SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Edition - Forums

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"SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Edition" , posted Thu 17 Nov 16:36:post reply

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SNK Stuff Thread 17

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[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 17 Nov 17:30]


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"Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Thu 17 Nov 16:40:post reply

My expression when I heard KOF14 was nominated for The Game Awards 2016

Which I assume is appropriate since that shot was taken from Conan O' Brien playing FFXV.

.... V has come too...

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 17 Nov 16:45]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Sat 19 Nov 21:41post reply

Heh, that's quite the shocking news. Maybe it's just because Tekken 7 isn't out on consoles and PC yet?

Please allow me to briefly ecover some points from the previous thread:

-I'm obviously disheartened at how KOF14 will never meet hardcore fighting games players' taste from a purely technical standpoint -engine, balance and whatnot-, but I'm not surprised given SNK's huge tradition of making broken fighting games. Back when I used to lurk the Shoryuken forums, I read Laban saying hugely acclaimed games like Garou and Gekka 2 are insanely broken once you get the hand of their mechanics at a high level, or something like that.

-there's a bit in the Real Bout interview that resonated with my soul at once: Billy's jacket. You'd think "how can such a thug wear a jacket which seemingly makes a statement against smoke?", and I've always loved the contrast between his bad guy nature and the sign on his jacket, but knowing the story of how Billy got that piece of clothing makes me like the whole thing even more

-KOF14 in the arcades is easily one of the best gaming news of the year to me. While its availability in Italy will be awfully close to zero -I don't even know if there are any Italian arcades equipped with NESiCA stuff-, the very existence of an arcade version of this game means to me that SNK somewhat cares about it -all things considered about its (lack of) technical polish- and is trying all it can to cater to its potential Japanese player base

-best gaming news of the year for me? SNK announcing the last stage of its rebranding, of course. Can't wait for December 1st. The logo SNK posted on Twitter 2 weeks ago will be my wallpaper for all that month.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Samurai Shodown 6 spotted for PS4" , posted Sun 20 Nov 12:57:post reply

This was unexpected. While it did come out as stand-alone for Japan on PS2, the only way to play it on PS2 in America was through the SS Anthology. This is the first time the stand-alone is released in English, which makes me wonder if the unlockables will be there already like in SS Anthology or if you'll have to unlock them like the original Japan PS2 release. I hated its presentation but won't deny its gameplay value.

[this message was edited by Abster on Sun 20 Nov 12:58]

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"Re(3):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Sun 20 Nov 17:22:post reply

Abster- Thanks for the news! Humm I might pick up the game..

I'm obviously disheartened at how KOF14 will never meet hardcore fighting games players' taste from a purely technical standpoint -engine, balance and whatnot-, but I'm not surprised given SNK's huge tradition of making broken fighting games.

Here's what may come as shocking news: Hardcore fighting game players-- at least the better players, don't nessesarily care about "balance and whatnot" since it doesn't nessesarily equal to having fun. It's a misconception commonly believed due to the modern e-sports movement. This topic can take long to explain and it's one of the things I plan on covering next year, so look forward to that.

But just to humor you: In Japan, there's more larger tournaments for KOFXIV than there were back with XIII. In fact just this weekend, there was a user-produced tournament at a fighting game trattoria which was officially supported by SNK. On the other hand, the game seems already dead in the west.

Oddly ehough this is like the direct opposite of how things were back with KOFXIII; the game was seen in lots of tournaments in the west while it was pretty dead in Japan.

So no, it's not that KOFXIV's gameplay wasn't well-received in the hardcore fighting game scene. There were other elements and perhaps some culture differences involved.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 20 Nov 19:48]

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"Re(4):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Sun 20 Nov 19:53post reply

Here's what may come as shocking news: Hardcore fighting game players don't nessesarily care about "balance and whatnot" since it doesn't nessesarily equal to having fun. However this topic can take long to explain and it's one of the things I plan on covering next year, so look forward to that.
On that topic, we can remember that American players have spent 10 years obsessed with a certain 3v3 fighting game that had a grand total of 3 good characters, mystifying the rest of the world.
"Fun" is such a difficult notion to quantify.

I think balance and a varied roster on the other hand is paramount for streaming. Playing a game with the same characters forever can be fun if the game is fun; watching the same characters fighting over and over can be dreadful if you're not overtly invested in the game's most arcane mechanics.
For example, I hate competitive Smash 4 and Smash GC with equal passion, but at least 4 has some variety while I'm waiting for the good fighting game to start, while it seems GC only has 2 characters doing the same thing over and over.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Sun 20 Nov 22:12post reply

I had forgot to report about SamuSpi Tenka sure was a big surprise to me given how obscure this game is in the West. I briefly played it and it instantly came across as insanely packed with content. I'll definitely feel the urge to fully explore it someday.

As for KOF14's reception, I learned a good lesson coming back to the Cafe: don't try and understand how the Western FGC perceives KOF -or any other SNK title- anymore. Never ever xD But Prof, I'm definitely looking forward to your coverage of this matter.

I'm happy to read XIV is not dead in Japan.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I'll be happier when I can switch back to my previous ISP and enjoy a VDSL connection -my current ISP doesn't give any VDSL service to buildings like the one I live in, and FTTH isn't even an option yet in this city...-, which should give me 5x faster ping values according to some investigations I've done.

End of Spoiler

Iggy you made a good point: as much as I'm crazy for KOF, I got bored by seeing the same few characters over and over again in the last portions of KOF13 tournaments. I stopped following XIV tourneys when the game got out ^^; but I guess I'd feel the same.

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"Re(4):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Mon 21 Nov 11:25post reply

Abster- Thanks for the news! Humm I might pick up the game..

I'm obviously disheartened at how KOF14 will never meet hardcore fighting games players' taste from a purely technical standpoint -engine, balance and whatnot-, but I'm not surprised given SNK's huge tradition of making broken fighting games.

Here's what may come as shocking news: Hardcore fighting game players-- at least the better players, don't nessesarily care about "balance and whatnot" since it doesn't nessesarily equal to having fun. It's a misconception commonly believed due to the modern e-sports movement. This topic can take long to explain and it's one of the things I plan on covering next year, so look forward to that.

But just to humor you: In Japan, there's more larger tournaments for KOFXIV than there were back with XIII. In fact just this weekend, there was a user-produced tournament at a fighting game trattoria which was officially supported by SNK. On the other hand, the game seems already dead in the west.

Oddly ehough this is like the direct opposite of how things were back with KOFXIII; the game was seen in lots of tournaments in the west while it was pretty dead in Japan.

So no, it's not that KOFXIV's gameplay wasn't well-received in the hardcore fighting game scene. There were other elements and perhaps some culture differences involved.

I was hoping it would sell half a million but only over 100k. Is that still good for SNK? I don't think they would expect it to be that low.

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"Re(4):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Mon 21 Nov 11:33post reply

What do you know, a SS game. Now if they would just release MotW like they have been hinting we will have something.


But just to humor you: In Japan, there's more larger tournaments for KOFXIV than there were back with XIII. In fact just this weekend, there was a user-produced tournament at a fighting game trattoria which was officially supported by SNK. On the other hand, the game seems already dead in the west.

Oddly ehough this is like the direct opposite of how things were back with KOFXIII; the game was seen in lots of tournaments in the west while it was pretty dead in Japan.

So no, it's not that KOFXIV's gameplay wasn't well-received in the hardcore fighting game scene. There were other elements and perhaps some culture differences involved.

That's interesting to hear how KoF13 and 14 have been received in different parts of the world. I wonder if the arcade release of 13 -and the balance issues it had- caused the fanbase to splinter and lose traction in Japan? I don't know but I'm going to have to poke around and see if there's any footage from that Japanese KoF14 tournament.

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"Re(5):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Mon 21 Nov 15:25:post reply

Footage of the tournament:

Cosplay and KOF food galore from tournament:

That's interesting to hear how KoF13 and 14 have been received in different parts of the world. I wonder if the arcade release of 13 -and the balance issues it had- caused the fanbase to splinter and lose traction in Japan? I don't know but I'm going to have to poke around and see if there's any footage from that Japanese KoF14 tournament.

I think it's due to multiple reasons:

1. KOF13 didn't attract too many of the old-school players and they kept on playing the older titles. However XIII gained its own population of new core players and when XIV came out, the majority of them and some 98UM/FE players migrated to the game.

2. SFVI was really popular when XIII was around. However SFV sort of bombed and players that aren't in for it for the money have been playing other games on the side including KOF XIV. This is probably the biggest difference from the current fighting game scene in Japan to that of the west.

3. Unlike back with KOFXIII when things at SNK were dead, the company is actually supporting the hardcore scene this time, albeit with the limited budget they obviously have.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 21 Nov 15:28]

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"Re(6):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Tue 22 Nov 01:32post reply

Footage of the tournament:

Cosplay and KOF food galore from tournament:

Thanks for the links! I like the inclusion of tea sandwiches. Seemingly the only food served at most game events is energy drinks so it's nice to see some civilized snacks.

Also, while watching the footage I discovered that Gang-il can be played by having him constantly do backwards cartwheel kicks. I need to start playing Gang-il.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(6):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Tue 22 Nov 06:23:post reply

I'll take a look at the tournament as soon as I can. I really was impressed by the number of cosplayers attending the event, but most of all, I feel love for KOF in their cosplays, regardless of each costume's actual quality.

EDIT: we e-sports now? SNK launches a support program for those who wanna organize KOF14 tournaments. I find it a tad too ambitious on their side since the issues we've already discussed, but I wish the to succeed of course :P

I don't know if this is a result of the 1.04 patch or I'm actually getting more focused when training, but I'm getting kinda consistent at j.C/D > cl.D > df+D first hit with Kyo, which was an absolute nightmare for me before 1.04 -but I didn't try this string when 1.03 was the latest patch. Never had any trouble in getting j.C/D > cr.C > df+D first hit instead, since day one.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 22 Nov 18:15]

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"Re(7):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Fri 25 Nov 12:24post reply

I'll take a look at the tournament as soon as I can. I really was impressed by the number of cosplayers attending the event, but most of all, I feel love for KOF in their cosplays, regardless of each costume's actual quality.

EDIT: we e-sports now? SNK launches a support program for those who wanna organize KOF14 tournaments. I find it a tad too ambitious on their side since the issues we've already discussed, but I wish the to succeed of course :P

I don't know if this is a result of the 1.04 patch or I'm actually getting more focused when training, but I'm getting kinda consistent at j.C/D > cl.D > df+D first hit with Kyo, which was an absolute nightmare for me before 1.04 -but I didn't try this string when 1.03 was the latest patch. Never had any trouble in getting j.C/D > cr.C > df+D first hit instead, since day one.

If anyone is down to play some KOF 14 I will be online for a bit. Let me know, thanks.

Long Live I AM!
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"Re(8):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Fri 25 Nov 14:44post reply

If anyone is down to play some KOF 14 I will be online for a bit. Let me know, thanks.

If it's around 8 or 9 PM jst (about 7,8 hours after your post) I could go on!

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"1,05" , posted Fri 25 Nov 15:15post reply

Again, it looks like they are not rebalancing anything, so I can't be bothered to switch what I'm doing right now.

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"Re(1):1,05" , posted Fri 25 Nov 15:31:post reply

Again, it looks like they are not rebalancing anything, so I can't be bothered to switch what I'm doing right now.

We downloaded the patch today but did not notice any major problems. Not sure but maybe because we are not playing as much as some cafe members to noticed the changes in detail. But it's playing fine in our point of view.

Long Live I AM!

[this message was edited by Neo0r0chiaku on Fri 25 Nov 15:32]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(8):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Fri 25 Nov 17:17:post reply

If anyone is down to play some KOF 14 I will be online for a bit. Let me know, thanks.

It was 4AM here xD And I'm afraid I couldn't have accepted regardless the time because you live in Latin America if I remember well -in case some of you don't remember, cross-continent KOF14 on an ADSL connection is a no-no. Thank you for the invite anyway ^_^

I hope SNK adds a manual region setting for the online profile in a future patch. Of course it has to be a one-time thing in order to avoid confusion among players, kinda like the CFN setup, but I hope it gets added one way or another, because I really don't like the idea of hijacking my KOFXIV online activity to my Italian account just for the sake of getting my region correctly reported -I saw room titles like "XYZ country/continent only, which is perfectly understandable because connection bars are so unreliable.

EDIT: I tried a ranked match search for the first time since I had set up the Google DNS in my PS4, but I seriously regret it. My opponent was Japanese even though I had set my search at level 4 only -I was shocked when the game found a match in a minute, but then I saw a hamasesomenumber nickname and I thought "fuck everything, I'd kick him in a heartbeat if it didn't look rude-, the whole match ran at half the game's real speed and I didn't have fun at all.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 25 Nov 21:07]

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"Re(9):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK Ed" , posted Fri 25 Nov 23:03post reply

If anyone is down to play some KOF 14 I will be online for a bit. Let me know, thanks.

It was 4AM here xD And I'm afraid I couldn't have accepted regardless the time because you live in Latin America if I remember well -in case some of you don't remember, cross-continent KOF14 on an ADSL connection is a no-no. Thank you for the invite anyway ^_^

I hope SNK adds a manual region setting for the online profile in a future patch. Of course it has to be a one-time thing in order to avoid confusion among players, kinda like the CFN setup, but I hope it gets added one way or another, because I really don't like the idea of hijacking my KOFXIV online activity to my Italian account just for the sake of getting my region correctly reported -I saw room titles like "XYZ country/continent only, which is perfectly understandable because connection bars are so unreliable.

EDIT: I tried a ranked match search for the first time since I had set up the Google DNS in my PS4, but I seriously regret it. My opponent was Japanese even though I had set my search at level 4 only -I was shocked when the game found a match in a minute, but then I saw a hamasesomenumber nickname and I thought "fuck everything, I'd kick him in a heartbeat if it didn't look rude-, the whole match ran at half the game's real speed and I didn't have fun at all.

Interesting! Is the connection issue with other continents just in Ranked or Free Match? We were in some rooms where the location was in France, Hong Kong, Mexico, and Argentina and it ran smoothly for us. That was in Free Match. We have it set for level 2 and up.

However, thanks Mickey and Prof, Someday I will be up in the morning to coincide with your evening time availability. I do have a question. I do remember some cafe members stating they can use Saturn and other USB controllers. How can I get that to work or where can I buy the peripherals and/or controllers?

Long Live I AM!
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(10):SNK Stuff Thread 20- Winter 2016 SNK E" , posted Sat 26 Nov 00:15:post reply

I just played one ranked match, nothing else*, so I'd suggest you not to take my report as relevant, also considering that my current connection is a 25ms ADSL (ping measured with a server a few kilometers away from my place, of course). I'm glad you asked for further info anyway ^^ I'll try and be available when you get online at a different time :D

As for Saturn controllers, I vaguely remember there's a PSX/2 adapter for Saturn controllers, but I'm afraid it's very rare and expensive as of now, and of course you'd have to daisy chain it to a PSX/2 to PS3 converter and then set your pad as a legacy controller in those PS4 games that have this feature, provided that it gets recognized. Maou uses a Saturn pad with an adapter IIRC, let's wait for his feedback.

EDIT: 50% off on the EU digital edition of KOF14 for Black Friday. I hope to God this brings a decent number of new European players to the game...

*EDIT 2: not to mention I'm in rank skip mode because I was waiting to get a VDSL connection before playing ranked matches, and my horrible experience from yesterday was my first ranked match ever.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 26 Nov 19:22]

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"XIV update" , posted Mon 28 Nov 14:34post reply

SNK used lighting, it was super effective

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):XIV update" , posted Mon 28 Nov 16:28:post reply

I can't believe they're still working on the graphics...while this nth coat of painting won't save the game from being deemed as "ugly as shit" by the masses, I'm very, very happy SNK cares for KOF14 this much. I'd love if characters in-game looked the same as during the special pre-fight dialogues while keeping a rock solid 60fps framerate -don't know if it's just me, but I'm still convinced they look better in those scenes, and I suspect that's the reason why dialogue scenes move at 30fps instead of 60-, but I guess it's beyond SNK's current 3D skills. Still, I got something more to look forward besides SNK's complete rebranding, and I couldn't be any happier.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 28 Nov 18:53]

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"Re(2):XIV update" , posted Mon 28 Nov 23:29post reply

I heard that the reason for this update was because Taito forced SNK to upgrade the graphics of the game if they wanted it to be released on Nesica 2.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):XIV update" , posted Tue 29 Nov 01:02post reply

Really? That would make sense IMO. Looking forward to more information. The KOF14 team looks quite honest when it comes to interviews and statements about their game, so I'm sure they'll reveal the story behind this update in the next weeks.

By the way, I bet we'll get further game engine and character specific changes. Fingers crossed for a manual online profile region setting :P

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(4):XIV update" , posted Tue 29 Nov 07:04post reply

Now the reason why they used *work in progress* for the screenshots after release i

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"Re(5):XIV update" , posted Tue 29 Nov 11:32post reply

It's crazy and a little sobering to realize how much polishing was left to be done on KoF14 when it shipped. Still, they managed to deliver a complete game for which we can probably thank good management and good luck. Plus, in the old days we would need to wait for the next KoF upgrade to get different lighting so this is a case where constant patching is a benefit.

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"Re(6):XIV update" , posted Tue 29 Nov 13:57post reply


Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):XIV update" , posted Tue 29 Nov 17:02:post reply


Looks like a whole new world game to me. But I know my opinion doesn't count because I'm charitable way beyond the limits of human understanding when it comes to SNK x'D I'm happy about this daily teasers thing before PSX ^^

Fatal Fury and South America Team themes free on the EU PSN store!! So, the policy of giving different free themes in each region continues. Needless to say I've downloaded them already.

I didn't know a South America theme was in the works, nice surprise ^_^ Violet hair Zarina is something, I like her even better this way than brown haired. Jump in the rhythm!!

EDIT: there's a nice surprise in the FF theme :D In my opinion at least.

EDIT 2: There's something about KOF14 1.10 I'm waiting for more than anything else: a Playmore-free copyright line in the title screen. I don't know if it's legally possible, but I seriously hope it happens. Besides, the third KOFXIV 1.10 teaser is out already. And it's the screen that impressed me the most.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 29 Nov 22:08]

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"Re(7):XIV update" , posted Wed 30 Nov 04:20post reply


I would really like to read Nobi's impressions about this graphic improvements.
Probably I'm wrong, but to me the the skin now seems too much plastic-looking?
A video of the game in action probably would be much better to judge the results.

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"Re(8):XIV update" , posted Wed 30 Nov 05:22post reply


I would really like to read Nobi's impressions about this graphic improvements.
Probably I'm wrong, but to me the the skin now seems too much plastic-looking?
A video of the game in action probably would be much better to judge the results.

The KoF14 characters always looked like plastic, it's just that before they looked like improperly lit plastic.

I very much agree that I would like to see some video of this new lighting in motion. A few dramatic, carefully picked screenshots are all well and good but how does this look during a regular match?

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"Re(9):XIV update" , posted Wed 30 Nov 06:13post reply


The KoF14 characters always looked like plastic, it's just that before they looked like improperly lit plastic.

I very much agree that I would like to see some video of this new lighting in motion. A few dramatic, carefully picked screenshots are all well and good but how does this look during a regular match?

Try loading the pre-boss fight CG scenes, they seem to be using those as reference.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(8):XIV update" , posted Wed 30 Nov 06:28post reply


I would really like to read Nobi's impressions about this graphic improvements.
Probably I'm wrong, but to me the the skin now seems too much plastic-looking?
A video of the game in action probably would be much better to judge the results.

As Ish said, the KOF14 team was going for a plastic look from the beginning. How they went for it although this kind of look doesn't please anybody is another story ^^; If Nobi brings his thoughts on this matter here in this thread, it's gonna be a great read.

By the way, I've always been bothered by how SNK didn't implement any sort of reflection in Mature's make up mirror in the end of her it sheer lack of experience on the team's part? Or are she and Vice some kind of human-yet-inhuman creatures who don't get reflected in mirrors? xD

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(9):XIV update" , posted Wed 30 Nov 08:16post reply


is it sheer lack of experience on the team's part? Or are she and Vice some kind of human-yet-inhuman creatures who don't get reflected in mirrors? xD

Could be. Calculating reflections is also a rather expensive process. Even though it's just for what's basically a cutscene. It's not so much hard to figure as it is just tedious.

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"Re(9):XIV update" , posted Wed 30 Nov 09:49post reply


By the way, I've always been bothered by how SNK didn't implement any sort of reflection in Mature's make up mirror in the end of her it sheer lack of experience on the team's part? Or are she and Vice some kind of human-yet-inhuman creatures who don't get reflected in mirrors? xD

Well, they are supposed to be back from the dead, and even had transparent palettes in XIII...

Micky Kusanagi
468th Post

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"Re(10):XIV update" , posted Wed 30 Nov 16:12:post reply


Well, they are supposed to be back from the dead, and even had transparent palettes in XIII...

That's what I was thinking about. Maybe "or is it because she and Vice are..." is a better wording to make it clear that I remember their XIII backstory :D

Ninmu Kanryou 2.0

Random corner: has anyone ever bothered to test input lag and check if there are any difference between PS4 controllers and legacy mode?

EDIT: redirects to at last. *shoots Kusanagi fireworks

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Thu 1 Dec 01:06]

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"Future is Now with Neo Geo Sound Quality." , posted Thu 1 Dec 09:58post reply

SNK released a video for their logo. And it has a familiar sound.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):Future is Now with Neo Geo Sound Qualit" , posted Thu 1 Dec 18:09post reply

...WOW. The classic chiptune version is immortal, but I understand it would turn off a lot of people, and this modern variant is beautiful in its own right. I want it as my SMS ringtone It'd be so nice if SNK included it in KOF14 1.10 ^_^

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(2):Future is Now with Neo Geo Sound Qualit" , posted Thu 1 Dec 21:43post reply

...WOW. The classic chiptune version is immortal, but I understand it would turn off a lot of people, and this modern variant is beautiful in its own right. I want it as my SMS ringtone It'd be so nice if SNK included it in KOF14 1.10 ^_^

It reminds me quite a bit of the remixed version of that tune that worked as the menu music in Rhythm of Fighters - this may be shorter, but it's a neat and eloquent way to mark the occasion.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Future is Now with Neo Geo Sound Qualit" , posted Thu 1 Dec 23:52:post reply

Thank you Prof for the new article!! It's fantastic. I especially like the trivia of the old lady's farewell to the cabinet and the immortal PCBs one. I also like how they focused on Garou Densetsu. Everybody knows KOF is my favorite game ever, but I do recognize GD as the true beginning of SNK's great adventure into fighting games, and you may remember the story of how Tung's stage in GD1 had me in awe.


It reminds me quite a bit of the remixed version of that tune that worked as the menu music in Rhythm of Fighters - this may be shorter, but it's a neat and eloquent way to mark the occasion.

I agree, that's the style they went for. I had to play some random ROF video on Youtube because I didn't remember the menu theme, I haven't played it for a long time. Man, I remember my rush to buy an iTunes card and get all its DLCs a couple days before it got delisted last year...

Gatoray was waiting for this screenshot. Now his wish has been granted :D

EDIT: Regular angle difference isn't so impressive as the close-up difference, but if you make a side-by-side comparison like Gatoray did, the improvement definitely shows. Besides, new colors.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 2 Dec 18:28]


43th Post

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"Garou: MOTW and Windjammers" , posted Sun 4 Dec 05:40post reply

Garou: MOTW is on the PSN store today. Also windjammers is also announced!

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"1.10....." , posted Sun 4 Dec 07:27post reply

coming on the next year?..... Meanwhile, on psexp ; fireballs still can't be short jumped and uppercuts still keep getting stuffed..... Ah....

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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"Re(1):1.10....." , posted Sun 4 Dec 09:31post reply

coming on the next year?..... Meanwhile, on psexp ; fireballs still can't be short jumped and uppercuts still keep getting stuffed..... Ah....

Wow, Joe looks great! It's amazing how much detail was washed out due to lack of lighting.

Garou: MOTW is on the PSN store today.

This is the important news.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):1.10....." , posted Sun 4 Dec 21:32post reply

KOF XIV 1.10 update date (roughly) set, PS4/V online enabled Garou out, updated and online enabled PS4/V Windjammers announced. That's way more than I was expecting from SNK at PSX. Okay!!

Ah, I thought the Garou trailer was bound to begin with the "Certainly, they existed..." intro for added nostalgia, but I'm way more happy they went for the second intro theme. Every time I play Garou and I'm not in a rush, I wait for it. That funky sound is love.

Ore no...kachi da!!
5021th Post

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"Re(3):1.10....." , posted Mon 5 Dec 02:39post reply

Of all the announcements made this weekend by Capcom and SNK, the most I got hyped was the Windjammers announcement.

I'm not sure whether to take that as a good or bad sign.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):1.10....." , posted Mon 5 Dec 04:52post reply

I think it's understandable, Windjammers came across as a huge surprise -my jaw dropped and I've barely tried it for a couple minutes some months ago, but I know its reputation- whereas all the other announcements are stuff we were long prepared for and/or are about games dealing with controversial situations -SFV's sales are nothing like Capcom was aiming for, and KOF14...^^; there so little interest about KOFXIV that nobody posted offscreen footage of the 1.10 version on Youtube? I searched "kof xiv" with the upload date filter more than once, and I can't seem to find any video besides a huge amount of reuploads of the official trailer.

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"Re(4):1.10....." , posted Mon 5 Dec 11:21post reply

Well SNK isn't involved with windjammers, but still great news, they never thought that people really wanted windjammers, they should have tried to buy the IP, since lots of people think that the game was made by them

They still have a chance with street hoop though, data east ruled on the neo geo

5022th Post

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"Re(5):1.10....." , posted Mon 5 Dec 17:00post reply

Romance sent me a screenshot from the PSX event so I posted a comparison here.
The game's glossyness seriously looks like an Irem shmup now.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(6):1.10....." , posted Mon 5 Dec 18:38:post reply

sibarraz: you're right, but WJ spiritually belongs a bit to SNK in my heart xD Besides, I thought SNK had bought at least some of the Data East IPs other than Fighter's History, including WJ...

Prof: thanks to you and Romance for the comparison ^^ And look at that custom message :D The video description says "new demo late December" they mean a playable one?

It even isn't 720p, but at least we got a 1.10 video now :P And Kim looks very good in Dong Hwan's colors.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 5 Dec 18:48]

5023th Post

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"Re(7):1.10....." , posted Mon 5 Dec 20:26post reply

The video description says "new demo late December" they mean a playable one?

Yeah it's going to be a playable demo, which is about time since the previous demo plays different from the full product.

My personal guess is that the demo might be based on 1.10 since people will have free time during the xmas/new year period.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(8):1.10....." , posted Mon 5 Dec 22:11post reply

There's no other possible reason IMO.

Thank you for translating the latest Japanese news!! The "misc updates and fixes" reminds me of one of the two whims I have towards this game...extensive network request system and manual region setting.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I don't know if such a feature requires network infrastructures SNK can't afford, but after months of SFV I've been wishing for KOF14 the same online match request system (don't remember if I've already said it in the Cafe): you set ranked, free or both -of course the game would need a lobby-less free match mode added- and everything else, apply your preferences and the game continuously scans the network looking for challengers, while you can use just about any game mode.

The game already has an incredibly limited player base compared to SFV, and sometimes people don't wanna feel the pressure of fighting for their rank/face the hassles of a lounge. I think leaving KOFXIV without these quick match options would be the last nail in the coffin.

Automatic region is just a pain in the ass for players who can't rely on a VDSL or better connection.

End of Spoiler

Ore no...kachi da!!
530th Post

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"Re(9):1.10....." , posted Mon 5 Dec 22:19post reply

There's no other possible reason IMO.

Thank you for translating the latest Japanese news!! The "misc updates and fixes" reminds me of one of the two whims I have towards this game...extensive network request system and manual region setting.

Regarding what you said in the spoiler field.. have you contacted SNK and told them about your concerns? If you really want the game to be successful try letting them know what you think is missing from the product.

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(10):1.10....." , posted Mon 5 Dec 23:20:post reply

I answered Reiki_Kito and Fata_Con's survey, it includes a "features suggestions" question and I proposed that network request system. The survey is officially supported by SNK, so I think they'll read it.

Just read the new article about SNK being part of the Hatch platform...I thought there wouldn't be more surprises for a while after PSX. I hope this venture proves to be successful ^^

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 5 Dec 23:25]

531th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 6 Dec 17:55post reply

I answered Reiki_Kito and Fata_Con's survey, it includes a "features suggestions" question and I proposed that network request system. The survey is officially supported by SNK, so I think they'll read it.

Interesting. I didn't know about that survey. I hope they release the numbers of how many people took the time to fill it out. Seems like only 401 did so in 2012.

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 6 Dec 19:05post reply

They added a raffle to the survey -3 free copies of KOF14 among those who specify their name/tag name, place and email- after they got supported by SNK, but it will only take place if at least 300 people answer to the survey till December 12th, so we should get some figures.

Ore no...kachi da!!
5025th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 6 Dec 22:00:post reply

Interesting. I didn't know about that survey. I hope they release the numbers of how many people took the time to fill it out. Seems like only 401 did so in 2012.

I helped on the JP version of that survey, which ended up quite different from the other countries after I localized it with additional questions and options like "Doujinshis" "Cosplay" and whatnot.

...Come to think, I wonder how much of the feedback that's not in Japanese will be read by SNK. They barely have staff that can do English.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 6 Dec 22:13]

1736th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 6 Dec 22:37:post reply

Interesting. I didn't know about that survey. I hope they release the numbers of how many people took the time to fill it out. Seems like only 401 did so in 2012.

I helped on the JP version of that survey, which ended up quite different from the other countries after I localized it with additional questions and options like "Doujinshis" "Cosplay" and whatnot.

...Come to think, I wonder how much of the feedback that's not in Japanese will be read by SNK. They barely have staff that can do English.

SNK should hire you Professor! In the time you've maintained the Cafe, delivering all the latest news about the ongoings of SNK they've gone from SNK to Playmore to SNK Playmore back to SNK (I probably missed something in there). You know all about their history and probably have a better thumb on the pulse of their worldwide fanbase than just about anyone else all told!

(Also you speak English)

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Tue 6 Dec 22:37]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 6 Dec 23:19post reply

They barely have staff that can do English.

It clearly shows from the English tweets they post from time to time ^^; Maybe they will pass the English and French feedback to those translators who show up at Western events? xD (don't remember their full names, maybe the English speaking one is Adam and the French one is Vincent)

Nobi, this is my favorite gaming related community ever, and Prof has his own share of merit, so I second your wish to see him hired by SNK :D

Ore no...kachi da!!

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 7 Dec 06:58post reply

Interesting. I didn't know about that survey. I hope they release the numbers of how many people took the time to fill it out. Seems like only 401 did so in 2012.

I helped on the JP version of that survey, which ended up quite different from the other countries after I localized it with additional questions and options like "Doujinshis" "Cosplay" and whatnot.

...Come to think, I wonder how much of the feedback that's not in Japanese will be read by SNK. They barely have staff that can do English.

That's cool Professor. Your work is incredible. Recently I translated Team Stories of KOF 14 to Turkish. There's a niche community there. Few of them are already able to use English but I see now and then some people use Turkish version of Mmcafe Tier Chart and that makes me proud.

Long story short I would like to translate the Survey into Turkish.Professor do you have the text version of Survey by any chance?

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Btw, threads are perfect on mobile now, thank you so much.

End of Spoiler

5025th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 7 Dec 11:44post reply


SNK should hire you Professor! In the time you've maintained the Cafe, delivering all the latest news about the ongoings of SNK they've gone from SNK to Playmore to SNK Playmore back to SNK (I probably missed something in there). You know all about their history and probably have a better thumb on the pulse of their worldwide fanbase than just about anyone else all told!

(Also you speak English)


Nobi, this is my favorite gaming related community ever, and Prof has his own share of merit, so I second your wish to see him hired by SNK :D

Thanks guys!
And Micky, I'm glad you feel that way, please make yourself at home at the BBS here!

Kofoguz- Glad to know Turkish players are using the localized tier charts, thanks about it!
Regarding the survey, I didn't do it from text-- Reiki made a copy of the survey to edit straight on Google. If you want to make a Turkish version, I can hit him about it and see if he's good about setting things up for you via your google account.

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"Re(6):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 7 Dec 18:07:post reply


Regarding the survey, I didn't do it from text-- Reiki made a copy of the survey to edit straight on Google. If you want to make a Turkish version, I can hit him about it and see if he's good about setting things up for you via your google account.

So maybe it's not too late for stuff like this?
If so, perhaps I could help with a Portuguese translation, since there's a big a healthy Brazillian fan community, but no Portuguese version of the survey - I've been toying with the idea, but I'll start my vacation tomorrow and should have plenty of time then to tackle this that I usually lack due to a long commute (and some efforts to try and keep FFXI's oblivion at bay, current SNK has enough releases and media presence to need my puny help that much).

And I can't help but agree on SNK's general issues with English - it still weirds me out that Metal Slug Attack is a world-wide game, but its social media presence is entirely in Japanese.

Speaking of weird stuff, I wonder if Sony takes issue with SNK releasing Garou on Steam so soon after the PSN version - then again, apparently the Steam version lacks stuff like the gallery.


[this message was edited by Loona on Wed 7 Dec 18:11]

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"Re(6):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 7 Dec 18:08post reply


Kofoguz- Glad to know Turkish players are using the localized tier charts, thanks about it!
Regarding the survey, I didn't do it from text-- Reiki made a copy of the survey to edit straight on Google. If you want to make a Turkish version, I can hit him about it and see if he's good about setting things up for you via your google account.

Oh that would be super cool. Thanks Professor.

5027th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 7 Dec 18:27post reply

Loona, KOFoguz-- I've hit Reiki about it and he's good with it, only thing however, he can't offer any more prize support since he barely has enough for the current surveys that'll be ending in about 72 hours.

Let me know if you guys are fine with that condition, thanks.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 7 Dec 20:08post reply

Loona, KOFoguz-- I've hit Reiki about it and he's good with it, only thing however, he can't offer any more prize support since he barely has enough for the current surveys that'll be ending in about 72 hours.

Let me know if you guys are fine with that condition, thanks.

I really don't care about prize. I'm ok with it.

Micky Kusanagi
497th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 7 Dec 21:08:post reply


Thanks guys!
And Micky, I'm glad you feel that way, please make yourself at home at the BBS here

Thank you Prof, I sure feel at ease here ^^

Funny fact about the survey: when answering the "feature request" question, I only remembered to propose the online match request system, and I forgot to mention the online profile region setting. I found a thread by Reiki on Dreamcancel about the survey and I asked him if he could add the online profile bit to my copy of the survey, and well, he replied and told me he finds it a very good idea for quality of life purposes. I was a little afraid it could be viewed as nitpicking on my part xD He also feels SNK is very interested in the survey.

Garou had some weird ass merchandising x'D

EDIT: best luck kofoguz and Loona for your regional surveys!!

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Wed 7 Dec 21:22]

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"Re(8):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 7 Dec 21:10post reply

Loona, KOFoguz-- I've hit Reiki about it and he's good with it, only thing however, he can't offer any more prize support since he barely has enough for the current surveys that'll be ending in about 72 hours.

Let me know if you guys are fine with that condition, thanks.

Not really expecting any prize support stuff, just hoping to help SNK and the survey's reach, which is why I was worried about maybe being too late to help out.

5030th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 7 Dec 21:38:post reply

I've hit Reiki about it, hopefully you'll receive a mail from him soon.

Gotcha. Doing the thing requires a google account, can you hit me with your gmail addy ?
[Update] Got your mail, relayed to Reiki.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 8 Dec 01:38]

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 8 Dec 07:13post reply

I've hit Reiki about it, hopefully you'll receive a mail from him soon.

Gotcha. Doing the thing requires a google account, can you hit me with your gmail addy ?
[Update] Got your mail, relayed to Reiki.

Hey Professor. Maybe it's too early to mention but I didn't get any mail. Might be different times, I'm checking just to be sure if Reiko sent the mail and I didn't have anything yet. Sorry if I'm being impatient.

Thank you again.

5031th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 8 Dec 11:14:post reply

I've hit Reiki about it, hopefully you'll receive a mail from him soon.

Gotcha. Doing the thing requires a google account, can you hit me with your gmail addy ?
[Update] Got your mail, relayed to Reiki.
Hey Professor. Maybe it's too early to mention but I didn't get any mail. Might be different times, I'm checking just to be sure if Reiko sent the mail and I didn't have anything yet. Sorry if I'm being impatient.

Thank you again.

Reiki's got my message but he hasn't still moved on it, it's like work hours in his time zone. I'm assuming it'd be best to wait 24-48 hours

It's done, the details should be in your mailboxes!
Note: You won't need to translate most of the results as long as the order and questions are the same.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 8 Dec 12:53]


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"Re(7):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 8 Dec 14:03post reply

Ok, first things first. I'm a long, looooooong time lurker here. Maybe since the dark times between KOFXI and the "unpopular" XII and the radio silence of SNK after XIII's release. Without Professor here and places like Cyberfanatix and Dreamcancel I would understand even less how the higher ups at SNK think and the work conditions the employees had during those years. I have nothing but deep respect for this place.

I usually hang around on brazilian forums and SRK but I'm still waiting for my XIV's Premium copy that I bought at launch and send to a friend in USA waiting for him to make a visit hopefully during christmas.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I would've post here before during KOFXIV development phase but I forgot the password I created after changing the one I got initially.

End of Spoiler


So maybe it's not too late for stuff like this?
If so, perhaps I could help with a Portuguese translation, since there's a big a healthy Brazillian fan community, but no Portuguese version of the survey - I've been toying with the idea, but I'll start my vacation tomorrow and should have plenty of time then to tackle this that I usually lack due to a long commute (and some efforts to try and keep FFXI's oblivion at bay, current SNK has enough releases and media presence to need my puny help that much).

And I can't help but agree on SNK's general issues with English - it still weirds me out that Metal Slug Attack is a world-wide game, but its social media presence is entirely in Japanese.

Speaking of weird stuff, I wonder if Sony takes issue with SNK releasing Garou on Steam so soon after the PSN version - then again, apparently the Steam version lacks stuff like the gallery.

So Loona, I'm Brazilian by birth and have a soft spot for SNK in my heart so, if you need any help to translate the questions from English to Brazilian Portuguese and the answers back to English feel free to contact me(I think you can see my mail on my profile, or at least my Steam profile). I have some time this week and can make some for the next ones because of the miracle of christmas. I once tried to translate part of 98UMFE's UI that CodeMystics a little too conveniently put the whole language files as a simple text file. It was just too much work for something that I would use for myself and 2002UM's files didn't work so well, I got lazy and never finished. I also bugged LabZero a lot about the catastrophic PT-BR translation during the release and while they still call male characters like Beowulf "a she", it got much better.

Also, I'll do whatever I can to spread the PT-BR survey contacting facebook groups, youtubers and dedicated forums around the web.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Maybe you heard about the old SNK-Neofighters forum but there are other places that we can gather attention too.

End of Spoiler

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I wouldn't go as far to say the Brazilian fan community is "healthy" as you know time flies and we're still playing "our favorite KOF" and complaining about the newer stuff.

End of Spoiler

By the way, the Steam version lacks stuff because it's a(nother) DotEmu port not a CodeMystics one like the PS4/Vita had last week. On the other hand, people are reporting the rollback netcode is miles better than the input delay on the console (also it has lobbies, c'mon CodeMystics). But the current version has some weird bugs in training mode like audio desyncs and input delay for some reason and the icon of the game is not the Rock Howard one. Also you don't have a 4:3 video option for... a 4:3 game. Neither can assign shortcuts for A+C and other combinations having to rely on Antimicro, Joy2key and other external stuff. Well, DotEmu said it would look into it but I don't really have many hopes.
Generally, I would say to avoid anything DotEmu touches but I'll still buy this one hoping that someday, Garou2 will be a reality (with the plane shifting mechanic back hopefully).

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(8):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 8 Dec 17:08post reply

Welcome Kensou ^^ It's always nice to hear such supporting voices. Kudos to you for your translation experiments.

Some KOF14 1.10 videos Chocobotiger grabbed at PlayStation Experience:

The last one is particularly interesting in that the camera frequently zooms in to show how different the characters look. Also, Mai has a MI2 alternate costume color. Nice reference :D

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"Re(8):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 9 Dec 00:44post reply

KensouADV-- Welcome to the MMCafe BBS!
I hope you enjoy your stay here.
The photo of the horse carrying an MVS is cute.

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"Re(9):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 9 Dec 02:41post reply

Welcome KensouADV!


Some KOF14 1.10 videos Chocobotiger grabbed at PlayStation Experience:

There's a lot of pillow action going on in those videos.


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"Re(9):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 9 Dec 13:15:post reply

Thank you all guys.


The photo of the horse carrying an MVS is cute.

That's actually a donkey. Pretty commom in some areas. What I meant is that in Brazil the history of SNK ties with the history of piracy in videogames(I think the first original KOF arcade machine that I saw in my life was Neowave and XI). While KOF was popular here since '94 the one that stood the test of time was 2002(and '97 to a lesser extend) that even made some hacked versions of the game being brought here. In those games you can press start to get as small as Mario before eating a mushroom among other silly stuff like new (unlimited)DMs. Even if today you can only find arcades mainly in shopping malls (so they're quite expensive) you'll probably find more hacked 2002 machines than even the "original" one. Of course you can find in other peculiar places like some small bars(it was pretty common in the 90's) or even a barber shop but it's pretty rare even on big cities like Rio and São Paulo.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Oh, the good old days of being 12 years old, coming home smelling like cigarettes and beer (when the place was not impregnated with a smell like if someone's dog just urinated there) after an afternoon at the local arcade. I really miss them...
By the way, my first arcade experience was the first Mortal Kombat in a small bar that my dad took me because he wanted to drink with his friends. Ahh, nothing like being 4 and rip Scorpion's spine with Subzero for the first time...

End of Spoiler

Also, is there a chance the possible turkish and portuguese surveys to be postponed because we got until like, monday, right?

[this message was edited by KensouADV on Fri 9 Dec 13:31]

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"Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 9 Dec 13:38post reply


Although it's rare, I've seen bootleg 02 games in Japan too.. only one variety though, the version with zombie colored characters.

The KOF surveys that are running right now are slated to end in about a day and I'm not sure if Kofoguz and Loona will even be finished with the Turkish and Portugese versions by then. So it'll certainly need to run on its own schedules. Don't worry too much about that.

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 9 Dec 15:44post reply


Although it's rare, I've seen bootleg 02 games in Japan too.. only one variety though, the version with zombie colored characters.

The KOF surveys that are running right now are slated to end in about a day and I'm not sure if Kofoguz and Loona will even be finished with the Turkish and Portugese versions by then. So it'll certainly need to run on its own schedules. Don't worry too much about that.

Professor, Kensou. I'm done with the translation and send it back to Reiko to do the final touches and checks (This is my first time editing a survey so before sending out links I want to be sure everything -not just translation part- is also fine) I deleted the ruffle and competition part since it is not possible.

Having another deadline for Turkish and Portuguese would be really great.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 9 Dec 23:57post reply

Sorry for derailing the discussion from your survey work, but I'm just back from a KOF14 room and something is bugging me which I can't seem to find an answer to in the web manual: what does the sky blue "speaker on" icon next to your PSN ID mean in the ID side list?

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(8):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Sun 11 Dec 11:58post reply

Finally done with the translation, between some busier moments I'd expect and a bit of a cold - sent the link to Reiki Kito and recommended he'd get KensouADV's input on it just in case, let's see out it goes from here...

When I described the Brazillian SNK/KoF community as "healthy", perhaps an alternate term would be "self-sustaining" or something else does justice to the critical mass of people it seems to include - there are forums, Facebook groups, frequent Youtube comments and event lore-related videos made by Brazillians out there - which in a way makes it seem weirder that none from the actual country has stepped up to tackle this translation gig before, so I guess that's where the "healthy" factor might break down. This is giving me flashbacks from about a decade ago in the Mugen communities where I for a while tried to bridge the English-using side and the Brazillian one...

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(9):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Sun 11 Dec 19:52post reply

Nice to hear good news from the survey front ^^

I'd like to spend a couple words on the world tournament matter. I got mixed feelings about it because some countries held tournaments before SNK announced the eSports Support Program and probably won't see any KOF14 tournaments before the World Championship qualifier deadline because the scene is just too small, but that's just nitpicking on my part. Completely fine with the grand final being held in China instead. I know SNK is set in Osaka, so a grand final in Japan would be better from a romantic point of view, but they had to get under a Chinese holding in order to survive (and maybe said holding is paying all the travel and accomodation fees for the finalists?), so no problem.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Mon 12 Dec 00:47post reply

I'd like to spend a couple words on the world tournament matter. I got mixed feelings about it because some countries held tournaments before SNK announced the eSports Support Program and probably won't see any KOF14 tournaments before the World Championship qualifier deadline because the scene is just too small, but that's just nitpicking on my part. Completely fine with the grand final being held in China instead. I know SNK is set in Osaka, so a grand final in Japan would be better from a romantic point of view, but they had to get under a Chinese holding in order to survive (and maybe said holding is paying all the travel and accomodation fees for the finalists?), so no problem.

Since Beijing is essentially the Valley of Defilement of major metropolitan areas the players are going to have to survive numerous environmental hazards before they even make it to their first match. It should make for a dramatic tournament.


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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Mon 12 Dec 20:30:post reply

Finally done with the translation, between some busier moments I'd expect and a bit of a cold - sent the link to Reiki Kito and recommended he'd get KensouADV's input on it just in case, let's see out it goes from here...

When I described the Brazillian SNK/KoF community as "healthy", perhaps an alternate term would be "self-sustaining" or something else does justice to the critical mass of people it seems to include - there are forums, Facebook groups, frequent Youtube comments and event lore-related videos made by Brazillians out there - which in a way makes it seem weirder that none from the actual country has stepped up to tackle this translation gig before, so I guess that's where the "healthy" factor might break down. This is giving me flashbacks from about a decade ago in the Mugen communities where I for a while tried to bridge the English-using side and the Brazillian one...

Good job Loona! Well, maybe I'll try to contact Reiki then.

Well, at the same time the community is "self-sustaining", they also are "self-centered". They don't usually listen to or interact with other communities. While I don't like how the brazilian Street Fighter community tries to "copy" the american scene in behaviour, format, broadcasting and even the language (so it loses "our identity" and I think that's the best thing about brazilians), they actually interact with the world to the point of having big Capcom events in the country with many players from the world. I think nobody tried to translate the survey before because almost nobody even knew about it. Well, I'm a long time follower of these websites like I said before so I voted even before it got SNK's approval and told my close friends to do the same. But now, in the age of social media, if we could spread the word to specific people and places, SNK might acknowledge what people here think.

Nice to hear good news from the survey front ^^

I'd like to spend a couple words on the world tournament matter. I got mixed feelings about it because some countries held tournaments before SNK announced the eSports Support Program and probably won't see any KOF14 tournaments before the World Championship qualifier deadline because the scene is just too small, but that's just nitpicking on my part. Completely fine with the grand final being held in China instead. I know SNK is set in Osaka, so a grand final in Japan would be better from a romantic point of view, but they had to get under a Chinese holding in order to survive (and maybe said holding is paying all the travel and accomodation fees for the finalists?), so no problem.

Curiously, there'll be a qualifier event next week in Brazil with the SNK's support(not in prizes, but is the intention that matters, right?) in a city 400km from where I live (Rio de Janeiro). But sadly, due to holidays and financial common sense, I can't be there. I hope the event is a success and many people attend so we can have more of these in the near future.

As for the survey, sad to hear the Orochinagi's character poll was "rigged" in the end by a youtubber asking his followers to vote on the American Sports Team. I just hope SNK don't ignore everything because of that. And I say as someone who actually voted for them because I miss Brian flying around the stage.


Since Beijing is essentially the Valley of Defilement of major metropolitan areas the players are going to have to survive numerous environmental hazards before they even make it to their first match. It should make for a dramatic tournament.

Well, if people survived the Summer Olympics in Rio, I think they'll be fine in Beijing.

[this message was edited by KensouADV on Mon 12 Dec 20:31]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 13 Dec 05:53post reply

Beijing held the Summer Games 8 years before Rio by the way :P

Somebody compromised the character poll like that? Wow that's a low move. But CYS won anyway. I don't think SNK will release additional characters although the Japanese poll says a lot of Japanese players want them, but I strongly suspect the Orochi trio is headed straight to KOF15, and all the Hakkesshu will be playable at some point in the current saga (not necessarily in the same game, but it could happen in this saga's dream match).

I voted Adel, Duck and Rock. Adel because it would be nice to see him back in the spotlight after not making the cut in XIII -may we assume he was already planned for XII?-; Duck because I think lighthearted characters is one of the things SNK excels at and he'd be in line with the throwback atmosphere set by the KOFXIV devs on their SNS accounts during the pre-release promotion -and because P-chan!!-; Rock just because I find him a very cool fighter (I know he'd feel redundant because of Geese).

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 13 Dec 08:00post reply

I wouldn't worry about the "rigging" since the poll was rigged to begin with. Should have been obvious with Gunsmith putting the entire NFT as one choice - so Shermie would get all the votes from people who only wanted Yashiro and/or Chris - and single characters as the others, and I'm sure the youtuber guy was just trying to get revenge for that rigging by getting people to vote for the other choice that's also a full team (USA).

To calculate the real results though, neither of those teams won. If you take the votes for entire teams and divide them by 3 (since they are shared by 3 characters) the actual winner of the poll is Mary.

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 13 Dec 17:07:post reply

I wouldn't worry about the "rigging" since the poll was rigged to begin with. Should have been obvious with Gunsmith putting the entire NFT as one choice - so Shermie would get all the votes from people who only wanted Yashiro and/or Chris - and single characters as the others, and I'm sure the youtuber guy was just trying to get revenge for that rigging by getting people to vote for the other choice that's also a full team (USA).

To calculate the real results though, neither of those teams won. If you take the votes for entire teams and divide them by 3 (since they are shared by 3 characters) the actual winner of the poll is Mary.

Loona, KensouADV- Great to know the Portugese version is done! Btw out of curiousity, how much does a PS4 console currently cost in Brazil? SCE was supposed to run a production plant locally from last year to avoid Brazil's crazy taxes but I'm hearing that the plant isn't running yet.

Offtopic, here's a really really vintage SNK ad from the early 1980s when there wasn't even a NeoGeo. Totally handwritten.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 17 Dec 01:59]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 13 Dec 17:37post reply

Gojira: you're right, grouping characters in a poll where all the others are on their own definitely isn't right.

By the way, I got a really nice memory of Blue Mary: the first time I fought her in GD3, I was totally blown away by her music theme. First time I heard a classical sounding piece in a video game (excluding chip tune renditions of royalty-free compositions, but I had never played such games before getting into NeoGeo), and it fit her stage like a charm. What an intense gaming moment.

Prof: the latest Orochinagi article extensively covers the state of the Brazilian KOF community -I'd like to hear from Loona and Kensou if they agree-, and Gunsmith says a PS4's price equals to $1000...

And for sharing that delightful SNK ad, a huge THANK YOU!! *does Benimaru's electrical writing winpose* Such a fine piece of history ^_^

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 13 Dec 21:53:post reply

Got in touch with Reiki, I'm reviewing Loona's text and we'll see what to do now.


Loona, KensouADV- Great to know the Portugese version is done! Btw out of curiousity, how much does a PS4 console currently cost in Brazil? SCE was supposed to run a production plant locally from last year to avoid Brazil's crazy taxes but I'm hearing that the plant isn't running yet.

Offtopic, here's a really really vintage SNK ad from the early 1980s when there wasn't even a NeoGeo. Totally handwritten.

A handwritten ad from SNK. Now that's something I wouldn't expect to see in my life.

Well, talking about the price of a PS4 here is fun. SCE officially released the PS3 here in 2013 promising the PS4 wouldn't cost much at end of the year. We actually never believed in that but boy, Sony did surprised us. The console came here costing R$4000,00 (U$1730,00 at the time). Many people made fun and we had a great time not playing on the new console. Of course any sensible person not in high class bought one in the "grey market" "importing" from Paraguay so price came down to R$1600,00 at the time. But right now, SCE just announced the PS4Slim bundle with Uncharted4 costing R$2399.00 and right now (U$718,00), you can get one "imported" from Paraguay for about R$1400,00 if you know where to look. Even if you can buy on installment basis, still, is not something everyone can or should do with their money depending on their financial condition.

After you buy the console, you'll need games to play on it. On the early PS3 days, I shared an account with 4 friends so we bought many multi and singleplayer games and had a great time with them. But now, is too much of a hassle to even share between 2 accounts so good luck paying R$250,00(U$75,00) KOFXIV or any new retail game(varies between R$200, R$220 and R$250).

And the worst thing is now you need to pay R$130,00 for the PSplus so you can play online with your friends (still cheaper than U$60,00 that would cost R$200,00 here).

So yeah, don't expect the common 2002 players that used to spend the lunch money and came to the arcades smoking, shirtlees and barefoot to play XIV on their living room. I myself will get one for my own Christmas+Birthday(January) gift because of KOFXIV (I got the Premium Edition "cheap" thanks to a friend in USA), Last Guardian and KH2.8 (thankfully DOA5LR is crossbuy so I only need pay for Mai). Still sad they cut the splitscreen coop from Uncharted4 because it was by far what me and my brother played the most on the second and third game so I'll only play if I get that bundle and no award will make me excited again for the franchise.

Gojira: you're right, grouping characters in a poll where all the others are on their own definitely isn't right.

By the way, I got a really nice memory of Blue Mary: the first time I fought her in GD3, I was totally blown away by her music theme. First time I heard a classical sounding piece in a video game (excluding chip tune renditions of royalty-free compositions, but I had never played such games before getting into NeoGeo), and it fit her stage like a charm. What an intense gaming moment.

Prof: the latest Orochinagi article extensively covers the state of the Brazilian KOF community -I'd like to hear from Loona and Kensou if they agree-, and Gunsmith says a PS4's price equals to $1000...

Well, I disagree. I think everyone knows the New Faces/Orochi Team is the most popular one missing and even if I love to play Shermie and despise with every fiber of my being Chris's jump CD in my head I don't see them coming back separetely. Same for Brian and Lucky although Heavy D is the popular one and could be back solo or in another team. Rock Howard is another one that didn't even need to be in this list because he always was the most requested character to be in KOF but Blue Mary surpassing him really surprised me. But yeah, Gunsmith made many mistakes and added options after making the poll because of requests so people that might have voted for other characters not listed, voted in somebody else (also, Mr.Big is missing somehow).

By the way I voted for Mary, Shermie(NewFaces/Orochi) and Brian(American Sports) but I really like Kasumi, Chizuru(Fairy is the best theme song ever in the genre), Elisabeth(Queen is the second best) and Whip too. My brother voted for Shingo, Yamazaki and May Lee because everyone else that he likes already made it in XIV. I just love the results of the "changes" Gunsmith proposed to make the game "better" and the winner was "No changes".

Now about Gunsmith article, I commented there the situation in the country and how brazilians love KOF2002 like I said before here. But I think the problem with the article is him maybe criticizing KOFXIII is not played by us like 2002UM(or 98UMFE) and questioning if XIV would do better. I explained that XIII simply didnt't "stick" here citing an arcade that I used to go (before closing its doors) had back in 2011 had like 3 people playing XIII and about 10 people playing in two 2002 cabinets. We had more people interested in XI than XIII considering I never saw a pirate Atomiswave and XIII was probably a Taito dump copy that happened conviniently a month before. By the time XIII was released on the consoles and later on PC with subpar netcode, people started to lose interest (myself included) and went back to the games they like more ('98 and 2002).

Note that Gunsmith wants XIV to be much more rushdown oriented, have even weaker fireball game and change how MAX mode behaves(along with some silly balance sugestions). So it may have some bias in the text. I myself love the stupid stuff.

By the way I don't know what poll Leona is the most popular fighting game character by brazilians when everyone here loves Iori, Terry, Geese and Mai more. But people here think Leona is brazilian for some reason.

[this message was edited by KensouADV on Wed 14 Dec 02:16]

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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 13 Dec 23:02post reply

Got in touch with Reiki, I'm reviewing Loona's text and we'll see what to do now.

Loona, KensouADV- Great to know the Portugese version is done! Btw out of curiousity, how much does a PS4 console currently cost in Brazil? SCE was supposed to run a production plant locally from last year to avoid Brazil's crazy taxes but I'm hearing that the plant isn't running yet.

Offtopic, here's a really really vintage SNK ad from the early 1980s when there wasn't even a NeoGeo. Totally handwritten.

A handwritten ad from SNK. Now that's something I wouldn't expect to see in my life.

Well, talking about the price of a PS4 here is fun. SCE officially released the PS3 here in 2013 promising the PS4 wouldn't cost much at end of the year. We actually never believed in that but boy, Sony did surprised us. The console came here costing R$4000,00 (U$1730,00 at the time). Many people made fun and we had a great time not playing on the new console. Of course any sensible person not in high class bought one in the "grey market" "importing" from Paraguay so price came down to R$1600,00 at the time. But right now, [URL=

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Kensou, I heard many people who go to USA for school or work come back to Brazil and bring many PS4 with them back. I know its cheaper for those who know the people coming back from USA but do they still work in terms of online and purchasing games there?

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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 13 Dec 23:39:post reply

Kensou, I heard many people who go to USA for school or work come back to Brazil and bring many PS4 with them back. I know its cheaper for those who know the people coming back from USA but do they still work in terms of online and purchasing games there?

Yeah, there's no region lock on the PS4. You can even make an american, japanese or european account to enjoy some regional sales while you keep your brazilian one. Of course, if you have any problem with the console, you won't have any warranty and will have to spend money at some unoficial place for a fix.

But what friend you have to be to bring a big box with you for another person. I always wanted one of those cool U$100 fightsticks but they're not R$1000,00(U$300,00) cool and they're too big and expensive to ask some friend going to Disneyworld. Also, you can't bring "many PS4" with you. You can only bring U$500 in goods without taxes so it's better to get cheaper stuff like games. Of course they don't check everyone in the flight but a risk is a risk. By the way, that's how I got my Premium Edition of KOFXIV (although my friend complained the box was huge but I didn't even knew when I preordered).

[this message was edited by KensouADV on Wed 14 Dec 00:31]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Tue 13 Dec 23:47:post reply

Got in touch with Reiki, I'm reviewing Loona's text and we'll see what to do now.

Loona, KensouADV- Great to know the Portugese version is done! Btw out of curiousity, how much does a PS4 console currently cost in Brazil? SCE was supposed to run a production plant locally from last year to avoid Brazil's crazy taxes but I'm hearing that the plant isn't running yet.

Offtopic, here's a really really vintage SNK ad from the early 1980s when there wasn't even a NeoGeo. Totally handwritten.

A handwritten ad from SNK. Now that's something I wouldn't expect to see in my life.

Well, talking about the price of a PS4 here is fun. SCE officially released the PS3 here in 2013 promising the PS4 wouldn't cost much at end of the year. We actually never believed in that but boy, Sony did surprised us. The console came here costing R$4000,00 (U$1730,00 at the time). Many people made fun and we had a great time not playing on the new console. Of course any sensible person not in high class bought one in the "grey market" "importing" from Paraguay so price came down to R$1600,00 at the time. But right now, [URL=

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

I know Brian/Heavy/Lucky and Chris/Shermie/Yashiro are basically packages, but KOF is a game where you can edit your team since '95, that's why I still don't find it right to put more than one character in a single poll option ^^;

As for pricings, well the situation is just insane. Let's hope for some positive development on the matter.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 13 Dec 23:53]

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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 14 Dec 01:57post reply

Got in touch with Reiki, I'm reviewing Loona's text and we'll see what to do now.

Nice to know - I didn't get a direct reply after sending the link to the translation, so I wasn't sure about the current status.


By the way I don't know what poll Leona is the most popular fighting game character by brazilians when everyone here loves Iori, Terry, Geese and Mai more. But people here think Leona is brazilian for some reason.

I recall quite a few thinking Ralf was Brazillian due to his koF94 team - I guess Leona gets the assumption too be association, especially with the fuzzy history of where Heidern found her.

Leona's popularity is an interesting but welcome phenomena, considering the usual Mai overload - she was even used as the primary teaser for the Crusader Quest crossover with KoF - which surprisingly leaves out Mai but includes Chizuru... what fascinating world is this we live in? (nevermind, other sides of current events are still slipping into the dangerous side of "interesting times", but still...)


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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 14 Dec 03:51post reply

Wow Kensou my boy, you're receiving some well deserved attention after SNK ignored your own subplot arc since XIII. Now it's time to enjoy your new status as you can

@Loona, I'll PM you later.

Just a Person
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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 14 Dec 04:22post reply

I recall quite a few thinking Ralf was Brazillian due to his koF94 team - I guess Leona gets the assumption too be association, especially with the fuzzy history of where Heidern found her.

Probably that's the reason.

It's interesting how KOF'94 had teams representing countries, yet only the teams for Japan, South Korea, USA and 2/3 of China were really composed by characters from these countries. Mexico and England teams stand out, where SNK managed to place three characters with one different nationality each in each of these teams (if I remember correctly, Ryo and Yuri are from USA, NOT Japan) - and yet, NONE of the team members would have the same nationality of the country they were representing.

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 14 Dec 06:23post reply

I recall quite a few thinking Ralf was Brazillian due to his koF94 team - I guess Leona gets the assumption too be association, especially with the fuzzy history of where Heidern found her.

Probably that's the reason.

It's interesting how KOF'94 had teams representing countries, yet only the teams for Japan, South Korea, USA and 2/3 of China were really composed by characters from these countries. Mexico and England teams stand out, where SNK managed to place three characters with one different nationality each in each of these teams (if I remember correctly, Ryo and Yuri are from USA, NOT Japan) - and yet, NONE of the team members would have the same nationality of the country they were representing.

A couple of Neo-Geo games during that time used characters/teams representing different countries. Which was a pretty cool idea and really as a welcoming feeling to all those playing Neo-Geo around the World. I think World Heroes, Super Sidekicks, and Fatal Fury 2 come to mind at the moment.

Long Live I AM!

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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 14 Dec 12:02post reply


Well, I disagree. I think everyone knows the New Faces/Orochi Team is the most popular one missing and even if I love to play Shermie and despise with every fiber of my being Chris's jump CD in my head I don't see them coming back separetely. Same for Brian and Lucky although Heavy D is the popular one and could be back solo or in another team. Rock Howard is another one that didn't even need to be in this list because he always was the most requested character to be in KOF but Blue Mary surpassing him really surprised me. But yeah, Gunsmith made many mistakes and added options after making the poll because of requests so people that might have voted for other characters not listed, voted in somebody else (also, Mr.Big is missing somehow).

Hey, I'm being generous saying that NFT votes should be divided by 3 considering that there's also Orochi NFT so technically they should get broken down by 6. A lot of people only play one of those, yet their votes would all count towards one whole team. If the battle cry is "all of them together or none of them" then they're going to need a lot more votes than that.

Incidentally I voted for Mary, Vanessa and Heavy D! but I don't really want Lucky or Brian back so the poll does not reflect my wishes.

Micky Kusanagi
514th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 14 Dec 18:09:post reply

I laughed so hard xD And I'm a Kensou fan, he's the first character in my current KOF14 team because I can't use Kyo to save my life against human opponents.

By the way, I'm craving some Garou right now...time to see if my PS2 still works, I've been neglecting it for months.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Wed 14 Dec 18:11]

5037th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 15 Dec 03:04post reply

Well, talking about the price of a PS4 here is fun. SCE officially released the PS3 here in 2013 promising the PS4 wouldn't cost much at end of the year. We actually never believed in that but boy, Sony did surprised us. The console came here costing R$4000,00 (U$1730,00 at the time). Many people made fun and we had a great time not playing on the new console. Of course any sensible person not in high class bought one in the "grey market" "importing" from Paraguay so price came down to R$1600,00 at the time. But right now,

KensouADV- Thanks for the details! So it's actually slightly higher than the US to import one from Paraguay. At least SCE's manufacturing plant lowered the grey market prices too, so that's not a bad thing, lol.

I was actually in a discussion with Gunsmith over his article because its thoughts seem to have been scattering all over the place. The only thing solid I could decypher out of it was that in Brazil's case, making a high-spec PC that has enough power to play KOF14 would be cheaper than actually buying a PS4. (On a side note, making a PC that powerful would cost about double a PS4 if it were in Japan)

But if the grey market in Brazil offers the console for about that price, I do wonder. Either way though, buying the PS4 games will be more expensive than PC/Steam.

On a side note, if you can get non-PS4 sticks locally for cheaper, one option is to buy a cross-platform board like a Brooks board. It can be quite an experience difference to play fighting games on a stick vs pad.

I've tried so hard playing KOF14 on pad but doing the various jumps are so hard.

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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 15 Dec 19:06post reply

Almost every media I checked on Monday and Tuesday say that some big announcement about the game was going to be made on Wednesday and whatnot, and the only thing I could fish out was of a (minor) unespecified thing for christmas, bah.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 15 Dec 21:02post reply

Maybe the Classic Iori costume DLC will become available in all the PSN regions? That's just about the only minor KOF14 thing I can think of.

Ore no...kachi da!!
5038th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 15 Dec 21:26post reply

Almost every media I checked on Monday and Tuesday say that some big announcement about the game was going to be made on Wednesday and whatnot, and the only thing I could fish out was of a (minor) unespecified thing for christmas, bah.

You mean the new demo?

I didn't read anything from Mon and Tues. Wonder where that came from.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 15 Dec 22:07post reply

The demo can be another possibility, but I don't think SNK sees it as minor, since it's meant to promote the visual update IMO.

While we're at it, I got a request: do you know any European KOF14 players who don't mind playing casual sets against a vastly inferior opponent (i.e. me)? In case you do, please get them in touch with me. I've been joining random rooms since Friday, but even though I limit myself to 3-4 bars connections, I almost always end up having underwater matches, and it's insanely frustrating no matter if I win or lose.

I have Loona in my friends list already, but sadly (for me) I don't think there are any other European Cafers who happen to have both a PS4 and KOFXIV.

In case you lurk/post in the Dream Cancel forums, yes, that's more or less the same request I made there a couple days ago.

As soon as I switch to an ISP that provides a VDSL2 service to this building -which should give me 5ms in a 100km radius compared to the 25ms I get now-, I'll be happy to send PSN requests to all the non-European, PS4 equipped Cafe patrons. Playing online with you before that would just be me wasting your time, and Rugal experienced it first hand xD

Ore no...kachi da!!
5039th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 16 Dec 00:32post reply

So new DLC costume.
Ms Psycho ball gets 95 outfit

As soon as I switch to an ISP that provides a VDSL2 service to this building -which should give me 5ms in a 100km radius compared to the 25ms I get now-, I'll be happy to send PSN requests to all the non-European, PS4 equipped Cafe patrons. Playing online with you before that would just be me wasting your time, and Rugal experienced it first hand xD

Micky-- Perhaps try out an Orochinagi session next time Gunsmith hosts one? I think though most of the players there are relatively experienced in the game.

That said, a 25ms connection vs a 5 ms connection doesn't make that huge of a difference, it's only 2 frames of lag. If you're getting mostly underwater connections, it's due to some other problem.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 16 Dec 02:18post reply

Thanks for your suggestion Prof, maybe when I get from "abysmal" to "slightly better than abysmal". Unless Gunsmith hosts a session expressly aimed at players of all levels :D really 5ms so little of a difference vs. 25ms?? O_O I'm afraid I'll only get a real improvement when FTTH services get implemented where I live -_-

And so, the rumored announcement is a '98 costume for Athena. Nice!! ^_^ I hope it comes with a Psycho Soldier track -recycled or recorded from scratch it doesn't matter to me :P

Ore no...kachi da!!
5041th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 16 Dec 03:19post reply

quote: really 5ms so little of a difference vs. 25ms?? O_O I'm afraid I'll only get a real improvement when FTTH services get implemented where I live -_-

It's really not that much of a difference, only about 2 frames. I've played on 28ms connections and it's fast enough that the opponent's hops can be punished on visual reaction with Ryo's Cr.C.

If there's something making your matches so slow that it feels "abnormal", it's certainly not due to the ping speed but something else, for example

1/ You're not playing in NAT1 or NAT2 (you've got double routers going through)
2/ You're playing on wireless
3/ there's something weird about your phone line or DSL connection and its ping speed isn't stable (but in that case, *all* your matches will feel bad)
4/ Your DSL connection is fine but ISP is bad and has weak connections to other countries

Come to think, aren't there a few players in Italy known for KOF? Mr.Wolf for example. It might be good to try asking them for a few matches to see how your connection is.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 16 Dec 03:47post reply

Thank you for your technical advice, I really appreciate it.

I'm on NAT 2 -maybe the oldest Italian ISP allows you to have NAT 1- and I only use the gateway given by my ISP, which sure isn't state of the art, but it's quite flexible compared to other ISP-bound gateways when it comes to configuration. I set DMZ on my PS4 because I had read conflicting opinions about what ports are needed for the best possible online experience.

For the sake of clarity, when I said 3-4 bars before I meant the room indicator, not the specific player indicator. I do have lagless and almost lagless matches against European players, and Loona is one of them when we had that lagfest with you and Orphen :D

Ore no...kachi da!!
5042th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 16 Dec 19:07post reply

Thank you for your technical advice, I really appreciate it.

I'm on NAT 2 -maybe the oldest Italian ISP allows you to have NAT 1- and I only use the gateway given by my ISP, which sure isn't state of the art, but it's quite flexible compared to other ISP-bound gateways when it comes to configuration. I set DMZ on my PS4 because I had read conflicting opinions about what ports are needed for the best possible online experience.

For the sake of clarity, when I said 3-4 bars before I meant the room indicator, not the specific player indicator. I do have lagless and almost lagless matches against European players, and Loona is one of them when we had that lagfest with you and Orphen :D

I really wouldn't suggest NAT1 even if it's possible, it might be good for gaming but otherwise it's got security risks unless you have some basic networking knowledge.

If you're getting good connections with Loona and some other players, your connection is probably fine, it's just that you get bad connections with some players due to distance or connection issues between ISPs. That's totally normal.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 16 Dec 19:40post reply

Thank you again Prof for taking your time bothering with my networking ignorance, you really gave me some invaluable support.

Oda commented in the KOF Facebook that the '98 Athena costume should be free for a limited time

Ore no...kachi da!!
5044th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Fri 16 Dec 21:33:post reply

According to a leak discovered by Gatoray (the site took down the article but someone archived it), the KOFver.2 demo is coming out on the 20th and it comes with 3 Christmas bonuses if you download by Jan 5 (Athena's DLC costume and two PS4 themes).

This is probably the news that was scheduled for this week but apparently got pulled down for one reason or another.

What I found weird is that producer Oda is actually RTing the Tweet despite that it's a leak, which is just so odd in comparison to say, for example how SFV's producer Ono would've probably reacted.

On a side note I think all the JP store-exclusive PS4 themes are available for free now if you have a Hong Kong account and EU account.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 16 Dec 21:44]

Micky Kusanagi
522th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Sat 17 Dec 00:23:post reply

So they decided to release the second demo around the 20th like the first one. I had a feeling it would happen, but I didn't wanna talk about it in order not to get my own hopes up. Can't wait to play the current game and the new demo back to back and experience the visual update directly on my screen.

Maybe Oda thinks such leaks aren't detrimental to the game's promotions at this point in SNK's life? Sure seeing him wildly retweeting just about any single bit of info is funny from a business perspective :D

As for the themes, I confirm it, you can take them all between the two stores ^^

EDIT: the NESTS Girls theme -the "non-beach one"- is in the USA store only.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 17 Dec 03:08]

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Sat 17 Dec 07:47post reply

According to a leak discovered by Gatoray (the site took down the article but someone archived it), the KOFver.2 demo is coming out on the 20th and it comes with 3 Christmas bonuses if you download by Jan 5 (Athena's DLC costume and two PS4 themes).

This is probably the news that was scheduled for this week but apparently got pulled down for one reason or another.

What I found weird is that producer Oda is actually RTing the Tweet despite that it's a leak, which is just so odd in comparison to say, for example how SFV's producer Ono would've probably reacted.

On a side note I think all the JP store-exclusive PS4 themes are available for free now if you have a Hong Kong account and EU account.

It must have been some technical oddity, since the original site, based on the archived version, has the article up: - took a bit of searching based on the archived version, but still, it's there.

Lord SNK

206th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Sat 17 Dec 18:44post reply

According to a leak discovered by Gatoray (the site took down the article but someone archived it), the KOFver.2 demo is coming out on the 20th and it comes with 3 Christmas bonuses if you download by Jan 5 (Athena's DLC costume and two PS4 themes).

This is probably the news that was scheduled for this week but apparently got pulled down for one reason or another.

What I found weird is that producer Oda is actually RTing the Tweet despite that it's a leak, which is just so odd in comparison to say, for example how SFV's producer Ono would've probably reacted.

On a side note I think all the JP store-exclusive PS4 themes are available for free now if you have a Hong Kong account and EU account.

I wonder how many GBs will be this demo, my connection is limited and shitty and I will also be far from home for the festivities, and not owning yet the game, I would like to try the demo and get the free/best Athena costume (while it's free) for when I will get the full game.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Sat 17 Dec 22:41post reply

The first demo is about 3.5 GB, so I think the new one will be around the same...maybe confirming the download should grant you free access to the DLC costume no matter what, so you could try confirming the download of the demo -bundled contents start automatically together with the main item you confirm, at least in my experience- and both the demo and the costume should be available in your download list anytime.

Ore no...kachi da!!
Lord SNK

207th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 21 Dec 04:36post reply

The first demo is about 3.5 GB, so I think the new one will be around the same...maybe confirming the download should grant you free access to the DLC costume no matter what, so you could try confirming the download of the demo -bundled contents start automatically together with the main item you confirm, at least in my experience- and both the demo and the costume should be available in your download list anytime.

The DLC costume is available now on the EU store and is a standalone download.

Micky Kusanagi
526th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 21 Dec 05:06post reply

Yeah I noticed it, I was kinda hoping for a demo release today but maybe it's better like this, focusing on the costume & themes bundle now and launching the demo around Christmas like Prof predicted -I suspect next Tuesday.

Fu'un Super Combo available in the US PSN as a PS2 classic title!! Another delightful surprise. Also, the Japanese SNK Twitter switched its header image to the KOF girls Christmas theme :D

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 21 Dec 05:49post reply

Yeah I noticed it, I was kinda hoping for a demo release today but maybe it's better like this, focusing on the costume & themes bundle now and launching the demo around Christmas like Prof predicted -I suspect next Tuesday.

Fu'un Super Combo available in the US PSN as a PS2 classic title!! Another delightful surprise. Also, the Japanese SNK Twitter switched its header image to the KOF girls Christmas theme :D

Fu'un Super Combo? Now there's something I never expected to see! Congrats to SNK for finally going sort of nuts with their back catalog.

5052th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 21 Dec 13:56:post reply

Here's a list of available free PS4 themes by region which I forgot to post up.

Surprisingly there's no PS4 themes offered in Japan's PSNStore any more. Even the free stuff are gone.

Mai (AmazonJP bonus)】   EU
New Challengers (Sofmap bonus)】   EU
Fatal Fury Team (Joshin bonus)】   HKNA
Bikini Athena (Tsutaya bonus)】   HK
Nests Bikini (Furu1 bonus)】   HKNA
Nests Girls Theme (RakutenBooks bonus)】   NA
South America Team (JpPSN+ bonus)】   HKNAEU
Yagami Team (COMG bonus)】   NOT YET AVAILABLE
K' & Kula (Yodobashi bonus)】    NOT YET AVAILABLE
Mexico Team】   EU
Kyo Iori (PSNPlus)】   EU (Plus member only)
KOF Gals (Free)】   HKNAEU
All fighters (Free)】   EU

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 21 Dec 14:21]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Wed 21 Dec 17:55post reply

Ish: I know story and dialogues aren't the heart and soul of a fighting game, but there's a little issue with this compilation: it was ported untranslated ^^; Still a great title, but I wanted to warn anyone on the fence of buying it. I don't remember if option menus and the like are in English, but in the Garou Densetsu PS2 compilations the training menus are entirely in Japanese (so I'm afraid that's the case with Fu'un as well), and it can get a bit annoying for those who can't read the language.

Prof: Thank you for the list, it's really useful ^^ I got a bit of a headache myself bouncing back and forth from one store to another in order to double check if I had downloaded all the themes xD

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 22 Dec 02:31post reply

Wow, there are a lot more themes available in my area than I thought.

Ish: I know story and dialogues aren't the heart and soul of a fighting game, but there's a little issue with this compilation: it was ported untranslated ^^; Still a great title, but I wanted to warn anyone on the fence of buying it. I don't remember if option menus and the like are in English, but in the Garou Densetsu PS2 compilations the training menus are entirely in Japanese (so I'm afraid that's the case with Fu'un as well), and it can get a bit annoying for those who can't read the language.

Luckily I found both the games in the Fu'un pack have in-game English options so I can at least enjoy the Shakespearean pre and post fight smack talk as well as learn about the mysteries of boomerang martial arts. It's annoying trying to stumble through the move list but pictograms such as are universal. Besides, I'm sure that "HMoriarty" wrote up a move list back in the day. I'm off to GameFAQS!

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 22 Dec 06:58post reply

Here's a list of available free PS4 themes by region which I forgot to post up.

Surprisingly there's no PS4 themes offered in Japan's PSNStore any more. Even the free stuff are gone.

Mai (AmazonJP bonus)】   EU
New Challengers (Sofmap bonus)】   EU
Fatal Fury Team (Joshin bonus)】   HKNA
Bikini Athena (Tsutaya bonus)】   HK
Nests Bikini (Furu1 bonus)】   HKNA
Nests Girls Theme (RakutenBooks bonus)】   NA
South America Team (JpPSN+ bonus)】   HKNAEU
Yagami Team (COMG bonus)】   NOT YET AVAILABLE
K' & Kula (Yodobashi bonus)】    NOT YET AVAILABLE
Mexico Team】   EU
Kyo Iori (PSNPlus)】   EU (Plus member only)
KOF Gals (Free)】 

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

The European PSN has the Fatal Fury theme, I got it a week or two ago.

Meanwhile, ASO II is on its way to PSN as part of the NeoGeo Arcade Archives.


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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 22 Dec 12:31:post reply

You guys don't know how happy I am to know that my favorite Athena costume being revealed 3 days before my actual copy of the game arriving here!(last saturday) Well, now I just need to grab a PS4. Details, details.


KensouADV- Thanks for the details! So it's actually slightly higher than the US to import one from Paraguay. At least SCE's manufacturing plant lowered the grey market prices too, so that's not a bad thing, lol.

I was actually in a discussion with Gunsmith over his article because its thoughts seem to have been scattering all over the place. The only thing solid I could decypher out of it was that in Brazil's case, making a high-spec PC that has enough power to play KOF14 would be cheaper than actually buying a PS4. (On a side note, making a PC that powerful would cost about double a PS4 if it were in Japan)

But if the grey market in Brazil offers the console for about that price, I do wonder. Either way though, buying the PS4 games will be more expensive than PC/Steam.

Actually, it's not really "import" and more like "smuggle" from Paraguay and actually sell in many well known places in big cities (that's why I was using quotation marks). We have open borders in most of South America and (thankfully) the fiscalization on roads are not that high like on airports (on the other hand, drugs and many other stuff pass too but that's another story).
Fun Fact: Most of eletronics and other stuff comes from Ciudad del Este(PAR) to Foz do Iguaçu(BRA) and that's the place of the tri-border where the "South America Team" Stage is placed(the Iguazu Falls).

And no, it's not cheaper to build a PC. At least to play a "regular" PS4 game that also has a PC port on recommended settings would cost about R$3000,00 or actually the double of a PS4 of the grey market. I think the PS4 costs about the same as a mid-end PC.

But I can't say KOFXIV will demand a high-end PC to be played. In fact it would be great if game could run on potatoes like mine and not raise the minimum requirements bar above XIII. Many games benefits from running on lower specs and I loved the "static" stages option from XIII. Skullgirls, USFIV, Blazblue and other doujin games runs fine here(I was so happy that I could play Saint Seiya with the original brazilians VAs at 60fps even if it was on 1024x768) while I have no hope of running MKXL and SFV makes my CPU to overheat to the point of turning off the computer. There are a few exceptions like, on one hand, the original DMC4 runs totally fine here while the new one Capcom made with Vergil, doesn't work here without overheating.
But I guess a new PC will come after the PS4 because I don't want to pay to play online for the rest of my gaming life.


On a side note, if you can get non-PS4 sticks locally for cheaper, one option is to buy a cross-platform board like a Brooks board. It can be quite an experience difference to play fighting games on a stick vs pad.

I've tried so hard playing KOF14 on pad but doing the various jumps are so hard.

Well, I have my own sort of custom made stick for my PS3 and PC. It's just literally a PS1 board that I soldered myself. Maybe I'll grab a broken but functional DS4 and do the same when I get my PS4. But I mostly play on a pad because the thing is a little big to carry around places and I have cheap parts. Maybe I'll import some sanwa/seimitsu parts that everybody loves later.

And about playing on a pad, for hops I just move my thumb to the analog stick and do a little tap. Hyperhops I just do a hyperjump(on the dpad) but immediately hold down (db,uf,d). I usually don't have many problems playing on a pad for example, I can do hyperjumps or air normals/command normals into air.hcbx2 for supers(like Athena) and I can do the pretzel motion in some Geese's bnb (antiair on reaction is kinda hard) but Elisabeth's qcf+b/d cancels in XIII are really hard to pull off.

Oh, and the brazilian survey already started. I just hope we can spread the word and make it work for us.

[this message was edited by KensouADV on Thu 22 Dec 12:47]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):1.10....." , posted Thu 22 Dec 17:47:post reply


Luckily I found both the games in the Fu'un pack have in-game English options so I can at least enjoy the Shakespearean pre and post fight smack talk as well as learn about the mysteries of boomerang martial arts. It's annoying trying to stumble through the move list but pictograms such as are universal. Besides, I'm sure that "HMoriarty" wrote up a move list back in the day. I'm off to GameFAQS!

Ah that's good. I'll have to check all the other PS2 NeoGeo archives, they may have an English language option in the Japanese version. I tend to keep English language versions of classic SNK games away from me and then read endings and dialogues elsewhere in order not to endure censorship and other silly edits I don't like.

Listening to the Fu'un Tag AST -guess it was recorded exclusively for the PS2 port, I can't seem to find any listing of an AST CD- and it's awesome. I like how these tracks deviate a bit from the usual SNK rock style, going for a grittier atmoshpere with hints of fusion. Nice change.

EDIT: please help me, I'm going crazy trying to find back some post in some fighting game site -it can be anything from EventHubs from Shoryuken, don't remember anymore- presenting videos of a strong Dudley player -Gillstolemyride if I remember well- trying Nelson and another strong SF4 player trying another KOF XIV newcomer. Videos should be of the KOF14 demo IIRC. Does anybody happen to have a link to that article or the videos? Thank you in advance.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 23 Dec 00:56]

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"Savage Reindeer" , posted Fri 23 Dec 02:40post reply

I'll post more later but I wanted to note that Savage Reign is possibly the most SNK game I have ever played. It's not that good in a conventional sense but if there ever was a game where SNK tossed every goofball idea they ever had into one fighting game it's Savage Reign.

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"Patch out Jan 11" , posted Fri 23 Dec 14:32post reply

I'll post more later but I wanted to note that Savage Reign is possibly the most SNK game I have ever played. It's not that good in a conventional sense but if there ever was a game where SNK tossed every goofball idea they ever had into one fighting game it's Savage Reign.

It's been announced in English so I probably won't make an update on this, but the KOF14-1.10ver patch is dated for a Jan 11 release.

Someone also poked at me on a rumor that costumes for Shunei and Sylvie might be out in China for customers that bought the Limited edition.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Fri 23 Dec 18:21post reply

Sooner than I expected, I thought 1.10 wouldn't come before the very last days of January, or around the 20th. Instead, in a nice coincidence for me, they opted for what happens to be the first Wednesday after January 6th, the Epiphany holiday, which wraps up the Christmas holidays here.

Besides, Oda teased further announcements...whatever it means, I'm looking forward to them.

I hope Iori's classic costume -and the rumored ones- don't stay limited to China for too long.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(2):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Sat 24 Dec 02:02:post reply


It's been announced in English so I probably won't make an update on this, but the KOF14-1.10ver patch is dated for a Jan 11 release.

Someone also poked at me on a rumor that costumes for Shunei and Sylvie might be out in China for customers that bought the Limited edition.

I wonder what costumes SNK has in mind for Sylvie. But I would like to get Classic Iori costume first in the west. Many people already saw videos and are eager to get it. Maybe in January.

Also @Professor, did you see my tip as how to play on a pad earlier?

(sorry, I hit "reply" instead of "edit". Prof please delete this one ^^; )

You can delete your own post. Just mark the "delete post" checkbox when editing your post.

[this message was edited by KensouADV on Sat 24 Dec 03:20]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Sat 24 Dec 02:22post reply

What a silly oversight I made xD Thank you a lot Kensou :D

I don't need Iori's classic outfit desperately, but I sure would alternate it with his KOF14 attire on a regular basis if it was up for purchase in other regions.

As for the rumored costumes, I think SNK will go for something more casual for Sylvie (for those who can't stand her default look xD) and I hope Shun'ei gets a costume which relates with his demonic powers, but not too flashy.

Ore no...kachi da!!
Lord SNK

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"Hell's Gate is calling me" , posted Sat 24 Dec 02:54post reply

I saw that Last Blade 2 is on sale on EU PSN!

How is from a technical point of view the PS4 port?

Does it supports PS3 sticks?

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):Hell's Gate is calling me" , posted Sat 24 Dec 05:53:post reply

Nice title you gave to your post :D

Don't know about PS3 sticks, but Iggy told me back when the game got released...
Probably too late, but you might want to wait before buying LB2:


-missing graphical effects like heat haze in the burning stage.
-arrange sound track missing (I think someone mention it earlier)
-sharp graphic filter (personally prefer at least 2xsal over bilinear filter and scan line)
-glitches and other performance issue.

Random freezes as well, mostly (but not only) in the burning house stage.

Don't know if these issues got patched -I sure hope so!! But I'm afraid not including the AST was intentional-, let's wait for further information from our fellow Cafers.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 24 Dec 05:57]

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"Re(1):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Sun 25 Dec 00:51post reply

It's been announced in English so I probably won't make an update on this, but the KOF14-1.10ver patch is dated for a Jan 11 release.

Good to know! I hope SNK adds boomerangs to the game.

After playing the Fu'un games some more I can understand why they never hit the big time but I find them very enjoyable just the same. There's something great about how the games are both unique and sort of messed up. They are like an adorable five legged puppy.

Of the two Savage Reign is easily my favorite. The game has the same visual style as AoF and the early FF games. When SNK turned into a KoF assembly line that look was abandoned but it's preserved here in full force. Who knew I could be nostalgic for pre-fight intros that focus on a map of a city and the font and sounds of the victory tally?

Early SNK games often had one really weird gameplay idea fused into the remaining conventional fighting engine. Savage Reign is all weird, all the time. Pressure sensitive buttons, foreground and background jumping, a grappling system that is more frightening than functional, projectiles that go all over the place... it has it all. Forget trying to play Savage Reign like a regular game, it plays by its own rules.

The aesthetic and characters are also grotesque, weird and often lifted directly from outside sources. The main character looks like a mix of Kenshiro, Ryo Saeba and Richard Marx. The disturbing clown character has a stage that, for no discernible reason, is full of hippopotamuses. I also think a background character is dating one of the hippos. Oh, and in a strange reversal of SNK standards all the male characters can be punched naked but the female character cannot.

Kizuna Encounter is a bit boring in contrast. It might be the first tag battle game but the system feels primitive. Remember how in the early KoF games your background character could save you during a choke move? KE feels like an entire game built around that gimmick. It also suffers from the Skullgirl problem of having too small a cast for a tag system. The saving grace of the game is Rosa who is terrific, could only have been designed in 1996, and is really overdue for a comeback.

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"Re(2):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Mon 26 Dec 12:34post reply


Forget trying to play Savage Reign like a regular game, it plays by its own rules.

Ah, we can even say that such fact it's even on the title!
Also, while it's obvious that Savage Reign presentation was much better, back in those days Kizuna Encounter was relatively more popular because unlike it's prequel, it was very easy to 1 credit clear it; so a bunch of the people that went to the arcade and didn't like playing VS hogged the title as one of those machine where other human player would never invest money to beat the living daylights out of you, in other words it was the Mortal Kombat / Street Fighter EX like saga out of SNK's line up.

Speaking of, the upgraded graphics demo is out in jp store.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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"Re(3):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Mon 26 Dec 18:01:post reply

I saw a Kizuna longplay a couple days ago and man is the AI ridiculously easy xD

I need to complete both the Fu'un games with all the characters, these are two of those games I've just briefly tried a couple times, but I was impressed a lot by the first one's aesthetics and the dark ambiance of the second, which is a precursor of Garou's atmosphere IMO.

Random KOF14 demo 2 impressions:
-the only things I don't like are that Kyo's face looks like he was Ukyo's present time reincarnation -that is, he has TBC- and Shun'ei's demonic hands aren't translucent anymore. Why I had never ranted about Kyo's face is a mystery to myself since we saw 1.10 screens of him countless times

-everything else went for the better. Character models have a nice Irem/KOF94 feel to them (to the extent 3D stuff can), and some specials/supers were made slightly flashier -Terry's HP Burn Knuckle leaves some energy sparks in its starting point and Kyo engulfs himself in flames while charging his EX Orochinagi, which is easily my favorite improvement.

-I didn't make a back to back comparison but I'm pretty sure the training stage got its color changed from that weird yellowish hue to a silver-like grey which I like a lot better. No changes in the other stages.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 26 Dec 18:30]

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"Re(3):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Mon 26 Dec 21:31post reply


Forget trying to play Savage Reign like a regular game, it plays by its own rules.

Ah, we can even say that such fact it's even on the title!
Also, while it's obvious that Savage Reign presentation was much better, back in those days Kizuna Encounter was relatively more popular because unlike it's prequel, it was very easy to 1 credit clear it; so a bunch of the people that went to the arcade and didn't like playing VS hogged the title as one of those machine where other human player would never invest money to beat the living daylights out of you, in other words it was the Mortal Kombat / Street Fighter EX like saga out of SNK's line up.

Speaking of, the upgraded graphics demo is out in jp store.

Is really that easy? I never have beaten the game (I didnt played it that much though, 2 tries and then I forgot about the game for like a year and repeat the process) and when I reached Jyazu I didn't find him that easy. I always lose by the 3rd stage.

Btw, does the new patch improve the graphics of 14? the screenshots doesn't make it look that good, but also the game isn't as ugly on real life than in pics

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Tue 27 Dec 03:40post reply

If you go to the World Of Longplays Youtube channel, there's a Kizuna longplay. Sure the "about" page in the channel states that most videos are tool assisted, but it's crystal clear that the AI in that game is just punching bag level.

As for graphics in KOF14, always keep in mind SNK's 3D experience is abysmal, so we couldn't hope for a stellar improvement.

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"Re(4):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Wed 28 Dec 02:51post reply

KensouADV-- Sorry for the late reply but yes, I've certainly read through your post! I wanted to reply when I had enough time since it was also interesting to read about your way of using the pad.

Thank you for the info on Brazil's situation with the PS4. It's very good to hear first-hand on what the situation there is like, and also to hear the myth debunked about making a PC that's powerful enough to be around a PS4 not nessesarily being cheaper. So the PC parts come from very close to the KOF stage...!

The details on how you play on game pads is interesting. I tried playing on the pad for KOF14 but the hyperhops were too hard to do on the analog stick and moves hurt my finger in the D-pad, so I'll try taking your advice on doing the hyperhops by hitting up-down.

Btw, I hear that the PS4 pad can be quite a pain to take out and use for modding into a stick because of its unforgiving delicacy. It might be easier (and possibly cheaper?) to do so with a Hori PS4 pad or something. Fortunately though, KOF14 has legacy stick support!

Have you picked up your PS4 and KOF14 yet? I'm wondering how easy it is for you to do short hop/hyperhop, because it's actually a complaint that even players with a stick have been having issues with.

Btw, does the new patch improve the graphics of 14? the screenshots doesn't make it look that good, but also the game isn't as ugly on real life than in pics

It's hard to explain... in the previous version, the characters had the hue of veggies floating in New England clam chowder. Now they look like gummy bears.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Thu 29 Dec 23:05post reply

Gummy bear Nako for you!! :D

So, Oda revealed in the 4Gamer developers gathering that SNK is working on other things than KOF. Here goes my mantra: don't wanna get my hopes high. But I'm curious to hear more about it. Maybe they will take advantage of JAEPO to sneak some surprise announcements in? I'm assuming they're primarily working on console/Steam titles, which would make them out of place in JAEPO, hence the "sneak in" part.

Krusan told in the Dream Cancel forums that the random select in KOFXIV works properly. At long last

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Fri 30 Dec 08:56post reply

Gummy bear Nako for you!! :D

So, Oda revealed in the 4Gamer developers gathering that SNK is working on other things than KOF. Here goes my mantra: don't wanna get my hopes high. But I'm curious to hear more about it. Maybe they will take advantage of JAEPO to sneak some surprise announcements in? I'm assuming they're primarily working on console/Steam titles, which would make them out of place in JAEPO, hence the "sneak in" part.

Krusan told in the Dream Cancel forums that the random select in KOFXIV works properly. At long last

Samurai Shodown and a new non mobile Metal Slug seems like the best bets.
However if we are to be surprised, fingers crossed for a fighter with less characters so they can focus on a gorgeous art style (maybe 2D?) or a proper action game that can put SNK back on the radar again.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):Patch out Jan 11" , posted Fri 30 Dec 20:58:post reply

I already expect a new SamuSpi, if they announce a new non-mobile MS too I'll be very happy. I also hope they keep studying 3D graphics more and more, not for myself but because it's vital for their games' sales, even though new 2D stuff from them would come as utterly jaw dropping to me. I still feel indescribable joy when I see those unfiltered, insanely magnified screenshots of their classics in the announcement posts for their Arcade Archive ports :D

EDIT: I was messing up against Shun'ei in the ver.2 demo and I can't believe his team's theme makes me so focused and relaxed during training. I admit it's one of the cheesiest attempts ever at creating a Chinese ambiance, yet I find it solemn, powerful and soothing at once.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 31 Dec 04:28]

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"Chinese Movie with KOF 97 as a focal point" , posted Sat 31 Dec 13:18post reply


Is a movie made by warner bros, with apparently some important actors

I really want to see this now, don't even the name of the movie

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"Re(1):Chinese Movie with KOF 97 as a focal po" , posted Sat 31 Dec 14:41post reply

Well, can't be any worse than the KOF movie!

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

Anyone still playing Phantasy Star Online 2?
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"Re(2):Chinese Movie with KOF 97 as a focal po" , posted Sat 31 Dec 20:18post reply

The movie is called "擺渡人 See You Tomorrow". I don't think KOF'97 is a focal point in the movie just because it was shown in that one trailer.

There is a Chinese movie where KOF'97 is what ties together old friends. It's called 玩大的 and you can watch it here:

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):Chinese Movie with KOF 97 as a focal po" , posted Sat 31 Dec 23:43:post reply


Is a movie made by warner bros, with apparently some important actors

I really want to see this now, don't even the name of the movie

This is crazy, what a way to end the year xD Are the two main characters in a Kyo cosplay of sorts in some scenes? LOL I had read "Angelababy" in some Asian pop music site some days ago, while looking for other stuff, it's a curious coincidence that she took part in a movie where KOF97 is featured in some capacity :D

Happier and happier to see SNK characters promoted through mobile game collaboration campaigns, even though I don't play them :P

EDIT: KOD occasionally looks like the infamous "yee" dinosaur from the equally infamous Dingo Pictures ripoff of The Land Before Time

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 2 Jan 05:11]

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"B. Jenet tease... just a hobby...or a tease?" , posted Mon 2 Jan 10:15post reply

B. Jenet's new year wishes from her heart appeared lately. Later Nobuyuki Kuroki explained that it was just for fun and not related to upcomingpossible upcoming MotW sequel!

Bonus; Because why not! Shermie should be on more titles.

Of course Shermie one looks and probably IS fan made but not bad at all!

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):B. Jenet tease... just a hobby...or a t" , posted Mon 2 Jan 18:54:post reply

I know it's so easy to scream "MOW2!!" seeing such an illustration, and I was so close to doing it xD But I managed to stay calm in the end :P Let's see if this is just a hobby.

-9 to the 1.10 patch!! Besides being happy about seeing the new lighting, shading effects and colors on all the remaining characters, and the new titles and icons -can't wait to replace Kyo's dull portrait with the Kusanagi crest- I'm curious about the supposed feature improvements.

That Shermie mod is amazing!! So professional. I'll be on the lookout for videos of this gem in action.

EDIT: I'm falling in love with XIV King after finally figuring out how to nail her jD > cl.D 2 hits > df.HK > Trap Shot combo <3 (delay the Trap Shot).

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 3 Jan 01:57]

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"Re(2):B. Jenet tease... just a hobby...or a t" , posted Tue 3 Jan 10:50post reply

Looks like KoF98UMOL now has its own Twitter emoticon, which I didn't even know could be arranged...

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):B. Jenet tease... just a hobby...or a t" , posted Wed 4 Jan 01:12post reply

Simply fantastic for a Kyo fan like me x'D

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(3):B. Jenet tease... just a hobby...or a t" , posted Wed 4 Jan 08:53post reply

Looks like KoF98UMOL now has its own Twitter emoticon, which I didn't even know could be arranged...

Im not tweeting that much but I wonder how they are...

Micky Kusanagi
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"KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundle" , posted Thu 5 Jan 18:53:post reply

Oda's tweet about the (seemingly weekly) manga

Daniel Ahmad's tweet about the KOFXIV bundle

The manga...I need a fan translation x'D The PS4 bundle looks fantastic. Excellent choice for the steelbook game cover in place of the black haired Kyo artwork we Western got. The box is BEAUTIFUL, and I love that the two controllers come in different colors. Interesting how this bundle launches in the beginning of the patch week ^^

EDIT: did anyone get the impression from the KOF14 ver.2 demo that the input buffer is more lenient? I had a training session today on the full game, aimed almost exclusively at getting Kyo's Quick MAX > cl.C first hit > f.B right, I find it way stricter in the full game, way easier in the new demo. Could be a character specific thing? I had Bandeiras as my training dummy in the full game, Terry in demo 2.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 6 Jan 02:56]


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"Re(1):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Fri 6 Jan 10:15:post reply

Oda's tweet about the (seemingly weekly) manga

Daniel Ahmad's tweet about the KOFXIV bundle

The manga...I need a fan translation x'D The PS4 bundle looks fantastic. Excellent choice for the steelbook game cover in place of the black haired Kyo artwork we Western got. The box is BEAUTIFUL, and I love that the two controllers come in different colors. Interesting how this bundle launches in the beginning of the patch week ^^

EDIT: did anyone get the impression from the KOF14 ver.2 demo that the input buffer is more lenient? I had a training session today on the full game, aimed almost exclusively at getting Kyo's Quick MAX > cl.C first hit > f.B right, I find it way stricter in the full game, way easier in the new demo. Could be a character specific thing? I had Bandeiras as my training dummy in the full game, Terry in demo 2.

Translation right here: PrettyBakedCake

KensouADV-- Sorry for the late reply but yes, I've certainly read through your post! I wanted to reply when I had enough time since it was also interesting to read about your way of using the pad.

Thank you for the info on Brazil's situation with the PS4. It's very good to hear first-hand on what the situation there is like, and also to hear the myth debunked about making a PC that's powerful enough to be around a PS4 not nessesarily being cheaper. So the PC parts come from very close to the KOF stage...!

The details on how you play on game pads is interesting. I tried playing on the pad for KOF14 but the hyperhops were too hard to do on the analog stick and moves hurt my finger in the D-pad, so I'll try taking your advice on doing the hyperhops by hitting up-down.

Btw, I hear that the PS4 pad can be quite a pain to take out and use for modding into a stick because of its unforgiving delicacy. It might be easier (and possibly cheaper?) to do so with a Hori PS4 pad or something. Fortunately though, KOF14 has legacy stick support!

Have you picked up your PS4 and KOF14 yet? I'm wondering how easy it is for you to do short hop/hyperhop, because it's actually a complaint that even players with a stick have been having issues with.

Professor - Well, I can't really complain about a late reply...

Sadly, no. Had a few problems at the end of the year that made spend a lot more than I predicted/wanted. Also missed a really good online offer last week. But I'll probably will get one this month. I've only played XIV at a friend's house two times. I found the DS4 a bit "larger" than the regular Dualshock controller so my "hop tech" is awkward. Maybe with a few more practice? Some friends like to play on an analog but I never really liked in my life. I'll post later if I reach any conclusion.

Sad to hear about the PS4 pad. I'll probably try anyway but will get a normal pad to play with my brother and friends at home because there are other multiplayer games to be played.

[this message was edited by KensouADV on Fri 6 Jan 10:17]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Fri 6 Jan 18:03:post reply

Thank you for the translation link Kensou ^^ I don't remember if that bit about Meitenkun had been revealed before, but I lost it when I read that xDDDDD

Athena, K' & Kula, Newcomers and Iori theme up in the US PSN for free ^_^ I think anybody willing to make a couple PSN accounts can get the whole themes collection now.

I love how Iori's coat is crimson red in the theme instead of that reddish/purpleish hue it has in-game, which I don't like much. The Saxophone Under The Moon remix is FANTASTIC. I'd love it if a future KOF14 patch added these songs as in-game BGMs, especially this one and the Fatal Fury one.

Besides, the SamuSpi Tenka theme which was promised for a retweet campaign is live in the PSN US store. I really like it. Taiko drums as the main sound effect, that oh-so-nice Japanese "ching" (sorry I don't know how it's called ^^; ) as a secondary sound, a vaguely dance remix of the character select theme, chibi characters in the basic application slots and a slightly fanservice-y group shot of the SamuSpi ladies as the upper picture. Great ^^

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 6 Jan 18:25]

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"Re(3):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Fri 6 Jan 18:49post reply

Granblue Fantasy collaboration with Samurai Spirits formally announced - apparently it's only between Januray 13th and 23rd... I wonder how much levelling or whatever is required in advance to make the best of it.
Looks like the game isn't available by default on the Google Store in these parts, but the official site does mention a chrome browser version, and the subreddit for the game has some links on getting the thing to run and be translated.

In the meantime, looks like MSA is experimenting with a flashier kind of trailer for its new characters and events, and actually mentioning the new character's name in it - compared to prior videos which consided on a very easy level played to completion to demonstrate moves, and short animations that felt slow to illustrate events, this feels a bit more refreshing.


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"Re(4):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Fri 6 Jan 19:59post reply


In the meantime, looks like MSA is experimenting with a flashier kind of trailer for its new characters and events, and actually mentioning the new character's name in it - compared to prior videos which consided on a very easy level played to completion to demonstrate moves, and short animations that felt slow to illustrate events, this feels a bit more refreshing.

Wait, that's MS Attack, not Defense?
I had never heard of it. How is it different from Defense?

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"New SNK Mobile RPG" , posted Fri 6 Jan 23:37post reply

SNK unveiled a teaser for their new RPG game for mobiles hope to see an eglish version


In the meantime, looks like MSA is experimenting with a flashier kind of trailer for its new characters and events, and actually mentioning the new character's name in it - compared to prior videos which consided on a very easy level played to completion to demonstrate moves, and short animations that felt slow to illustrate events, this feels a bit more refreshing.
Wait, that's MS Attack, not Defense?
I had never heard of it. How is it different from Defense?

It's the same game that defense from a gameplay point of view, but the way that you get and level up your units is completely different, here you depend exclusively on gatchas, you can't buy the units directly like defense

Also has more modes with clans and other things, is a more complete game, but way more time consuming and pay 2 win than defense



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"Re(3):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Sat 7 Jan 02:01:post reply

Is that the guy from NGBC?

Thank you for the translation link Kensou ^^ I don't remember if that bit about Meitenkun had been revealed before, but I lost it when I read that xDDDDD

Don't mind me, 2nd chapter already out.

Well, someone's gotta job. Someday, SNK will remember that Kensou was once a special character with his own subplot about a power nobody knows what the hell is about. But right now, I'm just happy to see him and Athena.

[this message was edited by KensouADV on Sat 7 Jan 02:16]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Sat 7 Jan 04:35post reply

As for SNK's new mobile game, I really thought of the main character as a new version of NGBC's Yuki, restyled to match the current shonen manga aesthetics xD

So the KOF manga is weekly for real ^^ Kensou's subplot was being developed when SNK was on the verge of bankruptcy, so -sadly- it was bound to get overlooked during the hard 2003-XIII years. Now that the XIV team is so lively, I'm sure this story arc will cover Kensou's power. Can't wait to see this side story fully fleshed out :D

I tried that Quick MAX cancel in the full game, against Terry, and I still find it way harder than in the second demo...who knows.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(5):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Sat 7 Jan 05:00:post reply


So the KOF manga is weekly for real ^^ Kensou's subplot was being developed when SNK was on the verge of bankruptcy, so -sadly- it was bound to get overlooked during the hard 2003-XIII years. Now that the XIV team is so lively, I'm sure this story arc will cover Kensou's power. Can't wait to see this side story fully fleshed out :D

He still had his moments in 2001 and XI. It was only dropped in XIII for some reason.

And I have my doubts if they will do anything with him this time but just giving his old laid back looks and personality, I'm fine. The serious rekka Kensou was really wrong. I don't know if the guys at SNK even know who Lin is/was.

By the way, do any of you know about the KOF Station host working on the arcade version?

[this message was edited by KensouADV on Sat 7 Jan 05:07]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(6):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Sat 7 Jan 06:46post reply

Wrong word choice on my part, I wanted to say his subplot wasn't developed to completion in the 2003-XIII timeframe ^^;

Ichiki working on KOF14 arcade? I'm sure he's the new male announcer. Looking forward to further news, JAEPO isn't that far and I think it'll be the stage for new announcements about the arcade version ^^

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"Re(5):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Sat 7 Jan 13:44post reply


Wait, that's MS Attack, not Defense?
I had never heard of it. How is it different from Defense?

Iggy-- MSAttack is basically (what SNK wants to be) the successor to MSDefense. The developers weren't thinking too much into the future when they programmed the original game and they were hitting some walls. So they released MSA. Of course people don't jump to a new game that quickly..

Regarding KOF14, my guess is that the Ichiki stuff will be unveiled at either Jaepo or the world tournament; either way they're both next month.

Mickey- I'll try out the combo later.

Man this new years period was probably the most busiest in the past years. Haven't been able to post updates but at least the site's core parts are smartphone-friendly now.

Micky Kusanagi
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"NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Sat 7 Jan 17:31post reply


A couple KOF14 1.10 offscreen pics from yesterday's Akihabara event. If my research is right, yesterday's tournament was on 1.05, while 1.10 was set up for casual play. Athena's new colors are really pretty, and the first one is a cosplay color of some anime character whose name I don't remember, but I took a picture of a cosplayer dressed as her in a con 3 years ago.

Thank you Professor, supportive like always with your intention to check out that combo ^^ I'll write it down again so that you don't have to scroll the thread. It may be a little different from what I had written the other day, but if you do have the time to check it out, please try this variant:

Kyo vs. Terry (guess Terry is a standard size character): cl.D > df+D 2 hits > Quick MAX > cl.C > f+B > rdp+BD

In the ver.2 demo I even manage to get a j.C in the combo before cl.D -canceling j.C into cl.D is tricky, I know-, whereas in 1.05 I'm forced to do j.C > d+C, otherwise df+D's second hit will whiff. I tend not to use Kyo's j.D to start combos because the somersault before the kick screws up my timing.

Bottom line: though I'm severely unskilled, I know j.B > cr.B > cr.A is more practical in actual matches than going all out with heavy jump-ins canceled with heavy close normals, it's just that I have fun going for maximum damage in training.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Sat 7 Jan 18:03:post reply


Wait, that's MS Attack, not Defense?
I had never heard of it. How is it different from Defense?

Iggy-- MSAttack is basically (what SNK wants to be) the successor to MSDefense. The developers weren't thinking too much into the future when they programmed the original game and they were hitting some walls. So they released MSA. Of course people don't jump to a new game that quickly..

I do miss the trials in MSD, they were interesting puzzles that helped you learn special properties of a lot of units - MSA's levelling system doesn't allow for such a tighly controlled experience, but at least it still has nice moments, like being able to give some units a dodge move (grunt soldiers lay on the ground, mounted character jump off their ride) or changing their their attack type.

Some of the new units their created specifically for MSA are also kind of neat, like Yoshino - it's hard to imagine some of them in a more traditional MS game, but I could imagine some of them working outside MSA anyway.


[this message was edited by Loona on Sat 7 Jan 18:06]

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"Re(2):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Sun 8 Jan 00:48post reply

Translation right here: PrettyBakedCake

Thanks for pointing out the translation, although the manga feels a bit different when it's not surrounded by all those stories about AV starlets that filled up Those links gave the proceedings a certain ambiance.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Mon 9 Jan 01:03post reply

Well said, the rush of weirdness I felt when seeing AV stuff headlines in the KOF manga page definitely gave me some laughter :D

-3 to the patch!! For my timezone (GMT+1) at least. Anybody remembers what time the previous patches were launched? I clearly remember downloading the 1.03 one at about 8.00 PM GMT+1, and it may had been launched some hours before. I'm talking about the Japanese release, but KOF14 patches have been distributed at the same time in all regions if I remember well.

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"Re(4):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Mon 9 Jan 02:53post reply

Well said, the rush of weirdness I felt when seeing AV stuff headlines in the KOF manga page definitely gave me some laughter :D

-3 to the patch!! For my timezone (GMT+1) at least. Anybody remembers what time the previous patches were launched? I clearly remember downloading the 1.03 one at about 8.00 PM GMT+1, and it may had been launched some hours before. I'm talking about the Japanese release, but KOF14 patches have been distributed at the same time in all regions if I remember well.

Micky-- quick reply about your combo.

I tried it against Terry in both versions and they seem the same. However you might be getting it easier with Ver 2 because the hit effects are different (they're bigger) and it might be making things easier for your to time your button presses.

That said, you might want to adjust your combo a bit since it doesn't work against crouching opponents. After going into maxmode, just make it cr.C > rdp.BD. To make things easy, you can just hold on to the df to do the cr.C.
cl.D, df.D(hold on to the df), maxmode, cr.C, rdp.BD

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):KOF14 HK webmanga and Chinese PS4 bundl" , posted Mon 9 Jan 03:43post reply

Thank you Prof ^^ I usually find my main timing assistance in the buttons noise rhythm, but it may be that the bigger effects subconsciously help me in demo 2. The crouching opponents thing is vital in actual gameplay so I'll surely opt for the variation you suggested when I switch to Kyo as my point character against human opponents.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(1):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Mon 9 Jan 08:32:post reply


Well, €45 is a little expensive but good luck for them.

So Professor, I played for a few hours yesterday at a friend's house and got beat a lot in online matches(c'mon can't you see that was the first time I was using Alice in my life? You don't need to go all K'/Robert/Geese on me) until I turned of my brain and used Athena like a crazy person. But boy, how good it feels to play Kensou again with his old moves back(he's the only one I can play "feeling safe" right now). Anyway, I feel the jumps are different somehow. I can hop, jump and hyperjump normally in the pad using the dpad and the analog the way I said before now on the DS4 but hyperhops are hard now for some reason. I also found the input of moves using both punches or both kicks to be "iffy"(they wouldn't come out every time I wanted) so I put those on macros(R1 and R2) but I can roll and "CD" fine pressing square+X and triangle+O respectively, so, okay I guess(don't know if it's a DS4 thing or from the game because that doesn't happen on XIII here on my PS3). Didn't really try the demo much aside of showing my friends the new graphics, effects and super moves (I liked the Black Sun on Kyo's Climax better before this weird lens flare that he has now).

I really need to learn these MAX mode combos because only Athena and Kensou on my team can activate raw and do well using the new types of psycho balls and other properties of EX moves.

[this message was edited by KensouADV on Mon 9 Jan 08:35]

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"Re(2):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Mon 9 Jan 21:40post reply

Kensou you're right, that's expensive, but I couldn't help but staring at its Kickstarter page x'D Have fun practicing your team ^^

Random question: I've always wondered how come KOF2003's voice samples sound so insanely clean compared to any other NeoGeo KOF installment. What kind of sorcery did they resort to? And how did they pull it off in the harsh times they were going through in 2003?

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Art of Teasing intensifies.." , posted Mon 9 Jan 23:28:post reply

Jack says a friendly manner!

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Tue 10 Jan 00:14]

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"Re(1):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Tue 10 Jan 00:02post reply


I am a bit interested, but the price may be a bit up there. I will see where they are at in a couple of weeks and if I have money to spare. I wonder if they will run into any rights issues like the people who tried to do the "Punch-Out!!" coffee table book. I imagine SNK is a bit more lax than Nintendo since Nintendo is fairly stringent when it comes to these kind of things. I know they have "Unauthorized" on the book and I remember a bunch of "Unauthorized" books from when I was a kid so maybe it will work out.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Tue 10 Jan 00:48:post reply

kofoguz - What??? I really didn't expect such pictures to show up. I like this style a lot, and I think it it can't draw any of the criticism the KOF14 character design did. I know Kuroki said "holiday leave", but SNK is stepping up their 3D modeling game, and that's more than enough to me ^_^

Geki - More or less what I'm doing, I'll wait as much as possible. All the early bird pro-gear slots -I want that one if I ever back the book- have been taken, so I guess there's more trust about this work than I thought would there be -besides me shouting "WOW", I've always been cautious about this project.

Alfred from RB2 is Oda's current Twitter header, I love when SNK developers give obscure characters some attention.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 10 Jan 01:29]

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"Re(2):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Tue 10 Jan 01:17post reply


I am a bit interested, but the price may be a bit up there. I will see where they are at in a couple of weeks and if I have money to spare. I wonder if they will run into any rights issues like the people who tried to do the "Punch-Out!!" coffee table book. I imagine SNK is a bit more lax than Nintendo since Nintendo is fairly stringent when it comes to these kind of things. I know they have "Unauthorized" on the book and I remember a bunch of "Unauthorized" books from when I was a kid so maybe it will work out.

Well, Oda did retweet this, so perhaps at this point they're willing to accept it as free publicity and encourage it?

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"Re(3):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Tue 10 Jan 02:03post reply

Well, Oda did retweet this, so perhaps at this point they're willing to accept it as free publicity and encourage it?

The licenses/legal division and dev team are two different sectors so it's probably better off not to think of producer Oda's actions as the voice of the company.

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"Re(4):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Tue 10 Jan 03:12post reply


The licenses/legal division vs dev team

Well that would be a fighting game.

Lord SNK

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"SNK mobile RPG thing" , posted Tue 10 Jan 04:24post reply

Anyone has some info / more info about this game?
What are that artworks?
Tokusatsu schoolboys cosplaying hybrid snk characters??

Joking aside, I'm still waiting for SNK to do something similar to Card Fighters Clash 1 or 2 (the DS chapter never happened, right?) also without Capcom, but funny to play and online-enabled.
If only they had done it for DS (a simple port of 1 or 2 with Nintendo Network support would have been an huge thing instead of that game).

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"Re(1):SNK mobile RPG thing" , posted Tue 10 Jan 05:41post reply


Anyone has some info / more info about this game?
What are that artworks?
Tokusatsu schoolboys cosplaying hybrid snk characters??

Joking aside, I'm still waiting for SNK to do something similar to Card Fighters Clash 1 or 2 (the DS chapter never happened, right?) also without Capcom, but funny to play and online-enabled.
If only they had done it for DS (a simple port of 1 or 2 with Nintendo Network support would have been an huge thing instead of that game).

It's very obviously trying to cash in to the Hero Academia fad as the article points out, but with the current art design... hummn. Well at least they have a Raiden wannabe eating the relatives of Griffon Mask

They're just having auditions for one character; the bunny mascot seen in the link above.

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"Re(4):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Tue 10 Jan 20:24post reply

Well, Oda did retweet this, so perhaps at this point they're willing to accept it as free publicity and encourage it?

The licenses/legal division and dev team are two different sectors so it's probably better off not to think of producer Oda's actions as the voice of the company.

True - but now Kuroki's doing it too, so it looks like nobody got reprimanded about it so far.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Tue 10 Jan 23:42:post reply

Nice to see my worries about the NeoGeo anthology can slowly begin to fade away ^^

I don't remember if this was posted, Ogura's New Year greetings Shun'ei and Meiten don't even look like his style x'D But I love that Meiten's face has a distinct Tezuka vibe to it.

Iori is the Sonic The Hedgehog of the KOF universe xD Guess Kyo can rival him with his backdash Naraku Otoshi?

XIV Ramon has an infinite...BUT!! There's a catch: according to Snake Eyez, you have to run 3 frames between each cr.A, so we won't see point Ramons everywhere and anywhere. Also, I love how meme Snoop Dogg is part of the stream

EDIT: KOF14 patch is rolling out. Already up in North America and Brazil.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Wed 11 Jan 00:42]

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"Re(6):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Wed 11 Jan 01:00post reply

EDIT: KOF14 patch is rolling out. Already up in North America and Brazil.

I tried out the Ramon infinite and I think the connecting is actually pretty easy, possibly because of the buffer. It's the dash cancel that's a pain. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets patched; you can arrange the combo to make it a bit more easy.

All in all though, this cr,A dash cancel itself is a really nice tool for Ramon.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(7):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Wed 11 Jan 01:58post reply

I had seen a video on Gatoray's Twitter showing a variation of the infinite, so I had already taken back my optimistic outlook on this combo xD Thanks for sharing your findings Prof ^^

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"Re(8):NeoGeo history book on Kickstarter" , posted Wed 11 Jan 10:52post reply

Pointless anecdote: I wanted to try out the v.1.10 tonight but I didn't have time to pull out my stick, hook up my headphones or do any of my other pre-game routines. So instead I played a quick round using the regular PS4 controller with the television's sound off. While I was playing Terry the controller started muttering to itself in broken Bogard Engrish. I didn't know it would do that.

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"Fatal Ragequick Bug EX Plus Alpha" , posted Wed 11 Jan 17:33:post reply

A quick heads up to anyone that's downloaded the Ver1.10 patch:
*Do Not go into your My Profile screen*.

There's a new bug that automatically raises your ragequit rate when you simply go into online mode.
Apparently the thing that triggers it is profile updating.

There's also been a report that it can happen if you simply go into the My Profile sreen but don't even update it.

Whatever the case, the best solution right now is just to avoid going to the profile edit screen. The developers are currently looking into it and they'll certainly release a patch asap.

Official word here.
Also, Producer Oda's announced that the disconnect/ragequit rate will be reset when the emergency patch rolls out.

On a completely different subject, gameplay wise some people are reporting that ver1.10 has less hitback on moves. Not sure about this though, not enough reports just yet. Some people are thinking that a handful of moves might've simply reverted to an older pre-updates version.

Also, the trial mission completion rate is weird right now. You get a 10% completion rate after beating 30 missions. That means you need to beat 300 missions to get a 100% rate, but....
The game only has 250 missions (50 characters x 5 missions each).

So the game either has a new bug, or there's 50 additional missions currently missing for some reason.

I'm not going to make any speculations about how it could potentially mean future DLC characters or whatnot.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 11 Jan 21:00]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):Fatal Ragequick Bug EX Plus Alpha" , posted Wed 11 Jan 19:35:post reply

Too late, I rushed to the profile in order to don the legendary Kusanagi crest before there was any official word on the bug x'D But everything's fine with me since there will be a ragequit amnesty :P

As for the hitback, it's what I was talking about here in the Cafe a couple days ago, but I was attributing it to input bad xD That combo I had asked reports about works on Bandeiras too in 1.10 as long as he's standing. Besides, I found this tweet yesterday, so maybe it wasn't just me finding some combos easier.

As for the aesthetics chit chat, I've never cared how KOF14 looks and I've always enjoyed the hell out of it, but now I like it even better. My graphics complaints are the same as before, to which I must add the flowers in the right corner of the hotel stage are still flat papercraft. Mature's mirror still doesn't reflect anything -if Mature isn't human, the mirror would still reflect part of the stage- and Kim's dobok is still stiff as fuck -may it be a not so well executed throwback to the first KOFs where Kim's outfit almost didn't have secondary animation?-, but I'm afraid these two issues are out of SNK's budget.

EDIT: I experienced brief freezes after a jump-in > close heavy combo in training mode. It happened to me twice: once with Mai, once with Tung.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Thu 12 Jan 19:47]

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"Re(2):Neo_G interview by" , posted Fri 13 Jan 02:40post reply

Takaya Kouchi (examu staff) has started a series of interview with game creators, and the first one was with Neo_G

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Neo_G interview by" , posted Fri 13 Jan 23:46:post reply

Thank you caiooa, I'll see the interview as soon as possible -my focus is seriously fucked up these days, so I don't have the energy to sit through a long video in a language I don't have basic knowledge of ^^; I got a glimpse of that development sketch with some fighter -Ryu?- and 6 buttons, my gut feeling tells me it's a very cool moment in the interview.

EDIT: turns out Kyo's decreased pushback on the first hit of his 88 Shiki and a bunch of other character changes are unintentional, do I remember well the current move properties are pre-1.03 stuff? Most of them if not all of them.

For a player without superhuman execution like me, getting back to the long pushback is gonna be infuriating.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
j/k, I know it's not a vital loss xD

End of Spoiler

And then, according to SNK, the trial percentage is an issue. If it isn't damage control on a trials addition leak, too bad, I was hoping they would add one trial per character ^^;

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 14 Jan 18:54]


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"Re(3):Neo_G interview by" , posted Sun 15 Jan 08:27post reply

I'm not going to make any speculations about how it could potentially mean future DLC characters or whatnot.

You're no fun Professor. Can't people wish to see some new faces on the game?

Takaya Kouchi (examu staff) has started a series of interview with game creators, and the first one was with Neo_G

Did I heard "Samurai Spirits" in there? I know Examu was the old Yuki Enterprise but I have no idea who's still in the company since the old SamSho days. I like they're trying to make a new Arcana Heart with the help of the fans but they're doing some questionable propositions

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I'm all in favor for new looks for the charactes like KOF, Tekken, Mortal Kombat and others do when a new game comes but I don't think this is right.

End of Spoiler

Anyway, I hope they make their videos available to their fans who don't understand japanese someday.

Anyway, new chapter of manga is out but I didn't find any translation.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):Neo_G interview by" , posted Sun 15 Jan 17:43:post reply

The new faces bit is fantastic x'D

About the latest manga chpater, I don't like how Meiten's Sen-Siss Hou in the last page looks like "comically shaking my fist at someone" instead of "lunging towards my opponent to knock her out with a flying punch". Other than that, I like everything else. Poor Athena not figuring out how a catatonic child can dodge or block all her attacks so easily ^^;

EDIT: DLC costumes for Shun'ei -as expected- and Nakoruru -nice surprise- coming around January 26th.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 16 Jan 05:58]

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"KOF World - Mobile MMORPG announced" , posted Mon 16 Jan 09:50post reply

SNK announced a new MMO for mobiles

The game will have a pre release in china, hope to see it in the west, I'm still missing KOF 98OL.

SNK seems to being really serious in using its franchise on China, I recall reading that 98ol was a huge sucess for them, so going on for something more ambitious could be great (or terrible) for them

As long as we have mobile and console games at the same time, I think that SNK will be doing great

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):KOF World - Mobile MMORPG announced" , posted Mon 16 Jan 18:03post reply

The trailer looks made by the same studio that drew the CG scenes for the recent CR KOF pachinko. I'm happy SNK is on good terms with them. As for the game itself, time to hunt for a more powerful phone than my prehistoric iPhone 4!! I'm sure this game will require iOS 8 as far as the Apple phones are concerned, if not 9.

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"Re(2):KOF World - Mobile MMORPG announced" , posted Mon 16 Jan 19:37post reply

Looks interesting, but that Terry model is reeaaally bad. The long sleeves and hoodie make it very generic, and I feel like the metal-plated hat only works in Masami Obari's artstyle, certainly not on the goofy play-dough man in the video.

Interesting that Kyo's in his school uniform, but Andy has his 2002 duds. With the way they've really gone "back to the roots" in XIII/XIV, I doubted we'd see anything from that era again.

And who's this dude at 0:41? On first view through I thought it was Billy, but it looks like he'll have some competition waving his pole around this time.

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

Anyone still playing Phantasy Star Online 2?
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"Re(3):KOF World - Mobile MMORPG announced" , posted Tue 17 Jan 00:03post reply

Looks interesting, but that Terry model is reeaaally bad. The long sleeves and hoodie make it very generic, and I feel like the metal-plated hat only works in Masami Obari's artstyle, certainly not on the goofy play-dough man in the video.

And who's this dude at 0:41? On first view through I thought it was Billy, but it looks like he'll have some competition waving his pole around this time.

That Fred Flinstone beard line. LoL. Also red pupils guy (Geese? Rugal?) Have bad case of pores, and skin condition. Otherwise not bad for SNK?

That's Billy from FF Pachinko. Maybe they would use it for KoF XIV too.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(4):KOF World - Mobile MMORPG announced" , posted Tue 17 Jan 05:30post reply

I was contemplating about how this is the first KOF MMO attempt which is actually getting a proper launch. A couple days ago I was reading on HCG101 the page in their KOF history -please add XIV!! x'D- about the canceled online games. Third time was the charm I guess :P I'm strictly talking about MMOs, though the Thailand KOF MOBA has always made me curious.

About KOFXIV, I can't get over how I like the character design better after the 1.10 patch. Details like the texture in Ryo's gi make a world of difference to me. Not only that, but I like how certain characters got their first color -or another one- drastically changed, especially Gang-Il, whose appearance improved a whole lot IMO. Looks like first colors got special attentions, but there are some invaluable gems among alternates, like Sylvie's cosplay of Rachel Alucard. It's beautiful!!

Ore no...kachi da!!
Just a Person
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"Re(3):KOF World - Mobile MMORPG announced" , posted Tue 17 Jan 09:29post reply


Though the SNK RPG I really hope to see someday is a sequel OR a remake of the Samurai Shodown RPG (if possible with the third episode that was discarded during development)...

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"Re(4):KOF World - Mobile MMORPG announced" , posted Thu 19 Jan 03:07:post reply

I saw the CM and its making of, Hayato Ichihara looks convincing enough to me when doing the Orochinagi pose that I wouldn't mind if he was chosen for a Japanese KOF live action movie.

EDIT: Oda retweeted this. I had completely forgotten KOF All Stars xDDDDD Glad to see it's actually in development, can't wait to see what kind of game it is.

EDIT 2: KOF meets Guardian Heroes? I barely watched the trailer once, but it looks to me like a beat 'em up with the glorious 3 planes system from the glorious Saturn title. It would make sense because it would allow NetMarble to keep a fighting game control scheme. Last but not least, character models seem decent. Ah, Kyo makes the moetaro pose like in the first KOF14 trailer xD

EDIT 3: KOF14 patch under review. Fixing all the damage the 1.10 patch made sure took a while.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 20 Jan 18:44]

Lord SNK

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"Kof 14" , posted Sun 22 Jan 01:55:post reply

I finally got KOF14 (Amazon put it on sale), yesterday I downloaded the 3+ GB patch and today I started the game for the first time, story mode and... the bosses are already unlocked? WTF?
Is it normal?
Is it a side-effect of the patch?
Fortunately I spoilered myself on the final boss a while ago, but if for some reason I had not I would be pissed a lot!

Another question, in order to use a legacy controller I still need a DualShock4 right?
So for 2 sticks are also 2 pads required?
(if is it even possible to use more than one legacy controller together)

[this message was edited by Lord SNK on Sun 22 Jan 17:57]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):Kof 14" , posted Sun 22 Jan 19:04:post reply

As for connecting a single legacy stick, you only need a DualShock to go into the game's main menu and into the options screen to configure your legacy stick/pad, then you can turn it off. I only have one device for testing -Hori RAP4 with PS4, PS3 and PC mode-, so i can't see if you can connect 2 legacy controllers with one DualShock.

Bosses being unlocked is intended in a previous patch, don't remember if it's 1.03, 1.04 or 1.05.

EDIT: VIOLENT BUGFIX TO COME AGAIN (and we'll get a further one in the next days...maybe together with the new DLC costumes?)

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Mon 23 Jan 18:17]

Lord SNK

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"Re(2):Kof 14" , posted Tue 24 Jan 04:21post reply

As for connecting a single legacy stick, you only need a DualShock to go into the game's main menu and into the options screen to configure your legacy stick/pad, then you can turn it off. I only have one device for testing -Hori RAP4 with PS4, PS3 and PC mode-, so i can't see if you can connect 2 legacy controllers with one DualShock.

Bosses being unlocked is intended in a previous patch, don't remember if it's 1.03, 1.04 or 1.05.

EDIT: VIOLENT BUGFIX TO COME AGAIN (and we'll get a further one in the next days...maybe together with the new DLC costumes?)

Thanks for the reply, will investigate further into this.

And I hope this patch is not another huge download like 1.10!

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Kof 14" , posted Tue 24 Jan 05:00post reply

You're welcome ^^ The patch is definitely smaller, 299MB.

I backtracked SNK's reports about the 1.10 bugs, and I can't seem to find any mention of the "online matching" issues they mention here, besides the mess that happened with online modes as a whole because of the profile bug -room creation and search not working etc. Do they mean there are ranked matchmaking issues?

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"Re(4):Kof 14" , posted Tue 24 Jan 15:35post reply

You're welcome ^^ The patch is definitely smaller, 299MB.

I backtracked SNK's reports about the 1.10 bugs, and I can't seem to find any mention of the "online matching" issues they mention here, besides the mess that happened with online modes as a whole because of the profile bug -room creation and search not working etc. Do they mean there are ranked matchmaking issues?

SNK couldn't fix the room creation and search problems that were in ver1.10. They thought they did, but it's still there. They're hoping to get it right with 1.12.

Also, the playtime total gets reset.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Tue 24 Jan 17:51:post reply

I see, I hadn't tried the online modes after patching KOF14. Fingers crossed for the 1.12 patch...

EDIT: Shun and Nako's DLC costumes are up for purchase in the JP PSN store!! And in the HK one as well, I saw it on Gato's Twitter. There's something strange about them though, I think they were included in the code of the 1.10 patch, because no download started after I bought them, but I have them selectable in-game.

Kuroki said he made Nako's sword toy-like in her alternate costume because he's afraid of school girls brandishing swords xDDDDD Gotta love such crazy antics.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Thu 26 Jan 19:07]


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"Re(1):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Thu 26 Jan 21:42post reply


About the latest manga chpater, I don't like how Meiten's Sen-Siss Hou in the last page looks like "comically shaking my fist at someone" instead of "lunging towards my opponent to knock her out with a flying punch". Other than that, I like everything else. Poor Athena not figuring out how a catatonic child can dodge or block all her attacks so easily ^^;

Well, she got better.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

I honestly would rather have a Rera/Rimururu skin for Nakoruru but this one is cute. I just hope is not overpriced when it comes here (where's Classic Iori skin?) because Athena's costume costs more than Nightmare Geese or Classic Kyo.

I'll try the workaround that was posted to play online this weekend. Thanks.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Fri 27 Jan 01:40post reply

That's an interesting development. I know the SNK wikia must be taken with a grain of salt, but they say Athena isn't one of the strongest KOF characters canonically, whereas Shun and Meiten seem to be -and Shun says to Meiten "I'm always the one who loses during our training sessions" or something like that in their special dialogue. I think Meiten underestimated Athena and held back too much.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(3):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Fri 27 Jan 01:46post reply

That's an interesting development. I know the SNK wikia must be taken with a grain of salt, but they say Athena isn't one of the strongest KOF characters canonically,

Someone forgot to tell Athena that.

I'm not certain what sort of modern outfit you could make for Nakoruru that wouldn't look a bit off but at least Mamahaha got a jaunty scarf out of the deal.

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"Re(4):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Fri 27 Jan 01:52post reply

I'm not certain what sort of modern outfit you could make for Nakoruru that wouldn't look a bit off but at least Mamahaha got a jaunty scarf out of the deal.

Shun'ei costume is ok, I guess?
That's the best costume of those three. Mamahaha continues to dominate the game even with fashion.

On a serious note I want them to add 97 elegant pool party clothes options to everyone.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Fri 27 Jan 02:03post reply

Hmpf, the umpteenth time I forget to include a detail in my posts due to writing them in a rush -_- Mamahaha's scarf is absolutely brilliant xD I can't help but repeat again and again that such details tell me how motivated the KOF14 team feels in making it. Ah, about making the game, the costume trailers still sport the "work in progress footage" warning x'D I secretly hope a 1.20 patch will come out to make the stages look like the majority of the concept arts

Ore no...kachi da!!
Lord SNK

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"Re(5):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Fri 27 Jan 04:23post reply

"Kamuikotan" I think I'm missing a reference or a joke here, Kamui is the village/tribe from whatever she comes, right?


On a serious note I want them to add 97 elegant pool party clothes options to everyone.

I would buy these skins immediately! (if there was also Heavy D it would be 1000% better)

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(6):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Fri 27 Jan 04:48post reply

I googled it just a minute before checking the Cafe xD Kamui Kotan is indeed Nako's village.

Have you ever noticed SNK Entertainment has its very own tan or something like that? Brought to life by no other than Falcoon, SNKE's art director.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(5):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Fri 27 Jan 04:49post reply


On a serious note I want them to add 97 elegant pool party clothes options to everyone.


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"Re(5):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Sat 28 Jan 00:01post reply

97 elegant pool party clothes options to everyone.

I'd back a Kickstarter for such a costume pack!!

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Sat 28 Jan 01:35post reply

97 elegant pool party clothes options to everyone.

I'd back a Kickstarter for such a costume pack!!

Let's do it. How do we send this idea to SNK?

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"Re(7):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Sat 28 Jan 04:06post reply

Hahaha maybe each Cafe patron interested in such costumes may tweet KOF14 team members and/or the SNK accounts about it :D Keeping in mind that some SNK staffs have fallen ill ^^;

KOFXIV arcade loketest from Feb. 3th to Feb. 5th!!

Ore no...kachi da!!
Micky Kusanagi
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"KOF14 WCS all in Tokyo!!" , posted Sat 28 Jan 18:18:post reply

Sorry for double posting but I feel it's really important.

As much as I didn't have any issues with the WCS top 4 being held in Beijing -I understand SNK is owned by a Chinese holding-, I'm really happy to tell you I've just read on Orochinagi that the whole top 16 will take place in Tokyo. Besides, Alioune was chosen as the 16th contestant. So glad to have my continent represented, although I always think of Frionel as European besides being Moroccan, because of his close bond with the French KOF14 community. Great news to me!!

EDIT: Korean KOF player 8sin-am recently made and published a beautiful combo video. Man I miss those days when combo videos featured flashy editing and great Asian rock music on top of showcasing insane combos. This video, for example, made me aware of the Korean rock singer Kim Kyung-ho. LOVE this song.

EDIT: Looks like KOFXIV's online mess has already been solved the ninja way before the 1.12 patch comes, and our Professor confirmed it :D

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Wed 1 Feb 01:15]


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"Re(8):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Fri 3 Feb 01:34post reply

Well, 1.12 was released anyway and both Nakoruru and Shun'ei costumes are available at the american and european PSstore. I find it a little expensive but considering I already got two for free, I can pay for the Naku Potter skin

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"Re(9):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Fri 3 Feb 20:02post reply

Well, 1.12 was released anyway and both Nakoruru and Shun'ei costumes are available at the american and european PSstore. I find it a little expensive but considering I already got two for free, I can pay for the Naku Potter skin

How awesome it would be if they at least put the option of the glasses if not with the wand.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(10):Shun and Nako's DLC costumes up" , posted Fri 3 Feb 20:49post reply

Nako Potter is all kinds of awesome xD

1.12 patch notes here. Guess the first of the two character specific fixes is getting us rid of the awesomely weird "run through Kyo when you do a quick MAX while he's blocking high" bug.

The KOF14 arcade loketest is underway. I wonder whether SNK is going for keeping the game as close as console 1.12 as possible or they want to rebalance it for the arcades and bring the changes to the home version after the arcade launch.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re:Patch notes and Arcade version" , posted Sat 4 Feb 00:03:post reply

The KOF14 arcade loketest is underway. I wonder whether SNK is going for keeping the game as close as console 1.12 as possible or they want to rebalance it for the arcades and bring the changes to the home version after the arcade launch.

Andy Bogard
Chou・Shin・Soku・Zan-ei Ken (Air) - This move's effect no longer appears when it doesn't hit
the opponent in low height.

NOOOOOOOOOO! SNK shouldn't remove some stuff.

By the way any news from the arcade loketest? I found a video with some people playing.

[this message was edited by KensouADV on Sat 4 Feb 00:06]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):Re:Patch notes and Arcade version" , posted Sat 4 Feb 00:36:post reply

Hahaha let's make a petition to get back the Andy blur as an option xD

I tried searching "kof xiv" on Youtube filtered by upload date just before checking the Cafe but there's nothing, which isn't surprising given how strict surveillance is at such events. Is the upper screen in one of the cabinets just for loketest purposes or is it regularly part of certain Nesica cabinets?

EDIT: Loading times were improved in the arcade loketest copies. Besides, rumors are floating of a balance patch announcement by Oda at the World Championship.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 4 Feb 17:16]

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"SNK and Studio Roqovan teams up" , posted Wed 8 Feb 12:25post reply

Studio Roqovan teams up with SNK Corporation to bring content to their VR Projects

Wait what?

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"Re(1):SNK and Studio Roqovan teams up" , posted Wed 8 Feb 18:23post reply

Studio Roqovan teams up with SNK Corporation to bring content to their VR Projects

Wait what?

If SNK really wants to conquer the world of VR they should be teaming up with Illusionsoft :3

Roqovan does look like a cool company though. They seem like they're making games they believe in. I wonder how SNK's characters will fit into their lineup?

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"Re(2):SNK and Studio Roqovan teams up" , posted Wed 8 Feb 18:44post reply

Studio Roqovan teams up with SNK Corporation to bring content to their VR Projects

Wait what?

If SNK really wants to conquer the world of VR they should be teaming up with Illusionsoft :3

Roqovan does look like a cool company though. They seem like they're making games they believe in. I wonder how SNK's characters will fit into their lineup?

The aesthetics on World War Toons aren't too far off from Metal Slug, but trying to apply SNK stuff to VR only brings to mind stuff like Beast Busters and Super Spy... then again, I'm yet to see any VR project that truly tempts me, so maybe I'm not fully into the mindset to see how SNK's stuff can be put to good use in that field...


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"Re(3):SNK and Studio Roqovan teams up" , posted Wed 8 Feb 21:01:post reply

Studio Roqovan teams up with SNK Corporation to bring content to their VR Projects

Wait what?

If SNK really wants to conquer the world of VR they should be teaming up with Illusionsoft :3

Roqovan does look like a cool company though. They seem like they're making games they believe in. I wonder how SNK's characters will fit into their lineup?

The aesthetics on World War Toons aren't too far off from Metal Slug, but trying to apply SNK stuff to VR only brings to mind stuff like Beast Busters and Super Spy... then again, I'm yet to see any VR project that truly tempts me, so maybe I'm not fully into the mindset to see how SNK's stuff can be put to good use in that field...

Crossed Swords would be great for VR!

[this message was edited by videoman190 on Wed 8 Feb 22:05]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):SNK and Studio Roqovan teams up" , posted Wed 8 Feb 21:14post reply

Heh, active 3D gives me headaches, but I may challenge them if it's for trying a VR game with SNK IPs in it :P I'd love a VR fighting game with SNK characters!! And Move functionality because I'm freaking demanding :D Roqovan's wacky art style would allow some crazy crossover from completely unrelated games. I'd like Roqovanized KoTM characters a lot for example.

But what I'd like the most would be a VR Move SamuSpi or Gekka. Imagine the crazyness of swinging your arms like Xanadu while desperately trying to imitate Haohmaru or Kaede's masterful swordsmanship x'D

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(1):SNK and Studio Roqovan teams up" , posted Thu 9 Feb 01:27post reply

Studio Roqovan teams up with SNK Corporation to bring content to their VR Projects

Wait what?

Super Spy X Mutation Nation VR, it'll be the RE7 beat-em-up we never dreamed of.

Lord SNK

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"Re(4):SNK and Studio Roqovan teams up" , posted Thu 9 Feb 04:11post reply

Nam 1975?

Micky Kusanagi
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"KOF14 survey results" , posted Tue 14 Feb 18:00:post reply

So, the KOF14 survey results are finally here. I gloomily show off my ignorance once more and tell you I'm surprised that the cradle of versus fighting -or at least its KOFXIV side- its is so uninterested in competing in a fighting game, though they experienced the boom of the genre first hand.

(unrelated but related, I got carried away by the joy of setting my avatar to Kyo's wonderful Yamato Chronicle portrait and uploaded a huge 278x278 crop, forgetting the Cafe doesn't automatically resize pictures bigger than 96x96, so please delete the humongous pic I mistakenly uploaded)

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 14 Feb 18:01]

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"Re(1):KOF14 survey results" , posted Tue 14 Feb 18:42post reply