Nintendo NX is.... - Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Nintendo NX is...." , posted Thu 20 Oct 23:16post reply


Seems like Mario Kart, Splatoon, 3D Mario Game Zelda BotW (of course) and two games I have no idea what they are (Monster Hunter?) in.
It's a hybrid console/handheld with micro kontrollers and Pro controllers supported.

1798th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Thu 20 Oct 23:18post reply

Ah... I was about to revive the news thread. I'll do that with the Red Dead trailer.
I hope there is a bundle with that beautiful dog.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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"Re(2):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Fri 21 Oct 00:10post reply

Interesting to see Skyrim tossed into the introductory mix. I guess not having a core gameplay gimmick baked into the design of the console is going to make it easier for third party work. Or is this going to be like Mass Effect 3 on the Wii U where the console is going to get one out of date port and then everything else is going to be Switch exclusive?

Also, three quick thoughts about the design.

1. There are a lot of moving parts. I hope everything is built well.

2. People are going to lose those controller chunks all the time.

3. What a dull color scheme. When I think Nintendo I think of bright Super Famicom buttons. This looks like just another black hunk of plastic.

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"Re(3):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Fri 21 Oct 00:28post reply

Interesting to see Skyrim tossed into the introductory mix. I guess not having a core gameplay gimmick baked into the design of the console is going to make it easier for third party work. Or is this going to be like Mass Effect 3 on the Wii U where the console is going to get one out of date port and then everything else is going to be Switch exclusive?

Also, three quick thoughts about the design.

1. There are a lot of moving parts. I hope everything is built well.

2. People are going to lose those controller chunks all the time.

3. What a dull color scheme. When I think Nintendo I think of bright Super Famicom buttons. This looks like just another black hunk of plastic.

So far all of these addressing those complaints about having Nintendo being associated with making "kiddie Fisher-Prince toys". I have a feeling alternate color schemes and custom models will be inevitable, but wouldn't be surprised with they threw in the faceplates/kisekae in there as well considering its form factor.

It's a good "safe" step so far, but I have a feeling not everything about this new device has been revealed, for obvious reasons...

1695th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Fri 21 Oct 00:32post reply


Seems like Mario Kart, Splatoon, 3D Mario Game Zelda BotW (of course) and two games I have no idea what they are (Monster Hunter?) in.
It's a hybrid console/handheld with micro kontrollers and Pro controllers supported.

Why I am excited for the Nintendo Switch:

Playing games face to face is INFINITELY MORE FUN than playing online.

With the Nintendo Switch, every owner is now a walking arcade.


Especially fighting games which suffer the most from online lag. We've lamented this many a time before. The speed of light just isn't fast enough to give you a lag free experience across the globe. But local wireless (i guess it will have ever so minute lag maybe) will be much more responsive, and even more importantly, you can play face to face, shoulder to shoulder with friends. Hell, even with strangers.

The more I think about it, the more I'm excited for the NX.

Imagine playing (Anytime, anywhere, with other live human beings):

Street Fighter
Final Fight
Turtles in Time
<insert favourite arcade game>

And now imagine brand new games that can pick up where those left off. Games that would not be fun when you are alone in your room, but would be great when you have a day off to meet your friend for dinner. A quick match with strangers on your commute. Showing your nieces and nephews the joy of skill based games that require a gamepad.

1697th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Fri 21 Oct 00:41:post reply


I have an anecdote on why I think the Nintendo Switch will be a success.

A few years ago I brought a Wii-U to our family Thanksgiving gathering. It was a smash hit. The games were fun and intuitive and inclusive. Everyone could play. From Grandparents to grandkids. Everyone was laughing and having a great time.

Every family there said "Man we have to get one of those!"

Nintendo makes damn fun games. The difficult part is actually getting games into people's hands. The Wii-U failed because it's just too damn hard to get everyone together to play games. Also it wasn't obvious how fun the touchscreen + TV combo could be.

Mobile Phone gaming is only king because of convenience. Those games are not more fun than a console game. They just fit into people's lifestyles better (and there's a lot to be said for that). So very few people bought it. They just stuck with their phones and tablets.

But now, Nintendo isn't just locked to the living room. Neither is it locked to a single handheld device. The NX can be played anytime, anywhere, with a group of people, with controllers. This is HUGE.

There are so many kinds of games that don't inherently work on mobile and that can't be shared on previous handhelds unless everyone owns the handheld.

The switch knocks down all the obstacles that have gone up over the yeas that prevent people from playing these languishing genres of games.

I think once people remember (or experience for the first time) the joy of sharing a game in real life, with real people they will be hooked.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Fri 21 Oct 00:42]

1799th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"... Switch." , posted Fri 21 Oct 00:48post reply

Interesting to see Skyrim tossed into the introductory mix.


Même Narumi est épatée !
257th Post

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"Re(1):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Fri 21 Oct 01:35post reply


Seems like Mario Kart, Splatoon, 3D Mario Game Zelda BotW (of course) and two games I have no idea what they are (Monster Hunter?) in.
It's a hybrid console/handheld with micro kontrollers and Pro controllers supported.

I am still waiting for the answer to the rumor on if the games will be catridge based again. Aside from that, this will be a great console!

Long Live I AM!

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"Re(1):... Switch." , posted Fri 21 Oct 01:51post reply

Even dressed up for a night on the town in a fancy trailer the Switch framerate looks pretty S L U G G I S H. Can't handle those Zelda blob physics and the gift of sunlight at the same time. And of all 3rd parties, Bethesda obviously wasn't going to be the one to break 30fps. But hey, third parties. A basketball game. That's kind of new for Nintendo.

Anyway, I guess this implies future Nintendo World Championships are going to be Bring Your Own Console from now on. This has a couple of interesting implications, namely players get to keep their settings and customizations, something non-arcade, offline tournament scenes have been lacking or struggling to support for a while. On one hand it means we get to see players getting creative and having even more of a signature look, on the other it means we'll be seeing some real monstrosities as well.

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"Re(2):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Fri 21 Oct 02:16post reply


I am still waiting for the answer to the rumor on if the games will be cartridge based again. Aside from that, this will be a great console!

On the trailer you can see a person introducing a small cart into the console.

And yes, whenever they show portable Zelda in the video, the framerate drop is evident. I honestly think Nintendo as a whole is losing touch with their market. Or maybe I'm wrong, it's a company after all. Good thing they have teams that still make wonderful games.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):... Switch." , posted Fri 21 Oct 02:30post reply


Anyway, I guess this implies future Nintendo World Championships are going to be Bring Your Own Console from now on. This has a couple of interesting implications, namely players get to keep their settings and customizations, something non-arcade, offline tournament scenes have been lacking or struggling to support for a while. On one hand it means we get to see players getting creative and having even more of a signature look, on the other it means we'll be seeing some real monstrosities as well.

Like Nobi says It would be perfect to become a walking arcade. I think Nintendo should hunt fighting game scene too, since design is more convenient to play and practice more. I'm excited for this device. Also It seems super cool to have two controller for local multiplayer, that was something that always bothered me that consoles are coming with only one controller.

1801th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):... Switch." , posted Fri 21 Oct 02:35post reply

By the way, what was the last home console to come bundled with two controllers? Did the original Neo Geo have two? The Neo Geo CD maybe? The Super Nintendo still had two in France I believe, but maybe not in all territories.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):... Switch." , posted Fri 21 Oct 03:22post reply

By the way, what was the last home console to come bundled with two controllers? Did the original Neo Geo have two? The Neo Geo CD maybe? The Super Nintendo still had two in France I believe, but maybe not in all territories.

Arguably the NES came with two, a pad and a lightgun.

The SNES was mostly sold with 1 controller here in NA, but I believe there was a bundle that had 2.

I guess if we count alternative bundles, that might open up the options a bit? After all, there were boxes of the SNES that came with DKC/SMW/nothing.

Lord SNK

191th Post

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"Re(2):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Fri 21 Oct 03:23post reply


I am still waiting for the answer to the rumor on if the games will be catridge based again. Aside from that, this will be a great console!

Like Tai-Pan said, here is a screenshot

I like what Nobi suggests, an expanded VC with also arcade ports would be awesome, I would like to play TMNT Turtles in times or hell, CADASH! With a friend, on my work pause.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):... Switch." , posted Fri 21 Oct 03:54post reply

By the way, what was the last home console to come bundled with two controllers? Did the original Neo Geo have two? The Neo Geo CD maybe? The Super Nintendo still had two in France I believe, but maybe not in all territories.

Any of the playstations didn't have the second one as far as I know. And dreamcast I bought came with four but that was second hand. Also I loved Dreamcast had four controller support. Having a lot of gaming siblings so console itself supporting multiplayer was wondeful. It gives the message that they know you will have people to have play games together.
One controller's statement, on the other hand feels like "enjoy your parent's basement".

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(5):... Switch." , posted Fri 21 Oct 04:00post reply

If there is one thing I like about the announcement: Nintendo's marketing department's post-Wii hangover is finally cured.
No more confusion about what the thing is or what it does or why you would want it or not. The trailer is extremely clear without being dull, informative without too many details (we still don't know about the touch screen situation for example), focused on the strong points, just tantalizing enough with new games (Mario Kart 8.5, Super Mario Mexico) without making them the focus that could divert from the actual machine...
I think that's the main reason Skyrim is there: if you recognize it, you'll think "cool, Skyrim" and your attention goes back focusing on the machine, and if you don't know you'll think "OK, they'll try to get more generic AAA western games" and your attention goes back on the machine.

If it had been any new game like RDR2, the new Mass Effect or Dead Space or whatever, you would have had more focus on the new game, announcement, trailer, etc. Skyrim is an visual linguistic element with a very clear message, similar to Minecraft (which I really hope for them is there at launch). The selection of games shown and the way it was shown was very elegant.

I can't wait to see the games now, but since this will replace the 3DS, the WiiU and the Vita all in one, I'm on board day 1 anyway.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):... Switch." , posted Fri 21 Oct 04:13post reply

Nintendo, of all companies, is trying to bring back LAN parties in an era where everybody else is going for intense online integration. That's quite something.

Splatoon eSports as the closing hype moment of the trailer is remarkable, and I hope that Nintendo is able to make Splatoon a cultural phenomenon outside of Japan. It will be hard.

I have many things to say about the Switch (some of which I blasted at Nobi over FB!), not all of which are positive. Nintendo once again choosing to do their own thing, possibly at the expense of the support of some major third parties, is surprising to me. They absolutely better have a better launch set up for it than the WiiU, and it is absolutely the case that they are messaging the Switch better than the WiiU.

I hope that Nintendo survives this adventure, because they are picking the biggest fight that they have ever picked. They are picking a fight with mobile gaming, they are picking a fight with home console gaming, they are hedging against the importance of AAA third party support...

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"Re(2):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Fri 21 Oct 05:12post reply

I would like to officially express my deepest appreciation to Nintendo for making a console specifically for me. I hope the rest of you will incidentally enjoy this console that was made for me.

Alternate reaction: holy mackerel, a console that comes with its own screen?! It's everything I've been waiting for. I have ZERO desire to cart a television around with me on my various work moves, but I also don't particularly like playing by myself on little screens, hence my joy at SFV now being on PC, but most games I care about weren't on PC...until now!

This will probably be one of those developments that seems breathtakingly obvious and standard in a future generation: "You think that early societies actually expected people to play video games on phones or handheld systems by themselves? What a stupid idea! I will kill you for having had such a stupid idea!"

Thankfully, we will no longer live in that miserable Dark Age.

All I require is a plug to get it to display on a computer monitor and not just a television screen.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):... Switch." , posted Fri 21 Oct 05:27post reply

I have many things to say about the Switch (some of which I blasted at Nobi over FB!), not all of which are positive. Nintendo once again choosing to do their own thing, possibly at the expense of the support of some major third parties, is surprising to me.

Well, that's one way to look at it.

I think Nintendo's historically bad relationship with third parties created a cycle. Nintendo charges high development fees, causing third parties to dislike them. But Nintendo can't compete with the current market without third party support because their technology can't keep up with the current gen in terms of power. So rather than competing in power, they create a niche for themselves with a gimmick that they can control most of the market on, and this is how they justify continuing to charge high development fees in spite of having weaker hardware. Then the high fees and weak hardware cause third parties to dislike them, and it repeats.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(3):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Fri 21 Oct 05:43post reply

This will probably be one of those developments that seems breathtakingly obvious and standard in a future generation: "You think that early societies actually expected people to play video games on phones or handheld systems by themselves? What a stupid idea! I will kill you for having had such a stupid idea!"

This reminds me of my reaction to television after I stopped having one (in 1997 I think).
"You expect me to be ready and watch whatever you want me to watch at the time you want, and not what I want at the time I want? I will kill you etc".
Which makes me wonder, jumping to a totally different topic, if Nintendo is going to adopt the Netflix system for its virtual console catalogue instead of selling them all again to stupid people like me.
And if they do, if they do it better than the PS+ which I find properly horrifying.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"bait and switch" , posted Fri 21 Oct 08:14post reply

Bethesda being coy about Skyrim despite it being featured in the trailer

Touchscreen support: "No comment"

Dropping the ball already?

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"Re(1):bait and switch" , posted Fri 21 Oct 10:41post reply

Investors are not amused.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):bait and switch" , posted Fri 21 Oct 10:44post reply

Touchscreen support: "No comment"

I didn't expect touchscreen support, as it wouldn't be usable while the system is in the TV docking station.

1802th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):bait and switch" , posted Fri 21 Oct 11:09post reply

Investors are not amused.

Is that anything more than "sell on news"?

Même Narumi est épatée !
2211th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):bait and switch" , posted Fri 21 Oct 11:59post reply

Investors are not amused.

Is that anything more than "sell on news"?

Investors would put Mario in porno films (exclusively for mobile VR!) if they had the value and thought it would make money.

It's always impressive to me what amazing and complicated bullshit is running behind the scenes. Hahah.

As for the Switch... I dunno. I'm kind of into it.

/ / /

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Fri 21 Oct 15:08post reply

Playing on tablets has no appeal to me, but Switch has got my attention.

Doubly so since the PS4 Pro is still weaker than my PC that it's laughable that it could be considered an upgrade to anything.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.
1804th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Fri 21 Oct 16:52post reply

... shot in Vancouver, in case you wondered. Canadians can keep secrets.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):bait and switch" , posted Sat 22 Oct 01:56post reply

Investors are not amused.

Is that anything more than "sell on news"?

Oh sure, there's a lot of that going on. Still, the feeling that the Switch is a regression isn't unfounded. If this had been a console that somehow interacted with smartphones or tablets (don't ask me how that would work!) it would be seen as building on the success of Pokémon Go. Instead it's a modular system that can be viewed as either a hybrid or something that is neither fish nor fowl. Even worse, for mobile gaming it requires that people carry around a big doo-dad instead of the technology that they probably already have on them. This reminds me of the handle on the GameCube, which was another case where Nintendo's move toward interactivity felt quaint instead of innovative.

Iggy wisely noted that the Switch is a replacement for the 3DS, Wii U and the Vita; that's not a recipe for a bold, new direction in gaming. Don't get me wrong, the Switch could be a fine console. But from what I can see this is a product that preaches to the choir and not something that is going to bring in new converts.

Doubly so since the PS4 Pro is still weaker than my PC that it's laughable that it could be considered an upgrade to anything.

I feel bad being negative on Nintendo when the upgraded systems from Sony and MS are so incredibly blah. At least Nintendo has the decency to put out something ridiculous!

1805th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):bait and switch" , posted Sat 22 Oct 02:37post reply

That's true; I could see how the lack of buzzwords / high concepts such as "Pokémon Go" and "smartphones" influenced the perception of investors.

On the other hand, the kind of deep hardware analysis and insightful interpretation of potential shortcomings you propose would strike me as uncharacteristic from a group of people who needed to be explained by Nintendo that Nintendo was not making Pokémon Go so they should maybe stop investing in the wrong company for three consecutive weeks.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(5):bait and switch" , posted Sat 22 Oct 19:48post reply

Back to my hunch that the Switch will be replacing the Vita (I wish there was a way to make it sound less pathetic than it is): I think I remember that Persona 3++ and Persona 4++ sold very well on PSP and Vita, maybe even higher than the original PS2 versions.
My question is: did they sell so well because the fans were so in love with the original that they all rushed to buy the upgraded version? Or is the franchise's public more in tune with a portable console (I'm obviously speaking about Japan)? I guess at the time home consoles weren't as dead as they are now...
Basically: is Atlus going to release Persona spinoffs and Megaten 5 while keeping Persona's main games on Sony's console, or are they going to put everything on all platforms and we can say good bye to Megaten again?

On a similar note, I loved in the Switch trailer the unlikely segment about 4 westerners playing a LAN party, even though it was obvious the message was to tell Japanese people "remember how you loved playing MonHan on your PSP?".

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):bait and switch" , posted Sun 23 Oct 01:18post reply

Back to my hunch that the Switch will be replacing the Vita (I wish there was a way to make it sound less pathetic than it is): I think I remember that Persona 3++ and Persona 4++ sold very well on PSP and Vita, maybe even higher than the original PS2 versions.
My question is: did they sell so well because the fans were so in love with the original that they all rushed to buy the upgraded version? Or is the franchise's public more in tune with a portable console (I'm obviously speaking about Japan)? I guess at the time home consoles weren't as dead as they are now...
Basically: is Atlus going to release Persona spinoffs and Megaten 5 while keeping Persona's main games on Sony's console, or are they going to put everything on all platforms and we can say good bye to Megaten again?

On a similar note, I loved in the Switch trailer the unlikely segment about 4 westerners playing a LAN party, even though it was obvious the message was to tell Japanese people "remember how you loved playing MonHan on your PSP?".

P3 and P4's PS2 release made a ton of noise on the internet with its loud and internet savvy fanbase, but the total number of copies sold was actually not as large as its internet presence would've suggested: in North America, it sold a little over 100k copies apiece.

The Vita has a historically high attach rate, which is why Drinkbox Studios still makes games for it. It's a fairly hardcore audience that likes to spend money on games, and is an audience that gets relatively few quality releases per year. As a result, it's a surprisingly good environment for certain studios.

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"Re(7):bait and switch" , posted Sun 23 Oct 02:53post reply

On the other hand, the kind of deep hardware analysis and insightful interpretation of potential shortcomings you propose would strike me as uncharacteristic from a group of people who needed to be explained by Nintendo that Nintendo was not making Pokémon Go so they should maybe stop investing in the wrong company for three consecutive weeks.

Nobody ever said investors were smart. Instead of planning ahead most investors are either acting on the wrong information or trying to act on something that has already past. A majority of investors have lousy yomi.

The Vita has a historically high attach rate, which is why Drinkbox Studios still makes games for it. It's a fairly hardcore audience that likes to spend money on games, and is an audience that gets relatively few quality releases per year. As a result, it's a surprisingly good environment for certain studios.

If Nintendo can combine the attachment rate of the Vita to the compulsion that drove people to buy Amiibos by the barrel they will create something terrifying.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Sun 23 Oct 05:02post reply

... shot in Vancouver, in case you wondered. Canadians can keep secrets.


4986th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Nintendo NX is...." , posted Tue 25 Oct 02:18post reply

sorry just a test text! 1-2-3