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"Nintendo Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 14:18:post reply

Well...that was...some presentation. Not all of it good (that translator trying to translate for Suda51 haha), but some highlights:

-Nintendo's newest IP: ARMS , which looks like Punch-Out meets Virtual On with Overwatch aesthetics
-Super Mario Odyssey has Mario in a real world location in one area. Oh, Super Mario 64 style exploration is back
-Xenoblade 2
-Shin Megami Tensei V?
-The guy responsible of Yakuza came on stage and announced he was developing something for the system
-Suda51 confirms the return of Travis Touchdown. Name yet to be decided
-Breath of the Wild will feature prominent voice acting (as in more than just that initial female voice)

I could see how this announcement would leave a lot to be desired for some(the only western games announced were Skyrim and Fifa lol). It seems Nintedo is squarely focusing on the Japanese market...

Oh, did I say Squarely? S-E had DQHeroes 1&2 along with DQX and XI.

But yeah, I find it interesting with the newly announced IP and selection so far. I feel though for others this screams the end of Nintendo ($299 a little too high).

Edit: Disgaea 5, I am Setsuna, and... BOMBERMAN GOT RESSURECTED?

[this message was edited by sfried on Fri 13 Jan 14:41]


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"Re(1): Online addendum" , posted Fri 13 Jan 14:38post reply

Nintendo Switch will also have free online for a while before switching over to a paid service in the Fall. Subscribers get a free Vitual Console game per month apparently.

1967th Post

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"Re(2): Online addendum" , posted Fri 13 Jan 14:53post reply

Nintendo Switch will also have free online for a while before switching over to a paid service in the Fall. Subscribers get a free Vitual Console game per month apparently.

ONE game a month is laughable compared to Games(2 for each system but may go up thanks to Backwards Compatibility) with Gold or Playstation Plus(2 for each system but thanks to cross play it sometimes goes up to 4 for Playstation 4).

The online service was a matter of time thanks to Microsoft and Sony sticking to it and Sony even RAISED the price of PS+ last year with no real improvement to the service. I might just get a year of it and play Splatoon 2 until I am sick of it.

Splatoon 2 Looks Great There are so many different weapons, specials and mobility options now. I hope they support Splat Fests more than the first game. I also hope that they have a better stage rotation pattern this time. It really sucked to be in the mood for some games, but only have time during a period where the stages aren't appealing to me at the time.

So is Zelda on Wii U canceled? Or are we not going to see it until the summer. I am glad it a launch title(and it looks like the need it since not much else seems to be coming out until Splatoon 2). I wonder if there will be an English dub. I would think that with a title as big as Zelda that Nintendo would try to put in some English voices.

ARMS looks great. It has that really old school arcade feel. I hope it is as fun as it looks.

HOLY SMOKES, it really HD Remix I saw on that clip

They are calling it Ultra Street Fighter II. It has Evil Ryu and Violent Ken added as well as the original stages when you SWITCH back to the original sprites(you could only use the old sprites on the new stages in the original HDR). That game was ugly the day it came out and they are digging it back up now.

Something felt wrong about seeing Mario in a realistic city, in addition, it gave me flashbacks of Sonic Adventure 1. I look forward to it though. I hope they really do capture that feeling of playing Mario 64 for the first time.

I hope that Suda 51 game brings back some of the elements we saw in the old Lily Bergamo tease with some Travis Touchdown added in.

1968th Post

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"Re(3): Online addendum Ultra SF2 JPN price" , posted Fri 13 Jan 15:00post reply

I had to make this a separate post

Japanese Ultra Street Fighter 2 site

The retail price is listed at the bottom.

4990 yen for package ($43 and change)
4620 yen for download

I don't think HDR even came out in Japan back in the day did it?

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"Re(1):Nintendo Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 15:14:post reply


I could see how this announcement would leave a lot to be desired for some(the only western games announced were Skyrim and Fifa lol). It seems Nintedo is squarely focusing on the Japanese market...
Arguably, Nintendo has generally done better in both regions in recent memory when they do, so I see no reason to compete on Xboxy terms. I know -I- would gladly buy a protable friendly box of Nintendo treasures. More importantly...
!!! It's thematically appropriate that Hudson and Bomberman will be reanimated like Gray Fox's body in Metal Gear Solid 1 by Konami. The most vital question: will power-ups be gloves and boots, or the hated kangeroos?
Choose between classic pixel-art graphics for a retro nostalgia trip proper aesthetic experience, or enjoy HD graphics anatomical horror shows
Fixed that up. Extraneous new Ryu and Ken alts aside, assuming that the rest of the game is unchanged, this could have value in providing the first uncompromised home copy of SSFIIX in decades, or maybe ever...I can't remember if the 3DO one was arcade-perfect, and the SF Collection one sure wasn't.
I don't think HDR even came out in Japan back in the day did it?
Nope! That one was barred from the country because it fell under the customs categories of "books, drawings, carvings, and any other article which may harm public safety or morals (obscene materials)" and "precursor materials for chemical weapons."


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 13 Jan 15:26]

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"Re(2):Nintendo Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 16:52post reply

I am not a Nintendo guy but they got me to watch and that's something.

Unfortunately after seeing the whole thing I am really not much more interested in their lineup than I was when I didn't know about it. The Fire Emblem Musou teaser had me excited but and the rest was not for me. Well, maybe ARMS, which might be fun but also looks like the kind of game that demands you flail around like an idiot and then get too tired to keep playing for more than an hour.

I was legitimately confused by 1 2 Switch. Did they really just develop a laser tag dueling game on this thing? Seems like a massive waste of resources. You could just buy a couple of bratwurst and toss them at each other. You won't know who won but you can eat them afterwards so why would you care

I do like the fact that there is no region lock on the Switch and hope Nintendo continues to take this direction for the rest of their existence. And releases a region free 3DS so that I can play Dai Gyakuten Saiban.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(3):Nintendo Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 18:28:post reply

I know Satsui Ryu and Violent Ken are two of the most blatant headswaps ever, but it's heartwarming to see Capcom gracing the Switch with a somewhat exclusive title.

Zelda with prominent voice acting? I feel more or less like I felt when I saw Gouki isn't completely in the dark during his Shun Goku Satsu in SFV. I'm all for full voiced experiences, but titles like Mario and Zelda are different to me, their lack of acting is part of their charm, so I'd rather see Zelda staying not fully voiced (I know "prominent" isn't the same as "full", but still...). I see it's to keep the franchise up with the times and possibily getting new fans though.

BOMBERMAN!! It's a dream in a dream, but I hope the little white pyromaniac gets back in a grandiose fireworks display.

Mario's new game title is the same as a Super Mario World hack designed with the MSU-1 extension in mind, and almost the same as an infamous Russian Mario unlicensed game for the Mega Drive...coincidence? I really found it amusing :D

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 14 Jan 17:17]

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"Re(4):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 18:50post reply


1758th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 19:24:post reply

A few quick thoughts!

-I think the hardware looks great!


-Arms looks fun! And I'm greatly amused that the director's name is Yabuki Ko! This is the most interesting looking motion based punching game I've seen so far.

-Zelda's going for a strong Ghibli vibe this time around, especially with the voice acting. Lines seemed well delivered though. It took me a minute to realise "oh shit! full voice acting in Zelda!"

-SO EXCITED bout SNK porting old arcade games! This is exactly what I wanted! Arcade games! Local multiplayer! Face to face! Woohoo!

-I'm actually really curious if that thing can make you feel like you're jingling ice around in a glass.

-Splatoon is awesome. Hopefully more people will get to play it this time! It's perfect for local multiplayer too!

-I'm optimistic. I never thought of myself as one, but I guess I am a die-hard Nintendo fanboy (I own a Wii-U after all)

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Fri 13 Jan 19:29]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(5):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 19:32:post reply


DYNAMITE!! I know, it's just a bunch of emulated ports, but SNK's first foray on the Switch makes me happy regardless. Did anybody try Hamster's ports and know whether they are better than the previous ones? (don't remember if the NeoGeo Station were made by another developer)

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Fri 13 Jan 20:59]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(6):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 19:43post reply

+ Mario looks fantastic
+ Xenoblade 2 has the good composer back

~ Zelda looks as good as we already know it does
~ The character design of Xenoblade 2 is bad. BUT it could have been worse (see: XenoX)

- everything else
- Mario Kart only has battle mode and some characters added for almost full price
- SF2 would have been fun, but not for this price
- Everything is far too expensive
- Paywall online is highway robbery in general, regardless of the details. This kills Splatoon 2 for me

? Where is Pikmin 4?

This is the 3DS launch all over again.
I preordered mine because I have more disposable income than common sense, but this is highly disappointing.

1758th Post

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"Re(7):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 20:15post reply


~ The character design of Xenoblade 2 is bad. BUT it could have been worse (see: XenoX)

LOL yes. I agree 100% (and will also prob end up getting Xenoblade 2 as well)
622th Post

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"Re(8):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 21:17post reply

+ Mario Oddisey look amazing, the real world setting is refreshing and the mechanics looks great, plus I love Bowser Zeppeli
+ Bomberman looks cool, I was not expecting a new entry on consoles, specially from who Konami is operating now.
+ ARMS and 1,2 Switch looks like cool casual games
- VIOLENT KEN. I don't think than SF2 needs more shotos, but if the game is balanced, and the super turbo sprites looks better than the abominations from UDON it will be a great game. Which is the release price?

- 300 DOLLARS? NO GAME? Sorry but no.
- Paid Online is terrible, specially when Nintendo has never been able of give us a decent online structure.
- Using an smartphone to party chat is the most dumb thing that Nintendo could have done, specially in this era.
- The pricing of the add ons is ridiculous, 70 dollars for the pro controller, 80 for the joy cons

So, the games looks, cool, but everything about the hardware is a deal breaker

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(9): Bengus Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 22:15post reply

SF2's price is insanity, but at least it came with some nice art.
And contrary to SF5, he even had more than a day to draw this!

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"Re:Bengus Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 22:31post reply


We may complain, but I kind of feel like having KOF '98, Waku Waku 7, and World Heroes Perfect all on one console pretty much guarantees that the entire Cafe will have to buy this thing.

789th Post

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"Re(7):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 23:36post reply

At this point, I am a cynic about launches.

Especially how Nintendo mishandled the limited edition 3DS.

I am not upset that I miss the pre-order window but eventually I will buy a console when it is available.

I am much more upset at the fact PlatinumGames was not there to suggest Bayonetta 3 or project a release date about the Bayonetta amiibo.

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Micky Kusanagi
574th Post

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"Re(1):Re:Bengus Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 23:40:post reply

My bad for not commenting Bengus's gorgeous USF2 art immediately. It's gonna be my phone's next wallpaper.

A Cafe Switch gathering where we play SNK games outdoors would be so freaking cool, wouldn't it? :D

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sat 14 Jan 04:03]

Just a Person
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"Re(9):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 00:22post reply

- VIOLENT KEN. I don't think than SF2 needs more shotos, but if the game is balanced, and the super turbo sprites looks better than the abominations from UDON it will be a great game. Which is the release price?

Indeed. If Capcom needed extra fighters for this game, the two random guys fighting in the SF2 opening would be a better option.

If they don't feel like developing new fighters from scratch, then getting Sakura and Karin from SFA3 would be my choice (sure, their sprites would need to be redone, but then again, won't the sprites for ALL the other fighters need to be redone as well? Unless they're recycling UDON's sprites...).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 01:03post reply

Ken Bogard, trying the game right now in Paris' event says the game is slower, and apparently the voices are from SF4


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"Re(9):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 01:38post reply

So, the games looks, cool, but everything about the hardware is a deal breaker

That's where I'm at with the Switch as well. After looking through the information that came out this thing looks like a Wii U with more expensive features. Since I didn't bite on the Wii U why the hell would I buy a Switch? I don't mean to be negative but the Switch looks like it's trying to be a console, a portable, and a light gun toy all at the same time and all it does is stretch itself too thin. All that and I would have to pay for Nintendo's byzantine online service? Ugh.

At least the games look nice. Well, except for that bit where Mario is interacting with what appears to be Sims in period costumes; that looks off-putting and invites bad comparisons to open-world games on other, more powerful systems. But Zelda looks nice, Splatoon looks fun and someone is loony enough to make a game where every character is Dhalsim.

If they don't feel like developing new fighters from scratch, then getting Sakura and Karin from SFA3 would be my choice (sure, their sprites would need to be redone, but then again, won't the sprites for ALL the other fighters need to be redone as well? Unless they're recycling UDON's sprites...).

Incredibly, they are recycling the UDON sprites! I never thought they would trot that turkey out again but the Switch has been full of surprises. Personally, I was hoping they would put Dan in the game but I don't think this game has a big enough budget for head swaps.

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"Re(2):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 02:09post reply

Ken Bogard, trying the game right now in Paris' event says the game is slower, and apparently the voices are from SF4


Judging from Justin Wong's tweets this is going to be yet another new mix of SSF2X. Making weird variations on SSF2X is a long-standing tradition that continues to this day.

Just a Person
1853th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 02:32post reply

Incredibly, they are recycling the UDON sprites! I never thought they would trot that turkey out again but the Switch has been full of surprises. Personally, I was hoping they would put Dan in the game but I don't think this game has a big enough budget for head swaps.

Wow, that's lame.

About Dan, nah, it would be necessary to not only have a head swap, but also draw his undershirt on Ryu's sprites (and then having sprites for his special kick, taunts, etc)...

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"Re(2):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 03:44post reply

Ken Bogard, trying the game right now in Paris' event says the game is slower, and apparently the voices are from SF4


Yep, there are new voices

There is a tease to what appears to be a new 3D first person mode at the end. Now I am a bit curious.

Micky Kusanagi
574th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 05:02post reply

My two cents on the 3D first person part...bonus stage. If that's the case, I hope it's playable on its own as well, like in S/USFIV.

I took a look at Justin's tweet and seeing him so hyped not only about USF2, but about the Switch as a whole, made me smile. According to his Satsui Ryu and Violent Ken report, those swaps are gonna be fun.

Ore no...kachi da!!
Just a Person
1856th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 07:48:post reply

My two cents on the 3D first person part...bonus stage. If that's the case, I hope it's playable on its own as well, like in S/USFIV.

I took a look at Justin's tweet and seeing him so hyped not only about USF2, but about the Switch as a whole, made me smile. According to his Satsui Ryu and Violent Ken report, those swaps are gonna be fun.

I don't doubt that; Nintendo's ideas usually provide fun experiences (even if sometimes these experiences are restricted to their first-party games). And USFII, as lazy as Capcom gets with it, is still SFII - it's hard to ruin it.

I'd still definitely pick Sakura and Karin over Evil Ryu and Violent Ken, though (come on, Capcom, everybody knows schoolgirls sell games!!).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sat 14 Jan 07:53]

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"Re(5):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 07:57post reply

Yeah, everybody knows it except Capcom.
...(come on, Capcom, everybody knows schoolgirls sell games!!).

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"Re(5):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 09:00post reply


I'd still definitely pick Sakura and Karin over Evil Ryu and Violent Ken, though (come on, Capcom, everybody knows schoolgirls sell games!!).

I read that as "Senran Kagura" for some reason.

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"Re(6):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 11:20post reply


I'd still definitely pick Sakura and Karin over Evil Ryu and Violent Ken, though (come on, Capcom, everybody knows schoolgirls sell games!!).
I read that as "Senran Kagura" for some reason.

If Sakura Wars comes to the Switch I'm buying the console day one.

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"Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 12:08post reply

SF2's price is insanity, but at least it came with some nice art.
And contrary to SF5, he even had more than a day to draw this!

Are you sure about the time he had to draw it?

I noticed Vega/Balrog/Claw's foot-long neck and now cannot unsee it. It is like his head is attached to a third arm.

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 12:44post reply

I wish Nintendo will make a console where I can 100% go "this is awesome I want one"

It's always a bundle of "really good" and "really bad" that ends up with a "I'm not sure"

also the pricing for the games and accessories are out of whack, I'm scared.

Micky Kusanagi
575th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 17:18post reply

I read that as "Senran Kagura" for some reason.

Senran Kagura guest characters in SF? That would be insane xD But of course it'd be Japan exclusive like Norimaro was ages ago.

One weird thing about how I live the SF experience is that I never get tired of Ken theme remixes. Sure the Alph Lyla one is my favorite and will always be, but I like the remix used in the USF2 announcement way better than Ken's SFV theme.

Ore no...kachi da!!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(3):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 21:18post reply

also the pricing for the games and accessories are out of whack, I'm scared.

-Hey, how about both of you come to my place on Sunday to play some 4-players Bomberman like in the good times?
-Sure, do you have the controllers?
-I'll buy them today!
-Sorry, let's cancel, I'm sick.

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"Re(2):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 00:26post reply

Are you sure about the time he had to draw it?

I noticed Vega/Balrog/Claw's foot-long neck and now cannot unsee it. It is like his head is attached to a third arm.

He looks fine to me.

While it's easy to tease Nintendo and Capcom for everything not included in the Switch presentation I do wonder about the absence of Monster Hunter. The vanilla version of Skyrim is nice and all but it's not exactly the same thing.

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"Re(3):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 02:16:post reply

apparently the voices are from SF4


weird variations on SSF2X is a long-standing tradition

ARGH. But Ishmael's point makes sense. I guess SSFIIX increasingly reminds me of the original Star Wars movies, which also suffer the indignity of a non-stop parade of terrible altered re-releases and "special needs editions" while the unaltered original remains frustratingly out of reach.

...but starting out by porting over voices from the first SF game to have noticeably BAD voice actors?! (**Aside from our Lord Vegamoto, of course. Have to accept some chaff along with your (godly) wheat, as they say. Actually, I don't say, I don't care about wheat. We'll do it in Japanese instead: SFIV acting a "mixture of gems and rock," mostly rock.)

Unlike in SFV, the new Bengus art at least looks like he's had time to draw the way he wants to draw. What people forget is that his drawing has taken a (to my view) sloppy, weird tack since at least the early 2000s. So this is weak compared to the 1990s, but at least recognizable as opposed to "drawn in twenty seconds."


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 15 Jan 02:35]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(4):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 04:21:post reply

It might be a heathen thing to say, but for the first time I'm not even sure that Wakamoto makes this game better. At least this particular game in this particular way.
For me, Vegamoto is the fat, SF0/4/5 one. SF2's Katou was much more silent and contained. Wakamoto being a pro, he did a good job to buckle down in the weird mix of two Vegas that appeared in CvS, but it's still not SF2's character.

Plus, they will simply copy and paste the voice from 4 without a care in the world, so we can already imagine the disconnect.
Are there any character whose voice in 4 was drastically different from 2? Dhalsim, maybe?

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 15 Jan 04:22]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 06:59post reply

It might be a heathen thing to say, but for the first time I'm not even sure that Wakamoto makes this game better. At least this particular game in this particular way.
For me, Vegamoto is the fat, SF0/4/5 one. SF2's Katou was much more silent and contained. Wakamoto being a pro, he did a good job to buckle down in the weird mix of two Vegas that appeared in CvS, but it's still not SF2's character.

Plus, they will simply copy and paste the voice from 4 without a care in the world, so we can already imagine the disconnect.
Are there any character whose voice in 4 was drastically different from 2? Dhalsim, maybe?

Guile is hugely, comically different.
Sagat as well.

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"Re(6):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 07:16post reply

So is Ryu. He went from a slightly higher voice even in Zero into this idiotic, shouty, gravelly voice in IV that he continues to be cursed by in V. Sakura isn't from SFII, but her voice is squeaky and dumb after being tomboyish and strong in Zero. At least Ken and Zangief are harder to mess up.


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"Re(5):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 07:26post reply

I'd still definitely pick Sakura and Karin over Evil Ryu and Violent Ken, though (come on, Capcom, everybody knows schoolgirls sell games!!).

I like how the average character age in SF2 is in the young adult range - having the series schoolgirls in there might break the tone a bit.

If they're partially going for nostalgia through, and were willing to crank out some new sprites, adding Haggar, heavily basing his look on the original Final Fight might work well, even recycling a stage from that game. It's been years since he was declared a Street Fighter, but Poison made it to the mainline games before he did, which never stops feeling weird.

On a broader Switch note, I wonder how viable a character from Arms (Spring Man?) would be in an almost inevitable new Smash Bros...


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"Re(9):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 09:45post reply

Besides another shoto like Sakura, I think Makoto's stiffness would translate well to SFII. But considering they're not even coloring the people affected by a purple shoryuken with purple flames (like Bison's psycho crusher) or making a new winpose for Violent Ken so he looks a at least little "violent", I don't really think Capcom care or would spend all that much on this game.

Now as for the Nintendo Switch. You guys have no idea how happy I am to see a real hubworld/3D Mario since Sunshine for the Gamecube! The Zelda trailer was so beautiful that I hope they have Japanese audio or the old gibberish one as options. And I just hope Konami don't mess with the resurrection of Bomberman. Just give me Bayonetta 1, 2 and gamecube games for the VC with online so I can snake in F-ZeroGX.
That Arms game looks interesting. Considering they said the game can be played using the pro controller(and the regular joycon using normal buttons), I wonder how far the game will go.

As for the price, well, it would be insanely expensive in Brazil anyway. I just hope it won't cost like 5 times the actual conversion rate here.

ONE game a month is laughable compared to Games(2 for each system but may go up thanks to Backwards Compatibility) with Gold or Playstation Plus(2 for each system but thanks to cross play it sometimes goes up to 4 for Playstation 4).

The online service was a matter of time thanks to Microsoft and Sony sticking to it and Sony even RAISED the price of PS+ last year with no real improvement to the service. I might just get a year of it and play Splatoon 2 until I am sick of it. ]

As for someone who was a user of PSNplus since the beginning, the service went downhill pretty fast. We used to get great PS1 classic games and high rated retail games to barely an indie game worth of downloading. It's been months since my subscription ended and will only get to play online on a PS4 because last year we got what? P4U, Transformers Devastation and REmake at most, right?

I wonder if Steam will someday start asking to pay for a new premium online service that will end up the standard one in the future.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(10):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 17:03post reply

Glad to get a new confirmation of how I'm not the only one wholeheartedly complaining that gaming stuff is giving us less and less value for money, Kensou.

The Zelda presentation trailer features Japanese -and very powerful, IMO- voice acting, so it's bound to be voiced in Japanese. Whether Western versions will be dual audio, who knows...and gibberish language would be interesting. I got the feeling that Link is constantly fighting with the greatest colossus of all time: Mother Nature. That's so poetic and dramatic.

Mario Odyssey is unbelievable, fantastic landscapes and I love the cap throw mechanic and couldn't help but thinking of Moonwalker, I hope Nintendo took a page from it xD Is Mario supposed to temporarily lose his cap in a plot twist? I'd like it.

If Super Bomberman R is as fun as it looks, that'll be one of my greatest gaming joys ever.

New Switch livestream starting at 10.30 PM JST

Ore no...kachi da!!

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"Re(6):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Mon 16 Jan 02:04post reply


On a broader Switch note, I wonder how viable a character from Arms (Spring Man?) would be in an almost inevitable new Smash Bros...

Smash doesn't really have a Dhalsim equivalent (very long range, very long lag), do they? They have all these whip moves that Link or Samus use to grab from afar and catch platforms when they fall, so it could be fun to have a character entirely based on that...
They already have Little Mac as a boxer, and his main issue is the lack of range and recovery, so there might be something interesting in doing a boxer that's his polar opposite.

On Arms itself, I've had quite a few positive opinions from people who've spent some time with it. Apparently, it's much deeper than what a quick match would suggest, which sounds intriguing.

2241th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Mon 16 Jan 02:49post reply


On a broader Switch note, I wonder how viable a character from Arms (Spring Man?) would be in an almost inevitable new Smash Bros...
Smash doesn't really have a Dhalsim equivalent (very long range, very long lag), do they? They have all these whip moves that Link or Samus use to grab from afar and catch platforms when they fall, so it could be fun to have a character entirely based on that...
They already have Little Mac as a boxer, and his main issue is the lack of range and recovery, so there might be something interesting in doing a boxer that's his polar opposite.

On Arms itself, I've had quite a few positive opinions from people who've spent some time with it. Apparently, it's much deeper than what a quick match would suggest, which sounds intriguing.

The control scheme made me think of Virtual On, that's normal right?

/ / /

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"Re(7):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Mon 16 Jan 10:37post reply

The SF discussion probably should have been spun off into it's own topic since it's interfering with interesting Switch discussions. For example, the more I read about the Switch the more I feel it is really extravagant in some areas and incredibly cheap in others. Why is the Switch is being advertised around connectivity but the chat features are shuffled off to your phone? Was there a unifying theme for the Switch or did they write a bunch of ideas on a whiteboard and try to build a console around six random choices?

But even though there's a lot going on with the Switch I still want to talk about voices from an ancient SF game. I'm part of the problem.

So is Ryu. He went from a slightly higher voice even in Zero into this idiotic, shouty, gravelly voice in IV that he continues to be cursed by in V. Sakura isn't from SFII, but her voice is squeaky and dumb after being tomboyish and strong in Zero. At least Ken and Zangief are harder to mess up.

Thing is, ugly and loud Ryu is the Ryu I like. For me, the gold-standard Ryu is SF2:WW where he sounded like he was screaming his battle cries from the bottom of a well while his head was stuck in a metal barrel. By the time ST came around the voices had been cleaned up far too much. I'm not certain I like the idea of using the SF4 voices but I wasn't a fan of the "sonic bewwm!" voice that Guile was sporting in ST either. I don't know where Capcom fighters are headed in the future but I know I want a Ryu that looks like he's built out of a tree stump, has lo-fi voice samples and has eyebrows that cover a third of his face.

1762th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Mon 16 Jan 12:11post reply

I'm not certain I like the idea of using the SF4 voices but I wasn't a fan of the "sonic bewwm!" voice that Guile was sporting in ST either. I don't know where Capcom fighters are headed in the future but I know I want

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

I've always maintained that if Guile doesn't have a thick Japanese accent, then then he's not the all American hero we all know and love. I say this unironically! It just works!

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"Switch Fighter 2" , posted Mon 16 Jan 12:43post reply

I've always maintained that if Guile doesn't have a thick Japanese accent, then then he's not the all American hero we all know and love. I say this unironically! It just works!

"Kom-on, rookiiie!" I also love his accidentally British "Sonic Beums" in Zero 3! Few people may remember that the first and last time a Japanese originals featured new Tekken-style international voices was Cammy in X-men vs. Street Fighter. Later reused in Zero 2 Alpha, I think.

SFII may dominate every thread, at least until the Switch gets a Dracula game, but it seems vaguely appropriate given how hugely important the game was for the SFC, with nearly 3 million of the original sold along with another 2 million plus of Turbo, in Japan alone. Even seeing this funky version on Switch makes me happy. But how will the d-pad be?

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(1):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Mon 16 Jan 18:57post reply

CvS voice acting is my favorite ever!! Glad to hear good things about it from you guys ^^ I've been wanting to say it for a while.

As far as the SF series go, my favorite voice acting is 3rd Strike's instead, but I'd rather keep the original 2X voices instead of replacing them with those from another chapter, because each voicework reflects a different time in the fighters' life. I'd not even like the 3rd Strike voicework I'm so biased to.

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"Re(2):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Mon 16 Jan 21:30post reply

I like how the average character age in SF2 is in the young adult range - having the series schoolgirls in there might break the tone a bit.

But they wouldn't affect the average age; if I remember correctly, both Sakura and Karin are OLDER than Cammy (they just like to dress as schoolgirls for some reason).

Anyway, I suggested them before knowing that Capcom was recycling the UDON sprites (I had read somewhere else that the USFII sprites were brand new). If I remember correctly, it took UDON a lot of time to do the new sprites for the 17 SSFIIX HD characters, so yeah, it probably wouldn't be viable to make new sprites for two more characters...

As far as the SF series go, my favorite voice acting is 3rd Strike's instead, but I'd rather keep the original 2X voices instead of replacing them with those from another chapter, because each voicework reflects a different time in the fighters' life. I'd not even like the 3rd Strike voicework I'm so biased to.

Mine are the SSFIIX ones overall, except for Chun-Li, whose SFII voice acting is better than the SSFIIX one, in my opinion. But yes, the 3rd Strike voices are very good, too.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(3):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Mon 16 Jan 21:58post reply

The other problem with adding new characters or even sprites to SF2 is that you'd have to prepare two sets: one for the Udon monstrosity, the other for the clean original sprites. Twice the cost for half the revenue.

And while Udon's are so bad that it wouldn't be a problem aesthetically (the only possibility the new artwork would look out of place would be if they were well made, and what are the odds for that), adding even a single frame of animation to the historical sprites is a recipe for disaster. Not only because these sprites are iconic and Capcom in 2017 is just a husk of what it was, but more simply because the knowledge of harmonious spritework is as good as lost.
This is not like editing a RPG sprite to add Lighting to FF6 or changing 3 details to 8-bit Rockman to make your original-do-not-steal "what would Harry Potter be like in retro-style".
Fighting game sprites are massive, varied and (at least Capcom and SNK's) aesthetically homogeneous. A deadly combination.

2243th Post

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"Re(4):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Tue 17 Jan 00:00post reply

Udon bad that...the only possibility the new artwork would look out of place would be if they were well made, and what are the odds for that)...Capcom in 2017 is just a husk of what it was...the knowledge of harmonious spritework is as good as lost...

Thanks, I needed a good cry this morning.

/ / /
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"Re(5):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Tue 17 Jan 01:27:post reply

Udon bad that...the only possibility the new artwork would look out of place would be if they were well made, and what are the odds for that)...Capcom in 2017 is just a husk of what it was...the knowledge of harmonious spritework is as good as lost...

Thanks, I needed a good cry this morning.

Guile says: LETS BURROW!

Btw I guess the trailer hasn't been posted here yet? It's awesome (the non-game parts), you get to see Tokyo back in the early 1990s'.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 17 Jan 01:33]

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(6):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Tue 17 Jan 04:12:post reply

Wait a it a remix of the Street Fighter II animated movie song by May'n in the Japanese trailer?? (taking advantage of this to reveal that I'm a Macross fanatic in the making) Thank you Prof for linking it and for the news article, I had forgot to check Capcom's Japanese Youtube after watching the Western trailer.

This clip is another powerful instance of time travel, shortly after Wild Guns Reloaded.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Tue 17 Jan 04:14]

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"Re(7):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Tue 17 Jan 04:39:post reply

Wait a it a remix of the Street Fighter II animated movie song by May'n in the Japanese trailer?? (taking advantage of this to reveal that I'm a Macross fanatic in the making)

It is indeed. And the English trailer just has Ken's theme in its place. Will this song ever see the light of day outside Japan? The animated SF2 movie replaced it with some greatest hits of the 90's like AAAAH and the Dramatic Battle mode from SFA just plain removed the track entirely.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 17 Jan 05:19]

5073th Post

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"Re(7):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Tue 17 Jan 04:43:post reply

Wait a it a remix of the Street Fighter II animated movie song by May'n in the Japanese trailer?? (taking advantage of this to reveal that I'm a Macross fanatic in the making) Thank you Prof for linking it and for the news article, I had forgot to check Capcom's Japanese Youtube after watching the Western trailer.

This clip is another powerful instance of time travel, shortly after Wild Guns Reloaded.

Yeah she's covering the anime movie's song. Pretty neat, yeah.

Also for anyone unaware, the track is in Street Fighter Zero and I believe Capcom had to pay about 10 yen per arcade PCB for using it.

[edit] Cripes I didn't realize the English trailer had it replaced with regular SF music! I'll update that thanks.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 17 Jan 04:59]

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"Re(4):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Tue 17 Jan 11:33post reply

adding even a single frame of animation to the historical sprites is a recipe for disaster. Not only because these sprites are iconic and Capcom in 2017 is just a husk of what it was, but more simply because the knowledge of harmonious spritework is as good as lost.

People argued that the four characters added for Super didn't even mesh properly with the existing style of the game.

It is very hard to imagine people making new, original SF2 sprites that fit. And I'm not just limiting that to Capcom. There might be some people out there who could do a convincing job, but they almost certainly aren't working for Capcom.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(5):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Tue 17 Jan 20:14:post reply

It is very hard to imagine people making new, original SF2 sprites that fit. And I'm not just limiting that to Capcom. There might be some people out there who could do a convincing job, but they almost certainly aren't working for Capcom.

I've never seen any fanart that tries to work within the limitations of the SF2 style... Most of the time, it's a somewhat convincing "KOF 13 style" or a much less convincing "SF3 style".
I'd love to see someone trying their hand at it!

Back to ARMs: people are starting to dig into the game. It sounds more and more interesting!
I've read elsewhere that the other characters have more untapped potential, like Ribbon girl having several air jumps and air dashes, or Spring Man having a mode similar to Real Bout's gauge (when low on health, gloves are perma-charged).

My biggest question now is how long can you play before getting tired.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 17 Jan 20:23]

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"Re(6):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Wed 18 Jan 17:22post reply


Back to ARMs: people are starting to dig into the game. It sounds more and more interesting!
I've read elsewhere that the other characters have more untapped potential, like Ribbon girl having several air jumps and air dashes, or Spring Man having a mode similar to Real Bout's gauge (when low on health, gloves are perma-charged).

My biggest question now is how long can you play before getting tired.

No need to get tired, motion controls are not mandatory and it can be played with the regular and Pro controllers, someone already mentioned it.

Also, as no one mentioned it yet, the free monthly classic game deal is just for a month, after that you don't own the game anymore, what a letdown!

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"Re(7):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Thu 19 Jan 02:04post reply

Back to ARMs: people are starting to dig into the game. It sounds more and more interesting!
I've read elsewhere that the other characters have more untapped potential, like Ribbon girl having several air jumps and air dashes, or Spring Man having a mode similar to Real Bout's gauge (when low on health, gloves are perma-charged).

For some reason, ARMS ended up being surprisingly exciting for me. They've done a very Nintendo job of designing the characters, the controls appear to be nuanced but well thought out, and it feels like a great expansion on what they had already done with Wii Sports Boxing. I'm looking forward to it!


Also, as no one mentioned it yet, the free monthly classic game deal is just for a month, after that you don't own the game anymore, what a letdown!

I thought so at first too, but at the same time I own or have played so many of these games already that I'm a little glad to have a chance to play a game for a month that I've possibly never played before or that I wouldn't have thought to buy, or even a game I already own elsewhere (sometime having bought it multiple times, like Castlevania III) without the need to pay for it. If I love a particular game, I'd be happy to buy it.

My concern about the service isn't the "not getting it for permanently for free" part but rather Nintendo's lousy habit of half-hearted Virtual Console support in the west. As an example, after a promising start with the Wii's VC, after a while they simply stopped releasing new games for the service, long before the system's life ended, while at the same time continuing to pack the Japanese VC with great games.

If the Switch can break from that pattern, I'll be happy, but I'm not sure it's likely at all. Likewise, I'm not sure we'll get anything better than a game or two a month added to the service, probably the ones we've all played hundreds of times already front loaded to month one, and we'll never see any of the obscurities that we got on the Wii VC (Air Zonk, etc.).

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
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"Free for a while..." , posted Mon 23 Jan 02:00:post reply


Also, as no one mentioned it yet, the free monthly classic game deal is just for a month, after that you don't own the game anymore, what a letdown!

The upside is that everyone has to play the game at the same time. Like a book club, or whatever. For example....

Let's say you play Battle of Olympus (for example) for a while. You like it, but you don't necessarily want to buy it. Rather than playing for a few hours and letting it languish in your library for years, you may feel an incentive to beat it before the month elapses. Which is also kind of like you've been issued a challenge...

After you get past grinding for salamander skins and olives, you get to the best parts of the late game and start walking on the ceilings and shit and you, realize, huh, Iggy and Mosquiton were right! The game really is great. Having learned a valuable lesson, you can now use the money you would have used to purchase BoO to buy Zelda II, because BoO reminded you how much you liked it.

You know, for example. And let's be honest, you could easily play any NES game you wanted via emulation. I think this is a good idea. Would be great to see other value-adding features for the service, though!

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Mon 23 Jan 02:03]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(8):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Mon 23 Jan 03:45post reply

As an example, after a promising start with the Wii's VC, after a while they simply stopped releasing new games for the service, long before the system's life ended, while at the same time continuing to pack the Japanese VC with great games.
And the European was amazingly good too (in terms of choice... the 50 hz problem was something else, though).

I really wonder what they're going to do about the region-free thing. Will they be releasing all VC games worldwide?
If not, what would prevent you from connecting to a different store to get the Ghouls&Ghost or Kirby game that your store didn't receive for some reason? Most of these games don't have any language barrier.

One other thing they seem to be doing is to add online to some old games. If they do, the entire service would suddenly make a lot of sense: this month, everyone gets Mario Kart SFC, so everyone populates the server and you can get a lot of games because it only lasts one month. Next month, every one gets Street Fighter 2, and so on.
There's not many games that would allow for that on Famicom and SFC, but they just need to find 6 predominantly 2-players competitive games and have them run on rotation twice a year. Is there an Advance Wars with a versus mode? Could they add 8 players racing to the original F-Zero?
The possibilities are there, now it depends on how dedicated to the system they are.

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"Re(9):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Mon 23 Jan 04:14post reply


I really wonder what they're going to do about the region-free thing. Will they be releasing all VC games worldwide?
If not, what would prevent you from connecting to a different store to get the Ghouls&Ghost or Kirby game that your store didn't receive for some reason? Most of these games don't have any language barrier.

I think the account will limit what store you will be able to connect to.
But they said one could use up to 8 accounts on the same console!
...but they didn't specify if they can be accounts from different regions.


The possibilities are there, now it depends on how dedicated to the system they are.

Knowing Nintendo we will get the same games released on VC so far and we will have to buy them again.

Cross-buy Virtual Console would be really a fantastic thing, but I don't think we will see this soon.

Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(9):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Mon 23 Jan 04:24post reply


I really wonder what they're going to do about the region-free thing. Will they be releasing all VC games worldwide?

I thought the same a couple days ago, but forgot to write about it here. I really hope the system will be as forgiving as the PSN, allowing you to create multiple accounts and fund them via those "virtual debit card" services or out-of-region wallet fund codes, so that i can, say, buy the Japanese version of USF2 for my USA/EUR Switch because it plays the May'n cover of Itoshisa at some point (I'm afraid the song won't make the cut in Western versions of the game if it gets included as a title/staff roll/anything else theme in the JPN version).

By the way, has there been any word about USF2's format? Retail cartridge or digital only? Given that it's an update of a very old game, I've always taken for granted that it'll be a digital only release.

Ore no...kachi da!!
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"Re(10):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Mon 23 Jan 22:25post reply

I was in Hong Kong until Saturday night so I worried I would miss the pre-orders, but I managed to grab one on Sunday morning in Yūrakuchō. I knew the MUJI Café crowd would not be as interested! Sidenote: I am amazed how vibrant the weekly gaming magazine scene remains in Hong Kong. I bought 4 magazines talking about the Switch announcements from the previous weekend.

DYNAMITE!! I know, it's just a bunch of emulated ports, but SNK's first foray on the Switch makes me happy regardless. Did anybody try Hamster's ports and know whether they are better than the previous ones? (don't remember if the NeoGeo Station were made by another developer)

Neo Geo Station was made by M2, and Arcade Archives is done by Hamster as you mentioned. Each developer has their strengths but generally they both do at the very minimum a serviceable job (faithful emulation, access to DIP switch etc.). It's the French publisher DotEmu who has had a more spotty pedigree in the past, but I had no major qualm with Big Tournament Golf on iPhone, and it seems genuine Windjammers fans are involved in the HD remaster.

The Joy-Cons look closer to a Neo Geo CD pad than a SFC joypad so Neo Geo games makes sense, I guess! I am just happy for Karasu that Waku Waku 7 will be there at the launch of the Neo Geo line-up. Now to wait for RB2...

Même Narumi est épatée !
Micky Kusanagi
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"Re(2):Re(10):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Tue 24 Jan 01:26:post reply

Thanks for your answer chaz, I was reading some NeoGeo games stuff a couple days ago and I found the name M2 related to some old ports (don't remember which ones), so it makes sense that they're responsible for the Station ports.

I also find your NGCD pad/JoyCon comparison interesting, and a good sign about the enjoyability of the ports without a stick.

EDIT: Why am I getting a freaking Vampire Resurrection déjà vu?

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Thu 26 Jan 06:51]