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| "Re(1):Trying to get into Garou MotW..." , posted Fri 12 May 09:39    
quote: Which character is the easiest to use in this game?
Futaba Hotaru seems to have easy to execute specials and more manuverability, and Rock Howard was a little harder to get into than I initially expected (executing Reppukken is tricky). Terry Bogard is just about as I'd expect from previous sessions of Real Bout FFS. Right now I'm just trying to get my feet wet as to which character is more specialized at what, but alas have no access to a second player (like, from what I can tell, Tizoc is a holds/grabs kinda guy).
By an almost comical margin, quarter circle and DP motions dominate the game. So if execution of motions is a challenge for you, just get used to doing those and you'll have like 90% of the specials moves at your disposal. Once you are more comfortable with them, learning some of the Break specials opens up a lot of new combo and safe attacking options. Feint Cancelling is incredibly powerful and useful and doesn't always require motions, but does require a little bit of speed with your hands to take advantage of.
The cast isn't very large, so my personal recommendation is to give everybody a spin! I think that relatively few of the characters would be considered actually difficult to use: Tizoc is certainly a bit harder, Kain and Kevin can be a bit more technically demanding.
| "Rookie aid" , posted Mon 22 May 02:59    
quote: Which character is the easiest to use in this game?
Futaba Hotaru seems to have easy to execute specials and more manuverability, and Rock Howard was a little harder to get into than I initially expected (executing Reppukken is tricky). Terry Bogard is just about as I'd expect from previous sessions of Real Bout FFS. Right now I'm just trying to get my feet wet as to which character is more specialized at what, but alas have no access to a second player (like, from what I can tell, Tizoc is a holds/grabs kinda guy).
In order?
1 - Marco/Khush
Ryou's techniques + Robert's traits = Marco. Plus, he's not a bad character competitive rank wise.
2 - Terry
Terry's Terry. Just remember that he no longer has the Rising Tackle and the youth, but his Power Dunk is now better than ever, and he has new weapons to work with along with his old ones.
3 - Kain
A charge character (unusual in the "Garou Densetsu" world), but he's still deadly in the right hands.
4 - Hotaru
If you treat her like Athena, Hotaru's a good character for rookies. Just be careful with her because she's a low/bottom competitive rank character.
5 - Jenet
If you can get over the lack of a special anti-air attack trait, Jenet's a fairly simple character character.
6 - Rock
Geese + Terry = Rock, which sounds great in theory, but I don't like some of his normal attacks.
7 - Jae
He's like his dad. Just remember that his Hienzan isn't as wide as his pop's.
8 - Hokutomaru
Though he's a low/bottom rank competitive character also, Hokutomaru is actually not a hard character to pick up, especially since the Kuuhadan is his move you can place your brakes on.
9 - Dong
You figure that Dong would be higher here, but he is almost not like his dad (the Kuusajin is the move that's closest to being like his dad's), and he's only an ideal air character if I should even type that.
10 - Gatou
Though he's this low, Gatou is still easier to pick up than a good amount of characters because he is in a sense a technical Yun/Yang fusion. Plus, he's a top/high rank character should you decide to pick him up.
11 - Grant
The reason why Grant's not at the bottom is because he at least has a weapon to keep aggressive players in check distance wise. Otherwise, you'll need to be careful with him despite his rank.
12 - Kevin
Of all of the bottom rookie rank characters, Kevin to me seems like the easiest one to pick up. Hard hits, an okay anti-air attack, real good power moves, he's the ideal advanced character if you want to move forward.
13 - Freeman
He's too technical, and he's too flawed. Sure, he's quick, but he's that flawed.
14 - Griffon/Tizoc
He is pretty much your power character. He just doesn't have the weapons that'll put a rookie at ease.
PSN: SeizyaHakase XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):Rookie aid" , posted Mon 22 May 05:19:    
To me, the rank list feels like this, and in order.
Kevin's still the character to beat. You can switch within 2-4, and you would still feel right. Gatou players will give Terry ones fits, but I find Terry to be that good. I know that Jae should be at the top rank instead of A, but one, the S rank in my case here only has 3 slots (the middle rank ends up with only 2 slots since there are only 14 characters), and two, Jae's average speed can't make me bump him higher. Sure, he has good combos, but Ter and Gatou don't put as much of a strain as Jae does.
Boss characters at A: that sounds right. They're both scary in the hands of good players. They even play those characters better than the computer.
People will type that she's an A or S character even, but Jenet feels like a watered down Mai for me to place her higher than B, though you can follow up the Harrier Bee with another attack just like the Mayday Mayday. Yeah, she's quick, but not Mai quick. Then again, she's more powerful than Mai. She probably has the best T.O.P. attack because the benefits outweigh its flaw. She's an okay character. Just not an A or S character, as I find her to be a difficult character to win with late in tight matches a la Morrigan in "Puzzle Fighter".
Marco's usually in the middle. If not, low. Yeah, he's Ryou, but he feels more like Robert given his traits. Plus, he's not as polished as Ryou.
Rock's in the middle rank or at the low one. You figure he'd be a lot more like his dad, but he isn't. His normal attacks don't come close to Geese's, and his Reppuuken and Raging Storm, even with the insanely easier motion for the latter, aren't as deadly. Sure, you can do multiple tasks after doing the Shinkuu Nage or the Deadly Rave, and the Rising Tackle's okay, but he doesn't have enough pop. (You can blame that on his Andy body structure I suppose.) At least he's faster than his dad.
For someone that's supposed to be an air character, you figure that Dong would have more options, but he doesn't. That's why he's not as high as Jae. Sure, he's faster than his brother, but Jae has the better overall technique.
Hotaru's a low rank character because she's the Athena of the game. Wonderful special attacks, but you can't abuse them, and as if her weak stamina's not bad enough, you also have to deal with bad normal attacks along with a quick, but bad T.O.P. attack. If she has a Power version of her Hakki Shou along with a better T.O.P. attack, I'd put her in the middle maybe, but she doesn't.
Hokutomaru's Andy. Just a faster, but not good version of him. (He's the fastest character if I recall.) Sure, he has the triple shuriken tactic, but you can hit the stars if you're quick enough. If you thought that Hotaru's special attacks pushed your mind, his batch is worse. Maybe if he has the Kageru no Mai also, he'd be more respectable. Sadly, he's at the bottom group.
Grif has a real bad bug. If he didn't have this bug along with a lack of a special anti-air attack, he'd be higher. Alas, he's stuck here.
Freeman is the worst character in the game. The only thing that's going for him is his speed, but there are a good amount of characters faster than him. He is that flawed.
[this message was edited by Seizya on Sat 27 May 17:20] |
PSN: SeizyaHakase XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(4):Rookie aid" , posted Tue 23 May 01:15:    
quote: Thanks Seiyza! I'll try out Marco and Gatou to see if they're good fits. Hotaru does feels like she's very situational like her Sou-shou Shin  and Ten-shou Range   plus her command grab kinda...is lacking. I thought at first Rock Howard would be a good all-rounder, but alas he feels rather "uneven" for being this game's 'Ryu'.
  is the Sousoushin. Kick gives you the Kobikyaku. Her command grab, the Shajou Tai, allows a follow-up attack in "Neo Geo Battle Coliseum", but here, it just acts like the Argentine Back Breaker if you use Ralf, as Clark has a follow-up with a special throw. Yeah, Hotaru's a situational character. Yet, I've compiled multiple 10-game winning streaks with her. Go figure.
SNK made the mistake of making K in "1999" too good. They didn't want to make the same mistake in the same year by making Rock too good here. That's why he's nowhere near the top unlike Terry.
Yeah, Marco's the top easy character for rookies to start with. As I typed, you'll need time to pick up Gatou, but he's worth the effort. If I recall, I think the order I had when I first started looked like Ter, Rock, Hotaru, Jenet, Hokutomaru, Dong, Jae, Gatou, Marco, Kev, Freeman, Grif, Kain and Grant meaning that I picked Grant last.
[this message was edited by Seizya on Sat 27 May 17:01] |