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PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Thu 4 May 07:06:    
Sadly, I can confirm this, even though we were from the same country, I never saw him, yet, we have some common friends who confirmed me this sad news.
I'm in shock with this news, I always saw toxico posting in this board, so I never thought that he was having health problems, so when a friend told me about this news he really found me with my guard down
Nothing more to say, Toxico was a great user of this board, his knowledge of retro games (specially SNK) was impressive, and his youtube channel was a must see if you were a fan of SNK games, it will always blow my mind that he was able of uploading hundreds of hours of tournaments from the most impressive and dark games, specially considering that Chile isn't exactly famous from videogame history
Rest in Piece Toxico, you were truly an important person for this forum, and the SNK community in general
[this message was edited by sibarraz on Thu 4 May 07:07] | | Replies: |
| "Re(1):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Thu 4 May 07:39    
quote: https://twitter.com/orochinagicom/status/859884419770970112
Sadly, I can confirm this, even though we were from the same country, I never saw him, yet, we have some common friends who confirmed me this sad news.
I'm in shock with this news, I always saw toxico posting in this board, so I never thought that he was having health problems, so when a friend told me about this news he really found me with my guard down
Nothing more to say, Toxico was a great user of this board, his knowledge of retro games (specially SNK) was impressive, and his youtube channel was a must see if you were a fan of SNK games, it will always blow my mind that he was able of uploading hundreds of hours of tournaments from the most impressive and dark games, specially considering that Chile isn't exactly famous from videogame history
Rest in Piece Toxico, you were truly an important person for this forum, and the SNK community in general
It's definitely a shock to hear, and certainly a loss to all of the communities he was a part of. Sad news, indeed.
I think this is the last thing he ever posted here at the Cafe, and I guess it's fitting.
Glower at SNK from that big cafe up in the sky, Toxico!
Platinum Carpet V.I.P - IGGY ARI ! | "Re(3):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Thu 4 May 08:19    
I'm at a loss of words. I clicked on the thread thinking "This is a thread to inform us that Toxico changed his alias and will now be known as...". I was not prepared. Still am not. I never met him either, and it was still one of my goals, "one day I'll travel around the world and go to Chile specifically to meet him". The few emails we exchanged convinced me that he was in real life the same as here, friendly, weird, uncompromising, warm. I didn't know him, and yet it feels like we've been a part of each other's life, like all the grumpy old men of the café, since 15, 20 years. I cannot imagine how the people who actually knew him, his real life friends and family, must feel. My deepest thoughts go to them. I'll be pouring a glass for him tonight.
Dear Café patrons, please stay safe.
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(2):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Thu 4 May 14:39:    
I am so shocked and sad. Ive known Toxico virtually for at least seventeen years, more than many friends Ive met in real life. I know there were many aspects of Toxico I didnt know, but what a joy to have been able to share in (and learn from) his passions over the years! I was always so impressed by his worldliness and knowledge of Japanese, American, and other cultures far beyond what he had suggested was a pretty remote upbringing. The breadth of art, games, and culture he was familiar with and shared with people who might not otherwise have encountered them was so striking and wonderful. It really speaks to his overwhelming energy and interest in our particular aspect of the human endeavor, plus the most positive sides of community and friendship that can be born online.
His consistent positivity and humor were really remarkable, too. Like Prof said, we were just in a group chat the other day, and I never would have guessed he was ill---he was too busy cracking me up for me to realize.
Id heard of online grief before, but this is the first time I have experienced it. I wish I could tell his family what a stand-out guy he was. Bafflingly, I never even knew his real name, though Id be instantly comfortable sitting down with him in an izakaya or in the middle of Akiba or way over in Chile. Can you have total trust in someone youve never laid eyes on? I think Toxico is proof that you can, after so many years of conversations in various mediums.
One of the many wonderful things about the international crowd at the Cafe is knowing that you always have a friend you can visit somewhere in the world. Ive loved getting to meet so many of you, and I always imagined that Id meet my Chilean brother in person after all these years, and I feel so sorry that that chance has gone.
One of my favorite recent memories is my many hours of tagging along with Toxico on the MMCafe Dragons Crown team, where hed shepherd me along with the bafflingly strong characters hed developed through so much patience and study. I literally saw new places for the first time while adventuring with him, and loved all the chats and advice hed share along the way. It really felt like being with a senpai or your sports teams coach. Even after we'd all gotten too sleepy to play anymore, we'd often keep chatting until early morning on all kinds of nostalgic delights and new discoveries. Whats evidently referred to in the English version of Dragon's Crown as the Tower of Mirages is actually 夢幻の天廊, much closer to the Dreamlike Heavenly Corridor, where I like to imagine him heading now.
PS: Sibarraz, thanks for letting us know. If your mutual friends are able to share condolences, or even point friends and family who speak English towards our group, I'd love for them to know that our Toxico has friends on so many continents who will miss him.
[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 4 May 15:34] |
| "Re(1):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Fri 5 May 00:17    
I clicked on this thread thinking, I'm sure this is nothing as serious as the title might suggest.
My wife had very seriously asked me what was wrong and I didn't know what to say. I told her "Well, it's just that this guy that had posted on this message board for a long time..."
But then my voice cracked and I felt ashamed for trying to downplay the reason I was so upset. It was not just some guy on the internet, it was our Toxico.
You guys have already written some very kind and beautiful messages. I don't really know what else to add. Like the Prof, I thought of the Obscene Voodoo Teleport Dance. I also thought of the World Heroes 2 Jet thread. The man was a scholar and a poet as far as I'm concerned. Certainly not a saint, but I don't think he'd ever have aimed for that... how much fun can a saint really have in this life, anyway? I regret that I never had the opportunity to sit down and drink with this man.
I remember being very disappointed that Toxico did not comment on a post I made one time making fun of a neighbor's note written left by a broken washing machine. I was thinking of Toxico specifically when I posted this and thought that I'd surely get him to reply. I just have to hope that he did click on it and simply nodded in approval since he clearly had such excellent taste.
I've been coming to the cafe for so long that I've honestly imagined logging in after another 20 years and seeing some of the same people kicking around and talking about the games they love. In this imagined reality, Toxico surely would have been there. If any of us do end up sticking around that long (and assuming the Cafe is still running), I'm sure we'll still remember our friend. Thank you sibarraz for letting us know, and thanks to everyone else for sharing their feelings.
Take care, everyone.
/ / /
PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: NNID:sfried STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Fri 5 May 16:09:    
I barely knew Toxico but from what I could understand, he's been a long standing MMCafe member.
I was still new to MMCafe and admittedly my knowledge in SNK games was rather limited at the time (due to only having been recently exposed to the fighting game community). Toxico was one of the few people here who manage to pinpoint what I was refering to regarding a rather obscure question related to Fatal Fury. My guess is it was one of his favorite series, too.
It seem only appropriate, then, that Garou Mark of the Wolves on the Switch is just right around the corner. I've played the different iterations of Fatal Fury ever since then, trying to get into the series, even if its just to enjoy a single player campaign. Garou is the only game I have not played yet, and I've heard how well heralded it is in the series, so it seems only fitting once it comes on the 11th I will try to play this game and learn its intricacies.
Rest in peace Toxico, and thanks for showing me the way.
[this message was edited by sfried on Fri 5 May 16:10] |
| "Re(2):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Sun 7 May 19:28    
Hmmm, I am at a loss here, I don't really know what to say. I never knew Toxico in real life and here at the Cafe I never really did interact directly with him that much, but we all know that he was one of the (many) reasons why this little corner of the Internet is so warm and cozy. His memorable and witty interventions on this board did always make a difference. He will be deeply missed.
There is little else to add to what everybody else has already said. Life is such a precious, fragile thing, even if we often fail to aknowledge that on our everyday lives. If anything, it is somewhat recomforting to know that he was able to keep doing what he liked most (playing games, posting on the Cafe, etc.) till the very end. Next time I get to meet a fellow Cafer, I'll make sure to make a toast in his honor. I have the feeling that he would like that.
Gracias por todo, compańero. Descansa en paz, y sigue bailando tu obscena danza vudú de teleportación allá donde estés.
 A Talking about Japanese History sword in hand
| "Re(1):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Sun 7 May 23:51    
Hello guys It's me The Droogo. I would like to talk a little bit of my friend Alfredo Catalan. More known as Toxico. There was a time when I was young when, practically, nobody could beat me in the arcades. Especially in the fatal fury real bout(the first one where you could play with Yamazaki). Then one day I went to the arcades wanting to play Fatal Fury and I found the machine busy. So I just put the credit on and started the match. For my surprise I lost. Second credit, lost. Third credit using Yamazaki, lost. Then I turned to the guy who was playing and I said to him: Maestro(Master) and he replied with a very serious voice: Discipulo(disciple). And thus out friendship begun.
From then we would be the best friends. We became very feared by the other players, they knew that there was no chance on beating us. Then we became more and more people in the TOXIC CLAN. And we ruled our arcade machines. Even people from other regions came to our arcades to defy us. It was kind of impossible to beat us at all.
Toxico was a real master. At age 8 he learned English already. That is a big thing in a country like Chile where people get blushed of just say a proper word in English in front of a crowd where they will put you down and make fun of you and your perfect pronunciation. Toxico never repair on money. If somebody needed he would give it away for the good cause.(for credits and for transportation to go to another city arcades or to his house to play in his computer) Toxico was a human library, he had all the knowledge I could care about when I was a teenager. Manga, computers, comics, anime and of course video games. With him we had the conclusion that if you couldn't win with style that win would be worthless. What was the point in winning to another one if it weren't with super special move? With that you could win the match and the next one because you would have carve in your opponent mind with who he were fighting against( sometimes we would loose the match if the things weren't in that way Hehehehehe) Toxico never end to amaze me, just because of this event I learned that he had a YouTube channel were he had more than 10.000 subs. I also learned that he had a Twitter account, but never a facebook account. XD
Toxico was a real friend. Our friendship didn't need frequency at all. We knew that we were friend to each other. That our friendship existed even we were apart by kilometers and even time. I didn't talked with him in the last 8 years, but every month at least I would remember him and smile thinking of him. Many times I wanted to contact him, but the only thing I could do was talk with his sister and send home regards through her. So guys, if you have a friend that you haven't talk for a while, this is a signal.
I will always love him as my big brother and will be on my heart for ever. Big part of myself is because of him. Thank you master for all your teaching and all the moments we were together We will meet again Gracias Maestro!
Ps. Thanks Professor for fixing my account ;)
Disciple of TOXICO
PSN: JanuxMK XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
New Customer | "Re(1):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Mon 8 May 18:21    
quote: https://twitter.com/orochinagicom/status/859884419770970112
Sadly, I can confirm this, even though we were from the same country, I never saw him, yet, we have some common friends who confirmed me this sad news.
I'm in shock with this news, I always saw toxico posting in this board, so I never thought that he was having health problems, so when a friend told me about this news he really found me with my guard down
Nothing more to say, Toxico was a great user of this board, his knowledge of retro games (specially SNK) was impressive, and his youtube channel was a must see if you were a fan of SNK games, it will always blow my mind that he was able of uploading hundreds of hours of tournaments from the most impressive and dark games, specially considering that Chile isn't exactly famous from videogame history
Rest in Piece Toxico, you were truly an important person for this forum, and the SNK community in general
Rest in Peace.... One of my favorite channels of Youtube about of fighting games and SRW :(
| "Re(6):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Fri 26 May 22:09    
quote: Toxic did not have much esteem to Sibarraz, hahaha ironies of the life, I am sure that would have released the laughter .... had to say it. By the way, I am Sousa from the blog of analogies, as you know, where my buddy Toxic liked to contribute and promoted until the end of time. Well ... I think you knew him well and I do not want to get out of touch with details of his personal life ... I am completely sure that MMCafe was important for him. The community of KOF and Tekken (fifth region of Chile) attended his emotional funeral and shared with his family, I really think he had a magnificent and enviable farewell with his friends, considering that he used to be a rather lonely person, with the exception from Internet.
My intention is only to inform those who had esteem and do not have the way to find out. Many already said goodbye and his family appreciated the gesture. Sorry for the delay.
Hi Sousa, and welcome to the MMCafe BBS. Thank you very much about the update on the situation on his funeral... he will be dearly missed. I've visited your site/blog video game analogies a number of times and I always get the image of Mudman (or Maxima) when it came to Toxico because of it. I wasn't sure of how often he contributed to video game analogies though, did he do so regularly?
| "Re(8):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Sun 28 May 14:25:    
quote: A long and old story ... the blog was born thanks to the influence of Toxic derived from its culture, intellectual and strange jokes with respect to the subject of the similarities and references in videogames (Mudman is a clear reference to obscene voodoo dance teleport). Of course in those years (2008) I found the subject interesting, enough to compile and formalize the information. Most of the episodes were practically written after pre-random talks that we had with respect to the subject, we both shared the mania to investigate about our hobbies. And in general I helped a lot with the Japanese language, it saved me a lot of research time.
Ah thank you for the clarifications! I always assumed the Obscene Voodoo Dance Teleport was a reference to Mudman so it's great you that you've confirmed it. I'm in the midst of compiling an overview of Toxico's activities as a tribute, so I might reference your post if you don't mind.
By the way, do you know anything about Toxico's activities regarding the Tekken side of things in Chile? I think there was a tournament held in his honor just yesterday.
On a side note, five of us (Karasu, Chazumaru, Maese, Karasu's wife, myself) met up yesterday and had a drink to Toxico yesterday. We will miss him dearly, and remember him for all the fun times that we've had.
Edit: to The Droogo I found this in the archives, oh the rivalry
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 29 May 01:06] |
New Customer | "Re(9):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Mon 29 May 07:40    
quote: By the way, do you know anything about Toxico's activities regarding the Tekken side of things in Chile? I think there was a tournament held in his honor just yesterday.
Coincidentally I watched the Tekken tournament that you mentioned despite not being a fan of Tekken ... there was no mention of Toxico. However, on a previous occasion in the same place of DM (local Dream Match, located in the capital) there was a small event / tournament of KOF IV in his honor, mainly due to the massive dissemination of the unfortunate news and for being a compatriot. Few knew him in Chile at present, except for a few who visit Orochinagi y others who remembered him by meetings of yesteryear ... I do not blame them, after the arcade era spent most of the time locked up in his house; If anyone wanted to talk to him he had to go and visit him.
As for the question, it is strange that his facet as a player of Tekken is not known, Tekken was his pride as far as fighting's game is concerned and used to organize events / tournaments in the city of Valparaíso (fifth region, in the local Karma Games ) In which he also participated as a staunch competitor with expectations of winning. Although he never stood out in the national competitive scene in any fighting`s game, but he was a great adviser and sparring that helped others of his region to excel, either in KOF and Tekken.
I understand that he started playing from the first Tekken and shared a lot of time with his friends from the community of his region (extinct forum of TekkenChile), because they all met previously in the extinct arcade Galaxica from Valparaíso.
PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(6):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Mon 29 May 08:18    
quote: Toxic did not have much esteem to Sibarraz, hahaha ironies of the life, I am sure that would have released the laughter .... had to say it. By the way, I am Sousa from the blog of analogies, as you know, where my buddy Toxic liked to contribute and promoted until the end of time. Well ... I think you knew him well and I do not want to get out of touch with details of his personal life ... I am completely sure that MMCafe was important for him. The community of KOF and Tekken (fifth region of Chile) attended his emotional funeral and shared with his family, I really think he had a magnificent and enviable farewell with his friends, considering that he used to be a rather lonely person, with the exception from Internet.
My intention is only to inform those who had esteem and do not have the way to find out. Many already said goodbye and his family appreciated the gesture. Sorry for the delay.
I always thought that you and toxico were the same person for that blog, it kinda sucks that I discovered this after all what happened. I haven't see you for a while (were not you in gamercafe?)
PSN: Lord-Hayato XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(3):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Mon 5 Jun 16:50    
I'm shocked by this piece of news. So much, in fact that, despite getting wind of it a couple weeks ago, I couldn't find neither the needed time nor the courage to openly talk about it till now.
Not that I interacted that much with Toxico here in the Cafe, but he was, without the shadow of a doubt, one of the greatest contributors to this little, amiable and often crazy corner of the Internet. And as such, his sudden departure just rendered me speechless, unable to collect the words to express how much this means to us cafers, specially for those old-timers like me, that have been around the forums for decades now (be it lurking and/ or actively posting) and consider MadMan's Cafe much more than a mere online videogame community.
As of late, due to so called "real life affairs" I've been unable to visit the Cafe as much as I'd like but events like this one made me realize how much I care for my fellow cafers and that MMC will always be a staple of my social life: no matter how long it takes, I'll keep on coming back to know about you guys!
My biggest condolences to family and friends; his presence will be sorely missed in this humble cafe to which he devoted so much time and energy...
| "Re(6):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Tue 3 Oct 05:06    
Man I have no words for this... It's been a while since I haven't posted here, but still lurks form time to time.
Loosing Toxico is terrible. I'll seriously miss him, from all the fun hes did here with his monkey army, Juan's evil cloned sister Juna, and the famous Obsscene woodoo dance teleport...
He was always nice to peoples, never agressive, always taking time to speak and explain things, I can't count how much advices he did gives me for many games... Tekken, KOF, Sengoku ...
I will miss him really, we all I'm sure.
Just give my condolences to all his family and his sister.
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
| "Re(2):Re(10):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Tue 12 Dec 22:29    
Even though it's the age of Social networking, it was always a pleasure to have him around and talk with him on this bbs.
It's been a while since you've posted here, but I hope things are well for you!
Yes it's been a while, but life changed a bit for me and I have less time for posting on forums, especially since there were quite a lots of them for me back in the time.
But I still visit the cafe from time to time, and yes, things are going well for me, thanks.
things seems to have changed a bit at the cafe as well, and Toxico's loss being one of the most surprising and painfull to discover. Nice things you did for him professor. But I see most members of the community are still here, and even if I didn't knew him more that the "internet friend" he was for me, I think that he would still like see the cafe keeps going as ususal.
The Droogo could correct me on this one, but I think that keeping the "spirit" he had about gaming and other fun stuffs, is the best way to show him how much he was appreciated.
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
| "Re(4):Re(10):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Thu 19 Apr 22:23    
quote: I can't believe this is true. I was just finishing a scientific article in linguistics, using some old MMC threads from 2009 to illustrate 'accommodation theories', one of the posts I analyse was by Toxico. I had moved away from the MMC, for a few years, and just wanted to give it a peek, after so many years, and the third thread title that I read is this... I thought it was some kind of joke. Now I now what the dedication of my article will be.
Hi Kikkoken! Yes, unfortunately.. it's been just about a year since we've bid farewell to him. Time sure passes by quick, and I can still find myself reminded of him when I see a World Heroes video or update some parts of MMCafe. As we age, it's a good reminder that we need to be careful of our health.
| "Re(5):Re(10):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Fri 20 Apr 04:35    
quote: I can't believe this is true. I was just finishing a scientific article in linguistics, using some old MMC threads from 2009 to illustrate 'accommodation theories', one of the posts I analyse was by Toxico. I had moved away from the MMC, for a few years, and just wanted to give it a peek, after so many years, and the third thread title that I read is this... I thought it was some kind of joke. Now I now what the dedication of my article will be.
Bless your soul, Toxico T_T I really want to read this article of yours! Is there a draft you could share with us?
Thank you so much for your interest, Spoon. Of course I'll share this article when it's done, but it's in French. I have a draft in English, in the form of a powerpoint presentation, which I used as teaching material. I need to change a few things here & there, but this I can share with you now. But... erm.. how do I put up a powerpoint doc on the internet? Do I have to create a cloud or something?
| "Re(6):Re(10):Rest in Peace Toxico" , posted Fri 20 Apr 07:51    
quote: I can't believe this is true. I was just finishing a scientific article in linguistics, using some old MMC threads from 2009 to illustrate 'accommodation theories', one of the posts I analyse was by Toxico. I had moved away from the MMC, for a few years, and just wanted to give it a peek, after so many years, and the third thread title that I read is this... I thought it was some kind of joke. Now I now what the dedication of my article will be.
Bless your soul, Toxico T_T I really want to read this article of yours! Is there a draft you could share with us?
Thank you so much for your interest, Spoon. Of course I'll share this article when it's done, but it's in French. I have a draft in English, in the form of a powerpoint presentation, which I used as teaching material. I need to change a few things here & there, but this I can share with you now. But... erm.. how do I put up a powerpoint doc on the internet? Do I have to create a cloud or something?
Hi Kikkoken! Welcome back! About Power Point Presentation, maybe you might be interested in online presentation programs like Prezi? I think those can be viewed with browsers.