn't know how to articulate speech and does nothing but groaning all the time, is one of the most technical characters in the cast. That also exemplifies perfectly the current state of the game.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 11 Nov 17:06]

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"Re(2):Who FRAMEed Rog.." , posted Fri 11 Nov 21:12post reply

KOF has always been a game that only hardcore played after a while

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"Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 19- Summer 2016 DEMO E" , posted Thu 17 Nov 16:35:post reply


[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 17 Nov 16:40]