Lackluster FFXV thread - Forums

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"Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Tue 29 Nov 13:48post reply

To my great and genuine surprise, Final Fantasy Versus XIII XV appears to have come!?! ... ... I, I don't really care about FFXV.

Nobi wrote about it but did not post it here. D: And Polly isn't here to make me try new things anymore. Here's where you come in! Is anyone playing it?

On one hand, I am deeply disappointed in Square for taking away my decade-long running joke. There is also legitimately no one I remotely respect from the original team involved with this in a serious capacity, not even Kitase if I stretch it. On the other hand, even my least favorite Final Fantasy ever was an important part of the Cafe/greater internet's early culture. And I hear they have time for nice little slice-of-life vignettes and roadside conversations that haven't really been around since FFVI? More importantly, I hear they have cooking. If there's anything I like, it's screwing up terrible concoctions in Dragon's Crown or Tales.

Maybe I will play it if there is ever a version for Japanese Steam. Or we can just re-route the thread into people telling me even better reasons why I should play FF Type Zero instead even if the story is "dumb."


1724th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Tue 29 Nov 16:52post reply

To my great and genuine surprise, Final Fantasy Versus XIII XV appears to have come!?! ... ... I, I don't really care about FFXV.

Nobi wrote about it but did not post it here. D: And Polly isn't here to make me try new things anymore. Here's where you come in! Is anyone playing it?

On one hand, I am deeply disappointed in Square for taking away my decade-long running joke. There is also legitimately no one I remotely respect from the original team involved with this in a serious capacity, not even Kitase if I stretch it. On the other hand, even my least favorite Final Fantasy ever was an important part of the Cafe/greater internet's early culture. And I hear they have time for nice little slice-of-life vignettes and roadside conversations that haven't really been around since FFVI? More importantly, I hear they have cooking. If there's anything I like, it's screwing up terrible concoctions in Dragon's Crown or Tales.

Maybe I will play it if there is ever a version for Japanese Steam. Or we can just re-route the thread into people telling me even better reasons why I should play FF Type Zero instead even if the story is "dumb."

I can't wait to go home and play FFXV tonight!
Here's a short excerpt from the thing Maou was talking about (thank you for feeding my vanity friend):

I'm not sure if FFXV's story can live up to my expectations, but I know the visuals can. So I'll at least be pretty tremendously happy about that. Also the food looks amazing!

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"Re(1):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Tue 29 Nov 17:58post reply

I don't find myself caring about XV, although in no small part due to a latent concern for the future of XI - apparently its profits help to fund XIV and its renewal, and it seems XIV players are also concerned about profits from their game going towards XV's developpment, and the cycle of profits from the online games not getting reinvested back into them might start anew with XVI, so I wonder how the success or lack thereof of XV will affect an older game I care about that's always living on borrowed time since in their short-sightedness SE thought a mainline FF should be planned to last 5 years.

I guess I'm also curious to see how XV reps might play out in Dissidia(s) - I haven't really kept up with promotional materials, but I recall some teleporting attacks, which should introduce some novelty in combat in the arcade version, I guess, and maybe in some other game some attack might involve hitting enemies with that ever-present car (but given the scale of FF monsters and damage, maybe that'd be negligible damage...)?

Basically all I know about the game is something about a young king on a road trip, maybe a timeskip at some point, and what Nobi wrote so far, and at this point that's the more interesting aspect - to which extent that'll be relevant to the core themes of the game I'm yet to see.


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"Re(2):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Tue 29 Nov 18:53post reply

How can anyone care about FF15 when the real surprise release of 2016, Trico, is released immediately after!

While FF15 is entertaining in its own right (in a "slowing down on the highway to have a better view of the horrifying car crash on the opposing lane" way), I don't know what to expect of TLG. Probably something like Ico, as long, tedious and charming, and maybe the big monster won't die but it will still end bittersweet, the sales figures will be limited but not disappointing because it's a very small scoped game, and high-brow people on the internet won't shut up about it for 3 months?

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Tue 29 Nov 20:09:post reply

My first game system ever was a Master System (...let's add a Mark III to my ever growing list of gaming stuff I wanna buy at some point in my life), so Nobi's tweet about the FFXV allegory definitely strucks the right cords in my heart. Not to mention I still haven't got over Sega's withdrawal from console development -the idea of buying Tectoy's newest Mega Drive clone came across my mind for a moment, but I soon realized I'd like a Japanese Mega Drive model 1 way better-, and I'll never do.

As for Final Fantasy, I've barely played the very first hours of VIII and X in my life, but after this thread, I'll never look at XV the way I used to.

And that food is it charming.

Last but not least, Nobi's Twitter name with the Shoryuken notation had me in awe. Flying uppercuts are my favorite fictional martial arts technique ever, since I saw it in SFII.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 29 Nov 20:40]

2230th Post

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"Re(3):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Wed 30 Nov 05:12post reply


While FF15 is entertaining in its own right (in a "slowing down on the highway to have a better view of the horrifying car crash on the opposing lane" way), I don't know what to expect of TLG.

Iggy, are you playing FFXV now? I would be curious to hear more detailed impressions from you.

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"Re(3):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Wed 30 Nov 06:11post reply

While FF15 is entertaining in its own right (in a "slowing down on the highway to have a better view of the horrifying car crash on the opposing lane" way), I don't know what to expect of TLG.

Exactly そのとおりでございます , everything I see on FF XV shows me that the game is sure to become a popular hitwith themasses, but that doesn't mean that it'll be a blast to play....

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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"Re(4):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Wed 30 Nov 08:27post reply

I'm about to blow a stupid amount of money on a new computer, but the AAA games that I actually want to play are FFXV and Trico, which makes this entire decision even more harebrained

But what's a developer with more money than sense to do, anyway

2231th Post

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"Re(4):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Wed 30 Nov 08:52post reply

While FF15 is entertaining in its own right (in a "slowing down on the highway to have a better view of the horrifying car crash on the opposing lane" way), I don't know what to expect of TLG.

Exactly そのとおりでございます , everything I see on FF XV shows me that the game is sure to become a popular hitwith themasses, but that doesn't mean that it'll be a blast to play....

Hahah, I will be looking forward to many more of these. Open world games have the best bugs. Not sure if anyone saw these, but Red Dead Redmption's Cougar Man and Donkey Woman were truly amazing creatures.

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"Re(4):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Wed 30 Nov 11:22post reply

everything I see on FF XV shows me that the game is sure to become a popular hitwith themasses

裏目に出たよ、Toxi-tan! You have accidentally bolstered FFXV's credibility by reminding me that (up until now) FFVI was both the best game in the series and the most glitchy. What have you done?! If FFXV allows me to accidentally recreate the joy of equipping an attack drill on my head for max defense, I may have to buy a whole damn new console.

I realized that Tabata links FFXV and Type Zero. Now tell me about Type Zero.


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"Re(5):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Thu 1 Dec 08:28post reply

I'm having a hard time registering that FFXV is a physical object I can purchase from a store. The game has been in gestation for so long that I can't bring myself to believe that it's actually finished. I don't even know what you do in the game; the endless limbo FF was in combined with the feeling that the programmers didn't know which end was up made it seem pointless to read articles on what may or may not be in the final product. Is Nobi right and the game is a meta variation on Hyperdimension Neptunia but with husbandos? Is Iggy correct in that everyone will stop talking about FF in a few days and spend the rest of the year obsessing over a giant ferret? Beats me, but all I know is that FFXV exists and we have to deal with the consequences of living in a post-FFXV world.

2232th Post

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"Re(6):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Thu 1 Dec 08:55post reply

Is Nobi right and the game is a meta variation on Hyperdimension Neptunia but with husbandos? Is Iggy correct in that everyone will stop talking about FF in a few days and spend the rest of the year obsessing over a giant ferret? Beats me, but all I know is that FFXV exists and we have to deal with the consequences of living in a post-FFXV world.

Ishmael, clearly you have to buy the game yourself and provide us with the answer.

I ended up picking it up personally. Way too curious not to do so... although I've not had much time to play it just yet. I would suggest that you join myself and Nobi at the vanguard, that you may find your bearings in this strange and confusing era (the post-FFXV era).

To me, trying to figure out how the game got the way it is, wondering how it could have been different, and seeing what sort of triumphs could be achieved by the people were caught up in the game's almost certainly weird-as-hell development process... I'm pretty sure that will make it worth it.

That's what I tell myself in a world where I may never see a sequel to games I truly love (Dragon's Dogma, Bumpy Trot), anyway.

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"Re(7):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Fri 2 Dec 04:50post reply

Bumpy Trot 2 was too beautiful for this world.

The opening moments of this game have actually been really good. They made me smile, so it's a winner already.

The dagger combat animations are nice to look at but the feel of it is kinda lousy. It doesn't feel quite as snappy in combat as even Kingdom Hearts, and if ever Nobi wanted a case of "overanimated" this game would be it: though the animations are all really good, a lot of the regular hits feel kind of soft and disconnected. It's not nearly as abstract as a typical MMO, where that kind of thing can be pushed under the mental rug. In the weapon shop you get 16-bit FF icons for your characters.

I wish that the game ran at a higher framerate, but man the game is nice to look at.

The English dub and writing so far seem fine.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Fri 2 Dec 07:03:post reply

rapid fire collection of thoughts from the opening hour of the game:

FFXV earlier and it is the most weirdly japanese but also weirdly american thing ever:
- you and your glamorous j-rock boy band crew have to push a luxury car through the dustbowl while Stand By Me is blasting because they can't connect a call to an auto repair place
- you can camp in a place that has weird glowing magic runes that are never explained with beautiful Coleman(r) camping gear
- you can buy Luncheon Meat from the convenience store at the gas/maintenance station and the handsome band member with the english accent will realize that he can make spam musubi
- the bandmate who's meant to be the spunky boyish charm one is a shutterbug who takes photos with not his smartphone but what is either a vintage-styled SLR or an actual film camera
- the main character's special field skill is... fishing
which i haven't done yet but i'm sure it will feature glorious Coleman(r) fishing gear
- and if you have no ingredients to cook with at the camp because you bankrupted yourself even though you're royalty, you can make toast.
the austerity meal:
- the spam musubi even has a slice of processed cheese in it
- they literally found themselves in the "midwest" and are unfamiliar with the foreign currency used there of which they brought along zero of, this foreign currency being "gil"
- there is a skill you can put points in that gives you more points for driving long distances in the car, which is like the insane driving of america combined with capitalism, which makes it one of the most american things possible
- once i can acquire the cosmetic that let me give the cook guy frosted tips and have him cooking chili with the Coleman(r) gear while also visiting diners, drive-ins, and dives i will have all i never knew i wanted in a game
- the bulk of the people in the gas/mechanic station talk in a southern drawl, and the guy who runs the diner is a black dude who will make you "Leiden jambalaya", but it's served on a teppan and has a pre-sliced pork chop on it with what might be cutlet/teriyaki/other-dark-brown-glazy-translucent sauce on it, which makes it the weirdest jambalaya i have ever seen, like what even is this, it looks delicious but also a fundamental misunderstanding of what jambalaya is, and
this includes jambalaya actually from real-world Leiden which is in holland, maybe this is a super-deep and super-obscure thing that there is a super interesting reason behind

[this message was edited by Spoon on Fri 2 Dec 07:04]

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"Final Hodge-podge XV" , posted Fri 2 Dec 11:45post reply

Spoon, this stuff is great!
the most weirdly japanese but also weirdly american thing ever
This is also a good description of Japan itself.
- the main character's special field skill is... fishing
which i haven't done yet but i'm sure it will feature glorious Coleman(r) fishing gear
Hahaha, oh man, at least this is a good match (summon Real (Reel?) Bass Fishing Master Ishmael). Not having followed XV, I was unable to tell if it was a fake or not when I saw them at a Nissin noodle truck. Sadly, truth is stranger than fiction, and product placement is lame as hell.
if you have no ingredients to cook with at the camp because you bankrupted yourself even though you're royalty, you can make toast.
This sistuation hits a little too close to home.
the bulk of the people in the gas/mechanic station talk in a southern drawl, and the guy who runs the diner is a black dude who will make you "Leiden jambalaya"
Sadly, until I play this, it will be hard to know whether this is a weird localization thing (sort of like how FFVIII's Zell was always looking for "hot dogs" instead of Japanese pastry bread), or, more likely, in line with the bizarre cultural pastiche you described.

1728th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Fri 2 Dec 16:00:post reply

rapid fire collection of thoughts from the opening hour of the game:

FFXV earlier and it is the most weirdly japanese but also weirdly american thing ever:
- you and your glamorous j-rock boy band crew have to push a luxury car through the dustbowl while Stand By Me is blasting because they can't connect a call to an auto repair place
- you can camp in a place that has weird glowing magic runes that are never explained with beautiful Coleman(r) camping gear
- you can buy Luncheon Meat from the convenience store at the gas/maintenance station and the handsome band member with the english accent will realize that he can make spam musubi
- the bandmate who's meant to be the spunky boyish charm one is a shutterbug who takes photos with not his smartphone but what is either a vintage-styled SLR or an actual film camera
- the main character's special field skill is... fishing
which i haven't done yet but i'm sure it will feature glorious Coleman(r) fishing gear
- and if you have no ingredients to cook with at the camp because you bankrupted yourself even though you're royalty, you can make toast.
the austerity meal:
- the spam musubi even has a slice of processed cheese in it
- they literally found themselves in the "midwest" and are unfamiliar with the foreign currency used there of which they brought along zero of, this foreign currency being "gil"
- there is a skill you can put points in that gives you more points for driving long distances in the ca

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I am loving this game so far, for all the reasons described above. I am so pleased that it's so food centric.

Hell last night, I went on a mission to feed a stray cat! First I offered it an entire fresh live fish, which it turned away (it was hilarious to see the photoreal fish flopping around in front of the confused cat). Then I had to catch another fish and give it to the chef at the gourmet restaurant to whip it up into a dish fit for cat consumption. The hungry cat loved it. I know a lot of people hate these stupid fetch quests but ...

I LOVE THIS GAME. It has a nice relaxed charm to it so far.

Also the creature designs are GREAT. They feel fantastic but so convincingly real. Especially the larger ones, the sense of scale is amazing. They look absolutely majestic. They FEEL majestic.

The other day I stumbled across a giant sleeping gryphon and it was so beautiful. Full of so many little authentic details that made it truly feel alive (it's plumage was REALLY well thought out, as were its vulture like integument and really interesting beak shape and its shockingly long and winding tail). These delightful moments and loving details really make the game.

Also thank god the characters aren't annoying so far. Not even the plucky blonde guy. I love that he shows you the photos he took at every save point! They are often even unflattering shots, caught midway between expressions, like real photos your friends upload to facebook!

Mileage will vary, but I feel this game was made for me. In spite of the K-pop J-Rock look of the main bros, I feel this game is aesthetically much closer to the SNES era games (especially with the creatures). I really like it. It's probably the most excited I've been for a Final Fantasy since part IX.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Fri 2 Dec 16:03]

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"Re(10):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Fri 2 Dec 18:20post reply

The monster designs are super great.

The melee combat gets a bit messy at times, but so far it's pretty breezy.

You have very limited control over your car. No running it off road at all!

You seem to be able to get a surge of stamina if you click the left stick again just as it hits the "ST" of the stamina gauge. Sometimes it doesn't work. I dunno!

I wish that the skill upgrades you can buy with AP gave you more detail about what they do. My AP is hard-earned!

My mother watched the game now and again and asked me if the game was just about travelling and eating food.

Micky Kusanagi
475th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Fri 2 Dec 21:28post reply

DISCLAIMER: I know so little about Final Fantasy I better don't talk about any title in the series. Please don't slaughter me if my views are unforgivably wrong xD

I vaguely remember FFXV being touted as the game that will determine the future of Japanese video games...based on the wonderful tidbits you guys are telling here, I'd dare to say they're safe. I feel it has enough indie simulation game stuff to make its Western sales huge, while also appealing to the Japanese audience.

By the way, I'm a fan of such weird product placement -I briefly tried UFO Kamen Yakisoban once and I kinda liked it, that's how insane my taste in gaming can get- and I slam my face on the keyboard every time I learn from TCRF instances of Japanese product placement in any game get erased or edited in localization.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Final Fishing XV" , posted Sat 3 Dec 00:17post reply

Did someone mention fishing?

I thought the inability of FFXV to settle on a theme and direction would create a game that was a hodgepodge of unfinished ideas. Instead this sounds batshit insane. I'll be interested to find out if FFXV eventually settles into a more traditional heroic arc typical of RPG's and if that helps or hurts the game.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Final Fishing XV" , posted Sat 3 Dec 02:30post reply


I thought the inability of FFXV to settle on a theme and direction would create a game that was a hodgepodge of unfinished ideas. Instead this sounds batshit insane.

Honestly, that would make it in the tradition of FF6 and FF7.

1728th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Final Fishing XV" , posted Sat 3 Dec 02:47post reply


I thought the inability of FFXV to settle on a theme and direction would create a game that was a hodgepodge of unfinished ideas. Instead this sounds batshit insane.

Honestly, that would make it in the tradition of FF6 and FF7.

I'll say one more good thing about it. Fights end much faster than the previous demos. Enemies aren't such big damage sponges like they were before. That was one of my biggest worries. Battles feel alright!

Sometimes it even feels a bit like Dragon's Dogma. Like I (well Andy) was fighting some Flans at night. We didn't have any fire spells at the time so we weren't really able to hurt them. As we were running away, an Iron Giant suddenly materialized close by (in this world demons come out at night). We knew it was definitely too strong to fight at our current low level so we started running away, but then it stuck its arm out and cast a spell and started to suck the whole party towards it! Thankfully we were far enough to break free and made a successful return to civilization.

The way one battle can spill into another is fun. Still not quite as well done as Dogma (maybe it'll improve later I dunno), but I think they were paying attention to the right things.
2235th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Final Fishing XV" , posted Sat 3 Dec 09:00post reply

Did someone mention fishing?

I thought the inability of FFXV to settle on a theme and direction would create a game that was a hodgepodge of unfinished ideas. Instead this sounds batshit insane. I'll be interested to find out if FFXV eventually settles into a more traditional heroic arc typical of RPG's and if that helps or hurts the game.

Ishmael, are you playing the damn game? If not...

Play the damn game!

So the most recent thing I noticed is that you can buy soundtracks from past FF games from random stores and play them in your car. I am only somewhat disappointed that Prompto didn't exclaim "Oh shit! Gilgamesh!" when Clash on the Big Bridge from FFV was playing. This directly addresses a thought I had, which was "Man I kind of miss the catchier, older Final Fantasy music."

Maybe there are some good tracks in this one that I just haven't heard yet.

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"Ishmael's Final Bass Fishing XV" , posted Sat 3 Dec 10:52:post reply

Did someone mention fishing?

My mother watched the game now and again and asked me if the game was just about travelling and eating food.
As usual, the Cafe manages to give me very good reasons for getting games that have NOTHING to do with the reasons that 99% of the world give. The real question is whether it will eventually be possible to play Ishamel's Final Bass Fishing XV with just the Sega Bass Fishing controller, or alternately to use the Gran Turismo steering wheel accessory to play the entire game.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 3 Dec 10:55]

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"Crush Dummy XV" , posted Sat 3 Dec 11:44post reply

Real life simulator XV is here to remind us that our teenage days were spent completely peniless, driving without license an older relative's car, eating ultra cheap sale items that are the less healthy thing you could have picked from the market and that you are better of developing hobbies that need no expenses (since what little money you have will go to the food or overpriced music).

The game is also a clear reminder that if humanity ever gets to the point we can develop flying cars, you are better of not using that damn suicidal feature that takes not into account how the streets were designed in the first place----- example , example
(I have seen like 30 crash gifs in like 2 days, but right now I can only find these 2).

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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"Re(2):Final Fishing XV" , posted Sun 4 Dec 00:41post reply

Ishmael, are you playing the damn game? If not...

Play the damn game!

With the long, long production time I was hesitant to jump in immediately. That, and I wasn't certain if FFXV was going to have the same fate as FFXIII where video game stores could have used their massive piles of returned copies to re-tile their floors. Thankfully the reception to FFXV seems much more positive so I'm beginning to think this might not be a bad purchase after all.

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"Re(3):Final Fishing XV" , posted Mon 5 Dec 11:24post reply

All my life I had to travel on a car across chile (as a kid for illness, and as an adult for job) so this game really generates an great emotion since I feel related to the experience of travelling in a car, and stopping in gas stations or hotels to rest. this game recreate very well the feeling of traveling

As a side note, the hot dogs on gas station here on chile are super shit, with the weners and avocado made of pastic, but since they create an memory from my childhood to this day I love them

1732th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Tue 6 Dec 04:13post reply

My first game system ever was a Master System (...let's add a Mark III to my ever growing list of gaming stuff I wanna buy at some point in my life), so Nobi's tweet about the FFXV allegory definitely strucks the right cords in my heart. Not to mention I still haven't got over Sega's withdrawal from console development -the idea of buying Tectoy's newest Mega Drive clone came across my mind for a moment, but I soon realized I'd like a Japanese Mega Drive model 1 way better-, and I'll never do.

As for Final Fantasy, I've barely played the very first hours of VIII and X in my life, but after this thread, I'll never look at XV the way I used to.

And that food is it charming.

Last but not least, Nobi's Twitter name with the Shoryuken notation had me in awe. Flying uppercuts are my favorite fictional martial arts technique ever, since I saw it in SFII.

Thanks Micky! You are too kind! I hope you can play FFXV in the future. I'm really enjoying it so far. It has a lot of heart.

All my life I had to travel on a car across chile (as a kid for illness, and as an adult for job) so this game really generates an great emotion since I feel related to the experience of travelling in a car, and stopping in gas stations or hotels to rest. this game recreate very well the feeling of traveling

As a side note, the hot dogs on gas station here on chile are super shit, with the weners and avocado made of pastic, but since they create an memory from my childhood to this day I love them

Yes! That's precisely the major appeal of FFXV! The ability to evoke those real life mundane experiences that somehow end up as cherished memories! Shitty gas station hot dogs are one of life's treasures when they are shared with the right people at the right time / place.

When I play FFXV I get really nostalgic for the USA.

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"Re(4):Final Fishing XV" , posted Tue 6 Dec 05:30post reply

All my life I had to travel on a car across chile (as a kid for illness, and as an adult for job) so this game really generates an great emotion since I feel related to the experience of travelling in a car, and stopping in gas stations or hotels to rest. this game recreate very well the feeling of traveling

Exactly, I got the game yesterday and haven't been able to put it down. I haven't felt so happy while playing a video game in a long time. First time I find myself completing bullshit side quests in a video game. FFXV has something that caters to me; even though I'm not sure sure what it is. It's a charming game!!

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"Re(5):Chile Fantasy XV thread" , posted Tue 6 Dec 10:21:post reply

The ability to evoke those real life mundane experiences that somehow end up as cherished memories!
When I play FFXV I get really nostalgic for the USA.
It's worth stopping and thinking about how weird it is that these are big selling points for FFXV. Even in my wildest dreams, I don't think I ever would have thought that things like this would ever, ever be part of the series' appeal. But after years of fantastic worlds, maybe that's okay! What I do know is that I really love Toxico and Sibarraz's Chile stories as they relate to FFXV...hopefully with fewer crash-and-burns than Toxico's FFXV gif factory.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 6 Dec 10:22]

1733th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Chile Fantasy XV thread" , posted Tue 6 Dec 14:04post reply

The ability to evoke those real life mundane experiences that somehow end up as cherished memories!
When I play FFXV I get really nostalgic for the USA.It's worth stopping and thinking about how weird it is that these are big selling points for FFXV. Even in my wildest dreams, I don't think I ever would have thought that things like this would ever, ever be part of the series' appeal. But after years of fantastic worlds, maybe that's okay! What I do know is that I really love Toxico and Sibarraz's Chile stories as they relate to FFXV...hopefully with fewer crash-and-burns than Toxico's FFXV gif factory.

Everything needs proper contrast to properly stand out. A fantasy game needs some element of the familiar and mundane so that the fantastic and supernatural can contrast against it. I think this is what FFXV does better than most. Even the graphic design on a fishing magazine in the background looks totally convincing. But if you look closely it's a made up fish on the cover. Touches like that really tickle my fancy.

Rather than taking the easy route of "fantasy people get transported to modern times," FFXV presents a high fantasy world full of magic and mega-fauna that managed to make it to the age of radio and blue jeans and nuclear families that take road trips on the weekends.

On a related note, a friend of mine was just talking to me about how the best Final Fantasies have a lot of "cozy" comfortable, lived in spaces. For instance, part 6 was full of them! All the houses, bedrooms, diners, even the opera sequence. There was a lot in there to remind you what people were fighting for.

When I think of my favourite Final Fantasy moments, it's not just the epic high drama moments. It's the little things, like exploring Cyan's snug make shift abode in Mt Zozo (with a beautiful view of the land!) and finding his stash of "technology for dummies" books. All these years later I have a crystal clear recollection of that moment. Oddly enough I see it as Amano art in my head even though I experienced it as stubby little sprites. That's the power of memory!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Chile Fantasy XV thread" , posted Tue 6 Dec 14:30post reply

The ability to evoke those real life mundane experiences that somehow end up as cherished memories!
When I play FFXV I get really nostalgic for the USA.It's worth stopping and thinking about how weird it is that these are big selling points for FFXV. Even in my wildest dreams, I don't think I ever would have thought that things like this would ever, ever be part of the series' appeal. But after years of fantastic worlds, maybe that's okay! What I do know is that I really love Toxico and Sibarraz's Chile stories as they relate to FFXV...hopefully with fewer crash-and-burns than Toxico's FFXV gif factory.

Everything needs proper contrast to properly stand out. A fantasy game needs some element of the familiar and mundane so that the fantastic and supernatural can contrast against it. I think this is what FFXV does better than most. Even the graphic design on a fishing magazine in the background looks totally convincing. But if you look closely it's a made up fish on the cover. Touches like that really tickle my fancy.

Rather than taking the easy route of "fantasy people get transported to modern times," FFXV presents a high fantasy world full of magic and mega-fauna that managed to make it to the age of radio and blue jeans and nuclear families that take road trips on the weekends.

On a related note, a friend of mine was just talking to me about how the best Final Fantasies have a lot of "cozy" comfortable, lived in spaces. For

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Mass Effect 3's finale in the Citadel DLC has you hosting a party in an apartment that one of your old friends has lent you. The party has a number of phases, during which you can find your buddies hanging out, hitting on each other, trash talking each other, figuring out how to rig traps in the place, getting totally sloshed, trying to change the subject of awkward conversations, etc.

So I guess it's kind of like an interactive version of the FF8 ending, except with some of it based on things that have happened in the game and without the camera work.

I think in a lot of otaku-oriented JRPGs, there's a lot of time spent on private/ordinary-life moments, which can work when the players are fanboying over the characters, but which stereotypically are trope-ridden and not very natural-feeling. I like that in FFXV, the guys act like a bunch that really have known each other for a long time, long before the player has met them.

I guess what I'm driving at is that I want an RPG written by Adachi Mitsuru.

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Chile Fantasy XV thread" , posted Tue 6 Dec 15:16post reply

Adachi Mitsuru RPG

Holy crap. That would be the most life affirming / soul crushing RPG ever. And you wouldn't even notice till after it happens.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Chile Fantasy XV thread" , posted Tue 6 Dec 15:43post reply

Adachi Mitsuru RPG

Holy crap. That would be the most life affirming / soul crushing RPG ever. And you wouldn't even notice till after it happens.

It could have side stories that take place at the remotely-located item shops and involve the couriers that supply/deliver for them, written by Ashinano Hitoshi.

Together, that would basically create the kind of strongly-defined setting that has a powerful sense of place like you'd find in the Souls games, except with a bent towards the good and the wonderful rather than the bleak and the fantastically awful.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Tue 6 Dec 20:00post reply

Thanks Micky! You are too kind! I hope you can play FFXV in the future. I'm really enjoying it so far. It has a lot of heart.

I hope too, you guys are giving me the feeling it's a charming game and a charming experience. I'll definitely pick it up someday ^^

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):Lackluster FFXV thread" , posted Wed 7 Dec 13:01post reply

Everything needs proper contrast to properly stand out. A fantasy game needs some element of the familiar and mundane so that the fantastic and supernatural can contrast against it. I think this is what FFXV does better than most. Even the graphic design on a fishing magazine in the background looks totally convincing. But if you look closely it's a made up fish on the cover. Touches like that really tickle my fancy.

This is an appealing point, especially the magazine bit. FFVIII may have gotten the closest to it, with its delightfully bizarre, futuristic world of floating school-garden-fortresses that had a classic 学園もの "school days" theme with classrooms and the prom layered on top.
