Random thread: Non-gaming edition V - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Mon 17 Oct 14:21post reply

Prof, I remember you were very attentive to the aftermath of the Higashinihondaishinsai, and how (un)informed people were in the Tokyo metropolitan area about the risks they faced with the fallout of radiation. In that respect, I am curious on your opinion about Taiyō no Futa, if you get/got to see it. It's still running in a bunch of theaters including the famous Jack & Betty arthouse cinema theater in Yokohama.

I am very curious about its commercial fate outside Japan, especially as I don't see the Japanese government gladly pushing a movie that reminds everyone Tokyo is potentially in the contamination range of a potential nuclear disaster in Fukushima (unless I missed the news that Reactor 2's potential damage has been contained to a shorter contamination range).

Speaking of which, the Japanese Cinema industry had a vibrant summer in terms of box office success, from the resurgence of Shin Godzilla (still frequently rescheduled in IMAX theaters) to the unfathomable success of Kimi no na wa, now on track to enter the all-time Top 10 box office gross above hits such as Ponyo and Avatar, a dynamic which has pulled others in its trail such as the movie adaptation of Koe no Katachi. Makoto Shinkai is mainstream! Hell is freezing over!

Même Narumi est épatée !


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"Re(1):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Mon 17 Oct 23:08:post reply

Makoto Shinkai is mainstream! Hell is freezing over!
God help us...unless he's managed to make something more like his first work, She and Her Cat, and less like Voice from a Distant Star and Beyond the Clouds, the Promised Land. People said his later works got better again, but I never did see From Up on Poppy Hill after Goro's rotten Tales of Earthsea, and I sure wasn't keen to give Shinkai a second (third) chance either unless there are some strong advocates here for Kimi No Na Wa.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 18 Oct 00:09]

1793th Post

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"Re(2):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Mon 17 Oct 23:51:post reply

It's a decent movie, although I struggle to understand why it has such a big impact. My best guess (OK I totally stole this from Fabien) is that there was no Ghibli movie this summer so KNNW looked like the best "date movie" for young couples this summer, and some surprising (←your mileage may vary) turns in the plot led to positive word of mouth among friends. "You have to see it so I can discuss it with you." That sort of stuff. The promotional items and trailers pushed so hard the body switching and romance aspects, but the truth is... The movie surprisingly connects many different topics of Makoto Shinkai's past works. It's hard to discuss the movie in detail without spoiling it, though. See! You'd have to see it so I can discuss it with you!

Having the character designs handled by the Anohana team was also a pretty good idea. There are some great moments of animation and a bunch of makoto-isms for long time fans. That being said, for instance, if you did not like 5cm/second you are a heartless monster and I don't think this movie will change your opinion on Shinkai.

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Mon 17 Oct 23:57]

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"Re(3):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Tue 18 Oct 18:25:post reply

It's a decent movie, although I struggle to understand why it has such a big impact. My best guess (OK I totally stole this from Fabien) is that there was no Ghibli movie this summer so KNNW looked like the best "date movie" for young couples this summer, and some surprising (←your mileage may vary) turns in the plot led to positive word of mouth among friends. "You have to see it so I can discuss it with you." That sort of stuff. The promotional items and trailers pushed so hard the body switching and romance aspects, but the truth is... The movie surprisingly connects many different topics of Makoto Shinkai's past works. It's hard to discuss the movie in detail without spoiling it, though. See! You'd have to see it so I can discuss it with you!

Having the character designs handled by the Anohana team was also a pretty good idea. There are some great moments of animation and a bunch of makoto-isms for long time fans. That being said, for instance, if you did not like 5cm/second you are a heartless monster and I don't think this movie will change your opinion on Shinkai.

Bah this past week has been hell busy! Meanwhile I'm trying to somehow make this BBS more mobile-friendly which is a true headache given that it's so old.. what to do, how to do.

So first up, Kimi no Na Wa. Chaz makes a great point that there was no Ghibili film this year so it took over the top spot. I watched it myself and I liked it a lot, but it was more because of the novelty of seeing familiar areas in Tokyo being depicted so beautifully rather than the storyline itself. I think though the pace of the anime fits the current younger generation a lot better than traditional Ghibili films; it has a similar pace and casualness to using a smartphone. In some ways it almost feels like the opposite of Miyazaki's works; very little symbolism, a lot more materialism. It's like a bunch of footage taken in modern Tokyo, but in anime format.

The film had me intrigued enough to go check the Suga shrine (lots of people taking photos) and the restaurant that the protagonist was working as a part-timer (holy cripes even more people). It was actually my first Shinkai film and I'm certainly going to check out his other works in decending order. 

I'm not sure if I'll watch Koe no Katachi. I've read the original series while it was running and it was quite good, depicting the huge flaws of each character and their human side as they get involved with the protagonist and heroine. Not sure if I want to dive into the film and get my memories possibly sullied.

Thanks for the heads up on Taiyou No Futa-- I haven't watched it, or rather to say it's the first time I'm hearing about the film. Given how small its volume of Twitter followers are, I can only assume that it didn't receive that much mainstream support. It might just end up being a Japanese film that receives more attention overseas than in Japan, but I can't see the film industry nor any other domestic groups wanting to push its sales in the international territory either, considering that it'll potentially get themselves into unneeded political(aka financial) troubles.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 18 Oct 18:46]

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"Re(4):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Wed 19 Oct 11:23:post reply

It's like a bunch of footage taken in modern Tokyo, but in anime format. 
Hmm. Sounds like the high-atmosphere low-content works of his I saw, but Chaz and Nobi both promoted 5cm/second so maybe this will redeem him! But speaking of footage that captures the wonder of city bustle and urban spaces:

An internet pal of mine, Michael Vito, ran a wonderful blog on transportation and its role in creating neighborhoods and senses of space, which you may like: The Tokyo Project.

Here's a favorite, a video essay on Shinjuku, the busiest train station in the world, that captures the subtle joy and beauty of the crowd even after you've been there a thousand times. I find it oddly moving on a human level, somehow. Also, a peppy Shibuya.

The blog main page covers these same ideas of transportation and public space, but as they appear in weekly anime. As Chaz can attest, lately I don't care about any music or anime that is later than Showa period (hell with Heisei!), but there is great stuff in here.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 19 Oct 11:24]

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"Re(5):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Wed 26 Oct 17:41post reply

The current Flinstones comic is something special.

It might "help" that the writer doesn't hold the original series in high regard, but he wrote the recent Prez comic, which was also pretty great, so I figure I may have to pay more attention to his output.


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"Re(6):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Fri 28 Oct 00:20post reply

The current Flinstones comic is something special.

It might "help" that the writer doesn't hold the original series in high regard, but he wrote the recent Prez comic, which was also pretty great, so I figure I may have to pay more attention to his output.

When I saw the previews for comic books featuring reimagined old cartoons all I could do was scratch my head. Setting Wacky Races in some sort of Mad Max apocalypse seemed random and pointless and the Scooby Doo with Gen 13 art looked like a comic people are forced to read in Hell. But if someone can make a Flinstones comic in 2016 that anyone wants to read more power to them.

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"Re(7):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Fri 28 Oct 12:18post reply

It's definitely not a revival I was expecting! Just like with the deeply devoted Sonic fans out there, I will observe this with interest, but from a safe distance of many miles.

1699th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Fri 28 Oct 15:38post reply


It might "help" that the writer doesn't hold the original series in high regard, but he wrote the recent Prez comic, which was also pretty great, so I figure I may have to pay more attention to his output.

I think it's nice that the artist is a fan of the Flintstones. Helps to balance things out. It really bugs me when they bring in someone who hates the original property to remake it (see Transformers).

From what I've seen this actually isn't that crazy of a take on the Flintstones when you remember that it was a modern sitcom in its own day, tackling contemporary issues. I think it was the first prime time cartoon targeted towards adults, not children. A precursor to The Simpsons and everything else that came after. So it makes sense that it reflects contemporary adult values and anxieties.


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"Re(7):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Fri 28 Oct 23:46post reply

Interesting point! I think some of those episodes even had a laugh track, which is pretty bizarre (definitely not in front of a studio audience. Maybe it's the properly proportioned characters that make it odd.

Lord SNK

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"Re(7):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Sat 29 Oct 20:58post reply


I think it's nice that the artist is a fan of the Flintstones. Helps to balance things out. It really bugs me when they bring in someone who hates the original property to remake it (see Transformers).

Transformers what exactly? The movies or some recent comics?

1700th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Sun 30 Oct 01:46post reply


I think it's nice that the artist is a fan of the Flintstones. Helps to balance things out. It really bugs me when they bring in someone who hates the original property to remake it (see Transformers).

Transformers what exactly? The movies or some recent comics?

Oh I meant to say "Bayformers." Michael Bay hated the original cartoons, and that felt evident in the movies. I've only read a little bit of the new comics, but they seemed fun.

Lord SNK

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"Re(9):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Sun 30 Oct 04:17post reply


Oh I meant to say "Bayformers." Michael Bay hated the original cartoons, and that felt evident in the movies.

This really explains a lot of things about those horrible movies.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Random thread: Non-gaming edition V" , posted Sun 30 Oct 05:49post reply


Oh I meant to say "Bayformers." Michael Bay hated the original cartoons, and that felt evident in the movies.

This really explains a lot of things about those horrible movies.

I'm fundamentally opposed to the notion that humans should be able to damage or destroy Transformers inside the Transformers universe. To me, the Transformers were machine gods that had human emotions and ambitions, and that it was centrally important that the Autobots could relate to humanity. The Decepticons recognize this, but they deny the value of anything that is not themselves.

When I think back to it, that was kind of the feeling of being a little kid: there were bigger people out there with a lot more power than you, and no chance in hell could you beat them in a fight or a real argument or in anything. All you could do was try to convince them of the rightness of what you were doing and how you felt, and you had to hope that they agreed. That the Autobots were big huge cool robots that tended to agree and fought off the asshole bullies and villains helped make the Autobots cool.

It's a kind of thinking that harkens more to ancient religions where people constantly believed we were at the mercy of all kinds of forces far out of our control that they desperately appealed to with offerings, as opposed to the "we can fight and win anything!" mentality expressed in the Bayformers.

1702th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Random thread: Non-gaming editio" , posted Sun 30 Oct 06:51:post reply


Oh I meant to say "Bayformers." Michael Bay hated the original cartoons, and that felt evident in the movies.

This really explains a lot of things about those horrible movies.

I'm fundamentally opposed to the notion that humans should be able to damage or destroy Transformers inside the Transformers universe. To me, the Transformers were machine gods that had human emotions and ambitions, and that it was centrally important that the Autobots could relate to humanity. The Decepticons recognize this, but they deny the value of anything that is not themselves.

When I think back to it, that was kind of the feeling of being a little kid: there were bigger people out there with a lot more power than you, and no chance in hell could you beat them in a fight or a real argument or in anything. All you could do was try to convince them of the rightness of what you were doing and how you felt, and you had to hope that they agreed. That the Autobots were big huge cool robots that tended to agree and fought off the asshole bullies and villains helped make the Autobots cool.

It's a kind of thinking that harkens more to ancient religions where people constantly believed we were at the mercy of all kinds of forces far out of our control that they desperately appealed to with offerings, as opposed to the "we can fight and win anything!" mentality expressed in the Bayformers.

That is a very good read of the original shows. In the original show, the Autobots did feel like adult figures compared to the humans they were protecting. Optimus Prime was like a father to latchkey kids everywhere. There's a nice, simple, potentially deep fairy tale quality to that.

The Bayformers movies on the other hand, were filmed with an unprecedented level of cooperation with the US Military. There were so many real state of the art vehicles on display in those films. Of course, part of the price for getting access to all that real world US Military tech was the stipulation that the US Army would never appear weak or in too much danger or lose. The movies were very much a recruitment tool. It would not be hyperbole to call them propaganda.

I have a theory that conscious or not, the Bayformers movies reflect an idealised version of US foreign policy where the Autobots are the ultimate foreign dissident fighters, cooperating with the US to exterminate those of their own kind that go against US interests (like Al Queda fighting alongside Rambo in the third Rambo movie). I believe by the third Bayforners film they go as far as to sacrifice their own beloved homeworld of Cybertron in order to destroy the hated decepticons. I feel this is a very distinctly American kind of narrative. As much as I strongly dislike those movies, they are a good time capsule of the values of their times (as is just about any popular movie so it's not that special, but still sort of interesting)


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Sun 30 Oct 07:01]

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"Re(3):Re(10):Random thread: Non-gaming editio" , posted Sun 30 Oct 07:02post reply

I actually felt kind of weird watching parts of the first and second Transformers movies where there were just big glorious shots of US military hardware. Like, watch this awesome wing of fighter jets bank, or watch this awesome battleship/carrier roll in, and it's obvious that the whole point of that shot is to show off super cool modern military hardware.

It isn't exactly Top Gun, but it's kind of there at times.

I don't think anything in recent times has been as powerful of a recruiting tool for the US military as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Playing through the single player campaign, the authentic feeling of the lingo, the presentation is so slick, the emotional beats so brilliantly crafted... make no mistake, it's a really well-made game!

In the past I always admired the cool military machines because... well, they're really cool machines. They're made to be really cool. I still admire them today, even though it comes with the thought that they have been used for terrible purposes. I feel a little more disconnect from more historical armaments, because I guess I haven't seen them used as tools of death and destruction in my time, and so it's easier to admire them without as many misgivings, even though so many of them served as very tools of murderous conquest and subjugation in the past.

1702th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Random thread: Non-gaming editio" , posted Sun 30 Oct 07:22post reply

I actually felt kind of weird watching parts of the first and second Transformers movies where there were just big glorious shots of US military hardware. Like, watch this awesome wing of fighter jets bank, or watch this awesome battleship/carrier roll in, and it's obvious that the whole point of that shot is to show off super cool modern military hardware.

It isn't exactly Top Gun, but it's kind of there at times.

I don't think anything in recent times has been as powerful of a recruiting tool for the US military as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Playing through the single player campaign, the authentic feeling of the lingo, the presentation is so slick, the emotional beats so brilliantly crafted... make no mistake, it's a really well-made game!

In the past I always admired the cool military machines because... well, they're really cool machines. They're made to be really cool. I still admire them today, even though it comes with the thought that they have been used for terrible purposes. I feel a little more disconnect from more historical armaments, because I guess I haven't seen them used as tools of death and destruction in my time, and so it's easier to admire them without as many misgivings, even though so many of them served as very tools of murderous conquest and subjugation in the past.

For me what made Bayformers particularly hard to watch was how disconnected the action scenes were. They had very shoddy flow. It was very difficult to follow the action or get any sense of the space that it was taking place in. I wonder if they shot that sweet Military Vehicle Porn first and then built cg action scenes on top of it later! Or conversely maybe they got some of that sweet footage after the fact and had to retrofit it somehow.

It's difficult for me not to find some appeal in the form and function of all those super weapons. Of course I do not love war, but it's difficult to deny the appeal of such powerful, well designed objects. They have an unmistakable beauty to them, in spite of, or maybe because of their utility.

Re: Call of Duty. Those are totally the best recruitment tool the US army has had in our lifetimes. In fact, they are so effective that ISIS has been retooling footage from them for their own recruitment campaigns!


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"Re(5):Re(10):Random thread: Non-gaming editio" , posted Mon 31 Oct 02:56post reply

I used to view the Transformers movies as jingoistic crap until I saw Transformers 4: Attack of the Product Placements. If you haven't seen the film it's basically two hours of the characters standing in front of billboards until the final act when the entire production flies to China so they can plug Chinese products. Seeing military mechanisms prominently featured feels like an agenda but watching the entire movie screech to a halt so people can drink Shuhua Milk simply feels pathetic. While the films certainly have a political slant it's now obvious the overriding concern is making a product that maximizes profit over everything else. I'm not certain if that's better or worse.

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"Re(6):Re(10):Random thread: Non-gaming editio" , posted Mon 31 Oct 03:37post reply

If you haven't seen the film it's basically two hours of the characters standing in front of billboards until the final act when the entire production flies to China so they can plug Chinese products

Relevant: Paramount sued for not properly plugging the Chinese location they filmed in

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

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"Earthquake in Italy." , posted Mon 31 Oct 04:14post reply

I heard there have been an earthquake in central Italy recently and as far as I remember Micky Kusanagi is from Italy. The news says there's no deaths but some people are injured. So I hope Micky is alright.

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"Re(1):Earthquake in Italy." , posted Mon 31 Oct 14:07post reply

I heard there have been an earthquake in central Italy recently and as far as I remember Micky Kusanagi is from Italy. The news says there's no deaths but some people are injured. So I hope Micky is alright.

6.6 magnitude in the middle of the country is pretty crazy. I hope as well that Micky is alright.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):Earthquake in Italy." , posted Tue 8 Nov 18:03:post reply

Sorry for my absence. I was dead set on coming back to the Cafe starting from the SNK thread as usual, but I saw you talking about the earthquake and felt the need to change my priorities.

I only felt the earthquake briefly here where I live (Taranto) because it's far away from the epicentre (Norcia), so I'm fine, but it was enough to make me think "if we felt it like this here, a disaster has just happened somewhere else", and sadly, things went like that, entire villages destroyed, so many people lost home. I'm speechless.

Thank you so much kofoguz and Professor for your kind thoughts, I really appreciate it.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 8 Nov 18:08]

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"Re(2):Re(10):Random thread: Non-gaming editio" , posted Tue 8 Nov 19:11post reply


Oh I meant to say "Bayformers." Michael Bay hated the original cartoons, and that felt evident in the movies.

This really explains a lot of things about those horrible movies.

I'm fundamentally opposed to the notion that humans should be able to damage or destroy Transformers inside the Transformers universe. To me, the Transformers were machine gods that had human emotions and ambitions, and that it was centrally important that the Autobots could relate to humanity. The Decepticons recognize this, but they deny the value of anything that is not themselves.

When I think back to it, that was kind of the feeling of being a little kid: there were bigger people out there with a lot more power than you, and no chance in hell could you beat them in a fight or a real argument or in anything. All you could do was try to convince them of the rightness of what you were doing and how you felt, and you had to hope that they agreed. That the Autobots were big huge cool robots that tended to agree and fought off the asshole bullies and villains helped make the Autobots cool.

It's a kind of thinking that harkens more to ancient religions where people constantly believed we were at the mercy of all kinds of forces far out of our control that they desperately appealed to with offerings, as opposed to the "we can fight and win anything!" mentality expressed in the Bayformers.

Now that we know Micky is safe, I can now feel a bit better about linking to this lovely perspective of Optimus Prime as a near-religious figure.


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"Re(2):Earthquake in Italy." , posted Tue 8 Nov 21:42post reply

Good to know you're safe, Micky. That at least is a relief.

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"Re(2):Earthquake in Italy." , posted Tue 8 Nov 21:46post reply

Sorry for my absence. I was dead set on coming back to the Cafe starting from the SNK thread as usual, but I saw you talking about the earthquake and felt the need to change my priorities.

Glad to know you're safe Mickey! Very close to Sicily.

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"Re(3):Earthquake in Italy." , posted Wed 9 Nov 00:57post reply

Glad to know Micky's doing well.

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"2016 is quite some year" , posted Wed 9 Nov 16:02:post reply

I don't know what other awful surprises it can dish out in the <2 months that remain, but going by its track record, far more than my heart can handle.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Wed 9 Nov 16:38]

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"Re(1):2016 is quite some year" , posted Wed 9 Nov 21:38post reply

Hope everyone will manage to go through the next few years the best they can. Don't forget France when we elect our own fascist leader next year, we would hate to miss on this global trend!
Time to focus on the positive outcome of this election.

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"Re(2):2016 is quite some year" , posted Thu 10 Nov 00:30post reply

Hope everyone will manage to go through the next few years the best they can. Don't forget France when we elect our own fascist leader next year, we would hate to miss on this global trend!
Time to focus on the positive outcome of this election.

I blame the whole US election on the Brexit. America just couldn't stand another country taking that kind of title.

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"Re(1):2016 is quite some year" , posted Thu 10 Nov 01:33post reply

I don't know what other awful surprises it can dish out in the <2 months that remain, but going by its track record, far more than my heart can handle.

I can't imagine what sort of awful surprise could top this fuck-up but I'm certain something will come along and smack me in the face.

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"Re(2):2016 is quite some year" , posted Fri 11 Nov 00:25post reply

I don't know what other awful surprises it can dish out in the <2 months that remain, but going by its track record, far more than my heart can handle.

I can't imagine what sort of awful surprise could top this fuck-up but I'm certain something will come along and smack me in the face.

I heard hate crimes showed its ugly head in U.S. Trump's victory day as if movie purge scenario come to life on much lighter scale. So again I dont know if anybody located in there from cafe. Afaik Ktallguy is an American/Turkish living in states. I hope all fellow American MMCafé patrons are also ok in the chaos.

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"Re(3):2016 is quite some year" , posted Fri 11 Nov 01:32post reply

I hope all fellow American MMCafé patrons are also ok in the chaos.

I live in the states. I'd love to say I'm okay, but most of my US friends are non-white, queer, trans, or from outside the US, so since they're all understandably beginning to panic right now, I can't say I'm okay. I'm physically okay, but this is the third day running that I'm not sure I'm going to get any work done.

So! I'm trying to stay good natured but my good attitude is crumbling fast.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

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"Re(4):2016 is quite some year" , posted Fri 11 Nov 02:28post reply

One consequence of this election is that this is the first time in awhile that I've been this frothing at the mouth angry. My life has been happy and restful the past few years so this is quite the change. I feel almost youthful!

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"Re(5):2016 is quite some year" , posted Fri 11 Nov 05:12post reply

I can certainly say that Japan watched in horror as people wondered "How did this happen in America?"

Surprisingly, there wasn't too much talk on TV here on the night that Trump got elected.
I don't think any of the stations knew how to approach the reality.

1707th Post

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"Re(2):2016 is quite some year" , posted Fri 11 Nov 11:24post reply

I don't know what other awful surprises it can dish out in the <2 months that remain, but going by its track record, far more than my heart can handle.

I can't imagine what sort of awful surprise could top this fuck-up but I'm certain something will come along and smack me in the face.

It just keeps getting worse and worse


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):2016 is quite some year" , posted Fri 11 Nov 11:45post reply

I don't know what other awful surprises it can dish out in the <2 months that remain, but going by its track record, far more than my heart can handle.

I can't imagine what sort of awful surprise could top this fuck-up but I'm certain something will come along and smack me in the face.

It just keeps getting worse and worse

Thanks, 2016, I knew you wouldn't let me down!
(please stop)

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"Re(4):2016 is quite some year" , posted Sat 12 Nov 01:03post reply

Last night Mrs. Ishmael heard me groan and asked if anything was wrong. When I told her Leonard Cohen had died she replied with complete seriousness "Was it because of Trump?"

And that's my Leonard Cohen story.

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"Re(4):2016 is quite some year" , posted Sat 12 Nov 03:48post reply

I hope all fellow American MMCafé patrons are also ok in the chaos.

In the US as well. What can I say? I decided long ago that I would not let things I can't change (I tried)bother me.

On the same note, I've been drunk since Tuesday night. Let's see for how much longer...

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):2016 is quite some year" , posted Sat 12 Nov 04:21post reply

Last night Mrs. Ishmael heard me groan and asked if anything was wrong. When I told her Leonard Cohen had died she replied with complete seriousness "Was it because of Trump?"

And that's my Leonard Cohen story.

I just realized that we will never be able to have a live-action Lupin 3rd with Leonard Cohen in it, which is something I never knew I wanted until now.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):2016 is quite some year" , posted Sun 13 Nov 01:40post reply

I heard hate crimes showed its ugly head in U.S. Trump's victory day as if movie purge scenario come to life on much lighter scale.

That news actually reveals an under-reported issue. Hate crimes against Muslims had already increased last year, even as hate crimes against others had decreased.

For extra fun, a study had already linked the volume of hate crimes with statements from political leaders. (Say something tolerant, and hate crimes dropped afterward. Say something more divisive/blaming, and hate crimes subsequently increased.)

Micky Kusanagi
442th Post

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"Re(4):2016 is quite some year" , posted Sat 19 Nov 18:31post reply

Thank you again guys for your kind messages...it's really thoughtful of you.

I join you all praying that Cafers living in the U.S., and U.S. residents in general, don't see their lives descending into despair. Getting to know about such a grim scenario is heavy on my heart...

Ore no...kachi da!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):2016 is quite some year" , posted Wed 23 Nov 06:50post reply

2016 has gained sentience and is now actively trolling

Micky Kusanagi
453th Post

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"Re(6):2016 is quite some year" , posted Wed 23 Nov 17:15post reply

Such an ominous thing...I really hope this earthquake isn't a sign of another apocalypse, which is what it looks like to me now...

Ore no...kachi da!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"2016 is quite some year, still!" , posted Sun 27 Nov 04:11post reply

Castro has died.

Time to play SNK's Guerilla/ゲバラ to remember the good times when the world actually almost ended some 50 years ago.

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"Re(1):2016 is quite some year, still!" , posted Mon 28 Nov 02:19post reply

There's good reason at this point to believe that 2016 has been set on Survival Mode. I recommend stockpiling credits for Continues and remaining indoors till 2017.


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"Koike x Goemon Lupantic update" , posted Sun 4 Dec 03:40post reply

Taking a break from Ishmael's Big Bass Fishing XV, in the spirit of SFV duels, and in a move sure to continue to bring Nobi euphoria, here's the latest trailer for the Lupin III Goemon movie directed by Koike Takeshi. Noteworthy that they have Takahashi Yuka on scripts, after his work on Jigen's Gravestone and Lupin III blue jacket season 4 (coming to the US via the venerable Discotek, by the way). I assume it'll continue to get two out of the four elements from the original comic right: sex and violence, but lacking the humor and the sneaking. We'll see!


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"Re(1):Koike x Goemon Lupantic update" , posted Mon 5 Dec 06:23post reply

Taking a break from Ishmael's Big Bass Fishing XV, in the spirit of SFV duels, and in a move sure to continue to bring Nobi euphoria, here's the latest trailer for the Lupin III Goemon movie directed by Koike Takeshi. Noteworthy that they have Takahashi Yuka on scripts, after his work on Jigen's Gravestone and Lupin III blue jacket season 4 (coming to the US via the venerable Discotek, by the way). I assume it'll continue to get two out of the four elements from the original comic right: sex and violence, but lacking the humor and the sneaking. We'll see!

I thought Jigen's Gravestone was a leftover bit from the Fujiko show but now I believe they really are intent on keeping Lupin the IIIrd around as its own thing. So right now we have blue jacket Lupin, III Lupin and whatever manga and annual television specials they feel like putting out. That's kind of crazy!

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"Re(2):Koike x Goemon Lupantic update" , posted Mon 5 Dec 07:17post reply

I thought Jigen's Gravestone was a leftover bit from the Fujiko show but now I believe they really are intent on keeping Lupin the IIIrd around as its own thing. So right now we have blue jacket Lupin, III Lupin and whatever manga and annual television specials they feel like putting out. That's kind of crazy!
After blotting out memories of the Fujiko show, I'd forgotten it was even the same "sub-brand" as Jigen's Gravestone! Koike's magnificent character designs are a common thread, but in the absence of all the Gankutsuou-esque effects, I'd associated it much more with Koike's magnificent (wasted) effort on the "$10 Billion Goddess" pachislot I'm always referring to. Gravestone's creative leadership on scripts and direction were unrelated to the Fujiko show and far closer to Blue Jacket, thank god, and the same is true for the upcoming Goemon film.

5046th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Sun 18 Dec 13:27post reply

Profound sadness as MMCafe's Tokyo base closes its doors next month

That put aside, I'll never be able to watch Jojo's current OP the same way again

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"Re(1):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Sun 18 Dec 13:43post reply

Profound sadness as MMCafe's Tokyo base closes its doors next month


By my count, that august institution has hosted at least six Cafe members over the years. Professor, please buy a final maccha donut for me before the 3rd. They'll probably be out of them again, though.

5047th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Sun 18 Dec 14:06post reply

Profound sadness as MMCafe's Tokyo base closes its doors next month



Fortunately there's another one in Kabukicho though it's more walk from the station! Though maaybe Shinjuku Buster might be another new idea now

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"Re(3):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Sun 18 Dec 14:12post reply

Fortunately there's another one in Kabukicho though it's more walk from the station! Though maaybe Shinjuku Buster might be another new idea now

Still a hole in my heart (stomach), though I do love that Shinjuku Pasta-erminal.

1746th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Sun 18 Dec 16:06post reply

Profound sadness as MMCafe's Tokyo base closes its doors next monthNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


By my count, that august institution has hosted at least six Cafe members over the years. Professor, please buy a final maccha donut for me before the 3rd. They'll probably be out of them again, though.

Ah nuts, I missed out on those hallowed grounds during my Tokyo MMCafe visit! I'll never forget our trip to Nakano Broadway though!

Next time we'll get some donuts for sure!


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Sun 18 Dec 16:19post reply

Fortunately there's another one in Kabukicho though it's more walk from the station! Though maaybe Shinjuku Buster might be another new idea now
Still a hole in my heart (stomach), though I do love that Shinjuku Pasta-erminal.

Speaking of Tokyo, who here would be there and available for a meal/gathering in January?

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"Re(3):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Sun 18 Dec 16:20post reply


Ah nuts, I missed out on those hallowed grounds during my Tokyo MMCafe visit! I'll never forget our trip to Nakano Broadway though!

Ah, I was thinking we'd all taken you there, but we weren't terribly far when we are at the Shinjuku central postal office at midnight mailing your three boxes of artbooks! Some (very few) things are even more important than donuts.


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"The night is short, keep walking ladies" , posted Mon 19 Dec 06:48post reply

I'm surprised I didn't talk about it here. Does anyone know of a series called 四畳半神話体系/Tatami Galaxy, that was released 10 years ago, about a loser living through 2 years of uni over and over again? If no, shame on you Nobi.

In one of the few great news of 2017, it so happens the same team banded together again 10 years later to adapt another novel from the same author, and it looks fantastic. Go 2017! You can't be worse than 2015 and 2016, can you?

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The night is short, keep walking ladies" , posted Mon 19 Dec 08:20post reply

I'm surprised I didn't talk about it here. Does anyone know of a series called 四畳半神話体系/Tatami Galaxy, that was released 10 years ago, about a loser living through 2 years of uni over and over again? If no, shame on you Nobi.

In one of the few great news of 2017, it so happens the same team banded together again 10 years later to adapt another novel from the same author, and it looks fantastic. Go 2017! You can't be worse than 2015 and 2016, can you?


It seems to share some thematic relations as well as some characters or at least their archetypes. Makes me wonder how it's going to be different from tatami galaxy...

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - IGGY ARI !

"Re(2):The night is short, keep walking ladies" , posted Mon 19 Dec 09:56post reply

It seems to share some thematic relations as well as some characters or at least their archetypes. Makes me wonder how it's going to be different from tatami galaxy...

At some point in the anime of Tatami Galaxy, Otsu teases Senpai by giving him this very book (the night is short etc) and saying "Here's some teenage romance novel you might like. It's romantic, self-centered and cheap, just like you" or something similar (though I believe the novel of Tatami Galaxy was written before this one).
Also, I think the main character is called "Senpai" in both, but the main female character has an actual name in Tatami, while in this one she's called "The girl with black hair". Also, in the novel, both characters share the narration, allowing for a more balanced (?) point of view than Tatami which was only from the point of view of Watashi/Senpai.

Also, Kumeta liked the novel enough to reference it several times (if only by name) in Zetsubô Sensei.

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Mon 19 Dec 11:05:post reply


Speaking of Tokyo, who here would be there and available for a meal/gathering in January?

As part of the Tokyo MMCafe Fellowship I was going to raise my hand, but now that Krispy Kreme is no more I am at a loss, I dunno what to believe anymore... Rest In Peace, o Krispy Kreme.

Anyway, if you happen to drop by Tokyo in January, do let me know. It would be great to see you guys again (both Spoon and the rest of the Tokyo Cafe-ite community). Plenty of fun places to go and good food and booze to try as well!

A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand

[this message was edited by Maese on Mon 19 Dec 11:06]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Tue 20 Dec 08:19post reply


Speaking of Tokyo, who here would be there and available for a meal/gathering in January?

As part of the Tokyo MMCafe Fellowship I was going to raise my hand, but now that Krispy Kreme is no more I am at a loss, I dunno what to believe anymore... Rest In Peace, o Krispy Kreme.

Anyway, if you happen to drop by Tokyo in January, do let me know. It would be great to see you guys again (both Spoon and the rest of the Tokyo Cafe-ite community). Plenty of fun places to go and good food and booze to try as well!


Let's chatter more in the current travel thread! I'd love to see who else in the cafe is available, but I also wouldn't want to clog up this thread with that.

5049th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Wed 21 Dec 13:35post reply

Nobi-- It's SUGARY FUN! We'll certainly have to do donuts next time you come here, lol.

Iggy- I didn't know about 四畳半神話体系 either, I should check it out. Thanks!

Spoon- I should be good, I'll hit up on it in the travel thread.

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"Re(4):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Sun 15 Jan 16:06post reply

I'm very tired and lonely and I have to say that every time I see the lead of Youjo Senki; I can't help but to think that it's Iggy there, reincarnated (heatingly arguing that liberalism♂ is the best settles it for me)

....... I need some medicine.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - IGGY ARI !

"Re(5):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Mon 16 Jan 02:16post reply

I'm very tired and lonely and I have to say that every time I see the lead of Youjo Senki; I can't help but to think that it's Iggy there, reincarnated (heatingly arguing that liberalism♂ is the best settles it for me)

How did you gues... I mean, ha, that's some strange idea you got there, must be the flu talking, ha ! Ha ! Ha.

Wash away this weird dream with the second season of one of the only shows in recent time that melted my ice-cold heart.
(Note: one of the voice actresses is 17 years old).

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Thu 9 Feb 13:58post reply

I just want to say that while I was in Shinjuku with a non-mmcafe friend, while walking in Shinjuku we came across a Krispy Kreme that was shutting down, and I suddenly realized it was probably this very Krispy Kreme!

Perhaps it was a portent of the terrible things I would learn later...

On the other hand, getting to meet up with Maese in Cafe Zenon in Kichiouji as it was adorned with Strawberry Flavoured Hokuto no Ken stuff was hilarious and delightful.

Unrelated but related:
Reading the Untold Story of Japanese Game Devs during my very long flight back was kind of surreal, in that there were chapters with the lead of 07th Expansion and with ZUN as well as some explanation of doujin in general, without any hit of the apocalypse to come. This book was published just a few years ago, too (2013 or 2014)!

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Fri 10 Feb 10:19:post reply


On the other hand, getting to meet up with Maese in Cafe Zenon in Kichiouji as it was adorned with Strawberry Flavoured Hokuto no Ken stuff was hilarious and delightful.

Too bad that you couldn't catch a glimpse of the terrific Engrish lines at Zenon's toilet, lol. I never thought you could translate Raoh's final words THAT way!

A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand

[this message was edited by Maese on Fri 10 Feb 10:20]

1838th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Mon 27 Mar 06:44post reply

Why the man felt the need to throw a bunch of cockroaches around at the event, as well as how he was even able to bring the roaches into the arena with him, hasn’t been made clear.

Même Narumi est épatée !
5104th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Mon 27 Mar 15:57post reply

Why the man felt the need to throw a bunch of cockroaches around at the event, as well as how he was even able to bring the roaches into the arena with him, hasn’t been made clear.

He was a CHEF of all things !?
Do not want to go to his restaurant.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Mon 27 Mar 16:01post reply

Why the man felt the need to throw a bunch of cockroaches around at the event, as well as how he was even able to bring the roaches into the arena with him, hasn’t been made clear.

He was a CHEF of all things !?
Do not want to go to his restaurant.

Was it an event containing Gokicha or Terraformars?

628th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Mon 27 Mar 21:27:post reply

The title thread made me think that you guys were talking about the power rangers movie (I couldn't explain it since incredibely is a big spoiler)

I don't know if my expectations were super low, but I absolutely loved the movie, is the first time than the power rangers are all good actors, and you root for all 5 of them. Also the suits, alpha and zordon were actually better on the movie than the trailers, which also made you though a super dark and gritty movie when actually is really light hearted, yet talks some interesting themes.

The principal negative is that it lacks some more super sentai influence, like innecesary flips, poses and chesyness.

But overall, is a good movie for what it was and I'm actually excited for the sequel

[this message was edited by sibarraz on Mon 27 Mar 21:28]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Tue 28 Mar 02:54:post reply

He stole something precious, a gigantic $4M Loonie.

The thing they stole seems so silly to exist in the first place that while I'm a little upset that something my tax dollars went towards who knows how many years ago has been stolen, maybe it's a good idea for the Canadian mint to not mint such crazy things!

The title thread made me think that you guys were talking about the power rangers movie (I couldn't explain it since incredibely is a big spoiler)

I don't know if my expectations were super low, but I absolutely loved the movie, is the first time than the power rangers are all good actors, and you root for all 5 of them. Also the suits, alpha and zordon were actually better on the movie than the trailers, which also made you though a super dark and gritty movie when actually is really light hearted, yet talks some interesting themes.

The principal negative is that it lacks some more super sentai influence, like innecesary flips, poses and chesyness.

But overall, is a good movie for what it was and I'm actually excited for the sequel

I put a lot of weight into mmcafe opinions, so this certainly raises my expectations of the movie above the level of "pretend it doesn't exist"!

[this message was edited by Spoon on Tue 28 Mar 02:55]

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"Re(4):Re(10):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Tue 28 Mar 23:30post reply


The title thread made me think that you guys were talking about the power rangers movie (I couldn't explain it since incredibely is a big spoiler)

I like that the general consensus on the Power Rangers movie is that it's not as bad as you would expect. Still, there's one big problem I have with the images I've seen so far: One of the driving forces behind all that sentai stuff is selling merchandise. All the promo pics I've seen would make for boring, ugly toys so what's the point?

634th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Sayonara Krispy Kreme" , posted Wed 29 Mar 05:16post reply


The title thread made me think that you guys were talking about the power rangers movie (I couldn't explain it since incredibely is a big spoiler)
I like that the general consensus on the Power Rangers movie is that it's not as bad as you would expect. Still, there's one big problem I have with the images I've seen so far: One of the driving forces behind all that sentai stuff is selling merchandise. All the promo pics I've seen would make for boring, ugly toys so what's the point?

I liked the zords, problem was the megazord which is really boring.

Also for me the movie is good, not a masterpiece, but is not bad by any means

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"Kimi No Na Wa photo pilgrimage" , posted Sun 2 Apr 01:19post reply

I think we were talking about Kimi No Na Wa somewhere in this thread. While I retain spiteful dislike of Shinkai after his crappy early 2000s works, this may be fun for fans of his recent stuff at the Cafe. I remember Prof saying that the high fidelity to actual scenery is what made the movie fun, and a guy I know who routinely photographs public transportation hubs and shoutengai outdoor malls in Japan just did a write-up of a real-life circuit of the places in Kimi No Na Wa. This kind of thing isn't uncommon in Japanese, but I'm not aware of many English attempts on the subject.

I admit it's a fun thing to do and enjoyed incidentally wandering through the Seiseki-Sakuragaoka neighborhood that features in Mimi O Sumaseba/Whisper of the Heart (written by an actual good diretor! Hoooo!).

5107th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Kimi No Na Wa photo pilgrimage" , posted Sun 2 Apr 19:09post reply

I think we were talking about Kimi No Na Wa somewhere in this thread. While I retain spiteful dislike of Shinkai after his crappy early 2000s works, this may be fun for fans of his recent stuff at the Cafe. I remember Prof saying that the high fidelity to actual scenery is what made the movie fun, and a guy I know who routinely photographs public transportation hubs and shoutengai outdoor malls in Japan just did a write-up of a real-life circuit of the places in Kimi No Na Wa. This kind of thing isn't uncommon in Japanese, but I'm not aware of many English attempts on the subject.

I admit it's a fun thing to do and enjoyed incidentally wandering through the Seiseki-Sakuragaoka neighborhood that features in Mimi O Sumaseba/Whisper of the Heart (written by an actual good diretor! Hoooo!).

Thanks for the link, will check it out in-depth when my connection is back up! Seems though from a glance that your friend must've taken the photos quite recently as the Train station is in the middle of construction and looks different from the film haha'.

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Castlevania TV series trailer" , posted Thu 25 May 10:13post reply

What a night to have a curse! All things considered, I think this looks kind of promising. Much better than I expected, to say the least.

A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand
Micky Kusanagi
687th Post

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"Re(1):Castlevania TV series trailer" , posted Thu 25 May 15:57post reply

...looks fantastic. I'll be waiting for this.

Ore no...kachi da!!
5158th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Castlevania TV series trailer" , posted Thu 25 May 20:11post reply

What a night to have a curse! All things considered, I think this looks kind of promising. Much better than I expected, to say the least.

Hopefully it'll still have award-winning dialogues

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"Re(2):Castlevania TV series trailer" , posted Fri 26 May 00:15post reply

Something promising on the Castlevania front? I don't know what to make of that. But what I do know is that I love how Alucard floats out of a coffin while shirtless and wearing tight leather pants. How rock god of him!

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"Re(3):Castlevania TV series trailer" , posted Fri 26 May 02:41:post reply

Something promising on the Castlevania front? I don't know what to make of that. But what I do know is that I love how Alucard floats out of a coffin while shirtless and wearing tight leather pants. How rock god of him!

While I prefer the Londonian Gothic sensibility that Kojima Ayami brought to the series, it's important to remember that its origin is in the schlocky hokum of American B-grade horror movie classics. Rock on, Alucard! As long as it doesn't get too close to that horrible fighting game's aesthetic, that is.


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 26 May 02:51]

Lord SNK

239th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(2):Castlevania TV series trailer" , posted Fri 26 May 03:30:post reply


Hopefully it'll still have award-winning dialogues

It never will be worse than the previous animated adaptation

[this message was edited by Lord SNK on Fri 26 May 03:31]

336th Post

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"Misc. Wacky Stuff outside of Video Games" , posted Mon 3 Jul 12:51post reply

I forgot to mention this earlier but players from the Chile National Football Team celebrated a goal pretending to play the Nintendo Switch together. Although I watch the game live, I didn't think nothing of it other them pretending to play a handheld gaming system together like the DS or the PSP. It wasn't until Kotaku wrote an article about it.

Keeping the subject in football, I wanted to show you guys this Japanese club team called Thespakusatsu Gunma. For some reason why I am very fond of the name. It kind of reminds me of Akuma/Gouki from Street Fighter. Its similar to his special and super moves naming convention.

Last thing is this fidget spinner craze marks its history as another toy that does not makes sense. Well I don't understand it at all but it when I see it in action, all I can think about is Mukuro/Shikyoh's weapon from The Last Blade. Now of the fidget spinner companies do happen to make his weapon, the Lunatic Blade: Vulture, maybe I would consider buying those little things.

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"Re(1):Misc. Wacky Stuff outside of Video Game" , posted Mon 3 Jul 14:32post reply

Japanese club team called Thespakusatsu Gunma. For some reason why I am very fond of the name. It kind of reminds me of Akuma/Gouki from Street Fighter. Its similar to his special and super moves naming convention.

Oh yeah, those guys play pretty near to my old high school. I never really watch soccer, though. The odd name actually is smashing together "The Spa Kusatsu," Kusatsu Onsen being the most famous thing out of Gunma.

BUT your combination of "football" for "soccer" and your hearing a little Gouki in the -satsu makes me confident that even if Hazzan is back in football camp for another decade, you have preserved the spirit of MESSATSU


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"Re(1):Castlevania TV series preview" , posted Wed 5 Jul 08:19post reply

What a night to have a curse! All things considered, I think this looks kind of promising. Much better than I expected, to say the least.

Apparently there was also a panel at AX previewing Trevor fighting a Cyclops.

1831th Post

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"Re(2):Castlevania TV series preview" , posted Wed 5 Jul 23:49post reply

What a night to have a curse! All things considered, I think this looks kind of promising. Much better than I expected, to say the least.
Apparently there was also a panel at AX previewing Trevor fighting a Cyclops.

Wow, it's looking great! I am really pleasantly surprised by the excellent direction, slow, deliberate pacing and great animation. Heck, it's even pretty funny in an unforced manner. Double Heck, it has the main character doing some very game-like stuff like going into a dungeon, finding secret passages, breaking floors to open up new areas, engaging in a boss battle, saving an NPC, all in a way that feels organic and not "haha! We're a videogame! See???"

The way he uses his whip to fight is really cool. And I really liked the little touches like how using electric lights in the dungeon actually feels menacing somehow. Really looking forward to this now!


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"Re(3):Castlevania TV series preview" , posted Thu 6 Jul 04:38post reply

That's looking pretty good! The animation that has been produced for Netflix has been mixed but this is certainly looking like it's not going to be another parade of stilted CGI characters.

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"Re(4):Castlevania TV series preview" , posted Thu 6 Jul 17:27:post reply

That's looking pretty good! The animation that has been produced for Netflix has been mixed but this is certainly looking like it's not going to be another parade of stilted CGI characters.

The title credits and another clip from the panel are giving me a lot of hope right now...

Edit: Meanwhile in Japan it will be marketed as "キャッスルヴァニア". We haven't seen the games under this moniquer there since...Harmony of Dissonance?

[this message was edited by sfried on Thu 6 Jul 17:41]

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"Re(1):Castlevania animated TV series" , posted Sat 8 Jul 12:55post reply

It's disappointing it's only 4 episodes long, but from what I've seen on it's take I'm curious as to what MMC thinks of this adaptation.

Some people are like horribly offended and think it's complete garbage (those who didn't get past Episode 2), but I stuck to all 4 episodes and actually didn't think it was half-bad. I'm thankful at least it wasn't some sort of Peter Chung adaptation, or it had its fare share of great moments. I'll definitely say I prefer this interpretation of the story over Lords of Shadow, and I like the fact that it pays tribute to the Igaverse in some sense (not as in "steal men's souls" or Let's Quote Symphony of the Night a la LoS).

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"Re(2):Castlevania animated TV series" , posted Sun 9 Jul 03:45post reply

I'll be really interested to hear what Netflix watchers have to say about the series as a whole. The animation in that panel footage seemed kind of jerky, and Lisa's lips are weird--sort of part and parcel of how the art is about 80% attempting to go with an anime style, and the other 20%...something else, but it's still sure to be at least as interesting as the army of Dracula indie clones out now!


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"Re(3):Castlevania animated TV series" , posted Sun 9 Jul 08:10post reply

I've only watched the first episode but so far it really feels like a lost Castlevania OVA series from the 1980's. It has all the hallmarks of that sort of production; the odd pacing issues, the occasional bit of clunky animation in the bits between the action scenes, and the reassurance that every 10 to 15 minutes someone is going to splatter all over the floor like an overripe tomato. So far so good!

1988th Post

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"Re(3):Castlevania animated TV series" , posted Mon 10 Jul 08:00:post reply

I'll be really interested to hear what Netflix watchers have to say about the series as a whole. The animation in that panel footage seemed kind of jerky, and Lisa's lips are weird--sort of part and parcel of how the art is about 80% attempting to go with an anime style, and the other 20%...something else, but it's still sure to be at least as interesting as the army of Dracula indie clones out now!

Overall I really loved the four episode we got so far. However, there are points where the animation feels off. It is kind of hard to describe. The characters seem "flat" in some scenes compared to others. It is stuff that goes by briefly but stands out.

The dialogue is also a bit weird. It goes from "Ye Olde English" to oddly modern casual .

Everything else is really good though. I wish Netflix got the rights to Berserk if they could produce an anime of this quality.

Is this the first time Netflix has done a "season" like this? Usually it is the 13 episode run with a full story line. This kinda just stops in what is kind of the first act of the story. Four episodes is just weird.

It is almost like it would have been better if this was structured like a movie trilogy. Where this would have been part 1. It would have allowed them to trim some of the fat in the dialogue (i.e. extended goat sex rambling that isn't as funny as the writer thought it was). Maybe it was easier to get the rights if they said "TV Series" instead of "movie"

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Mon 10 Jul 09:10]

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Castlevania animated TV series" , posted Mon 10 Jul 13:32:post reply

Is this the first time Netflix has done a "season" like this? Usually it is the 13 episode run with a full story line. This kinda just stops in what is kind of the first act of the story. Four episodes is just weird.

It is almost like it would have been better if this was structured like a movie trilogy. Where this would have been part 1. It would have allowed them to trim some of the fat in the dialogue (i.e. extended goat sex rambling that isn't as funny as the writer thought it was). Maybe it was easier to get the rights if they said "TV Series" instead of "movie"

You're not that far off the mark. This Castlevania animation series started life as three direct to DVD movies.

ED: Holy crap, this thing is even older than I thought


I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

[this message was edited by Amakusa on Tue 11 Jul 19:42]

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"Danmitsu says: "come" to Miyagi" , posted Sat 15 Jul 12:11post reply

I thought about putting this in the travel thread. In any event, the only thing better than Dracula is Danmitsu, and she makes a compelling case for travelling to Miyagi this summer (SFW, unless you have ears).

Astonishingly, some people (who miraculously weren't North Americans on the internet) managed to complain about this, though needless to say, newspaper articles about this fact in turn have driven up viewership even higher. I'm willing to go out on a limb and say that people who think Danmitsu is too saucy for Miyagi and are complaining about Miyagi being "cool" for the first time in history are not only prudes, they are vile tossers who hate Miyagi and are actively plotting its demise.


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"Re(1):Danmitsu says: You Wa Shock" , posted Wed 19 Jul 12:14post reply

This double-post actually fits under the "love and war" dichotomy: given the Cafe clientele, it seems important to note that a high-quality region 1 Fist of the North Star TV situation is coming your way. If you are a region 1 person, you are already dead(-set on getting this).

1834th Post

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"Re(1):Danmitsu says:" , posted Wed 19 Jul 17:30post reply

a compelling case for travelling to Miyagi this summer (SFW, unless you have ears).

Welp, that sure worked on me!

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"A time when VG sponsors were in football" , posted Sun 23 Jul 02:47post reply

Question of the day from a popular football store asking fans to post pics of video game football sponsors in football. Never knew capcom did one.

Video Game Sponsors

Long Live I AM!
5192th Post

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"Re(1):Danmitsu says:" , posted Sun 23 Jul 17:25:post reply

I thought about putting this in the travel thread. In any event, the only thing better than Dracula is Danmitsu, and she makes a compelling case for travelling to Miyagi this summer (SFW, unless you have ears).

Astonishingly, some people (who miraculously weren't North Americans on the internet) managed to complain about this, though needless to say, newspaper articles about this fact in turn have driven up viewership even higher.

Up until this TV ad fiasco I didn't know about Danmitsu, and I'm glad that I now do because it's led me to this other hilarious rock band that calls themselves the Miyagi Kamotsu (Miyagi Cargo).

Totally SFW.

SFW until around 2 mins when the mascot swimsuits her. She's doing the "Memeshikute" dance which should be familiar to KOF13 players.

She apparently has ancestry to Miyagi? That'd explain why she gets these ads.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 23 Jul 17:41]

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"Re(2):Danmitsu says ♡" , posted Tue 25 Jul 11:24post reply

Up until this TV ad fiasco I didn't know about Danmitsu
Welcome to the first day of the gloriously improved rest of your life!

Miyagi Kamotsu is a good find.

She apparently has ancestry to Miyagi? That'd explain why she gets these ads.

That...might not be the only reason.

I heard a local legislator tried to get the ad pulled. Given there are literally high-level political discussions periodically about addressing "reputational damage" to the area, and a constant barrage of sponsored events to convince you that Miyagi fish and sake were not contaminated by radiation, you'd think they would welcome positive interest. Or any interest, the prevalent problem pre-radiation being "how can we make anyone care about Miyagi at all?"

Then again, there were people who wanted to nix the perfectly pleasant ama diver mascot for Shima, Mie prefecture, despite the fact that she was accomplishing the impossible feat of not only making people give two god-damns about ama divers, but about Mie prefecture, as well.
