Arcade heaven or travel back in time? Round 1 - Forums

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"Arcade heaven or travel back in time? Round 1" , posted Wed 19 Apr 06:29post reply

Anyone heard of Round 1 bowling and amusement? Not sure if you all mentioned this before and it may be old news since I am always way behind. Never seen and arcade so massive in over 10 years. Felt like I was a teen again back in time. Don't want to go into deep if it is old news but this is what stood out:

Tekken 7, Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5, and Initial D arcade stage 8 infinity for the new games.

NESiCAxLive cabinets with about 8 games you can select to play. This includes some KOF games, BlazBlu, Persona, etc.

Some pcb boards cabinets with most Capcom and SNK fighting games. The have a section dedicated to fighting games.

Long Live I AM!


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"Re(1):Arcade heaven or travel back in time? R" , posted Wed 19 Apr 08:51post reply

From what I've seen, the bowling alley is a time-honored companion for the American arcade, so this seems like a sensible match.

What this does remind me of is an article I read about 20 years ago about some gigantic multi-floor arcade in the US on the scale of the Sega Joypolis in Odaiba and Shinjuku (before it closed, I think---Prof will remember better). It might have been Gameworks, but I wasn't there at the time.


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"Re(2):Arcade heaven or travel back in time? R" , posted Thu 20 Apr 01:26post reply

I haven't heard of Round One but from your description it sounds pretty good. Much better than Dave & Buster's at any rate. Since arcades are an endangered species I make it a point to visit any arcades I find when I go out of town so I'll be certain to keep an eye out for a Round One during my next travels.

One side effect of the loss of arcades is that cabinets are now held in special conservatories like Round One, most of which are as harmless as a petting zoo. People may be nostalgic for arcades of yore but seem to glaze over the fact that a lot of them were real dumps. During my vacation to Tokyo I used the Professor's guide to arcades to direct me to some amazing game shrines and some dodgy holes-in-the-wall that were in questionable neighborhoods. It had been a long time since I've been in a situation where part of my mind is focused on a game and the other part is wondering if being in this arcade is a good idea or not. This isn't an experience I pine for but it is something that is unique to playing in a public setting. No matter how good the netcode gets you're never going to get the thrill of having that fight of flight instinct drumming in the back of your head when you're in the comfort of your own home.

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"Re(1):Arcade heaven or travel back in time? R" , posted Thu 20 Apr 02:45:post reply

Round One is actually a major Japanese amusement chain. They used to be suburbs-only but in recent years they've expanded into the cities as well including Tokyo. The stores in the States are a legitimate part of them.

Little trivia, that's why they actually have NesicaxLive cabinets which runs on a network that's supposed to be limited to connections from Japan.

I always wondered what they were like in the States though. Thanks for sharing!

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 20 Apr 02:51]

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"Re(2):Arcade heaven or travel back in time? R" , posted Fri 21 Apr 00:00post reply

Round One is actually a major Japanese amusement chain. They used to be suburbs-only but in recent years they've expanded into the cities as well including Tokyo. The stores in the States are a legitimate part of them.

Little trivia, that's why they actually have NesicaxLive cabinets which runs on a network that's supposed to be limited to connections from Japan.

I always wondered what they were like in the States though. Thanks for sharing!

Yes, and very Japanese at that. They even have Japanese import arcade games that are literally all in Japanese. They also sell and have prizes of Japanese stuff, snacks, and I think even food as well. The new arcade games have a big "Japans Newest Game" signs.

There was also a section with many new games that were somewhat dungeons and dragons or RPG type? Not sure what it really was but I saw many players there. This was at a time were the place just opened for the day after an hour or so. They were not kids either. I will get more details next time I go to see if anyone has an idea what it may be.

Does the NesicaxLive cabinets normally have multiple games like the MVS did? Each cabinet had like around 8 games. That totally gave me a trip back to memory lane during the neo-geo days. I mean that's awesome if it can pack multiple online games. But is it limited to just 2-d fighters? Does it have enough power to hold say a Tekken 7, SFV, and KOF XIV in one cabinet?

These cabinets had KOF 98, 2002, XIII, Blazblu, Choas Code, Persona 4, Arcana Heart, and others.

Long Live I AM!
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"Re(3):Arcade heaven or travel back in time? R" , posted Fri 21 Apr 00:25post reply

Does the NesicaxLive cabinets normally have multiple games like the MVS did? Each cabinet had like around 8 games. That totally gave me a trip back to memory lane during the neo-geo days. I mean that's awesome if it can pack multiple online games. But is it limited to just 2-d fighters? Does it have enough power to hold say a Tekken 7, SFV, and KOF XIV in one cabinet?

These cabinets had KOF 98, 2002, XIII, Blazblu,

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Yeah it's got that jukebox-like system like the classic NeoGeo MVS!

The NesicaxLive offers a whole library of games including non-fighters such as the classic shmup' Ikaruga or even vintage action games like Elevator Action, but the operator can set up what games will be selectable/playable on their store's cab. The sysyem is however is really outdated; the PCB runs on Windowx XP embedded and it's over a decade old. (So, they're coming out with a NesicaxLive2 this year, which runs on a more modern system and features net play.)

I wonder what the D&D-like game was?

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"Re(4):Arcade heaven or travel back in time? R" , posted Mon 29 May 09:57post reply

Does the NesicaxLive cabinets normally have multiple games like the MVS did? Each cabinet had like around 8 games. That totally gave me a trip back to memory lane during the neo-geo days. I mean that's awesome if it can pack multiple online games. But is it limited to just 2-d fighters? Does it have enough power to hold say a Tekken 7, SFV, and KOF XIV in one cabinet?

These cabinets had KOF 98, 2002, XIII, Blazblu,

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Yeah it's got that jukebox-like system like the classic NeoGeo MVS!

The NesicaxLive offers a whole library of games including non-fighters such as the classic shmup' Ikaruga or even vintage action games like Elevator Action, but the operator can set up what games will be selectable/playable on their store's cab. The sysyem is however is really outdated; the PCB runs on Windowx XP embedded and it's over a decade old. (So, they're coming out with a NesicaxLive2 this year, which runs on a more modern system and features net play.)

I wonder what the D&D-like game was?

Hey professor,
So that d&d game was really no where near d&d style after all. Not even rpg, well maybe some elements but the game was The rhythm final fantasy all star carnival. With that the section was full of these rhythm beat game and people love it. These are ones used with the hands not feet like dance dance revolution.

We played on those nesica cabinets for a while. We didn't purchase cards and didn't realize we could until late. We were mostly on the Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 cabinets. The game is hell of fun!!!!

Long Live I AM!

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"Re(5):Arcade heaven or travel back in time? R" , posted Tue 30 May 00:34post reply

We played on those nesica cabinets for a while. We didn't purchase cards and didn't realize we could until late. We were mostly on the Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 cabinets. The game is hell of fun!!!!
Even if you accidentally blew lots of cash unnecessarily, you can race home in style knowing that you're the Aetheist on the Highwayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


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"Re(1):Arcade heaven or travel back in time? R" , posted Tue 30 May 01:26post reply

Anyone heard of Round 1 bowling and amusement? Not sure if you all mentioned this before and it may be old news since I am always way behind. Never seen and arcade so massive in over 10 years. Felt like I was a teen again back in time. Don't want to go into deep if it is old news but this is what stood out:

Tekken 7, Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5, and Initial D arcade stage 8 infinity for the new games.

NESiCAxLive cabinets with about 8 games you can select to play. This includes some KOF games, BlazBlu, Persona, etc.

Some pcb boards cabinets with most Capcom and SNK fighting games. The have a section dedicated to fighting games.

I have one in my city, though I'm sure the ones near Los Angeles are wa~y better.