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PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(1):Nintendo Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 15:14:    
quote: I could see how this announcement would leave a lot to be desired for some(the only western games announced were Skyrim and Fifa lol). It seems Nintedo is squarely focusing on the Japanese market...
Arguably, Nintendo has generally done better in both regions in recent memory when they do, so I see no reason to compete on Xboxy terms. I know -I- would gladly buy a protable friendly box of Nintendo treasures. More importantly...quote: BOMBERMAN GOT RESSURECTED
!!! It's thematically appropriate that Hudson and Bomberman will be reanimated like Gray Fox's body in Metal Gear Solid 1 by Konami. The most vital question: will power-ups be gloves and boots, or the hated kangeroos?quote: Choose between classic pixel-art graphics for a retro nostalgia trip proper aesthetic experience, or enjoy HD graphics anatomical horror shows
Fixed that up. Extraneous new Ryu and Ken alts aside, assuming that the rest of the game is unchanged, this could have value in providing the first uncompromised home copy of SSFIIX in decades, or maybe ever...I can't remember if the 3DO one was arcade-perfect, and the SF Collection one sure wasn't. quote: I don't think HDR even came out in Japan back in the day did it?
Nope! That one was barred from the country because it fell under the customs categories of "books, drawings, carvings, and any other article which may harm public safety or morals (obscene materials)" and "precursor materials for chemical weapons."
[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 13 Jan 15:26] |
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(8):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Fri 13 Jan 21:17    
+ Mario Oddisey look amazing, the real world setting is refreshing and the mechanics looks great, plus I love Bowser Zeppeli + Bomberman looks cool, I was not expecting a new entry on consoles, specially from who Konami is operating now. + ARMS and 1,2 Switch looks like cool casual games - VIOLENT KEN. I don't think than SF2 needs more shotos, but if the game is balanced, and the super turbo sprites looks better than the abominations from UDON it will be a great game. Which is the release price?
- 300 DOLLARS? NO GAME? Sorry but no. - Paid Online is terrible, specially when Nintendo has never been able of give us a decent online structure. - Using an smartphone to party chat is the most dumb thing that Nintendo could have done, specially in this era. - The pricing of the add ons is ridiculous, 70 dollars for the pro controller, 80 for the joy cons
So, the games looks, cool, but everything about the hardware is a deal breaker
PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: Ishmael26b
| "Re(9):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 01:38    
quote: So, the games looks, cool, but everything about the hardware is a deal breaker
That's where I'm at with the Switch as well. After looking through the information that came out this thing looks like a Wii U with more expensive features. Since I didn't bite on the Wii U why the hell would I buy a Switch? I don't mean to be negative but the Switch looks like it's trying to be a console, a portable, and a light gun toy all at the same time and all it does is stretch itself too thin. All that and I would have to pay for Nintendo's byzantine online service? Ugh.
At least the games look nice. Well, except for that bit where Mario is interacting with what appears to be Sims in period costumes; that looks off-putting and invites bad comparisons to open-world games on other, more powerful systems. But Zelda looks nice, Splatoon looks fun and someone is loony enough to make a game where every character is Dhalsim.
quote: If they don't feel like developing new fighters from scratch, then getting Sakura and Karin from SFA3 would be my choice (sure, their sprites would need to be redone, but then again, won't the sprites for ALL the other fighters need to be redone as well? Unless they're recycling UDON's sprites...).
Incredibly, they are recycling the UDON sprites! I never thought they would trot that turkey out again but the Switch has been full of surprises. Personally, I was hoping they would put Dan in the game but I don't think this game has a big enough budget for head swaps.
| "Re(4):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sat 14 Jan 07:48:    
quote: My two cents on the 3D first person part...bonus stage. If that's the case, I hope it's playable on its own as well, like in S/USFIV.
I took a look at Justin's tweet and seeing him so hyped not only about USF2, but about the Switch as a whole, made me smile. According to his Satsui Ryu and Violent Ken report, those swaps are gonna be fun.
I don't doubt that; Nintendo's ideas usually provide fun experiences (even if sometimes these experiences are restricted to their first-party games). And USFII, as lazy as Capcom gets with it, is still SFII - it's hard to ruin it.
I'd still definitely pick Sakura and Karin over Evil Ryu and Violent Ken, though (come on, Capcom, everybody knows schoolgirls sell games!!).
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sat 14 Jan 07:53] |
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(3):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 02:16:    
quote: apparently the voices are from SF4
weird variations on SSF2X is a long-standing tradition
ARGH. But Ishmael's point makes sense. I guess SSFIIX increasingly reminds me of the original Star Wars movies, which also suffer the indignity of a non-stop parade of terrible altered re-releases and "special needs editions" while the unaltered original remains frustratingly out of reach.
...but starting out by porting over voices from the first SF game to have noticeably BAD voice actors?! (**Aside from our Lord Vegamoto, of course. Have to accept some chaff along with your (godly) wheat, as they say. Actually, I don't say, I don't care about wheat. We'll do it in Japanese instead: SFIV acting a "mixture of gems and rock," mostly rock.)
Unlike in SFV, the new Bengus art at least looks like he's had time to draw the way he wants to draw. What people forget is that his drawing has taken a (to my view) sloppy, weird tack since at least the early 2000s. So this is weak compared to the 1990s, but at least recognizable as opposed to "drawn in twenty seconds."
[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 15 Jan 02:35] |
| "Re(5):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 06:59    
quote: It might be a heathen thing to say, but for the first time I'm not even sure that Wakamoto makes this game better. At least this particular game in this particular way. For me, Vegamoto is the fat, SF0/4/5 one. SF2's Katou was much more silent and contained. Wakamoto being a pro, he did a good job to buckle down in the weird mix of two Vegas that appeared in CvS, but it's still not SF2's character.
Plus, they will simply copy and paste the voice from 4 without a care in the world, so we can already imagine the disconnect. Are there any character whose voice in 4 was drastically different from 2? Dhalsim, maybe?
Guile is hugely, comically different. Sagat as well.
PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(5):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 07:26    
quote: I'd still definitely pick Sakura and Karin over Evil Ryu and Violent Ken, though (come on, Capcom, everybody knows schoolgirls sell games!!).
I like how the average character age in SF2 is in the young adult range - having the series schoolgirls in there might break the tone a bit.
If they're partially going for nostalgia through, and were willing to crank out some new sprites, adding Haggar, heavily basing his look on the original Final Fight might work well, even recycling a stage from that game. It's been years since he was declared a Street Fighter, but Poison made it to the mainline games before he did, which never stops feeling weird.
On a broader Switch note, I wonder how viable a character from Arms (Spring Man?) would be in an almost inevitable new Smash Bros...
PSN: Mike_ADV XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: tamakimike CFN: n/a
New Customer | "Re(9):Neo Geo (&) Switch" , posted Sun 15 Jan 09:45    
Besides another shoto like Sakura, I think Makoto's stiffness would translate well to SFII. But considering they're not even coloring the people affected by a purple shoryuken with purple flames (like Bison's psycho crusher) or making a new winpose for Violent Ken so he looks a at least little "violent", I don't really think Capcom care or would spend all that much on this game.
Now as for the Nintendo Switch. You guys have no idea how happy I am to see a real hubworld/3D Mario since Sunshine for the Gamecube! The Zelda trailer was so beautiful that I hope they have Japanese audio or the old gibberish one as options. And I just hope Konami don't mess with the resurrection of Bomberman. Just give me Bayonetta 1, 2 and gamecube games for the VC with online so I can snake in F-ZeroGX. That Arms game looks interesting. Considering they said the game can be played using the pro controller(and the regular joycon using normal buttons), I wonder how far the game will go.
As for the price, well, it would be insanely expensive in Brazil anyway. I just hope it won't cost like 5 times the actual conversion rate here.
quote: ONE game a month is laughable compared to Games(2 for each system but may go up thanks to Backwards Compatibility) with Gold or Playstation Plus(2 for each system but thanks to cross play it sometimes goes up to 4 for Playstation 4).
The online service was a matter of time thanks to Microsoft and Sony sticking to it and Sony even RAISED the price of PS+ last year with no real improvement to the service. I might just get a year of it and play Splatoon 2 until I am sick of it. ]
As for someone who was a user of PSNplus since the beginning, the service went downhill pretty fast. We used to get great PS1 classic games and high rated retail games to barely an indie game worth of downloading. It's been months since my subscription ended and will only get to play online on a PS4 because last year we got what? P4U, Transformers Devastation and REmake at most, right?
I wonder if Steam will someday start asking to pay for a new premium online service that will end up the standard one in the future.
| "Re(6):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Mon 16 Jan 02:04    
On a broader Switch note, I wonder how viable a character from Arms (Spring Man?) would be in an almost inevitable new Smash Bros...
Smash doesn't really have a Dhalsim equivalent (very long range, very long lag), do they? They have all these whip moves that Link or Samus use to grab from afar and catch platforms when they fall, so it could be fun to have a character entirely based on that... They already have Little Mac as a boxer, and his main issue is the lack of range and recovery, so there might be something interesting in doing a boxer that's his polar opposite.
On Arms itself, I've had quite a few positive opinions from people who've spent some time with it. Apparently, it's much deeper than what a quick match would suggest, which sounds intriguing.
| "Re(7):Re(10): Bengus Switch" , posted Mon 16 Jan 02:49    
quote: On a broader Switch note, I wonder how viable a character from Arms (Spring Man?) would be in an almost inevitable new Smash Bros... Smash doesn't really have a Dhalsim equivalent (very long range, very long lag), do they? They have all these whip moves that Link or Samus use to grab from afar and catch platforms when they fall, so it could be fun to have a character entirely based on that... They already have Little Mac as a boxer, and his main issue is the lack of range and recovery, so there might be something interesting in doing a boxer that's his polar opposite.
On Arms itself, I've had quite a few positive opinions from people who've spent some time with it. Apparently, it's much deeper than what a quick match would suggest, which sounds intriguing.
The control scheme made me think of Virtual On, that's normal right?
/ / /
| "Re(2):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Mon 16 Jan 21:30    
quote: I like how the average character age in SF2 is in the young adult range - having the series schoolgirls in there might break the tone a bit.
But they wouldn't affect the average age; if I remember correctly, both Sakura and Karin are OLDER than Cammy (they just like to dress as schoolgirls for some reason).
Anyway, I suggested them before knowing that Capcom was recycling the UDON sprites (I had read somewhere else that the USFII sprites were brand new). If I remember correctly, it took UDON a lot of time to do the new sprites for the 17 SSFIIX HD characters, so yeah, it probably wouldn't be viable to make new sprites for two more characters...
quote: As far as the SF series go, my favorite voice acting is 3rd Strike's instead, but I'd rather keep the original 2X voices instead of replacing them with those from another chapter, because each voicework reflects a different time in the fighters' life. I'd not even like the 3rd Strike voicework I'm so biased to.
Mine are the SSFIIX ones overall, except for Chun-Li, whose SFII voice acting is better than the SSFIIX one, in my opinion. But yes, the 3rd Strike voices are very good, too.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
PSN: Ikari_DC XBL: IkariDC Wii: Toolazytolookitup STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(6):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Wed 18 Jan 17:22    
Back to ARMs: people are starting to dig into the game. It sounds more and more interesting! I've read elsewhere that the other characters have more untapped potential, like Ribbon girl having several air jumps and air dashes, or Spring Man having a mode similar to Real Bout's gauge (when low on health, gloves are perma-charged).
My biggest question now is how long can you play before getting tired.
No need to get tired, motion controls are not mandatory and it can be played with the regular and Pro controllers, someone already mentioned it.
Also, as no one mentioned it yet, the free monthly classic game deal is just for a month, after that you don't own the game anymore, what a letdown!
PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(7):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Thu 19 Jan 02:04    
quote: Back to ARMs: people are starting to dig into the game. It sounds more and more interesting! I've read elsewhere that the other characters have more untapped potential, like Ribbon girl having several air jumps and air dashes, or Spring Man having a mode similar to Real Bout's gauge (when low on health, gloves are perma-charged).
For some reason, ARMS ended up being surprisingly exciting for me. They've done a very Nintendo job of designing the characters, the controls appear to be nuanced but well thought out, and it feels like a great expansion on what they had already done with Wii Sports Boxing. I'm looking forward to it!
quote: Also, as no one mentioned it yet, the free monthly classic game deal is just for a month, after that you don't own the game anymore, what a letdown!
I thought so at first too, but at the same time I own or have played so many of these games already that I'm a little glad to have a chance to play a game for a month that I've possibly never played before or that I wouldn't have thought to buy, or even a game I already own elsewhere (sometime having bought it multiple times, like Castlevania III) without the need to pay for it. If I love a particular game, I'd be happy to buy it.
My concern about the service isn't the "not getting it for permanently for free" part but rather Nintendo's lousy habit of half-hearted Virtual Console support in the west. As an example, after a promising start with the Wii's VC, after a while they simply stopped releasing new games for the service, long before the system's life ended, while at the same time continuing to pack the Japanese VC with great games.
If the Switch can break from that pattern, I'll be happy, but I'm not sure it's likely at all. Likewise, I'm not sure we'll get anything better than a game or two a month added to the service, probably the ones we've all played hundreds of times already front loaded to month one, and we'll never see any of the obscurities that we got on the Wii VC (Air Zonk, etc.).
You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
| "Free for a while..." , posted Mon 23 Jan 02:00:    
quote: Also, as no one mentioned it yet, the free monthly classic game deal is just for a month, after that you don't own the game anymore, what a letdown!
The upside is that everyone has to play the game at the same time. Like a book club, or whatever. For example....
Let's say you play Battle of Olympus (for example) for a while. You like it, but you don't necessarily want to buy it. Rather than playing for a few hours and letting it languish in your library for years, you may feel an incentive to beat it before the month elapses. Which is also kind of like you've been issued a challenge...
After you get past grinding for salamander skins and olives, you get to the best parts of the late game and start walking on the ceilings and shit and you, realize, huh, Iggy and Mosquiton were right! The game really is great. Having learned a valuable lesson, you can now use the money you would have used to purchase BoO to buy Zelda II, because BoO reminded you how much you liked it.
You know, for example. And let's be honest, you could easily play any NES game you wanted via emulation. I think this is a good idea. Would be great to see other value-adding features for the service, though!
/ / /
[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Mon 23 Jan 02:03] |
| "Re(8):Switch Fighter 2" , posted Mon 23 Jan 03:45    
quote: As an example, after a promising start with the Wii's VC, after a while they simply stopped releasing new games for the service, long before the system's life ended, while at the same time continuing to pack the Japanese VC with great games.
And the European was amazingly good too (in terms of choice... the 50 hz problem was something else, though).
I really wonder what they're going to do about the region-free thing. Will they be releasing all VC games worldwide? If not, what would prevent you from connecting to a different store to get the Ghouls&Ghost or Kirby game that your store didn't receive for some reason? Most of these games don't have any language barrier.
One other thing they seem to be doing is to add online to some old games. If they do, the entire service would suddenly make a lot of sense: this month, everyone gets Mario Kart SFC, so everyone populates the server and you can get a lot of games because it only lasts one month. Next month, every one gets Street Fighter 2, and so on. There's not many games that would allow for that on Famicom and SFC, but they just need to find 6 predominantly 2-players competitive games and have them run on rotation twice a year. Is there an Advance Wars with a versus mode? Could they add 8 players racing to the original F-Zero? The possibilities are there, now it depends on how dedicated to the system they are.