Random Mobile: Mario Run and Exodus' Gunhouse - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Random Mobile: Mario Run and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Tue 20 Dec 01:58post reply

The big game that came out on iOS last week was Super Mario Run. I only have an iPad 2 that is a few years old, but it runs okay. It has some hiccups here and sound doesn't start right away sometimes, but once you get a level loaded you can restart as much as you want and it will play good enough.

I haven't bought the full game yet as I will wait for the android version since my iPad doesn't have a 4G plan and you have to be always online to play the game. It is kinda sad to see people complaining to get a full game experience without having to hassle with microtransactions to get boosts and the like. $10 seems like a fair price for what is a mini-New Super Mario Bros experience considering those games come out on the 3DS for $40.

Although running is automatic, the pleasure of getting a good timed jump is still there.

It appears a lot of the replay value is collecting special colored coins placed in specific parts of the level. It starts with 5 Pink coins then that unlocks 5 Purple Coins and finally 5 Black coins. The placement of the coins get progressively more difficult to obtain and some are hidden in regular blocks you have to hit.

You are given 2 Yoshi's Island style bubbles for the times you are hit by enemy(usually jumping from underneath them) or if you wall into a pit. You can manually activate the bubble if you want to go back a bit in the stage to try and collect a coin as well.

It is a shame they don't give you up to world 1-4 for free to get an idea how boss fights are handled though.

Although it has been a couple of years I can still say I do not have much love for the New Super Mario Bros aesthetic. It doesn't feel as "sterile" as before, but that level clear music is so mundane. It is especially jarring considering they still use the old-school game over music as well.

Another mobile game I tried out was Gunhouse, made by our old friend Exodus/Brandon and art by Juan.

I have been waiting for this to come out on android for years.

It is a tower/lane defense game with slider mechanics. Match the colored blocks and if you slide them to the left of the house you get a gun and you slide it to the right you get a special that can fill up the screen. You can make the guns/specials more powerful by getting a bonus match with what is listed at the top of the screen or just doubling/tripling up on whatever you have loaded already.

It is a bit tricky to get a handle of how to best slide the blocks around at first since there is also a timer for each turn. But I think I had a handle on it by the Ninth wave of enemies.

It's $2.99 with no additional microtranactions and is a nice game that makes you think.

I am not sure if this is a sign of me playing it too much, but I feel the game eats battery more than other games I play though.

Now I have $7 left over from the $10 Play store gift card I used to buy Gunhouse. Anyone else play anything on mobile recently?


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"JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Tue 20 Dec 11:44:post reply

GUNHOUSE!!!! At first I saw it was finally available for iphone and not just PlayStation Vita and X68000 Sharp or something and thus I could pay tribute to my lord and master Juan, and I was like

But then I saw Compatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later and I was like

But then I realized that some poor sucker kind soul would surely love to give me a phone newer than a 4S because I can't be bothered and I was like

Please forward all iphones to: Maou, c/o Maou's Castle, 600AD


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 20 Dec 12:03]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Sun 17 Sep 19:20post reply

There's a new big update for iOS out now - and an Android one coming soon! We fixed a bunch of stuff, and it should also not eat your battery so badly :P

Alsoooo we're gonna bring it to PS4 and vita. and other stuff

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"Re(2):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Mon 18 Sep 02:28post reply


I can play a game where I can run around inside of Juan's art!


-I may be entirely too stupid to play Gunhouse
-I like the Penguin Gun best
-those are some grooves on level 2 night
-the ice cream boss is pretty brutal


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Mon 18 Sep 08:07post reply


I can play a game where I can run around inside of Juan's art!


-I may be entirely too stupid to play Gunhouse
-I like the Penguin Gun best
-those are some grooves on level 2 night
-the ice cream boss is pretty brutal

the main problem is our tutorial doesn't teach you how to make big blocks - we know how to teach this, but the game isn't set up to do it, so it'd require a lot of work. we're thinking of maybe including a video. anyway if you're on iOS, there's a somewhat improved tutorial, but it hasn't hit android yet.

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"Re(4):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Mon 18 Sep 09:04post reply

I enjoy it! I felt like a champion when I got to day four. I wish Tim would fix Zigguarat. If we add Karasu's Smooth Operator and a few others people are too modest to mention, we could have a nice thread of (quite good!) games made by IC/MMC-affiliated people!

ALSO: welcome back from your...exodus

5213th Post

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"Re(2):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Mon 18 Sep 09:47post reply

and other stuff

I assume that either hints to Switch or Super Famicom Mini!

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"Re(3):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Mon 18 Sep 19:22:post reply

and other stuff

I assume that either hints to Switch or Super Famicom Mini!

It's the PC Engine of course!!! (in seriousness, we're doing a physical Limited run release)

and Maou, I'm glad it's working for you! our lovely manual helps people get the puzzle system a lot better, but... we haven't released it yet...

also it's an endless game, so if you can believe it there's a guy who got to day 90. he got stuck there, and inspired us to change the day 10 boss difficulty a bit (every day 10 boss is the same)

Also the real challenge is... day 6 I think? day 6? the professor hoot boss :3

[this message was edited by exodus on Mon 18 Sep 19:23]

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"Re(4):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Mon 18 Sep 19:43post reply

I'm really looking forward to a more in-depth tutorial/manual, because I'm hilariously bad at this game. I think I saw day 4 once?

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"Re(5):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Thu 21 Sep 12:49post reply

I freely admit the game opened up for me at the precise point when I realized it was possible to move not just three blocks at a time, but one or two as well.


those penguin pirates are quite dastardly


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"Re(5):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Wed 27 Sep 23:43post reply

I'm really looking forward to a more in-depth tutorial/manual, because I'm hilariously bad at this game. I think I saw day 4 once?

I can show you how to play when the ps4 version is out. I cant stream on my current computer because it is an etch a sketch potato.

Got stuck on day 50 on android. Like Maou said penguin gun is pretty good for single and aoe. My go to loadout is penguin, flame or dragon, and beach ball gun.

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"Re(6):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Thu 28 Sep 08:06:post reply

I was pretty proud when I "beat" the game and continued on to day 21 or so. Obviously, the Penguin Gun is best, but I like the Dragon Gun both for regular and specials a LOT. I haven't seen how the Flame Gun is better but I AM WILLING TO LEARN. I don't really like any of the purple or green guns, which puts me in a bind since I can't have the Penguin Gun and the defense Fork Gun at the same time.

Edit: Time to get SERIOUS on avatars for the Gunhouse thread.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 28 Sep 12:45]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Tue 3 Oct 05:33post reply

I was pretty proud when I "beat" the game and continued on to day 21 or so. Obviously, the Penguin Gun is best, but I like the Dragon Gun both for regular and specials a LOT. I haven't seen how the Flame Gun is better but I AM WILLING TO LEARN. I don't really like any of the purple or green guns, which puts me in a bind since I can't have the Penguin Gun and the defense Fork Gun at the same time.

Edit: Time to get SERIOUS on avatars for the Gunhouse thread.

whoa, nice avatar!!

So flame is good because it does constant damage over time, and it's also a bit faster, so for bosses it winds up working out nicely.

The skull special, when you build it up, can blanket an entire screen of enemies and defeat them, which is pretty good! beach ball also does damage over time, though is slower, which can be useful on ground enemies.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(8):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Wed 4 Oct 13:13:post reply


whoa, nice avatar!!

So flame is good because it does constant damage over time, and it's also a bit faster, so for bosses it winds up working out nicely.

The skull special, when you build it up, can blanket an entire screen of enemies and defeat them, which is pretty good! beach ball also does damage over time, though is slower, which can be useful on ground enemies.

SWEET. It's true that I keep the Skull Gun around since it's good as a special, even if I don't like it as a normal. I am not relaxed enough to count on these bouncy balls.

It occurrrrrs to me that while your eventual video will help a lot of people (maybe show them what each weapon does, in addition to how to make sweet blocks), one thing you could easily do in the meantime is to make repeat viewings of the tutorial possible, since unless I'm exceptionally stupid, it appears to be gone for good after one shot!

PS: Dearest Exodus, did you plan for the little projectile throwing grunts to suddenly become the most dangerous enemies in the game after you win on day 10? It's okay, you can tell me


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 4 Oct 14:35]

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"Re(9):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Tue 17 Oct 10:31post reply

Woo! I didn't see we had a Gunhouse thread! I went pretty hard when I first tried the game and had an amazing time- hearing a PS4 port is coming(!!) has me excited to get sucked in all over again and swapping strategies. Looking forward to it!

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"Re(10):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Tue 17 Oct 12:16post reply

Cafe, it is time to stop wasting time not playing Gunhouse, and instead, to play Gunhouse! A description I saw of tower defense game meets puzzle game is not a bad one. I don't even like tower defense games, but I am having the most fun on this puzzle since Lumines and Puyo Puyo before that!

I love the hilarious freaks Juan has created to populate this game. The ice cream boss makes me laugh the most, but I love all of these goons. I can't believe I only noticed 天 on the big boss a few days ago. Hazzan would be so proud.

While Brandon has been tsundere-ing the Cafe for a good two years, I will leave this for when he wanders through: I think he will be pleased that there has been enough Gunhouse play (at least by me) to now start talking in technical terms like "the fork shield is OP and for n00bs," and that champions always use the Penguin Gun, Skull Gun, and Dragon/Fire Gun. I made it to Day 51, how is everyone else?

It's worth noting that you can play at several different levels, so to speak: I literally never paid attention to the matching bonus until about Day 40 or so and did just fine.

The only drawback of the game: I constantly want to refer to it as GUNHED, a very different type of legend


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"Re(2):Re(10):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Wed 1 Nov 06:37post reply

I can't believe I only noticed 天 on the big boss a few days ago. Hazzan would be so proud.

You probably only noticed it then because it was the first time it was there! there are 5 or 6 (I forget) different color variants for the day 10 boss - aka "peter" - this game began at the Molyjam so that's a little joke for the 5 people that knew that!

champions always use the Penguin Gun, Skull Gun, and Dragon/Fire Gun. I made it to Day 51, how is everyone else?

Yes!! I don't know if you've gotten the update yet (it just launched for android), but hardcore mode only lets you use those three! also day 51 is very good! The furthest person I know of is at day 250-something! that's nuts.

one thing you could easily do in the meantime is to make repeat viewings of the tutorial possible, since unless I'm exceptionally stupid, it appears to be gone for good after one shot!

You can do that now! In the past you couldn't, but now if you choose to start from an earlier day, including the tutorial day.

PS: Dearest Exodus, did you plan for the little projectile throwing grunts to suddenly become the most dangerous enemies in the game after you win on day 10? It's okay, you can tell me

wait til you reach the gatling gun bear again!!

NOTE: I tried to post this ages ago but the board was down or something!?

5249th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Fri 3 Nov 20:55post reply

This is a tad off-topic but since the thread has JUAN in its title--
I'd like to take a moment and say Congrats to Juan for making it through Inktober without missing a single day on his art-per-day challenge!

Nobi was also taking on Inktober with some nice pieces including a rotoscope of Usainbolt which is pretty impressive!

All Quite inspiring... hummmn....

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"Re(4):Re(10):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Sat 4 Nov 09:14post reply

This is a tad off-topic but since the thread has JUAN in its title--
I'd like to take a moment and say Congrats to Juan for making it through Inktober without missing a single day on his art-per-day challenge!

Nobi was also taking on Inktober with some nice pieces including a rotoscope of Usainbolt which is pretty impressive!

All Quite inspiring... hummmn....

Cormano and whatsherface from Zeiram? Those are deep cuts!

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"Re(4):Re(10):JUAN and Exodus' Gunhouse" , posted Wed 15 Nov 05:13post reply

This is a tad off-topic but since the thread has JUAN in its title--
I'd like to take a moment and say Congrats to Juan for making it through Inktober without missing a single day on his art-per-day challenge!

Yeah, Juan really put in some work there!! Pretty impressive - he also finished some new Gunhouse menu art at the same time :P

Lord SNK
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"Puzzle Fighter" , posted Tue 21 Nov 07:07post reply

It should be out soon

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Puzzle Fighter" , posted Tue 28 Nov 04:19post reply

It should be out soon

oh dang, that looks ugly in 3D!!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Puzzle Fighter" , posted Wed 29 Nov 04:06post reply

It should be out soon

oh dang, that looks ugly in 3D!!!

I played it at PAX, it is every bit as ugly as you imagine it could be.

2003th Post

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"Re(2):Puzzle Fighter" , posted Wed 29 Nov 10:09post reply

It should be out soon

oh dang, that looks ugly in 3D!!!

Its like an old Lipton Iced Tea Commercial, but with no personality

Link Here

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"Re(3):Puzzle Fighter" , posted Tue 26 Dec 03:23post reply

It should be out soon

oh dang, that looks ugly in 3D!!!

Its like an old Lipton Iced Tea Commercial, but with no personality

Link Here

Hahaha those commercials bring back memories.
Puzzle Fighter was fun for me until I released that in order to get new characters, you have to pay, pay, and pay. I was about to rant how I can't unlock characters but just found out how it works today. It seems like your typical pay to play mobile game.

But if anyone want to play online for fun, I am still open for that. Won't be playing the single modes anymore. Just lost interested.

Long Live I AM!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Puzzle Fighter" , posted Thu 28 Dec 03:29post reply

Puzzle fighter is one of the only mobile games I just plain forgot I was playing!

BTW Gunhouse is out on Vita now... and coming to PS4 in a week or so... and Switch in a week or so as wellllllllllllllll

1995th Post

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"Re(5):Puzzle Fighter" , posted Fri 29 Dec 02:19post reply

Puzzle fighter is one of the only mobile games I just plain forgot I was playing!

I tried to dig into what they were going for, and the game looks bonkers. It completely forgets any focus on combo chains and instead puts the emphasis on growing levels for each special move. It looks absurdly biased towards a pay-to-win mentality, which seems very strange for a PVP mobile game. How can you get people to keep playing if the cannon fodder (free players) can never compete with the 2%-3% of engaged players? Pay-to-win seems to be more successful when it's about helping players brag on a leaderboard / dick-measuring contests, rather than when it applies to direct confrontations. And that's not even the most bizarre Puzzle Game from the American Branch of a Japanese Company I've seen this year.

BTW Gunhouse is out on Vita now... and coming to PS4 in a week or so... and Switch in a week or so as wellllllllllllllll

Here's to 2018 treating you (and everyone on MMC) better than 2017 did.

Même Narumi est épatée !
2005th Post

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"Re(5):Puzzle Fighter" , posted Sat 30 Dec 05:18post reply

Puzzle fighter is one of the only mobile games I just plain forgot I was playing!

BTW Gunhouse is out on Vita now... and coming to PS4 in a week or so... and Switch in a week or so as wellllllllllllllll

I will probably pick up Gunhouse when I end up getting a Switch.

How is GunSport coming along? I have been anticipating that for a while.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Puzzle Fighter" , posted Tue 9 Jan 04:47post reply


I tried to dig into what they were going for, and the game looks bonkers. It completely forgets any focus on combo chains and instead puts the emphasis on growing levels for each special move. It looks absurdly biased towards a pay-to-win mentality, which seems very strange for a PVP mobile game.

yeah, it's a mistake. at certain points in the game, the aim is simply to crash *anything* as quickly as possible. then as you go along it emphasizes only doing specific special moves, which as you say, need to be leveled. This makes the level gap between players really difficult to overcome, which again as you say, emphasizes paying to increase the stuff.

Also it was just... boring to play against the AI. It was sort of fun and mindless but then they made it harder so it was just a slog, because the way they made it harder was by giving the enemy more HP so it took forever. they got a few things right, but a lot more things wrong!

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"Re(7):Puzzle Fighter" , posted Wed 10 Jan 01:23post reply


I tried to dig into what they were going for, and the game looks bonkers. It completely forgets any focus on combo chains and instead puts the emphasis on growing levels for each special move. It looks absurdly biased towards a pay-to-win mentality, which seems very strange for a PVP mobile game.

yeah, it's a mistake. at certain points in the game, the aim is simply to crash *anything* as quickly as possible. then as you go along it emphasizes only doing specific special moves, which as you say, need to be leveled. This makes the level gap between players really difficult to overcome, which again as you say, emphasizes paying to increase the stuff.

Also it was just... boring to play against the AI. It was sort of fun and mindless but then they made it harder so it was just a slog, because the way they made it harder was by giving the enemy more HP so it took forever. they got a few things right, but a lot more things wrong!

Awh man, where should I start? There is really no way to build the characters you want in this game even though you have money to build. When you spend money, it’s like going to a casino, you place your bets and risks to get the best CHANCE of getting something in return. Say you download the game and you have three of four characters to start with. You start playing Missions and online, you get rewards for those characters. After some time, you unlock two or three new characters. This is where the lovely mobile programming algorithms start working.
Whichever three characters you use, after every match, all rewards (basically your skill cards) will go to all the characters not being used in your team. So no matter how many times you play and get rewards, 5% of those rewards will be for the characters of your team. While the other 95% will be for the unused characters. Want to use your new unlocked characters since they are powerful than ones you started off with? Sure no problem. However, all rewards will not go to your new team, they will go to the ones from your old team.
Want to get more points for your skill card, F U pay me, want to win more coins to upgrade your skill card to the next level, F U pay me, want to buy a chest full of goodies you don’t know about, F U pay me, want to unlock an epic card but not sure for which character, F U pay me.
Sorry but, I am not a person who tends to play mobile games and have no idea about them. If this is how mobile games work and this is the norm, then sorry for the late notice. I guess that is how it is. I still love to play for time to time but wish there was more single user modes then just online. Not even a practice mode is available. No online VS rooms either for friendly plays.

Long Live I AM!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Puzzle Fighter" , posted Wed 10 Jan 05:42post reply

they seem to have systematically scrubbed the fun out of their game system. impressive in a way!

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"98OL" , posted Wed 10 Jan 14:29:post reply

Yeah Puzzle Fighter is unfortunate. I like the new mechanics of it but I abhor the stats and leveling system. If it had just been left in a balanced PvP format it would have been quite enjoyable in spite of the silly 3D models, but then I don't know how it would have made money, being a F2P title. Maybe that was the real mistake.

On another note, does anyone here play the KoF98OL mobile game? I am rather shamelessly hooked on it. It's kind of dumb - definitely pay-to-win at its core - but also quite charming with lots of badly-translated text and quotes ("what is the advantage of a fatty?"). Also weird mini-games, like having Benimaru fight off a bunch of hockey-masked goons in a penguin-filled landscape.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Wed 10 Jan 14:30]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):98OL" , posted Wed 10 Jan 15:44post reply


On another note, does anyone here play the KoF98OL mobile game?

A game about KOF98 office ladies?!?!?!?!....

having Benimaru fight off a bunch of hockey-masked goons in a penguin-filled landscape.

....it's not quite as good, but it might do.

5308th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):98OL" , posted Wed 10 Jan 19:12:post reply


On another note, does anyone here play the KoF98OL mobile game?

A game about KOF98 office ladies?!?!?!?!....

When you Google for "KOF" in JP locale, the top results for a few pages are all KOF98UMOL leave a few exceptions! It's certainly become the current de-facto game for the KOF franchise at least for Japan; wouldn't be surprised if it's the same with other asian countries too. It's quite something. I don't play it, but people seem to be enjoying it.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 10 Jan 20:44]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"MORE platforms, MORE!!" , posted Thu 11 Jan 08:35post reply

btw we've released Gunhouse on the Vita now, and the switch is coming soon!
If anyone wants a vita key (north america) let me know! I've got tons.

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"Re(1):MORE platforms, MORE!!" , posted Thu 11 Jan 08:46post reply

btw we've released Gunhouse on the Vita now, and the switch is coming soon!
If anyone wants a vita key (north america) let me know! I've got tons.

I'll take a Switch key when it's available.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):MORE platforms, MORE!!" , posted Thu 11 Jan 09:50post reply

btw we've released Gunhouse on the Vita now

In 2018?!

The guys that made the luchador Metroidvania, mentioned that the Vita audience buys games and that they have been really successful with releasing games on the Vita even relatively late in the Vita's lifespan.

Or was this release just for Iggy :D

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):MORE platforms, MORE!!" , posted Thu 11 Jan 15:00post reply


The guys that made the luchador Metroidvania, mentioned that the Vita audience buys games and that they have been really successful with releasing games on the Vita even relatively late in the Vita's lifespan.

we did it mostly so we could do Limited Run... we're hoping to sell a few copies normally too though!

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"Re(3):MORE platforms, MORE!!" , posted Thu 11 Jan 15:36post reply


we did it mostly so we could do Limited Run... we're hoping to sell a few copies normally too though!

You would'nt happen to know if...Limited Run is doing Rabi-Ribi on Switch too, would you? They did say their first Switch release was going to be early 2018...

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):MORE platforms, MORE!!" , posted Fri 12 Jan 03:45post reply


we did it mostly so we could do Limited Run... we're hoping to sell a few copies normally too though!
You would'nt happen to know if...Limited Run is doing Rabi-Ribi on Switch too, would you? They did say their first Switch release was going to be early 2018...

no idea! I've only talked to them about our own titles.

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"G.Rev are looking for feedback" , posted Thu 18 Jan 08:23post reply

G.Rev asking fans what they should produce next

Anything new and as good as their previous games like under defeat.

Long Live I AM!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):G.Rev are looking for feedback" , posted Sat 20 Jan 06:56post reply

G.Rev asking fans what they should produce next

Anything new and as good as their previous games like under defeat.

it's weird that they're just doing this via one forum. like... make a poll!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):G.Rev are looking for feedback" , posted Tue 23 Jan 00:06post reply

G.Rev asking fans what they should produce next

Anything new and as good as their previous games like under defeat.

it's weird that they're just doing this via one forum. like... make a poll!!

Not just one forum, one forum that a lot of people don't know about!

Arguably, they're a niche developer for a niche market, but that forum is a niche in that niche!
I actually think there's room for a really good multiplayer competitive or cooperative shooting game on tablet, whether or not grinding for stats in euroshooter fashion is a part of it (grinding for stats/gear in euroshooter fashion is a natural fit for mobile monetization, though!).

Lord SNK
285th Post

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Copper Customer

"Puzzle not Fighter anymore" , posted Sat 21 Apr 03:02post reply

It didn't last long...

Just a Person
1960th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Puzzle not Fighter anymore" , posted Sat 21 Apr 04:31post reply

It didn't last long...

Sad, but not surprising, is it?

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
386th Post

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"Re(1):Puzzle not Fighter anymore" , posted Sat 21 Apr 04:49post reply

It didn't last long...

Well I guess people got tired of paying to improve your characters experience points and profit was not raking in.

Long Live I AM!

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"DEAREST EXODUS" , posted Thu 2 Aug 09:51:post reply

Dearest Exodus: do I get a special prize for getting to level 92 beating level 100 of Gunhouse, or at least have my name listed in the high score section of Nintendo Power? Juan promised me 2B cosplayers delivering doughnuts but he might have been kidding.


Edit: I beat 100 levels. Time to retire in style.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 19 Sep 02:41]

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"Re(1):DEAREST EXODUS" , posted Mon 29 Oct 01:29post reply

DOUBLE POST to point out Exodus' article on designing Gunhouse. Also on sale for Switch for cheap, I see!

2034th Post

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"Gunhouse (PS4/Vita) is a Feb. PS+ game" , posted Thu 31 Jan 02:07post reply

Link Here

I have actually also been looking into getting it for Switch as well, but just haven't gotten around to it.

I had a gut feeling For Honor would eventually make it to PS+, now I am just waiting for Rainbow 6 Seige to do the same.

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"Re(1):Gunhouse (PS4/Vita) is a Feb. PS+ game" , posted Thu 31 Jan 02:24post reply

Link Here

I have actually also been looking into getting it for Switch as well, but just haven't gotten around to it.

I had a gut feeling For Honor would eventually make it to PS+, now I am just waiting for Rainbow 6 Seige to do the same.

Everyone needs to try out Gunhouse just for the penguin guns!

Huh, sometimes PS+ is chockablock with nonsense but there is quite an offering this month. Divekick even made it in? What a way to send off the PS3.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Gunhouse (PS4/Vita) is a Feb. PS+ game" , posted Thu 9 May 05:45post reply

I hope some people got the game on PS+! It does have the highest framerate on PS4...

Also, check this out: https://twitter.com/necrosoftgames/status/1126207168942825472

Juan did all the art with pen (and pencil) and paper, then scanned it, cleaned it up, and added color. I have all his drawings here, and we're going to give them to the video game history foundation for long term preservation! I'm going to collect my design docs and drawings and add those too.

Juan lives forever!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(3):Gunhouse (PS4/Vita) is a Feb. PS+ game" , posted Thu 9 May 20:50post reply

Also, check this out: https://twitter.com/necrosoftgames/status/1126207168942825472

Juan did all the art with pen (and pencil) and paper, then scanned it, cleaned it up, and added color. I have all his drawings here, and we're going to give them to the video game history foundation for long term preservation! I'm going to collect my design docs and drawings and add those too.

Juan lives forever!!

This is stupidly amazing.
Thanks for sharing!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Gunhouse (PS4/Vita) is a Feb. PS+ game" , posted Sat 11 May 08:40post reply


Juan lives forever!!
This is stupidly amazing.
Thanks for sharing!

Juan is a cool guy :3

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Gunhouse (PS4/Vita) is a Juan PS+ game" , posted Sat 11 May 12:28:post reply

This reminds me: a while ago, Juan showed me some of his sweet RARE AND UNRELEASED designs for Gunhouse, including the highly adorable Sock Puppet Snakes. Or did I need to get to stage 999 to see them???

This in turn reminds me: exodus, after I made it to level 101 while still being a normal human, Juan promised me as a prize to quote "When I'm a billionare I'll send you some 2b cosplayers to deliver you doughnuts." I am here to COLLECT

PS: if you see her tell Pollyanna that we miss her and that she didn't answer Iggy's and my love letter/ransom note on her Steam profile


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 13 May 02:41]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Gunhouse (PS4/Vita) is a Juan PS+ game" , posted Tue 26 May 05:12post reply

Just a total unrelated update for everyone: we fixed the insert credit forums back up! If you want more places to slowly talk about stuff. https://forums.insertcredit.com/

As for the 2B cosplayers, I'm afraid Gunhouse hasn't made anyone a billionaire yet. Working on it!